Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Learn Complete Vtiger CRM 6.5 Free Edition." |
"VTiger CRM 6.5 is the world most popular honest open source CRM (Customer Relationship Management) platform. Used by millions of people around the world. The open source edition is supported by a vibrant community of thousands of businesses, hundreds of thousands of users, and countless developers and partners that help shape its direction. That means that while its core functionality far surpasses that of alternatives, and it can be easily extended through the hundreds of plugins developed by professional Vtiger developers, and available on the extension marketplace. With all that, its no wonder that Vtigers free open source CRM ranks #1 in total downloads on SourceForge, at 4.5 million to date. This course provides complete indepth training starting from CRM concepts and definitions, installation (both platform MSWindows &Linux) and then step by step HDvideo instructions to configure and deploy full features and working CRM application. Further the course helps you to understand the Marketing, Sales & Support management using VTiger CRM 6.5 (Open Source version). You will be able to customize the standard forms available in VTiger CRM 6.5 using the power and flexibility of VTiger CRM studio and will take advantage of Business Analytics & Reports available inside VTiger CRm 6.5."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Acoustic Fingerstyle Guitar Course: Beginner to Advanced" |
"In this course I WILL be teaching you how to play fingerstyle guitar. I cover all of the challenging chords, picking patterns, and techniques that are critical to this style IN DETAIL. I will be teaching you well known songs using a mutli-layered approach and giving you the fundamental skills to play your own favorite songs!I call these individual layers phases. Phase 1 will cover the chords and alternating bass pattern, phase 2 will cover the chords and the bass played together, phase 3 will be the bass, chords, and melody. This course is designed specifically to allow you to learn your own favorite songs easily and quickly, because you learn the mechanics behind fingerstyle - NOT just a couple of bars off of a tab. This will also enable you to write your own songs for fingerstyle.This layered system is extremely effective and will break down any barriers you may have encountered while trying to learn fingerstyle on your own.Student Comments:""Being a serial course-taker...I have seen my fair share of courses. So, I know quality when I see it. That said - Paul did a great job with this course. I am a complete amateur, but was able to follow along easily.""""...I like it a lot. It is very well structured, the instructions are very clear, comprehensive and easy to follow.""""His method of making practicing sessions short and easy has really helped me with practicing. I have been working with Paul for some time now and would recommend his courses, tips and literature to anyone who is interested in learning to play the guitar or improving their skills and enjoying it.""Here are some of the key features of this course:100% 30 day money back guaranteeMobile readyLifetime accessTablature and musical notation are included for all lessonsDiscounts to other future coursesDiscussion board for you to ask questionsAs your instructor I will be listening to your feedback and I will be with you every step of the way to help you master guitar fingerstyle."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn PCB Design By Designing an Arduino Nano in Altium" |
"Course Update:Note! This course price will increase to $200 as of 1st June 2020 from $190. The price will increase regularly due to updated content. Get this course while it is still low. ...................................................What is this course about:This course is a first of its kind in which you will learn from start to finish on how to design your very own custom Arduino Printed Circuit Board (PCB). This course will help you to improve your PCB design skills which will help you to get started freelancing or to get a job in PCB design with Altium Designer being one of the top PCB design tools used around the world. What is expect in this course:I will show you how to get started in the world of PCB design using Altium DesignerI show you how to download and install Altium designer as well as demystify the user interface.I take you step-by-step on how to create your own component library so that you can create your own components if you need to. (very high possibility that you will need to create your own components)Show you how to add 3D models to components and show you a website where you can find all the component models in one place.How to recreate the Arduino Nano Schematic in Altium designer as well as wiring components in Schematic viewI show you how to transfer your schematic into PCB view as well as define the board shapeOnce the board shape is defined, I show you how to place components on the board, create a multi-layer board ( we are going to use 4-6 layers) .For a 6 layer board, I teach you how to route between layers and how to strategically place components on to the board design.Show you how to auto-route, when you are faced with a complex design to save time.Correct your design and eliminate design errors before sending them to your manufacturer. This will save you money for numerous design iterationsFinally I teach you how to create Gerber files, which are files that your manufacturer can read to create your Printed Circuit Board.This course will be updated regularly with new lectures, resources, quizzes and content.Money-Back GuaranteeThe course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I've done for thousands of my other students. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Windows 10 C++ App Development for Startups - C++ Simplified" |
"Course Update: Note! This course price will increase to $200 as of 1st December 2019 from $195. The price will increase regularly due to updated content. Get this course while it is still low. LATEST: Course Updated For November 2019 OVER 3389+ SATISFIED STUDENTS HAVE ALREADY ENROLLED IN THIS COURSE!...................................................Learn the basic concepts, tools, and functions that you will need to build fully functional programs with the popular programming language, C++.Build a strong foundation in C++ and object-oriented programming with this tutorial for beginners.Visual Studio 2015 InstallationPointers, Functions and ArraysObject-Oriented Programming (OOP), Classes, and ObjectsLoops and ConditionalsA Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips Learning the fundamentals of C++ puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. C++ is free, easy to learn, has excellent documentation, and is the base for all object-oriented programming languages.Jobs in C++ development are plentiful, and being able to learn C++ in Windows 10 will give you a strong background to more easily pick up other object-oriented languages such as Java, , Ruby, and Pascal.Content and Overview Suitable for beginning programmers, through this course of 17 lectures and 3 hours of content, youll learn all of the C++ fundamentals and establish a strong understanding of the concept behind object-oriented programming (OOP). Each lecture closes with exercises, putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately.Starting with the installation of the Visual Studio in Windows 10, this course will take you through C++ variable types, operators, and how to use them. By creating classes and objects, youll a establish a strong understanding of OOP.With these basics mastered, the course will take you through program flow control by teaching you how to use for loops, while loops, and conditional if-else statements to add complexity and functionality to your programs.Students completing the course will have the knowledge to create simple, functional and useful C++ Apps in Windows 10.Complete with working files and code samples, youll be able to work alongside the author as you work through each concept, and will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Learn Computer Vision and Image Processing in LabVIEW" |
"Note!This course price will increase to$200 as of 1st February 2019 from $190. The price will increase regularly due to updated content. Get this course while it is still low. LATEST: Course Updated For January 2019OVER 3040+ SATISFIED STUDENTS HAVE ALREADY ENROLLED IN THIS COURSE!...................................................Learn the basic concepts, tools, and functions that you will need to build fully functional vision-based apps with LabVIEW and LabVIEW Vision Development Toolkit.Together we will build a strong foundation in Image Processing with this tutorial for beginners.LabVIEW Vision Development Toolkit Download and InstallationBasic Feature DetectionCircle, Color and Edge Detection AlgorithmsAdvance Feature Detection - Pattern Matching, Object Tracking, OCR, BarCodesA Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips Learning the fundamentals of Image processing puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. Learning Computer Vision in LabVIEW is easy to learn, has excellent documentation, and is the base for prototyping all types of vision-based algorithms.Jobs in image processing are plentiful, and being able to learn computer and machine vision will give you a strong background to more easily pick up other computer vision tools such as OpenCV, Matlab, SimpleCV etc.Content and Overview Suitable for beginning programmers, through this course of 26 lectures and over 4 hours of content, youll learn all of the Computer Vision and establish a strong understanding of the concept behind Image Processing Algorithms. Each chapter closes with exercises in which you will develop your Own Vision-Based Apps, putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately.Starting with the installation of the LabVIEW Vision Development Toolkit, this course will take you through the main and fundamental Image Processing tools used in industry and research. At the end of this course you will be able to create the following Apps:App 1 - Counting M&Ms in an Image,App 2 - Color Segmentation and Tracking, App 3 - Coin Blob detectionApp 4 - Blob Range EstimationApp 5 - Lane Detection and Ruler Width MeasurementApp 6 - Pattern or Template Matching to detect Complex ObjectsApp 7 - Object TrackingApp 8 - Bar code RecognitionApp 9 - Optical Character Recognition (OCR)With these basic and advanced algorithms mastered, the course will take you through the basic operation of the theory behind each algorithm as well how they applied in real world scenarios. Students completing the course will have the knowledge to create functional and useful Image Processing Apps.Complete with working files, datasets and code samples, youll be able to work alongside the author as you work through each concept, and will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course. We also offer a full Udemy 30 Day Money Back Guarantee if you are not happy with this course, so you can learn with no risk to you. See you inside this course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"PCB Design a Tiny Arduino In Altium CircuitMaker" |
"Note! This course price will increase to $50 as of 1st Dec 2019 from $40. The price will increase regularly due to updated content. Get this course while it is still low.LATEST: Course Updated For November 2019 OVER 12502+ SATISFIED STUDENTS HAVE ALREADY ENROLLED IN THIS COURSE!----------------------------------------------What is this course about:This course is a first of its kind in which you will learn from start to finish on how to design your very own custom Tiny Arduino Printed Circuit Board (PCB). This course will help you to improve your PCB design skills which will help you to get started freelancing or to get a job in PCB design with Altium CircuitMaker being one of the top FREE PCB design tools used around the world.What is expect in this course:I will show you how to get started in the world of PCB design using Altium CircuitMakerI show you how to download and install Altium CircuitMaker as well as demystify the user interface.I take you step-by-step on how to find and download the component library for the Tiny Arduino.How to recreate the Arduino Nanite Schematic in Altium CircuitMaker as well as wiring components in Schematic viewI show you how to transfer your schematic into PCB view as well as define the board shapeOnce the board shape is defined, I show you how to place components on the board, create a multilayer board ( we are going to use 4-6 layers) .For a 4 layer board, I teach you how to route between layers and how to strategically place components on to the board design.Show you how to autoroute, when you are faced with a complex design to save time.Correct your design and eliminate design errors before sending them to your manufacturer. This will save you money for numerous design iterationsFinally I teach you how to create Gerber files, which are files that your manufacturer can read to create your Printed Circuit Board.This course will be updated regularly with new lectures, resources, quizzes and content."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Zynq Training - Learn Zynq 7000 SOC device on Microzed FPGA" |
"Course Update:Note!This course price will increase to $210 as of 1st February2019 from $200. The price will increase regularly due to updated content. Get this course while it is still low. LATEST: Course Updated For January 2019 OVER 3316+ SATISFIED STUDENTS HAVE ALREADY ENROLLED IN THIS COURSE!----------------------------------------------Do you want to learn the new Zynq Development in Xilinx SDK? Are you lost when it comes to getting started with Zynq Training? Or are you new to FPGA's? This course will teach you all the fundamentals of the Zynq Design and Vivado in the shortest time so that you can get started developing on (Field-programmable gate array) FPGA (System of Chip) SOC.Now why should you take this course when Xilinx Official Partners already offer training? Most of their course are held bi-annually which means you will have to wait at most 6 months before starting the basic training. Also these courses can cost over thousands of dollars. I am an FPGA Designer with a Masters Degree in Electronic Engineering. I have over 20000 students on Udemy.This course is designed to help you understand the fundamentals of Zynq Design through practical and easy to understand labs.This class covers these capabilities, including BSP creation, built-indrivers, example C code, interrupts,debugging, flash programming. You will learn all the fundamentals through practice as you follow along with the training. Together we will build a strong foundation in SOC Development in Xilinx SDKwith this training for beginners. This Course will enable you to:Import Board Definition FilesUse theVivado to build, synthesize, implement, and download a design to your FPGA.How to use Xilinx SDKLearn how to access memory modules and GPIO from Xilinx SDKDebugging in Xilinx SDKUnderstand Stucts or Structure in C programming and why they are importantTraining Duration:2 hourSkills GainedAfter Completing this Training, you will know how to:Design for7 series+ FPGAs (System on Chip) SOC,Learn how to set up the Zynq in Vivado,Create a Simple Hello world App in Xilinx SDK,Access GPIO to blink an LED,Learn how to read from GPIO button peripherals,Understand Structures in C or C++ and how to use them in Xilinx SDK,Debug your design and understand how to step through lines in your code,Learn how to add more hardware in Processing Logic,Use the Processing logic to create a Block RAM memory,Learn to Read and Write from internal memory,Create your own timing App using both polled and interrupt methodsGet an indepth insight into interrupts and how they work on Zynq devicesSkills GainedThis course only costs less than1% of the Official XIlinx Partner Training Courses which has similar content. Not only will you save on money but you will save on Time. Similarcoursesusually runover 2 days. This course, however, you will be able to complete in under 2 hours, depending on your learning speed.Youwill receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course. We also offer a full Udemy 30 Day Money Back Guarantee if you are not happy with this course, so you can learn with no risk to you.See you inside this course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Buying Mood Blueprint" |
"The Buying Mood Blueprint is a COMPLETE - step by step sales process using the latest in Neuroscience. It gives you the inside track on what actually happens in your prospective customer or client's brain and the words and images you'll use to put them in a buying mood. The key is the chemical elixirs inside the brain. Knowing how to activate these elixirs in the right sequence is a powerful combination to get sales results.Crack the code of what causes a person to buy.And start closing more sales now.No matter whether you're selling to consumers or other businesses, this is a complete sales process for your presentations, proposals, demos, sales letters, videos, emails, and social media posts. Nothing is left out.Know how to get past that typical NO rejection or "No thanks, I'm not interested."Understand the brain's secrets during the discovery process of buying.Learn how to use mental triggers to induce a buying mood.Discover the myths of selling and the truths that actually get sales conversionsOnce you get through this course, you'll understand you can't sell anything to anybody. You can only create a DISCOVERY PROCESS OF BUYING and put the person in a buying mood.The individuals who will make the most money, generate more sales conversions, and have the peace of mind, are those that discover and use the new frontiers or neuroscience to put their prospective client or customer in a buying mood.What I gave you is an overview of the exact solution I've used to create a 289.27% increase in a business I owned, and it was already $1 million dollar + in annual revenues. I've used this blueprint countless times in successful product launches, and once you know what I know inside this course, you're never going to sell the same way again.I know you're probably thinking...What if this is too good to be true and doesn't really work?What if I try what he teaches in this course and don't get results?What if I can't put into practice what is taught because it's too complicated or too many steps?Before you get focused on these thoughts, I'd like you to consider this...Imagine if this buying mood blueprint worked no matter whether it's in person or in your sales copy.Imagine if all you had to do was watch this course, take notes, and then try one tactic this next week and saw results.Imagine if you had a swipe file, examples, and critiques so it's almost as easy as COPY and PASTE.You know everyone in sales says, "Selling is a numbers game." I'm here to tell you it's not. If you're talking to the right person, using what you learn in this course helps you easily put your prospect in a buying mood.At the end of the day, if you're not getting the results you want in sales conversions, you need to realize it has nothing to do with...... Your product ... You have a good product... Your skills and abilities as a sales professional ... Those can be learned ... YOU ... It has to do with gaining the knowledge inside this course. What we now know about the buying process that happens in the brain from the latest Neuroscience research applied to how a person buys.The Buying Mood Blueprint has been designed for people in sales and marketing who want an edge to beat their competition, move easily forward in the sales process, and have the confidence of knowing the triggers to use to create that buying mood.I'd like to paint a picture for you just how easy this is ... inside this course. I'm going to explain to you, step-by-step, why it's so important to sell using certain phrases which activate key chemical elixirs in the brain to put a person in a buying mood. Even more importantly, you're going to learn the exact sequence of these phrases to get connection, build trust, create desire, and motivate a person to buy.You have to ask yourself, "How important are more sales to you? To your business? To your income?"What image in your mind comes up when you finally find the key to more sales?You've found it here. What we've discovered from Neuroscience applied to selling makes it a game over experience for your prospective customer or client.So when it comes down to it, here's what I always think about when considering a new course to buy.Is it easy to understand?Can I get through it fast?Can I apply what I learned this week?Can it get result?You'll get a chance to judge that for yourself with this course as you get an unconditional 30 day money-back guarantee - that's my personal promise of your success!Do what most don't to get the results others can't - Start closing more sales now.One final very important point.If you've never written your own marketing or sales copy, I spend a lot of time in this course showing you how to use the buying mood sequence to create your own videos, sales letters, emails, and social media posts. And I give you a swipe file with some of the most powerful sales phrases so you're work is almost literally COPY and PASTE! You can have your own sales copy arsenal up and running this week, right after going through this course - and be increasing your sales conversions immediately!Make a decision to make it happen on purpose by learning exactly what puts a person in a buying mood so you'll always separate yourself from the competition.Click the "take this course" button, top right, now ... every hour you delay is costing you money ...Peter Lisoskie"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Uncovering Happiness Symposium with Elisha Goldstein" |
"In the past 15 years cutting-edge innovations in neuroscience have led to one of the most powerful insights in human historythat within each and every one of us there are natural biological potentials for real happiness. In this course, you will learn how to harness your brain's own natural anti-depressants and uncover your true potential for joy!About Your InstructorI'm Elisha Goldstein, author of The Now Effect and most recently Uncovering Happiness: Overcoming Depression with Mindfulness and Self-Compassion. For over 15 years I've been studying and teaching the psychology, neuroscience and practice of uncovering happiness in everyday life.Along the way I've dug deep into a variety of disciplines and discovered some key natural anti-depressants that: turn the volume down on our negative thinking, lower our stress, heighten states of joy and wire in the balance and confidence that we can all learn and attain. This has been my experience, the experience of thousands of people I've worked with and is also backed by the latest science. About The SymposiumThe Uncovering Happiness Symposium is a very personal project for me. It's been my life's work to uncover the potential in each and every one of us for uncovering happiness and I couldn't be more thrilled to bring it to you right now.In this Symposium you'll learn: The key ingredients of lasting happiness How to practically bring them into your daily life And how to do it so you change your brain for the betterUltimately you will learn how to take back control of your mind, your mood and your life, sewing the seeds for real lasting happiness.About Our InterviewsI've interviewed some of the top scientists, neuroscientists, researchers and practitioners in the field of happiness and well-being for this Symposium. You'll hear from Byron Katie, Tara Brach, Kelly McGonigal, Sharon Salzberg, Dan Harris, Jack Kornfield and others - check out the curriculum belowThese are people from Harvard, UCLA and many of whom have written New York Times bestselling titles on the topics of happiness. Plus, as a bonus to you I've asked each speaker to give you a practice that makes happiness practical right now. You'll get over 20 practices to use at home and work. These are practices that help you: create a naturally anti-depressant brain, reduce stress and anxiety, have better relationships, overcome negative habits with eating and create confidence at home and at work.Enrol today and learn how to harness your brain's own natural anti-depressants and uncover a real lasting happiness in your life."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Typography: Learn the Basics to Build a Solid Foundation" |
"**UPDATED AUGUST 2015** Called ""Amazing overview of typography - very engaging!""Start to become comfortable tackling everyday design challenges! This course was created for non-designers who want to understand typography better.About this course: Quick and concise lessons No special tools or software needed Quizzes and materials to help you learn Full, free lifetime access to this course All future extra lectures for this course and upgrades are always included for free Unconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee - that's my personal promise of your success! Today, you can start to increase your confidence with putting together your own content. Also, the first 1,000 students of this course will receive a very special bonus - free access to the next course I am creating. That course will go deeper into typography and help you further your skills through things like learning how to design strong layouts, pair fonts effectively, and use simple graphic design principles to strengthen your work.Click the ""take this course"" button, top right, now to enroll."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Easy Typography Tips to Beautify and Strengthen Your Work" |
"Being able to create clean, polished, and effective content by yourself can really save you money while helping you spread your messages. It can feel daunting to need to do design work"" if you are not a designer. But having a strong sense of how to put things together is easier than you may think. I'll show you how. This course, the second of two, helps you to get comfortable with intermediate typographic design concepts. Topics like letter spacing, word spacing, text alignment, and color theory are covered. Also, some a few simple, general graphic design topics have been added as well - to help tie everything together.The course is designed to take the pain out of needing to face design challenges on your own. The videos break things down using simple explanations.The lectures are short, so that you can take it all in quickly. The supplemental materials help you remember what you have learned."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"The Simple Way to Create Udemy Courses - Unofficial" |
"This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc.Do you want to get started creating Udemy courses, but youaren't sure what to do? Instead of recording talkinghead videos or screencasts, you can use PowerPoint to assemble a lecture as anarrated slideshow, and export it to video.You will learn a simple methodfor creating quality Udemy lectures using a Windows PC and a microphone. Thisstep by step method shows you how to install the software to enhance yourvideo, and how to use it. Over 80% of the video on Udemy is not talking head video. Here is the simple way you can start creating Udemy courses quickly.This is a simple method that anyone can use to produce qualitylectures for a Udemy course. You canteach without making talking head videos, and produce valuable elearning foryour students. This course teaches you exactly what to do, without frills ordigressions.Once you purchase this courseyou can use it forever, and Udemy offers a thirty day money back guarantee onthis course.Sign up now so you can start making Udemy lectures the simpleway."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Java for Swing (GUI) Development" |
"Have you wasted hours of your time or money watching terrible video tutorials that make you fall asleep at your desk?Stop wasting your time & money! This is the ultimate, most comprehensive, Java and Swing Development course on the market. I promise and I guarantee that to be true.Learn to program in the world's most popular and powerful programming language Java and make desktop applications with it.This fast,easy and effective course will take you from zero programming skills to being able to program fluently in Java and as well as making nice,interactive desktop applications with it.Learn to Become a Java DeveloperCore Java ( Includes everything you need to know in Java )Making Java Swing Applications ( Desktop Applications )Learning Swing Layout Management to change layout of your desktop applications.We'll start by learning Java in the first section of the course.In this section you will learn to code your first ""Hello World"" program in Java , using variables , different types of conditional branching statements , all the types of loops , arrays , getting user input.The most important topics are the object-oriented programming concepts like Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation etc...Then finally you will learn to handle exceptions ( very important ) in your program. Once we're cool with the basic concepts of Java , we'll then melt our brain-bits with Java's Swing package.You will then have the ability to build nice, responsive desktop applications and have a professional understanding of all aspects of Java and Swing Development.After you've learned everything from Java to Java Swing, you'll be taken through a hands-on Swing Layout Management section in which you will learn various types of layouts which can be used in your swing applications to enhance your applications outlook."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
nejmytraining |
". ."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Domina MATLAB en 2020 - Cmo Evitar los 9 Errores de Novato" |
"ALGUNOS COMENTARIOS DE LOS ALUMNOSValoracin: 5 de 5. Este curso me ha parecido excelente!""Me ha ayudado a iniciarme con Matlab y a estar motivada durante todo el curso. Pablo explica muy bien y simplifica conceptos complejos facilitando la comprensin. Recomendara este curso a todo el mundo que quiera aprender Matlab!""Valoracin: 5 de 5. ""Gran curso incluso para aquellos con ms conocimiento.""""Incluso teniendo algo de experiencia con Matlab, este curso me ha sido de gran ayuda. Siempre es bueno y recomendable aprender las buenas prcticas de usuarios expertos, como he logrado gracias a este curso. En menos de 2 horas Pablo comparte con nosotros una gran cantidad de consejos que le facilitarn a cualquiera su da a da programando con Matlab, como es el caso de las recomendaciones para ordenar la interfaz, o el significado particular de cada uno de los errores, entre otras cosas. Estoy impaciente por hacer el nuevo curso ms avanzado que ha prometido para dentro de unos meses!""Valoracin: 5 de 5: ""Cumple lo que promete.""""Repasa los errores tpicos al iniciarse en Matlab y te ayuda a detectarlos y solucionarlos.""---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GARANTA TOTAL - Una vez lo adquieras, lo tienes disponible para siempre. Incluso las actualizaciones que vaya aadiendo. Es ms, Udemy te devuelve el dinero sin hacer preguntas, si no ests contento con el curso en los primeros 30 das. Todava no he tenido ninguna :)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ms de 250 alumnos en la primera semana!Sgueme en Twitter => @DrPabloAguilera. El sitio ms rpido para dudas y consultas, con prioridad para los alumnos interesados en el curso.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Quieres dominar MATLAB como un profesional? Soy Pablo Aguilera, Ingeniero de Telecomunicacin. Tengo un Postgrado en Programacin para Internet, un Mster en Electrnica de Comunicaciones, y un Doctorado Internacional (con Premio Extraordinario) en Tratamiento de Seal.Domino MATLAB desde hace una dcada, y durante los ltimos 6aos he ayudado a cientos de estudiantes de ingeniera en la Universidad a disear algoritmos y programar como profesionales. He pasado miles de horas diseando y programando algoritmos, as como enseando a otros como t a hacerlo de la forma ms clara y eficiente.MATLAB es el entorno de programacin cientfico nmero 1 en el mundo, y es una exigencia para cualquier ingeniero que quiera resolver problemas tcnicos en el mundo real, tanto en una empresa como en centros de investigacin.Es ms, su creciente popularidad est haciendo que la demanda se dispare. Es por ello que es imprescindible su dominio para cualquiera que quiera hacer una carrera cientfica o de ingeniera. De hecho, si ests estudiando Ingeniera, Fsica, Matemticas, o cualquier otra disciplina cientfico-tcnica, este curso har que resuelvas con solvencia cualquier problema de programacin con MATLAB que te encuentres.Durante mis aos enseando MATLAB en la Universidad, he detectado los fallos ms tpicos que cometen, una y otra vez, los estudiantes que estn aprendiendo a programar. Esos que hacen que se atasquen y se frustren, impidindoles solucionar los problemas y evolucionar su aprendizaje. En este curso analizamos todos esos fallos en la Seccin 3, y eso es algo que no te van a ensear en ningn otro lado, pues slo se adquiere con la prctica y la experiencia.Aprenders a identificarlos antes de que se produzcan. Incluso si ya se han producido, sers capaz de ver fcilmente la solucin, de forma que podrs centrar tus esfuerzos en el problema que ests resolviendo, ya sea en una empresa o en la Universidad. Esto es especialmente crtico si ests escribiendo cdigo MATLAB sin poder hacer pruebas y errores, como cuando no tienes un ordenador delante, o cuando ests en un examen. Y tambin es lo que distingue a un programador con experiencia de un novato.En unas pocas horas, sers capaz de sacar adelante programas y algoritmos que antes requeran meses de experiencia. Adems, en la Seccin 2 te propongo varias buenas prcticas de programacin que harn que directamente no te encuentres con muchos de esos errores cuando ests diseando cdigo.Por si fuera poco, responder y corregir todas las dudas sobre MATLAB y programacin que plantees en los foros de discusin de este curso en Udemy (en la parte derecha de la pantalla).Qu te parece? Preparado para dominar MATLAB con seguridad y eficiencia? Pues vamos a ello."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Conversation Confidence: Never Run Out of Things to Say" |
"Approximately 85% percent of our success in life is directly attributable to our communication and Conversational skills. That means that no matter how ambitious, how committed, or how highly educated someone is, they still have a low probability of success unless they develop the right communication skills.People who reported communicating more effectively showed the highest satisfaction with their relationships.The quality of your life is the quality of your communication in both your business and social life"Whenever you want, you'll be able to:Make ENGAGING conversation at any moment with EASE. Break the ice every time and ENSURE you'll never be tongue-tied ever again!Understand and Grasp the Underlying Foundation Of All Human Interactions.Create an OUTSTANDING Rapport with virtually ANYONE.Engage anyone in an intelligent, powerful conversation so that they will REMEMBER you, no matter how famous, wealthy, or powerful they are. FIGURE OUT: 1)How people cope with change, 2) What are people's primary interests, 3) How people deal with information, 4) How people evaluate things, 5) How they take decisions, 6) What motivates them, 7) What their values are and they organize 8) Their work and 9) Their use of time. Get into the head of your customer and figure out ways to influence his/her buying decisions, People Patterns Blueprint brings into play behavioral models that both Researchers have been working on and testing for over decades. In a nut shell, Speed-Reading people successfully is essentially learning about the world around us, decoding & determining the meaning of non-verbal communications as manifested through facial expressions, gestures, physical movements, posture & even the tone, timbre, & volume of a person's voice - to predict human actions. Become the master of your own Conversations, and to rule over it, instead of being ruled by it!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Self-Control: Master Will Power, Self-Discipline &Pure Focus" |
"Have you Ever Known What to Do and How to Do it But You said to Yourself: If only I had more willpower, I could do the things I really want to do., "If only I had Enough Commitment, Maybe I would be Living my dreams now".If you have to write a letter to yourself which you will open 2-5 years from now, What would you write?.... Will you write "I'm Sorry Myself, I couldn't Achieve anything that i dream of because i have no will-power and procrastinating" Or You will write "Hey my Future-Self I know you are living now the dream you've ever dreamed of, it's my little present for you"It's the time to Get out of Trap you are in, to learn new approach toward you goals. You have to evolve, grow and change, Instead of being Controlled by Mood-Swings, Depression and Procrastination.Let's face it. You have a busy life with a zillion distractions... and this can lead to a loss of focus, and not getting what you want out of life.You join the gym in January but by the end of February...You've got a copy of 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People' on your bookshelf, you know it's a great book yet you haven't opened it since 1995...You are disorganized, suffer from a lack focus or spend to much time surfing the internet and watching TV ?Sound familiar? You're not alone.Chances are you have an issue with self-discipline and will-power.In the Self-Control Mastery course you will learn how to build your self-discipline using time-tested wisdom and cutting-edge advances in neuroscience and psychology, presented in a simple and easy to understand way.You'll learn the 9 key steps to help you build remarkable self-discipline without being overwhelmed, each step building on the last.This is not your average course on goal setting or short-term fixes, instead this course focuses on changing behavioral patterns to help bring long lasting, if not permanent changes. Because without self-discipline, any goal is really just a wish.And once you've grasped the fundamentals of self-control and learned how to incorporate them into your personal life, you'll find yourself in possession of a powerful tool forBecoming more goal oriented,Thinking more positively and constructively,Avoiding the negative health effects of emotional baggage and common stressors,Beating back self-doubt, andFacing the challenges of today and tomorrow with greater confidence in yourself.You'll get a chance to shatter the myths about willpower and replace them with verifiable science that will help make the seemingly unattainable finally possible. Packed with eye-opening studies, experiments, and exercises to strengthen your self-control when dealing with money, physical fitness, personal relationships, and more, this course will have you wondering why you ever doubted yourself."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Competitive Intelligence: Start Guaranteed Profit Business" |
"What if In just one and half hour you can NOW learn the long-lost ""Competitive Intelligence"" SECRET that still scares Business Owners to death...What if You Can UNCOVER DATA about What's Already Selling, How things are already being successfully marketed? and HOW to Generate Traffic from the same Profitable Sources. IT'S A Powerful Shortcut WHICH CAN DECONSTRUCT Any Successful Business And GIVE YOU A Recipe BY Ingredients Of How This Successful Business Works.What products do they sell?How long have they been selling?What's their average customer value?Do they sell multiple products?Who are their partners?Who are their Affiliates?Who is their supplier?What does their funnel look like?Where do they buy traffic?What keywords convert for them?What is their ad budget?What is their Ideal customer demographic?What is their Content strategy?Are they an established brand?How long have they been in business?What is their estimated annual revenue?What is their estimated annual profit?What's their margin?Do they use discounts and special offers?What are they trying to do to expand?++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++This is what a student said about ""Competitive Intelligence"" course:""Very in depth & filled with many incredibly useful resources, The instructor presented in a very easy to understand manner how to use readily available online tools (many I've never heard mentioned in similar Udemy courses) to unearth lot of competitive intelligence data."" Tiffany Nguyen++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Join TOP Marketers That Are Pulling 6 Figure and MORE: 5 Different Models That Most Successful Online Businesses Around the Internet Are Taking Advantage OF!Fully Utilize LURACTIVE Online MARKETS Choosing the Right (and Most Profitable) MARKET Which Best FITS YOU Research Different Cost-Effective Opportunities Use Competitive Intelligence ""SPY Tools"" to gather data about Already Profitable OpportunitiesMAKE a REALITY CHECK before even SPENDING a Dime on Product Creation or any other asset.Unique Selling Proposition: Differentiate From Your CompetitorsGetting Traffic Utilizing Ascending StrategyUncovering the Secret of ""Controlling Perception Control"" Which Alone can Grow your sales exponentially within days!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++As with all my Courses:You will have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs, everAll future additional lectures, bonuses in this Course are always freeMy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++30 Day Money Back GuaranteeDon't forget, all my Courses have an unconditional, no quibble, 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. This means you have absolutely no risk when signing up to one of my great Courses. I never ask questions and always refund 100% in full.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Click on the Blue Take This Course"" Button at the Top Right-Hand Side of the PageThen follow the instructions to register and pay for the CourseDon't delay, start learning the long-lost ""Competitive Intelligence"" SECRETClick on the Blue Take This Course"" Button Now!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Learn English Through Funny News" |
"Welcome to Learning English through Funny News. Learning English through News is a new and exciting way to improve your reading, comprehension, listening, and writing skills. We discuss funny news articles about western culture, and learn new vocabulary, comprehension, and listening skills.What is this course about?In this course you will read funny English news articles. You will learn new vocabulary, and writing methods. We will discuss the articles and you will gain better English comprehension.How is this course different than other English courses? What makes this course different is the learning style used. This course uses humor and laughs to help you learn. Each article is entertaining and will make you laugh and learn at the same time. Remember if you can laugh at an English joke. That means you can understand what you just laughed at. Will I become fluent in English by the end of this course?Of course not! lol You will not become fluent by the end of this course, but you will gain a stronger more natural vocabulary. You will experience greater confidence in your English speaking and comprehension. This course will greatly improve your English but it will not make you fluent. What is the best way to learn from the lessons? We recommend that you do one lesson each day. After each lesson there is a discussion question. Make sure you answer the discussion question in the discussion board. You can repeat any lesson as many times as you want till you feel comfortable with the information."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn POV English" |
"Welcome to Point of View English. This is the only Virtual Reality English course. You get to see what I see, and hear what I hear. You will be able to listen to real life conversations and interactions that I have throughout the day. This is an excellent course to improve your listening, and speaking skills. What is this course about?In this course you will spend the day with me and my friend shopping, eating dinner, and having fun conversations. You will see the world from my eyes and perspective. How is this course different than other English courses? This course is completely different than any other English course you will ever take. This is the only course that has been filmed through the teachers eyes. You will hear what I hear, and see what I see. The lessons in the course are fun and exciting. You will be returning items at a store, having dinner with a friend, and go shopping at the dollar store. There will be many surprises and fun times within the lessons that will make you laugh and smile.Will I become fluent in English by the end of this course?Of course not! lol You will not become fluent by the end of this course, but you will gain a stronger more natural vocabulary. You will experience greater confidence in your English speaking and comprehension. This course will greatly improve your English but it will not make you fluent. What is the best way to learn from the lessons? We recommend that you do one lesson each day. After each lesson there is a quiz . Make sure you complete the quiz. You can repeat any lesson as many times as you want till you feel comfortable with the information."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mortgage Acceleration" |
"This Mortgage Acceleration course will teach you the ins and outs of how a mortgage works, and how to beat your lender at the interest game. You will get insider's secrets on how to pay off your mortgage much quicker than the traditional 30 year mortgage, and how to cut years off of any mortgage term you choose. Every homeowner, no matter what phase of ownership, will benefit from the information shared in this course. Students will have a thorough understanding of how interest works, and how interest is impacted by a mortgage acceleration plan. At the completion of this course, each student will be equip to immediately began to implement their own personal mortgage acceleration plan (MAP)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Perfekte Pressemitteilungen verfassen" |
"In diesem Videokurs zeigt Ihnen der PR-Trainer Jost Broichmann, wie Sie Ihre Pressemitteilungen schneller und besser erstellen, um mehr Erfolg in den Redaktionen haben. Dabei hilft Ihnen dieser Kurs:Bessere Formulierungen findenperfekte Anlsse fr Presseinformationen findenden Versand optimal gestaltenan vielen Praxisbeispielen lernenWarum sollten Sie diesen Kurs belegen? Etwa die Hlfte aller Pressemitteilungen wird ungelesen gelscht. Wer von den Medien erwhnt werden mchte, muss sich in diesem harten Wettbewerb behaupten. Ihre Meldung muss sofort herausstechen und den Journalisten interessieren. Doch schon kleine Fehler fhren dazu, dass Pressemitteilungen im Papierkorb landen."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Learn TDD in 24 hours" |
"Are you a Java developer and want to become an expert in software testing? That's the course for you! In this course, you will learn how to stop doing manual testing and start to do automated software testing.How many times did you write a bug? How many times did you change the software and didn't test it all? Testing software is an art. And surprisingly easy! During the videos, we will see many real world classes that need to be tested. In a nutshell, you will see that writing a test is almost like writing all those "main methods" you have written during your first programming lessons. Then, you will see how to do it professionally. And by professional, I mean learn how to have a good testing code, how to simulate databases using mock objects, and even how to practice Test-Driven Development, which is about writing the test code prior to the production code (and yes, that are many advantagens when doing it!).Good developers write good code. And good code is, among many other things, code that work. Let's learn how to test software and never have a bug again!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Managing The Gifts Of ADHD" |
"Dr. Kevin Ross Emery started proclaiming ADD/HD as a gift not a curse and as part of the evolutionary process more than 15 years ago. In this course Dr. Kevin will teach those who are or have a loved one negatively impacted with ADD/HD. Dr. Kevin will teach you how to recognize and embrace the gifts of your ADD/HD Identify, how ADD/HD is a diff-ability instead of a disability, shift behaviors that will maximize the gift and minimize the curse of ADD/HD, actualize the positive impacts of ADD/HD on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels, and be able to avoid pitfalls that inherently appear in the ADD/HD path.Dr. Kevin talks about how the ADD/HD impacted person is affected on the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual (not religious) bodies. With the assistance of handouts, Dr. Kevin teaches solutions to not only minimize the negative impacts, but also maximize the gifts of ADD/HD. Finally, Dr. Kevin speaks on navigating a non-ADD/HD world and how to avoid the pitfalls of the ADD/HD path such as anxiety, isolation, fear and depression. He then finishes with how to coexist with comorbidity that comes with being gifted with ADD/HD."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Microsoft Excel - Excel 101" |
"This course guarantees you to learn the fundamental basics of Microsoft Excel.Taught by Excel Master John Brickwater, this jam packed course is a fast paced tutorial for Excel beginners. Although Excel may seem like a complicated software, this course breaks it down piece by piece in easily understandable terms. No prior experience with Microsoft Excel is necessary. You will begin by learning the simplest tools in Excel, creating and editing your spreadsheet. This course will teach you the basic calculations and functions Excel has to offer, as well as make you familiar with ways of formatting your spreadsheets to make them look more professional. Lastly, this course will teach you how to convert data from your spreadsheet into different kinds of charts.When you have completed this course, you will be comfortable with performing daily operations on this software. You will be able to create your own spreadsheets with calculations and functions, along with creating professional charts and graphs from your data. To get a better taste of what this course will teach like, watch a preview of the Introduction Video."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Career Success, Step by Step" |
"Many people are unhappy or unsuccessful in their career--unnecessarily. That's why I created this course. It distills what I've learned from having been a career coach to 4,800 clients with a 96% client-satisfaction rate.Get what you need for career successIn this course, you'll learn: Two potent but not-obvious ways to find the right career for you. And if you're already in a career, these approaches will give you reassurance you're in the right career--or suggest that you might want to consider a change. Best practices for landing a good job in a tight market. The standard, sterile resume, LinkedIn profile, and cover letter are not enough. You'll learn what works best today. How to find the right career training for you--in or out of school. Important but not obvious strategies for becoming successful in your career: managing stress, time, procrastination, and even your boss. Why this courseWhen I started out as a career counselor, almost 30 years ago now, I followed the standard advice: Give career "tests" , help clients write resumes and cover letters using job-seeker language like "He drove profitability" and "She saved the company $9 ziillion." The trouble is, that those don't work as well today yet, too often, that's still the advice given. And it's not enough to convert your resume into a LinkedIn profile and consider careers that are off-shore resistant. I created this course to help today's career-minded person.Join meI hope you'll join me and take this course. You'll find it jam-packed with not-obvious, helpful nugget. And it's enjoyable--no boring lectures, I promise!And if you do your part, this course could well change your life."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Hacking & Digital Forensics & Autopsy - Stay Anonymous" |
"The Course has been updated on January 2016with technology advancement today. Are you staying on anonymous? Whether you have a secret or does not, I am sure you wouldn't want your movement or action to be known to some outsiderStaying anonymous is a art, if you know how the ISP trace and gather information on you, you can use that knowledge to better protect yourself, a few tools will be needed. Another big Security issueIf your PC or Smartphone get stolen, what does it cost you? Sure a iphone cost you $1000 behind but what about the data inside, well you have backup that is great, but are you concern on your secret that the person that take hold of your iphone. if they just do a reset and sold it off for a profit, you are consider lucky But if it fall into a hacker hand, he decided to do a forensic before selling off, all your sensitive information has no protectionLearn how to stay anonymous, learn how the digital forensic work, learn how to encrypt your data. Sure it might have a addition step when you use a device, but for a piece of mind, it might be worth many times if you just lost your device or your house get broken into with all the harddisk unencrypted, this is the worse. A forensic is not even needed if you have a unencrypted harddisk. And the windows logon is not a security at all, if you think that is, you better start thinking again.Think again and Enroll in this course to protect your activities and stay Annoymous"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn Financial Accounting Different" |
"15 Audio accounting lessons with three e-books included: Accounting Cheat Sheet, Learn Financial Accounting Different, & Learn Debits & Credits.I took financial accounting three times as a history major and my grades were as follows: W, C, A. W stands for withdrawn, if you don't know. But after I received an A from an exceptionally clear instructor, everything became easy, so long as I dedicated enough time and studied to learn. I drew pictures, read financial statements of publically traded companies, sang songs, and listened to self-made recordings at bedtime. I could not afford any more mistakes after graduating in history during a financial crisis. Three years later I had worked in public accounting, passed all of my CPA exams on the first try, and nearly completed a masters in accounting with a 3.9 GPA all paid for with credit cards. Now I work for myself and help students, life is good. With enough time and motivation there is nothing to stop you with this particular profession, class, or topic.Accounting is not just for businesses, but for any financial entity. And the most important entity of them all is you! Everyone spends money of some tangible kind, or intangible in the form of trades and favors. Most of us do not need to know how to form a complete set of financials using journal entries; however, everyone should have an idea of what an income statement and balance sheet is. It is also helpful to understand that the value of money is constantly changing, referred to as the time value of money. It is a must to know what the five accounts are: assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, and expense.Please join me in the journey of learning accounting fast and different. Please contact me with any way that I may assist you along the way. Thanks."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Certificate in Qlik Sense Analytics Development" |
"This course is also available on Udemy For Business Certificate in Qlik Sense data visualisation and analytics application development Data Scientists, Data Analysts are big career topics today, but we still need an efficient and timely method to visualise what we have discovered in the morass of data within our enterprise. Thankfully we have the Qlik suite of products to help us with this and my all time favourite is Qlik Sense, I liked it so much, I took a leave of absence for 3 months to develop this course (and it is continually updated to stay current). If you want a hands on approach to learning Qlik Sense and a certificate that showcases your technical skill then this is the only course to take. Qlik Sense is the next generation of QlikView.Qlik Sense is overtaking so many of it's peers because of it's underlying 'associative data model' technology and absolute ease of discovery for insightful decision making and story telling.I am sure that once you have completed this course you will not want to revert to the old clunky ways of surfacing your analytics like you did with those products from the older monolithic vendors that will always impose their ways to suppress your work flow and creativity.This course of study is designed to transition your skills into a deep understanding of Qlik Sense application development.The skills that you learn in this course is 100% transferable to Qlik Sense Enterprise and Qlik Sense Cloud.Looking forward to seeing you in the course.PaulData Analyst and Visualisation Engineer"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"SQL - Master Class For Data Analysis" |
"Hi With so much data stored in SQL databases, how can we get at it ?You use SQL to get at this data, no matter what the SQL Database product is (e.g SQL Server, Oracle and many more). Coding SQL to analyse data can be a daunting and complex task, hence the reason for building this course.In this course I will teach you how code SQL to perform data analysis in order to answer complex questions that you will encounter daily in your job. Ask yourself these simple questions ...Do you know all of the TABLE JOIN types that can be applied in a SQL query ? Have you ever used OUTER APPLY, which is so easy and powerful to use ?Can you write a running total in a single line of SQL ? Where do you use a ROLLUP statement and why would you use it ? What is LAG() ?If you could not answer these simple questions then this course will definitely change all of that for you.You definitely should know all of this to survive the SQL environment you work in ! All course materials are provided e.g. Sample databases (with real data), code scripts, practice exercises and quizzes.Don't forget, there is a 30 Day money back guarantee if this course does not deliver what you expected.Stay safe and wellBest RegardsPaulData Analyst and Visualisation Engineer"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to be a Theatre Critic in your Hometown in a Weekend" |
"Make the most of your love of theatre and raise your profile by crafting reviews to post on your blog or on one of the many theatre review websites in just over an hour.Cheat Sheets help you write your best ever review and shows you how to gain the right information at every step from scanning websites to showing up to after show talks.The course contains 6 modules that use 5 minute bullet point lectures with fun activities to get you used to the process of putting together reviews in not much time.This course follows you every step of the way from booking the ticket to uploading your first theatre review with ideas on how to go viral. This will be the first of many reviews you write and open up a new window of associates and networks.This course will let you share your love of theatre and bring out the inner writer inside you easily by pleasantly tapping into a social activity you love."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |