Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"The Usual Suspects - avoid common Agile pitfalls" |
"Are you about to embark on your agile journey? Or you are in the middle of one. Or perhaps, your company states they are fully agile.Still, you have this sinking feeling when the alarm clock goes off in the morning. Concepts such as collaboration and self-organisation are just not there. (Apart from on the poster on the office walls.) You spend a lot of time getting stuck in the red tape. Or the opposite, agile has been introduced and used as an excuse for chaos. Agile means we dont have to plan right (hint; not true!).Agile is often misunderstood. Many implementations are focused on doing agile, rather than being agile. Best intentions often end up in common pitfalls. Not only do you fail to reach your full potential, Agile implementations can end up with little change. Worst case, it can make things more difficult.---This course helps you set out on the right path, or course correct, your agile journey. It introduced the fundamentals and Scrum framework. But it also lets you identify and deal with common pitfalls.Whats unique about this course is that it is taught as a story. Follow Adam through their agile implementation. I'm sure you will recorgnise yourself in both some of the triumphs and madness.The story format is not just more entertaining. Our brain is wired to remember stories longer. They activate multiple senses and lights up several areas your brain. Stories are proven to be more motivational than facts."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Unity - Faire un monde infini en 2D" |
"Bienvenuedans cette formation sur Unity et l'outil Tilemap!Cette formation va vous permettre de crer une map en 2D aussi grande que vous le souhaiterez comme certains jeux 2D trs connu (Terraria par exemple) ! Vous pourrez faire apparatre des ressources suivant les paramtres que vous souhaiterez ainsi que d'afficher les blocs utiles l'cran, le tout en crant du relief et un environnement !Il est savoir que ce cours n'a pas la prtention d'tre un cours norme ni rvolutionnaire en la matire ! Le cours sera d'ailleurs mis jour progressivement afin d'tre plus complet !Cette formation traitera de deux points :du logicielUnitydu langage C#Si vous n'avez jamais mani ou entendu parlerde l'un ou l'autre, aucun soucis ! Les explications sont fournies et vous verrez qu'on peut faire de belles choses fonctionnels avec peu de connaissances.Les vidos sont en1080p60fpspour que vous puissiez suivre au mieuxet les ressources seront bien videmment fournies, vous pourrez mme les rutiliser votre guise dans d'autres projets.Si vous avez des questions, n'hsitez pas ! J'y rpondrai autant que possibleet en ferait mme s'il y a matireune section explicative en vido !On se retrouve dans les vidos!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Software Engineering in Arabic For start-ups" |
". . . . . . . . ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tutto Carburanti" |
"Dal 1 luglio 2018 la scheda carburanti non pi ammessa per registrare in contabilit gli acquisti di benzina e gasolio destinati alle autovetture di imprese, artigiani, commercianti, professionisti e lavoratori autonomi. Per i titolari di partita IVAirifornimenti di carburante non potranno pi essere pagati in contanti e dovranno essere documentati con fattura elettronica emessa dalgestore dell'impianto di distribuzione. Il corso, aggiornato con le ultime circolari dell'Agenzia delle Entrate,spiega come cambiata la normativa e qualiprocedure amministrative devono essere approntate perprepararsial cambiamento."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Procrastinator eliminator" |
"Do you procrastinate?Unfortunately most of us do and procrastination kills dreams. It is easier than ever to find information on how toget healthy, happy and successful. But information is not enough. You need to act on the information! The person that can stay productive and avoid procrastination will be the winner of the 21st century. Period. The skill to turn your dreaminto reality is a skill that will affect everything that you do.During 5 weeks you will learn everything you need to get more things done and avoid procrastination. Implement what is in this course and you will become unstoppable.Ihave personally used this material to build a million dollar business and set up a lifestyle business that Ican manage from anywhere in the world. I dont know what your dream is. But...Iknow that the bridgebetweendream and reality is taking small, daily steps. Unfortunately, our work stations are also the same tool that we access social media and all the entertainment in the world. A clickaway. This makes procrastination a major problem that we need to deal with!In this course you will learn a unique method that mixes technology, psychology and time management strategies. Use what is in this course and success is inevitable."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Yoga: Boosting Confidence for Women with Yoga" |
"There are so many ways to approach confidence but by connecting to our bodies we can enter from a physical aspect. An aspectmost of us can appreciate right from the beginning.Movement = Confidence.This course gives you a step by step guide to go from zero to confident as long as you follow the 10 day program.Move every day to connect to your bodyConnect to your mind and soul by journaling before and after the yoga practiceWrite down any big breathroughsShare with other awesome people in search of confidence to lift each other up!This course makes it easy to stick to a 10 day confidence practice - it's all laid out for you.Ican't wait to meet you in the course!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Resume Reboot and LinkedIn Profile" |
"Learn how to properly create a resume and get the attention of the hiring manger. There are so many misconceptions with the creation of the resume. You need to put the right items in your resume so that the hiring managers can easily see that you are qualified for the position."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Medications and the Elderly" |
"Are you or someone you care about taking a lot of prescription medications?Do you sometimes wonder about medication safety? Are you a baby boomer wanting to stay healthy as you age?Do you care for older persons, as a nurse, personal support worker or other health care professional? This course will help you to understand the issues surrounding medication safety and the elderly and give you the knowledge and resources to help older persons, and/or yourself, to get the best results possible from prescription drugs.In this course you will learn:- why medication safety matters to the elderly (or anyone else, for that matter)- how physiological changes of aging can affect medication safety- barriers to medication safety and how to overcome them- actions we can take to ensure medication safety- lifestyle changes that can reduce the need for prescription drugs- ways to make the most of a doctor's appointment and questions to ask"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"jouons de la guitare" |
"Apprenez les techniques essentielles la guitare, mme si vous ne connaissez rien la musique.Vous aller parcourir chaque tape votre rythme jusqu' devenir un(e) guitariste comptent(e).Les points concernant la thorie, le solfge et la tablature vous seront galement proposs dans une suite logique et facile assimiler.Le cours est destin tout public. Avoir une envie de jouer de la guitare est suffisante pour arriver d'excellents rsultats avec ce programme.Remarque importante : tout le cours se fait sur une guitare sche (guitare classique) et les techniques enseignes ont trait ce type d'instrument. Nanmoins, ces techniques apprises pourront tre transposes partiellement, par la suite, d'autres types de guitare (folk, lectrique...) si vous le dsirez."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Organizao de Eventos" |
"Se voc gosta de organizar festas, reunies, casamentos ou mesmo ver o brilho nos olhos de algum que est realizando um sonho este curso para voc!O curso Organizao do Evento Perfeito foi feito sob medida para pessoas que querem estudar em casa ou no trabalho em seu tempo livre. As aulas so disponibilizadas em vdeo.O trabalho de um organizador de eventos pode ser primordial para a realizao do sonho de algum como numa festa, casamento, conquista, comemorao ou outras ocasies.Hoje em dia as pessoas no tem mais tempo para providenciar todos os itens de uma festa, confeccionar doces e salgados, decorao, iluminao, lembrancinhas etc. A praticidade em buscar uma empresa que possa fazer tudo isso muito melhor e o mais legal que voc pode ser essa pessoa que vai receber por esse servio e ainda ver a satisfao no rosto do cliente.Voc est disposto a sentir essa sensao?Contedo do curso: O organizador de eventos Onde trabalhar Ferramentas necessrias para os eventos Definio de eventos sociais Tipos de eventos sociais Definio de eventos corporativos Tipos de eventos corporativos Briefing Planejamento do evento Temas Propostas Oramentos Ferramentas de controle: Checklist, Planilha de oramentos, Tempos e movimentos Alimentos e Bebidas Cerimonial e Protocolo O dia do evento O imprevisto Fornecedores de produtos e servios Finanas Como e quanto cobrar BV (Bonificao por volume) Contratos Ps-evento Os principais erros Clientes VIPs Clientes de baixa renda Outras atividades Divulgao do eventos Tipos de convites Vendas de ingressos/convites O grande segredo dos eventos Dicas e curiosidades Brindes Criatividade"
Price: 339.99 ![]() |
"Wedding Videography" |
"This course will teach you how to film a wedding from start to finish and deliver an amazing film to your couple!We will dive into topics such as, how to film a ceremony, how to get great audio, and how to edit your final film and much more! The course will also take you through a business section which covers how to get clients, create amazing relationships with other wedding vendors, and how to get referrals from your clients. If you've ever wanted to shadow a videographer at a wedding, then this is the course that will give you that experience!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ce cours parlera et rpondra aux questions ci-aprs:- Pourquoi donner une Education Sexuelle a son enfant?- C'est quoi une Education Sexuelle?- A Quel ge de l'enfant commencer une Education Sexuelle?- La Famille, lieu propice pour une Education Sexuelle- LeSilence des parents- L'Erreur de donner l'Education Sexuelle en ne parlant que du Sexe- Ce que l'Education Sexuelle n'est pas- 12 Rgles d'or que chaque parent doit connaitre- Diffrents sujet a aborder dans l'Education Sexuelle- Les Mfaits du Silence- L'Eglise et la Sexualite- Les Tabous"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"lbum de Scrapbook Primeiras tcnicas" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender as primeiras tcnicas de Scrapbook, conhecer os materiais bsicos e conseguir fazer um lbum de fotos personalizado, desde a estrutura at a decorao das pginas.Se voc nunca fez um projeto de scrapbook, no se preocupe!Com o passo a passo voc conseguir acompanhar e fazer o seu projeto e poder personalizar da maneira que desejar.Comearemos com os materiais e passaremos para estrutura, montagem, capa, colagem e decorao.Voc contar ainda com um kit de arte digital disponvel para download e impresso."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Adm Adm Instagram Eitimi ve instagram'dan Para Kazanmak" |
"Youtube'da eyrek milyon instagram'da da yarm milyon takipiye ulatktan sonra tm bu fenomenlik srecinde edindiim tecrbelerimi vebilgilerimi sizinle paylatm eitimeho geldiniz.Kurs Hakknda:100.000 takipi ile aylk10.000TL nasl kazanlr bilgi sahibi olacaksnz.Eitimi alan kiiler arasndan rastgele setiim50kiiyi yarm milyon takipili Instagram hesabmdan etiketleyerek paylaacam.Instagram kefet blmnn nasl altn ve kefet blmnden nasl takipi ekebileceinizi reneceksiniz.Yeni balayanlarn tecrbe edebilecei olumsuz deneyimleri naslengelleyeceinizi reneceksiniz.Sayfa beeni ve takipilerinizi kolayca arttrabileceksiniz.Kursu satn alan herkes bana kiisel olarak ulaabilir.internetten nasl para kazanacaz hakknda detayl bilgiye sahip olacaksnz.Bir elektrik-elektronik mhendisi olarak kendimi sosyal medya ve internetten para kazanma konularnda gelitirdim. Yaklak 5 yldr bu sektrn ierisindeyim ve bugne kadar rendiim ve tecrbe ettiim her eyi tm effafl ve sadeliiyle sizlere anlattm. Gereksiz bilgilerden kanp olduka zet ve nemli noktalara deindiim bu eitim , sfrdan balayan birisi iin bile yeterli dzeydedir."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"STA4CAD Eitim Akademisi (TBDY2018'e gre / 2020 GNCEL)" |
"Kayt ncesi muhendis-akademi web adresini ziyaret ediniz!Bu kursta; STA4CAD yazlmnn tm arayz ve kullanm detaylar, kurs ierisinde incelikle ilenmektedir. Arayze ait tm bileenlerin tek tek anlatlmasyla ilerleyen kurs ieriinde Genel Opsiyonlar, Akslar, Kolonlar, Kiriler ve Demeler tek tek farkl rneklerle anlatlmaktadr.Program arayznn tantlmasnn ardndan TBDY2018'e gre 4 katl bir okul yaps, tm detaylaryla modellenmekte ve analiz edilmektedir. Yaklak 2 saatlik srede, bir proje yaplrken en bandan en sonuna kadar dikkat edilmesi gereken noktalar hem 2018 deprem ynetmelii nda, hem de STA4CAD kullanc arayznde anlatlmaktadr.Bu blmlerden sonra TBDY2018 ve TS500'de, bir naat Mhendisi'nin dikkat etmesi gereken nemli noktalara deinilmektedir. Baz tahkikler yaplrken (rnein greli kat telemesi), kullanlacak olan EXCEL dkmanlarnn nasl hazrlanacana kadar aklamalar yaplmakta ve bu tip dkmanlar paylalmaktadr.Kursa devam edildiinde bu blmlerin haricinde 2 BONUS blm bulunmaktadr. Bunlar;BONUS 1: stinat Duvar Modellemesi ve zmBONUS 2: nteraktif Sorular ve Cevaplarblmleridir. BONUS 1 blm, STA4CAD'in farkl modllerinden biri olan STNAT DUVARI zmlemesinin anlatld ksmdr. BONUS 2 blm ise, kursiyerlerimizden gelen baz sorular ksa video ieriklerle cevapladmz, nteraktif Sorular ve Cevaplar blmdr. Bu sorular bazen program zerinden; bazen de sunumlar zerinden cevaplanmaktadr.Tm bu ieriklere, kursumuza 1 kez kaydolarak sahip olabilirsiniz. Ayrca belirli periyotlarla yaptmz gncellemelere de ekstra hibir cret demeyeceksiniz!""Bu program ilk defa kullanacam"" veya ""Biraz biliyorum ama detaylara hakim deilim"" diyorsanz, Mhendis Akademi eitimleri kalitesiyle oluturulan STA4CAD Eitim Akademisi, sizin iin doru adres!Aklnzda hibir soru kalmasn diye bir ok dersi nizlemeli hale getirdik. Kursa kaydolmadan nce ders nizlemelerine gz atmay unutmayn!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Raise Plant Based/Vegan Kids!" |
"Nothing can be more frustrating than having little ones who refuse to eat anything that resembles a vegetable. How can you be sure they are meeting their nutritional needs? This coursewas created just for you! With tons of ideas and inspiration to win your kiddos over and have them asking for seconds. Youll find lunch box ideas, creative ways to sneak in vegetables, easy and fast snack ideas, quick tips and tricks and so much more!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Your Complete 3 Day Guide to a Plant Based/Vegan Lifestyle" |
"Feed your family of 5 for under $50! Dont have a family of 5, not to worry, this meal plan will feed 2-3 people for a full week!When I decided to start tranisitioning my family to a plant based lifestyle, I was confronted with many obstacles which seemed daunting and overwhelming. What will we eat? How expensive will it be? How much time do Ineed to devote to this? I dont even know where to start! I needed ideas and motivation.If you can relate to any of these frustrations, then you are in the right place!!Over the last twoyears, I researched, experimentedwith differentrecipes, and even went back to school for my nutrition certification. Ive learned so much and now want to share my knowledge with you! I will get you on the fast track to eating a healthy, delicious, yet realistic, Plant Based diet. Lets get started!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Practical approach to Income Tax Return Filing in India" |
"Dear Students and Income Tax Practitioners. This course contains detailed practical knowledgerelating to how to register in the Income Tax site. How to change password if one forgets the login password. How to file Income Tax return and many more. It is my sound belief that students and tax practitioners wil surely get benefited from the course."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Go Where You Want in Life!" |
"If you are going to make the effort to save money and simplify your lifestyle, it should come with a purpose! For us, it was to move abroad, and we have accomplished our goals. We areliving in India while working online and maintaining a modest budget and simple lifestyle, all debt free!This course helps you work toward your goals right from the beginning, by taking part in practical activities and challenges to reduce spendingand simplifyyour life. Other exercises prepare you mentally for a move abroad, and help you get everything you own into a few suitcases without missing out. And you will learn ways you can be self-sustaining so that you can live permanently in other countries as a digital nomad.We show you our finances, our stuff, our home, and show you how you can cut down on your expenses, stuff and simplify your lifestyle. Then we show what you will need to prepare yourself and anchor yourself to moving and living abroad.Nathan and Danica:Countries lived in:Canada,Mexico, Ireland, Nepal and IndiaReduced our possessions to fit into:4 suitcasesOur monthly budget before in Canada:$600USOur monthly budget now in India:$200USIn Nepal, for one month we lived on one dollar a day, which started our career of YouTubing. We run a YouTube travel channel called The Ticket to Travel which you can enjoy along with this course and for months afterward. Working online allows us to live abroad, able to work from anywhere as digital nomads.You can do everything that we have done and more!How? By taking this course and putting what you learn into action!The course providespracticalworksheets to create and maintain a budget, and to identify what is cluttering your life;and our full eBook on money saving lifehacks that we provide for free.REVIEW:R.C.said:""Not only does this duo walk the talk, but they have done so to the extreme. Now, they don't expect you to follow their footsteps one after another, but I found their story quite inspiring. By taking their work to the extreme as they have I feel as though I am learning from true professionals in the domain of light living.""Sound like what you have been looking for? Great! We have been looking for you!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Excel VBA (SQL+ Banco de dados Firebird)" |
"Nesse curso ser demonstrado todos os passos necessrios para criao de um cadastro de clientes em VBA, os conhecimentos aqui ensinados no se limitam apenas ao excel, uma vez que primeiramente ser demonstrado as funcionalidades bsica e intermedirias do VBA, ser criado um sistema de cadastro de clientes utilizando apenas Excel VBANa sequencia utilizaremos esse mesmo cadastro de clientes e conectaremos a um banco de dados (Firebird), onde ser demonstrado noes bsicas de SQL bem como criao/Edio de tabelas, Insert, Update, Delete e Select.Com o Banco de dados criado e preparado utilizaremos ainda outra ferramenta fornecida pela Microsoft que o Custom UI Editor que nada mais que uma ferramenta utilizada para personalizar o XML das ferramentas do OFFICE, dessa forma mudaremos toda a aplicao do Excel criando uma tela de um sistema Diferente, modificaremos o Layout para ficar com a cara que desejamos.Ao final aquela planilha simples de Excel se tornar um sistema com tela de Login a nvel de validao em Banco de Dados, alias todas as informaes dos formulrios que antes eram salvas na planilha estaro agora salvas em um banco de dados, possivelmente capaz de trabalhar em rede.Aps isso no haver mais limites para o que pode ser incrementado, pois o aluno estar apto a desenvolver seus prprios programas, desenvolvendo suas prprias solues."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Cryptocurrency Investment in 2020" |
"Everything you need to know to buy and sell Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, At the end of the course, you will be able to buy Bitcoin, Ethereum and any other cryptocurrency. You will know how to send and receive your cryptocurrencies from and to an exchange, and what strategies you can use when investing in cryptocurrencies.I will be teaching you the same strategies and tools I use when investing in a project or coin, and will be there in the Q&A section to answer all your questions.We are still early in this world changing movement. If you missed the big gains before, now is your opportunity to get in, so far in 2020, the prices are still low so do not miss this opportunity and get involved now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"A Beginners Guide to Music Production + FL Studio" |
"Aguide to using FLStudio to produce music - This course is intended for ABSOLUTEbeginners to hit the ground runningand set the foundations for inspiring producers to lead them onto being able to develop their own sound and beats!Are you new to the music scene?Have you always wanted to learn how to produce your own music but just dont know where to start and have no musical background? Or maybe you're switching DAW's from Ableton or Logic and want to learn how to make music on the FLStudio platform? Well this course is for you!Learn with a hands on approach as you follow the instructor instead of just reading plainold text all the timeGo from knowing absolutely nothing, to making your first beat to also learning intermediate techniques such as FXprocessing &Audio stretching in a matter of just hours!With most lectures within 6 minutes filled with actual exercise and application you wont be left bored!A personal note from the instructor - Since i started my journey into Music Production 8 years ago with my friends , we all shared a common problem :The lack of resources and good clear instruction to learn the techniques to make professional quality music. It was just never there. Sifting through countless irrelevant youtube video's with often outdated software or without good explanation and reading through the user manual of FL studioit was a very tedious and long process.Though looking back now i dont regret some of it because it's made me the producer i am today and it did drive me to really master my art because finding a new technique to manipulate samples, or create a whole new bass from a synthesizer was as exciting as findinggold to me andmy friends as we'dall share the methods we found along the way. However if someone was to show me a course like this all those years ago and basically let me skip forward a year or so ahead in my production i really wonder how much furtheri'd be now. So it's from that idea i created this course to be able to give studentsthe opportunity of knowledge and experience to those who might be starting out, inspired by the world of music production but confused byit all and help them fast-track their production abilities and get around the often steep learning curve!Because if there's anything better then music, its more music! :)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Python 3 Essential Training" |
"If you wanta career in Software development and make a lot of money, then iscourse is foryou. Pythondeveloper is avery lucrative career choice.This course is the most practical Python programming language on Udemy. Python is powerful, easy to learn and flexible and because of these reasonsGoogle, Facebook and so many other companies use python to build their products. Python is the world fastest growing programminglanguage and it'shigh in demand. What do you get out of this course, you get power-point or keynote lecturers, programs scenarios, exercisefiles, and videos.If you learn by reading, you can download the lectures and studythem. Then you can open the starter programs and try solving the scenarios or watch the videos for step by step instruction on how to solve the program. You decide how you want to learn. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the course. This course is a 30-day money back guaranteewith no questions asked. You have nothing to lose, but valuable skills to gain.Every lecture comes with correspondingdemo programs.We'll cover a wide variety of topics, including:Installing Python 3IDLE setupFormating StringsStringsIntegersAvgGrade programWageCalc programBusFare programGetting data from the userComparison operatorsData validationIf StatementsBoolean ValuesBoolean OperatorColorMixer programGetting Numerical Data from the userLoops- for loops, while loopsTextbook programSalesTax programCoffeeShop programGuessingGame programApollo11 programAnd much more"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress und Xojo" |
"Mit diesem Kurs kannich Formulare zur Datenerfassung auf meinem Webserver erzeugen und ich kann ein echtes Desktop Programm fr macOS, Windows oder Linux schreiben, welches diese Daten verarbeitet.Ich erwerbe die Kompetenzmit Xojo ein DesktopProgramm zuerstellen, welches ber die RESTAPI von Formidable Forms die Daten auf dem Webserver bearbeiten und auchoffline weiterverwenden kann.Ich lerne die Rapid Application Development (RAD) Entwicklungsumgebung von Xojo kennen und wie einfachich damit fr macOS, Windows oder Linux nativ ablaufende Software erstellen kann.Nach dem Kurs bin ich fhig, die Webdienste des Formidable Forms Plugin aus einem selber geschriebenen Programm heraus zu verwenden."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Haarausfall und Alopecia: Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe" |
"Die Dozentin Jenny Latz wei, wovon sie spricht.Sie selbst lebt seit ber 40 Jahren ohne Haare. Seit 25 Jahren bert und hilft sie anderen Menschen mit Haarausfall.Um noch mehr Betroffenen frhzeitig Rat und Hilfe rund um die Uhr bieten zu knnen, hat sie nun alle wichtigen ersten Schritte in diesem Video-Kurs zusammengefasst. So kannst du dir schnell selber helfen, sparst Geld, Zeit und Nerven. Die Inhalte dieses Kurses sollen jedoch keinen Arztbesuch und keine rztliche Diagnose ersetzen. Sie sollen dir Informationen bieten, die richtigen Wege zu beschreiten, dich optimal auf den Arztbesuch vorzubereiten und Haarausfall besser zu verstehen."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Secrets to Animal Drawing for Beginners & Kids" |
"This course is made for beginners and also this course is perfect for kidsIn this course you learn how to draw step-by-step method. You just need simple things to begin like interest in you art, creative thinking, self confidence and also some tools:- Pencil, Eraser, Sketch pen, White paper. I create 49drawing video lectures for you guys. You find animals, birds, insect, and water animals. Beginners and kids learn drawings in step-by-step method. You have 30 day money back guarantee."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan HTML Eitimi" |
"Merhaba arkadalar,Websitesi yapmak ve bu iten para kazanmak isteyen arkadalar iin temel seviyede olan bu ilk kursun size yararl olacana inanyorum. Bu kursta uyguladm mfredat zel Eitim Kurumlarnda verdiim eitimin hzlandrlm eklidir.Amacm size Ksa sre ierisinde Html Eitimini vermek ve temeliniz salam bir ekilde Web programlama renmenize katk salamaktr.yi dersler."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Intro to Raw Food Cuisine" |
"This course will cover the fundamental principles behind all the core rawfood dishes like Pat's, nutmilks, cheese, chocolate, crusts, desserts etc. Once you learn one recipe (like a Pat) you will also understandhow to make countless variations of the same recipe tocreate an endless array of rawfood possibilities. There are many simple yet crucial aspects that are distinct to rawfood cuisineand this course will teach you the essentials so that by the time you finish you will feel ready and capable of creating a huge variety of healthy, delicious, raw food dishes."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Get the resume that worked for all#1firms+resume/CV template" |
"This resume got People Into Google, Facebook, Amazon, NATO, UN, IE Madrid, London School of Economics, London Business School, University College London and many more.You download your template and we build the CV together from scratch.No advice or basic rules, but an actual result that will get you right to the interview phase."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learning AutoCAD For Civil Engineers" |
"( & ) Sections Section 15 Task Exercise File Col and Axis Drawing Foundation Drawing Floors-Slabs Design Typical Details Tank Details Covering Details Excel Sheets"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Discover Famous Moroccan Dishes : couscous - Moroccan food" |
"Do you have an idea about Morocco cooking? Famous dishes ?? Flavors, ingredients , food , design , style ..? Do you have a chance to taste one of the famous dishes in Morocco? Do you think you can set it up? Do you want to learn how to cook a delicious Moroccan dishes with a traditional and healthy way? Do you want to discover a special equipment ; vegetable; spices ? So welcome to our course TO : Discover how to cook all famous Moroccan. dishes .Learn how to cook all this dishes step by step using the traditional and healthy way.Learn how to cook all this dishes with the method and Moroccan style .learn how to make Moroccan tea with mint by using the easy wayThis course is for people who like to taste Moroccan cuisine and do not know how to set it up.This course is designed for anyone who loves Moroccan cooking. Good luck every one."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |