Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"React Native : Build Native Mobile Applications" |
"Learn the fundamentals of React-Native to build cross platform mobile applicationsReact Native allows you to build native iOS and Android applications in JavaScript and React.js.Even if you are a novice to mobile development but if you have expertise in JavaScript,html and CSS you will be able to develop cool applications using react-native.We will be starting with the basics like what is react-native all about, how we can install it on various operating systems out there and then learning how a react-native application worksWe will also be exploring many components which are used on a day to day basis to develop react-native mobile applications likeViewsTextTextInputImageTouchableHighlightActivityIndicatorListViewWe will also be covering how to debug react-native applications and how to launch it on android emulatorDuring this course we will be developing three applicationsCalculatorFlick Image ViewerTodo ApplicationBy developing these application we will learn many core concepts of react-native like how to send and receive data from server.We will also introduce you to firebase which is a Database As a Service using this we will see how we can store data in a databaseSo come on join in and let's start learning React-Native"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Logo Design - Design a Logo in Photoshop for beginners" |
"Do you want to learn how to create your very first logo? In this course you'll find the key elements that will make you a designer ready for the market.With step-by-step lessons guiding you through thiswonderfuljourney, you'll learn the fundamentals of logo design, why it's so important to write down your ideas and needs and the most important part:You'll have fun doing what is one of the most important parts of a brand image:A logo!We'll sketch in paper our ideas, then we'll take them into the digital canvas and create our very first logo!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How To Win Jobs Freelancing On UpWork" |
"*Last Updated August 2018*If you have ever considered offering your skills as a freelancer than this course is for you!I'm going to walk you through how to successfully setup a profile and apply to freelance jobs using a platform called UpWork.UpWork is one of the largest freelancing sites online where thousands of new jobs are posted every month.In this course you will learn:What UpWork isHow to setup an awesome profile on UpWorkHow to apply to jobs on UpWork and stand out from the competitionMake your skills shine with UpWork testsStart earning as a freelancer in your free timeThe ultimate goal of this course will be to earn your top rated badge and make your first $1k freelancing on UpWork. Once you reach this milestone you will start getting a ton of job invites on the platform!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Single Light Photography with the Westcott Apollo 28""" |
"Single Light Photography with the Westcott Apollo 28"" is a course aimed at amateur and intermediate level photographers who wish to learn how to use a single, inexpensive light source and an incredibly versatile medium sized softbox modifier to take their photography up a few notches, and apply simple yet effective post-processing techniques to enhance the resulting images.This course is organized in a simple to follow layout:In Section 1, we provide an introduction to the course, detailing the goals and requirements;In Section 2, we explain in detail all the equipment we will be using along this course;In Section 3, we teach the ""tech stuff"": all the basic knowledge behind speedlight exposure that will assist you in determining the best course of action for each scenario you'll find as a photographer;In Section 4, we start shooting - a simple studio headshots with a single light source and a variety of looks;In Section 5, we go outside and shoot an outdoors portrait, applying more of the knowledge gained in section 3;In Section 6, we go back to the studio to shoot food, using our single light to create dramatic, storytelling light;In Section 7, we go back outside and shoot a picnic, again applying all the principles from section 4;In Section 8, we take a model to a location and shoot for the whole day - and demonstrate how this simple light can assist you in achieving different looks and feelings in your images. Every section provides clear and concise explanations and examples of the subjects being demonstrated. Single Light Photography with the Westcott Apollo 28"" contains over 6 hours of video, including screen captures of the post-processing sections so you can follow along.If you want to take your first steps in the world of off-camera flash, or learn how to make the best use of your speedlight and medium sized softbox, jump right in."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Unix For Beginners" |
"This is a very basic absolute beginners introductory course to Unix. The course introduces you to how to use a Unix terminal and commands . You will be exposed to terminologies like Unix Kernel, Unix Shell and Terminal. The only material you will need for this course is a modern web browser and the course is less than one hour long. The course is structured in the following way: Introduction to UnixFlavours of UnixParts of UnixThe KernelThe ShellUnix TerminalBasic Unix CommandsSummary Unix is an operating system that is known for multi user and multitasking. It was created in the 1960's by group of engineers who worked at AT&T Bell research labs. UNIX has become kind of open source with different companies ,organisations and even individuals creating their own versions from the open source versions. Although there are different flavors of Unix they also share common similarities hence knowing one flavor of Unix makes it easy to learn or pick up another variant of the operating system fairy quickly. Some of the popular variants of Unix operating system available include Solaris, Red Hat, Fedora ,Ubuntu,and Linux. There are several more this is just a brief mention of the varieties available. some of these variants can be installed both on servers and desktops or workstations. Unix operations are usually done using UNIX commands through a Unix terminal ,however there are some variants of Unix that has a friendly graphical user interface (GUI) like Microsoft windows operating system In this course we will be using a free web based Unix terminal to perform some very basic Unix commands to get you acquainted with Unix Operating system. Taking this course will give you a basic Unix skill that you can develop further. Welcome to the course ."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Video Presentation & Public Speaking Skills: Complete Guide" |
"Over 136,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesFeatured in ""Entrepreneur"", ""FoxNews"" and ""Business Insider"" magazinesWinner of the first Udemy Innovation AwardOverall, 14,000+ TOP Reviews Speaker at international stages such as DNX, MindvalleyU, DigitalK and WeFest JapanExplored 76 countries while running entrepreneurial venturesCo-authored the international bestseller: Ignite Your Life for MenAre you afraid of public speaking and video presenting? There is a big chance that at some point in the future you will need to present on a stage or in front of a camera., especially if you are an entrepreneur. Putting yourself out there can be very scary. However, with the right preparation it can become just another powerful skill that will help you to unlock new opportunities in life.Why is video presenting so important? Well, look at all the rapid changes in the business world. It seems like everything is moving into the online space. Not a long time ago most corporations were laughing at the thought of publishing content on social media. Are they still laughing? NO. Nowadays, entrepreneurs and business owners who are serious about their future understand that social media is a powerful business tool.So what about video presenting? One picture can say more than a thousand words, right? Well, I would like to propose that one video can say more than a thousand pictures. Learning how to shoot powerful video presentations is a game changer for any person serious about their business and you know what? More and more people understand it. However, they dont take any action. Why?The answer is: LIMITING BELIEFS and that F word... FEAR.You may be thinking: Presenting is just too scaryI wouldnt look good on the camera""I don't know what to say""""What if people will reject me? what if I make a dumb mistake?""making videos is too expensive and so on...All of those thoughts are simply limiting beliefs. They are just your perception of reality. The good news is that virtually anyone can make dramatic improvements in their ability to present. The crucial ingredient is the willingness to take that first step. You are not on your own though.In this course I will help you to smash the fear of presenting and will teach you some of the most powerful strategies for delivering great video presentations. Please look at the curriculum and watch the FREE preview videos to find out whether the content is right for you (and whether you like my teaching style).I'm excited to embark on this journey with you and see you on the other side.Jimmy"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SELF-CONFIDENCE: 40-minute Confidence & Self Esteem Guide" |
"Over 136,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesFeatured in ""Entrepreneur"", ""FoxNews"" and ""Business Insider"" magazinesWinner of the first Udemy Innovation AwardOverall, 14,000+ TOP Reviews Speaker at international stages such as DNX, MindvalleyU, DigitalK and WeFest JapanExplored 76 countries while running entrepreneurial venturesCo-authored the international bestseller: Ignite Your Life for MenWhat current students say about this course?""The instructor is very eloquent and shares unique and right tips that anyone can use in their daily life. I'm very grateful for this course. Thank you!"" - AP Academy""Thanks so much Mr.Jimmy Naraine , your videos helped me a lot especially the second and the seventh ones of this course . They seem that the can be easily practiced in daily life not like theoretical talks"" - Shaimaa Kassem""Confident, engaging and charismatic speaker. I enjoyed the lecture. Learnt something new as well as reinforced and refined those I already knew"" - Mei Ling Ng""An energetic lecturer who is passionate about sharing and educating others about self-confidence. Really enjoyed this short course"" - Stephanie Mae Woodall""All of the techniques were good and the last one, handshake method is very useful. I have the problem of bad handshaking and I will try my best to correct it. one thing more I want to share is that saying others to do the practice of what you told them is a great work. Bravo (Y) Thank you!"" - Mian Siddique Ahmed____________________________________________so... why a compact course about building Confidence?Do you have situations when lack of confidence and social skills prevents you from taking important actions that could positively impact your life?You may know exactly what you need to do, but you are simply afraid. First of all, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Actually, most people struggle with confidence to some extent and I used to be one of them. The good news is that being confident is just another skill you can learn. In this course I will share with you some of my best strategies for becoming more confident. The great thing about this course is that you can complete it in just 40 minutes, and most of the strategies I discuss can be implemented straight away. You will see some results, there is no doubt about.So go ahead, check out the curriculum and if you like what you see, sign up right away. "
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Kleurbewust voor mannen voor een KRACHTIGE look" |
"Heb jij het gevoel dat je er steeds hetzelfde bij loopt, met weinig variatie?Wil je een eigen uitstraling, maar weet je niet precies hoe?Twijfel je soms of bepaalde ""mode"" kleuren wel bij jou passen?Leer in korte tijd hoe je krachtig en zelfbewust overkomt door kleur-regels doelgericht toe te passen.Een cursus boordevol frisse en leuke technieken, waar professionals mee werken. Of je nu gewend bent om altijd zwart, grijs en blauwte dragen, of juist een kast vol kleur hebt, met deze cursus kom je echt verder.Leer over:kleuren combineren,kleurcontrasten,wat kleur communiceert,hoe je kleuren kunt gebruiken voor bepaalde effecten Alles aan de hand van aansprekende voorbeelden.Je kunt de cursus in n keer doorlopen, of over wat langere tijd uitsmeren. Je haalt er het meest uit, door van elk onderwerp de opdrachten te doen, zodat je meteen al die nieuwe kleureffecten in je eigen kledingstijl kunt integreren.Deze cursus werd samengesteld door Ellen Leicher en Riet de Vlieger, opleiders van image consultants en personal branding experts met een jarenlange ervaring."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Copywriting for High-Priced Programs" |
"How to Structure, Write and Format an Effective Long Sales PageA learn-by-doing course on long-form copywriting, especially for high-priced programsTo sell an event, information product, subscription program, class, tour or coaching program, you need a long sales page that lays out what the offering consists of and persuades the reader to buy. Your artfully chosen words on the screen (or on paper) do all the selling work. In copywriting terms, this is one-step buying, or direct response. What you're selling is somewhat complicated to explain, and it might cost $100, $500 or as much as $10,000 or more. By the end of your presentation on the page, the reader needs to understand the offer clearly, know how they'll be better off from buying, and have all their questions, doubts and concerns put to rest. In this practical online course, which is laser-focused on this type of marketing writing, you learn and implement the fundamentals of creating an effective long sales page. Hands-on practice comes from two homework assignments that get thoroughly discussed in the course videos.Your learning tools also include explanations, checklists, analyses of student drafts, and written commentary on finished sales pages that can serve as models. At the conclusion of this course, you'll be able to write a polished, long sales page for yourself or for a client. And you'll know how to handle this monumental writing challenge again whenever you need to. You can refer to the worksheets, checklists and annotated examples in the course for years to come."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"How to Become a Popular Vlogger & Make Videos People Love" |
"Did you know thatpeople are makinganywhere from $5,000- $10,000per week from uploading vlogs to YouTube?Yes, you read that right. These peoplehave no special skill set or expertise other than the fact that they understand the system.They understand how vlogging works and how to get paid to do it on YouTube.So, the question is:Do you want to become a popular vlogger?Do you want to make money from uploading vlogs to YouTube?Are you wondering what a vlog is?Yes? Excellent!You need totake this course.Everything you need to know in order to get started with vlogging and making money on YouTube is right here, in this course, at your finger tips.This course is simple, straightforward, and fast.You can get started right away and start making extra money from your YouTube vlogs as well.When you take this course, you will unlock all of the top secrets to becoming a popular vlogger and making money from your vlogs on YouTube."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Play Dirty Old Town on HARMONICA today - quick and easy!" |
"INSTANT HARMONICA play the wonderful Dirty Old Town now!Respect and thanks to Ewan McCollfor writingand performingthis amazing song.If you have a tune that you would like me to teach please message me.Take this course and play the tune instantly. No musical experience needed.You will pick it up straight away without needing any music skills. This is easy to play and really fun to learn. You will be proud of your achievements and happy with the results.'INSTANT HARMONICA' is a new series of courses where you learn one tune per course. You will find it is taught in a friendly and encouraging manner and most importantly is it taught v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y.Ben Hewlett is a very experienced music teacher who is able to be very patient and methodical. Each lecture will introduce you to the next group of notes usually just 4 new notes and that's it.This method is very easy for you to pick up the tunes as they are repeated over and over again until you have got it. You can even re-run the video if you find it useful.Take one course and learn your favourite tune. The try another. Remember you can always get your money back if you wish but otherwise you have lifetime access to the course.Imagine how amazing it will feel when you whip out your harmonica and play this tune your friends and family will carry you shoulder high in triumph. Hopefully they don't carry you out of town and dump you in the river, but hey, swimming's good as well.The health benefits of playing the harmonica are well documented google it. Your lungs get exercised, your lung capacity increases, aerobic movement is good for you, playing music makes you smarter they say.You will have fun on your own and with your friends, and more oxygen to the brain will make you think you are having a good time so it's all good.COPYRIGHT POLICYRespect and thanks to all the artistsfor writingand performingtheseamazing song that you want to learn.The Copyright and Rights in Performances (Research, Education, Libraries and Archives) Regulations 2014 (extracts)I quote:""Not more than 5% of a work may be copied under this section by or on behalf of an educational establishment in any period of 12 months, and for these purposes a work, which incorporates another work is to be treated as a single work.Fair dealing with awork for the purposes of private study does not infringe any copyright in the work.SoAny recordings used in my courses represent less than 5% of the entire work and are already in the public domain on YouTube.Any written transcriptions are written by me or my team to promote the work and the artist and to facilitate students who want to learn more about their music.Any audio backing tracks are written and recorded by me or my team to promote the work and the artist and to facilitate students who want to learn more about their music.If you are a copyright holder and feel I have used too much of your work please contact me on or 07973284366 and I will remove whatever you feel is inapropriate without question.."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Piano With Willie: Learn 15 Blues Licks" |
"Ready to add 15 cool Blues licks to your playing?In this course each lick is presented with minimal talking, so you can get right into learning and applying these licks into your own playing! Learning licks is a great way to jump start your improvisation skills. A lick is like a word or short phrase. The more words and phrases we learn...the more we can say!Each of these 15 licks can be combined and manipulated to form literally hundreds of new licks.How do I use these licks? The Blues is one of the most popular musical forms. Thousands of rock, pop, jazz and other songs use elements of the blues. By learning these 15 licks, you'll know how to improvise over any 12-bar blues, but also songs in many other styles as well! The first few licks are easier licks that you can master quickly. The later licks are filled with cool techniques like triplet patterns and double-stops. These licks give you an authentic blues sound so you sound like a pro right away. Each lick is meticulously written out with proper fingering notated to make it easier to learn the right technique the first time around. You'll also learn how to play each one of these licks over a shuffle groove. Don't worry, they work over many different types of grooves, but the shuffle groove let's you perform these licks without needing a band. It's a great way to create your own blues improvisation right away. If you're interested in learning how to improvise, these 15 licks won't disappoint!I'll see you inside the course!~Willie"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Piano With Willie: Learn to Play ""Let It Snow"" on Piano" |
"Using the classic holiday song, Let It Snow, youll learn how to create a full arrangement of a lead sheet using a step-by-step process. Youll learn each section of the song using a layering approach so you can see how to start with a very simple arrangement and add complexity with each additional layer.This lesson will teach you Let It Snow and Ill be teaching this lesson directly from a lead sheet.I will go over the 3 steps for you to be able to play effectively from a lead sheet. The first thing wewill go over is how to play the melody of a song using Let It Snow as an example. This song will be used asa vehicle for learning how to create an arrangement from our lead sheets. After learning the melodyyou will learn the roots in the left hand and I will show you how to use them in different ways.Finally we will go over how to fill in all the notes in between the root and the melody.This will be a step by step lesson and you will be able to build layer upon layer into your arrangement.This lesson is essential for anyone wanting to create their own arrangements from a fake book."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"VSD - Custom Layout" |
"Physical designers and CMOS fabrication team communicates with each other, and this course says it 'How?'While physical designers use all the outputs from experiments performed by fabrication department, this course will demonstrate the best of both worlds and connect them through exchange of certain files in certain formatThis way, customlayout designers get to know an insight how does fabrication works, fabrication engineers get to know, how layout engineers uses their information. So this course is a place where both meet, talk and connect.Also, the standard files needed to draw and simulate layout,are being taken, deduced and created from scratch and on the fly. This is, by far, the best way to understand layout, and I can promise you an exciting journey throughout this courseCourse is structured to explain the CMOS packaging andfabrication steps in beginning, followed by software and files used to draw and simulate layout, and look into DRC rules.Next, we will take a simple CMOS inverter and apply all concepts learned above. Finally, we will learn the 'Art of layout' using Euler's path. This is where you will solve complex functions and draw a layout out of it.Welcome you all to my course and Happy Learning!!See you in class!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Scale Your Business With Web Analytics & Conversion in 2020" |
"Web Analytics, usability and conversion rate optimization are a powerful combination for transforming a business' reach and revenue. This is how business' of all sizes scale their online sales and greatly increase their revenue even without finding new website traffic.This is your step-by-step actionableguide to creating unique goals for a business that you can track, test and improve.This course is meant for you to take action and begin tracking your own business goals using Google Analytics (as well asother tools we'll look at)and improving your website based on your findings. Specifically we cover:How to combine web analytics, usability, conversion rate optimization & SEO effortsHow tocreate and review detailed web analytics reports specific to the website and businessIdentify the best web analytics tool for the website (we'll use Google Analytics as an example)Use winning principles to design a successful websiteStrategicallyidentify and create a sales funnel for site visitors to followHow to reduce a site's bounce rateHow to use psychology to improve your conversions and persuade visitors to take the action you want them toHow to test a website to make more money from the site's existing trafficand so much more it's impossible to list it all hereIf you'd like to provide web analytics, web design or conversion rate optimization services - this course is a must. We'll cover:The web analytics and conversion optimizationservices you can offer to clientsHow to manage your clients to keep them happyThe workflow process you can followHow to price your servicesIt's all here! I'm also very active inside the course and I encourage you to ask questions and participate as you go through the course. I am happy to help you as you learn to implement your own strategy and see your conversions increase.If you're ready to improve your online business or help others improve theirs, this is a course that will help you do exactly that. You will have a much different outlook on how you approach creating a site and making strategic changes to improve it.Let's start scaling your business. Join me now."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Business Writing - Get Results - No Stress" |
"Situation - you are required towrite in business and to make your point effectively.Problem - you are not as effective as you should be or you get stressed doing it.Need - this course to learn and applythe basic guidelines of effective writing. Learn to Plan and Scan so that the reader's eye follows your message across the page.Remember that we skim documents up to 9 times for key words before we read them.Distil your message to its essence in 12words to proveyou know your subject.Use the AIDA model to win Attention, build Interest and Desire to generateAction.Use the KISSrule to Keep It Short and Simple.Focus on the top 3 logical and emotionalarguments in your writing.Discover tools to make sure you use Plain Language.Imagine you are writing for a reading age of 14 years.Get onto the reader's wavelength by mirroring the metaphors they use.Write powerful headlines and subject lines to make yourpoint fast.Break your words up with white space, indents and bold to make it easier to followUsing real life scenarios learn to writebetter: emails direct mail presentations reports blog posts press releases business proposals letters memos and much moreLearn how to discover the keywords at the ""sweet spot""which will help your writing to get found online. Write using keywords without your message sounding distorted.In one way or another you will only ever be wrting about: where we are - current circumstances wherewe could go - our options how to get there - the plan of actionIf you keep to the plot of the story and remember why you are writing and who you are writing for, thenwhat you are going to write will fall into place.Eliminate the worst errors of grammar, spellingand punctuation with ourlist of the Top 20 most common problems.We reveal the magic words which will help you to give and receive critical feedback on your writing without giving ortakingany offence.The course will help anybody who is required to write in their business role to communicate effectively. If you need to be more effective or find that you get stressed and confused then this course will teach you the basic techniques on which you can rely.The course is mostly video which has been designed tohelp you recall simple tools like: Plan and Scan AIDA KISS SPIN and others.By making these tools easy to recall and by looking at before and after examples you will quickly be able to write in business and will greatly improve your personal reputation.We are always available to answer your questions.Includes relevant Mind Maps throughout and an hour of free coaching for those who complete the course if requested."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"This is How You Make an iMessage Sticker Pack for iPhone" |
"Celebrities, big brands, and independent artists are creating sticker packs for iPhone/iPad users to use in iMessage. You can too! Unlike every other kind of app, creating a sticker pack doesn't require writing any code. Maybe you want to experiment with your own sticker pack that you can put on your iPhone and send stickersto your friends. Or doyou want to create a sticker empire to rival Kim Kardashian? Either way, I will show you how to get started creating a sticker pack, enhancing it with animations and accessibility,and distributingyour stickers globallyin The App Store. You can watch as I create the I Love Pizza Sticker Pack and submit it to The App Store where it's available now."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Project 2016 Advanced Training Master Class" |
"**Course includes practice exercise files, LIFETIME access and is covered by the Udemy money-back guarantee**** Claim 9 PDUs**Become a Microsoft Project expert with this easy to follow course featuring 9-hours of professionally produced videos. Exercise and demo files included.Practice what you learned with included exercise files Detailed easy instruction to master Microsoft Project 2016 A full 9 hours of professional video instruction 53 easy to follow how-to videos Everything explained step-by-step for quick comprehension Complete project management software at the advanced level The next step after completing Microsoft Project 2016 for Beginners Enables you to complete projects on time and under budget Increase your value at work Starts with basic advanced features Progresses logically from beginning advanced to complex Learn to effectively split projects into sub-projects Discover how to manage cost rate changes Know how to import and exporting project data Learn effective use of budgets and tracking costs Discover how to consolidate multiple projects Printable course transcriptions to follow along and take notesGot a lot of things going on at work, in your small business, or with personal projects? This is the ultimate software for getting your team organized and highly productive. MS Project was originally used to help Microsoft manage a huge number of software development projects in the 1980s when they were leading the tech world. The application has steadily progressed to become the mammoth of project management it is today. A high level of expertise in the latest edition of MS Project is very valuable in the workplace or to run your own business. This is the logical and very beneficial next step for anyone who has already completed Microsoft Project Beginner. Now you tackle the advanced aspects of Project 2016 with this easy to follow, 9-hour course. The 53 videos were produced by a top team with years of experience making software training easy and interesting to follow. This course starts with more basic advanced features and actions, then logically progresses to much more advanced features. Become a valuable MS Project 2016 expert. Contents and Overview Even difficult features and activities are made easy. This course keeps things understandable and logical to follow. It starts with an overview of the course structure and how to get the most out of the training. Chapter 2 launches into Consolidation and Resource Sharing giving you advanced insight into how to create efficiency with staff and materials. This is often where major savings begin for a business or organization using Project. Chapter 3 shows you how to set up reoccurring tasks to save lots of time and effort. Chapter 4 instructs how to set up custom fields, an advanced activity that lets you customize Project for your company or project. Chapter 5 delves into Outline Codes and WBS codes. It's important to note each chapter is concluded with an exercise. This gives the student practice at applying concepts and actions in real-life type situations. Chapter 6 lets you master all advanced aspects of the Costs section of Project 2016. There you can control cost across multiple projects to bring them all in under budget. Subsequent chapters show you how to customize a number of aspects of Project, create a variety of helpful reports, and how to use macros the speed up use. ** Updated July 2017: English close captions added ** Updated June 2017. Course transcripts now available. What People Are Saying: Captions are accurate. Voice is clear and pleasing. So far, so good. I love it even more. Well done. Mark Stewart I highly recommend this MS Project 2016 course. Instructor is very helpful on learning improved navigation skills and related business intelligence. Dean Bateman "
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Microsoft Project 2016 Course - Beginner to Expert" |
"**Course includes practice exercise files, LIFETIME access and is covered by the Udemy money-back guarantee**** Claim 18.75 PDUs**Learn Project 2016 Inside and Out with This 2-Course Training Bundle Includes 2 complete courses: The Project 2016 Beginner Course & The Project 2016 Advanced Course Includes 18 hours of high-quality training by your professional trainer Taught by a Certified Project Manager with real project management experience Practice along using exercise files Watch and learn with demo project files Progresses logically from the beginning with an easy intro to advanced topics Printable course transcriptions to follow along and take notesKeep Track of Projects from Start to Finish With Microsoft's Comprehensive Program Microsoft Project is Microsoft Corporation's project management software. Over the years since its initial development, MS Project has become one of the most widely used project management applications in existence. It provides assistance to project managers and coordinators by organizing plans, resources, tasks, budgets, workloads, and much more, all while keeping track of a project's overall progress from start to finish. Knowledge of Microsoft Project can be an invaluable tool for anyone whose work requires the orchestration of long-term projects and plans. Contents and Overview for the 9-Hour Project 2016 Beginner Course This course starts right at the very beginning. It doesn't assume you know anything about Microsoft Project, so beginners will feel right at home. The first video lesson introduces you to the software. You'll learn how to get your own copy of Project 2016, see what's new in version 2016 and explore the structure of this course. The second chapter takes on the basics you need to begin using Project 2016. It first discusses the Help section where you can get answers and tutorials for any question that comes up. This chapter also discusses creating a Workspace, using Toolbars, Ribbons, and the Status Bar. Continue on as you learn how to use Touch, Task basics, and Project Options. By now you will have become proficient with Project 2016. The chapters that follow lead learners through all the various aspects of managing a project. These more advanced topics carry you through Tracking Costs, Tracking the Project, Budgeting, and Reporting. Each topic is explained with its own professional video that shows you in detail how to properly use the function. Nine hours of insightful video give you an in-depth understanding of each topic. 63 individual lessons are included. Upon completion of the course, you'll have an excellent mastery of Microsoft Project 2016. Contents and Overview for the 9-Hour Project 2016 Advanced Course Even difficult features and activities are made easy. This course keeps things understandable and logical to follow. It starts with an overview of the course structure and how to get the most out of the training. Chapter 2 launches into Consolidation and Resource Sharing, giving you advanced insight into how to create efficiency with staff and materials. This is often where major savings begin for a business or organization that uses MS Project. Chapter 3 shows you how to set up recurring tasks to save lots of time and effort. Chapter 4 instructs you how to set up custom fields, an advanced activity that lets you customize MS Project for your company or project. Chapter 5 delves into Outline Codes and WBS codes. It's important to note each chapter is concluded with an exercise. This gives you the opportunity to practice applying concepts and actions in real-life situations. Chapter 6 lets you master all advanced aspects of the Costs section of MS Project 2016. This gives you the ability to control cost across multiple projects to bring them all in under budget. Subsequent chapters show you how to customize a number of aspects of MS Project, create a variety of helpful reports and how to use macros. * Includes quizzes, exercise files, demo files and certificate of completion** Updated July 2017: English close captions added** Updated June 2017. Course transcripts now available. What People Are Saying: I think the course is very comprehensive for beginners to Microsoft Project. Even if you are familiar with most of the common Microsoft Office programs, the guidelines presented serve as a very useful refresher. -Johan Deosaran Wonderful Examples and able to follow along nicely with clear descriptions and lay out. I am finally able to understand the basic usage of MS Project 2016. Terri Leedy"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Microsoft Office 2016 Training Bundle" |
"** We've crammed 8 courses into this amazing Microsoft Office bundle. Unlock the secrets of Office 2016 or 365 with this 60+ hour mega-course. Practice exercises included**Master the Ins and Outs of Microsoft Office and Boost Your Productivity This 8 COURSE BUNDLE includes:Microsoft Excel 2016 (beginners) - learn the basics of spreadsheets Microsoft Excel 2016 (intermediate) - take those spreadsheet skills to the next levelMicrosoft Excel 2016 (advanced) - master spreadsheets Microsoft Word 2016 - master documentsMicrosoft PowerPoint 2016 - master presentations Microsoft Access 2016 - master databases Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) for Microsoft Excel - master spreadsheet automationMicrosoft Outlook 2016 - Master e-mail and calendar management Over 500, 5 Star Reviews:""Undoubtedly, this course covers a wide range of topics done in an extremely professional manner. This is worthy of every second and penny I invested in it. It helped me understand various contours of Microsoft Office."" - Muhammad Bashir""Very clear and thorough. Super for beginners."" - Anna Wyk""This is what I needed and what I was looking for. Excellent course."" - Roberto Regalado""My experience with this course was absolutely beneficial to me. The lecturers are so good at explaining the course and not forgetting the exercises they set up for you is amazing it really helps and it gives you experience as you go along with them."" - Jennade Ramruthen Improve Efficiency with Microsofts Premier Office Management Software Designed to help you accomplish office tasks easily and with greater efficiency, Microsoft Office is the choice of many office professionals. If you're working in an office, you'll likely need to use the Microsoft Office suite and it's likely you're working for it, rather than having it work for you. Turn that around today and finally learn all the deep, dark secrets of Microsoft Office from these 8 courses in one bundle.Master Microsoft Excel, start at the beginning if you're brand new to spreadsheets or pick up at Intermediate or Advanced level. For those looking to go beyond normal data analysis, you'll learn how to handle databases using Microsoft Access or automate mundane tasks in Excel using VBA.If that wasn't enough this bundle will teach you how to utilize PowerPoint to create stunning presentations, use Microsoft Word to create documents that inspire and make administration a breeze through learning about mail merge.** Recently added - unlock the power of Microsoft Outlook 2016 and dramatically improve your productivity and sanity through a clear inbox.**Bundle Overview This course is designed for individuals and office professionals who need to master the capabilities of the 2016 or 365 editions of Microsoft Office. With more than 60 hours of video lectures across 8 courses, this course will help you master MS Office 2016, reduce your MS Office frustration and help you claw back the precious time you spend getting lost in these powerful business applications.Excel 2016 Beginning/Intermediate: Create basic spreadsheets and use formulas for tracking expenses. Excel 2016 Intermediate: Use complex formulas and perform data analysis on your organizations revenue and expense patterns. Excel 2016 Advanced: Take your Excel skills to the ultimate level with advanced charts, graphs, formulas, and data analysis. Word 2016: Create documents, embed videos, and set up online collaboration on joint projects for school or work. PowerPoint 2016: Make impactful presentations for your next business meeting using animation, audio/video, and collaborative tools. Access 2016 for Beginners: Become a master of data management, customer tracking, and buying patterns. Microsoft Essential VBA for Excel: Learn how to automate repetitive and time-consuming Excel procedures and operations for maximum efficiency. Master Microsoft Outlook 2016 the Easy Way: Introductory course on email efficiencies to help clear the email clutter and gain control of your inbox.When you complete this course, youll be well on your way to becoming a master of workplace efficiency with the tools available in Microsoft Office 2016. Why Take This Course Optimize your productivity at work or in your own business. Get noticed by your boss and earn the respect of your colleagues. Become the office superstar by being the go-to expert on everything related to MS Office 2016. Amazing value 8-courses in one bundle. You get professional quality training at a fraction of the normal price. Why Simon Sez IT for Microsoft Office?We know Microsoft Office. We've been teaching it for over 10 years and your expert instructors have taught thousands of people to learn Microsoft products.We don't rush through content. We take the time to ensure you understand important principles before moving on.Follow along. We provide downloadable practice files so you can practice as you learn.** Updated May 2018: Outlook 2016 course added**"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Microsoft Excel 2016 Course - Beginner to Expert" |
"Learn Microsoft Excel 2016 Inside and Out with This 2-Course Training Bundle Includes 2 complete courses: The Excel 2016 Beginner Course & The Excel 2016 Advanced Course Includes 18 hours of high-quality training by your professional trainer Practice along using exercise files Watch and learn with demo project files Progresses logically from beginning with an easy intro to advanced topics Learn to Create Charts and Graphs This bundle includes: 2 complete courses 18 hours of video tutorials Over 100 individual video lectures Exercise files to practice what you learned Demo files used by the trainer Printable course transcriptions to follow along and take notesCertificate of completion Contents and Overview for the 9-Hour Excel 2016 Beginner Course This course starts at the absolute beginning, from where to find Microsoft Excel to installing the program. From there, you'll learn step-by-step, simple 1-2-3 methods for getting started with Excel 2016. Watch just the first few videos for a basic knowledge of Excel, then continue through the detailed 32 chapters of video lessons and nine exercise files to gradually become a proficient user. It's important to note that this course does not assume you know anything about Excel 2016. Rather, the course starts from the basics. After installation, your instructor will discuss what is new in the 2016 version, how to use the Touchscreen, open a Workbook, and use Help for additional answers when you need them. You'll learn how to personalize Excel for your own needs using Excel Options. Explore the Ribbons and Toolbars, enter and edit data, backup and recovery, fill and series and print your projects. You'll also work with formulas, functions, sorting and filtering data, creating charts and graphs, and much more. Upon completion of this course you will know the essentials of Microsoft Excel 2016. Contents and Overview for the 9-Hour Excel 2016 Advanced Course Colorful charts, sleek graphs and cutting-edge databases that offer insight into financial information are made easy when you learn the secrets of creating sophisticated spreadsheets in our Learn Microsoft Excel 2016 Advanced course. That's because you'll get the tools you need to master Excel's powerful data functions in this information-packed 9-hour video training class. Your expert instructor will begin the course by leading you through graph and chart basics. Then, you'll explore Excel's array of detailed formatting tools and discover how to make these work for you when you're tackling graphing and charting financial information. Next, you'll explore the roles that trends, relationships, and differences play in charts, and how to work with Sparklines for data visualization and data bars. The course will also take you through detailed discussions of pivot tables, bubble charts, radar charts and more. Exercise files, demo files and optional quizzes and certificate of completion are all available to you during and upon completion of the course. * Includes quizzes, exercise files, demo files and certificate of completion.** Updated June 2017. Course transcripts now available.Heres what our students are saying""I use MS Excel and started this course just to refresh and get out more what I know already and I suprised that on second lesson I learned something I did not know :-) . - Tom Seiner""The instructor is very knowledgeable, clear, and concise in his presentation of material and is enjoyable to listen to and learn from. The material being taught is exactly what I was looking for to expand my knowledge and the value of being able to get this through Udemy can't be beat!!""- Ontavus Thomas""Thoroughly enjoyed every single lesson...great tutor - clear, precise and to the point. Well done Sir""- Jessica HenryDid you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!Just search ""Simon Sez IT"" to see our full list of individual courses and incredible value multi-course bundles on Udemy."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel 2016 Advanced Training Master Class" |
"Become a Microsoft Excel expert with this easy to follow course featuring 9-hours of professionally produced videos. Exercise and demo files included.Practice what you learned with included exercise filesDetailed easy instruction to master Microsoft Excel 2016A full 9 hours of professional video instruction60+ easy to follow how-to videosEverything explained step-by-step for quick comprehensionThe next step after completing Microsoft Excel 2016 for BeginnersLearn how to import and export data to and from ExcelLearn how to create various charts and graphsEffectively create and use functions and formulasImport and export data Create and effectively use Pivot TablesHow to use Excel for data analysisDiscover practical methods for financial & statistical functions This course includes: 9-hours of video tutorialsOver 50 individual video lecturesExercise files to practice what you learnedDemo files used by the trainerPrintable course transcriptions to follow along and take notesCertificate of completionThis course is designed for students that are already familiar with Excel, but wish to improve their skills and open the possibilities with this versatile spreadsheet program. Bring your basic knowledge of Excel 2016 and learn how to reach the next level of database tracking and reporting.Contents and OverviewThrough 57 lectures and over 9-hours of content, this course will take you through learning how to use functions in everyday work environments. Professional financial functions are covered including payments, future value and depreciation. Students will learn statistical functions like averages, percentiles, and regression.In order to improve efficiency, students will also cover concepts for connecting to external data like other workbooks or web data; tables including style, selection and sizing. Pivot tables and data analysis will be key concepts helpful to the work environment.For help with reporting, students will learn surface charts, stock charts, radar charts and bubble charts and graphs.Upon completion of this course, students will be able to create colorful charts and databases that communicate data and financial records efficiently and effectively. Students will be able to apply data to various reporting forms like tables, graphs and pivot tables in order to show important analysis like depreciation, percentiles and regression for use with planning. Students who finish this course will have an advanced knowledge of the versatility of Excel that is immediately applicable to their work with the database. ** Updated July 2017. English close captions added** Updated June 2017. Course transcripts now available.Heres what our students are saying""This is an excellently pieced together information. Beautifully explained with lots of examples and external resource areas for the nerds. I highly recommend this course for anyone whose intention is to learn Excel. - Frank Uchegbu""Greatly explained and great zoom in of the working area.""- Jorge Tech""Very detail and advance. The exercise and solution sheets help greatly in understanding and familiarisation of the lessons. Highly recommended for users getting to know Excel in details.""- John ChanDid you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!Just search ""Simon Sez IT"" to see our full list of individual courses and incredible value multi-course bundles on Udemy."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Access 2016 Made Easy Training Tutorial" |
"From TeachUcomp, Inc. learn Microsoft Access 2016 & 2013 with our comprehensive course. Mastering Access Made Easy features 105 video lessons with over 6 hours of introductory through advanced material. You are able to watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you through each lesson step-by-step just like in a classroom. During our media-rich learning experience, you will see each function performed just as if your instructor were there teaching you. Reinforce your learning with the text of our three printable classroom instruction manuals (Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced), additional images and practice exercises. Throughout this course you will learn all about relational databases, advanced queries, creating forms, reporting, macros and much more. If you happen to be completely new to the Access software or just upgrading from an older version, this course will empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to be a proficient user and understand the software better. We have incorporated years of classroom training experience and teaching techniques to develop an easy-to-use course that you can customize to meet your personal learning needs at anytime. All you have to do is simply watch the audio/video lessons or open one of the manuals and you are on your way to mastering Microsoft Access. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Outlook on the Web Made Easy Training Tutorial 2017" |
"If you are completely new to Outlook on the Web or migrating from the desktop version, this course of ours will empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to be a great user. Learn Microsoft Outlook on the Web with this easy to use course from TeachUcomp, Inc. With this course watch, listen and learn as your instructor will guide you through each lesson step-by-step. During this media-rich training, you will see each function performed just as if your instructor were there with you. Mastering Outlook Web App Made Easy features 94 video lessons with over 4 hours of introductory through advanced instruction. You will learn all about email, tasks, effective use of the calendar, and much more with our material.Simply launch the easy-to-use interface, click to start an audio/video lesson or you can open one of the manuals and you will be on your way to mastering Outlook on the Web. People like to reinforce their learning with the text of our printable classroom instruction manual, which features additional images and practice exercises so you can make sure you understand the software. We have incorporated years of classroom training and teaching techniques to develop a user friendly course that you can customize to meet your personal learning needs during your own time."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basic Dance Moves for Guys - Completely beginner lessons" |
"""Basic Dance Moves for Guys - Completely beginner lessons"" is a step-by-step system that helps guys go frombeing awkward and out-of-place on the dance floor,to becoming dance-floor-readyin 3 days time.This system teachesyou the dance style that's best described as ""club dancing.""It's that casual, fun dancing people do at night-clubs, or parties!It's done to songs you hear on the radio -- you know, house, pop,R&B, hip hop and other up-beat dance-jams.And the dance moves taught are JUST-FOR-GUYS.In other words, this program does NOT teach you:Ridiculous music video routines that you can never see yourself doing in publicPartner dancing stuff that's waaaay too formal. and not suitable for a casual night outGoofy, silly dance moves that make you look like a clownSuper feminine dance moves that asks to go waaaay too far beyond your comfort zoneThis programtakes you step-by-step, through the process of:gaining rhythmmoving to the beatloosening up your body to stop looking stiff and tensed uplearning a set of the most versatile, best looking dance movesconnecting these moves togetherpracticing them the right way so you master them within the weekHere's the bottom line:Watch -- and follow -- 1 set of video a day --for 3 Days.Each set of videos runs for around 42 minutes. By the end of day 3, you'll possess the new ability to walk out onto any dance floor-start moving, stepping, grooving to the music, and join in on the fun.Follow exactly as I do, and start seeing results!It's that simple!3 Bonuses:Footwork starter kit: 3 additional footwork-based dance moves to help you look AWESOMEl!CLUBDANCEBest Practices:Answers to the most commonly asked club-dance questionsNEWDancer's FAQ: Answers to most commonly asked questions by new dancers."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Merch By Amazon Secrets" |
"This course has one purpose:To help you succeed on Merch By Amazon.In this course I discussTrademark and copyright issuesHow to find text and graphics you can use commercially for freeHow to title shirts toshow up better in theAmazon search algorithmSimple tricks with design programs to make your shirts stand outHow to price shirts to tier up and avoid the ""90 day"" ruleSo some free or low cost ways to drive traffic.Much, much , moreI show that you don't have to be an artist, a master of graphic design programs or create super fancy designs to make passive income on the Merch By Amazon platform.I use GIMP and Inkscape (open source and free) graphicdesign programs and Merchantwords for keyword research.You do need to have an approved Merch By Amazon account to get the most out of this course but I do show other Print On Demand (POD) t shirt websites that you can use to generate extra passive streams."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Speak with Confidence" |
"How to Speak with Confidence is a mostpractical course, providingvoice exercisesto help you speak effectively in meetings, presentations, interviews and in online contexts like training, video and podcasting. You'll practise tosound convincing, and to motivate and lead people.Where you sense people drift off when you're speaking, overlook your suggestions orfail to be persuaded,then this course will help.Speak with confidence to grow your credibility, impact and authority.You'll learn to:Build confidence in listeners at meetings, interviews, presentations and onlineConvey authority through pace and pauseProject your voice so as to keep people listeningSound definite and enthusiastic through clear speech and pitchKnow how to offset nervousness and tiredness in deliveryModify an intrusive accent if necessaryMake your message memorable via the value of intimacy in speaking skillsCreated by a business psychologist and writer, who foundedVoiceworks, training blue chip CEOs, Prime and Cabinet Ministers and TV newsreaders, this most useful course will help you speak with confidence in the most demanding of situations - and to even enjoy doing so!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How to use Excel for Your Home Business Administration" |
"You have a small business to manage? Want to use Excel to enlarge your business?Having a simple and powerful .xlsx file ready for you?IF YES, JOIN THIS COURSE ANDDOWNLOAD YOUR FREE FILE ""Small Business Administration"".-->Easy. Fast. Free <--Learn how to use an amazing excel templateand became a professional manager of your business. You don't need any experience to take this course!The course is based on 10 tabs that guide you step by step in managing a business. Ideal to start or manage a home business from scratch, with no extra charges.The course outline:To do listActivity listWeekly schedule -Routine ActivitiesEmployee InformationAnnual Calendar & Monthly Goals SchedulePersonal Monthly BudgetYearly Budget CalculatorCompany BudgetBusiness Startup CostsHow toPricing Your ProductThroughout the course, learning how thisExcel tabs,to improve your business, increase your sales, effectivelymanagea home businessto be transformed from a total beginner to a confident manager: I think you'll be excited to learn! Why?You'll have apowerful file and freewithout spending hundreds of money in other products!The course is presented via an intuitive, easy-to-use interface, allowing you to learn at your own pace.Are you ready to learn how to launch your business easily?And manage all phases of your small business? LEARN NOW!The course package:12 video tutorials (about 2.00hours total) Learnexcel:how to manageyourbusinessstep by stepVideos alwaysavailable24 hours on 24 Learn when you want (every day or week-end) Build Your Professional Business from Home!Download YourFree Excel template""Small Business Administration""Learn now,how to use Excel foryour business."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How To Start a Youtube Channel: Teach Your Passion" |
"Let this be THE year that you launch your YouTube presence and start growing your channel - no prior experience required. THIS COURSE IS A COMPLETE STEP BY STEP GUIDE THAT TEACHES YOU HOW TO START A YOUTUBE CHANNEL ON A TOPIC THAT YOU ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT AND WANT TO TEACH OTHERS ON. ---What Some of Our Students Say...Ever since I implemented the tips that I learned from this course, I started to get comments and subscribers RIGHT AWAY! Everything that they explained was so easy to understand and take actions as you go. It's perfect for beginners and even for those who have been doing YouTube for a while, I am sure you will get tips that you didn't know about! 100% satisfied! - Kaori Cheslock---Absolutely brilliant! Highly recommended. Very informative too! Learnt so much about starting a YouTube channel. Easy to understand from beginning to end!!! Two lovely girls who will teach you how to start, where to find some good art, music and other good things for YouTube. Really enjoyed this course..... thank you to both of you!! Ps: will be keeping a lookout for more of your awesome courses!!! - Patricia Carpenter---YouTube can be a daunting project to tackle. It seems too technical, too time consuming, too, no one likes watching themselves on video! Starting a YouTube channel may not be easy....but it is simple if you have someone with experience to guide you. Learn how we grew our own YouTube channel to over 32,000 subscribers with insider strategies taught to us from a few coaching calls with YouTube directly. We want to share our knowledge with you so you can succeed too...starting right from STEP 1: how to create your channel. If you are new to YouTube...If you know a lot about a certain topic and you want to get into online video so you can share your knowledge with more people... If you are a business owner who wants to grow their online audience or build more credibility by putting out how-to or tutorial type videos... If you are already a teacher who wants to reach a wider audience...Or even if you've never taught before, and just want to share what you know with others... ...this course will get you started on achieving your goals. Everything in this course is designed to get you up and running right away (without sacrificing quality) so that you can establish a solid YouTube presence - and we will be guiding you the entire way. Here are a few things you will learn:How to completely set up your YouTube channel with an eye catching YouTube banner that suits your brandHow to create your own inexpensive filming studio at home with our checklist of lighting / filming equipment (HINT: you do not need crazy equipment to start a youtube channel!)How to map out a publishing schedule for releasing videos on a consistent and frequent basisHow to rank your YouTube videos on the first page of search results + other strategies for organically getting more views and subscribersHow to get more views and subscribers to your YouTube channelBy the end of this course if you follow all of the action steps, you will have at least one video up and running on your own personalized YouTube channel starting to get views, and you will also be equipped with a system moving forward to consistently produce more content and get more subscribers. If you ever get stuck, you have access to our discussion group and to both instructors directly - Auret & Jewel - to help answer your questions.If you're not happy with the course, we will refund your money within 30 days, no questions asked - it's our personal guarantee to you!You really have nothing to lose. Enroll now, and we look forward to having you as our student. :)"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Build an Apple HomeKit Based Smart Home Automation System" |
"Imagine being able to:Control your heating from anywhere in the world and reducethe running costs of your homeTalk to your home and ask it to turn off alllightsWell, thanks to the incredible new AppleHomeKit standard built into iOS 10, this is all possible!What makes me qualified to teach you?My names Gerard (international smart home automation expert)and Im the creator of the worlds most popular smart home automation courses and books.What are we going to be covering in this course?In this course; I showyou everything from A-to-Z on how to create your Home Automation system based on Apple certified products and the Apple Home App in iOS 10.The course is entirely project based and I am going to teach you how to:Setup HomeKit on your AppleiOS deviceThen I explain how to use the Apple Home app in iOS 10Then we install and setup smart lighting that responds to Siri voice commandsThen Gerard will demonstrate the steps associated with setting up your own HubUse Home toInstall and configure smart thermostats that will save you money.Next up we use the Home App toset up HomeKit certified door & window sensors to Improve your familys safety levels by.Personalize the i0S 10 Apple Home app, and share control of your smart home with family members.Ill show you how to setup automated Scenes on your iPhone and iPad And More.Plus Bonus Material!Registering for How to Build Your Own Smart Home Automation System Using Apple HomeKit Products Course will not only give you access to all course modules, with video tutorials, and worksheets, but you'll also get valuable bonuses, for free. Including...A fully illustrated PDF copy of the Apples Homekit Smart Home Automation System Handbook.Regular course updates: new video lectures to co-incide with major Apple hardware and software upgrades.At the end of this course, you'll have your own smart home that will cost a fraction of purchasing a traditional home automation system.I take all the guesswork and confusion out of creating your very own smart home.To Join hundreds of people who have taken the course to create their own smart homes simplyClick or Tap the Take This Course button today!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"IELTS Band 7+ Preparation Reading Course" |
"IELTS Band 7+Preparation Reading Course IELTS Reading Course Description: Please note that this specific course comes from our larger IELTS Band 7 Complete Preparation Course. Many students have asked me if they can only take Reading portion of the course. So this is offered at a cheaper price, because it only covers the Reading portion of our larger course. If you would like this readingcourse and the also the other parts of the exam, please do so. TIE, LLC is a premier IELTS and TOEFL training company offering UDEMY online courses, and in-person classes in Denver, Houston, Casablanca (Morocco), and Salvador (Brazil). I have written other IELTS and TOEFL exam preparation courses on UDEMY, so we have the experience in effective course design for students. Now we give you an excellent IELTS Reading Course!!!! Getting a high score on the IELTS Reading test is not easy, but it can be done as we have taught thousands of students how to do over the past 10 years. You need an experienced and well-trained IELTS teacher to show you EXACTLY what the examiners want. After taking this IELTS Reading course, you will have the knowledge, strategy, skills, and master-level tactics to achieve a superior IELTS score. See our Student Recommendations and discover their opinions of the teaching qualities offered by our company. Visit our company website ""tiexams"" to learn more about our company philosophy and experience in this area. The TIE, LLCIELTS Band 7+ Preparation Reading Courseprepares participants for all parts of the IELTS Reading exam. It focuses on the skills and techniques required to sit for the test by helping them to familiarize with the various test formats and acquire test-taking strategies This course will provide you all of the necessary strategies and tactics to achieve a significantly high score on the IELTS Reading exam. Our instruction team is comprised of teachers with backgrounds in English, Law, Standardized Exam Design, IELTS Grading, and Test Psychology. I have personally taught the IELTS exam for the past 10 years, lived in 5 different countries, and taught students from all over the world. What You Get From This Course Over 40 Reading Lectures + Articles Strategies and Tactics for Each Reading Question Type Instructor Led Examples of Mastering Each Reading Question Free Participation in Monthly Live Course on Reading (Limited Time Offer) Contest Entry Into Our Monthly 5 Hour Private Training Giveaway Knowledge of the easiest and most difficult questions Practice Tests With Teacher Led Explanations of Each Answer Access To Lectures for each question Reading Test Question Feedback By the end of the Understanding IELTS course, you will: be familiar with all parts of the IELTS Reading test have some useful tips to help you achieve your IELTS goals understand how the IELTS Reading test is assessed have an opportunity to hear directly from a qualified IELTS Reading instructor Course Structure TIE, LLC IELTS Band 7+ Preparation Reading Course is organized by Reading Question: Each section area has four key components: Starting out: introducing the strategies and tactics for each area, explaining task types and providing hints not only on how to prepare but also on how to achieve the best marks on each test section. Advice and tutorial videos: Our experts explain the application of the tactics and strategies. Practice zone: candidates practice tackling the various question types. Test practice: candidates simulate the test experience with mock tests. Course Requirements A minimum of Intermediate level English Ability to Actively and Consistently Participate You Need a Score of 6+ How Effective Is Online Learning The benefits of studying for the IELTS, particularly our IELTS Online Course, are significant. Studies around the world reflect that universities and university students are embracing online learning and that this concept is here to stay. Almost every university, including Harvard, Yale, Stanford, and M.I.T. significantly increased and promote their online course offerings. With our online course you can learn at your own pace and repeat lessons over and over again until you completely understand. Research has shown that online learning is just as effective as face-to-face learning and in some key areas, online learning is better."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |