Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Complete English Grammar Tests Part 2" |
"This course is designed for English learners who want to have their understandingof English grammar thoroughly checked and evaluated, then improve any weakareas of their grammar. Complete EnglishGrammar Tests aim to provide valid and reliable grammar tests on all majorareas of English grammar and successfully teach you grammar rules in theareas that you feel confused or less confident.Complete EnglishGrammar Tests consist of two parts of two separate, independent courses. Thiscourse is Part2 which tests your understanding of thepassive, relative clauses, conditionals, conjunctions, noun phrases &clauses, comparatives and superlatives. Each section of this course is in three stages. In stage 1, you will takea test on a particular grammar area. After taking this first test, you willcheck the answers and figure out what specific grammar rules you need to study.In stage 2, you will have lectures that explain grammar rules and structures. Thisstage will ensure that you have learned all major grammar rules. The last stagewill present another set of 20 questions. This stage will help you to review therules and confirm that you have mastered all target grammar rules andstructures.This course will give you an opportunity to polish your grammar andbecome more confident about communicating in English. Take this course and become capable of using English grammar accurately."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Python Crashkurs fr (Quer) Einsteiger" |
"Python ist eine der momentan am weitesten verbreiten Programmiersprachen auf dem Markt. Sie zeichnet sich durch eine gute Lesbarkeit, einfache Erlernbarkeit, bersichtlichkeit und Effektivitt aus.Dieser Crashkurs gibt dir in sechs Stunden einen kompakten Einblick in die Kernelemente der Sprache. Wir werden uns nach der Installation die Basics anschauen, was insbesondere grundlegende Strukturen in imperativen Programmiersprachen wie Verzweigungen, Schleifen, Funktionen oder Variablen einschliet. Mit diesem Wissen im Gepck steigern wir das Level und werfen einen Blick in die objektorientierte und funktionale Programmierung. Die fortgeschrittenen Themen orientieren sich an der umfangreichen Standardbibliothek und decken die Arbeit mit Zeitangaben, JSON und regulren Ausdrcken ab. Abgerundet wird der Kurs mit einem Exkurs in die Welt der Unittests.Ich achte beim Kurs darauf, dass wir nah an der Dokumentation arbeiten, da der Kurs als Sprungbrett fr die eigenstndige Erforschung der Sprache dienen soll.Die Zielgruppe sind Programmierein- und Umsteiger. Neben dem grundstzlichen Wissen im Umgang mit Computern sind keine weiteren Vorkenntnisse erforderlich.Wenn du den perfekten Einstiegskurs fr Python 3 suchst, bist du an dieser Stelle richtig!Wichtiger Hinweis: Aus- und Abschnitte des Kurses, insbesondere die Python Basics, kommen ebenfalls in anderen Kursen wie z.B. dem Django-Kurs vor. Aber auch als Teilnehmer solcher Kurse kannst du in den fortgeschrittenen Themen in diesem Kurs noch einiges lernen!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Das eigene Wiki fr Dokumentation, etc. mit DokuWiki" |
"Wikipedia, die freie Enzyklopdie, hat nachhaltig die Art und Weise der Wissensverbreitung verndert. Grundlage und Erfolgsfaktor ist das Wiki-Prinzip, das eine Kollaboration mehrerer Nutzer an einer Seite ermglicht.Doch wie knnen Sie dieses fr Ihr Projekt, Ihre Dokumentation oder Ihr Unternehmen einsetzen? Das zeige ich in diesem Kurs!Denn heutzutage ist die Software fr Wikis so weit entwickelt, das sich schnell ein solches aufsetzen und einrichten lsst.Im Kurs stelle DokuWiki, eine bekannte und nutzerfreundliche Software fr ein Wiki vor. Wir werden die Software installieren einrichten und gemeinsam die ersten Schritte wagen. Tipps zur Administration und Organisation runden den Kurs ab.Fr den Kurs ist je nach Anforderung ein eigener Webspace oder lediglich ein Windows-Computer erforderlich."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Create an entire Internet Of Things Project in 60 Minutes" |
"Internet of things is an area in computer sciences that isliterally changing the world.This course will teach you how to build an IoT project from A to Zall in less than one hour. You will be able to build an Android App(And a web app) that lets you control the color of a light source (Could beyour room, street light, campus light, anything) no matter how faryou are. And as a result youll gain the necessary skill-set tobuild any type of IoT system no matter how complex it is.Arduino is the most popular IoT board ever created , so we'll use it to build the hardware."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Successfully Organise Your Finances" |
"Mark brings you his amazingFinancial tips to help you save, spend wisely, invest in your future and do so with the least possible effort and without stopping living your life as you want to.This course covers various topics of financial education to help you sort out your situation and push towards new financial targets. The lectures are a culmination of years of academic, business and personal development work guided and supported by financial expertise of gurus, teachers, mentors and academics. All of this is now easily accessible in a comfortable format to save time and money (financial education costs thousands and thousands of pounds).How can you organise yourself to have the best financial habits? Is your salary lasting for as long as it should do?Maybe you think you spend your money efficiently, but could you do some more cost-cutting?Do you know about the method, 'automation' to stop you wasting money?Prioritise your spending after learning here what a smart investment is vs a wasteful investment, or a liability.Patience is also needed on the journey of delayed gratification - are you ready to wait before spending?Debt and credit can be friends or foes, depending on your financial techniques.These points and more comprise this unique new course of mine about financial education: How to Successfully Organise Your FinancesStart taking control of your wallet and bank today to reach your objectives once and for all!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS EMR and Spark 2 using Scala" |
"Learn AWS EMR and Spark 2 using Scala as programming languageSpark is in memory distributed computing framework in Big Data eco systemand Scala is programming language. It is one of the hottest technologies in Big Data as of today.Spark 2 have changed drastically from Spark 1. SparkSQL and DataFrames have become core module on which other modules like Structured Streaming and Machine Learning Pipe lines.As part of this course, there will be lot of emphasis on lower level APIs calledtransformations and actionsof Spark along with core moduleSpark SQLand DataFramesEMR brings cloud capabilities to Big Data. EMR provides different options which include Spark 2 as well as one of the service on the cluster.As part of this course, you will learnBasics of Amazon Web ServicesSecurity using IAMSetting up EMR clustersBasics of programming using ScalaSpark 2 - Core Transformations and ActionsSpark 2 - Spark SQLand Data FramesSpark 2 - Streaming and Structured StreamingDifferent File Formats and Compression algorithmsSubmitting Spark 2 jobs on EMR using step executionand many moreWe will start with understanding basics of AWS, setting up EMR cluster with Spark and then jump into Spark 2 using Scala as programming language."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre utiliser Git" |
"Il vous arrive de vouloirrestaurer la version de vos codes sources du mois dernier? Ou de collaborer avec d'autres dveloppeurs ? Et mme de dsirersavoir qui a modifi une ligne de code, et quand ? Ces besoins sont essentiels lorsque l'on fait du dveloppement web ou logiciel etGit a t conu pour y rpondre.Mais Git peut parfois tre difficile prendre en main etvous n'avez ni le temps, ni l'envie de ttonner,ou de prendre le risque de perdre vos sources cause d'une mauvaise manipulation.Ce cours a t cr exactement pour cette raison : il vous apprendra utiliser Git dans vos projets au quotidien, sans vous prendre la tte. Je me suis concentr surl'utilisation de Git du point de vue du dveloppeur, et uniquement ce qui intresse le dveloppeur. En le suivant,vous gagnerez en srnit et en efficacit,et deviendrez un meilleur gestionnaire pour l'ensemble de vos projets.Le rsultat :un cours qui va l'essentiel et qui reste accessible tous les programmeurs.Peu importe votre niveau, peu importe les langages de programmation sur lesquels vous travaillez; vous comprendrez comment utiliser Git et vous adorerez l'utiliser dans tous vos projets :)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Music Production in Ableton Live 10 - The Complete Course!" |
"Start Producing Your Own Music in Ableton Live 10This course is all about Ableton Live 10, which is a software for music sequencing and is a digital audio workstation for OS X and Windows.NOTE: This course is for Ableton Live Suite 10. Some of the features I discuss in this course will only be available for Ableton Live Suite 10.Ableton Live is used across professional studios, bedroom studios and also as a performance tool for live performance. Learning how to use your DAW correctly will dramatically improve the quality of your music and the speed you create it.BROUGHT TO BY MUSIC PRODUCTION INSTRUCTOR TOMAS GEORGEIf you are looking for a course that will show you how you can Create, Record and Edit Your Own Music in Ableton Live 10 then this is the course for you!What makes me qualified to teach you?My name is Tomas and I have a MMus Masters Degree in Music Production and a BA(Hons) Degree in Music Composition. Im also the creator of some of the world's most popular music production courses - with over 200,000 students and thousands of 5-star reviews like these ones:Excellent course. Learned so much, exactly what I wanted from it and then some. The tutor was clear and concise and explained everything perfectly. Thanks so much - Rickardo KhanGreat pace and flow! Easy to grasp as he unfolds more and more! Learning Ableton with confidence - JL DharmaWhen I first opened up Ableton Live 10 I had NO IDEA what I had got myself into ... But even just after Section 2 thing are starting to make sense and now the feeling of being overwhelmed has turned into excitement - Anisha DevadasanMy Promise to YouI'm a full-time Music Producer and Educator. If you have any questions about the content or composing or producing in general, I will always be responsive to questions and direct messages. What is this Ableton Live 10 Course all about?In this course, you will gain a deep understanding of Ableton Live 10 and how to learn the tools and processes to create, record and edit your own music. You'll learn the beauty and the power of this software that's used by professional producers today. This course will cover such topics as : Understanding the Basics of Ableton Live 10 Recording and Editing MIDI Recording and Editing Audio Creating your own Beats Quantising Warping Sampling Drums Racks and Instrument Racks Synths, Simpler and Sampler Sidechaining MIDI Effects such as the Arpeggiator Audio Effects such as Compression and EQ and Much More.What you'll learn in this course will make you a better music producer, music editor and electronic composer. This course will also improve your songwriting abilities in Ableton Live 10 and all other Digital Audio Workstations!Learn to love Ableton Live 10 and make music with it. Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,Tomas."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Music Production in Logic Pro X : Mixing Vocals" |
"Start Mixing Your Vocals with Logic Pro X!BROUGHT TO YOU BY PRO AUDIO ENGINEER CHRISTOPHER CARVALHO AND MUSIC PRODUCTION INSTRUCTOR TOMAS GEORGE.If you are looking for a Digital Audio Workstation that will fulfill all of your music production needs at an affordable price point, then Logic Pro X is the Music Production Application for you. Logic Pro X is used by professional producers, songwriters, mixers, and mastering engineers worldwide. This course is the best way to start making professional sounding mixes right away.Make mixes that translate!Practice mixing while you learn. This course includes practice projects so you can follow along and actually learn by doing. By the end of the course, youll be able to confidently use Logic Pro X and it's bundled plugins to mix your vocalsWell be teaching the course using only the built-in features from Logic Pro XWhat makes us qualified to teach you?Christopher Carvalho is a professional audio engineer and Apple Certified Logic Pro TrainerTomas George has a MMus Masters Degree in Music Production and a BA(Hons) Degree in Music Composition. He is also the creator of some of the world's most popular music production courses - with over 100,000 studentsThere are many music production/mixing coaches online. This one stands out from the rest. Chris has a knack for presenting information in a concise way. - Adam DaudrichTomas was clear and concise, really useful information for me to write down before I buy Logic Pro X so now I feel a lot less intimidated when opening logic for the first time tomorrow - Simon Barton-Chapple Very useful lectures which provide me a lot of information and improve my skills dramatically. His teaching method also helps me easily to understand. Thank you so much Tomas. - Huy NguyenOur Promise to YouChristopher is a Professional Audio Engineer and Trainer. If you have any questions about the content or vocal mixing in general, Christopher will always be responsive to questions and direct messages. What is this mixing course all about?In this guide to mixing in Logic Pro X course, youll not only learn all the tools and processes to make great sounding mixes, but youll also mix with the mindset of a professional audio engineer. This course will cover everything you need to know about mixing, including:Gain StagingEQCompressionDe-EssingReverbAutomationAnd much more!Learn from practitioners who has deployed these techniques with real-life client material. Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,Christopher and Tomas"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Digital Music Distribution - Spotify, Apple Music, Streaming" |
"Did you know that you can get your music on all of the major streaming platforms without signing a record deal?In this Beginners Guide, we show you step-by-step the process of publishing your music to all of the online streaming platforms including Spotify, Amazon, Apple Music, TIDAL, and much more!We also show you how to pitch your music to online music blogs, playlists, and radio stations. This course also takes you through many of the best practices that you need to consider before you release your music to the world.Topics include:CDBaby Account SetupMusic DistributionSubmitting to playlisters and blogsCreating your Spotify Artist ProfileHow to create album artwork and mediaand much more!What do you get when you enroll in this course?Lifetime access to the course and all updatesPersonalized support and answers to your questionsUdemy certificate of completionWho are your instructors?Tomas George has a MMus Masters Degree in Music Production and a BA(Hons) Degree in Music Composition. He is also the creator of some of the world's most popular music production courses - with over 100,000 studentsChristopher Carvalho runs Unlock Your Sound helping up-and-coming artists create and release their music online. Through his experience, Christopher has learned many best practices along the way that he included in this course, so you can be best prepared for getting your music online!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Easy Online Course Creation for Mompreneurs" |
"EASY Online Course Creationis the passionate mompreneurs guide to creating their first online course. This short yet powerful and productivecourse combinessimple and practical strategiesfor online course creation students need to reach their goals, complete the course, and deliver their online course to the world - and get paid for it!With motivational and empowerment talks sprinkled throughout, students not only have access to simple, yetprofitable solutionsto their course creation problems, they get thepower boost and power talksthey need to never quit on their course creation goals,dreams and big picturebusiness personaland life vision.In this easy-to-follow and content-rich course, Rhonda Kinard, Your Ignited Instructor, shares the exact steps you need to take to create your first online course and attract students to YOUR course even in a crowded marketplace!This is not one of those courses that tells you how to create a profitable online.In this course, Your Ignited Instructor,""SHOWS"" YOU EXACTLY HOW TO CREATE YOUR ONLINE COURSE! AND YOU NEVER HAVE TO SHOW YOUR FACE ON VIDEO!In Easy Online Course Creation, you'll also learn how toplan for course creationusing a proven and profitable strategy for organizing your course content, and publishing a course, that students will love and rave about!With over 2,500 students, spanning over 110 countries, enrolled in her courses, both online and in person, and with an above average course rating in all her courses, Rhonda Kinard,Your Ignited Instructor, knows exactly what you need to do to complete your course, create value for your students, make the course stand out in them marketplace, and get paid in the process.Using three simple and inexpensive software tools (one is FREE) this course takes a deep dive into course creation by teaching you course creation and marketplace fundamentals.For this course you need the following:Canva Account(Free)Microsoft PowerPointCamtasiaMicrophone (less than $75)At the completion of this course, you will have a toolbox full of new skills and strategies that will help you create your profitable online course.** Course Disclaimer: Taking this course is not a guarantee that you will complete your course or be profitable. This course will give you skills and strategies you need to be successful, but there is no guarantee as to how you will use the skills and strategies provided. Learning, and then using the skills effectively will increase your chances of success with online course creation, but there are no guarantees. **"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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". .. The Havening - - .. ."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"English Phonetics and Phonology for College Students" |
"English has become an international language, and it's spoken by nearly anyone. However, you may encounter a difficulty when it comes to English prononciation. How can you improve your Spoken English? to answer this question, I would recommend you to take this English Phonetic and Phonology course.In this course, you will learn the basics of English phonology system, English Phonetic and sound system, and what are the possible sounds that exist in the English language.The major topics discussed in the course are about the International Phonetic Alphabet (referred to as IPA, or phonetic symbols), Phonetic transcription, and differences between American English and British English.This course is designed for nearly anyone who identify as an English learner both the self-learners or college students in the English department, this comprehensive course is designed for you.All that you need to begin learning is a basic understanding of the English language, and then just sit back and watch your so-called accent melt away!do not hesitate and enroll now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create Telegram Bot with Python" |
"In the course you will learn. Some of advantages of having a telegram Bot as compared to Mobile App How to setup a Telegram Bot How to manage a Telegram Bot instance How to use Telegram online Documentation Using Python requests to interact with Telegram API Use Python Wrapper around Telegram API Working with Telegram commands Working with Telegram messages Handling Different media types of messages How to implement Keyboard button Working with Contact and Location Share buttons Use Open Weather Map API We will write code to get weather forecast from shared location Put together complete Real-world application"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Boost your sales on Amazon using messengers" |
"If you are a seller on Amazon or Ebay or any other online store - you probably struggle with low sales. Competition and lack of reviews are the most discouraging obstacles.To get a high position in a search results on Amazon you need 3 things:sales velocityconversion ratereviewsAll those 3 things you can get using Facebook Messenger with conjunction with a Facebook advertising and promotion on Amazon.In this course you will learn how to:increase your sales on Amazoncollect contacts of your customersincrease the open rate of your messages in sales funnelsask for a review in Facebook messengerupsell more products using Facebook Messenger"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to avoid problems on Amazon - guide for sellers" |
"Are you going to sell on Amazon?Are you already selling on Amazon?Are you afraid to lose your money in this business?If you answered YES on at least one of these questions this course will definitely be helpful for you. Even experienced sellers sometimes have problems selling their products on Amazon, not to say about new sellers. On every step of launching of your product you can lose your money. In this course I revealed the most common problems for sellers on Amazon. If you want to save your money and be prepared to any unexpected situation this course will help you with that."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build Your First Node JS App Today" |
"Node is an asynchronous event driven JavaScript runtime built upon Chromes V8 JavaScript engine. Its designed to build scalable network applications.That being the raw definition, let me clarify. Node.js enables you to write server side JavaScript. You may now be wondering, how? As you know, JavaScript is a language which runs in a browser. The browsers engine takes JavaScript code and compiles it into commands. The creator of Node.js took Chromes engine and built a runtime for it to work on a server. Dont get confused with the word runtime. Its an environment where the language can get interpreted. So what do we have now? A way to write JavaScript on the back end.This course will help you get started with node js platform. You will know all of the components to create a your first node js application."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Dog Training For Humans - 'Worry Free Dog Walks'." |
"Is walking your dog stressful and frustrating? Do you love your dog dearly but wish he listened to you when he is off lead?Do you feeljealous when you see other dog owners with really well behaved dogs?Then you need expert dog trainer and best selling author Dom Hodgson's 'Worry Free Walks' dog training course!This simple to follow course is perfect for petdog owners who love their dogs but they have no control of them at the dog park.It is packed witheasy to understand and actionable dog training tipsthat will transform your daily walks from arm jerking stress fests to calm and enjoyable experience for you AND your dog. Course detailsIN this course you will discover:How to survive a trip to the dog park. Never again will you be worried about your dog running away to find something more interesting than you. The key toa successful trip to the dog park is in the preparation. How to get your dog's attention laser locked onto you using food and toys. If you want your dog to follow you around the park then you need to be more interesting to him, Dom makes that very easy for you to do.How to stop your dog running off to find funelsewhere by playing a searching game! Wouldn't it be nice if your dog wanted to find and be near you (or your partner) instead of going off to find fun somewhere else? Well with this searching game you can do that!How to safely exercise multiple dogs at the park. Dom shares the dog walking secrets to playing with (and controlling) two dogs off lead at the park.How keep your dog safe and near you byplaying two toys. Two toys is an awesome game that teaches your dog a retrieve, wears him out quickly and enables you to exercise him and keep him inthe small area of the park you want to play in.How to turn the dog park into a calmhaven you actually wantto go with your dog. As well a playing games I will show you someless strenuous activities you can do with your dog that will keep him calm and relaxed. so you can be calm and relaxed too.This course lays out the very same Canine fulfilment formula that Dom uses every day in hisdog adventure business, Pack LeaderDog Adventures.Now you can exercise (and control) your dog like a pro! Who this course is for?This course is perfect for beginner pet dog owners and also dog walkers who want to learn how to better control the dogs they exercise. No previous dog training experiences is required."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Professional Dog Walker Training Course" |
"How can youexercise multiple dogs,givethem everything they needto be happy and still maintain great control?Dom Hodgson has the answer in this Professional Dog Walker Training Course - Safe and Stimulating Dog WalksThis course if perfect for professional dog walkers who walk multiple dogs in their business. It will also suit people who own multiple dogs and want to learn how to better control them out on a walk. In this dog walker training video, professional dog trainer Dom Hodgson will teach you the secret to achieving safe and stimulating group dog walks. Course DetailsIn this course you will discover;How to use toys, treats and affection to keep the dogs focus laser locked onto you. When to let your dog's off lead and avoid the crucial mistake that many dog walkers makewhen first let their dogs off lead. How to safely exercise multiple dogs on a walk - In this course Dom walks Pugs, French Bulldogs, Pointers, Cocker Spaniels and Samoyeds.What is the 'Canine Fulfilment Formula'. If you can provide all of the exercise and challenge for the dogs you look after then maintaining control (even off lead) becomes super easy. How to safely exercise multiple dogs at the park. Dom shares the dog walking secrets to playing with (and controlling) two dogs off lead at the park.Why you need to be a responsible dog walker who cares about the dogs, the dogs owners AND the community you live inDom runs Pack Leader Dog Adventures, the UK's number one dog adventure company and in this course you get to go 'behind the scenes' and join Dom on one of his famous dog adventures."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Walk Yourself Wealthy - The Dog Walker Business Course" |
"Is it possible to launch and grow a profitable dog walking business from day one?Yes, it is! and in this courseDom Hodgson, the UK's Leading Pet Business Coach will show you how. Who is this course for?If you are new to dog walking andyou are failingto attract the type of high-quality (and high-paying)clients you know your dog walking service deserves, or, you are an established dog walking business who is struggling to stand out from the ever increasing competition then this course is for you. The pet service sector is booming but the market is becoming saturated. Competition is everywhere and increases every month. The harsh truth is if you want to make serious cash from your dog walking business then you need more than just some poo bags, a Facebook page and a van. This coursewill teach you the five marketing secrets you must master if you want to charge outrageous prices for your amazing service and still have clients queuing at your door. You will discover;How to charge premium prices without losing clients and have dog owners beating down your door to use your services. How to legitimately market yourself as the 'celebrity' dog walking expert in your town. No more wasting hours each day messing around on Facebook. That isn't marketing. How to use your personality in your marketing to push away tyre-kicking price buyers and attract only the best clients, who are a perfect fit for you and your business. How to easily stand out from the competition by having a signature service that is unique to you. No other dog walkers in your town will have the confidence todo this.How to wrap a 'velvet rope' of exclusivity around your business and irresistibly pull 'affluent' clients towards you like a magnet (so you can make more money working fewer hours). In this course you will learnthe samemarketing secrets that turned my little dog walking business in Sunderland into the UK's number-one dog adventure company. Now you can do the same!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Bootstrap 4 !De 0 a Experto! Curso completo + Forms con PHP" |
"Bienvenidos al curso de Bootstrap 4, aqu aprenderemos a crear sitios web responsives con el Framework ms popular. Este curso est completo y trata paso a paso y desde cero, el cmo utilizar la nueva versin deBootstrap 4 !Aprenderemos a desarrollar diferentes sitios web con una facilidad que solo Bootstrap te puede entregar, ya que exprimiremos al mximo sus utilidades y componentes, utilizando un mnimo de estilos css propios.Mi objetivo es que puedasaprovechar todas las herramientas que te entrega Bootstrap para desarrollar sitios web Responsivos (adaptables a celulares y tablet).Adems te aad una seccin especializada en formularios de contacto con Bootstrap, PHP, AJAX y Jquery, as no solo aprenders a utilizar el Front-end de tu sitio web, sino que podrs construir un sitio web completo y 100% funcional.No esperes ms e inscrbete en este maravilloso curso paso a paso."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"[2020] COBIT version 5 Fundamentos" |
"COBIT v5 FundamentosEste curso de COBIT 5 proporciona un marco comprensible que ayuda a las organizaciones a alcanzar sus objetivos para el gobierno y gestin de la informacin y activos tecnolgicos (TI). El contenido del curso es todo lo necesario para comprender COBIT, iniciar una implementacin y pasar el examen mundial de ISACA.Este curso usa el material oficial de ISACA, soy entrenador de ISACA Oficial y he brindado este curso de forma presencial a mas de 3.000 estudiantes.** Incluye Bono de descuento en el examen ***"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Importance of Self-Esteem, One Sure Way To Improve Yours" |
"One of the surest and best ways to improve yourself-esteem is to set a goal and then accomplish it. So, we tackle goal setting, what works and what doesn't.Self -control plays a big part in how we feel about ourselves so we spend a fair amount of time working on breaking bad habits and creating good, strong habits that will improve your life.If there is one sure way of sabotaging your efforts in setting and keeping goals or breaking a bad habit it the ability we all have to procrastinate. We tackle that age old problem head on. It helps to understand why we procrastinate, then we know how to fix it.You will learn all this plus much more like how fear plays a big part in how we feel about ourselves. How to give yourself a confidence boost and even how our environment, including friends and associates plays a big part in how we see ourselves and how we feel about ourselves."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Want to Show Confidence? Then Learn to Speak With Confidence" |
"What You Say and How You Say It Makes All The Difference Whether In the Way You Speak and Write, or Sit, Stand and Smile. You can do it with much more confidence and poise when you are sure you are doing it right. Communication is the process of exchanging information and ideas and there are many ways to communicate. There are also many ways to miscommunicate. To be an effective and valuable leader it is important that you become skilled in all the different methods of communication that are appropriate. In this course, you will learn how to be a better communicator at work and in your private life. I will take you through the different types of communication, help you asses your communication skill level and teach you techniques to become a better communicator. Think how often you communicate with people during your day. You can spend almost Your entire day communicating. So, why is it very often you find others didnt get the message, didnt understand what you were trying to accomplish or misunderstood altogether what the plan was. In this course, you will learn how to use the 7cs in all your communication whether written, spoken or even body language. You will learn good verbal communication skills and I teach you simple tricks to make it easier. Good verbal skills are more than just the words we use; you will learn about tone and intonation. I even address the dreaded sentence upending that is plaguing the business world, why it doesnt work for you and how to defeat the habit. Believe me, if you are an upender you cant imagine how you are being judged by your peers, your subordinates and your superiors and it aint good. I can use the slang word aint here because it is being used to prove a point. You will learn good written communication skills as well. Skills such as how to write a professional looking and sounding business letter, the dos and donts of writing business emails. You will learn proper techniques for preparing a written business meeting agenda and how to produce an office memo correctly. I provide downloadable material for you to use as a guide. You will learn how to read body-language and more importantly how to interpret what you are seeing and you will learn how to improve your own body language so that the signals you send agree with the words you are using. You will learn how to delegate properly so that results can be obtained when and how you want them. I go over the good, the bad, and that not so pretty when it comes to delegation and help you understand how to differentiate between them. If you are in the workplace you are now or will be responsible for conducting meetings. Both team meetings and one-on-one meetings. Most people dread attending meetings and if asked why, their responses will usually fall into one of two categories and often fall into both: the meeting always starts late and runs long, and the second reason, nothing ever gets accomplished. I will teach you how to organize a meeting and then conduct it so those three elements, starts late, runs long, and nothing gets accomplished, will never come up when talking about the meetings you hold. If you are not conducting then you need to know how to attend a meeting and I will teach you that, too. Now, no self-respecting course on communication would be complete without a discussion on grammar. This course just covers those areas that keep cropping up as I communicate with others. The information is basic but the fact that I keep running into it suggests to me we need to talk about it. Finally, now that we have covered the areas of communication I think are the most essential we move into the section I call Beyond the Basics. This is where I will, if you are not already familiar with it, introduce you to the DISC system of identifying how various personality types interpret what you are saying to them. Its a complex subject but I break it down into the basics and help you see how you can take all of what you learned in this course and tailor it to fit the needs of the individual personality types so that true communication will take place. So, if you are ready, lets get you registered and then jump right into this essential subject of communication.You will be amazed at how differently you will be treated by those around you as your communication skills improve. And That Is A Great Confidence Boost!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Discovering You - After All, You Are Awesome" |
"Have you ever wondered who you really are? What your life purpose is? What are you really meant to do on this Earth, in this lifetime? Do you feel that there is more to you and what you can offer? If you are still searching for these answers, then you have come to the right place. The journey of self-discovery requires a lot of groundwork and can be daunting at times, as it involves revisiting a lot of your past experiences, choices and emotions. Therefore, this course including the download material will guide you through all the intricate details you require in your journey to unravel your true self. This includes identifying your personality, awakening your spiritual dimension, learning to love yourself as well as embracing the change that comes.Let go of your past and focus on what is about to come. Give permission to yourself to go through this journey and allow yourself to be vulnerable. When you open up yourself to all the possibilities this journey will bring, you will realize how rewarding it is at the end. You will discover the most important element of all: You will discover YOU."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"The Journey of Self Discovery - You Can Learn Who You Are" |
"Have you ever wondered who you really are? What your life purpose is? What are you really meant to do on this Earth, in this lifetime?Do you feel that there is more toyou and what you can offer?If you are still searching for these answers, then you have come to the right place. The journey of self-discovery requires a lot of groundwork and can be daunting at times, as it involves revisiting a lot of your past experiences, choices and emotions.Therefore, this course including the download material will guide you through all the intricate details you require in your journey to unravel your true self.Thisincludes identifying your personality, awakening your spiritual dimension,learning to love yourself as well as embracing the change that comes.Let go of your past and focus on what is about to come.Give permission to yourself to gothrough this journey and allow yourself to be vulnerable.Whenyou open up yourself to all the possibilities this journey will bring, you willrealize how rewarding it is at the end.You will discover the most important element of all: You will discoverYOURSELF."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Better Relationships - We All Want Them - Let's Learn How" |
"Every relationship is different. Every interaction is unique. And context, setting and culture all have a big role to play in the way that your relationships are formed. But with a little work this course will teach you some important skills and help you to reassess your approach when it comes to making new friendships and romantic partnerships, growing them and managing them. The key is to look at yourself and to be a more confident, secure and successful person first before you reach out to create new relationships. From there, you can be more magnetic by being friendly and confident at the same time. By being outgoing and by drinking in life by going on trips, learning new skills and saying yes that little bit more. The relationships you create youll then need to consider carefully the dynamics early on and always remember to assess them as they grow. Always ask: am I happy with how this relationship is growing? Spend time one-on-one, see each other regularly, be sympathetic of their emotions, be mindful of your own and create new memories that you can share together. All this and more are in this course Better Relationships - Period"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creating New and Stronger Friendships - An In-depth Guide" |
"Every relationship is different. Every interaction is unique. And context, setting and culture all have a big role to play in the way that friendships are formed.But with a little work this course will teach you some important skills and help you to reassess your approach when it comes to making new friends and even romantic partnerships, growing them and most importantly how to manage them. I have included many downloadable pdfs to assist you. There is even two eBooks included.The key is to look at yourself and to be a more confident, secure and successful personfirstbeforeyou reach out to create new relationships. From there, you can be more magneticby being friendly and confident at the same time. By being outgoing and bydrinking in life by going on trips, learning new skills and saying yes thatlittle bit more.With the new relationships you create youll then need to consider carefully the dynamics early on and always remember to assess them as they grow. Always ask: Am I happy with how this relationship is growing?Spend time one-on-one, see each other regularly, be sympathetic of their emotions, be mindful of your own and create new memories that you can share together.All this and more are in this course."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Business Branding - A Beginner's Comprehensive Blueprint" |
"Branding is all about theimage of a business. The concept doesnt only include style, emblems and logos but also the image of quality perceived. The image perceived may be of total quality, reliability, and more. Branding is about the business and how a business is different from the competitors. The purpose of a brand is to distinguish yourself from your competitors. Once you make a distinguishing impact then an advertising campaign can be much more effective. The success of a company can be determined by a brand. Branding includes many factors which help a company be successful. these factors may include a website, marketing efforts, and anything that gives a company an identity. Consumers trust wholeheartedly a corporate image because there is a psychology in motivating the purchasing decisions. In this course you will learn what branding is, we will go over the basics of branding. You will discover how important it is to know the audience you are trying to reach and a few tips and how to determing who your audience is. We will go over logos and answer the question: Are they all that important? We will take you throught the elementary steps to establish your brand and your company identiy. I will also talk about media considerations, how to establish a competitive edge and finally give you some tips to reinforce your brand. This is good stuff you need to know if you are starting a business or have already started it but aren't doing so well, so I'll see you in the first lecture."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Discover and Implement the 10 Traits Great Leaders Have" |
"Most of us will never have seen ourselves as being leaders. For the majority of us, the thought of taking charge of an office will not so long ago have seemed completely absurd. Thats a job for high fliers, for people-people for born leaders! But despite any initial apprehension, leadership roles are something that many of us will have thrust upon us against any protestations. In the vast majority of industries, progress and a hike in salary means taking on more responsibility. And that responsibility will very often take the form of some kind of leadership role. You can only progress so far before you start having staff under you and the further you then climb the ladder, the more people will start looking to you for direction and the more people youll be responsible for.That then leaves two choices: shy away from the pressure and the responsibility and live on the modest salary that comes from that, or learn to suck it up and take charge.In this course you will gain an understanding of the top 10 traits all great leaders have. You will learn to:1. Have a Vision You Believe InThis is by far the single most important point if you want to make sure your team respects you and that you are making the right decisions for your organization. 2. Focus on Your Mission StatementAs a leader, you need to see the bigger picture and that means focusing on how to deliver results and how to grow the business. 3. Build Resilience and Plan for ContingenciesMake sure that your business is able to handle crises and that you know what youll do in any of the worst case scenarios. 4. Hire the Right TeamYour team should be diverse in their skills and their abilities but they should be united by the common goal that you all share and the common vision. 5. Give Your Team Autonomy and CreditThis is the best way to make work intrinsically motivating for your team and to ensure they work hard and passionately. 6. Stay Calm, Be RespectedThis will keep your team calm and it will make you seem more confident. This is most important when you are challenged by dissidents and when you are going through tough times. By showing your passion, doing whats best for the team and being friendly but distant, you can endeavor to be respected. This is better than being liked or feared. 7. Be One Step AheadUse financial modelling and other techniques to stay one step ahead. 8. Take ResponsibilityIf things go wrong, you must always take responsibility. This gives your team confidence and assurance but also wins their respect. 9. Be KnowledgeableYou wont be the best at anything and you need to know how to delegate. BUT you should also make it your business to understand the role of each team member so that you can oversea the course of your ship. 10. Take RisksIt is important to take risks and be courageous as a leader. This is again what will allow you to grow and what will make your team achieve above the rest."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn The Crucial Role of Your Thinking" |
"What makes you different from everyone else? Is it your looks? Is it your interests or your hobbies? Well, yes to an extent but more than anything else: it's your brain. Your brain contains your memories, your goals, your desires, your beliefs and just about everything else that makes you 'who you are'. It's also what controls the way you think, the way you make plans and the way you react in any given situation. If you've been failing to get what you want out of life and if you've been feeling as though you're banging your head against the wall in your business, your relationships or your finances then the problem almost certainly originates from your brain. The way you're thinking, your creativity, your intelligence all of it comes from the physical make up of your brain and the way that you're approaching problems.In this course I will take you step-by-step through the process of changing your thinking by teaching in a way that will help you understand the importance of applying the Law of Attraction in your thinking. We will go through a comprehensive section on goals and proper goal setting. We will delve deeply into the neuroscience and how you can hack your brain for better thinking, learning and retention. Since thinking involves your mind I will teach you powerful mindfulness techniques and show you how simple they are to practice. You will learn the 20 common traits all successful people practice and a whole lot more.There are plenty of downloadable materials to support you in your quest including several eBooks."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |