Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Curso de Emprendimiento: Tu Idea hacia una Startup en 2020" |
"Este Curso de Emprendimiento est diseado para todas aquellas personas, emprendedores y compaas que en algn momento han tenido una idea ganadora pero no encuentran la forma ni la estructura de hacerla real, concreta y convertirla en un negocio de miles de millones de dlares. Regstrate ahora y comienza de inmediato a aplicar todas las tcnicas y desarrollar tu negocio desde la primera clase.Compaas de la talla de Facebook, AirBnB o incluso Uber comenzaron con una simple idea que fue creciendo poco a poco mientras se convertan en un emprendimiento de talla mundial. No hace falta ser un genio o un graduado de Harvard para crear un gran emprendimiento, lo que hace falta es seguir ciertas ""reglas""y procedimientos para impulsar esa idea de manera que se convierta en un negocio real y escalable. Todo eso lo aprenders en este curso.No importa si no tienes conocimientos de negocios, habilidades comerciales o no te consideras una persona emprendedora porque an no has creado una compaa. Inscribirse en este curso te ayudar a crear ese nuevo producto o servicio innovador que tienes en mente y que va a cambiar el futuro para siempre. Ests preparado para asumir el reto? Toma este Curso de Emprendimiento ahora mismo!Incluso si no ests satisfecho tienes hasta 30 das para solicitar la devolucin del 100% de tu dinero sin hacer preguntas. Inscrbete ahora mismo!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Hiring Veterans" |
"Interested in developing or enhancing a Veterans hiring initiative for your company but don't know where to begin?This course can help. It is designed to assist and educate employers who have made the proactive decision to include transitioning Service Members, Veterans and wounded warriors in their recruitment and hiring initiatives.Employers can sometimes find it difficult to navigate the abundance of Veterans hiring resources available to them. This step-by-step course was developed to simplify the process and put valuable resources at your fingertips. It serves to pinpoint helpful tools and outline some important steps to take when designing a Veterans hiring initiative that works for your particular business.Recognizing that each employer is unique, this six-step course allows you to select from promising practices and other resources that employers are using to successfully welcome talented and skilled Veterans into their companies. Whether you are looking to create a plan from scratch or retool existing efforts, we encourage you to reference this guide and design an initiative that works for you."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Crea tu Tienda Online Sin Inventario y Aprende Dropshipping" |
"CURSOBESTSELLER! DE LOS MAS VENDIDOS EN LA PLATAFORMA! ACTUALIZADOAL2019 100%ESTAS EN EXCELENTES MANOS, CON ESTE BEST SELLER. DE LOS MEJORES EN UDEMY.APLICA LAS TCNICAS PARA CONSTRUIR TU TIENDA VIRTUAL PORINTERNET Y COMIENZA A VENDERLE A TODO EL MUNDO DESDE CASA Y SIN DESCUIDAR TU TRABAJO, TU FAMILIA Y TU VIDA SOCIAL, GANANDO LO QUE TU QUIERAS SOLO CON TU COMPUTADORA Y UNA CONEXIN A INTERNET.****************************************************************************************************Aprenders una manera fcil y precisa como llegar de cero experiencia"" a ser el dueo de tu propio negocio rentable por internet y con mnimo riesgo.Implementars de manera correcta la tcnica de Dropshipping, que te permite construir negocios rentables y convertirte en un joven Emprendedor generando ventas en muy poco tiempo SIN COMPRAR INVENTARIOFSICONITENER QUE IR A LASPAQUETERASA ENVIARPRODUCTOS.APRENDERSAVender Sin Inventario: No tendrs que preocuparte por hacer pedidos con un valor mnimo o quedarte con productos fsicos que no se vendieron, o contratar almacenes para guardar los productos, ni tampoco tendrs que preocuparte por la Logstica.Empezar Hoy mismo con Mnima Inversin: Solo requieres hacer una inversin mnima, que ser para establecer tu negocio y su infraestructura. Invierte solo en lo necesario y escala cuando tengas resultados. No gastes de ms y solo cuando ests listo para el siguiente paso.Saber delegar tu Logstica: Aprende a dejar que tu proveedorrecoja, empaquey envelos pedidos a tus clientes, y adems te darn los nmeros de rastreo de cada paquete, para t puedas drselos a tus clientesComprar desde una pieza: Podrs comprar un solo producto si fuese necesario. Esta ventaja te permite inclusive tener varios proveedorestrabajando para ti, ayudndote a tener un diverso catlogo de productos.Adems de esto, en el curso aprenders:Como identificar los mejores productos para vender por Internet. Aquellos que resultarn en ventas reales, que tengan demanda, y que tengan clientes con dinero para comprarAnalizar el mercado y conocer a tus clientes potenciales, para que no inviertas en un nicho o mercado saturado por tiburones. Encontrars el nicho perfecto: con demanda y con poca o sin competencia y con clientes que tienen ganas y deseos de comprarCompetirs con cualquier negocio y aprenders a diferenciarte de los dems.Como encontrar Dropshippers y proveedores confiables paraevitar situaciones desagradables. Tambin te ensear como negociar con otros distribuidores para que hagan Dropshipping para t, aun cuando no se dediquen a eso.Podrs identificar a los Dropshippers que se dedican a estafar a sus clientes y te ensear a desarrollar tu sexto sentido para protegerte de este tipo de fraudes.Tambin te ensear:Cules son las mejores plataformas de E-Commerce para empezar a crear tu Tienda Online dependiendo de tus necesidades.Aprenders las nociones bsicas para obtener tu propio dominio.Te ensear tambin cuales son los mejores proveedores de Hospedaje Web (Hosting) optimizados para E-Commerce.4. Aprenders a escoger entre plataformas de ecommerce como Shopify, Woocommerce o Prestashop para decidir cual es mejor para t.Adems recibirs regalos y bonos de valor incalculable como:Todos los vdeos en HD disponibles en tu cuenta UdemyUna plantilla para analizar y hacer una comparacin de proveedores, para que sepas si es un buen proveedor o no desde el inicioTe dar adems una Lista de Nichos De Mercado Ganadores para Dropshipping GRATIS!Adems contars con mi ayuda personal y directa durante todo el proceso. Pregntame lo que necesites, haz cualquier consulta y djame llevarte al xito de tu tienda virtual poco a poco y paso a paso, sin prisas y sin que descuides tu vida y tu trabajo."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Now speak Arabic ""Part 1"" colloquial Arabic conversations" |
"This is the first part of Now Speak Arabic, so after finishing this course you should take the other parts, starting with you from the basic level to the advanced, this course is more than 13 hours of video lessons, 112 lectures. You dont have to learn new words by heart. You will learn them automatically.All you have to do is a lot of repetitions. Trust me, it is just a matter of repetition. This is the best way to learn Arabic.The English translation (for understanding)The recorded conversations (for pronunciation)The written words in English letters (for spelling)The question and answer parts for active participation(to save the information in your brain)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Install Windows 7" |
"This is the Windows 7 installation walkthrough course.This course is designed for:novices and beginners Learners who would like to know what it takes to install the Windows 7 operating system Learners who have never installed Windows 7 from scratch beforeThis course introduces users to a high level view of the Windows 7 operating system. Helpful links will be provided in case you need additional help from Microsoft of the community. Also, a high level overview of the different Windows 7 version options is also discussed to help you purchase and install the right version. Lastly, a step by step walk through of a basic deployment of Windows 7 to a computer (also works on a virtual machine) will be provided. The walkthrough will wrap up with steps necessary to keep your Windows 7 patched and up to date. Security software will also be discussed with web sites you can visit for free versions of security software.A screen step by step installation walkthrough is provided.At the end of the course, a document containing all of the URL links discussed in the course is attached to the lecture.If you view this course from end to end, it will take you about 45 minutes. If you are following along as you install Windows 7, and complete your post install updates, maybe 4 hours plus more if you are downloading your install rather than purchasing it and also it depends on the speed of your hardware and your ability to navigate around the operating system.This course has been designed so that you can follow along step by step in your own Windows 7 installation. You should take this course if you have never worked with or installed Windows 7 before and are looking to start but aren't sure what to purchase or how to answer the questions asked during the installation process. You will also benefit from instructions for keeping your Windows 7 up to date through official software patches from Microsoft"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Install Linux Ubuntu Desktop" |
"This is the Ubuntu Desktop installation walkthrough course.This course is designed for:novices and beginnersLearners who would like to know what it takes to install the Ubuntu Desktop operating systemLearners interested in an opportunity to experience the world of Linux and Ubuntu DesktopStudents will also be shown how to install Java into the Ubuntu Desktop and download and run a Java game known as Minecraft.This course introduces users to:A high level view of the Ubuntu Linux Desktop operating systemA review of features and providing helpful links for any problems you experience or getting additional helpHow and what to download for the Ubuntu softwareA screen step by step walkthrough of a basic deployment of the Ubuntu Desktop to a computer (also works on a virtual machine)A basic introduction of the operating system programsSteps to keep your Ubuntu Desktop up to date.At the end of the course, a document containing all of the links and commands are attached to the lectureIf you view this course from end to end, it will take you about 45 minutes. If you are following along as you download your Ubuntu desktop, write it to DVD, install your Linux Ubuntu Desktop, do your updates, Java, and so on, it can take up to 3 hours depending on the speed of your hardware and your ability to navigate around the operating system and type commands.This course has been designed so that you can follow along step by step in your own Ubuntu desktop installation scenario.You should take this course if you have never worked with Ubuntu Linux Desktop and are looking to start but aren't sure what to download or how to answer the questions asked during the installation process. You will also benefit from instructions for installing Java and keeping your Ubuntu Desktop up to date through official software patches."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Install Linux Ubuntu Server" |
"This is the Ubuntu Server installation walkthrough course.This course is designed for:novices and beginners Learners who would like to know what it takes to install the Ubuntu Server operating system Learners interested in an opportunity to experience the world of Linux and Ubuntu ServerThis course introduces users to a high level view of the Ubuntu Linux Server operating system. After reviewing features and providing helpful links for any problems you experience or getting additional help, and how and what to download, a step by step walk through of a basic deployment of the Ubuntu Server to a computer (also works on a virtual machine) will be provided. The walkthrough will wrap up with steps necessary to keep your Ubuntu Server up to date.A screen step by step installation walkthrough is provided.At the end of the course, a document containing all of the links and commands are attached to the lecture.If you view this course from end to end, it will take you about 45 minutes. If you are following along as you download your Ubuntu server, write it to CD or DVD, install your Linux Ubuntu Server, and complete your post install updates, 2.5 hours depending on the speed of your hardware and your ability to navigate around the operating system and type commands.This course has been designed so that you can follow along step by step in your own Ubuntu Server installation.You should take this course if you have never worked with Ubuntu Linux Server and are looking to start but aren't sure what to download or how to answer the questions asked during the installation process. You will also benefit from instructions for keeping your Ubuntu Server up to date through official software patches"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Build a Minecraft Server" |
"This is the How to Build a Minecraft Server course..This course is designed for: All skill levelsLearners who would like to know what it takes and how to install, manage, and maintain a Minecraft Server of their own in Windows or Linux operating systems.Learners with children and concerns for their safety when playing Minecraft. This course introduces users to the steps necessary to download, install, configure, run, and manage their own Minecraft server. After reviewing server operating system and hardware requirements and even a how to for creating a VMware virtualized option (in case suitable spare hardware doesn't exist), students will be guided with a step by step approach detailing:how to downloadhow to install Minecraft serverhow to install Java (required to run Minecraft server)how to configure Minecraft serverhow to start and stop the Minecraft serverhow to connect the Minecraft game clients to the serverhow to use the Minecraft server console with some of the more common console management commands for Minecraft serverStudents will also be provided with some additional advanced Minecraft server topics like:creating startup scriptstaking backups of Minecraft files and worldssteps to upgrade your Minecraft softwarehow to work with worlds (think of worlds as maps)opening up your network to allow external players from outside of your housethings to consider when deciding to leave your Minecraft server up full time including recommendations to keep the Minecraft server more securebasic troubleshooting for your Minecraft serverEach lecture provides you with step by step process and commands (where applicable) to complete the installation and management of your Minecraft server.If you view this course from end to end, it will take you over 4 hours to complete across more than 30 lectures. If you intended to build your Minecraft server by following along, it could add another 1-2 hours to completing this course depending on your skill level.This course has been designed so that you can follow along step by step installing your own Minecraft server in Windows or Linux operating systems.You should take this course if you have a desire to download, install, operate, and manage your own Minecraft server in Windows or Linux operating systems (sorry, Windows Server and Mac operating systems are not provided in this course, though Windows concepts for installing, managing, and running Java as well as setting a static IP should be the same or very similar to the configurations necessary in a Windows server environment). Parents concerned about letting their children play on public Minecraft servers where anyone can play, and use inappropriate language, bully, stalk, or otherwise unnecessarily harass or follow your children will also benefit from this class by learning to build a Minecraft server they can control to help keep their kids safe.Don't forget, the software to run your own Minecraft server is free of charge. You don't have to pay to download or run your own Minecraft server."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Comprehensive Course on Hadoop Analytic Tool : Apache Hive" |
"Comprehensive Course on Apache Hive provides Knowledge aboutthe Hadoop Analytic tool in order to analyze humongous data and hidingthe complexity of MapReduce Programs.Learners, at the end of this training will learn to access,handle, manipulate and analyze large data sets present in the Hadoop cluster. Theywill be able to solve real case studies and work on Projects with live data. WritingHiveQL statements for the same as you write MapReduce program and writing UDFsin order to solve the complex problems will be easy after this coursecompletion.This course contains lectures as videos. Quizzes andAdditional Exercises are present for the learners for practice and to test theirknowledge. The high-quality content bestows opportunities to learners to helpto acquire essential skills needed to pertain the knowledge of this analytictool.This course is for developers who want to analyze large andcomplex data sets, Software professionals, analytic Professionals and ETLdevelopers. It is for all those who want to begin working humongous and complexdata with comfort and ease."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Learn How Python Works with NoSql Database MongoDB: PyMongo" |
"PyMongo online Tutorial Course provides knowledge about Python and MongoDB with its integration using PyMongo tool.Students, at the end of this training, will be technically competent in the basics and the fundamental concepts of Python such as Loops, Functions, Classes and Exceptions. As well as you will learn the basics of MongoDB along with the concepts of Data Modelling, Indexing and Aggregation, so that you can easily learn their integrated implementation with PyMongo. And finally in the tenth section a web-application will be created, using Python's web-framework-Django. This course contains lectures as videos. Additional Exercise files and Assignments are attached with the last section of the course for your self practice. Various scripts and data for hands-on implementation has also been attached in order to provide you with more help to learn the course.This course is convenient for all those individuals who want to use the ease of Python along with the big data handling capability of MongoDB in order to develop their applications and will help them in Software Development Practice. So it is useful for those who want to begin Software and Website Development with comfort and ease of use."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Learn Bootstrap in depth and complete course with project" |
"Comprehensive Bootstrap training provided by is a detailed course for people who want to create responsive website designs in less time. This course is designed with the project-based approach that teaches you how to manipulate the website user interface with the Bootstrap framework.After learning this course, you can have a grip on the following-The basic and advanced concepts of BootstrapPackages available in BootstrapGrid System available in Bootstrap.Grid structure and classes available in Bootstrap.Knowledge of Bootstrap CSSTypography styles, headings, bold, italics, etc.Creating make forms in Bootstrap.Create Buttons, images and icons in Bootstrap.Bootstrap Layout Components.Dropdowns, Badges, Labels, etc.Navigation elements in Bootstrap, Pagination.Bootstrap JavaScript plugins.Modals, dropdown methods, Scrollspy, Toggletabs, Tooltips, Popover, Alerts, Wells, etc."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Apache Cassandra Developer and Admin from Scratch" |
"In this course you will learn about Apache's NoSQL Database-Cassandra and how is it used to store the Big-Data. It starts with an introduction to the database along with its prominent use cases, an insight view of its architecture and various components involved in configuring the database. Also you learn the various operations that can be performed on the database such as creating the database, inserting data, deleting and updating data. You will learn how to monitor your database and the concepts like adding nodes to the cluster and managing these nodes will also be explained.This course contains lectures as videos along with the hands-on implementation of the concepts, additional assignments are also provided in the last section for your self practice, working files are provided along with the first lecture ""Introduction to Cassandra"" and some links for further reading are also provided for more help."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Become a master of Web Analytics Using R Tool in 4 hours" |
"This course will give you a better insights of your site visitors in order to make more profits by analyzing web data. Participants, at the end of the training, will be technically competent in essential as well as advanced concepts of Web Analysis such as:Using flow visualization to see how visitors navigate through a siteUnderstanding goals and conversionsUnderstanding KPIs and MetricsPerforming real-time analysis using R and RstudioAnalyzing visitor and traffic source reportsTracking AdWords and other marketing campaignsUtilizing segmentation for deeper analysisUnderstanding the raw data and how it's collectedSelecting and comparing date rangesIdentifying slow-performing pagesConfiguring and analyzing internal site searchWorking with reports and GraphsCleaning up data with inline filtersForecasting Bounce rate and other metrics on websitePlotting data on Maps"
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Get Started Guide for Splunk beginner with Hands-on" |
" provides Splunk online course with a depth understanding of concepts used in Splunk tool. After the completion of Splunk course from, you will hold expertise to:Analyze large and complex datasets with SplunkCollect and index logs, and machine data from various sourcesLoad data in Splunk on a regular basisCreate Reports, Dashboards and PivotsConnect Splunk with databases for analysisUse Splunk ApplicationsAnalyze XML and JSON DataUse regex expressions in queries (SPL)Scale, Secure and make the data available to suit any organization"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Apache Sqoop and Flume" |
" provides Sqoop and Flume tutorials online with a depth understanding of concepts use in Sqoop and Flume. After the completion of Apache Sqoop and Flume course online from, you will learn:The fundamentals of Sqoop and FlumeArchitecture of SqoopData flow in FlumeTransferring of data from RDBMS to HDFS and vice-versa.Implementation of the automatic movement of data from various sources to Hadoop clusterTo load data into Hadoop on a regular basis and code yourself out of manual work or from writing a custom tool.Basic knowledge of Apache Hive and HBase"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning with R Programming" |
"This course will cover the basic algorithm that helps us to build and apply prediction functions with an emphasis on practical applications. Students, at the end of this training, will be technically competent in the basics and the fundamental concepts of Machine Learning such as: Understand components of a machine learning algorithmApply multiple machine learning tools to build and evaluate predictors on real dataLearn how to perform different classification algorithm to filtering the Email dataForecasting on Time series DataPerform Clustering with the help of case study This course contains lectures as videos along with the hands-on implementation of the concepts, additional assignments are also provided in the last section for your self-practice, working files are provided along with the first lecture."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Develop Android Apps using Python: Kivy" |
"This course of Kivy will help you to make Android Applications using Python .So all the ones who feel Python is easier than Java should go for this course for making your Android Applications .Also the ones who already know Python and want to work with some new tool of Python should also go for this course .So Kivy is basically when you make Android applications using Python instead of Java .The course is structured in such a way that it starts from the basics of Kivy, covers all the basic topics and then moves over to the Application development and Deployment .It will take 2hrs. approx. for this course .So this course should be taken by the students who want to make Android Application using Python .All the videos are included which will explain all the concepts first and then show the handson example code of it . Also all the program files of the programs that are discussed in the course are also provided . This course will give you a new insight towards the mobile application development ."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Learn Basic Data Visualization with R" |
"Data Visualization with R course provides basic as well as advance skills & knowledge required to become a Data visualization Analyst. This course provides you a better vision of Data visualization in order to train you excellently. Participants, at the end of the training, will be technically competent in essential concepts of Analysis such as why Data visualization is important and basic R, Graphical Parameters used in data visualization, various types of graphs such as Line Graph, Scatterplot, Bar plot, Histogram, Organizational chart and a brief introduction of ggplot2 package.This course contains lectures as videos along with the hands-on implementation of the concepts, additional assignments are also provided in the last section for your self-practice, working files are provided along with the every lectures."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Advance Data Visualization with R" |
"In Data visualization with R course you will learn about Advanced Data visualization using different packages in R. The course does not cover exploratory approaches to discover insights about data. Instead, the course focuses on how to visually encode and present data to an audience once an insight has been found. It starts with an introduction of course and various data visualization R packages that allows users to create interactive charts based on data frames.Also you learn advanced graphs like Heat Map, 3D Scatterplot etc.You will learn how to extract and mine live social media websites i.e. Twitter to perform Spatial Analysis.Also you will learn how to design and implement web application using shiny package and share your app online. This course contains lectures as videos along with the hands-on implementation of the concepts, additional assignments are also provided with every section for your self-practice, working files are provided along with the first lecture."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Predictive Analytics With R" |
"In this course you will learn about predictiveanalytics using R languageIt starts with an introduction to the predictive modelling along with its application.Also you learn about R and and how R is used for Predictive modellingYou will also design statistical experiments and analyze the results using modern methodsYou will also learn Data manipulation methods and predictive Modelling techniques in R.Collectively, this course will help you internalize a core set of practical and effective predictive analytics methods and concepts, and apply them to solve some real world problems.This course contains lectures as videos along with the hands-on implementation of the concepts, additional assignments are also provided in the last section for your self-practice."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Learn How to Analyse Big Data in Hadoop with R Analytic Tool" |
"This course will cover the whole data life cycle ranging from Data Acquisition and Data Storage using R-Hadoop concepts. Students, at the end of this training, will be technically competent in the basics and the fundamental concepts of R with Hadoop such as:Understand most common way to link R and Hadoop by introducing three packages rmr, rhdfs and rhbaseWork with Hadoop Mappers and Reducers to analyze data using R.Understand typical concepts such as RHIVE andHadoop streamingalong with practical implementation.Working on stock Market Data with the help of case study.This course contains lectures as videos along with the hands-on implementation of the concepts, additional assignments, and Installation Files are also provided in the last section for your self-practice, working files are provided along with the first lecture."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Selbstmanagement fr wichtige Aufgaben und Ziele" |
"Wollen Sie neben dem Beruf studieren, um Ihre Karriere nach vorne zu bringen?Haben Sie ein lang gehegtes Ziel, das endlich umgesetzt werden soll?Bentigen Sie Ihre volle Konzentration fr eine schwierige lngerfristige Aufgabe?Mssen Sie ein greres Projekt trotz wenig Zeit erfolgreich zum Abschluss bringen?Dann sind Sie in diesem Kurs richtig. In diesem Kurs lernen Sie, wie Sie sich selbst erfolgreich managen, damit Sie wichtige Aufgaben motiviert und effektiv beenden und langfristige Ziele erfolgreich erreichen. Bringen Sie Ihre Produktivitt auf ein neues Niveau!Im Kurs betrachten wir die Bereiche Mindset, Strategie und Arbeitstechniken mit den Themen Motivation, Vision, Ziele setzen, Planung, Organisation, Erfolgskontrolle sowie Umgang mit Problemen und Schwierigkeiten. Wenige, leicht nachvollziehbare Schritte, damit der Erfolg nicht lnger auf sich warten lsst.Am Ende des Kurses werden Sie wissen, wie Siesich fr wichtige Aufgaben und Ziele erfolgreich motivierenVisionen entwickeln und daraus Ziele ableitenmit einem einfachen System eine konkrete Planung erstellensich und ihr Leben organisieren mssen, um die Planung in die Praxis umzusetzenIhren Tag produktiv gestalten und die anstehenden Aufgaben erledigenmit Ablenkungen, Abweichungen und Schwierigkeiten umgehenIhre Erfolge kontrollieren und auch feiern knnen :-)Der Kurs begleitet Sie auf Ihrem Weg zum exzellenten Selbstmanagement. Die erlernten Techniken und Kompetenzen knnen Sie auch in anderen Lebensbereichen einsetzen.Alle Arbeitsbltter und Checklisten knnen Sie herunterladen."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Effektives Lernen" |
"Die nchste Klausur oder mndliche Prfung steht an oder die Abschlussprfung ist nicht mehr lange hin? Fast automatisch macht sich die Frage in uns breit: Wie soll das nur alles in meinen Kopf passen?Wenn es um Prfungen geht, fr die Sie lernen mssen, ist es egal, ob es sich um eine Klausur in der Oberstufe handelt, die Abiturprfungen, die Prfungen im Rahmen einer Ausbildung oder einer Fortbildung oder Klausuren und Prfungen im Studium. Das Gefhl ist das gleiche ebenso wie die Lerntechniken. Aber was sind Lerntechniken? Lerntechniken sind wissenschaftlich erforschte Methoden, um Fakten und Zusammenhnge kurz-, mittel oder langfristig zu erlernen, also abrufbereit zu speichern. Effektives Lernen besteht in der Regel aus einer Kombination verschiedener Lerntechniken, wobei nicht jede Lerntechnik fr jeden Lerntyp gleich effizient ist.Dieser Kurs wird Ihnen helfen, zu verstehen, welcher Lerntyp Sie sind und mit welchen Lerntechniken Sie am besten lernen und sich auf Ihre Prfungen vorbereiten.Ich zeige Ihnen die Grundlagen fr effektives Lernen, stelle Ihnen verschiedene Lerntechniken vor und wie Sie diese erfolgreich anwenden und gebe Ihnen wichtige Tipps und Tricks an die Hand, wie Sie mit Schwierigkeiten und Problemen beim Lernen am besten umgehen."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Productivity Management Formula" |
"UPDATED Nov 10th, 2015!Productivity Management Formula - Do you need to answer Yes to any of these questions? Do you want to take the next step in your career? Yes? Do you have a goal youve wanted to achieve for a long time, and now you finally want to do it? Yes? Do you need your full concentration to accomplish a difficult or larger task which will occupy a longer span of time? Yes? Do you have to complete a large project now but youre short of time? Yes? When I was working on large projects in the banking area I had the same problem. I struggled like you but I did find a formula that works! When you take this course, you will discover how to: Manage yourself to complete important tasks effectively, Stay motivatedSuccessfully reach long-term goals. Raise your productivity to a new level! The benefits for you of taking this course are: Developing a powerful mindset, Being able to set up productivity enhancing strategies Using simple but effective working techniquesAvoiding typical mistakes and coping with problems and difficultiesAll worksheets and checklists are downloadable You will discover how easy this is to understand because it is presented in straight forward simple steps which are easy to follow. Let me share some of these steps with you: Motivate yourself for important tasks and goals Develop a vision and derive goals from your vision Formulate a plan with a simple system Implement your action plan Organize a productive day and finish all your tasks Deal with distractions, plan deviations and difficulties Measure and celebrate your success This course takes you on a journey to superior self-management and productivity. You can apply the techniques and competences you learn here to other areas of your life. Just stop and think. What is the cost for you and your business if you dont address these issues today? You will fall further behind. Your colleagues and competitors will outperform you with adverse consequences for your career and your future. Can you afford to let this happen? So you need to do something about this today! Enroll in this course NOW and start discovering how my Productivity Management Formula can revolutionize the way you work. What are you waiting for? Take some action: ENROLL TODAY"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Karriere managen: Die besten Erfolgsstrategien" |
"Sie laufen und laufen im Job und kommen doch nicht von der Stelle? Viele Menschen erleben ihr Berufsleben genauso. Sie arbeiten quasi bis zum Umfallen und haben doch das Gefhl, dass ihr Einsatz und ihre Leistung nicht gesehen werden. Sie retten Projekte, aber die Befrderung bekommen andere angeboten. Die Frage nach einer Gehaltserhhung verhallt Jahr fr Jahr ohne konkrete Antwort. Wenn es Ihnen so geht, sind Sie in bester Gesellschaft. Viele meiner Kunden kommen genau mit diesen frustrierenden Erfahrungen zu mir. Die gute Nachricht ist: Sie knnen diese Situation verndern. Ihre berufliche Situation liegt in Ihrer Hand!Ich zeige Ihnen, wie es Ihnen gelingt, dass Ihre Leistung von Vorgesetzten gesehen wird, wie Sie sich positiv von Kollegen abheben ohne in eine Konkurrenzsituation zu gelangen, und wie Siefr das Unternehmen einen Mehrwert schaffen und sich fr die nchste Karrierestufe qualifizieren! In diesem Kurs erfahren Sie die acht wichtigsten Strategien, um Ihrer Karriere auf die Sprnge zu helfen. Zgern Sie nicht lnger, sondern geben Sie Ihrer Karriere den notwendigen Schub!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Karriere managen: Kompetenzen professionell darstellen" |
"Wollen Sie Ihre Karriere nach vorne bringen?Stehen Sie vor einer Bewerbung?Wollen Sie sich, Ihre Strken und Kompetenzen professionell darstellen? Dann sind Sie in diesem Kurs richtig. Hier erhalten Sie eine exakte und einfache Vorgehensweise, wie Sie Ihre Kompetenzen ermitteln und sie in Bewerbungen, in Jahres- und Bewertungsgesprche aber auch Unterhaltungen mit Vorgesetzten und der Unternehmensfhrung professionell darstellen. Das sind einige der Vorteile fr Sie: Sie gestalten Ihre Bewerbungen professioneller als bisher. Sie sind exzellent vorbereitet und knnen sich selbst sehr gut darstellen. Sie gehen mit einem guten Gefhl in Gesprche und haben weniger Stress dabei. Wer sich beruflich und geschftlich gut darstellen mchte, der sollte alle seine Kompetenzen kennen und auch in der Lage sein, diese je nach Situation und Anspruch nach auen positiv darzustellen: Fachliche Kompetenzen, durch Berufsausbildung, Studium oder Weiterbildung erworben. Methodische Kompetenzen wie Planen, Organisieren oder Delegieren. Soziale Kompetenzen wie das schnelle Aufbauen von erfolgreichen und produktiven Arbeitsbeziehungen sein, fr ein gutes Arbeitsklima zu sorgen, zu motivieren usw. Persnliche Kompetenzen reichen von hoher Belastbarkeit und mit Stress gut umgehen zu knnen bis hin zu Flexibilitt, Kreativitt oder Lernbereitschaft. Wenn Sie alle Aufgaben in diesem Kurs bearbeiten, erreichen Sie fr sich eine Menge: Sie haben Klarheit, was Ihren persnlichen Werdegang angehtEine Reflexion Ihrer Strken, Ihrer Werte und was Sie sonst ausmachtSie haben eine detaillierte Einsicht Ihrer FertigkeitenUnd eine Liste mit Ihren KernkompetenzenSie wissen, wie Sie diese Kompetenzen gut formulieren und belegen knnenSie haben Ihre Ziele definiertUnd nchste Schritte festgelegt. Der Kurs basiert auf dem Verfahren der Kompetenzenbilanz. Diese wurde 2003 von den Professoren Claas Triebel & Thomas Lang-von Wins in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Zukunftszentrum Tirol entwickelt. Die Kompetenzenbilanz haben inzwischen ber 8000 Menschen erfolgreich absolviert. Claas Triebel hat die Entwicklung dieses Kurses begleitet und Materialien zur Verfgung gestellt. Viele haben die Notwendigkeit schon erkannt, ihre Kompetenzen und damit sich selbst positiv zu verkaufen und ihre berufliche oder geschftliche Karriere so mageblich gefrdert. Knnen Sie es sich leisten noch zu warten, whrend die anderen an Ihnen vorbeiziehen, whrend Sie stehenbleiben und nicht recht vorwrtskommen? Also egal ob Sie sich beruflich umorientieren mchtenOder wieder ins Berufsleben einsteigen wollen Einen neuen Karriereschritt wagen wollen Ihnen eine konkrete Bewerbungssituation bevorsteht Oder einfach eine Bestandsaufnahme machen wollen: Dieser Kurs wird Ihnen dabei helfen. Also: werden Sie jetzt aktiv. Belegen Sie heute diesen Kurs und bringen Sie Ihre persnliche Karriere nach vorne."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Wine Confidence - Enjoy Wine Without Being An Expert" |
"Are You Overwhelmed By the Subject Of Wine?Sure, wine can be a confusing and intimidating subject. But if your goal is to simply enjoy wine more, there's no reason you need to become an instant wine genius.My name is David Baer, and since the late 1990s, I've been pulling back the curtain on the world of wine for clients ranging from soccer moms to service professionals to corporate executives. And, today, I'd like to do the same for you.But instead of teaching you about grape varieties and growing regions, I think it's better to help you get past your wine fears and discomforts, and set you on a path to exploring and enjoying wine at your own pace.Over the years, I've worked with: A sales professional who failed to win a contract with a wine-loving prospective client at a business dinner, because he awkwardly tried to fake his own wine knowledge. A young woman who was embarrassed on a first date by a guy who spent the evening showing her how to hold her glass correctly, and how to taste wine properly. Dozens upon dozens of consumers who admitted to not ordering or buying wines simply because they couldn't pronounce the name or were not willing to ask questions about a wine that interested them.Do any of those situations sound familiar? If soI'd like to Introduce You to WINE CONFIDENCEWINE CONFIDENCE is an online video course designed to demystify wine and help you discover simple techniques for ordering and buying wine even if you don't know much about the subject.Why Did I Create This Course?You've already read about some of the stories from my clients above. But those are just a few of the many things people have shared with me about their wine encounters. Other questions have been about things like finding the perfect wine to go with a meal or confusion over what to do when a waiter hands you a cork.It's become clear to me that wine has caused a lot of people a great deal of anxiety. So I decided to do my part to help clear the air, bring clarity to the world of wine, and increase the wine confidence for those like you who are longing to get past the nonsense and just enjoy wine on your own terms.So after years of collective personal experience, hundreds of hours hosting consumer and corporate wine events, and countless discussions with wine professionals, I've compiled a simple-to-follow series of videos that will help bring you closer to wine.When you invest in WINE CONFIDENCE today not only will learn what got us in this mess in the first place, but you'll also discover exactly how to sit down at a restaurant, be handed one of those hundred-page wine lists, and dazzle your dining companions as you order with confidence and easePlus, you'll also receive a collection of BONUS INTERVIEWS I conducted with wine industry experts, filled with golden gems of wisdom for you to take with you on your next wine outing!So if you are ready to take control of your wine enjoyment, and confidently engage with your dinner guests, dates, and sommeliers about wine, then you owe it to yourself to invest in this course, and yourself, today."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Sure-Fire Hashtag Strategies For Social Marketing Success" |
"Using social media to build awareness about you and your company is a given these days. But it's also important to understand how to enter people's online conversations in natural ways, without directly selling to them.In fact, if you try to hard-sell anyone on social media sites, it can actually backfire. It's all about making connections and building relationships... before a sale ever gets made.But how do you find the right ""conversations"" to enter in the first place?Hashtags...In this course, you'll learn how to find the right hashtags for your audience, and how to use them to strategically grow your social marketing influence. Choosing and using hashtags can be the difference between getting targeted and non-targeted traffic."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Facebook Ads for Entrepreneurs & Coaches" |
"There are now over 2 million advertisers on Facebook reaching a continuously growing audience numbering in the billions. If you are already running Facebook ads for your coaching, consulting or online business, but not getting the results you've been looking for, this course is for you. Inside, you will learn how to use Facebook's more advanced advertising features, including:custom audienceslookalike audiencesconversion trackingreportingand more...Facebook Ads Are More Than Boosted PostsWhile most advertisers use Facebook to boost posts and encourage clicks to their websites, Facebook's ad platform enables you to do far more than you might imagine by developing better relationships with your target audience through advertising. This course will show you the tools to use, how to use them, and share some examples of how other advertisers are using them as well.Course Content and Your Ad GoalsThrough a series of video lectures, I demonstrate how to use Facebook's various ad platform tools, as well as how they can be leveraged in structuring successful ad campaigns. Upon completing this course, you will have the knowledge necessary to structure sophisticated, advanced-level ad campaigns using Facebook.NOTE: This is NOT an introductory course"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Influence for Coaches, Leaders, and Mentors" |
"This course is designed to explain the importance of and strategies behind becoming influential using social media for your niche or industry. Why is this important?Social media matters in reaching your ideal audience:Nearly 2.1 Billion people have a social media account1.7 Billion of those people are currently active3.65 Billion people have access to social media through smartphones47% of all people are on FacebookTwitter has over 284 Million active users53% of people aged 18-29 have an Instagram accountInside this course you will learn through video and summary checklists, how to influence your audience to gain authority and to motivate people to take action, (and, ideally, to spend money with you)."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Digital Course and Information Product Creation for Coaches" |
"In this course, you will learn how to stop limiting your income to one-on-one coaching and consulting clients. Through the tools and techniques shared in these lessons, you'll learn how to develop multiple products, how to position your coaching business for maximum impact, and how to develop passive-income generating programs.This course is taught through a combination of video lectures, written guides, workbooks, and checklists.The course is broken down into 4 major sections:Section One: Discover Your Winning IdeaEveryone has one. It's what your clients are begging you for, but since they don't always tell you in so many words, you might struggle to figure it out. In this section, we'll how to identify what your prospective clients are seeking, and how bets to position yourself to deliver it.Section Two: Designing and Creating Your ProgramYour signature program is going to be the thing you become known for, but it doesn't have to take weeks or months to create.Section Three: The Short and Sweet Product LaunchA simple, tasteful and timely launch will go far toward solidifying your brand and your signature product.Section Four: How to Generate Passive, Non-Coaching IncomeHow to take what you are already doing in your business and created automated tools and programs to make you more money and give you more time."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |