Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Learn To Speak ""Medicine"" And Start Your Healthcare Career" |
"Have you always wanted to start a career in healthcare?Did you know that healthcare is one of the largest businesses in the United States, accounting for 17.1% of the GDP, or 2.87 trillion dollars?In nursing alone, it is estimated that there will be a need for 1.05 million nurses by 2022?The average yearly salary for a nurse is $68,900 per year?!Do you want to create apps and Electronic Healthcare Records (EHR) programs?Healthcare spent $3.8 billion in 2015 for EHR alone!There is now a renaissance in creating medical programs - it is estimated that healthcare is at least 10 years behind in all other industries in using electronic dataLearning how to understand and speak medical terminology is a fundamental first step for entering the world of healthcare.What you will learn in this courseFundamentals of how to use medical prefixes, suffixes and root wordsAnatomical directionsCommon medical abbreviationsHow to read and write a prescriptionA brief overview of human anatomy, diseases and treatmentsHow is this course different?You will learn by immersion - not by memorizing rules! By listening to over 4 hours of basic anatomy, diseases and treatment you will learn how medical terminology, the language of healthcare, is used in conversation and how it is pronounced by an experienced speaker.Who is the target audience?This is a beginner level course, only needing a desire to learnFor healthcare students needing supplemental material to help them in classFor aspiring healthcare programmers, wanting to understand the vocabulary of healthcareFor medical transcriptionists who want to hear how a native English speaker pronounces commonly used words in medical terminology.Who is the instructor?John has over 20 years experience working in healthcare, both as a nurse and as a nurse practitionerHe has experience in many different specialties, including cardiology, pulmonology, critical care medicine, hospitalist and office medicineHe is a native US English speaker with a clear Midwestern accent"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Baking Essentials: Learn to Make Banana Bread" |
"Have you ever wished you could bake?Not put some pre-made cookie dough on a cookie sheet baking, but real baking, making breads and desserts that you would find in a high end bakery, or items that you grandmother used to bake.Have you tried baking before, but did the recipe not turn out, or was confusing to read?Have you received baking equipment as a gift, but they're just sitting in a forgotten cupboard collecting dust?Have you wanted to take something delicious to the office to share, or to make something yummy for the kids?You can do it, and it's not that hard.In this course, I am going to show you step by step how to make a delicious banana bread that you can make for your family and friends to enjoy. Everything will be explained, from choosing ingredients, weighing and measuring, and explaining and showing common baking terms used with the recipe.You will learn how to adjust this recipe to your tastes. You can add chocolate chips, nuts, or decide not to. You can make this recipe gluten-free. When you make your own bread, the choice is all up to you!I have even added metric measurements to this recipe, so people from all over the world can enjoy this course!You do not need fancy equipment to make this bread. You will need an oven, bread loaf pans, a few large mixing bowls, spoons, and a handheld electric mixer. Recommended equipment would include a kitchen scale and a stand mixer, but these are not required, they only speed up the process and help with consistency.As a bonus, I will also include a lecture on how to make your own natural vanilla! Vanilla is one of the most common and expensive ingredients in a bakers pantry. By using this lecture, you can make your own vanilla and save money compared to grocery store vanilla. And you know exactly where it came from, your own kitchen!So come and join me and other Udemy students as we learn how to bake together!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Der perfekte YouTube Kanal Update 2017" |
"Lerne die Grundlagen, Tools und Aspekte um einen perfekten YouTubkanal zu erstellen.Lerne die wichtigsten Aspekte kennen um auf dieser Plattform gefunden zu werden.Die Keywordsuche fr ein Vorhaben oder ProjektDie SocialmediaverknpfungenDas Design eines KanalesDie wichtigsten Funktionen im Kanalund die externen VerknpfungenUpdate 2017 Stabile Supertools fr SEO - Keywords - Tracking mit Beweisvideo !Millionen von Usern besitzen Youtubekanle und legen tglich neue an. Doch ein Groteil wird feststellen, das Ihre Videos und Kanle nie gesehen werden. Wenn Sie sich nicht ""hinten anstellen"" wollen, sondern Erfolg und Besucher generieren. Dann lernen Sie hier in meinem Kurs die Grundlagen dafr. Ich zeige Ihnen eine Betrachtungsweise, wo Sie Projekte aus einem Marketing Blickwinkel sehen. Sie lernen die Keywordsuche in der SEO Technik und sehen sofort, ob Interessenten da sind.Inhalt und bersichtFr einen perfekten Start in Ihr Videobusiness habe ich diesen Kurs erstellt, mit insgesammt 13 Videlektionen, ber 1,5 Stunden Lehrmaterial. Das Projekt was ich im Videokurs frisch erstelle, knnen Sie 1:1 fr andere Vorhaben bernehmen. Schauen Sie mir ber die Schulter bei der Erstellung. Wir beginnen mit einer Idee, dann checken wir unter allen Aspekten, ob viele Menschen diese Idee teilen und wie sich das ""Keyword"" nennt. Darauf basierend wird ein googlemail Account erstellt, Webseite, Twitter, Facebook und der Youtubekanal. Warum das nur so funktioniert lerne ich Ihnen. Ebenso wie die Designgestaltung, die Menauswahl und die Einbindung von Links zu Ihrer Webseite ins Video. Am Ende diese Kurses werden Sie einen oder mehrere Kanle bei Youtube erstellen knnen, die SEO technisch perfekt sind.Diese Natrlichkeit ffnet Ihnen die Tore des Erfolges."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Create Your Own Highly Profitable Web Design Business" |
"If you have ever dreamed of creating your own highly profitable web design business, whether as a solo freelancer, full sized agency or consulting firm, then this course is for you. You will learn the essentials for starting and running a successful web business along with hints and tips to educate you about common issues and how to deal with them. Everyone wants a passive income and making money with a web design business is a great path towards meeting those goals.Over 27 lectures and 1.5 hour plus, of powerful contentLearn the essentials of establishing a web design businessLearn what web design agencies must have to become successfulWhere and how to find the ideal clientsLearn how to deal with clients what you should and should not do.Why legal protection for your web design business is criticalLearn about mistakes and lessons learned by web agenciesHow to position your web business for future growthWhat you need to know to create a passive incomeDownload examples, scripts and resources to help get you started"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Show me how to love - The Masterpiece!" |
"The course is structured in such a way that you would enjoy every bit, until you which there was more.You should take the course because everyone inclusive of you need love - and we seek to have and enjoy it. We all know society is messed up today because of the misconceptions, awful preconceived notion some people have about love, and there are countless number of people who have never had the opportunity to learn or be shown how to love someone else. You can only live life once; why spend your days with someone who does not want to treat you with love as much as you are willing to treat them with love. This course will help you get all you require to learn how to love someone else, and find someone to practice love on, it's not difficult, it comes with deliberate practice. Enjoy the ride!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build Windows Forms App with Visual Studio - Land a job! - 2" |
"Currently, .Net Developers are in high demand. .Net Development can be learned, This course will help any student with a will, interest, and determination, to DEVELP THE WINGS THEY REQUIRE to fly from the ledge by themselves. Flying by yourself, requires constant study and practice of C# on your own. This course is simple, straight forward and each video begins where the last one ends. It is deliberately designed with the slowest student in mind, and with the knowledge that, every dime and time spent by a student on this course is an investment. You should take this course because it unveils how a Windows Forms Application is built and functions. By the end of the course, you would be able to: Download and Install Visual Studio for free as a student. Download and Install SQL Server for free as a student. Navigate the Visual Studio 2013 Professional IDE comfortably. Build a database Build an application Connect the application to a database Build a fully functional Windows Forms Application for a small business using C#,Database/Tables, and T-SQL."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Become that Business Analyst - Land a job! - PART 2" |
"The course covers everything a student needs to becoming a Professional Business Analyst (BA).The course overviewis structured covering skillset a business analyst ought to have,ranging from designing Business Requirement Document (BRD), Functional Requirement Document (FSD), Sequence Diagram (SD), USE Case (UC), Activity Diagram (AC), conduction Joint Application Development (JAD), knowledge of SDLC, RAD, RUP, AGILE/SCRUM etc. It begins from ground zero (0) to the highest level of BA expectation. It captures information on what is required to becomea BA, and ends with giving you the necessary knowledge a BA needs to succeed on the job with visuals.You should take this course if you desire to pursue a career in Business Analysis. It will be of great benefit. The course contents far outweighs its value. Enjoy the course and go get that job!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Build a Website in a week" |
"This course is taught with small business owners in mind. You will learn how to create or update your own self-hosted WordPress website so you can start selling your products or services online quickly. Throughout the course, you will learn tips about marketing your website with WordPress. This course is focused on the self-hosted WordPress. This WordPress Course will provide you with proven, effective information, tips and advice that will help you understand how WordPress works and how you can use its powerful features to build your own fully functional, user-friendly website without any special technical skills or knowledge!Bonus: Get free access to our popular WordPress Plugin Tutorial"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"WordPress Plugin Tutorial" |
"This course is about how to search, install and delete WordPress plugins. WordPress plugins are additional small programs that you can add to your WordPress site to make your website better. Think of your WordPress website as your house that has value and in order to increase the value is to increase your exposure online. WordPress plugins are the additional accessories that you add to your house to make your home better. Think of WordPress plugins as a nice Kohler sink or a marble island. We will cover the best plugins that I use on a regular basis and more as the course progresses.We look forward to meeting you in class.Angela Samuels"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Middle school and high school are the toughest times in a child's life. It's that crucial time when they discover who they are and what they're meant to do with their lives... or succumb to peer pressure, stress, and low self-esteem that sets them up for failure in the future. But this is where we can help out. This course will take your 12-17 year-old by the hand, guide them, inspire them, and show them how to not just graduate, but to GRADUATE 2 GR8NESS! Imagine your teen: - Conquering their fears - Developing unbreakable self-esteem- Growing up to be strong, confident, and happy- Becoming skilled, hardworking, and likeable- Inspiring people wherever they go - Developing a winning attitude that's second-nature to them - And so much more That's precisely what this course will do for them. My name is Eric Bailey, the coursemaster. I'm an Activational speaker and mentor who primarily coaches businesspeople, corporations, and entrepreneurs. Now, I'm adapting the same principles that inspire greatness in HUGE corporations... into this high-energy, motivational course for our teenagers: Our future. GRADUATE 2 GR8NESS is a 52-week Youth mentoring course that helps teenagers DISCOVER their gifts, DEVELOP their strengths, and DELIVER their talents to the world after graduation. The course is full of fun, eye-opening, inspiring activities: - Inspirational videos - Interactive worksheets - Eye-opening quizzes - In-depth, insightful books- Enjoyable podcasts - The Global audio hit program for teens, All Good From The Hood - Special eBooks and audio downloads for teachers and parents - A special video: Eric Bailey Live On Stage- Live Q&A's with youth coach Eric Bailey himself- And many more enjoyable activities! Best of all, GRADUATE 2 GR8NESS is an investment that will set you back less than $2 a week. Enroll your teen now, and watch them rise to greatness one week at a time!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Social Spectrum: Social Skills for High-Functioning Autism" |
"People with high-functioning autism often struggle with social situations. Though they are able to quickly learn subjects that interest them, reading people is a separate challenge made worse by the fact that many people do not treat social skill as actual skills, but instead as something you either get or you don't. It doesn't have to be this way. In this 12-part video course, professional mentalist and speaker Alexander Vornoff, who is on the spectrum himself, will teach students the basics in approaching people, having conversations, and reading non-verbal communication in order to set them on the road to becoming a socially stand-up person. Along with the video lectures are several challenges to get you out into the world and practicing what you've just learned. All you need is the will to make it happen!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Tao of Quantum Physics: A Quantum Leap in Your Awakening" |
"The Tao of Quantum Physics course bridges the gap between Science and Spirituality and provides breakthrough ideas that will transform your experience of reality. It will take you on an extraordinary journey to reveal the Unity of it all as it challenges you to reconsider your most cherished beLIEfs about reality. This incredible course features course material from pioneering scientists and consciousness experts such as:Dr. Joe Dispenza: Neuroscientist, chiropractor,New York Timesbest-selling author and expert on change, the brain, mind and human potential.Dr. Fred Alan Wolf: Theoretical physicist featured in the international smash hit film,Leap! A Quantum Awakening.iKE ALLEN:Founder of AVAIYA, A Leader in Conscious Media, & Spiritual Director of www.EnlightenmentVillage.Dr. Amit Goswami: Theoretical quantum physicist, author, and practitioner of spirituality and transformation.Peter Russell: Physicist and author featured in the international smash hit film,Leap! A Quantum Awakening.Stuart Hameroff: Anesthesiologist and professor known for his studies of consciousness, featured in the international smash hit film,Leap! A Quantum Awakening.William Arntz: Featured in the international smash hit film,Leap! A Quantum Awakening,and creator of the filmWhat The Bleep Do We Know!?Leap Beyond Your Perceived Limitations with this Mind Expanding, All-Levels Course.Enhance your awareness and mental focusNavigate expanded states of consciousnessUnderstand that YOU are the Ultimate ObserverReach new potentials in thought and action as you unlock a gateway into profound forms of perceptionThe guides in The Tao of Quantum Physics course share eye opening views of Science and Spirituality merging that will change your life forever.This course is based on the international smash hit film, The Tao of Quantum Physics. By sharing wisdom, insights and personal stories from pioneering scientists, this course creates the opportunity for you to experience a great sense of peace, calm and balance. You'll learn about concepts within quantum physics, spirituality, and nonduality, with topics ranging from human consciousness, to the power of choice and perception, fields of possibility, and the Observer Effect. Contents and OverviewThis course contains 20 lectures and over 1 hour of video content from leaders in quantum physics and consciousness. It is designed for anyone with an interest in diving deeper into the nature of reality and experiencing a quantum leap in your personal Awakening.This course is designed to be watched and listened to repeatedly. You can take the whole course and complete all the curriculum in one sitting, but we recommend you revisit the curriculum and let it wash over you again. Each time you view the materials in this course, you'll gain new insights and remove psychological blocks.The course is broken up into sections and lectures. The sections cover broad topics within the course such as the nature of reality, oneness, perception, and time-space reality. The lectures are where you'll dive deeper into specific topics of the course. The lectures are primarily in high-definition video format, and occasionally include text format. At the end of each section, you'll have the opportunity to test your knowledge of the course material through multiple choice and true/false quizzes.Through the video lectures in this course, you will learn from some of the most brilliant, enlightened minds in the fields of quantum physics, consciousness, and spirituality. By the end of this course, you'll have the opportunity to unleash the power of your true nature, and discover Who You Really Are. Get ready to experience A Scientific Revolution in Enlightenment!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tao of Quantum Physics: A Spiritual Leap in Enlightenment" |
"What if you woke up one day to discover your whole reality had been an Illusion?What if that insight liberated you from all your perceived Limitations?What if TODAY is that day?You are the Hero of your own Ultimate Human Amusement Park!For many of us, weve created countless situations and story-lines to hide our True Power and limit our experiences while playing.The Tao of Quantum Physics: A Spiritual Leap in Enlightenment course was created to remind you that youre here to be the main character and Hero in this amazing creation, and ultimately, uncover your own meaning, totality, and True Identity.This incredible course features material from consciousness experts and pioneering scientists like:Dr. Fred Alan Wolf: Theoretical physicist featured in the best-selling Udemy course, The Tao of Quantum Physics: A Quantum Leap in Your AwakeningJames Twyman: Creator of the film, The Moses CodeiKE ALLEN: Spiritual Director of Enlightenment Village and Founder of AVAIYAArnold Patent: Author of You Can Have It AllPeter Russell: Physicist and author featured in the international smash hit film, Leap! A Quantum Awakening.Stuart Hameroff: Anesthesiologist and professor known for his studies of consciousnessJoe Vitale: Featured in The SecretCassandra Vieten, Ph.D: President of the Institute of Noetic SciencesDan Millman: Author of Way of the Peaceful WarriorAnde Anderson: Tour Guide of Enlightenment Village & Co-Founder of AVAIYAKenneth Wapnick & Gary Renard: from A Course in Miracles The MovieWilliam Arntz: Featured in the best-selling Udemy course, The Tao of Quantum Physics: A Quantum Leap in Your Awakening and creator of the film What The Bleep Do We Know!?Richard Bartlett: from Matrix EnergeticsGeoffrey Hoppe: from Crimson CircleTim Freke: Author of How Long Is Now?And many more Awaken The Hidden Power Within YOU with this Mind Expanding, All-Levels Course.Discover the difference between Reality and ActualityLeap beyond perceived limitations & experience deeper levels of Truth RealizationDevelop & harness creative insights to dissolve inauthentic fearsExperience a life filled with Joy, Trust and Adventure!The guides in The Tao of Quantum Physics: A Spiritual Leap in Enlightenment course share eye-opening views of Spirituality, Psychology & Science merging that will change your life forever.This course is based on the international smash hit film, Leap! A Quantum Awakening. By sharing wisdom, insights and personal stories from visionaries, this course guides you to live an extraordinary life filled with Happiness, Abundance, Peace and Passion. You'll learn about metaphysical, spiritual, scientific, and non-dualistic concepts, with topics ranging from how perception creates reality, the direct experience of enlightenment, surrendering to the truth, waking up from the dream, our belief in suffering, understanding the ego, and so much more.Contents and OverviewThis course contains 24 lectures and approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes of video content from leaders in metaphysics and consciousness. It is designed for anyone with an interest in exploring the nature of reality and leaping beyond perceived limitations.This course is designed to be watched and listened to repeatedly. You can take the whole course and complete all the curriculum in one sitting, but we recommend you revisit the curriculum and let it wash over you again. Each time you view the materials in this course, you'll gain new insights and remove psychological blocks.The course is broken up into sections and lectures. The sections cover broad topics within the course and the lectures are where you'll dive deeper into specific topics. The lectures are primarily in high-definition video format, and occasionally include text format. At the end of most sections, you'll have the opportunity to test your knowledge of the course material through multiple choice and true/false quizzes.By the end of this course, you'll have the opportunity to discover Who You Really Are and play full out in the Ultimate Human Amusement Park.The only question now isWill You Take The Leap!? Or Stay Asleep?!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Make a Basic Leaded Stained Glass Window" |
"This class has been updated with new content in April of 2020!Welcome to Basic Leaded Stained Glass! Have you ever wanted to make something incredibly unique, decorative and lasting for your home? Or even to make stunning gifts or to sell your creations at crafts fairs? Then you are in the right class! This course will teach you the basics of making leaded stained glass windows. You will learn to make patterns, cut colored glass and construct a basic stained glass window using lead and solder. By the end of this class, you will have constructed a beautiful stained glass window and will be poised to make other projects of increasing complexity.Get ready to make something you can be proud of! You will follow your instructor in step by step videos as you make your own project to display and keep. You will also have all the basic skills and knowledge to keep going with this amazing and rare skill to create an art form that has been around since medieval times!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Make Unique Mosaics for Fun, Decorating and Profit!" |
"Mosaic Making for Fun, Decorating and Profit!This course has been updated in January of 2020!! KT Caselli has students in 124 countries!This course teaches you how to create a mosaic project from start to finish. Imagine the colorful, decorative and permanent mosaic projects you can make! This class will provide explanations and demonstration of all aspects of mosaic making, from simple stepping stones to much larger mosaic projects! How would you like a mosaic fireplace? Or a mosaic pathway in your patio? How about a mosaic back splash in your bathroom? See how to do this and more with indirect methodology and direct mosaic methods! This class is for teens and adults looking for a challenging hobby. You can start with a minimal investment in a few tools, and some grout and mortar to make fabulous mosaic patterns out of stones, shells, stained glass, and ceramic tile or plates. A cost of $15-$50 US dollars is what you will need, depending on your aspirations and materials you may already have on hand. Twenty-four lectures and nearly 2 hours of content in demonstrations, tips and advice await you in this step by step class by a mosaic and stained glass expert of nearly 20 years.Mosaics have been a key art form for thousands of years, with some of the oldest still preserved. And modern pieces are just as inspiring today as the Greek and Roman masterpieces are from 4000-5000 years ago. If you are interested in decorating projects, see the free section on inspiration to get a good picture of what you will be able to do during and after this class!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"How I Got To The Top 5 Results Without Paying For SEO" |
"Learn simple and easy to follow steps to get your website ranked into the top 5 search results. I have consistently done this for myself and clients to get them more sales leads via the internet than they have ever gotten themselves.Research have shown that if you aren't found on page 1 of any search results you are not going to get any traffic to your site.You'll probably be kicking yourself if you have ever paid for SEO services and found that your ranking drops after you stopped paying them, because they probably haven't been doing a proper job.My search rankings don't just appear for a short duration like a freak result, they have stood the test of time and have been at the top 5 spot for years despite various updates that shook the SEO community. I will not keep any secrets and reveal all I know to you. All methods taught in my course are 100% legitimate and will never get you penalised by any search engines if you follow them closely. I have used the same basic methods from 2007 to 2015 and they are still producing good results time after time. Over years, as technology advances there will be changes along the way and these changes will be updated here - at no extra cost to you!Beat the competition by leveraging on the power of the internet to get your 24/7 automated sales engine running.Every moment you delay, is costing you leads which could have been yours...Enrol now!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"A Rookie's Guide to C++" |
"COURSE UPDATE 2016:Pointer lectures at request of student.New lectures on C++ inheritance.Exercise and answer sheets can be found at the end of each section.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Learning a new programming language is easy, and it is something that can really change your life! I often see courses claiming that you can ""Learn To Make Video Games (No Programming Needed!)"".But unfortunately if you want to make anything more advanced than flappy bird, you cant. Learning a programming language is fundamental to any career in the software industry, games or otherwise, and C++ is a great starting point.This course is aimed at programmers wishing to learn the basics of C++ development. No prior knowledge of C++ and/or object orientated programming is required as I will starting from the very bottom and working upwards. By the end of the course you will be able to program confidently in C++, and possess a set of skills that can be easily transferred to other programming languages.I try to communicate with my students as much as possible! If you have a question I'm always available to ask! And I'll try my best to solve your problem; programming or otherwise.I believe in quality over quantity, I try to keep my lectures short and concise so you can take it all in, and easily refer back to videos in the future. All lectures are delivered in crisp 1080p, and each section comes with written material to recap what you've learned. This truly is one of the best ways to learn.Remember! All Udemy courses come with a 30 day refund if you're not satisfied with this quality content!Take action today! Enroll and make a positive change to your career!(Preview videos are not available in HD and should not be used as a judgement of quality, only of content)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A Rookie's Guide to Python" |
"My other course ""A Rookie's Guide to C++"" currently has over 550 students with a 5 star rating!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Learning a new programming language is easy, and it is something that can really change your life! I often see courses claiming that you can ""Learn To Make Video Games (No Programming Needed!)"" But unfortunately if you want to make anything more advanced than flappy bird you'll need a programming language under your belt. Learning programming is fundamental to any career in the software industry, games or otherwise, and Python is a great starting point.This course is aimed at programmers looking to learn the basics of Python programming and assumes no prior knowledge. Python is an incredibly easy language to pick up on, it is written in straightforward English and is colour coded for maximum usability. Despite that it is powerful! Fully fledged programs are built running it. Companies using it to run their technologies include Google, Yahoo, CERN and NASA!I try to communicate with my students as much as possible! If you have a question I'm always available to ask! And I'll try my best to solve your problem; programming or otherwise.I believe in quality over quantity, I try to keep my lectures short and concise so you can take it all in, and easily refer back to videos in the future. All lectures are delivered in crisp 1080p, and each section comes with written material to recap what you've learned. This truly is one of the best ways to learn.Remember! All Udemy courses come with a 30 day refund if you're not satisfied with this quality content!Take action today! (Preview videos are not available in HD and should not be used as a judgement of quality, only of content)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creative Thinking for the Classroom" |
"Help your students to develop their daily creativity using these short, easy-to-follow videos, led by Dr. Cyndi Burnett and narrated by Sam the Yellow Man! Creative thinking is a skill, and like any skill, developing it requires practice. This course is aimed at teachers who wish to incorporate creative thinking skills into their classroom environments, and to do so in a way that is compatible with their students' learning habits. The course is taught through a combination of short videos (maximum 10 minutes) and guided practice. It comes with a workbook that students can fill in along with the lesson videos (recommended), or work through on their own time. The lessons are short, the activities are simple, and you can practice the skills during your normal daily routine.Each video introduces you to a new element of the creative thinking process, and we will encourage you to apply the skill to your normal classroom environment. Each video builds on the previous ones, so over the course of a few weeks you and your students will have learned a lot, and practiced even more!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"5 pasos para tener tu estudio de diseo sin pago de licencia" |
"Aprende a disear tu curso de diseo con poderosas herramientas sin pagar un dolar por licencia.Al final de este curso obtendrs poderosas herramientas de arquitectura y diseo en tu computadora que solo el 1.74% de la poblacin conoce y utiliza.Este curso esta diseado para Arquitectos, no Arquitectos, diseadores, modeladores, profesionales, no profesionales, amantes del diseo, la arquitectura, fotografia, modelado etc. No es necesario tener experiencia previa en herramientas Tecnologicas y/o de diseo.Con estas herramienta podras disear, bosquejar, modelar en 3D y 2D, modificar todos tus trabajos sin necesidad de un pago por licencia.Conseguiras mas herramientas para realizar los mejores diseos del mercado.Obtendras un sistema rapido, confiable, moderno, libre sin necesidad de modificar nada en tu equipo actual.Con la facilidad de la virtualizacin no necesitaras desinstalar nada de tu maquina esto significa que podras interactuar con tu maquina y tu Universo diseo de manera directa y facil.Tendras una maquina virtual personalizada con herramientas de diseo y arquitectura.Tendras un sistema operativo libre dentro de tu sistema operativo interactuando con tus herramientas tradicionales.Usaras herramientas usadas por los mejores diseadores en un espacio personalizado solo para ti, sin necesidad de pagar un dolar por licencias.Tendras la posibilidad de personalizar mas tu Universo de Diseo libre."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creating Smartphone Videos for Marketers and Nonprofits!" |
"Would you like to start making short promotional or news-update videos but don't know where to start? This solid, demonstration course can take the fear and guess-work out of videomaking and boost your confidence and quality as a video storyteller.In the past, making videos required expensive equipment and a crew of professionals. In this course I'll show you how to use only your cell phone to produce high quality video designed to impact others and move them to action for your business or non-profit cause. With the amazing breakthroughs in cell phone technology you can now become a ""crew of one"" and produce your own videos in half an hour or less. This is a hands-on course where I will demonstrate every step along the way. You will move from amateur ""selfie"" photographer to a polished, newscast-level quality producer in ten easy lessons of about six minutes each (plus a bonus lesson at the end about gear you might want to buy to improve your production level). In one hour of video you'll learn:The rules of photography that will instantly improve the quality of your imagesA clear outline to follow as you produce every video so you don't have to re-invent the wheel every timeHow to edit videos in your cell phone using the same free app used by leading news agenciesPut that phone to work and get people on board with your cause or your business! Join Creating Smartphone Videos for Marketers and Nonprofits! today."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ragas: Indian Classical Music" |
"The course is about knowing and learning the basic or parent raga called 'Kalyana'. Kalyana is one of the ten parent raga in Indian classical Hindustani music which is explained in detail. This parent raga is the source of many other ragas like Yaman, Bhopali, Kedar, which are pretty much similar and extremely popular in the classical world. Students may find the course as 'Raga-Yaman', or 'Ragas in Kalyan' to get familiar. Similar to the previous course, student need to download an app comprising of a tanpura (drone) and tabla (percussion). The course might take a month to get completed ideally, sufficient practices and repetitive renditions are expected even after the course for proper grasp and perfect intonation of the ragas. The course starts with the detailed description of what is a basic raga, then basic information and knowledge about 'Kalyana Thata' and how the ragas are formed through the raga. One by one, students will learn the popular ragas: Yaman, Hansdhwani, Nand, Kedar, Bhopali, derived from kalyana in detail including Aalap, Bandish, taanas and so on.The course is interesting and engaging for the music lovers as the Yaman tunes can be easily identified and familiar in the casual music and Bollywood songs too. All the music lovers and enthusiasts should take this course in order to gain classical knowledge of basic ragas."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to Create & Sell Information Products Fast!" |
"What Other Students Are Saying About The CourseJim, this is hands down the most valuable course Ive taken. I created an ebook two weeks ago and this course has really given me total insight as to what I am going to do next. God bless much thanks. -Robyn J.Jim has a lovely manner and obviously knows what he is talking about. He listens to his students and has added answers to 2 of their queries as separate videos in the course. Thanks Jim! -Debby R.So happy I found this course! Of all the information out there on the web, Jim cuts through the noise and gets straight to the point with clear explanations and examples. Awesome course! -VictoriaThis is evergreen information - still working in 2017 and beyond!Here Are Some Of The Secrets Youll Learn Inside My Udemy CourseHeres a sample of some of the great things youll learn:This is my favorite 'never fail' way to find product ideas EVEN IN SUPER-COMPETITIVE NICHES - Lecture 24 I've tried every 'trick' in the book for creating products and I discovered something I didn't expect. In Section 2, I'll show you the one method that actually works every timeThe simple thing you can do in your niche to give yourself a whole series of valuable products you can sell individually (or you can wrap them all together into a $497 masterclass) - Lecture 4The CRITICAL step you MUST take when you sell your products to make sure buyers become YOUR customers! Don't Miss This! - Lecture 16Most newbies quit before they finish their first product because they didn't follow this simple rule. I'll show you what to do instead in Lecture 2The right way to approach product creation(Handle this situation the wrong way and you may end up wasting weeks of time on a product that no one wants) - Lecture 9A fantastic method you can use to 'unfreeze' your brain and start a flow of ideas about any topic - Lecture 4Students told me they learn best by seeing how others do thingsso I included real-life examples where you can see exactly how I put a real-life product togetherincluding how I did this course! - Section 2A step-by-step process anyone can use to reveal sellable product ideas within broad (and competitive) niches - Lecture 2Most people completely overlook this idea for delivering your productIn Section 3, I'll tell you how to use this free method to connect with your buyers while creating something valuable you can sell! - Lecture 10In Section 5, I'll show you the 3 platforms where you're products can and should be for salemost people make the mistake of focusing on just one of these (and their leaving A LOT of money on the table!)I'll reveal the REAL REASON people hesitate to buy from you when you're first starting outand what to do about it - Lecture 15Would you like to take your 'big idea' and finally get it completed and for sale? In Section 3, I will show you exactly what to do today - including how to start earning money now even if you're ultimate goal is to write a 500 page guide - Lecture 9Unlike most 'other' courses on Udemy, this course is delivered in their preferred teaching method covering the two most common learning styles so you get the proven best learning experience availableMost people have no idea how to promote themselvesin Lecture 15, I'll tell you the most effective (and profitable!) ways to spread the word about you and your productsHow to parlay one product into many different profit streamsno other course shares this insider information (but I'll reveal everything to you) - Section 6Heres how I turn a spreadsheet into a simple project plan for an information product empire so you never have to wonder what to work on next - Lecture 5The '3-Phase Approach' to writing books that GUARANTEES you'll have a product people want to hand you their hard-earned cash for - Lecture 9Most people don't know where to begin when they sit down to work on their product. In Video 5, I'll reveal my ""Questions Method"" for coming up with ideas so you never get stuck again - Lecture 4Here's a sneaky tactic that quickly allows you to build a following AND get feedback about your products at the same time - Lecture 15I used to get writers block all the time until I accidentally stumbled across thisIn Lecture 24 I reveal what I discovered and how you can use it to never get blocked againWARNING: When you sell products through these companies, you give up control over the most important (and profitable) part of the saleIll tell you what it is and why it matters. Don't miss this video training! - Lecture 17Heres a strategic method for turning one product into three to GUARANTEE you can get the highest profit from your product - Lecture 12I'll give you the names of 3 marketplaces where you can safely list your products for sale and connect with other like-minded people - PLUS these businesses take care of all the accounting if you decide to let other marketers promote and sell your products - Lecture 16Most people believe getting a product in the right format is costlyI'll take you by the hand and explain what formats you should use to do it yourself for free (without jeopordizing quality) - Lecture 8 - 10How to create an info product people actually want instead of one you ""think"" they wanta simple way to find out what your customers REALLY need (even if you have no email subscribers or prior customers to ask) - Lecture 9I'll reveal to you the Free tool pros use to edit recordings(it's available for Mac or PC) - Lecture 10The 4 best formats for information products revealed including the fastest and easiest (hint: it's NOT writing ebooks!) - Section 3Here's one of my favorites! - In Lecture 11, I'll tell you about the product format that commands the highest pricepeople LOVE information products delivered this way and they pay for it!I never thought I could write ebooks until I discovered this method I share in Lecture 9. Now I can write several per weekMost people ignore this way of selling information products because they are afraid of it and they don't understand itI'll debunk the myths and show you why this may be the best way to sell your productsespecially when youre just starting out - Lecture 16If you plan to have others sell your products for you (and you should!)I'll show you how much to pay them and explain why the more you pay... the better results you get (PLUS what to do to GUARANTEE you make your money back ) - Lecture 16I'll show you yet another place to put your information products for salewhere millions of BUYERS are shopping every day for new and valuable information - Lecture 17Use this simple technique to save hours of time in your businessthis one seems so obvious and yet most people I meet aren't doing it! - Lecture 20My special secret for squeezing extra profits out of old or out-dated information products(if you have products gathering 'virtual dust' on your hard drive - use this to make money from those products today) - Lecture 20And much, much moreYoull Also Get These Additional BonusesWhen you enroll in this course right now, youll also get these companion bonuses that Ive put together. This is my NEWEST informationIn this Bonus report, I address one of the biggest problem new product creators have: They don't know what to do next! I've had so many students over time write to me and say ""I got my product created but then I got stuck on what all to do NEXT! My checklist eliminates that problem once and for all giving you a step-by-step checklist of what to do so you start making money and growing your email list with buyers. - Section 4NEXT - Let me show you exactly how I find unlimited ideas for information products and how I secretly get people who are looking for this information over to my website where I can add them to my email list! - Section 8Heres How It WorksWhen you scroll up and click the green button that says Take This Course, youll go to a secure order page for your credit card information and set up your account with Udemy - if you dont already have one. After you complete the purchase, youll get instant access to my course so you can start right away.The transaction is completely secure.The whole process takes a minute or two to complete and youll be watching the first lecture within 5 minutes. Once you get enrolled, I recommend looking through the courses. Watch the lecture for any topic that you need information on right away. Then go back and start the course from the beginning and follow it all the way through.Keep in mind, the course is yours to keep including all future course updates, new material and changes. PLUS, you can interact with me anytime using the student / instructor chat feature.Remember: Youll be able to reference this course over and over again as youre building your online business. Heres a Quick Review Of What You Get1. Instant access to all 24+ Lectures of my course on how to create information products to sell online.2. Bonus checklist that shows you exactly what to do after you create your product to get it online and up for sale so you start making money3. Bonus video where you get to watch over my shoulder while I show you how I find hot topics that I can use to create blog posts or new information products4. Students in the course get to interact with me directly via the Udemy chat feature so you can get answers to any questions you have about the course or your particular situation.Let me ask you, what would happen if this course helped you get to the next level in your online business? What if you got just ONE more sale thanks to the information I share? What would that be worth to you?Now ask yourself: What if theres a chance this course will teach you how to create product after product you can sell online and finally have financial freedom? What if you really can take what I teach and finally have more time - time to spend with your familyto travelto do what YOU want?How much would that be worth to you? A thousand dollars? Ten thousand? More? For most people I know, it would be priceless.Just the possibility of having this kind of success would be worth the investment. I have personally invested thousands of dollars and four years of my life learning what I share in this course about creating products to sell online. I only wish that someone had taken all of this valuable information and shared it with me when I was starting out. I wish I would have been able to buy this knowledge and experience for such a low price. And I know that youll be glad you made the investment in yourself once you have your first success after taking this course.Heres my question: What do you have for sale online right now? If you keep doing what youve been doing - will next month or next year be any different? How would it feel to stop spinning your wheels and start making money?If that would feel good, lets get started. Make the decision right now to scroll up and click Take This Course and Ill see you insideSincerely, Jim ShirleyP.S. Every tip, every strategy, every technique I share in this course is PROVEN to work. I use them personally in my own business and I know they will work for you too. P.P.S. This course has a 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - no questions asked. If, for any reason, you decide this course is not for you, simply ask for a refund.What have you got to lose?What Other Students Are Saying About The CourseJim, this is hands down the most valuable course Ive taken. I created an ebook two weeks ago and this course has really given me total insight as to what I am going to do next. God bless much thanks. -Robyn J.Jim has a lovely manner and obviously knows what he is talking about. He listens to his students and has added answers to 2 of their queries as separate videos in the course. Thanks Jim! -Debby R.So happy I found this course! Of all the information out there on the web, Jim cuts through the noise and gets straight to the point with clear explanations and examples. Awesome course! -Victoria"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"27 Best Free WordPress Plugins For Business & Entrepreneurs" |
"----------Review from a previous Udemy course----------------Excellent Course with Superb Instructor - Thank you for making this great course as well as for all the personalized feedback...It's greatly appreciated-- jonathan chapman--------------------------------------------------------------------------Why You Need These WordPress Plugins Now!Plus, how to get the plugins installed and set up today!(Special Limited Time Bonus Just Added - see below)Do you really need these 27 plugins?YES!Sure. There may have been a time when some of these plugins didn't matter. But now, without these plugins, your WordPress site is at a huge disadvantage.Your website is an asset in your business. Maybe it's the most important asset. It's the place where people decide to do business with you (or not).>>Can you afford to have your site blacklisted by Google because it was hacked?>>Are you getting all the traffic from search engines you should be?>>Struggling to find quality images to use on your site? (images are huge in today's social sharing world!)>>Have you ever done without a key feature or worked around" some issue just because you don't have time to deal with it (or to hire someone to deal with it)?Well, you are not alone.In fact, millions of businesses using WordPress work at a disadvantage because they are exposed to one or all of these issues. But it does not have to be that way.With these 27 plugins, you can rise above the rest of these businesses.Introducing The 27 Best Free WordPress Plugins for Business & Entrepreneurs"If you are worried that your WordPress site is not as professional as it could beThen I want to help you!I will show you everything you need to start benefiting from these crucial plugins!And, you should know: this is not some theory" course or a here's the list - now you go and figure it out" courseNo.Every lecture goes into detail about the plugin including how to find it (some of these are rather unknown plugins!), how to install it, and exactly what settings to use.In fact, you will get the most out of this course if you login to WordPress and follow along with me! In four hours, you will have every plugin installed and configured. >>Want to add an email newsletter opt in form to your site? No problem, I'll show you the plugin to use and how to set it up.>>Need a hand writing blog posts that get search engine traffic? Great! I'll show you a plugin that helps you write posts search engines love!>>Wish you had better images for your blog? No problem! I'm going to show you a plugin that works like magic to find high-quality FREE images you can use - and the best part is you won't even have to format the images or any of that technical stuff!And that is just part of what I'll be showing you in this course. Now, Meet the Expert Who Will Help Find, Install and Set Up These PluginsMy name is Jim Shirley and I run a web design firm called Resultspress.Over the last decade, I have personally put together well over 100 websites for my clients and for my own use. I've taught hundreds of freelancers and entrepreneurs how to build their own websites with WordPress. I work with a major multi-national media company and I consult with small mom and pop" businesses alike to show them ways to squeeze the most profit from their WordPress websites.One of my favorite things is putting together hands-on training videos. I have a knack for taking something technical and making it simple and easy to do.-Reviews From Previous Courses:Excellent Course with Superb Instructor"--jonathan chapmanSplendid course"--Giles EnsorGreat info!!!"--Rune FlkyStep-By-Step Lectures In A Language You Can UnderstandWorried that this course will move too fast or be filled with technical jargon? Let me put your worries to rest. Every lecture is delivered in a non-technical, friendly manner. I walk you through every step - from finding the plugin, to installing it, to setting it up. We follow the same process in every video. Plus I take a few moments to show you why" we set things up the way we do. So that way you know exactly what each plugin does to help your business.35+ Lectures Lasting 4+ HoursThe course presently has 35 lectures lasting a total time of about 4 hours and 15 minutes. That will change, I am notorious for adding more to my courses and keeping students up to date with the best information.I've also included lectures showing you how to find, keep, and delete plugins so you have every instruction you need to be a WordPress plugin expert.Money Back GuaranteeI guarantee you will be happy with this course and the results you get from it. You have a full 30 days to go through the lectures. Install the plugins. Follow along as I show you how to set them up. See how you like them. And if for any reason you are not happy with the course - simply ask for your money back. Watch the Free PreviewsYou have read this far - and I appreciate that. Now, why not watch the free previews below? Certain lectures have a 'Preview' button next to them - you can watch them free and without having to enroll.And if you like what you see, then go ahead and click the blue button at the top of this page that says Take This Course and enroll today.I look forward to seeing you in class.SPECIAL BONUSEnroll now and get my Make Money Online: Build Your Own Information Products course for only $5 (90% off!). This is a limited time offer."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WordPress Websites erstellen - Die Anleitung fr Beginner" |
"WordPress lernen kann ganz einfach sein. Mit WordPress kann man erfolgreiche Internetseiten, Homepages, Blogs, Portfolios und Online Shops bauen! Dass dies ganz einfach sein kann, habe ich schon mit meinen Videos auf YouTube bewiesen, die in wenigen Monaten auf Platz 1 gelandet sind. Auch mit SEO-Praktiken werde ich meine Videos um Mehrwerte anreichern. Alle Aktionen, die in den Videos gezeigt werden, sind mit SEO und Sicherheit im Hinterkopf ausgearbeitet worden. Somit kann man sich ganz leicht auf die wesentlichen Sachen konzentrieren und sofort anfangen eine Website zu erstellen, die Kunden und Einkommen generiert. Kerninhalte werden sein: - WordPress installieren und einrichten auf einem Host- WordPress auf dem lokalen Computer installieren (kostenlos)- Mit einem kostenlosen Theme eine Website aufsetzen- Mit dem BeTheme, dem Impreza Theme eine Website aufsetzen- Inhalte bearbeiten (Kopfbereich, Hauptinhalt, Fubereich) - Von Beginn an: SEO-Basiseinstellungen vornehmen; vor allem mit SEO by Yoast- Beitrge und Seiten SEO-Optimiert gestalten (sodass Sie bei Google besser und hufiger angezeigt gefunden) - Kontaktformulare einbinden- kostenlose Newsletter Formulare mit Mailchimp integrieren- Backups der WordPress Seite nehmen- WordPress Sicher machen durch WordFence und anderen Security PluginsEin Augenmerk habe ich darauf gelegt, dass man diesem ersten Kurs ohne Kosten folgen kann. Auch wenn es empfehlenswert ist ein Premium-Theme, sowie eine von berall erreichbare Website zu besitzen. Melde dich noch heute fr meinen Videokurs an. In dem Videokurs habe ich andere und neue Elemente als auf YouTube eingebaut. Dieser Kurs ist also ergnzend und aufbauend. Der ""Weie WordPress Grtel"" baut ein Verstndnis zu dem meistgenutzten Content Management System (System um Websites zu erstellen) auf. Es werden Grundlagen OHNE HTML UND CSS vermittelt. Fr HTML und CSS im Bereich WordPress wird es noch Folgekurs geben. Aber dieser Kurs muss sich Grundlagentechnisch so von Folgekursen abgrenzen. Jeder muss diesen Kurs OHNE VORKENNTNISSE belegen knnen. Darauf habe ich als Autor ein besonders Augenmerk gelegt. Falls weiterer Hilfebedarf besteht, ist immer die Mglichkeit gegeben ber Udemy Fragen zu stellen. Auch steht es jedem zur Verfgung sich auf cmsVideos in meinem Forum anzumelden und ffentlich Fragen zu unter anderem den Themen WordPress, SEO, Impreza, BeTheme zu stellen. Viel Erfolg mit eurem Blog, eurer Website, eurem Online-Shop mit WooCommerce oder eurer Unternehmenswebsite MIT WORDPRESS!Vielen Dank fr den Kauf dieses WordPress Kurses und somit fr die Untersttzung,Happy Learning, und 100% Motivation, Euer Malte Helmhold"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SEO, Erfolgreich mit Google My Business (Mein Geschft)" |
"Du hast immer gedacht es ist schwierig mit einem lokalen Unternehmen auf Platz 1 bei Google zu kommen? Das stimmt noch nicht fr lokale Suchergebnisse!Denn mit einemUnternehmensstandort ist die Konkurrenz fr spezifische Keywords bei Google, die relevant fr deinen Standort sind, viel vielkleiner als international. Denn seit einiger Zeit erkennt Google ""lokale Suchanfragen"", filtert diese und zeigt eine Map mit den lokalen Unternehmen. Ganz OBEN!Denk mal an das Keyword ""Deine Dienstleistung +Deine Stadt"". Z. B. ""Buchhaltung Leipzig"". Das ist ein Keyword das eine viel kleinere Konkurrenz hat als einfach nur ""Buchhaltung"". Und das tolle ist:viele Unternehmen und auch viele Agenturen haben das Potenzial von Google ""local search"" noch nicht erkannt!Viele wissen nicht mal, dass die ersten 3 Ergebnisse inzwischenjene sind, die unterhalb einer Map platziert werden(Werbung ausgenommen).Diese nennt man ""lokale Suchergebnisse"". Und man kann sie nur belegen, wenn manein lokales Unternehmen verifiziert hat. D. h. viele lokale Unternehmen verschenken hier ihr Potenzial! - Dies wollen wir in diesem Kurs fr Dich und Dein Unternehmen ndern. Wir wollen zusammen das gesamte Potenzial nutzen um auf Platz 1,2 oder 3 in der local Search zu ranken.Am Ende dieses Kurses wirst Du viele Tricks und Geheimnisse ber Google My Business und die Google Suche allgemein gelernt haben. Dazu gehren z. B.:- Wissen ber den Google Cache- Wissen ber die Relevanz (z. B. Relevante Wrter im Unternehmensnamen fr die Dienstleistung oder den Ort)- Du wirst genau wissenwie man Keywords analysieren kannund welche Keywords am meisten bei Google eingegeben werden (in Deinem Dienstleistungs- oder Produktbereich)Mit der Google lokalen Suche habe ich viel positive Erfahrung zusammen mitmeinen Kunden gesammelt. Diese waren wirklich berrascht, dass es im Gegensatz zum schwerlich erreichbaren ""Platz 1""in der normalen Suche vergleichbar schnell geht in der local Search gut zu ranken. Es handelt sich meistens nur um wenige Tage, wenn nicht stunden in der Klickverbesserungen zu erkennen sind. D. h nach nur kurzer Zeit wird das eigene Unternehmen bei Google hufiger gefunden - und wenn man es richtig anstellt (auch in diesem Kurs erklrt)auch hufiger geklickt!ich wnsche dir viel viel Erfolg mit deiner Optimierung,Malte Helmhold"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Die Google Search Console (Webmaster Tools) fr SEO-Hungrige" |
"Die fehlende Einrichtung der Google Webmaster Tools (neuerdings: Search Console) erlebe ich Tagtglich bei Neukunden im SEO-Bereich. Dabei handelt es sich hier um ein kostenloses Tool von Google, dass fast mehr kann als viele kostenpflichtige SEO-Tools von Drittanbietern. Mein Fazit: Wer mit den Webmaster Tools besser umgehen kann, hat schlussendlich eine Website, die bei Google besser gefunden wird. Warum ist das so?- Man erkennt Fehler schneller (nach Eintragung warnt uns Google bei Spam-Abmahnungen, Crawling-Fehlern usw.)- Mittels geschickter Filter (in diesem Kurs erklrt), sieht ein Homepage-, Shop oder Blog-Betreiber auf welchen Positionen eine Website rankt. Im Durchschnitt. Und der Website-Betreiber sieht das erste mal ein ungeschntes Bild seiner Positionierung bei Goolge (nicht personalisiert, sondern real, basierend auf historischen Daten, mit gebildetem Durchschnitt)- Du als Website Betreiber kannst dir anschauen wie hufig deine Website auf welche Suchbegriffe bei Google ausgeliefert wird (Impressionen), wie hufig diese Ergebnisse geklickt werden (Klicks) und wie die Rate (Klicks geteilt durch Impressionen) ist. Dadurch kannst du sehen, ob deine Website-Meta-Informationen perfekt fr Google optimiert sind.- Du kannst Googles Ergebnisse direkt beeinflussen (Durch Lschung von irrelevanten Links auf deine Website, durch Sitelink-Abwertung und durch manuelles Indexieren)Diese 3 Aspekte sind Gold fr die Suchmaschinenoptimierung!Ich wnsche Dir viel Erfolg mit diesem SEO Kurs!Dein Malte Helmhold:)(Ihr findet mich auch auf YouTube;)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Easy Widget Development: Code WordPress Widgets from Scratch" |
"Learn to code WordPress widget plugins from scratch! In this course, you'll build four different WordPress widgets and learn how to use standard WordPress plugin code to create additional widgets. By the end of the course, you'll be able to implement some basic PHP code, and you'll know how to submit your very own WordPress plugin to the WordPress repository.This course assumes that you have WordPress installed on your own domain, as we will be writing plugins that you can test right away! This is a beginner course and requires no prior programming knowledge. Students who have an interest in writing code (or at least in learning a few code snippets!) are particularly well-suited for this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Conversational Russian for beginners" |
"Learn the basics of Russian grammar and use it in everyday conversationsLearn Russian grammar to build any sentences you wantLearn the Russian case system;Learn Russian nouns, adjectives, adverbs, numerals, pronouns and verbs;Build any sentences based on well explained grammar rules;Check your knowledge with 400+ exercises;Learn modern Russian vocabulary of 2000+ words;Learn useful phrases;OverviewSpeak Russian today! This course will teach you how to read and speak Russian language. Starting with nouns, step by step, you'll learn how to build your first phrases and sentences. More than 5 hours of explicit video lessons, PDF materials with short summary of the video lessons, and more than 400 exercises (2000+ sentences with modern vocabulary and RU/ENG translation) to check your knowledge and master the Russian language."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SAP BI /SAP Business Objects Dashboard Xcelsius" |
"During this course you will firstly learn fundamental concepts and discrepancies of Business Objects products.Afterwards you will learn the basics and most-commonly used features of SAP Business Objects Xcelsius.In this course you will :-Learn how to develope a dashboard screen and publish to different platforms-Learn generally demanded dashboard samples and connection types-Learn about real project experiences-Notice different data models-Learn advanced tips&tricks of dashboard development-Design sample dashboards from scratch like a POC (Proof of Concept ) practiseThis course focuses on learning through step by step examples and real project experiences"
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Work From Home in 2015 and Beyond: CPA Marketing" |
"Discover How You Can Start Building Simple Money Making Machines" That Make $5,000 A Month Using A Dirt Cheap Traffic Source.Plus, Start Earning Easy Affiliate Commissions To Your PayPal Account As Soon As You Finish Watching The Last Video. But Hey, I May Be A Super Smart Ninja Doctor.But Guess What? It Worked For My Students Too, Who Were COMPLETE NewbiesThis training began as a course about the basics of PPV traffic, giving you a guide on how it can help you achieve the goals you want, it won't act as a quick buck" or overnight millionaire formula", because that's not what Mustapha believes in. He is a man of morals, goals and long term business, so if you are just looking to make a few bucks or find a guru" who will suck your money and leave you knowledge-less then please close this tab nowFinallyYou're In Exactly The Right Place, At Precisely The Right Time.Right now we are in the golden age of CPA.It's still easy to get in, it's growing like a cash-rich tsunami, there are still huge profits to be made and it's FAR from saturated.CPA is what's going to unlock" your ability toCreate a business "machine" that makes money while you sleepGet up and finally tell your boss "I quit!"Work just 2 or 3 hours a day and use the rest of the time to play golf!Make more cash than your friends with less effort or stress!Throw away your alarm clock and make your own schedule!Start making money in as little as 2 weeks!Not have to "hard-sell" a product to anyone!Have a legit online business that's quick & easy to start!And I STILL Haven't Even Gotten To The Best PartYou don't need Your own website Your own product Any experience Sales skills Tech skills Loads of cash To slave long hours To specialize in a "niche" To be seen as an expertThis Training is about: Basics of PPV. How to collect PPV targets for your campaigns. What kind of landing pages you should use in your PPV campaigns. How to test targets. How to test your landing pages. How to make a campaign successful. How to setup tracking for your campaigns (Bonus).All of this described step by step."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |