Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"English Sentence Structure Course Speaking and Writing" |
"This course is for English learners who want a better understanding of English. Understanding English parts of speech and sentence structure are key to improving your speaking, writing and listening. Most students skip English parts of speech and sentence structure and this causes many problems later in their learning. Think about it. If an athlete were to skip the basics of their sport, would they be able to master it? The answer is no, and its the same for language. Building a solid foundation is just as important as learning the higher level 'fancy' grammar. And the truth is, if you spend a little extra time learning this now, you will save yourself a whole lot of time down the road.Build a strong English foundation and the rest will be easy. In this course you learn:The parts of an English sentenceNounsVerbsA Closer Look at Sentence ObjectsThe Other Words - Adjectives, Adverbs and MorePrepositionsConjunctions The Four Sentence TypesThe Four Sentence Structures.Each lesson provides an explanation followed by examples and practice questions.In only a few days you will build a complete understanding of English sentences and improve the structure of your own. You will easily be able to build upon your English grammar and master advance concepts thanks to a strong grammar foundation. Make life easier and take this course now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Redox Reactions In Easy Steps (Chemistry)" |
"This course covers everything you will need to know about the redox (oxidation-reduction) reactions and balancing them (with two methods) The content is universal so by taking that course you will able to improve your grade in any chemistry test or exam related to redox (oxidation reduction) reactions. At the beginning of the course a quick-basic knowledge about periodic table -oxidation state relations and simple electron configuration is given which you are going to need in the further lectures in order to enhance the learning process. The content is explained step by step and the course includes a well worked out guide that will make you learn and understand in an easier way. The lectures are followed by a test with answers that will improve your learning by 100% My advice is not to finish that course at once! Thanks."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cmo usar Metatrader 4 para hacer trading?" |
"Este es un curso rpido para las personas que quieren aprender a leer activos financieros en grficos de anlisis tcnico y sacar provecho de una herramienta intuitivamente fcil de usar. Se encontrarn videos de 13 temas distintos a explorar y un video-bono adicional al final del curso que amplia las posibilidades del estudiante de observar nuevas opciones en el mercado de activos burstiles e inversiones por internet.Es un curso fcil de entender y de aplicar al tiempo que observa los videos. Los mantendr atentos mientras se realiza una explicacin visual y auditiva de los temas. Los invito a que lo tomen si tienen un gran inters por comenzar su camino a las inversiones por internet!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Seminario: Mercado de Divisas FOREX" |
"Este seminario cuenta da herramientas inciales para concer y adentrarse en el mercado de divisas. Este es el mercado financiero ms grande del mundo con ms de USD 14 trillones negociados a diario en el planeta. Ac, usted podr encontrar explicaciones acerca de los elementos que influyen al mercado de Forex, aprendar a seleccionar su broker, a trazarse un plan de accin para desarrollar su negocio y entender aspectos tcnicos que le permitirn desenvolverse como un verdadero trader de divisas. La terminologa no es para nada confusa, al contrario, trata de ser muy explicativa y cotidiana con ejemplos actuales de los cuales usted debe tener un mnimo conocimiento.El seminario se comprende de 24 secciones, las cuales usan medios audiovisuales que usted encontrar interesantes y que no podr dejar de consultar hasta que haya terminado todos los videos.Le recomiendo inscribirse para que entienda y conozca el mercado financiero de divisas, piense en la oportunidad de tener ingresos adicionales o simplemente crezca personal y profesionalmente al aprender cosas nuevas y tiles que seguramente le podrn servir hasta en su vida cotidiana."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Laravel Homestead on Windows 10" |
"Develop a Powerful Skill Set for Maximum Coding Productivity** UPDATED ** September 2016With the recent LTS (Long Term Support) release of Laravel 5.1 there is no doubt that this amazing open-source PHP framework is heading towards the Enterprise space. Understanding how the Laravel development ecosystem functions is a fundamental requirement for high-productivity coding.Deploying a fully integrated Laravel Homestead development ecosystem can be confusing as the framework leverages a number of 3rd party tools to streamline and improve developer workflow.This course will teach you how to install a complete Laravel Homestead development environment as a seamlessly integrated ecosystem, starting with a vanilla Windows 10 installation.By learning how to install Windows 10 onto an external USB drive you'll have a functional Windows sandbox at your disposal in order to experiment with confidence using the various technologies present in the Laravel development ecosystem.By the end of the course we'll meet the stated objective of having a completely integrated and fully functional, Laravel Homestead Virtual Machine based, Laravel development ecosystem for Maximum Coding Productivity, without polluting the Windows operating system with unwanted software.** UPDATED ** September 2016 (new Section 16 added which uses the updated versions shown in Italics below and includes a Laravel 5.3 installation). Only the most recent releases of each of the applicable software is used Windows 10Virtualbox 5.1.6Vagrant 1.8.5Homestead 0.5.0Git 2.10.0PHPStorm 9.0PHP 5.6 Latest versions of Composer, Node, NPM, Bower, Gulp and Laravel Elixir.By the time we are done you will not only have a KILLER development environment that is fully integrated and works seamlessly, you'll also understand exactly how each of the components contributes to assist you in an advanced development workflow so that you can get cracking and focus on your development project!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin al Hacking y Ciberseguridad. Actualizado." |
"ActualizadoEste curso ha sido actualizado en abril de 2016 para incluir las nuevas versiones de Kali Linux y los sistemas operativos Windows.Qu vas a aprender?En este curso aprenders desde cero las tcnicas que usan los cibercriminales para tomar el control de los sistemas. Esto te permitir proponer contramedidas para mitigarlas y proteger tu red frente a ataques a la Seguridad de la Informacin.ContenidoMs de 250 pginas de informacin detallada y ms de 3 horas de vdeo con demostraciones prcticas que podrs realizar en tu propio laboratorio.Conceptos de Seguridad de la InformacinTcnicas de hacking: sniffing, phishing, password cracking, Man in the Middle, criptografa, ...ContramedidasNormas y estndares de CiberseguridadLaboratorios PrcticosTodas las demostraciones que se hacen en el curso podrs realizarlas en tu propio laboratorio. Aprenders a instalar y configurar el laboratorio utilizando herramientas gratuitas.Comprueba tus ConocimientosCada seccin va acompaada de un examen para que puedas poner a prueba tus conocimientos.Ayuda del InstructorPodrs consultar tus dudas al instructor del curso."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Instalacin y Configuracin de Windows Server 2012 R2." |
"Qu vas a aprender?En este curso aprenders desde cero cmo se lleva a cabo la instalacin y administracin de servidores Windows Server 2012 R2, desde la instalacin del sistema operativo hasta la gestin de servicios como DHCP, DNS y servicios de almacenamiento.ContenidoMs de 200 pginas de informacin detallada y ms de 5horas de vdeo con demostraciones prcticas que podrs realizar en tu propio laboratorio.Conceptos de Windows Server 2012 R2 y redesInstalacin de roles y caractersticasAdministracin de serviciosMonitorizacin de servidoresEl contenido de este curso ha sido actualizado en enero de 2018 para incluir nuevas secciones:Despliegue Automatizado de Windows ServerAdministracin de Directorio ActivoGestin de Directivas de GrupoAlta Disponibilidad:Failover Cluster y DFSServicios de Acceso Remoto:VPNy RADIUSLaboratorios PrcticosTodas las demostraciones que se hacen en el curso podrs realizarlas en tu propio laboratorio. Aprenders a instalar y configurar el laboratorio utilizando herramientas gratuitas.Comprueba tus ConocimientosCada seccin va acompaada de un examen para que puedas poner a prueba tus conocimientos.Ayuda del InstructorPodrs consultar tus dudas al instructor del curso.Requisitos TcnicosAcceso a InternetOrdenador con un mnimo de 6 GB de RAM y procesador de 64 bits con virtualizacin hardware (Inter-VT EPT AMD-V). Un ejemplo de procesador es un Intel Core I3, aunque hay ms procesadores que soportan esta caracterstica y debers asegurarte de que el tuyo lo cumple. Mnimo de 40 GB de espacio en disco duro."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hacking tico: Footprinting y Reconocimiento" |
"Qu vas a aprender?Este es el primer curso de la serie Hacking tico y est centrado en la fase de Footprinting y Reconocimiento.Aprenders desde cero cmo se lleva a cabo la recopilacin de informacin previa a otras fases de un proceso de pentesting para probar el nivel de seguridad de empresa. Conocers las tcnicas y herramientas ms utilizadas y cmo implementar contramedidas para evitar publicar informacin sensible.ContenidoMs de 4horas de vdeo con explicaciones de conceptos tericos ydemostraciones prcticas que podrs realizar en tu propio laboratorio.Instalacin de mquinas virtuales para el laboratorioTcnicas de recogida de informacinHerramientas para automatizar la fase de footprintingContramedidas para proteger la informacin de la empresa contra los atacantesLaboratorios PrcticosTodas las demostraciones que se hacen en el curso podrs realizarlas en tu propio laboratorio. Aprenders a instalar y configurar el laboratorio utilizando herramientas gratuitas.Comprueba tus ConocimientosCada seccin va acompaada de un ejerciciopara que puedas poner a prueba tus conocimientos.Ayuda del InstructorPodrs consultar tus dudas al instructor del curso.Requisitos TcnicosAcceso a InternetOrdenador con un mnimo de 4GB de RAM y procesador de 64 bits con virtualizacin hardware (Inter-VT EPT AMD-V). Un ejemplo de procesador es un Intel Core I3, aunque hay ms procesadores que soportan esta caracterstica y debers asegurarte de que el tuyo lo cumple. Mnimo de 40 GB de espacio en disco duro."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Become a Professional Character Animator" |
"When I was 12 years old, my parents took me on The Magic of Disney Animation"" tour at Walt Disney World, where I saw REAL Disney Animators creating real Disney Animation. Less than 10 years later, at the age of 22, I became one of the youngest animators ever hired by Walt Disney Animation. That day, I was just a child who formed a dream of working as an animator for Disney. That dream turned into a goal, and that goal turned into a burning desire that wouldn't let me stop until I achieved it.This isn't just a course on how to animate"" or ""how to become a character animator"". This is a course on how to achieve your biggest dreams! I've reverse engineered the steps I used to turn the dream of a 12 year old into reality. You'll learn what it takes to get your Dream Job at an animation studio, and how to keep that job.Of course I'll teach you about the 12 Principles of Animation (the fundamental principles that ALL animation is based on), in fact I'll help you turn all 12 Principles into Habits. But I'll ALSO teach you about yourself: How to motivate yourself to reach those big dreams, and how to STAY motivated even when everyone around you tells you to give up.You should have a basic grasp of animation, and be able to use animation software such as Blender 3D, Maya, 3DS Max, or any of the 2D animation packages.The techniques and practices taught in this course can be applied to any form of animation, but you will need to practice them throughout the course.I explain the concepts clearly, and there are video clips of each exercise being performed or animated, so you can follow along.The course is 12 weeks long, and requires you to do a small animation exercise every single day. It is broken into sections by week, with each week having 7 videos (one for each day of the week) plus a quiz at the end of each week.There were many 'dark days' where even I lost faith and felt like giving up on my dream of being a professional character animator.Now, in my mid-30's, I've worked for Disney, Fox Studios, and I run my own film and animation company - as well as an online animation community. I've managed to live and work in 7 countries around the world on everything from Feature Films, to Television Commercials, Video Games, and even Scientific Research. It's time to share my knowledge.I'm here to tell you that you SHOULD Dream big, and you CAN reach your Dream Job as a character animator in games, film, television, or any area you desire.Join me for 12 weeks of mentoring, motivation, and animation training.I'll see you on the other side."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Python 3 For Offensive PenTest: A Complete Practical Course" |
"When other's tools fail, writing your own makes you a true penetration tester!--------------- Before You Enroll !The knowledge which you will learn from this course is literally a weapon. My goal is to make you a better warrior in penetration testing. Consider the consequences of your actions, be smart and don't go to jail.There are quite a lot of people who call themselves hackers but in reality few have the solid skills to fit the definition, when other's tools fail, writing your own makes you a true hacker!---------------FAQWhy Python?Easy to learnCross platformUnlimited third party librariesGet your job done with few linesRanked as #1 for the most popular programming languagesPlenty of open source hacking tools are written in python which can be easily integrated within your scriptHow To Use This Course?View the course in order, start from module 1 and move on.Before you see the video, download the script, read the inline comments, run the script in your home lab, then finally see the explanatory video, if you still got any question, post it in Udemy forum.Don't skip the exercises, Google is your best friend.Fall in love with Python, go for extra mile and start writing your own weapons!How to reach me?Udemy forums in case you have ANY question or technical problem.LinkedIn if you have ANY questions prior taking the course, Ideas and collaboration are welcomed."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Train the Trainer" |
"This is a Train the Trainer. YOU will be GUIDED through the course to EQUIP you with the ESSENTIAL SKILLS that will enable you to tap from your POTENTIAL and make you an EFFECTIVE WORLD CLASS trainer.This course is suitable for those in a position to train others for example teachers, trainers, lecturers, managers, mentors, motivational speakers and you. It is applicable in Further and Higher Education, Community Learning and Human Resource (HR) among other settings. It is great for beginners as well as experienced trainers who want to refresh skills. you are welcome to share your ideas to make this successful for all of us. You need basic and functional skills in English, Maths and ICT. You also need a specialist subject or vocation or a topic you are passionate about.StructureThe introductory part of the course is mainly knowledge-based. The set tasks will deal with showing an understanding of principles of delivering learning. The course will be divided into sections.The introductory part will be looking at what is required at the initial stages of delivery. This will cover initial assessments/skills check, icebreakers and their purpose, ground rules and the teaching and learning cycle.This part will also include the roles and responsibilities of a trainer and how people learn, individual and group learning needs, learning styles and types of learnersIt will then focus on planning and designing training, aims, SMART learning outcomes, scheme of work and session plans.The attention will then shift on selecting suitable resources.To complete the introductory part, the course will move on to the preparation for delivery and practical considerations including legislative requirements, timing, procedures and how to keep records.The practical part of the course follows through a personal journey as shown on course GOALS. 1. Rediscover your potential 2. Be empowered 3. Unleashed your potential4. Apply the specifics5. Maximize your potential. The teaching strategies used will include video, audio, presentations, text, and a hybrid of video with slides.You are free to complete at your own pace.Let's get started."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Do Bsico ao Avanado - O Curso Completo de Microsoft Excel" |
"Curso de Excel do Bsico ao Avanado! Aprenda de forma completa em vdeo aulas passo a passo!Nesse curso online vamos abordar desde a parte bsica do Excel (entendimento da ferramenta, formataes, frmulas bsicas) at os conhecimentos avanados que te permitiro resolver qualquer problema com planilhas, aprendendo frmulas importantes, tabelas e grficos dinmicos e inclusive gravando macros! Alm disso, vamos montar nossa prpria planilha do zero e voc ser capaz de aplicar seus conhecimentos em Excel em qualquer projeto que queira!Este curso de excel tem duas grandes etapas: as Aulas de Excel e o Projeto 80/20.As aulas so dividas por contedo, sendo cada seo identificada pelo nvel de conhecimento de Excel. Nelas, aprenderemos de forma explicada cada conceito e ferramenta importantes para avanarmos no seu aprendizado.O Projeto 80/20 a aplicao de tudo o que aprendemos ao longo do curso de excel em uma planilha de controle e gerenciamento. Seu principal objetivo fixar e exercitar as principais funcionalidades do Excel, de forma a tornar seu uso intuitivo e lhe dar segurana para encarar desafios no Excel. Alm disso, para aqueles que precisam aprender o Excel para ontem e preferem uma apresentao de contedo mais rpida, o projeto serve como um jeito rpido de se aprender o mais importante do Excel, selecionamos os 20% das ferramentas do Excel que geram 80% dos resultados em nossas planilhas.Sem mais enrolao, vamos l!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Macro para Excel VBA para Iniciantes" |
"Aprenda Macros e VBA de forma aplicada e fcil!Aprenda a automatizar tarefas e rotinas no Excel e destaque-se.Nesse curso vamos abordar a parte bsica e intermediria do VBA, desde o entendimento do ambiente de trabalho, como funciona o VBA e as Macros at rotinas de preenchimento automtico. Vamos montar nossas prprias ferramentas ao longo do curso e voc se tornar capaz de acelerar de forma extraordinria e rpida qualquer tarefa que tenha no Excel.Na primeira seo vamos tratar do ambiente e da estrutura bsica do VBA, entender as diferentes formas de gravar macro e comear a aprender o cdigo por trs da mgica do Excel.Em seguida vamos aprender os fundamentos das Macros. Essa parte nos ensinar a alterar nossas planilhas em Excel usando as macros em VBA e nos dar a base para fazer o que quisermos no Excel.Por fim, vamos aprender as estruturas que do a inteligncia do nosso cdigo, criaremos rotinas de preenchimento automtico e de tratamento de dados, tudo de forma rpida e passo a passo.Sem mais enrolao, vamos l!- Joo Lira"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Macros VBA para Excel Completo - Construa 7+ Ferramentas" |
"Aprenda Macros e VBA de forma aplicada e passo a passo!Aprenda a automatizar tarefas e rotinas no Excel e destaque-se.Nesse curso vamos aprender tudo de VBA, desde o entendimento do ambiente de trabalho, como funciona o VBA e as Macros at rotinas complexas de preenchimento automtico, eventos, criao de formulrios completos, frmulas e muito mais!Vamosmontar nossas prprias ferramentasao longo do curso e voc se tornar capaz de acelerar de forma extraordinria qualquer tarefa que tenha no Excel. Ao final de cada etapa, construiremos uma ferramenta aplicando o que foi visto, de forma a lhe tornar confortvel todas as etapas de construo de uma macro nos cdigos do VBA e aprender de forma prtica e aplicada.Sem mais enrolao, vamos l!- Joo Lira, Instrutor do VBA para Excel Completo"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Reiki Level One Certification, Including Bonus Techniques" |
"Reiki is simple to learn, however it does require practice, so I have invested quite a bit in offering full scope Reiki training through lessons easy enough to retain student interest and not overwhelm their learning process. This course offers both the traditional teachings of Mikao Usui and includes many Western teachings of Madame Takata as she brought Reiki over to the United States a few decades ago. Upon completion of this course, students will be certified in first degree Reiki and will be able to give treatments to themselves and others. Unlike other classes offered, students of this course have the opportunity to become well versed not only in traditional Reiki teachings, but also gain access to additional techniques, lessons, and downloadable references that will assist their learning experience and practice well after completing the lessons. This comprehensive Reiki certification course can be learned at the student's own pace, and from the comfort of their own home or office. My goal is for you to get the most out of your experience with Reiki and for it to be as helpful to you as it has been to me. By enrolling in this class, you gain entry into our private Facebook community of fellow students where you can ask questions and gain peer feedback as you continue your journey into Reiki healing."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Modulating Drums and Synths with Ableton Live" |
"Learn to build a track from scratch. Automate Drum and Synth plugins, to create variation and enhance your track. Learn how to tweak VCO's and a VCF on an old analog synth. Learn how to modulate effects and other plugins, on a per clip basis, so that you attain more variety in your composition. I go step by step, and cover everything you need to know. I recorded this course non-stop for 1 hour and 45minutes, and you get all of it. Every parameter I tweaked, all that went through my head, plus lots of pro tips along the way, for you to use and apply. I have over 20 years experience recording, fixing, repairing, and arranging electronic music. Working with synths since 1992, I have been fully entrenched into the synth movement. Now I am taking my experience, and creating these awesome videos, where I share my total knowledge, and help you to do, what too me years to learn and understand. I skip you right to what will work, and give you the basis to launch off on your own. I love to share, and this course I want to share with you. I have take then time to break down all of the lessons, into concise and easy segments, that are easy to digest, and easy to consume. I show you what my mouse is doing, and where my hands are. I show you step by step all the moves. I even add in pop-ups to help you understand a concept better, or add additional industry experience to what you are learning. I have other courses for beginning, and learning to record with Ableton or Logic, and how to set all of that up, and how to arrange tracks, and take your compositions to the next level. In this course I wanted to focus on exactly how to take you right from start to finish. From a blank canvas to a fully working track. Many songs today, are but a few simple pieces placed together, but how do you get those pieces? How do you get to that sound. How do you become a musical artist. That is one of my primary goals, is to ignite the fire inside of you, to allow you to fall in love with writing music, and making music. I teach you how to become an artist again, or improve your artistic skills. When you take this course, you will walk away a better artist, and you will grow an awareness, or the things that I teach you about, so no matter which style you go to write in or play, you will walk away with more skills and knowledge than you had before."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Arranging Techniques for Ableton Live, Produce Better Music" |
"This course is about using Ableton Live to arrange your songs. You can use Ableton Live Lite, or other music software as well. The techniques you will learn, will help you in multiple areas of your recording career or journey. This course deals specifically with applying a method I call Sliding Plates to your compositions. However, I do more than that. I walk you through how to use Ableton more effectively, so you become more productive. I've arranged over 400 songs in Ableton Live, and have been in the music industry since 1992. I have recorded and produced serval albums in many genres. I've learned a lot of techniques that I want to share with you, which will help you write and complete songs faster than you have before. I have developed techniques and concepts that I will teach you, which will help you to utilize most of what Ableton Live offers. I go step by step, and mouse click by mouse click. I have divided up the lessons into small and bite sized pieces. My goal is to be quick and efficient not overwhelming. I give you tips along the way. I zoom in when you need to see some detail, and I help guide you around the interface, and walk you though complicated terms with analogies and simple things to remember. This course is designed for any one who is seriously frustrated with music arranging. Stepping into the computer software domain, can be overwhelming and daunting, and I have worked hard to make this course an easy transition.You might be and experienced musician, but when it comes to arranging a song, you might get frustrated or ask the question - What do I do now? I am here to help. This course is geared for you. You might be ok at arranging, but maybe you need more help, maybe your songs do not vary enough, so this course is going to help you see how to add variation, and help your songs pop. You might be using Protools, or Logic Pro, or CakeWalk, or Sonar, or another software program, yet this course is still of great value to you. You can apply the concepts and theory into those programs as well. So sign up, and take this course, and be on your way to a better professional."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Professional Green Screen Technique" |
"You may have thought about doing green screen, or wanted to use it in making your course. However, it can be a frustrating experience if you don't know what to do, or know what target you are aiming to hit. After I learned the secrets of doing green screen professionally, and with consistent and repeatable results, for many videos and courses, I decided to share with you all the secrets I've learned, and break it down in a way, that anyone can understand. In this comprehensive course I walk you though the equipment you need, how to set it up, how to get the results, and then I take you behind the scenes so you see exactly what I did. I even take you with me, while editing the promo video, and other lessons in this course. You will learn and see everything that goes into it. Whether you have seasoned experience and want to add green screen to your toolbox, or you have never shot video, and don't know what to buy, I cover the basis. I even have a discount to a final cut primer course, that I offer you after you enroll in this course to beef up your final cut skills. I want you to be successful, but not just that, I want you to be able to approach green screen, and the technique with ease. I want you to be comfortable, feeling that you will soon be able to attain all the results that I show you for your own work, and projects. I want you to be equipped with all the knowledge that I have, so you can be successful. I have designed this course, so that you can be more efficient, more productive, and take green screen from an overwhelming task, to a routine in your workflow. I've spent a long time, finding out just how to get the green screen technique and process down to a science, one that is quick and easy to repeat. Once you take this course, you will walk away with that knowledge, and it will empower you to do it on your own. In this course, I also cover multiple angles, and multiple cameras, and show you some advanced techniques. I want everyone to get something out of this course. In addition to that, I also covering editing multiple camera angles, and suggest ways to improve and become more efficient in your usage of such techniques. After this course you should be able to hit the ground running, producing and directing with the green screen technique. I can tell you it is a lot easier to be able to learn something, when you can see the whole process, from start to finish. When you can see what the goal is, what you are aiming to accomplish, it is much easier to repeat something, when you have a clear idea of what it is you are supposed to repeat. That is my desire in this course, to instill in you the knowledge that I have, so you have that clear idea, and you understand from start to finish what I am doing, and then you can achieve professional results as well."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Ableton Live" |
"In this course for Ableton Live 9, and Ableton Live Lite 9, you will learn how to navigate and manage your workflow from a preset arrangement to the final steps of export. I will go over how to do the basics tasks, and walk you through the skills you need to know, to take your song/arrangement to the final steps. This course is designed for beginners, however it is useful for any experience level. You will learn about organization, and I will share with you my tips from using Live, after producing over 300 songs with the program. I make short lessons to follow along, so if you only have a little amount of time, you can take a lesson here and there. I make things to the point, quick and simple. My goal is to help you learn in a easy and direct route, to cut your learning curve, and get you up and running with Ableton Live as efficiently as possible. You will learn all the basics, all the main pieces. My lessons are what I teach, so if you miss something, it will be easy for you to find the lesson, and watch it again. I want you to be comfortable with using Ableton, so I have spent the time to go over in this course, exactly what you need to know, and in the order that you need to go in, so that you can fix the song/arrangement incrementally. I give you lots of tips and tricks, that are in almost every lesson, with all the experience that I have accumulated now ready for your consumption. Take advantage of my 20+ years of music industry experience, along with vast knowledge of sequencing, arranging, compositions, and my easy style of teaching. I had a lot of fun making this course, and I hope that you enjoy it, as much as I enjoyed making it. Also please leave your feedback and comments, as I treasure that and greatly appreciate how this course was able to help improve your skills and abilities."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Be Happy All the Time" |
"Hello and thank you for your interest in this course. I have seen, read, and watched a number of self-help books, shows, and videos from which none impacted my life. I was sadly disappointed that there is not much on genuinely transforming one's life. This course explains happiness, without any monetary component. In fact money or no money, this course is geared to get your inner mind thinking, so that no matter what your physical state, or location, you can become happy all the time. I have spent over 7 years, developing the material in this course. In fact over 20 years of experience, personally dealing with my own issues I was trying to solve. I began a young kid, and though my parents, unintentionally had a number of bad patterns and beliefs installed in my head. It was not until I was in my late 20s, and early 30s when i started to even realize this. I was so good as discrediting myself, that I was rarely motivated to do anything, and sank into depression for months at a time. For me, happy to shutdown was only a matter of seconds, and any happiness that i experienced was quickly gone. Initially I was not trying to find happiness, but a way to get past depression, and being shutdown. I wanted a way to get ahead in life, and to get away from the harsh self-critical life I had been living. Marriage for me, had not helped this, and when that marriage ended in unresolvable conflict, and divorce, I was forced to look inside myself, and start figuring out what went wrong, and who I was. Over the next few years, I would spend an enormous amount of time in self-reflection, until I started learning these keys. The keys that I have presented here, took 7 years to discover. I learned them one by one, and applied them as soon as I learned them, Though that 7 year period, I got back control of my life, let go of depression, and turned around into the happy outlook that I have today.I made a great change, and if you have struggled with depression, sadness, defeat, easily frustrated, and a number of other things, than my hope is for you, that you will be able to transform your life though these keys and lessons, and that you will experience real and genuine change. Just as I did, I believe you can do it too. I did this course using video lessons. I did this because I wanted to convey to you exactly how it feels, and how it should feel when you reach the keys that I am talking about. When you read a book, and they say do this or do that, you never really know when you have accomplished what you were instructed to do. I made this course specifically so that you would know when you get to the key. You would know because I explain to you what it feels like, what you think like, how it changes you. I teach you what to look for and how to look for it. Enroll now, and start transforming your life. I know you can do it. I remember I went through a long journey, a journey I never felt I would see the other side of. I know it looks daunting and overwhelming, but if you have a desire to become happy, then you have made the first steps to getting there. Enroll now, and I'll see you on the next lesson."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Act Like A Child of God" |
"This course teaches you how to think, and grow into an awareness of yourself, and the relationships that surround you. In this course you work on your inner self, to produce an inner and outer change. This course will give you the insight, information, and practical application, so that you can effectively transform into life, where you have a close awareness of, and relationship with God. When I grew up, I had a close relationship with God, and I understood how that felt, but everyone around me did not have that. I felt when I was very young, that I was the odd one out, and began to conform to those around me. When I did, I lost the closeness of that relationship with God, and when I realized this years later, I sought to seek it out again. This course is explains, through a refined process of how you can connect with God, based on what I learned about reconnecting with God, and how to get that confidence to walk as a child of God, and where the source of that confidence can come from. In this course you will learn how my thinking changed, and how you can change and transform your thinking, to get past religion, culture, and man-made laws, to find beneath that a real, and true connection with God. This is a process, and journey, and a change within yourself. This is not meant to be done in a day, or a week, you may have to go through this course over and over, each time transforming yourself, a little bit at a time. You may take the course and have a small effect, or a large effect, it is most important for you to decide what effect it will have on you before you begin, so that you are prepared for what will come of it. There are many truths that are in this course, they will lead you, and in your deepest part of your heart, you will know that they are true. Some parts of this course, as it was for me, I had to take a step back for months, as I asked God if that was really true, and if that was how I needed to believe or think. Some lessons may be like that for you. One such lesson in this course took me 6 months to process and go through. Other lessons take weeks, days or hours to learn and apply them. My hope is, that you find what you are looking for in this course, and that you are encourage, and comforted beyond belief, in a multitude of ways, and that you are blessed and changed in a way, that no other course or process in your life might affect you. I want you to know, that I sank my whole effect, mind, body and soul into preparing, and delivering this course, with all of my love for you, and the hope of bring an abundance of good into your life, through the material covered in this course. For me this is a life's work, for you may it make your life work better, more harmoniously, and more in depth, as you pursue a deeper and stronger connection with God. blessings,-Sam"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn Editing with Final Cut Pro X" |
"Did you ever wish you could sit next to someone who has been using Final Cut Pro for years, and learn how to do a video project the easy and simple way? Did you every wish it would be easy to go back and reference lessons, because they were short and easy to locate? These questions are what led me to make and design this course. I decided to make a course I'd want to take myself. What I most wanted to know when I started working with Final Cut Pro was, how do you get a project from start to finish, and show me some tips and tricks along the way. That is why this course exists, it is to give you that knowledge, the knowledge I wish I had when I started. Knowing about what tools are available is a good piece of information, but knowing how to use those tools can change who you are, and what you are able to do. This course is designed with beginner to the advanced in mind. If you want to know how to work with a library, or event or project, or you want to dig deeper into Final Cut Pro, and learn about the terminal and hidden files and features, then you are covered, either way. The lessons in this course are taken from a screencast of myself working on the promo video for this course. That's right, you are working on this course, the actual course. You sit with me, and I take you though all the steps that I did, from importing to managing content, to making a project, adding assets to that project, and then removing noise, hum, and hiss from the audio, to video effects, video titles, pitfalls, editing and exporting. I show you how to do complicated tasks with powerful software in an easy and repeatable fashion. If you follow my steps you will be able to easily apply the same techniques and methods to your own projects and videos. As a handy added bonus, you also get access to retake any lesson, and since I spent the time to chop them into bite-sized pieces, you will be able to locate the exact lesson you want to reference in the future. I spent days and hours making this course to save you, what could easily take 3-12 months to learn on your own. I hope you enjoy taking this course, and learning from me. I enjoyed making this course, and I want you to take my knowledge and use it to improve your skills and abilities. Enroll Now, and let's begin learning to edit with Final Cut Pro X."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Go From Crisis To Abundance: My Budget Management Strategy" |
"Thanks for you interest in this course. This course is designed to teach you the principles that I have learned and developed over the last 7 years. These principles work with the money you already have and make. This is a course on a way to look at your money, that makes it easier to manage, and by doing so, helps you to realize your financial dreams. Using this method personally, I was able to go from a financial crisis, to financial abundance and to affording my heart's desire, in as little as two years. For years, I felt that i would never have any money to save up, or felt that I would never be able to buy a house, or buy a car, or get by and ahead in life. However, I learned, discovered and found keys to change my perspective around. I have spent a long time, now taking what I did and turn it into a teachable course, that could help millions of others to discover the benefits of working with money this way. I love this method, because it works with the money you have. It is not an investment scheme, nor does it rely on compound interest, or other financial terms. This is strictly looking at the money you make now! You do not need any more than what you have, all you have to do is learn the principles and lessons through this course that will guide you on how to see, view and manage your money effectively. This is the best way to financial abundance, and the best way to building wealth. This course will help you keep what you have and will show you a picture of your financial situation. This is great because it allows you to be in control of your destiny, and allows you to make choices that will impact your future. I spent a long time working on wealth, reading books, and trying to discern what the most important factor way. The conclusion is that you need to understand a reasonable way to maintain a management strategy for your money. If the solution is too difficult then it is hard to maintain and you will lose interest in it. If the solution is too simple, then you stop using it because it is not flexible enough to use on an ongoing basis. I wanted to create an elegant solution, that would be easy to maintain. Powerful enough, flexible enough, and simple enough to teach and reuse. This course is the culmination of 7 years of effort, building this system, flushing it out, refining it, refactoring it, and making it available to you. Enroll now, and take advantage of my knowledge, and start to discover what financial future awaits you!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PHP Shell Scripting for Linux/Unix Administrators" |
"Hello, and thank you for you interest in this course. I have been programming PHP since 2000. I have also been a Linux/Unix Administrator since 2000. I have worked with PHP in Shell script applications and Web-Based applications since 2000 as well. I have written many tools, and managed over 600 servers, and built Linux environments from 2 servers to over 200, in less than 2 years. I have a lot of industry experience, and now I want to share this knowledge with you, so that it can help your career. In my early days, I was in-between C and Java, and I choose C, and even C over C++, because I was more interested in the systems language that Linux was written in. I grew found of PHP mostly due to its C-like syntax. In fact it is like C, but much easier to pick up. There are no type declarations, or linking, or compiling. It is very easy to go from C to PHP, since most of the functions and operators work the same. However PHP is even better, since you can write it inline with Web-Based HTML. It makes sys admin work, and web-based reports, only needing to know one language to do both jobs. With the helper functions that I show you in the course, you will learn how easy it is to turn command line tools, into objects PHP can easily harness. With this you will be able to write scripts fast and quick. My largest installation of PHP grown scripts, was at a company, where I scripted so much through PHP, that it would have taken 3 full-time people to replace what I had written. Never fear running out of work, I was always busy at that job, and I never ran out of work, that is why I had scripted so much, just to get ahead and stay afloat. PHP is a powerful language. You can hardness data, and send it right into a database, in fact PHP libraries work with just about every database on the market, making it great glue code to import and export between different platforms. Enroll now, and let's get started putting PHP to work for you, and letting it enhance and move your career forward."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Produce with ScreenFlow" |
"Hello, and thank you for your interest in this course. This course is about how to use the professional screen capture and recording program called: ScreenFlow. I am using version 5 of the program in this course. ScreenFlow is what I have used to create dozens of courses and lessons for Udemy. In this course I take you through an actual course I was editing to show you the features of this tool. I use a very behind-the-scenes approach, showing you my screen, and giving you a workflow approach to using ScreenFlow. By the time you are finished with this course, I will help you to understand and use ScreenFlow, so that you have become comfortable with the software. I have divided up my lessons into smaller pieces, so that when you are editing your own content, that you will be able to use the lessons as a reference. When you ask, how did he do this or that technique, you can quickly reference the lesson and apply it in your own project. This course is to the point, and though I do take a few lessons to explain my thought process, or give you expert advise about how to edit, direct or produce, I try to keep things concise and to the point. You will notice that the lessons are short, just what you need. The course is designed as a workflow, and I made it that way. The course is in the order that I use ScreenFlow. I do not just go through menu items, or look at lists of commands, I take you through an actual project. When starting a project, you do A, B, C, D, E and then F, G, H and over here you do I , J, K, and then you are ready for this step and done. I will show you where to find things in the program, but I show you the commands that you need and where to find them, and explain to you how the writers of the software thought, which will give you a better understanding of the program and how to use it. I wrote this course independent of experience level with the software, and out of a need that I saw, where there was not much documentation to get up and running with the software. I know that once you take this course it will become a standard tool in your toolbox, just like it has become in mine. Enroll now, and I'll start getting you comfortable with ScreenFlow."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A Guide to Analog Synths: For the modern EDM enthusiast." |
"A secret is uncommon information. In this course you will learn from my 20+ years experience working with analog synths, all of the ins and outs of using analog synths and begin Sound Designing today. I say sound designing, as the components you will learn about are the fundamental components of this course, and are critical and essential for sound design.Have you ever sat there and said, man! I wish that sound lasted a bit longer, or I wish it did not start so harsh, or it did this or that. If you have asked that question, than you are in the right place, because that is what this course was designed to teach.I made this course to serve you the knowledge and understanding that it takes to really reveal and expose the power of synths, especially analog based synths. It does not matter if it is analog modeled or an actual analog synth, the same principles apply.I am going to take you through analog synthesizers one step at a time, and break down a complex interacting device into smaller and more manageable pieces. First we will start with the overview, and then section by section. After that we start work on the interactions, the most fun part about analog synths. The interactions is what makes the analog highly desired and sought after, and its essentially the fundamental components used in many places. The fact is filters and envelopes are used in a massive array of technology, and in this course you will start to understand the wide universe of applications as you listen and hear sounds, now you will have some new understanding of how those sounds or made or how that EDM or Trance track is created. You will be equipped to use off-the-shelf synthesizers and quickly be able to wow sounds out of them, you will become the synth master.I have owned many analog synths and now they are more readily available than ever. With micro keyboards, to software synth, and craigslist as well as ebay, there are so many ways to own analog synths. Not only that, but even the digital synths work the same, they have the same basic components and filters and envelopes.I show you the fun and excitement of tweaking analog synths, just like you were in my own lab and studio, and of course feel free to ask questions, and let me know if you are missing something, I want to help you understand and get comfortable with analog synths. I have amassed this knowledge and I want to pass it on to you, so you can go and do all the fun and exciting things with analog synths. I made this course to take out those frustrating trial and error steps, and bring you right to the choice cut meat.If you want to hear analog synths in music, I'll be happy to point you to my free to listen videos on youtube, with my band name Onitod, featured as onitodmusic, and you can hear analog synths at work. Enroll now, and let's get started enjoying and learning all about analog synths."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"DIY Patent Search - How to Save on Patents" |
"Learn a fast and easy way to save money by searching for patents before you hire a patent agent or an attorney. It will save you time, money and may even help you strengthen your idea. This course is more for inventors with product ideas than those with technology ideas.If you are an inventor or entrepreneur, you will want to protect your idea. How do you know if your idea has been done before? Start the search before you see an attorney. Considering the fact that patent searches cost anywhere from $400 to $1800, you will save money by giving the attorney some of the information they will need to write your patent if you chose to move forward."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Become a Javascript Engineer" |
"Are you looking for becoming a professional web developer and learn the necessary skills to get a highly paying job as a Javascript engineer, but you dont have anything to start with?In 2020 will have over 1.4 million jobs available with salaries reaching the mark of 6 figures year for professional developers. It's a unique opportunity for those who are looking for starting a new career.In this course you will learn how to program applications and how to think as a professional software engineer in few weeks.This is the most complete Javascript course on Udemy. This course was designed to teach you how to become a Javascript Engineer from zero skills.Learn step-by-step from the basic to advanced topics of Javascript. It's a highly interactive course with several videos, hundred of exercises and code challenges to test your skills.In the first section of the course you will learn about the history of Javascript and setting up the tools you need to follow the program. The following sections you will dive deep into basic and important concepts of Javascript like data types, operators, statements, functions, arrays, objects and you will take several exercises to test your knowledge. By the middle of the course you will learn several important methods and start with more advanced topics like scopes and prototypes. In the last half of this program you will dive into advanced techniques, develop couple applications, fix bugs and take several challenges.You need more than a regular programming language course to become a software engineer. Acquiring the right mindset is not a trivial task and requires a lot of time, discipline and investment. I've being working for five years with web technologies and developing web applications.To create this course I've studied in one of best programming schools in the world, Hack Reactor, and researched through the best materials available now a days. The professional experience combined with thousand hours of studying and research, allowed me to design a curriculum that helps students with no previous experience in programming to be able to master Javascript and acquire the necessary mindset of a professional software developer.This is an evolving course and I will constantly update it with new sections and topics. YES, buying this course you will get much more than you are paying for.Are you ready to become a Javascript engineer?"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Practical Steps to Overcoming Performance Anxiety" |
"**930 students from 92 different countries in only 2 months!Practical Steps to Overcoming Performance Anxiety"" is a focused, effective, course for any performer who wants to be more confident on stage. Professional dancers, musicians, actors, conductors, and aspiring performers are all welcome. This course will help you get rid of that unnecessary pain and suffering, and let you stay focused and positive before and during your upcoming show. Non-performers can certainly join the class as well, as they may find interesting insights to help them at their next public speaking event.I am Luciane Cardassi, a professional concert pianist with a doctorate in Piano Performance and more than 2 decades of performance experience. I had serious issues with stage fright early in my career, and I know it can be exhausting to be a performer if you feel terrified every time you go on stage. We will go over the roots of your anxiety, practical steps to overcoming the anxiety, and how to stay focused on stage. By the end of the course you will have developed your own personalized pre-performance routine, with techniques that work for you.The course is structured in 7 sections and 27 lectures, with a number of exercises and quizzes. In about 60 minutes you will have covered the lecture content. Take this course to learn new coping techniques so you can perform with more joy, trust and confidence!****THIS IS WHAT THE STUDENTS ARE SAYING:This course was amazing, in a really short time it teaches you a new awareness and self-confidence that allows you to better face anxiety both on stage and in life. Giulia Frascione""FANTASTIC! Precise, straightforward and very helpful. A gift for life to ALL performers!"" Lorena Orozco""A great contribution to this important topic! Very practical and systematically thought-out. I will definitely recommend to my students and colleagues. ""Colleen Athparia""Very useful advice for performers and teachers.This has given me some practical and concise advice to help my students. Thank You."" Michelle Todd""The course is fantastic and filled with super useful information and exercises. Don't miss out. Good material for seasoned pros and students alike."" Alejandro OchoaProfessionally presented, and most importantly she is real. She shares her own challenges as a performer and how she triumphed over them. This authenticity allowed me to connect with her and enhance my trust of her teachings. Im not a musician but I do speak on platforms to audiences so I was able to use all of her suggestions to reduce my stress and enhance my performance while having FUN. Dr. Louis Corletto"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Natural Skincare :: Easy Herbs and Recipes for Younger Skin" |
"DO YOU WANT GLOWING, RADIANT SKIN?It is all about your skincare ingredients. You absolutely do not need a long list of complicated ingredients or a complex formulation for softer, fresher, younger looking skin. You need the RIGHT ingredients.The right ingredients are the nourishing, healing botanicals. Why do you think the the big cosmetic brands are now featuring them? They have finally figured it out. It only takes a few of these beneficial botanicals to make a cleanser, a mask, a steam, a toner or a moisturizer. In the time it takes to go to the store to purchase expensive commercial products, you can easily make each product at home. An hour or so of kitchen fun will provide all your skincare needs for two to six months. There are so many benefits to creating your own facial skincare you will wonder why you didn't start sooner! Avoid unsafe chemicals and preservatives of commercial productsTaylor your skincare to your exact needsCreate gentle cleansers that dont strip beneficial oils from the skinDeeply nourish the skin for long-term benefitsPay for the ingredients, not the 500% markup for marketing and packaging of commercial productsThis course gives you the simple skills you need to easily create a complete daily and weekly facial regimen for ultimately healthy and vibrant skin. Heres what students have to say: ""I really loved this course. I did not realise making homemade skincare could be so straightforward, or the results so nourishing and beneficial. Beautifully and clearly presented, too. Katrina L ""I love this class! My hubby and I have both been using the lotion and some oil blends I made. I also steam when I remember. We are looking so much healthier! We've been using the homemade products for about two months. I love tailoring the lotions and cleansers to our needs. Some of my fine lines are going away! Thanks for putting this class together! Pixie M ""I really liked this course. Elizabeth gave an excellent demo, not only how to mix the products, but what the different ingredients would do for you, how to protect your final product and great recommendation for other products. I have watched other ""how-to"" homemade skincare courses, this is really worth the time and money. Crystal ""As an older adult, I am looking for ways to save the skin. As a celiac I have to be careful with what I use. This class was actually very good. I wasn't sure I wanted recipes when I signed up. After already making the cleanser, my skin feels better. I am looking forward to making the other products now. Faith F ""Elizabeth shares a wealth of knowledge in this course, explaining beautifully and succinctly what ingredients to use for various skin types and WHY to use each individual ingredient. I really enjoyed the fun beauty tips as well! I've taken several courses by Elizabeth and I would highly recommend each and every course! J.N. SThis course emphasizes healing botanicals Botanicals offer profound nourishment inside and out. The cosmetic industry is catching on. Companies large and small are adopting plant-based formulations and revisiting botanical ingredients that have been used with great effectiveness for centuries. Yet what you pay at the counter largely covers the enormous costs for marketing, packaging, insurance, administration and retail overhead. Avoid the costs, preservatives and often unsafe chemicals by making your own skincare in lovingly wholesome small batches. You will never find better skincare than what you make yourself. It is easier than you think! The course offers:Detailed simple recipesLearning from a professional formulator of natural botanical skincareKnowledge to create complete daily and weekly regimens of fabulous quality skincareEasy step-by-step instructions to formulate for mature or dry skin typesUnderstanding of the most beneficial and effective ingredients for great beautyYou will learn detailed information about making, using and storing your skincare creations including:CleansersSteamMaskTonerMoisturizersThis course is packed with insights from years of experience. Make skincare that is fresher, far superior and above all, safe and healthy. You can tailor to your own specific mature, damaged or dry skin type needs. More of what students have to say: ""I found here exactly what I'd been looking for. Working with easily available ingredients, home-made products that are fun to create and save me using store-bought cosmetics that may be expensive or contain harsh chemicals. The instructor is very nice and inspiring, and she explains and demonstrates everything clearly. I really appreciate that she says not only how to do things but also why to do them that way. Zdenka D ""Fantastic course! A lot of great information. I've been wanting to make my own skincare products for sometime and Elizabeth takes the guess work out of it and makes it look so much easier than I imagined. I can't wait to get started making my own recipes! Thank you for this great information!!! Highly recommended! Cathleen A ""I love the way Elizabeth tells you the benefits of the item, then shows you how to make it, and then applies it to her own skin to show you how. She's very calming and knowledgeable. I love her courses. I learn so much and feel confident that I can make everything she shares with us. Jay CYou have lifetime access to the course so you can take as long or short as you wish to go through the material. You can replay the videos at anytime using the course as an ongoing reference. You also have a 30 day money back guarantee.ENROLL NOW FOR THE BEST SKIN OF YOUR LIFE!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Natural Skincare :: DIY Rosacea & Sensitive Skin Remedies" |
"This course provides complete instruction to create a complete homemade facial skincare regimen for red, irritated, rosacea and sensitive skin types.You will learn detailed information about making, using and storing highly effective skincare creations including cleansers, mask, toner and moisturizer. You will also learn what else you can do calm and sooth difficult skin. Course benefits:Taylor your skincare to your exact needsCreate gentle cleansers that dont cause irritationSooth and calm redness and rosaceaDiscover the amazing techniques essential for looking your bestEnjoy clear, glowing skinAvoid unsafe and irritating chemicals of commercial productsThe course offers:Learning from a professional formulator of natural botanical skincareKnowledge to create complete daily and weekly regimens of fabulous quality skincareEasy step-by-step instructionsDetailed simple recipes in pdf formatUnderstanding of the most beneficial and effective ingredientsThis course is packed with insights from years of experience. You will never find better skincare than what you can make yourself. It will be effective, safe and healthy. This course emphasizes healing, protective botanicals. Avoid the costs, irritating preservatives and often unsafe chemicals of commercial products by making your own skincare in lovingly wholesome small batches. A few hours of kitchen fun will provide all your skin care needs for two to six months.Crafting skincare in your own kitchen really is fun and it's creative. Most importantly, you'll be deeply caring for yourself each and every time you use your own creations. Enroll now for the best skin of your life!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |