Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Learn to cook Italian's Panzerotti" |
"This course is great because you will learn the traditional way to cook italian fried panzerotti.What is the panzerotto ?Panzerotti originated in central and southern Italy, especially in Apulia. They are small versions of the calzone or closed pizza, but produced with a softer dough. The most common fillings are tomato and mozzarella, but spinach, mushrooms, baby corn, and ham are often used. Another filling is onions stir fried in olive oil and seasoned with salted anchovies and capers, a seasoning that, mixed with bread, is also used in Apulia for stuffed bell peppers.You will cook two kind of panzerotti :mozzarella and tomato + mozzarella and meatI really hope that you will like them"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Author Websites Fast and Easy: NO Tech Skills Needed" |
"Learn how to build your website with minimal technical skills using a pre-designed author template. You'll also learn how to integrate author marketing strategies into the structure of your site.Create a website that connects to your target audience and promotes your writing products and books.Create pages that showcase your books with buy buttons;Learn to build your target audience of readers by blogging;Set up autoposting of your blogs to your social media networks;Learn the basics of how to operate your WordPress website; andExplore advanced techniques such as building an email list.A Painless Solution to Building the Foundation of Your Author PlatformWhether you are self-published or have a traditional publisher, you need a website to market your books. Most publishers will tell you that you have to build your own platform: you have to blog regularly; you must try to connect with your target audience; you must build followers and friends on social media; and you must build an email list for ongoing contact with potential readers and buyers.Building a website that accomplishes all your online marketing needs can be a daunting challenge for the non-techy author. However, success is much more likely if you choose the strategy of using a pre-built and pre-customized WordPress author template and a hosting company that takes care of the technical work for you.Content and OverviewThis course of over four hours of content (33 video lectures) will walk you through every step of creating your finished website. Each video focuses on one element of the site showing you exactly how to complete it. You can then continue to watch the next video, or stop and implement what you just learned. In other words, you could complete your own author website as you progress through the course.We will start with easy steps followed by more challenging tasks so that you don't get overwhelmed. Each video you watch will prepare you for the next. The end goal is always kept in mind that you are creating a website that will be an effective tool for marketing your writing materials and selling more books."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Coaching for Managers" |
"This is an essential guide for all people managers on how to get the most out of your staff. Whether you have a single person working for you, a small team or a large group, being able to effectively communicate, coach and provide performance feedback is a vital part of being a great manager.Coaching is a common buzz-word used globally for everything from sports to business, but what are they key things you need to know to become an effective coach as a manager of people? We'll cover the types of coaching and ways to coach your staff as well as useful hints, tips and practical examples of coaching and how the way you speak to your staff can make a huge difference to individual, team and organisational performance.This course is predominantly video based with lectures by Nigel Young, an experienced and qualified coach, manager and educator. The videos are a combination of presentation, animations and examples that will guide you through the coaching and interaction processes. There are also links to other material and a few document resources to help along the way.The course itself should be able to be completed in about an hour, but by following links and putting what you learn into practise it can effectively guide you through study that could last for weeks and the benefits far longer.The course is split into three key areas. The first is a series of knowledge based information lectures, the second deals with the theories and practices of coaching before the final section deals with how to give and use feedback in your management to improve performance. There are 17 short lectures that allow you to absorb the material in bite-sized chunks.You should take this course if you're new to managing groups of people, an experienced manager who would like some new ideas or even looking to find out more about coaching and how it can help you as a managers or potential manager."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Leadership: Practical Leadership Skills" |
"Leadership: Practical Leadership SkillsMaster leadership skills and leadership techniques with this highly practical advice and trainingLeadership is often seen an elusive or complex skill, but with this practical course you'll soon have it mastered. Whether you're managing a small team or an entire business this course will build essential skills for your time management, team motivation, and personal happiness. Leadership is an essential skill at home, at work, and in every stage of your career. If you're in charge of two or more people at work, this course could change your life.Chris Croft is an international speaker, and widely published author, who's been teaching Leadership Skills to companies for over 20 years. He's taught all over the world, as well as online, and has an entertaining and practical teaching style. This course is guaranteed to keep you engaged and amused, and teach you life changing skills for home and work.This Leadership course covers everything you need to know from delegating and motivating, differing leadership styles, keeping your finger on the pulse, and planning the future of your business. It looks at lots of real life examples (some of which will definitely get you laughing) and gives practical tools you can use right away to get better results.The course overview includes:What makes a great leaderHow to motivate teams and personalise your approachWhich common mistakes will instantly crush your credibilityCreating the perfect balance of delegating and monitoringBuilding confidence and skills into your employeesKey academic theories made practicalWhy being replaceable is a good thingAnd lots lots more!By becoming great at leadership, not only will you pave the way for future promotion, you'll also have a better work/life balance, and a much happier team. This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Life Mastery - Happiness, Health & Success" |
"Life Mastery - Happiness, Health &SuccessPractical techniques to successfully master work-life balance, happiness, and goal setting.Do you love your life?Life Mastery is a practical programme designed to help you rocket towards your personal and career goals to achieve total happiness. If you feel like thingsaren'tturning out as you'd dreamed, you want to progressfaster,or you're overwhelmed with stress and worry, then this course will CHANGEYOURLIFE.Most courses cover either happiness in avague way, or success from a purely money focused angle, but this programme combines BOTHinto one simpleroute to achieve all your goals as a fully rounded person. Itcovers everything you need to do: fromsaying 'No', managing your time, getting promotions, choosing a career, keeping fit, self talk, overcoming fear or guilt,and so somuch more. It looks at lots of real life examplesand gives practical tools you can use right away to get better results.Happiness and Successareoften seen an elusive or complex, but with this practical course you'll soon master a step by step formula for creating a life you love. Whether you're at the start of your career, wanting a change, feeling frazzled, or just not getting to your goals quickly enough,this course will build essential skills for your career and personal goals.Chris Croft is an international speaker, and widely published author, who's been teaching Happiness, Time Management and Assertivenessto companies for over 20 years. This is the first time he's combined all his business and personal experience into a comprehensive happiness and success course.He's taught all over the world, as well as online, and has an entertaining and practical teaching style.The course overview includes:Ridding yourself of stress, guilt, jealousy and anger foreverGetting promoted and networking like a proChoosing a career you love, for all the right reasonsMeditation, and what the practical benefits areChanging your self talk to create the person you want to beBeing assertive, not aggressiveSaying 'No' and choosing happinessGetting organised with Time ManagementSetting effective and exciting goals, and then achieving them consistentlyAnd lots lots more!Start building the life of your dreams today and say goodbye to stress, disorganisation and unhappiness. This course WILL change your life.... if you let it!This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"La clase invertida con Flipped Classroom!" |
"Has notado que tus alumnos se distraen en clase, se aburren o que estn desmotivados y sin ganas de aprender? Crees que algo ha cambiado en la sociedad y que tus alumnos ya no estn en sincrona con el modelo educativo que tu tuviste?Si te has formulado este tipo de preguntas alguna vez es que tu tambin crees que algo se puede hacer para cambiar estos hechos. Y por lo tanto ests buscando cursos como este para mejorar como docente.En este curso vas a aprender una nueva metodologa educativa llamada Flipped Classroom o clase invertida con la que motivar a tus alumnos a querer aprender, a querer involucrarse en tus clases y a responsabilizarse de su aprendizaje.El curso est formado por 5 sesiones con las que aprenders a invertir tu clase desde cero, paso a paso y te ofrece los materiales y herramientas online que necesitas para tener un xito absoluto. En pocas sesiones notars como algo va cambiando en tus clases, tus alumnos te pedirn ms clases invertidas o flipped classroom. El aburrimiento de las clases tericas dictadas tienen fecha de caducidad!Lo bueno es que esta metodologa sirve tanto para matemticas, tecnologa, lenguas, ingls o cualquier otra materia que se pueda ensear en un colegio, escuela o instituto. Pero ya existen profesores de universidad que lo usan en sus clases. Es el futuro, es la evolucin de la educacin y tu eres de los primeros en descubrirlo.Cundo empezamos?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Understanding Worker Classification Crash Course" |
"Understanding Worker Classification is a crash course that will help business owners learn the factors used to determine whether a worker is an employee or independent contractor. The additional bonus resources included with the course are:Independent Contractor v. Employee Self-Assessment questionnaire (one for each test covered in the course: 20 factor, IRS Test and Economic Realities Test);Independent Contractor Worksheet (one for each test covered in the course: 20 factor, IRS Test and Economic Realities Test); 5 Step Guide to Conducting your Self-Audit; 20 Factor Cheat Sheet with examples; 50 State Survey that sets forth the worker classification tests used in each state; and IRS Independent Contractor Information Sheet Form Independent Contractor Agreements for Single Projects and Recurring Projects There is about 2 hours of learning material including videos, power point presentation, and audio recordings. I will discuss some background issues on worker classification and then dive right into the 20 factor test. I will define each factor and discuss a comparison of two cases: one where the worker was determined to be an independent contractor and another where a class of workers were found to be employees. That way, you can see real situations that these factors were applied and learn common ""do's and don'ts."" After every 5 factors, I will do a brief recap and discuss important take-a-ways. Once we conclude the 20 factor test, I also address the IRS Test and the Department of Labor Economic Realities test. I will then go through next steps for your business and the 5 simple steps to conduct your self-assessment. After that, I do a lecture where I discuss the key provisions of the form contracts that are included in the course and then I give a course wrap up. Worker classification is a hot issue for the federal government and state agencies which have increased audits in this area. Understanding these issues will help your business get proactive and hopefully stop a problem before it starts. Please remember that the information in this course should be used as a general reference and you should not solely rely on this information for making legal decisions. You should consult an attorney for employment law issues."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) 101" |
"SQL Server Reporting Services 101 covers everything you need to get started using SSRS. This course is designed to teach the basics of SQL Reporting thoroughly in a practical and efficient manner.Get up to Speed Developing Professional Reports Quickly. Configure SQL and SSRS Learn to Write SQL Queries Develop Professional Reports Deploy Reports to Shareholders Build Reports Using SQL Server Reporting ServicesSSRS has been one of the top reporting platforms since its debut in 2004 and continues to be a leader in the market. Many fortune 500 companies rely on SSRS Developers to continually analyze and provide data in meaningful ways. In this course, we will be getting you up to speed on configuring the tools and creating reports in a timely manner. We will cover everything you need to get started feeling comfortable using the software and making professional reports.I designed this course to be accessible to anybody that is wanting to learn new skills in reporting. After taking this course, you will have all the skills you need to be able to create professional reports and deploy them to your customers."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Setting up a Secure Minecraft Server" |
"In this course I am going to cover everything you need to know about installing, configuring and maintaining a Minecraft server as well as making it secure against any unwanted guests. We are also going to cover how to backup and restore your worlds in case of unexpected emergencies.This Course is the A-Z Guide on Securely Setting up a Minecraft Server.We are going to cover: Installation and maintenance of Minecraft server Configuring Minecraft server settings oWhitelisting players oOpping players oBanning players Setting port forwarding on your router Security recommendations In this course, you are going to learn the following: How to install and configure a Minecraft server How to setup your router How to connect to the game (both local and remote) How to secure your server How to backup your worlds This course has everything you need to know about setting up and securing your server.We will go over every setting step by step and give a detailed description of what everything will affect in your world. We will also cover how to maintain player lists as well as white listing ONLY the players you want to be able to connect. We will cover how to connect to the server and take a look at server logs. Lastly, we will cover how to update your server, so you are always playing on the latest version of Minecraft.In the end of the course we are going to cover my personal security and performance suggestions and recommendations. There are many ways to setup and secure a Minecraft server, but not all of them are right. I go into each scenario and explain why we are going to set certain items the way we do. This allows us to both be safe, but also limit lag for external players."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Iniciandose en R" |
"El curso de inicindose en R, trata de dar las bases para que tu puedas realizar un anlisis de tus datos, puedas generar grficos robustos, generar funciones y publicar en diferentes formatos.el curso consta de 9 secciones, 45 clases con un aproximado de 3 horas de duracin, esto incluye hacer unos pequeos test de aprendizaje, que te ayudaran a complementar lo aprendido en las clases. Ademas se dispone de descarga directa de cdigo que se utiliza en las clases y enlaces directos a paginas para profundizar ms en los temas.el curso esta estructurado en una forma creciente de complejida, en las primeras secciones (Qu es R?, Sintaxxis y Objeos) daremos definiciones sobre R, as como la sintaxis principal y objetos que se crean y maneja R. En las secciones intermedias (Importar datos y Grficos Bases) podremos importar archivos de diferentes formatos al entorno r y podremos generar grficos simples hasta muy complicados. En las ultimas secciones (Programacin y Publicacin) podremos crear nuestras funciones sencillas y complejas como deseemos, adems de poder publicar en diferentes formatos como son HTML, PDF y Word."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Overcome Objections And Make The Sale" |
"Course Updated 8/21/15: 7 Students With An Average Review of FIVE Stars!Whatever it is you're selling, 80% or more of total revenue will only come in after your prospect has said No a few times, and you've changed their mind and convinced them to BUY instead. So, if you don't know how to do that, you are literally leaving MOST of your money on the table, which you can EASILY pocket instead (when you arm yourself with the right tools and a solid game plan). This course will teach you a simple, repeatable 5-Step objection cycle to hit your quota FASTER, make more MONEY, get PROMOTED, and turn ""NO"" into ""YES!"" I have used this EXACT structure to get literally HUNDREDS of strangers to give me their credit card information in malls, on campuses or knocking on their door, pulling in tons of money for the companies I've worked for and always at the top of the team. Take this course and I will show you exactly how you can start to be a closing champion TODAY!Note: This course will only be available for $27 until 9/15/15, after which the price is going up to $47 so grab it NOW for 42% off!"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"JEE/AIPMT Exam Prep: Essentials of Physical Chemistry" |
"This course is designed to help students self-prepare for the JEE/AIPMT engineering/medical entrance exams in India.This course will enable you to master all the concepts you need to know in Physical Chemistry to feel comfortable and confident about cracking the engineering/medical entrance exam. We cover chapters like Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Structure of Atom, Solid State, Electrochemistry, Chemical Equilibrium, Chemical Bonding, Solutions and provide Videos where we teach the basic concepts of physical chemistry.Mind maps which contain the whole content of a topic in one single page, represented in the form of infographics which will able you to remember and retain the concept betterRevision notes specially designed to brush up on your concepts after you have finished the topicStep by Step Complete NCERT solutions prepared by Subject ExpertsStudy planner- We give you a recommended schedule and timeline for each chapter so that you can plan out your study schedule better1 Test Paper with Video solutions which will help you to check your strengths and weakness in each topic so that you can find and resolve the problem areas in that chapter.Previous year exam questions which will help you benchmark yourself to ensure you can crack the final exam!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"JEE/AIPMT Exam Prep: Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry" |
"This course is designed to help students self-prepare for the JEE/AIPMT engineering/medical entrance exams in India.This course will enable you to master all the concepts you need to know in Physical Chemistry to feel comfortable and confident about cracking the engineering/medical entrance exam. We cover chapters like Periodic Classifications, The S- Block Elements, Co-ordination Compounds and provide Videos where we teach the basic concepts of inorganic chemistry.Mind maps which contain the whole content of a topic in one single page, represented in the form of infographics which will able you to remember and retain the concept betterRevision notes specially designed to brush up on your concepts after you have finished the topicStep by Step Complete NCERT solutions prepared by Subject ExpertsStudy planner- We give you a recommended schedule and timeline for each chapter so that you can plan out your study schedule better1 Test Paper with Video solutions which will help you to check your strengths and weakness in each topic so that you can find and resolve the problem areas in that chapter.Previous year exam questions which will help you benchmark yourself to ensure you can crack the final exam!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ODOO Technical Training - v7, v8-11" |
"Our highly affordable OpenERP/ODOO technical training is typically dedicated to IT professionals, developers and integrators who want to grasp a comprehensive knowledge of technical aspects of OpenERP/ODOO. We ensure that our training programs are delivered by industry professionals who possess extensive experience in technical implementation of OpenERP/ODOO and are aware of the professional challenges that one may face in an organizational environment.The Course contains video series and material used for demonstrating the course. All code developed during training and material will be provided with the outline. The course will lead you the basic of Odoo programming and the same will be useful for Odoo v7, v8, v9 to v12(master, not released yet). The lessons are non-API and API-compliant both, which will be usable for all Odoo versions.This training outline is starting from setting up developer environment and installing odoo to expert level customization on Reports, Wizards and Business process workflows. Developers with basic Python knowledge can take this course and build their career in Odoo development as technical consultant."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"ODOO 9-10-11 Administration and Technical Features" |
"This course is for ODOO Consultants, Administrators, Developers and beginners who wants to start using ODOO or wants to provide services on ODOOODOO in an OpenSource ERP and covering all business verticals and solutions including web, content management and e-Commerce.This course is around 4 hours and cover complete administration and technical features of ODOO.ODOO Administration is the core of any implementation to configure approval hierarchy, Users and access rights, configuring company and language, setup your printing document size, header and footer details.It will be useful for the consultant and beginner who are willing to use ODOO for their personal use or want to provide ODOO services."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Odoo Point Of Sale Technical" |
"This course is for the ODOO technical developers who wish to learn ODOO POS customisation.You will learn POS Module structure and POS module directory and file system, Javascript Structure for POS, Understanding models and its data related class and methods, Class which is used when action is being executed, Action definded for POS, how action is registerd and defined in POS, Understanding the each section of screen and Event bindings like new order, delete order etc. Designing and adding new widgets in POS, Adding new fields and change existing screens of POS. It has series of videos for the step to step guide on customising POS, It will demonstrate how POS works in offline mode.Developers and consultants who provide odoo development and customisation services who wish to learn POS structure and architecture and customise POS screens, widgets, workflow of POS can take this course."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"The 21 Mistakes You Are (probably!) Making With Your Website" |
"Did you ever wonder why SOME of the websites are getting ALL the traffic... and making ALL the money? This quick, but packed course will position you to take your online business as far as you want! It's up to you. You see, the problem most online businesses face today is NOT that that they don't have enough traffic. It's that they don't have a site that is WORTHY of traffic. Why send tons of visitors to a site that won't convert??? And it makes sense why your site isn't the BEST it can be (yet). The reason you don't invest the proper time and energy into fixing your site is because there are too many websites and you don't see the rewards quickly enough!! That's fair. But it's not hard!! I mean it... IT's just knowing the simple strategies... the ones that only a handful out of the millions of millions of websites out there bother learning... most of them easy, affordable, and timeless. Enroll today in this course highlighting the 21 most common mistakes you are making with your websites. It's a quick course (under 90 minutes), easy to fly through... money back, guaranteed. Just getting started with your online business? Then start off on the right foot!These tactics are designed to create a site that will allow you to compete with the best and become a well known brand in your market.Get your hand on this course today to start immediately seeing results with your online businessThis course has 8 modules, 25 videos and is under 90 minutes total! Includes a long and ongoing list of resources to support the content."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Createspace Publishing Mastery: How To Succeed On Amazon" |
"Do you love the idea of being successful inpublishing books but hate the idea of marketing . Then this course is for you In this course, I will show youexactly how I did it and how I make thousands of dollars each month just publishing print books You will find my income reports in the income section so you can preview it nowThe best part is, this income is completely passive. Once the book is published you dont have to do a thing. You can go hiking and your print books will still be bringing you passive income Right now is the best time to jump onto the train and also make money publishing print books I am Alex Addo and in this course you will learn my step by step plan that I used to generate passive income publishing print books. I will walk you through the whole process till your first book is published I will also be next to you during the process to answer every question you have regarding self publishing Click the buy now button and lets jump into the course"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"A Beginners Guide To Creating Your First Online Business" |
"Step By Step Multi Media Course Shows You How I made My First $10,000 Online From Home Starting From Scratch Hi, I'm Alex Addo and what I'm about to show you is the same system I used to make my first $10,000 online...starting from scratchwith NO list, NO contacts, and NO help from anyone. The secret to making big money online is to leverage the assets of other people. And in the next few minutes, I'm going to show you how to get thousands of people to send you traffic and build your list for free! But first, I need you to answer one question, ""Have you worked hard at this Internet thing, but nothing ever seems to come from it?"" Most people fail to make money online because they try to do all the work themselves. When a much smarter strategy is to set up a sales system and get other people to drive the traffic for you! And the most effective way to do this, is to sell a low-priced, high-quality product and get affiliates to promote your offer and build your list for you! But the difficult part is putting all the little pieces together to make it work... And thats why Ive documented the entire process and compiled all the tools you need, so you can profit from everything I've done, without going through the painful learning curve and wasting time and money trying to figure it out yourself... Work From Home- How I Made My First $10,000 Online is my new, multi-media course where I show you how to create and launch a product in just 7 days! You get to watch over my shoulder as I create a product, get new graphics, write a sales letter, set up an affiliate program, write promo emails, and set up the entire sales system in 7 days. I will show you how to build a list and make your first $10,000 online ""Watch Over My Shoulder as I Show You, Step by Step, How to Make Your First $10,000 Online and Get Other People to Send You Traffic and Build Your List!"" This course covers everything in great detail. Nothing is left out and no matter what level of experience you're at right now, you will quickly become a ""marketing machine"" in no time flat. Each lesson is presented in multiple formats that can be played on multiple devices. This means you can learn in the car, on the train, in the air, walking the dog... anywhere. Here's what you're about to discover: How to produce a high-quality, hot-selling product in 24 hours or less without creating any of the content yourself...My 7-step system for writing sales letters that SELL anyone can do this...just open the template and follow along as I walk you through the steps...The secret to building a huge list of repeat buyers and a certain type of marketer who'll buy everything you sell!keys to getting maximum response from your emails you'll get more clicks and more sales from the same number of subscribers!How to create an irresistible affiliate offer your affiliates will pummel their lists to promote your products!How to create copy-and-paste affiliate tools and a cool trick for sending swipe copy to your affiliates that's customized with their affiliate ID! Once you master my system for creating simple info products and getting other people to promote them, you can build a massive list and make money on autopilot!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Sales Bootcamp - How To Sell Anything Fast" |
"Do you have a product, a service, an idea, or an opinion that you need to sell, yet fail to see consistent, predictable results? Have you ever thought to yourself, ""Why does selling come so naturally to some, but seem almost impossible for others?"" Guess what - you are not alone! Having to sell something does not have to cause you fear and discomfort. Not only can selling be something that you enjoy, it can be a highly profitable activity. Look, the truth is: the lack of success that most encounter with selling has nothing to do with being an introvert or an extrovert, but instead is simply the absence of learning a few basic principles. This course lays out the foundation of what it takes in order to succeed in selling ANY product or service in ANY industry. This course also explains what selling really is and how in fact, every person on the planet is a salesperson, regardless of their job title or profession. Contrary to what some say, people are not born"" salespeople. Selling is a skill that can be learned, developed, and mastered. This course will set you down the path to increased sales, higher levels of confidence, and more motivation as you approach prospective clients of your products or services in the marketplace. This course will teach you: The characteristics of a highly successful salespersonThe introduction to a saleThe 1st and MOST important rule of sellingThe perfect sales presentationWhen to close a sale and many more"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build eCommerce Websites With Wordpress" |
"(New 2016) eCommerce WordPress Website: The Complete Course >All the WordPress plugins used in this course are of the latest versions< ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This COMPLETE & COMPREHENSIVE WordPress eCommerce course will teach you exactly How to Build a fully-functional e-commerce (online store) website using the powerful CMS, which is WordPress and also using the powerful Wordpress plugin/addon, which is WooCommerce! After completing this WordPress and eCommerce course, you will be prepared to start your own online business using WordPress and custom products with minimal upfront costs. In this Comprehensive online WordPress course, you will not only build an eCommerce site with WordPress, but you will also be given some tips on how to drive traffic to your Wordpress eCommerce website. In this course I'll walk you through every step in how to use WordPress and build an ecommerce website through a series of videos. This course explains the most basic to advance features of WordPress ecommerce By the end of this WordPress ecommerce online training you will have enough knowledge to create a Professional ecommerce WordPress website of your own and not only that but you can create websites for your clients. Would you like to learn how to instantly create an amazing WordPress eCommerce website for your business, blog or any other endeavor? Would you like to make money charging over your clients? Would You like me to teach you each and everything that are needed to create a professional online ecommerce WordPress website? If You answered ~YES~ Then you are ready to start. Click Take This Course button and discover the step by step process to creating an amazing eCommerce Wordpress website from scratch. See you inside the course!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Marketing-Beginners Guide To Monetizing Facebook" |
"Learn How To Monetise Your Facebook Fan Page! Are you tired of struggling financially? Do you feel as though you're not able to bring your family the life they deserve, due to financial roadblocks? Are you ready to EXPLODE your income? Facebook Marketing - Make passive income with Facebook FanPage will share some of the best methods for earning money online using Facebook, and will provide step-by-step instructions on how to use this platform most effectively. If you are looking for a detailed roadmap that will guide you along the path to making thousands online using your Facebook Fan Page, this is the perfect Udemy Course for you! What You'll Learn: Top methods for earning passive income using your facebook fanpage Detailed step-by-step instructions for each earning method How to create a responsive fan page that will attract the right audience who will be your customers for years to come Powerful tips and strategies that will help you with any earning opportunity you decide to pursue The information in this Udemy Course will help you to take your income to the next level, and will help anyone who is interested in having the perks of an online business: unprecedented levels of freedom, and of course, no limits to how high you can grow your income. You will learn everything that you need to establish a stream of income, with some consistency and hard work. To become a student, find the blue ""take this course"" button or the ""start free preview"" button above to enroll. You risk no money enrolling because of the 30 day no questions asked refund policy. 98% of students do not request a refund which then just leaves your time. Thank you for learning more about my course and I hope what I share with you when you are enrolled in the course will prove helpful! Click on TAKE THIS COURSE now to get started!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress For Beginners-Create Your Website With Wordpress" |
"No CodingNo Prior Experience RequiredWith Wordpress 4,Build a beautiful responsive Wordpress site that looks great on all Device About the Course After taking you through all of the main options in Wordpress and explaining what each one does and how you set it up, I'll let you watch over my shoulder as I build a Wordpress website. Who is this Wordpress course for? Have you ever wanted to build a professional looking website, but didn't know where to start? Now you can with Wordpress Wordpress for Beginners is a complete course for anyone, no matter what your technical ability. This course assumes no prior knowledge! Here is a list of some of the things you will learn in this course: You will learn how to buy, and pick out a domain name.You will setup a hosting account to host all of your websites.You will learn how to point your DNS to the correct hosting account.You will learn the easiest way to install wordpress on your URL.You will build an entire websites step by step.You will learn how to use plugins and widgets.You will learn how to integrate social aspects into your website.You will integrate our twitter, and facebook feeds into your websites.Finally you will go over my ""go to"" contact form and SEO plugins. By the end of this course, you will have a website that you are truly proud of."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Udemy Promotion Mastery and Marketing Secrets - Unofficial" |
"This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc.Everything has changed in 2016..Udemy has updated its algorithm and the competition is higher than it has ever been... So many instructors are promoting their courses outside of Udemy and they are making a lot of money...:-) Have you ever wondered why some courses on Udemy make tens of thousands of dollars while others only make hundreds of dollars? Making money on Udemy is easy if you have the right techniques. This course will reveal all the proven Udemy techniques to make more money on Udemy. Learn The Proven Udemy Secrets So You Can Make More Money On Udemy (Guaranteed) Learn to make more money on UdemyLearn to increase your Udemy conversionLearn to get more studentsLearn to get more salesLearn to get more reviews Boost Your Sales, Increase Your Conversions & Make More Money! Are you seeing little financial returns on your course? Do you want to sell more and earn more money with your course on Udemy? Is Udemy not driving sales to your course? I have an answer for you, your course can generates thousands of dollars with the right proven techniques which is all taught in this course. Enroll now and just follow my advice *You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Try this course and if you can honestly say that you learnt nothing, just email Udemy and they will give you a 100% refund within 30 days.*"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SAP : Supply Chain Logistics in R/3" |
"This course covers the Supply Chain process in SAP and covers topics such as sales, logistics execution, transportation, warehouse and much, much, more. Unlike other SAP course that just covers a single module, this course covers SD, MM, IM, WM, LE and much more. That is why I am excited about this course. This course covers BOTH the business context how the process should work and how it is to be configured in SAP R/3, across the different modules in SAP. No other course will integrate all these modules and explain how the SAP Supply Chain works. This is usually the role of SAP SCM Solution Architect and it takes years of experience to master.The course will cover Supply Chain Logistic Execution and Transportation topics such as : Inbound deliveries, when and how they are to be used.How Sales orders to control the logistic process.Using the different rules for ""Available to Promise""How to create and use Outbound deliveries effectively. Picking strategies and how they are executed in SAPWhen to use packing.Picking in SAP Warehouse ManagementPacking in the SAP Handling Unit Management What are shipments and how to use them in SAPKey Performance Indicators, what are they and how to design themUsing Stock Transport OrdersThe process of SAP SubcontractingUsing EDI and SAP Idocs in the Supply Chain. This will cover area in the Sales and Distribution (SD), Material Management (MM) , Purchasing, Handling Unit Management and Warehouse Management (WM), Shipping (LE-TRE) modules in SAP. It is not just SAP details that this course will be covering, the business topics such as The process from the perspective of the business and users.The integration and context of Supply Chain Management .How to run these process in SAP and why do we execute them in a particular way.SAP ""Best Practice"".Future proof your career by expanding your knowledge into SAP Supply Chain, one of the most in demand skills in today's SAP market.Updated in 2020 :Introduction to Supply Chain EDI added. SAP S/4 trail video updated as to include Azure serviceUpdated visual and sound for better quality, replaced (most) of the ""blackboard"" written graphics with cleaner ppt & animationsEnd to End SAP demonstration added.Updated in 2019 : Shipment cost FTL and LTL introduction added.Various business process for SCM added.Updated in 2018 : Introduction to Shipment Cost added to the courseUpdated in 2017 : Course updated to reflect new business partners concept in S/4 HANACourse updated with real life business case to test your knowledge and understanding of the course. "
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"SAP Logistic Execution" |
"Updated in 2017 : Course updated to reflect changes in S/4 HANALogistic Execution is one of the core activity of any company. Increasingly, companies are required to execute more complex processes as a means of keeping their competitive advantage. The objective of this course is to explain both the business and SAP process within the Logistic Execution area. It is aimed to provide students a deepdive into the subject in an easy, comprehensive, course that can be applied in today's workplace.For this course we will be deepdive into the following areasThe best way to use the Logistic Execution ProcessesThe configuration behind the Logistic Execution module (Distribution module)Packaging core conceptsSystem demonstrationsThe course will cover the following SAP functionalityHow to create anduse Outbound deliveries effectivelyThe mass creation of Outbound delivery in the foreground and background, and how to use it in the context of the businessRoute determination and why it is importantPicking strategies and howthey are executed in SAPExecuting Picking in Inventory management and warehouse management (IM and WM)When to use Packing and how to execute it in Handling Unit management (HU)It is not just SAP details that this course will be covering, the course also coversThe process from the perspective of the business and users.The integration and context of Supply Chain Management .How to run these process in SAP and why do we execute them in a particular way.SAP ""Best Practice"".This course is part of the larger SAP Supply Chain course, but has been segregated as to provide a targeted, deepdive session into the SAP functionality of Logistic Execution."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"SAP DeepDive - Fill or Kill Process using SAP Best Practice" |
"Unlike allother SAP courses that onlycovers the technical aspect of a module, this course actually covers how a particular process is to be implemented in SAP seeing itend to end. It covers both the ""How & Why"" of theprocessin orderprovide the student with a""DeepDive"" knowledgesession on the given subject.Based on the knowledge of a SAPveteran with over 15 years of SAP consulting experience, student who take this course will be able to understand and discuss the pain points of thisprocess in order toimplementthe SAP Best Practice solution.The course will cover the following topics :A deepdive into the Sales Order Returnprocessand when it isused.Why businesses use theprocess, and its advantagesThe considerations and painpoints when using the processHow to addressthese pain points in SAP in order todesignthebestpossiblesolutionAnEnd to End SAP demonstration of the process in SAP. What to look for and how it works.All the SAP configuration andmaster data setting required to make the process work in SAPCheck list ofall of the points covered in the course.This makes a great""cheatsheet"" at work to ensure that all pain points have been covered.UseSAP Best Practice to implement the processSAP, SAP Best Practices and ASAP are the trademark(s) or registered trademark(s) of SAP SE in Germany and in several other countries."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SAP DeepDive - SD Orders - Backorder using SAP Best Practice" |
"Unlike all other SAP courses that only covers the technical aspect of a module, this course actually covers how a particular process is to be implemented in SAP seeing it end to end. It covers both the ""How & Why"" of the process in order provide the student with a ""DeepDive"" knowledge session on the given subject. Based on the knowledge of a SAP veteran with over 15 years of SAP consulting experience, student who take this course will be able to understand and discuss the pain points of this process in order to implement the SAP Best Practice solution. The course will cover the following topics : A deepdive into the business process commonly known as ""Backorder"" and in what industries should the process be used. Learn how to use SAP ATP rescheduling effectively.Why it is most commonly used in the Engineering industryWhy businesses use the process, and its advantages The considerations and pain points when using the processHow to address these pain points in SAP in order to design the best possible solution An End to End SAP demonstration of the process in SAP. What to look for and how it works.All the SAP configuration and master data setting required to make the process work in SAPCheck list of all of the points covered in the course. This makes a great ""cheatsheet"" at work to ensure that all pain points have been covered. Implement the process taking into account SAP Best PracticeSAP, SAP Best Practices and ASAP are the trademark(s) or registered trademark(s) of SAP SE in Germany and in several other countries."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SAP DeepDive - SubContracting using SAP Best Practice" |
"Unlike allother SAP courses that onlycovers the technical aspect of a module, this course actually covers how a particular process is to be implemented in SAP seeing itend to end. It covers both the ""How & Why"" of theprocessin orderprovide the student with a""DeepDive"" knowledgesession on the given subject. Based on the knowledge of a SAPveteran with over 15 years of SAP consulting experience, student who take this course will be able to understand and discuss the pain points of thisprocess in order toimplementthe SAP Best Practice solution.The course will cover the following topics :A deepdive into thebusinessprocesscommonly knownas""SubContracting"" and in what industries should the process be used.Why it is used as part of the manufacturing processWhy businesses use such a process, and its advantagesThe considerations and painpoints when using the processHow to addressthese pain points in SAP in order todesignthebestpossiblesolutionAnEnd to End SAP demonstration of the process in SAP.The SAP configuration andmaster data settings required to make the process work in SAPCheck list ofall of the points covered in the course.This makes a great""cheatsheet"" at work to ensure that all pain points have been covered. UseSAP Best Practice for impleming the process.SAP, SAP Best Practices arethe trademark(s) or registered trademark(s) of SAP SE in Germany and in several other countries"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SAP DeepDive - 3rd Party Order using SAP Best Practice" |
"Unlike allother SAP courses that onlycovers the technical aspect of a module, this course actually covers how a particular process is to be implemented in SAP seeing itend to end. It covers both the ""How & Why"" of theprocessin orderprovide the student with a""DeepDive"" knowledgesession on the given subject. Based on the knowledge of a SAPveteran with over 15 years of SAP consulting experience, student who take this course will be able to understand and discuss the pain points of thisprocess in order toimplementthe SAP Best Practice solution.The course will cover the following topics :A deepdive into thebusinessprocesscommonly knows as""3rd Party Sales"" and in what industries should the process be used.Why businesses use such a process, and its advantagesThe considerations and painpoints when using the processHow to addressthese pain points in SAP in order todesignthebestpossiblesolutionAnEnd to End SAP demonstration of the process in SAP. What to look for and how it works.All the SAP configuration andmaster data setting required to make the process work in SAPCheck list ofall of the points covered in the course.This makes a great""cheatsheet"" at work to ensure that all pain points have been covered. Use SAP Best practice to implement the processSAP, SAP Best Practices and ASAP are the trademark(s) or registered trademark(s) of SAP SE in Germany and in several other countries."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SAP DeepDive - Return SD Order using SAP Best Practice" |
"Unlike allother SAP courses that onlycovers the technical aspect of a module, this course actually covers how a particular process is to be implemented in SAP seeing itend to end. It covers both the ""How & Why"" of theprocessin orderprovide the student with a""DeepDive"" knowledgesession on the given subject. Based on the knowledge of a SAPveteran with over 15 years of SAP consulting experience, student who take this course will be able to understand and discuss the pain points of thisprocess in order toimplementthe SAP Best Practice solution.The course will cover the following topics :A deepdive into the Return Sales Orderprocess andwhen it isused.Why businesses use such a process, and its advantagesThe considerations and painpoints when using the processHow to addressthese pain points in SAP in order todesignthebestpossiblesolutionAnEnd to End SAP demonstration of the process in SAP. What to look for and how it works.All the SAP configuration andmaster data setting required to make the process work in SAPCheck list ofall of the points covered in the course.This makes a great""cheatsheet"" at work to ensure that all pain points have been covered. UseSAP Best Practice in implementing the solutionSAP, SAP Best Practices and ASAP are the trademark(s) or registered trademark(s) of SAP SE in Germany and in several other countries."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |