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"Agile Scrum Master Certification preparation Scrum framework" |
"THIS COURSE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO HELP YOU ON SCRUM TRAINING AND SCRUM CERTIFICATION.The unique reasons for taking this course are: Overview of Scrum You will be confident with Scrum as each Scrum practice is explained in a detailed manner from the scratch. Confidence in taking the Scrum Certification. Quiz Sample Agile paper with the answers. Support I will support you with any Agile scrum clarifications you need. SCRUM, in a Nutshell: It's a framework for managing and developing COMPLEX products. Also, its the reason why all projects now have timely delivery and 100% success.What will i learn: - What/Why/When/Where/How of Agile SCRUM. - Agile SCRUM and WATERFALL Model. - Agile methodology with MANIFESTO and Agile Principles. - SCRUM Roles, SCRUM Artifacts, SCRUM Events. -Moreover, topics like Scrum pillars, Burn-down Chart, Velocity, Definition of DONE, Planning Poker, SCRUM of SCRUMS. - The SCRUM Quiz. - Other Certification details with complete explanation of The Official Scrum Guide.HAPPYLEARNING!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Learn Test management using HP ALM / QC (Quality Center)" |
"This course will surely help you in good understanding with Test management using HP ALM / Quality Center tool .Here i covered each module in detail with the detailed explanation along with the quiz at the end of the course.Quality center is testmanagement software from HP and one of the powerful tool for the test management activities. It offers basicallyrelease management,requirement management, test and defect management. Earlier when it was a product of Mercury before getting acquired by HP. Currently it is known as Application Life cycle Management tool (ALM).ALM (Application Life Cycle Management)supports various phases of the software development life cycle and ALM is a web based tool that helps organizations to manage the application life cycle right from project planning, requirements gathering, testing & defect management which helps in reducing a lot of efforts with multiple teams.This course covers all the modules of ALM / Quality Center in detail .- Release management- Requirement management- Test plan- Test lab- Defect managementLets start with the learning !"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn Restful webservices/API testing with real time project" |
"This course will help you in understanding and working with RESTFULservices testing using with mutiple tools such as SoapUI, ARC , DHC , Postman .In this course we are learning service testing with the detailed practical approach along with the real time project.After the course you all set to start your career as awebservice tester .What you will learn :What is web servicesWeb services architectureService TypesWeb services methodsRestful services testing using SoapUI toolRestful services testing using ARC toolRestful services testing using Postman toolRestful services testing using DHC toolRestful services projectHappy L"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"ISTQB - Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL)" |
"ISTQB Certified Tester resume will stand first to shortlist forthe interviews most of the time. This certification will be really an add-on to any test engineer .In this course I have provided everything requiredfor ISTQB Foundation Level Certification preparation along with 6 sample ISTQB papers with the detailed explanation. Each ISTQB paper explained in a detail manner to identify the correct answer .This course is alsocalled asFundamentals of Testing. This course is part of a set of resources oriented to help you to study and prepare for the Certified Tester Foundation Level Exam. This exam is also referred as ISTQB-CTFL.First to concentrate in one learning objective at time. Your attention will be focused on a specific topic in every lesson.Second, if you need more study in a particular learning objective, you only need to come back on the respective lesson without cover again topics that maybe are clear for you. This allows you to optimize your time during the whole study process.Happy Learning!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Power Pre-Algebra" |
"Power Pre-Algebrais a carefully tailored preparatory course for anyone seeking to gain a firm understanding of Pre-Algebra. Thiscourse was designed and created because of the lack of appropriate materials in existence that explainexactproblems from a specific textbook. While there are a host of videos and explanations online, I wanted to make something that followed precise problems from a particular and popular textbook.Have you everunderstood everything a teacher says duringclass, but as soon as you try the problems at home, the methodologies seem to escape you? Yes, that's what I figured.This phenomenon is extremely common. I have seen it time and again as both a private tutor and a teacher. This phenomenon was the impetusfor thiscourse. Power Pre-Algebra walksthrough a smattering of practice problems from each part of every lesson so you always have a solid walkthrough to lean on no matter what problems have been assigned. Moreover, this course goes through the even problems only (which are notorious for being the problems in textbooks with no answers).If you need to master the subject to earn a solid grade in your math class or simply have an interest in Pre-Algebra, I hope you use this course to gain the results you want and deserve!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Youtube Vlogging: Secrets of Youtube Success" |
"Youtube Vlogging - A Practical Guide from A-Z of Being Successful on YoutubeYoutube vlogging: practical advice for starting a Youtube channelFollowing on from my hugely successful Fashion Blogging Udemy course, welcome to my New Youtube Vlogging Course!I am a professional fashion blogger and vlogger, and in this course I will guide you through everything you need to know to create and build you own successful Youtube Channel. We'll cover vlogging topics relevant to fashion, lifestyle, beauty and travel, and take a realistic look at how to build a Youtubeon a budget with absolutely no technical knowledge.If you're considering vlogging as a hobby, or a career, this course is for you. It's going to be a comprehensive A-Z cover the end goal of monetisation techniques, but also all the 101 Basics about building a page, editing, choosing camera, photography skills, designing thumbnails,and much much more.Vlogging is huge amounts of fun and can be as big or small commitment as you choose. I'm so excited to teach you all about becoming a vloggerand sharingmy passion with you!After taking this course you will:Have your own fully fledged functional Youtube ChannelKnowwhich cameras, lenses, lighting, and equipment can help you on your vlogging journeyBuild Youtube subscribers and work with big name brandsMaster creating an engaging and creative Youtube videoWork part time, or full time, as a YoutuberDo beautiful videoediting that keep viewerscoming backBe connected to a worldwide community of brands, vloggers and readersUnderstand SEO and YoutubeTagsand know how to rapidly improve your viewing statsSuccessfully design, build and update your own Channel Page from scratchChoose a great Youtube name and niche that'll last you for a lifetimeWhether it's gaming, business, travel, or beauty you're passionate about, this course will give you everything you need to be a success.Take this course today, and begin your journey to having a full fledged Youtube Vloggingcareer!This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"The Complete TDD Course: Master Ruby Development with RSpec" |
"Programming and web application development withRuby and Ruby on Railsis on fire, they are someof the hottest skill-sets you can have in the booming tech industry and you can master it - beginner to expert - right here in this course series.I'm Mashrur, creator of the best selling Ruby on Rails courses here inUdemy and I specialize in trainingRuby, Ruby on Rails, RSpec, MySQL and so on. Iabsolutely love sharing my development secrets with my you!Ibuild each and every course with you in mind. With feedback from previous coursesand incorporating the latest andhottest technologies out there - Istrive to make each new course better than the last so students have the best learning experience ever.This is volume 1 of the Test Driven Development Courseand will help you master spec creation with RSpec as you build beautiful, error-free applications with Ruby, one of the easiestand most developer friendly programming languages out there.You'll learn how to take bigger, complex problems and turn them into bite-sized pieces so development becomes as easy as watching TV (well not quite that easy, but you get the picture). There has never been a time where building fun, practical, efficient applications was this easy. Don't take my word for it - check out the free preview video for the final project built in the course!Become a development Jedi and go from beginner to advanced in this easy to follow course built solely with you, the student,in mind. It's jam packed with quizzes, coding exercises and practice tests to ensure you learn the material which is presented and are able to retain and re-use it at your will.You will get full, responsive support for all your questions in the Question and Answer sectionof the course. You will also have free access to thelive chatsupportwhere you can interact with other Ruby on Rails developers, current and past students,Teaching Assistants and myself from time to time as well. This course is truly there to support you in your development journey, no matter where you are in it."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvimento gil: eXtreme Programming (XP)" |
"Neste curso voc aprender sobre metodologias geis de desenvolvimento, em especial, eXtreme Programming, ou simplesmente XP. Este curso fala o que est por detrs da XP e, principalmente, ir ajud-lo a tomar uma deciso consciente sobre quando e onde usar ou no a XP. Se voc j utiliza XP no desenvolvimento de softwares, timo! Este curso ir ajud-lo a entender melhor esta metodologia.Se voc estiver buscando uma maneira melhor de desenvolver softwares, melhores relacionamentos com seus clientes e equipe, programadores mais felizes, estveis e produtivos, ento eu recomendo fortemente voc fazer este curso. A XP cabe tanto para programadores, quanto para clientes e gerentes de equipes de desenvolvimento. Se voc programador, a XP promete que voc poder trabalhar naquilo que lhe interessa todos os dias. Se voc cliente ou gerente, a XP promete que voc obter o maior valor possvel de cada semana de programao. Resumindo, a XP promete reduzir o risco do projeto, melhorar a resposta s mudanas do negcio, melhorar a produtividade durante toda a vida do sistema e acrescentar diverso construo de softwares em equipes - tudo isso ao mesmo tempo! Comece a ser extremo hoje mesmo! Nos vemos na aula 1."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 12c . Aprende a construir consultas SQL desde cero" |
"Necesitas trabajarconOracley no conocesSQL? Geamind te presenta el cursoAprende a construir consultas SQL desde cerocon Oracle 12c. Aprende a programar con este lenguaje estndar pero utilizando elentornoOracle.El curso comienza con una introduccin a Oracle12c que te permiten entender conceptos de base de datos y sugestin en Oracle, contina con la explicacin de los distintos sublenguajes que conforman SQL, hastallegar a la construccin de consultas simples y ms complejas conjoins y subconsultas,con lo que finalizars laformacin.Qu objetivos tiene esta formacin?El objetivo esencial del curso es aprender a programar desde ceroen el lenguaje SQL para construir consultas que accedan a la base de datos Oracle.Esta formacin es para m?El vdeocurso va dirigido a personas queno tengan conocimientos SQL y que comiencen a trabajar con Oracle.Qu distingue a este vdeocurso sobre los dems?Tu instructor es ingeniero informtico, con distintas certificaciones en Oracle. Adems, pertenecemos a la red de Oracle Partners. Con todo ello, la calidad en la formacin est asegurada."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creative Perspective Illustration" |
"Understanding perspective drawing is one of the biggest challenges that creative people meet. This course takes the that challenge away and sets you on your way to being a creative perspective illustrator!Whether or not you consider yourself an artist, you willunderstand perspective after taking this course! And, if you didn't know how to use GIMP design software, you will alsobecome a proficient GIMP'er with just a few easy lessons.This course uses real life photography to display the actualfundamentals of how perspective works in reality, and then breaks down the basics on how to use that knowledge to create beautiful illustrations.Whether it be a simple greeting card design, landscape art, background art, or even just making art ""for Art's sake"", you will find this course incredibly useful for all of your creative endeavors.Graphic Designers, Photographers, Creative Artistsand Illustratorsall find perspective to be incredibly useful as our understanding of space and depth can make a huge difference in the presentation of your visual works.This course extensively covers all of the tools you will need to start drawing anythingin GIMP with emphasis on the tools needed to create stunning perspective illustrations.GIMP software is free and open-source without any hassle. Maybe you are planning to buy Photoshop, and that is fine, but why not try GIMPfirst?It's free!You can install GIMP on any computer, it is compatible with Windows, Apple's iOS, and Linux computers.I will also be sharing my many years of illustration tips and tricks to help advance your illustration knowledge, both with slow step-by-step instruction and with time lapse video to keep you entertained through the slow parts.As your instructor,I am always available, and I will do my best to make sure you overcome any challenges you meet!I am looking forward to seeing you in class!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Scala and Spark for Big Data and Machine Learning" |
"Learn how to utilize someof the most valuable tech skills on the market today,Scala and Spark! In this course we will show you how to use Scala and Spark to analyze Big Data.Scala and Spark are two of the most in demand skills right now, and with this course you can learn them quickly and easily! This course comes packed with content:Crash Course in Scala ProgrammingSpark and Big Data Ecosystem OverviewUsing Spark's MLlib for Machine LearningScale up Spark jobs using Amazon WebServicesLearn how to use Databrick's Big Data Platformand much more!This course comes with full projects for you including topics such asanalyzing financial data or using machine learning to classifyEcommerce customer behavior! We teach the latest methodologies ofSpark 2.0 so you can learn how to use SparkSQL, Spark DataFrames, and Spark's MLlib!After completing this course you will feel comfortable putting Scala and Spark on your resume!Thanks and I will see you inside the course!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Spark and Python for Big Data with PySpark" |
"Learn the latest Big Data Technology - Spark! And learn to use it with one of the most popular programming languages, Python!One of the most valuable technology skills is the ability to analyze huge data sets, and this course is specifically designed to bring you up to speed on one of the best technologies for this task, Apache Spark! The top technology companies like Google, Facebook, Netflix, Airbnb, Amazon, NASA, and more are all using Spark to solve their big data problems!Spark can perform up to100x faster than Hadoop MapReduce, which has caused an explosion indemand for this skill! BecausetheSpark 2.0 DataFrameframework is so new, you now have the ability to quickly become one of the most knowledgeable people in the job market!This course will teach the basics with a crash course in Python, continuing on to learning how to use Spark DataFrames with the latest Spark 2.0 syntax! Once we've done that we'll go through how to use the MLlib Machine Library with the DataFrame syntax and Spark. All along the way you'll have exercises and Mock Consulting Projects that put you right into a real world situation where you need to use your new skills to solve a real problem!We also cover the latest Spark Technologies, like Spark SQL, Spark Streaming, and advanced models like Gradient Boosted Trees! After you complete this course you will feel comfortable putting Spark and PySpark on your resume! This course also has a full 30 day money back guarantee and comes with a LinkedIn Certificate of Completion!If you're ready to jump into the world of Python, Spark, and Big Data, this is the course for you!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Coding Bootcamps: Learn Programming Basics for Top Schools" |
"If you've made a commitment to yourself to attend a coding bootcamp, but don't know where to start, this course might be a great fit for you.In 2016 I made a commitment to attend one of the top schools in San Francisco. My heart was set on App Academy, but I would have been happy with Hack Reactor or MakerSquare.After studying all year, when July came around I applied to all three and I was accepted into Hack Reactor and App Academy.I studied from February to July with all the spare time I could muster. A LOTof it was time spent in activities that weren't especially helpful.In this course I break down computer programming visually so you can learn the concepts much faster than I did.This course is dedicated to helping youreceive your acceptance letter to the coding bootcamp of your dreams."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"FPGA Turbo Series - Implementing a UART" |
"This course will explainhow the Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) protocol can be used to transmit and receive information. The UARTprotocol structure is explained in greatdetail with many visual representations to help the students understand how a UART works. Once the UART protocol has been sufficiently explained to the students, they will then be guided through the FPGA design anddevelopment process in order to implement a fully functional UART on their FPGAdevelopment boards. This fully functional UART will be able to accept commands received over the UART serial port and act upon these commands. These actions will include being able to individually select which LED's are on and which ones are off, as well as being able to set the number displayed on the 7 segment display.Students will be provided with VHDL design files that can be used as starting points for their UART design. Working with the provided design files and using the lectures as references the students will implement a fully functional UARTon their development boards. The students will get to use Xilinx's development tools for thedesign and debugging of their UART implementations.This course is geared towards students who have been exposed to VHDL, FPGA's, as well as abasic understanding of digital circuits. This is a great supplement to any engineering student who wants to improve upon their hardware design skills before entering the workforce. Thiscourse is also great for anyone who is currently employedin the field engineering. Also any electronic hobbyist would benefit greatly from this course!Upon completing this course students will have all the necessary design files to implement a UART on virtually any FPGA with minimal modifications. Beings that the students will be designing and debugging their own code they will have very detailed knowledge of how this design works and will easily be able to adapt it so that they can add support for many more commands!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"FPGA Turbo Series - Communication Protocols" |
"This courseexplains how multiple communication protocols are used and how they can be implemented onto a FPGA. Each communication protocol is explained in great detail so that the student will be able to successfully implement the communication protocol on their FPGA development board. After each communication protocol has been introduced and explained the students will then be tasked with completing a project that pertains to that specific communication protocol. These various projects and topics include:Generating PWM SignalsControlling a BuzzerControlling a RCservo motorPS/2 Computer Keyboard CommunicationPS/2 Computer Mouse CommunicationReceiving Infrared Communication CommandsTransmitting Infrared Communication CommandsStudents will be provided with VHDL design files that can be used as starting points for thevarious design projects. Working with the provided design files and using the lectures as references the students will implement fully functional communication protocolson their development boards. The students will get to use Xilinx's development tools for thedesign and debugging of their various communication protocol implementations.This course is geared towards students who have been exposed to VHDL, FPGA's, as well as abasic understanding of digital circuits. This is a great supplement to any engineering student who wants to improve upon their hardware design skills before entering the workforce. Thiscourse is also great for anyone who is currently employedin the field engineering. Also any electronic hobbyist would benefit greatly from this course!Upon completing this course students will have all the skills and knowledge to implement virtually any communication protocol on a FPGA. Beings that the students will be designing and debugging their own code they will have very detailed knowledge of how each design works and will be able to expand upon each project if they so desire."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"FPGA Turbo Series - Advanced LED Control" |
"This courseexplains and discusses ways that LEDs are controlled to modify their brightness, change their color, and display messages using LEDs in a matrix configuration. This course discusses and explains the different types of LEDs as well as how to control them. Each project in this course uses each of the different LEDs discussedand requires the student to implement a design on their FPGA to control the LED. Students will be provided with VHDL design files that can be used as starting points for thevarious design projects. Working with the provided design files and using the lectures as references the students willbe able to successfully complete each project.These various projectsinclude:Pulsing Standard LEDsChanging the color of an RGBLEDControlling the color of multiple NeoPixel LEDsDesign and build a scrolling LED Matrix DisplayUsing the lectures, design guides, and the VHDL files provided in this course students will have everything they need to successfully complete each project.The students will get to use Xilinx's development tools for thedesign and debugging of their various VHDL designs.This course is geared towards students who have been exposed to VHDL, FPGA's, as well as abasic understanding of digital circuits. This is a great supplement to any engineering student who wants to improve upon their hardware design skills before entering the workforce. Thiscourse is also great for anyone who is currently employedin the field engineering. Also any electronic hobbyist would benefit greatly from this course!Upon completing this course students will have all the skills and knowledge to implement multiple forms of LED control on a FPGA. Beings that the students will be designing and debugging their own code they will have very detailed knowledge of how each design works and will be able to expand upon each project if they so desire."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Essential Excel for Business Analysts and Consultants" |
"What is the aim of this course? Excel is the most often used first-choice tool of every business analyst and consultant. Maybe it is not the most fancy or sophisticated one, yet it is universally understood by everybody especially your boss and your customers. Excel is still pretty advanced tool with countless number of features and functions. I have mastered quite a lot of them during my studies and while working. After some time in consulting I discovered that most of them are not that useful; some of them bring more problems than solutions. On top of that there are features that we are taught at university that are not flexible and pretty time consuming. While working as a business analyst I developed my own set of tricks to deal with Excel I learned how to make my analyses idiot-proven and extremely universal. I will NOT teach you the entire Excel as it is simply not efficient (and frankly you dont need it). This course is organized around 80/20 rule and I want to teach you the most useful (from business analyst / consultant perspective) formulas as fast as possible. I want you also to acquire thanks to the course good habits in Excel that will save you loads of time. If done properly, this course will transform you in 1 day into pretty good business analyst that knows how to use Excel in the smart way. It is based on my 12 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting companies and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, improvement and turn-arounds in biggest companies from FMCG, SMG, B2B sector that I worked for. On the basis of what you will find in this course I have trained over 100 business analysts who now are Investment Directors, Senior Analyst, Directors in Consulting Companies, Board Members etc. I teach step by step on the basis of Excel files that will be attached to the course. To make the best out of the course you should follow my steps and repeat what I do with the data after every lecture. Dont move to the next lecture if you have not done what I show in the lecture that you have gone through. I assume that you know basic Excel so the basic features (i.e. how to write formula in Excel) are not explained in this course. I concentrate on intermediate and advanced solutions and purposefully get rid of some things that are advanced yet later become very inflexible and useless (i.e. naming the variables). At the end, I will show 4 full blown analyses in Excel that use the tricks that I show in the lectures. To every lecture you will find attached (in additional resources) the Excel shown in the Lecture so as a part of this course you will also get a library of ready-made analyses that can, with certain modification, be applied by you in your work. Why I decided to create this course? I have done number of courses showing you how to analyze data in Excel. Yet, I have noticed that some students lack the fluency of operations in Excel. This course is designed to fill in the gap and help you fully appreciate my other courses for business analysts and consultants. It can be used also as standalone course that will help you to be smart in Excel In what way will you benefit from this course? The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of analyses, tricks, hints that will significantly improve the speed with which you do the analyses as well as the quality of the conclusions coming out of available in your company data. There is little theory mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will know: How to use Excel in a smart way to be able to analyses data fast and efficientlyHow to draw conclusions from analyses chosen examples of analysesHow to be efficient in your work as analyst?How to build Excels that it is understandable for you and your team, even after some timeYou can also ask me any question either through the discussion mode or by messaging me directly. How the course is organized? The course is divided currently in 6 sections and will be adding new section to address other important issues. Currently you will find the following sections: Introduction. We begin with little intro into the course How to merge data from different sources. Quite often as an analyst you will have to combine data from different sources. In this section I will show you how to do it using VLOOKUP function and others to make sure that you can easily combine data from different tables into the desired analysis Cleaning and unifying data. 50% of your time will be lost on setting the data right so it can be used for analyses. In this section you will learn how to clean and unify data fast How to use IF function and what you can do instead? Most of analyses require you to make them dependable on something. For this you can use IF function which gets messy with more complicated formulas. I will show you how to avoid the mess and in most cases not use IF function Pivot Tables. As a business analyst you will have to look at data on different levels. I will show you how to do it with Pivot Tables, Pivot Charts and what to do instead. Other useful functions. In this section I will show you other useful function that you should master Example of analysis. Here we show full analysis from start to end including drawing conclusions. This will show you want should be the end result Tools for analyzing data. On top of Excel function you have available other tools in Excel that we will discuss in section. Most of them save you a lot of trouble in analyzing data Being faster with Excel. If you spend 6-8 hours a day with Excel you have to be fast not to waste your valuable time. Here I will show you how to do it Visual Basic main things you should know. Sometimes it is much easier to do something in Visual Basic than go via typical Excel formulas. For some cases Visual Basics creates new opportunities. Here I will show you the most useful elements of Visual Basic. You will be able also to download many additional resources Excels with analyses shown in the courseLinks to additional presentations and moviesLinks to books worth reading At the end of my course, students will be able to You will master the most crucial functions and features of ExcelUnderstand the main challenges in analyzing data in ExcelPerform the analyses in a very effective mannerWho should take this course? Who should not? Business analystsResearchersControllersConsultantsSmall and medium business ownersStartups founders What will students need to know or do before starting this course? Basic ExcelBasic knowledge of economics or finance"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"The Complete React Native + Hooks Course [2020 Edition]" |
"If you're tired of spinning your wheels learning Swift or Android, this is the course for you.Authentication? You will learn it. Hooks? Included. Navigation? Of course!This course will get you up and running with React Native quickly, and teach you the core knowledge you need to deeply understand and build React components for mobile devices.Both OSX and Windows supported - develop iOS or Android!This course includes content on both v0.62.2 and the legacy v0.30.x, which is widely used in industry.We'll start by mastering the fundamentals of React, including JSX, props"", state"", and event handling. Source code is provided for each lecture, so you will always stay up-to-date with the course pacing. Special attention has been paid to creating reusable components that you'll be able to make use of on your own fantastic projects.React Native is an excellent solution for developing apps on mobile in a fraction of the time it takes to make an equivalent iOS or Swift app. You'll love seeing your changes instantly appear on your own device, rather than waiting for Swift/Java code to recompile! This quick feedback loop, along with excellent cross platform support, is what has catapulted React Native to the top must-have skill for Javascript engineers.If you are new to React, or if you've been working to learn it but sometimes feel like you still don't quite 'get it', this is the React course for you! To learn React you have to understand it.Learn how to use React's custom markup language, JSX, to clean up your Javascript codeMaster the process of breaking down a complex component into many smaller, interchangeable componentsGrasp the difference between props"" and state"" and when to use eachRender interactive, media-rich components in beautifully styled appsDevelop apps that are unique, fun, and responsiveBuild on both Android and iOS platformsMaster integration with Firebase for user authenticationLearn the core principles of navigation with React NativeI've built the course that I would have wanted to take when I was learning React Native. A course that explains the concepts and how they're implemented in the best order for you to learn and deeply understand them."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Fiverr: Gigs You Can Sell On Fiverr" |
"Fiverr:Gigs you can sell on FiverrJoin over 4000 other eager Students, in this one of the best-selling Fiverr courses on UdemyIn this course, you will learntwenty-eightgreat-sellingservices you canlist on Fiverr to boostbothyour sales and seller-level. There's no fluff, no filler, no BS. Every lesson (apart from the Intro and bonus lessons) are packed with ideas for services that can be copied for Fiverr. I'll even give youa 6000 word ebook about selling on Fiverr, completely free.Learn gigs that top-sellers are making bank on and you can too.See the secret ways sellers are owning the Fiverr platform.You'll get an insight into how some sellers make great money from products they get for free.Use my ideas to to increase your salesEach lesson is less than five minutes long and teaches you all you need know to make your own gigs.Free bonusebook showing 35 ways to make money on Fiverr.Some Sellers on Fiverr have sold more than 20,000 gigs. The new Fiverr packages mean that they are now selling these gigs at $5,$25,$50 and $100. With custom orders this can evenbe many timeshigher. Take this course and you'll be given lots of different ways to get sales on Fiverr . Who knows you could be the next top-rated Seller making $200,000, or more.But, don't just take my word for it. Thesearereal real reviewsI'vereceived for this course...'The course is very precise and goes straight to the point. I'm VERY happy to take it. EDIT: I now completed it and I can say I'm very satisfy. One of the best I took here on Udemy- Seyive Frejus Panadou.'Outstanding actionable information. The gig ideas left me with so much inspiration and ideas on how to use assets I've created over the years. I never thought there was as much value in what I'm capable of doing. Thank you!' - Stephanie Brown.With this course, you get lifetime access to all future updates, together with the discussions board and the ability to direct message me with your questions. You'll also get the bonus ebook that accompanies the course.Get this course today, take action and change your life forever.See you inside the course.MikeCourse updated September 2017"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How To Create An Online Course On A Budget" |
"How to build an online course on a budget.So, you wanna build an online course, on a budget? (That's the SEO part out of the way.) Well, in this course you're going to learn just that.Initially, we're not going to set the bar too high. Our goal is just to get our first course, produced to a fair standard and out there in the market place. Here come the compulsory bullet points. In this course you'll:-Learn how to build a course on a budgetExplore my ideas on how to get thousands of course ideasUnderstand how to format your courseDiscover how to get it look and sound professionalFind out my top secret editing strategiesTease from me where to get lots of new StudentsIf you really are prepared to take action, then I've got your back until you get that course published.This course really does show you everything you'll need to know to get your course published on a budget.You'll receive life-time access to all future updates and also you'll be able to message me whenever you feel like it. What more could you want?In all seriousness, this course comes with a full money back guarantee should it not do what it says on the tin. Enrol today and I give you my word that you will be able to produce your own course by the end of it,See you in the course,MikeCourse updated November 2017"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How To Become A Udemy Affiliate (Unofficial)" |
"This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc.I'm a Udemy Affiliate and you can be too. What this means is youcan make a largeprofit from promoting other people's courses. At the beginning of the new Year, people buy courses in their droves.Udemy will give you up to amassive 50%of the profit from each course sold. On the first day of the year alone I made almost $200 profit just making a few posts on Facebook and you can do the same.I show you everything in the courseHow and where to sign-upWhere they hide the sign-up buttonHow to link to any course of your choiceHow to deep link to any categoryHow to maximise your Affiliate salesHow to get approved as an Affiliate byother major companiesEven beginners can do this.Everything is included in the course. Sign-up today and start promoting other people's courses.Sign-up now!Course updated November 2017"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Impact Hacking: Digital strategies for nonprofits" |
"Impact hacking [working definition] a process of rapid experimentation across marketing channels to identify the most effective, efficient ways to grow a nonprofits web traffic to grow its impact.Growth hacking has gotten a lot of talk recently in Silicon Valley. Startups are trying to find the fastest ways to get their products in the hands of users and grow their revenue for investors. As nonprofits, we can adopt this mentality and harness it for good which is why we are excited to bring you this course on #ImpactHacking.We want to help you go from zero to 60 with your nonprofits web traffic. Why do we care so much about growing traffic? Because we know that, if done correctly, more traffic to your website will mean more impact for your organization. This course will move through four phases of Impact Hacking:Measure Why does traffic even matter? How does it help your organization change the world for the better? Understand how to tie your organizations mission to measurable, concrete goals on your website and other web platforms. Make sure you understand how to use the data to see what is working (driving more impact) and what isnt. Well help you make the case that more website traffic equals more impact for your organization.Grow Tried and true techniques to boost web traffic. We know that nonprofits dont have the fancy ad agencies and huge marketing budgets to compete with the big brands. In this section, well look at the free and cheap resources that nonprofits can use to game the system and get major traffic growth.Optimize Now that youve boosted your web traffic, its time to make sure that youre getting the most out of your users. One small tweak to your site could mean the difference between 100 and 1,000 conversions over time. In this section, we look at ways to improve your site over time through design and technology and make sure its working as hard as your marketing efforts are.Build capacity This is not a one-time growth hack. We want you to integrate these techniques and approaches into the fabric of your nonprofits culture. Well look at some ways to build a data-savvy team and keep them connected to the data so that everyone has a stake in your organizations growth. You may find that you need to bring in outside help to really take your growth to the next level, so well talk about how to find trusted vendors for your web projects.Along the way, well share case studies from Power Poetry, an awesome nonprofit organization that used all of the strategies we discuss to build their poetry platform from 0 to 300,000 active users.This course will give you all the fundamentals you need to build a digital strategy for your nonprofit team and jet-start your nonprofits impact hacking.This is a shortened version of our full-length course. To get additional information about the Google Ad grant, tech tools, and hiring, check it out in the university section of Whole Whale's website."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"PowerPoint for Beginners" |
"Do you want to know how to create professional presentations?Are you looking for a job and need a great skill to add to your resume?Would you like to become your bossesgo-to person when it comes to creating PowerPoint presentations?If so, then this iscourse for you!In this you will learn how to master PowerPoint with easy step by step instructions. This course covers basic and advanced PowerPoint tools. With theseeasyto follow video tutorials anyone can learn how to create professional presentations. In less than one hour, you will have the skills required to be confident in calling yourself a PowerPoint expert."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel 2016: Customize Excel - Save Time & Be More Productive" |
"How much time do you waste setting up new files the same wayover and over in Excel? Isn't it about timeyou learned how to customize Excel so you can make it work the way you want from the start?This course could save you MANYHOURS of time every month!If you are willing to take the time to go through this course and do the exercises, you could easily be much more productive with Excelin just a few hours!This course is ""hands on"" and has exercise files for almost every section. This is not a course you just watch - you learn new techniques by watching each lecture step, then doing them yourself!There is aHUGE need in the marketplacefor people who REALLY knowhow to use Excel. This is your opportunity tobreak away from the packof people who struggle to get their work done using Excel. Stop being like everyone else andand learn how to use Excel MUCHmore effectively than just about anyone else!__________________________________________________________________________If you have theright mindset and start getting rid of old inefficient habits by applying what you learn in this course, you will instantly be more productive than the vast majority of users ofMicrosoft Excel 2016In addition to theUdemy30-day money back guarantee, you have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this course. If you ever have any questions please feel free to message medirectly and Iwill do myr best to get back to you as soon as possible!__________________________________________________________________________What I am NOTable to do for youin this Course..I can't guarantee your success learning the concepts inthis course and then applying them WILLtake work on your part. But You Can Do It! ANDit will be well worth it!________________________________________________________________________This course will not remain this price forever! It's time to take action!Click the ""take this course"" button at the top right now!...every hour you delay is costing you money...See you in the course!Sincerely,Bruce Myron"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Get Your own SAP HANA Copy for your Laptop" |
"SAP HANA is a game changing and best selling product in the history of SAP. Helping companies solve data,reporting,latency challenges and unleash their potential with a real time platform.SAP HANA being a hardware intensive platform was out of reach for many folks. The solution is here.Say Hi!to the SAP HANA Express edition VM. This is a compressed version of the standard SAP HANA version comes as a virtual machine imageand can run on your Laptop!In short this course I will take you take by step from prerequisites, downloads,installation, setup and running some examples.Benefits:Learning SAP HANAis not important but required for anybody who is involved with SAP . Soon everything SAPwill run on the SAPHANA platform. For folks in the enterprise software arena SAPHANAis a strong contender and knowing this technology will give you the upper edge and also can help your transition you career.Big data and Real time reporting are the hot topics and withSAP HANA Express edition VM developers, consultants andstudents alike can run exciting use cases with this technology.This is a big relief for administrators as they can now have there own installation and learn this necessary technology with out implication to their working environmentsPrerequisites:NoneI have made sure we take baby steps through out the course. I kind hand hold you through the process. So even folks with no background in SAP, Data base, Virtualization will do just fine.SAP HANA, SAP HANAExpress Edition arethe property of SAP AG."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"CV Writing & Job Search for Gas & Oil Professionals" |
"Have you everwondered how to write a professional and engaging CV? Perhaps you are looking for a well designed template to start with?Well, In this course,we will learn together thevery important and practical thins below;How to writea veryprofessional and engagingresume.I am also sharing with youthe best CVwriting tips for Gas and Oil industry professionals toguide youin yourjob hunting practices to start a career in the oil industry.We will discover togetherthe most popular job searchwebsites for Gas &Oil jobs.I will be providing you witha well designed CVtemplate for you as a gift from me.After taking this course,you will have no more struggle and you will be able to brand yourself POSITIVELY."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Equine Passive Streams" |
"This course specifically covers passive streams that are horse related. They are broken down into the categories of:no financial output requiredminimal financial output requiredgreater financial output required20 different equine passive streams are considered and varying platforms to be able to get them started. Setting SMART goals relating to starting your own passive stream is also covered.Those interested in generating passive streams related to the horse should enroll in this course."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Becoming the Indispensable Employee" |
"In a world where your replacement isan email, phone call or Skype video conference away from happening, having the skills necessary to work on an equal footing with co-workers,management or executives is essential to long-term employment; something that today is in short supply.This course is based on over 25 years of experience, research, observation and personal experience in both he private and academic workplace, and takes a straightforward, no-nonsenseandunabashed look at what it takes to survive in todays workplace.This course will show you how to develop the skills necessary to level the playing field and have everyone in your organization see you as ""Indispensable"""
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Business Branding Business Coach Certification1 Coaching" |
"Why take the Certification to Become a Business Branding Business Coach FECBC Fearless Entrepreneur Certified Business Coach course?What will a Business Branding Certificate and Accreditation + Credentials + Business Branding Business Coach Directory Listing for Level 2 Grads do for you?If you are searching for a business coaching niche that is in demand, becoming a Business Branding Business Coach will benefit you in numerous ways. Why is this important?FACT: Professionally, it is becoming more of a challenge to differentiate yourself in the increasingly competitive business coaching world. This can be overwhelming if you dont feel like you have done enough, know enough or have enough current skills to coach people starting or building a business. How can you compete?FACT: Personally, you need to be confident, resilient and resourceful to adapt to this ever-demanding competitive world. This can be a challenge if self-doubt, insecurities and fears block you. How can you rise above these obstacles?BUSINESS BRANDING BUSINESS COACHING CERTIFICATION COURSE GOALThese facts dont have to be your future! We developed this comprehensive Business Branding Business Coach Certification course as part of our 11 Part FECBC Business Coaching Certification Program. Now we offer it as a stand-alone Business Coach Certification Program so you can niche in this high-demand area and become a Business Branding Business Coach.BUSINESS BRANDING BUSINESS COACHING CERTIFICATION COURSE SELF-ASSESSMENTWHAT IS YOUR GOAL?There are usually 3 different goals among the students who join this Fearless Business Coaching Program. Which one describes you?GOAL #1 - You dont care about receiving a certificate of completion or being fully certified as a Business Coach through accreditation. You want to be coached so that you can achieve your business goals. If this describes you, then enjoy the course as it fits with your schedule. INCLUDED with the one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy is life-time access to the course content and features on Udemy; including a Udemy generated certificate of completion if you ever need one. You also have access to Level 1 and Level 2 accreditation at no additional cost should your goal change. READ COURSE CONTENT SNAP-SHOT.GOAL #2 You are already a business coaching professional. You dont care to be fully certified through accreditation or that the certificate of completion comes from Udemy. What you do care about is saving time and saving money. You want to be able to niche into a specific business area without having to develop the process yourself. You want to legally use our proprietary step-by-step and timed-out accredited business coaching session guides to coach your clients WITHOUT PAYING our $995 right of use fee (details below). If this describes you, then enjoy the Level 1 program as it fits with your schedule knowing that your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy gives you access to Level 2 accreditation should your goal change. READ LEVEL 1 ACCREDITATION BENEFITS.GOAL #3 You are completely new to business coaching and want guidance. You may have taken other coaching courses but do not feel prepared to coach business clients or you simply want to be listed in this niche business coaching directory on Fearless Entrepreneur Academy WITHOUT PAYING the private fee of $1791 (details below). Your goal is to learn our step-by-step business coaching process and then be able to practice through fieldwork that is assessed for competency. You want a separate certificate of completion that is not from Udemy but from our Accredited Business Coaching Academy. You want your name listed in this niche specific coaching directory on Fearless Entrepreneur Academy so that prospective clients or employers can verify your Business Coaching Certification and confirm that you have Graduated from this accredited Business Coaching Training Program. If this describes you, enjoy the Level 2 program that is included with your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy. READ LEVEL 2 ACCREDITATION BENEFITS.BUSINESS BRANDING BUSINESS COACHING CERTIFICATION COURSE CONTENT SNAP-SHOTYou can keep scrolling to view the comprehensive course content and also to watch some of the free video lectures available but here is a quick outline of what is covered:Business Branding Business Coaching Psychology: Do you know exactly what stops people in this area? You are walked-through our proprietary framework for assesses their underlying blocks and obstacles.Business Branding Business Coaching People: Who will be your business coaching clients? You discover the inside track so that you can understand people starting and growing a business better than they understand themselves.Business Branding Business Coaching Process: Do you have an exact Business Coaching process in this area of specialization that is proven to get results? Differentiate yourself by using our proprietary Business Coaching session guides that are timed-out and step-by-step easy to follow and adjust as needed.Business Branding Business Coaching Phrasing: Do you know exactly what to say in any situation? Being stumped in a Business Coaching Session makes you look unprofessional. We give you the exact phrasing and questions to use so that you feel confident and prepared in every business coaching session.Business Branding Business Coaching Procedures: Do you know the Business Coaching procedures that will make an impact for your clients? In this course, we give you the exact techniques, tools and strategies so that you dont have to do the research or create the resources yourself.Business Branding Business Coaching Practicum: Have you ever coached real clients before? You will benefit from the simple system we provide that makes business coaching practice fun and doable. This is truly what differentiates our Business Coaching course from others.Business Branding Business Coaching Pricing and Promotion: Do you know what to charge business coaching clients? Do you know how to find business coaching clients? No more guessing what to do and how to do it. We have mapped out your success plan so that you feel confident and secure in this area.Business Branding Business Coaching Professional Community: We want you to be successful! Once you join this course, you have access to a full range of ongoing business coaching community support that will keep you focused and engaged.LEVEL 1 ACCREDITATION COST-SAVING BENEFITSIncluded with your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy is life-time access to the course content and features on Udemy; including a Udemy generated certificate of completion.WE COVER THE $995 U.S.D. RIGHT OF USE FEE: When you join this course on Udemy and stay enrolled (no refund), you have permission to use our Proprietary Accredited Business Coaching Session Guides to coach clients.PLEASE NOTE: A right-of-use fee is not a licensing fee. We own the copyright to the accredited session guides including the processes and material. You do not have permission to re-sell it or develop training, workshops, speaking or books based on our proprietary program.1) Watch 100% of the coursework lectures as fast or as slow as you want.2) Download all of the accredited resources including the session guides.3) Download your Udemy generated certificate of completion when you have completed 100% of the coursework.LEVEL 2 ACCREDITATION COST-SAVING BENEFITSIn addition to the cost-saving benefits and features of Level One, when you remain enrolled in the program past 35 days, you have access to LEVEL 2 benefits; a total of $1791 U.S.D in fees that we cover when you join this course on Udemy and graduate Level 2.WE COVER THE $995 U.S.D. RIGHT OF USE FEE: When you join this course on Udemy and stay enrolled (no refund), you have permission to use our Proprietary Accredited Business Coaching Session Guides to coach clients.WE COVER THE $199 U.S.D. ACCREDITATION FEE: Level 2 requires that you complete a mandatory Business Coaching Practicum which assesses your competency using our accredited proprietary session guides with real clients. We call this hands-on coaching fieldwork. We make this step-by-step easy to complete but submission is mandatory for Level 2 Graduation. This is what differentiates our program and sets our Graduates above the rest. While a quickie diploma or certification from having just simply watched videos is appealing and what some coaching courses on Udemy use as a marketing tool to get you to buy, this is not the solution to long-term success. If that is your goal and expectation, this professional coaching program is not for you.WE COVER THE $99 U.S.D. CERTIFICATION FEE: This is a one-time fee to create one individualized certificate of completion from Fearless Entrepreneur Academy that displays your certification designation verifying your completion of accreditation.WE COVER THE $199 U.S.D. COACH DIRECTORY LISTING FEE: This is a one-time listing one-time fee to add your first and last name to this niche specific career coach directory on Fearless Entrepreneur Academy.WE COVER THE $299 U.S.D ASSOCIATION FEE: This is a one-time membership fee to keep your certification current and valid.WE COVER $1791 U.S.D IN FEES WHEN YOU JOIN US ON UDEMY AND GRADUATE LEVEL 2Now you might be thinking this sounds too good to be true; whats the catch? or you might be saying Business Coaching Training like this should cost 5 thousand or more; why would such a valuable program be available on Udemy for such a low price? There is no catch just a vision, a purpose and a mission inspired by our Founder and your Instructor. Keep reading to meet her!WHY OUR LEVEL 2 GRADUATES EXCELJoining this course and completing Level 2 of the program requires effort but you can do this! We want you to stand-out and excel as a business coach but only you can do the work. We cant guarantee your success or that you will make money as a business coach. Only you are responsible for the effort you put in and the success you achieve. What we can guarantee is that we make it as simple and easy regardless of your current skill level and we are there to guide you every step of the way; however long that takes. We want you to be satisfied and if you are not, you can request a refund from Udemy within 30 days of purchase. Be sure to read Udemys terms for details.THE POWER OF BELIEFBut when you commit and stay enrolled in the course (no refund), you put into motion the power of belief. When you buy the course on Udemy, it is a one-time low-cost investment that will continue to pay dividends in countless ways for years to come. Level 2 is simple: in addition to staying enrolled in the course for longer than 35 days, you complete 100% of the coursework, complete 100% of the coaching practicum fieldwork and submit it for approval and we cover the $1791 U.S.D. fees that we normally charge on our website for Level 2 Graduation.Why do we do this? When you meet Louise, you will understand the purpose-driven passion that propels our mission! You may have already seen this before but it is worth a second, third or fourth read.MEET YOUR INSTRUCTOR LOUISE ANNE MAURICEIf you have never met me before, my name is Louise Anne Maurice; Louise for short. When being interviewed, I am always asked the question what have been the most important aspects of your 30+ year career; your university and specialized education, the impressive skills you developed working for companies and educational institutions or boot-strapping it to build your company from the ground-up? My response is always ALL OF IT because every experience has shaped who I am, my purpose and the reason I am a Coaching Training and Development Specialist today.LOUISE TALKS OVERCOMING CHALLENGESYou see, I was not handed life on a silver platter! I worked hard to achieve what I have; overcoming many challenges along the way. How did I do this? I developed, what I later termed, my Empowered Coach Approach; a revolutionary framework founded on empowerment, integrity and respect that leverages my DE Effect to accelerate and strengthen transformation. Using this approach, I was able to power-past blocks and obstacles so I could achieve my goals and experience my limitless potential. The thousands and thousands of people I have either coached, trained, consulted or taught over the past 30+ years have also benefited from my Empowered Coach Approach.LOUISE ANNE MAURICES MISSIONBut that is just scratching the surface! I see a world where everyone is overcoming their challenges and living their full potential. Can you imagine the positive impact? But I cant do it alone! My mission is to train millions of coaches world-wide to coach millions of people world-wide to live their full potential. How will I do this? I have teamed up with the Udemy E-Learning Platform to make my proprietary coaching training programs easily accessible to a global audience at an affordable price. As Director of Coaching Training and Coaching Courses Development for Fearless Entrepreneur Academy, I use my Empowered Coach Approach to develop purposeful, comprehensive and streamlined curriculum that shortens the learning curve for you to become a Professional World-Class Coach.WHAT IS YOUR MISSION?Purpose is powerful! Yes, you might be fired-up at the cost-savings bonus that I have made exclusively available on Udemy. Who doesnt love a deal! More importantly though, I hope youre fired-up at the prospect of being a part of making a positive difference in the world; I know I am! Are you ready to do something more meaningful with your life; something that makes an impact and leaves a lasting legacy with your name written all over it? Whatever your mission, you will find a community that is here to support your purpose.ARE YOU READY TO START MAKING A DIFFERENCE?I invite you to join and start living your purpose today! Simply click on the Buy now button to enroll in one course or click on the Add to cart button to enroll in all 11 courses of the Masters FECBC Business Coaching Program.I will see you in the first lecture. Copyright Louise Anne Maurice of Fearless Entrepreneur Academy"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Market Research Business Coach Certification2 Coaching" |
"Why take the Certification to become a Market Research Business Coach FECBC Fearless Entrepreneur Certified Business Coach Course?What will a Market Research Certificate and Accreditation + Credentials + Market Research Business Coaching Directory Listing for Level 2 Grads do for you?If you are searching for a business coaching niche that is in demand, becoming a Market Research Business Coach will benefit you in numerous ways. Why is this important?FACT: Professionally, it is becoming more of a challenge to differentiate yourself in the increasingly competitive business coaching world. This can be overwhelming if you dont feel like you have done enough, know enough or have enough current skills to coach people starting or building a business. How can you compete?FACT: Personally, you need to be confident, resilient and resourceful to adapt to this ever-demanding competitive world. This can be a challenge if self-doubt, insecurities and fears block you. How can you rise above these obstacles?MARKET RESEARCH BUSINESS COACHING CERTIFICATION COURSE GOALThese facts dont have to be your future! We developed this comprehensive Market Research Business Coach Certification course as part of our 11 Part FECBC Business Coaching Certification Program. Now we offer it as a stand-alone Business Coach Certification Program so you can niche in this high-demand area and become a Market Research Business Coach.MARKET RESEARCH BUSINESS COACHING CERTIFICATION COURSE SELF-ASSESSMENTWHAT IS YOUR GOAL?There are usually 3 different goals among the students who join this Fearless Business Coaching Program. Which one describes you?GOAL #1 - You dont care about receiving a certificate of completion or being fully certified as a Business Coach through accreditation. You want to be coached so that you can achieve your business goals. If this describes you, then enjoy the course as it fits with your schedule. INCLUDED with the one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy is life-time access to the course content and features on Udemy; including a Udemy generated certificate of completion if you ever need one. You also have access to Level 1 and Level 2 accreditation at no additional cost should your goal change. READ COURSE CONTENT SNAP-SHOT.GOAL #2 You are already a business coaching professional. You dont care to be fully certified through accreditation or that the certificate of completion comes from Udemy. What you do care about is saving time and saving money. You want to be able to niche into a specific business area without having to develop the process yourself. You want to legally use our proprietary step-by-step and timed-out accredited business coaching session guides to coach your clients WITHOUT PAYING our $995 right of use fee (details below). If this describes you, then enjoy the Level 1 program as it fits with your schedule knowing that your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy gives you access to Level 2 accreditation should your goal change. READ LEVEL 1 ACCREDITATION BENEFITS.GOAL #3 You are completely new to business coaching and want guidance. You may have taken other coaching courses but do not feel prepared to coach business clients or you simply want to be listed in this niche business coaching directory on Fearless Entrepreneur Academy WITHOUT PAYING the private fee of $1791 (details below). Your goal is to learn our step-by-step business coaching process and then be able to practice through fieldwork that is assessed for competency. You want a separate certificate of completion that is not from Udemy but from our Accredited Business Coaching Academy. You want your name listed in this niche specific coaching directory on Fearless Entrepreneur Academy so that prospective clients or employers can verify your Business Coaching Certification and confirm that you have Graduated from this accredited Business Coaching Training Program. If this describes you, enjoy the Level 2 program that is included with your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy. READ LEVEL 2 ACCREDITATION BENEFITS.MARKET RESEARCH BUSINESS COACHING CERTIFICATION COURSE CONTENT SNAP-SHOTYou can keep scrolling to view the comprehensive course content and also to watch some of the free video lectures available but here is a quick outline of what is covered:Market Research Business Coaching Psychology: Do you know exactly what stops people in this area? You are walked-through our proprietary framework for assesses their underlying blocks and obstacles.Market Research Business Coaching People: Who will be your business coaching clients? You discover the inside track so that you can understand people starting and growing a business better than they understand themselves.Market Research Business Coaching Process: Do you have an exact Business Coaching process in this area of specialization that is proven to get results? Differentiate yourself by using our proprietary Business Coaching session guides that are timed-out and step-by-step easy to follow and adjust as needed.Market Research Business Coaching Phrasing: Do you know exactly what to say in any situation? Being stumped in a Business Coaching Session makes you look unprofessional. We give you the exact phrasing and questions to use so that you feel confident and prepared in every business coaching session.Market Research Business Coaching Procedures: Do you know the Business Coaching procedures that will make an impact for your clients? In this course, we give you the exact techniques, tools and strategies so that you dont have to do the research or create the resources yourself.Market Research Business Coaching Practicum: Have you ever coached real clients before? You will benefit from the simple system we provide that makes business coaching practice fun and doable. This is truly what differentiates our Business Coaching course from others.Market Research Business Coaching Pricing and Promotion: Do you know what to charge business coaching clients? Do you know how to find business coaching clients? No more guessing what to do and how to do it. We have mapped out your success plan so that you feel confident and secure in this area.Market Research Business Coaching Professional Community: We want you to be successful! Once you join this course, you have access to a full range of ongoing business coaching community support that will keep you focused and engaged.LEVEL 1 ACCREDITATION COST-SAVING BENEFITSIncluded with your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy is life-time access to the course content and features on Udemy; including a Udemy generated certificate of completion.WE COVER THE $995 U.S.D. RIGHT OF USE FEE: When you join this course on Udemy and stay enrolled (no refund), you have permission to use our Proprietary Accredited Business Coaching Session Guides to coach clients.PLEASE NOTE: A right-of-use fee is not a licensing fee. We own the copyright to the accredited session guides including the processes and material. You do not have permission to re-sell it or develop training, workshops, speaking or books based on our proprietary program.1) Watch 100% of the coursework lectures as fast or as slow as you want.2) Download all of the accredited resources including the session guides.3) Download your Udemy generated certificate of completion when you have completed 100% of the coursework.LEVEL 2 ACCREDITATION COST-SAVING BENEFITSIn addition to the cost-saving benefits and features of Level One, when you remain enrolled in the program past 35 days, you have access to LEVEL 2 benefits; a total of $1791 U.S.D in fees that we cover when you join this course on Udemy and graduate Level 2.WE COVER THE $995 U.S.D. RIGHT OF USE FEE: When you join this course on Udemy and stay enrolled (no refund), you have permission to use our Proprietary Accredited Business Coaching Session Guides to coach clients.WE COVER THE $199 U.S.D. ACCREDITATION FEE: Level 2 requires that you complete a mandatory Business Coaching Practicum which assesses your competency using our accredited proprietary session guides with real clients. We call this hands-on coaching fieldwork. We make this step-by-step easy to complete but submission is mandatory for Level 2 Graduation. This is what differentiates our program and sets our Graduates above the rest. While a quickie diploma or certification from having just simply watched videos is appealing and what some coaching courses on Udemy use as a marketing tool to get you to buy, this is not the solution to long-term success. If that is your goal and expectation, this professional coaching program is not for you.WE COVER THE $99 U.S.D. CERTIFICATION FEE: This is a one-time fee to create one individualized certificate of completion from Fearless Entrepreneur Academy that displays your certification designation verifying your completion of accreditation.WE COVER THE $199 U.S.D. COACH DIRECTORY LISTING FEE: This is a one-time listing one-time fee to add your first and last name to this niche specific career coach directory on Fearless Entrepreneur Academy.WE COVER THE $299 U.S.D ASSOCIATION FEE: This is a one-time membership fee to keep your certification current and valid.WE COVER $1791 U.S.D IN FEES WHEN YOU JOIN US ON UDEMY AND GRADUATE LEVEL 2Now you might be thinking this sounds too good to be true; whats the catch? or you might be saying Business Coaching Training like this should cost 5 thousand or more; why would such a valuable program be available on Udemy for such a low price? There is no catch just a vision, a purpose and a mission inspired by our Founder and your Instructor. Keep reading to meet her!WHY OUR LEVEL 2 GRADUATES EXCELJoining this course and completing Level 2 of the program requires effort but you can do this! We want you to stand-out and excel as a business coach but only you can do the work. We cant guarantee your success or that you will make money as a business coach. Only you are responsible for the effort you put in and the success you achieve. What we can guarantee is that we make it as simple and easy regardless of your current skill level and we are there to guide you every step of the way; however long that takes. We want you to be satisfied and if you are not, you can request a refund from Udemy within 30 days of purchase. Be sure to read Udemys terms for details.THE POWER OF BELIEFBut when you commit and stay enrolled in the course (no refund), you put into motion the power of belief. When you buy the course on Udemy, it is a one-time low-cost investment that will continue to pay dividends in countless ways for years to come. Level 2 is simple: in addition to staying enrolled in the course for longer than 35 days, you complete 100% of the coursework, complete 100% of the coaching practicum fieldwork and submit it for approval and we cover the $1791 U.S.D. fees that we normally charge on our website for Level 2 Graduation.Why do we do this? When you meet Louise, you will understand the purpose-driven passion that propels our mission! You may have already seen this before but it is worth a second, third or fourth read.MEET YOUR INSTRUCTOR LOUISE ANNE MAURICEIf you have never met me before, my name is Louise Anne Maurice; Louise for short. When being interviewed, I am always asked the question what have been the most important aspects of your 30+ year career; your university and specialized education, the impressive skills you developed working for companies and educational institutions or boot-strapping it to build your company from the ground-up? My response is always ALL OF IT because every experience has shaped who I am, my purpose and the reason I am a Coaching Training and Development Specialist today.LOUISE TALKS OVERCOMING CHALLENGESYou see, I was not handed life on a silver platter! I worked hard to achieve what I have; overcoming many challenges along the way. How did I do this? I developed, what I later termed, my Empowered Coach Approach; a revolutionary framework founded on empowerment, integrity and respect that leverages my DE Effect to accelerate and strengthen transformation. Using this approach, I was able to power-past blocks and obstacles so I could achieve my goals and experience my limitless potential. The thousands and thousands of people I have either coached, trained, consulted or taught over the past 30+ years have also benefited from my Empowered Coach Approach.LOUISE ANNE MAURICES MISSIONBut that is just scratching the surface! I see a world where everyone is overcoming their challenges and living their full potential. Can you imagine the positive impact? But I cant do it alone! My mission is to train millions of coaches world-wide to coach millions of people world-wide to live their full potential. How will I do this? I have teamed up with the Udemy E-Learning Platform to make my proprietary coaching training programs easily accessible to a global audience at an affordable price. As Director of Coaching Training and Coaching Courses Development for Fearless Entrepreneur Academy, I use my Empowered Coach Approach to develop purposeful, comprehensive and streamlined curriculum that shortens the learning curve for you to become a Professional World-Class Coach.WHAT IS YOUR MISSION?Purpose is powerful! Yes, you might be fired-up at the cost-savings bonus that I have made exclusively available on Udemy. Who doesnt love a deal! More importantly though, I hope youre fired-up at the prospect of being a part of making a positive difference in the world; I know I am! Are you ready to do something more meaningful with your life; something that makes an impact and leaves a lasting legacy with your name written all over it? Whatever your mission, you will find a community that is here to support your purpose.ARE YOU READY TO START MAKING A DIFFERENCE?I invite you to join and start living your purpose today! Simply click on the Buy now button to enroll in one course or click on the Add to cart button to enroll in all 11 courses of the Masters FECBC Business Coaching Program.I will see you in the first lecture. Copyright Louise Anne Maurice of Fearless Entrepreneur Academy"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SocialMedia Marketing Business Coach Certification3 Coaching" |
"Why take the Certification to Become a Social Media Marketing Business Coach FECBC Fearless Entrepreneur Certified Business Coach Course?What will a Social Media Marketing Certificate and Accreditation Credentials + Social Media Business Coach Directory Listing for Level 2 Grads do for you?If you are searching for a business coaching niche that is in demand, becoming a Social Media Marketing Business Coach will benefit you in numerous ways. Why is this important?FACT: Professionally, it is becoming more of a challenge to differentiate yourself in the increasingly competitive business coaching world. This can be overwhelming if you dont feel like you have done enough, know enough or have enough current skills to coach people starting or building a business. How can you compete?FACT: Personally, you need to be confident, resilient and resourceful to adapt to this ever-demanding competitive world. This can be a challenge if self-doubt, insecurities and fears block you. How can you rise above these obstacles?SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING BUSINESS COACHING CERTIFICATION COURSE GOALThese facts dont have to be your future! We developed this comprehensive Social Media Marketing Business Coach Certification course as part of our 11 Part FECBC Business Coaching Certification Program. Now we offer it as a stand-alone Business Coach Certification Program so you can niche in this high-demand area and become a Social Media Marketing Business Coach.SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING BUSINESS COACHING CERTIFICATION COURSE SELF-ASSESSMENTWHAT IS YOUR GOAL?There are usually 3 different goals among the students who join this Fearless Business Coaching Program. Which one describes you?GOAL #1 - You dont care about receiving a certificate of completion or being fully certified as a Business Coach through accreditation. You want to be coached so that you can achieve your business goals. If this describes you, then enjoy the course as it fits with your schedule. INCLUDED with the one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy is life-time access to the course content and features on Udemy; including a Udemy generated certificate of completion if you ever need one. You also have access to Level 1 and Level 2 accreditation at no additional cost should your goal change. READ COURSE CONTENT SNAP-SHOT.GOAL #2 You are already a business coaching professional. You dont care to be fully certified through accreditation or that the certificate of completion comes from Udemy. What you do care about is saving time and saving money. You want to be able to niche into a specific business area without having to develop the process yourself. You want to legally use our proprietary step-by-step and timed-out accredited business coaching session guides to coach your clients WITHOUT PAYING our $995 right of use fee (details below). If this describes you, then enjoy the Level 1 program as it fits with your schedule knowing that your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy gives you access to Level 2 accreditation should your goal change. READ LEVEL 1 ACCREDITATION BENEFITS.GOAL #3 You are completely new to business coaching and want guidance. You may have taken other coaching courses but do not feel prepared to coach business clients or you simply want to be listed in this niche business coaching directory on Fearless Entrepreneur Academy WITHOUT PAYING the private fee of $1791 (details below). Your goal is to learn our step-by-step business coaching process and then be able to practice through fieldwork that is assessed for competency. You want a separate certificate of completion that is not from Udemy but from our Accredited Business Coaching Academy. You want your name listed in this niche specific coaching directory on Fearless Entrepreneur Academy so that prospective clients or employers can verify your Business Coaching Certification and confirm that you have Graduated from this accredited Business Coaching Training Program. If this describes you, enjoy the Level 2 program that is included with your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy. READ LEVEL 2 ACCREDITATION BENEFITS.SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING BUSINESS COACHING CERTIFICATION COURSE CONTENT SNAP-SHOTYou can keep scrolling to view the comprehensive course content and also to watch some of the free video lectures available but here is a quick outline of what is covered:Social Media Marketing Business Coaching Psychology: Do you know exactly what stops people in this area? You are walked-through our proprietary framework for assesses their underlying blocks and obstacles.Social Media Marketing Business Coaching People: Who will be your business coaching clients? You discover the inside track so that you can understand people starting and growing a business better than they understand themselves.Social Media Marketing Business Coaching Process: Do you have an exact Business Coaching process in this area of specialization that is proven to get results? Differentiate yourself by using our proprietary Business Coaching session guides that are timed-out and step-by-step easy to follow and adjust as needed.Social Media Marketing Business Coaching Phrasing: Do you know exactly what to say in any situation? Being stumped in a Business Coaching Session makes you look unprofessional. We give you the exact phrasing and questions to use so that you feel confident and prepared in every business coaching session.Social Media Marketing Business Coaching Procedures: Do you know the Business Coaching procedures that will make an impact for your clients? In this course, we give you the exact techniques, tools and strategies so that you dont have to do the research or create the resources yourself.Social Media Marketing Business Coaching Practicum: Have you ever coached real clients before? You will benefit from the simple system we provide that makes business coaching practice fun and doable. This is truly what differentiates our Business Coaching course from others.Social Media Marketing Business Coaching Pricing and Promotion: Do you know what to charge business coaching clients? Do you know how to find business coaching clients? No more guessing what to do and how to do it. We have mapped out your success plan so that you feel confident and secure in this area.Social Media Marketing Business Coaching Professional Community: We want you to be successful! Once you join this course, you have access to a full range of ongoing business coaching community support that will keep you focused and engaged.LEVEL 1 ACCREDITATION COST-SAVING BENEFITSIncluded with your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy is life-time access to the course content and features on Udemy; including a Udemy generated certificate of completion.WE COVER THE $995 U.S.D. RIGHT OF USE FEE: When you join this course on Udemy and stay enrolled (no refund), you have permission to use our Proprietary Accredited Business Coaching Session Guides to coach clients.PLEASE NOTE: A right-of-use fee is not a licensing fee. We own the copyright to the accredited session guides including the processes and material. You do not have permission to re-sell it or develop training, workshops, speaking or books based on our proprietary program.1) Watch 100% of the coursework lectures as fast or as slow as you want.2) Download all of the accredited resources including the session guides.3) Download your Udemy generated certificate of completion when you have completed 100% of the coursework.LEVEL 2 ACCREDITATION COST-SAVING BENEFITSIn addition to the cost-saving benefits and features of Level One, when you remain enrolled in the program past 35 days, you have access to LEVEL 2 benefits; a total of $1791 U.S.D in fees that we cover when you join this course on Udemy and graduate Level 2.WE COVER THE $995 U.S.D. RIGHT OF USE FEE: When you join this course on Udemy and stay enrolled (no refund), you have permission to use our Proprietary Accredited Business Coaching Session Guides to coach clients.WE COVER THE $199 U.S.D. ACCREDITATION FEE: Level 2 requires that you complete a mandatory Business Coaching Practicum which assesses your competency using our accredited proprietary session guides with real clients. We call this hands-on coaching fieldwork. We make this step-by-step easy to complete but submission is mandatory for Level 2 Graduation. This is what differentiates our program and sets our Graduates above the rest. While a quickie diploma or certification from having just simply watched videos is appealing and what some coaching courses on Udemy use as a marketing tool to get you to buy, this is not the solution to long-term success. If that is your goal and expectation, this professional coaching program is not for you.WE COVER THE $99 U.S.D. CERTIFICATION FEE: This is a one-time fee to create one individualized certificate of completion from Fearless Entrepreneur Academy that displays your certification designation verifying your completion of accreditation.WE COVER THE $199 U.S.D. COACH DIRECTORY LISTING FEE: This is a one-time listing one-time fee to add your first and last name to this niche specific career coach directory on Fearless Entrepreneur Academy.WE COVER THE $299 U.S.D ASSOCIATION FEE: This is a one-time membership fee to keep your certification current and valid.WE COVER $1791 U.S.D IN FEES WHEN YOU JOIN US ON UDEMY AND GRADUATE LEVEL 2Now you might be thinking this sounds too good to be true; whats the catch? or you might be saying Business Coaching Training like this should cost 5 thousand or more; why would such a valuable program be available on Udemy for such a low price? There is no catch just a vision, a purpose and a mission inspired by our Founder and your Instructor. Keep reading to meet her!WHY OUR LEVEL 2 GRADUATES EXCELJoining this course and completing Level 2 of the program requires effort but you can do this! We want you to stand-out and excel as a business coach but only you can do the work. We cant guarantee your success or that you will make money as a business coach. Only you are responsible for the effort you put in and the success you achieve. What we can guarantee is that we make it as simple and easy regardless of your current skill level and we are there to guide you every step of the way; however long that takes. We want you to be satisfied and if you are not, you can request a refund from Udemy within 30 days of purchase. Be sure to read Udemys terms for details.THE POWER OF BELIEFBut when you commit and stay enrolled in the course (no refund), you put into motion the power of belief. When you buy the course on Udemy, it is a one-time low-cost investment that will continue to pay dividends in countless ways for years to come. Level 2 is simple: in addition to staying enrolled in the course for longer than 35 days, you complete 100% of the coursework, complete 100% of the coaching practicum fieldwork and submit it for approval and we cover the $1791 U.S.D. fees that we normally charge on our website for Level 2 Graduation.Why do we do this? When you meet Louise, you will understand the purpose-driven passion that propels our mission! You may have already seen this before but it is worth a second, third or fourth read.MEET YOUR INSTRUCTOR LOUISE ANNE MAURICEIf you have never met me before, my name is Louise Anne Maurice; Louise for short. When being interviewed, I am always asked the question what have been the most important aspects of your 30+ year career; your university and specialized education, the impressive skills you developed working for companies and educational institutions or boot-strapping it to build your company from the ground-up? My response is always ALL OF IT because every experience has shaped who I am, my purpose and the reason I am a Coaching Training and Development Specialist today.LOUISE TALKS OVERCOMING CHALLENGESYou see, I was not handed life on a silver platter! I worked hard to achieve what I have; overcoming many challenges along the way. How did I do this? I developed, what I later termed, my Empowered Coach Approach; a revolutionary framework founded on empowerment, integrity and respect that leverages my DE Effect to accelerate and strengthen transformation. Using this approach, I was able to power-past blocks and obstacles so I could achieve my goals and experience my limitless potential. The thousands and thousands of people I have either coached, trained, consulted or taught over the past 30+ years have also benefited from my Empowered Coach Approach.LOUISE ANNE MAURICES MISSIONBut that is just scratching the surface! I see a world where everyone is overcoming their challenges and living their full potential. Can you imagine the positive impact? But I cant do it alone! My mission is to train millions of coaches world-wide to coach millions of people world-wide to live their full potential. How will I do this? I have teamed up with the Udemy E-Learning Platform to make my proprietary coaching training programs easily accessible to a global audience at an affordable price. As Director of Coaching Training and Coaching Courses Development for Fearless Entrepreneur Academy, I use my Empowered Coach Approach to develop purposeful, comprehensive and streamlined curriculum that shortens the learning curve for you to become a Professional World-Class Coach.WHAT IS YOUR MISSION?Purpose is powerful! Yes, you might be fired-up at the cost-savings bonus that I have made exclusively available on Udemy. Who doesnt love a deal! More importantly though, I hope youre fired-up at the prospect of being a part of making a positive difference in the world; I know I am! Are you ready to do something more meaningful with your life; something that makes an impact and leaves a lasting legacy with your name written all over it? Whatever your mission, you will find a community that is here to support your purpose.ARE YOU READY TO START MAKING A DIFFERENCE?I invite you to join and start living your purpose today! Simply click on the Buy now button to enroll in one course or click on the Add to cart button to enroll in all 11 courses of the Masters FECBC Business Coaching Program.I will see you in the first lecture. Copyright Louise Anne Maurice of Fearless Entrepreneur Academy"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |