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Kotlin |
"Kotlin Android Java 100% JVM / Android Google I/O 2017 Google Android Kotlin Andriod Java JVM Kotlin"
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
"Digital Journalism 101 : get published in online media" |
"Getting published in a high authority publication can transform your career and massively boost your earnings. But with thousands of writers competing for the privilege, competition is fierce.The Perfect Pitch is an easy to learn system for finding, formatting and pitching stories that will massively increase your chances of breaking into high authority publicationsThis course will give you an insider look at how to pitch and publish at high authority level, from a 15 year veteran with bylines includingThe Guardian, BBC, Wired, Independent, Buzzfeed, Aeonand many more high authority publications.Whats the REAL business of high authority publications? Knowing this changes everything.Learn the 3 pillars of making the perfect pitch: Community, Story and Angle.Understand the key formats that high authority publications use to tell stories.Mine online resources like Reddit to find killer angles.Lever the power of social media to find editors and grow your network.How to negotiate pay effectively, and turn a one off gig into a long-term job."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Guida ai linguaggi C e C++17: da principiante ad esperto" |
"Se ti avvicini per la prima voltaad un linguaggio diprogrammazione, questo corso fa per te.Anche se perconosci gi un altro linguaggio di programmazionema vuoi imparare il C/C++, troverai comunque in questo corso tutto ci che ti serve.La prima sezione del corso, che ti offro come bonus, una sorta di corso nel corso... Imparerai infatti in modo approfondito il Paradigma Object-Oriented in tutti i suoi aspetti principali, secondo un percorso che ho ricavato dai miei (ahim) moltissimi anni di esperienza sul campo come object-oriented analyst e designer. Le capacit che acquisirai nelle lezioni teoriche di questa prima sezione sono valide anche per qualunque linguaggio object-oriented, come Python, C#, Swift, C++. Il corso poi costituito da due parti. Nella prima parte viene spiegato il linguaggio di programmazione C, partendo da zero, in modo agevole anche per chi ha poca o nessuna esperienza di programmazione. Nella seconda parte, viene invece spiegato in dettaglioil linguaggio di programmazione C++17, come estensione rispetto al linguaggio C introdotto nella prima parte.Acquistando questo corso, quindi, parteciperai in effetti a due corsi di programmazione: un corso di C (versione 11) ed un corso di C++ (versione 17).Perch dovresti imparare a programmare in C ed in C++?Prima di tutto, il C il linguaggio da cui sono stati derivati molti altri linguaggi di programmazione (tra i quali in particolare Java, C++, C#, Swift, Objective-C) che sono in assoluto tra i pi usati al mondo: conoscere il C ti consentir di accedere a questi linguaggi con molta pi facilit - e con un livello di approfondimento che non si pu ottenere in questi linguaggi senza prima conoscere realmente la sintassi delC.Inoltre, nonostante il C sia stato introdotto sul mercato alla fine degli anni '70 (!) l'indice TIOBE (il principale indice di misurazione per la diffusione dei linguaggi di programmazione nel mondo) ha eletto proprio il C come linguaggio dell'anno 2017, in quanto risultatoil linguaggio che cresciuto maggiormente in termine di utilizzo.Conoscere il linguaggio C, attraverso questo corso, ti consentir inoltre di apprendere i principali meccanismi della programmazione del softwarein generale. Inoltre, data la natura stessa del linguaggio, apprenderai anchecome avviene la programmazione a ""basso livello"", cio al livello in cui diventa importante essere consapevoli dell'architettura delle CPU e della memoria del computer, per ottenere codice ottimizzato ed estremamente performante.Imparare poi a sviluppare in C++ ti porter a conoscere e ad utilizzare anche la programmazione object-oriented, ed a padroneggiare uno dei linguaggi di programmazione pi potenti al mondo.Cosa imparerai in questo corsoPer prima cosa: questo corso non un lungo tutorial genericosuilinguaggio C/C++: una vera e propria guida nella quale ogni singolo elemento di entrambii linguaggiviene preso in esame, definito, illustrato e spiegato in dettaglio. Gli argomenti stessi sono stati disposti secondo un ordine che consente di comprendere ciascuno dei duelinguaggiin modo progressivo ma completo.Anche se questo corso una guida approfonditaal linguaggio C (nella versione 11, la pi recente), ed al linguaggio C++ (nella versione 17, anche in questo caso la pi recente)nulla stato dato per scontato: ogni argomento viene introdotto tenendo presente che potresti non avere alcuna esperienza di programmazione.In particolare in questo corso imparerai in modo approfondito:L'utilizzo del compilatore open-source C e C++ GNU, ed un compilatore C/c++ onlineL'architettura generale di un computer e di un compilatoreLe variabili, le costanti, ed i basic data types del linguaggio CGli operatori aritmeticiGli array (monodimensionali e multidimensionali)Le enumerazioniLe struttureLe unioniLe strutture di controllo (condizionali e di iterazione)La progettazione delle funzioniL'utilizzo dei puntatori (in tutti i suoi aspetti anche pi avanzati)Le classi di memorizzazioneL'utilizzo delle direttive del preprocessoreI Namespace e gli Stream in C++Le Classi e gli Oggetti in C++Una sezione molto estesa del corso stata dedicata alla descrizione dei puntatori, uno degli argomenti pi importanti - ma anche uno deipi complessi - che ci troviamo ad affrontare quando si impara il linguaggio C.Il tuo istruttore, Alessandro Bemporad, ha progettato eprogrammato personalmentepermolti anni sistemi software complessinei linguaggiC e C++- che sono stati in effetti proprioi suoi primilinguaggidi programmazione! -e conosce quindi in modo molto approfondito l'argomento di questo corso."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"DxO PhotoLab 3.2" |
"By far, DxO Photolab is the easiest, most intuitive, highest quality RAW image converter anywhere. And this excellence comes with automation that streamlines your post processing while producing truly stunning results. Proprietary lens/body combination scripts extend the excellence by using custom scripts that help create some of the sharpest, cleanest images possible. Learn this best-kept secret to RAW conversion software in step-by-step explanations of the newest features in version 3.2 and more. We'll look at the brand-new addition to DxO PhotoLab, the color wheel, and how it can help you fine tune your color adjustments. Noise removal, sharpening, exposure adjustments, conversion settings, are all explained in detail, allowing you to get the highest quality results possible while at the same time streamlining your workload. You'll learn how to fine-tune your sharpening, adjust your white balance and more. This course is for beginners and those new to DxO. I go through each facet of DxO PhotoLab and explain how to use each control, and how to install the modules that extend the high-quality output even further, eliminating pin-cushion and barrel distortion, chromatic aberration, automatic sharpening, dynamic range balancing and more all automatically. Once finishing this course, you'll be an expert at extracting the highest quality image from your camera. You'll know how to process your image into a 16-bit TIF file retaining all the detail and color information today's digital sensors are capable of delivering."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Excel 2016 - Basico ao Avanado" |
"O que excel? um aplicativo para criao de planilhas eletronicas, criando em 1987 pela Microsoft. Sua primeira verso foi lanado para o MACda Apple. OEXCEL 2016 a verso de nmero 16.O que podemos fazer com Excel?Organizar tarefas;Planilhas com Grficos;Clculos Matemticos e Financeiros;Comparar informaes e etc.Como o curso?Nosso curso dividido em 07Sees com 60Aulas, nossas aulas so preparadas a maioria com curto tempo. Todas nossas aulas so desenvolvidos os conceitos de cada aplicao e a maioria acompanham com material de apoio para realizao das atividades.Temos nosso famoso praticando, aqui voc coloca em pratica os conceitos adquiridos nas aulas, no Seo 07 composta somente de Aulas para o Praticando, assim te preparando melhor para aplicar as ferramentas.Nosso objetivo maior objetivo te capacitar a utilizar com segurana as ferramentas dos Excel para desenvolver suas Habilidades.O que aprenderei com o Curso?Desenvolver a capacidade de usar o excel de formapratica.Aprender recursos de Formatao.Saber utilizar as formulas e fazer combinaes.Entender os conceitos fundamentais e mais complexospara aplicar na resoluo dos problemas do dia a dia.Te preparar para mercado de trabalho;Montar planilhas de controles e anlises."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Android Start - Curso Android - Java Kotlin e Flutter" |
"CURSO EM ANDAMENTO - ATENO AULAS SO PUBLICADAS SEMANALMENTE NOS FINAIS DE SEMANA PREVISO DE DURAO DO CURSO SO 6 MESESNeste curso vamos aprender o bsico sobre programao AndroidPosteriormente vamos aprender alguns conceitos avanados como Firebase e conexo com APIem PHPVamos criar uma CRUD bsico utilizando SQLiteBnus requisio com servidorCriar tela de cadastroCriar banco de dados utilizando ORMliteFazer um login bsico com SQLiteTransformando um cdigo Java para KotlinBsico sobre XML e interface AndroidBsico sobre FragmentsAcesso ao Livro Android JavaBsico sobre FlutterConfigurando o FlutterAmbienteAndroid Studio IDE - SDK Android Gradle Emulador Estrutura da AplicaoActivityFuncionamento Ciclo de vida da Activity FragmentsBanco de dados SQliteORMliteCriando Banco de Dados Acessando o banco de dados Layout ( View )Fragments Navegation Drawer Tipos de Layout Componentes da Telas"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aprende rabe #1 El Alfabeto" |
"No necesitan conocimientos previos! Este curso es para principiantes, iniciamos desde cero. Y aun as te prometo que si estudias como lo describe el programa; en menos de un mes a partir de ahora y podras ser capaz de leer y entender esto: Qu te parece? Te gustaria? Inscribete ahora a este primer curso de rabe introductorio donde aprendemos el alfabeto rabe con la correcta pronunciacin de cada letra.Como un PLUS tambin vamos a aprender palabras nuevas en cada leccin en vdeo y a avanzar poco a poco, de forma que al finalizar el curso cada letra haya quedado bien grabada en nuestra memoria. Paciencia, perseverancia y entusiasmo es lo nico que se necesita para tener xito en este curso. Es rpido y sencillo, siempre y cuando se estudie todos los das! Con optimismo y entusiasmo.El rabe NO es un idioma difcil y aqu lo vamos a comprobar todos juntos que si se puede APRENDER RABE MENOS DE UN MES. Inscribete HOY mismo!!"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Arabe 2020" |
"Aprender rabe en menos de un mes es posible! Comprubalo!No necesitan conocimientos previos! Este curso es para principiantes, iniciamos desde cero. Y aun as te prometo que si estudias como lo describe el programa; en menos de un mes a partir de ahora y podras ser capaz de leer y entender esto: Inscribete HOY mismo!!Paciencia, perseverancia y entusiasmo es lo nico que se necesita para tener xito en este curso. Es rpido y sencillo, siempre y cuando se estudie todos los das! Con optimismo y entusiasmo.El rabe NO es un idioma difcil y aqu lo vamos a comprobar todos juntos que: si se puede APRENDER RABE MENOS DE UN MES. Como un PLUS tambin vamos a aprender palabras nuevas en cada leccin en vdeo y a avanzar poco a poco, de forma que al finalizar el curso cada letra haya quedado bien grabada en nuestra memoria. Al terminar este curso el estudiante ser capaz leer y escribir en idioma rabe con fluidez bsica.Estudiantes musulmanes podrn leer el Qur'an en su idioma original y recitar de forma correcta. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Trading Forex: Comienza a invertir en el Mercado de Forex" |
"Quieres empezar a invertir en Forex pero no cuentas con una estrategia confiable? O tal vez, ya invertiste algunas veces pero no lograste el resultado que esperabas...Si es as, ests en el lugar indicado!Bienvenido al curso ""Trading Forex: Comienza a invertir en el Mercado de Forex""En donde aprenders los conceptos y herramientas necesarias para operar en el mercado de divisas. Qu aprenders?Qu es el mercado de Forex.Qu es el Anlisis Tcnico y cmo utilizarlo para obtener beneficios.Aprenders a identificar oportunidades de inversin con EJEMPLOS REALES.Sabrs cuando COMPRAR y cuando VENDER una accin de manera clara.Uso de INDICADORES tcnicos: MACD, Relative Strenh Index, Bollinger Bands, Medias Mviles.Distintas ESTRATEGIAS de Trading rentables.Cmo reconocer la TENDENCIA del mercado de manera clara.Conceptos bsicos de Forex: PARES, PIPS, SPREAD.Qu es el Apalancamiento y el Mrgen. Cules son sus riesgos.MANEJO DEL RIESGO de una posicin especulativa. ...Y ms!Qu es FOREX?Forex, tambin denominado FX, o mercado de divisas, es el acrnimo de ""Foreign Exchange"". Y es simplemente el proceso de cambiar una divisa por otra. Por ejemplo, cambia Dlares por Euros.Lo ms probable es que ya hayas operado en Forex anteriormente, ya sea de manera directa o indirecta. Alguna vez compraste un producto o servicio de otro pas por internet? Alguna vez viajaste a un pas con otra moneda? Si es as, ya operaste en Forex.El trading de forex, es una actividad mediante la cual se compran y venden pares de divisas para especular con su precio y as obtener beneficios. sta actividad, se encuentra abierta a cualquier persona que disponga de una computadora, internet, y un mnimo de capital.Qu es el Anlisis Tcnico?El anlisis tcnico es el estudio del movimiento de los mercados financieros, principalmente mediante el uso de grficos e indicadores matemticos y estadsticos, con el objetivo intentar anticipar el comportamiento futuro de los precios de los activos financieros.El anlisis tcnico no solo se suele utilizar en el mercado de Forex, sino tambin en acciones, indices, commodities, bonos, criptomonedas, y en prcticamente cualquier tipo de activo. En otras palabras, el anlisis tcnico bien hecho, es una herramienta que nos ayuda a decidir:QU comprar, qu venderCUNDO comprar y cundo vender.Adems...Acceso ilimitado al curso de por vidaPregunta todas tus dudas al Instructor30 das de garanta con devolucin del 100% del dinero[nete a la comunidad #AFT junto a +4,000 alumnos]Listo para comenzar?TE ESPERAMOS!Academy for Traders"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Algoritmos e Lgica de Programao" |
"Neste curso ir aprender sobre lgica de programao e ir praticar algoritmos computacionais utilizando o programa VisuAlg. Este curso voltado para pessoas iniciantes em programao e no requer nenhum requisito.Com este curso, ir entrar no mundo da programao de uma forma fcil e divertida graas s aulas que so bastante dinmicas e didticas. Tenho a certeza de que o conhecimento de algoritmos ir ajudar bastante no futuro quando for aprender uma linguagem de programao.De que est espera? Inscreva-se j no curso e tenha acesso imediato s aulas! O curso vitalcio, e ser bastante importante para poder comear a programar! O curso tambm possui uma rea dedicada a dvidas que sero esclarecidas pelo o instrutor.Ento, que tal? Preparado para embarcar no universo da programao?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AngularJS Made Easy for People in Hurry" |
"AngularJS is a javascript framework that enables you to build a dynamic web application . Save your time and learn AngularJS in one hour . This course is designed to teach you the most important information about AngularJS in an easy and fast way . At the end of this course you will be asked to build a specific AngularJS application to test your understanding and to give you chance to practice what you have learned .If you stuck do not worry , we will build this application together at the end . In this course you will learn : - Directives - Module and controllers -Two ways data binding -Scope"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Criando seu prprio website com Wordpress" |
"Esse curso foi criado com o objetivo de ajudar o pblico nacriao de um website utilizando o CMSWordpress, nesse curso voc vai aprender todos os passos para ter um website, desde a compra do domnio do seu site pessoal ou empresarial, at a configurao de um servidor particular na Digital Ocean (VPS - Virtual Private Server) e por fim, a instalao do CMSWordpress com certificado digital SSL (https).No preciso ter experincia com Linux, se voc utiliza o sistema operacional Windows 8 ou 10 por exemplo vaiconseguir fazer todas as configuraes normalmente, no curso mostro como fazer os acessos ao servidor Linux para seu gernciamentoutilizando ferramentas como Putty e WinSCP."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
Price: 5400.00 ![]() |
"Ankara accessories making course" |
"In this course, you will go from wondering how to make Ankara Accessories to actually making yourAnkara Accessories.The courseoffers a combinationof 5different ankara accessoriesprojects where you will learn differenttechniques in ankaraaccessory making. It will helpyoubuild your skills so that you can create,work as a Professional orstart yourowndesignerlineofAnkaraAccessoriesyouve always wished for.It is astep by step guide on how to makebeautiful accessories from sratchusing African print fabric(ANKARA) andmaterials you can find around you."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Android App & Admob Complete Earning Course" |
". Android . Android . . :Google Play : Google Play Android . Android ( / ). APK Admob ( )Google Play Google Play Google Play () Admob ( Android ). . / ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Statistics for Engineers (in Arabic)" |
"- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"My Unique Clickfunnels Affiliate Strategy" |
"You'll know how to capture leads using Manychat & ClickfunnelsYou'll know how to create a Membership Site and Training Area for your LeadsYou'll know how sell and schedule potential customers for coachingYou'll know how to make extra income with Clickfunnels You'll know how to make Live Action Logos for your VideosYou know how to use Google Adwords, Solo Ads and Facebook Ads to market your course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Advanced 3D Typography Techniques in Photoshop" |
"This course is designed to teach you a varietyof advanced Design techniquesby creating a real world Typography text effectproject with the 3D features of photoshop,The goal is to walk you step by step and teach youhow to design professional looking projects in Photoshop.we focus on a real world casebyteaching youthe best techniques thatproduces maximum results. I'll be using the latest version of the program -Photoshop CC 2018, but all the content can be created in photoshop CS6 and aboveWhat will you learn?3D fundamentals We will start by understanding the 3D interface , how to use the panels, how to control the scene and the lighting for those who are not familiar with 3D in PhotoshopCreate 3D objects and assign materials you'll learn how to create your first 3D object and then adding a material to it by exploring the materials panel and the image based light systemAdding advanced layer style to a 3D object you'll discover how to enhance a 3D object by adding advanced layer style on top and getting the most of itCreate directional light source and shadows a realistic shadow and lighting effects is what makes great images and you'll learn how to create that using 3D lighting as well as creating it manuallyLearn an exclusive custom 3D Typography technique i will reveal my secret technique on how to create amazing 3D lettering and typography even if your not good at calligraphyCreate a depth of field effect you'll learn how to add a realistic dripping effect to the Typography using a mixture of custom paths, layer style and reference images and so much more!Why is this course different?greatquality video tutorialsone of the most unique and professional courseson the platformQuality instructor support: I respond to most questions in under 12 hoursAll lectures are straight to the point - minimal effort, maximum resultsLearn by working, not by watching!By the end of this course you will be More familiar with the Softwareespecially the 3D interface. You'll feel in control as you pursue and complete more ambitious projects. Whether you are contemplating a career change, considering freelancing opportunities, or developing a personal skill, get started today on your Photoshop career!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
creativethinking-mindmap |
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"SAP S/4HANA Activate" |
"This course made exclusively for understanding implementation methodology for SAP S/4 HANA for implementation consultants. This is made looking at the interview challenges of SAP Consultants as this topic is extensively covered in the interviews. This is a theoretical course and provides a in-depth view of methodology. With SAP S/4 HANA implementations are gearing up everywhere in the world and in every Industry verticals it is necessary for our young consultants to know the framework which they can adopt in their implementation project. The course touches two parts. Gives detailed information of SAP Activate methodology as well as helps students to prepare for interviews. Interviews normally checks understanding of candidate's awareness on this fundamental subject. Every consultants in SAP Consultancy is for implementation at client site. Unless he/she has basic awareness the entire purpose of hiring is lost.Course also includes a free video from SAP to explain about Activate from their experts which is very helpful.Course is very crisp and tailored for specific need of a student without going into an extensive elaborate and expensive courses. This is made by understanding need of a students and provided content which is truly required - nothing more- nothing less. Course Fontaine's focussed videos, a Video from SAP and a quiz section to re-cap the knowledge you have gained during the course. "
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Temel Asp.Net Web Api" |
"Bu eitim serisinde asp net web api konusunu temel alarak anlattm ayrca get ve post ilemlerini jquery ile gsterdim.Bu kurs sonunda sizde kendi asp net web api projenizi oluturabileceksiniz. Bu kursu daha iyi anlayabilmeniz iin asp net mvc yi ve jquery yi bilmeniz gerekmektedir. Bu kurslar ayrntl olarak renmek iin Ali Osman Hazr isimli youtube kanalma abone olabilir ve dersleri oradan takip edebilirsiniz"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Entity Framework Code First ile Grid.MVC" |
"Bu eitim ile birlikte hem Entity Framework Code First ile database ilemleri -gncelleme dahil- nasl olur onu reneceksiniz hem de grid.MVC ile projelerinize ok kullanl ve kolay olan tasarm asndan da ok ileri bir grid yapsn nasl ekleyeceinizi reneceksiniz. Bu eitimin sonunda hem code first yapsna hakim olacaksnz hem de grid.mvc yi projelerinizde kullanabileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Back-End Yazlmclar iin Sfrdan Bootstrap 4" |
"In this training series for back-end software you will find everything about bootstrap 4. With this training, you will be able to understand the basics of responsive design and understand the codes that come to mind. You will be able to write your server-side code more easily and design a simple web page from scratch if you wish. Remember, this course does not provide you with a high-level web page design, it makes it easier to understand and categorize your top-ranked web sites."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Nuestra historiaHace un tiempo tenamos una empresa llamada De Mentes por la Tarea, educacin a un Clic. All ofrecamos un curso online en vivo que se llamaba PreICFES en Pijama; queramos innovar y ofrecer una experiencia diferente a un preICFES tradicional, en donde los estudiantes por lo general se renen de manera presencial en el colegio o alguna sede fsica los fines de semana.Sabamos que con tecnologa podamos hacer algo diferente, y en vez de que los estudiantes tuvieran que desplazarse hasta un lugar un sbado o domingo, luego de toda una semana de tener que madrugar para ir a estudiar, ms bien pudieran estar en el pre-ICFES solo con un clic, en la comodidad de sus casas; que literalmente pudieran estudiar desde sus camas.Muchas de esas conferencias online quedaron grabadas y no queramos que ese material y esa experiencia de aprendizaje desaparecieran. Por lo que hicimos un anlisis pedaggico y didctico, aplicamos principios de microlearning -una nueva forma de aprendizaje en el contexto digital- que funciona con pequeos, pero eficientes materiales educativos, en este caso, cortos videos.POR QU ESCOGER PREICFES EXPRS?Estudios han demostrado que en el contexto digital que vivimos, en donde circulan por la web enormes cantidades de informacin cada segundo, la capacidad de concentracin en un solo recurso ha disminuido. Es ms, se habla que la capacidad de concentracin en este momento es de alrededor de 8 segundos. Parece increble, cierto?, pero as es el mundo actual.El microlearning nos permite construir objetos virtuales de aprendizaje cortos, pero eficientes. PREICFES EXPRS, no busca reemplazar lo que ya aprendiste en el colegio, sino explicarte cmo es la prueba Saber 11, el tipo de preguntas que vas a encontrar en las cinco reas de conocimiento que se evalan: matemticas, lectura crtica, sociales y ciudadanas, ciencias naturales e ingls.Si conoces la pregunta, su estructura, y aprendes cmo responderla, vas a tener una ventaja significativa cuando presentes la prueba. PREICFES EXPRS est diseado para que ENTIENDAS LA PREGUNTA en cada una de Pruebas del Saber 11.Tambin incluimos simulacros exprs para que practiques respondiendo preguntas tipo ICFES, y sepas a qu te vas a enfrentar.En algunos videos aplicamos sound experience, para mejorar la experiencia de aprendizaje con sonidos de fondo. Adems, todo el tiempo estamos revisando el material para mejorarlo y actualizarlo.1. Al finalizar este curso comprenders cmo son las preguntas del examen ICFES Saber 11, en las cinco reas que se evalan: matemticas, lectura crtica, sociales y ciudadanas, ciencias naturales e ingls.2. Adems, tambin aprenders a resolver la pregunta tipo ICFES Saber 11 aplicando principios lgicos que te ayudarn a encontrar la respuesta correcta.Inscrbete a PREICFES EXPRS y llega preparado al Saber 11, con un curso corto, pero eficiente."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Master Course: From Beginner to Photoshop Pro" |
"*** New Classes Updated 05 November 2019 ***Great for Photoshop beginners ""Making Photoshop Fun & Easy""No prior knowledge or experience with Photoshop is required ""Guaranteed"" Full lifetime access to the complete course & updates. Bonus lectures towards the end of the course. All Photoshop Work files (PSD Files) are available under the resource section. My approach is: One thing I have learned through all the years of working with Adobe Photoshop is that knowing and understanding the essentials of adobe photoshop is just as fundamental as the heavier and trickier Photoshop techniques when it comes to honing your craft.This Photoshop Beginner course is multifaceted. You do not need any previous knowledge of Photoshop, Design or Photography. We start by going through the essentials of Photoshop. A step-by-step guide on photoshop workspace, every single tool and its function(s). After we've established the essentials, we can now build on our foundation. In the next part of the photoshop course, we head into a basic Photoshop Portrait Retouching Course. From here the following lectures will deal with the more advanced photoshop techniques to really improve your Photoshop skills and the pace at which you work.I've added a bonus lecture towards the end of the course. That focuses on what & how when it comes to using a Wacom tablet in photoshop. I've also added a bonus lecture that focuses on the next steps. Where to find more free photoshop lectures and how to progress with your photoshop workflow. You'll learnWhat Photoshop is & how to get into it.Customize the photoshop workspaces and feel comfortable.Understand all photoshop basics and tools.Understand layers and photoshop work panels. Understand masks and how to use them.Understand adjustment layers on how to use them.Working with the pen tool, liquify & puppet warp tool.Understand setting, color profiles and how to save Photoshop files & web files.Working with the brush tool, the clone stamp tool & healing brush.Understand cutting objects out, fixing skin & manipulation. ... and much, much more!What sets this course apart: I will teach you how to get into photoshop, so don't worry if you don't have prior experience with photoshop. We start slow and then build our way up.Receive all work material (Raw's & Photoshop files) from the start and work along. Many techniques, exercises, and work challenges.The idea is to make photoshop fun and easy! ""Great to work along"" Instructor support within 24 Hours. ""I do my best to answer every question""One final note: My goal is to teach you photoshop, so don't stress about not having worked in photoshop before. ""I do my best to make it simple & fun"" Thank you! "
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso iOS y 11 Swift 4: Aprende a hacer un Bloc de Notas" |
"En este curso adquirirs los conocimientos necesarios para desarrollar cualquier aplicacin para cualquier dispositivo Apple, de forma prctica, ya que sers capaz de programar aplicaciones de sencillas a avanzadas desde el primer da de estudio.En este curso crears aplicaciones totalmente funcionalesycompletaspara cualquierdispositivo Apple. Usaremos el lenguaje de programacin Swift en su ltima versin, la versin Swift 4,(no tendrs problemas de obsolescencia de cdigo)Entre otras cosas, aprenders:- Los elementos fundamentales del lenguaje de programacin Swift 4, en la ltima versin.- La metodologa para enfrentar y organizar un proyecto desde 0.- El concepto y funcionamiento del IDE (Entorno de Desarrollo Integrado) necesario para la creacin de aplicaciones en iOs: xCode- Ahacer aplicaciones responsive, es decir, que visualmente se vean bien en cualquier dispositivo Apple (Auto Layout)- Alograr la persistencia de los datos, es decir, que tus notas queden guardadas en la memoria del dispositivo a travs del uso de NSCoder,NSUserDefaults y Core Data(uno de los temas ms complicados en el desarrollo de aplicaciones).Esto te permitir extrapolar estos conocimientos a otro tipo de aplicacin y lograr la persistencia de los datos.- Implementacin de los elementos grficos ms importantes e innovadores (TableView, Slider, Switch, PickerView, ImageView, Botones, Labels, WebView,etc.)- Herencia de clases.- Protocolos, funciones y Mtodos.- Conectividad.Recuerda que cualquier duda que tengas puedes plantearla en el foro y mandndome un mensaje, el cual responder a la brevedad. Contars con mi asesora en cualquier problema que se te plantee en cualquier leccin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Her Ynyle Big Data ( Byk Veri ) Eitimi" |
"Sfrdan Her Ynyle Big Data teknolojilerini renmenin tadn karn.Bu kursta sfrdan Big Data'nn temellerini renerek , ileri seviyelere kadar Big Data analizlerinin tm gzelliklerini beraber grmeye balayacaz. Eer Big Data(Byk Veri) hakknda hibir fikriniz yoksa bu kurs tam size gre!Eitimin YapsEitim boyunca her blmde;Blmlerde rendiimiz bilgilerin kalc olmas iin kodlama egzersizlerimizi gerekletireceiz.Blmlerdeki konularn hepsini kapsayan devlerimizi yapacaz.Daha nceden rendiimiz bilgilerle projeler gelitireceiz.Ayrca her konuyla ilgili alma dokmanlarna sahip olacaksnz.Eitim eriiEitim boyunca u konular renmeye alacaz.Big Data ( Byk Veri ) EkosistemiHadoop, HDFS, MapReduce MimarisiApache Pig ve Apache Hive kullanarak byk veri analizleriCloudera ortamNoSQL veritabanlarMongoDB ve ElasticSearch mimarisi, kullanm, projelere entegre edilmesiApache Kafka kullanmApache Spark,Spark SQL ve Spark Streaming ile anlk veri analizleriEitim seti sayesinde tantmz arkadalar ile bir WhatsApp grubu oluturduk. Big Data ile ilgili haberleri, makaleleri ve projeleri paylaacamz bu grupta tm sorularnz sorabilir, paylam yapabilirsiniz.Bu eitim seti yaayan (canl) bir eitim setidir! Her hafta gncellenerek ve yeni konular, projeler eklenerek yaamaya devam etmektedir."
Price: 329.99 ![]() |
"C for beginners the fastest and simple way NOW" |
"you want tolearn C languagefrom the master himself?you want to became a hacker (because C is widely used in this field)?you want to understand Unix/Linux OS?you want to write programs in C with high-quality and performance?you want to save your time and make profit and gain huge amount of cash ?So enroll Now and let's have fun !!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn HTML the fastest way NOW" |
"You want to make amazing websites ?You want to start in web development field ?You want to increase your profit by selling websites ?You want all the IT companyto hire you and give you huge salary ?You want to understand how internet works ?You want to become a hacker ?So what are you waiting for enroll Now and boost your MONEY"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Network Socket Programming in Python 3 Practical Way" |
"themmz@hacker:~# you want to learn python 3 ?themmz@hacker:~# you want to become an ethical hacker ?themmz@hacker:~# you want to write your own tools?themmz@hacker:~# you want to build your own Networks ?themmz@hacker:~# you want to build programs in Networking perspective ?themmz@hacker:~# Don't worry this course is all need Save your money and enroll NOW !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Network Socket programming in C Practical Way" |
"In this course it is as simple as that:#################################################1- NO JOKING AROUND2- YOUWILL GETA PROPERPRACTICE3- YOU WILL MASTER THEC LANGUAGE (or at least you will get 75% of this powerful language) 4- YOU WILL KNOW ALL THE BASICS TOWRITE YOUROWN TOOLS"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |