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"C# Design patterns" |
"If you are not familiar with C# programming language basics and wants to become master of that or if you know basics of Design patterns and following questions disturb you like-What is Design Patterns?-How can i answer design patterns questions in interview?- How Many design patterns are there and where can i use it?- How can i compare one design pattern with other so that i can use it in my project requirement?Then this Course is answer of these questions plus lot more.In my career i have given number of interviews and also conducted many interviews and i know that Design pattern is a nightmare for the novice developers and even for the experienced people they struggle to understand about the actual architecture of the patterns and how to implement it in projects.This is the basic reason i am publishing this course on UDEMY. I am sure my students will like this course and this course will be helpful for them for their professional career."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Marketing For Freelancers: Get Clients With No Budget" |
"Are you a consultant or a freelancer?Do you have a limited or NO marketing budget?If you answered YES,this is the right course for you.Welcome to this ""Marketing For Freelancers - How To Get Clients With $0 Budget"" course. I built my social media freelance business without spending any money on marketing. In this course you will see all of my tactics and strategies.Here are the specific things you will learn in this courseHow to find clients without spending any money on marketingWhat type of emails are most effectiveHow to use platforms like craigslist, Fiverr, Upwork, Facebook and Twitter to grow your freelance businessHow to leverage the power of networking and referrals to find moreclientsIf you are just starting out, this course will help you find thefirstfew clients,If you already have clients, this course will help you grow your freelancingbusiness.This course does come with a 30day money back guarantee so there is nothing to lose.ENROLLNOW! and I will see you inside."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Realizacin de Series de Televisin." |
"En este curso te doy las claves para convertirte en un director de una serie de televisin.Aprenders el da a da de un realizador durante la produccin de una serie, conocers los problemas con los que se encuentra pero tambin te dir cmo solucionarlos.Cules son los requisitos?Tener unos conocimientos mnimos de la tcnica cinematogrfica.Ganas de aprender un mundo fascinante.Qu voy a aprender en este curso?A saber relacionarte con el Productor Ejecutivo y el resto de Directores de la SerieA conocer los tipos de series que se producen.A tener una visin global del proceso de produccin de una serieA planificar con dos o ms camaras.A crear una marca personal de ti mismo para conseguir futuros trabajos.La influencia de las audiencias en la creacin de una serieAdar ese toque personal para diferenciarte del resto de directores de la serieA quin est dirigido?A personas que quieran convertirse en directores de una serie y a desenvolverse dentro de esta.A gente que se dedica al audiovisual pero que quiere conocer cmo es el trabajo desde dentro de una serie de televisin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Most Essential Marketing Analytics, Metrics and KPIs" |
"If you have a business, then you need to know how it is doing. If you cannot measure things, you will not be able to make decisions that increase your revenue, or help you accomplish your goals.That's why in this course, you'll learn to measure calculate and understandthe most essential indicators or Key performance Indicators, that will tell you how your business, website, project, blog, online store is doing.There are thousands of KPIs or metrics in the Web Analytics world out there, but you only need to worry about a few, that actually apply for your business or website, so my main focus is to teach you the foundations, the concept, the formula and a good bunch of best practices and tips i've learned that will help you get the most out of each metric you'll learn.At the end of the course, you will know these KPIs or Metrics so well, thatYou will be able to decide which ones you'll want to measure for your website or company. Not only that,You will be able to choose your Web Analytics software based on the kind of information you need for your business.You will also know the best ways to deal with the data you're gathering and how to best use it when measuring specific KPIs.The course is split in a fewmajor sections:Website KPIse-Commerce KPIsSocial Media and Email MarketingKeep in mind that this is NOTa Google Analytics software course or any Analytics Software Course. This is a course where you will learn the KPIs from a strategical perspective, so you can design the best measuring strategy for your specific case.Google Analytics and other software courses are extremely overwhelming if you don't know the concepts first, so this course isthe must-have, must-learn foundational course you'll ever need to take for when you make the jump and choose your web analytics software later on.Take this course if:You don't want to know 100,535,678 KPIs but just the ones YOUACTUALLYNEED.You want to understand what to do to increase page views, time on site and reduce bounce ratesYou want to make people open and click your emailsYou want to have more likes, shares and people actually reading your blogYou want people playing your videosyou want people to make a purchase in your website, subscribe to your newsletter and download that PDFyou want people to buy your online course or book an appointment with youyou want to make better decisions and understand how your business is doing so that you can lead it to successDon't take this course if:You don't need to understand how your website or businessis doingYou have so many sales and revenue that you don't need to do anything elseif you havepeople pouring from many channels ( social media, blogs, ad campaigns, etc.. )that you don't need to increase your reach or engagement in social media.You know these KPIs and are actually actively measuring them through any Analytics software.All is done and explained invery easy to follow lectures, easy step by step instructions and with an exquisite 30 days money back guarantee. So there's nothing you can say to not start measuring, understanding your business performance and reaching your goals and success.Hit the button and i'll see you inside!Sincerely,Rodrigo Martinez Blanco"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"How To Kick Start Yelpocracy - A New Kind of Revolution." |
"The Yelpocracy is a way for all American people to participate in the process of finding the right solutions to our nation's biggest problems. Yelpocracy issimplya 1-5 Star Rating system to rate our favorite restaurants, hotels and local businesses. Why not use the same system to rate our candidates and their expensive, unpopularand ineffectivesolutions to problems that we are forced to endure, when there are usually much BEST-RATED IDEAScreated by ordinary citizens like you and me? DonaldTrump wants to build a wall, when that solves nothing. Wouldn't it be much better to merely require a JOB from everyone wanting to stay in this country? Hillary Clinton wants to increase FreeTrade with China, Japan and Mexico - stealing jobs from Americans. Wouldn't it be a TOP-RATED IDEA to just slap a 25% TAX on every imported item to keep jobs here? Only in a Yelpocracy will the people rule their own lives. Join the Yelopocracy Party -Help Kick Start the Yelpocracy - the world's FIRST REALDEMOCRACY using the power of the Internet - TODAY!The 1-5 Star Rating System is already known to you because most of us use it to pick the best restaurant or hotel for the evening based on the ratings that our peers have made during their visits to most local restaurants and hotels and even other businesses. Today, most business choose to be included in the Yelp Rating System because they consider themselves to be the very best or to give a great value to their customers. The question we are asking ourselves in this course - is how to get more out of the political system we call 'Democracy' in this country by using the familiar and robust technology of the Internet. This course is all about how and why we can and must use the most advanced and modern invention in the history of the world to save this country from its current slide into mediocrity at best and potential dissolution at worst."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Uber Religion - God Particles Reveal The Truth." |
"Antique and immature institutions have brought us to this point in history. Our species is at a cross-roads. We have the knowledge and the ability to arrange fora completely peaceful and life-sustaining planet or we also have the ability to destroy it all and force God to abandon us in disgust. The choice is ours to make and the information you need to make the right choice is right here - right now in front of you. The world we live in today is headed for complete Chaos, War, Economic Collapse, even the complete extinction of the Human Race and possibly even all life on this planet- you name it if it's bad and that's where we're headed. Yet, this courseauthor believes that this planet was given to us as part of a sacred trust - which we are not honoring very well at the moment. Today's majorReligions are antiquated and based upon campfire fables and stories and so are unable to meet the challenges of today and save ourselves from ourselves because God in all modern Religions is seen as something totally outside of ourselves. Modern Science is showing us on adaily litany of Discovery just how much God is really an integral part of us and everything else and not only that - Science is showing us the Way to an Over-Riding set of principles - an Uber Religion - an appreciation for God that has never been known before, but which is now proven by Scientific evidence and realfacts - the Laws of Physics. We are allcomposed out of God's particles. They combine in very predictable ways to create every moment of our lives in ways we cannot appreciate until we can recognize their patterns and wave interactions in our lives and then to work in harmony with the rest of our universe. Science is telling us that Religion can be something that unites, feeds us, sustains us and inspires us all to be the best we can be at all times, while also sustaining the planet so that all life and all lives can co-exist in ways that proves to God that we are worthy of all of his energy. From the Big Bang to our current time in history, the future of this world depends on what you do next. Do the right thing. Take this course - Help Spread THE WORD!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Rigging Course: Moho & Anime Studio" |
"+UPDATE: 02-07-2017Added 5 new lectures to the advanced section covering body turns+UPDATE: 12-29-2016+UPDATE: 11-27-2016+UPDATE:11-16-2016+UPDATE: 11-11-2016- COURSEISLIVEComplete Rigging Course: Moho & Anime Studio==========================================================Stop wasting time trying to figure this stuff out ONYOUROWN!!!I have been there and done that. You want to know how long it took me? 3 Years.Learn how rigging and binding works in 1-2 hours. That's it. Trust me. The rest is practice and application. I have broken down the tools, binding and their methods, and how to rig as clearly as I possibly could. In fact, my wife, who has no experience in Moho what so ever, was my first student. She was able to understand perfectly clear everything that I was teaching. If she didn't, I would go back and re record the whole lecture.See what my students say:""Now my headaches are gone! Thanks. It is easy to follow because it is clear as water.""""This is the first course that has allowed me to feel some hope for success in rigging""""I have no experience in Animation and this course is been helping me so much, Thank you!""Take what you learn, apply it, and start doing what you really want to do, ANIMATION========================What is this course about?========================This course is for those who havecreated a character in Anime Studio/ Moho or any other drawing softwareand want to take it to the next level byrigging it. Take your character design and give it aprofessional rigusing thetechniquesandtoolstaught here.Rigging for those who do not understand the tools and how to use them in Anime Studio/Mohocan be a struggle. If you however do have some knowledge of rigging we will take you to the next level and teach you all you can to unlock the potential of your rig. Anime Studio/ Mohomakes it as easy as humanly possible to rig your character. The rigging tools are simple andunlike anything else out there. Once you master their tools, it's a matter of playing it smart and tweaking a couple things here and there to give yourself a ready to animate rig.IT IS THAT SIMPLE.=======================What material is included?=======================This course like my others is a no fluff, straight to the core, course. In it I dive right in to actually using the tools Anime Studio/Mohooffers to rig our characters. Each character I rig is free for you to use and already included in Moho 12. This course will cover everything from Anime Studio 9.5 to Moho 12.=======================Why take this course?=======================In this course I will walk you through step-by-step how to rig and organize a character ready for animation. These lectures are gold for those who have had trouble in the past with their 2D rig but even more so as we continue to update, these lectures will give you the experience in character rigging you have been missing!=======================Is this course right for me?=======================This course might not be right for you if you are already a well equipped Animator with a full knowledge of rigging. But even if you are comfortable at rigging you can still learn how we make ready to animate characters that utilize Anime Studio/ Moho to its full extent.I hope you will join us in the ever increasing world of character rigging!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"What You Should Know to Become a Trader" |
"If you want to become a trader and make trading your profession or just earn some extra money, but dont know what to start with, this course is especially for you. This course is about trading and I focused on 3 different markets: Forex, Stock Market and Commodities.In this course I teach you what you should know before you may become a trader. I teach the basis. I believe nowadays its absolutely impossible to trade successfully without that knowledge.After passing this course, you would be able to analyze the market using both technical and fundamental analysis. I cant promise you that after finishing this course you become a successful trader automatically but it will be your first step to successful trading career.I believe you will take advantage of trading binary options and it will help you to make profits.Take this course now and learn from my 12+ years of experience.This course is for beginners as well as for advanced traders! All you need is just your aspiration to learn!With this course you also get:unlimited lifetime access at no extra costsall future additional lectures,live trading examplesnever any questions askedfull 30 day money-back-in-full guaranteeDo not hesitate to ask me any questions concerning this course or trading financial markets!Viktor"
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Chess Strategies: How To Play Rook Endgames" |
"This course is aboutrook endgames. At least 50% of all endings are rook endgames. If you know how to play, what plan to apply, you will increase your chances to win the game.This course consists of 6 sections. The first one is devoted to the Philidor and Lucena positions and in other I cover different motifs, which you can apply when you play rook endgame.These motifs are: Occupying the 7thrank Using an open file or rank How to play with or against passed pawns How to use rook activity How to use pawn weaknessesI designed this course for beginners and club players with FIDE rating from 1200 to 2000. But if you dont have FIDE rating, this is not a problem and it shouldnt stop you from taking this course. This course will also help you to improve your calculating skills.After finishing this course, you may become an expert at rook endings and win more games even if position is equal.With this course you also get:unlimited lifetime access at no extra costsall future additional lectures,game examplesnever any questions askedfull 30 day money-back-in-full guaranteeSincerely,Viktor"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"10 projetos de iBeacon - IoT (Internet of Things)" |
"Curso de iBeacon - IoT - Internet of Things (Internet das coisas)So 10 projetos com os fontes. Voc vai conhecer os iBeacons usados no curso (Estimote e EM). ensinado como fazer para criar APPs para Android e iOS (Iphone, IPad) usando o Delphi.Veja o que voc ir aprender:Criar App que consegue identificar os Beacons ao seu redorVeja como fazer para interagir o seu aparelho smartphone com os iBeaconsVeja como fazer para receber mensagens no celular da sua localizaoVoc vai aprender como fazer para mostrar a distncia que voc se encontra de um determinado iBeacon (local)No somente a distncia, mas tambm como usar os recursos de ProximidadeAo se aproximar de um iBeacon, voc vai aprender como fazer para que o celular receba notificaesAprenda como trabalhar com os iBeacons de forma individual (como se fosse setores separados de uma empresa, shopping, hospital etc), e tambm como trabalhar com eles de forma conjunta (Regio), ou seja, todos atuando como se fosse um nico ambiente, como se uma pessoa entrou ou saiu da empresa como um todo, e e no de um setor da mesma.Na maioria dos exemplos foi ensinado como criar APPs usando o componente tBeacon, que facilita muita a sua vida, mas tambm como fazer para criar o APP totalmente no brao (na unha), sem o uso do componenteAprenda como fazer para que o local onde possui um iBeacon no apenas saiba que um aparelho entrou no seu raio de atuao, mas tambm como identificar qual o celular (cdigo nico do celular)Alm de capturar o codigo nico do celular, tambm foi mostrado como fazer para fazer uma busca no banco de dados PostgreSQL (usando o servidor de aplicao DataSnap) desse cdigo, caso existe um cdigo no banco, retorna do qual o usuario que entrou ou saiu do local, mas se o cdigo no existir, foi ensinado como fazer par que o usurio entre com o seu nome, e ento gravado no banco de dados tanto o cdigo do celular como o nome da pessoa (dono do celular). Desta forma, da prxima vez que o usurio entrar ou sair de algum local, a empresa saber o nome do usurio, podendo gerar relatrios e estatsticas incrveis.Foi mostrado passo a passo a criar os APPs e tambm como fazer o deploy para os celulares Android e Iphone, para que os alunos pudessem de fato ver que os que foi ensinado funciona nos dispositivos.Pr-requisitos:Ter bom conhecimento em Delphi ou ter assistido esse curso que eu criei: Delphi iOS Android (Curso I): Crie aplicativos para iOS e Android de uma forma muito simples, fcil e rpido usando DataSnap, LiveBings e FireDAC.Segue abaixo o cronograma e imagem das aulas:aula 6805 IoT IBeacon - Introducao ao curso de iBeacon com Delphi para iOS e Androidaula 6806 IoT IBeacon - Criando projeto e introducao ao TBeaconaula 6807 IoT IBeacon - Android Testando iBeacon eventos Enter Exit mostrando na telaaula 6808 IoT IBeacon - Iphone Configurando Mac Bundle ID Provisioning para App Storeaula 6809 IoT IBeacon - Testando iBeacon no Iphoneaula 6810 IoT IBeacon - GUID Minor Major RSSI Distance CurrentBeaconListaula 6811 IoT IBeacon - Parar Iniciar Limpar Beaconaula 6812 IoT IBeacon - Menu Principal e formulario para identificacao do iBeaconaula 6813 IoT IBeacon - Identificacao do local atraves do Minor e Majoraula 6814 IoT IBeacon - Identificacao de 3 locais ambientes com iBeacons Minor Majoraula 6815 IoT IBeacon - Video celular caminhando pelos ambientesaula 6816 IoT IBeacon - Notificacao para informar localizacaoaula 6817 IoT IBeacon - Mais Notificacao para informar localizacaoaula 6818 IoT IBeacon - FMLocalNotificationPermission true Notificacao no iOS Iphoneaula 6819 IoT IBeacon - Testando notificacao de localizacao no celular real.MOVaula 6820 IoT IBeacon - IMEI capturar codigo unico do celular Android e iOSaula 6821 IoT IBeacon - IMEI JTelephonyManager UIDevice Iphone e Androidaula 6822 IoT IBeacon - integrando iBeacon com IMEI do device iOS e Androidaula 6823 IoT IBeacon - distancia com timer para atualizar a cada segundoaula 6824 IoT IBeacon - TBeaconProximity Immediate Near Far distanciasaula 6825 IoT IBeacon - OnCalcDistance e calibraraula 6826 IoT IBeacon - Entrando e saindo de Regioes varios iBeaconsaula 6827 IoT IBeacon - Video testando no celular sobre regiaoaula 6828 IoT IBeacon - Recebendo iBeacon EM do Newton instalandoaula 6829 IoT IBeacon - Testando no celular iBeacon EMaula 6830 IoT IBeacon - criando beacon manualmente no braco sem componente TBeaconaula 6831 IoT IBeacon - TBeaconManager manulamnete e testando no celularaula 6832 IoT IBeacon - PostgreSQL iniciando identificacao do celular pelo nome do usuarioaula 6833 IoT IBeacon - criando DataSnap Server servidor de aplicacaoaula 6834 IoT IBeacon - DBXSQLConnection DataSnap Client para usuariosaula 6835 IoT IBeacon - ClientDataSet Usuarios Locate Localizar usuario do Celularaula 6836 IoT IBeacon - Testando no celular a identificacao do nome do usarioaula 6837 IoT IBeacon - InputQuery caixa dialogo para inserir usuario nao cadastradoaula 6838 IoT IBeacon - Gravando no banco o usuario do celular e testandoaula 6839 IoT IBeacon - personalizando codigo para mostrar dados na telaaula 6840 IoT IBeacon - testando no iOS iphone nome do usuarioaula 6841 IoT IBeacon - registrando mais um device iOS iPhone e testandoaula 6842 IoT IBeacon - Encerramento do curso de iBeacon"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Curso de iBeacon para Eventos" |
"Curso de iBeacon para EventosVeja como criar um APP do zero para usar em eventos usando iBeacon pararegistrar a presena da pessoa (palestras etc) para saber quem foi ao evento. Esse sistema ser muito til para palestrantese todas as instituies de ensino que organizam eventos (palestras, conferncias etc). Voc vai aprender no s a criar mastambm como publicar nos celulares Android/Iphone e no Google Play/Play Store.Saiba como funciona:Ao baixar e executar o aplicativo, imediatamente o App pede para voc inserir o seu nome e o seu email. Essas informaes so ento gravadas na memria do celular/smartphone, e se o aparelho estiver conectado internet, imediatamente tambm armazenado em um servidor web. importante saber que cada aparelho possui um cdigo nico (como nosso nmero do cpf), e esse cdigo ficar atrelado ao nome registrado. Se a pessoa baixou o aplicativo no mesmo local onde est ocorrendo a palestra, imediatamente os iBeacons instalados no local do evento iro detectar e registrar a participao dessa pessoa no evento, pois ir identificar o cdigo do celular e buscar no banco de dados quem o usurio desse aparelho. Caso a pessoa tenha baixado o App anteriormente ao evento, necessrio quando chegar ao evento, executar esse Aplicativo para que seja registrada a sua participao.O registro da presena da pessoa no evento ficar armazenado apenas no prprio aparelho, at que o mesmo se conecte internet,da esse registro enviado para o servidor online. A pessoa recebe uma notificao ao chegar no evento.Notificaoes:Veja como implementar notificaes quando a pessoa chega no evento. Essa uma tela real de um celular com Android em queaochegar no evento, o Ibeacon identifica que o celular acessou a rea e dispara uma notificao para cada celular. Tudo issovoc vaiaprender nesse curso.Voc ter um um sistema desktop:Sistema desktop para visualizar, pesquisar e efetuar manuteno dos dados das pessoas que se cadastraram atravs do aplicativoe estiveram no evento.Para criar esse sistema foi usado:Delphi 10 SeattleLiveBindingsSQLite para localPostgreSQL para onlineDataSnapAmazonPr-requisito:Ter bom conhecimento em Delphi, Desenv. Mobile e iBeacon. Ou ter meus cursos de Delphi, IBeacon e Desenv Mobile.Depois que voc implementar o que foi ensinado nesse curso, poder evoluir o sistema para adicionar coisas como:Emisso de certificados automaticamenteSorteio para todos os que foram ao evento (ou somente para quem ainda se encontra no evento)Saber entrou, quem j saiu, quem ainda estSe o evento for muito grande (vrias salas), poder criar um sistema de mapas para saber em que sala uma pessoa se encontraSaber quanto tempo uma pessoa ficou no eventoCapturar dados como email (enviar mala direta)Gerar estatsticas (quantos foram, tempo mdio de permanncia, nmero de pessoas no incio e no fim)"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Deploy para Android e iPhone, App Store Google Play" |
"Curso Deploy TotalVeja comofazer deploy (publicao) para o seu dispositivo Android e iOS (IPad/IPhone), bem comopublicar para o Google Play e App Store.De agora em diante todos conseguiro testar seus aplicativos no Android e no iOS, bem como publicar eles paraque todos possam baixar e usar.Veja o cronograma completo abaixo das aulas:aula 6926 Deploy Devices e Google Play e Apple Store - Criando projeto e testando celular Androidaula 6927 Deploy Devices e Google Play e Apple Store - KeyStore chave Androidaula 6928 Deploy Devices e Google Play e Apple Store - criar conta Google Play e enviar APKaula 6929 Deploy Devices e Google Play e Apple Store - imagens do App no Google Playaula 6930 Deploy Devices e Google Play e Apple Store - Finalizando e enviando App para Google Playaula 6931 Deploy Devices e Google Play e Apple Store - Correcao imagens App enviado para Google Playaula 6932 Deploy Devices e Google Play e Apple Store - Developer apple register e MacBookaula 6933 Deploy Devices e Google Play e Apple Store - VNC Paserver Connection Profileaula 6934 Deploy Devices e Google Play e Apple Store - criando certificado e acesso a chaves KeyAccessaula 6935 Deploy Devices e Google Play e Apple Store - Identifiers App ID CFBundleIdentifieraula 6936 Deploy Devices e Google Play e Apple Store - Devices Registrando dispsitivos Xcode Itunesaula 6937 Deploy Devices e Google Play e Apple Store - Provisioning Files e Deploy para Iphoneaula 6938 Deploy Devices e Google Play e Apple Store - Certificates e Provisioning Distributionaula 6939 Deploy Devices e Google Play e Apple Store - erro no suitable application records were foundaula 6940 Deploy Devices e Google Play e Apple Store - ItunesConnect envio Application Loaderaula 6941 Deploy Devices e Google Play e Apple Store - Imagens e finalizando envio para AppStoreBonificaes:Alm das aulas acima citadas, voc ter mais 30 videoaulasrelacionadas a Deploy que ensinei em outros cursos e podem servir como complemento para esse curso.Pr-requisito: Saber criar App com Delphi (veja meus 2 cursos de Mobile iOS e Android com Delphi)"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Hands-On Hadoop - Tame your Big Data!" |
"The world ofHadoop and ""BigData"" can be intimidating - hundreds of different technologies with cryptic names form the Hadoop ecosystem. With this Hadoop tutorial, you'll not only understand what those systems are and how they fit together - but you'll go hands-on and learn how to use them to solve real business problems!Learn and master the most popular big data technologies in this comprehensive course, taught by a former engineer and senior manager from Amazon and IMDb. We'll go way beyond Hadoop itself, and dive into all sorts of distributed systems you may need to integrate with.Install and work with a real Hadoop installation right on your desktop with Hortonworks (now part of Cloudera) andthe Ambari UIManage big data on a cluster with HDFS andMapReduceWrite programs to analyze data on Hadoop with Pig and SparkStore and query your data with Sqoop, Hive, MySQL, HBase, Cassandra, MongoDB, Drill, Phoenix, andPrestoDesign real-world systems using the Hadoop ecosystemLearn how your cluster is managed with YARN, Mesos, Zookeeper, Oozie, Zeppelin, and HueHandle streaming data in real time with Kafka, Flume, Spark Streaming, Flink,and StormUnderstanding Hadoop is a highly valuable skill for anyone working at companies with large amounts of data.Almost every large company you might want to work at uses Hadoop in some way, including Amazon, Ebay, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, IBM, Spotify, Twitter, and Yahoo! And it's not just technology companies that need Hadoop; even the New YorkTimes uses Hadoop for processing images.This course is comprehensive, covering over 25 different technologies in over 14hours of video lectures. It's filled with hands-on activities and exercises, so you get some real experience in using Hadoop - it's not just theory.You'll find a range of activities in this course for people at every level. If you're a project manager who just wants to learn the buzzwords, there are web UI's for many of the activities in the course that require no programming knowledge. If you're comfortable with command lines, we'll show you how to work with them too. And if you're a programmer, I'll challenge you with writing real scripts on a Hadoop system using Scala, PigLatin, and Python.You'll walk away from this course with a real, deep understanding of Hadoop and its associated distributed systems, and you can apply Hadoop to real-world problems. Plus a valuable completion certificate is waiting for you at the end!Please note the focus on this course is on application development, not Hadoop administration. Although you will pick up some administration skills along the way.Knowing how to wrangle ""big data"" is an incredibly valuable skill for today's top tech employers.Don't be left behind - enroll now!""The Ultimate Hands-On Hadoop... was a crucial discovery for me. I supplemented your course with a bunch of literature and conferences until I managed to land an interview. I can proudly say that I landed a job as a Big Data Engineer around a year after I started your course. Thanks so much for all the great content you have generated and the crystal clear explanations. "" - Aldo Serrano""I honestly wouldnt be where I am now without this course. Frank makes the complex simple by helping you through the process every step of the way. Highly recommended and worth your time especially the Spark environment. This course helped me achieve a far greater understanding of the environment and its capabilities. Frank makes the complex simple by helping you through the process every step of the way. Highly recommended and worth your time especially the Spark environment."" -Tyler Buck"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Crea tu propio Pokemon Go para iOS" |
"En estecurso, Pokemon Go con Swift 3 es el protagonista. En es utilizaremos aspectos medios y avanzados de Swift 3 para crear el fantstico Pokemon Go que tanto lo est petando.Yo mismo,Juan Gabriel Gomila, soy matemtico, y en el mundo de la programacin de apps, me he formado de formaautodidacta, as que s lo que se siente al comenzar desde cero en este mundillo. Mi objetivo fundamental es que vosotros, futuros estudiantes aprendis con garantas de xito. Si no me crees, chale un vistazo al resto de miscursosy observa qu opinan los estudiantes de los mismos. Su palabra vale ms que cualquier justificacin que te quiera dar yo mismo.Swift se convirti en un lenguajeOpen Sourceen diciembre de 2015 por lo que ahora podrs hacer tus propias apps y seguir este curso tanto en Mac, como en Windows como en Linux!Swift, un lenguaje moderno evolucionado a partir de Objective-CSwift es un lenguaje de programacin multi-paradigma desarrollado por Apple para su uso con iOS y OS X. Diseado para reemplazar Objective C, se inici el proyecto Swift en 2010 y la primera aplicacin mvil se estren en junio de 2014 a la Conferencia Mundial de Desarrolladores. A pesar de su objetivo de reemplazar Objective C, Swift es capaz de trabajar junto con el lenguaje Objective-C ms anticuado durante el uso de los frameworks de Cocoa Touch y Foundation.Swift se construye con el compilador LLVM incluido desdeXcode 6 beta, y utiliza el tiempo de ejecucin de Objective-C, lo que permite utilizarObjective-C, Objective-C ++ y Swift para funcionar dentro de un mismo programa. Durante su debut, Swift fue descrito como ""Objective C sin la C"" por el Vicepresidentede Ingeniera de SoftwareCraig Federighide Apple.Contenido e Informacin generalEn este curso, se teconducir a travs de la creacin de un clon de Pokemon Go, empezando por el mapa, los Pokemons, bases de datos para albergar la informacin, fase de batalla con SpriteKit y fsica de videojuegos, e incluso aspectos avanzados de configuracin y Game Design para que puedas hacer tu versin particular de Pokemon Go!!El curso est diseado para llevar tus habilidades de Swift al ms all y crear tu propio Pokemon Go.. Al finalizar, dominars aspectos avanzados decdigo Swift y ser capaz de desarrollar diversasaplicaciones personalizadas tanto a nivel visual como de programacin.El material del curso se actualiza peridicamente para incluir todas las actualizaciones ms recientes e informacin. No olvides que solo por registrarte tienes accesode por vidaal curso, lo cual te da motivos ms que de sobra para venir de vez en cuando y ver qu hay de nuevo en Swift.As que no esperes ms yHazte con todos!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a crea tus propias apps para Android N desde cero" |
"Hasodo quelos desarrolladores de aplicaciones Android estn muy demandados, pero tal vez no sabes ni por donde empezar a hacer tus propias apps.Tal vez has buscado para encontrar un curso que slo muestra cmo construir aplicaciones paso a paso, pero que en realidad le falta por explicar por qu se hacen las cosas de una determinada manera. A lo mejor ya estsbuscando un curso que realmente tepuede ensear desde cero pero por otro lado te convierta en un autnticodesarrollador de aplicaciones Android.O tal vez necesitasentender cmo hacer aplicaciones tanto para la versin actual de Android (Nougat), sino que tambin tienesla necesidad de cubrircon los dispositivosmsviejos dispositivosde Android con versiones ms antiguas del sistema operativo Android?Entonces este es el curso es sin duda para ti!En este curso, descubrirs el poder del desarrollo de appspara Android, y adquirirs habilidades para aumentar drsticamente tusperspectivas profesionalescomo desarrollador de apps y software.Entre otras, aprendersa:Desarrollar aplicaciones para la ltima versin de Android 7, nougat,que tambin funcionenen los dispositivos Android ms antiguos con versiones ms antiguas del sistema operativo AndroidDescargar, instalar y configurar el software necesario (que es totalmente gratuito)Creacin de la primera aplicacinConstruir una gama de aplicaciones que demuestran los aspectos clave del framework bsicode AndroidPruebatus aplicaciones en el emuladoro un telfono o tablet Android de verdadAprender a programar en Java gracias a los videos tutoriales de JavaEl uso estudio Android Studio 2.2, la ltima versin de la herramienta de desarrollo para Androidde GoogleComprender el nuevo diseo de restricciones, de ""arrastrar y soltar"" para lacreacin de pantallasUtilizar las bibliotecas de gran alcance del cdigo para reproducir vdeos, descargar datos del sitio web, manipular imgenes, y mucho ms!Convertirte en experto ms rpido con la combinacin de cursos de vdeo, diapositivas y esquemas, todos ellos diseados para ensearte todo lo que necesita saber.Ampliar tus conocimientos con los retos y ejercicios en el curso que estn diseados para ayudar realmente a ser un mejor programador (con las soluciones includas).Obtener una ventaja sobre otros desarrolladores quesiguen utilizando herramientas obsoletas como Eclipse olas versiones previasde AndroidAprender no slo cmo programar, pero aprender tambinel ""por qu"". Por qu sehacenlas cosas de una manera determinada, por qu recibimos esta respuesta y no la otraetc.?Y durante todo el curso, se obtendr una educacin fantstica en el mundo del desarrollo de aplicaciones para Android, y la ltima versin de Android 7 Nougat- a partir del instructor en espaol Juan Gabriel Gomila, uno de los ms experimentados en la materia y mejor valorados en Udemy.Qu hay de actualizaciones y soporte?Mis otros cursos obtienen actualizaciones continuas y apoyo y soporte en los foros (mira lo que los propios alumnos dicen de ellos), y esto por supuesto no es una excepcin.El propio profesor del curso respondea las preguntas todos los das en el rea de preguntas y respuestas del curso, por lo que nunca estars dejadopor tu propiacuenta.Entonces, ests listo para empezar? Inscrbete ahora y comenzamos nuestroviaje para convertirnosen un desarrollador de aplicaciones Android actualizado."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Crea videojuegos profesionales en Unity 5: de cero a experto" |
"Los videojuegos son un fenmeno cultural que ha cautivado, entretenidos, y movido amiles de millones de personas en todo el mundo durante los ltimos cincuenta aos. Como industria y fenmeno, los videojuegos son un lugar emocionante para la creacin, tanto para el desarrollador como parael artista. En estos papeles su visin, las ideas y el trabajo pueden influir en un pblico amplio, dando forma y cambiando de generacin en generacin en una forma sin precedentes. En tiempos ms recientes, ha habido un movimiento general hacia la democratizacin de desarrollo de juegos, por lo que el proceso de desarrollo se ha simplificado, es ms suave y ms accesible a un pblico ms amplio, incluyendo a los desarrolladores que trabajan desde casa tal vez con un presupuesto muy limitado.Vital ha sidoen este movimientoel motor de Unity, que constituye el objeto principal de este curso. El motor deUnity es un programa informtico que trabaja con su flujo de assetsexistente (por ejemplo, software de modelado 3D, texturas, modelos, animaciones) y que est destinado a la compilacin de videojuegos que funcionan a la perfeccin a travs de mltiples plataformas y dispositivos, incluyendo Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS y Windows Phone. En Unity, los desarrolladores importar assets ya hechos (tales como la msica, texturas y modelos 3D), y se juntan en un todo coherente, formando un mundo de juego que funciona mediante una lgica unificada. Sin duda alguna, Unity es un programa increble.La ltima versin es gratuita para la mayora de las personas tanto paradescargar como parausar, y funciona bien con muchos otros programas, incluyendo el software libre como GIMP y Blender. Este curso se centra en el motor de videojuegos Unityy la forma en que se puede utilizar en un contexto prctico para hacer juegos jugables y divertidos. No se necesita ningn conocimiento previo de Unity, aunque algunos conocimientos de programacin y secuencias de comandos (como los que vemos en la introduccin aC #, un curso lanzado aqu mismo en Udemy) sera beneficioso."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin al desarrollo de apps para Android con JB" |
"Qu es Android?La evolucin de la tecnologa va a paso veloz, Android es de las tecnologas que esta alcanzado a todos por el simple motivo de que se encuentra en los mviles. Android es un sistema operativo basado en Linux. La diferencia principal es que tiene mdulos que responden a la pantalla tctil, eventos nativos del mvil. Se desarroll por una compaa llamada Android, Inc. En 2005 Google adquiere la empresa para seguir trabajando en el mismo proyecto que despus conociera la luz como un S.O. para mviles denominado finalmente como Android.Android tiene una caracterstica peculiar: las versiones tienen nombre de postres en ingls y cada versin que cambia, contina de forma incremental en el alfabeto, es decir que si el primer nombre inicio con A, el siguiente con B, el siguiente C y as sucesivamente; ya veremos que sucede cuando lleguen a la Z.Hasta el da de hoy, que lanzamos este curso, Android ha sacado versiones hasta la N.Que vamos a aprender en este curso?Este curso est orientado a programadores de Java. Si no lo has hecho o no tienes conocimientos de Java, te propondr durante el curso otro de mis cursos online con los fundamentos bsicos de la programacin en Java para que empieces a la altura.En sus contenidos hemos condensado los temas ms importantes de la programacin de Android. Aportaremos a los asistentes la base suficiente para que empiecen a programar de forma autnoma y puedan profundizar en todos los aspectos de la plataforma. Para ello realizaremos explicaciones tericas (todas ellas con vdeos grabados en clase) y plantearemos ejercicios cortos que ilustrarn los aspectos estudiados.Entre otras este curso cubre los siguientes temasIntroduccin a AndroidInterfaz de usuarioGrficos avanzadosMultimediaFicheros y acceso a datosServicios de redServicios avanzadosGrficos y primitivasUn proyecto final: cmo hacer un buscaminasSubir y vender la app en la Google Play StoreAl finalizar el curso, habrs dado un repaso, como lo daras conmigo en clase pero todo online, desde tu casa y a tu ritmo. Recuerda que la plataforma pone a tu disposicin 30 das de garanta de devolucin, por tanto si el ritmo de clase no te gusta o consideras que este curso no es para ti, solamente tienes que solicitar la devolucin del dinero.Nos vemos en clase!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Unternehmensgrndung Leicht Gemacht - Der komplette Kurs!" |
"Wrdest du gerne ein Gewerbe starten und deine eigenen Produkte oder Dienstleistungen anbieten? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das richtige fr dich. In diesem Unternehmensgrndung Leicht Gemacht Kurs lernst du, wie du ein Gewerbe startest, eine profitable Geschftsidee findest, Produkte und Dienstleistungen entwickelst, diese vermarktest und skalierst. Wir werden uns in diesem Kurs mit folgenden Themen beschftigen: Mindset: Wie denkt ein erfolgreicher Unternehmer und worauf achtet ein Unternehmer in seinem Leben? In diesem Teil des Kurses mchte ich dir einen Einblick in das Mindset vieler erfolgreicher Unternehmer geben. Finanzielle Infrastruktur aufbauen: Eine finanzielle Infrastruktur hilft dir dabei dich unabhngig zu machen. Du bist auf keine online Plattform mehr angewiesen, sondern kannst dein komplettes Unternehmen kontrollieren. Warum solch eine finanzielle Infrastruktur so wichtig ist und wie man sie aufbaut, mchte ich dir in diesem Teil des Kurses zeigen. Grndungsteam und Grndungsidee: Meist startet man Unternehmen mit Bekannten oder Freunden. In diesem Kapitel mchte ich dir einige Tipps dazu geben den richtigen Grndungspartner zu finden. Wir lernen auerdem wie man eine profitable Geschftsidee entwickelt. Produktentwicklung & Pitching: Wir entwickeln zusammen in diesem Kurs ein Produkt. Ich zeige dir Schritt fr Schritt wie du es planst, umsetzt und pitchst. Und du lernst, auf welche Faktoren Investmentkapitalgeber schauen. Marketing: Am Ende vom Kurs lernen wir dann noch wie du deine Produkte vermarkten kannst und eine eigene Marke aufbaust.Worauf wartest du also noch? Schreibe dich noch heute in diesen Kurs ein.Ich freue mich auf dich.Beste Gre, Leon Chaudhari - Dozent -"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Data Visualization on the Browser with Python and Bokeh" |
"If you love Python and want to impress your clientsor youremployerwith impressivedata visualization on the browser, Bokeh is the way to go. This course is a complete guide to mastering Bokeh which is a Pythonlibraryforbuildingadvanced and moderndata visualization web applications. The course will guide you step by step starting from plotting simple datasets to building rich and beautiful data visualization web apps that plot data inreal time and allow web users to interact and change the behavior of your plots via internetfrom their browsers.Bokeh is a brand new data sciencelibrary that is gaining traction fast so it's smart to be ahead of the competition and packthe skills in your portfolio.Whether you are a data analyst, data scientist, statistician or any other specialistin the data industry this courseis perfect for you as it will give you the skills to visualizedata in a way thatexcitesyour audienceandeventuallysells your product or your ideamuch easier. All you need to have to learn Bokehis some basic priorknowledge of Python.The course also contains exercises tohelp you check your skills as you progress. You will be given access to various data samples and will be provided with additional examples to enforce your Bokeh skills. The course is estimated to take you aroundfour weeks to completeassuming you devote a 10-20hour /weekdepending on your productivity skills. You also get daily instructor support in the student forum inside the course which guarantees your success."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Herbalism :: Introduction & Medicine Making Certificate" |
"CURIOUS ABOUT HERBAL MEDICINE?Start making your first herbal remedy from day one. It is easier than you think!No matter where in the world you live, you have easy access to valuable medicinal plants. Over 28,000 students have greatly benefited this course. For beginners, the course has been life changing. For those who already have some experience, it has filled in the gaps. Imagine everything you need to get started in one place!Heres what students have to say: ""Wonderful course that is taught by an experienced herbalist. This is THE place to start when you want to be a herbalist."" Tessa H ""Very good information that I have not been able to find anywhere else. Very easy to understand. Carolyn E ""It helps to see the instructor really performing the tasks - a picture (or video here) is worth a thousand words. There are many helpful details that would not even occur to me to ask about. The Q&A section works great! I am immediately putting the new knowledge to practice, referring back to the lessons for details. Thank you!"" Zdenka D ""This was an excellent beginner course for me! It provided a gold mine of information without feeling overwhelming. I greatly enjoyed the course. I enjoyed how the sections where clearly laid out making them easy to follow. Kodili C ""I have been wanting to learn herbs for a long time but have always felt intimidated. This course was so awesome. It gave me courage and I learned more from her in this one class than I have from anyone else. Cindy BThere is a growing movement in herbalism. You can be a part of it. You will gain better health by knowing which plants to use and how to use them. You will be more self-reliant without the need for many pharmaceuticals. You will take a central role in your wellbeing as well as those you love. You will never find better quality herbal medicine than what you make yourself.By the end of the course you will feel confident in using plant medicines. You will not only understand which plants to use, but why they work in the way they do. With step-by-step instruction, there are no worries about being overwhelmed. You will also be able to refer back to the course material any time you like.Your instructor, Elizabeth Heck has 25 years of experience in working with plant medicines. She is by far, Udemys most qualified herbal instructor. Rest assured, youre in good hands. With an extensive teaching background, she knows how to guide you through your herbal learning journey with ease. Even better, she is there for you throughout the course to answer any of your questions. Thats incredible value!Plants provide some of our most valuable medicine Herbs are readily available to everyone, whether you grow, harvest or purchase them. Herbs can be helpful for specific diseases, prevention, energy and vitality. Herbs can support other forms of medicine and ways of healing. Herbal medicines are easy and inexpensive to make as well as easy to use. Herbs are very effective and safe with good instruction.Plants have been successfully used as medicine throughout history. Currently, the World Health Organization states that more than 80% of people on earth use herbs as their primary form of medicine.Discover this important mode of healing and learn how you can incorporate herbs into your life for optimum health.Heres what youll get from the course: Practical understanding of what herbalism is and how it works. Know how to make tinctures, teas, oils, salves, honeys, syrups, compresses and poultices. Details of over 20 of the most commonly used medicinal herbs. A necessary foundation if you decide to move forward with an herbal career.Why is this course not Accredited?Nearly every online course (unless it is a large university) that claims to be accredited, actually is not. These are simply fake accreditations from real-looking websites used as a marketing scam in order to sell more courses. Elizabeth, as with any experienced herbalist, teaches with ethics and integrity and absolutely will not be deceitful for marketing sake. Rather, her students are sincerely respected and honored. Therefore none of her courses claim to be accredited.More of what students have to say: I have always enjoyed making home remedies and seeing the effects of them on my family, and now that Ive learned the different medicinal purposes for a few herbs and treatments here and how to use them in their proper context I can move on to helping my family feel and live better even the more. Thank you for the opportunity to learn with you Mrs Heck I enjoyed every moment of the class and felt like I was sitting in your kitchen and walking through your garden with you. For me that would be a sheer delight. Kindest regards Jaazer ""I found Elizabeth Heck to be very engaging and informative with this course. As someone who has experimented with herbal remedies, I felt that I have learned even more through her instruction. With her step-by-step demonstration on how to create different tinctures, oils, salves, etc. I have found it to be an improvement rather than stumbling around my kitchen trying to figure it out myself. I highly recommend her course and am looking forward to enrolling in more taught by Elizabeth Heck. Jodi C ""I loved this course. It really validated the interest I have in herbalism. After completing this course, I am now more than ever interested in becoming a herbalist. Thank you for this course. Anna SYou have lifetime access to the course so you can take as long or short as you wish to go through the material. You can replay the videos at anytime using the course as an ongoing reference. You also have a 30 day money back guarantee.BE SURE TO ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Natural Products Entrepreneurship: Herbalism, Skincare, Spa+" |
"DO YOU DREAM OF YOUR OWN NATURAL PRODUCTS COMPANY?You can be your own boss in a high profit home business. This invaluable course will take you step-by-step on how to make it happen. You will be able to get up and running fast. The course will save you countless hours of research, trial and error, time and frustration. Ill help you avoid the mistakes and move forward with confidence. Here is what students have to say about the course: ""So far, this course has greatly exceeded my expectations!"" Karen M ""As an entrepreneur currently working this process, I wish I would have watched this FIRST! Excellent, free resources for doing ground work."" Jessica L ""This course was very informative. I am wanting to start a bath product business in South Africa, and I am new to being an entrepreneur, so this information and the guidance is invaluable. I will be going back and forth in the course as I do each step in starting and growing my business. Although the examples were US this information still gives me guidance on where I can look in South Africa. Thank you very much."" Robyn M ""I appreciated how much helpful information was shared in this course. There were websites we could pull up as your listening to the course, she included bottle and packing companies and so much more. I would recommend this course to anyone looking for instruction on ""Startup"" it is well informed and structured."" Rose W ""This course was amazing, it really helped me to understand what is involved in a natural product business, it is really great if you are starting out in this industry for the first time and have no idea where to begin."" AngieThe natural products industry is experiencing one of the highest growths of all markets. Some have dubbed it the money industry. Leading research firms predict strong annual growth for natural products. There currently is more than four times the projected growth rate of other mainstream consumer goods. If you truly enjoy entrepreneurship, home business and working with natural products then this course will greatly benefit for you. You will be selling products that consumers purchase over and over again. Once they get to know and love your brand theyll continue to purchase from you and your customer base will continue to grow. We will go through everything you need to know. Your instructor, Elizabeth Heck has 25 years of experience in working with plant medicines. She is by far, Udemys most qualified herbal instructor. Rest assured, youre in good hands. With an extensive teaching background, she knows how to guide you through your herbal learning journey with ease. Even better, she is there for you throughout the course to answer any of your questions. Thats incredible value!More of what students have to say: ""This course was great. She gives so much valuable information to help you succeed in starting you new business. I truly enjoyed and will be using tools for my own business purposes."" Frances B ""I really appreciated this course, and the width and depth of the advice given. It makes you feel you have a solid base of information from which to start marketing your product. Thank you!"" Katrina L ""So far, this course has been quite informative. I'm taking plenty of notes and plan to delve into the resources the instructor has suggested as well as researching my own to expand on the topics discussed thus far. I'm pleased to say that my expectations have been exceeded, and I'm just beginning the course. There is quite a handful of content that I was not already aware of, and pleased to have learned about. I feel the content in this course will aid in the success of creating a product my customers will love and a company that I am confident in. Thank you for your time and effort in collaborating this beautifully made, comprehensive course! I look forward to thoroughly enjoying it!"" Marisa R You have lifetime access to the course so you can take as long or short as you wish to go through the material. You can replay the videos at anytime using the course as an ongoing reference. You also have a 30 day money back guarantee.BE SURE TO ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Unity Game Development Build 2D & 3D Games" |
"UnityGame Development Academy by DevslopesThis is the most comprehensive course on Unity 3don the Internet. We are avid game developers and were tired of all the junk out there - teaching students how to make 3D cubes without real world game development.This Unity course is for absolute beginners & for seasoned programmers!This course will take you down a guided learning path.You'll learn to code in C# and then go on to build 2D &3D games.Not only will you build games, but you will learn how to do it the way the pros do. We'll even cover advanced topics like lighting, cinematics, and multiplayer.Here are some of the things you will learn:Installation & setupPhysicsPathfindingBasic artificial intelligenceLightning &lightmappingCamera animations & cutscenesCharacter animationsScripting, scripting, scripting!Materials & skyboxesSound FX &musicMultiplayer over LAN &InternetParticle FXMelee &ranged battle systemsTower Defense GameAdventure GameZombies!And a ton more....And don't forget about our FREE chatroom where you can get live help, interact with the community, and find people to start your own game studio.Now is the time to learn how to code and build Unity 3dgames the Devslopes way!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Angular 2 & TypeScript Beginner Web Development" |
"Angular 2: The Complete Beginner's GuideThis course is going to teach you all of the fundamentals of Angular2This is one ofthe mostcomprehensive courses on Angular 2on the Internet. We use Angular 2 every day in our own projects and we wanted to share that powerful knowledge with the world!This course is for absolute beginners & for seasoned programmers!This course will take you down a guided learning path.You'll learn the basics of TypeScript, and move on to creating both simple and complex web apps.Not only will you build web apps, but you will learn how to do it the way the pros do. We'll even cover advanced intermediate to advanced topics.Here aresomeof the things you will learn:ToolingAutomationTypeScriptComponentsFormsValidationServicesHTTPFirebaseDirectivesSo much more....And don't forget about our FREE chatroom where you can get live help, interact with the community, and find people to start your own game studio.Now is the time to learn how to code and build web appsthe Devslopes way with Angular!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Git Complete Hands on Training for Web Developers" |
"Git is one of the most popular version controltool available in the market. Git is Number Onechoice for every Webdeveloper, no matter if you are a Java developer or a .Net developer or a Salesforce Developer, you will need a version control tool to keep track of the changes in your project.Git is free and a open source version control system. Git is distributed version control system whereas the other older version control system like SVN and CVS are centralized. Because Git is distributed, every developer has its own repository on the local file system.With Git, first initial clone of the repository is slow but the subsequent functions like commit,diff,merge and log are faster.Git has great support for branching,merging,rebasing. With the help of Git powerful tool set you can even rewrite history.Git is the most common and widely used version control system in the world today and its the modern standard to develop software.With this courseyoull learn how to master the world of distributed version workflow, use the distributed features of Git to the full extent,and extend Git to meet your every need.This course is not just plain -old power-point presentation,we will learn by doing and bythe end of this course you will become an expert with Git Version control."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Create Successful Apps Easily Without Programming" |
"This course was originally designed in Spanish, and more that 2000 students signed up for this course in its first 3 days!Over 5,000 students have already enjoyed this course!:One of the most popular business courses in Spanish.One of the courses with the best reviews and rating in Spanish.One of the most viewed courses in Spanish.NOWavailable INENGLISH!What do you have to lose?.Were you aware that 1 in 5 developers is earning an average of $5,000 a month? Did you also know that its not necessary to know programming or graphic design in order to great successful apps?This course is a the complete and essential guide to creating online apps and possibly begin to earn more than $5,000 a month within a new, growing market with room for thousands of entrepreneurs. Best of all it is doable and affordable for anyone no matter skill level or economic status.This course will fully explain, step by step and with complete transparency, how to become an entrepreneur by creating apps to sell in online apps market. We will show you how simple! We will use real examples, which in just the first quarter of 2016 had revenues of $1,800. You will be able to use these examples to generate ideas for your own success and also begin to earn money as soon as you complete the course.The developer of this course, who began to make apps, more than three years ago, had created hundred of apps and collaborated with numerous other developers. He has since made this a full-time job, and brings in revenues of over $5,000 a month. You will be able to make a lot of money by carrying out the method described in this course if you put in the needed effort and dedication. Why is this course different? Other courses teach you how to contract and collaborate with other developers in order to make your apps, but in this course you will learn how you can create them yourself using easy online platforms.To give you an idea, think about how easy it is to make your own website or blog using platforms like Wordpress or Blogger. These platforms significalty simplify the process for users to make webpages without any programming knowledge. There are platforms for creating apps that do the same, and will allow you create apps without programming or coding knowledge.Thiscourse, and its developer, assures you will that you will begin to make money starting with you first app. You wont have to wait, youll see profits right away, revenues which will also increase over time.Would you like to see this year transform your career and life? Would you like to be an entrepreneur? Then this is the course youve been looking for!Didyou know that the Apps industry holds some of the greatest money making potential in the world today? Did you know that in 2014 the global apps markets produced nearly 25 billion dollars in sales, and, that in 2016 the gains are projected to be around 58 billion dollars?Thecourse is aimed at anyone who wants to start increasing their income, and is interested in finding independence as far as work is concerned, through a fun, innovative form with a promising future. This can all be accomplished without knowing programming language or having good graphic design skills, and, without making any inicial investment.However,in all honesty, this course may not be the most suitable for those who would like to earn millions very quickly and effortlessly. The method explained in this course can earn at least $ 5,000 permonth, but you will have to put in the time and effort.In this course you will learn:Completely learn the apps markets and all its specifics.Begin to make your own apps using simple online platforms.Learn how to capitalize on your apps through diverse techniques specific to mobile applications. Learn which monetization techniques or combination of techniques will work best for each app.Discover how to promote and market an app using day-to-day platforms and social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. As well as how to advertise via specific, larger platforms like Google in order to achieve a significant number of downloads.What our students have been saying about the course:Jorge Lopez Fiallo:Awesome! The clear ideas of this course have managed to inspire me to begin to be an entrepreneur. Honest, simple and clear. Such a pleasure! Within a few hours, I created my first app, and though I didnt expect anything, I started making money within a few days. Not much, but at least something! Thank you very much! I hope you continue to offer more courses like this one!.Javier Mauricio Osorio: Finally, a credible, viable, and fun business model. There are so many courses of this nature that teach you how to begin making money online from home, but really until this great course I havent found anything with the same transparency and truthfulness. Ive begun to develop a few of my own applications to resell to business that wanted an app. I didnt realize just how much this was within my reach, and that it was so simple(as the instructor says, this isnt a get rich quick scheme, and it requires effort). Still, I tip my hat to teachers and entrepreneurs who actually share their knowledge, and give others who may be a little lost as to how to begin an opportunity. Ill finish with this: Ill be your competition in the radio app niche haha! Thank you so much! ;)David Martin: 5 Stars! Wowww! You can take a course that is longer, with more classes, more material, but I dont thing you will find a clearer, more concise, or more specific course. 100% recommended. Best of all, I was surprised by how much money apps can make, and really thing only thing behind them is a computer and a developer. I looked into it myself, and its true, it really is a booming market. I have watched a lot of YouTube videos on apps and how to create them and it all lines up with the methods taught in this course.Before beginning his own apps business Carlos Hernando, the developer of this course, was an instructor for one of the largest online educational platforms, and has even started to teach this method to friends. If you have any questions or concerns, or need clarification on anything, feel free to contact him and he will personally respond."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"UVM in Systemverilog: Learn The Architecture & Code Your VIP" |
"This Systemverilogcourse teaches the Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) used in the VLSI industry forSoC/ICdesign verification. This is teaching the complete UVM concepts from the basics with excellent examples and helps a verification Engineer to use the build structured reusable TestBench and Verification IPs.This course is stared by explaining Verification Methodologies and the basic structure of a UVM based TB. Procedure to write every component in UVM like test, env, agent, driver, sequencer, monitor, scoreboard, transaction and sequence are given in detail and the concepts behind using these UVC are explained. Also, connection and data flow between these components are elaborately explained. Finally the course teaches you the way to architecture and code a complete UVM TestBench from Scratch with a nice example. By taking this course, youwill be able to start using all the features of UVM in your System Verilog TestBench coding. This course will be an excellent platformto grab the most wanted verification methodology in the VLSI industry to polish your System Verilog TestBench Coding skills."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Erstelle dein Online-Shop in Eigenregie" |
"Du willst wissen, wie du deinen eigenen eCommerce Shop aufbaust? Vielleicht hast du dich auch schon damit beschftigt, wie du DHL in deinen Shop integrieren und die Bezahlung regeln kannst. Wahrscheinlich hast du festgestellt, dass es im Netz fast keine Infos zu diesen Themen gibt. Das wollen wir ndern und dir stundenlanges Ausprobieren ersparen.Dieser Kurs zeigt dir nicht nur, wie du deine Wordpress Seite durch Woocommerce in einen funktionierenden Online-Shop verwandelst, deine Produkte einpflegst und Gutscheine erstellst. Diese Themen werden auch in anderen Onlinekursen aufgegriffen. Wir zeigen dir darber hinaus den kompletten Prozess bis hin zum versendeten Paket an die Wunschadresse deines Kunden.Du lernst in diesem Onlinekurs, wie du DHL ganz einfach in deinen Shop integrierst. Auerdem zeigen wir dir, wie du vollautomatisch Versandlabels drucken und Pakete versenden kannst. Desweiteren erfhrst du, wie du einen zuverlssigen Payment Anbieter in deinen Online Shop einbaust, der nicht nur kostengnstig ist, sondern dir auch viele Probleme vom Hals schafft. Dazu gehren die vollautomatische Zahlung der ausstehenden Betrge deiner Kunden, der Versand von Zahlungserinnerungen sowie die komplette Abnahme des Inkasso-Wesens, falls einer deiner Kunden die Zahlung vergisst oder sein Konto nicht ausreichend gedeckt ist.Wir zeigen dir in fnf leicht verstndlichen Abschnitten, wie du dir deine Wunschdomain sicherst, das CMS Wordpress installierst und ein fertiges Design, auch Theme genannt, auf deiner eigenen Website einpflegst.Wir stellen dir das Shoperweiterungs-Plugin Woocommerce vor und stellen dar, welche Vorteile es fr dich bietet und weshalb du dich gerade am Anfang deiner Selbststndigkeit fr dieses System entscheiden solltest. Wir geben dir nicht nur eine Praxisanleitung fr die komplette Logistik deines Shops, die auch smtliche Abwicklungen rund um das Bezahlwesen fr deine Produkte oder Dienstleistungen beinhaltet, sondern erklren dir darber hinaus, wie du nachhaltige Kundenbeziehungen aufbauen und deine Produkte erfolgreich im Web vermarkten kannst.Bis gleich im Kurs!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Marketing for Writers. Period." |
"Whether you want to sell more books or increase exposure, you need a great Social MediaMarketing Plan BEFOREyou publish your novel. Without one, yourun the risk of low book sales and stagnant inventory.The goal of this course is to help you build your social media marketingplan so that your marketing will be working for you in the background, while youconcentrate on what you know best, writing!This course is for all levels of writers, self-publishers, and ebook writers.Inside, you'll learn how an effective social media marketing plan can help you build your list and ultimately fill your pockets!As a writer myself, Ithought Iknew everything there was to know about social media. Ithought all Ihad to do was announce my book, and my customers would come running. What I've learned instead were some very simple ideas and some very difficult ones. However, everything I learned is inside this course and ready to be consumed by you.I've spent the last two years researching everything pertaining to social media with writers and self-publishers in mind. I even managed to get certified by Google in the process, further educating myself beyond even my realizations.I'll pass on the secrets I learned and teach youthe tools andexercises that will help youmake an impact on social media, the RIGHTWAY!With these new techniques, you'll utilize your time more efficiently all the while growing your marketing list in as little as 30 minutes a day.So get ready for a great course that will hopefully enlighten you to what is possible and learn some fun ways to make a name for yourself in the wonderful of publishing!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Audio fr Video & Screencast Richtig Aufnehmen & Bearbeiten" |
"Achtung: Fr wen ist dieser Kurs NICHT geeignet?Dieser Kurs ist nichts fr Vollpfosten die meinen, sie knnten sich die Videos in 1,5x Geschwindigkeit anschauen, die Hlfte der Videos berspringen oder einfach auf Lektion abgeschlossen klicken nachdem 30 Sekunden vorbei sind. Falls Du also der Meinung bist, Du brauchst nur zu wissen welches Mikro ich im Kurs verwende und der Rest ergibt sich von selbst, dann spar Dir das Geld und trume weiter. Dieser Kurs funktioniert nicht durch Magie, sondern durch Zuhren, Verstehen und ben / selbst ausprobieren.Fr wen ist dieser Kurs?Wenn Du Dir wirklich die Zeit nimmst und diesen Kurs durchgearbeitet hast, dann hast Du alle notwendigen Schritte kennengelernt, mit denen Du Sprache und Audio auf sehr hohem Niveau selbst produzieren kannst. Gleichzeitig bist Du in der Lage die im Kurs vorgenommenen Einstellungen auf Deine speziellen Bedrfnisse anzupassen. Fr alles andere stehe ich Dir gern per Nachricht oder Diskussionsforum Rede & Antwort und freue mich auf Deine Fragen.Wer wenigerZeit hat oder vielleicht doch lieber ein komplettes Audio Setup fr Screenrecordings mchte. Der sollte sich vielleicht meinen Anfngerkurs anschauen. Danach gebe ich Euch gern einen Gutschein um Eure Audio Reise mit Kurs II fortzusetzen. Bitte auch meinen Anfngerkurs anschauen Anfngerkurs (Teil I) Suche mit: ""Bessere Audio Aufnahmen am Mac: fr Screenflow/Camtasia""ber diesen Audio Kurs:Teil II: Der Kurs fr Video, Camtasia, Screenflow, Podcasts & Audiobooks Dieser Kurs hier dreht sich komplett um das Thema: - wie Du professionelle Audio und Sprachaufnahmen erstellst ob am Computer oder mit Smartphone- geeignet fr Anfnger (schnelle Erfolge mit One-Klick Lsung) und Fortgeschrittene (z.B. Realtime-Setup ...)Was andere Teinehmer zum Kurs sagten:Toller Kurs! Endlich verstehe ich, um was es bei der Tonbearbeitung wirklich geht.Das ist mit Abstand der Beste Kurs den ich hier bei Udemy bisher absolviert habe.Danke. Es gibt sehr gute Informationen in diesem Kurs.Dein eigener Ton Ren ist beispielgebendGute Tipps! Insbesondere zu Software & Mikrofonenber den Inhalt:Wie Du Sprache professionell aufnehmen kannstIch zeige Dir die richtigen Mikrophone fr Video Aufnahmen (Talking Head) und fr Screenrecordings (Bildschirmaufzeichnungen). Das vorgestellte Setup eignet sich hervorragend fr die Aufzeichnung von Audiobooks oder generell Voice-Over.Wir schauen uns die typischen Audio Probleme und deren Lsungen an.In den bungen lernst Du mit einem Equalizer umzugehen um zB Brummen zu entfernen. Alles ganz easy - auch wenn Du Dir das jetzt vielleicht noch gar nicht vorstellen kannst. Ich helfe Dir bei jedem Schritt.Im Teil Audioeinstellungen/Nachbeareitung werde ich konkrete Aufnahme Einstellungen darstellen und deren Zweck mit Dir durchsprechen. Neben einer sehr schnellen One-Klick Lsung werde ich auch flexiblere Workflows vorstellen, die eine volle Kontrolle und Unabhngigkeit von spezieller Software garantieren und auf Mac oder Windows eingesetzt werden knnen.Schwierigkeitsgrad:Geeignet fr Anfnger und FortgeschritteneAlle Lektionen sind so aufgebaut, dass Einsteiger einen guten Start in die Thematik finden und mit z.B. der One-Klick Lsung sofortige Erfolgserlebnisse erreichen.Darber hinaus hlt der Kurs auch fr Fortgeschritte jede Menge interessante Themen bereit um das Know-How zu vertiefen z.B. Hardware Setup, Realtime-Workflow oder auch Lautheitsmessung.Ich wnsche Dir viel Spass & Erfolg.Herzliche Grsse von Deinem ReiseleiterRen was andere Teinehmer zum Kurs sagten:Toller Kurs! Endlich verstehe ich, um was es bei der Tonbearbeitung wirklich geht.Das ist mit Abstand der Beste Kurs den Ich hier bei Udemy bisher absolviert habe.Danke. Es gibt sehr gute Informationen in diesem Kurs.Dein eigener Ton Ren ist beispielgebendGute Tipps! Insbesondere zu Software & Mikrofonen Kursinhalte:- Audio Grundlagen fr Sprache, VoiceOver, Audiobooks etc.- warum muss Ton nachbearbeitet werden- Hardware: Mikrofonauswahl und Vorschlge fr Video, Vor-Ort Aufnahmen und Screenrecordings- Richtige Lautstrke fr Aufnahmen (Lautheit der Aufnahme, nicht die Lautstrke der Wiedergabe!)- Besprechung von Soundproblemen und deren Lsung- Sound Bearbeitung... von der One-Klick Lsung bis zur individuellen Profi Bearbeitung- Sound Beispiele und bungen damit fllt der Einstieg leichtBis gleich, wir sehen uns im Kurs"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Career Coaching Certification3 Personal Branding" |
"Why take our Career Coaching 3Accredited Personal Branding Certification Course?What will a Personal Branding Expert Certificate and Accredited Credentials + Personal Branding Career Coach Directory Listing for Level 2 Grads do for you?If you are searching for a career coaching niche that is in demand, becoming a Personal Branding Expert Career Coach will benefit you in numerous ways. Why is this important?FACT: Professionally, it is becoming more of a challenge to differentiate yourself in the increasingly competitive career coaching world. This can be overwhelming if you dont feel like you have done enough, know enough or have enough current skills to guide career changers. How can you compete?FACT: Personally, you need to be confident, resilient and resourceful to adapt to this ever-demanding competitive world. This can be a challenge if self-doubt, insecurities and fears block you. How can you rise above these obstacles?PERSONAL BRANDING EXPERT CAREER COACHING CERTIFICATION COURSE GOALThese facts dont have to be your future! We developed this comprehensive Personal Branding Expert Career Coach Certification course as part of our 12-Phase Professional Certified Experts Career Coach Certification Program. Now we offer it as a stand-alone Associate Career Coach Certification Program so you can niche in this high-demand area and become a Personal Branding Expert Career Coach.PERSONAL BRANDING EXPERT CAREER COACHING CERTIFICATION SELF-ASSESSMENTWHAT IS YOUR GOAL?There are usually 3 different goals among the students who join this expert career coaching program. Which one describes you?GOAL #1 - You dont care about receiving a certificate of completion or being fully certified as a Career Coach through accreditation. You want to be coached so that you can achieve your career goals. If this describes you, then enjoy the course as it fits with your schedule. INCLUDED with the one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy is life-time access to the course content and features on Udemy; including a Udemy generated certificate of completion if you ever need one. You also have access to Level 1 and Level 2 accreditation at no additional cost should your goal change. READ COURSE CONTENT SNAP-SHOT.GOAL #2 You are already a career coaching professional. You dont care to be fully certified through accreditation or that the certificate of completion comes from Udemy. What you do care about is saving time and saving money. You want to be able to niche into a specific career area without having to develop the process yourself. You want to legally use our proprietary step-by-step and timed-out accredited career coach session guides to coach your clients WITHOUT PAYING our $995 right of use fee (details below). If this describes you, then enjoy the Level 1 program as it fits with your schedule knowing that your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy gives you access to Level 2 accreditation should your goal change. READ LEVEL 1 ACCREDITATION BENEFITS.GOAL #3 You are completely new to career coaching and want guidance. You may have taken other coaching courses but do not feel prepared to coach career clients or you simply want to be listed in this niche career coaching directory on Experts Coach Academy WITHOUT PAYING the private fee of $1791 (details below). Your goal is to learn our step-by-step career coaching process and then be able to practice through fieldwork that is assessed for competency. You want a separate certificate of completion that is not from Udemy but from our Accredited Coaching Academy. You want your name listed in this niche specific coaching directory on Experts Coach Academy so that prospective clients or employers can verify your Career Coaching Certification and confirm that you have Graduated from this accredited Coaching Training Program. If this describes you, enjoy the Level 2 program that is included with your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy. READ LEVEL 2 ACCREDITATION BENEFITS.PERSONAL BRANDING EXPERT CAREER COACHING CERTIFICATION COURSE CONTENT SNAP-SHOTYou can keep scrolling to view the comprehensive course content and also to watch some of the free video lectures available but here is a quick outline of what is covered:Personal Branding Expert Career Coaching Psychology: Do you know exactly what stops people in this area? You are walked-through our proprietary framework for assesses their underlying blocks and obstacles.Personal Branding Expert Career Coaching People: Who will be your career coaching clients? You discover the inside track on coaching career changers so that you can understand them better than they understand themselves.Personal Branding Expert Career Coaching Process: Do you have an exact Career Coaching process in this area of specialization that is proven to get results? Differentiate yourself by using our proprietary registered trademarked Career Coaching session guides that are timed-out and step-by-step easy to follow and adjust as needed.Personal Branding Expert Career Coaching Phrasing: Do you know exactly what to say in any situation? Being stumped in a Career Coaching session makes you look unprofessional. We give you the exact phrasing and questions to use so that you feel confident and prepared in every career coaching session.Personal Branding Expert Career Coaching Procedures: Do you know the Career Coaching procedures that will make an impact for your clients? In this course, we give you the exact techniques, tools and strategies so that you dont have to do the research or create the resources yourself.Personal Branding Expert Career Coaching Practicum: Have you ever coached real clients before? You will benefit from the simple system we provide that makes career coaching practice fun and doable. This is truly what differentiates our Career Coaching course from others.Personal Branding Expert Career Coaching Pricing and Promotion: Do you know what to charge career coaching clients? Do you know how to find career coaching clients? No more guessing what to do and how to do it. We have mapped out your success plan so that you feel confident and secure in this area.Personal Branding Expert Career Coaching Professional Community: We want you to be successful! Once you join this course, you have access to a full range of ongoing career coaching community support that will keep you focused and engaged.LEVEL 1 ACCREDITATION COST-SAVING BENEFITSIncluded with your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy is life-time access to the course content and features on Udemy; including a Udemy generated certificate of completion.WE COVER THE $995 U.S.D. RIGHT OF USE FEE: When you join this course on Udemy and stay enrolled (no refund), you have permission to use our Proprietary Accredited Career Coaching Session Guides to coach clients.PLEASE NOTE: A right-of-use fee is not a licensing fee. We own the copyright to the accredited session guides including the processes and material. You do not have permission to re-sell it or develop training, workshops, speaking or books based on our proprietary program.1) Watch 100% of the coursework lectures as fast or as slow as you want.2) Download all of the accredited resources including the session guides.3) Download your Udemy generated certificate of completion when you have completed 100% of the coursework.LEVEL 2 ACCREDITATION COST-SAVING BENEFITSIn addition to the cost-saving benefits and features of Level One, when you remain enrolled in the program past 35 days, you have access to LEVEL 2 benefits; a total of $1791 U.S.D in fees that we cover when you join this one course on Udemy and graduate Level 2.WE COVER THE $995 U.S.D. RIGHT OF USE FEE: When you join this course on Udemy and stay enrolled (no refund), you have permission to use our Proprietary Accredited Career Coaching Session Guides to coach clients.WE COVER THE $199 U.S.D. ACCREDITATION FEE: Level 2 requires that you complete a mandatory Career Coaching Practicum which assesses your competency using our accredited proprietary session guides with real clients. We call this hands-on coaching fieldwork. We make this step-by-step easy to complete but submission is mandatory for Level 2 Graduation. This is what differentiates our program and sets our Graduates above the rest. While a quickie diploma or certification from having just simply watched videos is appealing and what some coaching courses on Udemy use as a marketing tool to get you to buy, this is not the solution to long-term success. If that is your goal and expectation, this professional coaching program is not for you.WE COVER THE $99 U.S.D. CERTIFICATION FEE: This is a one-time fee to create one individualized certificate of completion from Experts Coach Academy that displays your certification designation verifying your completion of accreditation.WE COVER THE $199 U.S.D. COACH DIRECTORY LISTING FEE: This is a one-time listing one-time fee to add your first and last name to this niche specific career coach directory on Experts Coach Academy.WE COVER THE $299 U.S.D ASSOCIATION FEE: This is a one-time membership fee to keep your certification current and valid.WE COVER $1791 U.S.D IN FEES WHEN YOU JOIN US ON UDEMY AND GRADUATE LEVEL 2Now you might be thinking this sounds too good to be true; whats the catch? or you might be saying Career Coaching Training like this should cost 5 thousand or more; why would such a valuable program be available on Udemy for such a low price? There is no catch just a vision, a purpose and a mission inspired by our Founder and your Instructor. Keep reading to meet her!WHY OUR LEVEL 2 GRADUATES EXCELJoining this course and completing Level 2 of the program requires effort but you can do this! We want you to stand-out and excel as a career coach but only you can do the work. We cant guarantee your success or that you will make money as a career coach. Only you are responsible for the effort you put in and the success you achieve. What we can guarantee is that we make it as simple and easy regardless of your current skill level and we are there to guide you every step of the way; however long that takes. We want you to be satisfied and if you are not, you can request a refund from Udemy within 30 days of purchase. Be sure to read Udemys terms for details.THE POWER OF BELIEFBut when you commit and stay enrolled in the course (no refund), you put into motion the power of belief. When you buy the course on Udemy, it is a one-time low-cost investment that will continue to pay dividends in countless ways for years to come. Level 2 is simple: in addition to staying enrolled in the course for longer than 35 days, you complete 100% of the coursework, complete 100% of the coaching practicum fieldwork and submit it for approval and we cover the $1791 U.S.D. fees that we normally charge on our website for Level 2 Graduation.Why do we do this? When you meet Louise, you will understand the purpose-driven passion that propels our mission! You may have already seen this before but it is worth a second, third or fourth read.MEET YOUR INSTRUCTOR LOUISE ANNE MAURICEIf you have never met me before, my name is Louise Anne Maurice; Louise for short. When being interviewed, I am always asked the question what have been the most important aspects of your 30+ year career; your university and specialized education, the impressive skills you developed working for companies and educational institutions or boot-strapping it to build your company from the ground-up? My response is always ALL OF IT because every experience has shaped who I am, my purpose and the reason I am a Coaching Training and Development Specialist today.LOUISE TALKS OVERCOMING CHALLENGESYou see, I was not handed life on a silver platter! I worked hard to achieve what I have; overcoming many challenges along the way. How did I do this? I developed, what I later termed, my Empowered Coach Approach; a revolutionary framework founded on empowerment, integrity and respect that leverages my DE Effect to accelerate and strengthen transformation. Using this approach, I was able to power-past blocks and obstacles so I could achieve my goals and experience my limitless potential. The thousands and thousands of people I have either coached, trained, consulted or taught over the past 30+ years have also benefited from my Empowered Coach Approach.LOUISE ANNE MAURICES MISSIONBut that is just scratching the surface! I see a world where everyone is overcoming their challenges and living their full potential. Can you imagine the positive impact? But I cant do it alone! My mission is to train millions of coaches world-wide to coach millions of people world-wide to live their full potential. How will I do this? I have teamed up with the Udemy E-Learning Platform to make my proprietary coaching training programs easily accessible to a global audience at an affordable price. As Director of Coaching Training and Coaching Courses Development for Experts Coach Academy, I use my Empowered Coach Approach to develop purposeful, comprehensive and streamlined curriculum that shortens the learning curve for you to become a Professional World-Class Coach.WHAT IS YOUR MISSION?Purpose is powerful! Yes, you might be fired-up at the cost-savings bonus that I have made exclusively available on Udemy. Who doesnt love a deal! More importantly though, I hope youre fired-up at the prospect of being a part of making a positive difference in the world; I know I am! Are you ready to do something more meaningful with your life; something that makes an impact and leaves a lasting legacy with your name written all over it? Whatever your mission, you will find a community that is here to support your purpose.ARE YOU READY TO START MAKING A DIFFERENCE?I invite you to join and start living your purpose today! Simply click on the Buy now button to enroll in one course or click on the Add to cart button to enroll in all 12 courses of the Professional Certified Experts' Career Coach (PCECC) Program.I will see you in the first lecture. Copyright Louise Anne Maurice of Experts Coach Academy"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Career Coaching Certification4 Market Research" |
"Why take our Career Coaching 4Accredited Market Research Certification Course?What will a Market Research Expert Certificate and Accredited Credentials + Market Research Career Coach Directory Listing for Level 2 Grads do for you?If you are searching for a career coaching niche that is in demand, becoming a Market Research Expert Career Coach will benefit you in numerous ways. Why is this important?FACT: Professionally, it is becoming more of a challenge to differentiate yourself in the increasingly competitive career coaching world. This can be overwhelming if you dont feel like you have done enough, know enough or have enough current skills to guide career changers. How can you compete?FACT: Personally, you need to be confident, resilient and resourceful to adapt to this ever-demanding competitive world. This can be a challenge if self-doubt, insecurities and fears block you. How can you rise above these obstacles?MARKET RESEARCH EXPERT CAREER COACHING CERTIFICATION COURSE GOALThese facts dont have to be your future! We developed this comprehensive Market Research Expert Career Coach Certification course as part of our 12-Phase Professional Certified Experts Career Coach Certification Program. Now we offer it as a stand-alone Associate Career Coach Certification Program so you can niche in this high-demand area and become a Market Research Expert Career Coach.MARKET RESEARCH EXPERT CAREER COACHING CERTIFICATION SELF-ASSESSMENTWHAT IS YOUR GOAL?There are usually 3 different goals among the students who join this expert career coaching program. Which one describes you?GOAL #1 - You dont care about receiving a certificate of completion or being fully certified as a Career Coach through accreditation. You want to be coached so that you can achieve your career goals. If this describes you, then enjoy the course as it fits with your schedule. INCLUDED with the one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy is life-time access to the course content and features on Udemy; including a Udemy generated certificate of completion if you ever need one. You also have access to Level 1 and Level 2 accreditation at no additional cost should your goal change. READ COURSE CONTENT SNAP-SHOT.GOAL #2 You are already a career coaching professional. You dont care to be fully certified through accreditation or that the certificate of completion comes from Udemy. What you do care about is saving time and saving money. You want to be able to niche into a specific career area without having to develop the process yourself. You want to legally use our proprietary step-by-step and timed-out accredited career coach session guides to coach your clients WITHOUT PAYING our $995 right of use fee (details below). If this describes you, then enjoy the Level 1 program as it fits with your schedule knowing that your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy gives you access to Level 2 accreditation should your goal change. READ LEVEL 1 ACCREDITATION BENEFITS.GOAL #3 You are completely new to career coaching and want guidance. You may have taken other coaching courses but do not feel prepared to coach career clients or you simply want to be listed in this niche career coaching directory on Experts Coach Academy WITHOUT PAYING the private fee of $1791 (details below). Your goal is to learn our step-by-step career coaching process and then be able to practice through fieldwork that is assessed for competency. You want a separate certificate of completion that is not from Udemy but from our Accredited Coaching Academy. You want your name listed in this niche specific coaching directory on Experts Coach Academy so that prospective clients or employers can verify your Career Coaching Certification and confirm that you have Graduated from this accredited Coaching Training Program. If this describes you, enjoy the Level 2 program that is included with your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy. READ LEVEL 2 ACCREDITATION BENEFITS.MARKET RESEARCH EXPERT CAREER COACHING CERTIFICATION COURSE CONTENT SNAP-SHOTYou can keep scrolling to view the comprehensive course content and also to watch some of the free video lectures available but here is a quick outline of what is covered:Market Research Expert Career Coaching Psychology: Do you know exactly what stops people in this area? You are walked-through our proprietary framework for assesses their underlying blocks and obstacles.Market Research Expert Career Coaching People: Who will be your career coaching clients? You discover the inside track on coaching career changers so that you can understand them better than they understand themselves.Market Research Expert Career Coaching Process: Do you have an exact Career Coaching process in this area of specialization that is proven to get results? Differentiate yourself by using our proprietary registered trademarked Career Coaching session guides that are timed-out and step-by-step easy to follow and adjust as needed.Market Research Expert Career Coaching Phrasing: Do you know exactly what to say in any situation? Being stumped in a Career Coaching session makes you look unprofessional. We give you the exact phrasing and questions to use so that you feel confident and prepared in every career coaching session.Market Research Expert Career Coaching Procedures: Do you know the Career Coaching procedures that will make an impact for your clients? In this course, we give you the exact techniques, tools and strategies so that you dont have to do the research or create the resources yourself.Market Research Expert Career Coaching Practicum: Have you ever coached real clients before? You will benefit from the simple system we provide that makes career coaching practice fun and doable. This is truly what differentiates our Career Coaching course from others.Market Research Expert Career Coaching Pricing and Promotion: Do you know what to charge career coaching clients? Do you know how to find career coaching clients? No more guessing what to do and how to do it. We have mapped out your success plan so that you feel confident and secure in this area.Market Research Expert Career Coaching Professional Community: We want you to be successful! Once you join this course, you have access to a full range of ongoing career coaching community support that will keep you focused and engaged.LEVEL 1 ACCREDITATION COST-SAVING BENEFITSIncluded with your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy is life-time access to the course content and features on Udemy; including a Udemy generated certificate of completion.WE COVER THE $995 U.S.D. RIGHT OF USE FEE: When you join this course on Udemy and stay enrolled (no refund), you have permission to use our Proprietary Accredited Career Coaching Session Guides to coach clients.PLEASE NOTE: A right-of-use fee is not a licensing fee. We own the copyright to the accredited session guides including the processes and material. You do not have permission to re-sell it or develop training, workshops, speaking or books based on our proprietary program.1) Watch 100% of the coursework lectures as fast or as slow as you want.2) Download all of the accredited resources including the session guides.3) Download your Udemy generated certificate of completion when you have completed 100% of the coursework.LEVEL 2 ACCREDITATION COST-SAVING BENEFITSIn addition to the cost-saving benefits and features of Level One, when you remain enrolled in the program past 35 days, you have access to LEVEL 2 benefits; a total of $1791 U.S.D in fees that we cover when you join this one course on Udemy and graduate Level 2.WE COVER THE $995 U.S.D. RIGHT OF USE FEE: When you join this course on Udemy and stay enrolled (no refund), you have permission to use our Proprietary Accredited Career Coaching Session Guides to coach clients.WE COVER THE $199 U.S.D. ACCREDITATION FEE: Level 2 requires that you complete a mandatory Career Coaching Practicum which assesses your competency using our accredited proprietary session guides with real clients. We call this hands-on coaching fieldwork. We make this step-by-step easy to complete but submission is mandatory for Level 2 Graduation. This is what differentiates our program and sets our Graduates above the rest. While a quickie diploma or certification from having just simply watched videos is appealing and what some coaching courses on Udemy use as a marketing tool to get you to buy, this is not the solution to long-term success. If that is your goal and expectation, this professional coaching program is not for you.WE COVER THE $99 U.S.D. CERTIFICATION FEE: This is a one-time fee to create one individualized certificate of completion from Experts Coach Academy that displays your certification designation verifying your completion of accreditation.WE COVER THE $199 U.S.D. COACH DIRECTORY LISTING FEE: This is a one-time listing one-time fee to add your first and last name to this niche specific career coach directory on Experts Coach Academy.WE COVER THE $299 U.S.D ASSOCIATION FEE: This is a one-time membership fee to keep your certification current and valid.WE COVER $1791 U.S.D IN FEES WHEN YOU JOIN US ON UDEMY AND GRADUATE LEVEL 2Now you might be thinking this sounds too good to be true; whats the catch? or you might be saying Career Coaching Training like this should cost 5 thousand or more; why would such a valuable program be available on Udemy for such a low price? There is no catch just a vision, a purpose and a mission inspired by our Founder and your Instructor. Keep reading to meet her!WHY OUR LEVEL 2 GRADUATES EXCELJoining this course and completing Level 2 of the program requires effort but you can do this! We want you to stand-out and excel as a career coach but only you can do the work. We cant guarantee your success or that you will make money as a career coach. Only you are responsible for the effort you put in and the success you achieve. What we can guarantee is that we make it as simple and easy regardless of your current skill level and we are there to guide you every step of the way; however long that takes. We want you to be satisfied and if you are not, you can request a refund from Udemy within 30 days of purchase. Be sure to read Udemys terms for details.THE POWER OF BELIEFBut when you commit and stay enrolled in the course (no refund), you put into motion the power of belief. When you buy the course on Udemy, it is a one-time low-cost investment that will continue to pay dividends in countless ways for years to come. Level 2 is simple: in addition to staying enrolled in the course for longer than 35 days, you complete 100% of the coursework, complete 100% of the coaching practicum fieldwork and submit it for approval and we cover the $1791 U.S.D. fees that we normally charge on our website for Level 2 Graduation.Why do we do this? When you meet Louise, you will understand the purpose-driven passion that propels our mission! You may have already seen this before but it is worth a second, third or fourth read.MEET YOUR INSTRUCTOR LOUISE ANNE MAURICEIf you have never met me before, my name is Louise Anne Maurice; Louise for short. When being interviewed, I am always asked the question what have been the most important aspects of your 30+ year career; your university and specialized education, the impressive skills you developed working for companies and educational institutions or boot-strapping it to build your company from the ground-up? My response is always ALL OF IT because every experience has shaped who I am, my purpose and the reason I am a Coaching Training and Development Specialist today.LOUISE TALKS OVERCOMING CHALLENGESYou see, I was not handed life on a silver platter! I worked hard to achieve what I have; overcoming many challenges along the way. How did I do this? I developed, what I later termed, my Empowered Coach Approach; a revolutionary framework founded on empowerment, integrity and respect that leverages my DE Effect to accelerate and strengthen transformation. Using this approach, I was able to power-past blocks and obstacles so I could achieve my goals and experience my limitless potential. The thousands and thousands of people I have either coached, trained, consulted or taught over the past 30+ years have also benefited from my Empowered Coach Approach.LOUISE ANNE MAURICES MISSIONBut that is just scratching the surface! I see a world where everyone is overcoming their challenges and living their full potential. Can you imagine the positive impact? But I cant do it alone! My mission is to train millions of coaches world-wide to coach millions of people world-wide to live their full potential. How will I do this? I have teamed up with the Udemy E-Learning Platform to make my proprietary coaching training programs easily accessible to a global audience at an affordable price. As Director of Coaching Training and Coaching Courses Development for Experts Coach Academy, I use my Empowered Coach Approach to develop purposeful, comprehensive and streamlined curriculum that shortens the learning curve for you to become a Professional World-Class Coach.WHAT IS YOUR MISSION?Purpose is powerful! Yes, you might be fired-up at the cost-savings bonus that I have made exclusively available on Udemy. Who doesnt love a deal! More importantly though, I hope youre fired-up at the prospect of being a part of making a positive difference in the world; I know I am! Are you ready to do something more meaningful with your life; something that makes an impact and leaves a lasting legacy with your name written all over it? Whatever your mission, you will find a community that is here to support your purpose.ARE YOU READY TO START MAKING A DIFFERENCE?I invite you to join and start living your purpose today! Simply click on the Buy now button to enroll in one course or click on the Add to cart button to enroll in all 12 courses of the Professional Certified Experts' Career Coach (PCECC) Program.I will see you in the first lecture. Copyright Louise Anne Maurice of Experts Coach Academy"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |