Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Matematik-1:""rnek Soru zmleri,Konu Anlatmlar""" |
"Bu kursta, Trkiye'de yaplan Yksek renime Gei Snav (TYT-YKS) iin geerli tm Matematik - 1 ieriini oluturan 32 konusunu 163 video ders olarak bulacaksnz. Snava giren tm renciler tarafndan satn alnmaldr.Kursu, takmmz eitmenlerinden MUSTAFA YILMAZER anlatmaktadr.Eitimcinin kulland ders notlarn LK konu balnda 912 sayfa pdf dkman olarak bulabilirsiniz. Bylece dersi not tutma endiesi olmadan rahatlkla takip edebileceksiniz.Tm konular kk paral videolara ayrlmtr. Bu sayede bir konu iin uzun videolar yerine kolayca konu balndan aradnz bulmanz salanmtr.Kursa mr boyu-snrsz eriim sahibi olacanzdan ilerideki Mfredat deiiklikleri, eklenen konu anlatm ya da sorular da imdiden satn alm olacaksnz.Tm sosyal medya hesaplarndan ve udemy hesabmzdan sorularnz iin bize ulaabilirsiniz.imdiden baarlar diliyoruz."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Corafya: ""rnek Soru zmleri,KPSS Konu Anlatmlar""" |
"Bu kursta, Trkiye'de yaplan Kamu Personeli Seme Snav (Kpss) iin geerli tm Corafya ieriini bulacaksnz. Kpss'ye, Genel Kltr-Genel Yetenek alanndan girecekseniz almanz gereken nemli derslerden blmde Corafi Konum hakknda 10 derslik bir girile karlaacaksnz. Daha sonra 3 derslik bir Trkiye'nin Corafi Konumu bilgilendirmeniz olacak. Kalan 171 derste ise mfredatn tamamn bulabileceksiniz.Eitimcinin kulland ders notlarn Her ANA konu balnda pdf dkman olarak bulabilirsiniz. Bylece dersi not tutma endiesi olmadan rahatlkla takip edebileceksiniz.Tm konular kk paral videolara ayrlmtr. Bu sayede bir konu iin uzun videolar yerine kolayca konu balndan aradnz bulmanz salanmtr.Kursa mr boyu-snrsz eriim sahibi olacanzdan ilerideki Mfredat deiiklikleri, eklenen konu anlatm ya da sorular da imdiden satn alm olacaksnz.Tm sosyal medya hesaplarndan ve udemy hesabmzdan sorularnz iin bize ulaabilirsiniz. imdiden baarlar diliyoruz."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tarih: ""rnek Soru zmleri,KPSS iin Konu Anlatmlar""" |
"Bu kursta, Trkiye'de yaplan Kamu Personeli Seme Snav (Kpss) iin geerli tm Tarih ieriini bulacaksnz. Kpss'ye, Genel Kltr-Genel Yetenek alanndan girecekseniz almanz gereken nemli derslerden blmde ""slamiyet ncesi Trk Tarihi"" hakknda 11 derslik bir girile karlaacaksnz. Daha sonra 13 derslik bir ""Trk-slam Tarihi"" bilgilendirmeniz olacak. 152 video ders ile Cumhuriyetin kuruluuna kadar Trk ve Osmanl Tarihini, 65 video ders ile mfredata eklenen ""yakn tarihi"" reneceksiniz.Eitimcinin kulland ders notlarn Her ANA konu balnda pdf dkman olarak bulabilirsiniz. Bylece dersi not tutma endiesi olmadan rahatlkla takip edebileceksiniz.Tm konular kk paral videolara ayrlmtr. Bu sayede bir konu iin uzun videolar yerine kolayca konu balndan aradnz bulmanz salanmtr.Kursa mr boyu-snrsz eriim sahibi olacanzdan ilerideki Mfredat deiiklikleri, eklenen konu anlatm ya da sorular da imdiden satn alm olacaksnz.Tm sosyal medya hesaplarndan ve udemy hesabmzdan sorularnz iin bize ulaabilirsiniz.imdiden baarlar diliyoruz."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Trke: ""rnek Soru zmleri,KPSS iin Konu Anlatmlar""" |
"Bu kursta, Trkiye'de yaplan Kamu Personeli Seme Snav (Kpss) iin geerli tm Trke ieriini bulacaksnz. Kpss'ye, Genel Kltr-Genel Yetenek alanndan girecekseniz almanz gereken nemli derslerden biridir.Kursun, %80'lik ksmn takmmz eitmenlerinden EREN KAYHAN, szck ve cmle dzeyinde anlatm bozukluklar ksmn ise yine takmmzdan SLEYMAN KIRLI anlatmaktadr.Toplam 179 video ders ile mfredatn tamamn bulabileceksiniz.Eitimcinin kulland ders notlarn Her ANA konu balnda ve konularn ilk videolarnda pdf dkman olarak bulabilirsiniz. Bylece dersi not tutma endiesi olmadan rahatlkla takip edebileceksiniz.Tm konular kk paral videolara ayrlmtr. Bu sayede bir konu iin uzun videolar yerine kolayca konu balndan aradnz bulmanz salanmtr.Kursa mr boyu-snrsz eriim sahibi olacanzdan ilerideki Mfredat deiiklikleri, eklenen konu anlatm ya da sorular da imdiden satn alm olacaksnz.Tm sosyal medya hesaplarndan ve udemy hesabmzdan sorularnz iin bize ulaabilirsiniz.imdiden baarlar diliyoruz."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Yurttalk:""rnek Soru zmleri,KPSS iin Konu Anlatmlar""" |
"Bu kursta, Trkiye'de yaplan Kamu Personeli Seme Snav (Kpss) iin geerli tm Yurttalk ieriini bulacaksnz. Kpss'ye, Genel Kltr-Genel Yetenek alanndan girecekseniz almanz gereken nemli derslerden biridir.Kurs derslerini, takmmz eitmenlerinden AHAP ARPACI anlatmaktadr.Toplam 152video ders ile mfredatn tamamn bulabileceksiniz.Eitimcinin kulland ders notlarn Her ANA konu balnda ve konularn ilk videolarnda pdf dkman olarak bulabilirsiniz. Bylece dersi not tutma endiesi olmadan rahatlkla takip edebileceksiniz.Tm konular kk paral videolara ayrlmtr. Bu sayede bir konu iin uzun videolar yerine kolayca konu balndan aradnz bulmanz salanmtr.Kursa mr boyu-snrsz eriim sahibi olacanzdan ilerideki Mfredat deiiklikleri, eklenen konu anlatm ya da sorular da imdiden satn alm olacaksnz.Tm sosyal medya hesaplarndan ve udemy hesabmzdan sorularnz iin bize ulaabilirsiniz.imdiden baarlar diliyoruz."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Matematik:"" rnek Soru zmleri-KPSS iin Konu Anlatmlar""" |
"Bu kursta, Trkiye'de yaplan Kamu Personeli Seme Snav (Kpss) iin geerli tm Matematik ieriini bulacaksnz. Kpss'ye, Genel Kltr-Genel Yetenek alanndan girecekseniz almanz gereken nemli derslerden biridir.Video dersler, takmmz eitmenlerinden LKER KARABULUT tarafndan anlatmaktadr.Toplam 282 video ders ile mfredatn tamamn bulabileceksiniz.Eitimcinin kulland ders notlarn Her ANA konu balnda ve konularn ilk videolarnda pdf dkman olarak bulabilirsiniz. Bylece dersi not tutma endiesi olmadan rahatlkla takip edebileceksiniz.Tm konular kk paral videolara ayrlmtr. Bu sayede bir konu iin uzun videolar yerine kolayca konu balndan aradnz bulmanz salanmtr.Kursa mr boyu-snrsz eriim sahibi olacanzdan ilerideki Mfredat deiiklikleri, eklenen konu anlatm ya da sorular da imdiden satn alm olacaksnz.Tm sosyal medya hesaplarndan ve udemy hesabmzdan sorularnz iin bize ulaabilirsiniz.imdiden baarlar diliyoruz."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Tag Manager" |
"Te interesa el marketing digital? Google Tag Manager es una herramienta muy potente que nos facilita el trabajo de implementacin y el desarrollo de captacin de datos.El curso tiene una dedicacin de unas 40h si realizas los ejercicios que te proponemos.En primer lugar conocers que es la herramienta, las principales funciones y finalmente veras casos de integraciones."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Amazon Seller Masterclass: Easily Sell Anything Like a Pro!" |
"Learn A Skill That Will Change The Way You Sell Any Product, Anywhere!Do you want to learn the secrets of how to sell on Amazon FBA and make astonishingly easy money doing it?There are millions of people all over the world that are making easy money by selling and running their businesses through Amazon FBA.If you already have your own business, sell part time or are looking to start up there has never been a better time and the best thing is, once you know how, its very easy to make good money.Please be aware that this is not a 'get rich quick' scheme, it will take work and you will have new skills to learn. But once you have mastered them you will be able sell your products from anywhere in the world!When you learn to sell on Amazon you don't have to keep any inventory leaving you free to expand your business to any size. Amazon stores all your inventory! As you have no inventory - Amazon will also take care of the picking, packing and posting of all your orders. Yes that's right you never have to see, touch or handle any items. Amazon does it all for you.In this course I will take you by the hand step by step through all you need to know in selling and shipping your items with Amazon FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon). Just some of what you will learn:-How to 'piggy back' off other peoples listings for quick results.The process of creating a unique killer listing for your product.How to create amazing product photos.Amazon keyword research, what are people typing when looking for your product?How to create a awesome product description then converts like crazy!Become an Amazon FBA Master.You can start today for pennies as Amazon does not charge listing fees and within a couple of months its very realistic that you can give up your job work for just an hour or two a day and earn an amazing income with unlimited potential.Is this you:Got a low income?Just need more money?Have a family to support?Want to get involved with something that is huge and rapidly growing, like Amazon?Want to start your own business and are not sure where to start?Need a part time income?Looking to start your own private label product and want to learn how to sell on Amazon like a pro?If you fall into one or more of these categories then the chances are you need or want to learn how to sell on Amazon. The thing is that Amazon does the selling part by putting your products on the biggest busiest market place in the world. But its up to you to present them correctly and give the customer what they need to be able to make the right decision. BUY!So if you are want to learn to sell Amazon like a pro and have listings that smash the completion then hit the Take This Course Button Now!100% 30 Day Money Back Guarantee"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Beginners Guide to Importing Products: Alibaba to Amazon FBA" |
"Learn How to Source Ship and Sell Products With Amazon FBA From Anywhere in the World to Anywhere in the World From Comfort of Your Own Home!The eCommerce revolution is happening! Amazon FBA and other massive marketplaces are coming! Retail will soon be dead and everyone will be buying the majority of their products online. That may seem like a drastic statement to make, but the evidence is all around us. With huge international sales days like Black Friday, Cyber Monday and online market places almost exploding at Christmas you would be crazy not see the potential as more and more people turn to internet for their commerce needs.This course will introduce you to the world of importing products from, primarily from China, to sell on these market places for huge profits. You will be taught what to sell, where to sell and how to sell to maximise your profits utilising the Amazon FBA fulfilment network.You are also going to learn in detail how to use one of the worlds biggest wholesalemarketplaces known as Alibaba. We will Cover:-What sort of products to look for.How to know that you are going to be able to sell your products.Choose only the factories that are trusted and are not going to con you.Learn the shipping techniques that will get your products safely to their destination.Once you have received your products we will also be covering how to easily sell them to those all important initial sales. We will also look into how to take your importing to the next level with private labelling and bonus products.So if you are ready to get started in the fast growing, very exciting world of importing then Join Now!30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Guide to Selling Private Label Products" |
"PUT YOUR SALES INTO OVERDRIVE! LEARN STEP BY STEP HOW TO GIVE HUGE VALUE TO THE PRODUCTS YOU SELL, DIFFERENTIATE YOURSELF ON THE MARKETPLACE AND LEAVE YOUR COMPETITION STANDING!So you have a product or products that you are selling on Amazon, eBay and other eCommerce marketplaces, you may even have a website too. If this is the case then congratulations in getting this far. Now its time to take things to the next level!You'll discover how you can easily turn products into fully branded selling machines that your competition cant touch! Just having a logo from Fiverr is already becoming all to common and soon the market will be saturated with them. To stay way ahead of the pack you'll learn:How to pick super hot products that you can get started with in building a new empire.What works and what doesn't when private labeling with examples from market leaders.A big and scarily obvious secret that many miss when setting up that will make life so much easier and really maximize your sales.First Class Product research that you can use independently or combine with existing research techniques. How to add MASSIVE value to your products. This is one of the most important things you can learn in today's eCommerce world and will make you more money by hands down beating your competition.Examples from some of the Internets leading sellers in what works and how to implement it.Keyword research for private labeling and how to incorporate it into your brand building. A step by step guide in how to create massive value in your products from scratch (this is worth the price alone!).How to reduce marketing costs and increase conversions to a record level. And much much more!For the first time ever, a course that doesn't just teach you how to slap a logo on your product but how to build a brand and intern an EMPIRE! Having a product that you sourced and are getting shipped in is awesome but it is just the tip of a very big and very fun iceberg that can change your life and DOMINATE your chosen niche. This course is not for the beginner and you will require a few things first. If you are a beginner and want get in on the eCommerce revolution then type/copy paste 'Online Seller Blueprint' into the search bar above and get cracking.You will need:Your own product(s) that you have a constant supply of. Or have the ability to find/research new products and get them shipped.A computer.Not essential but a hobby or interest that you love to do.Have completed the Online Seller Blueprint (also not essential but would be a massive help).That's it! :)If you are like all of us at SourceShipSell and Pressibly you like to build, create and sell. This course will take you from just having a product to a full scale brand with multiple income streams and encourage you to constantly increase your products online presence through websites, forums, blogs and social media. Doing these things will get you a huge following that you can sell and market to time and time again. So Sign Up Now And Take Your Products To The Next Level!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Electric Bass for Busy Beginners Course 1" |
"It has been my experience that a lot of people want to play bass and they want to play NOW! However, they either skip crucial steps in the learning process or taught poor habits that lead to major frustration and, sometimes, the abandonment of their bass playing aspirations! This course is just a small part of a larger curriculum that I use to help beginner and intermediate students get started the right way to pro level students who want to brush up on their skills. I have had great success teaching these principles in this way and I am confident that you will find this course to be a great resource on your Bass playing journey! Get your Groove On!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Usable Music Theory Part 1: Harmony and Chord Progressions" |
"This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to quickly get their musical ideas out of their heads and into the world. From aspiring singer-songwriters to music contractors to anyone who has ever taken a piano, bass or guitar lesson but still feels like there are holes in their useable understanding of music theory! We live in an exciting time where anyone with a PC or Mac can create and distribute music from the comfort of their own homes. There are so many great DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations) to choose from but at the end of the day they are just tools. Imagine yourself staring at a blank canvas. Next to you is a locked box and inside that box are your paints. The problem is that you don't know how to unlock the box! A working knowledge of music theory is the key to unlocking that box and access the colors you need to create your masterpiece. This course is designed to give you a working, practical, useable knowledge of music theory that will help you to get your ideas from your head to the workstation of your choice and ultimately to your audience. I know how frustrating it can be to not be able to express your musical ideas. I know what its like to sit through that boring music theory class. I also know what it was like to experience a major breakthrough in my understanding that allows me to use music theory as a tool to bring ideas to fruition and communicate these ideas to musicians that I work with. In this course I will unlock the door to the large room that is music theory in a way that will allow you to quickly put to use regardless of what instrument you play or what DAW you use.If you're ready to unlock that box, let's get started!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"iOS 8 Mobile App Design: UI & UX With Adobe Photoshop (2016)" |
"LATEST: Course is updated for month of November 2015.5 November 2015 - New section and lectures added! 1. Anatomy of great web design2. Best web layouts for effective design3. Fixed sidebar4. Eye Tracking 101Updated 10 May 2015: New lecture added! - Section 15 Lecture 1: Mobile App TemplatesJOIN OVER 700+ SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS WHO HAVE ALREADY TAKEN THIS COURSE!*******************************************************************************************************************""If you're a total newbie in mobile design, then this course is for you. One of the best courses for beginner mobile app designers. The instructor is easy to follow and his teaching style is very relaxing which I like 2 thumbs up! Highly recommended to take this course.""- Rocky SantosScroll down to the bottom for more authentic reviews...*******************************************************************************************************************THIS COURSE IS CREATED FOR ONE SIMPLE PURPOSE :To help you become a Professional Mobile App Designer to design any mobile app you want!Whether you are - A total newbie on Mobile App Design and clueless on how to get started:You will gain a solid foundation on the WHATs and HOWs to designing your very own iOS 8 Mobile App. This is a structured course that teaches you a systematic way to design your own iOS mobile apps from scratch that will save you years of time figuring things out on your own. About this courseOver 43+ Lectures and 6 Hours of ContentFull, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free30 day money-back guarantee -- my personal promise to your success!Monthly BONUS Lectures to enhance your Design Skills!24/7 Instructor Chat Support -- I will personally help youAfter taking this course, you'll be able to...Design Your Own Mobile Apps from ScratchBuild A Working Mobile App Prototype that you can show to everyone!Learn How To Design Using Adobe Photoshop-- No Experienced needed!Learn UI/UX Design PrinciplesBuild Practice Mockups and Templates to enhance your design skillsLearn the principles of Color Theory to design beautiful and elegant looking apps!Learn the foundations of Font Design to create eye catching and professionally designed apps!By enrolling in this course, you will also receive support from me and I will be personally answering your questions in the student discussion area.************************************************************************30-Day Full Money Back GuaranteeIn the event that this course does not meet your expectations or you are unhappy with this course for any reason, I promise to give you a full refund with no questions asked.************************************************************************If you are willing to learn and put in the effort to implement what I teach you in this course, go ahead now and click the big blue button at the top to enroll yourself and start experiencing the results for yourself!I look forward to hear your personal success story and I'll see you on the other side!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Design Beautiful Websites with Web Typography (2016)" |
"LATEST: Course is updated for month of July 2015.17 July 2015: New Lecture Revised - Lecture 28 : Color 24 June 2015 : New Downloadable Resources Added! - Font Size Measure , Measure Space14 June 2015 : New Downloadable Resources Added ! - Web Fonts & Google Fonts6 May 2015: New lecture added! - Section 3 Lecture 5: Line Height Basics IMPORTANT: Price of the course will increase to $ 299 on July 31, 2015JOIN OVER 1300+ SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS WHO HAVE ALREADY TAKEN THIS COURSE!*******************************************************************************************************************""Superb Course. This is a great course for beginners who don't know anything about web typography. The instructor is very helpful and knowledgable about the topics as well. Definitely one of the best here in Udemy."" - MatthewScroll down to the bottom for more authentic reviews...*******************************************************************************************************************THIS COURSE IS CREATED FOR ONE SIMPLE PURPOSE :To help you design great looking websites with awesome looking Typography for clients,real world projects or your own website!Learning how to design beautiful websites using Typography is one of the most important investments you can make as a designer. Almost all websites use Typography to create great user interfaces and experiences. In this course we'll go over the basic typographic elements to using HMTL and CSS to design our websites.Whether you are - A total newbie on web typography design using HTML and CSS or clueless on how to get started:You will gain a solid foundation on the WHATs and HOWs to designing your very own website using Typography . This is a structured course that teaches you a systematic way to design your own website using Typography from scratch that will save you years of time figuring things out on your own. After taking this course, you'll be able to...Learn basic Typography Terms,Elements and Best PracticesLearn basic Web Typography ClassificationsLearn how to design Web Typography using HTML and CSS - No Experience needed!Learn UI/UX Design PrinciplesLearn Responsive Web Typography for Desktop,Tablets and MobileLearn how to design and layout beautiful websites using Web TypographyAbout this courseOver 30+ Lectures and 2+ Hours of ContentFull, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free30 day money-back guarantee -- my personal promise to your success!Monthly BONUS Lectures to enhance your Design Skills!24/7 Instructor Chat Support -- I will personally help youBy enrolling in this course, you will also receive support from me and I will be personally answering your questions in the student discussion area.************************************************************************30-Day Full Money Back GuaranteeIn the event that this course does not meet your expectations or you are unhappy with this course for any reason, I promise to give you a full refund with no questions asked.************************************************************************If you are willing to learn and put in the effort to implement what I teach you in this course, go ahead now and click the big blue button at the top to enroll yourself and start experiencing the results for yourself!I look forward to hear your personal success story and I'll see you on the other side!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Design Thinking 2016" |
"LATEST: Course is updated for month of April2016.THIS COURSE IS CREATED FOR ONE SIMPLE PURPOSE :To help you develop innovative solution based ideas with no limits through the process of Design Thinking by solving real world problems creatively in an organized and systematic manner.Whether you are - A total newbie on Design Thinking and clueless on how to get started:You will gain a solid foundation on the WHATs and HOWs to empathize with users,defining clear problem objectives,learning effective ideation techniques to generate great ideas, prototyping and testing ideas in real world scenarios and many more! This is a structured course that teaches you a systematic way to to become a Design Thinker from scratch that will save you years of time figuring things out on your own. After taking this course, you'll be able to...Learn how to empathize and understand the needs and problems of users Learn how to clearly define the problems and objectives of customers/users/etc.Learn Ideation Techniques that will tremendously help you think of innovative solutionsLearn how to turn your ideas into tangible and working prototypes Learn how to test ,iterate get feedback from your prototypes Acquire Creative Confidence and learn how to utilize the Power of ObservationsAcquire the basic foundational skills needed to become an effective Design ThinkerAbout this courseOver 20+ Lectures and 2+ Hours of ContentFull, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free30 day money-back guarantee -- my personal promise to your success!Monthly BONUS Lectures to enhance your Design Thinking Skills!24/7 Instructor Chat Support -- I will personally help youBy enrolling in this course, you will also receive support from me and I will be personally answering your questions in the student discussion area.If you are willing to learn and put in the effort to implement what I teach you in this course, go ahead now and click the big blue button at the top to enroll yourself and start experiencing the results for yourself!I look forward to hear your personal success story and I'll see you on the other side!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mobile Game Art Design 2016" |
"LATEST: Course is updated for month June of 2015.20 June 2015 : Lecture 9 New Downloadable Resources Added ! - Flappy Bird CharactersIMPORTANT: Price of the course will increase to $199 on June 31, 2015JOIN OVER 1600+ SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS WHO HAVE ALREADY TAKEN THIS COURSE!*******************************************************************************************************************THIS COURSE IS CREATED FOR ONE SIMPLE PURPOSE :To help you design and create Mobile Game Art for your own Mobile Games from scratch!Whether you are - A total newbie on Mobile Game Art Design and clueless on how to get started:You will gain a solid foundation on the WHATs and HOWs of designing Mobile Game Art , Game Mechanics, Game Design,choosing the right target audience for your mobile game and ultimately earning money with your mobile games! We'll be designing and recreating the Best Selling mobile game called Flappy Bird, we'll dive right in and learn by doing using Adobe Photoshop -- No Experience needed!This is a structured course that teaches you a systematic way to to become a Mobile Game Designer from scratch that will save you years of time figuring things out on your own.After taking this course, you'll be able to...Learn the basic Game mechanics of Mobile gamesLearn how to choose the right target audience for your mobile gameLearn the basic visual design components of a mobile gameLearn simple tips on how to design Game CharactersLearn how to make money with your mobile gameLearn where you can sell your Mobile Games for maximum profitLearn how to design Mobile Game Art with Adobe Photoshop - No experience needed!Learn how to design one of the World's Best Selling Mobile Games to date called Flappy Bird!About this courseOver 24+ Lectures and 4+ Hours of ContentFull, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free30 day money-back guarantee -- my personal promise to your success!Monthly BONUS Lectures to enhance your Design Skills24/7 Instructor Chat Support -- I will personally help youBy enrolling in this course, you will also receive support from me and I will be personally answering your questions in the student discussion area.If you are willing to learn and put in the effort to implement what I teach you in this course, go ahead now and click the big blue button at the top to enroll yourself and start experiencing the results for yourself!I look forward to hear your personal success story and I'll see you on the other side!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Design & Create Vector Graphics With Inkscape 2016" |
"LATEST: Course is updated for month of June 2016.THIS COURSE IS CREATED FOR ONE SIMPLE PURPOSE :To help you design and create Vector Graphics from scratch the fastest way possible without the steep learning curve of learning Inkscape!Whether you are - A total newbie on Inkscape and clueless on how to get started:You will gain a solid foundation on the WHATs and HOWs of using Inkscape and creating vector graphics. This is a structured course that teaches you a systematic way to help you learn Inkscape the fastest way possible so you can start designing from the get go! We will be learning by doing, so we'll dive right in by creating vector graphics while learning the mechanics and commands at the same time. To reinforce this learning, at the end of the course , we'll be applying what we've learned by doing special class projects as part of our Inkscape design exercises.After taking this course, you'll be able to...Learn how to design Vector Graphics using InkscapeLearn the basic mechanics of InkscapeAbout this courseOver 26+ Lectures and 3+ Hours of ContentFull, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free30 day money-back guarantee -- my personal promise to your success!Monthly BONUS Lectures to enhance your Design Skills24/7 Instructor Chat Support -- I will personally help youBy enrolling in this course, you will also receive support from me and I will be personally answering your questions in the student discussion area.If you are willing to learn and put in the effort to implement what I teach you in this course, go ahead now and click the big blue button at the top to enroll yourself and start experiencing the results for yourself!I look forward to hear your personal success story and I'll see you on the other side!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"User Experience Design For Mobile Apps & Websites (UI & UX)" |
"LATEST: Course is updated for month of November 2015.5 November 2015 - New lectures added! 1. Anatomy of great web design2. Best web layouts for effective design3. Fixed sidebar4. Eye Tracking 1013 July 2015: New lecture added! - Section 2 Lecture 3: Mastering UI Patterns Designing for Space: Sculpture Through Subtraction Contrast and similarity30 June 2015 : New lectures added! - Section 2 Lecture 3: Tools for website prototyping The 5-Second Test for Visual Hierarchy Color TheoryJOIN OVER 7000+ SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS WHO HAVE ALREADY TAKEN THIS COURSE!*******************************************************************************************************************THIS COURSE IS CREATED FOR ONE SIMPLE PURPOSE :To help you understand and fully comprehend the key concepts needed for web and mobile app design which are User Interface and User Experience Design Principles!Whether you are - A total newbie on User Experience Design and clueless on how to get started:You will gain a solid foundation on the WHATs and HOWs of User Experience Design. This is a structured course that teaches you a systematic way to learn the basic foundational concepts of UI & UX Design that will save you years of time figuring things out on your own. About this courseOver 10+ Lectures and 1 Hour of ContentFull, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free30 day money-back guarantee -- my personal promise to your success!Monthly BONUS Lectures to enhance your UX Design Skills!24/7 Instructor Chat Support -- I will personally help youAfter taking this course, you'll be able to...Learn the basic UI & UX Design PrinciplesLearn the Difference between UI & UXLearn the foundation and nature of UX DesignLearn Key Guidelines For Proper Mobile App DesignsLearn the Basic Fundamentals of User Interface DesignLearn additional Tips and Lessons for UI & UX DesignBy enrolling in this course, you will also receive support from me and I will be personally answering your questions in the student discussion area.If you are willing to learn and put in the effort to implement what I teach you in this course, go ahead now and click the big blue button at the top to enroll yourself and start experiencing the results for yourself!I look forward to hear your personal success story and I'll see you on the other side!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sketch 3 - Mobile App Design (UI & UX Design)" |
"LATEST: Course is updated for month of November 2015.5 November 2015 - New lectures added! 1. Anatomy of great web design2. Best web layouts for effective design3. Fixed sidebar4. Eye Tracking 101*******************************************************************************************************************THIS COURSE IS CREATED FOR ONE SIMPLE PURPOSE :To help you use and understand the basic functions and fundamentals of Sketch 3! Sketch gives you the power, flexibility and speed you always wanted in a lightweight and easy-to-use package. Finally you can focus on what you do best: Design.Whether you are - A total newbie on UI ans UX Design and clueless on how to get started:You will gain a solid foundation on the WHATs and HOWs to designing Mobile Apps, User Interfaces and a whole lot more! This is a structured course that teaches you a systematic way to design and use Sketch that will save you years of time figuring things out on your own. About this courseOver 10+ Lectures and 1 Hour of ContentFull, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free30 day money-back guarantee -- my personal promise to your success!Monthly BONUS Lectures to enhance your Design Skills!24/7 Instructor Chat Support -- I will personally help youAfter taking this course, you'll be able to...Design Your Own Mobile Apps from Scratch using Sketch 3Build A Working Mobile App Prototype that you can show to everyone!Learn How To Design Using Sketch 3 -- No Experienced needed!Learn UI/UX Design PrinciplesBuild Practice Mockups and Templates to enhance your design skillsBy enrolling in this course, you will also receive support from me and I will be personally answering your questions in the student discussion area.If you are willing to learn and put in the effort to implement what I teach you in this course, go ahead now and click the big blue button at the top to enroll yourself and start experiencing the results for yourself!I look forward to hear your personal success story and I'll see you on the other side!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Beginner's Guide To Designing With Sketch 3" |
"LATEST: Course is updated for month of June 2015.*******************************************************************************************************************THIS COURSE IS CREATED FOR ONE SIMPLE PURPOSE :To help you use and understand the basic functions and fundamentals of Sketch 3! Sketch gives you the power, flexibility and speed you always wanted in a lightweight and easy-to-use package. Finally you can focus on what you do best: Design.Whether you are - A total newbie on UI ans UX Design and clueless on how to get started:You will gain a solid foundation on the WHATs and HOWs to designing Mobile Apps, User Interfaces and a whole lot more! This is a structured course that teaches you a systematic way to design and use Sketch that will save you years of time figuring things out on your own. About this courseOver 14+ Lectures and 1 Hour of ContentFull, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free30 day money-back guarantee -- my personal promise to your success!Monthly BONUS Lectures to enhance your Design Skills!24/7 Instructor Chat Support -- I will personally help youAfter taking this course, you'll be able to...Learn How To Design Using Sketch 3 -- No Experienced needed! Learn the basic mechanics of Sketch 3By enrolling in this course, you will also receive support from me and I will be personally answering your questions in the student discussion area.If you are willing to learn and put in the effort to implement what I teach you in this course, go ahead now and click the big blue button at the top to enroll yourself and start experiencing the results for yourself!I look forward to hear your personal success story and I'll see you on the other side!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"The Beginner's Guide To Design Thinking" |
"LATEST:Course is updated for month of April2016.THISCOURSEISCREATED FORONESIMPLEPURPOSE:To help you develop innovative solution based ideas with no limits through the process of Design Thinking by solving real world problems creatively in an organized and systematic manner.Whether you are - A total newbie on Design Thinking and clueless on how to get started:You will gain asolid foundation on the WHATs and HOWs toempathize with users,defining clear problem objectives,learning effective ideation techniques to generate great ideas, prototyping and testing ideas in real world scenarios and many more! This is a structured course that teaches you a systematic way to to become a Design Thinker from scratchthat will save you years of time figuring things out on your own.After taking this course, you'll be able to...Learn how to empathize and understand the needs and problems of usersLearn how to clearly define the problems and objectives of customers/users/etc.Learn Ideation Techniques that will tremendously help you think of innovative solutionsLearn how to turn your ideas into tangible and working prototypesLearn how to test ,iterate get feedback from your prototypesAcquire the basic foundational skills needed to become an effective Design ThinkerAbout this courseOver 12+ Lectures and 2+ Hours of ContentFull, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free30 day money-back guarantee -- my personal promise to your success!Monthly BONUS Lectures to enhance your Design Thinking Skills!24/7 Instructor Chat Support -- I will personally help youBy enrolling in this course, you will also receive support from me and I will be personally answering your questions in the student discussion area.If you are willing to learn and put in the effort to implement what I teach you in this course, go ahead now andclick the big blue button at the top to enrollyourself and start experiencing the results for yourself!I look forward to hear your personal success story and I'll see you on the other side!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Inkscape 101 for Beginners - Design Vector Graphics" |
"LATEST:Course is updated for month of June 2016.THIS COURSE IS CREATED FOR ONE SIMPLE PURPOSE :To help you design and create Vector Graphics from scratch the fastest way possible without the steep learning curve of learning Inkscape!Whether you are - A total newbie on Inkscape and clueless on how to get started:You will gain a solid foundation on the WHATs and HOWs of using Inkscape and creating vector graphics. This is a structured course that teaches you a systematic way to help you learn Inkscape the fastest way possible so you can start designing from the get go! We will be learning by doing, so we'll dive right in by creating vector graphics while learning the mechanics and commands at the same time. To reinforce this learning, at the end of the course , we'll be applying what we've learned by doing special class projects as part of our Inkscape design exercises.After taking this course, you'll be able to...Learn how to design Vector Graphics using InkscapeLearn the basic mechanics of InkscapeAbout this courseOver 20+ Lectures and 1+ Hours of ContentFull, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free30 day money-back guarantee -- my personal promise to your success!Monthly BONUS Lectures to enhance your Design Skills24/7 Instructor Chat Support -- I will personally help youBy enrolling in this course, you will also receive support from me and I will be personally answering your questions in the student discussion area.If you are willing to learn and put in the effort to implement what I teach you in this course, go ahead now andclick the big blue button at the top to enrollyourself and start experiencing the results for yourself!I look forward to hear your personal success story and I'll see you on the other side!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Las Vegas Travel Guide - Free Magic Show Ticket and Casino" |
"Planning for your next vocation?Why not make a trip to Las Vegas. In this course I will show you everything you need to know about Las VegasEven if you are not coming to Las Vegas, the course will bring you to Vegas as if you are there in personI will show you where to get married, which hotel is the best. Where to get free food, drink and ticket shows. Most of the stuff you can get in las vegas is free. You just need to know how to get it.If you are travelling with family and kids Las vegas has a variety of program suitable for the whole family.I am sure you will agree that Las Vegas will be a good place to visitThe $99 you have paid will be return back to you in many times. The value you get out from this course is much more than what you have paid for."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Effectively Managing Conference Call with Virtual Team" |
"(**All video lessons are downloadable. eBook version of the course is available in Amazon Kindle Store.)If you are spending a lot of time in conference calls to do business, your work performance is much affected by how well you spend your time in this virtual workplace. Our course is created with the purpose of turning general call takers into value creating professionals in managing communication with virtual team. It is divided into 3 parts:We will let you know the 6 drivers of a productive call. We will revitalize your mindset towards conference calls by introducing new concepts and a toolkit that will let you realize how much of your workload is actually being invested in calls and how productive those investments are. We will provide an exceptional guideline on how to improve each of 6 drivers. This will equip you with skill set to become the value creator.The course will provide downloadable conference call assessment toolkit so you can score your existing calls and identify area that needs improvement.Jay is a professional with 12 years experience who had worked on projects that involves various countries as a PMO and handled a lot of offline and online communications. She will be sharing her field experience on how to handle difficult situations in a call involving multiple nations, languages and cultures.Niki is a professional who had worked at multinational company for 15 years and had to go through a lot of teleconference communication working on vendor side as well as client side. She will be sharing how to be an effective liaison between multiple parties and derive synergy in working together."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to be an Independent security researcher /Ethical Hacker" |
"This Course is about :Ethical HackerPenetration testerWhat is xss?Why xss?Types of xss?What are the different sources of xss?Different context of xss?What is Sql Injection?Different Types of Sql injection.Types of xssPersistent xss (stored xss)Non persistent xss reflected xssDom based xssWe will discuss different xss example according owasp xss.Why xss is so important?What is internet safety?What is network security?COURSE REQUIREMENTS:Nothing just know to run apps on computerHTTP client server Architecture Basics of HTML and JS. Basics of PHP and ASPnetIf you know about some of these things then it will be more beneficial and will be easy for your understanding this course.WHO SHOULD ATTEND?Ethical HackerPenetration testerSecurity ResearcherWeb DeveloperBug HunterHard Worker and If you want to make yourself do somethig"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress Security Earning Formulae in 2016" |
"Save Time, Money And StressFind Out What Hackers Don't Want You To Know!30000 Website Are Hacked Every Day...And most owner don't even know their site is one of them..Every single day hackers inject spam on your site ,redirect your site visitors to their sites, delete some of your files or even take over complete control of your website.This course will save you many hours of trial and error in setting up first websiteThis course is all about the securing your website and you will be able to secure your Wordpress site and you can also secure your friends as well as your clients site. You can earn through giving services of your Wordpress security expertise .Use the simple steps in this course to secure Wordpress!Wordpress Security Best PracticesThis course is regularly updated to reflect the Wordpress security best practices based on the most latest Wordpress version and the recently security threats.My Guarantee To You I am 100% confident that this the Best Wordpress Security Course available anywhere at the lowest price.. So ,Take this course now, Just click on the blue button that says ""Take this course"" and remember its entirely risk free!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Microservices with Spring Cloud" |
"Microservices with Spring Cloud is an online workshop designed to help you learn the Microservices architectural style, and how to implement it using Spring technologiesThis course provides a good, solid introduction to the topic of the Microservices architectural style, and combines this with practical experience gained by working through the exercises featuring Spring Cloud.Along the way, this course will provides a brief introduction to Spring Boot and Spring Data (enough to get you familiar with these technologies if you have not been immersed in them already).The course provides exercises that provide you with hands-on experience working with the various components of Spring Cloud.The goal of this course is to serve as a practical guide through the Spring Cloud projects, so you can see how they are used to implement microservice based architecture.By the time you finish this course, you will have gained the ability to articulate what the Microservices architectural style is all about, including its advantages and disadvantages.You will gain familiarity with Spring Boot, and you'll see how to use it to build web interfaces, REST interfaces, and how to use Spring Data and Spring Data REST.You will gain the ability to build microservice-based applications utilizing Spring Cloud technologies. You will learn about Centralized, versioned configuration management using Spring Cloud ConfigDynamic configuration updates with Spring Cloud BusService discovery with Spring Cloud EurekaClient Side Load Balancing with RibbonDeclarative REST Clients with FeignSoftware Circuit Breakers with Hystrix."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Word 2013 Fast Start: Be A 2015 Office Superhero!" |
"STUDENT REVIEWS:""After going through this course, I have picked up the skills to do more advanced features of Word like the text styles, tables and even the thesaurus. I enjoyed Lecture 5 on creating tables as this is the part that always confused me. The course is organised in a logical manner and the instructor is clear in the lectures. Highly recommended."" -- Tam W.""The Microsoft Word Crash Course ROCKS!!"" -- Logan Southee""Absolutely worth the money. It explains everything you need to know about this fundamental writing software. I love the instructor's explaining method; it is clear and precise."" -- Mike=====================================================================================In this brand new MS Word course for 2016, you will receive a comprehensive introduction to Word, AND I will walk you step by step (as if you're looking over my shoulder) through several demonstrations of the latest features in Word 2013.This two tiered focus makes The Crash Course perfect for novices AND intermediate users. If you've already mastered all the advanced features and time-saving hacks, then you may want to look for another course. But if you're a total beginner, you'll get a guided tour showing exactly how to use Word's basic features. If you're a long-time user of past versions of Word, you'll discover over a dozen shortcuts and awesome hacks you probably never knew existed. Regardless, you will master the most powerful features and start making gorgeous documents within two hours.=====================================================================================Your purchase of this course is fully backed up by a 100% money back guarantee, so there's absolutely no risk on your part! Click the ""Take This Course"" button on the top right of the screen and start learning now. You are free to test drive the course for up to 30 days with no strings attached. If you decide it's just not working out? No problem. Simply contact Udemy support and you'll get 100% of your money back.====================================================================================="
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Produce Promotional Videos to Market Any Business" |
"Video marketing.It's everywhere. From marketers to entertainers, virtually everybody who's anybody online is on YouTube these days, creating hour after hour of video content to get the attention of the world.And with good reason, too. Whether you know it or not, your favorite businesses and entertainers are already using video marketing to reach out to a wider audience. Video is engaging. Video is personal. And moreso than any other platform, video opens up a two way communication stream between you and the people you want to communicate with, making it the perfect platform for sales.Introducing Video Marketing Profits 2015.This course will take you from being a complete beginner at making videos, to being an expert in video marketing, including YouTube marketing, video sales letters and video-based product launches. You will learn all the tools of the trade, including: Screencasting. Writing mind-melting copy for videos that maximize conversions. Creating gorgeous professional quality"" videos on a shoestring budget. Sales funnel mastery. The 3 most effective video formats.Launching to your list. How to generate a torrent of sales with the magic buy button"" Using video to power instantly-profitable product launches. And much, much more. Video marketing is one of the most effective ways to make money online.Everybody has articlesbut with videos, you stand out. And with the videos you learn how to make in Video Marketing Profits 2015, you will not only gain a following, but also push your sales and product launches into overdrive. You will discover the tricks of the trade"" that other top video marketing expertsnot just top internet marketers but also YouTube celebritiesuse to build their audiences and sell their products. These are the exact same strategies your favorite YouTube stars are using, and once you have finished the program, you'll have all the tools you need to put them into practice.=====================================================================================Your purchase of this course is fully backed up by Udemy's ironclad 100% money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose. Click the ""Take This Course"" button on the top right of the screen and start learning now! You are free to test drive the course for up to 30 days with no strings attached. If you decide it's just not working out? No problem. Simply contact Udemy support and you'll get 100% of your money back. This is also a personal promise to you that you'll be blown away by what you'll learn in the next 3 hours. If you don't get a massive return on your investment in this course, I don't want your money and you can return the course, no questions asked. ====================================================================================="
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Advertising Ninja: How I Get 200+% ROIs With FB Ads" |
"Facebook ads.They're every entrepreneur's best friend.Boasting a lower cost per click and a better return on investment than most other PPC platforms, Facebook has become the boon of many a business with limited advertising funds.But did you know that it's possible to advertise even more cheaply and effectively on Facebook than most businesses are currently doing? To pay as little as one cent per click on campaigns that generate massive CTR?William Austin has found the path, and now, he's ready to reveal it to you.Facebook Ads Mastery is a complete video course dedicated to helping you get bigger, better results with Facebook marketing. With over 18 dedicated lessons on topics as diverse as Page design, ad construction and types of ads, this course runs the gamut, covering every piece of knowledge you need to know to get the most out of your FB advertising.Over the course of 18 information packed lessons, you will learn how to Get the lowest possible CPC on your Facebook Ads WITHOUT sacrificing effectiveness. Create a Fan Page that is optimized to bring in the maximum possible amount of business. Get cheap clicks (as low as 1 to 10 cents) with the Cheap Click Formula(TM), a never before revealed system that will be revealed publicly for the first time in Facebook Ads Mastery. Laser target your ads to the BEST buyers who are statistically the most likely to want to buy your products. Budget your ads for the best conceivable cost optimization and return on investment. Create incredible, high-impact ads that are practically guaranteed"" to get the highest possible CTR.Use the Power Editor, Google Chrome's powerful extension for FB ads. Boost your ROI by hundreds of $ with this segment alone. And learn more than a dozen other powerful 'hacks' for getting better results with Facebook marketing than almost anyone else on Facebook. The content in Facebook Ads Mastery has never been revealed before in any other program or training. For just $29 you can own the program that is literally going to change the face of FB Advertising forever. This brand new course was just released on June 22, 2015, and the $29 price is an initial promo offer for the first 500 students. So sign up now!=====================================================================================Your purchase of this course is fully backed up by Udemy's ironclad 100% money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose. Click the ""Take This Course"" button on the top right of the screen and start learning now! You are free to test drive the course for up to 30 days with no strings attached. If you decide it's just not working out? No problem. Simply contact Udemy support and you'll get 100% of your money back. This is also a personal promise to you that you'll be blown away by what you'll learn in the next few hours and you'll start generating a massive return on your investment in this course and in your business. ====================================================================================="
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Ads 2016 Fast Start: 1 Hour To FB Marketing Profits" |
"Want to discover how to generate over 287 leads and over $677 just 60 minutes from now? Here's what you'll discover: Big audience vs. small audience - which is best for cheap targeting? You'll be shocked to find that the right answer for your Facebook ads is hiding right under your nose... (HINT: If you know the difference between the Stubborn CEO & 18 Year Old Punk avatar... then you already know what to do...)How to use the "fear formula" to get people to buy not ONCE but TWICE from you... follow this proven formula to your retargeting and remarketing ads step-by-step and watch your CTR skyrocket. (When I discovered this "buying truth" my CTR tripled and ad costs were cut in half)...Why you need to start using the "cover all angles" approach to FB advertising in 2015 if you want to compete with the "big dogs"... and survive... Ignore this advice at your own peril...And so much more...But here's the best part: You can get all this... HQ VideosExpert InsightsProfessional trainingProven strategiesAnd more...For just $9. But in 7 days the price is going to double. What are you waiting for? Click that "buy" button now before your 7 days is up!==================================================================Get These Transformational Strategies 100% Risk FREE! You don't even have to say "yes" to purchasing this course. Just say "maybe". Try the course for 30 days. If you don't love it, then Udemy will guarantee you a 100% money-back refund. No questions asked. And I'll do them even one better: Your First Guarantee: If you try this course, and follow it to the letter, and don't see a positive ROI from your investment into this training... you'll get every last penny of your money back.Your Second Guarantee: In order to make sure that you have MASSIVE success with this course, I personally guarantee that I will be available for 100% of your questions. You post a discussion or send me a message, and I'll send you an answer. Sound fair?=================================================================="
Price: 29.99 ![]() |