Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Get your Unity animation Game Ready with Moho Pro" |
"Hi, Im an animator, but I also dabble a little in games and I know from bitter experience that it can be really hard to do some basic movement in game engines without a little help. So I thought i'd pass on a few Hints, Tips & Scripts, that can help other animators interested in games test out their work in a practical way.If your an animator or designer interested in games, this course is for you, were going to ...Export our animations from whatever program you use, my preferred one is Anime Studio Pro, but as long as the one you use lest you exports .PNG's were good to go.If you don't have animations to work with, no problem I've supplied files for you to work with.Only 5 short video's and you will have your 2D character strutting back and forth your monitor in 45 minutes.We'll take it slow and if at any point you get stuck, i'm an email away."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"60 Minutes of Swift - Swift 2 Grundlagen" |
"Du willst in Apples Programmiersprache Swift einsteigen mit dem Ziel Apps fr iOS und OSX zu programmieren? Dann bist du hier richtig. Wir erklren die Grundlagen von Swift im Playground von Xcode 7 und legen so den wichtigen Grundstein fr eine erfolgreiche Karriere als Swift Entwickler! Aber was genau behandeln wir im Kurs?- Variablen und Konstanten- Grundlegende Typen wie String, Int, Double und Bool- Arrays und Dictionaries- Bedingungen- Schleifen- bungsaufgaben mit ausfhrlichen Lsungen- Viele ntzliche und hilfreiche Tipps und Tricks auf unserem Weg- Grundlagen fr komplexeres Arbeiten mit Swift in der iOS oder OSX ProgrammierungIn ca. 60 Minuten knnt ihr hier eine Menge mitnehmen und interaktiv euer neu erlerntes Wissen ausprobieren!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Rume Academy - Make a monetized iOS Pop A Lock game in Swift" |
"Do you want to become a cash earning game developer in just under 60 minutes?Then you have come to the right course.We are here to teach you how to easily build your first game. It will be called Pop A Lock and it comes with integrated ads so you can earn real money.The full source code is included for each lesson and of course for the finished project!In these 60 minutes of Swift 2 you will learn:How to use SpriteKit Create a game flow, save game states and use a protocol to communicate them Use iAd to monetize the final product so you can earn real money with your game!Implement a screenshot sharing function to help your app gain popularity on social mediaThis course is a great way for anybody to get started with Swift 2 and Sprite Kit development because the entire course will take under 60 minutes to be finished.So take this course, make your first fully monetized game, submit it to the app store and become a cash earning developer today. We hope to see you in the course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Rume Academy - Introduction to Swift 2 for Beginners" |
"Disclaimer: This course is recorded using Swift 2 and not Swift 3You want to get started with Apples new programming language Swift with the goal of maybe developing apps for iOS and OSX? Well, you have come to the right course! We explain the basics of Swift using the playground feature in Xcode 7 and provide a rock solid foundation for your career as a Swift developer! But what's in the course?- Variables and constants- Basic types, such as String, Int, Double and Bool- Arrays & Dictionaries- Conditions- Loops- Exercises with detailed solutions- Many neat and helpful tips & tricks on our way- Foundation for more complex working with Swift for iOS and OSX developmentIn only about 60 minutes you can learn a lot here and interactively test your new knowledge right away! This is an easy first step to learn programming with Swift. We are looking forward to welcoming you as our students!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Rume Academy - SpriteKit Einfhrung in Swift" |
"Wichtige Info: Dieser Kurs ist in Swift 2 aufgenommen. Die Unterschiede zu Swift 3 sind allerdings nicht schwerwiegend und ihr seid trotzdem in der Lage hier viel ber das SpriteKit Framework zu lernen!In diesem Kurs erklren wir euch die Grundlagen von SpriteKit. Um das nicht theoretisch und langweilig zu halten wollen wir whrend dem Lernen alles immer direkt umsetzen und werden daher im Verlauf ein eigenes, kleines Spiel vollstndig selbst Programmieren. Alle grafischen Ressourcen, die ihr dafr braucht stellen wir euch hier zur Verfgung. Das Spiel ist ein Endless Scroller, das heit das Ziel ist es mit unserem Helden, einem Typ auf einem Hoverboard, ber so viele Aliens wie mglich zu springen und so Punkte zu sammeln.Beim Entwickeln dieses Spiels werden wir die folgenden Dinge lernen:Grundlegende Ablufe und Elemente in SpriteKitArbeiten mit SKNodesArbeiten mit SKSpriteNodesArbeiten mit SKPhysicsErstellen eines SpielflussesPunktesystemWir hoffen, dass ihr hier einiges lernen knnt und freuen uns darauf euch im Kurs begren zu drfen!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Programmieren lernen: Swift von A bis Z" |
"*Dieser Kurs ist in Xcode 7 mit Swift 2 produziert und wird nicht aktualisiert werden.*Du willst alle ber Apples Programmiersprache Swift lernen und dabei eigene tolle iOS Applikationen entwickeln?Dann ist das hier der richtige Kurs fr dich!Wir haben all unser Wissen in einen praktischen Kurs gepackt, der sogar in the theoretischen Teilen immer einen beispielhaften Praxisbezug sucht und das Lernen damit kinderleicht macht!Mit diesem Kurs lernst du alle Aspekte von Swift kennen und wirst dazu in der Lage sein deine eigenen iOS Apps mit Leichtigkeit selbst zu programmieren. Um das noch weiter zu erleichtern, werden wir viele praktische Anwendungen beispielhaft mit verschiedenen Projekten besprechen.Es gibt hier kein Copy Paste von irgendwelchemCode den keiner versteht!Wir wollen, dass unsere Studenten verstehen was sie schreiben und professionell mit den neu erlernten Dingen umgehen knnen. Damit legst du den Grundstein fr eine erfolgreiche Karriere im Bereich der iOS Programmierung!Wir wollen dir dabei helfen, indem wir alle wichtigen Dinge ausfhrlich erklren. Und solltest du dennoch weiter Fragen haben, stehen wir dirpersnlich im Q&ABereich auf Udemy zur Verfgung.Du bekommst in diesem Kurs alle Ressourcen zur Verfgung gestellt. Das schliet auch Schritt fr Schritt Source Code fr alle unsere Projekte ein, sodass du immer den aktuellen Stand vergleichen kannst.Dieser Kurs ist in Xcode 7 mit Swift 2 produziert und wird nicht aktualisiert werden.Der praktische Teil des Kurses mit dem Entwickeln der Apps ist weiterhin komplett relevant und die entsprechenden nderungen leicht realisierbar, in aller Regel automatisch durch Xcode korrigiert. Der einzige Part, der (in Teilen) nicht mehr ganz aktuell ist, sind die ersten Kapitel ber die Theorie der Sprache, auch hier sind die nderungen aber geringfgig."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Fastest Way to Create a Website with Godaddy" |
"[Last update : December, 17th, 2018] Did you ever want to have your own website, but found it complicated to get started ? Now is the time that you create your own website, and to update it at your own pace, with minimal costs and the least time. If you are working as a freelancer, a doctor, a lawyer or a business person who want to make their self promotion, this course is for you. Actually, technology has made in incredible shape in how website creation can be processed. It will not take you any coding or programming skills. All that is needed is yourself, and your attention. In this course, I provide you with basic knowledge to bear in mind in order to succeed at your website creation. Let me know if you have any question. I will be really happy to answer. More updates are to come. I invite you to check how fun this creation can be, and perhaps, you will let me know in comments how you did, and ask the community about your web design and content. It's all about your final results. Let me hear from you whenever you finish, and even before. Thank you for choosing this course. We hope you will take the best benefit of it ! P.S.: Please note that this course is not sponsored by Godaddy, and that I created it because my real life students love it and find it user friendly."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"C# le LINQ (Language Integrated Query) Windows Form App." |
"Giri seviyesinde Visual Studio 2012 programn kullanarak C sharp dilinde uygulama gelitirme eitimi. * .NET* C#* Html* MsSQL Eitimimiz giri seviyesindedir. LINK (Language Integrated Query) alanna giri yapmak isteyenler iin harika bir deneyim sunar. Gerek olarak database zerine veri girii ve alan bir sistem ierii elde edersiniz. Kursun sonunda C# ve LINK teknolojilerini kullanarak uygulama gelitirebileceksiniz. Ayrca konu iinde deineceimiz Database ilemlerini de kavrayacaksnz."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AspNet ve Bootstrap Kullanarak Mobile Uygulama Yapalm" |
"Konusu:Asp Net ve Bootstrap kullanarak mobile website gelitireceiz. Uygulamamz ierisinde ye kayd, ye girii, profil ynetim sayfas yer alacak. Bu sayede .net zerinde nsert, delete, update ilemlerini irdeliyor olacaz.Ayrca bootstrap teknolojisinide uygulamamzda kullandmz iin yakndan tanma frsatnz olacak.Hedef:Hedef kitlemiz Asp net database ilemlerini renmek isteyen ayn zamanda bootstrap teknolojisiyle tanmak ve bunu bir mobile websitesi yani mobile app. a evirmek isteyenler.Yaps:Kursumuzun yaps tamamyla rnek uygulama zerinden anlatlarak sfrdan uygulama gelitirme srecini batan sona tamamlamaktr.Neden?Eer kursumuza kayt olursanz sizinde bir mobile uygulamanz olabilir ;)Daha FazlasEk olarak sizlere projede kullanm olduumuz kodlar paylaacam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hybrid Uygulama Eitimi - Cordova" |
"Bu eitimimizde cordova ktphanesini kullanarak multi platform (Android, IOS, Windows)uygulama gelitireceiz.Yeni balayanlarnda anlayabilecei bir dille anlatlmtr.Kursumuzun ieriinde ayrca bootstrap, jscript, jquery konularnada deinilecektir.Eitimimiz ierisinde rnek uygulamalar gelitirilecektir. Bylece rendiklerimiz pekiecektir.Kursumuza hobi olarak mobile uygulama gelitirenler katlaca gibi ii mobile uygulama gelitirmek veya yazlm sektrnde bulunanlar iinde gayet uygundur.Kurs videolarnda rnek kaynak kodlar yaynlanmtr."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Step by Step Gif animation in Photoshop" |
"******Enter the world of GIFs******and learnhow to create gifshow to optimize gifs for webhow to convert gifs for to create looping gifshow to create gifs that loop only a certain number of to create gifs that meet Google ads standardshow to animate using frame by frame how to animate using key frame based animationHow to create gif animations in Photoshop.Gifs are one of the most used formats on the internet today, you will see gif animations used as banner ads for google ads, bing ads and all other advertising platforms on the web, so if what you need is to create gifs for your product advertising, website or company or simply to add more life to your social media pages, gifs can help you change the way you portray your message to your audience. ***********G*I*F*********.Gif the best format ever createdyou will learn how to optimize your gif images to be lite so that they load faster.convert video to gif, for example if you want to add a segment of your cat video onto your blog but you dont want to use video because of the limitation that comes with video, your visitors need updated flash player to play the video plus the data required to buffer the whole length of the video, all these problems are solved when you know how to use gif.may be you want to be able to create those memes you see being used as profile pictures on forums. this is a course for you too.there endless ways to use them and in this course i will be teaching you how to create gifs and will be constantly updating this course with new tips and tricks for what are you waiting for order this course now and i will see you inside.thank you order now"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to create html and css animated banners" |
"Do you want to start adding animations to your banners or just learn about css animation in general and you don't want to learn javascript/jquery animation which is quickly geting outdate, for a good reason.Css animation is light, fast to load and does not require you to learn a new language.Add life to your website by adding animated banners with html and css animation and transitions.Or just learn out creating animated banners for the sake of making some quick cash on fiverr or elance or Odesk.this course is about the basics of creating animated html and css banners with out using any plugins, javascript or any libraries like jquery. infact the only files we will be creating are only .html and .css files.We will cover the followings :Css Transition and AnimationHow to create cool effects using transition and animationCreating Animated Banner in Css"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Essential Guide to Making Apps Without Prior Experience" |
"Having an extra $5,000 of monthly income would improve anyone's life. As simple as that.Owning a side business that generates this type of profit could be the difference between achieving the financial freedom that would enable you to do what you love vs being stuck with a 9:00 to 5:00 job. With over 2,500 students signing up to this course in the first 3 days, it is very clear this is important to most people. The good news is that you don't need to quit your job or be a single 20-something year old computer savvy to achieve this. It's actually quite simple, once you know how to do it.Most people have struggled making money in the iOS App Store and Google Play in recent years due to the amount of competition. They spend time, energy and money developing an app but when they upload it the returns are nowhere near what they were expecting.What if I told you there is another way? What if I told you that right now there is a small amount of very smart people that are making A LOT of money with very minimum investment by approaching the app business differently? What if I told you that in just four months you could be one of them simply by following a bulletproof step-by-step guide that has been tested time and time again and proven to work on every occasion, would you be interested in learning it?Well, if you are then look no further - This course will teach you how!This course is straight to the point and will provide you everything you need, no beating around the bush or repeating the same thing with different words. With an average of 4.94 stars, over 100 '5-star' ratings, and ranked as one of the top selling courses in Entrepreneurship you can be confident that the content you are getting is first class. In 7 quality packed hours you will learn what the successful appreneur's mindset is and which is the strategy that you need to follow. This is an approach that for years has been developed, tested and perfected by the most successful app developers in the world. I have talked to them, listened to them and become one of them. And now it's your turn.If you are willing to dedicate 20-25 hours a week, I can personally guarantee that in just 4 months you will be making at least $5,000 a month and working no more than 10 hours a week. How can I be so sure? Well, I have been developing apps for almost 2 years now. Around 6 months ago, after a lot of research, trial-and-error and exploration, I finally came up with an app business model that seemed very profitable. I implemented it and in just 4 months I was making more than $6,000/month and putting in less than 10 hours of work a week. I have taught this strategy to other people since then and every single one has seen similar success.But don't just listen to me, listen to what some of the 3,700+ satisfied students in the course have said:""I have spent at least a few thousand on Udemy courses about app development, whether it be outsourcing or creating apps yourself. This is by far THE BEST course I have ever taken on Udemy and I am so happy that I came across it. I know it will be life changing. I have learned so much about outsourcing, marketing, ASO/SEO, etc. Diego doesn't just spout out information at you, he shows you each step required. He is also extremely motivational. If you're on the fence about buying this course, BUY IT! It will be the best decision you'll ever make. Thank you Diego for making this course! :)""- Dimitri Michalakis, 5/5 stars""For someone like me who is thinking to start designing app since some years and always stopped for lack of resources (mainly money to invest, a team and the knowledge), this course is a real revolution!!Following these lessons I started to think to this business in a totally different way, meditating on all the possibilities I missed until now and how I can approach them in the next few months to make my dream a reality.I always thought that I had to learn programming and mobile design, and that I had to find a great idea to invest month of my life on and... bla bla bla... all of these became huge obstacles in my mind.Now I learned from Diego that I should focus on marketing and analysis (which are already two of my skills) and leave tech stuff to outsourced developers, starting with basic simple apps that could sell well today and maybe give me the cashflow to develop more complex apps tomorrow.Thank you Diego for showing me the way!""- Enrico Frascati, 5/5 stars""I have been looking for a way to learn to create my own apps. Diego has shown me a way to do that without having to learn how to code or program. This course is very well designed and presented, and is for anyone wanting to learn how to create apps with or without any experience in app making. He gives lots of tips and suggestions from his own experiences and lots of resources for the students as well. Thank-you very much Diego :)""- Harvey Stewart, 5/5 starsSome of the things you will learn in this course are:The mindset of the successful appreneurThe strategy that will take you to guaranteed successOrganize yourself and your businessCome up with great, successful app ideasDecide on a target audience and niche that is profitableOutsource work cheaply so you can focus on the important things that make you moneyCreate and manage a team that works for youHow to best monetize your apps to significantly increase revenueAccess to a course on App Store Optimization in both the iOS App Store and Google PlayMarket your apps for free and with very little effortManage your time, get motivated and fight procrastinationBonus: List of recommended articles and books for further readings; list of 100 app ideasAnd this is just a small sample of some of the things you will get from this course, by the end you will have everything you need to get started and become a truly successful appreneur.No matter who you are, if you know how to program or not, if you are good with computers or not, if you are a teenager with no business experience or an experienced professional, what you will learn here will make you successful.I am very passionate about teaching and I will personally respond to any questions you may have as you go through the course. DO NOT think that once you enroll you are on your own, the videos may last around 7 hours but the course keeps on going. Join the community, hear other students' success and share your own! I would love to hear from you.Just think about this: The course is $249. That is around $14 or $15 a week for 4 months and in 4 months you will be earning around $1,250 a week from your app business. If that is not a good investment, I don't know what is. Plus, I am so confident in the quality of this course that if you do not get results in the first 30 days after you purchase it you will get all of your money back, no questions asked! So, what are you waiting for to get started? Enroll now and allow me to show you the way.Thank you again for reading; I'm sure I will hear from you soon,Diego Guajardo"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Increase Organic Downloads With App Store Optimization (ASO)" |
"If you want to earn money with apps, your apps need to be found. For that to happen, you need to be really good at App Store Optimization, there is no way around that.App Store Optimization (ASO) is basically the process of changing and optimizing a mobile app's metadata (like the title, description, icon, etc.) in order to rank higher in search results, which leads to an increase in organic downloads. Learning ASO can quickly change the amount of passive revenue an app generates for you and can be the difference between freeing up some of your time and allow you to focus on things that are important to you vs struggling to get downloads after you worked hard to get your app ready. It really doesn't matter how great your app is, if people cannot find it they will not download it. You need to make it easy for your potential users to find your app. And the great news is that it really isn't an overly complicated process, it is completely free and actually quite simple once you get used to it and start applying it constantly.There are roughly 1.5 million apps on each the iOS App Store and Google Play so it is easy for your app to get lost among them. There are so many developers that spend time, energy, and money developing an app, but when they upload it the returns are nowhere near what they were expecting. This is because they focus their time and energy in building the app, but not in optimizing it to be found. What if I told you that there is a way to avoid your app getting lost among the huge pool of apps in the app stores? What if I told you that you don't actually need to spend a lot of time and effort on ASO once you know how to do it? Would you be interested in learning about it?Well, if you are then look no further This course is the introduction to ASO you are looking for!This course is straight to the point and will provide you everything you need, no beating around the bush or repeating the same thing with different words. There is a tonne of things to learn about ASO, and they always keep changing as people try new things and the rules in the app stores change. It is a process that you will need to keep learning for as long as you are uploading apps, if you see a course that tells you they will teach you everything there is about ASO don't believe it because it is not possible. So, this course will not teach you everything there is about ASO, but it is a great quick start guide for everyone with no prior ASO experience. With an average of 4.96 stars provided by over 25 ratings you can be confident that the content you are getting is first class. In 1.5 quality packed hours you will fully understand ASO and the mindset that the most successful optimization experts have. It is a great way to start your journey towards more downloads and ultimately more money. If you are someone with no prior ASO experience then this is definitely the course for you. If you, however, have reasonable knowledge of ASO then this introductory course is probably not what you are looking for.How can I be so sure? Well, I have an app business on the side that generates roughly $6,000 of monthly income and I teach another, longer course where I go through the steps to create a profitable app business. There is no way to achieve that without ASO, it is absolutely crucial. But don't just listen to me, listen to what some of the others students in the course have said:This is a great little course! I had no idea about ASO, I only make apps as a hobby. But after applying what I learnt here I got a great increase in downloads and made more money. I'm thinking now of taking my hobby a bit more serious now that I see the potential. I recommend this course if you want to get started with ASO.""- Tadros Hadad, 5/5 StarsVery enlightening. I took another aso course before but I didn't really like the way it was taught and I just felt the instructor repeated himself a lot. Diego, the instructor in this course, has made a great quick start guide that is nothing like that other course I took. I finished this course in a couple of hours and 10 minutes later I was already optimizing my apps. I loved this course, definitely get it if you want a great place to get started""- Sarah Feng, 5/5 Stars""Very interesting course. I previously wasn't doing much ASO but have been doing so recently after this course and have seen a 25% increase in downloads. Thanks Diego!""- Max William, 5/5 StarsSome of the things you will learn in this course are: Research your competition using App Annie, a free online resource Design your icons to engage potential users Your preview screenshots and video, they are more important than you think! Optimize your titles for searches and have your apps rank higher What keywords should you choose and why, especially in the iOS App Store Convince potential users to take action with your description Optimize your description to rank higher in Google Play Get more positive reviews, they are crucial! Other factors that affect your app's ranking in searches Where to go after you finish the course Bonus: A great coupon discount to my other very successful course on earning a passive monthly income with an app business on the side. And this is just a sample of some of the things you will get from this introductory course, by the end you will have everything you need to get started and a very good idea of where to go to keep improving your optimization abilities.No matter who you are, if you know how to program or not, if you build your own apps or have someone else build them for you, if you are a student or a professional, what you learn here will increase your apps' success.I am very passionate about teaching and I will personally respond to any questions you may have as you go through the course. DO NOT think that once you join you are on your own, the videos may last 1.5 hours but the course keeps on going. Join the community, hear other students' success and share your own! I would love to hear from you.Remember that if you don't get positive results using what you learn here in the first 30 days after you purchase the course, you will get all of your money back, no questions asked! That's how confident I am that you will find this introductory course useful. So, what are you waiting for to get started? Enroll now and allow me to show you the way.Thank you for reading; I'm sure I will hear from you soon.Diego Guajardo"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Publish Parse-enabled Trivia Apps Without Coding" |
"Being able to make money doing something that you really enjoy could change your life, no question about that.But how do you do it? Well, there are different ways, but not many are as fun as making apps. The problem that most people face is that they don't have the technical skills necessary to do it. It takes years of practice and learning to be able to create an app and upload it to the iOS App Store. Or does it?See, most people have struggled making money in the iOS App Store in recent years due to the amount of competition. They spend time, energy and money developing an app but when they upload it the returns are nowhere near what they were expecting. But that is the problem, you should not be spending time, energy and money developing an app, you should be submitting apps. As many as you can. Sounds complicated, doesn't it?Well, what if I told you that it is actually very easy? What if I told you that you do not need to understand how to code, that all you have to do is purchase source code already written and use it? Would that be appealing to you? And what if I told you that I will provide you the source code for an app worth $249 at no extra cost? And on top of that, what if I could teach you how to submit this app to the App Store in less than 3 hours? Would you be interested in learning how to do it?Well, if you are then look no further - This course will teach you how!This course is straight to the point and will provide you everything you need, no beating around the bush or repeating the same thing with different words. And do you want to know the best part? I personally hand picked the source code that you will use and modified it specifically to be more profitable and provide you with the opportunity to use it hundreds of times for as many different trivia apps as you want to make. It is extremely easy to reskin, and I will show you how. Once you have this source code you could use it over and over again to increase your revenue with little-to-no extra cost. Very few things offer opportunities such as this at such a low cost.With over 4,500 students in two different courses you can be confident that, as an instructor, I am prepared to provide you with first class content and guidance. In 4 quality packed hours you will learn everything you need from setting up a developer account with Apple and getting started, all through submitting your first app to the App Store. This is a somewhat confusing process and it is the main reason why most of the new app developers give up, but don't worry! I am here to help and guide you step-by-step through everything that you need. Now it's your turn to become an app developer.If you are willing to dedicate a few hours to setting up your app business and follow me throughout these lessons, I can personally guarantee that you will be ready to upload several apps a month at little-to-no extra cost by the time you finish the course.How can I be so sure? Well, I have been developing apps for just over 2 years now. Around 10 months ago, after a lot of research, trial-and-error and exploration, I finally came up with an app business model that seemed very profitable. I implemented it and in just 4 months I was making more than $6,000/month and putting in less than 10 hours of work a week. My key strategy? Reskinning apps at a very low cost. The best way to do it? Simple: Trivia Apps.But what exactly does this Parse-enabled Option Trivia App do and how can it make me money?Well, the Option Trivia App will show written questions and let the user choose one out of four options as the correct answer. The user will get a point for every correct answer and lose a point for every incorrect answer. Simple. The app offers 12 different in-app purchases and is monetized with three different ad companies: iAd, Chartboost and AppLovin. It also offers the opportunity to show rewarded videos, and to share the app on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and even by email.In addition, it is Parse-enabled, which means that you will write all of the trivia questions on the Parse website, a backend internet service for developers. And what does this mean for your app? Well, it means that your app will be lighter (ie smaller in size) because it will not have to store all of the questions and, more importantly, that you will be able to update the questions in real-time on all of the devices that download your app whenever you want. You add a question in Parse and it is added to all of the devices that have your app. So, how much does Parse cost? Nothing. Zero dollars. Once you purchase a developer account with Apple, you will not need to spend a single dollar on anything else to have the app ready.Does that sound complicated? Don't worry, it really is not.Some of the things you will learn in this course are how to:Enroll as an Apple DeveloperCreate Development and Distribution Certificates with AppleCreate App IDs and Provisioning ProfilesDuplicate and configure the Xcode projectLearn the general structure of iOS appsConnect your own monetization accounts to the appCreate and connect in-app purchases and test emailsChange the icon, graphics, sounds and questions in the appManage the adsTest the app in your own device and send it to friends/family so they can test it using Ad Hoc DeploymentThe most common bugs and how to identify themCreate the app in iTunes connect and submit it to AppleThe most common reasons why Apple would reject your app and how to avoid themBonus: Coupons for my other two courses; list of recommended articles and books for further readings; documentation for the app; the original source code as purchased online before any modifications were done; and the final source code of the completed project (yes, that means you get three source codes in this course!)And this is just a small sample of some of the things you will get from this course, by the end you will have everything you need to get started with trivia apps and become a truly successful developer.No matter who you are, if you know how to program or not, if you are good with computers or not, if you are a teenager with no business experience or an experienced professional, what you will learn here will make you successful.I am very passionate about teaching and I will personally respond to any questions you may have as you go through the course. DO NOT think that once you enroll you are on your own, the videos may last around 4 hours but the course keeps on going. I have been told on many occasions that I am great at answering questions and, to be honest, it is because I love doing it. Join the community, hear other students' success and share your own! I would love to hear from you.Just think about this: The course is $149. You are basically getting a $100 discount on the $249 source code that is included. You could spend the $100 you saved on an Apple Developer account! On top of that, you get an entire 4-hour course that tells you exactly how to use the source code. If that is not a good investment, I don't know what is. Plus, I am so confident in the quality of this course that if you do not get the results that you expect in the first 30 days after you purchase it you will get all of your money back, no questions asked! You can even keep the source code! That's how much I believe in the quality of this course. So, what are you waiting for to get started? Enroll now and lets make some apps togeteher.Thank you again for reading; I'm sure I will hear from you soon,Diego Guajardo"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Estrategias de trading utilizando medias mviles" |
"Se trata de un curso para aprender a hacer trading con medias mviles y establecer tus propias estrategias de inversin. En este curso podrs aprender: inversin, trading y posicionamiento.Se comienza explicando el concepto de media, su significado e importancia a la hora de hacer trading.Una media mvil en trading es un indicador tcnico seguidor de tendencia que se basa en datos del pasado para ofrecer un valor promedio.Posteriormente se establecen los criterios para hacer trading y finalmente se aplican los conocimientos adquiridos a casos prcticos reales. Se pretende ensear al alumno a utilizar medias mviles como medio de informacin sobre la evolucin del precio y que con la ayuda de otros indicadores tcnicos se pueda establecer una prediccin de la evolucin futura del precio.En el curso se aprender a saber cmo calibrar las medias mviles para que nos seale correctamente lo que queremos que nos marque en el pasado reciente, para as poder esperar que siga hacindolo igual de bien en un futuro prximo.El curso se compone de videos explicativos y archivos en formato pdf.Las razones para inscribirse en el curso son las posibilidades despus de su finalizacin de poder realizar tus propias gestiones de inversin mediante el uso de medias mviles."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso interactivo de trading" |
"Se trata de un videocurso donde se explica cmo operar con un caso real e ir tomando diferentes decisiones de trading con el objeto de lograr el mximo beneficio posible.Se analiza en los diferentes videos los siguientes conceptos: Determinar un punto de entrada.Fijar niveles de stop loss.Trabajar con los stop loss segn evolucionan los precios.Trabajar con medias y niveles de Fibonacci.Trabajar con niveles de soporte y resistencia y con figuras del Anlisis Tcnico. EstructuraEl curso est formado por un total de 30 vdeos con una duracin total de aproximadamente 5 horas.Adems, un archivo interactivo para que el alumno pueda tomar sus propias decisiones y pueda establecer el trading que le permita obtener el mximo beneficio."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Diseo de instalaciones solares trmicas" |
"Curso sobre el diseo y clculo de instalaciones solares trmicas para ACS y calefaccin.El curso est estructurado en un total de 9 mdulos que hacen referencia a las partes que debe tener un proyecto de una instalacin solar trmica.En el curso se explicarn con clculos reales la manera de realizar el clculo de los componentes de la instalacin en funcin de la demanda energtica a satisfacer.Los diferentes clculos son explicados paso a paso.Se trata de un curso eminentemente prctico para llevar al alumno a saber disear y calcular una instalacin para el uso real."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Avanzado de Trading" |
"Se trata de un curso sobre trading que pretende que el alumno adquiera los conocimientos necesarios para poder invertir en el mercado de valores y poder mediante la toma de decisiones propias, ser capaz de gestionar su capital.Para ello el curso dispone de un total de 10 Mdulos con contenido terico y contenido prctico (enunciado con resolucin) realizado sobre casos reales.El curso de compone de videos explicativos de los conceptos tericos y videos donde se aplican los conceptos adquiridos sobre casos prcticos reales.Todo ello reforzado con ejercicios prcticos resueltos en formato pdf. La estructura del curso es:Mdulo 1. Conceptos bsicosMdulo 2. Diario de tradingMdulo 3. Trading y psicotradingMdulo 4. Ordenes de bolsaMdulo 5. Anlisis grficoMdulo 6. Evolucin del precioMdulo 7. Trading con mediasMdulo 8. Anlisis tcnicoMdulo 9. Anlisis fundamentalMdulo 10. Velas japonesasAnexo I. Anlisis de valores"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Estrategias de Inversin aplicadas al mundo del trading" |
"El curso de Estrategias de Inversin es un curso que nos ayudar a entender y aplicar diferentes estrategias de inversin.A la hora de hablar de estrategias de inversin debemos conocer el significado de ambos conceptos.De esta manera, Estrategia se define como la disciplina de coordinar las acciones y recursos para conseguir una finalidad e Inversin como el acto mediante el cual se usan ciertos bienes con el nimo de obtener unos ingresos o rentas a lo largo del tiempo.El objetivo de este curso es aprender a combinar ambos conceptos, aprender a usar estrategias de inversin reales a nuestro capital con el objeto de poder aumentar nuestro capital.Para ello el curso se estructura en una serie de mdulos con la siguiente estructura:Mdulo 1. IntroduccinMdulo 2. Anlisis de ValoresMdulo 3. Estrategias de inversin basadas en EMA Tcnica de trading basada en cruces de EMA Estrategia de cruces de tres medias mviles exponenciales Estrategia del cruce dorado de medias mviles Sistema de rompimiento para grficos de 4 horas basado en EMAMdulo 4. Estrategias de inversin con indicadores Tcnica de trading con ADX Tcnica de trading basada en el indicador estocstico Estrategia combinada oscilador estocstico y medias mvilesMdulo 5. Estrategias de inversin basadas en Fibonacci Tcnica de trading basada en Fibonacci Estrategia basada en Retrocesos de FibonacciMdulo 6. Estrategias de inversin basada en Bollinger Estrategia de inversin Doble BollingerMdulo7. Otras estrategias de inversin Estrategia de inversin basada en el precio Estrategia basada en soportes y resistencias Tcnica de trading basada en la accin del precio Tcnica de trading con patrones Pinbar Estrategia basada en la triple pantalla Estrategia basada en velas maestrasA la hora de realizar una inversin debemos de tener en cuenta que invertir bien tiene dos pilares fundamentales: Seleccin adecuada de los activos. Diversificacin ptima de la cartera.Podemos establecer dos tipos de teoras:1. Teoras que aceptan el principio de mercado eficiente. Los precios de los activos reflejan toda la informacin disponible y se ajustan total y rpidamente a los cambios o a la nueva informacin disponible.Segn esta teora, nicamente se pueden realizar beneficios tomando posiciones en acciones que presenten un nivel de riesgo superior al promedio del mercado, es decir, en un mercado no existen valores sobre o infravalorados.El mercado es totalmente racional, sin implicar que lo sean todos sus participantes. Las reacciones de los inversores ante las noticias pueden ser aleatorias para que no sea posible obtener un beneficio que supere al mercado de forma consistente.En cuanto a la diversificacin, la teora de mercado eficiente afirma que el precio de las acciones incorpora toda la informacin disponible.Dado que el futuro es incierto, es conveniente disponer de una amplia franja de valores para aumentar las posibilidades de obtener beneficio de la subida general del mercado.2. Teoras que aceptan que es posible vencer al mercado. Este tipo de teoras trata de analizar la influencia del comportamiento humano en la toma de decisiones de inversin.La victoria se consigue mediante la seleccin adecuada de activos.El curso dispone de contenido terico en donde se sientan las bases necesarias para aprender a definir cada una de las estrategias de inversin y dicho contenido terico se refuerza con contenido prctico en el que sobre casos reales se aplican los conceptos tericos adquiridos.Hay que tener en cuenta que ninguna estrategia de inversin tiene una fiabilidad del 100% por lo que todo lo aprendido en este curso no servir para alcanzar beneficios de forma segura pero si para saber definir y aplicar nuestra propia estrategia de inversin.La estrategia de inversin que definamos, se deber poner en prctica y una vez realizado debemos de analizar los resultados de la misma para evaluar posibles cambios o redefinicin de la misma.Se trata por tanto de un curso de inversin para aquellas personas que deseen definir su propia operativa de trading, eligiendo aquellas estrategias que mejor se adapten a su perfil de inversor.Todas las estrategias definidas a lo largo del curso son estrategias de inversin reales que convenientemente aplicadas nos pueden llevar a lograr plusvalas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Anlisis Tcnico desde un punto de vista prctico" |
"Trading es el conjunto de tcnicas derivadas de los mercados burstiles, que aprovecha las fluctuaciones de las cuotas antes del partido y durante el desarrollo del mismo.El curso se compone de un total de 5 Mdulos, con 42 videos y 9 horas de duracin. Dispone de dos partes: una terica y otra eminentemente prctica basada en casos reales.Los objetivos del curso son conocer el significado y objetivo del anlisis tcnico adems de aprender a utilizar las figuras del anlisis tcnico. Aprenderemos todos los conceptos con casos prcticos para una compresin ms sencilla."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Trading prctico basado en casos reales" |
"Aprende a ganar un sueldo en bolsa con este curso de trading. Convirtete desde cero en un trader profesional estudiando las principales teoras y realizando ejercicios prcticos y reales.Estudiaremos el uso de indicadores como el oscilador estocstico (variable estadstica que est construida a travs de la posicin de una cotizacin con respecto a su mximo y a su mnimo, dentro de un perodo especfico), las medias mviles exponenciales, Fibonacci y figuras de Anlisis Tcnico.El curso se estructura en 15 mdulos con un contenido terico y su aplicacin prctica a casos reales. En este curso aprenders a aplicar de manera real diferentes estrategias de trading con grficos reales con el objetivo de que al finalizar el curso el alumno sea capaz de aplicar la estrategia que mejor se adapte a su perfil inversor."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Grow Your Author Tribe As you Write for Authors and Writers" |
"I created Grow Your Author Tribe As You Write as a framework for fiction and non-fiction authors and writers to build a tribe (community) as they write their book, using audio and podcasts.I know how challenging authors and writers find marketing their book when it's published. So much of the creativity has gone into writing with nothing left for marketing it. But marketing and promoting your book is important, especially when so many books published every year.Waiting till the book is finished to start marketing, leaves authors and writers vulnerable, and in some cases desperate to sell their book. They revert to 'pushing' the book at just anyone rather than nurturing a relationship and 'pulling' the right reader before it's time to buying anything.Most Book Marketing experts will tell you to start marketing your book as soon as you start writing me cases desperate to sell their book. But how to you do that?I've created this course to provide authors and writers with the tools and strategies they need to start, build and grow their author tribe as they write.Audio is central to this course because your voice has the ability for you to establish and build rapport with your ideal reader quickly. In today's digital world, as authors and writers, you can no longer rely on using the word to connect with their reader. Your readers consume content in different formats and audio allows you to connect personally and easily. You extend your reach to an audience that consumes content in this way and pull them into your tribe they follow you on your journey to writing and completing your book."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Nailed It! Turn your B2B Sales Meetings into Opportunities" |
"Are you a B2B salesperson? Do you sell products and services to companies, and other types of organizations? Is your income and livelihood directly linked to how much you sell?If you answered yes to these questions then this course is for you. Throughout my career I have generated over $87.6M US in revenues selling B2B technology solutions to companies all over the world (several of the Fortune 500 companies and government agencies within North America - Check out the full list of clients within my instructor profile) Did you know that on average, only 13% of B2B sales leads convert to become actual sales opportunities. What if you had the ability to increase your conversion rate by 2%, 5% or even more? What if you could turn more of your face to face and phone meetings with potential customers into actual sales opportunities? In this course - ""Nailed It! - Turn your B2B Sales Meetings into Opportunities"", you will learn the elements that make up the B2B buying process and show you how to map your sales process to be in sync with the key decision makers and their approach to making a purchasing decision. Using an easy to follow process you will learn how to build questions that you are able to use in your next B2B sales meetings to build trust with the client, uncover crucial information, and effectively articulate the value of the products and services that you offer. This course will ultimately show you how to move your clients to take action and how to transform more of your client meetings into actual sales opportunities.The course consists of 21 lectures including a number of downloadable materials. Using one main planning document as the foundation for the course we walk through the process on how to prepare, and execute a successful B2B sales meeting. This one document and the process taught in this course can be applied to BOTH initial client meetings as well as meetings where there is already an established opportunity and you are looking to advance closer to a sale.By enrolling in this course you get:Access to all 21 easy to follow lectures (20 Video & 1 Text) which you can complete at your own paceDownloadable materials including the Sales Meeting Planning WorksheetLifetime access to all of the course materials30 day Udemy Satisfaction GuaranteeThe full course is downloadable for offline viewing on your phone or tablet. Access 24 hours a day anytime, and from anywhere. Full 24 hour access to the course discussion boardIf you are ready to learn some new skills along with an easy to follow repeatable process that you can use to convert more of your sales leads and meetings into opportunities, then I am looking forward to working with you to help you to accomplish this.Lets get started....!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Mindfulness For Busy People" |
"Learn how to handle stress in a positive way and how to stay focussed and relaxed. Improve your productivity and finally take some time for yourself by applying mindfulness to your daily life.With Mindfulness You Can Be Busy, Without Feeling The PressureLearn the Basics of MindfulnessGet Downloadable Meditation TracksLearn the Basics of Acceptance and Commitment TherapyLearn About Your Brain and Your MindLearn How to FocusLearn How to Handle Stress in a Positive WayLearn How to Apply Mindfulness to Your Daily LifeThis Mindfulness Course Is For Hardworking, Busy People Who Would Love To Feel More RelaxedThis Mindfulness Course will help you keep calm while under pressure and live in the present moment. It will help you regain your focus and it will help you to be more effective in your work and life in general. Mindfulness is all about training your brain, and it is a tool to enhance your productivity. Content And OverviewIn this course, I start by telling you all about the history and basics of Mindfulness, your braind and your mind. This informatin will make it easier to process the lectures and really get into Mindfulness. I will give you tips and trick on meditating, you will learn about good posture and how tp be in the present moment. Don't worry, I won't throw you in the deep end: I'll be there every step of the way! You can always send a message and I will respond as quick as possible. The course is a mindfulness course with a pinch of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. It includes video lectures about our mind, thoughts, stress and focus and downloadable meditations. The course should take you six weeks to complete. It is divided into six sections, varying from the basics of mindfulness to applying mindfulness to your daily life. It is a very practical course, with a lot of exercises you can do at work or at home. You can do the exercises wherenever you want. They won't take long, but they will really help you to get & stay Mindful!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Magical Manifesting" |
"If you want to manifest massive wealth, better health and improved relationships you need to understand that manifesting is an inside job. You simply cannot manifest amazing things in life if the vibes that you are giving off are all out of whack. In this course you learn how to master the art of Quantum Manifesting to create everything you want in life as if by magic!This is a 6 week course structured into easy to follow steps. In step one you learn how to use Quantum Energy Healing to clear out your energetic blocks & negative belief systems that have been hindering you from manifesting the life that you have been striving for. In Step Two, we focus on Quantum Energy Reprogramming to reprogram your Quantum Field with new healthy beliefs that are in alignment with everything that you wish to create in your life. In Step Three you learn two ancient magical manifesting meditations (which use sound, mantra, and the sacred I AM THAT I AM miracle frequency embedded into the meditation music) that literally transforms energy into matter creating ANYTHING that your heart desires. Included in this course are the following:-an easy to follow schedule-step by step instructional videos-downloadable subliminal mp3s-special sound meditations encoded with the miracle I AM frequency -a guided meditation to teach you how to tap into the power of your heartWhat if you realized that you really did have the power to create the life that you've been dreaming of? This course will blow the roof off of what you always thought was possible and blast you to the next level! In this course I will show you how to create a life you love AND your heart's desire - with power and velocity; creating more joy and fulfillment in your life than you ever thought possible. Get ready to up-level your life to infinity and beyond!Stop sitting back watching everyone else manifest all the things you desire. Take control of your life & start manifesting the life of your dreams today!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Reiki Level 1, 2 and Master Certification Home Study Course" |
"Hi! I'm Shannon Terry, Reiki Master Teacher and Sound Healer. I have put together a really cool Reiki Level I,II and Master home-study course that you are going to love. In this course you will learn about Reiki, which is a beautiful universal energy that has been practiced all over the world to heal emotional, physical and energetic imbalances. In this course you will learn how to perform Reiki on yourself and others and also learn how to certify students of your own.In level I of this course you will learn how to activate Reiki and give yourself treatments as well as treat others. In Level II of this course you will learn how to perform Reiki ""Distance Style"" as well as how learn to use Reiki energy to upgrade your energy, healing bad habits, releaseblocks and manifest the life that you have been dreaming of.In Level III, you take the journey to become Reiki Master Teacherand you will learn how to teach and perform attunements on others wanting to learn Reiki. In this follow along course you receive high quality videos, follow along lectures and a manual for each level of Reiki. You receive your attunements distance style, by me, via guided meditation video. At the end of the course you will receive your Reiki Master certificate. This course will change your life by opening you up to a whole new level of existencethat you have never before experienced. You will deepen your connection to your higher power and increase your self-love by leaps and bounds. Reiki helps you to find new meaning to life by helping you to heal and old energetic blockages that have been holding you back in life and keeping you from ascending to where you are meant to be. I am so excited for you and I am honored to be your guide and teacher on this journey. Let's get started! In Gratitude,Shannon TerryReiki Master Teacher"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Apache Spark for Data Scientists and Developers" |
"Apache Spark is an open source data processing engine. Spark is designed to provide fast processing of large datasets, and high performance for a wide range of analytics applications. Unlike MapReduce, Spark enables in-memory cluster computing which greatly improves the speed of iterative algorithms and interactive data mining tasks. Adastra Academys Advanced Apache Spark includes illuminating video lectures, thorough application examples, a guide to install the NetBeans Integrated Development Environment, and quizzes. Through this course, you will learn about Sparks four built-in libraries - SparkStreaming, DataFrames (SparkSQL), MLlib and GraphX - and how to develop, build, tune, and debug Spark applications. The course exercises will enable you to become proficient at creating fully functional real-world applications using the Apache Spark libraries. Unlike other courses, we give you the guided and ground-up approach to learning Spark that you need in order to become an expert."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Apache Spark for Developers and Engineers" |
"What is Apache Spark?Apache Spark is the next generation open source Big Data processing engine. Spark is designed to provide fast processing of large datasets and high performance for a wide range of applications. Spark enables in-memory cluster computing which greatly improves the speed of iterative algorithms and interactive data mining tasks. Course Outcomes'Introduction to Apache Spark' includes illuminating video lectures, practical hands-on Scala and Spark exercises, a guide to local installation of Spark, and quizzes. In this course, we guide students through:An explanation of the Spark frameworkThe basics of programming in Scala, Spark's native languageAn outline of how to work with Spark's primary abstraction, resilient distributed datasets (RDDs).Upon completion of the course, students will be able to explain core concepts relating to Spark, understand the fundamentals of coding in Scala, and execute basic programming and data manipulation in Spark. This course will take approximately 8 hours to complete. Recommended ExperienceProgramming Languages recommended for this course:Scala (course exercises are in Scala) Java PythonRecommended for:Data scientists and engineers Developers Individuals with a basic understanding of: Apache Hadoop, Big Data, programming languages (Scala, Java, or Python)For students unfamiliar with Big Data and Hadoop, the course will provide a brief overview of each topic.Why Adastra Academy?Adastra Academy is a leading source of training and development for Information Management professionals and individuals interested in Data Management and Analytics technology. Our dedication to identifying and mastering emerging technologies guarantees our students are the first to have access to these quality courses. For an exceptional learning experience, our programs include hands-on labs and real world examples allowing students to easily apply their new knowledge."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to MicroStrategy Report Development I" |
"What is MicroStrategy?MicroStrategy is a powerful Business Intelligence and Visualization software. Compared to other Business Intelligence tools, MicroStrategy is capable of providing a complete enterprise-level reporting solution that is flexible, scalable, robust, and user-friendly. Microstrategy is rapidly increasing in popularity and is being leveraged across organizations in various industry verticals. It is currently being used by esteemed companies such as Netflix, eBay, Adobe, Adidas, BNP Paribas, Carrefour, Danone, Deloitte, ING Direct, Pfizer, Shell, and McDonald's to name a few. The software can connect to a wide variety of traditional and cutting-edge data platforms, including Big Data tools such as Hadoop.Course OutcomesAfter taking this course, students will be able to:Describe the core MicroStrategy concepts and MicroStrategy Project Lifecycle phasesDefine components and different types of MicroStrategy ArchitectureCreate Scheme Objects, Public Objects and MicroStrategy reportsUnderstand the Report Execution Lifecycle, apply data manipulation techniques, and analyze different report views of the MicroStrategy reports.Work with the Warehouse CatalogueRecommended ExperienceThis is a beginner to intermediate level course. No previous experience with MicroStrategy is required. However, some knowledge of the Business Intelligence and Information Management concepts will be helpful.Why Adastra Academy?Adastra Academy is a leading source of training and development for Information Management professionals and individuals interested in Data Management and Analytics technology. Our dedication to identifying and mastering emerging technologies guarantees our students are the first to have access to these quality courses. For an exceptional learning experience, our programs include hands-on labs and real world examples allowing students to easily apply their new knowledge."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Scala in Practice" |
"Scala is a programming language designed to include advantages from both object-oriented and functional programming paradigms. It is a concise, agile, and scalable language that can handle lots of data in real time. Scala is a popular choice for many open source and Big Data projects. The prominent Big Data framework, Apache Spark, is also developed using Scala. Adastra Academys Scala in Practice includes a general overview, the benefits of programming in Scala, and several hands-on exercises. Unlike other courses, students taking Scala in Practice quickly become proficient in coding and develop a Mobile App as part of the course work. We also explore Scalas main features that make it a unique programming language and various enterprise applications to understand why it is more often deployed than others."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |