Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Essentials of Sports Nutrition & Bodybuilding Supplements" |
"This program isn't just for the intermediate bodybuilders and athletes who need to know about their proteins and supplements but for any individual who wants to learn about basics of healthful foods.This program explains about why various individuals want to exercise and also about basics terms like basal metabolic rate, fat percentage and lean body mass along with details about dietary proteins, carbohydrates and fats. You will get a clear explanation to questions like why the food we eat causes obesity and ailments like diabetes? and motivate the students for understanding of foods that aid in fat loss. The students must be aware of very basic terms like amino acids, triglycerides, proteins et cetera but there is no requirement to know advanced biochemistry of food to enroll into this course as every lecture commences with objectives and explains basic terminology. The lectures are also useful for advanced professionals as all the fundamental information is summed up in few minutes. The lectures are AV presentations and these explain about macronutrients, micronutrients, hydration, bodybuilding supplements including but not limited to proteins, weight gaining stacks, meal replacements and pre-workout supplements. The pre-workout and post-workout nutrition profiles have also been differentiated according to the goal of the sportsman. Special emphasis has been given to the safe usage of the supplements and risks involved in using sports supplements have also been highlighted wherever necessary. There lectures are divided into smaller videos and the program can be completed in 4 hours. This course will strongly impact the lives of the students interested in achieving muscular growth. Students will also gain insight on components of everyday food items and gain logic to evaluate the bodybuilding supplements. The lectures are easy to understand and there is support for answering any kind of queries from the students enrolled in this program."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Comprendre le TDAH" |
"Cet enseignement porte sur le TDAH ou Trouble Dysfonctionnel de l'Attention avec ou sans Hyperactivit (anciennement appel trouble dficitaire de l'attention).Il est souvent compliqu pour les parents, les proches, d'une personne atteinte de TDAH, de comprendre de quoi il retourne exactement. Comment comprendre que la personne qui l'on demande de se concentrer, se laisse distraire aussi rapidement ? Comment peut elle ne pas se souvenir d'une leon qu'elle a apprise le jour prcdent, sur lequel elle a pass beaucoup de temps avec ses parents ?Au cours de cette leon, nous passerons en revue les symptmes du TDAH, le manque d'attention, l'agitation, l'impulsivit. Nous approfondirons ces diffrentes notions et verrons que ce trouble peut se manifester de bien des manires et ce chez une mme personne.Cet enseignement sur le TDAH est constitu de vidos explicatives, de textes et de rfrences disponibles sur internet, la majeure partie de ce cours est faite de vidos afin de le rendre plus vivant et interactif. Quelques quizz le ponctuent afin d'aider chacun vrifier qu'il a bien compris les notions essentielles.Nous passons en revue les diffrentes modalits de traitement du TDAH, qui peuvent tre proposes. Une section spcifique de cet enseignement est centre sur le TDAH de l'adulte qu'il convient de ne pas oublier."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Hypnosis - How to do Instant and Rapid Hypnotic Inductions" |
"Course DescriptionThis course will teach you step by step how to do Rapid Hypnosis Inductions safely and confidently.You will learn everything you need to know to be able to Hypnotise people even if they are sceptical.Imagine being able to Hypnotise almost anyone instantly and easilyBe confident performing Instant and Rapid inductionsBe able to follow a simple process to create your own Rapid InductionBe able to Hypnotise someone even if they are scepticalBe able to Hypnotise people literally within secondsBeing confident performing rapid inductions is one of the core principles of that will ensure a successful induction. Fear on the other hand is the main obstacles that will stop you. This course is designed to to teach the principles which make up a successful rapid induction so that you can build confidence and reach the level of being unconsciously competent whilst doing rapid hypnosis inductions. Start feeling more confident and learn the steps in tis course that will guarantee you success.Contents and OverviewThis course was made for anyone that wishes to learn or improve their hypnosis skills. The only requirement is to follow a simple process and put it into practice. Enrollees in this course will have access to over twenty-five videos that teach you a step by step process and break each step down so you can even follow along to the videos whilst you practice. You will learn how to control the frame and be confident your rapid hypnosis induction will work every time. The course also includes strategies for developing your own induction to impress friends and colleagues. You will also learn the so called secrets other hypnotists don't want you to know. Students who complete this course will be much more confident in their ability to perform hypnosis effectively.What are the requirements?An Open Mind and CommitmentWhat am I going to get from this course?Over 25 lectures and hours of high content videos.Develop Your Inner Confidence whilst performing rapid inductionsPerform powerful demonstrations of hypnosisPractical Strategies, Techniques and MethodsStop Seeking ApprovalEliminate Fear whilst performing rapid inductions.What is the target audience?Anybody who desires to rapidly build a high level of Confidence performing rapid hypnosis inductions."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Guide To Producing A Hip-Hop Beat For The Club" |
"This course is the ultimate guide to create a hip-hop beat for the club. We start from scratch and move through every detail of every step needed to make a professionally sounding record. We begin by going over recommended music gear to be used in the studio when producing modern music. We will cover both hardware and software and what to look for in each to adapt to your needs.We move on to learning what qualities to look for in the sounds for each instrument, including the synth, bass, kick, clap, and hi-hat. This section is really important because knowing what types of sounds to use can either make or break you as a producer.The next topic is song structure. We go over a brief history then lay out the top 5 most popular song structures used today. We move on to building both the melodic foundation for the synth and bass as well as a detailed approach of how to build the rhythm section. We go bar by bar and explain how to use both melodic and rhythmic variation to keep your listeners interested and to create movement within the record.We then end the course with some final touches and tips & tricks of what to do after your record is created to get it played in the club.This course is for the producer that has some experience but wants to understand the details of every step of the production process so that they have more creative control of both their productions and their career. This course is around 2 hours. I recommend that after going through the first time, to go back through to strengthen your understanding of topics that you don't fully understand. Repetition is the key to learning."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Java e Orientao a Objetos" |
"Este curso de Java e Orientao a Objeto e possu 92 aulas para que voc possa a aprender o bsico desta plataforma. Java no apenas uma linguagem de programao mas sim uma plataforma de desenvolvimento onde voc pode construir sistemas Desktop, Web e Mobile. Ao trmino deste curso voc conhecer os princpios bsicos da Orientao a Objetos em Java e a escolher um ambiente de desenvolvimento que a plataforma Java disponibiliza. A sim voc estar pronto para desenvolver qualquer sistema na plataforma Java. Este curso para voc que est comeando com programao e ainda no escolheu uma linguagem . para voc que ama TI mas ainda no decidiu qual rea seguir. para voc que tem experiencia em outras linguagens e deseja migrar ou aprender Java. para voc que est tentando pela ltima vez aprender Java e no conseguiu. Muitos cursos desenvolvem sistemas junto com o curso e isso no bom. Isso porque ficamos muito mais preocupados em ver o sistema funcionando do que o conceito que estamos aprendendo a quando voc se depara com um problema desenvolvendo um outro sistema voc no consegue resolver. Acredite em mim, s avaliar os melhores cursos de Java no mercado, eles no usam este tipo de mtodo. Fiz todo meu treinamento Java em uma das melhores do Brasil que me ajudou muito no meu conhecimento."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Law of Attraction: How To Manifest What You Want" |
"+ + + + + + ++ + Join Over 3100+ other students TODAY!! + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + ++ + Over 23+ 5 Star Reviews These 23 Reviews Can't Be Wrong So Buy this Course with Full Confidence and Learn How to Manifest What You Want using The Law of Attraction!!! + + + + + + + + + +Many of us have watched ""The Secret"", felt good and pumped up; and then went out and tried to put The Law of Attraction into practice to manifest our desires.Few have actually succeeded.But I have!I have learned to become a conscious creator and manifestor and have used the Law of Attraction to radically and quickly change my life around from one of homelessness and depression to one of success and happiness on my own terms.And I want to share what I've learned; what has worked for and works for me daily, with you in this course.In this course you will learn the basic principles of the law of attraction, with real world examples and how to use it effectively to manifest the life you desire. In this course I also give you tips and techniques to allow you to turn your desires into reality.Now is the time to start living the life of your dreams!Now is the time for freedom, wealth, happiness and love!NO NON-SENSE STRAIGHT TALK!!!In this course you will learn...How to change your life by changing your MindHow to harness the Power of The UniverseHow to use your imagination to change realityHow to use ancient mind power techniques to manifest your desiresWhy The Universe is at your commandWhy you should keep a positive attitude at all times"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The eParachute Introduction to Your Career and Job Search" |
"We all face times in our lives where we have to make challenging, sometimes life-altering decisions. We might be choosing or switching careers, or picking a college major. We might be going through a divorce or other moment of crisis. Sometimes it can simply be recognition of a lack of fulfillment and purpose in our personal and professional lives.Discover Your Passions and Your Ideal Career Using the Methods of the World's #1 Career and Job-Hunting Book, What Color is Your Parachute?"Gain a new understanding of yourself, who you are, and the unique talents, skills and gifts you already have.Be able to describe in detail what your ideal job would look like, and what are the gifts you have to offer the world.Develop the ability to explain clearly to a prospective employer what makes you uniquely fitted to help them achieve their goals.Self Inventory as a Path to Employment and Career FulfillmentToo often, career search begins with looking for employment vacancies; scanning the job markets and trying to figure out how to best fit in", writing a resume, searching employment ads, and replying and waiting for responses. This is what I refer to as the Traditional Method" of career search. But not all career search methods are created equal. In fact, as outlined in my book, most job hunters and career changers would be shocked to see just how ineffective the Traditional Method of job hunting really is. And when a job is acquired, too often that job isn't one that we find fulfilling, that truly aligns with our skills and knowledge and passions.For over 40 years, I've been offering an alternative one that really works, one that has been helped up to 10 million people. And it all begins with the information in this course, which I call self inventory".Why would a career search start with self-inventory? It's simple, really - because the best answer to What shall I do?" flows from knowing Who you are".By the end of this course, you will have a new understanding of yourself, and your unique talents, skills and gifts. You will know what your ideal job looks like, to you. You will be able to explain clearly to an employer what makes you uniquely qualified to help them achieve their goals.You will stop acting as a job beggar", and instead will see yourself as a resource" ready to search for the employer for whom you will already be a perfect fit. You do need to know that you will need to do a lot of writing (or audio recording) of yourself. There is a lot of material here. There is a handout or exercise for each of this course's seven parts. This will take time, though you can do it in a week, if you do one unit each day. And it is important to do all the units in this course.But if you stick with it, by the end of the course you will have a picture of who you most fully are. A picture of a job that will give voice to all you are. And where you would shine, because it uses the best of who you are.And you will be well on your way to the career of your dreams."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel fr Einsteiger" |
"Wollten Sie schon immer Excel lernen?Erzhlt man Ihnen, Excel sei schwierig?Oder haben Sie gar Angst vor Excel?Dann schauen Sie in meinen Kurs rein!Ich werde Ihnen beweisen, dass auch Sie Excel ganz schnell bedienen lernen.Wenn Sie Excel bereits kennen, tglich in fertigen Tabellenblttern Eingaben machen, sich aber gelegentlich wundern, dass Excel doch nicht das macht, was Sie wollen, dann sind Sie auch richtig in meinem Kurs.Der Kurs ist fr smtliche Excel Versionen ab 2007 inkl. Excel:mac 2008 und 2011 geeignet."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Articulate Studio '13 for Beginnners" |
"Hi, my name is Nate, and I'll be your trainer for this Articulate Studio '13 course. Throughout this course, you'll learn to use the tools available to you in Studio '13 to go beyond mundane, slide-by-slide presentations, and create engaging, user driven experiences. This will make online trainings more enjoyable for viewers, while increasing the likelihood that they'll retain what they're learning. Articulate has done a great job with this software suite. Creating interactive experiences has never before been possible without coding skills and ELearning creation has never been more intuitive. Still, some instruction is required to get the most from this software suite. As a computer trainer, I've taught this same curriculum in live classroom settings, and I always receive some positive feedback -- especially regarding my emphasis on workflow. With so many tools available to you in the Studio '13 suite, it's difficult to know where to start and what to do next. I'll give you a step by step workflow of what I see as the most effective and efficient way to build a presentation from scratch. I'll show you how to download the course exercise files so you can work on presentations right alongside me. In this course you'll learn by doing, not just by watching. We'll create quizzes, interactions, screen recordings, narration, animations and much more. I look forward to instructing you on this powerful eLearning creation software and empowering you to make engaging eLearning presentations and trainings using Articulate Studio '13."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SAS Programming BASE certification course for SAS Beginners" |
"Do you want to start learning SAS programming easily and quickly? This course is the complete SAS BASE certification programming course for absolute SAS beginners anyone interested in passing the SAS BASE certification exams SAS Certified Specialist: Base Programming Using SAS 9.4 (Exam ID: A00-231, A00-233)SAS Certified Associate: Programming Fundamentals Using SAS 9.4 (Exam ID A00-215) --- this course covers far more than this exam required, you may pick and learn the contents required by the exam)Looking for Data manipulation and data preparation course using SAS? This course is also your choice. It covers all critical and essential Data manipulation and data preparation skills using SAS Coding exercises and projects are perfect for for the practical coding questions in the exam for SAS Certified Specialist: Base Programming Using SAS 9.4You may compare the contents covered in this course with the official SAS BASE certification Exam contents (due to Udemy policy, I am not allowed to include the SAS link here).Course Highlights:step by step/ code by code explanations for easy and efficient learning experiencesthe complete SAS BASE course for beginners and the SAS BASE certification examsThis course is a combined course to offer the maxim benefit for my students, it includes contents from the following individual courses1. SAS programming for beginners2. SAS programming on data manipulation and preparation part 1: modify variables3. SAS programming on data manipulation and preparation part 2: combine/merge data sets4. Overview / Essentials for SAS advanced topics: SAS SQL (Proc SQL) and SAS Macro Language5. Additional topics: Error handling, Generate reports using ODS statementsdownloadable data and SAS programs used in the course can be obtained in Lecture 4 (the course materials are ONLY for practice, they are protected by copyright)Quizzes, coding exercises and projects for practice. After all, practice makes perfection!Coding exercises and projects are perfect for for the practical coding questions in the exam for SAS Certified Specialist: Base Programming Using SAS 9.4A Note on Course ratings and reviews:Please be considerate and sincere when you provide ratings and reviews. This will encourage me providing more contents to the course and better service to you! Many students who take this course as a main course have passed the SAS BASE certification. This course is a truly cost-value effective one for both individual users and Udemy for business users.So Please provide fair ratings to this course with the consideration of the comparison among other available SAS courses. Thank you!Current course contents: (Please see course curriculum for more detailed information on sections and lectures included in this course) Software installation (SAS University Edition /SAS studio): the complete & step-by-step guide; detailed explanation on File path/directory in SAS studioNavigate/work in SAS environment Get Data in various format into SAS: (read .txt file, .csv file, Excel file, format input (using SAS informat to read dates; use SAS format to display SAS date values). Proc Import)Create temporary and permanent SAS data sets (SET statement, LIBNAME statement, SAS libraries )Combine data sets (Concatenate, Append, interleave, Match Merge (one -to-one merge, one-to-many merge))Use SAS Functions to manipulate SAS date values (Explanation on how SAS stores date and time values, SAS functions include MDY, YEAR, QTR, MONTH, DAY, WEEKDAY, TODAY, DATE, INTCK, DATDIF, YRDIF)Use SAS Functions to manipulate character and numeric data values (use SAS functions to Convert Character & Numeric Value (auto-convert; PUT & INPUT functions), Other SAS functions include: SCAN, SUBSTR, TRIM, UPCASE, LOWCASE, PROPCASE, CATX, INDEX, TRANWRD, INT, ROUND)Conditionally execute SAS statements: IF-THEN/ELSE, DO and END statementsSimplify your data with Array (One dimensional array; two dimensional array; Creating Variables in an ARRAY Statement; Assigning Initial Values to Arrays & Creating Temporary Array Elements)Process data with DO LOOPS (the basic of DO LOOPS; constructing DO LOOPS; Conditionally Executing DO Loops using DO UNTIL and DO WHILE; Using Conditional Clauses with the Iterative DO Statement)Work with data & Creating labels and formats (Use assignment statements in the DATA step; Use LABEL and FORMAT statements to modify attributes in a DATA step; Define the length of a variable using the LENGTH statement; Control which observations and variables using DROP, KEEP statements and DROP=, KEEP= options, and IF statement)SAS Statistical Procedures: Proc SORT; Proc PRINT; Proc MEANS; Proc FREQ; Proc UNIVARIATE, Proc Export, Proc ContentGenerate list reports using the PRINT procedure (using VAR, SUM, WHERE, ID and BY statements)Generate reports using ODS statements (Identify ODS destinations, create HTML, PDF, RTF, and Excel files with ODS statements)Reconstruct/Reshape SAS Data sets in DATA step and using Proc TRANSPOSESAS advanced topic: Proc SQL EssentialsSAS advanced topic: SAS Macros EssentialsReferences:SAS certification prep guide: base programming by SAS InstituteThe little SAS book: a primer / Lora D. Delwiche and Susan J. SlaughterLearning SAS by example: a programmer's guide / Ron Cody Note: A SAS software licence allows SC statistical programming to create and sell video-based SAS programming online courses."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Data Manipulation Course using SAS Programming" |
"Course highlight: step by step/ code by code explanations; full coverage to data manipulation and data preparation SAS skillsThis course is a combined course (8.5 hours of video-based lectures, 66 lectures) to provide the maxim benefit for my students, which includes all the contents from the following two courses:SAS programming on Data Manipulation and preparation Part I: Modify VariablesSAS programming on Data Manipulation and preparation Part II: Combine Datasets(The contents of this course are also included in the course SAS Programming BASE certification course for SAS Beginners. If you purchased SAS Programming BASE certification course for SAS Beginners, you don't need this one).downloadable data, SAS programs and Power Point slides used in the course (the course materials are ONLY for practice, they are protected by copyright)Quizzes and coding exercises. After all, practice makes perfection!Notes on Course ratings and reviews:Please be considerate and sincere when you provide ratings. This will encourage me providing more contents to the course and better service to you! Please provide fair ratings to this course with the consideration of the comparison among other available SAS courses.Thank you!Course Description:Almost all the data needs to be manipulated/prepared before data analysis. Every SAS programmer is required to master SAS data manipulation and preparation programming skills, which are critical and highly demanded in the SAS/data industries. This course can also help prepare you for SAS Base Programming Certification Exam. This course is at the beginner to intermediate level. It is designed to help you master SAS Base Programming Essentials on Data Manipulation and Preparation. This course includes 9 sections (Please see course curriculum for more detailed information on lectures included in each section)Course Overview, Course Supplements, SAS University (SAS Studio) InstallationAdditional Lectures you may needCreating labels and formatsModifying character and numeric valuesWorking with SAS datesGenerating data with DO loopsProcessing variables with ARRAYSCombining/merging SAS data setsReconstruct / reshape SAS Data setsReferences: SAS certification prep guide: base programming by SAS Institute The little SAS book: a primer / Lora D. Delwiche and Susan J. Slaughter Learning SAS by example: a programmer's guide / Ron Cody Note: A SAS software licence allows SC statistical programming to create and sell video-based SAS programming online courses."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Motivation Mastery: How to Get Motivated Fast" |
"The best laid plans are meaningless without MOTIVATION to act on those plans. What most people don't realize about motivation is that it shouldn't be something you have to try and ""muster up"".In this course, youll discover a proven 7-step system that top performers use, that will allow you to:clarify yourgoals, find your inner motivation to take action and get on with really living your life.Master powerful peak performancestrategies to motivate yourself, clarifyyour goals and find your real ""why""...even if you struggle terribly with procrastination.What will I be able to DO after I enroll?DECIDE, Prioritize & Correctly Formulate GoalsDISCOVER the Core Motivations Behind Your Goals so You Can Become Motivated Easily to Achieve Your GoalsCREATE Powerful & Useful Mental States to Help You Effectively Reach Your GoalsBUILD Momentum to Reach Longer Term GoalsOVERCOME Obstacles That Stand in the Way of Turning Your Dreams into RealityQuickly BUILD UP MOTIVATION Again After the Enthusiasm Wears OffUNCOVER the Skills, Habits & Behaviors You Will Need to Reach Your GoalsAVOID Common Goal-Setting & Motivation Mistakes""Simply the best! Quick, Easy, No Fluff. Period..""-Jason Sarmiento""Awesome!!! Very Surprising Course...Wow! I really liked this course. So tired of courses that are all fluff. This one just gets right to it. I really like the part about beliefs and the overall premise of the course. Is it possible to give a 6 star review? Plus, Ken is a very responsive and engaging teacher. Can't wait to see what he puts out next.""-Roszel Fletcher""This is not your ordinary course.Ken has really developed a unique, straightforward guide to quickly motivate yourself so you can accomplish whatever you set out to do. This is one of those courses that can truly change your life and how you do things.""-Christine Evans""Clear and to the Point.If you've read any of the many self-improvement, self-development books out there, you'll be only too aware that they often contain a lot of filler.This course contains zero filler. In a short, simple series of exercises, Ken presents a powerful technique for clarifying what you're trying to achieve. Very worthwhile.""-Sam PollardLearn the secrets elite athletesand top performers know about motivationI created this course because after struggling with procrastination, self-sabotage and many self-limiting beliefs, Istumbled upon methods and tools that really work and Iwas able to make massive changes in my life, using what Icover in this course.Some of those are:Iwent from living in a car, working at Pizza hut to creating a 6-figure career in professional selling, becoming a Top Salesperson for some of Largest and Fastest Growing companies in the World.Also, Iused what Iteach to start a business from scratch to 6-figures in annual profit, in under 1.5 years, working only part-time.The funny thing was that some of the techniques Ihad known about for years...but, Inever really had much success using them.Ialways felt like they made sense, but, Isomehow knew something was missing.Iwas right. Istarted learning how pro athletes and elite performers motivate themselves andI found some of the missing puzzle pieces.Voila! Istarted to get much different results.It was surprising how quickly my life began to change. It wasn't like magic or anything, but, it felt like Ifinally was able to shift some of the core patterns in my life and see big, meaningful changes...and it happened so fast.Ihope to share what Ilearned with you and help you avoid some of the same mistakes Imade.What will I learn specifically? The #1 Reason People Fail to Achieve Their GoalsHow to Uncover the Master Motivation Strategy That Lies Hidden in Your BrainDiscover the 'Why' Behind Your Goals to Build Powerful MotivationHow to Uncover Lasting MotivationHow to Avoid Losing Motivation for GoalsHow to Know Who You Need to Be to Achieve Your Goals in MinutesThe Truth About the Obstacles to Your Goals and What to Do About ItWhy You Haven't Already Achieved Your GoalsFast Goal Evaluation SystemThe #1 Secret Of Productivity That is Hidden in Plain SightWhat Almost Nobody Realizes About Their GoalsForget the To-Do List - This Is What Top Performers Use to Plan Their DayGuided Meditation: ""Turning Your Dreams into Reality""In short you will learn specifically why, what, when, where and exactly how to motivate yourself at will, find your whyand clarify your goals.So, go ahead andclick the green button on the right hand side, so you can blast past your procrastination and start living the life you were truly meant to live.What have you got to lose? If you do nothing, nothing will change.If you dont love thiscourse..if it doesnt deliver on every promise, you can always get 100% of your money back, so theres no reason not to enroll.Once you enroll youre given step by step instructions and easy to follow exercises.Best of all, you'll have my help should you have questions or need help applying the techniques in a specific situation."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Meditation for Beginners: How to Meditate Deeply & Quickly" |
"Meditation should be a practice that anyone can benefit from. Unfortunately, there is a lot of confusion and complication around this simple practice. This course will make it clear, simple and easy for you to meditate.Meditation techniques are often taught in a very rigid way. These leads people to believe that the only way to meditation is through a Buddhist meditation practice, zen or somatic meditation.This course will teach you simple, effective meditation practices that transcend a specific discipline, giving you a clear way to understand and utilize any meditation practice you come across.This is currently a Best-Selling Meditation Course on Udemy!What people are saying...""I found this course very helpful. The explanations are very clear. The instructor really cares about the students. He talks with a passion and provides a good deal of motivation. In the past I tried to start meditation many times, but could not practice consistently. For some reason this course did it for me. There is no ""beating around the bush"". All explanations are strictly to the point. I am thankful to Ken for creating this course.""-Anna Plotkin""Wonderful course! It really is amazing the benefits that you experience as a result of meditating. I'm an atheist/non religious person and of all of the groups of people on the planet, I would say that I belong to one of the most critical and skeptical bunch. I used to think meditation was a sort of mystical thing - a nonscientific structure. And I couldn't have been more wrong. Ken Wells is able to wonderfully translate meditation out of the mystical world and show how to apply it in a ""tangible"" - if you will, sort of way. I no longer take ambien,Xanax, nor my antidepressants. Now keep in mind, it was not meditation alone thatbrought about these results but it is certainly a powerful tool. A way to observe one's thoughts, without being consumed by them, brings about peace of mind. This peace of mind enables one to clearly see what changes need to be made in your life to bring yourself into alignment with your purpose, which leads to self-actualization and happiness. I highly recommend this introductory course. Ken will build you an unbreakable foundation for which to build your understanding of this wonderful practice.""-Brandon Burkhardt""Everyone knows the amazing benefits of meditating, this course is the absolute best guide to start your meditation habit.""-John Camboli""Excellent course!The information in the course is great. I was looking for some time now on a meditation course and Igot exactly what Iwanted :D""-Mirela Voinescu""How to Relax Your Body and Mind - Quickly & Easily!I took this class with impatience and all my expectations were fulfilled. The course is very well organized, the lectures are clear, the explanations are easy to follow and you will put all the advice into action in no time.There are so many tips shared inside this program that you will not believe how easy it is to take action. You will learn the exact techniques to use while meditating to be at peace with yourself and relaxed ... and it takes just 10 minutes per day. So, Jump In!.""-Silviu Marisca""Great courseInteresting lectures, knowledgeable instructor, good pace. I recommend this course for those who want to break myths about meditation and start to practice meditation now. Don't waste any more time, this is the course for you!""-Luciane Cardassi""This is no idle or self serving compliment; I have been exposed to many seminars, classes, etc. and although each had something to offer, Ken Wells, presents the material in an easy to follow format. Ken is presenting the core of meditation, which he explains can be developed in any direction we choose to go with it. I recommend this class to anyone wishing to learn meditation. Irecommend it based on Ken's easy going, but detailed explanatory method of teaching.""-Rick MarsAre you looking for how to relax quickly by using natural relaxation techniques?Are you interested in dealing with anxiety without the use of drugs?Do you want to learn how to reduce stress?Meditation is the single best thing you can do for your mental, emotional & physical health.When you watch the video above, you will understand why it's important to learn to meditate. Not only for relieving stress and feeling better, but also for improving your physical health!This is a Complete Meditation for Beginners Course that will teach you exactly how to meditate properly so you can relieve anxiety & stress and experience more peace, relaxation and better health. All with a small time investment, starting with as little as 1-5 minutes per day and gradually building to about 20-30 minutes per day.This course will walk you through specifically why, how, when, where and exactly what you need to do to master meditation. It explains exactly how meditation works and how to practice meditation in your everyday life, giving you the ability to relax at will.There are also Advanced Meditation Techniques that will help you to greatly improve concentration and increase self-discipline.What You Will Learn:How to Establish the Correct Mindset for MeditationHow to Calm Your Mind Through This Easy PracticeHow to Clear the Obstacles to Meditation: Eliminating the 7 Most Common MythsHow to Prepare for Effective MeditationHow to Overcome All the Common Distractions and Obstacles to MeditationHow to Meditate Effectively by Understanding & Applying the Key Attitudes of Meditation for Deeper PracticeHow to Practice Meditation in Your Everyday Life for Greater Peace & Daily RelaxationHow to Meditate for BeginnersHow to Deal with Anxiety in Meditation & Day to DayHow to Correctly Develop a Consistent Meditation PracticeHow to Practice Meditation the Easy WayHow to Practice the 4 Main Types of MeditationHow to Sharpen Your Concentration for Greater Mental Clarity & FocusHow to Establish Trust for Better Meditation & Greater Peace of MindMindfulness Meditation Techniques for Daily Relaxation & Greater Self-AwarenessGuided Meditation: ""Your Journey to Peace & Stillness""Guided Meditation: ""Opening Your Heart and Learning Unconditional Self-Love""Why You Should Take This Course:Greater Peace & RelaxationIncreased Clarity of MindBetter Mental, Emotional & Physical HealthMore Mental DisciplineIncreased Concentration & FocusEnhanced CreativityDecreased StressIncreased ProductivityMore Self ConfidenceGreater Self-AwarenessGreater Spiritual AwarenessReduced Stress & AnxietyMore HappinessMake Less Mistakes at Work and in Your Social LifeIncreased Mental Strength & Mental ToughnessGreater IntuitionBetter Organizational SkillsFaster cognitive functioningSome of the Questions answered in this course:Is it really worth it to learn to meditate? What can you attain by meditation?Why is it so hard to meditate?What is meditation?What does meditation do?Does meditation work?What are some best practices for meditation?How effective is meditation?How do I start a meditation habit?What are the benefits of meditation?How do I meditate?Does meditation help in dealing with anxiety?What happens in the brain during meditation?Do you need to silence your mind to meditate?How can I learn to live in the present?Does meditation actually help to relieve stress?What are some relaxation techniques for anxiety?What is the difference between thinking and meditating?What are some proper meditation techniques?Can children meditate?Are the benefits of meditation proven scientifically?Does it take years to receive benefits from meditation?Do you need a teacher to learn meditation?Is meditation a religion?Is meditation unproductive?When is the best time of day to meditate?Am I doing this right?Should I meditate with my eyes open or closed?How do I know that I'm really meditating?Is meditation different from hypnosis?How long should my meditation sessions last?Do I need to use a Mantra to meditate?What Should I Do Now?Give the course a chance to help you relieve stress and live more peacefully by enrolling today. Meditation can truly change your life, it did mine. I'm looking forward to seeing you on the inside whenyou choose to enroll."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Leadership Skills Mastery Vol. 1: Leadership for 2019" |
"Leadership is uncommon. Some people believe that you're either born with leadership skills and leadership qualities, or you'renot. The good news is that leadership skills can be learned and practiced, which means you can increase your leadership abilities dramatically.This course will teach you the leadership traits and qualities that lead to fasterleadership development. Effective leadership starts on the inside and moves out, influencing those around you.If you watch the video above, check out the reviews, previews and description below, then you will get a more clear picture of how this course will help you.What people are saying:""There's nothing missing in this course as much as I've learnedabout leadership. This course helped me a lot with my family, friends and my followers in my work as a leader of public relations section. I've madea lotof mistakes leading them or in requesting some tasks ,after this course now Iknow how to improve my contributions with them and how to be more effective and gain their trust by listening carefully,be along with one clear vision with them and by learning how to act more effectively like using nonverbal effective speeches and using the storytelling to make a point straight.""-Nora Magdy""Leadership Skills MasteryI've been in business management consulting for over 25 years. This course covers everything you need to know about leadership. Plus, it's presented in small, easy to digest doses. The lectures are well-organized and practical.""-Paula Redding""Fantastic Course!If you are searching for a comprehensive course on Leadership than you must take this one.Ken did a great job in explaining complex concepts in down to earth action steps. He will literally take you from A to Z and provide clear strategies on how to think, behave and communicate as a leader.Join this Program if you want to make a difference in your life!""-George Peters""On the Art of LeadershipIt's rare that you see a well organized course on soft skills - this course is one such example. Leadership sounds easy until you actually experience it. But although difficult in the beginning, it is a skill which you can perfect with training. There is one thing I disagree with: integrity is touted as an important trait to gain trust as a leader. Now I value integrity for the sake of my own conscience and that's enough of a reason for me. Don't get me wrong, integrity can certainly help in the beginning, but if this was the key for leadership, the world would be a much better place.""-Anca Iovita""Homerun!Wow, I am truly impressed with this course. Clean organization, content is in depth and actionable, instructor is engaging and is passionate about the subject. I was getting a little tired of some of the courses on Udemy, this was refreshing!""-Richard Moritz""Amazing CourseLeadership skills are essential to be successful in today's society. This course is a MUST!""-John Camboli_________________________________________________________________________This course will take you from knowing nothing about leadership, to teaching you how to think, communicate and behave like an effective leader. In short, it will show you how to become a real leader.What will I be able to do with these skills?Rapidly Build Trust andEstablish Lasting Loyalty with Your FollowersDevelop a Compelling & Crystal Clear Leadership VisionMake Better Decisions & Save Time by Learning to Think Like a Real LeaderThink, Communicate andBehave Like a World Class LeaderMelt Resistance & Influence Your Followers Using Only Your WordsCoach Your Followers to Motivate Themselves to Personal GreatnessDevelop Rock Solid Leadership ConfidenceEffectively Lead & Manage YourselfSpeak More PersuasivelyBuild a Powerful Leadership IdentityCreate a Meaningful Leadership Morning RoutineHere's some of what you will learn:How to Create Followers That Choose to Follow YouHow Real Leadership Is CommunicatedWhat Real Leadership Is About and It's Not What You ThinkTo Be a Real Leader, You Have to Do This, Which Is the Opposite of Everyone ElseRegardless of Your Leadership Level, I Suggest You Begin to Do This NowLeadership Is More About This than Anything ElseOne of the Biggest Reasons People Fail in LeadershipHow to Establish a Vision in the Mind of Your Followers the Way Great Leaders DoThe Little Known Way to Correctly Use Creative Visualization to Begin to Sculpt Your FutureWhat Professional Athletes Have Know for Years and How You Can Benefit from ItHow to Change Your Mental & Emotional State at WillHow to More Easily Access the Creative Parts of Your BrainThe Fast & Effective Way to Build Massive Motivation Toward Your Leadership VisionGreat Leaders Do This to Get Themselves & Their Followers Excited About Their VisionThe Power of 'Mental Icons' & How to Use These for Instant Excitement & MotivationHow to Continue to Develop & Evolve Your VisionAverage People Rarely Do This, but Great Leaders Do It All the TimeWhat Influence Essentially Boils down ToIf You Don't Have This, You're Followers Won't EitherHow to Practice the Real Secret of MotivationWhat Leading & Managing Yourself Really MeansHow to Avoid Many Problems in LeadershipYour Followers Are Going to Be More Influenced by This than Anything ElseThe Absolute Worst Way to Lead and How to Avoid Doing ItWhat Should I Do Now?Give this course a chance to help you increase your leadership skills, expand your influence and achieve your leadership vision by enrolling today.You can truly change your life. I'm looking forward to seeing you on the inside if you choose to enroll.I invite you to notice that every moment that you're not leading the way in life, is time wasted pursuing someone else's dream. It's time that you learn how to become a leader.So you can, breath, relax, enroll in the course now and begin to command the life you deserve!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Motivao: encontre real motivao para alcanar suas metas" |
"mais fcil encontrar motivao e manter-se motivado do que voc imagina. Neste curso, eu lhe apresento um processo simples de sete passos que o ajudar a encontrar motivao e alcanar suas metas. Para completar os sete passos voc precisa de apenas 30 minutos. Se voc assistir o vdeo acima, e der uma olhada nas avaliaes e nas aulas disponveis, voc ter uma boa ideia de como este curso pode lhe ajudar. Este curso no momento o Curso n 1 em Motivao na udemy! O que a maioria das pessoas no percebe sobre motivao que motivao no deve ser algo que a gente precisa trabalhar pra encontrar. Este curso o ensinar o segredo que atletas profissionais e performers de alto nvel tem usado por dcadas pra se manterem motivados. Voc ver tambm quais so as armadilhas e os mitos sobre motivao e definio de objetivos, e aprender como se manter longe deles. Ns discutiremos o que so crenas limitantes e como transformar esses pensamentos que podem destruir sua motivao e impedir que voc alcance seus objetivos. Alguns fatos recentes: A verso original deste curso, em ingls, j tem: * 4.859 alunos em 127 pases * 88 avaliaes de 5 estrelas -- o curso n 1 em Motivao na udemy Veja o que estes alunos disseram depois de terminar o curso: Maravilhoso!!! Um curso supreendente... Realmente adorei o curso. Estava cansada de cursos que so cheios de lero-lero, este curso vai direto ao assunto. Gostei muito da seo sobre as crenas e a ideia geral do curso. possvel dar uma avliao de 6 estrelas? Alm disso, Ken um professor que se preocupa com os alunos. Mal posso esperar pra ver seus prximos cursos! -Roszel Fletcher Este no um curso como os outros. O Ken Wells desenvolveu um guia nico, um processo que realmente funciona para se encontrar motivao rapidamente e seguir para ancanar o que a gente quiser. Este um daqueles cursos que pode transformar sua vida e a maneira como voc lida com as coisas no geral. -Christine Evans ""Uma palavra pra definir este curso FANTSTICO. Parabns Ken! Se sua inteno era ajudar as pessoas, deixa eu lhe dizer, voc conseguiu! Eu gostei deste curso porque vai direto ao ponto. No um curso simples, um guia dirio para ajud-lo a transformar seus sonhos em realidade. -Manuel Heredia Faa este curso e... Aprenda o motivo pelos quais as pessoas tem dificuldade em se manterem motivadas e como evitar cair nas mesmas armadilhasAprenda a diferena entre estrutura superficial e estrutura profunda dos seus objetivos e porque importante distinguir entre as duas antes de sair em busca das suas metasSupere a procrastinao e d o primeiro passo da direo dos seus objetivosAprenda a importncia de se ter um propsito claro e definido e como se beneficiar deleDescubra a finalidade de todo o processo de busca de metasAprenda a diferena entre ondas cerebrais beta e alpha e como elas afetam sua motivaoDescubra como chegar ao portal do seu subconscienteAprenda trs maneiras eficazes para transformar seus estado mental e conseguir, sempre que quiser, uma dose instantnea de motivaoAprenda a identificar e formular suas metas rapidamente e corretamenteDescubra os reais motivos por trs das suas metas e como esse motivos podem produzir motivao duradouraEntenda por que colocar paz de esprito dependendo de dinheiro no uma boa ideiaSaiba como evitar a possibilidade de no se sentir satisfeito mesmo depois de alcanar seus objetivosAprenda como o Efeito Domin pode transformar sua vidaDescubra o que seus objetivos dizem sobre vocDescubra o maior obstculo para visualizar e usar de maneira eficiente o seu subconscienteAprenda como criar imagens vvidas e visualizaes para adquirir motivao mximaAprenda como atletas, performers e pessoas criativas usam suas mentes de maneira diferente e como podemos aprender com elesComo usar cones mentais para alimentar sua motivao a qualquer momentoDescubra a verdade nua e crua sobre seu crebroDescubra a verdade sobre seus desejosDescubra o porque atletas profissionais usam visualizao antes de eventos e como isso pode ajud-lo a se manter motivadoComo ""testar"" um resultado futuro, e ver se isso realmente algo que voc quer investir seu tempo e energiaDescubra o maior segredo para uma motivao rpida e duradouraDescubra os comportamentos, hbitos e tcnicas que voc precisa adquirir a fim de alcanar seus objetivosDescubra o que voc precisa fazer diferente para buscar suas metasComo usar o conceito de 1% de vantagem do vencedorComo construir um impulso rpido e motivao contnua para alcanar suas metasComo produzir maior confiana e alcanar seus objetivosComo evitar perder motivao na direo de suas metasAprenda a diferena principal entre performers de sucesso e performers de nvel medianoAprenda como evitar que suas metas se transformem em motivo de dor e culpaAprenda a alimentar sua motivao quando ela comea a diminuirAprenda a frmula para o sucesso das suas metasAprenda como evitar sair em busca de metas que no so realmente importantes pra vocAprenda como evitar viver no piloto automticoDescubra o que todo mundo deveria saber sobre suas emoes e sentimentosAprenda a identificar quais os traos de personalidade que voc precisa desenvolver para alcanar suas metasDescubra quais as mudanas de vida que voc precisa realizar antes de alcanar suas metasEvite ficar em cima do muroDescubra o que o est impedindo de alcanar seus objetivosAprenda a verdade sobre suas crenasSaiba qual o maior desafio para se superar obstculos e como evit-loAprenda a dissolver rapidamente seus desafiosAprenda uma maneira eficaz de se transformar seus medos em pontos-forteAprenda a verdade sobre seus medosSaiba como evitar reforar seus medos, que diminuem sua motivaoAprenda como enfraquecer seus medosAprenda o segredo n 1 de produtividade que est escondido bem em frente aos nossos olhosDescubra as razes pelas quais voc ainda no alcanou seus objetivosAprenda como controlar seus pensamentos negativosIdentifique suas crenas limitantes e bloqueios mentaisAprenda um sistema simples para priorizar e escolher suas metasDescubra a verdade sobre os ""segredos"" do sucessoAprenda a focar sua energia em motivao profunda e produtividadeDescubra o que um homem que passou 40 anos estudando motivao tem a dizer sobre o significado do sucessoAprenda a chave para manter o foco nos seus objetivosAprenda a evitar distraesAprenda a lidar com motivao e deixe l fora qualquer possibilidade de depresso e ansiedadeAprenda o que quase ningum sabe sobre seus objetivosDescubra o maior obstculo para se conseguir grande transformaes na sua vidaDescubra como treinar a si mesmo a ser uma pessoa de sucesso, automaticamenteDescubra a verdade sobre sucesso e como alcanar suas metasAprenda a aumentar sua autoconfiana e alcanar seus objetivosAprenda como evitar se sobrecarregar com informaoAprenda como estabelecer um caminho para percorrer com sucessoAprenda como evitar a ""sndrome do objeto dourado""Aprenda como superar o medo de cometer errosDeixe de fazer listas do que voc ainda precisa fazer, e ao invs disso, faa como performers de sucesso - organize seu diaEvite que problemas de outras pessoas monopolizem seu tempoAprenda a estabelecer uma viso mais global do seu dia e a ser mais produtivoAprenda uma ferramenta simples que vai ajud-lo a ser mais eficiente na busca dos seus objetivosPor que voc deve fazer este curso: para maior motivao a curto e longo-prazopara maior clareza sobre o que voc est buscandopara disciplina mentalaumento da criatividadepara planejar seu prprio estilo de vida para evitar pensamentos limitantespara evitar os erros mais comuns para se manter motivadopara desenvolver melhores tcnicas de organizaopara aprender a pensar e se comportar como um campeopara garantir uma vida bem-sucedidapara evitar procrastinaopara evitar auto-sabotagempara se alcanar objetivos plenamentepara mais autoconfianapara superar seus medospara evitar depresso e ansiedadepara obter maior controle sobre suas emoes e pensamentospara ser mais produtivopara estabelecer hbitos de sucessopara usar sua mente de maneira eficaz para que voc alcance suas metasPor que aprender comigo (Ken Wells)?Eu j superei enormes obstculos na minha vida usando as mesmas ferramentas que apresento neste cursoTenho mais de 6.280 alunos, de 127 pasesMais de 144 avaliaes (a grande maioria so ""5 estrelas"")Nossos cursos so #1 nas suas categoriasVenho estudando e praticando tcnicas para sucesso em performance por mais de 12 anosMinha tcnica de ensino simples, direta e proporciona maneiras diferentes para voc comear imediatamente12 anos de sucesso em reas altamente competitivas (esportes, negcios)Certified Mental Strength CoachAulas curtas, diretas, tiro tudo que suprfluo. Em aulas de 5 minutos, so 5 minutos de contedo! O que eu devo fazer agora? D uma chance a este curso, que pode lhe ajudar a encontrar motivao, alcanar suas metas e viver a vida que voc deseja. Voc pode realmente transformar sua vida. Espero te ver ali dentro do curso depois que voc se inscrever.Mesmo que voc tenha tentado outros mtodos no passado, que no funcionaram, isto no significa que voc no conseguir mudar sua vida desta vez.Ao final do curso voc ter maior clareza, inspirao e motivao para viver a vida que voc realmente quer. Eu o convido a ver que cada minuto em que voc no est alinhado com seus desejos intrnsecos tempo que voc est perdendo buscando os sonhos de outra pessoa, no os seus.Ento, respire, relaxe, inscreva-se neste curso agora e comece a viver a vida que voc merece!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Creative Thinking Genius Vol. 1: Unleash Your Creativity" |
"For most people creative inspiration is a complete mystery. They have no idea what gives rise to their creative inspiration and how to have greater control over this process.But, what if you could have more control?In this course, you'll learn specific techniquesto more fully unlock your creative genius, generate creative ideas and solutions at will and overcome the barriers that keep you stuck.Unleash your creative potential, with this uniquecreativity coursefor beginners...even if yourehighly analytical...What will I be able to DO after I enroll?INSPIRE More Creative Brain States NaturallyGENERATE Creative Ideas at WillFIND Creative Solutions to Problems QuicklyOVERCOME Procrastination to Taking Action on Your Creative IdeasFIND More Joy and Fulfillment in Life Through Increased Self-ExpressionHAVE Greater Control Over Your Own Creative ProcessOUTLINE a Plan for a Bringing Your Creative Vision to Life""Very informative. Lots of pure content and strategies; all explained very directly, without any of the fluff and in a way that makes perfect sense. I really enjoyed it!""-Harold Sconiers""Great Course! Just what I was looking for! Thank Ken""-Janie Foitag""Awesome materialsI really enjoyed the analysis of how Creativity gets sabotaged and we don't even notice it! The steps Ken describes to overcome any obstacle that gets in the way between you and your true potential are so helpful and easy to follow, I loved this course! :)""-Elena Seranova""Excellent ClassKen cuts to the chase and breaks things down into easy to understand language of our conscious minds and brain states. Whoever knew, other than neuroscience? He describes many ways to overcome that nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach, that you're supposed to be doing something with your life, and just can't carry it to task.He references concepts and lays out strategies we can implement to use the ""right"" part of our brains to get the most accomplished, and hopefully, into a better mindset to achieve our goals.Ken is not only a great instructor; he's not afraid to show his human side, someone most of us, can relate to!""-Marie PattenIcreated this course because my business forces me to be engage my imagination and creativity, every day.This doesn't come naturally to me since Itend to be more on the analytical side.Having been immersed in the personal development world for close to 20 years, I've tried a ton of different approaches.Meditation, NLP, Positive Psychology, Brainwave Entrainment, Bio-feedback, you name it.Some things worked and others didn't.What I've provided for you here is a toolkit of some of the most effective and easiest to use techniques and methods, stripped of jargon and excess fluff.What will I learn specifically? ""How to Easily Get into a More Creative Frame of Mind""""The Source of All Creativity""""Understanding the Best Brain States for Producing Creativity""""A Simple Often Overlooked Method to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing""""The ""Random Cocktail Method For Coming Up with Fresh Ideas""""How to Use The Letter Idea Generator To Boost Your Creativity""""A Powerful Technique to Quickly Find Solutions to Problems""""How to Easily Transform Your Worldview & See Solutions Everywhere""""How to Turn Problems Into Opportunities & Resources Fast""""A Simple Way to a Fresh Perspective""""How to Beat The Biggest Enemy of Creativity""""How to Avoid The Major Pitfall Faced By Artists & High Achievers""""How to Overcome Writer's Block...The Right Way""""Outline a Plan for a Bringing Your Creative Vision to Life""In short you will learn specifically why, what, when, where and exactly how to generate creative inspiration at will, find fresh solutions to problems and overcome the obstacles to your creative expression.So, go ahead click the green on the right hand side, so you can stop waiting for creativity to ""hit"" you and start breathing life into your creative vision today.What have you got to lose? If you do nothing, nothing will change.If you dont love the course..if it doesnt deliver on every promise, you can always get 100% of your money back, so theres no reason not to enroll.Once you enroll youre given step by step instructions and easy to follow exercises.Best of all, you'll have my help should you have questions or need help applying the techniques in a specific situation."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Stress Management Techniques: How to Reduce Stress Naturally" |
"Effective Stress Management is critical to your physical, mental and emotional health. It's vital to your overall well-being.The Relaxation techniques you use should be all-natural, otherwise you're only hiding the symptoms and not dealing with the problem.This is currently a Best-Selling Stress Management Course on Udemy!9,080+ Students in 142 Countries60+ Student Reviews""This course provides a complete framework and a well-rounded set of tools with which to understand the causes of stress and how to overcome it. The instructors are responsive and fun to watch. I thoroughly enjoyed this course.""-Paula Redding""This is good course on how to achieve a natural relaxed state. It is an excellent course to help bring yourself to a relaxed and calm state on a daily basis. The course does teach you how to tackle life's challenges and change your mindset to conquer stress.""-Preetham Grandhi""I practice what I learned from this course all the time. The instructor gave specific tips on stress reduction and he structured the course very well.""-Bill Q.""The strategies mentioned in the course are easy to follow even for people with a very busy lifestyle. Looking forward to take another course from him. Superb""-Danyal Fayyaz______________________________________________________________The course is about more than just 'how to manage stress'. It's going to give you a fresh perspective on relaxation and provide powerful, all-natural relaxation exercises to address stress at the core.When you watch the video above, you will understand why it's important to learn and practice relaxation techniques. Not only for relieving stress and feeling better, but also for improving your physical health!This is a Complete Stress Management Course that will teach you exactly how to overcome stress properly so you can relieve anxiety and experience more peace, relaxation and better health. All with a small time investment, starting with as little as 5 minutes per day and gradually building to about 20-30 minutes per day.This course will walk you through specifically why, how, when, where and exactly what you need to do to begin to relieve stress quickly and how to manage stress naturally.It explains exactly what true relaxation is and how to remove the barriers to your natural state of peace and contentment through practical techniques and tools that you can use immediately. It also shows you how to avoid stress to begin with.Here's Some of What You'll Be Able to Do After You Enroll in This Course:Maintain Composure in Stressful SituationsLearn Fast, Simple Ways to Relax & Avoid StressUse Acupressure for Stress ManagementTrade in Unhealthy Stress Management Strategies for Healthy OnesUse Meditation to Relax and Combat Stress, Use Meditation to Live More Peacefully and ""Nip Stress in the Bud"" at Earlier Stages of the Stress PatternRelax & Manage Stress (Under Pressure, Before Bed, Before Sex, for Sports Performance)Create Healthy Habits & Enjoy More Confidence & Peace in LifeUse Breathing Techniques to Control Stress Levels & Maintain Peace of MindUse Acupressure For Stress Relief in Specific SituationsSome of What You Will Learn in This Course:The Simplest Way to RelaxHow to Decompress in Less than 5 MinutesHow to Use ""The Buddha Belly Breathing Technique"" For Deep RelaxationAcupressure For Relaxing From Mental StressHow to Unwind Naturally After a Stressful DayHow to Manage StressThe Therapeutic Power of Music to Relieve Stress & Increase RelaxationAcupressure For Relaxation After Working on the Computer How to De-stressA Commonly Overlooked Way to Reduce Stress & Find PeaceA Little Trick That Actors Use to Calm the Body & Quiet the NervesAcupressure For Relaxing After Physical Work & SportsHow to Release Stress3 Powerful Mindfulness Techniques that Will Help You Beat Stress & AnxietyA Simple Meditation Practice For Beginner's To Become Relaxed & CenteredAcupressure For Relaxation After Long Periods of StudyingHow to Avoid StressHow to Calm Your Mind With This Easy PracticeA Clear Road Map For Weaving These Techniques Into Your Daily LifeAcupressure For Relaxation Before Sex, to Help You Fall Asleep Fast, For Adapting to Weather Change and More...Why You Should Take This Course:Better Mental, Emotional & Physical HealthEnhanced Overall Well-BeingReduced Stress & AnxietyIncreased Emotional & Mental ClarityIncreased Concentration & FocusEnhanced CreativityIncreased ProductivityMore Self ConfidenceGreater Self-AwarenessGreater Spiritual AwarenessMore HappinessMake Less Mistakes at Work and in Your Social LifeSome of the Questions Addressed in This Course:What is the simplest way to be calmer, to relax, to reduce stress?What is relaxation?How do I develop stress management skills?How to do you develop healthy relaxation techniques?What are some healthy alternatives to drinking alcohol?What thoughts or attitudes are helpful with stress management?How do I manage stress?What is Acupressure and how can it help me?What are the benefits of stress management?What are some different methods of stress management?How can Meditation help me to reduce stress?What is the best way to deal with anxiety and manage stress?How can I learn to manage stress better?What Should I Do Now?Give this course a chance to help you relieve stress and live more peacefully by enrolling today. All-natural stress management techniques can truly change your life, it did mine. I'm looking forward to seeing you on the inside if you choose to enroll."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Anger Management Techniques That Actually Work" |
"Are you tired of blowing up at people?That feeling of doing or saying something that you really didn't mean......The stress and pain it causes in your relationships...Learning to control your anger is critical to your physical, mental and emotional health as well.Many of the anger management techniques that I've come across don't address the problem at the core, but they instead just attempt to address the symptoms.So, in this course, you will find simple solutions that actually work!""I have gone through all of the videos and am working through the beginning exercises and I have already started to see changes in my anger management. Ken is wise and replies to my comments in a timely manner. An extremely useful course.""-Sarah Scott""I really loved this course. Just finished the last lesson and know the work starts. If you feel anger is taking over your life, remember than that it is not only you who suffers from that, it is your family, friends and all the people around you who loves you. Think about that and realize that it is not to late to change. I want to thank Ken for giving me that chance.""-Petra De Laet""This is a great course for reducing/eliminating anger from one's life. Ken provides easy tools to use that can be incorporated into your life right away. I noticed changes just from self awareness from course materials. I can't wait to see what transforms in the next two months. Highly recommended for the stressful world we all live in!""-Alex Polski""Another amazing course created by Ken. Very informative, high quality training, with lots of practical scenarios and examples. Thanks, Ken!""-Mihai Teodosiu""This course was surprisingly very good. I say that because I've been through many books and courses on the subject of Anger Management. I found this course to be insightful, easy to follow and usable. Ken lays out a philosophical framework but takes care to add practical application all the way through. I actually found myself fascinated at times by his descriptions of the processes by which we become angry. I really liked this course a lot.""-Dan Smith__________________________________________________________________This course is about more than just 'how to deal with anger'. It's going to give you a fresh perspective on what anger is, where it comes from and provide powerful, all-natural methods that will show you how to control anger...the right way.When you watch the video above, you will understand why it's important to learn and practice anger management techniques. Not only for relieving improving your relationships and feeling better, but also for improving your physical health!This is a Complete Anger Management Course that will teach you exactly how to deal with anger properly so you can relieve inner irritation and experience more peace, better relationships, more happiness and better health.All with a small time investment, starting with as little as 10 minutes per day and gradually building to about 30 minutes per day.This course will walk you through specifically why, what, when, where and exactly how to let go of anger quickly and how to deal with anger in ahealthy way.It explains exactly what true anger management is and how to manage anger from a place of power and choice. This is done through short, crisp lectures that provide practical techniques and tools that you can use immediately. It also shows you how to get rid of anger and how to avoid creating unnecessary anger in the future.What will Ibe able to do after enrolling in this course?Understand What Anger Is & Why You Get AngrySpot Your Dominant Anger TypeCatch Your Anger Flames Early Before They Turn into a Bonfire of ProblemsFind the Source of Your Anger & Uproot It at The CoreUse Breathing Exercises to Cool off Quickly When You Start to Get HotAvoid Anger by Consciously Cultivating Healthy, Useful States of ConsciousnessIncrease Your Emotional Awareness to Drastically Reduce Your Anger & Heal Your Negative EmotionsFollow a Practical Plan for Applying Everything in Your Everyday LifeSpot Your Anger Patterns QuicklyMaintain Composure and Perspective When Dealing with Your AngerCreate States of Deep Relaxation At WillWhat will Ilearn?The True Cost of Anger & Why You Should CareHow to Quickly Recognize Your Dominant Anger PersonalityThe Key That Unlocks the Door to Freedom from AngerThe Dirty Little Trick the Mind Plays on UsHow to Dissolve Negative Emotions & Have Greater Choice in Your Response to LifeHow to Quickly Relax & Restore Your Perspective Under PressureA Simple Breathing Exercise to Calm Your Nerves & Lower Your Blood PressureHow to Use Cool Blue Breathing To Control Your TemperHow to Use the Perception Management Worksheet to Pull the Mask off Your AngerHow to Increase Your Emotional Awareness in Only 10 Minutes Per DayA Simple Technique to Melt Anger & Other Painful EmotionsHow to UnGlue Yourself From AngerCreating Your Ideal State of ConsciousnessThe First Step To Regaining Control Over How You FeelA Roadmap for Putting Everything Together and More...Why You Should Take This Course:Better RelationshipsBetter Mental, Emotional & Physical HealthAvoid Missed OpportunitiesEnhanced Overall Well-BeingReduced Stress & AnxietyIncreased Emotional & Mental ClarityIncreased Concentration & FocusIncreased ProductivityMore Self ConfidenceGreater Self-AwarenessGreater Spiritual AwarenessMore HappinessMake Less Mistakes at Work and in Your Social LifeSome of the Questions Addressed in This Course:How do I control my anger outbursts?What are some good hacks for cooling off while you are feeling extremely angry?What is anger?What are the best ways to deal with anger?I get angry quickly and speak before thinking. How do I control this?Why am I so angry?I get angry a lot. What should I do?Is it okay to get angry?What's the most productive way to deal with anger?What motivates extremely angry people?How can I stop anger against myself? What are the best ways to reduce anger?How can I stop getting angry?Is this anger normal or am I overreacting?How can I work on controlling my temper?Why do I feel so short-tempered when I'm stressed?How to overcome anger?How do I develop anger management skills?What are the best anger management strategiesI've taken anger management classes without success, is there another way?I want to know how to let go of anger, what's the best way?What Should I Do Now?Give this course a chance to help you control anger and live more peacefully by enrolling today. All-natural anger management techniques can truly change your life, it did mine. I'm looking forward to seeing you on the inside if you choose to enroll."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"The Art of Mindfulness Meditation: Mindfulness Made Simple" |
"Mindfulness Meditationshould be a practice that anyone can benefit from.Unfortunately, there is a lot of confusion and complication around this simple practice. This course will make it clear, simple and easy for you to practice mindfulness.This course is about more than just how to practice mindfulness meditation.It's going to give you a fresh perspective on what mindfulness is and provide powerful,direct methodsthat will show youhow to meditate deeply using mindfulness meditation.No more trying to silence your mind in order to experience deep meditation.This is aComplete Mindfulness Meditation Coursethat will teach youexactlyhow to live more peacefully, enjoy your life more fully and experience more happiness and better health.All with asmall time investment, starting with as little as 5 minutes per day and gradually building to about 30 minutes per day.________________________________________________________________""Very informative and well delivered, Ken is easy to listen to and very knowledgable, love the guided meditation! Thank you""-Faye Couchman""This course is a wonderful introduction to Mindfulness Meditation. The instructor has a tremendous gift for summary and your time will *not* be wasted. When carefully reviewed, It will become obvious that a great deal of work has gone into making this course flow well and stay tightly focused on real results. Even on the first pass through the course I've received tangible benefits. It is evident throughout this course that Ken Wells has worked very hard with the ideas presented, achieved remarkable results in return for his effort, and has a sincere desire to help 'others'. This is likely the best Mindfulness course available on Udemy.""-Brian Hicks""Truly excellent Course . Ton of exercises and very practical ideas. What I love about the course is that the instructors makes it very clear that we can only get benefits from this material if we try and practice. Personally, I am very big on that.""-Braco Pobric""Great content. if you just started to meditate and you are new to this practice, Ken Wells really explains wee what Mindfulness Meditation means. He explains really well and he has great material to support the course.""-Christiana Eliott""Another great course by Ken. For new folks, I would suggest his first course, Meditation for Beginners. It introduces basic concepts and hits on the why behind meditation. This one is significantly more dense, but no less enjoyable. Kens' guided meditations are worth their weight in gold and will help you to deepen your meditation practice. Great work Ken, Thanks again.""-Wade Michels___________________________________________________________________When you watch the video above, you will understand why it's so important to practice mindfulness meditation.Not only for relieving stress and feeling better, but also for improving your physical health!What will I be able to do after enrolling in this course?Build Motivation for Practicing MindfulnessIncrease Your ConcentrationQuiet Your ""Inner Critic""Experience Greater Self-AwarenessOvercome Negative ThinkingRelax Your Body at WillExperience Peace of Mind Throughout Your DayOvercome Negative ThinkingReduce AnxietyConsistently Create States of Deep RelaxationAvoid Excessive WorryMaintain Composure and PoiseDissolve Inauthentic Aspects of YourselfDeepen Your Spiritual AwarenessDevelop a Consistent Mindfulness PracticeWhat will I learn?""The Awakened Body Guided Meditation""""The Mindful Breath Exercise""The Importance of Learning In The Flow Zone""The Integrative Breathing Exercise""""The Breath of Life Guided Meditation""""The Mindful Body Exercise""""The Active Body Exercise""""The Choice-less Observer Meditation""The Peaceful Mind Guided MeditationHow to Escape the Prison of the Mind""The Everyday Observer""""The Pathless Path to The Ever-Present One Guided Meditation""Dissolving All That You Are Not________________________________________________________________This course will walk you through specifically why, what, when, where and exactly how to mindfully meditate and how to meditate deeply using easy to use mindfulness meditation techniques.Mindfulness Meditationis the single best thing you can do for your mental, emotional & physical health.It explains exactly how mindfulness works and how to practice mindfulness in your everyday life, giving you the ability to relax at will.There are also Advanced Mindfulness Meditation Techniques that will help you to greatly increase the depth of your practice and enhance your Spiritual Awareness.Why You Should Take This Course:Greater Peace & RelaxationLess Ruminative ThinkingIncreased Clarity of MindBetter Mental, Emotional & Physical HealthMore Mental DisciplineIncreased Concentration & FocusEnhanced CreativityDecreased StressIncreased ProductivityMore Self ConfidenceGreater Self-AwarenessGreater Spiritual AwarenessReduced Stress & AnxietyMore HappinessMake Less Mistakes at Work and in Your Social LifeIncreased Mental Strength & Mental ToughnessGreater IntuitionBetter Organizational SkillsFaster cognitive functioningSome Questions This Course Answers:Is it really worth it to practice mindfulness?How do mindfulness practices work, and what are their benefits?How can mindfulness benefit your work?How do you practice mindfulness meditation?How exactly can a person watch his or her thoughts?What are the best mindfulness exercises?How can I meditate in a house in a city where I hear car alarms and motorcycle noises?My mind is always looking for reason to worry, why and what can I do for that?Why is it so hard to meditate?How does mindfulness affect the brain?Why is it so hard to completely quiet one's mind during meditation?How can I learn to live in the present?Does mindfulness actually help to relieve stress?Are the benefits of mindfulness proven scientifically?Am I doing this right?What are some proper mindfulness meditation techniques?What Should I Do Now?Give the course a chance to help you relieve stress and live more peacefully by enrolling today. Mindfulness meditation can truly change your life, it did mine. I'm looking forward to seeing you on the inside if you choose to enroll."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Persuasion Power 1: Effective Communication Skills" |
"Persuasion is effective communication.The fact is that we influence each other all the time whether we like it or not. Communication is a like a thread that runs through every area of your life.This course is about more than just how to influence others.It's going to give you a fresh perspective on what persuasion is and provide powerful,direct methodsthat will show youhow to communicate more effectivelyandunderstand other people more fullystarting today.This is aComplete Persuasion and Communication Skills Coursethat will teach youexactlyhow to influence others, get what you want and experience more choice and better relationships.All with asmall time investment, starting with as little as 5-10 minutes per day and gradually building to about 30 minutes per day.When you watch the video above, you will understand why it's so important to learn how to communicate effectively.Not only for being more persuasive and getting your way more of the time, but also for improving your relationships!_____________________________________________________________________""One of the best courses of more than 30 + that I have completed.""-Rowan Staggs""Excellent content and professionally put together. The instructor was great!""-Jonathan Gills""This course is really cool. I never realized how much is going on when interacting with someone. I'm halfway through and I've found several tools that I've started to use and am already seeing a real difference. Ken explains things very clearly and provides specific action steps to apply what he is teaching. He really knows his stuff.""-Agueda Cruz""Essential, no Time wasting, Very Understandable, Concrete""-Bradong Weiss""Straight to the point! Recommended.""-Janeen Vang______________________________________________________________________This course will allow you to understand those around you better, communicate more effectively and influentially and present your ideas in a more engaging, persuasive way.People will like you, respect you and want to follow along with you, far more often, when you use these skills.What will Ibe able to DO after enrolling?Skillfully Capture and Lead Your Audience's Attention (Become ""The Center of Attention"")Create Deep Levels of Rapport QuicklyConsistently Establish Trust and RespectSpeak More PersuasivelyEstablish the Correct Frame of Mind for Persuasion and Effective CommunicationPersuade People to Accept Your Ideas and/or Outcome(s)Use Your Body Language to Increase Your PresenceInfluence People to Take Action on Your IdeasCommunicate with Authority and High StatusUse Your Voice To Create Deeper Impact of Your MessageAvoid Objections and Resistance to Your IdeasCreate a Practical Plan for Mastering the Skills in This CourseWhy else would someone want to learn these skills and become an effective communicator?Why should you care about being more influential and persuasive?Make More MoneyMore Respect/Greater PrestigeBe at Cause Instead of at EffectRecognize When Someone Is Trying to Influence You and Protect Yourself Against Negative InfluenceBe Liked and Trusted By OthersHave Greater Choice in Your Work and Your Personal LifeHave The Ability to Effectively Lead PeopleWin People Over to Your Way of ThinkingInfluence People to Take Action on Your IdeasMore Social Influence - Think Dating, Friends, etc.What will Ilearn?""The Best Way to Establish Rapport Quickly""""How to See Inside Other People's Minds""""Understanding the Communication Dance""""How to Package Your Message for Maximum Impact""""The Counter intuitive Nature of Influence""""How to Get People to Go Along with Your Ideas""""How to Communicate That You Are an Authority Figure with High Status""""Authenticity: The Magic Background of Persuasion""""How to Speak and Behave with Authority""""How to Signal Authority Without Saying a Word""""How to Avoid Sending Signals of Weakness""""How to Influence How People Receive Your Message""""How to Infuse Your Words with Life and Emotion for Greater Impact""""Using Your Voice to Capture and Focus Your Listener's Attention""""A Powerful Way to Re-Engage Your Audience""""A Simple Way to Lead Someone's Attention""""How to Powerfully Lead People to Your Outcome""""How to Use Pre-Framing to Control the Communication Dance""""How to Avoid Objections and Resistance""""The 4 Stages of Learning on Your Path to Mastery""____________________________________________________________________This course will walk you through specifically why, what, when, where and exactly how to persuade others and move through the world with greater influence and presence.Some of the Questions answered in this course:How can you improve your communication skills?Why do I easily run out of things to say in conversations? How can I avoid this?What are some tricks for having an interesting conversation with someone you just met?Why are communication skills so vital?Do I have to pretend or ""be someone I'm not"" to be persuasive?Isn't persuasion inherently manipulative?Can you be influential and persuasive and still have integrity?How can you reasonably practice these skills with a busy life?Is it worth it to take the time to learn these skills?Can you really build deep levels of rapport with people you just met?How do you get people to like you fast?How do you quickly develop trust with other people?What makes people make decisions that seem irrational?Can someone who is an introvert be a powerful and influential communicator?What Should I Do Now?Give the course a chance to help you become a better communicator and increase your ability to persuade and engage others by enrolling today. Effective Communication can truly change your life, it did mine. I'm looking forward to seeing you on the inside if you choose to enroll."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Persuasion Power 2: Magic Words That Influence" |
"Persuasionis effective communication. The fact is that we influence each other all the time whether we like it or not. Communication is a like a thread that runs through every area of your life.This course will allow you to quickly speak more persuasively andpresent your ideas in a more engaging, naturalway, that more people understand._______________________________________________________________""Excellent high quality practical course. Loads of cool stuff you can say and do right now to be super persuasive. Its power lies in its practicality :)""-Billy Stelljes""Very helpful and easy to learn, keep up the good work :)""-Niclas Danielsson""Really well done!""-Annett Schmitt""Ken never disappoints. He is a great teacher. This is undoubtedly a great course full of practical advises. Tune in and change your reality. Thanks a lot Ken for this wonderful course.-Veera Chimmili""The course is interesting and informative""-Hazel Felts""Useful Tool! Highly Recommended""-Janice Wheeler________________________________________________________________What I've done here is provide some of the most effective andeasiest to learn words, phrases and patterns that you can plug any content into, whether verbal, written, one on one or presenting to a group.You'll learn how to present your ideas, in such a way, that there is virtually no resistance to them, when you use these toolscorrectly.Igive examples and descriptions of why everything works and how to use them in your life immediately to increase your influence. I think you'll find yourself surprised at how effective these tools are, to the point where, you're havingseveral ""aha moments"" as you go through the material.When youwatch the video above, you will understand why it's so important to learn how to communicate effectively.Not only for being more persuasive and getting your way more of the time, but also for improving your relationships!People will like you, respect you and want to follow along with you, far more often, when you use these skills.What will I be able to DO after enrolling?Know How to ""Get Past The Guard at The Gate""Create New Thoughts, Feelings and Actions in Other PeopleSpeak More PersuasivelyAvoid Resistance to Your MessageMake Your SuggestionsEasier to 'Digest'GreatlyAmplify The Power of Your MessageCreate States of Greater Suggestibility in Your AudienceConvince Others To Take Action On Your IdeasCreate Positive Associations With Your Product, Service or IdeaFollow a Simple Plan For Learning and Applying These SkillsWhy else would someone want to learn these skills and become an effective communicator?Why shouldyoucare about being more influential and persuasive?Make More MoneyMore Respect/Greater PrestigeBe at Cause Instead of at EffectRecognize When Someone Is Trying to Influence You and Protect Yourself Against Negative InfluenceBe Liked and Trusted By OthersHave Greater Choice in Your Work and Your Personal LifeHave The Ability to Effectively Lead PeopleWin People Over to Your Way of ThinkingInfluence People to Take Action on Your IdeasMore Social Influence - Think Dating, Friends, etc.This course is about more than just how to influence others.It's going to give you a fresh perspective on what persuasion is and provide powerful,direct methodsthat will show youhow to communicate more effectivelyandunderstand other people more fullystarting today.All with asmall time investment, starting with as little as 10-15minutes per day and gradually building to about 30 minutes per day.Some of the Questions answered in this course:How can Iquickly learn to have more persuasive speech?How can you improve your communication skills?What are some tricks for having an interesting conversation with someone you just met?Why are communication skills so vital?Do I have to pretend or ""be someone I'm not"" to be persuasive?Can you be influential and persuasive and still have integrity?How can you reasonably practice these skills with a busy life?Is it worth it to take the time to learn these skills?What are some of the most effective ways to increase your persuasion skills fast?What Should I Do Now?Give the course a chance to help you become a better communicator and increase your ability to persuade and engage others by enrolling today.Effective Communication can truly change your life, it did mine. I'm looking forward to seeing you on the inside when youchoose to enroll."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Meditation for Beginners: Taming The Monkey Mind" |
"Meditation is simple although many people don't find it easy to do. One of the biggest challenges facedby people just beginning to learn how to meditateis trying to overcome ""The Monkey Mind"".The monkey mind is simply an overactive mind that seems to prevent you from practicing meditation and mindfulness.In this course, you will learnsimple meditation techniquesthat will allow you to meditate, despite having an active mind.______________________________________________________________""This is the most direct and easy to use meditation approach I've ever seen.""-Rex Berry""Instructor explained meditation in easy to understand terms. I always thought meditation was some complex process and you had to get your body in state and do hours of practice but the method he trained us on is much more simple and easy!""-Gerard DeSousa""Outstanding course for a beginner. I'm going to take it again.""-Bob Klug""Excellent course because instructor is very knowledgeable and he presented this topic in a very clear and easy way to understand.""-Pawan Babbar""I enjoyed the first run through of the course. What's different about this course is setting early expectations. It breaks down the process into much smaller pieces to better get the process of meditation started. I am going to continue to follow the guidelines of this course and give it and me time to establish a solid 10 minute practice of meditation""-Paul Grooms_________________________________________________________________This course is a recording of a webinar Idid for several students, so you'll get to follow along and hear the answers to the questions the students asked, as Iwent through the material.What will Ibe able to DO after Ienroll?Establish A Solid Understanding Of Why You're Having Trouble MeditatingImprove Your Meditation Practice Without Silencing Your MindIncrease Your Willpower and ConcentrationAvoid Sabotaging Your Meditation PracticeOvercome The Biggest Challenge Faced By BeginnersAvoid Getting Caught in Thought During MeditationDissolve Unpleasant EmotionsPractice The Art of Non-JudgmentPractice Meditation in Your Daily LifeAvoid Subtle Forms of ProcrastinationRecognize When Your Meditation is 'Working'________________________________________________________________________This course is an excellent starting point for someone brandnew to meditation or for someone still struggling to develop a consistent practice.We covera simple model to help you understand what is going on when you meditate and what you need to do, to enhance the quality of your meditation practice.Ishare a simple technique which has formedthe basis of my own meditation practice for the past 12 years.We also look at some of the nuisances associated with meditation and how to navigate the 'inner terrain' of your being.After that, we dive into how to develop a new relationship with your thoughts and how to avoid getting stuck in concepts as you begin to practice meditation.Although this is a 'meditation for beginners' course, we dive into some more advanced concepts as well throughout the course.You may find all your questions getting answered as you watch the videos and listen to my responses as students were asking questions throughout the webinar.Some of the Questions answered in this course:Should Ilisten to meditation music while meditating?How frequently should you practice the meditation techniques outlined in this course?What is the correct body posture for meditation?How should you breath during meditation?What do you do with your thoughts during meditation?What are some of the problems associated with stress?What does one of the most creative minds on the planet have to say about creativity andmeditation?What is a good meditation technique to do before bed to help fall asleep?How do you keep surrounding sounds from distracting you during meditation?What is the best time of day to meditate?How do you make sitting more comfortable during meditation?Can these exercises be used by children?Do the techniques in this course help with anxiety?Is it possible to meditate while running or biking?What is ""the flow state""?How to stop fighting your mind during meditation?Why am Inot in the mood to meditate?What do Ido if Ihave an itch during meditation?What Should I Do Now?Give the course a chance to help you relieve stress and live more peacefully by enrolling today.Meditation can truly change your life, it did mine. I'm looking forward to seeing you on the inside whenyouchoose to enroll."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"How to Stop Worrying & Overcome Anxiety Without Using Drugs" |
"Are you tired of wasting your precious time and energy worrying all the time?Do you see the insanity of constant worrying but youcan't seem to stop doing it?Are you ready to learn how to deal with anxiety without taking drugs?This course will walk you through specificallywhy, how, when, where and exactly what you need to do to stop worrying andstart actually living your life.The fact is millions of people spend hours everyday worry.We worry about money...we worry about our health...we worry about our relationships.The vast majority of our worries never happen.Even thoughwe intuitively know this...we can't stop worrying.It's like an itch that we know we shouldn't scratch...but we keep scratching and scratching anyways...""Another great course. Short and sweet. I'm going to re-watch it several times for sure. As Tony Robbins says ""repetition is the mother of skills"". Highly recommended. Thanks Ken.""-Stefano Buiaroni""I love this course. The teacher gives very precise explanation and it's easy to follow.""-Anna Plotkin""So far it makes a lot of sense. We create our own worries that aren't even reality base and focus to much on negative things before they ever happen.""-Matt West___________________________________________________________What will I learn?How to Identify the Source of Your WorriesHow to Stop Worrying and Other Negative Thoughts Patterns QuicklyHow to Change Your Emotional State at WillHow to Stop Anxiety in It's TracksA Simple Technique For Letting Your Worries Dissolve NaturallyHow to Allow Your Subconscious Mind to Come Up With Solutions to Problems For You, So you Can Rest EasyHow to EasilyLower Your Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in MinutesHow toChoose Healthier Responses to Life's ChallengesEstablish a Solid Morning Routine that leads to more Peace, Confidence and Composure, throughout Your DayLearning how to dramatically reduce your worries and get rid of anxiety is one of the best things you can do for your mental, emotional and physical health.There's no need to spend hours and hours watching videos. I've boiled everything downtoexactly what you need to know and exactly what you need to do to get lastingresults fast.Some of the Questions answered in this course:What is worrying?Why do people worry?How to help anxiety without prescription drugs?How should one stop worrying about the future and start living happily?How can I stop worrying about what other people think?I did something wrong; how do I stop worrying about it?How can I stop worrying about ridiculous things?How can I stop worrying and over-thinking about everything?How can I stop worrying about what other people think of my failures?What Should I Do Now?Give thiscourse a chance to help you relieve your worries and live more peacefully by enrolling today.These techniques can truly change your life, theydid mine.I'm looking forward to seeing you on the inside whenyouchoose to enroll."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"The 7-Step Surefire System for Goal Setting and Achievement" |
"Goal setting is usually something that's done wrong. It's one thing to set goals, it's another thing entirely, to actually achieve them.How many times have you used goal setting techniques only to lose motivation or never even get started?Because, at the end of the day, we don't care about goal setting techniques, we care about actually accomplishing our goals.So, in this program you will learn a simple system, that will allow you to effectively plan and achieve your goals.""This course is all about action. I like it very much. It's straight the point and you immediately start taking action, with just the right amount of detail. Efficient, lean courses are generally what I prefer. This course delivered as promised.""-Richard Moritz""I've used SMART goals for years - but Ken adds some bits and pieces to the concept that are interesting and useful. I plan to apply his style during my next goal review.""-Sean Shaughnessey""Awesome course!!!""-Sachitra Liyanage_____________________________________________________________Are you truly ready to take charge of your life and achieve yourrealgoals faster than you ever thought was possible?If so, you may have heard of setting S.M.A.R.T. GoalsIt's essentially aproven systemforgoal settingthat really helps youto correctlyplan,clarifyandbuild motivationfor yourgoals,making them much more real to you.The thing is, even though its a great method that really works, there are somegaping holes in that systemIt leaves out a fewkey areasthat, if missed, can lead toself-sabotage,loss of motivationand also to""winning the battle but losing the war"".Simply put, it can lead toexcelling in one area...but failing miserably in many others.So, in this class, you will learn how to createS.M.A.R.T.E.R. Goalsthat not only make full use of the benefits of the original, proven system but alsofill those gaping holes.The end result being a much morecomplete, motivatingandrealistic vision of your goalsand how to achieve them,without setting yourself up for failure down the road.You will also receivea A Powerful Guided Meditation for Achieving Your Goals, that will allow you to Tap into the Power of Your Subconscious Mind, to Help You get and Stay Motivated and Enjoy the process of achieving Your Goals More.It's a great addition to your morning routine or daily success regimen.What else will I learn?How to Avoid Sabotaging All Your Hard WorkHow to Find Your ""Why"" and Create Momentum to Reach Your GoalsHow to ""Reverse Engineer"" Your Way to SuccessHow to Beat Procrastination and Build Motivation to Achieve Your GoalsHow to Keep Your Goals Relevant over TimeThe Key to On-Going Goal AchievementSo, go ahead andenroll now, so you canstop settlingandstart living the lifeyou know you deserve today!"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"NLP Ninja Vol 1: Beyond Goal Setting - NLP Demystified" |
"If you don't decide what you want in life..You'll end up living someone else's vision.Youll discover powerful, yet simple techniques to think more clearly & effectively, consistently motivate yourself to take action and turn your wispy day dreams into deliver on demand blueprints.Master the use of NLP outcomes and apply NLP principles to move light years beyond your old results...even if you're an absolute beginner.What will I be able to DO after I enroll?UNCOVER Your Master Motivation StrategyCHANGE Your Sub Modalities to Increase Motivation and Have Greater Control over Your BehaviorACCELERATE Your Learning and Reduce Your Frustration by Understanding the 4 Stages of LearningDeeply UNDERSTAND Human Behavior Through Applying NLP PrinciplesUSE NLP Principles as a Guide for Ensuring Your Behavior Is Optimized for Reaching Your GoalsBetter ORGANIZE and Clarify Your ThinkingHave PURPOSE and Direction in Your LifeESTABLISH Your Life OutcomesUse NLP Outcomes to STRUCTURE That Motivating and AchievableIdentify and OVERCOME Potential Obstacles to Realizing Your GoalsTRAIN Your Mind to See Opportunities and Blast past Limitations""Ken has a way of making the content of his courses Abundantly CLEAR. More important than that he makes it Super Easy to Understand Fully how to make Proper Application of the material. And Best of all he makes the seemingly impossible seem Extremely Possible by showing the bridge between where you are and where you want to be. Thank you Ken! :-)""-Rose B.""Fantastic! Thank you!!!! I went through alot of motivational stuff before but this is way beyond simple positive thinking and motivation. A true game changer!-Ross Jones""This is a course every one must basically know in order to get through with one's daily and major goals in life. Concise and practical. Nicely done by Ken.""-Edra WhiteBecome the director of your lifeIstumbled upon NLP about 20 years ago. At the time, Ihad no idea the real power of the tools and techniques Iwas learning about.In fact, it took me about 5 years and a lot of research and thought before IREALLY understood what NLPwas all about.Istruggled with the books and programs Iwas trying to learn from because they were often taught in a technical way and loaded with NLP jargon.My goal with this course was to create a simple to understand program, taught in everyday language that provides practical tools that people can use to make major changes in their lives.You'll learn a revealing technique allows you to uncover your personal motivation strategy. Iremember when Ifirst really got was a game changer for me and my ability to motivate myself.We're going to dive deeply into the presuppositions and pillars of NLP, which are the guiding principles that underpin ALL NLPtechniques. This will change the way you view almost everything in life.For me, learning these principles was like being handed the owner's manual I always wished Ihad. An owner's manual for my brain and a clear map for dealing with other people and the world at large.Next, we jump in and start working with NLP outcomes. Ialways struggled with having a clear purpose and direction in life, before Istarted using NLP outcomes. They will make traditional goal setting a thing of the past for you and instead provide you with an updated model and way to think about your aims in life.We're also going to be pulling the current back on the obstacles that you may be holding you back and show them for what they really are...prepare to be surprised.What will I learn specifically?The 4 Stages of Learning on Your Path to MasteryHow to Uncover the Master Motivation Strategy That Lies Hidden in Your BrainHow to Have Purpose and Direction in Your LifeThe Most Important Decisions You Will Ever Make...Obstacles to Your Outcome...Real or Imagined?How to Tune Your Mind for SuccessThe Most Important Decisions You Will Ever Make...What Is NLP and Why Should I Care?The Pillars of NLPThe Presuppositions of NLPWhat Are NLP Outcomes?In short, when you finish the course, you'll be ableto take control of your life, blast past your limitations, understand the world and other people better and have a heck of a lot more fun in life.So, go ahead click the green buy now button on the right hand side, so you can begin elevating your thinking and results in life and learn strategies to put you on a whole different level...What have you got to lose? If you do nothing, nothing will change.If you dont love the course..if it doesnt deliver on every promise, you can always get 100% of your money back, so theres no reason not to enroll.Once you enroll youre given step by step instructions and easy to follow exercises.Best of all, you'll have my help should you have questions or need help applying the techniques in a specific situation."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Easy Card Tricks: 7 Steps to Card Mentalism" |
"7 Steps to Card Mentalism. Video Training Course. Extremely easy to do! In the development of this course we taught a 12 year old kid. A Singaporean with english as a second language, and even a 72 year old grandma who learned and performed some of these in minutes.You can use any deck of card, even a borrowed deck! No one can accuse you of rigging a pack or having marked cards with these powerful mentalism tricks.No gaffs, gimmicks or complicated props required. So many tricks on sale are very disappointing when you actually learn how they work as you often have to spend ages rigging the deck or buying expensive props, meaning you can't do them when asked to on the spot, with 7 steps to card mentalism you can perform them, anywhere, anytime with just a single pack of cards, yours, or theirs!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"70-461 Session 5: Querying Microsoft SQL Server (write SQL)" |
"If you are in UfB, welcome.If you are not, don't buy this course. Instead, please look at my 70-461 Session 1-7: Querying Microsoft SQL Server (SQL code) course instead, which includes this course and 6 other courses.This course is the foundation for the Microsoft Certificate 70-461: ""Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012"".In Sessions 1 and 2, we learned all about dates, strings and number data types and DML statements. In sessions 3 and 4, we created views, procedures, triggers, constraints and combining datasets.We'll will now be creating aggregate queries, working through objective 9 of the exam 70-461. We'll be reviewing the ranking functions ROW_NUMBER, RANK, DENSE_RANK and NTILE. We'll look at the 8 analytic functions news to SQL Server 2012, such as LAG, LEAD, FIRST_VALUE and LAST_VALUE.We'll look at alternative ways of grouping and adding totals, using ROLLUP, CUBE, GROUPING SETS and GROUPING_ID. We'll also look at the geometry and geography data types, plotting locations on a grid, together with functions and aggregates.No prior knowledge other than what we covered in Sessions 1 to 4 is required. This course builds on the knowledge previously gained in those previous sessions.There are regular quizzes to help you remember the information.Once finished, you will know what how to write ranking functions, analytic functions, grouping sets and spatial aggregates, and we'll have expanded on our current knowledge of T-SQL."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"70-461 Sessions 1 and 2: Querying Microsoft SQL Server" |
"If you are in UfB, welcome.If you are not, don't buy this course. Instead, please look at my 70-461 Session 1-7: Querying Microsoft SQL Server (SQL code) course instead, which includes this course and 6 other courses.Reviews:""Best I've seen. Instead of just throwing information at me, I'm able to work along with the instructor. Thanks!!!"" -- Charles Schweiger""Lots of material covered in an easy-to-follow way. Not too slow, and not too face. Great job!"" -- Anita ParksThis course is the foundation for the Microsoft Certificate 70-461: ""Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012/2014"".Rather than present one huge course, this course takes some of the basics and then goes in depth. The basics presented are: how to install SQL Server, and how to create and drop tables.We then try to create a more advanced table, but find that we need to know more about data types - so we go into some detail about data types and data functions, the foundation of T-SQL.In session 2 (the second half of this course), we'll look at the 6 principal clauses of the SELECT statement: SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING and ORDER BY. We'll look at how the FROM can be expanded to JOIN 2 or 3 tables, and then we'll finish by inserting, updating and deleting data.No prior knowledge is required - I'll even show you how to install SQL Server on your computer for free!There are regular quizzes to help you remember the information.Once finished, you will know what how to manipulate numbers, strings and dates, and create database and tables, and have an appreciation of how they can all be used in T-SQL."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"70-461 Session 3: Querying Microsoft SQL Server (T-SQL)" |
"If you are in UfB, welcome.If you are not, don't buy this course. Instead, please look at my 70-461 Session 1-7: Querying Microsoft SQL Server (SQL code) course instead, which includes this course and 6 other courses.This course is the foundation for the Microsoft Certificate 70-461: ""Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012"".In Session 1, we learned all about dates, strings and number data types, and in Session 2 we constructed SELECT queries using SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING and ORDER BY, and JOINing multiple tables together.We'll now use that data to create views, which enable us to store these SELECT queries for future use, and triggers, which allow for code to be automatically run when INSERTing, DELETEing or UPDATEing data.We'll look at the database that we developed in session 2, and see what is wrong with it. We'll add some constraints, such as UNIQUE, CHECK, PRIMARY KEY and FOREIGN KEY constraints, to stop erroneous data from being added some data. By doing this, we will complete objectives 2, 3, 4 and 5 from the 70-461 exam.No prior knowledge other than what we covered in Sessions 1 and 2 is required. However, prior experience with Excel or Access would be beneficial.There are regular quizzes to help you remember the information.Once finished, you will know what how to write triggers, views and constraints, and we'll have expanded on our current knowledge of T-SQL."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"70-461, 761: Querying Microsoft SQL Server with Transact-SQL" |
"Previously available as seven separate courses, now presented in one big course.Reviews""The instructor explain the things in great details. Very easy to follow."" - Linda Shen""Excellent course, valuable lessons, very well taught at a great pace."" - Shane Tanberg""Must get tutorial. Love it"" - Hayford IOsumanu""Perfect step by step guide to learning. Best I've seen."" - Charles Schweiger""This course is very well thought out. Its one of the better 70-461 courses on Udemy."" - Isrrael M-------------------------This course is the foundation for the Microsoft Certificate 70-461: ""Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012"" and 70-761 ""Querying Data with Transact-SQL"".Session 1The basics presented are: how to install SQL Server, and how to create and drop tables.We then try to create a more advanced table, but find that we need to know more about data types - so we go into some detail about data types and data functions, the foundation of T-SQL.Session 2We'll create tables which use these, and then INSERT some data into them. Then we'll write queries which will retrieve and summary this data, using SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING and ORDER BY. We'll then JOIN these tables together to find where we are missing data and where we have inconsistent data. We'll then UPDATE and DELETE data from the tables. This will allow up to fully complete objective number 1 from the 70-461 exam.Session 3We'll now use that data to create views, which enable us to store these SELECT queries for future use, and triggers, which allow for code to be automatically run when INSERTing, DELETEing or UPDATEing data.We'll look at the database that we developed in session 2, and see what is wrong with it. We'll add some constraints, such as UNIQUE, CHECK, PRIMARY KEY and FOREIGN KEY constraints, to stop erroneous data from being added some data. By doing this, we will complete objectives 2, 3, 4 and 5 from the 70-461 examSession 4We will further encapsulate our routines by creating procedures, allowing us to EXECUTE parameterised commands with just one statement, and we'll add some error handling with TRY, CATCH and THROW. We'll also combine datasets together, by looking at UNION and UNION ALL, INTERSECT and EXCEPT, CASE, ISNULL and Coalesce, and the mighty MERGE statement. By doing this, we will complete objectives 11, 12, 13 and parts of 6 and 18 from the 70-461 exam.Session 5We'll will now be creating aggregate queries, working through objective 9 of the exam 70-461. We'll be reviewing the ranking functions ROW_NUMBER, RANK, DENSE_RANK and NTILE. We'll look at the 8 analytic functions news to SQL Server 2012, such as LAG, LEAD, FIRST_VALUE and LAST_VALUE.We'll look at alternative ways of grouping and adding totals, using ROLLUP, CUBE, GROUPING SETS and GROUPING_ID. If you want to take the 70-461 exam, we'll also look at the geometry and geography data types, plotting locations on a grid, together with functions and aggregates.Session 6We'll will now be creating sub-queries, working through objectives 7b-e of the exam 70-461. We'll be created correlated subqueries, where the results of the subquery depend on the main query. We'll be looking at Common Table Expressions using the WITH statement, and we'll be using what we have learned to solve a common business problem.We'll be looking at functions (objective 14), including the three different types of User Defined Functions (UDF): scalar functions, inline table functions, and multi-statement table functions. We'll then complete objective 6 by looking at synonyms and dynamic SQL, and objective 8 by looking at the use of GUIDs. We'll also look at sequences. We'll have a look at XML. Finally, for SQLServer 2016 and later (exam 70-761), we'll examine JSON and Temporal Tables.Session 7In this session we'll be looking at transactions, seeing how to explicitly start and end them, and finding out how they can block other users in the database. Then we'll see about how to indexes and their role inoptimisingqueries.We'll also see how we can use Dynamic Management Views to see how we can improve our use of indexes.We'll then look at how to write a cursor, and when to use this row-based operation, and the impact of using scalar UDFs.No prior knowledge is required - I'll even show you how to install SQL Server on your computer for free!There are regular quizzes to help you remember the information.Once finished, you will know what how to manipulate numbers, strings and dates, and create database and tables, create tables, insert data and create analyses, and have an appreciation of how they can all be used in T-SQL."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"70-461 Session 4: Querying Microsoft SQL Server (T-SQL)" |
"If you are in UfB, welcome.If you are not, don't buy this course. Instead, please look at my 70-461 Session 1-7: Querying Microsoft SQL Server (SQL code) course instead, which includes this course and 6 other courses.This course is the foundation for the Microsoft Certificate 70-461: ""Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012"".In Session 1, we learned all about dates, strings and number data types, and in Session 2 we constructed SELECT queries, JOINed multiple tables together and used DML commands, and in Session 3 we created views, constraints and triggers to encapsulate language and improve security.We will further encapsulate our routines by creating procedures, allowing us to EXECUTE parameterised commands with just one statement, and we'll add some error handling with TRY, CATCH and THROW. We'll also combine datasets together, by looking at UNION and UNION ALL, INTERSECT and EXCEPT, CASE, ISNULL and Coalesce, and the mighty MERGE statement. By doing this, we will complete objectives 11, 12, 13 and parts of 6 and 18 from the 70-461 exam.No prior knowledge other than what we covered in Sessions 1 to 3 is required. However, prior experience with Excel or Access would be beneficial.There are regular quizzes to help you remember the information.Once finished, you will know what how to write procedures, add error handling, and combine datasets together, and we'll have expanded on our current knowledge of T-SQL."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |