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"Msica no Computador com o Finale 2014-Arte de criar msica." |
"IMPORTANTE: As vdeo aulas de ensino e aprendizagem deste curso, aplica-se tambm integralmente as verses mais atuais do software como o Finale NotePad FINALE 25 e 26. Atualmente com a disponibilizao de novas tecnologias o campo musical ganhou diversas ferramentas que facilitam a sua criao. No s ferramentas fsicas como instrumentos, mesas de som, mas tambm softwares que ajudam em gravaes profissionais ou amadoras, na equalizao de mdias, na construo de playbacks, e na editorao de partituras. Dentre os muitos programas de editorao podemos destacar o FINALE. Este software de notao musical libera toda a sua criatividade, pois inclui ferramentas revolucionrias para ensinar os alunos de msica e tambm profissionais da msica como criar, avaliar, trabalhar em estdios e criar composies, arranjos e elaborao de msicas. O FINALE um poderoso software de editor de partituras, composio e arranjo. Utilizados pelas melhores Universidades de msica do Brasil e demais pases. Sua interface proporciona a seu usurio iniciante ou profissional uma apresentao grfica de altssima qualidade profissional. Esse software considerado o melhor do mercado, pois com ele voc pode aprender e ensinar msica, passar para o Finale uma partitura j um pouco ilegvel devido ao tempo. Enfim, voc consegue registrar suas ideias sem nenhum obstculo como tambm criar sem limites. Este curso foi criadopara facilitar o aprendizado nos diversos nveis seja principiantes ou profissionais. Ela tambm engloba possibilidades de uso para as verses anteriores do software. So abordados mais de cinquenta ferramentas organizados emtpicos sendo que, os mesmosso independentes atendendo assim as necessidades especficas do usurio. Foram vrios anos de pesquisa, teoria e prtica at a confeco final deste trabalho salientando que, devido as constantes mudanas e atualizao do software, poder ocorrer mudanas em alguns itens. A vontade de aprender e descobrir novos horizontes principalmente quando precede a curiosidade o ponto chave para que voc desvende a tecnologia e atualidade desta fascinante arte que a Msica."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Art of Belly Dance 1 - A Course for Beginners" |
"If you'reinterested in Belly Dance or simply looking for a fun way to exercise then this is the course for you!In this introductory course Ana-Lisa will teach you 10 basic bellydancing moves, 4 shimmies and combinations. The moves are broken down into manageable components, making them easier to learn.Belly Dance is an art, and just like any other dance form, it takes time, patience and lots of practice to learn to do it correctly.It has many benefits including improved self confidence, increased mobility and flexibility, better posture, pain relief (especially lower back pain and menstrual pain) and it's lots of fun!"
Price: 400.00 ![]() |
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Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Note Taking - The beginners guide" |
"Do you find it difficult to locate particular items of information?Do you find it burdensome to recallinformation from memory?Do you have trouble to co-ordinate information to a friend or colleague?Note Taking - The beginners guide takes you through the basics of taking notes. Improve your productivity in your study, workplace or in general.By the end of thiscourse, you will:Understand the reasons for taking notesKnow the advantages & disadvantages of using different note taking toolsKnow how to prepare to take good notesLearn thedifferent approaches you can taketo take yournotesWith a instant access and a30 money-back Guarantee on this course, you have nothing to lose.I hope you find this course helpful, see you on the other side!Akram"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Increase Your Academic Research Ranking on Springer Nature" |
"90% of this information is no where on the internet nor in books. Nature Index ranking has only been around since 2012, but has greatly impacted institutionaland governmentfunding worldwide.A comprehensive action plan that you can start implementing immediately. This increases your department ranking which in turn helps your department and university get more attention from funders. This information focuses details. From ranking calculationsto the actions you need to take from your department and oruniversity.Achieve the highest possible ranking your research department can receive in the shortest amount of time.RECOMMENDED BEFORE PEER REVIEW SUBMISSIONS."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to write a lesson plan to teach anything!" |
"You want to teach what you love and have a passion for, but don't know where to start. This course takes you step by step through creating engaging and clear lesson plans to maximize student learning. At the end of the course you will have a completed lesson plan and the knowledge to make many more."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Goal Setting fr Digitale Nomaden, Founders & Entrepreneurs" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst Du, Dir Schritt fr Schritt Ziele zu setzen, die Dich begeistern, herauszuarbeiten, was Dein idealer Lebensstil ist & einen Fahrplan dafr zu entwickeln, wie Du die Dinge erreichst, die Dir wichtig sind im Leben. Der Kurs ist vor allem fr Digitale Nomaden, Entrepreneurs & Change Maker entwickelt worden. Aber letztendlich kann jeder mit Hilfe dieses Vorgehens Ziele setzen, die inspirieren und Prozesse bestimmen, die dazu fhren, dass Du Deine Ziele erreichst, auch ohne Stress & Qulerei.Mache Dir die Prinzipien und Strategien zunutze, die ich in den letzten Jahren als Unternehmer genutzt habe, um meine eigenen Ziele zu erreichen, mich weiterzuentwickeln und meinen idealen Lebensstil zu kreieren, egal ob es war drei erfolgreiche Unternehmen zu starten und aufzubauen, oder mit dem Fahrrad von Berlin nach Indien zu radeln, um dort Hilfsprojekte zu untersttzen. Ob es war einen Co-Working Space zu grnden und dort inspirierende Menschen zu treffen, u.a. die Macher der internationalen Digitalen Nomaden Konferenz Marcus & Feli, oder mich als Dokumentarfilmer zu versuchen und Filme ins deutsche Fernsehen zu bringen. Egal ob ich meine physischen Grenzen getestet habe, bei einem 100 km Ultramarathon Lauf oder ob ich 5 Sprachen gelernt habe, aus Spa am lernen und um die Welt zu bereisen. Ich bin immer wieder zurck gegangen auf genau die Prinzipien und Strategien, die ich Dir in diesem Kurs vorstelle und die mir geholfen haben, einen Weg zu gehen, den ich Tag fr Tag voll geniee."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"CMM, Teknik Resim Okuma, Yorumlama ve ISO standartlar" |
"Dnyada gelien teknoloji sebebiyle kaliteli ve uluslar aras kalite standartlarna uygun rn retme ihtiyac giderek artmtr. lkemizinde bu sistemde hak ettii pay alabilmesi iin kaliteli bilgili ve eitimli alan ihtiyacnn karlanmas ihtiyac domutur. Online ve/veya yerinde zel eitimler ile bu ihtiyac karlamak ve lkemizi hak ettii refah dzeyine kartmak zere eitli faaliyetlerde bulunmaktayz.Teknik resim toleranslandrma ve okuma eitimi ile siz de teknik resim toleranslarn rahatlkla yorumlayabilirsiniz. CMM operatrleri, makina, endstri ve imalatmhendisleri, imalatlar ve kalite kontrol mhendisleri bu setten yararlanabilir. Bu eitim setimize ye olarak kendinizi gelitirdiiniz gibiTrk mhendislik eitimine dekatkda bulunabilirsiniz. Trk halk alkandr, zekidir. Gelien lke sanayisinde ve global ekonomide uluslar aras dil olarak kabul grm iso standartlar eitimiz ile ile siz de teknik resim toleranslandrma ve CMM (Koordinat lm cihazlar) makinalar hakknda detayl bilgiye sahip olabilirsiniz. Hayellerinizi tam da istediiniz gibi tanmlayabilmeniz iin ISO standartlar dilini renebilirsiniz. ISO standartlar bir uluslar aras mhendislik dilidir.Gnmzde teknik resim ve ISO standartlar tm uluslar aras camia tarafndan bir mhendislik dili olarak kabl grmtr. mal edeceiniz veya edilmesini istediiniz rnleri en iyi ekilde tarif edilmesi olduka nemlidir. Bu sayede en uygun maliyette amacna uygun kaliteli rn elde edebilirsiniz. Aksi durumda maliyetler artar ve rn amacna istediiniz gibi hizmet edemez. Bu eitim setimizde sizlere ncelikli olarak ISO standartlar dilini okumay, yazmay ve yorumlamay renebileceksiniz.CMM ve ISO standartlar eitim setimiz ile teknik resim okuma becerinizi gelitirerek kalite kontrol alannda kendinizi gelitirebilirsiniz. CMM lme makinalar gnmzde Makina kalip, Savunma, medikal vb. pekok sektrde kalite kontrol ekipman olarak kullanlmaktadr. CMM makinalar ile cad datal veya cad datasz olarak manuel veya CNC program yaplarak lm yaplabilmektedir. Yaplan bu lmler referansnda imalat hatalar nceden tespit edilerek gerekli nlemler alnabilmektedir.Gnmzde pekok sanayi rn CMM raporu olmadan tedariki tarafnda kabul edilmemektedir. Zorunluluk olarak bu rapor istenmektedir. CMM operatr olarak lmlerin yapld zel ortamlarda uygun artlar ile alabilirsiniz.CMM tezgahlarnda kullanlan yazlm DMIS yazlm dilidir, hava yastklar zerinde hareket eden bir konstrksiyon vardr ve haberleme RS232 veya Lan kablolar aral ile yaplr. Tezgah ile kontrol nitesi arsndaki haberleme ok hzl olduundan tezgah ak olduunda ekranda gzken prob pozisyonu binde mertebede srekli deimektedir. Bu durum ok olaandr. ncelikle kullanlan yazlm yardm ile (Bu yazlm Capps, Arco vb. olabilir.) i parasnn dorulamas yaplr. Tezgah ierisine herhengi bir pozisyonda sabitlenen i parasnn uzayda olduu tahayyl edilir. Ve bu dorultuda 3-2-1 kural uygulanarak dorulama yaplarak aktuel(gerek) ve nominal (sanal) veriler bir birlerine aktrlrlar. Dorulama esnasnda kullanlan referans elemanlar ok nemlidir bu referans elemanlarna gre alnan sfrlamalar zerinden dier elemanlar llr. 3-2-1 dorualama mant hangi yazlm kullanrsak kullanalm deimez. 3 nokta dzlemi temsil eder. Paranz bir dzleme oturtursunuz ardndan 2 nokta gelir 2 noktada line yani izgiyi temsil eder i paranz bir dzlem ve bir izgi ile sabitlersiniz fakat bir noktaya daha ihtiyacnz vardr ki paranz uzayda sabitlenebilsin bu da 1 (nokta) olarak tanmlanabilir. 3-2-1 dorulama mantnda sizinde grdnz gibi 6 nokta vardr. Bu 3 boyutlu bir geometriyi uzayda sabitleyebilmeniz iin size gerekli olan asgari noktadr. Elbette daha fazla olabilir ama daha az olmaz. 3 noktay temsil eden dzlem demitik geometrik olarak en az 3 noktadan bir dzlem geer bu mkemmel, hatasz dzlemdir. 2 noktay temsil eden izgi demitik yine geometrik olarak 2 noktadan bir izgi geer ve bu izgi mkemmel izgidir ve son olarakta 1 nokta dedik yine bu da mkemmel noktay temsil eder. imdi elinize herhangi bir para aln ve bir masa zerine koyun veya hayal edin para hala hareket edebilir deil mi? evet ite 3 nokta ile dzlem tanmlam olduk ama paramz sabitlemek iin hala yetersiz, imdi bir kitap aln ve bu kitabn iltli ksmn kullanarak paranzna temas ettirin evet imdide 2 noktay yani izgiyi tanmlam olduk elbette bunuda bir dzlem olarak dnebilirisiniz ama asgari lde izgi olmas yeterlidir. Bakn i paranz bir masann ztinede ve bir yzeyi kitabnza paralel ama hala ak u var ve i paranz hala hareket edebilir. imdi son olarak 1 noktaya ihtiyacnz var bunuda verdiinizde artk i paranz uzayda sabitlemi oluyorsunuz ve istediiniz gibi 3d bilgisayar datas ile gerek paranz aligment komutu ile birletirebilirsiniz ve isterseniz cad-data kullann isterseniz kullanmayn i paranz zerinden geometrik ekiller oluturarak sizden istenen lleri alabilirisiniz.Sayglarmla."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
flystock |
"linefacebookemail20%10%5%100%5%30%30%()-()10656GGGGgg51520%4420%340%50%ETF330%---By ---By ----By Amy---By"
Price: 7800.00 ![]() |
"RoboGrok Robotics 1" |
"Video lectures cover a wide range of robotics topics common to most university robotics classes, including forward and inverse kinematics, sensors and computer vision (machine vision), and feedback motion control. Theory is paired with hands-on building and programming tasks usinga kit of parts that allows you to practice as you learn, and end up building and programming complete robots.The course involves programming in C and Python, but begins assuming you have never programmed in these languages before. It is helpful if you have some experience already with matrix math (adding/subtracting and multiplying matrices and vectors) and trigonometry. You will be introduced to OpenCV in Pythonand the PSoC microcontroller.All of the topics in the course lead to building and programming a complete, working, 3-degree-of-freedom SCARA pick-and-placemanipulator by understanding and practicing all of the theory underneath. The course uses the RoboGrok robotics partskit."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Create 3D Realistic computer images / Learn the fast way" |
"With Create 3D Realistic computer images / Learn the fast way course, I will show you everything you need to know to be able to create realistic images, effectivly and rapidly.The course will focus on the fastest and most important features to help you create the best out of your creative vision.It will introduce you to Corona Renderer Inside 3D MAx. It's not a long course on how to use each and every feature of both softwares, because that would end up being a 10 hours course. Instead, I will provide you the best and most important information on how to create realistic interiors, and use those same techniques in any other project that you will have to do in the futur.With the purchase of this course, It will be givel to you, all the 3D models (Furniture) Inside the course file.I will show you how to install the software, model the space,make tests,setup the final render and do the post production directly in the software. with the course it will be given to you, all the 3D models of all the furniture in the model.I hope you enjoy"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Vegan & Plant Based for Beginners The Complete Course" |
"So you want to improve your healthor make a healthier lifestyle change, butyou are having a hard time knowing what to eat and where to beginright?What would your life be like if you had more energy to do the things you enjoy with those you love? How would having a healthier lifestyle improve your work-life and family-life?Youanswers are just a few clicks away.In this course we show you how to easily create your own delicious smoothies, meals and snacks. Enjoying a vegan &plant based lifestyle or integrating it into your dietcan be challenging as a beginner since it wasn't something most of uswere taught growing up. Today marks a new direction in your health and life journey!We will guide you step-by-step onhow to create each of oursmoothies, meals and snacks and also provide you with a PDF of everything that you can reference to. We will also provide you with Links to the superfoods and products we use daily and in this course to make it easy on you.Eating,being and looking healthier has never been this easy!We want you to know that we will be here every step of the way and you can ask us questions at anytime in our Q&A section of this course, we truly care about your health.Feel free to look at the preview videos of this course, and we look forward to seeing you inside.Cheers to a healthier you,Jorphany"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aydame a comprar, No me vendas!" |
"Con este curso aprenders el concepto de NeuroVentas, como es que la NeuroCiencias ha impactado en las ventas de hoy y la ha convertido en una ciencia.Aprenders el concepto de Neuromarketing, como estimular al consumidor a comprarte a ti y no estar detrs de l. Tambin aprenders a leer la mente del consumidor, cual es su expectativa, que es lo que busca el consumidor de tu producto o servicio.Aprenders a ser feliz para siempre, vendiendo sin vender!Aprenders sobre la PNL para que empieces a programar tu mente para la excelencia e impactarlo en tus ventas. Aprenders todo aquello que necesitas saber para poder manejar las objeciones de tus clientes que son preguntas que te hacen para tener mas confianza en ti y en tu producto o servicio. Adems aprenders tcnicas de venta infalibles que te permitirn cerrar ventas y ser feliz vendiendo sin vender. Nos vemos en el curso!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Educao Financeira" |
"Esse curso foi cuidadosamente formulado para que voc, aluno, transforme sua vida. atravs dos conhecimentos essenciais da educao financeira, coletados por mim ao longo dos anos e organizados em um nico lugar, que pretendo encurtar o tempo necessrio para o seu desenvolvimento financeiro.No apenas um curso, mas sim um caminho para solucionar seus maiores problemas financeiros. Aqui falta de dinheiro, dvidas e contas atrasadas, dificuldade para lidar com dinheiro, no saber o que fazer e como fazer, tudo isso no ser mais um problema!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Teach Me How to Canva - Graphic Design for Beginners" |
"Want to broadcast your message to the world but need better images and branding? Let's fix that.Canva is a wonderful design tool that can help everyday peoplecreate imagesjust like a design pro.Learn to create stunning marketing materials and morewith ease and save yourself the time and frustration.You'll Learn How to Create:Social Media PostsFB Event BannersYouTube ThumbnailsPresentationsPDF'seBooksLogo's and moreLet's create!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"THUMBS UP KIDS GUITAR - For children AND adults!" |
"Learning to play the guitar is meant to bean amazing experience. It is meant to be FUN! Often, students begin with a great deal of excitement and then along the way get lost. They get discouraged and sadly... quit. I have taught guitar for over 30 years and used many different teaching methods. I gradually became frustrated and discouraged because none of them taught what I felt was truly needed to be successful. I decided that the only solution was to write my own course and so Thumbs Up Kids Guitar was born. This course is FUN but it's also SYSTEMATIC and sets out very clearly what work you need to practice to achieve success. There are three books in this course - from beginner to advanced. Although it is called Kids Guitar it is equally suited to Adults. We all begin at the same place when learning to play! I'm excited to offer this course here on Udemy and trust you will enjoy working your way through it."
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Effective Presentations" |
"Powerpoint slides are like children: no matter how ugly they are, youll think theyre beautiful if theyre yours Scott Adams, author of the comic strip Dilbert. Due to this cause or another, its a huge stress to look at most Powerpoint slides. Depending on the design skills of the speaker and audiences taste slides create different emotions from a slight annoyance to physical sickness.But that is not the worst thing. The worst thing is that instead of improving the presentation such slides confuse the audience, distract it and finally oblige the speaker to explain them rather than being quite self-explanatory.The goal of this course is to change that by equipping learners with a set of tools to create simple, clear and aesthetic slides which improve the presentation of the speaker. The course covers universal design principles, templates, colors, typefaces, slides typography, use of photos and pictograms, composition rules and ways to create clear and meaningful charts and diagrams."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Absolute Beginners Cooking Course" |
"Even if you know nothing about cooking, thiscourse will give you the skills and confidence to prepare and cook a wide range of meals, all taught in simple, step-by-step videos. From boiling an egg through to cooking a full roast dinner. Cook for yourself, cook for the family. This isn't about becoming a chef, it's about being able to look after yourself and save money."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"TCP/IP For Technical People: practical inights and knowhow." |
"What Will I Learn? You will get a visual orientation of the TCP/IP protocol stack. Important terms and concepts in the networking world. Creating a full communication programs. What communication components exist and how they operate. How to debug network issues. Linux communication tables and their content. Inspecting network traffic using Wireshark. The broad vision of the internet communication world and how to operate in it. How to create a bridge, router, WIFI dongle and other components."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Complete Beginner's Domain Investing" |
"It has never been a better time start investing in Domain names. Every day thousands upon thousands of domain names expire and are bought and sold for thousands of dollars day after day. With this course I'm going to show you how it's done, and exactly how I've personally turned a $5.00 investment into a $3000.00 sale.I was a beginner Domainer with zero profits when Ifirst started in 2016, but after arming myself with knowledge and educating myself on the industry I've successfully made enough money to support myself for the entirety of 2017 on domain sales alone.In this course I'm going to go over exactly what I did. Why it works, and I am going to give you case studies on my own personal successes and failures,So you can learn from my failures and my successes."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Managing Your Personal Productivity" |
"This course is designed for working professionals as well as stay-at-home-parents who are struggling to take control of their time after becoming parents. Using the classic S.M.A.R.T. Goal approach, class participants will gain insight into how to set S.M.A.R.T. Goals that are designed to improve every area of their lives. By using a goal setting technique, class participants will develop and improve the ability to be introspective, articulate why what they are doing is important (even when it doesn't feel like it is), and generally gain control over their time and their lives."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Arquitectura de Software" |
"Arquisoft90 es un Entrenamiento de alto nivel en Arquitectura de Software, Descubre temas relacionados con la Arquitectura de Software, cada tema ha sido cuidadosamente evaluado y seleccionado para aportar valor en tu carrera profesional, impartido por Lenin David Lozano catedrtico universitario y consultor empresarial. Lenin tiene Experiencia enArquitectura de Software, Arquitectura Empresarial, Diseo de software, Mejora de Procesos de Ingeniera, Gestin de la Configuracin, Construccin de Software, Integracin Continua, Fabricas de Software, BPM, Evaluacin de Arquitectura."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Simple Guide to Rocket Science" |
"Have you always had a burning passion for space exploration but not the opportunity to study engineering at a university level? This course is designed to provide you the practical foundations for planning missions, a career in aerospace and an understanding of how to estimate the performance of your own designs and ideas.In this course you will:Learn the mechanics of motion from the basics at a gentle and forgiving paceLearn the laws and rules governing the orbits of all celestial bodiesPlan Hohmann Transfer orbits, how long they take, how much fuel they needPredict the performance of rocket engines and De Laval nozzles from first principlesUse the Tsiolkovski equation to estimate fuel requirements for any maneuverEstimate launch requirements and dragLearn the key aspects every rocket must have to fly stableLearn to budget for mass on realistic missionsRocket science is a deep and varied subject, so it's no surprise that this course touches on everything from rocket motion to combustion chemistry. When you know the basic ideas and formulas it should become clear where to look to push your skills and experience to wherever you dream of going but you need to take the first step to get there.Disclaimer:This course is not a substitute for a degree in aerospace engineering or specialist consultancy, by purchasing this course you agree that the course instructor is in no way liable for any disputes, claims, losses, injuries, or damage of any kind that might arise out of or relate to the content of this course or any supporting communications between instructor and student."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso completo do QIHidrossanitrio Altoqi Qibuilder" |
"Ol Pessoal!Utilizo o programa de hidrulicada AltoQi desde a verso de 2014 e acredito que seja um dos melhores programas de hidrulica da atualidade.Quando comecei a usar o programa, resolvi fazer cursos sobre o software, mas percebi que os mesmos no eram bons e no adiantava muito para trabalhar de forma profissional. Ento, resolvi criar um curso que permita aos alunos - ao final do curso - realizar qualquer projeto, seja ele simples ou avanado.Espero que gostem do curso."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Understanding Self" |
"Personal development by developing yourself.Discover what makes you do what you do and by understanding self as a side affect understand others.Have you ever asked,Why did I do that.Ever wonder whyhe/she did something...Makes no sense to you yet they still did it.In this course Understanding Self I get into, What I consider universal lays that make up who we are.When you understand yourself better...You will understand others better.My objective is to: teach people how to gain the driver seat of their own mind.To produce something differentone must think different.Discover whysometimes we just cant listen.Where we have truecontrol.Factors that produceyou and me.Not to forget atechnique for getting to know your own thought process.I hope you get greatvalue and mind blowing understanding that will bethe building blocksto a better you from this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Assistant Development from Beginner to Expert" |
"Hello and welcome to the courseonGoogle Assistant and Chatbots Development from Beginner to Expert.NO PREVIOUS knowledge about Google Assistant or programming is required for this course.We are living in the era where technology is evolving day by day. From computers weshifted to Smartphones in the past decade and now we are stepping into the new world of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence with the invention of smart speakers like Google Home, Amazon Echo and many more to come.Tech Giants are investing their time and capital to make these assistants more user friendlyand also there is no doubt that assistants are going to influence business in future and our day to day lives.In I/O2018, Google announcedthat Google Assistant can talk as a person, you can search for that video on YouTube and we can assume that these smart speakers are next big thing. So, it is a perfect time to learn how to make apps for Google Assistant and you can move ahead as there are new updates coming in this domain.In this course we are going to make apps for Google Assistant with built in Templates (Trivia, Flash Cards, Personality Quiz) ,Dialogflow and we will also host our applications on Firebase(which will serve as our back-end) and we will extend that idea and integrate our apps with Facebook Messenger and similar platforms. We will use Actions on Google which is Google SDK for building applications for Google Assistant.We'll make three applications in this course and you'll learn how to make apps with templates, we'll makeFRIENDS CAST application which is already there in actions on google directory and how to add rich responses like Cards, Media Controls etc.. In ourWeather App you're going to learn how to useAPIs (external web services)in your Google Assistant apps and in Chatbots.You'll also learn how to use Google Cloud to host your owndata.Google will also award you with exclusive Google Assistant T-Shirt for deploying your first appand you can also win Google Home if you get initial traction on your app. So what you're waiting for click on enroll button now and I hope to see you inside."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Product Creation Mastery" |
"If youve ever considered creating your own online products or are in the process of making your own online product you have made the right decision.This is a granular program and will take you step by step through the process of making your online product. Everything that youre going to learn within Product Creation Mastery is what I do when Im making my own online products and its what I do for my clients when Im making their online products. Im not really telling you things I think you should do, Im telling you about things that I actually do and I believe are absolutely essential in the process of making your online product.Product Creation Mastery is broken down into four essential modules or sections. The program will take you through:Product ConceptProduct DesignCreating Your ProductPublishing Your ProductThis program has been systematised in sequence to take you on a logical flow through the process, however do feel free to jump around to the modules that will help you most.However, if you are starting to create your first or first few online products or you are starting from scratch, I do recommend you start at the beginning and work through the logical sequence. All sections in Product Creation Mastery have been tried and tested and are used to create products on a daily basis.The program has been designed to help you whatever your learning style or lifestyle and each section includes videos and PDF downloads, so whatever your learning style or your lifestyle, you will find Product Creation Mastery will accommodate your situation."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Business Model Canvas" |
"This course walks you through the different aspects of the business model canvas, giving you lots of examples, so that you can design your new startup to be more competitive and disruptive. Having the 9 foundations of your business totally solid gives you a huge advantage as you set everything in motion"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
cold_batik_technique_basic_course |
"4 3 . , , , . -, . , . -. , . . , . . . . . :- - - - 10 , 10%. : EARLYBIRD_UDEMY"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"English Writing: Compare / Contrast Essay." |
"Hello! ** Hola! **! **! ** Merhaba! ** Ciao!English Writingis an academic Englishcourse developed byme, Yanina.You willto write a Compare / Contrast essay from scratch with focus on structure and coherence, so that you can confidently write this type of essay for any topic.Don't be intimidated by writing in English! My step-by-step, easy to follow structure of lecturing will give confidence you need in academic writing.This course includes:lectures for important conceptsstep-by-step guides for learningwriting activitiescomprehensive examples for writing your ownthesis statement, topic sentences, points of similarity and contrast, restatement of thesisexamples of a compare / contrast essay20 PDF materialsfuture updates - this course will continue to grow and developEach section focuses one step of a writing process at a time with detailed explanations, comprehensive examples, and practice so that you can master each concept and be able to replicate the writing process steps on your own.If you want to write with a more efficient essaystructure, have more coherence in writing your ideas, and be confident in English academicwriting,this course can help you achieve your goal ofbringing your English to the next level.This course is also perfect for anyone taking a college level writing course for English language learners."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Build blockchain app with solidity smart contract in 2 hours" |
"UPDATED November 2018: added New MetaMask Privacy Mode support (lecture 12)Apply basic concepts, tools, and technicsof Ethereum apps development.Build strong foundation of how to work with Blockchain technologieswith this practice course for beginners. CryptocurrenciesERC20, Metamask, Open Zeppelin, Truffle, Remix IDE,EtherscanSolidity -Smart Contracts development languageEthereum Web3 librariesReact JavascriptImmersion into Blockchain technology through practiceBlockchain is changing the way of software development for business transactions right now. Almost all industries are looking for opportunities to implement thistechnology to create new business models or to increase efficiency. Companies are looking for talents in this new field and facing difficulty in finding who can join their teams to create different Blockchain products.I spent a lotof time to pack all the necessary practices into blocks of this course. By taking it you will save a huge amount of time acquiring all the practical skillsnecessary for building blockchain applications from scratch.Content and OverviewSuitable for complete beginners, through this course of 10lectures,2 hours of videocontent and6 supplemental resources, you will get all of the practice skills of how to work with Blockchain technologies. All chapters areaccompanied bynecessary links,lists of useful console commands and code samples. Each lecture islike a tutorial in which I step by stepput your new learned skills into practical use immediately.Starting from creation of Ethereum wallet, you will make differentoperations with cryptocurrencies and wallets.With these basics mastered, the course will take you through development of your own Smart Contract by teaching you what Smart Contracts are and what you can do with them, by preparing ofenvironment,development of Smart Contracts with Solidity language and different tools, deployment, testing and contractverification.Having deployedSmart Contract into Blockchain network you willcreate Webapplication by means of modern React javascript library andthe latest version of Ethereum development tools (Web3 v1.0). The course will end with deployed application to Heroku which you can share it with anybody.Students completing the course will have enoughpractical skills totake the first step in a Blockchaincareer and have a chance to join the leading technology company in the world of Blockchain. This is what the Bonus lecture is about."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |