Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Treino HIIT - O guia definitivo para mudar o seu corpo" |
"Quer perder de trs a cinco quilos de gordura em apenas6 semanas?No milagre, comprimidos ou cremes caros!Trata-se de um das maiores descobertas da cincia do esporte, o Treino Hiit.Elimine gordura e ganhe um condicionamento fsico excelente, fazendoum treino simples, rpido e eficiente. Este o principal resultado do High-Intensity Intermittent Training ou simplesmente HiiT. Ele trs benefcios em curto espao de tempo, desde que feito da forma correta e como proponho nesse curso completo para iniciantes. O HiiT tem fundamentao cientfica para emagrecimento e condicionamento, que consiste em estmulos de alta intensidade com pequena durao e tempo total de treino que pode variar de 10 a 20 minutos.Queime 6 vezes mais gordura -Um estudo australiano comprovouque mulheres que seguiram o programa HIIT de 20 minutos, consistindo de corridas de 8 segundos seguidas de 12 segundos de descanso, perderam seis vezes mais gordura corporal que o grupo que seguiu o programa de exerccios aerbicos de intensidade constante de 60% da taxa cardaca mxima.Aumente o seu metabolismo -Estudosde 1996 da Baylor College of Medicine (em Houston, Texas, EUA) comprovouque indivduos que seguiram o treinamento HIIT queimaram bem mais calorias durante as 24 horas ps-treino do que aqueles que pedalaram em intensidade moderada e constante. Isso acontece por que o seu corpo continua queimando gordura mesmo quando vocestiver dormindo ou mesmo no sof.Os estudos so conclusivos, o Treino Hiit muito eficaz na queima de gordura. Ento eu reuni os melhor exerccios para iniciantes nesse curso completo que ir ajudar voc alcanar o corpo que deseja.Eu sou especialista em exerccio fsico, com 25 anos de experincia e com diversos cursos online, que j mudou a vida de milhares de pessoas, por isso convido voc a fazer esse curso que elaborei com muita dedicao e profissionalismo.Inscreva-se hoje mesmo.Prof. Andr Oliveira"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Barriga Chapada - Guia completo de Abdominal para iniciantes" |
"Voc quer ter o abdominal trincado? Tem feito exerccios errados e sem sentido?Ento voc tem que fazer o meu curso, um guia completo para ajudar voc alcanar o abdominal que deseja.O que voc ter ao se inscrever no meu curso.Aulas exclusivasExerccios motivantes Mtodo comprovado Vdeo aulas 100% prticasDicas essenciais para ter um abdominal mais forteVdeos aula de alta qualidadeUsufruir dos meus 30 anos de experinciaPossibilidade de fazer em qualquer lugarGarantia de resultados com seguranaEu sou especialista em exerccio fsico, com 30 anos de experincia e com diversos cursos online, que j mudou a vida de milhares de pessoas, por isso convido voc a fazer esse curso que elaborei com muita dedicao e profissionalismo.Abrao.Prof. Andr Oliveira"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Beginning Project Management: Project Management Level One" |
"Project management is an exciting place to be. Project managers help shape the success of organizations, implement new technology, change the business landscape, and have influence over all areas of a business. Project managers also earn a nice income and often move up the organizational chain into full-time management positions. In this course well examine the absolute basics of project management. Everyone has to start somewhere, right? In this fundamental course we will explore the big picture of project management and the project management life cycle. Youll finish this course with a great grasp of what project management is, what your roles and responsibilities as a project manager will be, and how to move forward in your career as a project manager. This course is designed for people that are new to project management. This course is structured to give you a solid foundation of project management and to help you speak the project management language. Dont worry this course is easy to follow, has a logical approach, and it has a fun, can-do attitude in its delivery. Projects use processes to move things forward. These processes are universal to all projects regardless of the industry you may work in. These processes are grouped into logical chunks and thats our primary focus of the course. Youll learn the major components of the project management lifecycle: Initiating the projectPlanning the projectExecuting the projectMonitoring and controlling the projectClosing the projectFinally, this course includes several templates you can download and begin using in your projects. Ill also show you how you can build many of your own project management documents. Lets get started right now on your project management career."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"The Complete iOS 10 And Swift 3 Developer Course" |
"So you want to learn how to create apps for iOS?Well you are at the right place!We have built an impressive course that teaches you all fundamentals so you can build your own apps for iOS or apply for jobs!The course is structured so that it begins slowly, giving you the basic stuff that you need to move forward, and after each video you will understand more and more about developing apps for iOS and what are best practices.We take practical approach in teaching, so we are going to build real world apps that you can use for your portfolio or upload to the app store.You will also benefit from my super fast response if you have any issues that you are stuck with(I check Udemy forums every day if someone posts a question). Oh and I have created a FREE live chat room where allthe students gather to help each other out so you will have help available to you 24/7.So what are you going to learn from this course:Basic And Advanced Features Of SwiftWorking With Table ViewsAuto LayoutObject Oriented Programming In DepthModel View Controller(MVC) ConceptTable ViewsAdvanced Features Of Table ViewsAnimationsPlaying AudioMaps And GeolocationSaving Data With NSCodingSaving Data With Core DataCore Data In Depth Such As Advanced Fetching, Sorting, NSBatchUpdateRequest, NSFetchedResultsController And Much MoreWorking With JSON And APIsDownloading Images From The WebSaving Images In Core DataWorking With FirebaseAnd Much Much MoreUsing what you obtain in this course, you will be equipped with more than enough knowledge in order to continue improving yourself in the field of app development and you can also use the same skills to create Mac OS Apps.If You ever had an idea for an awesome app, then enroll in this courseand learn the tools that you need to develop Your next number ONE App!!!What is Your Risk By Taking This Course?Nothing!! If you are not satisfied with the course, I promise I will give you a full refund of your money NO Questions asked!!Enroll Now!! You Will Not Be Disappointed!!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Buy cheap plane tickets for 10% of their initial price." |
"Have you ever dreamed of travelling around the world and seeing every possible place that can be seen. Whats limiting you? Is it money? Not any more.Im travel by plane more than 1500 km every week for weeks now and after several months of research and practice I want to share with you knowledge about how to buy really cheap plane tickets and by cheap I mean that you will pay only 10% of tickets initial price.In this course you will learn:- how to buy very cheap plane tickets- where to search for best flight offers- what factors have influence on airfare- what tricks airlines are using to trick us into buying more expensive tickets- secret language in which promotion hunters exchange information on airtravel- where people exchange information about promotionsand finally: how to fly first class for the price of economy air ticket.What makes this course unique is that80% of itwas written onboard a plane or waiting for boarding at many several airports."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SMART Goals Write goals you will achieve" |
"When it comes to Goal Achievement, most of the time, what people have when they are wondering why they are not getting anywhere is dreams. Now there is nothing wrong with having dreams, after all if you dont have one, how can they come true. But dreams are very different to Goals and goal achievement. I have heard it said before, and its a line I borrow often when working with people, Goals are dreams in action. That is, a goal, is a dream with direction, that is measurable and thought out.So that is what this course is about. This course is concerned with writing and planning your goals, its about goal achievement,or putting your dreams in action so that you can achieve whatever you desire in life. would that be ok?You are going to learn the key components of a well crafted goal so that you can confidently pursue it safe in the knowledge that you will achieve it.You will learn about the unconscious mind and the powerful resources within you to assist you in achieving your goals. And you will learn actionable steps that you can use straight away."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Illustrator Pattern Making Masterclass" |
"Make Patterns in Illustrator - learn to useIllustrator by making useful designsAre you ready to learn Illustrator? Do you want toincrease your Illustrator knowledge?Do you want to expand your graphic design skills?Great! Welcome!This course is for you. It's afun and a practical way to learn Illustrator.Here you'll ""learn by doing"" as you make a range of seamless repeating patterns. You can use these patterns for scrapbook papers, stock imagery, backgrounds and for your own projects. You could upload them to Spoonflower to make fabric and wallpaper, you can print them on book covers and mugs. There are literally hundreds of ways to make use of the patterns you'll make in this course and you'll be soproud whenyou say ""I made that"".Who is your trainer?Helen Bradley has taught thousands of students to use Illustrator and Photoshop. She doesn't fluff about and is focused on helping you learn to use Illustrator in a practical and smart way. Her workflows are carefully structured for maximum success and she explains everything so you know the 'why' as well as the 'how' of any process. Helen has a huge commitment to her students' learning - she answers all student questions and often adds extra videos to a course to help students with questions that others might also benefit from learning from.What will you learn?When you complete this course,you'll: - be able to create a range of different types and styles of patterns in Illustrator- have extended your knowledge of Illustrator tools- have learnednew tips and techniques that you can use every day- be able to confidently create pattern filled objects for a range of design and commercial usesDo I hear you say ""...but I don't know how to use Illustrator (and frankly, I'm scared of it)""?I understand! I've been there.Illustrator can be really scary to use when you first start out. but I've created a better way to learn Illustrator. One that makes it a lot less scary and a lot more fun. You see, you'll learn to make patternsyou can sell, give away on your blog, and use yourself. So you'll be making designs that you can do something with at the same time that you are learning Illustrator. There's no waiting! There's no hours of learning before you can get started doing something. In fact you can start today. Complete the first few lessons and you'll have your first patterns made! Do I hear you say ""... butI hate the Pen tool!""?I understand! Most people hate the pen tool. You are not alone! I believe that Illustrator is so much more than its (dreaded) Pen tool so we'll use the pen tool only when we have to (which is practically never) and you'll see just how much you can achieve without it. Do I hear you say ""... butI can't draw""?No problem! If you can use a mouse you can completethis course. Quite simply, you don't need to be able to draw. In fact many designers can't draw and yet they make fantastic designs and great products.If you can draw great! If you can't draw don't worry, you'll be able to do succeed in this course even if drawing isn't a skill you have mastered. Are you ready to extend your Illustrator skills?If you already know the basics of using Illustrator, taking this class will elevate your skills to a new level. You'll learn to use tools and techniques in a practical situation. No laboriously making shapes just to learn what the pathfinder tool does. No! In this class you'll learn the pathfinder because you need it, you'll draw shapes intrinsic to the pattern you are making - you'll be putting your skills to practical use from the first lecture. You'll reinforce your existing knowledge as you apply it to real world designs. And if we use tools you'venever used before-great! You'll learn to use them fast and easily so you understand how you can put them to work in your daily workflow. Do I hear you say ""Please don'twaste mytime""?If there is one thing I hate its wasting time and you probably do too.So, I don't say ""um"", I don't fluff about,I don't make mistakes, I know my stuff and I show you how to do things efficiently and effectively. I speed up the videos where appropriate so you don't get bored or distracted.I'm 100%focused on helping you learn. In short, I'll get straight to the point and Ill maximize what you learn in every class. Do I hear you say ""... butI can't afford the latest Illustrator version""?Again, I understand. I teach thousands of students who can't afford the monthly Creative Cloud payment. If you're using practically any version of Illustrator you should be able to complete this class. Where a pattern is made using the Pattern Make tool which was introduced inIllustrator CS6 (and which is in IllustratorCC), you will always find a second version of the class that teaches the same pattern in Illustrator CS5and earlier. I won't let you down. I will teach you to make use of the tools you can afford.So, provided you have a version of Illustrator that's less than10 years old (from around CS3 onwards)you are good to go.I'll help you get the most out of it and you won't miss out on anything in this class. Will I just learn to make patterns?Well Yes, and No!Yes, you'll learn to make patterns lots of wonderful seamless repeating patterns. Each pattern has been chosen for a reason, there are the basic patterns like polka dots and stripes which are foundation patterns that everyone should know how to make. You'll learn to make checks and spirals because they teach different techniques, you'll make faux leopard skin and you'll make patterns from lines and geometric shapes.But you'll also learn to use tools, like the Blob brush and the Wrinkle tool. You'll learn to make spirals and use the warp tools.You'll learn techniques and tips for working everyday in Illustrator.You'll learn to recolor yourpatterns.You'll fall in love with the recolor tool as youuse it to explore wonderful color schemesfor your art.You'll get plenty of practice using Illustrator and you'll grow in confidence with every lecture.How will I learn?Thiscourse is made up 100% ofvideo content. You'll watch my screen as I show you howeach pattern is made. I'll explain what I am doing and why so you can learn as you watch.In one lecture you'llmake a pattern fromlots of smallobjects. Because making those objects isn't an importantpart of the class, I'llgive them to you so you can get to work straight away.That way you can focus on the pattern and not the bits that go to making it.Join me...I hope you will join me in this Illustrator class.I look forward to meeting you and I invite you to contact me if you have any questions as you work through the lectures.cheers!Helen"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Apache Spark 2.0 + Java : DO Big Data Analytics & ML" |
"Welcome to our course.Looking tolearn Apache Spark 2.0, practice end-to-end projects and take it to a job interview?You have come to theRIGHT course!This course teaches you Apache Spark 2.0with Java, trains you in building Spark Analytics and machine learning programs and helps youpractice hands-on(2K LOC code samples !)with anend-to-end real life application project. Our goal is to help you andeveryone learn, so we keep our prices low andaffordable.Java is the main technology used today to build industry-grade applications and coming that with Spark gives you unlimited ability to build cutting edge applications.Apache Spark is the hottest Big Data skill today. More and more organizations are adapting Apache Spark for building their big data processing and analytics applications and the demand for Apache Spark professionals is sky rocketing. Learning Apache Spark is a great vehicle togood jobs, better quality of work and the best remuneration packages.The goal of this project is provide hands-on training that applies directly to real world Big Data projects. It uses thelearn-train-practice-applymethodology where youLearn solidfundamentalsof the domainSee demos,trainand execute solid examplesPracticehands-onand validate it with solutions providedApply knowledge you acquired in anend-to-end real life projectTaught by an expert in the field, you will also get prompt response to your queries and excellent support from Udemy."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Apache Spark 2.0 + Scala : DO Big Data Analytics & ML" |
"Welcome to our course.Looking tolearn Apache Spark 2.0, practice end-to-end projects and take it to a job interview?You have come to theRIGHT course!This course teaches you Apache Spark 2.0with Scala, trains you in building Spark Analytics and machine learning programs and helps youpractice hands-on(2K LOC code samples !)with anend-to-end real life application project. Our goal is to help you andeveryone learn, so we keep our prices low andaffordable.Scala is a hot new technology used tobuild industry-grade applications and combiningthat with Spark gives you unlimited ability to build cutting edge applications.Apache Spark is the hottest Big Data skill today. More and more organizations are adapting Apache Spark for building their big data processing and analytics applications and the demand for Apache Spark professionals is sky rocketing. Learning Apache Spark is a great vehicle togood jobs, better quality of work and the best remuneration packages.The goal of this project is provide hands-on training that applies directly to real world Big Data projects. It uses thelearn-train-practice-applymethodology where youLearn solidfundamentalsof the domainSee demos,trainand execute solid examplesPracticehands-onand validate it with solutions providedApply knowledge you acquired in anend-to-end real life projectTaught by an expert in the field, you will also get prompt response to your queries and excellent support from Udemy."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Kickstart SCALA > The UItimate Scala Beginner Bootcamp 4 U !" |
"Want to get started on learning the hottest programming language on the planet? You have come to the right place! Scala is the hottest and happening programming language in the world today. It has started to replace Java in a number of enterprises simply because; Scala is a better Java !. The demand for Scala developers is increasing exponentially over the last few months. Join the bandwagon and enrich your skills. This course helps kick start your Scala learning experience. It keeps things simple and easy to understand. At the end of this course, you will be comfortable in using Scala to build applications in a variety of domains Object Oriented, Functional, Concurrent, Database and the Web. The course has a full-fledged project where you will apply the skills you learn to build a Scala based Service. This will make you comfortable with Scala and give you the confidence to explore further and use it in your work projects."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Video Production Course - Beginner To Advanced" |
"Welcome To The Complete Video Production Course - Beginner To Advanced! Watch the promo videoto learn How You Can Create Stunning Videos using a camera or screen capture! This Course Covers BOTH PCand MAC Programs! There are separate sections on the popular MaciMovie and PC/MacCamtasia programs - PLUS an exclusive preview of the just release Version 9 of Camtasia!Join Over 275,000+Students Who Have Enrolled In My Udemy Courses This Year! 7,500+ Five Star Reviewson our courses prove Students Who Enrolling Are Getting Real Results!Then this course is for you!Click ""Take This Course Now""For Instant Life-Time Access!__________________________________________________________________________Many people are not aware of it, but advances in technology, alongwith much lower prices, have made equipment formerly available only to video production professionals accessible to everyone!The ability to make very high quality video, combined with sophisticated video editing software gives anyone with the desire the capability to make trulyawesome video products. Are you going to watch this opportunity pass you by? OR will you take this course and quickly learn what is available and have enough information to start YOUR video production journey! Many people do not consider getting into video production for2 reasons: 1. They think it is too complex 2. They think it is too expensiveIn this course you will see how it is really not that hard to use the new generation of video editing tools. You will also learn how you could use the awesome Canon 70D camera and what to look for when buying your camera.The need and uses of high quality video will only increase in the future and having the skill to do video production could have a HUGE impact on your future earning power!Isn't this a goodtime foryou to join the video production revolution? OR...will you be left behind?With the right mindset, understanding, and application of the teachings in this course, you caninstantly begin to move towards becoming a video production expert!When we learn something new,I add it to the course - at no additional cost to you! This is a course that will continue to add more and more to every aspect of your life.In addition to theUdemy30-day money back guarantee, you have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this course. If you ever have any questions please feel free to message us directly and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible!__________________________________________________________________________What I can't do in this Course..I can't guarantee your success this course does take work on your part. But You Can Do It!I am also not responsible for your actions. You are responsible for 100% of the decisions and actions you make while using this course.__________________________________________________________________________This course will not remain this price forever! It's time to take action!Click the ""take this course"" button at the top right now!...every hour you delay is costing you money...See you in the course!Sincerely,Joe Parys & Bruce Myron"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete 3i Time Management Productivity System" |
"Welcome To TheComplete 3i TimeManagementProductivity System Watch the promo videoto see How You Can BeginLearning How To Become More Productive Today! This Course is DIRECT!You receive over2+ hours of videocontent &20+ lectures!Join Over 275,000+Students Who Have Enrolled In My Udemy Courses This Year! 7,500+ Five Star Reviewson our courses prove Students Who Enrolling Are Getting Real Results!Then this course is for you!Click ""Take This Course Now""For Instant Life-Time Access!__________________________________________________________________________Use this complete ""SuccessSystem"" tobuilda proper work-life balance for yourself...Helping you get more done in less time, achieving more at work and building your business Without sacrificing whats most important in life:Your friends, family, dating life, health, and happiness. This is the same system Ive used to travel to over 40 countries, while building a 6-figurebusiness in under a year, staying in great shape... Andstill having the free time to meet new people, be social, and livemy ideal lifestyle.This time management system has been taught to thousands of clients around the world, helping them consistently achieve more of the goals they set for themselves, and ENJOY life to the fullest!(And it's aboutway more than just getting more done at work... Im talking about running on all cylinders in EVERY area of your life Which is what leads to that feeling of happiness and fulfillment)So if youre the type of person that, no matter how hard you try is still spending too much time on Facebook, or Youtube Or if you feel like, no matter how hard you work in your career orbusiness, youre constantly stuckspinning your wheels,and never getting to the things that are most important in life:Working on the most productive aspects of your careerinstead of the ""busy work""Reading more Going to the gym and eating right Having time for hobbies Socializing with FriendsSpending time with your familyThis is what The Complete3i Time Management ProductivitySystemis all aboutits about getting a Global top-down overview of your entire life, and then step by step integrating your days, weeks, and months so that you always know whats the most important thing to do next, whats the most effective way to do it,and how to balance it all without the stress or overwhelm.__________________________________________________________________________With the right mindset, understanding, and application of the teachings in this course, you will instantly begin to move towardsbecoming moreproductivein 3i Time!When we learn something new,I add it to the course - at no additional cost to you! This is a course that will continue to add more and more to every aspect of your life.In addition to theUdemy30-day money back guarantee, you have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this course. If you ever have any questions please feel free to message us directly and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible!__________________________________________________________________________What I can't do in this Course..I can't guarantee your success this course does take work on your part. But You Can Do It!I am also not responsible for your actions. You are responsible for 100% of the decisions and actions you make while using this course.__________________________________________________________________________This course will not remain this price forever! It's time to take action!Click the ""take this course"" button at the top right now!...every hour you delay is costing you money...See you in the course!Sincerely,Joe Parys & Wade Alters"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Python for Absolute Beginners: Learn Python in One Day" |
"Start coding in Python immediately! If you are a beginner in Programming, then this course will help you learn Python Programming fast.Python is an incredibly efficient language: your programs will do more in fewer lines of code than many other languages would require. It is also used in scientific fields for academic research and applied work. My goal was to create a Course for people of any age who have never programmed in Python before or have never programmed at all, so you can build programs that work. The course is full of examples and projects that are carefully chosen to demonstrate each concept so that you can gain a deeper understand of the language. It is designed to serve as a single, all-inclusive learning resource for all Python newcomers, whether they will be using Python 2.X, Python 3.X, or both Python Programming for Beginners is also perfect for middle school and high school teachers who want to offer their students a project-based introduction to programming. Are you looking to learn practical Python Programming you can put to use instantly? If so, then this is the course for you. Its entirely project based and its full of examples which are fully explained and easy to understand. It has been recorder in full HD 1080p. If you get stacked dont worry. I have fast and fully support through the discussion board. And if you dont like the course simply return it. There is a 30-day money back guarantee. At the end of this Python class you will be given a Certificate of Completion. Python is a great language to learn, so enroll in this course and lets get started!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC: Profesjonalny Retusz Beauty" |
"Zdjcia High End Beauty s porzdanym produktem w reklamach luksusowych poduktw jak i rwnie w Magazynach Fashion i Beauty. W tym kursie nauczysz si najlepszych technik retuszu Beauty dziki czemu wycigniesz swoje zdjcia na zupenie nowy lewel.Czym jest retusz High End Beauty?Najbardziej zaawansowana forma retuszu ktra wymaga mnstwo retuszerskiej praktyki. Jeden retusz moe trwa nawet kilka godzin bardzo detalicznej pracy. W wypadku takiego retuszu bardzo wanym jest by nie zniszczy tekstury skry. Dlatego te nie moemy sobie pozwoli na rozmycie skry, a zamiast tego musimy uy bardziej zaawansowanych technik pracy, by zdjcie byo czyste, dynamiczne, a przedy wszystkim zachowujc tekstur skry.Jako retuszer musisz wiedzie jedn rzecz - zdjcie nie staje si pikne przez fakt tworzenia faszywej skry czy uswania wszytskich niedoskonaoci. Pikno zdjcia jest w momencie kiedy uswamy ''ze'' czeczy, natomiast wszystko co dobre - powinno zosta jakie jest.By dokona naprawd dobrego retuszu, potrzebujesz uy odpowiednich technik, ktre pozwol Tobie osign perfekcyje rezultaty.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jeli jeste tutaj - Prawdopodobnie jeste kim kto jest uytkownikiem Photoshopa zainteresowanym tematyk retuszu.Moliwe, e chcesz zagbi tajniki retuszu High End, moe jeste kims kto zajmuje si tym ju troch czas i po prostu chcesz poprawi swj dotychczasowy workflow? Jeli jeste t osob na pewno jest to kurs dla Ciebie. W tym kilkugodzinnym kursie naucz Ciebie technik ktre pozwol wspi si Tobie na wyyny.W tym kursie podziel si z Tob wszytskimi ''sekretami'' i technikami ktre ja uywam w swojej codziennej pracy by osig podane rezultaty.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Zaawansowany kurs retuszu High End Beauty:W tym kursie daj wam wszystko co najlepsze co zgromadziem przez ostatnie 5 lat kariery jak instruktor photoshop. Przygotowaem ten kurs dla wszystkich kto chce wiedzie wice o retuszu beauty.O czym jest ten kurs?Ten kurs pokrywa wszystkie zaawansowane techniki jak podstawowe oczyszczanie skry, jak i rwnie opcjonalne lekcje o separacji czstotliwociowej. Nauczycie si jak okreli ksztat twarzy jak i rwnie detalicznie przenalizujemy prac z technik Dodge i Burn. Po procesie podstawowego retuszu zajmiemy si popraw wiate i cieni nadajc zdjciom dynamik, a cao zakoczymy moimi finaowymi krokami. Co jest najwaniejsze - Moecie ledzi mj kady krok ktry robi podczas retuszu nie pomijajc adnych detali.Co ten kurs zawiera?- Cay proces podstawowego retuszu skry wic bdziesz w stanie retuszowa skr i wosy.- Okrelanie ksztatu twarzy.- Retusz detali takich jak oczy i paznokcie.- Kompletny proces Dodge & Burn.- Poprawa dynamiki zdjcia poprzez operowanie wiatem i cieniami - prezentacja jak wydoby najlepsze detale.- Wyostrzanie Zdjcia.- Finaowe kolorystyczne kroki.Co jeszcze?Poza wiedz, otrzymujecie dodatkowe materiay takie jak pdzel i mnstwo akcji ktre usprawni wasz prac!Marcin"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Curves in Photoshop CC" |
"Why Curves? Why I decided to make a course focused on this one Adjustment Layer. What is the advantage of curves comparing to for example to levels or other adjustments in Photoshop.When it comes to adjusting contrasts, tones and shadows There's nothing more powerful than curves. It gives You amazing control on adjusting Shadows, Highlights, Contrasts, Brightness and Color in Photoshop. And even what's more! - If You learn how to use Curves in the right way, it will allow You to process and retouch whole Image from the start to finish.If You don't know how to do this, or You are just someone who want to explore more photoshop and retouching I am here to help and give whats best I know. In a few hours You will learn everything You need to know about curves. Don't worry If You are beginner because we are going to start simple! We will walk through every possible subject in a few separated sections.We will talk about just enough theory to make You confident with what You're doing. From practical things You will know everything about Shadows and Highlights, contrasts, Colors, Toning, Fixing Tones, Fixing Exposure, Working with right blending modes. You will learn how to work with masks in effective way to have full control on every part of the image. And Finally You will learn retouching by curves! From start to finish whether You working with studio or audio images!What will You get in this Course?1.I am going to tell You few words about curves, some theory for a good start and teach You to read information that You can get from the histogram. And from that point, we are going to process into basic workflow. On few examples You will know how to control highlights and shadows using curves how to fix them or how to set them up for Your own needs. You will know all of the important things about You curves panel. We will process to working with contrast and brightness of You image, I am going to show You how You can easilly set the right contrast of You images. You will know how to have control on the exact dark and bright point of You images fix flat images and push life into them, overexposed images, and just take down some contrast to get back the details. Also You will know how to prevent colors from getting affected by the brightness!2. I am going to teach You about color Lights speaking specifically about Primary colors like Red, Green, and blue and secondary Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow. You will know how does the RGB color wheel works and what You achieve by working with specific color. So when You start working with color You will have confidence of knowing what You're doing. Even with such a things as fixing specific tones of the image. From The practical things You will learn everything You need to do basic editing. You will know color theory. You will know which color will be right to choose for You own images. How to connect them, how to set the colors for highlights, shadows and midtones. Also how to make You images outstanding by showing what's the best on them. At the end of the section, I will introduce You to Masks and working with them to control Your adjustments!3. After this sectionwe will be moving to more advanced things We will develop working with masks on another level. You will learn how to mask shadows and highlights to have even better control on colors of Your image. We will explore channels in photoshop and how by using them as a masks, You can work with tones of You image and learn creative toning in Photoshop.This Part of the course will teach You how You can grade Your images on different level.4. Other reason why I choose to create a course on this subject was curves are the only one tool that allows You to retouch whole image. I will introduce You to the terms like dodging and burning and You will know how to work with Your image on a micro level to retouch small imperfections of the skin by controlling lights and darks. I will show You how You can fix hue and saturation shifts by using curves as well. Then I will show You how You can work with the Image on the global level work with contrasts, highlights and shadows and whats the best way of doing it whether its outdoor image or Studio Image. We will end everything with few simple tips on color grading with curves.Enjoythe Course!Marcin"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Speech recognition based home automation" |
"This course will focus on teaching you how to set up your very own speech recognition-based home automation system to control basic home functions and appliances automatically and remotely using speech commands. Furthermore, we will teach you how to control a servo motor using speech control to move the motor through a required angle.To learn how to automate your home, the best place to start is with your personal needs. So, in this course, we will focus on basic control of lighting and ventilation inside a home. This will give you a solid base to build upon by teaching you the basics required for simple speech-controlled automation and enable you to automate almost any appliance in your house limited only by your creativity and knowledge.Once we have grasped basic lighting control, we will move on to controlling a servo motor using PWM output from the Raspberry Pi GPIO pin. We will also use python file I/O to store the motors position.This home automation course will involve teaching you how to control and automate lighting and ventilation appliances, with the potential for expansion of the system to control a variety of services and functions from home appliances to monitoring and security systems. The system used for home automation will involve using Raspberry Pi 3 and writing python codes as modules for Jasper, which is an open-source platform for developing always-on speech controlled applications.This course aims to help you attain control of household activities, and appliances via futuristic speech recognition. Using Speech-to-text and text-to-speech engines, it is possible to communicate effectively and efficiently with Jasper to carry out simple commands or tasks like activating, and deactivating relay switches to control home appliances without the need for physical exertion. This course will also teach you how to modify the open source Jasper platform to use Snowboy hotword detection engine for offline speech recognition for keyword detection while using witai online speech recognition for command word detection. We do this as a precautionto safeguard the privacy of the user while retaining Jaspers always listening feature."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Hands on Zigbee using Raspberry Pi" |
"This course is primarily oriented towards the concepts related to Zigbee right from the basics. It starts with explaining what exactly is Zigbee and how one can establish a Zigbee network. Details such as the different modes of operations and also the different forms in which Zigbee devices can be a part of the network are also covered.You will then be taught about the requirements to establish and implement a Zigbee network. The installation and configuration parts are explained step by step covering all minute details. A Raspberry Pi is introduced into the picture after establishing a zigbee network using Windows. A communication link is established between a Raspberry Pi and Windows system. Communication with Raspberry Pi can also be done using other OS as well. How that can be made possible is explained in the course.You will then learn to implement a basic Raspberry Pi project: Prototype of a traffic management system using Zigbee. Here you'll learn how the communication established earlier helps you to control the Raspberry Pi in order to control the signal lights at the junction.The next step is to increase the level of project from basic to intermediate. You will learn how to control household devices using the Raspberry Pi and Zigbee. I can assure that the coding will be explained step by step and once you the learn the coding for one project, you will be able to implement many more by yourself.Finally, we'll summarize the entire course and suggest you a few ideas which you can try for yourself using a Raspberry Pi and zigbee devices."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
Marketology |
"Tell us if you know this feeling: you want to start your own project and create an online course. You know how to create the content. You have an idea about filming it, and even if it will be difficult you'll get it done. You thought to yourself - ""Will people like my stuff?"" and managed to overcome that.The paradox is that, even if you managed the steps above really well, ultimately the success of your course will be in large part determined by your marketing.How do you get traffic?How do you make it appealing?How do you handle all these different course platforms?How in the world do you use Facebook Ads and what are funnels?!That's where Marketology comes into play. In this course we willgive you an overview of all the elements you need to market an online course,regardless of the platform you choose. Discover how to: Position yourself on online teaching platforms such as Udemy, Skillshare or Teachable Control the aspects that make your courses convert & build a strong online presence Master the pre-launch and launch sequences and improve your course quality based on student feedbackWe'll also touch on a number of other topics including Social Proof, improving student engagement, getting feedback from your students or running webinars to promote your product.This course is intended to act as a roadmap - you'll get the guide to all these steps, but ultimately it will be up to you to pick and choose the advice that suits you the best. There are a number of ways to market your online courses, so choose wisely!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Peak Performance 101: How To Become The BEST Version of YOU" |
"Why do you want to learn how to be a peak performer in life?Because your ability to tap into your potential - not your current skill - but your awesome potential - affects virtually everything you do - from the decisions you make, to how you feel, to the results you get every day -It's the foundation of everything great you expect to experience in life.I've designed this course to help you squeeze out and use every last drop of potential within you.Here are10 ideas you're going to discover in this course.The PRIME MindsetDevelop The Ultimate Skill - Build Successful HabitsThe Power Of Mental Proximity - Write Things DownTap Into 'The Force'Reach The Activator Of AwesomeClose The GapCure The 'Perfect' DiseaseFeed The Good WolfHave A BreakthroughFix Your Weakest LinkThis course uses a lot of illustrations to explain ideas, examples to show you how they're used, and practical action steps to help you use them in your own life.I really look forward to sharing a ton of great content with you to help you achieve peak performance in your life.Click to join this course, and I'll see you on the other side."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn the Presentation Structuring Skill" |
"Why does anyone make apresentation on any subjectin Business or Career ? The simple answer to this Question is ""TOGETRESULTS ANDMAKEPROGRESS"". In this Course you will be learning exactly thatsimple methodology and techniques jto make a presentation which GETS RESULTS. Imagine how fast you can progress if you get results in each presentation you make !You need NOThave great presentation skills. That is of least concern. What you will get from this course is an outline on how you can structure your presentation, so that you will drive RESULTS and PROGRESS fast, no matter how good your presentation skills are. Ifyou need Progress and you are aRESULTS person, this course is for YOU !All the best !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Work with Speed : Apply Six Sigma and Lean principles" |
"There are two kinds ofpeople.Peoplewho work and people who WORKWITH SPEED and excellence. If you want to be the later kind, this course is for you.This is a fast and busy world. So everyone needs people who work fast, whoare quick in completing tasks, who know how to prioritize, who are aware and conscious of the higher goals of any work that is meant to be done. Now, that does not mean that we need to be busy running around and behind things.There is an obvious better way.This is what I call WORKINGWITH SPEED.Now, I am NOT going to teach you techniques like speed reading, speed typing and all that stuff.What YOU will learn is to do CONSCIOUSWORK being EFFICIENT and EFFECTIVE and feel FULFILLEDand ACCOMPLISHED. What you will learn is an APPROACHwith couple of simple tools that can be applied and thatREALLYWORK.If you continue applying what you learn in this course, over a period of timeyour mind will reprogram itself and then you willstart doing lot of stuff (planning- prioritizing-analysing) in an auto mode and overall become a person who naturally WORKSWITHSPEED.All the best on your path to becoming a person who can do more being calm, joyful and deliver the best, be it in your office work or in your business.Live MORE !LoveVishnu Sharma"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Create an Empire on Airbnb without Owning a Home" |
"From the creator of one of the best top selling courses in the business category we bring you this New Course on Airbnb!JOIN OVER 45,000 STUDENTS WHO HAVE ENROLLED INMYBUSINESSCOURSES!We are creating a real community of online entrepreneurs.LATEST: Course updated on May 2019with more lectures.Is your goal to earn more income in 2019? Can you believe how fast last year went by? Ifincreasing your incomewhile decreasing your work time is one of them, then look no further this course is your ticket!You can start learning the proven methods wehave used for the past 2 years to earn over $10,000 a month, that's over $100,000 a year. The infamous 6 figures everyone chases!In 2016myself along with 2 other business partners Luis and Gabriel teamed up to start our first listing on Airbnb, fast forward, we now have 25and growing and earn a significant income without owning a single home. If we can do it, you can too!Did you know in 2018, Airbnb had close to $2.6 billion dollars in revenue? Currently there areover 150million usersactively using Airbnb and making reservations. Over 640,000 are hosts. There are over 4million Listings on Airbnb. On average, there are 500,000 stays every single night, in over 65,000 cities and 191 countries!What that means is millions of transactions happen resulting in millions of dollars in sales per day world wide! These numbers are HUGE!So what does that spell out for you? Big opportunity! Please preview the course video (1st lecture for Free!)I'll be frank this course is NOT a get rich quick scheme. This course outlines a simple proven way to earn a part time, or even significant full time income. Your earnings will be based on your ability to learn andEXECUTE. You can sign up for a gym membership but sitting around at home watching TV will not get you fit & in shape right?NO hype. NO BS. NO gimmicks. You may have heard this before, however this time is different. This is a transparent gloves off A-Z 1 2 3 blueprint.What would an extra $2,000 a month do for you & your family? How about $14,000? Would that be life changing? Keep reading! You might be saying yea right that's great for you, but could it really happen for me? I have already helped hundreds of students from all over the world do this and receive messages daily from them with their success stories and sales!This business requires very little time which gives you something more precious than moneyTIME FREEDOM! Think about what you could do if you had that? You could spend more time with your family, travel, or finally pursue that passion you have always wanted to.Be one of the students to enroll and learn all of my closely guarded secrets! Am I going to guarantee you overnight success? Absolutely not, that would be unrealistic, we're all mature enough to know that there are no guarantees in life. Anyone promising that is lying. This is a real business that requires real work that can take months to even a year to produce the income you're looking for. Here is what I can promise youIf you're coach-able with a good attitude, a willingness to work, and you follow my system you will earn income. Even after your first 90 days the profits can be awesome!What you will learn:1. How to setup a proper listing on Airbnband optimize the correct settings2. The core concepts of Hosting3. The core concepts of creating a ""Lifestyle Business""4. BEHINDTHESCENESLOOK at some of our properties.5. Building a team/outsourcing your work6. How to scale up your business7. Start to finish guide on how to do every aspect of the businessand much more!What you will need:1. A computer or laptop2. Open minded3. Having a property to start with or some capital to invest to furnish a new propertyWhat you will get:1. On going support from me, and my partners Luis &Gabriel through the Udemy platform including chat discussions and private messages. One caveat: Im human and not a robot so response times may vary especially if we're in different times zones.2. My formulas and systems I have created for successI applaud you for reading this far. This course will be unlike anything you have ever seen, and is a simple business model just about anyone can run.What's my motivation for teaching it? I have always been passionate about helping others, and in the past 4years I have had my first real taste of it. I personally mentored dozens of students to make a 6 figure income!Alsohundreds and hundreds of students are making $500-$5000 per month.All the case studies have been tested hundreds of times and it works. The only missing ingredient is for you to get in and work it!It brings me much joy to hear their success stories and their expressed gratitude warms my heart.Reminder: Udemy has an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee so there is no risk. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose! I will stress this as well and stand behind this course, if you feel that you have gained NO VALUE at all within 30 days, I will personally guarantee you a refund! I am confident in what I have created. This course took several weeks, 8-10 hours per day, recording and editing. I have poured my heart and soul into this course and left nothing on the table. Everything I know and have done is all here.Lets create your success story together! Click on the take this course""link at the top right of this page rightNOW!Don't let another minute go by not living your dreams. Enroll right away to be one of our students in our online entrepreneur community, and stake your claim in this wide open market!David VuSerial Entrepreneur, Fisherman, World Traveler, Happiness AmbassadorUPDATE:Here is a review from one of my students that just blows me away. We have createdTHOUSANDSof success stories similar to this. Shaine Warren is a real student on Udemy, message her! :)Shaine writes: Made over $5,000 and Quit my 'Day Job' :)This course has literally changed my life for the better. David does an awesome job teaching this system and makes it really easy to follow. Plus he is very active in the discussion board and always answers any questions you have.I started this course about 5 months ago and I am so glad I took action and followed what is taught. I have since made over $5,000 Net Profit... $3,000 of which has been made this month alone which is what led me to quit my manual labor warehouse 'day job' because I am now making way more on eBay.This business model is by no means a get rich quick scheme. It does take some effort and work to build it up, but once you get it going there is no looking back :)Whether you're just looking to make some extra income or looking for an escape from a not so enjoyable day job, this course may be the solution you need. Just make sure you actually take action and follow the steps provided.I wish you all the best! :)"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Record Your Android Phone or Tablet Screen As Professional" |
"Recording yourAndroid Phone or Tablet Screen is very important for creating demo video for Your Software such as Software or website developers,Create Promotional Videos, teachyour students about something important andtrain your audience about specific app. From this course you will be able to create your own videos and post it to youtube, Facebook and other website. You will learn how to record your phone screen in HD as well as creating your own intro videos. Do you Know that many youtubers and big companiesuse similar apps to record their phone or tablet screen. I hope you enjoy this course."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Direct a Film with Adrian Mead" |
"It may be that you have written a script that you want to take into production ofit mightbe that you are readyto go out and find someone to work with. Either way, youre ready to Direct! Get the megaphone out, its time to start barking orders, right? Well, not quite. If youre serious about directing a shortfilm, directing a feature or youre an all round filmmaker, youll learn everything you need to know in this course.There is a lot a director needs to know about, here's a taster of what Adrian will be covering:Learn all about Directing a short filmWhat Does a Director Do?Finding OpportunitiesKey Factors in Choosing a ScriptScripts You Should Avoid!Working RelationshipsWhat do You Bring to the Table?Working With a WriterTurning Dialogue Into VisualsCommunicating With the WriterGenreThe ThemeBringing Characters to LifeEvoking Emotions Through VisualsIs it Cinematic?Emotional Response?Casting SessionsActors vs Non ActorsStoryboards & Breaking up the scriptAn explanation of different shots and their usesStoryboarding OverviewTiming the Script PaceInteriors vs. ExteriorsNight ShootsVisual & Special EffectsWorking with The CrewCostume, Makeup & ProstheticsSFX & VFXArt DepartmentLegal and Moral ResponsibilitiesPropsLook After Yourself & Be PositiveWorking With Actors on SetKeep Feedback SimpleThings to Consider After Each Day of ProductionPlanning PickupsAdditional Dialogue RecordingChoose Your EditorAs you can see, it's not just about telling an actor where to stand. If you want to truly stand out in this profession, you have to be able to handle everything in this list...and more. Luckily, Adrian is here to help you and share his knowledge and experience.You dont need any prior knowledge of directingto take this course. This course contains 15video lessons presented by Adrian Mead, an accomplished writer and director who has worked with major networks in both the UK and US."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Learn the Basics of Lighting for Film &TV" |
"Join Dave Miller, a veteran of TV and Film lighting and cinematography in this 15 lesson masterclass on the basics of lighting film and TV. Dave will walk you through all of the basics of lighting everything from low budget shorts to lighting your next cinematic masterpieceand everything in between.We will go through everything from basic 3-point lighting to more advanced techniques that are used in a variety of situations, including static interviews and feature film lighting.Dave is an award winning cinematographer and lighting expert with credits to his name including theX-Factor,Time Team,Film Four, Macbeth, The Wicker Tree,Newsnight,Film 2010, Watchdog,Secret Millionaire,The Apprentice and Scrapheap Challengeto name a few."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Cinematography" |
"Cinematography is at the center of any film production and to ensure you have the required knowledge to become a cinematographer, weve created this course. You will learn the fundamentals of cinematography so you can start your career andget filming. This video course taught by thehighly experienced cinematographer, Dave Miller. The course will get you prepared with the knowledge you need to choose the right camera settings, different camera shots, equipment choices and more.If youre just stepping into the world of film or youd like to improve your existing knowledge of cinematography, then were sure youll learn a lot whilst enjoying this course.What is cinematography?Introduction to the course with Dave MillerCameras, which to use and whenLenses, which to use and whenSensor size & Crop FactorRecording FormatsResolution OverviewShutter SpeedISO / GainAn Overview of Depth of FieldBlocking a Basic SceneReveal ShotTracking ShotFeet ShotPOV ShotWalking ShotPeep ShotVoyeuristic ShotSit Down ShotFull shotMedium Full shotCowboy ShotMedium ShotHead and ShouldersClose up head and shouldersChokerExtreme Close UpHow do Ibecome a cinematographer?Dave Miller hasa huge wealth of real industry experience. He has worked as a Director of Photography and Head of Lightingon everything from X-Factor and Loose Women to Scrapheap Challenge, Macbeth and even The Wicker Man (starring none other than everyones hero, Nicolas Cage).If you want to start your career in lighting or be a better DoP, then Dave is your man!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Directors Working with Actors" |
"Forget the fancy equipment and special FX, the most important resource of any film are the actors involved with the film. This masterclass takes a look at working with actors and building your relationship with them. With this course we explore and interview two working actors with an in depth knowledge of the role and throughout the course we look in depth at how to work with actors from a directors point of view.We explore many aspects from getting the right actors to work with you to what you can do to get the most out of your actors from casting to working on set.Discover the tools and resources actors need to work at their best during your film project, youll be surprised how the little things can make a big difference to the quality of your final product.We cover a lot in this course, here's a quick glimpse:What Attracts Actors to a ScriptPreparing for an AuditionWhat Practicalities Make a Good CastingWhat Can a Director do to Prepare for the SetWhat Actors need from a director before a sceneWhat are the secrets to a good filming experienceRead through of a prepared sceneAn explanation of blockingAn overview of the moduleHow do you as a director work out the shots?Scene RehearsalsFiguring out which character is in controlGiving FeedbackWorking out the camera anglesUsing the camera to demonstrate the directors POVGiving feedback Directing VS TellingYou dont need any prior knowledge of directing or working with Actorsto take this course. This course is taughtby Adrian Mead, an accomplished writer and director who has worked with major networks in both the UK and US.Adrian has been a working in the industrysince 1999, when he began to develop his career as a writer and director of film and television drama. Since then, Adrian has built up numerous credits for BBC, ITV, Sky,Channel 4 and CBBC.Adrian is the winner of BAFTA Scotland and Cineworld Audience Awardfor his film Night People. He has worked in TV, Film, Radio and Animation both as a writer and Director."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to lose 30 pounds in 30 days" |
"This course is about high interval bodyweight exercises. You will be working out with your own body weight by following along to the workout videos. The terminology that my target audience should expect to use is high interval body weight exercises or body weight exercises. The materials that will be included are 5 workout videos that you can follow and workout to. The course will take about thirty minutes to complete. The course is structured into 5 video modules. The first video module is about 10 minutes of high interval body weight exercises. The second video is also about 10 minutes of high interval body weight exercises. The third video is about 8 minutes of high interval body weight exercises. And the last two videos are cool down workout videos. The last two videos are about 2 minutes in length each. You should take this course to lose weight.The goalsinclude Tracking your weight, tracking your meals, trying to have four small portion meals during the day andworking out six days a week totry andlose 30pounds in a month working out 30 minutes a day. With bodyweight exercises."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to achieve personal transformation" |
"Welcome to how to achieve personal transformation course. Were you will learn to reimagine and reprogram your mindset on how to achieve personal transformation immediately. My name is Alan and I will be leading you through the course. I began my career as a professional real estate salesperson, but soon transitioned to founding a restuarant at the age of 23 currently I own a real estate brokerage with some of the most talented and brightest professional real estate salespeople. Ihave ten years of real estate sales experience.I designed this course for anyone seeking to achieve personal transformation immediately.By the end of the course you'll be able to implement the ideas and mindset taught in this course. And take action and implement the ideas taught in this course to achieve personal transformation.I will be teaching a method to create personal transformationutilized by many of todays successful entrepreneurs and investors. They utilize these ideas in there business and there daily life's. This method will yield great results once implemented consistently on a daily basis immediately. This method is great for entrepreneurs and investors and anyone who is already on a journey of achieving personal transformation or even for anyone wanting to learn how to achieve personal transformation from scratch. Not only will we cover the ideas and mindset but I will also show you how to implement these ideas daily in your life and business using real life examples. I will walk you through the entire process step by step.The ideal student for this course is an existing entrepreneur, investor, or anyone eager to learn how to achieve personal transformation. And wants to expand there current knowledge on how to achieve personal transformationand wants to achieve personal transformation immediately. There are no requirements necessary to enroll in this course. I only ask that you come open minded and ready to learn.Feel free to take a look at the course description and I look forward to seeing you inside."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Scrum Made Easy: So You Want to Become a Scrum Master" |
"Scrum is the most popular agile framework today for rapid product development. Yet even today, over 30 years after the scrumframework was created, the demand for competent and skilled Scrum Masters outstrip supply.Do you have what it takes to become a successful Scrum Master?This scrum mastercourse will provide you an overview of the agile/scrum framework, the scrum process flow and the skills, qualities and competencies needed by the key player in the game: You, the Scrum Master.In this course you will learn:What Scrum is all about: The scrum framework and the scrum process flowThe scrum roles: Product Owner, Scrum Master and Development TeamThe scrum events: Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective, The Sprint and Product Backlog GroomingThe scrum artifacts: The Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Increment, Definition of Done, Burn-down Chart and The Sprint Task-boardThe scrum Rules: Binding together the roles. Events and artifacts of the agile scrum framework.We then focus on you, the Scrum Master:Describing a typical scrum master job description: The person profile, skills, qualities needed by a successful scrum masterThe industry accepted formal scrum master certifications availableA typical day in the life of a scrum master, the key player in any scrum teamOn completion of the course you will have a good understanding of the agile/scrum framework and know the skills and competencies you will need to acquire to become a scrum master and a valuable member of any scrum team."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"How To Reduce Constant Work Interruptions" |
"Learn How To Control Productivity Zapping Workplace Interruptions Constant phone calls, emails galore, face-to-face conversations, text messages, they each distract you from your work, and ultimately are highly disruptive to your working day. They sabotage your productivity - and sometimes even your career success! You can be far more efficient and effective once you stop being controlled and side-tracked by unnecessary interruptions and learn how to better deal with the necessary interruptions. You simply need to develop the right habits. In this course you will learn a variety of proven, effective strategies and techniques that you can apply to gain greater control over constant interruptions. Master best practice approaches to effectively handling: Face-to-face interruptions Phone and mobile phone interruptions Email interruptions Face-to-face interruptions are commonly the most demanding to control. You will learn 12 different ways to better manage these situations. Phone interruptions - learn how to draw the line with constant phone interruptions. Mobile phone interruptions can significantly derail your working day. This course suggests easy-to-apply strategies to dramatically reduce the amount of time wasted by constantly checking your text messages and answering calls. Email interruptions account for an average of 2 hours of lost productivity per day. Applying the right strategies which you will learn in this course will ensure you control the email monster and be far more time effective at handling your email in-box. Additional Tools For You As you work your way through this course I will be inviting you to complete the Exercises, and there is an Action Plan at the end of this course. You can also contact the Instructor, with any specific questions or concerns you may face in your own work environment. Upon finishing this course, you will receive a verifiable certificate of completion. "
Price: 84.99 ![]() |