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"Aprendiendo ROBTICA con ROS rpidamente" |
"IMPORTANTE: si llegas a este curso mediante un enlace directo del autor del curso la mayora del beneficio ser para el autor. Si llegas mediante bsqueda interna en esta plataforma, la mayora del beneficio ser para la plataforma. Por ello, si quieres ayudar directamente al autor, vuelve a entrar haciendo click en el enlace al curso desde nuestra web en Pldoras del Conocimiento (bscanos en Google o simplemente el nombre acabado en .com) T PROBLEMA: Me gustara desarrollar aplicaciones robticas. LA SOLUCIN: Aprenders a crear aplicaciones robticas con la plataforma ms importante: ROS. REGALO 1: Acceso al grupo privado para compartir con el resto de alumnos.Lo primero de todo es presentarse, soy Fernando, tu profesor. doctor en robtica con ms de 13 aos dedicndome intensamente a investigar y ensear robtica a miles de alumnos. Profesor oficial de sistemas operativos robticos y ms de 40 publicaciones cientficas relacionadas con este campo. Llevo programando casi desde que tena 4 aos y ya van por 36 ;)El objetivo del curso es muy sencillo pero a la vez potente: aprender a usar ROS (Robotic Operating System). ROS se ha convertido en la plataforma ms extendida para desarrollar aplicaciones robticas. Con este curso sers capaz de instalar una mquina virtual, el sistema Ubuntu, ROS, y empezar a trabajar desde cero con todo ello. Est estructurado para comenzar desde un nivel bajo hasta llegar a un nivel avanzado de dominio y conocimientos de ROS. Estoy convencido de que tomar este curso te va a ser increblemente til por varias razones:La alta y creciente demanda empresarial y de investigacin por profesionales con conocimientos de robtica y ROS.El uso potencial de los conocimientos adquiridos es muy amplio. Por qu tomar este curso y no otro? El profesor est altamente especializado en la materia impartida. Es doctor con ms de una dcada de experiencia en la investigacin y docencia en robtica. Ms de 30 publicaciones cientficas en el campo de la robtica en prestigiosas revistas y congresos, as como una docencia universitaria con valoracin de 4,5 sobre 5 puntos.La metodologa del curso est madura y rodada. Se guiar al alumno a travs de un proceso de aprendizaje que le permitir ir obteniendo conocimiento de forma progresiva.Existe poco contenido de calidad en espaol para aprender todos los conocimientos que aqu se exponen de forma gradual y ordenada, es por ello que te ahorra cientos de horas de investigacin y autoesfuerzo.Vas a invertir en el mejor activo posible que eres t mismo.Si superas el curso obtendrs un certificado que as lo acredita.Podrs descargar todas las diapositivas del curso para imprimir. Qu pasa si tomo el curso y pasado el tiempo me quedo desactualizado? Un aspecto destacado es que el curso 'est vivo'. Esto implica que se ir actualizando progresivamente y es posible que se incremente el precio del curso para los nuevos alumnos. Para todos aquellos alumnos que ya hayan adquirido el curso previamente, podrn acceder de forma ilimitada a todos los nuevos contenidos que sean generados. Qu opinan los alumnos que ya han tomado el curso? ""Curso muy completo! Todo se explica de manera sencilla y con ejemplos, por lo que es muy fcil entenderlo. Sobre todo me parece interesante y til para el mundo de la robtica."" Elena Velzquez ""Muy bien explicado. Se agradece que haga ejemplos de cdigo despus de explicar la teora. Utilsimo!""Jorge Bustos ""Muy buen curso, es necesario acceder al bonus al final del curso antes de comenzar el segundo captulo del curso para poder crear tu propio paquete beginner_tutorials.""Eduardo Rasgado "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"El pequeo curso de la inversin paciente y racional" |
"IMPORTANTE: si llegas a este curso mediante un enlace directo del autor del curso la mayora del beneficio ser para el autor. Si llegas mediante bsqueda interna en esta plataforma, la mayora del beneficio ser para la plataforma. Por ello, si quieres ayudar directamente al autor, para comprarlo vuelve a entrar haciendo click en el enlace al curso desde nuestra web en Pldoras del Conocimiento (bscanos en Google o simplemente el nombre acabado en .com). REGALO 1. Pertenencia a la comunidad: acceso al grupo de alumnos inversores de Fb y Telegram. REGALO 2. Hoja de clculo automatizada que permite llevar un seguimiento cmodo de tus inversiones. Las compaas de ms calidad del mundo actualizado mes a mes. Cul es el objetivo del curso? T PROBLEMA: No s invertir. LA SOLUCIN: Aprenders a invertir.El objetivo del curso es muy claro: ensear todo lo necesario para llevar a cabo un proceso de inversin realista y a largo plazo. En l se aborda la inversin desde el punto de vista del cientfico, ya que expone datos contrastados tras el estudio de ms un centenar de libros y artculos cientficos relacionados con la inversin. El alumno ir aprendiendo de forma gradual los conocimientos ms avanzados sobre la inversin:Comprender los tipos de instrumentos financieros existentes con sus rentabilidad/riesgos asociados.Comprender las diferentes posibles estrategias de inversin, con sus virtudes y defectos.Seleccionar individualmente las acciones con ms potencial en el largo plazo.Seleccionar individualmente los fondos activos y fondos ndices con mayor potencial.Distribuir equilibradamente la cartera de inversin de acuerdo a tu propio perfil.Conocer el proceso psicolgico que todo inversor desarrolla: sesgos cognitivos y teora de juegosEvitar invertir en compaas con altas probabilidades de estar cometiendo fraude contable (contabilidad forense). Por qu tomar este curso y no otro? El curso est estructurado usando diferentes materiales: vdeo-clases, audio-clases, infografas, PDF's, vdeo-conclusiones, y entrevistas. Todo ello contenido propio y creado desde cero para hacerlo lo ms ameno posible.Casi 45 horas de CONTENIDO ORIGINAL para fijar todos los conceptos necesarios.Numerosos alumnos han ya tomado el curso y avalan su metodologa con sus reseas.Formars parte de una comunidad.Todo lo expuesto est apoyado por una base CIENTFICA, estadstica e histrica.El curso ""est vivo"" con actualizaciones peridicas. Descuentos especiales para prximos cursos.Podrs descargar las diapositivas del curso para tenerlas siempre a mano. La inversin es realmente necesaria para mi? Ser realmente capaz? Sabas que puedes invertir con bajo riesgo y hacer crecer tu capital de forma exponencial? Repito, de forma REALISTA.Sabas que si no inviertes la inflacin erosiona tus ahorros de forma constante? En veinte aos habras perdido la mitad del poder adquisitivo de tus ahorros.En la mayora de los pases desarrollados el sistema de pensiones es difcilmente sostenible en el largo plazo. Este es un curso REALISTA, basado en datos y una aproximacin cientfica.Si aplicas y pones en prcticas los conocimientos aprendidos, sin duda hars crecer tu patrimonio.Ahorras el tiempo de estudio y seleccin de ms de 30 libros de inversin.Ahorras el importe de comprar estos grandes libros de inversin.No es necesario ser muy inteligente, ni tener grandes conocimientos financieros, ni por supuesto estar continuamente mirando las cotizaciones para obtener buena rentabilidad. Si no me crees, has mirado alguna vez la evolucin en los ltimos 200 aos del SP500 o del MSCI World? Qu opinan los alumnos que ya han tomado el curso? ""Curso muy completo, que abarca todos los aspectos de la inversin ""racional"". Demuestra un labor previo considerable por parte de su autor. Se nota que Fernando es profesor, las partes y captulos son bien estructurados, proporciona tambin mucho material extra y tambin va actualizando el contenido. Se percibe tambin su voluntad de transmitir conocimiento de calidad y proporcionar ayuda fuera del marco del curso por las sesiones de preguntas y la comunidad de Facebook. Tambin reacciona rpidamente en caso de duda. Lo recomiendo sin duda!""A. Stien ""Excelente curso, he aprendido muchsimo y me ha ayudado a establecer mi cartera de inversiones. Agradezco haber hecho esta inversin""Cristian Gonzalez Sarria ""Genial curso para introducirse en el mundillo. Breve y directo al grano""Alejandro Olaz Montoya ""Curso muy adecuado para iniciarse en la inversin con probabilidades de xito. Trata los temas fundamentales con recursos y herramientas de inters""Jos Blanco ""Una gran toma de contacto para tirar del hilo y seguir ampliando conocimientos a partir de la base que aqu se da. Muy satisfecho""Manual Sousa"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Seguridad Cisco desde 0" |
"Hola,Este curso, basado en la versIn del exmen CCNA SECURITY v2.0 640-554, te brindar las bases para dominar los fundamentos del aseguramiento de Routers, Switches y ASA Firewall de Cisco.Aprende el Network Foundation Protocol, a asegurar switches a Nivel de Capa 2, a hacer uso eficiente de ACL, entre otras actividades de seguridad que potenciarn tu formacin como un verdadero Especialista en Redes e Internet.Disfruta de cada captulo, grabado en formato HD y explicado en detalle, para prepararte en tu carrera como Especialista en Redes e Internet.Jesus Espinoza - The House of Routing"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"I want to connect my Xamarin Forms app to REST API" |
"Most business and consumermobile apps connects to a backendto store data. As a developer, you need to understand how to implement such a system. HTTP Requests, REST API, JSON, CRUD, DataBinding andHTTPClient are the technology concepts used for the communication between a mobile application and a web service. This course explains these technologies in a simple way by showing their practical side. The objective is that the learner will be able to build his first nativecross platform mobile app (iOS & Android) that communicates with a backend, in less than half a day!As a good preparation for professional development, this course uses the same tools used by professional developers: Visual Studio, Postman, ASP.NET Core, Xamarin Forms and Azure App Service.Program:What we will be developingCreating a REST API using ASP.NET CoreAdding the Todo model and its ControllerTesting the web service using PostmanPublishing the web service to MicrosoftAzureCreating the Xamarin Forms projectImplementing a static ListViewApplying MVVM design pattern to our appAdding DataService to call web servicesImplementing HTTP GET requestImplementing HTTP POST requestCreating a UI for sending Todo itemsAdding a new ViewModelImplementing HTTP PUT requestCreating a UI for updating Todo itemsImplementing HTTPDELETE requestCreating a UI for removingTodo itemsRefreshing TodoListView using a ButtonRefreshing TodoListView with PullToRefreshEnhancing the UI design"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Getting started with DevOps using Azure DevOps & Docker" |
"Docker and DevOps tools are becoming essential requirements in today's software development. Developers could feel the urge to learn it and students should be prepared for it from now. If you hear lots of talks about these two technologies and you have a sort of clear idea how should it work theoretically, but you want to see it in action and start experimenting it yourself? Then, this course is for you! It is all practical, no slides, no time wasted. I get you direct to the point, in just 1 hour!Content:1. Install Docker for Linux (or Windows)2. Create a sample ASP.NET Core Web App3. Run Web App on Docker 3.1 Pull Docker images from Docker Hub 3.2 Create Dockerfile 3.3 Build Docker image 3.4 Run Docker image 3.5. Dockerignore file (coming soon)4. Tag the image5. Push image to Docker Hub6. Pull the image from Docker Hub7. Create Web App for Containers on Azure8. CI with VSTS 8.a Publish source code to Github 8.b create a CI pipeline 8.c Add task: Build Image 8.d Add task: Push Image 8.e Enable CI trigger9. CD with VSTS 9.a Configuring the artifacts 9.b Enabling Continuous Deployment trigger 9.c Configuring the environments : Dev, Staging & Prod10 Run the CI & CD pipelines11 Working with docker-compose.yml (coming soon)12 Adding a Database to the project(coming soon)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master the Arabic language _ Starters course- Level 1" |
"Marhaba :)Hello and welcome to the most efficientArabic language course. This isa freshly updated course, proven to result in excellent outcomeswith many many students.In this beginners course, you will learnabout different essential topics, we will focus on understanding rather than memorizing which will come naturally! you will be amazed by the rate of improvement, within no time you will be able to use the language in a real-life situation.My name is Mozn, and I will be your instructor for this course. I am so excited to start and teach something useful :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript Masterclass 2020 - Learn & Understand JavaScript" |
"JavaScript is one of the most popular programming language. It's trending on top as one of the most used language.In this course you will learn all things JavaScript. This course is my dream JavaScript project, which I have started with foundation of JavaScript. This course is like a subscription which will keep updated with all latest things in JavaScript. Right now this course covers all the basics of JavaScript like Variables, function, program flow, loops, arrays, objects, dom & events.This course has coding challenges and two beautiful projects to learn how to code in JavaScript.More coding challenges and projects will be added.Content to be released object oriented design, design patterns, test driven development, server side interaction, ES6 and frameworks. This course is divided into small, easy to understand practical lectures which will help you understand one concept at a time. Join in to take a JavaScript journey with me."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Corso Gestire le emozioni guida definitiva all'autostima" |
"Modulo N.5 del Metodo EmotionQuesto corso spiega con varie tecniche di coaching come gestire le tue emozioni, come gestire la rabbia, le paure, lo stresse scoprire lo scopo della tua vita.Vorresti diventare leader di te stesso e aumentare la tua autostima e la tua fiducia in te stesso/a?Aiuto donne, uomini come te, a realizzarsie a vivere inarmoniain tutti i settori della vita, famiglia, lavoro, crescita personale. Ti aiuto a prendereconsapevolezzadi te stesso,ti aiuto a farechiarezza sul tuo futuro professionalee alraggiungimento dei tuoi obiettivi.Potrai iscriverti su FB alla Palestra di Marketing Emozionale 2.per approfondimenti"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"N.6 Sviluppa il tuo potenziale e arricchisci il tuo intuito" |
"METODO EMOTION N.6 Ho realizzato questo minicorso per aiutarti ad identificare i tuoi talenti e per valorizzarti, che non pu sostituire le ore di sessioni di coaching.Sii te stesso.Quando metti in atto iltuo talento, ci si sente vivi, energici e ci si avvicina al nostro scopo.Appaiono risultati inaspettati, coincidenze impreviste.Un mentore ci aiuta e ci incoraggia.Il primo ostacolo sono i nostri autosabotaggi che ripuliremo durante il corso. Scoprirai inoltre le strategie di web marketing avanzato che ti permetteranno di attirare i clienti nel web.Smetti di aspettare che i talenti compaiano magicamente da soli. Se non provi a suonare la chitarra, come puoi essere sicuro di non esserne capace? Trova un'attivit che reputi cool e scopri tutto quello che c' da sapere al riguardo. Cerca di capire cosa richiede e se hai le caratteristiche giuste per dedicartici. Ricorda che chi non risica non rosica. Puoi riuscire a scoprire per cosa sei portato solo quando superi i tuoi limiti e drizzi le antenne per cercare attivamente nuove esperienze. Affronta gli ostacoli e mettiti alla ricerca di sfide per sapere quali sono le tue abilit e talenti innati nascosti. Provare qualcosa di nuovo una volta alla settimana deve essere un obiettivo di primaria importanza. Probabilmente non scoprirai domani stesso un'attivit per la quale sei particolarmente portato. D'altro canto, magari un giorno prendi in mano la chitarra e scopri di sentirti perfettamente a tuo agio con questo strumento, deciso a volerne sapere di pi. Impara a riconoscere le tue intuizioni che ti torneranno utili e di ispirazione negli affari e sul lavoroBONUS AGGIUNTIVI TOOL DI WEB MARKETING DAL 1.1.2019Hai lanciato la tua attivit su basi solide e solide Avrai il giusto stato d'animo e la necessaria fiducia Avrai tutti gli strumenti necessari nel marketing e nella comunicazione Attirerai facilmente i clienti Avrai offerte interessanti Sarai ben posizionato nel mercato Avrai messaggi e comunicazioni rilevanti nell'immagine della tua azienda e dei tuoi valoriPosa le basi del tuo progetto- I tuoi valori e la tua visione- La tua attivit prende forma con lintuitoFidati di te stesso e della tua legittimitLiberati dalle tue paure e trasforma il tuo stato d'animoUsa la tua intuizione nel mondo degli affariLa tua immagine, il tuo posizionamento e il tuo messaggioTrova il tuo cliente idealeStrategie per attirare pi clientiUn'efficace strategia di comunicazione e cuoreBONUS da Gennaio 2019:> Guarisci il tuo rapporto con il denaro + ESERCIZI Mp3 completo per tutti gli esercizi e suggerimenti per le lezioni Un'audio per esercitarsi sul futuro Un gruppo privato di Facebook Possibilit di essere accompagnato a tariffa ridotta e priorit (modalit con il tuo coach Daniela)Potrai iscriverti su FB alla Palestra di Marketing Emozionale 2.per approfondimenti"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete iOS app development course for students in Tamil" |
"This course I am teaching you the way how I learned basics of iOS app development in 3 months. End of this course you can easily approach any interviews or you can start your own app business. This course is a three month course. Here is the outline about the course. First Month - Swift programming language Second Month - iOS app development fundamentals Third Month - Start building real world iOS application and upload to Appstore. This is how we will train our junior iOS developers. So you will get an industry standard knowledge on the process. This course I will be teaching you on unit testing and test driven development which is a high demand skill for developers. Also I will be update this course regularly. Feel free to ask doubts and post your comments."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Simulados para Certificao EXIN ISO/IEC20000 Foundation" |
"Bem-vind@ ao simulados para o exameEXIN ISO/IEC20000 Foundation / Bridge, desenvolvidopor Ren Chiari.Voc est pronto para passar com segurana no exameEXIN ISO/IEC20000 Foundation / Bridge? Descubra seu potencial de sucesso no exame testando seu conhecimento com est nova oferta na Udemy.Cada um dos 4 simulados completos deste pacote fornece um conjunto completo de questes de mltipla escolha, permitindo que voc valide seu conhecimento sobre os tpicos e permitindo que voc aumente a sua confiana para fazer o exameEXIN ISO/IEC20000 Foundation / Bridge.Os ambiente deste pacote simula o exame real, com contagem de tempo e um relatrio detalhado do seu desempenho ao final do simulado, com acesso a respostas corretas e incorretas e respectivas justificativas. Voc tambm poder ver o seu desempenho separado por reas de conhecimento (tpicos do exame), permitindo que voc entenda exatamente em quais tpicos do exame voc precisa melhorar.Este pacote de simulados cobre todos os tpicos do exame EXIN ISO/IEC20000 Foundation / Bridge.Garanta que voc est pronto para passar no exame ITIL Foundation V3 (atualizao 2011) utilizando estes simulados, desenvolvidos com base no exame real."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso Bsico de Linux con CentOS para Telefona" |
"En este curso usted aprender como instalar desde ceroLinux CentOS, una de las versiones mas populares de Linux y que es usada en una gran cantidad de proyectos comerciales.Usteddominaralos comandos fundamentales del sistema operativo, ejecutndolos desde una consola, como un experto, ademas aprender como crear y modificar archivos dentro del sistema, y gestionar permisos,en fin luego de terminar estar listo para el prximo nivel."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Amazon FBA Secrets - Master Amazon FBA 2021 Edition" |
"Most new Amazon FBA sellers dont want tospend a lot of time finding a product to. What they want is to rush to the funpart where they can start making sales. This is a huge mistake.In this course you will learn the secretsof how the top Amazon Merchants do proper product research and sourcing theright way.So, if you want to be a top Amazon Merchantand learn the secrets, then this is the course for you"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn casual British English: Slang, idioms and more!" |
"Welcome to Slanguagelearn! Casual British English made simple with phrases, idioms and unique vocabulary you will not find anywhere else.When someone asks you if you can ""lend them a quid? or complains that its bloody raining cats and dogs will you be able to respond? If you believe youd be unsure on how to reply confidently this course is perfect for you!This course will teach you the most common slang and idioms that British English speakers use every day. Thats why we call it Slanguage! Every phrase or idiom includes an in depth description with quality real life examples."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan .NET Eitimi (C#, SQL, ADO.NET, ASP.NET)" |
"Bu dersemiz, yazlma merak olan fakat daha nce .net dnyasna hi giri yapmam insanlar iin hazrlanmtr. Temel seviyeden balayan kursumuz ileri dzeye doru ilerleyecektir. Bu dersimiz boyunca srasyla aadaki eitimler ilenecektir.- .NET ile Programcla Giri- C# Nedir? (Merhaba Dnya, Deikenler, Kullanc Tanml Tipler, Kontrol Yaplar ve Dngler, Diziler ve Koleksiyonlar, Metotlar ve Snflar)- SQL (Veritaban, T-SQL, Temel Veri lemleri)- ADO.NET (Veri ve Veriye Eriim)- ASP.NET (Merhaba ASP.Net, Web Kontrolleri, Temel Veri lemleri, Durum Ynetimi)"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Music Theory Extended Bass Volume 2 Building Intervals" |
"*Learning and recognizethe notes on the bass clef*Writing notes and step by step guide *Building,Creating andWriting Intervals - theoretically and practically*Association with the piano and thefingerboard *Formula and guide for allInterval*Homework guideand step by step explanationfor every single interval*Variationand IntervalsInversions"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Music Theory Extended Bass Volume 1 Beginners Basic" |
"This workshop is focusedon the 5 & 6 string extended bassesLearning the seven notes with colors and associate with the pianoand the bass fingerboard.Learning all basic things in the music as: bars, time signatures, notes & durations, circle of fifths, bass notationChart guide and music signsto help the student andfollow the chartwith all music signs as: segno, coda, repeat signs etc.Articulations & dynamics helps to understand the notes with thespecific accentModels and choices for the studenthow to count the music in the professional wayLearning to work with the metronome as a professional and resolve all rhythmic problemsRhythm & music examples or solution how to read music slow and understand every noteLearning all notes and subdivision as dots, rests, whole note, half note,quarter, sixteens,triplets &syncopationCovering 6 thestring bassand resolve all problems withpositions,notation and range.Full instrumentcoverage step by step, note by note."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Extended Range Bass Volume 1 Building Technique Basic" |
"This workshop wascreatedforextended rangebass and focusing on thisinstrument and solution for alltechnical problemsCovering the conditions for both hands and first bassbuilding techniqueDifferent modelstyles and accents with three different concepts forthe right handCrossingthe strings and concept forsolution how tomutingthem in regular performanceLearning and reading the bass clef and make association with the notes and the fingerboardon the first 3 positionsLearning every string separately and combine 2,3,4,5 stringsPlaying all examples with Drum trackChart knowledge and guide how to follow all musical signs asSegno, Coda, Reprise etcThis workshop is5&6 string basses, but also 90% of materials are also for 4 String bass"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Extended Range Bass Volume 2 Building Technique - Intervals" |
"*The Workshop is focused on the extended range bass and cover the first position of the instrument.*Tuning The Bass*Graphics and association with the piano &fingerboard*Important steps how to build basic technique to play all examples.*Coverage and explanation for the 6 string bass and association with the stuff*Muting Technique*This workshop covers how to play those intervals in the first position of the instrument *All examples are with Drum track"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"WordPress Website Design & SEO Yoast Training 2020" |
"Join over 54,000+ students who study with me. In this complete 2020 course you will discover:1. WordPress Business Websites No Coding - No Techie Skills Needed - Complete beginners become experts at web design fast.2. Introducing My Simple Step-by-Step SEO System For WordPress!For Beginners: Finally a simple way to create beautiful WordPress Business Websites in a step-by-step way for those with no time, no money and no patience. No skills needed just point and click the mouse to build your business website today!Ideal for local business owners, consultants and coaches, authors, and those who simply want to earn an income online.Introducing My Simple Step-by-Step SEO System For WordPress!The Step-by-Step SEO Plan to Take You From Zero SEO Knowledge to The 1st Page of Google in 60-90 Days!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Do Test Automation Without Writing Any Code?" |
"Create manual or automation test cases in excel through Quick Automation Tool framework. QAT is based on Selenium and has a built-in automation framework. You just need to write test scripts like manual test cases in the provided template and then execute those test scripts by a single click of a button. There is no need to write even a single line of code. At the end of the Test Execution, there will be a nice overall Test Summary Report."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Illustrator CC Masterclass Vom Anfnger zum Profi" |
"Mchtest du mit Adobe Illustrator in Zukunft professionell und schnell arbeiten? Dann bist du hier richtig! (Der Kurs behandelt Adobe Illustrator CC 2020. ltere Versionen wie Adobe Illustrator CS6 sind natrlich meist kompatibel).Ich bin Justus Zeemann, seit 6 Jahren erfolgreicher Berufsfotograf und Videograf. Durch die Betreuung des Marketings vieler Unternehmen habe ich mir ein umfangreiches Wissen angeeignet. In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir alles, was du brauchst, um mit Adobe Illustrator durchzustarten und in der Zukunft professionell und schnell mit dem Programm zu arbeiten.Ich fhre dich nach dem Adobe Illustrator Download durch die Installation und die optimale Einrichtung deines Arbeitsbereiches, vorbei an den Funktionen und der Arbeitsweise aller Werkzeuge, ber die einzelnen Fenster und die Fllmethoden zu den Effekten. Natrlich darf auch der richtige Umgang mit deinen Vektorgrafiken im Bereich Speichern, Import, Export, Druck und Weitergabe nicht fehlen. Zur erweiterten Bearbeitung erfhrst du im Praxisteil wichtige und hilfreiche Tipps direkt am Objekt. Natrlich erhlt der Kurs regelmig die neusten Adobe Updates und bei Fragen stehe ich dir gerne zur Verfgung!Teilnehmer Stimme von Ralf Ecker (10.2018):In diesem Kurs ist alles drin, was man braucht um in Illustrator einzusteigen. Es wird wirklich jeder Punkt und jedes Thema angesprochen und erklrt. Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Kurs und kann ihn jedem Einsteiger und leicht Fortgeschrittenen empfehlen.Jede Funktion wird praxisnah und direkt mit einfachen Beispielen durchgesprochen und erklrt. Du erhlst das Kursmaterial direkt zum Download und kannst somit perfekt mitarbeiten. Zustzlich erfhrst du Tastenkrzel, Tipps & Tricks und vieles mehr. Dein Vorgehen und dein Wissen ber Adobe Illustrator werden nach diesem Tutorial nicht mehr wie vorher sein!Erfahre alles ber: WerkzeugeFllmethodenEffekteFensterden Im- und Export deiner DateienBibliothekenFarbfelderVektorgrafikenden ArbeitsbereichVorlagenerstellunguvm.Teilnehmer Stimme von Marius Jnemann:Jeder Klick ist erklrt - man wird prima mitgenommen! Auch als totaler AI-Anfnger kann ich prima folgen. Ich arbeite mit 2 Bildschirmen einen mit dem Video und einen an dem ich alles mitklicke - das geht sehr gut. Danke fr die sehr ausfhrlichen Erklrungen, die so schn in kleinen ""Hppchen"" serviert werden, dass ich beim nachklicken ganz nebenbei sehr viel lerne! Tolles Konzept!Du kannst das Geld fr den Kurs innerhalb von 30 Tagen zurck erhalten, wenn dir der Kurs nicht gefllt.Dies ist deine Chance!Es ist Zeit, deine Illustrator-Knste auf das nchste Level zu heben. Schaue dir jetzt die kostenlosen Beispielvideos an und schreibe dich gleich in den Kurs ein!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Angular + TypeScript from Basic to Advanced + Live Project" |
"The course enables you to master front-end web development with Angular 4. It helps you gain in-depth knowledge of concepts.This Course is compiled by Mr. Sandeep Soni, Microsoft Certified Trainer with experience over 21 years.Mr.Sandeep has worked closely with many IT companies and helped them with their technology resources training needs. He considers this to be the best part of his profession and he enjoys the most because he gets to meet new people; get involved in the ever changing technology needs and provide them with optimum solution to the problems they face in application development. This is how he keeps himself updated with the latest technology in the industryHe is always accessible to all his students anytime for any kind of question they may have. you can send him an email your queries at We also have a new course for Angular, named ""Angular7 and TypeScript - Complete course"". You can go through its Curriculum and decide which course would be beneficial for you.By the end of this course you should able toUnderstand importance of Angular and its key features.Learn about the Angular Library and MVC frameworkCreate Controllers and share data between ControllersDependency Injection ConceptsLearn Custom Directives, Filters and overview of Creating RoutesDescription of Angular ModulesDeploy Validations and Business Logic in ControllersIntegrating Angular with MVC Web APIWork on real-time AngularJS 4 applications"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"HTML and CSS In-Depth - Best for Beginners" |
"HTML and CSS go hand in hand for developing flexible, attractively and user friendly websites. HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is used to show content on the page where as CSS is used for presenting the page. HTML describes the structure of a Website semantically along with presentation cues, making it a mark up language, rather than a programming language. HTML allows images and objects to be embedded and can be used to create interactive forms. A browser can read HTML files and compose them into visible Web Pages. CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) is used to present web pages in very innovative and cool looking way. CSS defines the website layouts, colors, sizes and positioning content.This course provides HTML and CSS Online Training will help you learn the concepts in a very easy way with the help of practical examples. Each and every topic is covered in a detail way along with the best samples and assignments. As both HTML and CSS are the basic courses for web development, we have concentrated on more practical oriented samples and methodologies to help you grow from here."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Angular JS with Sample Project (from Basic to Advanced)" |
"C language which is considered the mother of all languages, is and will be the most sought after programming language for anybeginnerto jump start his career in software development. Not only does it help a beginner to understand what software programming is all about, it also gives an excellent platform to build programming skills for those who eventually want to learn modern languages likeC#orJavafor developing advanced level applications.BestDOtNetTraining'sonline trainingvideos which include both the concepts and practical examples will help you learn the C language down to the minutest detail. Every topic in the course is covered in-detail along with sample programs and assignments (along with solutions).This combination of concepts and practical is guaranteed to make you an expert on the language and will put you in a position to tackle even the toughest of interview challenges. And if that wasnt enough, our course offering will also provide you a library of Interview Questions in each and every module of our ""C"" training program.This Course is compiled by Mr. Sandeep Soni, Microsoft Certified Trainer with experience over 21 years.Mr.Sandeep has worked closely with many IT companies and helped them with their technology resources training needs. He considers this to be the best part of his profession and he enjoys the most because he gets to meet new people; get involved in the ever changing technology needs and provide them with optimum solution to the problems they face in application development. This is how he keeps himself updated with the latest technology in the industryHe is always accessible to all his students anytime for any kind of question they may have. you can send him an email your queries at the end of this course you should able toUnderstand the purpose of programming.Download and understand the role of IDE in writing ""C"" programs.Gain knowledge about how one can write Software Programs.Write interactive programs to perform input and output operations.Apply logic using programming techniques & decision making statements.Understand the advantage of using Arrays and Pointers for handling large data.Learn how to break up a big task into smaller units using functions.Understand how memory can be dynamically allocated and de-allocated for pointers.Persist data of the program into data files for using at later point of time.Create and process data in files using file I/O functions.Read and consume command like arguments in a program."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Building .NET Windows Applications using C# and WinForms" |
"Thiscourse developed by Mr. Sandeep Soni (Microsoft certified trainer and C# corporate training expert) will provide you with an efficient way to gain an excellent programming knowledge. He has discussed some of the best practical examples for beginners to better understand the course.Mr.Sandeep has worked closely with many IT companies and helped them with their technology resources training needs. He considers this to be the best part of his profession and he enjoys the most because he gets to meet new people; get involved in the ever changing technology needs and provide them with optimum solution to the problems they face in application development. This is how he keeps himself updated with the latest technology in the industry.By the end of this course you should able toGet complete knowledge of MS.NET Framework and its internals.Use VS.NET - Integrated Development Environment Basic ControlsPanels and LayoutsDrawing and GDI DevicesMenuStrip, ToolStrip and Context Menu StripModel and Modeless Dialog boxesMultiple Document Interface (MDI)Form Inheritance Building Login FormWorking with Resource Files and SettingsNotify Icon ControlsUsing Components like Timer, FileSystemWatcher, Process, BackgroundWorkerDrag and DropWorking with Advanced controls like TreeView and ListView"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"ASP.NET Web API from Basic to Advanced" |
"The course enables you to master RESTful Servides with Web API. It helps you gain in-depth knowledge of concepts.This Course is compiled byMr. Sandeep Soni, Microsoft Certified Trainer withexperience over 21 years.Mr.Sandeep has worked closely with many IT companies and helped them with their technology resources training needs. He considers this to be the best part of his profession and he enjoys the most because he gets to meet new people; get involved in the ever changing technology needs and provide them with optimum solution to the problems they face in application development. This is how he keeps himself updated with the latest technology in the industryBy the end of this course you should able toUnderstand importance of RESTful servicesand its key features.Introductory Concepts of HTML and JavascriptWeb API IntroductionWeb API with JQuery"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Deep dive into Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF)" |
"WPF(Windows Presentation Foundation) is for building aesthetic applications with very advanced Look and feel features. The WPF engine is responsible for creating, displaying and manipulating user-interfaces, documents, images, movies and media inRich UI Windows Applications. It replaces Winform API which was traditionally used for developing GUI in windows based application. The architecture used for development is very much inspired from ASP.NET WebForms where design (in XAML file) is separated from code (in .cs file). This is the reason the design can be independently created in some tool like Microsoft Expression Blend and coding can be done using Visual Studio IDE.BestDotNetTrainingsWPF Online Trainingcovers all aspects of WPF right from basic controls to layouts to themes to manage 3D drawing and animation which will help one to build Windows 8 and MS Word 2013 kind of Look and feel for the applications.Mr. Sandeep Soni, MCPDhas ensured that all the topics are covered in maximum possible depth. Special focus is put on WPF Data binding which is the most important topic in building data centric applications.This WPF training course explains every topic with relevant walkthroughs and sample programs. For each and every module we have provided the compressed form of project developed while explaining the concept in video."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Deep Dive Into Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)" |
"Like all other things Programming models have been evolving, from Structured Programming to Object Oriented Programming to Componentization to eventuallyService Orientation Architecture(SOA).Windows Communication Foundation(WCF) is the best to implement SOA in an enterprise application development. WCF encompasses all older technologies of Microsoft like Web Services, Remoting, MSMQ and COM+ into a single basket. And because of this advantage it has become very easy to upgrade applications from intranet to internet environment and make discrete technologies interoperate with each other.Sandeep Soni, Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist in WCF has explained all the concepts in very simple and easy to understand language. Irrespective of whether you are a fresher or experienced developer you will find that each and every topic is going to create interest in you and will let you to move towards your target goal of developing SOA applications.ThisWCF Training Courseprovides deep understanding of all the modules. The videos are supported with theexcellent training materialwhich will help you to quickly overview the topics at any point of time. For every module we have walkthroughs and Sample programs which will help you to understand how to implement the feature in an application. OurWCF Interview questionssection will provide you with an opportunity to assess your skills and revisit the videos in case you find some concepts you are weaker at."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"40 Ways To Make Money As a Musician" |
"ALL musicians have the performance skills, but many are lacking in how to turn that into profit. In this course, you will learn 40 ideas on How To Make Money as a Musician.It doesn't matter whether you are a professional or intermediate musician, there is something in this course for everyone. I (James Divine, the instructor), have been in the music business for 30+ years. I've implemented many of these ideas successfully myself, and have seen all of them be implemented by someone.Happy Music-Making."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Success with mental illness and Schizhophrenia" |
"Understanding mental illness and schizophrenia course talks about a schizophrenia success story and how this patient ovecome the illness with a success positive mental atititude and continue to shine in life.He relates how he contracted schizophrenia, how he keeps his condition under control through healthy eating, sleeping and stretching every day and towards a new understanding of mental illness. he explains what he understands about his illness and he also talks about how he deals with the mental illness signs and symptoms He further talks about his perception of singapore psychiastrist and singapore mental patients in singapore hospitals."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |