Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"3 Ways to To Build An Online Business with Arbitrage" |
"Arbitrage is one of the best and most lucrative business models since the Internet changed the way economy and commerce is done forever.This is a business model that you can start today without actually having to invest any money at all and it's also an activity that can be started part time or as a side kick for anyone looking to create multiple streams of income.The fun fact is that people all around the world are using the power of arbitrage and the internet to build time freedom and the lifestyle that they desire.People are doing even multiple 5 figures per month using the power of Arbitrage in different fields of physicalproducts, services and digital products.In this course you will learn 3 easy methods to start your own online arbitrage business today without actually having to invest any money at all.Practicaly in this course you will learn:How Arbitrage WorksWhat is Physical Products Arbitrage and how to do itHow to do Services ArbitrageWhat are Digital Products and how to do arbitrage with themWhich are the best marketplaces to do arbitrage onTips & Tricks to maximize your earnings and optimize your businessand much more...So, join this class today and learn how to take advantage of the powerful concept or Arbitrage combined with the Internet!PS: Inside you will discover 3 highly lucrative arbitrage models that YOU CAN START TODAY!"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Big Data and Hadoop for Beginners - with Hands-on!" |
"The main objective of this course is to help you understand Complex Architectures of Hadoop and its components, guide you in the right direction to start with, and quickly start working with Hadoop and its components.It covers everything what you need as a Big Data Beginner. Learn about Big Data market, different job roles, technology trends, history of Hadoop, HDFS, Hadoop Ecosystem, Hive and Pig. In this course, we will see how as a beginner one should start with Hadoop. This course comes with a lot of hands-on examples which will help you learn Hadoop quickly. The course have 6 sections, and focuses on the following topics:Big Data at a Glance: Learn about Big Data and different job roles required in Big Data market. Know big data salary trends around the globe. Learn about hottest technologies and their trends in the market. Getting Started with Hadoop: Understand Hadoop and its complex architecture. Learn Hadoop Ecosystem with simple examples. Know different versions of Hadoop (Hadoop 1.x vs Hadoop 2.x), different Hadoop Vendors in the market and Hadoop on Cloud. Understand how Hadoop uses ELT approach. Learn installing Hadoop on your machine. We will see running HDFS commands from command line to manage HDFS. Getting Started with Hive: Understand what kind of problem Hive solves in Big Data. Learn its architectural design and working mechanism. Know data models in Hive, different file formats supported by Hive, Hive queries etc. We will see running queries in Hive. Getting Started with Pig: Understand how Pig solves problems in Big Data. Learn its architectural design and working mechanism. Understand how Pig Latin works in Pig. You will understand the differences between SQL and Pig Latin. Demos on running different queries in Pig. Use Cases: Real life applications of Hadoop is really important to better understand Hadoop and its components, hence we will be learning by designing a sample Data Pipeline in Hadoop to process big data. Also, understand how companies are adopting modern data architecture i.e. Data Lake in their data infrastructure. Practice: Practice with huge Data Sets. Learn Design and Optimization Techniques by designing Data Models, Data Pipelines by using real life applications' data sets. Check out some of our reviews from real students:-""A nice learning for beginners, the thing which differentiate this course from other similar courses is that it has very ""effective and concise"" content, so do even a layman can understand easily. The course shows only 3 hours of on-demand video lecture but one should always give time to each lecture ( by means of bookmarks and pause), then you would able to understand all the basics of Big data and Hadoop.""""I liked the hands-on approach. very helpful.""""Overall definitely worth the money for what you get, I learnt so much about Big Data.""""I absolutely recommend taking this course.""""Presenter explains in simple terms and any lay person or someone like me who has no background about databases and data can understand. Explaining the business use case application us very helpful in understanding how this can be useful for everyday business.""""Loved it. Saved lots of time searching information on the internet.""""Very informative, and the course gave me what I was looking for. Thanks!""""Big Data introduction can be daunting with several new keywords and components that one needs to understand. But, this course very clearly explains to a beginner about the architecture and different tools that can be leveraged in a big data project. It also has indications on the scope of big data in the industry, different roles one can perform in the big data space and also cover various commercial distributions of big data. Overall, a great course for a beginner to get started on the fundamentals of big data. Use Case is a bonus !"""
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Ableton Live: Production 1" |
"Ez a kpzs az Ableton Live alapjain tl rszletesen tveszi a modern zeneszerzshez szksges alapvet eszkzket. Behatan foglalkozik az Impulse-zal, a Simpler-rel, Instrument Rack-kel, Simple Delay-jel, Ping Pong Delay-jel, Reverb-bel, automatizcival, s a warpolssal, valamint klnbz mfajok mentn ezek gyakorlati felhasznlsval.A tananyag elsajttst 70 percnyi magyar nyelv vide tutorial s 30 oldalnyi PDF dokumentci segti. A ngy szekcira osztott 16 lecke els rsze az Ableton Live alapvet kezelst, s a szintzis alapelveket, a msodik a sampling-get s az audi szerkeszts alapjait, a harmadik az automatizcit s az Instrument Rack-et, vgl a negyedik az effektek (Simple Delay, Ping Pong Delay, Reverb) mkdst mutatja be s tveszi az insert, send / return effekthasznlat mkdst"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Java Programmierung: Erstelle perfekte GUI Apps mit JavaFX" |
"In diesem Kurs wirst du lernen in kurzer Zeit professionelle und visuell ansprechende Software zu entwickeln. Falls du schon immer mit dem Gedanken gespielt hast, eigene Software mit Benutzeroberflche zu entwickeln, dann bietet dir dieser Kurs die einzigartige Chance dazu.JAVA FXJavaFX ist das neueste GUI-Framework fr Java, entwickelt von Oracle. JavaFX ermglicht dir deine Software Ideen innerhalb kurzer Zeit umzusetzen und zu verffentlichen. Deine entwickelte Software kann ganz einfach fr Windows, Mac OS oder Linux exportiert werden.BESSER ALS SWINGMit JavaFX kannst du das GUI deiner Applikation separat von der Programmlogik entwickeln. Dies ermglicht flexibles updaten zu einem spteren Zeitpunkt. Die GUI ist in XML Dateien gespeichert und kann von UI Designern unabhngig erstellt und dann in die Applikation integriert werden. KURS-STRUKTURZu Beginn wirst du alle Grundlagen lernen die du fr die Entwicklung mit JavaFX brauchst. Du wirst mit der MVC Struktur vertraut, lernst Controller Klassen und Views zu erstellen und erlernst den Umgang mit den Scene Builder Tool.Anschlieend wirst du verschiedene Nodes von JavaFX kennen lernen, um zum Beispiel einen professionellen Login Bildschirm zu entwickeln. Hier lernst du auch den Umgang mit Daten und Objekten, sowie das Styling deines Programmes mit CSS.ES IST NICHT SCHWEREs ist hilfreich wenn du bereits Erfahrung mit Java hast, aber ist es nicht zwingend erforderlich um den Inhalten in diesem Kurs problemlos folgen zu knnen. Eher ist es so, dass du durch diesen Kurs die Grundlagen in Java lernst. Aber das hngt natrlich vom Lerntyp ab.Alle Tools die du fr die Entwicklung mit JavaFX bentigst, sind frei verfgbar und im Kurs wird dir alles was du zu Download und Installation wissen musst beigebracht.Die bentigten Tools sind:Java 8JavaFXSceneBuilder 2Eclipse Entwicklungsumgebung (IDE)Jetzt loslegen. Ich freue mich dich in meinem Kurs begren zu drfen."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Build Outstanding Java Apps with JavaFX much faster" |
"This course has been updated on 10th September!- Real life application examples have been added (See section 7 & 8)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Create professional and visual appealing software in very short time. Realise your software idea until the end of this week. Make it happen!JavaFX is a fantastic GUI-Framework for Java, by Oracle. JavaFX lets you realise and publish your software dream very quickly. The software can easily be exported for Mac OS, Windows or Linux.This course is of highest quality! No uhms, no blurry picture. Professional equipment was used to record the videos of this course.What will you learn?:Create awesome user interfaces that will impress everyoneUse CSS to create user interfacesLearn the very important MVC-PatternManage hundreds of UI controls (buttons, tables, choice boxes, ...)Get Familiar with Java programming, (it is really not that hard)Learn to create real life example java applications (Updated on 10th September)Develop the GUI of your application independently of the application logic. This makes updating at a later time very flexible. The GUI is created in XML and can be integrated into the application independently. This is a superior technology that is only rising in popularity now! You will also learn how to integrate data in the program with the object model. This touches Object Oriented Programming. I will not specifically teach OOP, but if you follow what I show you, you will understand it easily.Everything you need for this course is freely available. I will not try to sell you something. My Promise to you:Every single video in this course is dense learning material without distraction. No promotion, no endless Introduction. I will get straight to the point, but teach you everything from Step 1.EVERYONE CAN LEARN TO CODERequirements:Little to no experience in programming (Java or other language)Hungriness to learn crazy coding skillsInterest in learning new technical skillsIt is very likely that you know the basics of Java at the end of this course. So practically you learn 2 things in one!All tools that you need for the development with JavaFX, are freely available and I will show you in detail how you download and install them.3 Reasons for taking this course:Thorough Teaching: I will share knowledge with you that took myself years to learn.Individual Support: If you are stuck, I help you personally as soon as I can.Technical Excellence: All videos are 720HD quality. The Audio is professional recorded.Become a Java Programmer today! Sign up now!Cheers, Jonas Schindler"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress Plugins that will transform your Website" |
"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This course receives continuous updates !! The Price will be adjusted as well---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This absolute Course introduces to you the best Wordpress Plugins that will bring your Wordpress projects forward.In this course you are going to learn how to use the very most influential and useful Wordpress Plugins that will transform your Wordpress Website into whatever you want it to be:An Onlineshop that let's you start selling physical or digital products immediatelyA Booking System for your Hotel, Hostel, City Tour, Barber Shop Parlour, etc.A Forum to get your community engaged in topics you are strong inYou will learn where to get the most brilliant and useful Wordpress Plugins. You will also see every single step how to properly install and integrate them into your Wordpress Installation. This course covers a range of Free and Premium Wordpress Plugins.Which Plugins are you going to learn about:Woocommerce Online Shop - the number 1 shop system for WordpressCheckfront Booking System - a powerful Booking Back- and Front end for WordpressVisual Composer Page BuilderPage Builder by Site OriginsRevolution Slider 5 - the most advanced Slider Plugin for WordpressMailChimp Newsletter Sign Up Forms and List ManagementContact Form 7 - Easy Google Fonts - Manage and Customize all fonts on your WebsiteBBPress - Set up a personal Forum on your WebsiteSEO Yoast - Instant Feedback how your page ranks for certain Keywords...This list will be continuously updated!!After taking this course you will not depend on expensive Wordpress Experts anymore to bring your Online Business forward. You will be able to do 80% to 100% of the work on your Wordpress Website yourself, Because you will be the Wordpress Expert yourself!! :)What you need to know:You should have a simple own Wordpress WebsiteYou should know how to setup a Wordpress Website on your ownYou should have clicked a bit around in the Back end of WordpressWho is this course for:Beginners and Advanced Users of Wordpress who want to become more independentStarters of Web Development who want to bring their Wordpress Projects forwardAnyone who likes to learn about great tools and want to become a Wordpress HeroThe best thing about this course is that it will be continuously updated with content about the latest and most useful Wordpress Plugins on the market. Wordpress is so dynamic and daily new fantastic Plugins are released. So as soon as I discover some gems for you, I will sit down and create another learning video for you! My Promise to you:You get Frequently Updated content about Wordpress PluginsYou get Personal Wordpress Support and Guidance of myselfYou benefit from my long experience in WordpressEnrol now and start your own fantastic Web Project with Wordpress! :)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress - Create an Outstanding Website in 2 hours" |
"Learn Wordpress and Web Development with this amazing ExampleIn this course you will see how a modern and professional Website is built in Wordpress. I am convinced that learning is much more efficient if you learn from practical examples. This is why I won't bother with any boring encapsulated lessons. All you learn is part of the greater project Website.From the very beginning to the completely finished Website I show you every single step.There are 4 steps that you need to cover to bring your personal Website online:Getting quality and reliable Web HostingInstalling Wordpress on the WebspaceAdding a fantastic ThemeMaking the WebsiteAll these steps are covered in very detail in this course. There is no step skipped, you will see exactly where to click and what to do. So no need to worry about any confusion.Creating Stunning LayoutsThe Website that we build in this course is so appealing because the structure of the visual elements is ""candy for the eye"" :). With the amazing Page Builder Visual Composer there are barely limits to what you can do to your Wordpress Website.Adding Beautiful and large ImagesA modern Website needs beautiful and large images that appeal to the visitors. Getting these image resources is usually very expensive, but I show you where you can get amazing images for your Web Projects for free.No Coding Skills RequiredWe will not write a single line of HTML or CSS to build the great Project Website.All the resources you need to download for this course are available through links in the lectures. Some of the links will provide you some extra discount.Personal SupportIf you have any problems or questions, whether they are technical, logical, about the understanding or anything else I will be around to bring your Projects forward. Also if you require more guidance in some Web Project I can offer you full assistance for a very good price. Just let me know!The earlier you start this course the quicker your business will be visible to world! Enrol now! I am looking forward to welcome you in this course."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Mit WooCommerce einen erfolgreichen Wordpress Shop erstellen" |
"Willkommen zu diesemWordPress ShopTutorial auf Deutsch.Die Anfangsfrage bei einem Shop ist hufig:Welches ist das richtige System fr mich?Wir haben eine Antwort:Es gibt viele Systeme, die das richtige System sein KNNEN, dann hufig aber doch fr bestimmte Zweckedas falsche sind. Bei WooCommerce ist das anders!Da WordPress einen Marketshare von rund 30% aller CMS-Betriebenen gibt es eine Vielzahl an Lsungen und Dokumentationen rund um das System. Mit WordPress ist ALLES mglich. Wir haben schon die kompliziertesten Lsungen im Bereich WooCommerce umgesetzt!Also:Keine Angst vor WooCommerce. Angst sollte man eher vor beispielsweise franzsischer und deutscher Konkurrenz (z. B.Prestashop &Shopware)haben. Diese Systeme sind lediglich mit einem erheblichen Anteil an Expertise und Kosten an den eigenen Bedarf anzupassen. Man stt schnell an Grenzen.Welche viel Zeit und Geld kosten! Das heit nicht, dass diese Systeme partu schlecht sind! Aus unseren Augen:nicht fr den Laien zu empfehlen! Nur wenn eine Agentur die System-Pflege bernimmt und auch die Produktpflege als eigeneVerantwortung bernimmt und(um mit der Zeit zu schwimmen) auch Innovationen implementiert, sind auch solche Systeme als Ecommerce Lsung zu empfehlen.Kosten fr einen WooCommerce WordPress Shop:Mit WooCommerce muss ein Shop nicht viel kosten.Trotzdem hat WordPress einen immensenFunktionsumfang.Lsst man einen WooCommerce Shop an eine Agentur auslagen gehen die Kosten bei ca. 5.000 los (ganz ganz einfache Shops). Nach ob ist preislich keine Grenze gesetzt, realistisch sind Kosten von25.000 - 49.000auf ein Jahr gerechnet:Erstellung des Shops,Pflegekosten (angenommen wird einnormaler Shop, bei Produktintensiven Shops und Extraleistungen geht es natrlich auch hier unendlich nach oben mit den Kosten). Ihr seht also, dass sich Kosten fr Shop-Systeme extrem unterscheiden knnen. Baut Ihre euren Shop also selber, indem ihr unsere Video-Tutorials baut knnt Ihr extrem viel Geld einsparen und dieses in den weiterenVertrieb, bzw. die Produktioneurer Produkte oder eure Dienstleistungstecken.Achtung:viele Shop Maintainer oder Anfragende fr einen Shop vergessen, dass bei JEDEMShop System Updates erforderlich sind. Regelmig. Diese mssen sich irgendwie finanzieren. Je nach dem wie gro der Shop ist, sollte man100 (kleiner Shop)bis 1000 Pflegekosten pro Monatrechnen, die man frEntwickler bezahlt. Ihr seht, es geht hier wieder um sehr unterschiedliche Summen. Wird Pflege regelmig bercksichtigt, sinkendiedurchschnittlichen Kosten!Auch dieseKosten mssen auf Dauer durch den Shop finanziert und von Anfang an eingeplant werden. Wir haben schon oft beobachtet, dass sich Shop-Betreiber ein Angebot fr die Erstellung eines Shops machen lassen aber nicht fr die Pflege! Macht man die Pflege selber (eine hohe Verantwortung)oder gar berhaupt nicht, kann es dazu kommen, dass Shops gehackt werden, extrem langsam werden etc. etc. All diese Faktoren sorgen fr einen ""Wertverfall"" und ein Shop verkauft ab diesem Punktauch im seltensten Fall performant (d. h. die Verkufe bleiben aus.)Google beispielsweise erkennt einen gahackten Shop und dieser erscheint nicht mehr, bzw. sehr schlechtin der Google Suche. Eine gute Nachricht: Meist steigen Pflegeaufwnder mit der Zahl der Produkte und der Zahl der Verkufe (Verantwortung steigt). D. h. Wenn ihr viel fr die Pflege bezahlt knnt ihr euch Updates auch leisten. Wenn ihr allerdings wenig verkauft, knnen z.B. 500 fr einen bestimmten Monatfr Updates von einem guten Entwickler schon mal weh tun:(Aber auch das bekommt man hin!In diesem Kurs wird ein real existierenderWordpressShop fr Tee live aufgebaut. Dieser Shop fr chinesischenTee wird unter der Marke Teelicious gefhrt und ist online dauerhaft zugnglich. Ihr knnte in diesem Kurs die Erstellung jedesDetails nachvollziehen und in eurem eigenen Wordpress Shop nachbauen. Natrlich knnt Ihr auch eigenen chinesischen Tee bei Teelicious kaufen.Schaut doch mal vorbei. :)Dieser Kurs wird von Jonas Schindler und Malte Helmhold in Kooperation angeboten.Die beiden Autoren pflegen beide YouTube Kanle auf Deutschund beantworten hierfr tglich Fragen zum Thema WordPress und vor allem auch WooCommerce. Zur Zeit erstellen und pflegendie beiden eine betrchtliche Menge an WooCommerce Shops.Wir wnschen viel Spa, Erfolg und Verkauf mit eurem neuenWooCommerce Wordpress Shop!euer Team,Jonas &Malte"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"In the Black Starter Pack" |
"This course is taught by The Hip-Hop Stock Doc from Black Market Exchange, LLC. Dr. Eric Patrick, PharmD is an active investor and trader and is on a mission to make investing look cool. Not only can it make you money, but it can also be fun at the same time. Dr. Patrick blends stock market education with modern day media to make information "stick" in the heads of aspiring investors and millennials. Take his course today and find out how to find money to invest and actually invest in FIVE DAYS!Disclosure: This course is meant to be taken in 5 days to 1) prevent information overload, and 2) provide ample time to digest and dissect the information to receive maximum benefit."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Produce Music : The ULTIMATE Kick Start Music Production Map" |
"UPDATED: July 26, 2015You have a passion for music- so let's create a masterpiece!See, I've created music nearly my entire life.. and now I've decided to share how it's done.(nearly 100 students in the first week!)This is the PERFECT quick-start guide to Producing your own Music!! Designed to take the complex world of music production, and explain it in simple terms. Tested, refined and proven 1 on 1 with a handful of aspiring producers.""He got me off my feet, teaching me the ins/outs of FL Studio as well as a lot of other things that got me far! The essentials of FL, Mixing and Mastering; this dude will give you the confidence to one day make some fireeeeee beats!"" - John N, Past Student / ProducerWHAT WILL I GET OUT OF THIS :A Crystal Clear Birds Eye View of Professional Song ProductionHeavily Focused on Creating Clean Instrumentals from ScratchUnderstand the powerful Workflow known as 'Puzzle Theory'How To Mix Your Songs ProperlyEssential Foundations to Music Production TheoryNO Filler Content- Fast Paced and Perfectly Communicated PointsA Vivid Understanding of FL StudioTips and Tricks that have taken YEARS to discover!Beginners and Intermediates- let's do this...The purpose of this course, is to build a concrete foundation for the extremely passionate music lovers that dream of creating their own masterpiece. I want to give you an overhead view of the process, from start to finish- at the same time dive in and tackle the important and crucial details. We will focus heavily on creating an Instrumental from absolute scratch, using FL Studio as our workstation. This is a massive upper hand for those taking their passion for music and turning it into a serious career. Your Music will sound balanced, clean, tuned and even professionally mixed!!FAQ:Why teach with FL Studio?Used by Producers all over the world, within every genre of music! ie. EDM, Pop, Hip-Hop, Rock and more!Simple, clean, reliable and easy on the eyes.Amazing assortment of built-in sounds and features.ALL digital audio workstations do the exact same thing- it is truly up to the producer to create something incredible.FL Studio is my personal preference for Production, it has been this way for many many years.Why is this only 1 hour long?I HATE FILLER- I am not here to waste your time, I am here to make my point properly and move on. My goal is not to make a long course, it is to make a very high quality course!I have tested and refined my curriculum through countless 1 on 1 tutoring sessions with aspiring producers just like you!The course is based around Puzzle Theory- a simple metaphor that I have created to compare the overall process of song creation to building a puzzle.Metaphorical learning is PROVEN to speed up the process when done right.Clean, clear and enthusiastic communication is presented through the entire course!!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Edio de Vdeo Profissional com Blender" |
"Desfrutedo verdadeiro potencialde um programa gratuito!A comunidade Blendercresce cada vez mais com uma incrvel ferramenta.No fique de fora! Venha descobrir o que pode fazer com este programa, capaz de surpreender qualquer um.Blender uma ferramenta no sde animao 3d, como ainda pode ser umeditor de vdeos perfeitamente estvel e poderoso.3 CuriosidadesSabia que pode editar vdeos com resoluo at 4k, usando o Blender?Sabia que pode criar as suas prprias animaes ou transies no Blender?Sabia que possvel reduzir a qualidade de video durante a edio para computadores de baixa gama para que possam funcionar perfeitamente, com proxys?Sabia que este curso foi editado totalmente no editor de vdeo Blender?O curso edio de vdeo noBlender possui 24 video aulas. O treinamento dado no curso voltado para tanto para rea de edio de vdeos, criao de apresentaes, montagens, intros, possibilitando o aluno gerar sua prpria renda com os projetos criados no Blender.Estarei sempre disponvel para qualquerdvida ou eventual questo colocadadurante o curso.Neste curso poderdesafiar-seem 9 desafios prticos.Aprenda a usar as ferramentas do Blender, enquanto desenvolveos seus primeiros vdeos.Crie e Edite Videos ou Cursos Inteiros para:Receitas de CulinriaEdio de Gameplays de videojogosAulasOnlineDemonstrao de Produtos e ServiosCurtas metragensTutoriaisApresentao de ideias;E muito mais !Este curso aborda todos os aspectos bsicos para editar vdeos epara criar contedo de alta qualidade para a Internet:Aprenda a Configurar uma interface de fcil uso para Edio de VideoEdite os seus vdeos sem dificuldadeColoque textosAdicione TransiesAcrescente msicas ou efeitos de somAprenda a exportar os seus projectos com a melhor qualidade possvelTer acesso avrios exerccios,recursos eefeitos para usar nos projectos(animaes de texto, transies)O que este curso no :Este curso apenas aborda pontos essenciais para edio de vdeo usando BlenderEste curso no abordaa gravao de contudoEste curso no aborda a criao de animaes de texto( um curso sobre motion graphics ser elaborado posteriormente)Este curso no funciona para quem:Quer ter resultados rpidos e automticos na edio de vdeoNo quer se esforar aprender os conceitos mnimos para usar o BlenderBnus:Exrcicios que podem ser descarregados com uma verso final se tiver dvidas e quiser confirmarFicheiros em PDF para apoio durante as aulas2 Transies5 Modelos personalizveis, para animaode texto( cada modelo tem verso para introdues e outra para descries nos vdeos)Apoio em qualquer dvida ou questoAprenda a editar hoje mesmo! A escolha sua!Obrigado e at breve.Telmo Loureno"
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Como Deixar o Windows Muito Mais Rpido" |
"O nosso computador quando no protegido e cuidado minimamente, poder trazer consequncias muito graves para o sistema, tais como: Iniciar do Windows muito lento (3 minutos ou mais)Desempenho muito demorado ao abrir tarefas ou pastasO surgir de vrus e programas no desejados que podem danificar o sistema e at mesmo apagar ficheirosDurante 3 anos usei apenas programas gratuitos para proteo e otimizao do Windows, contudo ficou comprovado que trouxe melhorias imediatas e duradouras para o meu computador. O sistema prevaleceu seguro e estvel at agora e por essa razo, criei este curso para partilhar a todos, as ferramentas gratuitas e dicas teis para o sucesso de um computador que permanece rpido e protegido Aprenda passo-a-passo de uma maneira simples e fcil, a proteger e a melhorar o rendimento do seu computadorDivirta-se com vdeos de animao associados ao tema e que ajudam a ter uma ideia mais clara de como funciona o seu WindowsDescubra os melhores programas gratuitos, escolhidos para fazer a funo de protetores e reparadores do sistemaFique protegido de sites que roubam dados, de sofware malicioso, de janelas de publicidade que encham o ecr, de ser invadido a partir da sua webcam, entre muitos outros perigos que tornam o seu computador vulnervel"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"How I Booked 8 Acting Roles On Major TV Shows in a Year" |
"UPDATE: Thank you all for your incredible feedback on the course! I am so happy to hear how it's helping so many actors on their road to stardom! Keep the messages and comments coming!_________________Since early 2014, I've booked 8 speaking roles on major network and cable television shows, including Person of Interest, Law & Order: SVU, Mysteries of Laura, Royal Pains, and Blue Bloods. I shared a scene with Dane DeHaan in Marvel's The Amazing Spider-Man 2. On the commercial side during that same time period I booked national Welch's and Dr. Scholl's ads.Look me up on IMDb to see my success.Learn the principles I put into practice to go from sporadic auditions and rare bookings (1 co-star in 2013, zero in 2012) to booking with regularity and making fans of casting directors so they keep calling me in for auditions.Now casting directors will keep seeing me, again and again, until I get a role on the show they're casting!These tools and tricks work for any role in the on-camera world (TV, film, commercials, industrials, sketch, even print ads). Instill casting directors with confidence so they'll call you in for whatever they're casting.You can't learn this stuff in class. It's taken me 15 years to learn these techniques, one by one, each moving me one step closer to booking regular TV work. I've accumulated everything you need to know and it's all in this course. _________________I'm proof that this course works.With this course, you will easily identify the areas of your acting career that are holding you back. Most actors neglect one or more of their vital materials, either out of laziness or because they believe their talent alone will take them to the top.Stop concerning yourself with things that are outside your control as an actor whether you book the role, how much your agent submits you, whether your co-star role will turn into a recurring role, etc etc etc.Let me help you identify what's in your control, and help you eliminate red flags that keep casting directors from calling you in._________________Actors, if you ask just about anyone, are OVERPAID. Be thankful for that.The minimum salary for a series regular on a Screen Actors Guild television show is $5,000 per episode. You shoot 22 episodes. That's $110,000. Factoring in residuals, this amount could be DOUBLED, and you've still got 6 months out of the year to shoot a movie or a couple commercials or write that screenplay. And did I mention that's the minimum salary? It goes up from there!Commercial work pays notoriously high rates anywhere between $5,000 and $60,000 PER AD depending on the distribution (and that's usually for one day of work).With the staggering number of TV shows in production, there's never been a better time in HISTORY to be a working TV actor.Learn how to BOOK YOUR WAY UP THE LADDER, from co-stars (the smallest SAG-AFTRA speaking roles) on up. Get some co-stars, you'll start getting auditions for guest starts (multiple scenes and an emotional arc) and recurring roles.Then, and only then, will you be even considered for series regular work.Let me show you how to get on this path getting into casting offices, auditioning with confidence, and BOOKING ROLES.SEE HOW I'M GETTING......speaking roles on major shows and networks 8 since the beginning of 2014!...regular auditions for recurring roles and series regulars....thousands of dollars per year in residuals from TV work....the chance to work with amazing directors who remember my work and think of me for future projects....the ability to live the dream as a working actor, making a living off my TV, commercial and film work._________________What this course is NOT:I can't teach you acting craft (not over the internet, anyway). If you're a serious actor, you should always be sharpening your skills and working on material and getting your mouth around some text.Get acting. That's all you. I'll show you how the easy things, squarely in your control headshots, resume, demo your materials are what'll get you in the room.Then I'll show you how to make such an impression in the room that casting directors will keep calling you back, again and again, until you book._________________Whether you're new to acting, auditioning occasionally, or getting out but not booking regularly, these practical tools will ensure that you're covering all your bases and not standing in your own way (which an embarrassingly high number of actors are guilty of).Get out of your own way! I'll show you how.Remember, I've booked 8 SAG-AFTRA roles on network and cable TV IN THE LAST YEAR ALONE. I'm CURRENTLY a working actor. Take it from me I'm out there right now, auditioning, booking, and getting on TV.In addition to the Udemy 30-day guarantee, you have my personal promise that you will take away the skills to PUT YOURSELF ONE DAY CLOSER TO BOOKING TV WORK immediately.Every day you wait to TACKLE your acting career is a day you're missing out on an audition. Click now, buy this course, and start taking control of your acting career TODAY. Let me show you some things I've learned!Enroll now!!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Apps Nativas Android con HTML5" |
"Maravilloso curso que agrupa varios cursos en 1. Aprende HTML5, JQuery, Javascript, Build Phonegap y Android Studio para crear aplicaciones nativas Android con tecnologa HTML5 de manera sencilla, efectiva y rpida.Todo lo que aprenders al terminar el curso es lo siguiente:Mdulo 1 El entorno de trabajoConocer y utilizar las herramientas: XAMPP,JQuery, Android Studio, Phonegap, que son fundamentales para crear aplicaciones web y nativas.Mdulo 2 HTML5Repasar las etiquetas bsicas de HTML5Introducirte a las nuevas etiquetas HTML5 y CSS3Mdulo 3. JavascriptManejar la sintaxis bsica de javascriptEscribir cdigo con funciones y eventos javascriptMdulo 4. JQueryConfigurar el framework JQuery en aplicaciones web.Utilizar funciones, eventos y selectores JQueryMdulo 5. JQuery MobileConocer la manera de dar apariencia mvil a pginas HTML5Dar el formato mvil con colores, temas especiales para dispositivos mvilesMdulo 6. Aplicaciones nativas en Android StudioConocer el ambiente general de trabajo de Android StudioSaber cmo se compila una aplicacin nativa en Android StudioMdulo 7. Uso de Build PhonegapAprender a realizar apps nativas con Adobe Build PhonegapReconocer cules archivos tiene una app en Build PhonegapMdulo 8 Google PlaySaber cmo registrarse en Google PlayConocer el ambiente de trabajo en la store Google PlayMdulo 9 Conclusiones.Tener las recomendaciones para desarrollo de appsSaber probar y depurar apps android"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Incrementa la interaccin de tus seguidores en Facebook" |
"Quieres seguidores pasivos que solo representen nmeros?O quieres seguidores activos que den un soporte real y ayuden a hacer virales tus contenidos?Este curso te presenta una serie de capsulas informativas en las cuales aprenders a identificar los mejores tipos de publicaciones para tus contenidos.Aprenders qu tipo de publicacin te conviene ms para atraer seguidores, lograr ms me gusta, comentarios, compartir o etiquetado.Son capsulas cortas con consejos concretos, algunos de hasta 30 segundos de duracin en los que podrs identificar los mejores trucos para mejorar tu alcance mientras incrementas la interaccin de tus fans o seguidores.Cada capsula informativa contiene un mensaje concreto de lo que puedes lograr con ese truco o recomendacin, lo que lo hace fcil de digerir y consultar para referencias posteriores.Seguir estas recomendaciones te ayudar a mejorar tu alcance y por ende la calidad de tus seguidores o fans.Muchas personas piensan que la duracin del curso equivale a su calidad, djame demostrarte que en tan solo unos minutos obtendrs una gran cantidad de conocimientos que te ayudarn a mejorar cada da, lo he diseado de tal manera que todo se aprenda fcil y rpido, y no slo eso, al mejor precio.Pagars este curso una sola vez y lo tendrs disponible de por vida (incluye el certificado de finalizacin)y al mejor precio, otras plataformas te cobran mensualidades pero eso no pasar aqu, podrs revisar los videos desde tu computadora, smartphone o tablet (que cumplan con los requisitos tcnicos necesarios) y a parte te ofrecemos la garanta de satisfaccin donde si no quedas satisfecho con el curso te devolveremos tu dinero.El curso recibir actualizaciones cada cierto tiempo, as que anmate a comprarlo ahora mismo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"HTML5 e CSS3: La guida completa per lo sviluppatore WEB" |
"Costruire una pagina web da zero usando i TAG HTML5 e le propriet CSS pi importanti come font, margin, padding, background, border senza bisogno di un editor visuale. Indispensabile per Web Designer e Programmatori Backend e tutti quelli che devono ""sporcarsi"" le mani con HTML .Impara ad usare in modo corretto tutti i TAG HTML che ti servono per lo sviluppo Web, ottimizzazione per i motori di ricerca, SEO, velocit di caricamento e per il Web Semantico.Diventa uno Sviluppatore Web con questa Guida Completa di HTML5.Le intestazioni e come usarle: h1, h2, h3..h6I Nuovi Tag Semantici: head, section, article ,footer,hgroup, side, e mainDomina alla perfezione le tabelle table come un foglio excel: thead, tbodytfoot, row , td e th.Impara ad utilizzare le liste ul,ol e dd. Usale per creare dei men verticali e orizzontaliImpara le differenze tra elementi di tipo block e di tipo inlineCome usare i paragrafi usando i tag p, pre e addressUsa correttamente i form con tutti i suoi elementi : fieldset, input, textarea e come formattarli con i fogli di stileLa guida HTML sempre alla portata delle tue mani mentre sviluppi.Non una semplice carrellata ma una Guida Pratica con degli esempi Pratici.Questo corso non una semplice carrellata sui diversi TAG HTML ma una spiegazione pratica e concisa dei TAG html pi utilizzati per lo sviluppo WEB. Cosa imparerete e com' strutturato il Corso Imparerete a utilizzare un editor di testo per scrivere HTML come notepad, NOTEPAD++, ECLIPSE, APTANA e NETBEANS.Vedremo come scrivere del codice HTML e vedere in tempo reale le modifiche nel browser.Ogni lezione ha degli esempi pratici e spiegazioni concise per cominciare a creare pagine web immediatamente e in modo corretto. Avrete a disposizione il codice sorgente.Cominceremo dalla semplice pagina scheletro HTML5 e andremo ad aggiungere gli elementi e attributi che servono a costruire un vero e proprio sito web.Come aggiungere fogli di stile CSS esterni e inline, aggiungere i meta tag, il titolo della pagina. i javascript.Vedremo tutti gli elementi visibili al navigatore nell'elemento bodyImparerete ad usare i tag giusti per la struttura del vostro sito, i tag per la formattazione, i tag semantici, gli attributi pi importanti di ogni tag e come utilizzarli nei fogli di stile CSS.Per ogni TAG spiegato c' sempre, anche se non un corso di CSS, la spiegazione di come utilizzare le principali regole CSS per layout e formattazione.Alla fine di questo corso sarete capace di costruire una pagina web da zero, ottimizzarla per il SEO usando correttamente le intestazioni, il titolo e i meta tag.Saprete usare correttamente mente i tag di formattazione e imparerete ad utilizzare le regole CSS pi importanti: font, color, padding, margin, border, background per cambiare l'aspetto di una pagina web"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Javascript ES6-ES9: La guida pratica da zero a esperti" |
"Questo corso riempie una lacuna: la mancanza di una guida esaustiva e pratica di javascript in italiano dove ti insegno passo a passo, dall'A alla Z, tutti i segreti di javascript. Imparerai da zero fino a javascript alle ultime versioni ECMASCRIPT.Se vuoi sfruttare al massimo librerie come Jquery, Sencha, Angularjs, devi seguire un corso come questo che ti dia le fondamenta per essere pronto alla programmazione avanzata con javascript.Vedremo ogni tipo di variabili: numeri, stringhe, array ,funzioni, metodi.Studieremo i cicli, le condizioni, tutti i tipi di operatori.Studieremo le funzioni, come passare i parametri, lo scope delle funzioni, come dichiarare funzioni come espressione e come dichiarazione. Come passare una funziona ad un'altra funzione, ritornare una funzione.Vedremo i segreti delle closure: funzioni annidate che dopo essere ritornate hanno accesso alle variabili private di una funzione.Vedremo come si creano gli oggetti in javascript, come si estendono con il prototypeImparerai a monipolare il DOM e gestire gli EVENTI.Costruirai un app, todolist, da zero dove metterai in pratica tutto quanto.Vedremo come funziona l'ereditariet in javascript.Vedremo i nuovi costrutti di ES6 come let, const, parametri rest, il costrutto class.Studieremo gli oggetti predefiniti di javascript come Math, Date, RegExp.Studieremo l'oggetto XMLHttpRequest e vedremo come fare delle chiamate asincrone ad un server, AJAX.Studieremo le promises e come ""promisify"" le chiamate ajax.Vedremo cos' async-await con degli esempi praticiImparerai a manipolare il DOM di una pagina web.Imparerai a gestire gli eventi degli elementi di una pagina web, i listener.Il corso sar in continuo aggiornamento e ci saranno degli esempi pratici e degli esercizi.Soprattutto ti far da tutor per chiarirti qualunque dubbio e aiutarti a crescere nel mondo di javascript.Ti aspetto!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Javascript ES6 - ES9 Avanzato con TypeScript e RxJs" |
"Questo corso riempie una lacuna: la mancanza di unaguida esaustiva e pratica di javascript es6-es7 in italianodove ti insegno passo a passo, dall'A alla Z,tutti i segretidi javascript es6-es7. Imparerai tutti i segreti di oggetti, funzioni, classi, fetch, promise, observable.Imparerai a programmare in TypeScript cos da poter usare fin da subito tutte le novit di Javascript ES6 - ES7Se vuoi sfruttare al massimo librerie comeJquery, Sencha, Angular, React devi seguire un corso come questo che ti dia le fondamenta per essere prontoalla programmazione avanzata con javascript.Vedremo ogni tipo di variabili:numeri, stringhe, array ,funzioni, metodi, classi, arrow functionStudieremo lefunzioni, come passare i parametri, lo scope delle funzioni, come dichiarare funzioni comeespressionee come dichiarazione. Come passare una funziona ad un'altra funzione, ritornare una funzione.Vedremo i segreti delleclosure: funzioni annidate che dopo essere ritornate hanno accesso allevariabili privatedi una funzione.Vedremo come si creano glioggetti in javascript, come si estendono con ilprototypeVedremo come funzional'ereditarietin javascript.Vedremo i nuovi costrutti diES6comelet, const, parametri rest, il costrutto class.Studieremo gli oggetti predefiniti di javascript comeMath, Date, RegExp. e JSONStudieremo l'oggettoXMLHttpRequeste vedremo come fare delle chiamate asincrone ad un server,AJAX.Studieremo le Promise, come trasformare AJAX in Promise.Impareremo le API di fetch e le combineremo in casi pratici con le PromiseImpareremo con programmare in TypeScript, un superset di javascript:I tipi di variabili come string, number, boolean, array, tuple, enumfunzioni con tipi di ritorno e argomenti tipificatiLe classiLe interfaceEstendere le classiIMPAREREMO AD UTILIZZARE RXJS: REACTIVE PROGRAMMINGObservableObserverOperatorTutto con esempi praticiIl corso sar incontinuo aggiornamento ed includer sempre le future novit di JavascriptSoprattutto ti far da tutor per chiarirti qualunque dubbio e aiutarti a crescere nel mondo di javascript.Ti aspetto!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Corso completo per sviluppatori web 2.0" |
"Questo corso ""The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0"" di Rob Percival, Doppiato in italiano e con supporto in italiano. il doppiaggio non perfetto come da studio o da un madre lingua ma sufficientemente chiaroe comprensibile.Sono cubano e vivo in Italia da 15 anni e avete garantito il supporto in italiano e il supporto tecnico su tutte le materie del corso, che veramente il mio valore aggiunto al corso!Sei qui perch seiprontoper iniziare a costruire siti webprofessionali che diano una spinta alla tua carriera.O forse sai gi programmare un po' e vuoi passareal livello successivo?Sono qui perch sono il creatore del corso di programmazionebest-seller epi quotato diUdemy e mi piace condividere i miei segreti con te.Benvenuti a Corso completo per Sviluppatore Web 2.0Sulla base del feedback da oltre 25.000 recensioni 5 stelle, ho creato IlCorso completo per Sviluppatore Web2.0, il sequel del mio corso con gran successo globale : Costruire 14 siti web.E' il mio corso di programmazione pi recente,approfondito ed entusiasmante fin'ora.Disegnato proprio per te-non importa a che punto sei nel tuoviaggio nel mondo della programmazione web -Questo corso di ultima generazione, pieno di contenuti freschi estracolmo di tutorialdi alta qualit. E soprattutto, con le ultimeversioni disoftware di ultima tecnologia.E' la corsia preferenziale per avere dei risultati solidi nel mondo della programmazione.Non abbiamo lasciato nulla al caso.Ti garantisco che questo il corso pi completo, pi aggiornato e focalizzato disponibile sul mercato. Se non cos, puoi avere il rimborso completo del corso!Che tu sia un imprenditore, un innovatore o il prossimo Mark Zuckerberg,qui troveraitutto il necessario per cominciare in modo veloce.Il tutto in un'unica soluzione onlineperfettamente confezionata e superconveniente.""E 'difficile trovare un corso completo l fuori che siacome questo. Sono stupito dal valore del contenuto e lo consiglierei senza dubbio a tutti coloro che cercano un corso completo di sviluppo web. ""-Daniel LimDa zero a massimavelocit in sole sei settimane.Che altro rende il mio corso diverso? Ti porter daprincipianteaesperto in sole sei settimane (oal proprio ritmo, se preferisci).""Sono daprincipiante totale fino ad ottenere il mio primo cliente pagante, prima ancora di aver finito il corso. Quasi incredibile! ""Priti Palmer.Non lasciarti sfuggire l'occasione e rimanere indietro!Inizia oggi e uniscitia milioni dei miei studenti soddisfatti, molti dei quali hanno cambiato carriera, hanno creato un redditoaggiuntivoo hanno acquisito nuove competenze fondamentali per il mondo del lavoro.Oh, avevo gi accennato che avrai hosting gratis ed illimitato per un anno?Iscriviti alCorso completo per Sviluppatore Web 2.0oggi e rivoluzionail tuo modo d'imparare. Acquisisci le basi fondamentali senza sforzo. Aggiorna le tue competenze. Approfondisci ora le conoscenze web pi chemai. Iniziaoggia costruireapp potenti e siti web che ti fanno guadagnare, e approfittadi maggiori opportunit.""Eccellente corso.Ti d tutto quello che dovete sapere per fare siti web impressionante!"" - Steven De JessSeProntoad aprire nuove porte e diventare unosviluppatore webintelligente e richiesto dal mercato?Ecco cosa otterrai con Il Corso completo per Sviluppatore Web 2.0Avrai accesso a dodici capitoli che vannoin profondit nei temifondamentali dello sviluppo di siti web di successo.Ogni capitolo supportato da oltre 30 ore di videolezionichiare ed esaustive e di sfide pratiche di sviluppo di siti web.Tutto questo alla portata delle tue ditaadesso!:Il corso inizia con le basi fondamentali. Ti mostrer consigli utili per lavorare in modo rapido ed efficiente con tecnologie web come HTML5, CSS3 e Python.Una volta che hai sbloccato quel livello, ti mostrer come costruiresiti web responsiveutilizzando tecniche pi avanzate come ad esempio PHP JQuery 7, MySQL5 e Twitter Bootstrap.A questopunto sarai capace di sviluppare blog e siti di eCommerce con Wordpress, edimparare modi intelligenti per aggiungere contenuti dinamici, utilizzando APIper connettersi a siti come Google Maps e Facebook.Come tutti sappiamo, il modo migliore per imparare facendo, cos potrai completare divertenti sfide di siti web ad ogni turno. Inoltre, man mano che seguirai ilcorso, potrai utilizzare le tue abilit per completareun sito web. La sfida finale quella di sviluppareun clone completodi Twitter .""Molto facile da seguire grazie al modo in cuiil corso stato suddiviso in piccoli argomenti. Le pagine di riepilogo, al termine di ogni argomento, sono molto utili per fare un ripasso dopouna pausa dal corso, il checonsente di riprendere da dove si era interrotto. ""- Andrea Price-LaceConOltre 12 capitoli imparerai:Come funziona il web?Configurare un hosting web(gratuito) HTMLCSSJavascriptjQueryCMS e WordPressresponsive designProgrammare inPHP database MySQLMettere tutto insieme: Fare un clone diTwitterSezione bonus: Come fare $ 10.000 imparando a programmareChe altro si ottiene?Una comunit accogliente, informale che ti aiuter durante il percorsoContatto personale con l'insegnante del corsoUnEbook (in inglese)che ti mostrer come iniziare a guadagnare ancor prima di aver finitoAccesso a vita al materiale didatticoEsercizi per fissare e non dimenticare tutto quello che impareraiUna conoscenza esaustiva su come programmare, progettare e sviluppare siti web potentiHosting Webgratis ed illimitatoPER UN ANNO (dal valore di $ 199)""Ci sono tonnellate di libri, corsi costosi e video scadenti on-line dove potresti perdere delleore. NON FARLO. Prendiquesto corso eVedrai. ""T. HendersonNon sprecare un altro minuto del tuo tempo conlibri datati, corsi on-line goffi e costosi e video suYouTube che ti fanno sbadigliare!Con ilCorso completo per Sviluppatore Web 2.0 tutto pronto per partire, in una comoda piattaforma dove tutto semplificatoInoltre, avrai sempreunsupporto amichevole e veloce via e-mail, Twitter e nelforum del corso suUdemy."" CorsoFantastico !!! Facile da seguire e d grande supporto, se necessario! Sia l'istruttore che gli altri studentisono pronti a dare una mano. ""- Malin SingletonDi un'occhiata allamia biografia qui sotto, per vedere come ho mollatola mia carriera di successo per insegnare adaltri a programmare part-time. Dal momento in cui ho presoquesta decisione, la mia vita cambiata senza paragoni.Ti garantisco che chiunque pu trarre beneficio da questo corso,sia che si tratti di guadagnare qualche soldo in pi o cambiare la tuacarriera o tutti e due.Allora, cosa stai aspettando? Trasforma il tuo mondo e iscriviti adesso per ottenere una copia gratuita del mio esclusivo ebookda pagine 'Come fare $ 10.000 imparando a programmare'.""Ho imparato di pi nei primi tutorial HTML di quello che ho imparato conil 70% del corso su codeacademy."" - Louis ElliottInsegnato da:Ciao! Sono Rob. Ho una laurea in Matematica presso l'Universit di Cambridge e mi puoi chiamare un geek della programmazioneDopo aver costruitositi web per amici e parentiper divertimento, ho imparato presto che lo sviluppo web unascelta di carriera molto redditizia. Ho lasciatoil mio lavoro di successo (e, a volte stressante) come insegnante per lavorare part-time e non ne potrei essere pi contento!Mi piace moltoinsegnare i bambini a programmare di modoche ogni estate vado di corsa nella bella citt di Cambridge. Gestisco anche il popolareEco Web Hosting dove mi occupo di web hosting e servizi di disegno web, ilche mi lascia tempo libero percondividere i miei segreti con persone come te.Non crederesti alla libert che offreessere uno sviluppatore web . Iscriviti e scopriraida soloperch cos tante persone stanno prendendo e raccomandandoquesto corso. Io sinceramente credo che sia ilmigliore sul mercato, e se non sei d'accordo, ti rimborser felicemente i tuoisoldi.""Se seialla ricerca di un corso veramente efficace che ti prepara a costruire siti web professionali e pulitiche le persone vorranno acquistare, tigarantisco personalmente chequesto l'unico corso per te."" Rob PercivalIscriviti al Corso completo per Sviluppatore Web 2.0 e partecipaa questa straordinaria avventura con me oggi.""Il corso eccellente. Non ho completato nemmeno la met del corso, ma non vedevo l'ora di condividere la mia recensione sulla base della miaesperienza fin'ora. Questa la solaricetta perfetta per gli studenti che hanno poca o nessuna conoscenza delle tecnologie necessarie per sviluppare siti web. (Aiuta anche gli studenti che leconoscono). L'unica cosa che mi ha colpito molto stato il motto - imparare facendo. Ho conosciuto personalmente queste tecnologie perch le ho studiate all'universit, ma leho davvero imparate seguendoquesto corso !! Eccola differenza. La parte pratica nell'apprendimento davvero utile. Complimenti! continua cosi :) con il buonlavoro "". -Veeresh Kamble"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"PHP 7 e mysql: La guida completa per sviluppatori web" |
"CORSO AGGIORNATO FINO ALL'ULTIMA VERSIONE DI PHP: php 7.4Oggi 82,5 % dei siti web sono sviluppati con php e CMS come wordpress, joomla, drupal e ECOMMERCE come MAGENTO, PRESTASHOP, sono sviluppati con php e mysql.In questo corso imparerai passo a passo, e con degli esempi pratici, le fondamenta di php7 per sviluppare siti web dinamici, performanti e sicuri. Sono Certificato PHP ZEND CERTIFIED ENGINEER e ho pi di 15 anni di esperienza con php e lavoro in uno dei progetti php pi grossi di Europa. Con questo corso ho voluto condividere la mia esperienza di ogni giorno nello sviluppo di php. Ti insegner da zero la sintassi di php, l'uso corretto di ogni tipo di variabili come boolean, string, number, array object, come utIlizzare i cicli e le funzioni native per processare stringhe e array.Imparerai a definire e usare le classi e i concetti base di PROGRAMMAZIONE ORIENTATA AGLI OGGETTI, che ti serviranno non solo per php ma per qualunque altro linguaggio.Creerai due progetti da zero: User Management System Con Login e Autenticazione e Un Blogging System fatto in MVC, utilizzare composer, autoloadingImparerai :La sintassi di phpgli operatori matematici, logici, bit ecctI tipi di variabili di php come string, boolean, number, array, object, null, resourceLe strutture di controllo come if, else e switchI costrutti del linguaggio e le funzioniLe funzioni, i suoi parametri, funzioni anonime, tipo e ritornoOOP con INTERFACE, CLASS, ABSTRACT,TRAITSnamespaceAprire, leggere e scrivere su fileProcessare file e dati in xmlProcessare jsonConsumare APICollegamento ai database come mysql, oracleprocessare form htmlSessioni, cookieGestione degli erroriEccezioniDesign patterns: SINGLETON, FACTORY, MVC, DEPENDENCY INJECTIONCome progetto costruiremo un sito web dinamico dove vedremo come processare dati di un form, inserire questi dati in un database mysql, modificarli e mostrarli a video.Costruiremo un User Management System da zero con sistema di login e gestione di ruoliCostruiremo da zero una piattaforma di blogging in MVC.Faremo la deploy dei progetti onlineAvrai a disposizione tutto il codice sorgente con gli esempi ed esercizi. Potrai guardare le lezioni sia online che offline con tablet e telefonino.Se vuoi diventare un web developer, impararea programmare, costruire siti dinamici, sviluppare moduli e plugin per wordpress, joomla ed altri CMS, QUESTO E' L'UNICO CORSO DI CUI AVRAI BISOGNO!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Student as a Job Business Preparation Program" |
"This course is about transforming the traditional student into a new level of engagement and relevance to prepare for business jobs.Students of all ages will benefit from this thinking. This is not age specific as individuals developskills and gainexperience at varying levels. The key is explore this self-learning approach at your own pace.The approach is unique with text to introduce ideas, discuss concepts and engage thinking activities to further explore this course.The course itself is several hours but as the student experience lasts from k-12 and higher education. This thinking and engagement in learning will continue for your life time.The structure of this course is very unique as it talks to you through text to allow you to pace yourself, think about the concepts and the many activities to explore this course further. This can be self-taught at all ages and will be enhanced with group discussion, teacher input and parent input.Everyone is a student in their life and everyone will work in a job. This course will help you become a better student to help you prepare for success with other jobs you evolve into."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate WordPress Plugin Course" |
"If your phone were WordPress then Wordpress Plugins are the apps! And of course, we all know that it's really the apps that make our phones great. Basically, if you take this course you'll become a WordPress app developer!This course takes you from plugin idea to the final product. By the end of the course you will have a working email list building plugin (like MailChimp) and the skills to create, customize and sell your WordPress plugins online!NOTE: During this course I teach you how to dramatically speed up development by leveraging two popular WordPress plugins: Custom Post Types UI and Advanced Custom Fields. However, your completed plugin DOES NOT REQUIRE THESE PLUGINS TO BE INSTALLED in order to work and I teach this in the course. Custom Post Types UI is a shortcut to generating the PHP code for WordPress's built in register_post_type() function. Later in the course we include this PHP in our own file and no longer need CPTUI. Advanced Custom Fields is a library of functions that makes it easier to create custom fields and save post meta data. This course also covers creating custom fields from scratch without the aid of the Advance Custom Fields plugin."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Stop the Struggle and Soar" |
"Learn not just how to understand why youve been spinning your wheels, but what you need to do (and how to do it!) so you can build the life you want to live.Master the Strategies That Will Set You FreeIdentify which are the wrong goalsCreate your larger Vision so that you know what you want to do and who you are yearning to beDevelop and implement a strategic plan of action to get you from where you are to where you want to goA Powerful Blend of Theory and PracticeThe personal development industry has exploded over the past several years. People are no longer satisfied with just getting by and want more out of life. Unfortunately, all too often, the so-called solutions are merely feel-good fluff or lists of things to do without any strategic depth that will help you to create real change in your actual life.This course takes over three decades of psychological study that give you a solid understanding of why you feel stuck, and combines it with hands-on, practical exercises and strategies so you can start really moving forward.Content and overviewThe comprehensive nature of the program approaches the problem of how to create lasting change from a multitude of angles. The vast majority of the lectures include video presentations of the material, each one focusing on a different aspect of why, what, and/or how to make a specific shift in your life. The Resources section is full of worksheets, examples, and links to additional information to help you implement what you learn in real-life situations.After a general overview, youre going to learn how to identify and release those dreams and goals that youve picked up along the way but arent really yours to pursue. After all, what is the point of working really hard if it doesnt take you where you want to go?Next, you will develop your own larger Vision, a deeper sense of the type of life you desire which will act as your guidance when deciding your best next actions.Once you know where you want to go, youll then learn how to set up a robust and solid, yet flexible plan of action that will get you moving in the right direction.Finally, youll learn several different techniques to help evolve your skills, keep you on track, and continuously deepen your experience and satisfaction with your life. The final lecture shows how you can utilize what youve learned by combining the various strategies to synergistically support each other and create the life of your dreams."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn How To Budget - Personal budgeting made easy" |
"The Learn How To Budget course gives you everything you need to KNOW and everything you need to DO to master the most fundamental of all financial skills setting up and sticking to a monthly budget.After just four weeks of preparation (which you can take at your own pace) you will know exactly how to budget, how to overcome some hurdles, and will be off and running on your way to financial success.The fact is you will never be rich unless you consistently spend less than you earn (unless you win the lottery or inherit from a long lost aunt). Are you ready to commit to your own future? This course will arm you with all the tools and techniques to do so."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Startups : Turning an Idea into a Business" |
"This course is perfect for anyone who wishes to become an entrepreneur. The course explains the process whereby you can turn an idea into a profitable startup business. The course will take you through the process of developing your idea, creating a business strategy and then pitching for money.Consider this course a mini business degree.You willlearn to talk about your idea/business in appropriate terminology (early adopter, minimum viable product, variable costs, fixed cost, unique value proposition etc.)The course includes lectures that require you to do some writing and practicing of your pitch. Additionally, there are power point resources, supplemental readings and videos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory" |
"Are you struggling with the basic mathematical skill you need as a computer scientist?Are you unhappy with your instructor's ability to teach the fundamental skills you need to do well in your math courses?Master Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory is perfect for you. I cover all of the important topics thoroughly at a university level with lecture videos, example videos, additional problems, and sample exams with unique and challenging questions that will help you identify your weak points and master the material.Each video will cover all the relevant information you need to know in under 15 minutes. I will make things simple, but still tackle the tricky questions that might seem confusing.I encourage you to preview the example videos and problem set I have available for free below. You will succeed in Discrete Math."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Linguistics" |
"In this course, we look at the five major pillars of analytic linguistics. These five pillars tell us about the general properties of language and help us talk about the similarities and differences in languages.The primary focus of the course will be teaching you the tools in our language toolbox using English. However, we will also look at different languages, such as Japanese, Marshalese, Khmer, Tagalog, and a few others.The course primarily consists of videos, but I've included a couple practice exams that you can use to demonstrate your mastery of the course.Even if you're not interested in demonstrating mastery, the content provided is incredibly interesting for those who wish to learn languages in the future. The tools you learn here will help you understand that not all languages have the same sets of rules and features, and that you can use that knowledge to help you learn other languages even faster! We discusshow you make sounds, how you put sounds together, word orders, conjugation, and more!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Christian Weight Loss: Weight Loss Strategies for Believers" |
"Stress in our lives has created a global explosion of obesity and serious health risks. Every new nutritional supplement or slickly packaged mind-body system preys on the hope and despair of thousands of us who have lived through the repeated failures of stress reduction and weight loss programs. We are constantly bombarded by a social media which insists that WE are the God of our own universe and can change our health and bodies by the sheer power of our mind. Christian Believers reject that idea because we have a radically different worldview. Yet we still struggle with our emotional stress and weight problems, with equally painful defeats. Enroll in this course to learn cutting-edge health science research results and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practices, coupled with a clear Scriptural connection to God's Plan for our Peace and Safety. You CAN learn how to stop the BIOLOGICAL SABOTAGE of chronic stress, live a healthier life, and strengthen your relationship with our Savior."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Guitarra Acstica en Siete Das" |
"Con este curso aprenders a tocar la guitarra conociendo rpidamente y sin rodeos sus notas, ritmos musicales, como desarrollar tu odo musical y trucos para dominarla de forma fcil y sencilla.Est hecho para personas como t que por sus ocupaciones no poseen mucho tiempopara dedicrselo a este maravilloso instrumento, pero algo que si tienen son las Ganas de Aprender.El curso cuenta con 7 secciones, las cuales tienen 37 vdeos, adicional hay un cuestionario donde se pone a prueba tus conocimientos tericos, de igual forma si tienes alguna duda puedes hacrmela saber, estoy para ayudarte en el camino."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tarot Reading Read Tarot Cards for Fun and Success" |
"Course DescriptionBy the end of this course you will feel fully confident reading the tarot fast! Whether for pleasure or for profit.Just imagine, one month from now you will be captivating your friends, revealing insights that will amaze them. You'll be developing your own self-reliance because you'll always have access to new perspectives, whenever you have a life-choice or a big decision to make.And, yes, you can choose to make a home-base career reading the tarot, on-line or as personal consultations working as much as you want, when you want. And it's a great way to make new online friends around the globe.A fun way to learnI believe there are two ways to learn new life-skills the hard way and the fun way. This is the fun way, making it so easy to remember the meanings of the cards and their significance together. Traditional ways of training tarot reading are incredibly complex and confusing. Not my way.And, remember, should you have any problems or queries, I'm always available to help and guide you. I love to help.Master the Meanings of the TarotSymbolism as a cultural construct.The elements of the Tarot.The story of the Fool's JourneyThe Major ArcanaThe Minor ArcanaCard SpreadsContents and Overview The course contains 35 lectures and over 4.5 hours of content. It is aimed at anyone wanting to achieve a greater understanding of the tarot. There are downloadable memory joggers to help you remember the keywords for the cards and to use a tool to recall the cards. The course also includes a pdf images of all the cards so you will not require a deck of cards to progress through the course. This will give you your own images to look at if you do not own a deck of Rider-Waite tarot cards. With all this content you will be well on your way to establishing you own tarot reading business at the end of the course. You will receive bonus material and updates to the course as they become available. What are the requirements?There are no prerequisites for this course.An open mind and a willingness to learn will be required.What am I going to get from this course?30+ lectures and over 3 hours of content!By the end of the course you will be able to do tarot cards readings for fun or profit.You will be able to interpret symbolism in the tarot a well as in everyday life.You will understand the Fool's Journey as metaphor or life.Who is the target audience?Beginners to the tarotPeople who which to expand their knowledge of the tarotPeople who which to understand the archetypes as represented by the tarot cards"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"New SAT Writing 800: Guaranteed Results" |
"In this course, you will learn how to master Writing & Language section of the SAT. This course is for you if you usually pick an answer based on ""what sounds right.""Learn how to pick an answer based onConnected meaning - pick an answer that connects with the sentences around it.Grammar - learn the main grammar rules that are tested.Style - discover what the College Board considers to be 'good' style.After taking this course, you should practice these skills with the Official SAT Study guide to see results."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |