Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Boost Your Productivity: Adapt, Improve, Do!" |
"Look, I'll cut the small talk.This short onehour productivitycourse will help you deal with your inner brakes that stop you from achieving your goals.There's nobodyblockingyou more from achieving your goals than yourself.And it doesn't really matter if they we are talking personal or professional productivity. Goals are goals and achieving or failing to achieve themfollows the same principles.So HOWDOIPLAN to get you from ""wanting"" to ""doing""?We'll start with your willpower because that's what we lack most of the times. We'll take a look at the science of willpower, how it works and train this ""muscle"".Then we go over motivation. But not the old fashion way where all I do is get you hyped. That doesn't last. We analyze your WHY and give you a reason to be motivated.Moving on we have your habits. And as the saying goes: ""We first make our habits then they make us.""The next obvious stepisgoal setting. Once you have the willpower, motivation and habits to achieve them, it's necessary to make sure they are the right ones. ""You don't want to climb to the top of the ladder of success and realize it's leaning against the wrong wall.""Once goals are out of the way, we go over your decision making process because this is what most often blocks you or slows you from achieving your goals. And we'll focus extensively on you not lying to yourself, because nobody can exploit your weaknesses more than you.And last but not least we cover your comfort zone and how you can consistently expand it and achieve bigger and bigger things each time you putyour mind to it.So HERE'SMYPROMISE:If you watch this productivitycourse and APPLY at least one thing you learn from it,you will get significant improvement in that area of your life.It's as simple as that. No secret recipe of productivity, no magic.The only variable that I have zero control overand you are the only one that has, is YOUTAKINGACTION.That's all.Right now you might lack some concepts to achieve your goals, but after watching the course all you'll lack will be ACTION.My ONLYGOAL with this productivity courseis to get an email from YOU, 4 weeks from now,saying:""I did that thing you said in Lecture Xand got these results. Thank you.""And that THANKYOUis MYWIN.So, Enjoy!And remember what's essential....DOING!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Create A Website: An HTML Tutorial and CSS Tutorial" |
"Creating websites is a craft. Like any craft, there are a variety of tools. To a new initiate, the tools in the workshop glimmer with potential. They are also overwhelming. Should you learn Bootstrap, Dreamweaver, Edge Studio, Joomla!, or WordPress? Should you use Squarespace, Wix, Weebly, or Shopify? Should you learn Sublime, Atom, or Webstorm? Should you go into the front-end, the back-end, or both? And what about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Less, Sass, Grunt, Gulp, NPM, Node.js, Django, Python, Rails, PHP, Go, React, Angular, Web Components, Polymer, Git, GitHub, JSON, AJAX, UX, UI, AMP, PWA, performance, and jQuery? Where do they fit in?My name is Todd McLeod and I began creating websites in 1997. I began teaching how to create websites in 2001. I am tenured college faculty in Computer Information Technology at Fresno City College. I have also served as adjunct faculty in Computer Science at California State University Fresno. My experience includes teaching individuals of all ability levels how to create websites: from people with very limited computer experience to graduate students in computer science. By the end of this course, you will have strong skills in creating websites with HTML & CSS. As with any craft, the fundamentals are essential. If you have a strong foundation in the fundamentals, you will be poised to grow and develop professionally as a craftsperson who knows their craft.After completing this course, you will have mastered the fundamentals of creating websites: HTML & CSS. You will then be knowledgeable enough to make an informed decision about whether or not you need any of the tools mentioned above. If you want to learn how to create websites, the first place to begin is with the fundamentals of HTML & CSS. The first place to begin is with this course."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"REST APIs with Flask and Python" |
"Are you tired of boring, outdated, incomplete, or incorrect tutorials? I say no more to copy-pasting code that you dont understand.Welcome to one of the best resources online on creating REST APIs. I'm Jose, and I'm a software engineer; here to help you truly understand and develop your skills in web and REST API development with Python, using Flask.Production-ready REST APIs with FlaskThis course will guide you in creating simple, intermediate, and advanced REST APIs including authentication, deployments, caching, and much more.We'll start with a Python refresher that will take you from the very basics to some of the most advanced features of Pythonthat's all the Python you need to complete the course.Using Flask and popular extensions Flask-RESTful, Flask-JWT, and Flask-SQLAlchemy we will dive right into developing complete, solid, production-ready REST APIs.We will also look into essential technologies Git, Heroku, and nginx.You'll be able to...Create resource-based, production-ready REST APIs using Python, Flask, and popular Flask extensions;Handle secure user registration and authentication with Flask.Using SQLAlchemy and Flask-SQLAlchemy to easily and efficiently store resources to a database; andUnderstand the complex intricacies of deployments and the performance of Flask REST APIs.But what is a REST API anyway? Put simply, a REST API is an application that accepts data from clients and returns data back. With the data, it can do many things. For example, a REST API we build in this course accepts text data from the client, processes it and stores it in a database, and then returns some data back so the client can show something to the user.When working with REST APIs, the client is usually a web app or mobile app. That's in contrast to web apps, where the client is usually the user themselves.I pride myself on providing excellent support and feedback to every single student. I am always available to guide you and answer your questions.I'll see you on the inside. Let's take another step toward REST API mastery!"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel 2016: Data Analysis with PivotTables" |
"The need to analyze data and gain actionable insight is greater than ever - turn your data intoBusiness intelligence.You already haveexperience working with Excel and creating basic PivotTables to summarize data. But Excel is capableof doing much more. Being able to harness the power of advanced PivotTable features and createPivotCharts will help you to gain a competitive edge. You will not only be able to summarize data foryou to analyze, but also organize the data in a way that can be meaningfully presented to others.Thisleads to data-driven business decisions that have a better chance for success for everyone involved!Learntechniques and tools for the acquisition and transformation of raw data into meaningful and useful information for business analysispurposes!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Office Excel 2016: Part 1 Beginner Level" |
"Microsoft Excel 2016 can help you organize, calculate, analyze, revise, update, and present your datain ways that will help you or other decision makers in your organization steer you in the right direction.This courseprovides you with a foundation for Excel knowledge and skills, which you can build upon tobecome an expert in Excel 2016.The instructor will explain all of the features and functionalities the application offers in an easy to understand, step-by-step method.Exercise files are available to assist you.They can be downloaded and used to follow along with the trainer.Its easy to validate your knowledge with our end of chapter Quizzes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprender expresiones regulares para el desarrollo web" |
"Las expresiones regulares son fundamentales para el desarrollo de aplicaciones en cualquier plataforma. En el desarrollo web, en particular, nos sern de enorme utilidad parala validacin, remplazo y bsqueda de informacin. En este curso iniciaremos el estudio de las expresiones regulares desde ""cero"", es decir, analizaremos cada elemento poco a poco, hasta tener un conocimiento claro de las mismas.En la segunda parte del curso desarrollaremos, tomamoscomo punto de partida lo aprendido, diez expresiones regulares fundamentales para el desarrollo web, as como analizaremos algunas expresiones desarrolladas por terceros.En la tercera parte del curso tomaremos las expresiones regulares vistas en la seccin anterior y las aplicaremos en los principales lenguajes de desarrollo web: HTML5, JavaScript y PHP.Este no es un curso de programacin. Necesitas tener una base mnima en el desarrollo web, pero no necesitas ser un experto, en este curso estudiaremos las expresiones regulares desde lo ms bsico.Este curso est dirigido a:Desarrolladores web quedeseen construir aplicaciones con la validacin de datos con HTML5, JavaScript y PHP por medio de las expresiones regulares. Desarrolladores que deseen dominar las expresiones regulares."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Domina el DOM con JavaScript" |
"JavaScriptse ha convertido rpidamente en uno de los lenguajes ms utilizados para el desarrollo de aplicaciones en Internet es incluso es utilizado para el desarrollo de aplicaciones para dispositivos mviles. Una rea de suma importancia para el completo aprovechamiento de este lenguaje es el dominio de las instrucciones, propiedades y eventos que se encuentran al rededor del DOM o Document Object Model.Este curso no es un curso bsico de JavaScript. Usted debe tener conocimientos bsicos del mismo, pues no se explicarn cosas esenciales como lo ciclos, las variables o estructuras condicionales, as como conocer las etiquetas y las reglas de estilo, sin necesidad de ser un experto.Elobjetivo de este curso es aprender los mtodos, propiedades y eventos relacionados con el DOM, y algunos ejemplos, comoel desarrollo de un sencillo juego de cajita de nmeros o una pgina en parallax.Para poder sacarle mayor provecho a este curso, usted debe tener algn editor de cdigo como Aptana, SublimeText o Brackets, pero puede seguirnos con cualquier otro.. Los objetivos generales son:El alumno revisar la historia, las bases y las herramientas para el estudio del DOM.El alumno conocer los arreglos y mtodos del DOM original.El alumno conocer y aplicar los mtodos del DOM para acceder a los nodos de su documento HTML.El alumno conocer las propiedades de los nodos y la forma de modificarlos.El alumno aprender a crear, modificar y eliminar los nodos de un documento con las instrucciones DOM.El alumno aprender a utilizar las propiedades DOM para navegar en el documento.El alumno aprender los diferentes modelos de captura de eventos y su forma de aplicarlos.El alumno aplicar los eventos del DOM desde JavaScript para realizar aplicaciones.El alumno aprender a utilizar los eventos DOM de un formulario.Cuenta con lo apuntes en formato PDF y los ejercicios del curso al final del mismo."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"DIY iOS Games: A Developer Guide - Anti Candy Crunch" |
"Update - The source code is now updated to iOS12, Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10!NEWFEATURE in v.12.0.0 - (18.10.2018)Updated to iOS 12, Xcode 10, Swift 4.2Updated Rebeloper Store to 4.0.0 ( files changed: RebeloperStoreSetup.swift, RebeloperStoreConfig.plist, Info.plist, AppDelegate.swift, Gameplay.swift, Shop.swift, BDPlayerStats.swift, Podfile )Updated Firebase/Core; Firebase/AdMob podsFixed Tiles not found on board - big red X image being displayed instead (file changed: Gameplay.swift, lines 365, 375)NEWFEATURE inv.2.3.0.(20.08.2017): LocalizationUpdate (15.09.2016) - The source code is now updated to support iOS10, Swift 3 and Xcode 8!--------------------Luca Petrucci is enrolled in this course and on 25 October 2016his app ""Jungle Smash Mania"" was featured in the Italian App Store under ""New and Noteworthy""!!!--------------------Are you tired of reskinning the same old MATCH-3 source codes?Do you want to leverage the awesome features of a game like Candy Crush Saga, but do not want to be a copycat?Are you looking for a revolutionary MATCH-4 gameplay?You are in good place! In this course you will get your hands on our latest source code ""Anti Candy Crunch"" and you will learn how to set it up and submit it to the App Store. In this course I will submit a reskin called Anti Cookie Crunch. Anti Cookie Crunch is already available on the App Store! Download it to take a look at what the source code can offer.We wanted to create a game that will turn heads. While researching the market I've found that there are a LOT (some good, some bad) of MATCH-3 source codes.What will make a bang is a new gameplay:Match 4 candies or more! Do not match 3!This course takes you by hand and shows you how you can reskin and submit your very own version of Anti Candy Crunch to the App Store.Features of the Anti Candy Crunch source code include:Revolutionary MATCH-4gameplayFacebook LoginFacebook App InvitesFacebook Share3 Virtual Currency Pack In-app Purchases -This is where you will make moneyNo Ads In-app Purchase-This is whereyou will make moneyAds from AdMob (banner) and Chartboost (interstitial)-This is whereyou will make moneyRate My AppSystemMore Apps PageGame Center LeaderboardAchievements108 Levels2 types of gameplay: timed or with movesUserdatais saved into Firebase (user data is easily restored)Facebook Friends and their scores are shown in the Map SceneRandom Level Modemany moreYou will get your hands on the Anti Candy Crunch source code and hands on video tutorials how to put your own reskin of it on the App Store. Take a look at the free Introduction video to find out more.Enrich your app portfolio with this delightful, addicting, fun and money maker source code! Enroll now!CHANGELOG12.0.0 - (18.10.2018)Updated to iOS 12, Xcode 10, Swift 4.2Updated Rebeloper Store to 4.0.0 ( files changed: RebeloperStoreSetup.swift, RebeloperStoreConfig.plist, Info.plist, AppDelegate.swift, Gameplay.swift, Shop.swift, BDPlayerStats.swift, Podfile )Updated Firebase/Core; Firebase/AdMob podsFixed Tiles not found on board - big red X image being displayed instead (file changed: Gameplay.swift, lines 365, 375)11.0.12 - (16.07.2018)Fixed Game Center Leaderboard not sending correct data (file changed: Gameplay.swift, lines 936, 937)11.0.11 - (01.07.2018)Fixed Launch Screen bottom white border on iPhoneX (file changed: LaunchScreen.stroyboard)Added option to reset stars count for level upon replay (file changed: Setup.swift, GameOver.swift, BDPlayerStats.swift)11.0.10 - (10.05.2018)Fixed crash after buying No Ads IAP (file changed: Levels.swift)11.0.9 - (09.05.2018)Fixed Rate Button not opening app Review Page (file changed: Settings.swift, Setup.swift)11.0.8 - (03.05.2018)Fixed misplaced cookies when swiping really fast continuously (file changed: Gameplay.swift)11.0.7 - (15.04.2018)Fixed background music issue when presenting an AdMob Interstitial ad (file changed: SmartAdMob.swift)Fixed interstitial issue delaying gameplay presentation (file changed: Setup.swift, Levels.swift, AppDelegate.swift)11.0.6 - (05.04.2018)Fixed PlayerStats crash (file changed: GameViewController.swift)11.0.5 - (30.03.2018)Added support for AdMob Interstitials (file changed: Levels.swift, GameViewController.swift, SmartAdMobConstants.swift, SmartAdMob.swift)11.0.4 - (24.01.2018)Fixed Sound on/off button scaling infinitely down when tapped fast for several times (file changed: BDButton.swift)Fixed one png file not opening in Photoshop in the Resources folderUpdated Resources folder with new assets11.0.3 - (12.01.2018)Added option to animate matched cookies with png circles (file changed: Gameplay.swift, Setup.swift, Assets.xcassets)11.0.2 - (05.01.2018)Added Localization11.0.1 - (27.12.2017)Fixed minor background music bug (file changed: GameViewController.swift)11.0.0 - (21.12.2017)Rebuilt whole app; removed unnecessary features, images; made ui flow smoother10.0.5 - (06.12.2017)Fixed Crash due to no internet connection in fetching localised prices to the In-app purchase buttons as Apples new requirements (file changed: GameScene.swift)10.0.4 - (01.12.2017)Removed unnecessary UIActivityTypes from share (file changed: GameScene.swift)10.0.3 - (01.12.2017)Added localised prices to the In-app purchase buttons as Apples new requirements (file changed: GameScene.swift)10.0.2 - (27.10.2017)Removed App Invites functionality because with the release of the Facebook SDK version 4.28.0, App Links Hosting is deprecated. It will be supported until February 5, 2018.10.0.1 - (23.09.2017)Added SmartReviewController.10.0.0 - (20.09.2017)Updated code to Swift4 / Xcode9 / iOS11 / iPhone8 / iPhone8 Plus / iPhone X. This is a brand new project! You will need to start from scratch. Besides the obvious code changes one resource has been modified (TopPanel.png) and one new resource has been added (TopPaneliPhoneXExtension.png) - waiting for Facebook to fix the warnings in their SDKs (but they are only warnings - the code works fine with them)2.3.1 - (08.09.2017)Fixed Facebook Friend profile images sometimes not showing up (files changed: WorldMapScene.swift).2.3.0 - (20.08.2017)Added Localization - this is a BRAND NEW version of the code; almost all files have been changed - To update you will need to start to set up your app with this version.2.2.1 - (04.08.2017)Fixed the following issue: When a user completes a level and at the same time completes an achievement, then first the achievement pops up (and sometimes also and ad). This leads to a conflict, because it cause the 'You win' popup to NOT show and the user goes back in a game that is already won....This is annoying for a user, because the user has to make another move to complete the already completed level. (Thank you GamingV1 for the bug report) - (file changed: GameScene.swift)2.2.0 - (10.07.2017)Updated PodsFixed all warnings2.1.1 - (22.12.2016)Updated code to fix Valid Facebook App Invites coins to give ( file changed: GameViewController.swift - line 604 )2.1.0 - (10.11.2016)Fixed issues with SwiftKeychainWrapper ( file changed: Podfile; GameViewController.swift; PlayerStats.swift; SettingsScene.swift )Made the Star (that is after the counter of stars label) in the Gameplay to be a button that goes to the Shop. Thanks for the feature request phillip kidd ( files changed: GameScene.sks; GameScene.swift )Added button to Game Over Panel that goes to Main Menu. Thanks for the feature request simpleapps ( files changed: GameScene.sks )2.0.4 - (06.11.2016)Improvement: AdMob banner now spans to the sides of the screen on all devices ( file changed: Main.storyboard )Updated project to automatic recommended settings2.0.3 - (02.10.2016)Fixed Screen being cut in iPad Landscape Orientation ( for a quick patch all you need to do is: select your Target; go to General and in Deployment Info check Requires Full Screen)2.0.2 - (15.09.2016)Updated Info.Plist file to avoid Invalid Build when uploading to the App Store because of Facebook. Basically added the following:<key>NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription</key> <string>Facebook would like to access your photo library.</string>2.0.1 - (15.09.2016)Updated Info.Plist file to avoid Invalid Build when uploading to the App Store. Basically added the following:<key>NSCalendarsUsageDescription</key><string>Advertisement would like to create a calendar event.</string><key>NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription</key><string>Advertisement would like to use bluetooth.</string>2.0.0 - (08.09.2016)Updated to iOS 10 and Swift 3 - this version will run only in Xcode 8+1.0.2 - (05.09.2016)Added Documentation file with link to Udemy1.0.1 - (01.09.2016)Added Alert showing Facebook App Invite progress and how much stars are given for the action1.0.0 - (26.08.2016)Initial Release"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate In-app Purchases Guide for iOS13 and Swift 5.1" |
"5.0.2 - (27.01.2020)Fixed bug in local subscription verification; file changed: RebeloperStorePro.swift5.0.1 - (14.01.2020)Added TPInAppReceipt for local subscription receipt verification; make sure you add it to your pod file!Update 5.0.0 - (02.08.2019)Completely rewritten for Swift 5.1, iOS 12, Xcode 10Update 4.0.0: NOW WORKS in Objective-C projects too!Updated to iOS 12 and Swift 4.2!Apples Subscription-based Pricing is a Game-changer! And YOU can benefit from it.Subscription-based Pricing is a HUGE deal! Till recently it was limited to only a few categories, but yet again Apple will shake the App Industry by allowing any apps to use the subscription business model. You should use it immediately!Okay, but implementing In-app Purchases can be a huge pain. And now that Swift 4.2 is out there are no real tutorials, wrappers or solutions out there. This is why I have created RebeloperStore, a powerful In-app Purchases Helper that will help you add any kind of IAP with just a fraction of the time and effort it usually takes.With RebeloperStore you will be able to add in-app purchases to your app with ONE LINE OF CODE. Here's the code you need to add to buy an auto-renewable subscription with RebeloperStore:RebeloperStore.shared.purchaseRenewable(.autoRenewableSubscription1)And here's how you can check if an auto-renewable subscription has expired or not:RebeloperStore.shared.verifyNonRenewablePurchase(.nonRenewableSubscription1) { (result, resultString) in if result { // Content Unlocked } }It's just too easy!RebeloperStore supports all In-app purchase types:consumablesnon-consumablesauto-renewable subscriptionsnon-renewable subscriptionsAll of them have the same one-line approach!And the best part is that it is written in Swift 4.2! You can rest assured that it will compile with the latest version of Swift.But the fun doesn't stop there. As a BONUS I have included a Virtual Currency System right into RebeloperStore so you may handle coins, gems, coin-packs, swords, bombs and helmets with ease! Here's how to buy 50 gems (secondary Virtual Currency) with 70 coins (primary Virtual Currency):RebeloperStore.shared.purchaseVirtualCurrency(50, ofVirtualCurrencyType: .secondaryVirtualCurrency, forPayableVirtualCurrencyAmount: 70, ofPayableVirtualCurrencyType: .primaryVirtualCurrency)You may add as many Virtual Currencies as you like!How awesome is that! And the features don't end here. RebeloperStore is truly all you need to add any kind of In-app Purchase into your app. RebeloperStore is the ultimate In-app Purchase helper.Besides all these cool features, the reason why I truly love RebeloperStore is the reason I've started this description: auto-renewable subscriptions. In our opinion here at Rebeloper Subscription-based Pricing has been the Announcement of the Year! But before we dive into the details lets talk about the current status of the App Industry. Free to Play rules everything. While this is a good way of earning money from apps it had some serious side effects on the developer community. The problem with Free to Play is that it cannot work for all kind of apps. It really works mainly on games and it mainly works only when implemented on a complicated and huge scale.Free to Play was eating up the Middle Class of the developer community. It seemed that nothing will save us and well be pushed out by the giants of the elite 1%. But the going for the subscription business model may give us a second chance. I personally have been waiting for this day for years. Why? Because the Subscription Based Business Model is the Holy Grail of Cash Flow.The only one problem with subscriptions was that people didnt necessarily wanted to subscribe to services or apps. Now that Apple is taking this model to the masses by introducing it on the App Store, we will see a massive adoption rate among users. It will no longer be weird to subscribe and pay each and every month. This time it will be something normal.Be the first who changes his business model to adopt the Subscription Pricing and profit from being an early adopter.Take a look at the free preview lectures below, and I will see you inside the course!Change Log4.0.0 - (15.10.2018)Completely rewritten for Swift 4.2, iOS 12, Xcode 10Removed SwiftyStoreKit, KeychainAccessAdded MerchantKit, KeychainSwiftCreated a completely new example project3.0.0 - (09.12.2017)Added objective-c version2.0.0 - (11.11.2017)Updated to iOS 11 (SwiftyStoreKit v.0.11.0)1.0.4 - (18.02.2017)Updated Documentation1.0.3 - (07.01.2017)Fixed ""Restore Purchases"" (RebeloperStore.shared.restorePurchases()) not storing retrieved purchases data into Keychain (files changed: RebeloperStore.swift - lines added: 949-951)1.0.2 - (22.11.2016)Added Documentation.pdf with link to the video documentation1.0.1 - (31.10.2016)Added ""Cancel Auto-renewable Subscriptions"" button (files changed: Main.storyboard; RebeloperStore.swift; RenewableShopViewController.swift)1.0.0 - (26.09.2016)Initial Release"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Portrait Photography & In Depth Photoshop Retouching" |
"Easy Workflow and Great For those who want to retouch portraits! Complete Planning, Photography & Photoshop process is shownAll Photoshop work materials are provided & ready for you to downloadFull lifetime access to the complete courseMy approach is:One thing I have learned through all the years of working in the studio photography field is that knowing & understanding the ground concepts of photography, lighting & retouching are essential when trying to execute this image.This in-depth course is multifaceted. We start by going through the basics!A step-by-step guide on studio portrait photography and Lighting lectures. The shooting process involves working with up to six strobes and this course includes complete sections on understanding how to accurately set up the lights in order to achieve the light. The lessons that follow provide a wide focus on photoshop retouching techniques. Techniques such as working with textures & building backgrounds, advanced masking & merging subjects, color grading, light fixes & corrections, as well as creating a realistic feel & light look.The idea behind the course is not only to familiarise people with the techniques but also to help them understand the reason for using certain methods and how to improve on their retouching techniques.Lesson 1 Photography PartLesson 2 Light Setup & DiagramLesson 3 Preparations & Raw ConversionsLesson 4 Help Layers & NotesLesson 5 Basic Retouching & CleaningLesson 6 Fixes & Light BoostLesson 7 Building background & Merging SubjectLesson 8 Color Grading, Eyes, ContrastLesson 9 Dodge & BurnLesson 10 Sharpness & Final AdjustmentIncluded working filesRAW Source FilePSD Photoshop FileTwo Texture FilesWhat sets this course apart:I will teach you how to get into Photography & Photoshop, so don't worry if you don't have prior experience. We start slow and then build our way up.Receive all work material (Raw's & PSD files) from the start and work along.Many techniques, exercises, and work challenges.The idea is to make photography & photoshop fun and easy! ""Great to work along""Instructor support within 24 Hours. ""I do my best to answer every question""One final note: My goal is to teach you to become a better photographer, so don't stress about not having worked in this filed before. ""I do my best to make it simple & fun""Thank you!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn PHP Object Oriented Features with Simple Examples" |
"PHP is an object oriented general purpose language suitable for a wide variety of tasks. In this course, we'll learn how to use PHP as a server-side scripting language for use in web development.In this course we will start with introduction to PHP and then how to setup andconfigure XAMPPserver.PHP's object oriented features will be learned, along with more details explanation onbasic offunctions syntax. Then we will learn some useful string function with simple andeasy to understandexamples, We will also cover Classes in details in PHP and understand how they work. Then we will understand the use of rules and how global keywords are used in real lifealong withtheir benefits. We will then discuss and understand what arestatic properties and they are used in general programming.Topics IncludedFunctions in PHPString FunctionsClassesRules and Global KeywordsStatic PropertiesI hope you enjoy the course, and I look forward to working with you!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Filters in AngularJS" |
"This course is designed to help you to understand the Filters in AngularJS. AngularJS is basically a JavaScript framework (an open source web application framework) library, which is distributed as JavaScript file. Mainly used in developing Single Page Application (SPA). It extends HTML with additional new attributes. AngularJS is very easy to understand hence learning it is a fun.Learning AngularJS and its features like Filter is easyif you have a basic understanding of web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript.This course is based on apractical how-to approach to working with data unlike traditional courses that concentrate mainly on theory.You will have access to source code of lecture (wherever applicable).This course mainlycover thefollowingAngularJS topics:-Introduction to AngularJS-Your first simple Hello World App-Angular Expressions-Usage of filter search-Uppercase and lowercase filter-Form validationsI hope you enjoy the course, and have a great time learning it!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"React Native for Absolute Beginners" |
"React Native is a powerful way to build mobile apps using javascript. Based on the React library (an open source javascript user interface library for web applications, developed by Facebook), React Native allows developers to quickly prototype working solutions for Android and iOS devices.This course teaches the fundamentals of building user interfaces with React Native. The focus of the course is on the View portion of a full Model - View - Controller architecture; the Model and Controller portions are usually provided by such technologies as php / MySQL. In the course, we will learn to develop working user interface solutions. Topics include:- How to install React Native- Initializing and running a new project- Editing program code- Properties- States- Handling text input- Using CSS with React Native- Using Flexbox layout- List Views- NavigatorsI hope you will join me for this exciting first look at React Native."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Learn MySQL with Examples of Basic Queries" |
"MySQL is a general purpose relational database management system (RDBMS) used mainly to provide a back-end database for web applications. In this course, we'll introduce the concepts of relational database management systems in general, and how they relate to MySQL in particular.Unlike traditional courses that concentrate mainly on theory, we'll take a practical how-to approach to working with data. Here's what you'll learn:Installing MysqlDatabase CreationTable DescriptionLoading sql filesIntro toSELECTQuerySELECTQuery DemoThese topics and many more will be covered. The concentration in this course is on MySQL itself not on how to use it to for any particular purpose.This course is a lite version of our main MySQL CourseSo Signup Today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"7 Proven Steps to Master Time Blocking" |
"Are you ready to improve your productivity by more than 50%? Double it? Tired of everyone else's priority taking priority over yours? This course is for you!Time Blocking is one of the fundamentals of time management. If you want to get important things done you have to allocate time to them. It isn't rocket science.It is important however to have a system to follow and fall back on when things go sideways.Time blocking provides the proactive structure to spend your time where it adds the most value and it helps you block out distractions, get clear on priorities, create greater focus and even create greater balance. This course offers you a proven system to follow step by step. The steps will take you from goal setting to the actual setting of the time blocks to align the goals and tasks. Each step broken out provides value as a stand-alone module in enhancing your time management and productivity practices.By breaking these steps out you will get a better understanding of what drives your success, where you are currently spending your time and evaluate the gap. You will learn delegation techniques to help take some of the tasks off of your to-do list and add them to someone else's in a way that adds value to your time management and time blocking strategy.Worksheets provide a basis for you to implement what you learned in each module. Clients have told me they boosted their productivity by over 50%. Get started and you too can have these results."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Wirecast 7 From Zero to Hero" |
"Livestreaming events should not have to be so difficult. Not even setting up multiple cameras to effectively capture an event should. Armed with the Wirecast 7, you can efficiently and effectively livestream events and even use your iPhone and iPad as a camera source for recording or streaming, via the Wirecast cam app. Suddenly, the possibility of what you can do and achieve becomes endless. For old Wirecast users, they understand exactly what I am on about. If you new to Wirecast, hold on, be prepared to be mesmerized and blown away.I recently used Wirecast to perform a 3 camera facebook live shoot for an event for an educational organization in California, and my audience literally went nuts. They were absolutely awed, and vehemently wanted to know how I did it, and most importantly, how they themselves could set it up. Honestly, I was surprised at their reaction. To think I was just having a go at a software I absolutely love and know a lot about.In the end, especially judging by their interest, I decided to do a tutorial series. It is basically two hours and 45 minutes of pure magical content, where you are going to learn to wave the magical Wirecast wand and be a pro at it. Wirecast 7 is brand new and it is absolutely amazing, plus, I am a huge fan of it. You deserve to hold your own with this amazing software, let me make you a pro at it.For newbies into the absolutely amazing world of Wirecast, I can guarantee that you are in for the best of times. I remembered being wide eyed and ecstatic when I first laid my hands on the software. Being the CEO of iOgrapher, and well, having unrestricted access to all the amazing filmmaking cases and accessories also made for absolutely interesting times. My video tutorial is specially designed for you.For old Wirecast users, there is no need to go on and on about the amazing features of Wirecast. Hey, you already know. What I am going to do is open your eyes to some levels and blow you away with some of the new usability of Wirecast. So, even if you are used to the app, you still need to sign up to my comprehensive training to get a total grasp on the software, and utilize it to amazing effects. Maximize your Wirecast potential, sign up now.Ok, why exactly would you want to learn to use Wirecast 7 to the optimum?Well, apart from the inherent fun, and well, the joy of being appreciated for executing perfect presentations, livestreaming or recordings; with Wirecast, you can infuse professionalism and polish into your broadcast with transitions, live switching, lower thirds, titles, and a host of other features. Apart from this, streaming to integrated streaming services becomes easy with the use of the built-in multi format encoding capabilities. By using Wirecast, you can professionally livestream your services, events, lectures, workshops, interviews, concerts, and conferences, switching cameras to amazing effect.If you are really serious about Wirecast 7 and injecting a much needed professionalism and ease into your projects, then you need to learn to effectively and maximally use the software. What are you waiting for? Sign up for the Zero to Hero video training course now."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Rigging de Personajes con Diuk de After effects" |
"En este curso aprenderemos a crear controles para personajes destinados a la animacin digital 2d. Es lo que se conoce como Rigging del personaje. El pluging Diuk 15.08 nos brinda las herramientas necesarias para poder realizar este trabajo y as poder realizar animaciones de forma mas sencilla pero con calidad profesional.Este curso est dirigido a profesionales en Diseo grfico con experiencia en animacin con after effects,Motion graphers y animadores en general.Para este curso se ultilziar el software After effects CC 2015, el pluging Diuk 15.08 y adobe illusrator. Este curso est dividido en 3 secciones. En la primera seccin abordaremos el tema de la configuracin del personaje ylaimportacin el mismo en after effects. Enla segunda seccin conoceremos el interfaz de Diuk y realizaremos el rigging del personaje dejndolo listo para animar. Y en la tercera y ltima seccin realizaremos una animacin de una accin simple del personaje para poner a prueba el rigging realizado.Aprenders conceptos como cinemtica inversa para crear controles en los brazos y piernas. El concepto de los huesos para el rigging. Puntos de anclaje, entre otros.Es importante inscribirse en este curso ya que la tendencia en lo que respecta a animacin de personajes consiste en realizar animaciones con mucha mayor calidad en los movimientos. Y con la rapidez que se trabaja hoy en da el diuk nos ahorrar tiempo en los procesos para la animacin de los personajes.Hoy en da las agencias y productoras de contenidos animados trabajan con muchas tcnicas y softwares para la animacindepersonajes. Gracias a este curso tendrs la capacidad de conseguir proyectos como freelance, trabajar en agencias o casa realizadorasincluso para realizar solo riggings de los personaje si es que no cuentas con expertiz en animacin de personajes.Para llevar este curso sin problemas debers tener conocimientos bsicos en el sotware after effects CS6 en adelante. Tambin debers tener conocimientos bsicos en illustrator o photoshop."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cisco NEW CCNA R/S (200-125): The Complete Course" |
"This course is for Cisco's newest certification, the CCNA R/S 200-125, that became effective on August 21st, 2016.Cisco certifications do have an expiration date and they need to be renewed every couple of years.*******************************************************Laz is notorious for his nonchalant and unorthodox way of teaching, and has quickly become one of UDEMY's top instructors with a student base of over 38K+ students in his old CCNA 200-120 (now a private course),and an overall student base of 53K+ and counting for all his courses on UDEMY.Not to mention his achievement in being instrumental in getting hris students certified world wide.Laz's courses are being taught in over 194countries and some of these have been translated into other languages.This is why he has become a rising star in Cisco certifications andNetworking!This is his latest course for the CCNA R/S and has everything youneeds to prepare for the 200-125 certification exam.The course was produced in a very effective manner where you,the student,would feel as if youare in a classroom setting and the instructor is speaking directly to YOU.Following Laz's instructions and using his recommendations for other resources like books,etc., has proven to be thekey to lead hisstudents to achieve success in passing the certification exam.In Laz's style of teaching, (and there is a method to his madness),is very laid back and somewhat unorthodox, as you will see for yourself.However, this isto make the topics covered more digestible and easier for anyone to understand. Even if you are totally new to Networking.So, whether you are a novice, need to pass the CCNAor just need a refresher for your current job,this course has everything you need.Don't doubt the Instructor with the proven record, but rather embrace his knowledge and his experience when it comes to this; after all...his reputation depends on your success!Youwill acquire the knowledgein this course to make it transferable to real world use, as a Cisco and/or IT Professional.DISCLAIMER: Please note that the simulators/emulators used in this course arenot part of the course. It is the students responsibility to have these to practice with. The Cisco Packet Tracer & VIRAL (Virtual Internet Routing Lab) are Cisco proprietary software and can only be obtained through Cisco. But students have more options that those. They can create their own lab with real equipment, get BOSON or GNS3. It is up to each student to obtain the simulator/emulator of their choice to study along with this course.Please also NOTE: .pkt files have been up-loadable to UDEMY's site via a ZIP folder. However, I would like to stress that replicating my labswill help students to practice, follow along and will drive down the information in a more precise manner where the students will retain more of the information for the test.BOOKSUSEDINTHECOURSE: CCNA R/S by Cisco Press, Sybex CCNA Study Guide by Todd Lammle & The Only IPBook You Will Ever Need!, by Lazaro J. Diaz - These are ALL available on AMAZONThis course will give youan in-depth understanding of networking, using routers and switches and their various configurations and connections. Youwill learn how to configure; default, static and dynamic routing. Youwill comprehend how to manipulate each of the routing protocols attributes to meet the requirements of the network. This course will also prepare youin Layer 2 technology and its various configurations, such as; VLANs, VTP, STP, PortFast, EtherChannel, Port-Security, Inter-VLAN communication & Trunking; plus the newest requirements needed for CISCO's NEWCCNA (200-125) certification exam as well. Youwill also acquire the knowledge needed to secure therouters through the use of Access-list, configuring the different types of NAT & will be able to manage the routers components. As a students, youwill also be able to thoroughly grasp the concepts of both Internet Protocols; IPv4 & IPv6. These are KEY to any Network!Please keep in mind that Laz has his own book called ""The Only IP Book You Will Ever Need!"" that will further help those that need a more in-depth understanding of IPv4 & IPv6. Also covered in this course is Wide Area Network Protocols like HDLC, PPP, Frame Relay,HSRP, BGP, MPLS, NHRP, MGRE among other things.You will also learn how to create redundancy innetworks through the use of Redundancy Protocols such as HSRP which is just as important. Also, within the WAN, you,the student, will also learn how to create VPNs and GRE Tunnels among other things that are crucial in passing the new CCNA.Great achievements and success is at your grasp!All you need to do is let this course guide you through it.The possibilities are going to be endless once you take this CCNA certification course.And now, with UDEMYS Pilot program for CertificationTEST Courses (which this course is part of),your odds of succeedinghas justskyrocketed!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Step by Step Guide to Giving a Last Minute Presentation" |
"Welcome to a""Step by Step Guide to Putting Together a Last Minute Presentation"".This is a beginners course aimed at teaching you how to put together a presentation at short notice and deliver it with confidence. You do not need to have any prior Public Speaking knowledge or experience. We start the course by covering the basics, which include looking at who your audience are, how many people will be in the audience, where you will be delivering your talk and whether you will be using visual aids (PowerPoint).,Then we go on to look at how to write your talk so that it fits in with the time given. We then look at defining your main points, opening your talk, signposting the presentation, expanding on your main points, summarising your talk and leaving your audience with a key takeaway. I the go on to chat about how to handle the Q&As, and in the Bits & Bobs, I talk about nerves, body language and how to dress for a speech.I then deliver a full 5-10 min presentation to the camera so that you can see how all the elements come together.Each lessoncomprises a talking head video and following Feedback from the students on my previous Udemy course (Public Speaking for the Terrified"", the videos are much shorter, with each video around 5 minutes (except for my full presentation) and there are exercises to go with each video. I will be adding additional resource material and a few more videos in the coming weeksandwill update the videos to keep them relevant."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Linux - The Productive Programmer's Best Friend" |
"Our mission is to save Linux users from their unproductive habits.Andin this online course, you will learn:Whats one of the best terminals to use (just a hint: you need that split screen functionality).How clipboard managers memorize the things you copy, so you dont have to.How to use the greatest/biggest/most intelligent :)) console editor since humankind appeared. Yes, its Vim. And well dive deep into its usefulness.Zsh and its awesome oh-my-zsh framework featuring over two hundred plugins for developers and productivity seekers.Extensive lessons on terminal commands: how to find and replace text, parts of text, tiny bits of text or even non-text.How to use pipes and subshells to create customized commands that automate day to day tasks.And much much more.All of this, plus:The repository where you have all our scripts.And an eBook containing not only all the examples mentioned but our very words and explanations (yes, including all the bad grammar you may notice through the lessons).Jokes aside, this course is for all the programmers that are new to the Linux environment.If you dont know how to use sed, if youre not that used to pipeing commands, if you use the default terminal and if you are still using BASHthen this course is for you.Join us now and double your terminal productivity!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Courseology |
"Is it really possible to launch an online course in only 3 days without any technical knowhow or professional tools?Dear soon to be online teacher,Have you ever thought about generating passive revenue by leveraging your skills and experience?How about working from home, at your own pace and on your own schedule while also having the flexibility to do whatever you want through your day?All of this without needing anything more than a smartphone! (And to be honest, not even that!)Did you know that 20 000 online instructors are doing exactly that? And thats the number present on only one of the dozens online course marketplaces?Very few of these instructors share their secrets, secrets like the ones Im going to share with you in this letter.But before I do that, let me introduce myself.It wasnt that long ago when I worked as a programmer in a small city at an even smaller startup. I was working 2 jobs, constantly having to balance my very full professional life with an almost empty personal one.I was quite lazy when doing things I didnt like and quite enthusiastic about everything I loved doing. In order to allow my laziness to rule, I created systems that got the hateful things done on autopilot while I spent conscious time on the things I enjoyed doing.When I started doing online trainings, I brought that systems-on-autopilot mentality with me, creating the conditions that allowed me to launch courses automatically, without any hassle.When I told this to a friend, he jokingly asked me why I didnt teach how to teach, or even better, how to teach on autopilot. Hearing him, I realized we were on to something.Fast-forward one year later, I was visiting 15 countries, working only from home, in big bursts of creative inspiration. I was able to launch courses in as little as 3 days while booking the next flight to yet another exotic country. All of this, using ready-made templates that freed my mind from the mundane, allowing me to innovate and create dynamic content through which my students got actual results.My motto is I teach students how to become their own teachers! and this is what Im going to do here. Im going to show you how you can launch your own online course in only 3 days without any knowhow even if you dont *think* you have the tools to do it.How do I do that?Ive developed a unique system that, if followed step-by-step, will enable you to record, produce and deliver an online course in a maximum of 3 days without any financial investment.No bullshit! This template is exactly what me and my fellow instructors are using in delivering online courses and its fine-tuned to give you the minimum effective dose that you need in order to publish a professional online course.Introducing 3DOC (3 Days to your Online Course)Below, Im listing the curriculum of the course. Its split in 3 days, each full of chapters that take you by hand and guide you through all the process needed to launch your course. Everything has an estimated time to completion so youll know when to stop a brainstorming session or when to stop learning about how to deliver and just deliver.Day 1: Planning the adventure of *their* lifetimeo In Chapter 1 you will identify a much needed, highly sought, easily sold topic for your course. Youll be doing this through templates, scoring cards and fill in the blank exercises that will help you quickly pinpoint that sweet spot that youll be passionately teaching.o Chapter 2 is all about determining tangible outcomes for your students. A 3DOC course is not about the instructor, its about the student and, in this chapter, you will learn what it takes to make that student happy that he invested in your course.o Enthralling your audience is done in Chapter 3, where youll prepare your curriculum on autopilot using a ready-made template. There, you will also choose from 3 very different delivery styles after fully understanding their advantages and disadvantages.Day 2: Create highly engaging content that mesmerizes your market!o The second day uses techniques drawn from computer science in order to best leverage your new knowledge. You start light, first thing in the morning, by building an inspiring bio in Chapter 1.o Warmed up, you continue by producing highly engaging content that mesmerizes your market using all the tools from Chapter 2.o Finally, the end comes with chapter 3, where youll learn how to produce a powerful course presentation, in order to convert visitors into loyal customers. Everything is on autopilot; you dont even have to drink your coffee.Day 3: Produce content that transforms!o Day 3 is all about delivering. You start by setting a cheap but effective recording studio in Chapter 1. Thats if you want to invest a few bucks. If you dont, you have the *free* option.o Then you learn how to deliver great content in Chapter 2. Im not a fan of theory, only of applied science. So after reading how to deliver you jump straight to recording: 3, 2, 1, Action!o And your work is done. Chapter 3 is all about choosing the right price and publishing your magnum opus.All the chapters have optional steps that enrich your course and provide additional benefits for your students, but I only recommend taking them after launching your first online course. Also, every chapter has a warning regarding the biggest mistake people make in that particular section. You have been warned! :)All the content comes with practical examples, which gives you a reality anchor, a way to fully grasp whats behind the teaching. And when you follow the master template, youll realize it gives you the opportunity (and the push) to create you own videos based on the exact theory taught. You always have everything you need to know to get to the next step.The system is project based, which means that you will have to work on your course *while* you watch the 3DOC materials. That also means that you get your own course after the final video, which will get you money, followers and fame.And it takes only 3 days! This means that youll also get your *own* course in 3 days!And this is not all of it.Im constantly adding bonuses based on requests from my students.20% of the content was updated after I tested the course with my first 10 students (5 of which have successfully launched their own content in 3 days, 2 others in 5 days).Developing an online course is the next step in the education system. This particular course was presented at Experiential Educators Europe, at a Toastmasters conference and all over the European continent.Heres what others say about my content:Mihnea Popescu, manager at Atos International knows me personally from one of the live trainings this course is based on.""Hello, my name is Mihnea Popescu and I live in Timisoara, where I had the opportunity to meet Bogdan Vaida. I also participated in some of his courses. I am very glad that I did. At the beginning I was a bit skeptical about the perspectives he presented, because I was used to a completely different mindset. I was determined to believe in him blindly at the start and to continue to do so if I had results. In doing so, I applied his advice and techniques and I realized I had incredible results. I asked myself whats happening? I continued to listen to him and apply what he said, even though I sometimes disagreed and thought it wasnt suited for me. Gradually, I started to understand that there were certain perspectives that I would never have thought about. Participating in his courses helped me a great deal. I recommend them to you and in the end youll see how happy you are that youve been part of them.Calin Iepure, entrepreneur and consultant in business strategy, moderator of Business Days and facilitator for the Bootcamp University was very enthusiastic after he went through one of the courses I created using the 3DOC methodology:""Hi! Im Calin Iepure. I met Bogdan Vaida some 4 years ago during the weekly meetings of Timisoara Toastmasters. Since then I was introduced to his educational programs and Ive seen how they make our life, my life and yours and the life of those who participate in them, a lot better. With their help I managed to better organize my time and become more productive. If you, right now, are interested in personal development, want to increase your productivity and motivation, I strongly recommend Bogdans online courses.""The course is basically a mentorship package and after only 3 days you have a ready-to-go course that will provide you with passive revenue and all you have to do is click Publish.So, how much for this powerful money building machine?It started out as a $297 project but I soon realized that the people that are most interested in launching their first online course dont have access to such a financial investment.I thought well and hard and then I made the following strategic decision.Im heavily discounting this course in exchange of a promise from you.At the end of the course, Ill ask you for one thing: to give me a link to your online course.I want to see your hard work come to fruition. Ill be there for you, every step of the way, and I want to see you happily launching that course.Click the button below and youll be taken to our secure payment page. All you have to do is Enter Your Regular Details and complete your investmentAt the same time you have my promise that this training will offer results. And I guarantee it with the full price of the course!In other words, if you dont have the desired results, you dont pay!If youve finished this course and consider that you have not achieved what you expected from it, I offer you a 30 days 100% money-back guarantee.Im so confident in this product that if you dont find it amazing, if youre not 100% satisfied then Ill gladly refund you. You get all your money back.Basically, theres no risk for you!Oh, one more thing:Even though this course is a complete product by itself, Im constantly adding content to it.Do you want an interview with serial course creators? Just ask.Do you want a step by step guide on properly pricing your course? Ask again.Do you want to know how you can repurpose the content of your course into a written book? I have a guide for that too.A lot of goodies are unveiled when students interact with me. All I need to know is what you need in order to launch your course and all you need to do is to be there, asking me any question you may have.Also, since the course is in its initial stages, I'm going to sweeten the deal with a few bonuses (which I may remove at any time after the initial launch).a) The 3DOC Master TemplateThis is a step-by-step template that I used to launch 8 successful courses. All of my students use it as it's created to easily deliver an online course in only 3 days. After 3 days, you can publish and enjoy time outside while, at the same time, getting some passive income.b) The Secret VaultIn the secret vault Im adding complementary methods showing you how successful online trainers deliver their courses, what their secret technique is, their studio setup and everything in between. After the initial launch is done, Im also adding the case studies and success stories from fellow students who launched their course with the help of this training.c) Integrated CoachingThis is something I will remove for sure in the (very) near future. I plan on working closely with the first few students, the students that interact and that contact me for further advice and clarifications. I will help you succeed and I'll do this by being at your disposal. Any methods, techniques, delivery advice, support and anything else you may need, I am here for you.d) Launch your book on Amazon with 0 additional effortAt the end of the course, you will also get a bonus on how to leverage what youve done, in order to create an instant book on Amazon (both in paperback and digital versions). Only this bonus and youve already covered the courses price.Remember youre getting all of this today for just $97 and all you have to do is click the button below. Youll be taken to our secure payment page. There, Enter Your Regular Details and complete your investment...Now, what is it going to cost to not own this? You've heard my offer... I have expressed the value to you. I hope you feel like you can trust me. I've shown you exactly what's going to happen when you decide to give it a chance today. Remember that you have your 30-day guarantee. You're fully protected. All the risk is on me. If you're still wondering about this, let's just consider that right now you're standing at a crossroads and there are two paths.One of the paths takes you down the road I've just laid out for you where all these great things happen. Passive income means security. What will happen if you suddenly lose your job? Nothing .. if you have this passive income on the side. And imagine what would happen if you wouldn't need a job anymore! An online business is close and within your grasp. Why not earn a few dollars, just to prove to yourself that you can. And, after that, the flow will come naturally and you'll earn more and more in no time. Or you can just stay on the road you're on right now and lose the chance to generate a lifetime of passive profit, which would have prevented you from working so much, not even having time to take a vacation.Get inside, build your online course in only 3 days and live a stress free life earning money from your passion!P.S. One important thing to note.. I have opened the doors to this course for this month only. After the initiallaunch, I'll add an entry fee for it."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Tumult Hype Pro Basics: HTML5 Animations Made Easier" |
"In this course you will learn to create interactive HTML5 web content and animations made with Tumult Hype 3 Professional. This web content works on desktops, smartphones and iPads.Tumult Hype's keyframe-based animation system brings your content to life.Tumult Hypeis a blank slate"" type of application for creating content. The tools provided are powerful and encourage experimentation; the possibilities of what you can build are endless.We will teach you the basics of Hype Pro 3, how to get started with the application and how you can use it to create some stunning interactions and animations. Many of the concepts you learn in this course will transfer over to Hype 3 regular version as well.WithJeff as your Sensei, you will become a certified Ninja of Hype in no time!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a la Simulacin Clnica" |
"Este curso sobre simulacin clnica. Est dedicado a aquellas profesores del rea de la salud que quieran incorporar o mejorar est tcnica dentro de su prctica docente. No hablo mucho sobre simulacin de habilidades, pero si mucho sobre simulacin de alta fidelidad. Este curso incluye:Un repaso sobre aprendizaje en el adultoGeneralidades sobre la simulacin clnica (tipos, metodologa, etc)Diseo de escenariosDebriefingInsercin CurricularSeguridad del Paciente y Factores HumanosVers un video o dos por cada uno de estos temas, as como ejercicios para poner estos conceptos en prctica dentro de tu ambiente educativo.Este es un buen curso para quien inicia en la simulacin clnica, tambin para quien desea repasar los conceptos antes descritos o para grupos de profesionales que desean estandarizar el lenguaje y metodologas utilizadas dentro de un centro de simulacin.Dedicando un da por cada tema habrs completado este curso en una semana. No te pierdas un curso nico que te ayudar a mejorar tu prctica docente y a ver el aprendizaje de las ciencias de la salud con otra mirada."
Price: 945.00 ![]() |
"Successful Negotiation -- Plan and Prepare Your Strategy" |
"Business negotiation is a vital skillthat every professional needs to master. The first step is preparing a negotiating plan so: you know what you want, know how to get the most you can, and you know how (andwhen )to walk away when you cant. The GOBLINS Guide to Negotiation is a step-by-step framework for professional negotiators. Youll start by setting goals and your bottom line thats your strategic plan. Next we figure out exactly what youre going to ask for and which tactics you are going to use to get them. Youll finish up by deciding what kind of relationship you want with the person across the table a long-term strategic partnership, a one-off transaction, or something in between. The GOBLINS Guide to Negotiation is a comprehensive plan that puts you in control of the deal you end up with. Some negotiation books only teach you to usehighlyaggressive tactics to manipulate your opponent. Sure, we do that too if thats the way you want to go. The difference is that wehelp youdetermine which negotiating style is best for you, and then buildan authenticstrategy and tactical roadmap.This is a PRACTICAL course, with tools and templates that you can start putting into action immediately."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Django + AngularJS for a Powerful Web Application" |
"When it comes to building modern web applications, you need to think about two aspects:the backend and the front end.Django is one of the most popular backend frameworks in the world.AngularJS is one of the most popular front-end frameworks in the world.Together, they make magic.This series is about integrating that magic to show you what's possible in today's cutting edge technology.We're going to be working with you step-by-step and teaching you everything along the way. By the end, you'll have a powerful Blogweb application driven by the beautiful combination of Django and AngularJS."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Django Core A Reference Guide to Core Django Concepts" |
"Our philosophy is teaching individuals how to code by going through step by step projects. This drives the majority of our content with one exception:the Django Core course.In this course, we go in-depth into various Django concepts to provide a comprehensive guide to topics that include:Django ModelsModel Instance Methods &PropertiesModel-level field validationHow models map to databases andPrimary KeysDjango Forms and FormsetsRelatingDatawithForeign Keys in DjangoHandling Subdomains with Django HostsForm validationModel FormFunction Based Views (FBVs)Class Based Views (CBVs)CRUDin Django Views(Create Retrieve Update Delete List)Django TemplatesTemplate InheritanceTemplate shortcuts &FiltersDjango translationand much more!We built this for students looking for a in-depth look at the above concepts. We encourage you to have some experience with Django such as our Try Django series (1.8 &Up) which is available on Udemy."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Acrobat DC - Fundamentos" |
"En este curso grabado por un ""Adobe Certified Instructor - Acrobat"" aprenders a automatizar procesos de revisin de archivos PDF mediante Adobe Acrobat.El curso inicia explicando conceptos bsicos como el formato PDFylas diferentes aplicaciones para trabajar con este formato. Posteriormente aprenderemos a navegar correctamente en un archivo PDF y hacer bsquedas bsicas y avanzadas para despus crear archivos PDF usando las diferentes opciones disponibles. Finalmente exportaremos, editaremos y aplicaremos seguridad a este tipo de archivos.El curso es 100% prctico basado en talleres, adems podrs practicar usando los archivos que tendrs para descarga con los cuales podrs replicar los ejemplos que se muestran en los videos.Si deseas contratar ste u otro curso para un grupo empresarial o universidad de forma presencial u online puedes contactarme desde el sitio web de Xperto por mensaje privado desde mi perfil de Udemy."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Flujos de revisin colaborativa con archivos PDF" |
"En este curso grabado por un ""Adobe Certified Instructor - Acrobat"" aprenders a automatizar procesos de revisin de archivos PDF mediante Adobe Acrobat.El curso inicia explicando las diferentes herramientas de Acrobat para crear comentarios para posteriormente explicar cada uno de los flujos de revisin: manual, basada en email y compartida (mediante carpetas de red, sitios de Share Point y carpetas web).El curso es 100% prctico basado en talleres, adems podrs practicar usando los archivos que tendrs para descarga con los cuales podrs replicar los ejemplos que se muestran en los videos.Si deseas contratar ste u otro curso para un grupo empresarial o universidad de forma presencial u online puedes contactarme desde el sitio web de Xperto por mensaje privado desde mi perfil de Udemy."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Sass Course! Learn Sass for Real-World Websites" |
"Are you frustrated at how rapidly the web design & coding world is changing?Do you feel like your skills are becoming out-dated andyoujust can't keep up with all of the new web languages?Are you afraid your web design skillswill become redundant if you don't learn something new?Do you worry that you might not ""have what it takes"" to learn something new and complicated?My name is Brad Hussey, and I have been a professionalFreelance Web Designer for more than 7 years, soIknow what it feels like to worry aboutbeing left behind in the web design world!I always the need to keep up with all of the new technology, web languages, frameworks,tricks, strategies and fads! I've seen it all...But you can stop worrying...right here and now!I understand the difference between a passing fad, and what's here to stay.And do you want to know what's here to stay?...Sass!Sass is what's known as a ""pre-processor"" language, and it basically supercharges your CSS so you can create flexible, clean and incredibly powerful stylesheets.The entire purpose of Sass is to save you time & energy when styling websites and applications.Why is this a good thing?I've done some experiments and I've discovered that you can style websites 150% faster using Sass vs. CSS...For example, let's say acustom web design project takes 50 hours to style in CSS(not unusual!)In Sass, it would only take you 33 hours to style!That's 17 hours of saved time per project...Therefore, if you take on 3 web design projects per month, you'll save 51 hours each month...That's the equivalent of...63+ episodes of Downton AbbeyTaking anentire week off workBooking a paid gig at $50/hour =that's an extra $2.5kWalking around Central Park 25 timesRoadtrip from Los Angeles to New YorkTakingon apart-time job at your favourite coffee shopThe question is, what would YOU do with a 150% increase in web design productivity?Join The Sass Course today and let's get started!...Not convinced?I've taught morethan 180,000 students on Udemy......and over26,000 on YouTube!I am one of the most reviewed,top-rated coding instructors on Udemy...I createsome of the most popular &engaging web designcourseson the web today...My courses are known to deliver tremendousresults, and keep students coming back for more (and more)!...and this course is no exception!There are endless courses and instructorsout there (even right here on Udemy) claiming to teach you the skills you want to learn, but many of them fail to deliver quality material...They waste your time...They mumble into the mic...You barely learn anything......and some of them are so boring that you fall asleep (been there, done that)!The Sass Course is a highly engaging coding course,jam-packed with value and hands-on lessons, and sprinkled with entertainment and humour!From beginning to end, you'll be learning by DOING...Every single minute is valuable, and I guarantee you'll see results from this course!Don't believe me?Take the entire course......and if you don't see value, experience results, feel it's notworth your time or money, or fall asleep even once...You're protected with a 100% money-back guarantee!Simply request a refund within the first 30-days, and you'll get your investment back, no questions asked.So, how about it?Are you ready to STOP feeling frustrated, and START taking control of the skills you want to learn to succeed as a web designer today?Let's get started!See you on the other side :)"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Learn Greek for Beginners: The Ultimate 95-Lesson Course" |
"Are you ready to start speaking, writing and understanding Greek in minutes? Then, this is the course for you. You unlock 95high-quality beginner video lessons and well guide you step-by-step.Learn Greek with lessons made by real teachers.In every lesson, we take you by the hand and guide you through the language.You will...Learn How to Read and Write GreekSound like a Native Speaker with Pronunciation LessonsLearn Basic Greek Conversation Skills with the 3-Minute Video SeriesSharpen Your Listening with Comprehension LessonsGet Access to 95High-Definition Video LessonsUnlock Bonus Access to Lesson Transcripts and Vocabulary ListsThis is the ultimate starting point for any beginner.By the end, youll be able to hold basic Greek conversations such as introducing yourself, asking for directions and making small talk with others. Youll also know how to read and write in Greek.If youre a beginner and want to learn Greek in the fastest, easiest and most fun way, start here. This course is broken up into 6parts:Introduction to Greek:Want to learn Greek? Don't know where to start? This is it. The Introduction to Greek Video series is perfect for those who know zero Greek but want to take that first step. In this 5-lesson series, you'll learn all about the Greek language, as well as grammar, writing and phrases to get you started.Greek Alphabet Made Easy:In this video series of fifteen lessons, you will learn the Greek alphabet, known as Alfaveeto. We will teach you Alfaveeto using simple steps, showing you the correct stroke order, helpful tricks for memorization, and proper usage in common Greek words. If you want to get started reading and writing Greek, this is THE place to start.Ultimate Greek Pronunciation Guide:Ready to sound like a native Greek speaker? Join Alisha and Stefania in the Ultimate Greek Pronunciation Series! In these video lessons, you'll learn the ins and outs of perfect Greek pronunciation. You'll learn the common mistakes learners make, how to avoid them, and the nuances that only native speakers are aware of.Learn Greek in Three Minutes:In Greece, manners are important, and in this 25-lesson series, you'll learn some of the basics you need to be polite while speaking Greek. Chrissi will take you step-by-step through must-know phrases like ""Do you speak English?"" and ""Hello, my name is"". See the phrases broken down on screen while native Greek speaker Chrissi explains the grammar and composition. Plus, you'll get some special tips on how to be extra authentic when interacting with native Greek speakers. The best part? You'll do all this in just 3 quick minutes.Greek Listening Comprehension for Absolute Beginners:Improve your Greek listening skills in every lesson! This Greek Listening Comprehension Series tests you on your listening and makes sure you understand every word. Listen to the dialog, watch the video, and answer the questions asked. This video series is perfect for Absolute Beginners.Greek Listening Comprehension for Beginners:Ready to understand even more Greek? This Greek Listening Comprehension Series tests you on your listening and makes sure you understand every word. Listen to the dialog, watch the video, and answer the questions asked. This video series is perfect for Beginner Greek learners or those looking to reach a Beginner level."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn MikroTik ROUTE with Hands-on LABS from scratch" |
"In every network we require to have routing. However, if routing is not configured correctly then we may face a lot of problems. For this reason, I have designed this course to show you how you can configure routing in MikroTik routersto keep your network operational, functional and scalable.This course is ideal for students & professionals who are interested to learn routing in MikroTik. Part of this course will be dedicated to showhow youcan use GNS3 emulator software with CHR image from Mikrotik to be able to design Labs for testing purposes. This solution is the best for those who would like to learn Routing in MikroTik but do not want to invest in buying couple of MikroTik routers to be able to follow this course.Topics that will be covered in this course are: What is routing, install GNS3 with CHR image, IGP vs EGP, Distance vector vs Link State, Static route, default static route, floating static route for failover, ECMP for load-balancing &RIP Routing Protocol in depth.This course will contains 30% theoretical part and 70% LABs with real scenarios configuration on MikroTik routers. The labs will be based on step-by-step configuration with a testing part by end of each lab to check if the configuration that we have done is working the way we want. Total number of LABs are 10 in this course, so be ready for a lot of fun with MikroTik Routing."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |