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"Curso de Formao em Anlise da Linguagem Corporal" |
"O curso de Formao em Anlise da Linguagem Corporal muito completo e por meio de vdeo aulas no formato HD (alta definio) iremos ensinar a interpretar os sinais da linguagem corporal e da comunicao no verbal de forma muito ampla, sobre uma perspectiva responsvel e embasada nos conhecimentos das maiores sumidades do mercado internacional.A Linguagem Corporal est em nosso dia a dia e muitas das escolhas que fazemos tem como base o intendimento inconsciente dessa linguagem corporal, estudar a mesma nos habilita a entender que tipo de sinais devemos observar para entender melhor as pessoas e muitas vezes com esse tipo de compreenso possvel quase que ler pensamentos.Alm de muito divertido imprescindvel para qualquer profissional de comunicao que deseja construir marcas ou usar imagens para promover produtos e servios.Esse curso possui diversas vdeo aulas produzidas com recursos de animao, apresentaes de power point gravadas em vdeo, artigos complementares e como possvel de ser visto no curso, muito do material tem sido atualizado a medida do possvel como demonstrativo de nossa preocupao constante com o melhor para o aprendizado de nossos alunos.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Vdeo com WEBCAM" |
"Neste curso simples e direto o Fernando te ensina como criar vdeos de qualidade usando apenas uma WEBCAM debaixo custo, mas com um benefcio incrvel.Utilize uma iluminaao caseira, udio de qualidade e crie contedos que realmente vochamar a ateno da sua audincia, e aumentar sua autoridade.Crie tutoriais, vdeos de treinamento e muito mais com as dicas deste curso."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Archangels: Tune Yourself to Divine Energies! ~ Certified!" |
"Based upon the Teachings that I received from my beloved Ascended Master and Teacher El Morya ~ Chohan of the First Ray, I created this course to share with you my lessons on the Angelic Energy and the Angelic Realms! My name is Nikolaos Baralos and I welcome you with warm feelings to another of my courses, where you will experience a journey inwards your true Self! Here you will discover everything you need, for your spiritual enlightenment, through connecting with ""The Power of the Archangels""! ""The Power of Archangels"" is a celestial attunement, which will tune you to the Divine Source where Archangels draw their Power,taught and executed by Master El Morya, Chohan of the First Ray!Allow me to explain shortly the structure of the course, so you may have a general image of how everything is going to be displayed! In the First Section, we will begin with the courses introduction, where some general but important information will be shared regarding the aspects of this course and of course all needed information about your Attunement to the Power of the Archangels! We will proceed with meeting Master El Morya, the Chohan of the First Ray (the one who teaches and executes the attunement) and learn all necessary information about him. A guided meditation for higher connection with him will also be provided! Next, you will receive all information you need about your Attunement and about the Golden Angelic Ray, in which you will connect when you want to execute healings to yourself or others with the Angelic Energy! The final step of this section will be your Attunement to the Power of the Archangels, which is a celestial attunement on the source where Archangels draw their Power! In the Second Section, you will be welcomed with an introduction that comes straight from Master El Morya, as I channeled it through my communications with him! You will also come to know the Archangels, their specialties and discover every information I can provide about them! Presented in different categories, you will learn about the Your Guardian Angels, the Archangels of the Four Cardinal Points, The Archangels who lived as humans, the Archangels who are Angels of Death, the Archangel Melchizedek ~ the one who anchors the Christ Consciousness and the Rest of the Archangels! In the third section, we will go through your basic inner tools ~ tools that already exist within you or are available to you and can help you widen your spirituality and enlighten your consciousness! You will learn about your Higher Self, how to connect with him and how to be guided from him. You will be also given information about your 7 Basic Chakras & your 49 Secondary Chakras, as well as information about Kundalini Energy. You will learn how to open, cleanse, heal and activate your Chakras by yourself or with help from Angels and your Higher Self and two powerful breathe meditations to activate your Kundalini Energy! Last but not least, you will learn about the 7 Planes of Existence, how the process of attunements works and how all the above information are connected!In the next section, number 4, you will learn how to execute healings to you or others, by channeling and using the Angelic Energy, or by calling the Archangels and receiving their help and in depth healing! Furthermore, to conclude this section, you will learn how to execute attunements to you or others, on the different specialties of the Archangels, so your inner world may be helped and clarity, balance and health may be achieved! In the final and fifth section, I will present the courses conclusion and by this point, all information will have been connected, stating you ready to proceed and teach others on the Angelic Energy and proceed with your Angelic Healings & Attunements. Furthermore you will experience a bonus Advanced Guided Meditation, which will help you cleanse and heal your Chakras!If you are ready to truly open the door of your heart and let God with his Divine Expressions enter inside, then this course is the appropriate one for you! If you want to discover new realities and expand your consciousness, as well as walk side by side with the Angels and the Archangels, this is where you start! I have put my pure intention and effort in this course, to make it radiate the Creator's Love and the Angelic Blessings!Ihope you will find it interesting and illuminating!Have a wonderful and pleasant journey!Angelic Blessings!What students say about this course:""I am really enjoying the course. As I experienced the guided attunement, beautiful purple, red, orange, blue, green and yellow colors swirled like billowing clouds of energy. An occasional face appeared! I didn't want it to end! A beautiful experience. Thank you! Thank you, Thank you."" ~ Mikel Taylor""Thank you for this amazing journey, this course is very enlightening and a lot of info we need as light workers. Take this course and you won't regret it. Namaste.""~Loredana Yenick""I did not know this instructor but decided to try out one of his courses and I'm glad I did! I could feel energy at my crown and 3rd eye chakras and this course has helped me expand my energies and consciousness. Nikolaos Baralos continues to update and improve his courses so it's an indication of his dedication. English is not his first language so there are a few misspellings but it did not detract from his course. He responds to my questions in a timely manner and I am very happy with what I have gotten out of his courses. I plan to learn more from Nikolaos in the future and I am thankful I ran across his courses on UDEMY.""~Sharon Kimura""I absolutely love this instructor. Very genuine & knowledgeable. The connections & practices that I have experienced and learned have had a profound effect in my life. I highly recommend."" ~Alanna Johnson ""I really enjoyed this course, it was very informative, and the Attunement makes you become part of the whole experience, you might fall asleep and have a few nice dreams, thats ok, just go back to where you were before and continue... its worth every minute...i love it, and Ive learned a lot about angels, and how the assists us on our daily journey of life...Thanks again Nikolas, for another amazing lesson!!!"" ~Paula Peres**Please note that the attunement ""The Power of the Archangels"" is provided within the course, through an Advanced Guided Meditation! This Meditation is presented to you as it was presented to me by Master El Morya, who is the one who will actually guide you and offer you the attunement! If you have any questions feel free to contact me! Hope to see you inside the course! Love and Light, Nikolas!Title of Music used in Meditations is ""In Spiritus"" by ""Christopher Lloyd Clarke"". Licensed by ""Enlightened Audio""."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Rainbow Reiki ~ the Reiki of the Seven Rays! ~ Certified!" |
"Based upon the Teachings that I received from my beloved Ascended Master and Teacher, Mikao Usui and the Seven Chohans of the 7 Rays, i created this course to share with you my lessons on the upgraded form of Reiki ~ the Reiki of the Seven Rays!My name is Nikolaos Baralos and I will be your guide in the tingling spiritual journey, which will be offered through this course! Rainbow Reiki~ the Reiki of the Seven Rays, is an upgrade to the already existing Traditional Usui Reiki System, which was taught to me by the Ascended Masters ~Master Mikao Usui and the SevenChohans of the 7 Rays!!Allow me to describe the general structure of the course, so you may have a general image of the course, as well as of what you will learn and receive! In the first section, youll get to know the general information about this upgraded form of Reiki as well as its creation story! Information about the attunements, the healing session, New Symbols and new techniques, along with some other benefits of Rainbow Reiki will also be given in this first section!In section no.2, you will finally meet the Ascended Masters, receive general information about them and learn how to communicate with them! Information about all Seven Rays, as well as for the Great White Brotherhood will also be given. Last but not least, you will enjoy a spiritual guided Meditation in which you will connect with the White Great Brotherhood, in order for you to enter your Sacred Heart and awaken your Sacred Flame and your Divine Spark! In the following section, no.3, you will get a thoroughly description of the Seven Ascended Masters who represent the Seven Divine Rays ~ (Chohans of the Rays) and Maha Chohan ~ the Divine Representative of the Holy Spirit, which Holy Spirit is the western reference to Reiki Energy! You will also be given simple but powerful spiritual practices to connect deeper with all Chohans and you will enjoy guided Meditations inspired from the Book of the beloved teacher Djwal Kul ~ the Hidden Chamber of the Heart. In the last and closing section, you will find information on how to schedule your attunement and receive your certificate. This will be done by sending me an email after you complete the course, on the address mentioned in last lecture of this course! So to sum up, in this upgrade, you will be attuned toReiki of the Seven Rays, which includes attunements tothe Energies of the Seven Rays,you will learn two new and powerful Master Symbols, as well asnew practices and techniques, which will help you on your meditations andyour Reiki sessions! You will learn all the information you need about Reiki of the Seven Rays,the Ascended Masters and how to connect and communicate with them, the Seven Rays and techniques to channel their Energies, as well as you 'll be trained with guided meditations on how to meditate with the Ascended Masters!I hope that this course will be a magnificent journey through the Divine Planes, the Spiritual Realm and the depths of your existence, surrounded by sparkling Energy! I'll see you inside! May you have Divine Blessings!What students say about this course:""it's simply and perfect."" ~Popovici Teofil""Loved the course. Very informative & engaging. Professionally done. Real tools and information that I can apply to my current skills & practice. Highly recommend. Thank you!""~Tanya Marie Lewis""I returned to the course after completing and believe I will continue to come back time and again because the guided meditations are so beautiful and enlightening. I feel the energy and the connection within. It truly is a unique and very different way to apply Reiki and it does feel like you are taking yourself to the next level. I appreciate this course very much! Grateful for the opportunity to learn."" ~Kristen""Nikolaos has an energy that really goes deep and his explanations are really convincing. The course became really exceptional once the Masters of the 7 rays were introduced and the meditations are really powerful. I feel more power and peace at the same time. Truly exceptional course"" ~Devaraath Nambiar""This course is a perfect companion to the Archangels. Nikolaos is in depth, responsive and very helpful with any and all questions.""~Morey P. Minicola""Another amazing experience, I strongly recommend this course to everyone that wants to go deeper into the beautiful world of healing with energy.""~Loredana YenickIf you have any questions feel free to contact me! Hope to see you inside the course! Love and Light, Nikolas!Title of Music used in Meditations is ""In Spiritus"" by ""Christopher Lloyd Clarke"". Licensed by ""Enlightened Audio""."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Guided Meditations!" |
"Based upon the teachings that I received from my beloved Ascended Masters and Teachers, I created this course to share with you my lessons on the manifestation of our Divinity, through Advanced Guided Meditations!My name is Nikolaos Baralos and I welcome you with warm feelings to another of my courses, in which I promise you a magnificent journey through your existence, where you will meet and come into connection with the Great Masters, in a way to receive their blessings and awaken your inner gifts! Allow me to explain a bit the structure of the course!In the First Section, you will receive the courses introduction and general information on what you will need to know about this course. I will explain how Advanced Guided Meditations work, what they offer and how they can be used. Furthermore I will introduce you to a different concept of meditation ~ a concept which combines the states of meditation and praying.In the Second Section, we will proceed right away to the Advanced Guided Meditations and the awakening of different gifts and blessings! More specifically, you will experience 9 Advanced Guided Meditations, in which you will activate your Sacred Heart and as a following step, open the way to activate your Light Body ~ the Mer Ka Bah, through receiving the teachings of Master El Morya ~ the Chohan of the First Ray. You will also activate the Flower of Life on a Soul level, by meditating with Master Lord Lanto ~ Chohan of the Second Ray and you will activate your Divine Blueprint by coming into connection with Master Jesus Christ. In addition, you will receive a full cleansing on your entire chakra system with help from the Archangels! You will also ignite your Divine Spark, which is the Sacred Flame within your Sacred Heart, by meditating with the Great White Brotherhood! Furthermore you will travel to the ancient continent of Lemuria and activate your Starseed of Life! Last but not least, you will find an AGM to help you offer healing to mother Earth and yourself and in the last AGM you will come to meet the Immortal Angel, who will help you cleanse yourself and the cosmos!In the next and final section, number 3, I will present the courses conclusion and suggestions on how you can proceed after this course.Regardless the level of your spiritual growth, these meditations can be applied at any time and of course receive the blessing they offer as well as the activations and the attunements! Spirituality is unique to everyone and if you have come here, then this is the time for you!Without wanting to waste any of your time, I hope you will enjoy every moment of learning in this course and I wish you a pleasant and illuminating journey towards the True Self! Divine Blessings!What students say about this course:""Great life changing course on Meditation.""~ Christopher Roberts""Great meditations, the balance of voice and music perfect! I would highly recommend these meditations, Nikolaos has a hypnotic exotic voice, which makes it easy to return to his voice rather than falling off the cliff into mindless babble. These meditations are mighty powerful, A huge heartfelt thank you to the Instructor. Namaste"" ~ Reiki Mama""This Course is wonderful. Two of the meditations help me cleansed with a power I never thought is possible. The powerful prayers and affirmations sound as magic attunement for me. Thank you Nikolas."" ~Evelina Cohn Ph. D""I have taken all the courses so far from this instructor. I highly recommend. I am almost 40 days into this one and feel the shift and energy. I can not wait for the next course from this instructor. This is one of my favorites and a go to for wanting advanced meditation that is really heart centered."" ~ Jennifer Bates""This is a very special course that goes beyond most others with an easy to understand introduction to the light body and sacred geometry - thankyou"" ~Paula DenisonIf you have any questions feel free to contact me! Hope to see you inside the course! Love and Light, Nikolas!Title of Music used in Meditations is ""In Spiritus"" by ""Christopher Lloyd Clarke"". Licensed by ""Enlightened Audio""."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Lemurian Light and the Reiki of the Atlantians! ~ Certified!" |
"Lemurian Light and the Reiki of the Atlantians is a unique combination of the ancient energies from the lost continents of the divine wisdom! This is an upgrade to Traditional Usui Reiki System and you must already be an Usui Reiki Master in order to procceed with this upgrade! This upgrade was taught to me by the Ascended Masters ~ Master Mikao Usui and the 7 Chohans of the 7 Rays and will attune you to the Lemurian Light and an upgraded level of Reiki. It will help you expand your spiritual journey and your connection with Reiki Energy!In this course, you experience a magnificent journey through time and space, which will lead you to re-remember your sacred origins! You will discover the secret ancient energies, which were extinct from earth thousands of years ago. When the continents of Atlantis and Lemuria sunk, the Ascended Masters ~ protectors of the Sacred Flames and Chohans of the Seven Rays, travelled and moved these Energies on Ethereal Planes, so their existence would survive. As humanity is ready to move in new and higher dimensions, once again we are ready to receive these energies and awaken our consciousness on a deeper level.After this course you will be able to combine a higher Level of Reiki with the ancient energy of the Lemurian Light and offer to yourself and others magnificent healings! Of course you will be able to attune others to this new level!There is One Level in this upgrade which is followed up by three Empowerments: 1) The Phoenix Empowerment, 2) The Dolphin Empowerment and 3) The Dragon Empowerment.All empowerments activate and initiate unique psycic gifts within you and will attune you to energies of high vibration! You will also learn 2 new Master Symbols, one which comes from the Lemurian Light and one which comes from the Atlantian Reiki Energy! You will also learn the 5 ancient Symbols of the Elements and be able to use 2 Ancient Healing Protocols!You will also travel to the sacred grounds of the Holy Cities of Lemuria and Atlantis through 2 Advanced Guided Meditations, in which you will meet your Master Reiki Guides, who will activate your Starseed of Life and offer you a bonus unique attunement, especially designed for you, to help you manifest your life's purpose!Last but not least, you will receive important information about Mudras, the 7 Basic and 49 Secondary Chakras and the Five Elements and their interaction in the Eternal Cycle!If you are ready to travel in mystery, I'll wait you inside this course! Wishing you Divine Blessings!What students say about this course:""This Course truly changed my life, from the attunement moment to the present day and so on...and i can assure you, i am not new to Reiki or energy healing, in another words, its hard to impress or surprise me, but this course literally blown my mind...The symbols are so powerful, i confess it took me a while to feel comfortable drawing them, as for the master symbol, we got on immediately...during the attunement i had a dream, i saw myself feeding a baby pig to my dog, to what he refused to eat, he would play with the dead pig, looked at it with sweetness, but nope, he would not bite on i thought, what a silly thing, i wanted to have amazing visions, not this...wait and that same week i hosted a dinner for friends and family, i've cooked a leg of lamb, and i could not bring myself to touch eat the meet, didn't think much of it, until the next steak meal i prepared, when i took the first bite, my stomach crawled, and said nope...and that was the end of me eating carcass...after that, it's been pure transformation, i have performed a few professional paid sessions, and also use what i've learned in this course in my everyday life...I would like to emphasize, the teacher does not mention anything about not eating meet in the course, it was all spiritual transformation, i believe it's different and unique for everyone...i strongly recommend this course for everyone in the field of energy healing, Nikolas is kind, knowable, and very spiritual... Love & Blessings"" ~ Paula Peres""I just feel EVERY one of Nikolaos courses are very inspiring uplifting he truly speaks from other rhelms, Quick response when needed, he IS the perfect teacher. And I am already enrolled on the next."" ~ Jacqueline mecheri""Yes, absolutely love it. So much to learn!! It will help me so much in my healing practice. ??"" ~ Jason La Motte""There is so much about the Lemurians and the Atlanteans that I didn't know about. I feel great completing this course knowing that my skills and abilities will be used for the greater good. The course was thorough and to the point. Very impressed and I highly suggest anyone that is into the healing arts to take this course. You'll be glad you did."" ~ Kimba Maria Wiggins""An amazing experience. I am excited to start the journey and did the course twice just to make sure I received enough information. I will do it again and again as i feel it is beneficial for my path. Thank you Nicolaos"" ~ Dee DoumanisIf you have any questions feel free to contact me! Hope to see you inside the course! Love and Light, Nikolas! Title of Music used in Meditations is ""In Spiritus"" by ""Christopher Lloyd Clarke"". Licensed by ""Enlightened Audio""."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Buddha's Touch ~ The Dragon's Wings! ~ Certified!" |
"Based upon the Teachings that I received from my beloved Ascended Master and Teacher, Gautama Buddha, I created this course to share with you my lessons on the Dragon Energy and the Five Divine Energies of Life, also known as the Five Dragons!My name is Nikolaos Baralos and I welcome you to another of my courses, where I promise you a journey beyond time and space, travelling to the mythical times when the Dragon Energy conquered the Worlds. Combined with Eastern Philosophy and Energy Healing, together, in this course we will discover the Five Divine Energies of Life and create the Noble Path for our lives, so we may step out of the state of pain. Allow me to explain shortly the structure of the course, so you may have a general image of how is everything going to be displayed! In the First Section you will be welcomed with an introduction that comes straight from Master Gautama Buddha, as I channeled it through my communications with him over the last years. Furthermore you will learn about the Dragon Energy and we will proceed on the story, of Masters Buddha incarnated life. To conclude with this section, I will present the general structure of Masters Buddha teachings, also known as Sermons, which among other, are composed by the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. In the Second Section, will we go through anything you need to know, about the Dragons Wings ~ your main Attunement on the Dragon Energy. Anything you need to know about your attunement and about guiding others to their own attunement will be presented in this section. You will also receive your Activation Symbol, which you will use in all aspects that Dragon Energy evolves. In addition you will learn all the necessary information about the Energy Healing with the Dragon Energy and how to execute healings on yourself and others. Reaching the end of this section, you will learn how to use the Dragon Energy in your meditation, so you may channel information, knowledge and guidance, though communications with the Divine. The final step of this section, will be your attunement to the Dragon Energy, the Dragons Wings, which will be offered to you through an Advanced Guided Meditation. In the third section, I will present to you important information to proceed with the awakening of your Soul. To start off, you will learn about your Consciousness, Spirit and Soul relationship and how to proceed with their unification, which once manifested, will offer you great benefits. You will receive extended information about your 7 Basic Chakras and a short presentation of your 49 Secondary Chakras. We will proceed on this section by introducing to you the Spheres of Wisdom, learn of their importance and their role in your existence and how they interact with your Souls maturity. Furthermore you will learn about the Five Major Spiritual Soul States, which affect the evolution of your Soul, in the total of your incarnations, through your lifetimes and their correspondence with the Five Divine Energies of Life, also known as the Five Dragons. To conclude this section, you will experience your first unification between your Consciousness, Spirit and Soul, through an Advanced Guided Meditation.In the next section, number 4, you will learn all that you need about the Five Divine Energies of Life ~ the Five Dragons! You will receive general information about them, as well as information about each one of the Divine Energies and enjoy the blessing of connecting with them, with mini attunements, which will be offered to you, again through Advanced Guided Meditations. In the fifth section, you will learn about the Dragons Breath, which is the second and final level of your attunement to the Dragon Energy. Firstly you will receive all information you need and then you will experience your final attunement to the Dragon Energy ~ the Dragons Breath, through an Advanced Guided Meditation. In the final and sixth section, I will present the courses conclusion and by this point, all information will have been connected, stating you ready to proceed and teach others on the Dragon Energy. I will be waiting you inside the course, so our journey may begin!* Please note that all attunements are offered within the course, through Advnaced Guided Meditations. These Meditations are presented to you as they were presented to me by Master Gautama Buddha, who is the one who will actually guide you and offer you the attunements! *What students say about this course:""Very nice field overall With beautiful visuals as usual And a message so profound That it transcends space and time To be heard in the voidless void , Magnificent brother Thank you Thank you Thank you"" ~Richard J Ely""I think of this class like a beautiful and fulfilling stepping stone along my personal journey. If you are serious, the attunements are seriously powerful. He includes a lot of info so that a beginner can understand as well. Well thought out course. Bravo!"" ~Jackie M""I am already a healer who needed extra support with a problem where I was able to experience the power of Dragon energy. Totally amazed at how this has made me feel and spurred me on to learn about this energy to enable others the privilege"" ~Wendy Ellis""Oh wow this course is def by far the best one yet!!!! Great job on the sound!!!! Amazing info I def felt a shift and Im not even all the way thru the course yet!!!!"" ~Bobbie Reihe""This course is filled with lots of information, and love. I am grateful to experience the wisdom and teachings of the beloved Gautama Buddha."" ~Sandra JohnsonIf you have any questions feel free to contact me! Hope to see you inside the course! Love and Light, Nikolas!Title of Music used in Meditations is ""In Spiritus"" by ""Christopher Lloyd Clarke"". Licensed by ""Enlightened Audio""."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"0 Dollars to 1000 Dollars with Shopify Dropshipping LIVE" |
"Please Ignore The Rating to my course take the course and if you don't liked it then take your money back.If you really want to earn 1000$ then you should take my course without bothering about the rating.Ready to get serious about your income? The dropshipping model is still a highly profitable way of selling physical products online. Follow along with me as I guide you step-by-step to creating your own dropship empire.Copy my method and you willnot onlybe able to create your own mega successful dropship websites, but you will also be able to do it for high paying clients as well if you wish to.Hello My name is RITOBAN.Launch Your First Profitable Dropship Website in 30Days or Less and Grow Your Income to $1000Per weekin Profits.Yes,you heard it Right.In this course I have CREATED SHOPIFY STORE LIVEin front of you Guysand I was easily making 100$ Profit in first 10 days only.You can see that video as it is free for preview.I can bet you if you take my course then you will definitely get your results as you wanted Prior in Dropshipping World.After This Course You Will See Yourself in PROFIT 100% GUARANTEED.And Not Only this much I have also added a PDF named 550 Ways To Earn Money Onlineyou can find itin Lecture No. 2 RESOURCESeasilyFully covered by our 100% no questions asked 30-day money back guarantee.Are you ready to change your life?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete Course onMental Maths" |
"HEY GUYS,ARE YOU AFRAID WITH MATHEMATICS COMPLEX CALCULATIONS OR WANT TO FASTEN YOUR CALCULATION FOR ANY TYPE OF COMPETITIVE EXAM ?This Course ""Become A Human Calculator With Mental Maths"" is for all of you guys.TRUST ME YOU CAN ALSO DO SO!!MY 100% GUARANTEE IS THAT AFTER THIS COURSE YOU WILL BE ABLE TO CALCULATE IN LESS THAN 5 SECONDS.Dont Just Look Like A Genius - Be One.Walk with me for a moment as we imagine you waking up tomorrow being able to do lightning fast math in your head.Your family and friends are going to look at you like you are some kind of a genius. Since calculations are done in your head, you would have acquired better memory habits in the process, and your concentration and your ability to think quickly would have also improved. So you will not just look like a genius. You will actually be one.You know what the best part is?Within the next 7 days, you will start thinking like a genius. This will in turn start to positively influence other areas of your life.Rid yourself of Math phobia and learn to love and manipulate numbers with this tutorial suitable for all age groups.Develop better number sense - How to stop worrying and start loving numbersLearn a fast mental way to multiply large numbers,A cool way to check your results, mentallyAn amazing method for remembering numbers and much more.Learn High Speed Vedic MathematicsThis Course Also Include Vedic Method Approach.ALONG WITH THIS WHOLE PACKAGE I WILL BE GIVING WORKSHEETS AND OTHER SUPPORT MATERIAL WORTH 200$ FOR FREE.SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR ENROLL NOW!!!Moreover, If you don't like the course then don't worry you have a option of 30 days money back guarantee.Go Enroll Now!!!READY TO BECOME A HUMAN CALCULATOR!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gestin y Anlisis de Riesgos en la Industria Farmacutica" |
"En este curso vas a conocer los elementos bsicos y slidos para poder implementar un sistema de gestin de riesgos robusto en la industria farmacutica; as mismo obtendrs las claves para poder aplicar en forma gil y prctica el anlisis de riesgos a cualquier situacin. Por otra parte si ya cuentas en tu rea de trabajo con un sistema de gestin o administracin de riesgos, podrs obtener ideas para robustecerlo."
Price: 570.00 ![]() |
"Introduccin a la programacin con Pseint - Algoritmos 2020" |
"El curso est en construccin, seguimos aadiendo contenido exclusivo rellenando todas las secciones.POR QUE TODOS Y TODAS PUEDEN APRENDER A PROGRAMAR SIN TENER ALTOS ESTUDIOS !!!Este curso es una invitacin a entrar en el maravilloso mundo de la programacin.Como todo profesional tiene que conocer muy bien sus herramientas de trabajo iniciaremos el curso desde cero, entendiendo el todo sobre el ordenador (porttil).Cuando se trabaja en programacin, antes de escribir nuestro programa, primero escribimos el Pseudocdigo.Realizaremos mas de 100 ejercicios seleccionados, para aumentar tu rendimiento a la hora de programar, potenciando tu capacidad de programador.La mayora de las personas que he visto fracasar en el intento de convertirse en programadores tienen una caracterstica en comn: no tienen una slida base de conocimientos en matemticas y algoritmos.Al final mostraremos explicaciones en todos los lenguajes de programacin, donde cada uno de mis estudiantes seguir su camino con xito con el lenguaje que elija y necesite en su carrera profesional,pero eso si con unos fundamentos slidos de lo que es programacin. Realizando la decisin correcta ya que tocaremos todos los mbitos (Demanda laboral, etc) que influyen en esta hermosa carrera.Realizaremos tantos ejercicios de ejemplos que saldrs de este curso como un programador con unas bases muy solidas, para as poder desenvolverte en cualquier otro lenguajes de programacin ya que tu mente estar preparada para construir algoritmos para resolver problemas rpidamente.El PSEUDOCODIGO es una forma de escribir los pasos que va a realizar un programa de la forma ms cercana al lenguaje de programacin que vamos a utilizar posteriormente. Es como un falso lenguaje, pero en nuestro idioma, en el lenguaje humano y en espaol.Para realizar un buen programa realizaremos los siguientes pasos: Que quiero hacer?Lo escribo en PseudocodigoEscribo el programa en mi lenguaje de programacinPSeIntes una herramienta para asistir a un estudiante en sus primeros pasos en programacin mediante un simple e intuitivo pseudolenguaje en espaol (complementado con un editor de diagramas de flujo).Psint nos permite convertir el algoritmo de Pseudocodigo a cdigo numerosos lenguajes de programacin: C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, MatLab, Pascal, PHP, Python 2, Python 3, QBasic Visual Basic"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Trke ve Edebiyat-TYT-AYT-LGS" |
"Sevgili renciler ve eksikliklerini gidermeye alan cesur yetikinler, 17 sene kitap ve yaprak test yazm biri olarak (profilde hangi yaynlara yazdm belirttim) size bu kursta esasnda soru nasl gelir, bu bilgi nasl iinize yarar mantyla ders anlatacam. Bu kursu baaryla tamamlayan ve testlerini zen bir renci, 40 Trke TYT sorusunda 35'e; 24 edebiyat AYT sorusunda 20 nete rahatlkla ular. Dil bilgisi bildiiniz gibi eitimin her kademesinde karmza kar. Genelde sorunlardan kama eilimi gsteririz. Ama bilirsiniz ki sorunlardan kamak onlar hal altna itmek bizi hibir zaman sorunlarmzdan kurtarmaz. Sorunlar sonunda bizi bulur. Bunun yerine size nerim, gelin dil bilgisini birlikte halledelim. Baka bir dil reniminde de dil bilgisi arttr. Dnn bir dilin retmeni size bunlar zamirdir, bunlar sfattr dedii zaman dil bilgisini bilmiyorsak ne yapacaz? Bu kurslarla bu noktada eksikliiniz kalmayacak. Edebiyat ders anlatm da size gzel bir temel oluturacak. Edebiyat ders anlatmnda edebiyatla birlikte genel kltre ynelik de geliiminizi tamamlayacaksnz. almalarnzda baarlar dilerim."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training I go4sixsigma" |
"6 steps to complete Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training and certification!1. Start with the project template2. Watch training videos3. Complete your project4. Send your completed project for review to anna@go4sixsigma.com5. Your Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate will be send to you via e-mail6. Your project check and LSS GB Certificate preparation costs $39Anna Grabowska-GrabiecLean Six Sigma Master Black"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt training I go4sixsigma" |
"Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt is a professional who can use 7 Wastes to improve a process and is familiar with the basic principles of Lean Six Sigma. Are you ready to wear 7 Wastes glasses and start looking at the world from a different perspective?Eliminate Wastes from your process and submit the list of Wastes for review to anna@go4sixsigma.comYour project will be checked and Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certificate will be sent to you within 14 working days.The project check and Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certificate costs just $19 !"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Intermediate Algebra Masterclass: Master The Fundamentals" |
"Intermediate Algebra MasterClass: Master the Fundamentals of AlgebraThis video course will help you to learn Algebra fast and solve algebraic problems fast. Why because I try to build the foundation first. I know what are the key hurdles in understanding algebra for most of the students and what points need to be repeated and refreshed at what stages of learning. I gather this information from an extensive teaching and extensive reading. I do not rely just on my own experience, rather I try to find the latest research on why students struggle understanding math in general and algebra in particular. However, I have fewsuggestions if you want to get the most benefit out of my course: 1. You will learn much more if you start with a beginners mind. 2. Learn when you are notdistracted. 3. Do not think that you have limited learning potential. Believe me, you can learn whatever you wish and you can learn it fast. Just put your limits aside. 3. Watch my full course, (I will be adding more deliverable material and resources).This intermediatealgebra course will help students to get a solid foundation in algebra and get ready for higher mathematics courses such as calculus.This Algebra course is designed and structured in a way which makes it easy for students to absorb the Algebraic concepts. There are some inherent conceptual difficulties which high school students face when learning algebra. This course is designed carefully and keeping in mind all these difficulties. I tried to present critical algebraic concepts in a specific order. I am confident that this sequence will help students by making it easy for them to grasp algebraic concepts. These building blocks of algebra will not only enhance the skills of students but will motivate them to think algebraically. I have tutored high school mathematics for many years and have applied math in my engineering and research career. To learn algebra at their best, students should start thinking algebraically. I understand that if the concepts are presented in a scientific and organized manner with the precise and clear usage of the terminology, students start to get the bigger picture and this makes them think in algebra. They start to develop critical algebra understanding and even start to talk in x and y. This is the stage where learning algebra becomes their passion. When they master the art of abstraction, they love it. For one who has absolutely zero knowledge of algebra, there is a pre-Algebra section in this course. The students who have a strong grip on fractions and number theory may skip this section. For Home Schooling Parents The course could be a valuable resource for people who are homeschooling their children and want help in algebra. The quizzes are interactive and parents can sit with their children when they are solving the quiz and can see the instant result at the end. They can then select course videos in the areas of weaknesses and ask children to watch that video. Target Audience: Students of Grade 8 to 10 Students with zero knowledge of algebra or who have knowledge gapsIGCSE students Students planning to appear in GMAT, GRE exams College students who think their professor is too fast while they have questions to ask.For studentsin homeschooling What Will You Learn in This Intermediate AlgebraCourse: This algebra course will lay a strong foundation for you to take advanced courses in mathematics such as calculus or planning to appear in competitive exams. At the completion of this course, students will be able to: Differentiate numbers and properties of numbers. Investigate terminating and recurring decimals Practice distributive law and expansion of algebraic expressions Recognize rational numbers and perform various operations on rational numbers. Differentiate exponents and radicals and perform their simplification using index laws Recognize algebraic expressions and like terms Perform Algebraic operations Understand Polynomials, monomials, binomials and four operations on polynomials Balance and reversing methods of solving algebraic equations Solve single variable algebraic equations Solve linear equations using a calculator (this will be added later at some stage) Sketch linear graphs using coordinates of two pints and solving linear equations Finding properties of straight lines using points or equations Draw the graphs and find out properties of straight lines Find out the ordered pairs from linear equations and draw graphs. Finding the distance between points on a Cartesian plane Solve problem involving parallel and perpendicular lines Solve two and three variables simultaneous linear equations Perform Factorization of polynomials Perform Factorization of quadratic equations(will be added soon)Solve Quadratic Equations using various methods and strategies (will be added soon)Detailed Description of Each Section of this Intermediate Algebra CourseSection 1: Introduction This is a quick introduction to the most commonly used terms and keywords in algebra. The first video of this intermediate algebra courseis a general introductory video of the course. In the next few videos, you will learn what is an algebraic expression and how to make algebraic expressions from simple word problems. You will also learn the elements of an algebraic term, what are like terms, the rules of like terms and simplification. The students will learn how to use letters to signify an unknown. Section 2: Pre-Algebra Rational Numbers and Operations on Rational Numbers In this section, you will first learn the types of numbers and the properties of numbers. These properties are the math principle which we will be using during this algebra course. After that, the focus in this section will be on rational numbers (fractions). You will the types of fractions and mathematical operations on fractions. You will be able to find the equivalent fractions and compare various fractions in ascending order. You will also master the divisibility rules and will be able to figure out whether any large number is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or not. Using these divisibility rules, you will be able to simplify any fraction containing large numbers. At the end of the section you will learn the factorization of numbers, what are prime factors and how to find the prime factors of large numbers. Section-3: Exponents and Radicals In algebra, you must know how to handle numbers and variables with exponents and radicals. This is the first skill you will be mastering after the pre-algebra section of the course. You will learn the exponent rules, also called index laws. These rules explain how the value of exponent changes when we multiply or divide two or more numbers with exponents. You will also learn exponents of exponents and their operations. You will also learn about the algebraic expressions that include radicals and how to work with radicals. You will be able to understand the radical, variable and coefficients. Also, you will master your skills of converting a radical notation into exponent form or vice versa. You will do operations of multiplication and division on algebraic terms that include radicals. Section-4:Introduction to Solving Algebraic Equations The algebra lessons in this section are the starting point for you to solving the equations in algebra. First, two basic methods of solving algebraic equations are explained. These methods are the balance method and the reversing method. I explained why reversing method can save us some time once we are comfortable with solving algebraic equations. This is followed by many examples of solving algebraic equations. Section-5:Advanced Linear Equations in One Variable The algebra lesson in this section of this online intermediatealgebra course is on solving advanced algebraic equations. We tackle the solution of algebraic equations with grouping signs, with radicals and the ones which have fractions. The tips and tricks for solving these types of equations are explained with many examples. Section-6: Polynomials and Factorization of Polynomials In the first algebra lessons in this section are about the terminology used in polynomials and the basis of classification of polynomials. Then we do four operations (subtraction, addition, multiplication, and division) of polynomials. Section-7: Methods of Solving Quadratic Equations Once we know how to factorize, we can now solve the quadratic polynomials. This is one of the core topics of algebra and the one where students struggle the most. In this section, many methods of solving the quadratic equations are explained. The algebra lessons in this section describe factorization method of solving quadratic equations, the completing the square method of solving quadratic equations and the quadratic formula. You will see me over the shoulder, solving many examples of all of these methods. Section-8: Solving Multi-variable Simultaneous Linear Equations In this section of this online algebra course, we solve the sets of equations. These are two or three variable linear equations which we solve using the solution methods of simultaneous linear equations. section-9:Functions and their Graphs In this section of the algebra course, students will be introduced to the concepts of functions and graphs. We will explain the ordered pairs and the Cartesian coordinate system. Then there are video lectures about functions, about straight lines and their graphs. Perpendicular and parallel lines. Students will learn the properties of these types of lines such as slope and intercept. Student will also learn how to draw the graphs of straight lines and find their intersection. Also the distance formula will also be introduced in this section of this online algebra course. About Course Resources:1. Quizzes You will love the quizzes of this intermediate algebra course. The quizzes are downloadable interactive files. You take a pen and paper and start answering the questions. At the end you press end quiz button and you will see your score. If you want to know the correct answers, you can then press the correct button and it will show you the correct answers and your answers whether correct or wrong. You can then see your weaknesses and watch the lecture videos once again. The quizzes are challenging and you will be tested from various angles of the same question. This will help you for competitive exams where the simple question is phrased in a complex way. I have put a lot of effort and time in quizzes and I would like to have your feedback and review because I am always looking for ways to improve my course. 2. Homeworks Homework questions is an important source for questions. Top students always want more work to sharpen their skills. I make these questions in such a manner which will give you a full chance to master your algebra skills. Homework questions in this algebra course are full of variety and different level of difficulty from beginner to intermediate to advanced. But if you think there is a question which I have not covered in the video lecture of this algebra course, please feel free to contact me and I will cover that topic with an additional lecture video. Future Plans for the Curriculum: My plan is to present the fullest possible curriculum for students of grade 8 to 10. The contents of this course will increase over time because I will be adding more video lectures and resources such as homework and quizzes. In the beginning, I will add one quiz for each section of the course but later my plan is to add more topic-based quizzes. The objectives of every section will be added clearly at the beginning of each section so that you know what skills you must learn during that section of this intermediatealgebra course."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Elemental Energy for Success and Well Being" |
"This course is going to be an introduction into the five elements: Fire, Air, Ether, Earth and Air and how to tap into these elemental energies to create a life of success and well-being. Each element is associated with a powerful energy. When used alone, they can help us to see different aspects of ourselves and balance and harmonize our strengths and weaknesses. We can use and redirect that energy to hone in on particular skills or attributes. When we align and harmonize with all the energies, we create a powerful paradigm. We see our true potential which allows us to fulfill our life purpose. When we align ourselves to our true purpose, success and well-being are a natural by-product. Working with the elements will allow growth and change in the area you need it to follow that path of purpose."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Erken Boalma Sorununuza Pratik zm" |
"Sevgili dananlarm, ""erken boalmada,sreyi uzatma becerisi"" kazanmanz iin hazrlanm bu program 20 yllk deneyim ve bilginin damtlmas sonucu oluturulmutur. Yani herhangi bir uzmanla 7 seans boyunca alacanz bilgiler kademe kademe size retilmektedir. Eitimi defalarca ve durdurarak izleme imkan sizi seanslardaki kadar avantajl hale getirmektedir. Defalarca denenmi olmas, sonularn hemen her dananmzda yeteri kadar tatmin edici olmas bu kursu buradan size ulatrma fikri iin bana ilham verdi.Tamamen etik ve bilimsel olarak hazrlanm bu kursun dier avantajlar; fiyatnn kalitesine gre ok ucuz olmas ve ele ilgili sorunlarla ilgili strateji ve zm nerilerini iinde barndrmasdr. Kurs ele birlikte izlenebilir nitelikte hazrlanmtr. ""Bekar erkeklerle ilgili blm"" bekar dananlarmz iin zel olarak hazrlanmtr. Bu kalitede hazrlanm bir kursun bu sorununuzu ok net olarak zecei inancn tayorum. Sizi imdiden kutluyorum!!"
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Symantec Sponsored Kinsley & Munge - Malware" |
"Learning through entertainment being rewarded for your educational efforts to achieve. Be the first to correctly answer Professor's Kinsley's devious riddle before Munge and the other students on a real past cyber virus and win $100. Student(s) who correctly answer(s) follow up question(s) concerning security/viruses will win $25. Added bonuses in contests. Send your answers in Q&A to the teacher.****Sign up today and be alerted in advance for the next Kinsley and Munge Virus Challenge! Congratulations from the Symantec Team. Past winners of Kinsley and Munge Virus Contests/Challenges:JoJo Maxson received a $100 Amazon gift cardShannell Meek received a $100 Amazon gift cardNabeel Imran received a $100 Direct Pay XoomAlan Arnold received $100 Amazon gift card (5x)Robert Carson $50 Amazon gift card (3x)Alan Arnold $35 Amazon gift card (2x)Alan Arnold $25 Amazon gift card (4x)Paula S. received $25 Amazon gift card (2x)Rajashree received $25 Amazon gift card (2x)Francheska Brooks received a $25 Amazon gift card (2x)Joseph Cox received a $25 Amazon gift cardAniketh Preeth Narayan receive a $25 PayPal(#x) denotes number of winsWinner can select to receive their reward from the choices listed below:Gift Cards- From any retail outletDirect Pay- PayPal/XoomContest Rules: Send your answer in the Q&A section to us. Win $100 for being the first person to correctly hunt down, identify, and submit the correct answer to the virus riddle in the Q&A. The next person to correctly answer will win $25 for additional questions relating to viruses in follow up. Winners to be announced on the lecture forum along with Professor Kinsley congratulating (begrudgingly) the winners at the start of the next virus riddle. Udemy/VI/Symantec are not responsible for lost or undelivered entries submitted in Q&A. Persons within the fore mentioned organizations, relatives, and vendors are excluded from entering the contest. Prizes will range from :$100- first student to guess correctly.$25- Next student(s) to guess correctly in follow up question relating to viruses. Please note we are not responsible for lost or undelivered entries. Winning entries will be notified in email with names (aliases if you like) posted with the virus riddle that was solved. Remember, only Norton can prevent Cyber Viruses!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SEO WordPress- Rank 1st Page Google With All In One SEO Pack" |
"SEO stands for Search Engine optimisation. If you want to your business or local business to be seen or discovered online , your website needs to be optimised.To optimise your WordPress website we will be using aWordPress SEO Plugin to achieve this. A key success to your website being on 1st Page of Google determines how you have used your keywords and good contents across your Title Page and Meta Description.Keyword is the key for your google ranking.Its the key that makes your website discoverableIf your website is not on 1st page of Google you are missing somethingI will guide you step by step to see what I did to be on first page.I live preview will be used to demonstrate this.I will be working you through on how your website will be indexed as quick as possible.I will be working you through on how each page or categories of your websites are fully optimisedDo you also know that quality contents and clickable URL's are also key factors to enable you be on 1st page of Google.There are many tips , resourcesand secret weapons you will be learning to achieve this.I believe you watched my preview and you saw me all in 1st page of Google.I guarantee your website to be on 1st page of Google if you follow me step by step.Get benefited today for this course. Get enrolled and see how your local organic search result on your websitewill bringin fortune."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Modern C++!" |
"This course will teach you the basics of the technically challenging but powerful and efficient C++ programming language. I start right at the beginning and describe things in simple terms, avoiding unnecessary jargon.There are lots of downloadable exercises, with solutions, so you can check your understanding as you learn, gaining familiarity and confidence with the material. These are ideal for preparing for exams or job interviews.I will be actively supporting the course and I will respond promptly if you have any questions or experience difficulties with the course content.The course is based around the modern version of the language, which makes it easier to learn. I teach the C++11, C++14 and C++17 standards, but also cover older variations which are still widely used.The course is designed to give you a good practical understanding of the fundamentals of the language. After successfully completing this course, you will have an excellent basis for learning the more advanced features.The course is thorough and goes into the material in depth. It is probably best suited for people who have already taken a programming course, although a determined beginner should be able to follow it.Student testimonials:""If you can take only one C++ course, it should be this one! Well presented, and an excellent starting point for those with no C++ experience or only minimal experience"" - WM""As a python programmer, found this course was an excellent grounding into C++'s first principles, and a thorough deep dive into the mechanics/structure/organization of C++ for a complete C++ beginner"" - RT"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Assistente Virtual com IBM Watson" |
"Aprenda a criar um assistente virtual com IBM Watson Assistent. Nesse cursos voc vai aprender todos os passos para criar um assistente virtual em um projeto utilizando Vue JS, PHP e os recursos do IBM Watson. Curso foi construdo com uma linguagem direta e descontrada para que voc possa aprender da melhor forma possvel."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"RESTful API with ASP.NET Core Web API - Create and Consume" |
"This is a Beginner to Intermediate level course on ASP.NET Core Web API that will take you from the basics of building API to consuming them. This course is for anyone who is new to RESTful Web API's in ASP.NET Core or who is familiar with ASP.NET and wants to learn how to consume them effectively in an ASP.NET Core Web application. By the end of this course, you will be able to build a RESTful web service with Web API by yourself, make GET, POST, PUT and DELETE HTTP Requests with a well-built repository pattern in ASP.NET Core Project. You will also get a sneak peek at Entity Framework Code First migrations and learn how to save your data persistently in a database.We will cover authentication and authorization in Web API as well as consume them in a real-world project.What are the requirements?3-6 months knowledge of ASP.NET Core.Visual Studio 2019SQL Server Management Studio.NET Core 3.1What am I going to get from this course?Learn basic fundamentals of ASP NET Core web APIBuild RESTful API's in ASP.NET Core 3.1Learn how to document an API using swagger and swashbuckle.Versioning in an API.Implement Repository Pattern in API to the database using EF.Authentication and Authorization in ASP.NET Core API's.Integrate Entity Framework along with code first migrationsLearn how to consume API using HTTPClient in the Repository Pattern.All source codes and exercise solutions of this course are also available on Github and you can find details in the lecture ""PROJECT RESOURCES"", of course."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Bitcoin, capirlo e gestirlo con il cellulare" |
"Al termine del corso sarete in grado di comprare e vendere criptovalutecon un semplice telefono Android (ma anche utenti Apple potranno trovare utili spunti).Saprete come comprare, dove comprare, dovecustodire le vostre monete, come monitorarne il prezzo e come venderle.Avrete inoltre competenze generali sul mondo delle criptovalute.Questo corso vuole essere soprattutto pratico, pensato per chi non sa assolutamente nulla di bitcoin ed altre criptovalute ma vuole togliersi lo sfizio di comprarne un po', possibilmente guadagnandoci.Alla fine del corso saranno trattati anche argomenti pi generici come accenni di storia e tassazione."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Pagare, risparmiare e trasferire denaro con il cellulare" |
"La normativa PSD2, che raccoglie precise disposizioni europee, apre nuove frontiere nell'ambito dei trasferimenti di denaro tra privati. Pagare, risparmiare e trasferiredenaro diventa facilissimo e persino divertente.In questo corso vi mostrer alcune app gratuite per mandare in pensione i vostri portamonete. Ogni app stata testata personalmente ed caratterizzata dall'essere completamente gratuita, ho tralasciato per questo motivo app pi famose che per saltuariamente presentano costi (ad esempio Paypal e Jiffy).Troverete app per inviare soldi ad amici ovunque si trovino, per creare un salvadanaio digiatale, per pagare con il cellulare nei negozi e tanto altro, ma soprattutto risparmiare un p di denaro che non fa mai male.Queste app tracciano nuovi scenari e costringono a ripensare i normali servizi bancari, a tutto vantaggio del consumatore."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Crea un corso in poco tempo con il cellulare" |
"Vuoi diventare un insegnante di Udemyma hai poco tempo e solo un cellulare? Visiona questo corsoe ti renderai conto di come sia facile trasmettere qualcosa agli altri.Ti verr suggerito come impostare un corso e cosa necessario fare. Passo dopo passoverrai guidato nel sito e nell'utilizzo di un'app gratuita per registrare video.Il prossimo corso su questo sito sar il tuo!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Laurearsi nei tempi giusti con le universit telematiche" |
"In questo corso avrai consigli su come scegliere l'universit giusta per te, quali fattori considerare prima dell'iscrizione, come prepararsi all'esame, come scegliere la tesi, come sfruttare i social e persino qualche consiglio sul metodo di studio.Se avete voglia di laurearvi ma lavorate o vivete dove non ci sono universit, oppure semplicemente preferite questi nuovi canali comunicativi, allora i pochi euro di questo corso possono essere davvero un ottimo investimento."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Maths Coordinate Geometry - Circles and System of Circles" |
"CIRCLEIntroductionGeneral Equation of a Circle,Standard form,Centre and radiusPosition of a point in the plane of a circle - Definition ofTangentPosition of straight line in the plane of a circle - Condition for a line to be a tangentChord of Contact and PolarRelative Positionof two circlesSYSTEM OF CIRCLESIntroductionAngle between two intersecting CirclesRadical Axis of two Circles"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Linux Debian" |
"Sabias que ms de un 80% de los supercomputadores en el mundo son Linux, con una cuota de mercado superior a la que tiene Windows en el escritorio. En el segmento de servidores, estaciones de trabajo, equipos cientficos, equipos de domtica, el Internet de las Cosas, automocin, en productos para redes o en el gran segmento de embebidos, as como gran parte de las nubes pblicas se ejecutan en Linux de una forma u otra, incluyendo el soporte de Microsoft a distribuciones Linux en su servicio Azure. Linux est tomando el mundo Windows ha ganado la batalla del escritorio pero Linux est ganando la guerra de la computacin? Y en el futuro? Estoy seguro que t quieres formar parte de los cambios que estan ocurriendo en el mundo de la computacin.Si deseas aumentar tus habilidades de TI, este curso es un gran lugar para empezar. Cada vez ms empresas alrededor del mundo, estn utilizando Linux en sus operaciones cotidianas. Por lo tanto, no te puedes dar el lujo de quedarte atrs! Inscribete en este curso una vez y lo poseeras para toda la vida. No slo eso, sino que tambin obtendr acceso de por vida para m como t instructor personal. Tienes alguna pregunta sobre Linux? Solo pregunta! T, como mi estudiante, siempre seras mi prioridad # 1. Espera, sigues leyendo esto ? Entonces este curso es para ti que deseas comenzar hoy mismo a aprender sobre Linux y sus bondades. Te espero! Beny"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"El Acoso Laboral (mobbing)" |
"En este curso aprenders a identificar de manera certera, en losentornos de trabajo, los diferentes tipos de conductas de Acoso Laboral, as como los mecanismos para prevenirlo, confrontarlo y denunciarlo.Con ejemplos y casos de la vida real, ilustraremos este delicado tema, devigencia permanente y llevado a cabo de forma despiadada hastapor quienes tienen una mnima cuota de poder, el cual ejercen en forma arbitraria y abusiva."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn basics of Redux in React Native in 2 hours!" |
"Learn how to use Redux in React Native from the ground up- build great apps based on the knowledge you will gain in this course!Learn how to use Redux in React NativeWhy use Redux at all?When to use ReduxLearn how to create Redux Actions, Reducers, Store and start using it in your apps!Learn how to use API's using Redux ThunkIn the course we will first create a basic counter app in React Native to understand and grasp the basic Redux concepts.After that, we will learn how to use Redux middleware such as Redux Thunk and call a public open API."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Understanding Humor for ESL learners" |
"This humor course is for non-native English speakers who understand most English situations but still have trouble translating humor. In this course, you will receive the tools for creating humor as well as identifying your humor style and the humor style of others. By the end of this course, you'll be able to write a joke (that is not to say it will be a good joke) that will help you show others that your English is on a whole new level. You will be given the tools for creating funny stories and you will be shown how to recognize different humor styles as well as different types of humor devices like irony and puns."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |