Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Learn Udutu, Affordable All-in-One Online LMS" |
"The e-learning content specialist or a content developer primarily designs or develops digital learning content in all its forms - tutorials, simulations, games, assessments, videos, podcasts, troubleshooting guides and simple reference material. Due to the current shortage of E-learning developer professionals becomes a rewarding career path.Udutu gives you the tools to be creative with the delivery and distribution of your course. This e-Learning authoring tools enables trainers to mix an array of scenarios and content types to create specialised, appealing and interactive training content. The video lectures will help you quickly learn about the Udutu Authoring tool right from scratch, you will learn in detail about understanding their highly interactive interface, screen familiarization, understanding sequence and a lot more interesting stuff in this tool."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Marketing y Negocios para Emprendedores: Emprende con xito." |
"El 90% de las personas que inician un nuevo proyecto noconsiguen mantenerlo ms alldel segundo ao de vida. Quieres estar entre el 10% que alcanza sus metas?. Entonces, la mejor forma de que funcione un proyecto, es asegurarse de que va a hacerlo.Vamos a colaborar para que construyas un producto de alta demanda, tanto si no sabes qu; como si ya tienes una idea clara de en qu va a consistir tu negocio,y lo haremos pensando en crear a lo grande aunque no tengamos grandes recursos. Para ello descubrirs todo un paso a paso para que apuntes y aciertes. Desde el marketing de producto a la estrategia de negocio.Aprendemos de nuestros errores y cuando comienzas un nuevo negocio, estos te hacen perder mucho tiempo, dinero y energa. Da igual si se trata de una empresa tecnolgica,una actividad comercial o un despacho profesional; cada negocio y cada mercado es un mundo. Y el principal problema es que ni siquiera sabes en qu vas a equivocarte.Las presuposiciones son en el fondo la principal causa de que un emprendedor no alcance sus objetivos: la mayora creemos saber en qu consiste nuestro negocio, cmo es nuestro producto,qu quiere nuestro cliente y quin es ,cmo debemos contactar con l, qu vamos a venderle, etc... Sin embargo, si quieres alcanzar tus objetivos y alcanzar la libertad y el futuro que te proporcionaun negocio independiente, nunca debes dar nada por supuesto.Este curso te descubrir una metodologaque te ahorrarla mayora de esos errores antes de que los cometas. Compartir contigo la informacin que te catapultar directamente al interior de ese selecto grupo del 10% de personas que han conseguido su libertad. Para ello te ofrezco el curso que me hubiera gustado tener cuando empec a crear mi primera empresa y espero saber que muy pronto has logrado esa forma de vida libre y realizada que yo disfruto desde hace aos.El trmino startup hace referencia, entre otras, a las empresas que tienen un importante potencial de crecimiento, hazque tu negocio sea una de ellas. Slo necesitas crear la estrategia de marketing adecuada. Aprender a utilizar todo tu potencial creativo y organizarte para centrarte en lo importante, con este curso tendrs el camino abierto.Adems, tendrs acceso gratuito al Club del Emprendedor de la Escuela Europea de Emprendedores y Empresarios.Tambina un grupo privado en Facebook para interactuar con los otros alumnos y conmigo, resolver problemas, presentarte y colaborar con los otros emprendedores que estn inscritos.En las secciones de BONUS EXTRA, la Coach Esperanza Snchez te explicar como pasar del miedo a la accin en 6 lecciones e ir incorporando formacin adicional de expertos internacionales que resultetil para tu negocio. Tambin podrs solicitar tu diploma de la Escuela Europea de Emprendedores y Empresarios.para tu proyecto.Aprenders:- Cmo hacer un lanzamiento de un producto en internet o fuera de l.- Cmo crear tu modelo de negocio de xito.- Qu estrategias puedes emplear para triunfaren funcin de tus clientes, tu negocioy tu mercado.- Cmo convetir tu producto o servicio en algo demandado y deseadopor tus futurosclientes.- Cmo encontrar clientes en funcin del tipo de negocioque tengas.- Cmo aprovechar al mximo tu potencial creativo para convertirte en un innovador.- Cmo el email marketing e internetpuedenimpulsar tu negocio.- Cmo ahorrar mucho tiempo, dinero y energa, evitando un mal enfoque de negocio. ... Y adquirirs una nueva visin acerca de lo que tu negocio es y dnde te encuentras personalmente respecto a l, sabiendo cmo aportar ms valor a tusclientes y creando ventajas competitivas."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Yazlm Mhendislii Mlakatlarna Hazrlk" |
"Binlerce CV incelemi, yzlerce mlakat yapm 17 yl tecrbeli iki uzman olarak; yurtii/yurtd yazlm ve bilgisayar mhendislii mlakatlar ile ilgili tecrbelerimizi, mlakatlarda kullanabileceiniz teknik ve ipularn kursta topladk. Canl mlakat rneklerini zerinden yorumlarmzla uygulamal olarak anlattk.Bu kurs ile neler reneceksiniz?CV'nizi etkileyici bir ekilde hazrlamay,Bavuracanz irketi ve pozisyonu doru semeyi,Google, Amazon, Apple gibi irketlerin ve lkemizde byk bir ok irketin uygulad mlakat sreleri ve aamalarn,Bir yazlm mhendisinde olmas gereken 11 davransal zellii,Davransal zelliklerinizi karnzdakine en iyi ekilde nasl ifade edebileceinizi,Davransal mlakatlarda karlaabileceiniz soru rneklerini, Teknik mlakatlarda karlaacanz veri yaplar ve algoritmalar ile ilgili konu anlatm ve mlakatlarda yaygn olarak sorulan rnek soru tipleri ve zmlerini, algoritma karmakl, zyineli algoritmalar, dinamik programlama ve yazlm mhendislii temelleri gibi konular,Mlakatlarda dikkat etmeniz gerekenleri,Mlakatlarda yapmamaya dikkat etmeniz gerekenleriMlakat canladrmalaryla,Gereine ok yakn mlakat oturumlarn gzlemleyecek,Yorumlarmzla adayn mlakattaki doru yaklamlarn,yiletirebilecek yaklamlar,Daha baarl bir sonu iin yapabileceklerini reneceksinizDavransal mlakatlara hazrlk devleriyle,devleri kendi tecrbelerinize gre tamamladktan sonra kendi davransal karnelerini oluturmu olacaksnz.Ortaya kan davransal karne, mlakatlarda hazr kullanlabilecek rnekler iereceinden mlakatlardan nce bu karneye gz atarak tekrar yapabileceksiniz.Davransal karnelerini inceleyerek, hangi alanda eksikliiniz olduunu tespit edebilecek, buna gre zayf ynlerini gelitirmeye odaklanabileceksiniz.rnek cevaplar inceleyerek kabul gren davran ve yaklamlar renebilecek, kariyeriniz boyunca karnza kacak problemlere igdsel olarak deil de daha sistematik yaklamay renceksiniz.zellikle henz mezun olmam renciler veya meslek hayatna yeni atlm mhendisler bu sorularn hepsine bu aamada cevap veremeyebilir, rnek cevaplar inceleyerek davransal ynlerinizi gelitirmek iin nelere dikkat etmeniz gerektiini reneceksiniz.Mlakatlarda tecrbelerinizi ksa zamanda en etkin biimde anlatma yntemi olan STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) yaklamnn kullanmn greceksiniz."
Price: 209.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Premiere Pro: Color Grading Masterclass (Updated)" |
"The Complete Modern Masterclass for Color Correction and Grading!Learn the basic concepts, tools and functions of color correction that you will need to create the perfect cinematic color in your videos/films.Create awesome cinematic looks using the powerful color correction and grading tools of Adobe Premiere Pro CC (2018, 2019, 2020 UPDATES)Panels, Workspaces, Software Performance Optimization / A short introduction to PrLearn the Color TheoryLearn all about Lumetri ColorLearn how to use Lumetri Scopes for color analysisCreate cinematic looks based on famous Hollywood moviesPractice with more Color controls and tools of PremiereLearn advanced Color Grading techniquesEXTRA: Colorista III (plug-in)Follow the updatesThe creative aspect of Color Science!Learning color correction and color grading means to combine the sciene of color with creativity or even better to use the science and tools to analyze, fix and finally grade an image. Being able to learn and use these tools and also underastand the theoretical part of digital color, will give you a strong background to more easily apply for jobs as a professional or deliver high quality results to your clients.Content and OverviewThis course is essential for: filmmakers, video editors, cinematographers, colorists and Premiere Pro users of all levels. This course is going to walk you step by step through a method of +35 lectures (always increasing) where you will learn and practice color correction using the powerful tools of Premiere Pro CC and its new features. You will establish a strong understanding of all color correction and grading concepts, as well as the theory behind them.Starting with a short introduction to Adobe Premiere Pro CC and its general use, this course will take you through color correction theory, tools and techniques, and will teach you how to apply them in practice. The structure of each lecture, especially in sections where we learn about Premiere tools, will follow a scheme that combines theory and applied knowledge which is given through examples. With these basics mastered, the course will take you through useful techniques by teaching you how to create cinematic looks similar to hollywood movies, as well as more advanced grading techniques in Section 6.+ NEW UPDATE: AT THE END OF THE COURSE YOU WIL GET 50 CINEMATIC FILTERS (LUTs) FOR FREE!A Growing CourseFinally, there is a final section devoted to future updates where I will continue to upload new educational material for which you will be informed via email.Completing this course you'll be able to apply this knowledge in your videos or films increasing this way, the quality of your works. Upon finishing the course you will also receive a verifiable certificate of completion.George KatsilidisUnique Productions 2019"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Radio Frequency" |
"This course will teach you how to design Software Defined Radio applications. The content of this course is introductory and very practical. But, if questions pop in your mind you can use Udemy messaging system to ask anything related to SDR. Feel free to do this whenever you need it. Be aware that the only restriction is the need for a USB radio adapter (RTL2832). But, you can easily acquire this device and only costs $19."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"In this course you will be learning Turkish language from the very beginning . You dont need to have any prior knowledge of Turkish language , I will teach you all . Here are some specific reasons to study Turkish : About two million Turkish speakers live in Germany, so if you're interested in working in Germany, knowing Turkish would be an extraordinary asset.Turkish is written in the Latin alphabet and it is pronounced as it is written, which makes it a breeze to learn the pronunciation!Turkish is not only spoken in Turkey, it is an official language in a beautiful little country called Cyprus!There are 12 countries that recognize Turkish as a minority language.It is one of the most beautiful sounding languages I can think of. Seriously, step aside, French.When you learn Turkish, you will learn about the Turkish culture, and in my opinion, it is a very wonderful culture indeed!If you speak Turkish you might even be able to understand some Azerbaijani, Uzbek, Tatar , Kyrgyz , Kazakh and Turkmen .Um, have you seen photos of Turkey? It is one of the most gorgeous places on earth! Imagine all the locals you could chat with if you traveled there! 9. About 70 million people speak Turkish natively, and about 15 million speak Turkish as a second language. That's a LOT of people! How the Course is set ? In this course you will begin learning Turkish step by step via examples, dialogues , vocabularies , games , etc .This course is not fluff added . I know no one wants to waste time with a long courses containing unnecessary informations and long , boring lectures . The following course is composed of 61 lectures containig the variety important sections and topics which enhances your speaking , listening , writing , and reading skills . In addition , the Grammar section of the course is made for improving your grammatical and understanding skills . As a Turkish teacher , I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you to join this course , you will not regret to do so . All the lectures are taught in zenith , clear , comprehensive and passionately of all . 30 DAYS money back GUARANTEE if you dont like the course , so , dont even think to wait . Communication with teacher If you dont understand any part of the lecture or any section is uncomprehensible for you ,or if you have any doubts in your mind or questions you may contact me via Udemy messanger any time you want , and I want you to make sure that , you will vanish your doubts from your minds and you'll see how easy to learn Turkish with me . So , what are you waiting for ? ENROLL NOW !!!"" A year from now , you'll wish you have STARTED TODAY "" - Karen Lamb "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Network on Instagram Direct Message" |
"This online social media course will touch you everything you need to know about networking, growing your business, starting a new career, collaborating, and finding new clients.This Instagram Networking course is made to give you all the tools and information you need to know in order to put all your chances on your side when developing your business and/or growing your brand.Master the Art of Network on Instagram through Direct Message to Build a Massive Marketing Strategy!While there are plenty of courses talking about Instagram (social media), and others talking about Networking, there is no other course like this one, mixing social media AND networking. Thus, having this course in your pocket will give you an extra knowledge that nobody else will have.This course is designed for businesses and creators interested in growing their social network, putting value on the table to get better chances of striving, and doesn't require anything more than an Instagram account with at least 20 to 40 pictures on it.I can't wait to see you in the course!Enroll now and I will help you reach your marketing goals while providing value to others.Charles"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hands-On Machine Learning with Python and Scikit-Learn" |
"Machine learning and artificial intelligence are the new big dataat least as far as buzzwords in the workplace go. The scikit-learn library is one of the most popular platforms for everyday Machine Learning and data science because it is built upon Python, a fully featured programming language. This course will help you discover the magical black box that is Machine Learning by teaching a practical approach to modeling using Python along with the Scikit-Learn library.We begin our journey by observing the end result of a Machine Learning deployment before moving back to the fundamentals and into exploratory data analysis. Moving on, we learn to develop complex pipelines and techniques for building custom transformer objects for feature extraction, manipulation, and other effective data cleansing techniques. Finally, we discover how to select a model, apply optimal hyper-parameters, and deploy it.This video course highlights clean coding techniques, object-oriented transformer design and best practices in Machine Learning while using the Scikit-Learn library and also maintaining a focus on practicality and re-usability, ensuring these techniques can be applied to Machine Learning projects of any size.This course uses Python 3.6, and scikit-learn 0.20 while not the latest version available, it provides relevant and informative content for legacy users of Machine Learning and Python.About the AuthorTaylor Smith is a Machine Learning and software development enthusiast with over five years' data science experience. He loves to help businesses find value in Machine Learning by applying interesting computational solutions to challenging business problems. Currently working as a Principal Data Scientist, Taylor is also an active open-source contributor and staunch Pythonista."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Intermediate Chinese Reading (First Language) Y5W008" |
"1.2.3. ""KUMON"" 8.5 over 9 ""KUMON""HSK 1-6 HSK 1-HSK 6Y1-Y12 (Year 1- Year 12)HSK 1-HSK 4 HSK 5- HSK 6 Y1-Y12 (Year 1- Year 12) 80008000010%26 warm-hearted; Enthusiastic: warm-heartedness; a warm-hearted (or sympathetic) and helpful person spirit of devotion to a righteous cause Y5Reading is the best way to improve your language skills. Our advisor Zhang Tianruo (currently an associate researcher of the Central Institute of Educational Sciences and a research fellow of the Shanghai Normal University Institute of Education, is the editor-in-chief of the New Century Compulsory Education Language Textbook by the Central Institute of Education, and the president of the National Center for Literacy Teaching Research. Major scientific research achievements: 1 Edited five sets of primary school language literacy textbooks for national use 2. Engaged in elementary school language teaching research and experiments for fifty-five years (including literacy reading composition aspects). ""Step-by-step practice"" emphasizes the importance of mass reading.Observe my child's experience of language learning in the Malaysian trilingual environment. Their English is better than Chinese, and the most feared and disliked language is Malay. One of the main reasons why English is good is that my young lady sent them to participate in the ""KUMON"" English course, a series of loose-leaf exercises, a complete reading system, and twice-weekly readings formed a good reading habit. My son took only one week after graduating from high school to participate in the IELTS test, achieving excellent results of 8.5 over 9. This is all related to good reading ability. I had long thought of writing a set of Chinese and Malay-language tutorials similar to ""KUMON"". It was influenced by the cultural publishing business that my grandfather Yao Tao had previously engaged in. After years of accumulated experience and materials, I developed a web-reading tutorial based on my expertise in online education systems. This tutorial is divided into mother tongue and non-native Chinese. The non-native speakers are Hanban's HSK 1-6 vocabulary for Chinese language proficiency test. The classification number is HSK 1-HSK 6. The mother tongue is based on Chinese language textbooks and is classified Y1-Y12 (Year 1-Year 12).My idea is that students read five to seven articles and exercises every week for about twenty minutes each time. The online test will automatically record the time and results used, and students can repeat the test for better and faster. I spent a lot of energy on the answers to the questions. These explanations will be displayed immediately after you submit. . The non-native HSK 1-HSK 4 gives an English vocabulary explanation. HSK 5- HSK 6 and Y1-Y12 (Year 1- Year 12) give bilingual explanations in English and Chinese. These explanations are based on the dictionary and my vocabulary. In the English annotation of Chinese, I have collected nearly 8,000 new words, which account for 10% of the 800000 words in the Oxford Dictionary. An accurate bilingual interpretation can achieve a multiplier effect. This is my best effort. Students should prepare a notebook, copy the words of the annotations, raise hands to improve memory, and make up for the lack of hands-on learning in network tests.Student who is good in Chinese should challenge themselves to accurately translate Chinese into English. Student who is good in English, of course, need to improve your Chinese proficiency and accurately use Chinese vocabulary. We are here to teach you Chinese. In many cases, a simple Chinese character cannot find an accurate English explanation. For example, there are 26 kinds of meaning related with """". Another example: Hot Heart (literal translation) is ""warm-hearted"" ; ""Hot Heart & Intestine (literal translation)"" is ""warm-heartedness; a warm-hearted (or sympathetic) and helpful person"". ""Hot blood (literal translation)"" is ""spirit of devotion to a righteous cause"". This actually represents the characteristics of different languages. Using my method, you can kill two birds with one stone, why not do it? Students should prepare a notebook, copy the words and annotations, move hands to write will improve your memory, and make up the weakness oflack of hands-on learning in online tests and quiz.With a bit of selfishness, the mother tongue course begins with Y5, because my daughter is a student in the fifth grade. Other levels will be introduced one after another. My talent is evasive and shallow, trying my best to venture. Please give me advice from teachers and experts. The accumulation of knowledge always stands on the basis of predecessors. Course materials were collected from the Internet and Hanban free textbooks. In addition to our experience, we will use bilingual interpretation to achieve better learning results to adapt to the promotion of oversea Chinese teaching. If there is infringement, please provide information and evidence and we will contact you."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"YouTube Affiliate Marketing Mastery 2.0" |
"Affiliate Marketing is one of the easiest Businesses to start, grow, & scale. YouTube is the second biggest search engine in the world. Together they're a massive opportunity for you & I to make money.With Affiliate Marketing, you can get paid a commission to recommend products other companies sell. You don't need any inventory, any products of your own, & you don't need to worry about not being profitable. Everything you make will be 100% profit!The key to being successful with Affiliate Marketing is getting enough of the right people to see your links. Because if you can put your product recommendations in front of enough people interested in them, you'll make a considerable amount of money. And really, everyone wins. The customer wins because they get a product or service they wanted. The company wins because they get a free sale. And most importantly, you win because you get paid for the recommendation!That's why the power of YouTube is a perfect match for Affiliate Marketers. You can find Affiliate products to promote, then make videos on them, then rank them on YouTube (where there's millions & millions of viewers every day already searching for topics), & use the organic traffic to make money over & over again from your videos & affiliate links.It's really that simple. Don't believe me? I challenge you to enroll in YouTube Affiliate Marketing 2.0 & see for yourself.If you can create content promoting affiliate products, optimize your videos for maximum views, and then replicate that process over and over again, that's a massive winning formula.Enroll now and let me show you the ins and outs of how to combine Affiliate Marketing with YouTube to make a lot of money.Major Course Updates: Because this is a Best Selling Course on Udemy, I wanted to make sure students like you get the best course I could possibly put out on this. I have added hours of new lectures that will help you not only make money & understand this business as a beginner, but also scale it up & master it as a full time affiliate marketer.Keep in mind all of this is relevant & tied into making more money with Affiliate Marketing. The Course primarily focuses on teaching YouTube as the primary driver of traffic to your affiliate links, but you can also monetize in even more places so I wanted to include those too!Now, in the new update, you'll learn everything I know on...Content Marketing & using video across many different platforms to make money with Affiliate MarketingYouTube SEO & ranking videos on YouTube so you get organic traffic (more affiliate link clicks & more money for you)Facebook Video Creation & Marketing (another platform you can post your videos to & earn extra affiliate commission for videos you've already created)Instagram Video Creation, IGTV, & Instagram Marketing (another platform you can post your videos to & earn extra affiliate commission for videos you've already created)Blogging your videos for more traffic to your links (another platform you can post your videos to & earn extra affiliate commission for videos you've already created)How to edit videos (both free & paid editing software taught) so you can put out really engaging & high quality videos that will bring more traffic to your affiliate linksHow to create professional thumbnails in 4 simple steps (a full tutorial)And many many more thingsThis is arguably the most valuable & intensive Course I have ever put together. I challenge you to enroll & see for yourself. Remember Udemy has a complete 30 day money back guarantee if you're not completely satisfied. But I'm willing to bet you will be...See you in there!Bryan"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Start, Grow, and Monetize a YouTube Channel Fast" |
"YouTube is the best free marketing platform in the world.Not only that, you can use YouTube to find more customers, grow any business, turn videos into income, etc... (the list goes on and on).Ultimately, there's a few things that separate successful YouTube Channels from the ones that never really get enough traction.We'll outline all of the most important things you'll need to know in order to start, grow, and monetize your YouTube Channel fast. You'll Learn YouTube Marketing, YouTube Audience Growth, Video Production, Video Editing, and Learn to Turn Videos into Income.Without YouTube, my Business would probably be only 25% of what it is today. And if you're an Entrepreneur, Business Owner, or just looking for a way to monetize your favorite hobby, you need to be on YouTube.In this Course you'll specifically learn:YouTube Tips that Will Help You Get More ViewsEverything you'll need to know about ranking YouTube videos, the YouTube algorithm, and clickbaitHow to grow quickly as a new Channel by commenting on other related YouTube Channels that already have the traffic and attention of your target audienceWhy you should never buy subscribers, views, likes, or anything else on YouTube..and why if you do, it will completely torpedo your ChannelHow to optimize your YouTube videos for both search and suggested traffic on YouTube so you get more views and your Channel grows quicklyHow to grow your YouTube ChannelHow to make a professional YouTube thumbnail is 4 quick and easy steps10 different ways you can monetize your YouTube videosThe proper way to upload a YouTube Video (tags, description, thumbnail, title, keywords, metadata, etc...) on both YouTube Classic and YouTube studio betaHow to post those same YouTube videos to Facebook to make more moneyHow to post those same YouTube videos to sites like Udemy to make more moneyHow to turn your YouTube videos into blog posts to get more traffic, monetize them on a different platform, start building a following on your own website, and establish quality back-links for your videos so they get more traction on YouTube.How to post those same YouTube videos to Instagram and IGTV to make more moneyHow to convert your YouTube videos into a podcast and upload them to Anchor to make more moneyHow to grow a following on many other platforms using your YouTube videosHow to edit videos with ShotcutHow to edit videos with Adobe Premiere ProAnswers to the most frequently asked YouTube growth, marketing, and Channel questions.And much much more!If any of that interests you, enroll in How to Start, Grow, and Monetize a YouTube Channel Fast today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Program Your Mind for Success" |
"A big part of any successful person's journey is studying greatness and getting immersed in the way the best people in the world think. In my experience, ""the phrase as you think, so shall you be"" is extremely true. I try to populate my overall thought process with the best mental approaches I come across.In this Course we'll cast all those self limiting beliefs aside and we'll get you on the right track. Start learning how the most successful people approach problems, experience life, and see opportunities. If you can get your mindset right, the rest will follow. It's akin to setting the sail of the sailboat. The same wind might blow on everyone, but you'll be directing yourself in the direction you choose!Success is a journey. Success is a mindset. It's an everyday approach to life. More importantly, success is something you attract by the person you become!Enroll today & start attracting success!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"eBay Tycoon [How to Build an eBay Empire]" |
"eBay is one of the top eCommerce platforms for a reason. Anyone can make sales on eBay because there's so much traffic on the site. If you have something to sell, chances are there's literally someone looking for it right now on eBay. So the question becomes how & wheredo you source the right products from?I always say ""the profit is made during the purchase, not the sale."" This couldn't be more true, especially on eBay. Therefore, it's about learning where to source the right products for the right price.In this Course I'll take you step-by-step through my process of sourcing products. I'll give you a multitude of different sites and examples that you can use to get products as cheap asyou can find them on the internet. Then I'll take you through listing them on eBay, how to get shipping supplies to increase your margins, and finally how to optimize your listings to increase sales.Amazon is huge now, yes. That's great for you because everyone is sleeping on eBay. Now's the time for you to take advantage of that!Enroll today.Become the next eBay Tycoon tomorrow."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"YouTube Clip Master 2.0 [Make Money without Making Videos]" |
"Have you ever wanted to start a YouTube Channel and make money with it...but you don't want to get in front of the camera or record your own videos?YouTube Clip Master 2.0 is your solution. With this Course, you'll learn how to make money on YouTube (in a number of ways) without ever creating your own video.You can leverage videos others have already created and simply re-upload them to make money via ad revenue, affiliate commission, cpa commission, and a number of other ways.Want to Learn How to Succeed on YouTube and Monetize a Channel without Ever Creating your own Content? Enroll today.Major updates to 2.0Content Marketing and Affiliate Marketing and how you can make money uploading other people's videosYouTube SEO & ranking videos on YouTube so you get organic trafficHow to edit videos (both free & paid editing software taught) so you can put out really engaging & high quality videos that will bring more traffic to your affiliate linksHow to create professional thumbnails in 4 simple steps (a full tutorial)How to use creative commons videos that are copyright freeHow to use other people's videos (big YouTubers) and alter them slightly so you can also use their audience, attention, and traction to grow even faster and make money too.How to Upload a YouTube Video Properly for More ViewsMany different ways to monetize a YouTube Channel (not just ad revenue)And many many more thingsSee you in there!Bryan"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Launch a Profitable Amazon FBA Private Label Product" |
"Amazon Private Labeling is one of the best business models out there currently to learn. It allows you to set up passive income on Amazon (the largest eCommerce platform in the world) by creating your own Private Label Products & then using Amazon's already established fulfillment channels to your advantage.It's time to get Amazon working for you! So what're you waiting for? Your Private Label product is waiting for you. There's a good chance if you find a home run product that it could change your finances & your life...Want to Source Uber Profitable Amazon Products, Put Your Own Private Label on them, & Build an Amazon Selling Business from Home?Enroll in the Amazon FBA the Ultimate Private Label Products Masterclass today & find Your Perfect Private Label Product with High Sales & Low Competition Tomorrow."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Grow Your Instagram Page for Beginners" |
"We live in an instant gratification culture today. So everyone (especially everyone on Instagram) expects things overnight.But the reality is growth won't come from a ""lucky"" post that goes matter how many people tell you that you just need to hit the explore page & then you too can be ""Instagram famous.""People like that want you to believe they have the ""secret"" to growth so they can sell you on their expertise & products.But anyone who's ACTUALLY grown on Instagram (or anywhere for that matter) understands that it doesn't happen overnight or by some stroke of luck. You won't be able to ""game the algorithm"" to grow your followers.It takes consistency & smart engagement on your part over time.Now, that's not sexy. I know that. That's not what you want to hear.But are you interested in being sold more information that makes you feel good? Or are you interested in actually growing your Instagram Page?If your answer is the latter of those two, then you're in the right place because this Course will show you EXACTLY how to do just that.And the truth is, growing on Instagram is a lot harder than most ""gurus"" make it out to be....but it's also a lot easier than you think after reading that too.So, if you're ready to ACTUALLY grow your Instagram, enroll in Instagram Growth Tips [Start to Scale] today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Vida organizada e prspera" |
"Todo mundo quer ter mais tempo e mais dinheiro, mas muitas pessoas no conseguem. Eu sempre digo que quem se organiza realiza, e esse curso vai te ajudar a ter uma vida mais organizada e prspera de tempo e dinheiro.A organizao da sua casa vai permitir que voc tenha mais praticidade no dia a dia, fazendo com que tenha mais tempo para o que importa e, principalmente, reduzir os gastos e desperdcios que esto atrapalhando a prosperidade da sua vida.A parte de organizao passa pela cozinha e despensa e tambm na rotina domstica, planejando a alimentao e suas atividades dirias. Roupas, sapatos e produtos pessoais bem organizados evitam compras duplicadas. O planejamento da suas atividades fora de casa podem ajudar a reduzir o gasto com combustvel e tambm o seu precioso tempo.Fora a parte de organizao, o curso aborda o consumo consciente e hbitos simples de compras, como a pesquisa de preo e o uso de benefcios como milhas e benefcios fiscais. O que nos permite continuar comprando e consumindo como sempre porm gastando menos dinheiro ou at nada.A organizao financeira a base para ter uma vida financeira saudvel, ento as planilhas e aplicativos so nossos aliados e vamos ver que no so um bicho de sete cabeas, bem fcil de usar, te garanto.Mas de nada adianta essa organizao toda se sua mentalidade no for prspera. Por isso vamos abordar crenas limitantes e buscar o equilbrio financeiro.So 3 horas de aula mais material complementar! Ter uma vida organizada e prspera de tempo e dinheiro possvel sim!Eu sou consultora de organizao e coach, j ajudei muitas pessoas a organizarem sua vida e suas finanas, e agora venho aqui no mundo online para ajudar mais pessoas a conquistarem essa independncia."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"The Health Class" |
"Hello! I first want to thank you for taking The Health Class and caring enough about yourself, to improve your health. The title of the book highlighted is, Make me Healthy, Make me happy. This is what we are going to focus on. So, what truly makes you happy? Some say money is true happiness. Yet, Ive seen very wealthy individuals become addicted to antidepressants, just to get through the day. Now, make no mistake about it, money does provide convenience, and choices. But happiness, it does not. What about a nice car? One of my dream cars is a cherry red Ferrari. Thats a beautiful car, with massive horsepower. But, after a few drives around town, is that really going to solidify my happiness? Probably not. Have you ever been sick? Maybe a common cold? How about the flu? You felt miserable, right? What about when the flu virus subsided, and you regained your full health? You were happy, right? Thats what truly makes us happy. Our Health. Our society is plagued with so many Weight Management Issues and Chronic Diseases. Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer, to name a few. All of us, on the face of this planet are directly, or indirectly affected by these conditions. The good news is that by creating a healthy lifestyle change, you will put your body in a state of prevention or reparation of these conditions. Thus, creating happiness, from good health! Good health is very important to me. I truly have a passion for this subject. My goal is to not only give you simple methods for creating a healthy lifestyle change. But to reach the masses of our society. So recommend The Health Class to a loved one. Buy it for a friend. There is no greater gift, than the gift of Good Health. My name is Coach Stan Maddox. I am the Master trainer for Meltdown Fitness Atlanta, where our programs are designed to increase the health and fitness levels of all participants, as well as rehabilitation for stroke, cancer, and other chronic illness survivors. I am a certified Health Coach with the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, where we capitalize on physician backed proven methods towards health education. I am the head corporate wellness coach for Live Now USA Health and Wellness, where our program is designed to lower the cost of employer-sponsored health care insurance and improve the overall health of all employees. In this course, I will give you simple methods for creating a healthy lifestyle change. So, lets get started!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"The no BS 2 Hour UI Design Course" |
"Interested in user interface (UI) design? You should be. You can make more as a user interface designer than any other kind of digital design. UI designers enjoy amazing work flexibility and regularly makes top-ten lists for the most in-demand, fastest growing jobs in the US.But heres the big secret: UI design is actually pretty simple, thanks to great new online tools like Figma. With this short but informative course, youll learn how get started as a professional UI designer. Youll also learn how to become a top 3% designer using my simple but comprehensive system.This course is broken into six parts:Part 1 - Learning Figma. How to use the fastest growing and easiest to use design tool to design for mobile, web, and more.Part 2 - Starting a Design. How to go about starting a project and creating designs clients will love.Part 3 - The Project. Together, well create a real world project for your portfolio.Part 4 - Finding Work. Proven strategies for finding design work, and how to get employers to flock to you.Part 5 - Tools. All the resources you need to complete any UI design project.Part 6 - Pro Stuff. Design philosophies and a glossary of terms to help you become (or at least sound like) an expert.**Email me anytime at, I would love to learn about your experience, get your feedback and hear about your goals, also follow me on Medium (link on my profile) for various tutorials and updates.**"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Currculo Nota 10" |
"Se voc quiser de verdade chamar a ateno dos recrutadores voc precisar aprender como fazer um CURRCULO NOTA 10, que atraia de verdade a ateno e mostre que voc o profissional certo para a vaga!Voc quer aprender a fazer o melhor currculo da sua carreira? Voc est enviando dezenas ou centenas de currculos sem nenhum retorno? Sente que sozinho(a) est muito difcil e que o mercado de trabalho atual est muito concorrido? No sabe o que fazer para se destacar e aumentar suas chances de realizar entrevistas pra conquistar um EMPREGO? Se voc disse SIM para qualquer uma das perguntas, ento o Curso Currculo Nota 10 se encaixa como uma luva na sua vida e na sua Carreira! Nesse Curso totalmente prtico vou te mostrar como fazer um Currculo Nota 10 passo-a-passo, voc vai aprender os segredos para fazer currculos que encantam qualquer Recrutador, que vendam de verdade a sua imagem profissional, suas experincias e realizaes e que faro com que os recrutadores queiram agendar uma entrevista com voc logo nos primeiros segundos que pegarem seu Currculo! +++ BNUS: Modelo de currculo (template) VOC MESMO VAI CONSTRUIR O SEU NOVO Currculo, passo-a-passo, usando a mesma estrutura, tcnicas e o modelo que eu uso pessoalmente, para criar Currculos que impressionam qualquer Recrutador!Psiu1: NO sero realizadas anlises individuais dos currculos. Caso voc queira uma mentoria individual para elaborao do seu currculo entre em contato e conhea o meu servio personalizado.Psiu2: Todas as outras dvidas podero ser retiradas nesta plataforma."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Workshop de Criao de Personagens" |
"Esse Workshop foi criado para demonstrar meu processo de criao de personagens, ento qualquer aluno de qualquer nvel pode participar, aprender e se inspirar com o meu processo: desde a ideia, passando pela pesquisa de referncias, primeiros esboos, detalhes, traos, pintura, efeitos, tcnicas, acabamento e fechamento do arquivo.Durante o processo de produo, vou explicar como fao cada etapa de uma forma dinmica e direta ao ponto, explicando tambm quais softwares eu uso, bem como minhas ferramentas fsicas. Lembre-se: no uma aula passo a passo, e sim uma demonstrao do meu processo criativo e tcnico onde explico cada etapa, e dou vrias dicas! Durante o workshop vou aplicar uma dinmica de criao, sempre incentivando o aluno a fazer junto. Ao seguir cada etapa voc vai aprender no s o meu mtodo como artista, mas tambm a desenvolver o seu prprio mtodo e praticar sua criatividade, abrindo assim um leque de novas possibilidades para melhorar seu trabalho, te dar um caminho para comear a colocar a mo na massa ou at apresentar uma nova maneira de fazer seus desenhos.[ Durante a quarentena, todo o valor do curso ser doado para ONGs de proteo aos animais! ]"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Create Arrays in Python NumPy - Learn Scientific Computing!" |
"This course was funded by a wildly successful Kickstarter.Learn how to use NumPy 1.12.0, the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python! This course is suitable for coding beginners because we begin with a complete introduction to coding in Python, apopular coding language used for websites like YouTube and Instagram.You learn the basics of programming, including topics like variables, functions, and if statements. You learn about data structures such as lists, dictionaries, and sets. We cover how to use for and while loops, how to handle user input and output, file input and output. We apply our knowledge to build a fully functional tic-tac-toe game.You learn classes, methods, attributes, instancing, and class inheritance. We make an additional Blackjack game! You learn how to solve errors that can occur when you work as a programmer.In Part 2, you take your Python knowledge and apply it to NumPy. You learn to create and shape NumPy and 2D arrays. Learn how to resize, format, and sort arrays. Then we cover how to perform calculations within NumPy arrays. You learn about math functions, statistics, and polynomials with NumPy. And more!Why choose Mammoth Interactive?We prioritize learning by doing. We blend theory with practical projects to ensure you get a hands-on experience by building projects alongside your instructor. Our experienced instructors know how to explain topics clearly at a logical pace. Check out our huge catalog of courses for more content.The Instructor goes very in-depth about everything. This is very helpful to remember all these different things! KingSloth_GameStudioonThe Ultimate iOS 11 CourseI really like the approach the presenter takes not just the technical details, but also the very human, personal development information and recommendations he provides. MichaelonThe Ultimate iOS 11 CourseThe instructor is very good at teaching. He teaches at a great pace and covers anything a beginner would need to understand (every little detail). I am already learning a lot and I just started yesterday. Mike onBuild 30 Mini Virtual Reality Games in Unity3D from ScratchYou get full lifetime access to this course for a single fee.Enroll today to join the Mammoth community!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Elaboracin y presentacin de un discurso ante un pblico" |
"Tienes que escribir un discurso y no sabes por dnde comenzar? Te aterra tener que realizar una presentacin ante un pblico? No sbes cmo elaborar una presentacin de power point? No temas! En este curso tratamos de darte las herramientas oportunas para que la construccin de tu discurso y la presentacin del mismo ante una audiencia sea de la mayor calidad y eficacia posible. Para ello dividimos la materia a cursar en dos partes: una dedicada a la fase de construccin del discurso, donde trabajamos organizacin, estructura, preparacin, recursos retricos y las tres partes indispensables de todo discurso (introduccin, argumentacin y conclusiones). En la segunda parte te enseamos a preparar una presentacin de impacto (elaboracin de un buen power point, conocer a la audiencia presente, diferentes tcnicas persuasivas, storytelling...etc). Con todo ello tendrs a tu disposicin herramientas para preparar presentaciones de impacto. Sumrgete en este curso y disponte a mejorar tus habilidades comunicativas!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basics of Civil Engineering in Construction" |
"We spend four years at engineering college and learn many things. However, there are things that are not taught at the engineering college but are useful in professional life. This course is intended to cover the void that remains even after four years of engineering. This course is intended to teach you the conceptual things that check your logical reasoning capacity. It will polish your knowledge regarding some of the basic questions on civil engineering. This course is intended for civil engineering students who are about to complete their engineering course and the fresh civil engineering graduates who are about to seek a job. This course will keep on expanding as I will keep on adding the lectures. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn C programming from Scratch" |
"This course in C programming is intended towards all those who want to embark on this exciting journey of programming. Though there are more advanced languages like C++, java and C#, those languages are object oriented and involve complicated concepts of polymorphism and encapsulation. So it becomes difficult for a person who has just begun programming to understand such complex concepts, so instructors world wide still prefer C to be the first choice for beginner programmers. Now in this course at the beginning I have shown programming using Turbo C++ compiler. This is because it is a 16 bit compiler which is DOS centric. It provides lesser functionalities and is thus suitable for beginners. Later however when we become a little familiar with the concept of C, we move on to 32 bit compiler CodeBlocks. We will learn Windows programming as an experience to advanced C. C was widely used for programming 32 bit Windows but it requires knowledge of several interrupt messages and so nowadays Java is used instead. As a programmer after this course you will have an urge to learn other programming languages since the more languages at your command, the better. In this course I have tried to cover the entire C programming language, I have given several programs and left some programs to be solved by the students. However in case you face any difficulties, you can always contact me, my email id is I will also be available at the dashboard. Now to tell about myself I don't have years of experience in teaching, I completed my graduation in 2015, now I am completing my post graduation. I know languages like C++, java, C#, python, vhdl, verilog and MATLAB. This is my first course, I would like very much for your valuable comments and feedbacks. Depending on the response of students for this course I would introduce more such courses. Please go through the contents of lecture to know about the course. So friends Happy Programming!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Pinterest para Negcios: o seu Guia Completo para 2020" |
"Voc tem um site, loja virtual ou rede social e deseja aprender como atrair visitantes de uma maneira orgnica e gratuita? Ento chegou a hora de conhecer o Pinterest Marketing.O Pinterest uma plataforma que possui milhes de usurios no Brasil e no mundo. Neste curso voc ir aprender como o Pinterest funciona, os princpios bsicos para ter sucesso na plataforma e como atrair milhares de visitantes dirios para o seu site.Neste curso, voc ir aprender a:Criar uma estratgia matadora para o seu negcio dentro do PinterestCriar contedo direcionado para a plataforma e atrair milhares de cliques dirios para seu siteCrescer uma conta do zero at milhes de visualizadores mensaisCriar pins com qualidade profissional em poucos minutos usando ferramentas gratuitasOtimizar seu contedo para o algoritmo do PinterestUtilizar tcnicas avanadas de otimizao de mecanismos de busca dentro do PinterestEvitar penalizaes da conta e no ter seu site marcado como SpamMonitorar seus resultados e criar estratgias baseadas em dados reaisEste curso no um atalho para ganhos rpidos. Voc tambm no ir receber uma receita de bolo.Ao invs disso, voc receber um contedo nico e constantemente atualizado ensinando o passo-a-passo para criar uma estratgia personalizada para o seu negcio.Afinal de contas, cada website nico, e no existe uma receita universal. Por isso, importante que voc aprenda a criar sua estratgia e avaliar se ela funciona.Voc tambm ter acesso a dicas exclusivas e resultados de testes que eu mesma fiz em minhas contas dentro do Pinterest. Eu j percorri o caminho das pedras, e vou ajudar voc nessa jornada tambm!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate AWS Hindi Course (AWS Sol. Architect 2020)" |
"Dear Learner, If you are looking to learn Quality AWS Knowledge in Hindi Language, this course is for you.... Start learning AWS with lots of practicals, Watch and Do...... Thats it!!!Services CoveredEC2 (Server Management)EBS (Server Storage)S3 (Simple Storage Service)VPC (Cloud Network)Route 53Cloud WatchDatabase ServicesApplication Services in AWSMessaging in AWSMigration Services in AWSSecurity & ComplianceBest Practices for AWS (Must Watch)You can subscribe the youtube channel in youtube if you search for Cloud Learning or AWS in hindi, should get the channel on top (Hopefully till now too. :-) Welcome to Cloud Learning Family !!!! "
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Verdadeira felicidade ensinada no budismo" |
"Bem-vind@!Nesse curso que voc acaba de visitar conhecer o verdadeiro budismo que at ento procurava, mas no encontrava e assim ficar plenamente satisfeito.Mesmo que a cincia tenha avanado e a nossa vida se tornado cmoda, as pessoas no conseguiram se tornar felizes e o mundo transborda repleto de vozes de lamentaes e sofrimentos.O que fazer para alcanar a verdadeira felicidadeA resposta desta questo esclarecida no Budismo, doutrina pregada por Sakyamuni (Sidarta Gautama) que viveu h 2.600 anos na ndia que alcanou o grau de iluminao chamado Buda.Apesar de todas as alegrias deste mundo so arruinadas pela velhice, doena e morte, Sakyamuni ensinou a existncia de uma felicidade verdadeira, imutvel e indestrutvel.E esta doutrina prega que todas as pessoas independente do sexo, idade, pas, raa, lngua ou cultura podem alcanar a verdadeira felicidade em vida.Este, sim, que justamente o propsito da vida, a resposta da questo Por que vivemos? que todas as pessoas de todos os tempos e lugares buscam incessantemente.O grande filsofo do sculo 20, Heidegger, que leu o livro de Budismo no fim da sua vida, disse estas palavras:Hoje, atravs da traduo para o ingls, soube da existncia de uma pessoa nobre do Oriente. Se tivesse conhecido h 10 anos, que existia uma pessoa to nobre no Oriente, no teria estudado nem o grego nem o latim, teria me dedicado a aprender o japons e ouviria o seu ensinamento e o divulgaria ao mundo inteiro. Mas, agora, j tarde.O nosso propsito divulgar o Budismo, que ensina o caminho para alcanar a verdadeira felicidade, no s as pessoas do Brasil, mas tambm a todas as pessoas do mundo e juntos alcanarmos a paz verdadeira.E s crianas que carregam o futuro da humanidade, queremos oferecer-lhes coragem, esperana e terem um sorriso verdadeiro.E sentirem o esplendor da existncia e dizer: Como foi maravilhoso ter nascido como ser humano!Para isso, estamos realizando seminrios sobre Budismo para iniciantes e desejamos que conheam desde do incio.E tambm as reunies via Skype, so abertas a qualquer pessoa que queira participar, independentemente de onde resida.Se voc conhecer o ensinamento de Sakyamuni, com certeza entender porque Heidegger desejou divulgar o Budismo a todas as pessoas do mundo.Aqueles que esto interessados, acesse a mim.Desejamos muito que no se arrependam depois dizendo: queria ter conhecido antes..., e tambm para que o maior nmero de pessoas atravs deste curso, conhea o Budismo e caminhe na busca da felicidade plena at alcanar a verdadeira alegria de ter nascido como ser humano."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ingls para negcios - preparatrio TOEIC" |
"Confira aqui se voc realmente domina o idioma ingls (reading) e se est realmente preparado para a prova do TOEIC. Em algumas reas profissionais o domnio do idioma ingls um prerrequisito indispensvel e fator importantssimo para conquistar os seguintes cargos: Reprter (internacional); Piloto de avio (internacional); Comissrio de bordo (internacional); Guia turstico (internacional); Atendente de hotel (internacional); Atendente de companhias reas (internacional); Garom de restaurante ou buffet (internacional); Secretria ou secretrio bilngue; Tradutor; Intrprete; Professor de ingls; Estgio de comercio exterior; outros.Nesses simulados voc ter a oportunidade de praticar com perguntas de diversos exames de admisso e aprender com os prprios erros e acertos. Tambm disponibilizo explicaes em ingls para cada pergunta e resposta. muito mais rpido e divertido estudar com perguntas e respostas interativas. POR QUE COMPRAR? O preo de uma nica aula presencial, em escolas particulares, bem maior (mais caro) do que esse curso completo; Desconto no meu Facebook. Experimente, voc s tem a ganhar. Bons estudos! "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Tableau Certified Associate in 60 Minutes with Practice Exam" |
"This is the course I wish existed when I was preparing to pass the Tableau Certified Associate Exam and learning more about Tableau. Be sure to check out Tableau School for practice exams, more content and Q&A with the instructor!Not interested in becoming certified? No problem! This course is also perfect for someone who simply wants to learn how to use Tableau quickly. You will be a proficient user at the end of the course and be able to answer real world business questions and generate valuable insights.Take the full length Practice Exam to prepare for your certification!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
Destress |
"A course perfect for those who have a busy lifestyle & a to do list that is endless! I know you're probably thinking how on earth can I even add another thing on my list & especially signing up for this course! But I promise you, it will be worth while and the results, life changing!Be the change you want to see & things will change.Taking some time out for oneself is so vitally important in this day and age.With this course you will learn the following:Calm mind and body to assist with anxiety & stress Easy & effective breath work Moving & connecting with your body through easy yoga postures You will walk away with:A daily ritual to bring you back into centre and move forward from there with purpose and focus Tools on how to deal with stress & anxiety Knowing how to bring you back on track when life has knocked you off."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |