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"Adobe Illustrator CC para Arquitectos. De 0 a Experto." |
"Illustrator para Arquitectos. De 0 a Experto.Representa tus diseos de forma ms atractiva y eficaz. Curso 100% prctico. De 0 a Experto. Instructor: Arquitecto lvaro Garca.Contenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Con esta amplia formacin aprenders el proceso completo y de forma profesional para llevar a cabos proyectos integrales. Una formacin 100% practica que aumentar tu habilidades y competencias profesionales. Un curso paso a paso que te ahorra mucho tiempo y esfuerzo en tu trabajo diario. Con este curso podrs sacar un gran partido a los diseos creados con los principales software de dibujo 2D y modelado 3D: AutoCAD, SketchUp, 3ds Max, Maya, Node, Cinema 4D, Modo, Nuke, Katana, formZ, Rhino, Revit, Unreal, Blender, Houdini...La formacin te permitir convertirte en un experto en la materia, y todo ello desde una formacin principalmente prctica. A travs de variadas actividades y proyectos completos podrs adquirir los conocimientos suficientes para ejercer profesionalmente de forma solvente. Adems conocers en detalle mi flujo de trabajo a la hora de afrontar un proyecto profesional. Para la realizacin de este curso no vas a necesitar el equipo informtico ms potente del mercado, ya que el software empleado durante formacin online se encuentra perfectamente optimizado y su uso es muy fluido en todo tipo de equipos, tanto en PC como en Mac.Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. Es excepcional el aumento en la demanda de profesionales en este mbito por parte de las empresas de todo el mundo actualmente. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El curso est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano del instructor lvaro Garca. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al curso, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.La modalidad de este curso te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que esta formacin incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este curso es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Programa 5S" |
"O Programa 5S desenvolvido nos EUA teve sucesso quando foi aplicado no Japo do Ps-Guerra para organizar o caos deixado pelo conflito. Posteriormente, devido ao sucesso alcanado naquele pas, foi introduzido em inmeras empresas pelo mundo afora, trazendo um ambiente saudvel e propcio ao desenvolvimento de tarefas nas indstrias. Este curso desenvolve os princpios fundamentais do Programa 5S, de forma a torn-los de fcil compreenso e extremamente teis em qualquer ambiente de trabalho, com material de forma organizada e na ordem correta de sua implementao."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Scrum Fundamentals Certified Prep Course" |
"Topics covered in the course include:Introduction to Scrum Scrum Principles: This topic discusses the six Scrum principlesEmpirical Process Control, Self-organization, Collaboration, Value-based Prioritization, Time-boxing, and Iterative DevelopmentScrum Aspects: This section describes the five aspects that are important considerations for all Scrum projectOrganization, Business Justification, Quality, Change, and Risk Scrum Phases and Processes: Scrum processes address the specific activities and flow of a Scrum project. These processes are grouped into five phasesInitiate, Plan & Estimate, Implement, Review & Retrospect, and ReleaseScrum Case Study: Apart from learning Scrum concepts, we will also be using a Scrum case study. The case study provides an end to end real life simulation of how Scrum works. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"IP Address version 4 Cert.CCNA , CCNP CCIE , IT Support , Network Engineer , System Engineer , IT Manager ISP Subnet , FLSM , VLSM , Summarization Cert. CCNA , CCNP CCIE"
Price: 5800.00 ![]() |
"Yoga and Meditation to Create Harmony Within with Sadhguru" |
"""Neither health nor joy can be created from outside. There may be external stimuli, but essentially, both come from within."" - SadhguruIn this program Sadhguru, yogi, mystic, and visionary offers wisdom and yogic practices to create harmony and relieve anxiety and depression. Understanding the mechanics, technology, and science of how this life functions and what we can do with it, is referred to as yoga. Learn yogic practices that are designed to help you cut through the struggle and walk through life with ease.Explore how yoga can increase your awareness and ability to create joy and happinessLearn powerful practices that balance and cleanse the energy system, resulting in psychological balance and wellbeingLearn how to create a chemistry of peace within youMeditate to create peace by harnessing your most powerful instrument -the mind -to manifest inner harmony and wellbeing"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"From Nothing To Pro: Business Card Design With Photoshop CC" |
"From Nothing To Pro: Business Card Design With Photoshop CC Graphics Design Theory In this course, I'm going to be doing a really practical and comprehensive dive into photoshop business card design for you going through every single aspect of the graphics design theory I used all round.When you are done learning, there's a bonus class which takes you by the hand and show you how to make side income designing business card for brands.I'm David Oisamoje, and I will be your instructor on this course.Jump in and let get to designing your very own unique graphics business card with design theory in mind!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Librate de la Dependencia Afectiva a travs de la PNL" |
"Recibo a diario en consulta a personas que llegan con un corazn destruido SUFRIENDO POR DESAMOR; deseosos de ayuda, de un blsamo, de un refrigerio para sus corazones. Es triste ver cmo SUFREN, SUFREN Y SUFREN; con su autoestima por el suelo por que la persona que aman LOS RECHAZ. Si t eres una de esas personas, si t quieres sanar tu corazn y recuperar tu autoestima participa ahora mismo en el curso ms PODEROSO Y EFECTIVO para recuperar el corazn que existe en el habla hispana. Scale provecho. Con la AUTORIDAD Y EXPERIENCIA de ms de 25 aos recibiendo personas con mucho dolor afectivo causado por RELACIONES FRACASADAS y ms de 17 mil personas que siguen nuestros procesos. Si tu relacin se termin o te rechazaron, este curso es para ti. Si sufriste las consecuencias de la INFIDELIDAD Y MENOSPRECIO este curso es para ti. Recibirs 8 Mdulos con ms de 40 vdeos de informacin prctica de altsimo valor y un poderoso NEURO AUDIO para que cierres captulos en tu corazn para SIEMPRE. La INFORMACIN de este curso es ESPECFICA Y ESTRATGICA suministrada SISTEMTICAMENTE para IMPACTAR tu MENTE SUBCONSCIENTE y as experimentes una recuperacin REAL."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Teach Me Everything about Xero" |
"About this courseThis course will guide you through your implementation and help you understand how Xero works and how will it help your business.We can assure you that every lecture completed will help you access new skills in using Xero.What you will learnUnderstanding Xero and how it works by taking the Introduction Lecture. How to set up Xero and its available Plans.Setting up Bank Account in Xero for a running or new business.Checking out Sales and keeping track of Invoices.Deep diving Sales, creating and sending Quotes.About the LecturesThe course consists of five Lectures, and each Lecture contains quick and direct to the point explanation tutorial about its subject.Each tutorial contains the following information:Video- This helps you visualize the explanation and demonstration of each Lecture Subject.Tips- Additional and tested ways of using Xero efficiently.What should I do now: Watch each video Lecture on how you should proceed with your own Xero implementation.How to complete the LecturesListen and follow all the suggested information from the speaker, Victoria Berry.Complete the lectures in the order they are being presented.One main requirement first is to watch the video.If necessary watch the video again to help you understand more the Lecture Subject. Take note, you are allowed to watch it more than once.Don't forget that the implementation for some steps in Xero will depend on the size and the status of your business."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn to A/B test like a professional" |
"By the end of this course you'll have a clear understanding of A/B testing and how it fits into the overall conversion rate optimisation (CRO) process. You'll be able to set up and run A/B tests that will help you to improve your website's conversion rates.A large number of A/B testing courses out in the marketplace just show you how to set up and run A/B tests. This is all well and good, but they tend to miss out on critical elements within the whole process - like setting and measuring goals, gathering insights and creating problem statements and hypotheses.In this course I take you through the entire A/B testing process, incorporating:Setting a baseline and goals;Gathering insights;What the different types of experiment are;What you should do before, during and after running an A/B testDocumenting your experiments.The course is suitable for both beginners and people with digital marketing experience.It's ideal if:You want to start running A/B tests but don't know where to start.You already work in marketing and want to expand your knowledge.You run a small or medium-sized business and want to increase your sales."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Chess Endgame Masterclass" |
"Welcome Chesslovers to the complete chess endgame mastersclass. This course is all about analysis and study of chess endgames in a beautiful and funny way. The course is made in easy to learn way and the course is very powerful to implement your own ideas in chess.In this course you will learn A to Z concepts of chess endgames.I will cover each and every aspects in very clear way so that you will grab the idea very easily.We will start from Pawn endgames and discuss Knight, Bishop , Queen, King, Rook endgames one by one in complete details.So, Let's Play Some Chess........."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Jazz Dance" |
"Do you like jazz music? Do you like the feeling of this sounds? Do you want to learn how to move to this tunes?This course is for sure for You! Jazz Dance is a family of afro-american dances from 1920 to 1940. We usually use 3 names of this dance - Solo Jazz, Vernacular Jazz, Authentic Jazz. Everything meen the same, we dance solo to swing and jazz music.Many elements of Authentic Jazz can be seen in a variety of contemporary dances such as hip-hop, break-dance, modern jazz, shuffling, and more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Komple Uygulamal - Nesneye Ynelik Programlama Eitimi" |
"Python ile Nesneye Ynelik Programlamann Derinliklerini Byk Uygulamalar Yaparak renin!Bu kursta Nesne Ynelimli Programlama felsefesini ve derinliklerini Python Programlama dilini kullanarak reneceiz. renim srecinde her blmde rnek kodlar yazacaz. Son blmde ise byk projeler yaparak Python ile Nesne Ynelimli Programlamay tamamen kavrayacaz.Kurs erii:Programlarn KurulumuBalamadan nceClass - Object KavramlarClass - Object AltrmalarInheritance ve PolymorphismEncapsulation (Kapslleme)zel MetotlarHava Yolu irketi UygulamasOyun UygulamasBanka UygulamasKurs boyunca aklnza taklan herhangi bir konu hakknda sorularnz soru - cevap ksmna yazabilir ya da bana mesaj atabilirsiniz. "
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Liferay 7.0 CE and CMS Fundamentals - Crash Course" |
"Hello Everyone,This is Uurcan etin, from Turkey. I am a really simplesoftware developer working in one of the most beautiful city of Europe, Budapest. Ihave been working about 1.5 year in Liferay Budapest as Software Engineer.For such an amazing portal Liferay DXP, there is no course in Udemy which is up-to-date. I could not stand this anymore and decided to create one for you to see how you can build highly complex systems with latest product of Liferay. It is an open source project, therefore you can reach the source of Community Edition product in Github, get a CEbundle for free.We are going to discover the portal with simple and easy steps to make it sure you get the most solid basics. You are going to master one of the most important in any kind of web applications for this modern age. User, Content and Permission triangle is the key that I am talking about. For any kind of big projects, no one can avoid this triangle and with Liferay DXP, you won't need to worry about this at all. Building sites with tons of side technologies has never been that easy but now.Hope to see you in the course!!!Cheers"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel A-Z: True Beginner to Professional Analyst" |
"A former executive and an entrepreneur joined up for this master course to ramp up a newbie into a professional analyst. Their methodology is proven from over a decade of training people with no background in Excel and getting them ready for analyst positions in various organizations. In addition to learning Excel from scratch, you will immediately apply it to 10 real world case studies in addition to 260+ course files for practice. Some students may choose to skip right to the intermediate sections.Symon and Travis began their way of training Excel while attending MBA program at Stanford and University of Chicago. No matter how smart or patient their classmates were, they couldn't learn Excel fast enough by first memorizing all the technical features in Excel. People learn by immediately applying their skills to business cases. By combining Excel learning with immediate application to business cases, students learned twice as fast and retained newfound expertise in Excel. This course is combination of 3-4 courses from their ""bootcamps"" to quickly ramp people up to perform analyst work in investment, product management, marketing, finance, operations, and business intelligence. Excel is the essential tool to learn in a business world inundated with data and analysis. In this course, Symon and Travis will start from the very beginning in Excel. Just take a look at our thousands of 5-star reviews from our other courses to see the value and commitment we give to our students.Sei Im - 5 StarsGreat examples and practice scenarios! Pacing of the course was great and very easy to understand even at 1.5xBrandon Parker - 5 StarsI have a lot of experience building excel models and purchased the course for the case studies. I didn't expect to learn much from the introductory parts but was surprised to find additional keyboard shortcuts I had never learned as well as powerful new functions that will make my life a lot easier. This course helped me brush up on functionality that I often neglected while using excel and was super comprehensive. I look forward to continuing using this course as additional case studies are added and highly recommend it for even excel experts.Why Microsoft Excel?Regardless of role or industry, nearly everyone in business needs to have an ever growing baseline knowledge of Excel for business analysis. Whether you're working in sales, finance, marketing, operations, or investments, knowing your way around Excel and being able to turn complex questions into solutions is critical for success. Whether you're working for a company or running your own, being able to make better decisions requires you to be able to analyze and interpret data.What data do you need? How do you prep that data? How do you analyze it to answer specific questions? How do you structure your analysis? How should you visualize your findings?In this course, we're going to show you step-by-step, exactly how to do that, by starting with the very basics.This course is all about Excel and its application in the business world. Why?Excel is still the most popular tool used by analysts in all industries, across all roles. It's used by financial analysts, marketing analysts, sales analysts, and of course, data analysts. Yes, there are many tools out there but if you learn and master the core concepts and techniques of analysis and modeling in Excel, you'll be able to apply your knowledge to a broad range of applications.Pankaj Yadav - 5 StarsThis course is a perfect start for analytics guys...sometimes we work on all hot tools but forget about the this course can help in clearing all fundamentals.Why learn from us?Both Travis and Symon have been applying and teaching business intelligence, analytics and modeling since our days in business school for over a decade. Our past students and on-the-job trainees have learned best through this combination of technical knowledge and business application.Travis went to Chicago Booth business school and Symon went to Stanford Business school. Between Travis and me, we have worked in various roles as analysts, managers, executives, and entrepreneurs across a dozen industries, including real estate, hospitality, software, and consumer products--and thru this course, you'll become as well versed in Excel as we are.By enrolling with us, you will be learning from two industry practitioners using Excel for a combined 35 years across a dozen different roles in half a dozen industries. Travis has been a digital marketer, investor, and entrepreneur for 20 years. Hes led growth in Asia for Groupon and even helped build Excel when he was as an engineer at Microsoft. He is a data analysis and data visualization expert who pulls from his industry experience to teach some of the advanced data analysis topics youll find in this course.Symon has been using Excel for all sorts of analysis and modeling for 15 years. He has served as a financial analyst, marketing analyst, and even head of marketing analytics across half a dozen industries. If you look at his other courses on Udemy, you'll see that he is an Excel and analysis ninja, having taught over 200,000 students with nearly 20,000 reviews.Together, weve pulled directly from our personal experience and put everything we could into this course. In fact, all of the case studies youll find inside are inspired by real-world projects weve worked on.What if I don't have any Excel background?No worries! This is why we start with the very basics in our foundational sections, which is designed to get you familiar with Excel before we move on to more advanced topics. You can be a complete beginner and take this course. It might sometimes feel like you're drinking out of a fire hose, but if you put in the time and effort we promise youll see results by following our course and doing the exercises.We then progressively increase the difficulty as you move along in the course, culminating in advanced techniques taught through our case studies.If you do have an Excel background, you can skip or skim through the foundational sections and move directly into the more advanced topics.Dijil Dev Kuniyil Vela... - 5 StarsVery informative, and excellent presentation. I can use most of the techniques on a daily basis, and save lot of time on manual checks.Learn through practice.Like most things in life, becoming proficient at using Excel takes practice. A lot of practice.Sure, you'll pick up plenty just from watching, but you'll be doing yourself a disservice if you don't download our more than 100 plus custom-built Excel practice files specifically designed to help you master the program.We're not done adding all our content yet, either. This class was initially created an ""intro"" course, but it will soon become a complete coverage of all things essential for any analyst looking to master Excel.In conclusion, does any of the following apply to you?1. Do you want to really know your way around Excel?2. You have data for your work or business but you're not sure what to make of it?3. You might know your way around Excel but you're not confident about how to real world techniques4. You frequently receive Excel spreadsheets from others but want to better understand how they arrived at their conclusions?5. You want to learn the best practices when it comes to using Excel in business environments6. You are intimidated by spreadsheets and terms like Pivot Tables and VLookups7. You want to learn a skill set that is useful for any role in any industry you get into later.If so, then take charge and take our course.You have absolutely ZERO risk. Udemy gives you a solid-as-an-oak-tree 30-day money back guarantee. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.So if you're ready to go from Excel noob to Excel ninja, enroll now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"eBay Drop Shipping Innovation" |
"If you've ever tried to drop ship or learned drop shipping in any capacity, you'll know the way most people teach it simply doesn't work.Why?Because customers have become accustomed to short shipping times and great customer service. Both of these are extremely difficult to provide with the typical online drop shipping model.What if you could learn how to drop ship to your customers with shipping times that match that of Amazon Prime, while getting the added benefit of great customer service?What if you could do all of this on a reputable platform like eBay where there are already 100's of Millions of Customers? That's right! You don't even need to spend to get traffic to your products. You can simply capitalize of the traffic already on eBay.Sound to good to be true?Enroll today & learn why it's not."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Procurement Powerhouse: The beginners guide" |
"Welcome to the Course: Procurement Powerhouse : The beginner's guide.You are at the right destination to structure and bootstrap your career in the Exciting World of Procurement. Procurement function plays an important and vital role in the overall business spectrum and operations of an enterprise, adding value and maximizing savings for the organizations. Organizations must recognize Procurement as Value partner. The Strategic Value in Procurement performance delivery is much beyond Budget controls, Negotiations and Savings. It is about Process ownership, Quality of your service, Innovation mind set, People engagement, Ability to provide valuable and timely insights to stakeholders, collaborating with stakeholders and aligning with cross-functional teams to achieve joint goals and adherence to commitments and Service Levels (SLA). This is possible only through a systematic training, mentoring and active engagement with industry peers and loads of passion supported by time investment in the subject. This course gives high emphasis on processes, practices, optimization approach and finally the behavioral approach of Procurement or the Procurement leadership that helps to build credibility on a platform of knowledge, skills, commitment, ethics and integrity. To achieve the goal of building a career on a sound foundation of knowledge of Procurement spectrum, skills, categories, processes and virtues, course covers provides valuable inputs at the right time to the aspiring students and make the most of their Procurement journey, by learning about : Definitions and positioning of Procurement Founding Pillars of Operations and Procurement that define the procurement spectrum Roles and responsibilities of a Procurement function, popular operating Models and sufficient glimpses of various categories within multiple sectors Procurement Processes, Systems and Practices, work flows and control disciplines Core procurement skills required to managed procurement and grow in to a subject matter expert Core theme of Strategy development and Procurement Planning, pressing on the importance of deriving linkage between demand and supply, market conditions and Supply Risk Management and Material or Service Planning in with reference to the context of Manufacturing, Services and Project Execution Ways to estimate costs accurately and importance of price tracking, leveraging information and relationships The most important procurement capability called Sourcing with focus on Strategic Sourcing The implementation stage covering Order and Contract management elaborating documentation requirements, supply management concepts and stakeholder management to effectively drive home the benefits of cost partnership and supplier development Benefits of optimizing procurement processes and elevating procurement performance levels to world class organisations to drive home the advantage of functional efficiency, improved resource management, enterprise wide visibility and higher productivity Vital and long term development thoughts on developing the virtue of procurement leadership and making integrity, process ownership and control and collaboration, the pillars of your success and integral part of your profession and culture. This course has been carefully constructed by stitching the above components of Procurement, thus making it a thought based knowledge enhancing guide rather than a technical reference guide. The conceptual explanations and examples have been included based on the trainers vast experience in multiple sectors namely Manufacturing, Business Process Outsourcing, IT Services Procurement, e-Commerce, Media and Infrastructure. An honest attempt has been made by bringing references from Service, Manufacturing and Projects sector procurement practices to familiarize students with many possible scenarios to help them in enhancing their skills, link the studied concepts to real time practices, analyse the gaps in between standard practices and scenarios under which the different on ground approaches may have been implemented. The course also guides the students to valuable resources and pressing on the importance of enhancing the procurement career prospects by time investment, continued efforts in applying the knowledge and gain practical experience."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Commanding Chaos - Make a Plan and Take Command!" |
"Take Command & Start Pursuing Your Dreams Today. Stop running in circles and create the future you actually WANT. This lean and powerful course cuts gives the skills needed to pursue and achieve any personal or professional dream. There's no fluff or gimmicks here. The Commanding Chaos course is built directly off the best practices in emergency management and response today. If it can handle hurricanes and multi-state wildfires, it is guaranteed to give you results as well. Don't waste your time and money on things that are only proven in theory. Invest in methods proven to give results when they matter most."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Inside Excel - Learn 23 Essential Excel Skills the Pros Know" |
"You don't have to know everything there is to know about Excel. But, there are a few things the pros know that you'll want to know, too.Most of these skills are easy to learn and they will enable you to use Excel in a much more powerful way.If you use Excel regularly but you don't feel the sense of confidence and efficiency that you wish you did, this course is for you. It's designed to teach you the 23 Excel skills that will give you the biggest advantage with the least amount of effort when you use Excel.Based on my research and experience, these 23 Excel skills are the most important and useful skills you can learn beyond the basics of creating a spreadsheet.Most of them are easy to learn, and offer huge returns in efficiency for the small time they take to learn.A few of them will take a little more practice, but I've included them because they can be immensely powerful in ways that many experienced Excel users don't realize.You know how to use Excel. You've get the basics down. Now it's time to learn the 23 essential skills the Excel Pros know!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Utan Uca SQL Server Eitimi" |
"nemli Not:Aada bu kursla alakal aklama var ancak genelde kartrlyor. Bu kurs SQL dili kursu deil. SQL Server ynetimi kursu. Eer SQL Dilini renmek istiyorsanz ve bu yzden bu kursu almak istiyorsanz, ltfen ""Uygulamalarla SQL reniyorum"" kursuna bir bakn.Byk verilerle ve bol bol uygulamalarla SQL Server' utan uca kefetmeye ve renmeye hazr msn?Bu eitim SQL Server zerinde kendini gelitirmek isteyenler iin sfrdan ileri seviyeye kadar planlanm bir eitimdir.Eitimin en nemli zellii temel felsefe ezberden uzak, renme odakl olmasdr. Bunun iin bolca grafikler ve bolca uygulamalar ile teorik bilginin dnda zengin bir ierik barndrmaktadr.Eitim sizlerden gelen talep ve neriler dorultusunda ierik olarak zenginlemeye devam edecektir.Katlmclar eitim sonunda,SQL Server' doru ekilde kurma.SQL Server servislerini tanma,kurma ve konfigre etmeSQL Server sistem databaselerini tanmaOLTP Sistemlerin alma sistematiini renmeSQL Server da veritaban oluturmaSQL Server veri tiplerini renmeTablo oluturma ve ynetmeView oluturma ve ynetmeStored Procedure oluturma ve ynetmeFonksiyon oluturma ve ynetmeTrigger oluturma ve ynetmeIndex yaps hakknda bilgi sahibi olma ve doru indexleri oluturmay renmeTSQL komutlarna bir yere kadar hakim olmaSistem backup restore operasyonlarn ynetmeSQL Server profiler ile sistemi izlemePerformans sorunlarn tespit etme ve zmeSQL Server gvenlik risklerini tespit etme ve nlem almaSQL Server agent ile periyodik ilemler gerekletirmeSistem bakm planlar oluturmaSQL Server mail konfigrasyonu yapmaSQL Server log okumaKullanc yetkilendirmeFailover cluster altyaps renmeFelaket senaryolarna kar nlem gelitirme ve uygulamaByk veriler ile alma (1 milyar satrlk tablolar) gibi bilgi ve becerilere sahip olacaktr."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Comunicazione e Persuasione" |
"Quanti capelli hai in testa?Una domanda strana vero? Ci hai mai pensato? Nemmeno io fino a quando non l'ho poi un giorno mentre vivevo nella trama dello spazio e del tempo le interazioni giocavano un ruolo di primaria importanza, queste infatti andavano a plasmare il corso della mia vita passo dopo passo, senza che ancora me ne accorgessi.Mi trovavo a camminare per la strada di casa, quando una goccia mi cadde proprio in mezzo alla fronte. Alzai lo sguardo e pensai tra me e me...<<Chiunque pensa, chiunque comunica, chiunque ha le proprie abitudini e compie le proprie scelte!Ma come diavolo si fa a compiere una scelta?>>D'un tratto mi balz in mente un momento in cui ""scelsi"" di fare qualcosa, e il processo inizi a prendere forma...Mi resi conto di mettere in atto delle sequenze che mi portarono a farlo, e subito dopo...Dentro di me una voce rispose:<< Eeeeeesatto, un processo!!!>> E un processo richiede una struttura!La pioggia incalzava, iniziavo a inzupparmi come uno straccio. Pensavo a tutte le volte che avevo permesso di venire convinto e tutte le volte che convinsi a mia volta...Erano letteralmente un'infinit.A quel punto mi chiesi...<<Quanto la nostra comunicazione importante nel processo di convincimento? Si pu misurare per caso con il metro il grado di importanza? Quanto saper essere influenti influenza la nostra vita? Come possibile ottenere quei risultati specifici? Cosa bisogna fare per influenzare e persuadere qualcuno?>>...Tu convinci gli altri, perch credi a una cosa, o perch vuoi ottenere qualcosa !Ma se vuoi utilizzare la ""comunicazione o la persuasione"" per costringere qualcuno a fare ci che non vuole...beh a quel punto meglio che usi la tecnica della pistola.Con quella sono certo che convinceresti anche me!Dietro alla comunicazione e la persuasione stanno schemi ben precisi e apprendibili.Quello che ti serve imparare davvero COME USARE IL TUO ATTEGGIAMENTO per fare in modo che questi schemi possano davvero funzionare!LAVORARE SUI TUOI ATTEGGIAMENTI NON RIGUARDA SEMPLICEMENTE LA COMUNICAZIONE E LA PERSUASIONE, ma migliorare a 360 la tua vita!Questo corso, non un punto d'arrivo, ma di certo un punto di partenza su cui gettare solide fondamenta!ARGOMENTI PRINCIPALI DEL CORSO:Tratteremo tutti i fondamenti di base legati alla comunicazione, alla motivazione e alla persuasione, spianando la strada e favorendo il terreno alla crescita di atteggiamenti potenti e preformanti. All'interno del corso ci saranno forse frasi che potrebbero sembrarvi grammaticalmente scorrette, ma queste hanno una funzione ben specifica, e perfettamente compresa dai processi inconsci. REQUISITI:- Gli strumenti richiesti in questo corso sono 3: occhi, orecchie, e il proprio cervello.- Non sono richieste conoscenze specifiche pregresse per questo corso.Come in ogni cosa, la pratica sta alla base dell'apprendimento.Infine come gi accennato la finalit di questo corso non sono tecniche piatte fine a se stesse, ma costruire veri e propri atteggiamenti volti al poter sfruttare i principi che verranno espressi.A CHI RIVOLTO QUESTO CORSOTutte quelle persone che hanno voglia di conoscere, crescere e o consolidare le proprie conoscenze nella scienza della comunicazione, della motivazione e della persuasione, applicabile nelle vendite, nel lavoro, nelle relazioni e nella vita di tutti i giorni oltre a chi avesse bisogno di un effervescente e concreta spinta motivazionale finalizzata al superamento delle proprie difficolt e dei propri limiti.IL CORSO COMUNICAZIONE & PERSUASIONE strutturato per tutti coloro che vogliono CAMBIARE per MIGLIORARSI.Dunque non ti resta che iscriverti con un semplice click, e iniziare a trasformarti in una persona nuova!NOI, CI VEDIAMO DENTRO !"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Kotlin for Beginners: Next Android platform language" |
"Without further a do,i will give you 10reasons why you should pickup kotlintoday.Language and environment are mature.Unlike other languages like Swift, theKotlin release has gone through many stages before releasing the final 1.0 release.This means that there are hardly any problems when working with Kotlin, everything works as you would expectIt makes Android development much easier.Kotlin is simplicity mixed with power, so you have an new world of possibilities if youre coming from Java that you couldnt even imagine.I honestly think itsthe only viable alternative to Java for developing great apps on Android.Its seamlessly integrated with Android can have a Kotlin project set up and ready to work in less than 10 minuteswithout any problems, even if you dont know anything about Kotlin.Its evolution is well covered.Jetbrains is the company behind Kotlin, and they are using it themselves in their own projects, so theyre more than interested in further developing it.Its much safer than Java.You cant imagine how tired I am of NullPointerExceptionin Java. Actually every time I see one I feel really frustrated, because its a major problem in the design of the language itself.There are well-known companies that already use it in production.Pinterest,is already using it in the new features of their Android app.Another great example is Basecamp,where 100% of the code of their Android App is already written in Kotlin.Trello,whose production code also includes some parts in Kotlin.Companies are starting to ask for it on their job offers.Businesses are starting to invest money in training their employees in Kotlin, and that can only be a good sign.Kotlin is multi-platform.Yeah, youre not learning Kotlin just to write Android Apps. Kotlin was first created with JVM in mind, soit can virtually be used on any devices that can run the JVM.Its very easy to learn.One of the great advantages of Kotlin is thata Java developer can understand most of the code without ever having written a line of Kotlin.Its so fun to use.Java bores me more and more, because of its feature limitations, its boilerplate, errors due to its design problemsHoweverKotlin opens up a new world of possibilities for you to be creative, to solve same problems in a very different way.So, why are you waiting guys. Let's get started. :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Database modeling with golang & postgresql" |
"Golang OR Go Programming language is modern programming language specialized in building server side applications.Postgresql is world's most popular open source database management system.Both are one of the best technologies to build server side modern applications.So, In this course i will try to give introduction how you guys can use these both technologies togather to build robust backend services.Remark: This series contains just golang and postgresql integration and workings, it doesn't contain how to build RESTapis."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Financial Accounting-Depreciation Calculation & Fixed Assets" |
"Property plant and equipment, also known as plant assets, fixed assets, or depreciable assets is what we will cover.We will discuss what property plant and equipment is and how to record property plant and equipment. Multiple depreciation methods will be covered including the straight-line depreciation method, the double declining depreciation method, and the units of production depreciation method. We will discuss the pros and cons of each depreciation method and outline a format for structuring any deprecation problem. While calculation depreciation expense we will also calculate accumulated depreciation and book value. Its important to remember the context we are in when calculating depreciation, the reason for the work. Test questions often do not ask for the calculation of depreciation but for accumulated depreciation or the book value because these components take a little more time and understanding and to work out. The straight-line method of depreciation is the easiest method to calculate and the method all other methods are derived from. The double declining depreciation method in an accelerated method, designed to depreciate more in early years a less in later years. The units of production depreciation method uses units produced rather than time as the driver of cost allocation. We will discuss the difference between capital expenditures and revenue expenditures, and we will cover the disposal process of property plant and equipment. When fixed assets are disposed of they may or may not be fully depreciated and we may or may not receive cash at the point of disposal. We will discuss the journal entries for property plant and equipment starting with the most straightforward transaction and building from there. We will also cover changes in accounting estimates for the calculation of depreciation and how best to account for them. Definitions and key terms related to property plant and equipment will be covered as well as a comprehensive problem. In addition to the instructional videos, this course will include downloadable Downloadable PDF Files Excel Practice Files Multiple Choice Practice Questions Short Calculation Practice Questions Discussion Questions The PDF files allow us to download reference information we can use offline and as a guide to help us work through the material. Excel practice files will be preformatted so that we can focus on the adjusting process and learning some of the basics of Excel, like addition, subtraction, and cell relationships. Multiple choice example question helps us improve our test-taking skills by reducing the information into the size and format of multiple choice questions and discussing how to approach these questions. Short calculation questions help us reduce problems that have some calculation down to a short format that could be used in multiple choice questions. Discussion Question will provide an opportunity to discuss these topics with the instructor and other students, a process many students find very helpful because it allows us to see the topic from different viewpoints. Who will we be learning from? You will be learning from somebody who has technical experience in accounting concepts and in accounting software like QuickBooks, as well as experience teaching and putting together curriculum. You will be learning from somebody who is a: CPA Certified Public Accountant CGMA Chartered Global Management Accountant Master of Science in Taxation CPS Certifies Post-Secondary Instructor Curriculum Development Export As a practicing CPA the instructor has worked with many technical accounting issues and helped work through them and discuss them with clients of all levels. As a CPS and professor, the instructor has taught many accounting classes and worked with many students in the fields of accounting, business, and business applications. The instructor also has a lot of experience designing courses and learning how students learn best and how to help students achieve their objectives. Experience designing technical courses has also benefit in being able to design a course in a logical fashion and deal with problems related to technical topics and the use of software like QuickBooks Pro. Content Includes: Recording the purchase of fixed assets The straight-line method of calculating deprecation The double declining balance method of calculating deprecation The units of production method of calculating deprecation Calculating deprecation for a part of a month or year Recording capital expenditures and revenue expenditures Calculating and recording changes in accounting estimates related to depreciation Recording disposals of plant assets Key terms and definitions related to property plant and equipment"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Thrive & Save Lives with Super Kind You" |
"Principals, teachers and parents, would you like to save 100 hours per year or more? Imagine four teachers' aids and four nannies that work for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They are almost free and they never demand a pay raise. They are Super Peace Monkeys! They are your online helpers that you can call on at any time of day or night for help with a child who needs to calm down, boost confidence and self-esteem, learn a new skill, or communicate with kindness. Each one teaches a different Psycho-Social Super Power. Years ago, I was working for an Ontario school board as a Psychometrist. I was in charge of Psycho-educational testing for the most interesting kids in the entire board. One of my first clients was a 5-year-old who was beating up smaller children on the playground. When I asked him why, he said that he was his favourite superhero, Spiderman. I said, ""but Spiderman doesn't... wait... uh-oh... "" I thought to myself, ""I think Spiderman does beat people up!"" How could I possibly compete with this kid's favourite superhero, who was regularly rewarded on TV for beating people up? I realized that this kid, and most of our world leaders, need better superheroes, that teach kindness and compassion, not violence. Years later, an acquaintance told me she made sock monkeys, and I told her about my dream. Suddenly, I said, ""Super Peace Monkeys""! A movement was born. Because Super Peace Monkeys was too difficult for many people to remember, I switched the website to Super Kind You (Super Kind You and the Super Peace Monkeys). Many people say, ""well, Spiderman only beats up the ""bad guys"". Well, this kid called the other kids ""bad guys"", then beat them up. Similarly, many wife abusers call their partners ""bad"", then beat them up. Hitler's hero was a war leader when he was growing up. Once an adult, Hitler spread a smear campaign against Jewish and gay people, calling them ""bad guys"". In time, he created the Holocaust to beat them up and kill them. Many money-hungry religious leaders call gay and LGBT people ""bad guys"" and incite mass murders (such as Orlando), parental rejection leading to homelessness, or mass suicides among LGBT youth. Many racist cops call black people ""bad"" and then beat them up and /or kill them. Black lives matter. Your life matters no matter what your colour, gender, or sexual orientations. You make a difference. You are invited to join the dream. What if our children and our world leaders grew up with images of kind and peaceful heroes? What kind of a world would we create? You are invited to join the dream to inspire & empower 1,000,000,000 people to thrive, change lives, and create a kinder world for ALL. Join the dream to create a kinder, safer, healthier world for ALL. Sharon Love, M.Ed. (Psychology)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop for Beginners: Photography Editing Techniques" |
"Photoshop made easy!""This is the third course I've completed that Rosie has done. I really enjoy the courses, they are well made, easy to follow, and Rosie is very friendly and responds to questions very quickly. They are good value for money and I recommend her and her courses to my friends and family who also have an interest in photography. Keep up the good work Rosie, I can't wait for the next course. Thanks for passing on all your knowledge, I've learnt so much from you."" - Zoe NewberyIf you want to take your photography to the next level with Photoshop editing techniques but have been unsure or overwhelmed with how to use Photoshop, then this is the right course for you!Made especially for total beginners to Photoshop, this short course is packed with quick and easy Photoshop tutorials that assume no knowledge and guide you right from the beginning. Ill walk you step by step through Photoshop, highlighting all the most important Photoshop tools for photographers and thenshow you how to bring Photoshop'stools together to do head swaps, achieve amazing skies, how to give your images added drama and intensity and quick and easy retouching techniques that your clients and friends will love!Get confident with Photoshop by learning the secrets to:Organising your photos in Adobe Bridge so you can easily find the best ones to editHow to do basic Photoshop edits like exposure, white balance, straightening the horizon and croppingHow to use Photoshop to correct perspective on buildings and people when using a wide angle lensUse Photoshops graduated filter to create stunning sunset photographyQuickly extend studio backgrounds with one simple technique that takes less than a minute!Retouch clients, friends, and family to give your photos a professional finishDiscover how to remove unwanted elements from an image using Photoshops clone toolLearn how to blend two photos together in Photoshop so that you can swap heads and make sure everyone is smiling in your photo!Use Photoshop to change skies and backgroundsSet up Photoshop to do automatic watermarking for your images and quick resizing for blogs and Facebook******************And all of this comes with my personal help and input too - if youre struggling with any of the steps I lay out inPhotoshopI am always here to help you. I include access to my original photography so that you can edit along with me in Photoshop throughout the course, and you can also download PDFs of the steps we need to take so that you dont have to take copious amounts of notes but can easily follow along in Photoshop. *****************This Photoshopcourseis for total beginners, so you will never feel out of your depth but you'll leave feeling encouraged and inspired with a huge number of new Photoshop techniques to really improve your photography! Plus don't forget thatUdemy offer a 30 Day 100% money back guarantee if you decide the course isn't for you, so you've nothing to lose by givingit a try!*****************Once you enroll in my Photoshop for Beginners class youll also be invited to be part of the class Photoshop Facebook group where you can share your photography and ask for additional Photoshop help both from myself and the other students. Photoshop is a huge program, and its hard to know where to start when youre a total beginner. If youve tried just opening it up and hoping it will be intuitive, youve probably already found yourself overwhelmed and missing out the huge array of amazing features Photoshop has. *******************You can make such a difference to your photography by knowing the key tools and techniques Photoshop has to offer. In this class we assume no knowledge, so it's perfect for the total beginner. We'll look at everything from the layout of the Photoshop screen and how to customise it especially for photographers, to sorting and categorising our photos with Adobe Bridge so that they are easy to find and edit. We'll also discoverthe quickest and easiest techniques for adding drama to our photography and creating stunning skies and landscapes.Can you imagine how great it will feel to go and take a photo of a landscape and really make the colours pop and the sky filled with drama, and be so proud of the art you've created?! I'm so excited to help you discover and learn the techniques to do this in Photoshop!Or if you take a series of images where one person's eye is shut, you'll be able to swap the heads around without anyone realising and create the perfect family portrait?And when photographing newborn babies, you'll be able to cope with retouching rough skin and give the parents photos to reallytreasure!*******************Whether you're an amateur just looking to improve your photography or an aspiring professional - when you follow my Photoshop class for beginners, I will give you the exact steps you need to achieve amazing results with your photos that will take them to another level and make them extra special.Being good with your camera is only half the challenge, greatediting can transform a photo from just""nice"" to ""incredible!"".So lets make sure you bring out the best in your images by enrolling in my Photoshop class today!Click on enrol and look forward to seeing you inside soon! :)"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Gel Polish Decorations, Step by Step for Nail Artists" |
"This curriculum is primarily designed for professionals, but I recommend it to anyone interested in this profession or to decorate the nails as hobbies.In these videos I will present the decorations of gel polish what are very popular among everybody. The gel polish is not just a durable nail polish... Millions of decorative techniques can be combined without the need for artificial nails.Many people do not know what tools to use for each decoration. Here I would like to help you with some decorations.If you want to learn the professional nail decoration, this video is for you.I tried to collect the most spectacular and most popular techniques. I would like to show that today's popular gel polish is not just a simple color nail polish, it's a lot more than that.Befor every video you will find a ""what you'll need"" short video. Here I will show you what you will need to make the decoration.If you ever wanted to make decorations what you found on the internet, but did not know how to do it? Here in this course we will work with gel polishing, because today it is the most popular among both professionals and those who are looking for nice nails."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"How a Narcissist Plays You" |
"Narcissists are masters at reading people. They target those who they deem to be vulnerable and ripe for their manipulation. This course will explain the tactics narcissists use to manipulate and control you. It will help you to understand how they hook you in and how the cycle of abuse works. This will enable you to step away from their manipulation and free yourself from their control. It will also help you to discover why you stay or keep going back to an abusive relationship, even when you know its hurting you. How to decide if your relationship is good enough for you. Or if you deserve better."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Como mudar sua carreira e comear na rea de TI" |
"TODA EMPRESA IR SE TORNAR UMA EMPRESA DE SOFTWARE. POR ISSO QUE H CENTENAS DE MILHARES DE VAGAS EM ABERTO PARA TI E QUE AS EMPRESAS NO CONSEGUEM PREENCHER.Voc deve ter reparado o quanto as funes de tecnologia tm crescido. Mesmo em empresas que no prestam servios e nem produzem nada de tecnologia.Isto acontece porque a tecnologia, em especial o software, o corao das empresas no sculo XXI.Exatamente por isto as reas e funes de tecnologia esto crescendo tanto em todo o Brasil e em todo mundo, seja em empresas grandes ou mesmo em startups recm-nascidas.O nosso objetivo te ajudar a definir a rota, o caminho para chegar sair da sua carreira atual e comear a sua jornada em tecnologia.IMPORTANTEComo deve imaginar, o mercado de trabalho bastante competitivo e os resultados obtidos na sua carreira dependem de fatores que vo muito alm dos cursos que realizou. Nosso papel e proposta neste curso lhe dar informao compilada de forma acessvel para que mesmo quem no faz parte do mercado possa tomar as suas decises de carreira de maneira mais objetiva.Desta forma, realizar este curso no garante, por si s, que conseguir fazer uma transio de carreira ou mesmo de que ser capaz de entrar no mercado de TI."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"EFT Tapping For Personal Peace" |
"Remove emotional blocks and subconscious negativity using EFT Tapping! This course will teach you how to do EFT Tapping, and most importantly, will teach you how to use this powerful healing tool in an organized and methodical way. The Personal Peace Procedure is a systematic approach to use EFT to effectively release negativity from your life for good. You will learn three different processes that will help you organize events in your life that have been contributing to negative emotions and a negative state of being. These processes will then help you work through these events and experiences in an efficient and effective way, leading you to emotional freedom, joy and happiness. It will put the power of self healing into your own hands (literally!). Over 100 published studies have proven the effectiveness of EFT Tapping to help release emotional blocks, limiting beliefs and negative emotions. A link for these studies will be provided in the course content along with other links, resources and downloadable content and worksheets."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
forwomenonly |
"! ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 . . !"
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Just Execute - Pointers in Programming" |
"This online course is designed for anyone who wishes to learn the aspects of programming and make a foray into the Programming World. This course helps you in mastering the programming thinking Skills. How to write the programs professionally and solve the problems at multiple levels of depth. Use the problem solving skills to build the diverse problem solving toolkit. When learning a new programming language it is important to understand the core programming concepts. It is not enough just focusing on the syntax and the underlying concepts. In most of the circumstances, one hears about programs that had to be rewritten all over again? It is because the bugs present in it could not be relocated. So, how we are going to chase them away? This course will help you to use the best approach to solve the task at hand. This course will cover several fundamental concepts that makes you a smart and more efficient programmer. This course bridges the gap by connecting the theory to practice. This course has a series of videos that helps you in exploring the concepts in C++ programming."
Price: 3840.00 ![]() |