Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"360 Grad Architektur mit Unity und Cinema 4D" |
"Kursbeschreibung Zeigen Sie Ihre Architektur von der besten Seite.Lassen Sie Ihre Kunden Ihre 3D Modelle interaktiv von allen Seiten begutachten. Erstellen Sie Interaktivitt mit Buttons um bestimmte Bereiche in Ihrem Modell ein- und auszublenden. Sie bentigen dazu nur Cinema 4D und Unity.Lernen Sie einfach die ntigen Grundkenntnisse in Cinema 4D und Unity um Ihre eigenen Projekt zu erstellen.Modeling in Cinema 4DProfessionelles UV Layout in Cinema 4DTexturing in Cinema 4DUmgang mit 3D Daten fr UnityErstellen von anklickbare Grafiken um Bereiche Ihres Modelles ein- und auszublendenZuweisen von vorhandenen ScriptenLassen Sie sich zeigen wie einfach es ist mit der Global Illumination in Unity zu arbeitenLernen Sie den Umgang mit HDRIs in Unity.Fgen Sie zu Ihrem Modell Effekte hinzu, wie Depth of Field, Bloom und VignettierungWas gibt es fr den Export aus Unity zu beachten?Erweitern Sie Ihre Fhigkeiten im 3D Bereich mit UnityUnity ist extrem vielseitig und leicht zu lernen. Die Personal Edition ist kostenlos und beinhaltet alles, was man fr diesen Kurs braucht. Sie knnen damit am Ende professionelle Ergebnisse erstellen. Die einzigste Einschrnkung bei der kostenlose Variante ist, dass Sie im finalen Produkt das Unity Logo sehen. In der Pro Version knnen Sie dieses Logo mit ihrem Logo austauschen.Inhalt und berblickDer Schwerpunkt des Kurses liegt in Unity. Aus diesem Grund werden die Bereiche Modeling, UV-Layout und Texturing in Cinema 4D etwas schneller erklrt. Falls Sie Schwierigkeiten haben sollten zu folgen, liegt diesem Kurs ein Einsteigertutorial fr Cinema 4D bei, welche alle relevanten Aspekte in Cinema 4D fr diesen Kurs erklrt. Wenn Sie die ersten drei Schritte in einer anderen Applikation umsetzen knnen, knnen Sie bequem dem Rest des Tutorials ber Unity folgen. Hier sollten keine Probleme auftreten.Was wird mir dieser Kurs bringen ?ber 20 Lektionen mit ber 2 Stunden Inhalt!Lernen Sie viele Tipps und Tricks, was Sie beachten sollten, wenn Sie 3D Objekte in Cinema 4D fr Unity vorbereitenLernen Sie komplexe Themen, wie z.B. Global Illumination und der Umgang mit HDRIs in Unity in einfachen und verstndlichen SchrittenLernen Sie, wie Sie mit einem sehr kostengnstigen Assett aus dem AssettStore viel Zeit sparen und sich nicht mit Programmieren in Unity beschftigen mssen.Das Assett ""Ultimate Orbit Camera"" funktioniert einwandfrei mit Unity 2019 !Sie werden nach diesem Kurs in der Lage sein, eigene Projekte mit Cinema 4D und Unity umzusetzen, ohne auch nur eine einzige Zeile zu programmieren."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Publizieren & Profitieren - Wie schreibe ich ein Sachbuch?" |
"In diesem Kurs erhalten Sie die Werkzeuge, um auf einfache und schnelle Weise Inhalte fr Ihr Sachbuch zu finden. Mit diesen Werkzeugen sind Sie in der Lage ein Sachbuch zu schreiben, mit dem Sie Education Marketing betreiben knnen.In diesem Kurs lernen Sie Werkzeuge und Formeln kennen, welche helfen, Ihr Sachbuch genau auf Ihr Zielpublikum zuzuschneiden. Normale Menschen geben eine Visitenkarte - Erfolgreiche Menschen geben ein Sachbuch. Zu welchen wollen Sie gehren? Wollen Sie sich von der Masse abheben und schneller als Experte wahrgenommen werden? Die einfachste und langfristige Methode ist ein Sachbuch zu schreiben. Mit einem Sachbuch sind Sie mit kleinstem Aufwand schnell auf allen wichtigen Plattformen aktiv. Die wichtigsten 2 Media Plattformen fr den Selbstverleger sind Amazon fr die digitale Ausgabe Ihres Sachbuches und fr die Print-on-Demand Ausgabe Ihres Sachbuches ist Create Space der Ort fr die Publikation.Am besten ist es, wenn Sie den Kurs in der Modul Reihenfolge abarbeiten."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The COMPLETE lucid dreaming course from Beginner to Expert" |
"You want to control your dreams? You want to have your first lucid dream? You have already tried lucid dreaming but had no success? Lucid dreaming enables you to control your own dreams and do whatever you want. Lucid dreaming is fun and simply awesome. Anybody can learn to have lucid dreams. In this course I will teach you how you can have lucid dreams with the help of the DILD technique. DILD is a powerful and easy to implement lucid dreaming technique. I had my first lucid dream within 14 days using the DILD method. You can do the same! Enroll now and learn in this course: The basics of DILD. How can you increase your dream recall. How you can increase your dream awareness. How you can achieve lucid dreams fast with the DILD technique. As always 30 days refund is applicable. What are you waiting for? Learn lucid dreaming fast with the DILD technique!I am an experienced lucid dreamer for many years. Lucid dreaming is a wonderful habit which allows you to fill your life with fantastic dream memories. You can explore your own world every night and be a superhero. You can transform into animals or have amazing lucid dreaming sex with celebrities. There are no limitations existing in the dream world. This world belongs to you and you can visit this world every night.Everybody has the possibility to learn how to lucid dream as this is a natural gift. Unfortunately mass media, schools, universities do not communicate this awesome topic. Thus not many people are actually aware that such a wonderful thing named lucid dreaming exists. Luckily you have now found a course that will teach you step-by-step how you can learn to have lucid dreams fast and easily. Do not waste your precious dream time anymore and learn to lucid dream."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Klartrumen mit der WILD Technik" |
"Kontrolliere deine eigenen Trume und lerne das Luzide Trumen.Fliegen, heier Sex mit Stars,Reisen zu fremden Planeten, Albtrume berwinden ...Einfach ALLES ist mglich im Klartraum , es gibt keine Grenzen und alles ist real. Klartrume sind wissenschaftlich bewiesen und jeder kann es lernen. Auch DU!Die WILD Technik ist eine ganz besondere Art, um einen Klartraum zu starten.Sie besonders intensiv und toll. Allerdings gibt es einiges zu beachten.Profitiere von meinen jahrelangen Erfahrungen. Ich erklre dir genau, was du bei der WILD Technik beachten musst, damit du auch wirklich einen luziden Traum hast.Ich habe schon sehr, sehr, sehr viele Klartrumen in meinem Leben gehabt und jeder hat viel Spa gemacht und mein Leben bereichert. Dabei habe ich schon zahlreiche verschiedene Klartraumtechniken ausprobiert. Neben der DILD-Technik gehrt die WILD-Technik zu meinen Lieblingsklartraumtechniken. Ich mchte dir all die Fehlschlge ersparen, welche mich sehr gefrustet haben. Ich hatte damals einfach zu wenig Erfahrung und Wissen. Das hat sich Gott sei Dank gendert. Damit du schneller Erfolge beim Klartrumen mit der WILD Technik hast, sollest du meine Tipps, Tricks und Hinweise beachten. Klartrumen und Klartrumen lernen macht unheimlich viel Spa und du hast nichts zu verlieren. Spar dir viel Zeit und schreib dich in meinem Kurs ein, damit du schon bald tolle Klartrume hast.Sei verrckt, habe Spa und lerne das erfolgreiche ""WILDEN""!Du lernst das Klartrumen mit der WILD Technik in weniger als 30 Tagen - GARANTIERT!Ansonsten machst du von deinem 30-Tage Rckgaberecht Gebrauch.Diese Vorteile bringt dir der Kurs:- Kompaktes und gebndeltes Wissen aus jahrelanger Erfahrung- Grundlagen und Techniken zum luziden Trumen mithilfe der WILD Technik- Geheimtricks und Abkrzungen zum Gelingen der WILD Technik- und vieles, vieles mehr ......Lerne wie auch Du schnell Klartrume mithilfe der WILD Technik bekommst.Werde zum KlartraumKing und trage dich JETZT ein."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Klartrumen fr Fortgeschrittene" |
"Kontrolliere deine eigenen Trume und lerne das Luzide Trumen.Fliegen, heier Sex mit Stars,Reisen zu fremden Planeten, Albtrume berwinden ...EinfachALLESist mglich im Klartraum , es gibt keine Grenzen und alles istreal.Klartrume sind wissenschaftlich bewiesen und jeder kann es lernen. Auch DU!Du lernst das Klartrumen in weniger als30 Tagen - GARANTIERT!Ansonsten machst du von deinem 30-Tage Rckgaberecht Gebrauch.Diese Vorteile bringt dir der Kurs:- Kompaktes und gebndeltes Wissen aus jahrelanger Erfahrung- Grundlagen und Techniken zum luziden Trumen- Geheimtricks und Abkrzungen zu deinem ersten Klartraum- und vieles, vieles mehr ......Lerne wie auch DuschnellKlartrume bekommst.Werde zum KlartraumKing und trage dich JETZT ein."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Design thinking for entrepreneurs & startups (part 1)" |
"This course will introduce you to the basic concepts and tools behind design thinking and takes you through the first two steps in the design process. These steps are fundamental to reducing the risk involved in your new venture. I have broken down the basic concepts of design into small and fun videos that will lead you through the different steps of your design process.Based on recent reviews please notice:this is a short course (34 min) anddoesn't pretend to be a complete guide todesignthinking!It aims instead to inspire you to become an explorer, to overcome the fearof jumping into the unknown,and finallyto start that project that scares you -but that matters.This course is for those who believe that entrepreneurship is a 'human trait of love' and a vehicle to build a better world (for many).My hope is that this course and those yet to come will inspire you to discover the changemaker within you and provide you with the tools needed to make change happen.I hope you'll give it a go.Stay tuned."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Strategic thinking for innovators (I) - Industry analysis" |
"This course will introduce and take you through the five forces model, the most widely used framework for the performance of an industry analysis.The course comprises:1) hand-drawn fun videos that guide you through the process;2) slides pinpointing the concepts and the steps taken in performing the analysis;3) a fillable template (free or premium): a collaborative tool enabling you and your team to start analysing your industry right now.During the course you will learn how to organise and manage an industry analysis project (the first step in developing strategic thinking) in your organisation.The course will also assist you in making industry analysis a continuous process within your organisation, explaining how to generate participation and commitment among your colleagues.Ultimately this course is the first step in making strategic thinking a fun activity and an open exercise within your organisation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Strategic thinking for innovators (II) - The value chain" |
"This course will introduce you to the value chain model, and will take you through the steps needed in starting and managing a value chain project within your organisation.The course comprises:1) hand-drawn fun videos that guide you through the process;2) slides pinpointing the concepts and the steps taken in performing the analysis;3) a fillable template (free or premium): a collaborative tool enabling you and your team to start a value chain analysis right now.During the course you will learn how to organise and manage a value chain project in your organisation.The course will also assist you in making the value chain analysis a continuous process within your organisation, explaining how to generate participation and commitment among your colleagues.Ultimately this course is another step in making strategic thinking a fun activity and an open exercise within your organisation and to connect it with your innovation effort."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Business strategy evolution - looking back to move forward" |
"This course is about what we can learn today from the historical development of the field of business strategy, as managers, as entrepreneurs, and as innovators generally.Placing the traditional strategic tools in an historical perspective not only helps us to understand the reason why they were created but also informs us how to use them properly when innovating in our organisations.The course is divided into four sections, each of which covers a substantial stage in the development of business strategy.The course is for those curious about the field of business strategy and how it has evolved over time. The aim is imbue the strategy tools we use on a daily basis with a soul."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Anuncios de Facebook 101" |
"Este curso de Anuncios de Facebook te enseo paso a paso cmo crear una campaa de Facebook, cubriendo todos los elementos que esta incluye.EL curso esta dividido en 5 mdulos con un total de 18 lecciones ms 2 videos de bono sobre cmo crear un sitio webLuego de explicarte cmo funciona todo y cmo preparar una campaa, entramos al Power Editor y vemos todo paso por paso. En la ltima leccin hacemos un ejemplo de un anuncio real y lo publicamos para que veas cmo haras todo paso por paso."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Publishing Beyond Kindle - Grow Your audience & Your Profits" |
"This course will transform you from publishing your book(s) on a single platform, into a multi platform international book publisher! I will show you step-by-step how you can be published AND profiting in a very short amount of time in:iBooksGoogle PlayKoboe-sentralI make it a point to have my videos presented in a direct and easy to follow manner. The course is concise enough to complete in one sitting, or you can break it up and complete each publishing task as you go along.You owe it to yourself to maximize your visibility to as large and audience as possible, and while your at it, you may as well turn them into multiple profit centers as well! Once you create your accounts at these book selling sites, this course is designed to get you up and running in no time at all. I chose these four book platforms in order to cover specific demographics. iBooks covers the dedicated Apple crowd. Google Play is for the massive android market Kobo is more of a "boutique" bookstore.e-sentral has an Asian customer base."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Anlisis Ventas-Inventarios-Compras/Tablas Dinmicas Excel." |
"Objetivos del Curso:1) Tener mayor tasa de retorno de inversin con estas acciones:Optimizar la rotacin de inventarios.Priorizar las Compras de productos que tienen ms Ventas.Concentrarse en los productos que generan ms ganancia.2) Analizar los clientes ms frecuentes para una mejor atenciny tener siempre los productos que solicitan.3) Las sucursales que tienen mayores ventas y ganancias.4) Agentes de Ventas con mejores resultados.5) Productos con mayor rotacin. Esto representa capital inmovilizado e improductivo.6) Anlisis de ENTRADAS y SALIDAS de ITEMS de las bodegas para analizar sus movimientos.7) Comparar las ENTRADAS y SALIDAS de los ITEMS de las bodegas,con las Ventas para encontrar discrepancias.8) Encontrar un punto de comparacin por producto para saber el punto de equilibrio entre el INVENTARIO y las Ventas.9) Diferencias de costos de mismos productos y distintos proveedores.Identificar proveedores con mejores costos.10) Identificacin de variacin de Costos para un mismo Producto que est en stock en las bodegas. Aplicar el mejor criterio para cambiar el precio de venta o no.11) Rotacin del inventario.12) Anlisis de fecha de caducidad para no perder producto.El curso tiene una duracin de 3 horas y 15 minutos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel de Bolsillo: Frmulas, Filtros, Tablas Dinmicas" |
"Introduccin:MS Excel es una herramienta que puede ayudarle a generar susreportes de una forma ms rpida y eficaz. Muchas tareas queactualmente las est realizando manualmente en la Hoja Electrnicapueden ser fcilmente automatizadas para que le generen los reportesde su negocio.De esta forma puede dedicar ms tiempo a la rentabilidad y la eficiencia.Convierta a MS Excel en un reporteador de Inteligencia de Negocios que lepuede responder preguntas complejas rpidamente. Por ejemplo:Las ventas del Vendedor A y B en la regin Occidental durante los mesesde agosto y septiembre en los pases Guatemala, El Salvador y Honduras.Dirigido a:Propietarios de Negocios, Gerentes de planta, recursos humanos,jefes de produccin-personal, contadores-auditores, responsablesde generacin de reportes de actividades de la empresa.Contenido:a) Frmulas:a.1) Copiado de frmulas para resultados verticales-horizontales.a.2) Frmula para aplicar un slo factor a columnas-filas.(Ej. tipo de cambio, factor de conversin de unidades).a.3) Consolidacin de Resultados de varias Hojas de Trabajo (worksheets).a.4) Uso de frmulas matemticas y estadsticas predefinas en Excel.b) Creacin de Grficasb.1) Seleccin de rango deseado para grficas.b.2) Distintos tipos de Grficas: Pie, Circular, Barras, Lneas.c) Ingreso de Datosc.1) Validacin del tipo de dato a ingresar. Ej. Slo nmerico, alfanumrico, fecha.c.2) Colocacin del tipo de dato por columna y fila. Ej. Fecha, texto, numrico.c.3) Operaciones entre datos de fecha-hora para obtener diferencia de horas, das, mes, ao.c.4) Colocacin de listas predefinadas ingresos de valores.d) Formato de la Hoja de Excel:d.1) Colocacin de Marcos y Lneas alrededor de un rango.d.2) Cambio de Colores y Font para los encabezados y los datos.d.3) Fusin de Celdas para ampliar el espacio utiizado. (Merge cells)e) Ordenamientos y Filtrose.1) Ordenar los datos por Columna y Fila de mayor a menor y vice-versa.e.2) Filtro de datos por columna. Especificar los valores que se requiere paramostrar solamente esos datos.e.3) Filtros avanzados: Filtros compuestos.e.4) Uso de frmulas mayor, menor, igual en Filtros.f) Tablas Dinmicasf.1) Colocacin de formato en Tabla Plana de los datos para suanlisis en Tablas Dinmicas.f.2) Interrogar a los datos con preguntas de inteligencia deNegocios con Tablas Dinmicas. Por ejemplo:Cul fue la tienda que vendi ms producto B en laregin Nor Oriente de los Pases Guatemala y El Salvador.f.3) Colocacin de Frmulas y Datos Calculados en la Tabla Dinmica.f.4) Grficos Dinmicos basados en la Tabla: Circulares, Pie, Lnea.f.5) Formato de la Tabla Dinmica: Colocacin de sub-totales, colores.g) Macros para Automatizar acciones en Excel:g.1) Creacin de Macro para generacin de reportes deInteligencia de Negocios con Tablas Dinmicas de Excel."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Trigonometry:Trigonometry a Precalculus to learn Calculus" |
"Trigonometry:Trigonometry a Precalculus to learn Calculus Trigonometry:Pre Calculus-Become a Trigonometry MasterHello,This course is useful to College and University level students to revise important high school level Pre Calculus-Trigonometric Concepts .Math is important for any grade students.Trigonometry used in Algebra 1,Algebra 2,Geometry,Calculus and Physics.For many Tests like SAT,ACT,GRE and GMAT also it is compulsory to study Trigonometry topic to get good score.This course contains 15 lectures.This Math course contains,Definition of Trigonometry,Trigonometric Concepts,Trigonometric Ratios,Explained the functions Sin,Cos,Tan,Cot,Sec,Cosec,Six trigonometric ratios with explanation,List of formulae,FX learning,Base of triangle with respect to angle,Opposite side of triangle with respect to angle.All above concepts are explained.Important concepts are explained with diagrams.***Mathematics in my point of view: ""Mathematics/Math:Math is a simply a language. In School grade/Classes,covered Algebra,Trigonometry,Geometry, and Precalculus.In College,covered Algebra 2,College Algebra,Probability,Statistics,Calculus:Calculus 1,Calculus 2,Calculus 3(Multivariable Calculus like Differential Equations,Engineering Mathematics), And University Math topics are Abstract Algebra,Linear Algebra,Discrete Mathematics,Number Theory,Real Analysis,Complex Analysis,Functional Analysis,Matlab. In Test Prep:SAT,Act, GRE,GMAT,LSAT are with Quantitative Aptitude Section.Application of Math:Engineering,Physics,Science,Computer sciences like in Games development,Programming, Machine learning,Data science"".***This course is useful for high school students.And any student can enroll in this course to learn important concepts of Trigonometry.After completing this course,you can understand the definition of Trigonometry,Sin function ratio,Cos function ratio,Tan function ratio,Cot function ratio,Sec function ratio,Cosec function ratio,Base of triangle with respect to angle,Opposite side of triangle with respect to angle.This course has few quiz questions and solved example problems.Udemy is great platform to learn. So, enroll in this ""Pre Calculus-Become a Trigonometry Master"" Thank you."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft SQL for Beginners" |
"Do you want to learn a skill that can help you earn nearly $100,000 per year? If so, then this course is for you!SQL (Structured Query Language) is the language we use to interact with databases that store data. This allows us to retrieve data with ease and simplicity. As terms like business intelligence and big data become more familiar, businesses will need more people to learn the SQL language. This course will teach you how to use the SQL language within Microsoft SQL Server, one of the most popular database engines in the world.You will have plenty of video lessons to teach you the majority of the content. Each section includes practice problems or additional e-books to help reinforce what you learn in the video tutorials."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"NO CODING EXP - Create A Professional Website Fast And Easy" |
"ONLY READ THE FULL DETAILS BELOW IF YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT CREATING YOUR OWN WEBSITECome look over my shoulder and see how I create $10,000 looking websites with just Wordpress! Oh no... what is Wordpress? No worries, I get this question a lot - I got you covered. The best part about the course is no coding experience is required. Seriously! This course has over 80 videos and hours of content to teach you everything you need to know.Good News! You do not need to pay someone thousands of dollars to do your website. Either you are an entrepreneur, an artist, a filmmaker, trying to brand yourself, or just curious. If you are looking to create a website for your company, for yourself or for someone else and do not know where to start, then this course is for you.Don't think Wordpress is the way to go? Well...aside from the fact that it is easier to create sites with Wordpress. Big companies have huge websites that are powered by Wordpress. Here a some to name a few...1. Tech Crunch2. The New Yorker 3. Variety 4. MTV News5. Beyonce 6. Best Buy 7. Fortune And the list goes on... Google the topic and you will find lists.In todays world, a website is everything. If you have a business or want to create a business and you do not have a site, you are toast! Want to brand your image? You are going to need a website!Let me help you create an awesome looking website! And jumpstart your business NOW!So what are you going to learn in this course?Literally everything to get you up and running. From registering a domain/hosting to learning how to put video, text, images, logos, sidebars, and much much more. Did I mention there is over 80 videos and hours of content to look at?You will literally learn step by step in how to create a $10,000 looking website, or your money back... read that right. Udemy has a 30 day guarantee policy, so what do you got to lose? Give this course a shot, and while others are still learning how to put a site together learning basic html, you will have your site up and running in no time. The best part...Your site will look 1000% times better. What a great feeling right? So if you are serious about creating a site, then lets get to work.Go and Enroll Now! See you in a bit...Disclaimer: This course might change your life, and open new doors to your success. So think twice before enrolling..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mathematics of Finance" |
"Learn the basics of the mathematics behind finance. In this course you will learn about compound interest, annuities, and amortization of loans. For more details check out all the lecture titles and descriptions!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A Complete First Course in Differential Equations" |
"This course will teach everything that is usually taught in the first two semesters of a university/college course in differential equations. The topics we will consider in this course areFirst Order Differential EquationsLinear Equations of Higher OrderLaplace Transform MethodsLinear Systems of Differential Equations Power Series MethodsPartial Differential EquationsFourier SeriesSturm Liouville Eigenvalue ProblemsNonlinear Systems of Differential EquationsNumerical Methods"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Solve Math Problems With A Computer Using Maple" |
"Tired of doing super long calculations in mathematics and engineering and not even knowing if your final answer is correct? Want to increase your knowledge of mathematics and programming?Want to learn how to solve the majority of undergraduate math problems in a fewlines of code?Then this course is for you!In this course you will learn to use the software and programming language Maple. Noprogramming experience is required. Maple is super easy to learn!You willquickly learn the basics and then learn how to solve any math problem from algebra, calculus, linear algebra, differential equations, and more!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create stunning book trailer videos in HD" |
"You will learn, primarily via video instruction, how to create powerful high quality HD book trailer videos, that can then be uploaded to various sharing sites (like Youtube) for more exposure for your book titles.I have provided royalty free music tracks, video clips, and powerpoint templates (specifically for book promotion), but I also show you how to source beautiful book animations and book graphics (utilizing your book cover images/pages). I show you how to create book cover image and book review slides to further enhance the quality of your book trailer videos.I show you how to craft animated GIFs, social media graphics and more.In this course I will also show you how to source video footage clips, royalty free music, and hiqh quality images. And I also include a helpful mini-course video link to a site where you can sell your video creations.I recommend that you watch the videos in the order listed, then get started from step one onward--this will allow you to save time and money in creating as many book trailer videos as you can make time for, in a 30 day period. It is very likely you will be able to produce ten to thirty book trailers, at least.So decide how many book titles you'd like to create book trailer videos for as you watch the video tutorials. If you are an author or publisher, and want to learn how to create [inexpensive] high quality HD book trailer videos that can then be uploaded to as many video sharing sites as you wish, to 'get the word out' about your books, then this course may be right up your alley. If you want to make videos for others, no matter what product or service they are offering, this course is for you too."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Nedteaches - Chapter 1 Basic Mandarin in 7 days" |
"Learn Chinese this week!This is the right course for you are just starting to learn Mandarin because... you will master the Mandarin basics in 7 days!Over 1b+ people speak Mandarin, in and out of China, compared to 500m+ of English. May your purpose for learning Mandarin is for business, for travel or a personal goal, this beautiful language is an asset.Pin Yin (a.k.a spelled out sounds)4 Tones (this is super fun!)Everyday phrases (Xi xie = Thank you)Numbers, people and food (yumm!)Descriptive wordsIs this the right course for me?KISS - Keep It Short and Simple. This is exactly what I have in this course. If you're not happy, i'm ready to hear what I can do to make it an awesome learning experience for you :)Where do you go next after this course?I am working on the next course (Intermediate level) where we will start building phrases and help you to understand some Chinese characters, recognize and respond to conversations in Mandarin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Influence with NLP" |
"This program will help you to understand how people organize their thinking, language and behavior and how to overcome objections in different life and business situations.Whether you want to sell something, to get commitment from others or to convince your sponsor to provide the resources you need, this program will give you tools and processes that will support the boost of your influencing skills in order to get impact you want.What will you learn?You will learn how to quickly overcome objections and understand, predict and influence others' behavior. This course covers how you can recognize and tap into people's motivations, and build a strong rapport with them so that it's as if you are both on the same wavelength instead of it feeling like an uphill struggle to get people to listen and cooperate. The focus of the program is on the application of the techniques in a business environment.Key areas covered:NLP Communication ModelBuilding and maintaining rapportImportance of sensory based descriptions and downsides of interpretationsLeading towards desired result of communicationOvercoming objections"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Coaching Is Magic" |
"Spend the next 12 weeks with Livina Fully (known in the human world as Katie B. Cleary) where you will dive into the 6 Elements of Harmony and the archetype of the characters that represent them. Livina Fully will help you learn how to apply these lessons to your everyday life through exercises, journaling topics and rich supplemental materials for each of the 6 ponies. If you have not watched the popular series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, watching the first five episodes will greatly increase the value you receive from this course. Livina Fully (aka - Katie B. Cleary) has a decade of experience in the personal development world as a group facilitator, life coach, and student. She has a deep appreciation of everyone's uniqueness and passions. Her mission in life is to help individuals fully embrace and live out their cutie marks ( uniqueness and true nature). Her comedic intuition, straight-forwardness and sharp intellect is sure to keep you engaged and growing!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Flawless Webinar Hosting: Gain Confidence And Effectiveness!" |
"""Comprehensive with lots of detail.""-Michah CWebinars are a great tool but many people lack the confidence and skill to use them well. They struggle with them and are frustrated or avoid doing webinars at all. This course will give you the best practices and confidence you need so you can be comfortable and great on your next webinar! Has this every happened to you: Takes forever to setup a webinar and usually forget something or screw up a setting leading to embarrassment when the webinar is live. Webinars doe not run smoothly and time is spent on trying to get the webinar to work right instead of focusing on the content of the meeting. Had your boss, a client, or someone else on the webinar complain about the setup and facilitation. Something else that just does not make you super confident on webinars and know life would be easier if you could host flawless webinars that others rave about. Then this course is for you. The instructor is well versed in a variety of webinar types from traditional virtual meetings to promoting your organization, working with prospects, and even selling educational webinars that generate $10,000 in revenue. Webinars can be high stakes endeavors and this course will help you to be at your best with 3 hours of great content.Course OverviewSection 1 looks at why do webinars in the first place and the key concept of understanding the goal of your webinar plus the difference between private and public webinars. You will understand the variety of ways webinars can be used and how you can take advantage of them.Section 2 goes over all the preparation work which is critical because if you do the prep well then better chance everything else goes smoothly and poor prep leads to poor execution. Great demonstrations how to setup a webinar that is not platform specific and concepts can be applied to other platforms. Plus how to work with other presenters and subject matter experts from sourcing and coaching to holding an effective dry-run in preparation for a high stakes webinar.Section 3 is all about the big day and the best practices when you actually launch your webinar and what to do before others join. Also how to encourage engagement through the use of tools such as the Chat Box, Polls, and tips on holding effective question and answer sessions. Plus the benefits of recording and how it can be your best friend. What to do if disaster does strike such as the power going out or dealing with rude or unruly attendees. How to use reports to see who is paying attention on your webinar and how much as well as registration and attendance reports for your public webinars.You will gain a tremendous amount of information you can use immediately from someone who uses webinars all the time in a variety of ways in an international environment and he will share all that expertise and best practices so you jump ahead in the use of this necessary tool and proceed with confidence, effectiveness, and productivity. Many of the learners in this course: Have never done a webinar before or very few and a new role requires it or they want to make money with webinars as an entrepreneur. Have done webinars but run into problems and want their webinars to be easier and more professional. Webinars can be a great professional strength if done well.Use a wide variety of webinar platforms like Webex, Go-To-Meeting, and Google Hangouts and want to learn tips and best practices that are more than using a specific system but are universal in nature and go beyond simple setup but to a higher level of being great with virtual meetings. In this course you will learn how to setup and host a webinar for success. Period. Don't wait. Click TAKE THIS COURSE and get started now and become recognized as a webinar pro that your peers, co-workers, bosses, and clients value highly. Thanks and look forward to seeing you in the training!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Delegation Mastery: Increase Productivity & Hit Your Goals!" |
"***JOIN OVER 3,000+ STUDENTS WHO ARE GETTING MORE DONE THROUGH EFFECTIVE DELEGATION***Delegation is a key skill for anyone who wants to be more productive and make fast progress on their professional and personal goals. Critical for managers and entrepreneurs but it is also absolutely necessary for anyone in today's global economy.Unfortunately, many people are hesitant to delegate routine tasks because they have had a bad experience in the past or feel If I want it done right I have to do it myself"" or other obstacles that have hindered them.People and organizations don't grow much without delegation."" -Steven CoveyTHIS COURSE WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO BECOME GREAT AT DELEGATION SO YOU CAN LEVERAGE THE TALENTS OF OTHERS, BE MORE PRODUCTIVE, AND HIT YOUR GOALS!You will learn:All the key steps to effective delegation that will ensure when you delegate things will go smoothly. Perfect execution everytime. Various levels of delegation so you can match the right person to the right task. Specifically how to delegate to various stakeholders such as subordinates, peers, team members, vendors/partners, virtual assistantsand even your boss!Learning to be great at delegation changed your instructor's life and set him up for success and it can for you as well. I was a very hard working but failing young manager and learning how to properly delegate helped me quickly become a superstar who earned maximum bonuses and was rapidly promoted. No matter if you are a manager, entrepreneur, or an individual contributor I want to share with you these important and practical real life techniques and best practices that can help you as well. Get even more:Lifetime access to the course so you get updates and new bonus lessons for FREE. Ask questions and I will answer them for you. Very focused on this to personalize learning. Udemy 30-day no questions asked refund guarantee. I want you to love the course or simply return it.SUCCESS DEPENDS ON FOCUSING ON WHAT'S MOST IMPORTANT AND DELEGATING THE REST. No risk to sign up and impact could be life-changing. Learn from my experience and rapidly move ahead faster with the knowledge I will share with you. Don't delay. Click the TAKE THIS COURSE button in the upper right corner and let's get started.Many thanks and I appreciate your interest and hope to see you in the course! -Steve Ballinger"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Goal Setting To Goal Achievement In 7 Easy Steps!" |
"Join over6500+students who are on the way toachievingtheir goals!!!Goal setting is a key skill for anyone who wants to be successful in life and turn their DREAMS into REALITY but more is needed than just setting goals. Its all aboutachievingthe goals you have set for yourself.Unfortunately,most people do not set goals at all or if they do their goals do not follow a process that will help them to actually realize their goals. Thus, their goals reflectmore of a far off dream that maybe someday will happen.THIS COURSE WILL TEACH YOU ASTEP BY STEP PROCESS YOU CAN FOLLOW TO ACTUALLY HIT YOUR BIGGEST GOALS!A goal is a dream with a deadline.-Napoleon HillPeople who have well developed goals are much more likely to achieve them and reap the rewards of success both in their work life and in their personal life.You will learn the critical steps:A better way to set your initial GOAL(S)The importance of a big picture STRATEGYDeveloping personal key TACTICS that are your action stepsHow to stay FOCUSED on a daily basis and resist distractionsUsing HABITS to accelerate your progressThe importance of TRACKING so you know how you are doingEVALUATE if you hit or missed your goal and what yo do nextPlus 4 easyAction Steps you can take immediately to jump-start theprocess""Even though it may seem like a theoretical course, it is actually hands-on! Great contribution for those who look for self-improvement.""-S. UribeGet even more:Lifetime access to the course so you get updates and new bonus lessons for FREE.Ask questions and I will answer them for you. Very focused on this to personalize learning and answer every singlequestion.BONUS SECTION with a deep dive into actual Goal Setting as getting the first step right is critically important.You are never too old (or too young) to set another goal or dream another dream.-C.S. LewisNo risk to sign up with the Udemy 30 day money back guarranteeand impact could be life-changing.Please click the Start Learning Now button in the upper right corner and let's get started.Many thanks and I appreciate your interest and hope to see you in the course! -Steve Ballinger"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Phone and Skype Interview Mastery: Key To More Job Offers!" |
"""This course is jam packed with great info to help anyone improve their skills and get positive results in their next interview.""-Ken Long""Thorough and Thoroughly enjoyable. The presenter was very upbeat and supportive, speaking from years of experience.""-K GartnerInterviewing is a key skill that leads to job offers and being great at virtual interviews over mediums such as the telephone or Skype is critical in today's global job market.Unfortunately, most people are not skilled at this type of interview and really hurt their chances to move forward in the interviewing process and get the job offers they desire and deserve. Not being great at interviewing, particularly virtual interviews, after working so hard during the job search process is like running a winning race and falling down at the finish line. All your hard work during the job search should culminate at the interview stage with a job offer for you!The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. -Steve Jobs However, for those who are skilled with interviewing in general and particularly with virtual interviewing they will really stand out from the competition and have a much better chance of success!THIS COURSE WILL TEACH YOU STEP BY STEP HOW TO SET MORE EFFECTIVE IN VIRTUAL INTERVIEWS THAT CAN BE THE DIFFERENCE MAKER FOR YOU!You will learn:How Virtual Interviews can be to your advantage.How screening interviews are conducted and how you can ace them.That virtual interviews have some similarities and some very big differences compared to traditional face-to-face interviews.Key tips to prepare your interview environment and technology so you can focus on being great during the interview.Best practices to prepare for the interview from understanding key question categories that are asked to knowing how to talk about your most key things that help promote you.Being great on the interview with a combination of being on point while providing vivid and descriptive answers.Handling questions around compensation.How to be great with each type of interviewer from HR screening interviews to potential Co-Worker interviews and even the Boss of the Hiring Manager.Your instructor will share the best practices learned from many years of interviewing others and putting those techniques to his personal success when sitting on the other side of the desk and will share everything with you.Get even more:Lifetime access to the course so you get updates and new bonus lessons for FREE.Ask questions and I will answer them for you. Very focused on this to personalize learning. If you have a question l will gladly answer it for you with the goal that it helps with your interviewing success.No risk to sign up and impact could be life-changing. Learn from my experience and rapidly move ahead faster with the knowledge I will share with you. Don't delay.Please click the blue TAKE THIS COURSE button in the upper right corner and let's get started.Many thanks and I appreciate your interest and hope to see you in the course!-Steve Ballinger"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Investing Success: Learn Keys From A Millionaire Investor!" |
"COMPLETE COURSE FROM A TOP UDEMY INSTRUCTOR WITH 14 HOURS OF AWESOME CONTENT AND GROWING TO HELP YOU BECOME A GREAT INVESTOR. New Robo-Investing section added!Join over 13,000+ students in this top rated course!Investing can be mastered by anyone and for those who really learn the key concepts and best practices they will be able to reach their most challenging financial goals and lead the life they dream about.Unfortunately, many people do not receive the key educational information and best practices that make the difference between success and failure from a successful investor.THIS COURSE WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO BE A SUCCESSFUL INVESTOR. ""I've taken several of Steve's courses now and they always provide value. I'm not done with this course (yet) but I've really enjoyed this one so far because it covers so many different things. You can tell that hes been there and done that and really knows what he's talking about!""- Tommy JNot boring theory. You will learn practical tips and best practices from an instructor who started with nothing (Actually $10,000 in student loans living in a 1-bedroom apartment above the garbage cans) to building a million dollar investment portfolio. No inheritance or luck just good sound actions over the years that you will learn about in the course and can replicate for your own personal situation.No get rich quick scheme or a course that is designed to sell you consulting services this course has one mission and that is all about sharing of experience and wisdom from a successful long-term investor and teaching you how you can apply it to your own goals and time horizon.In this course you will learn all about:How the current model of investing (The 3-legged Stool) is broken and how to succeed where others are doomed to fail.Key investing concepts that successful investors understand.Investing in a variety of assets class.Investing in mutual funds and ETF.Role of cash in your portfolio.Investing in Stocks.Investing in Bonds.Investing in Real Estate.Investing in other assets such as gold, silver, and collectiblesUnderstanding or risk and how to calculate your own risk profile.Key investment mistakes to avoid that alone can make the difference between success and failure.Top Udemy quality Instructor who has a corprate training and university teaching background and continues to be an active investor who will show you the way to success.This is an awesome flagship course which means you get:Hours and hours of video based lessons.Lifetime access to the course so you get updates and new bonus lessons for FREE.Quizzes that will test and confirm your knowledge.Complete Follow-Along Guide you can print to aid in note taking and remembering what you learned.Ability to participate in online discussions to share ideas with other students and get answers to your questions from the instructor who will answer every question.Ask questions directly of the instructor and every one of those will also be answered.30 day money back guarantee-love the course or return it with Udemy easy no questions asked policy.Disclaimer Note: This course is for educational and informational purposes only. There will be no recommending of any particular investments such as a particular stock or mutual fund as only you know what is right for your portfolio and your comfort with risk and volatility. Consult with a Professional for specific advice. Course is for education purposes only and instructor will have no liability related directly or indirectly to any loss or damage.Investing can be fun and really fun when you do it well!No risk to sign up and impact could be life-changing. Learn from my experience and rapidly move ahead faster with the knowledge I will share with you. Don't delay.Please click the TAKE THIS COURSE button in the upper right corner and let's get started!Many thanks and I appreciate your interest and hope to see you in the course!-Steve Ballinger"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Smart Way To Personal Finance Success!" |
"****Join 1000+ Students***""I really enjoy Steve's approach. It's informative and approachable. I've researched various ways to get out of debt and start investing and Steve does a great job of compiling what I have learned. For me, it's a great reinforcement of positive behavior. For someone looking for direction, I think this course is a great place to start. Thanks so much!"" --Jordon PThe ability to save money is critical as it is the behavior that funds your investments and investments are what fund your biggest goals and dreams. Unfortunately, many people do not receive the key educational information and best practices that make the difference between success and failure when it comes to saving money.THIS COURSE WILL TEACH YOU BEST PRACTICES IN ORDER TO SAVE A LARGE SUM OF MONEY OVER TIME WITHOUT LIVING LIKE A PAUPER.Not boring theory. You will learn practical tips and best practices from an instructor who started with nothing (Actually $10,000 in student loans living in a 1-bedroom apartment above the garbage cans) to building a million dollar investment portfolio. All of it started by using the techniques and best practices shared in this course to become an expert saver of money.No get rich quick scheme or a course that is designed to sell you consulting services this course has one mission and that is all about sharing of experience and wisdom so you can personalize your learning and hit your own goals!.Some of the things you will learn are:The SMART Process to saving and prodigious wealth.What percentage of income to save to for success.Is there such as thing as good debt?The proper use of credit cards.How to manage small and large purchases to reduce expenses..Budgeting tools that work.An overview of popular online tools to help you save and manage expenses.The importance of automating both your saving and your bill paying.The top 5 mistakes that are financial killers and how to avoid them.How time and the magic of compounding can help you reach your goals.How the instructor uses the principles that you can adapt to your own life.Key action steps to take now plus a bonus step to insure success.Disclaimer Note: This course is for educational and informational purposes only. There will be no recommending of any particular investments such as a particular stock or mutual fund, particularly as this course is focused on saving money and reducing expenses. Consult with a Professional for specific advice. Course is for education purposes only and instructor will have no liability related directly or indirectly to any loss or damage.No risk to sign up with the Udemy 30-day money back guarantee and impact could be life-changing. Learn from my experience and rapidly move ahead faster with the knowledge I will share with you. Don't delay.Please click the TAKE THIS COURSE button in the upper right corner and let's get started!Many thanks and I appreciate your interest and hope to see you in the course!-Steve Ballinger"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Index Mutual Funds: Lower Cost-Risk & High Return Investing!" |
"""Great explanations in comparing different kinds of muntual funds. Provide first hand experiences on different financial websites, making it much easier to start."" Yufei HINVESTING IN INDEX FUNDS CAN BE A CORE LOW RISK AND LOW EXPENSE STRATEGY THAT CAN GENERATE BETTER INVESTMENT RETURNS THAN MOST ACTIVELY MANGED MUTUAL FUNDS. HOWEVER, IT IS CRITICALLY IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND THESE INVESTMENTS AND HOW TO CHOOSE WISELY WHICH YOU WILL LEARN IN THIS COURSE.Investing can be mastered by anyone and for those who really learn the key concepts and best practices they will be able to reach their most challenging financial goals and lead the life they dream about.Unfortunately, many people do not receive the key educational information and best practices that make the difference between success and failure from a successful investor.THIS COURSE WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO BE A SUCCESSFUL INVESTOR.Not boring theory. You will learn practical tips and best practices from an instructor who started with nothing (Actually $10,000 in student loans living in a 1-bedroom apartment above the garbage cans) to building a million dollar investment portfolio. No inheritance or luck just good sound actions and one of the core strategies is the use of Index Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) that you will learn about in the course and can replicate for your own personal situation.Top Udemy quality Instructor who has a corporate training and university teaching background and continues to be an active investor who will show you the way to success.In addition you get:Lifetime access to the course so you get updates and new bonus lessons for FREE.Quizzes that will test and confirm your knowledge.Ability to participate in online discussions to share ideas with other students and get answers to your questions from the instructor who will answer every question.Ask questions directly of the instructor and every one of those will also be answered.30 day money back guarantee-love the course or return it with Udemy easy no questions asked policy.Disclaimer Note: This course is for educational and informational purposes only. There will be no recommending of any particular investments such as a particular stock or mutual fund as only you know what is right for your portfolio and your comfort with risk and volatility. Consult with a Professional for specific advice. Course is for education purposes only and instructor will have no liability related directly or indirectly to any loss or damage.Investing can be fun and really fun when you do it well!No risk to sign up and impact could be life-changing. Learn from my experience and rapidly move ahead faster with the knowledge I will share with you. Don't delay.Please click the TAKE THIS COURSE button in the upper right corner and let's get started!Many thanks and I appreciate your interest and hope to see you in the course!-Steve Ballinger"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Time Management & Productivity Best Practices: Get More Done" |
"'I enjoyed the variety of the content. Steve gave me many ideas of little steps that could make a big difference."" Lorraine M""I absolutely enjoy the concise information along with very relatable examples to illustrative the course content."" Chennay MTime Management and Productivity is a key skill for anyone who wants to be successful in life and turn their DREAMS into REALITY.Unfortunately, most people really struggle in these areas. Thus, they are likely to feel stressed and overwhelmed and a feeling that they are not working towards their most important personal goals.A goal is a dream with a deadline.-Napoleon HillPeople who have well developed best practices in terms of time management and productivity enjoy a tremendous advantage and reap the rewards of success both in their work life and in their personal life.THIS COURSE WILL TEACH YOU PRACTICAL BEST PRACTICES, TIPS, AND CONCEPTS THAT WILL HELP YOU MANAGE YOUR TIME AND BE MORE PRODUCTIVE IMMEDIATELY.You will learn:How to reduce you email and voicemail by 90%.The #1 way to overcome procrastination.The Pomodoro Technique.The ""Dont Break The Chain"" method.How to use your most productive time.How to implement your most preferred communication method.How to use the Urgency Vs, Importance matrix to focus on what matters to you.How to be super productive using the 80/20 Rule.How to achieve excellence without becoming a perfectionist....and much more!The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time. Abraham LincolnGet even more:Lifetime access to the course so you get updates and new bonus lessons for FREE.Ask questions and I will answer them for you. Very focused on this to personalize learning. Yes, even though the course is FREE, if you have a question l will gladly answer it for you.No risk to sign up and if you learn even one best practice or tip that could make a tremendous difference in your daily life.Please click the Start Learning Now button in the upper right corner and let's get started.Many thanks and I appreciate your interest and hope to see you in the course!-Steve Ballinger"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |