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anticrisis |
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Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Como Eliminar Tus Preocupaciones; Adis Estrs" |
"Aprender a soltar las preocupaciones diarias puedeparecer una habilidad difcil, en este curso aprendes a conocercomo se forman y se mantienen para as adquirir la prctica paraeliminarlas. Adems aprenders a crear los hbitos que nospermitirn disfrutar mejor de nuestra vida y evitar cualquierpreocupacin, ansiedad o tensin en intensidades peligrosas parasiempre.La ansiedad, el estrs y la depresin que resultan de tuspreocupaciones actan sobre distintas hormonas, provocandocambios en nuestro organismo que nos hacen ms sensibles amuchas enfermedades. Estudios relacionan la preocupacin con elcncer. En este sentido, se ha demostrado que sta puede influirtanto en el origen como en el curso de la enfermedad.La preocupacin puede provocar dolores de cabeza, vrtigos,desmayos, hormigueos, palpitaciones y taquicardias, sensacin deahogo, dolor o presin en el pecho, nuseas, estreimiento,diarrea, tensin y dolor muscular, cansancio, etc.Muchas enfermedades mdicas estn estrechamente relacionadascon el estrs que genera la preocupacin. Entre ellas: lahipertensin, enfermedades coronarias, asma, la gripa, las lceras,Colon irritable, impotencia, y muchas mas.Para curar el cuerpo hay que curar primero la mente, y curar lamente significa librarla de cargas como la preocupacin. Paralograr el xito y la prosperidad si que es importante librarnos deeste flagelo y poder tener claridad para cumplir las metasmanteniendo el enfoque deseado.Esto es claro ejemplo de cmo pueden afectarnos laspreocupaciones, y de lo bien que nos sentimos cuando laseliminamos.Las preocupaciones son como montar en una bicicletaesttica: cansan pero no llevan a ninguna parte. Lo nico quehace es aumentar la irritabilidad y la negatividad... adems deimpedirnos disfrutar del presente.Te invitamos a cambiar tu vida y eliminar tus preocupaciones,a aprender de ellas, a volverlas una fortaleza y a disfrutar delxito, la prosperidad y la salud a todo nivel."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Pentaho Data Integration - PDI" |
"Temos como objetivo de no final do curso voc ser capaz de instalar o PDI, extrair de diversas fontes de dados, realizar transformaes e cruzamento de dados entre essas diversas fontes e gerar uma informao til para voc ou seu cliente em diversos formatos.Onde veremos:As transformaes e seus componentes que alteram o fluxo de dados, realizando ajustes, cruzamentos e operaes matemticas entre os campos;Veremos um resumo das principais fontes de dados;"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Persuasion Skills - Basics" |
"Persuasion is believed to be both an art and a science. Persuasion happens everywhere - its omnipresent. This is a Basic course on Persuasion Skills and by the end of the course the participants will learn about what is persuasion and how it works. They will learn the Steps of the Persuasion Process and the role of communication in persuasion. Learners will also learn how to use AIDA in persuasive writing and the Rhetoric of Persuasion."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fastest python 3 course for beginner" |
"""Fastest python course for beginner"" will be very quickly saving your time if you are busy one ,and it will boost your career skills and MONEY!this course isideal for thosewho haven't programmed in python 3starting from scratch and by the end of the course you will know how to write Python programs.also guides you on how to build fun projects with Python 3.This is not simply a tutorial. The content of the course consists of a mix of video lectures, quizzes, exercises ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Unix and Bashscript for beginners" |
"Okey Now while there's 75% of the world (maybe more) using Unix Operating System... this powerful system must be learned so In this courseyou will handle all the stuff about this OSall the COMMANDS you needyou will be able to writebashScriptsall the necessary concepts you needall of that in an INTERACTIVE WAY !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PHP for beginners the fastest way" |
"[+] Learn the PHP. from the master.[+] While companies like Facebook, PayPal, Wikipedia, Tumblr and more using PHP, it must be learned![+] Of course that will qualify you to write your own websites' codes.[+] It is time to become a web developer![+] Boost your programming skills right now and all the company[+] Stop wasting your time and take this Time-Saving course !!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build a simple forum in PHP and MySQL" |
"In this course, we will be building a simple forum that includes a login page, registration system, posting system and posts displaying system. We will be explaining every step we make in depth, as the steps we will make are ordered in a neat form so you can comprehend the sequence of the information, also we will repeat the steps again and again until you understand them right."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Smarter & confident = more ideas + better decision process" |
"Getting lost in ideasMost people do not think with a step-by-step method - and rely much on their natural brain skills. A lot of us end up feeling overwhelmed and stuck, or simply afraid of tackling certain challenges.We start and stop projects, we collect ideas in notebooks and never execute, we feel at a loss when presenting an idea, and even offering the right gift to our friends takes weeks of back-and-forth and mental rut. Step-by-step techniques to think like a professionalBut thinking, generating ideas and making decisions is a muscle to train and this course introduces 2 of the most advanced techniques to practice confidently. These techniques originate from advertising, an industry that sells for more than 1.2 trillion dollars a year of ideas. A sector where waiting to be struck by lightning and ""get an idea"" would be completely irrational. So we adopted professionals' best methods to create simple but highly efficient techniques to gain enough confidence to present an idea to our clients.This course helps anyone acquire two fundamental techniques in less than 2 hours: generating ideas faster, by putting ourself under time pressuregetting confidence in the best idea to solve a problem by using a simple and rational modelThanks to these two techniques, anyone can then go on tackling problems that seemed insurmountable, from starting a business, keeping a habit, or changing career. Who should take this course?This course has been taught to thousands of participants in real life before being adapted to digital. Entrepreneurs have seen a direct increase in their earnings in the weeks following the use of better decision tools, and we have helped hundreds of them. Students of Master's degrees have picked up better career choices in less than 60 minutes because they could compare their options rationally. Digital Nomads have improved their work-life balance by generating more options.Diplomatic staff in 20+ countries have generated better campaigns to reinforce their presence in the country. Social entrepreneurs and refugees in Uganda have planned business ideas after being exposed to the training.Illustrators and professional creatives have seen their techniques of work sped up to deliver better work to their clients and find new onesThe course is extremely practical and thanks to the included exercises it will be easy for you to do the work while following along. You both learn and practice, so by the end of the course you already have solved an important challenge of yours AND adopted a new skill.The trainer: Charlelie Jourdan, 36 yo. French - living in SpainFor the last 4 years, Charlelie has facilitated more than 200 brainstorming sessions, sometimes for up to 150 people at the same time. He has trained 2000+ people on techniques of fast ideation and decision-making, developing blueprints for thinking faster.He was the founder and creative director of a 10-people advertising agency for 6 years and has launched 2 other businesses. He started his career in international politics and worked for the European Parliament. Charlelie is currently a consultant and trainer working for organizations such as the European Union, Google EU, Intel, BNP-Paribas, EU diplomatic delegations, and various tech startups. He is an alumni of Two12 2019 & Seth Godin's AltMBA #36."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Math Practice Tests for Nursing and Pharmacy Students" |
"This is a 4-set Practice Test on Medical Math and Dosage Calculations for nurses, nursing students, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, pharmacy students preparing to take board exams or certification exams. Nursing students, Vet Tech, Veterinary Assistant, MA, PTA, OTA students and other allied medical professionals and students may also benefit from these practice tests, especially if accompanied by my 100% Video Course on Dosage Calculations and Medical Math Mastery for Nursing and Pharmacy Students here on Udemy.The 4-set practice test includes:Practice Test 1 - 25 QuestionsPractice Test 2 - 25 QuestionsPractice Test 3 - 50 QuestionsBONUS Practice Test - 25 Questions focusing on Conversions, Alligation/Dilution, Flow Rate/Drip RateYou can pause the test at any time and resume later.You can retake the test as many times as you would like.The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam.You can also use Mark for review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test.If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button.With my goal to help lessen medication errors (caused by wrong calculations) in the healthcare industry, I created this practice test that helped hundreds of pharmacy, medical, and paramedical students. This practice test will help you:* avoid anxiety from number word problems* analyze word problems -- which numbers are necessary in solving the problem and which ones are not* master percentages, alligation, dilution, dosage calculation * avoid calculation errors that may cost a patient's life* avoid getting your license revoked "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Wordpress Website Developer Course" |
"This is one of the best WordPress course you will ever find. WordPress is nowpowering more than 29% of all websites in the world, there's never been a better time to build an income and a business around it.This is the course of our students. New lecture are added every month and, at anytime on the request of the student.You're here because you want to master WordPress, right? Good idea. You're in the right place. And, you can do it without learning any programming or coding.While WordPress is open source, and because of that has thousands of developers building resources for it, it still takes quite a bit of learning to become a master at building and managing websites with it. But you don't have to worry about anything. I will teach you everything that you need to know."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"An Introduction to English Grammar" |
"This course takes you step by step through the ""mechanics"" of the English language. Starting with parts of speech, it proceeds to guide you through tense, voice, aspect and mood. You will have plenty of opportunityto test yourself with a variety of practice tests. The accompanying video gives you a useful overview, while the texts of each unit enable you to understand individual topics by means of practice and repetition. There is a full answer key to all the tests included."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Openshift 4 desde cero" |
"Hola, Bienvenido!!!Si ests leyendo esto, es que ests interesado en conocer esta fascinante tecnologa, que adems es una de las ms demandadas a nivel laboral y profesional, sobre todo en entornos devops y despliegue de aplicaciones.!!!Si quieres hacerte con un buen perfil profesional que ofrecer a las empresas este es tu curso!!!Durante este curso vas a aprender a manejar y gestionar un cluster de Openshift 4, basado en Kubernetes. Manejars todos los componentes que lo forman y sers capaz de desplegar aplicaciones basadas en contenedores.Llegars incluso a crear un cluster real, a travs de mquinas virtuales, para que trabajes como si fuera un entorno de produccin.Est basado en la versin 4.3, la ms moderna en este momento (2020).Son ms de 11 horas de vdeos, prcticas y ejemplos diversos, que te permitirn de una forma sencilla y evolutiva llegar a conocer esta fascinante tecnologa.Adems, siempre mantengo mis cursos actualizados, con lo que ir aadiendo ms puntos segn vayan surgiendo.Los puntos bsicos que veremos en la formacin son:Arquitectura y componentesInstalacinPODs y otros componentes basados en KubernetesDeploymentConfigs y replication controllersBuildConfigsImageStreamsConstruccin y despliegue automatizado de aplicaciones con S2I (Source to Image)RoutesAlmacenamientoConfig MapsSecretsVariablesY otros conceptos igualmente interesantesSi tienes cualquier duda o pregunta, ponte en contacto conmigo. Estar encantadode atenderte.Espero verte pronto y que disfrutes del curso!!!!Sergio de Apasoft Training"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hadoop for Non Java Developers" |
"The course is 19.5 hours of videos that will help you to learn the basics of Java and hadoop pretty well.It is targeted to the people who have no prior knowledge on Java and hadoop.It is recommended to maintain a notebook and make your notes while going through the session as it helps you better organize your learning.We have just included only the installation documents and nothing else so that you keep your notebook and maintain everything.This may look little difficult but will give you a lot of confidence once you have a good notes on your own.We will start with hadoop 1.x and then later move to hadoop 2 which Iwould be adding soon.Java is a never ending ocean,so we have tried our best to give you some initiate chapters that can help you to learn some bit of it and then use them in your hadoop map-reduce program.By the end of the course you will be able to learnJavaIntroduction to JavaInstallation and First Applicationdissecting java programIdentifiers in JavaData types in JavaType conversionHadoopIntroduction to Big data and hadoop,SQL Hadoop Terminologies,Hadoop ArchitectureInstalling Java in ubuntu using VMWareHadoop versioning and ModesHadoop DaemonsHow mapreduce worksInspiration to wordcountInstalling hadoop 1.2.1 (Please dont install hadoop 2 now)HDFS basic commandsConfiguring hadoop in EclipseDeveloping word count example in HadoopVery important observation in wordcount"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Simple & Basic Yoga Poses For Beginners" |
"This 33 minute sequence is broken down into 22 individual poses.No prior yoga experience is needed to perform these beginner yoga poses.Start with the breathing technique to incorporate throughout the class, then skip around to create your own custom routine!Whether you are completely new to yoga or a seasoned yogi, this 33 minute full body sequence is great to incorporate into your daily routine. It will certainly leave you feeling fresh, relaxed, and ready for anything!See you on your mat!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Clinical Research-Informed Consent in Depth" |
"Have you ever wondered how to cross from basic science to clinical research. How good it would be to have a mix of science, people skills and business. Informed Consent is at the heart of Clinical Research. I invite you to go deep with this important concept and layout a good foundation for Clinical Research. You will be guided step by step in a fun and engaging way."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"8 Projects to learn Adobe Illustrator" |
"Hello and welcome to Adobe Illustrator Course.Illustrator is one of the most used software by artists.With it, you can create a variety of digital and printed images, including cartoons, charts, diagrams, graphs, logos, and much more.My name is Youssef Zidan, and I will be leading you throughout this course.What is different about this course?There are thousands of Illustrator Courses online, why you should take this one?There are two kinds of teaching methods, the first one is by telling you how the tool works and thats it, which is not a bad method, yet its not perfect.Because the student needs to know how to use this tool in a real project to fully understanding.And the other method is teaching the tool directly in a project, which is also a good method but also not perfect because students might get lost between learning the tool itself and doing the project, especially because making a project, even if its a simple one, requires more than one tool.So in this course, I merged the two methods, each chapter we will talk about a specific topic, and explain all the fundamental tools and options individually, then we will use what weve learned and more by making a simple project.So, that way we get the best of the two worlds.This course is divided into chapters.Each chapter talks about a specific topic.I highly recommend walking through each chapter one by one because each chapter depends on the chapters before it.At the end of this course, you will be making 8 different projects that you can put in your resume.You will have 30 Days' money-back if you dislike this course.Also, each lecture has English Subtitles if your native language isn't English or if you don't understand my accent.So, What are you waiting for? Enroll now and meet me in the first lesson."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Unity 3D ile Sfrdan Oyun Gelitirmeyi renin" |
"Oyun gelitirici olmak m istiyorsunuz ?Kendi oyununuzu gelitirip milyonlara ulamak m istiyorsunuz ? Bir oyun firmasnda ie mi girmek istiyorsunuz ?Bu sorulardan birine evet diyorsanz bu kurs size gre. Kursumuz temel seviyeden balayp Unity3D programn anlatmaktadr.Kursa mfredat hem programc hemde programc olmayanlara ynelik hazrlanmtr.Kursumuzun amac sektrn ihtiyacn karlayabilecek , profesyonel olarak bu ii yapmak isteyenler iin iyi bir balang noktas olmaktr. Programlama bilmenize gerek yok Eitimimiz iindeki c# derslerini hi programlama bilmeyenler iin hazrland.Oyun gelitirmeye hemen balayn !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Financial Advisor Training: Team Building (Part 1)" |
"Every successful financial planner, at some point, has to hire staff to continue to grow their business. As financial planners, we want to hire superstars. We want that perfect staffing model that can help us do our work for us. Just imagine having a well-oiled machine where your job is to hang out and encourage your team while they do your work for youto stop having your business run you, and instead become the CEO of your business. After interviewing hundreds of financial planners, we discovered the top sixteen things they worry about when it comes to building and managing their teams. Ask yourself, have you ever had any of the following concerns?How am I going to pay for my staff?My staff are making more money than I am.I dont know how to hire people?What if I hire the wrong person?When and how do I fire people?I dont know how to manage well.How do I come up with a compelling pay plan?I dont know how to train people.Attracting high quality people is a challenge for me.What assessments do I use to find the right staff?How do I hold people accountable and monitor my staff?How do I instill intrinsic motivation?I struggle with difficult conversations.I dont know how to foster a collaborative environment.Empowering others is something Im having a hard time doing.How do I build and keep a great team culture?Well address how to handle each of these sixteen concerns and more in this program. Youll learn how to find, assess and qualify the right people, create compelling compensation and team culture, communicate with and empower your staff, and motivate your dream team.Most gurus just say, Heres the gold dust, but many advisors dont know what to do with the treasure or it simply doesnt work. The point is that the gurus often dont give the precursors as to why it works.Conversely, in this program, we will break down each and every technique to make it simple for you to understand. We will tell you why it works so that you can apply your knowledge to new situations day after day. In each circumstance, you will know how to hire and retain a suite of staff that get things done, listen to you, and work well with you, your prospects and your clients.This program will help you with fourteen key areas of your practice:1. Triple your business investment with the right people2. Find people to hold you accountable and grow your team3. Create the framework for your staff to stand on their own two feet4. Become a cog in the wheel of your business5. Create a desire on both sides of the table6. Ensure your new hires are consciously competent7. Stockpile key team building intelligence for future success.8. Function in your happiest, most profitable place as a team9. Take your staff from good to great (or from crappy to ok)10. Fix staff problems before they become a problem11. Increase your business capacity while you do less work12. Move people from liking what they do to loving what they do13. Get your office on track to grow and succeed14. Implement indispensable team management information into your everyday practice.Specifically, You Will Learn How To:Session #1: Build Your Case for Hiring StaffAssess the Current State Your BusinessFigure Out What You Need Right NowMake it Safe to Hire StaffSession #2: Find the Right PeopleLook Internally FirstLook ExternallyHire a RecruiterSession #3: Create Compelling CompensationIdentify Their MotivationDetermine What to PromiseCreate Alternatives Beyond MoneySession #4: Assess and Qualify PeopleAssign Deal-Breaker AssessmentsAssign Fun-Style AssessmentsWeed Out RiffraffSession #5: Interview and Attract Great Team MembersCreate a Compelling InterviewAttract Them in the InterviewChallenge Them in the InterviewSession #6: Onboard New Hires SuccessfullySet Employment ExpectationsAllow Them to FailSet Team CultureSession #8: Build an Accountability SystemCreate Metrics of AccountabilityIntroduce a Culture of ResponsibilityMaintain a Culture of ResponsibilitySession #9: Motivate Your Dream TeamGet Buy-in on Your VisionInstill Intrinsic MotivationGet People UnstuckSession #10: Keep the Communication Door OpenProactively Discuss Concerns Before Problems OccurLeverage Third PartiesConduct Meaningful Weekly MeetingsSession #11: Empower Your Staff to be Self-SufficientPaint the Efficiency PictureMake Yourself InaccessibleManage Realistic ExpectationsSession #12: Enrich Your Team CultureHave Profitable Team RetreatsMake the Daily Office Routine EnjoyableFind Their Ultimate RewardSession #13: Have Difficult ConversationsPut someone on a Performance PlanPeacefully Fire SomeoneHandle Staff ConflictsWhy Rule the Room Financial?There are three key reasons why Rule the Room Financial is different:Youll learn WHY it works. We dont just show you how to do it or what to do. We tell you WHY it works so you can learn to fish on your own.Youll learn in YOUR unique communication style. We all communicate differently. Thats why every lesson is taught with four unique selling styles (fascinator, performer, inspirer, and energizer) taught by four of the top producing financial advisors in the country: Katherine Forrester, Chris Koon, Karl Dettmann, and Matt Heckmann.Youll be able to APPLY practical techniques right away. This training actually makes sense. World-renowned trainer, Jason Teteak, is able to decode the magic that happens when top reps are meeting with their clients. He then bottles up the secret sauce and presents it to you so you can easily understand how to use it in your own style and apply it to any situation.How is Build and Manage Your Team Different?This program is going show you how to hire and retain a suite of staff that get things done, listen to you, and work well with you, your prospects and your clients. This will double or triple your revenue. Well also take you step-by-step through the process of how you can train your staff to be self-sufficient, prospect and set meeting for you, and handle all of your doghouse activities to give you more freedom to do what you really are good at and what you love to do.If youre looking for more freedom in your practice, and want to see your team and your practice grow to unprecedented heights, then this course is for you. Youll learn new techniques for finding, assessing, qualifying and interviewing the right people, creating compelling compensation and building a team culture of accountability, motivation, communication and empowerment.You may have seen other gurus teach you how to build and manage your team. Chances are, they gave you their language, and you may even use it verbatim. There is a 75% chance that they didnt give you the right language for your style. Most gurus dont explain why it works; they just assure you that it does. If youre going to make up your own language, you need to understand why it works.The reason we are so excited to have you see John, Karl, Matt, and Chris dive in on some of this is that through the process of being taught by them, you will find new pieces of gold that are within you that you didnt even know were there. And these discoveries will help you become a better advisor. Were going to prove it in this program with real case studies that will give you some amazing ideas for your own practice.As a collective group, we have come up with some fantastic stuff. The techniques in this program will help you get over the team-building hump to become the CEO of your business. It is exciting to see what you will uncover. One of these four communication styles will be right up your alley, and the others will offer good insight and complement the things youre already doing.Testimonials: The training at Rule the Room was incredible! The timing couldn't have been better. I was struggling to build and manage my team and I couldn't see a path out. I knew it was there, I just had to find it. Your course was instrumental in highlighting the path. -Paul Anderson, Financila PlannerWe are excited to be partnering with Rule the Room and our Financial Representatives are benefiting from our weekly meetings and training. They love the ability to understand multiple different ways to communicate the value of what we are providing for our clients. The ability to understand how different people respond to different motivators has been awesome! -Kevin Lawhon, Managing PartnerThis program has given me tactical, real techniques that have not only helped me survive but thrive better in this career. It also enabled me to embrace my natural style and find leaders who I can more easily emulate to propel my business further, faster. -Jessica Veitch, Financial PlannerLet's get started!..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Financial Advisor Training: Team Building (Part 2)" |
"Every successful financial planner, at some point, has to hire staff to continue to grow their business. As financial planners, we want to hire superstars. We want that perfect staffing model that can help us do our work for us. Just imagine having a well-oiled machine where your job is to hang out and encourage your team while they do your work for youto stop having your business run you, and instead become the CEO of your business. After interviewing hundreds of financial planners, we discovered the top sixteen things they worry about when it comes to building and managing their teams. Ask yourself, have you ever had any of the following concerns?How am I going to pay for my staff?My staff are making more money than I am.I dont know how to hire people?What if I hire the wrong person?When and how do I fire people?I dont know how to manage well.How do I come up with a compelling pay plan?I dont know how to train people.Attracting high quality people is a challenge for me.What assessments do I use to find the right staff?How do I hold people accountable and monitor my staff?How do I instill intrinsic motivation?I struggle with difficult conversations.I dont know how to foster a collaborative environment.Empowering others is something Im having a hard time doing.How do I build and keep a great team culture?Well address how to handle each of these sixteen concerns and more in this program. Youll learn how to find, assess and qualify the right people, create compelling compensation and team culture, communicate with and empower your staff, and motivate your dream team.Most gurus just say, Heres the gold dust, but many advisors dont know what to do with the treasure or it simply doesnt work. The point is that the gurus often dont give the precursors as to why it works.Conversely, in this program, we will break down each and every technique to make it simple for you to understand. We will tell you why it works so that you can apply your knowledge to new situations day after day. In each circumstance, you will know how to hire and retain a suite of staff that get things done, listen to you, and work well with you, your prospects and your clients.This program will help you with fourteen key areas of your practice:1. Triple your business investment with the right people2. Find people to hold you accountable and grow your team3. Create the framework for your staff to stand on their own two feet4. Become a cog in the wheel of your business5. Create a desire on both sides of the table6. Ensure your new hires are consciously competent7. Stockpile key team building intelligence for future success.8. Function in your happiest, most profitable place as a team9. Take your staff from good to great (or from crappy to ok)10. Fix staff problems before they become a problem11. Increase your business capacity while you do less work12. Move people from liking what they do to loving what they do13. Get your office on track to grow and succeed14. Implement indispensable team management information into your everyday practice.Specifically, You Will Learn How To:Session #1: Build Your Case for Hiring StaffAssess the Current State Your BusinessFigure Out What You Need Right NowMake it Safe to Hire StaffSession #2: Find the Right PeopleLook Internally FirstLook ExternallyHire a RecruiterSession #3: Create Compelling CompensationIdentify Their MotivationDetermine What to PromiseCreate Alternatives Beyond MoneySession #4: Assess and Qualify PeopleAssign Deal-Breaker AssessmentsAssign Fun-Style AssessmentsWeed Out RiffraffSession #5: Interview and Attract Great Team MembersCreate a Compelling InterviewAttract Them in the InterviewChallenge Them in the InterviewSession #6: Onboard New Hires SuccessfullySet Employment ExpectationsAllow Them to FailSet Team CultureSession #8: Build an Accountability SystemCreate Metrics of AccountabilityIntroduce a Culture of ResponsibilityMaintain a Culture of ResponsibilitySession #9: Motivate Your Dream TeamGet Buy-in on Your VisionInstill Intrinsic MotivationGet People UnstuckSession #10: Keep the Communication Door OpenProactively Discuss Concerns Before Problems OccurLeverage Third PartiesConduct Meaningful Weekly MeetingsSession #11: Empower Your Staff to be Self-SufficientPaint the Efficiency PictureMake Yourself InaccessibleManage Realistic ExpectationsSession #12: Enrich Your Team CultureHave Profitable Team RetreatsMake the Daily Office Routine EnjoyableFind Their Ultimate RewardSession #13: Have Difficult ConversationsPut someone on a Performance PlanPeacefully Fire SomeoneHandle Staff ConflictsWhy Rule the Room Financial?There are three key reasons why Rule the Room Financial is different:Youll learn WHY it works. We dont just show you how to do it or what to do. We tell you WHY it works so you can learn to fish on your own.Youll learn in YOUR unique communication style. We all communicate differently. Thats why every lesson is taught with four unique selling styles (fascinator, performer, inspirer, and energizer) taught by four of the top producing financial advisors in the country: Katherine Forrester, Chris Koon, Karl Dettmann, and Matt Heckmann.Youll be able to APPLY practical techniques right away. This training actually makes sense. World-renowned trainer, Jason Teteak, is able to decode the magic that happens when top reps are meeting with their clients. He then bottles up the secret sauce and presents it to you so you can easily understand how to use it in your own style and apply it to any situation.How is Build and Manage Your Team Different?This program is going show you how to hire and retain a suite of staff that get things done, listen to you, and work well with you, your prospects and your clients. This will double or triple your revenue. Well also take you step-by-step through the process of how you can train your staff to be self-sufficient, prospect and set meeting for you, and handle all of your doghouse activities to give you more freedom to do what you really are good at and what you love to do.If youre looking for more freedom in your practice, and want to see your team and your practice grow to unprecedented heights, then this course is for you. Youll learn new techniques for finding, assessing, qualifying and interviewing the right people, creating compelling compensation and building a team culture of accountability, motivation, communication and empowerment.You may have seen other gurus teach you how to build and manage your team. Chances are, they gave you their language, and you may even use it verbatim. There is a 75% chance that they didnt give you the right language for your style. Most gurus dont explain why it works; they just assure you that it does. If youre going to make up your own language, you need to understand why it works.The reason we are so excited to have you see John, Karl, Matt, and Chris dive in on some of this is that through the process of being taught by them, you will find new pieces of gold that are within you that you didnt even know were there. And these discoveries will help you become a better advisor. Were going to prove it in this program with real case studies that will give you some amazing ideas for your own practice.As a collective group, we have come up with some fantastic stuff. The techniques in this program will help you get over the team-building hump to become the CEO of your business. It is exciting to see what you will uncover. One of these four communication styles will be right up your alley, and the others will offer good insight and complement the things youre already doing.Testimonials: The training at Rule the Room was incredible! The timing couldn't have been better. I was struggling to build and manage my team and I couldn't see a path out. I knew it was there, I just had to find it. Your course was instrumental in highlighting the path. -Paul Anderson, Financila PlannerWe are excited to be partnering with Rule the Room and our Financial Representatives are benefiting from our weekly meetings and training. They love the ability to understand multiple different ways to communicate the value of what we are providing for our clients. The ability to understand how different people respond to different motivators has been awesome! -Kevin Lawhon, Managing PartnerThis program has given me tactical, real techniques that have not only helped me survive but thrive better in this career. It also enabled me to embrace my natural style and find leaders who I can more easily emulate to propel my business further, faster. -Jessica Veitch, Financial PlannerLet's get started!..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Flying Training. Learn to fly. Cessna 172. Flight school" |
"""Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward. For there you have been, and there you will always long to return.""Leonardo da Vinci.Flight Training can be very slow and expensive. Whether you fly as a student or fly as an experienced pilot, every hour of flight costs you loads of money. You dont have much control. Well with VR Flight sim you gain the control. You set yourself up once and practice whenever you want and for as long as you want. Let me be your guide into the VR World. Buy this course and learn everything you need to know.The USAF train their jet fighter pilots with the VR headset and the controllers. If it is good enough for the airforce it must be good...and it certainly is.Start in the Cessna 172 one of the best trainers in the world and learn to fly the easy way then go on to learn multi engine or tail wheels even helicopters. Flight simulators for PC and Mac are great fun to play with, but do you seriously want to learn how to fly? Have you got the money or the time? are you too old? do you have a medical condition that would stop you? My course is designed to teach you everything you need to know so that at the end you will know whether to commit thousands and thousands of your cash to a flying school, or simply enjoy the pleasures of proper flying on a flight simulator going anywhere you like anywhere in the world. Do something impressive, Learn to FLY! I got my pilots licence in 1996 and regularly fly the flight simulator because I can learn to fly aircraft I would never be able to fly in real life through lack of money or opportunity. Flying with the VR headset is awesome. It is better than flying the real thing in my opinion because it is free and safe.The Cessna 172 Skyhawk is a four-person, high-wing single-engine aircraft manufactured by the Cessna company . The Cessna 172 is the most manufactured aircraft in history and probably the most popular training aircraft in the world.The first models manufactured were delivered in 1956 and it continues to be manufactured, with the number of devices manufactured at more than 43,000 units until 2012 . 1 The Skyhawk's main competitors have been the Piper Cherokee , the Beechcraft Musketeer and the Grumman Cheetah (the latter two are no longer manufactured), and later on the DA40 Star and Symphony SA-160 .The early 172s were virtually identical to the Cessna 170s , with the same stern shape and the same high landing gear bars, though later versions incorporated a revised landing gear, lower rear, and stern window. Cessna advertised this modification as ""Omnivision"". The definitive structural development, reached in the mid -sixties , consisted of the glue still used today. The profile of the plane was hardly modified since then, mainly undergoing updates in the avionics and motorization including (especially in 2005 ) the glass cabin Garmin G1000. Production stopped in the mid- 1980s, but it was resumed in 1996 with the Cessna 172R and Cessna 172SP models with respectively 120 kW (160 hp) and 135 kW (180 hp) of power.The old Skyhawks were delivered with a 110 kW (145 hp) Continental O-300 engine, while later versions mounted 135 kW (180 hp) Lycoming O-360 thrusters , although the 110 or 120 kW O-320 versions are more common. In addition there are a few units that mounted 164 kW (220 hp) Franklin engines."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Flying training Navigation. C 172 VFR Flight School PPL" |
"""Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward. For there you have been, and there you will always long to return.""Leonardo da Vinci.Flight Training can be very slow and expensive. Whether you fly as a student or fly as an experienced pilot, every hour of flight costs you loads of money. You dont have much control. Well with VR Flight sim you gain the control. You set yourself up once and practice whenever you want and for as long as you want. Let me be your guide into the VR World. Start learning what you need to know.The USAF train their jet fighter pilots with the VR headset and the controllers. If it is good enough for the airforce it must be good...and it certainly is.The World really is your affordable oyster with your computer and flight sim programme. Today the airforce flies drone attack aircraft anywhere in the world from base stations thousands of miles away. Anyone can now afford to learn fly anywhere in the world day or night in real time conditions including the weather. A pilot has to plan his or her route, assessment of weather conditions and terrain clearance. This course teaches you what you need to know to navigate your Cessna 172 around the world VFR. It goes far beyond the abilities of the pocket for flying in the real world. Also you are flying the latest brand new Cessna 172 with state of the art Avionics, not some rattling old noisy rental plane with minimal equipment.Why spend thousands at a flying school when you can learn for free? This course helps you to decide on spending huge amounts of cash on a pilots licence or not!For this beginner course you will need a computer and a joystick, (rudder pedals are not necessary but are also recommended) and a flight sim programme such as a cessna 172. Microsoft flight sim and X plane 11 are good ones for example.It also teaches you things that can catch you out in total safety."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn to fly. Airplane Aircraft. Piper. PA 28." |
"""Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward. For there you have been, and there you will always long to return.""Leonardo da Vinci.Flight Training can be very slow and expensive. Whether you fly as a student or fly as an experienced pilot, every hour of flight costs you loads of money. You dont have much control. Well with VR Flight sim you gain the control. You set yourself up once and practice whenever you want and for as long as you want. Let me be your guide into the VR World. Start learning what you need to know.The USAF train their jet fighter pilots with the VR headset and the controllers. If it is good enough for the airforce it must be good...and it certainly is.Pilots often take 2 sides on what is the best training aircraft, the Pa 28 or the Cessna 172. The answer is they are both very good at what they do. They both have pluses and minuses, however it is really down to personal preference. I learned to fly and got my pilots licence on the PA 28 161 warrior, so I am very fond of them however out of the two I would rather fly the C 172. It is not because it is better it just suits my needs better. In this course I will explain everything.Learning to fly in VR is better in my opinion. much cheaper and safer than in real life, then at the end of the day you can decide if you want to spend over 10 grand on a licence of not."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Air Law and Meteorology exam explained." |
"Rules of the Air. This course of lectures will give you a wider understanding to how the law regulates the use of aircraft both for commercial and pleasure. Since aviation began the rules and regulations began too and are constantly evolving. So before you start throwing money away at the flying school pay attention here and you could save yourself a fortune. Learning to fly costs a fortune, aircraft ownership costs a fortune and to keep everything current costs a fortune.Meteorology or study of the weather will teach you when it is not suitable or unsafe to go flying."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learning to fly is EASY." |
"Learning to fly is so easy if you have what it takes. Everyone who wants to fly has their own reasons. In this course we look at many different aspects of flying. Paying the flying school is the hard part. With my courses you will understand what it all entails. It will help you evaluate whether you have what it takes or not without wasting thousands in cash. Get yourself a joystick and rudder pedals for your PC and follow me. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"On World Tour with the Tornado GR4." |
"With a world data base of terrain weather and airports ... Well I did it, in 2018. 260 flights and about the same in hours over ten months. You can do it too. Rudder pedals are recommended but not essential.Obviously not many pilots get there hands on a real Tornado GR4. Out of the pilots that do they are limited to where they can go,But with flight simulator you and I can not only learn to fly and navigate it, we can go on tour anywhere we like, not even the Royal Family can do that. So join me on tour with the Tornado GR4. I always wanted to fly around the world. and I have certainly had some experiences. Try to do it in real time and weather if you can."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"React For The Rest Of Us" |
"Learn the world's most popular library for creating user interfaces!What makes this course different is we take the time to understand *why* we're doing what we're doing. We begin by asking an important question that so many other React courses skip entirely; What problem does React solve?Once we understand what React is and isn't, we spend the remainder of the course together building the front-end for a real world social media app where you can post, follow other users and even hop into a live chatroom. Along the way we will:Understand what ""state"" is in React and how to bring our interfaces to lifeUse the modern ""hook"" approach with Function ComponentsLeverage React Router to create a Single Page Application with shareable URLsSee the power of Context, Reducer, and Immer and create an ideal way of working with stateRun code at the perfect moments by understanding the power of useEffect()Use async HTTP requests to communicate with APIs so that our app feels meaningful by working with real dataDeploy our app up onto the web so you can share it with your friends and familyThis course may be brand new, but this isnt my first time teaching. Ive led training sessions for Fortune 500 companies and Ive already helped over 98,000 people on Udemy and received the following feedback:""Brad definitely has some of the best techniques to embed the lesson into your mind hands down these are the best tutorials I have had the opportunity to view.""""Presentation is concise without being tedious you honestly feel that you have a thorough understanding of the subject.""""[Brad] explained the process. Not memorize this or that, he explained the process. If you're looking to take a course to understand the foundations of creating websites, look no further.""Become highly valuable and relevant to the companies that are hiring front-end developers; in one convenient place alongside one instructor. If you're ready to begin building with React - I'll see you on the inside!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Onur Gler Gitar Dersi - Balang" |
"Gitar almak istiyorsunuz ve nereden balayacanz bilmiyorsunuz deil mi? :) Bir sr kurs ve fiyat aratrdnz ve karar veremediniz. Oysa bunlarn hi birine gerek yok. Evinizde oturduunuz yerden, balang seviyesinden, Notalarla Gitar almay renebilirsiniz. stelik Hem birlikte alcamz egzersizlerle sklmadan kendinzi gelitirebilir hemde ok sayda rnek arklarla Gitar almann zevkine annda varabilirsiniz :) "
Price: 319.99 ![]() |
"Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate Training Course" |
"The training course helps to advancethe skill of using SOLIDWORKSComputer-Aided Design software. After the training, student is able to take the online exam for a professional designation: Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate. The certificate is recognized industry-wide and also demonstrates your expertise with SOLIDWORKS.The training course includes 8 sections (2 hours per section):- 3sections for drawing parts- 2 sectionsfor doing assemblies- 3sections forCSWAexamAll the materials (questions and solutions)are taken from the sample CSWA exams. The objective of the course is ""short time training, big achievement""The training course is prepared following the lecturer's approach. His approach has successfully helped 100+ students to achieve CSWA exam since 2015."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SOLIDWORKS Beginner - Effective learning in few hours" |
"The objective of the course is teachinghow to use SOLIDWORKS in short time. The course includes 7 sections:- Section 1: Introduction - Section 2: (Part) how to create a part- Section 3: (Part) Useful tools - Section 4: (Part) More practice- Section 5: Assembly -Section 6: Drawings- Section 7: TestThe teaching approach is designed following the undergraduatecourse EN1030: EngineeringGraphics & Design (Canada). Some parts are modified to enhanceefficient learning as well asto focus on SOLIDWORKS drawing skills.Step-by-step videodemonstrations areprepared with clear instructions to help the beginner completely understand how to use powerful drawing tools."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ethical Hacking training course - Master hacking" |
"Security is major concern for an individuals and enterprises alike. Gaining ethical skills helps one from protecting himself and his/her organization. The CEH course by ECcouncil is organized structure of course contents and we have addressed almost all contents, technologies and tools. This course shall be updated with the additional course videos as and when available."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |