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"SEO : Rfrencement Local, tout ce que vous devez savoir" |
"Savez-vous que 82% des gens font une recherche sur Google avant de visiter un point de vente ?Ce cours va vous permettre de comprendre comment Google classe les rsultats de recherche locaux.Vous apprendrez exactement ce quil faut faire pour que votre entreprise apparaisse en 1re position des rsultats de recherche locale et rcolte des milliers de visiteurs gratuits en optimisant votre rfrencement local.Si vous tes commerant, de profession librale ou que vous recevez du public, vous allez dcouvrir au travers de cette formation vido comment dominer le SEO Local de Google en quelques heures de travail. Ainsi en vous plaant dans les 3 premiers rsultats de recherche, vous allez recevoir des dizaines de prospects chaque jour, sans investir en publicit ni en vous ruinant avec une agence web."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Google Analytics : Analysez le trafic de votre site" |
"Sans donnes, vous naviguez laveugle : impossible de savoir ce qui marche et e qui ne marche pas sur votre site...impossible donc de perfectionner son fonctionnement, de perfectionner vos mthodes de capture de leads ou d'augmenter vos ventes.Connaissez-vous votre principal source de trafic ? Quel mot cl vous apporte 50% de vos visiteurs ? Combien de temps reste en moyenne vos viseurs sur votre site ? Combien pages y consultent-ils ?Savez-vous mesurez vos taux de conversion ? Pouvez-vous les identifier par canaux ?Voici quelques une des questions auxquelles Analytics vous permettra de rpondre !Si vous avez un site internet, ou un site d'ecommerce, vous ne pouvez pas vous permettre de passer cot de donnes vitales pour vos pourtant c'est malheureusement l'erreur la plus rpandue.Au travers de cette formation de 2 heures de vido, vous serez mme de prendre en main Google Analytics et de l'installer vous mme sur votre site sans devoir passer par ne coteuse agence web"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"""Gestionar y superar el TDHA"" (tdh)" |
"Es un programa completo de 16 mdulos de duracin donde aprenders las herramientas necesarias para superar el TDHA, tanto a nivel corporal como de tu conducta En cada mdulo, compartir contigo todos los pasos y secretos de una forma sencilla y divertida para que te sea til y fcil de aplicar.Tambin dispondrs de los pdf de ejercicios y de la clase, para que puedas practicar de inmediato.Acceso a enlaces de audio de meditacin y tcnicas de respiracinMe pondrs enviar consultas y dudas directamente y te las contestar en un plazo de 48 horas a : aurora.renalias@bemoregroup.esEspero que disfrutes en este camino hacia el interior.Un abrazoAurora"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creating Icons with Adobe Illustrator" |
"Adobe Illustrator software is quite possibly the best vector-drawing environment that allows you to make graphics that scale across media. You could create and resize logos, icons, website buttons and more without worrying about a blurry end result.This class, taught by Adobe Illustrator pro Max Burnside will teach you how to create amazing icons with Illustrator.By the end of this class you will have all the skills to start making beautiful icons that will make your website or project stand out."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Boxing Mastery: Learn from a Trainer of Champions" |
"Boxing Mastery: is the best video boxing training on the planet. Over the last ten years more than one million people have viewed and learned from Kerry Pharr's online boxing training videos. Men and women, young and old, can learn self defense and how to box with this simple step by step, boxing training. If you want to learn how to box, get in the best shape of your life, lose weight or turn your body into a lean, mean, fighting machine - then this course is just right for you. Kerry Pharr is the author of the Amazon Best Selling book, How to Box - Training for Boxing. Pharr has trained a multitude of amateur and professional boxing champions during his 30 years in the sport of boxing. In this course you will learn their secrets.You will Learn: how to guard your body the proper boxer's stancehow to correctly throw punches the left jab the right crossthe left hook the uppercut combinations counter punching how to fight from the orthodox and southpaw boxing stances defensive techniques how to slip a jabhow to roll under a right hand how to parry a punch, how to block punches the shoulder roll how to bob and weave how to ""float like a butterfly and sting like a bee."" boxing drills to improve your boxing skills many lessons demonstrated by former boxing champions and contendershow to build championship, washboard absand so much moreSo don't be afraid, join our team now, come inside and we'll show you ""How to Box Like a Pro."" You can't lose with the stuff we use, especially with our 30 day money back guarantee."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Product Launch - Setting up your automated business" |
"This course is fully updated for August 2015_______________________________________________________A strategy and a plan are both necessary to successfully launch a digital product and create an income streamAnd it's essential that you do everything right in order to trump the massive competition and finish on top..But why do some people make millions in just a few days, but your product launch fell flat, or even worse, you didn't take action yet ?It's actually quite simple - there's a few simple, easy things to do .. but - and let's be honest here Rich gurus don't seem to trip over to spill the beans about their success, do they ?I spent the last 6 months testing, tweaking, re-testing, improving and eventually succeeding at product launches and have now put this course together for you - to which you have full lifetime access including all the updates for free.See exactly as I take you by the hand, why I'm so successful on JVZOO and Warriorplus, and how you can do, doing exactly what I did.This course covers :(1) Creating Amazing Sales Pages & JV pages -easily(2) JV attraction and finding 5 figures partners(3) Following up with email marketing, and FREE traffic generation Nothing is left out - you see everything... and my help and assistance to Udemy students is well-knownStudents of this course get full, free, instant lifetime access to my " Product Launch - Setting up your automated business " Udemy course, which has over x very happy students.Don't forget ! You are backed up by an unconditional 30 days money back guarantee -my personal promise that you will succeed.So click the Take This Course button now and let's get started. Every minute you delay is an advantage for your competitors.To your success,Steven Yeo"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crie 15 Aplicativos Completos com Android Studio e Java" |
"Curso Completo do Bsico at o nvel mais Avanado!J pensou em se especializar em desenvolvimento Android? Que tal ser um dos profissionais mais cobiados do mercado?O curso todo desenvolvido baseado em projetos reais. Vamos construir aplicativos clones de grandes apps famosos. Comearemos baixando o Android Studio e configurando o nosso emulador. Em seguida, vamos entender como funcionam as views, os layouts, a linguagem java e como utilizar a lgica de programao em seus projetos.Criaremos um clone do Twitter utilizando o Parse e em seguida, faremos o 7 Minutes Workout integrado com o Youtube. Vamos criar nosso clone do Tinder e descobrir como utilizar o sistema de login do Facebook. Em seguida, voc vai criar um clone do Trip Advisor e aprender como trabalhar com o Google Maps e o banco de dados SQLite. E finalmente vamos criar o FlappyBird, utilizando a engine de games GDX e sprites.Tudo isso para depois aprender a publicar seu App na Google Play.Se voc tiver dvidas ao longo do curso, no se preocupe. Estaremos nos fruns respondendo as suas perguntas!E a? O que t esperando pra comear a criar seus aplicativos? Inscreva-se agora mesmo e comece a criar aplicativos incrveis com o Android Studio!Principais assuntos que aprenderemos neste curso:Android Studio 3.2.1 - Download e InstalaoLgica de Programao com JavaArrays, Arraylist e Classes de ObjetosTrabalhar com arquivos JSONMaterial DesignRecyclerViewYouTubeAPI e PicassoBanco de Dados Firebase e SQLComo Publicar o app na Google Play15 Aplicativos Completos que criaremos passo a passo:Contador de pessoasAlfndegaJo Kem PoCalculadoraQuizzLista de Cartes do FelpudoImagens dos PersonagensLista de TarefasAgenda de ContatosShow do MilhoTreino (7 Minutes Workout)Trip AdvisorTwitterTinderFlappyBirdVantagens de se tornar um alunoAcesso vitalcio ao curso: assista quando e quantas vezes quiser.Download dos vdeos: atravs dos Apps Udemy para Android/iOS voc pode fazer download dos vdeos e assist-los offline.Certificado reconhecido: a Udemy oferece certificao de concluso do curso, especificando o curso e a carga horria realizada."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Fat Loss Blueprint: Lose Weight Starting This Week" |
"Course DescriptionThis course is for those who are interested in making their weight loss goals a reality but have no idea where to begin.If you need to lose weight, and don't have any experience of doing this challenging task, you'll learn by understanding the fundamental concepts of fat loss, and then putting together the only plan you'll need to lose fat in the easy-to-follow lessons in this course.Create A Plan, Set A Due Date, No Exercise Is NecessaryLearn The Why Behind Fat Loss Success StoriesSet Up A Comprehensive Plan You Can FollowMake Fat Loss Easy By Creating HabitsWeight Loss Will Change Your Life ForeverYou'll jump right into this course by learning the fat fundamentals, bonus tricks to attack fat, and get your fat burning to fall off before you know it.Too many people make the mistake of jumping into weight loss expecting that they can rough through on will power alone. There's a reason why most diets are broken at night. In this course you'll learn methods to leverage your body and your mind to work for you. If your body could take more calories to metabolize and digest a food, why would you eat that food?Contents and OverviewAfter a brief introduction to energy's important role in fat loss, you'll learn what makes a good calorie so you can choose the right food to eat to keep you full while losing fat at the same time.You'll then tackle energy management by means of freestlying, or skeleton planning. You'll get to know the value of using calories and kinds of calories, as well as how easy they are to work with.Once your RMR and lifestyle energy are calculated, you'll add tricks used from the megabooster section to provide a strong parachute to your goal weight. Example plans, and set up are spread throughout the course along with the choice to stick to a freestyle plan where you can choose to lose fat by understanding the fundamentals I will teach you.I back up what I say with facts, studies, and results that have been gaining traction in the fitness community as fat loss needs become greater in the industry with more people desiring weight loss.By the time you complete this course, you'll have gone from a complete novice on fat loss, energy, and their relationship to a results-based informed train on its track to a weight loss goal with a plan to keep them on track along with a habit creation schedule.You'll be getting additional content as I continue to add to this course, and answer any questions that you may message me with, or post in the discussion section of this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Zbrush Power Workshops (deutsch)" |
"In diesem Tutorial wird Ihnen der Umgang mit Zbrush nher gebracht. Von der Oberflche ber die verschiedenen Werkzeuge bis zum Rendering. Nach dieser Schulung sollten Sie in der Lage sein, selbststndig mit Zbrush zu arbeiten und 3d-Modelle erstellen zu knnen.Inhalt:1 Oberflche 2 EditModus und Lightbox 3 Toolbox 4 Symetrie und Radialcount 5 Standardbrush und Masken 6 Polygonmodelling 7 Zpheres 8 Zsketch 9 Mesh Extraction 10 Subtools 11 Shadowbox 12 Shadowboxvorlage erstellen 13 Vorlage in Shadowbox verwenden 14 Dynamesh 15 Dynamesh und Clipbrush 16 Dynamesh Booloperations 17 Movetool Erweiterungen 18 3D Objekt aus Alphamap 19 Insert Multibrushes 20 Insert Mesh erstellen 21 Insert Mesh eigenes Objekt 22 Insert Mesh Verbindung 23 Polygroups und Deformation 24 Diverse Brushes 25 Lazy Mouse 26 Matchmaker 27 Curve Brush 28 Alphabrush 29 Projection Master 30 Eigenen Alphabrush erstellen 31 Noisemaker und Layer 32 UV Map erstellen 33 Micromesh 34 Fibermesh 35 Topology mit Zpheres 36 Topology Brush 37 Qremesher 38 Transpose Master 39 Polypainting 40 Spotlight 41 BPR und Lightcap"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Illustrator CC Power Workshops (Deutsch)" |
"Wollen Sie Illustrator CC erlernen oder sich verbessern?Dann sollte Sie diese Lern-Videosmit abwechslungsreichen Themen kennen lernen.Anhand interessanter Videos wird ihnen diese Grafiksoftware nher gebracht.kein umstndliches Gelabber. Knallhart und Effektiv an super Beispielen !8 Kapitel plus 1 BONUS Kapitel:Isometrisches BildSprache: Deutsch.Inhalt:Kapitel 1 Eule 1 Dokument anlegen 2 Krper zeichnen 3 Ebenen 4 Kopf erstellen 5 Ohren einbauen 6 Augen erstellen 7 Pupillen erstellen 8 Nase 9 Flgel 10 KrallenKapitel 2 Dino 1 Vorlage erstellen 2 Grafikstil definieren 3 Kopf zeichnen mit Zeichenstift 4 Ohren erstellen 5 Nase 6 Konturen definieren 7 Einfrben mit Flchenfarbe 8 Interaktiv Malen 9 Dino fertig einfrben 10 Verlaufswerkzeug 11 Licht und Schatten einbauen 12 Boden und Schatten einfgenKapitel 3 Mandala 1 Mandala mit Dreh Werkzeug 2 Mandala mit Transformieren Filter 3 Mandala mit Angleichen FunktionKapitel 4 Muster 1 T Shirt erstellen 2 Muster zuweisen 3 Eigenes Muster erstellenKapitel 5 Low Poly 1 Vorbereitung 2 Polygone erstellen 3 Polygone einfrben 4 Fertiges BildKapitel 6 Symbole 1 Was ist ein Symbol 2 Haus bauen 3 SprhdoseKapitel 7 Game Background 1 Hgel erstellen 2 Himmel einbauen 3 Baum erstellen 4 Gras und Bume einfgen 5 Bild fertig stellenKapitel 8 Totenkopf 1 Bild vorbereiten 2 Buntstiftwerkzeug 3 Zeichenstift 4 Pinsel Werkzeug 5 Tropfenpinsel 6 Bild einfrbenBONUS-Kapitel 9Isometrie 1 Isometrisches Bild 2 Musterpinsel Strasse 3 Zaun erstellen 4 Fertiges Isometrie Bild"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Find The Perfect Niche for your Creative Business" |
"This course is an intensely self-reflective personal journey designed to help you find the unique creative business that is just right for you.Through lectures and exercises, we will explore your passions, talents, and your ideal target audience, and how they come together to show you the perfect creative work that you are best suited for... and that people will buy from you!Here's how the course is laid out:In the first section we will discuss the essential mindsets that every student needs to get the most out of this personal journey of creativity.Next, we will explore what a niche is and some of the common conceptions and misconceptions about it. We will also look at the element of focus and how it can help you get the most out of your creative energy.Then in the core section of the course, we will look at my ""Three Spotlight Method"" of finding the ideal creative work for you. That includes exploring what your passions and talents are, as well as a guided tour through some specific methods of finding your ideal target market and how best to find the information you need to reach out to them.Lastly, we will look at how these three elements of your creativity come together and interact... and how, when focused properly, can explode your creative success.Why take this course? In order to get the most satisfaction as well as compensation for doing what you love to do!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Optimising People Performance in your team/organisation!" |
"This leading edge course is designed to provide you with practical, hands-on knowledge and tools for any business or organisation to achieve competitive advantage. It focuses on optimising your only true source of competitive advantage - the people!Designed and facilitated in an easy to watch style, it includes examples, tips, worksheets and exercises to customise the learning for your particular team or organisation or group.The course consists of lecture videos and support materials such as worksheets, assessments and guides which will assist you step by step to achieve new levels of performance and results for your team and/or organisation. The facilitator has over thirty years of global experience in implementing performance enhancing initiatives in many varied industries. His style includes many examples of his personal experience to illustrate important learning points.The world of the 21st century consists of a complex and rapidly changing environment. Leaders of groups, teams, departments and organisations need to remain at the forefront of leading edge thinking in order to survive and remain competitive. This course will provide you with powerful insights, tools and techniques.It is is a must for any group or team or organisation wishing to remain at the forefront in highly competitive environments.Welcome"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Potent Teams: Creating Inspired Team Performance" |
"This Course is for Leaders at all levels in organisations who need to lift their team(s) to new and inspired performance levels. Throughout the Course you will learn about, and apply, powerful tools and techniques which are highly practical and easy to apply. The Course is characterized by:Informative lectures from an experienced exponent of implementing Potent Teams globally in many organisations and industriesConcepts which are all supported by respected, leading edge researchPractical resources designed to provide the learner with tools to use in their TeamsA step by step approach to creating and building a Potent Team for performance!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Ableton Push - Workflow and Production" |
"UPDATED FOR LIVE 10.1Learn Push workflow and production techniques from Ableton Certified trainer and award winning producer Mitch Lee.Learn to create and produce with the Ableton PushDrum ProgrammingNotes, Chords and ScalesSampling WorkflowRecording AudioArranging and MixingUnderstand production workflow The Ableton Push has changed the way Ableton users produce and perform. Workflow is everything and understanding how best to maximize this instrument is what this course is all about.Content and OverviewDrum ProgrammingDrum programming is one of the many strengths of the Ableton Push. You will learn how to program drums 3 different ways. We start with finger/pad drumming techniques and explain how to setup your loop lengths and quantize settings for best results. Then we create a house beat while explaining step sequencing with the Push. Finally we conclude with the Hybrid Technique of finger/pad drumming and step sequencing. The main workflow technique we showcase through all three methods is Subtractive Drum Programming.Notes, Chords and ScalesThe isometric keyboard on the Push allows users to create melodies with ease. The scale function creates a fast way to create melody or bass lines in any key or scale you desire. Learning a few different chord shapes will allow you to play many chords in any scale. The melodic step sequencer is another creative tool for creating baselines and melodic lines you might not normally make.Sampling WorkflowWith the latest 9.5 release of Live, Ableton has completely changed the sampling game for Push users. The upgrade to the simpler instrument has taken the sampling process on the Push to an incredible new level. Offering a number of new tools inside of simpler along with the ability to warp samples allows us to time stretch instantly and manipulate samples any way we please. Chopping samples is just the beginning, learn to sample fast, from vinyl and other formats.Recording AudioThere are a number of Push users who also play other instruments like guitar and bass. Understanding how to record and loop with the Push is a real mystery for some users. Learn to how to use a foot pedal to punch in and out and record live instruments with the Push. Mitch also explains how to connect a hardware synth and control it with the Push.Arranging and MixingThe Push is an incredible arrangement tool. Learn how to setup your clips in Ableton and learn Mitchs macro arrangement technique with the Push. Take your ideas and loops and make them into sections of your tracks fast and efficiently. Learn what mixing facilities are available to Push users. Being able to meter on the Push 2 has made it much easier to get your mixes to a place where you can fine tune and make your tracks sit properly. The Push turns into a tactile tool for adjusting and tweaking your tracks while processing and working with plugins and vsts.Live PerformanceA case study following artist Sergio Levels as he walks through his live performance setup and tricks and tips for integrating other hardware and devices.ShortcutsOver 15min of quick hitting shortcuts to make your workflow lightening fast.Updates and Bonus SectionBrand new content for the Live 10.1 update added. Learn to make an incredible Selektor Drum Rack and watch how this workflow is a game changer. What am I going to get from this course?Over 40 lessons and over 6 hours of content!Learn the Ableton Push from Ableton Certified Trainer and award winning producer Mitch LeeProject files, drum racks and sample packs to help you follow along with the lessonsCreated for beginners and Intermediate Push usersWorkflow is at the heart of every lesson"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Expert em AutoCAD 2D em 14 Dias" |
"Seja bem-vindo ao mundo do AutoCAD. O AutoCAD um dos melhores softwares utilizados para desenho orientado por computador. Em sua verso 2014 vem com muitas novidades destinadas a facilitar o seu trabalho no dia a dia.Este curso visa ensinar de forma inovadora, prtica e profissional as tcnicas para desenvolver projetos arquitetnicos com o AutoCAD. Nele, voc aprender o passo a passo de como usar todos os comandos necessrios para desenvolver os seus projetos de forma bem profissional.Esta a oportunidade para voc crescer no seu ambiente de trabalho, entrar no mercado de trabalho de forma competiva ou ainda fazer seus trabalhos escolares. Aproveite. Inscreva-se j neste curso de AutoCAD!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Easy Excel VBA ANIMATION for beginners to advanced users" |
"Excel animation made easy! Yes, animation can change the way your user look at your Excel projects. It's a WOW experience you give to your users just like those killer apps in the app store! The great news is this course is designed for all levels of Excel user. Anyone with basic Excel skill without any prior VBA or coding skills can get started with animation in Excel. This is a step by step course on animating in Excel and thus is a complete comprehensive course. Check out the comments by my current students to see how easy it is to get started with animation with this course. This is a project based course and all the working files are included for fast and fun learning. Now learn this most satisfying skill in Excel in no time!**The only Excel animation course you'll find anywhere! It's a professionally designed coursewith super easy concepts and tricks for creating unlimitedbeautiful and meaningful animations for anyExceldashboard, reports, charts or anything. No prior experience of coding required.Now take your Excelwork to a whole new level! Satisfaction guaranteed.**Do you want to get supercreative at work and make every Excel project impressive? Do you want towow your users: your clients, customers, your boss and anyone? Get started learningExcel animation and become highlywanted ! There's no limit with Excel animation, createwhat you can think! Get things to action in no time!Create professionalanimation such assplash screen animationsfor allExcel projects andhave your users jaws dropped as soon as they click open a workbook. Never before animation in Excel was so easy and awesome as this course requires noprior knowledge of codingand all you need to know is just the bare basics of Excel and you are ready to become an excellent animator. Everything is covered step by step from beginner'sto masterlevel.Animation in Excelis achieved through VBA (programming language of Excel), but they are super easy and in fact easier than writing some excel formulas like Vlookup. Also in adition to learning concepts and writing simple codes, I'll also show you how you can record macros and modify the codes a very little to achieve any desired animation. This means you'll not have to take the stress of remembering codes and yet understand how things work and when required you'll be able to write animation codes from the scratch!So in any caseyou'll end up becoming a developerand a creative professional with this course.If you are acomplete beginner, you gonna love it. It's super easy to get started with animation in Excel. And if you are already an advanced Excel user or a seasonedVBAprogrammer, you would be so glad to comeacrossthis course, as you will learn tons oftricksto create awesome animations in Excel.How many people do you know who knows animation in Excel? Chances are not many or maybe none! So be the first to upgrade your skill in Excel! With the Exercise files/ working files included, everything in this course is step by step learning. From writing your first macro/program to writing beautiful animation codes which are not only very easy but very fun to learn. And the best part is you don't have to remember any codes, as Excel will generate those codes when you record a macro. I will take you through all the projects by recording macros and then just make little tweaking to the codes generated by Excel. And also I'll show you how to get the codes from the internet that you are looking and create animations with that. So like I said, no stress on thebrain learning codes and it's just fun animating. So some of the things you'll learn are:move around shapes in Excel with codes,rotate shapes,understand 3D rotations in X, Y, Z axisMorphing of shapescreate amazing animated splash screens to create first impression when a user clicks open your Excel workbook. Its a winning trick you'd always use once you learncreate loading screens like seen on web pages / mobile apps in your Excel workbookscreate animated password access splash screen system to your Excel workbooks. learn different styles of animated menus like slide out menus, slide down menus, scaling menus, toggle button animated menusloop animationschart animation / graph animation in ExcelLearn text animation, that you'll always use in all simple to big Excel projects. Because it's insanely easy and useful!learn to apply various animations in all kinds of dashboards/reports/simple information workbooklearn awesome button animations for that great user experience every time someone interacts with your dashboards/reports/projectscreative mouse hover animation for all projectsvarious transitions and effect animationslearn all properties of shapes such as transparency, blur, Scale height/width, glow, color to achieve amazing animation effects that can be applied to any project.Fun is guaranteed throughout this course as you would be amazed to see yourself animating your imagination right within Excel. By the end of thecourse, you'll be armed with tons of tricks to create any kind of professional animation for any projects. And if you get stuck somewhere or trying out new animation ideas just post your questions on Udemy forum and I'm always around for quick support.This course is frequently updated with new animation tricks so that you continue to gain from this course. And this course also comes with 30 days of risk free money back guarantee from Udemy. So, for any reason if you are not satisfied, you get full refund, no questions asked. So, go ahead and enroll in this course today and become a creative tech professional."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Mestres do Photoshop" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender a maior parte das ferramentas do programa de edio e manipulao mais usado do mundo, Temos mais de 48 aulas divididas em 4 mdulos para o entendimento simples do aluno.Levando em considerao a quantidade de aulas que so ministradas, voc pode se tornar um mestre do Photoshop em menos de 2 meses. E todas as imagens utilizadas para aula ser disponibilizada para treinamento dos alunos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Are You Making These Mistakes On Your Resume ?" |
"Resume writing is difficult in every profession. Your resume must grab the attention of the hiring manager. Your resume only has 7 seconds to stand out from all the other resumes. In this course, I will help you develop a resume that will make your resume stand out no matter what type of profession you are in.Do you want to have a resume that brings you multiple interview offers?Do you want to have a resume that recruiters and hiring managers love?Your resume is your best bet to get ahead in your professional career. It is how you advertise yourself in the employment marketAs a former recruiter that worked for a leading employment agency, I reviewed thousands of resumes. I will show you what hiring managers are looking and how you can the results you want.Why you should join the course:Learn how to avoid common resume mistakes.Stand out from other people looking for a job.Insider secrets revealed about to create a cover letter and reference form.Learn how to get your resume listed on the first page of a job website.And much more !With this course, you will learn everything you need to effectively find a job.Enroll Today and transform your resume.Included: 30 day, no questions asked, full money back guarantee from Udemy if you are not happy with the course. See you in the course !!."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Amazon Advanced. Learn How To Increase Your Amazon SaleS." |
"In this course you will learn the secrets I used to build a profitable Amazon business.Learn To Become A Best Seller On Amazon. One of the mistake that most sellers make is they only focus on making sales. To be successful on Amazon you need social proof, in other words you need reviews.If you have taken another Amazon course and you are stuck and cannot seem to find success on Amazon, this course is the perfect solution for you. Most courses only cover the basics about Amazon FBA. This is one of the few courses that provide you with the really information to become a best seller on Amazon and take your success to the next level.You are going to learn:How to properly manage your inventory.Simple steps to build your contact list.How to use other peoples contacts to build your own contact list.What social media platforms you should be using.How the Amazon Search to your advantage.Simple steps to create a great Amazon listing.How to use Crowdfunding websites to increase your Amazon Sales.This course (unlike others) is taught by someone who is actually making money from Amazon FBA. Most course only go through the basics of the Amazon FBA program.I walk you through the process I am using to make thousands on Amazon.New Update - 2017:Tumblr marketing. The course has been updated with new lectures about how to use Tumblr to increase your Amazon sales. Tumblr is a great platform to use to increase your Amazon sales. 10 new lectures have been added to the course.Enroll Today and take your Amazon business to the next level.Unrestricted 30 day, no questions asked, full money back guarantee from Udemy if you are not happy with the course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Amazon FBA For Beginners: How to Get Started" |
"** Course Updated September, 2017** ** Special Bonus ** 1)When you purchase the course, you will receive an Excel spreadsheet with 400 niche products that can start selling right away on Amazon. These products have low competition and are in high demand on Amazon. This list will only be available for a limited time. **Are you looking for genuine money making method to get out of the rat race?And, do you feel your marketing efforts have been stagnant since ages.Then you're right on the money. Now you can start earning faster than ever beforewith the latest windfall in the marketing arena and the biggest online e-commerce platform called Amazon FBA. Amazon has 304 Million daily active users and they made $32.7 Billion in Quarter 3 of 2016 and its showing no signs of slowing down.This e-commerce giant is growing remarkably and could be the largest U.S. company by 2020. No matter whether you are a blogger, business owner, author, website owner, developer or looking to start a business, Amazon provides you unlimited opportunities to make money like crazy.Amazon is the Number 1 Online retailer in the Worldand 40% of their profits came from small business owners all over the world. Amazon has created an amazing opportunity for anyone to start selling their products on Amazon. Amazon will take care of the shipping, storage, returns the customer service and all you have to do is ship your products to Amazon every few weeks. Once your products have been sold, Amazon will deposit your profits into your bank account every 2 weeks. Amazon receives approximately 95 million new visitors to their website every month. They are desperately looking for people that want to start selling on Amazon. This opportunity might not be available for much longer.This course provides you with a simple step-by-step system that will help you to start making Lots of Money on Amazon. You will even learn how to become a bestseller On Amazon in as little as 90 days.Updates 1:1) Amazon made changes to the review process for sellers. Added new tips and tricks for sellers to be successful with getting reviews that comply with Amazon's new rules.Updates 2:1) I added a FAQ section. In this section, I am going to be providing answers to popular questions. I have provided a video answering the following questions.What to do if Amazon does not ship to my country.How much money can you make on Amazon.2) I created a bonus section. In this section, I am going to show you how I select potential products to sell on Amazon. This video was created on January 3rd, 2016.3)How to become an Amazon affiliate. There are numerous ways to make money on Amazon.In this newsection Iwill show you all the steps required to also become an affiliate.In This Course Your Will Learn How To:Find the Best selling products on Amazon that everyone is buying like Crazy.Why Amazon is the best place on the Internet to sell your products.The Amazing opportunity that is available with Amazon FBA.Where to find Suppliers That will Make the Product for you at the lowest price.Calculate your profits.Simple steps to Price Your Product for Maximum sales.Ways to create an amazing brand.Create a listing that out sells your competition.Steps to research your competition to find out what their customers want.Be better than your competition and make more sales.Setup your online account and start selling on Amazon.If you are looking for a simple way of generating over $5k per month with little effort, this course will show you how. It will teach you how to Master the system that will allow you to earn over $5K per month selling on Amazon. Once you set this system up, it runs completely on autopilot!Just sit back and see how easy it is to take action and apply winning strategies with just a few clicks of your mouse, like never before.There is no ROCKET SCIENCE involved in Making Money with Amazon. It just needs a careful and planned approach. So, get up, and START. Enroll in the course Today.Sign up Today! **30 day Udemy money-back guarantee Included ** Sign up today, and start making Money with Amazon FBA.** Course Updated September 2017**"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Start A Business Importing Products From China." |
"Everything you purchase from your local store or online is made in China. You will be happy to know, the majority of these products are also listed on Alibaba. Alibaba is the largest online marketplace. It is also a goldmine, for making money importing products directly from a Manufacturer in China and reselling the item. This course will teach you how to effectively import products from overseas using Alibaba and a few other sites. YOUcan make big margins reselling products or branding them as your own. This course is designed for a beginner with no experience. I will show you everything you need to know to get started. This course will teach you how to buy products directly from Manufactures in China.If you are an entrepreneur with a new product idea, or an existing product that you want to save money on manufacturing overseas, then this is the course for you. Even if you just want to start a business importing products and reselling the items, this course is also for you. There is a lot of money to be made fromimporting products and reselling the items online or in your store.In This Course Your Will Learn How To:Find the Best selling products that everyone is buying like Crazy.Where to find Suppliers That will Make the Product for you at the lowest price.Simple steps to Price Your Product for Maximum sales.Ways to create an amazing brand.Steps to research your competition to find out what their customers want.The best places to sell your products online.If you are looking for a simple way of generating over $5k per month with little effort, this course will show you how. It will teach you how to Master the system that will allow you to earn over $5K per month selling products. Once you set this system up, it runs completely on autopilot!Sign up Today!**30 DayUdemy money-back guarantee Included **Sign up today, and start making Money !!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Build Your Own Online Business Through Amazon" |
"Course DescriptionThis course is designed to help you write, publish, and market your books on Kindle, Createspace and ACX to become a bestselling author on all Amazon platforms.You'll learn what it takes to successfully get your books in front of as many people as possible, generate sales, and make a steady, passive, income as an author.Write and Sell eBooks Successfully on Amazon KindleLearn a simple system for writing an entire book in less than a week.Find talented, affordable designers and editorsUnderstand how to price and promote your bookManage your finances and reduce expensesCreate a marketing plan that worksLearn Strategies for Writing, Publishing, and Marketing Your Own eBookThroughout this course, you'll learn a system that will help you write a book in less than a week by overcoming writer's block, and establishing a routine that will let you bring your creative ideas to life, or by outsourcing to an expert. In addition to writing tips, you'll also learn how to save money when it comes to designing your cover, getting your book professionally edited and formatted on Kindle, Createspace and ACX. You'll also gain access to key strategies that will ensure your eBook is downloaded by as many people as possible, along with marketing tips that will help you earn money in the form of passive royalties. What are the requirements?Word Processor and a computer with internetWhat am I going to get from this course?Over 100 Lectures Comprised of Text and VideoLearn How To Write Your Book and Publish It On Kindle, Createspace and ACXLearn How To Format Your Ebook For Kindle, Createspace and ACX and Publish Become an Amazon Bestseller Using the KDP Select Free Promotion Marketing SystemLearn How To Create a Passive Long-Term Business as a Self-Published AuthorWhat is the target audience?Aspiring AuthorsEntrepreneursNew and Amateur AuthorsWriters Looking for Extra IncomeAuthors with Unpublished ManuscriptsAuthors with Published Books Who Want to Sell More Books on AmazonOverview of Course Structure1. Getting Set Up2. Research Process3. Content Creation4. What to Do While Your Writer is Working5. What to Do When Your Content Comes Back6. Publishing Your Book7. #1 Bestseller Launch Process8. Keep Killing it With Kindle"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dream Interpretation Made Simple: Symbols & Techniques" |
"At Last! Interpret Your Dreams Without a Dream Dictionary!Introducing the First Comprehensive Dream Interpretation Video Course Online!I Interpret a Dream in Less Than 5 Minutes. These Video Lessons Show You How I Do ItThis dream interpretation course includes: 12 Short, fun video lessons with spiritual teacher, Brandy Price 3 Easy Ways to Interpret Your Dreams The Simple Dream Interpretation Process that Always Works Real academic information and techniques from the classic dream interpreters Academic theories behind dream symbols in easy-to-understand language Video course on Numerology Video course on Color Theory Video Course on the characters that show up in your dreams Spiritual gifts revealed in your dreams The universal language of dreams, and much more! A simple and efficient way to interpret your dreams quickly and effectively You won't need that useless dream dictionary or to pay a spiritual advisor for your dream interpretations. There is nothing to read it is all taught with images and your instructor presenting the material. There is nothing else out there that is like this you can find parts of this information in academic courses on the subject and through classic books on the subject. This is a 100% unique content video series.A Dream Interpretation Course You Will Love!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Bootstrap 3 Beginners: Create a Professional Landing Page" |
"Learn the basic concepts, tools, and functions that you will need to build fully functional, professional landing page within the bootstrap framework.Build a strong foundation in the Bootstrap framework with HTML & CSS with this tutorial for beginners.Bootstrap componentsGrid System & Media QueriesCustom fontsFont-Awesome iconsAnimate CSS & WOW js This course will help you create a perfect bootstrap responsive landing page for your app, business, portfolio or blog. Having a little knowledge of HTML & CSS is ideal to get you started on the quicker route to Bootstrap, however it isn't essential. I will walk you through every step of code to ensure you have the right understanding and tools to further your learning after you have completed the course.You will not only create a clean, modern professional looking bootstrap landing page, you will also add scroll spy, animation and Google Webfonts to make sure your website stands our from the crowd. We start by understanding the basics of bootstrap, how it works and how it is implemented. We will cover the famous grid system and media queries to ensure your new page looks it's best on all devices.You will learn-by-doing which will help you understand all aspects of bootstrap and give you the tools to re-design our template or build an entirely new landing page specifically how you want it. You will be able to download project files throughout the course, which will be yours to keep and work on at your leisure.By the end of this course you will have created a slick, modern professional landing page using HTML and CSS that will work across all devices."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PSD to Bootstrap 3 for Beginners using HTML & CSS" |
"Transform Photoshop templates and designs info fully working responsive websites or landing pages using the bootstrap framework.Learn the basic concepts, tools, and functions that you will need to build fully functional websites or landing page with the popular bootstrap framework using HTML & CSS programming language.Bootstrap componentsGrid System & Media QueriesCustom fontsWorking carouselFont-Awesome iconsAnimate CSS & WOW js Stop paying someone else to transform your designs into working sites!Do you design templates in Photoshop and have to pay someone else to code them into working pages or sites? If so, then you are wasting money. This course will give you the skills to turn those designs into fully working sites or pages. Do you code sites and want to add another skill to your portfolio? Then you can see how easy it is to turn a PSD design into a fully responsive website or landing page using the bootstrap framework.You could earn extra money by helping designers turn their designs into working responsive bootstrap websites.Learning the basic fundamentals of the bootstrap framework puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. Bootstrap is free, easy to learn, has excellent documentation, and can help you take your design skills to the next level.Suitable for programming beginners, through this course of 50 lectures and 3 hours of content, youll learn all of the Bootstrap fundamentals and establish a strong understanding of the concept behind the code and it's components.The instructor will walk you through each chapter to make sure you fully understand what you are coding so you can start putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately.Starting with the installation of the bootstrap framework, this course will take you through what bootstrap is, including the famous grid system, media queries, components and how to use them. You will also discover what sections of the PSD you need and what can be built directly in the bootstrap framework, which will save you time and effort in the future.Students completing the course will have the knowledge to create functional and useful bootstrap sites and landing pages in the future.Complete with working files and code samples, youll be able to work alongside the author as you work through each concept, and will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create a PHP Contact Form in Bootstrap" |
"Learn the basic concepts, tools, and functions that you will need to build fully functional Contact Form using PHP markup within bootstrap 3 or 4!You will work through these lectures and build a fully working contact form that you can apply to any website through the use of HTML, CSS & PHP. Ideal for getting feedback, answering questions or even collecting emails for a mailing list.Create a working PHP form in the bootstrap 3 or 4 frameworkAdd success & error message to increase user experienceAdd custom styles to your form via CSSWe will work our way through the entire process so you can easily add a contact form to your current bootstrap page, bootstrap website or add contact forms to your bootstrap templates to increase conversions, and youll soon realize that it isn't actually as difficult as it may seem, and it will give you page a whole new feature.This course will walk you through the entire process, from setting up your page, to applying the form through HTML, then applying what PHP you need to 'plug' the form into your page. You will then add styles to the form through CSS so you can easily match it to any style of page you want to create, or have already created.You will code the whole form from start to finish, and get a solid understanding of how easy it is to build a contact form within the bootstrap framework and how to apply PHP markup so youll be receiving messages through your site in no time at all. So enroll on this course today and give your landing pages or sites a new feature with a fully working contact form!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bootstrap 4 Beginners: Code a Responsive Landing Page" |
"Learn the basic concepts, tools, and functions that you will need to build fully functional, professional landing page within the new bootstrap 4 framework. Ideal for students of all skill-sets, from total beginners or students that simplywant to brush up on their coding skills.Code a professional landing page and build a strong foundation in the Bootstrap 4 framework with HTML & CSS with this brand new course.Fully Responsive Landing PageNew Bootstrap componentsSolid Understanding of the Grid System & Media QueriesApply Custom fontsCSS OverlaysUseFont-Awesome IconsApply Animate CSS & WOW jsThis course will help you create a perfect bootstrap responsive landing page for your own personal portfolio, or for your business. You will ideally have a little knowledge of HTML & CSS, however it isn't essential as I will walk you through every step of code to ensure you have the right understanding of the bootstrap framework, and the tools to further your learning after you have completed the course.You will not only create a modern professional looking bootstrap 4 landing page, you will also take your skills further by adding animation and custom fonts to make sure your landing page stands our from the crowd. We start by understanding the basics of bootstrap, how it works and how it is implemented. We cover the famous bootstrap grid system and media queries to ensure your new page looks, and displays, correctly on all devices.You will take the learn-by-doing approach which will help you understand all aspects of bootstrap and give you the tools to re-design our template or build an entirely new landing page specifically how you want it. You will be able to download project files throughout the course, which will be yours to keep and work on at your leisure.By the end of this course you will have hand coded a modern & professional landing page using HTML & CSS and built a solid understanding of the bootstrap framework to help you develop your own pages in the future."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Drones, aprende a volar, configurar e incluso montarlos" |
"Vamos a poder aprende todos los aspectos esenciales para volar, contruir, reparar y mejorar un Dron que utilize tecnologa de libre distribucin como son la APM y la PixHawk. Porque la diferencia de este curso es que hablaremos de todo los aspectos. Un curso totalmente completo.Vamos a tener diferentes seccines bien diferenciadas: Una introduccin, unos conceptos de vuelo, conoceremos las entraas de un dron para poder construirlos, aprenderemos a configurar nuestro dron desde cero, sabremos crear rutas totalmente autnomas, y aun asi tendremos unas clases extras donde hablaremos por ejemplo de los gimbal o FPVS"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Career Coaching Certification2 Business Plan" |
"Why take our Career Coaching 2Accredited Business Plan Certification Course?What will a Business Plan Expert Certificate and Accreditation + Credentials + Business Plan Career Coach Directory Listing for Level 2 Grads do for you?If you are searching for a career coaching niche that is in demand, becoming a Business Plan Expert Career Coach will benefit you in numerous ways. Why is this important?FACT: Professionally, it is becoming more of a challenge to differentiate yourself in the increasingly competitive career coaching world. This can be overwhelming if you dont feel like you have done enough, know enough or have enough current skills to guide career changers. How can you compete?FACT: Personally, you need to be confident, resilient and resourceful to adapt to this ever-demanding competitive world. This can be a challenge if self-doubt, insecurities and fears block you. How can you rise above these obstacles?BUSINESS PLAN EXPERT CAREER COACHING CERTIFICATION COURSE GOALThese facts dont have to be your future! We developed this comprehensive Business Plan Expert Career Coach Certification course as part of our 12-Phase Professional Certified Experts Career Coach Certification Program. Now we offer it as a stand-alone Associate Career Coach Certification Program so you can niche in this high-demand area and become a Business Plan Expert Career Coach.BUSINESS PLAN EXPERT CAREER COACHING CERTIFICATION SELF-ASSESSMENTWHAT IS YOUR GOAL?There are usually 3 different goals among the students who join this expert career coaching program. Which one describes you?GOAL #1 - You dont care about receiving a certificate of completion or being fully certified as a Career Coach through accreditation. You want to be coached so that you can achieve your career goals. If this describes you, then enjoy the course as it fits with your schedule. INCLUDED with the one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy is life-time access to the course content and features on Udemy; including a Udemy generated certificate of completion if you ever need one. You also have access to Level 1 and Level 2 accreditation at no additional cost should your goal change. READ COURSE CONTENT SNAP-SHOT.GOAL #2 You are already a career coaching professional. You dont care to be fully certified through accreditation or that the certificate of completion comes from Udemy. What you do care about is saving time and saving money. You want to be able to niche into a specific career area without having to develop the process yourself. You want to legally use our proprietary step-by-step and timed-out accredited career coach session guides to coach your clients WITHOUT PAYING our $995 right of use fee (details below). If this describes you, then enjoy the Level 1 program as it fits with your schedule knowing that your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy gives you access to Level 2 accreditation should your goal change. READ LEVEL 1 ACCREDITATION BENEFITS.GOAL #3 You are completely new to career coaching and want guidance. You may have taken other coaching courses but do not feel prepared to coach career clients or you simply want to be listed in this niche career coaching directory on Experts Coach Academy WITHOUT PAYING the private fee of $1791 (details below). Your goal is to learn our step-by-step career coaching process and then be able to practice through fieldwork that is assessed for competency. You want a separate certificate of completion that is not from Udemy but from our Accredited Coaching Academy. You want your name listed in this niche specific coaching directory on Experts Coach Academy so that prospective clients or employers can verify your Career Coaching Certification and confirm that you have Graduated from this accredited Coaching Training Program. If this describes you, enjoy the Level 2 program that is included with your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy. READ LEVEL 2 ACCREDITATION BENEFITS.BUSINESS PLAN EXPERT CAREER COACHING CERTIFICATION COURSE CONTENT SNAP-SHOTYou can keep scrolling to view the comprehensive course content and also to watch some of the free video lectures available but here is a quick outline of what is covered:Business Plan Expert Career Coaching Psychology: Do you know exactly what stops people in this area? You are walked-through our proprietary framework for assesses their underlying blocks and obstacles.Business Plan Expert Career Coaching People: Who will be your career coaching clients? You discover the inside track on coaching career changers so that you can understand them better than they understand themselves.Business Plan Expert Career Coaching Process: Do you have an exact Career Coaching process in this area of specialization that is proven to get results? Differentiate yourself by using our proprietary registered trademarked Career Coaching session guides that are timed-out and step-by-step easy to follow and adjust as needed.Business Plan Expert Career Coaching Phrasing: Do you know exactly what to say in any situation? Being stumped in a Career Coaching session makes you look unprofessional. We give you the exact phrasing and questions to use so that you feel confident and prepared in every career coaching session.Business Plan Expert Career Coaching Procedures: Do you know the Career Coaching procedures that will make an impact for your clients? In this course, we give you the exact techniques, tools and strategies so that you dont have to do the research or create the resources yourself.Business Plan Expert Career Coaching Practicum: Have you ever coached real clients before? You will benefit from the simple system we provide that makes career coaching practice fun and doable. This is truly what differentiates our Career Coaching course from others.Business Plan Expert Career Coaching Pricing and Promotion: Do you know what to charge career coaching clients? Do you know how to find career coaching clients? No more guessing what to do and how to do it. We have mapped out your success plan so that you feel confident and secure in this area.Business Plan Expert Career Coaching Professional Community: We want you to be successful! Once you join this course, you have access to a full range of ongoing career coaching community support that will keep you focused and engaged.LEVEL 1 ACCREDITATION COST-SAVING BENEFITSIncluded with your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy is life-time access to the course content and features on Udemy; including a Udemy generated certificate of completion.WE COVER THE $995 U.S.D. RIGHT OF USE FEE: When you join this course on Udemy and stay enrolled (no refund), you have permission to use our Proprietary Accredited Career Coaching Session Guides to coach clients.PLEASE NOTE: A right-of-use fee is not a licensing fee. We own the copyright to the accredited session guides including the processes and material. You do not have permission to re-sell it or develop training, workshops, speaking or books based on our proprietary program.1) Watch 100% of the coursework lectures as fast or as slow as you want.2) Download all of the accredited resources including the session guides.3) Download your Udemy generated certificate of completion when you have completed 100% of the coursework.LEVEL 2 ACCREDITATION COST-SAVING BENEFITSIn addition to the cost-saving benefits and features of Level One, when you remain enrolled in the program past 35 days, you have access to LEVEL 2 benefits; a total of $1791 U.S.D in fees that we cover when you join this one course on Udemy and graduate Level 2.WE COVER THE $995 U.S.D. RIGHT OF USE FEE: When you join this course on Udemy and stay enrolled (no refund), you have permission to use our Proprietary Accredited Career Coaching Session Guides to coach clients.WE COVER THE $199 U.S.D. ACCREDITATION FEE: Level 2 requires that you complete a mandatory Career Coaching Practicum which assesses your competency using our accredited proprietary session guides with real clients. We call this hands-on coaching fieldwork. We make this step-by-step easy to complete but submission is mandatory for Level 2 Graduation. This is what differentiates our program and sets our Graduates above the rest. While a quickie diploma or certification from having just simply watched videos is appealing and what some coaching courses on Udemy use as a marketing tool to get you to buy, this is not the solution to long-term success. If that is your goal and expectation, this professional coaching program is not for you.WE COVER THE $99 U.S.D. CERTIFICATION FEE: This is a one-time fee to create one individualized certificate of completion from Experts Coach Academy that displays your certification designation verifying your completion of accreditation.WE COVER THE $199 U.S.D. COACH DIRECTORY LISTING FEE: This is a one-time listing one-time fee to add your first and last name to this niche specific career coach directory on Experts Coach Academy.WE COVER THE $299 U.S.D ASSOCIATION FEE: This is a one-time membership fee to keep your certification current and valid.WE COVER $1791 U.S.D IN FEES WHEN YOU JOIN US ON UDEMY AND GRADUATE LEVEL 2Now you might be thinking this sounds too good to be true; whats the catch? or you might be saying Career Coaching Training like this should cost 5 thousand or more; why would such a valuable program be available on Udemy for such a low price? There is no catch just a vision, a purpose and a mission inspired by our Founder and your Instructor. Keep reading to meet her!WHY OUR LEVEL 2 GRADUATES EXCELJoining this course and completing Level 2 of the program requires effort but you can do this! We want you to stand-out and excel as a career coach but only you can do the work. We cant guarantee your success or that you will make money as a career coach. Only you are responsible for the effort you put in and the success you achieve. What we can guarantee is that we make it as simple and easy regardless of your current skill level and we are there to guide you every step of the way; however long that takes. We want you to be satisfied and if you are not, you can request a refund from Udemy within 30 days of purchase. Be sure to read Udemys terms for details.THE POWER OF BELIEFBut when you commit and stay enrolled in the course (no refund), you put into motion the power of belief. When you buy the course on Udemy, it is a one-time low-cost investment that will continue to pay dividends in countless ways for years to come. Level 2 is simple: in addition to staying enrolled in the course for longer than 35 days, you complete 100% of the coursework, complete 100% of the coaching practicum fieldwork and submit it for approval and we cover the $1791 U.S.D. fees that we normally charge on our website for Level 2 Graduation.Why do we do this? When you meet Louise, you will understand the purpose-driven passion that propels our mission! You may have already seen this before but it is worth a second, third or fourth read.MEET YOUR INSTRUCTOR LOUISE ANNE MAURICEIf you have never met me before, my name is Louise Anne Maurice; Louise for short. When being interviewed, I am always asked the question what have been the most important aspects of your 30+ year career; your university and specialized education, the impressive skills you developed working for companies and educational institutions or boot-strapping it to build your company from the ground-up? My response is always ALL OF IT because every experience has shaped who I am, my purpose and the reason I am a Coaching Training and Development Specialist today.LOUISE TALKS OVERCOMING CHALLENGESYou see, I was not handed life on a silver platter! I worked hard to achieve what I have; overcoming many challenges along the way. How did I do this? I developed, what I later termed, my Empowered Coach Approach; a revolutionary framework founded on empowerment, integrity and respect that leverages my DE Effect to accelerate and strengthen transformation. Using this approach, I was able to power-past blocks and obstacles so I could achieve my goals and experience my limitless potential. The thousands and thousands of people I have either coached, trained, consulted or taught over the past 30+ years have also benefited from my Empowered Coach Approach.LOUISE ANNE MAURICES MISSIONBut that is just scratching the surface! I see a world where everyone is overcoming their challenges and living their full potential. Can you imagine the positive impact? But I cant do it alone! My mission is to train millions of coaches world-wide to coach millions of people world-wide to live their full potential. How will I do this? I have teamed up with the Udemy E-Learning Platform to make my proprietary coaching training programs easily accessible to a global audience at an affordable price. As Director of Coaching Training and Coaching Courses Development for Experts Coach Academy, I use my Empowered Coach Approach to develop purposeful, comprehensive and streamlined curriculum that shortens the learning curve for you to become a Professional World-Class Coach.WHAT IS YOUR MISSION?Purpose is powerful! Yes, you might be fired-up at the cost-savings bonus that I have made exclusively available on Udemy. Who doesnt love a deal! More importantly though, I hope youre fired-up at the prospect of being a part of making a positive difference in the world; I know I am! Are you ready to do something more meaningful with your life; something that makes an impact and leaves a lasting legacy with your name written all over it? Whatever your mission, you will find a community that is here to support your purpose.ARE YOU READY TO START MAKING A DIFFERENCE?I invite you to join and start living your purpose today! Simply click on the Buy now button to enroll in one course or click on the Add to cart button to enroll in all 12 courses of the Professional Certified Experts' Career Coach (PCECC) Program.I will see you in the first lecture. Copyright Louise Anne Maurice of Experts Coach Academy"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Career Coaching Certification1 Career Change" |
"Why take Career Coaching 1Accredited Career Change Certification Course?What will a Career Change Expert Certificate + Accreditation + Credentials + Career Change Career Coach Directory Listing for Level 2 Grads do for you?If you are searching for a career coaching niche that is in demand, becoming a Career Change Career Coach will benefit you in numerous ways. Why is this important?FACT: Professionally, it is becoming more of a challenge to differentiate yourself in the increasingly competitive career coaching world. This can be overwhelming if you dont feel like you have done enough, know enough or have enough current skills to guide career changers. How can you compete?FACT: Personally, you need to be confident, resilient and resourceful to adapt to this ever-demanding competitive world. This can be a challenge if self-doubt, insecurities and fears block you. How can you rise above these obstacles?CAREER CHANGE EXPERT CAREER COACHING CERTIFICATIONThese facts dont have to be your future! We developed this comprehensive Career Change Career Coach Certification course as part of our 12-Phase Professional Certified Experts Career Coach Certification Program. Now we offer it as a stand-alone Associate Career Coach Certification Program so you can niche in this high-demand area and become a Career Change Career Coach.CAREER CHANGE EXPERT CAREER COACHING CERTIFICATION SELF-ASSESSMENTWHAT IS YOUR GOAL?There are usually 3 different goals among the students who join this expert career coaching program. Which one describes you?GOAL #1 - You dont care about receiving a certificate of completion or being fully certified as a Career Coach through accreditation. You want to be coached so that you can achieve your career goals. If this describes you, then enjoy the course as it fits with your schedule. INCLUDED with the one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy is life-time access to the course content and features on Udemy; including a Udemy generated certificate of completion if you ever need one. You also have access to Level 1 and Level 2 accreditation at no additional cost should your goal change. READ COURSE CONTENT SNAP-SHOT.GOAL #2 You are already a career coaching professional. You dont care to be fully certified through accreditation or that the certificate of completion comes from Udemy. What you do care about is saving time and saving money. You want to be able to niche into a specific career area without having to develop the process yourself. You want to legally use our proprietary step-by-step and timed-out accredited career coach session guides to coach your clients WITHOUT PAYING our $995 right of use fee (details below). If this describes you, then enjoy the Level 1 program as it fits with your schedule knowing that your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy gives you access to Level 2 accreditation should your goal change. READ LEVEL 1 ACCREDITATION BENEFITS.GOAL #3 You are completely new to career coaching and want guidance. You may have taken other coaching courses but do not feel prepared to coach career clients or you simply want to be listed in this niche career coaching directory on Experts Coach Academy WITHOUT PAYING the private fee of $1791 (details below). Your goal is to learn our step-by-step career coaching process and then be able to practice through fieldwork that is assessed for competency. You want a separate certificate of completion that is not from Udemy but from our Accredited Coaching Academy. You want your name listed in this niche specific coaching directory on Experts Coach Academy so that prospective clients or employers can verify your Career Coaching Certification and confirm that you have Graduated from this accredited Coaching Training Program. If this describes you, enjoy the Level 2 program that is included with your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy. READ LEVEL 2 ACCREDITATION BENEFITS.CAREER CHANGE EXPERT CAREER COACHING CERTIFICATION COURSE CONTENT SNAP-SHOTYou can keep scrolling to view the comprehensive course content and also to watch some of the free video lectures available but here is a quick outline of what is covered:Career Change Expert Career Coaching Psychology: Do you know exactly what stops people in this area? You are walked-through our proprietary framework for assesses their underlying blocks and obstacles.Career Change Expert Career Coaching People: Who will be your career coaching clients? You discover the inside track on coaching career changers so that you can understand them better than they understand themselves.Career Change Expert Career Coaching Process: Do you have an exact Career Coaching process in this area of specialization that is proven to get results? Differentiate yourself by using our proprietary registered trademarked Career Coaching session guides that are timed-out and step-by-step easy to follow and adjust as needed.Career Change Expert Career Coaching Phrasing: Do you know exactly what to say in any situation? Being stumped in a Career Coaching session makes you look unprofessional. We give you the exact phrasing and questions to use so that you feel confident and prepared in every career coaching session.Career Change Expert Career Coaching Procedures: Do you know the Career Coaching procedures that will make an impact for your clients? In this course, we give you the exact techniques, tools and strategies so that you dont have to do the research or create the resources yourself.Career Change Expert Career Coaching Practicum: Have you ever coached real clients before? You will benefit from the simple system we provide that makes career coaching practice fun and doable. This is truly what differentiates our Career Coaching course from others.Career Change Expert Career Coaching Pricing and Promotion: Do you know what to charge career coaching clients? Do you know how to find career coaching clients? No more guessing what to do and how to do it. We have mapped out your success plan so that you feel confident and secure in this area.Career Change Expert Career Coaching Professional Community: We want you to be successful! Once you join this course, you have access to a full range of ongoing career coaching community support that will keep you focused and engaged.LEVEL 1 ACCREDITATION COST-SAVING BENEFITSIncluded with your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy is life-time access to the course content and features on Udemy; including a Udemy generated certificate of completion.WE COVER THE $995 U.S.D. RIGHT OF USE FEE: When you join this course on Udemy and stay enrolled (no refund), you have permission to use our Proprietary Accredited Career Coaching Session Guides to coach clients.PLEASE NOTE: A right-of-use fee is not a licensing fee. We own the copyright to the accredited session guides including the processes and material. You do not have permission to re-sell it or develop training, workshops, speaking or books based on our proprietary program.1) Watch 100% of the coursework lectures as fast or as slow as you want.2) Download all of the accredited resources including the session guides.3) Download your Udemy generated certificate of completion when you have completed 100% of the coursework.LEVEL 2 ACCREDITATION COST-SAVING BENEFITSIn addition to the cost-saving benefits and features of Level One, when you remain enrolled in the program past 35 days, you have access to LEVEL 2 benefits; a total of $1791 U.S.D in fees that we cover when you join this one course on Udemy and graduate Level 2.WE COVER THE $995 U.S.D. RIGHT OF USE FEE: When you join this course on Udemy and stay enrolled (no refund), you have permission to use our Proprietary Accredited Career Coaching Session Guides to coach clients.WE COVER THE $199 U.S.D. ACCREDITATION FEE: Level 2 requires that you complete a mandatory Career Coaching Practicum which assesses your competency using our accredited proprietary session guides with real clients. We call this hands-on coaching fieldwork. We make this step-by-step easy to complete but submission is mandatory for Level 2 Graduation. This is what differentiates our program and sets our Graduates above the rest. While a quickie diploma or certification from having just simply watched videos is appealing and what some coaching courses on Udemy use as a marketing tool to get you to buy, this is not the solution to long-term success. If that is your goal and expectation, this professional coaching program is not for you.WE COVER THE $99 U.S.D. CERTIFICATION FEE: This is a one-time fee to create one individualized certificate of completion from Experts Coach Academy that displays your certification designation verifying your completion of accreditation.WE COVER THE $199 U.S.D. COACH DIRECTORY LISTING FEE: This is a one-time listing one-time fee to add your first and last name to this niche specific career coach directory on Experts Coach Academy.WE COVER THE $299 U.S.D ASSOCIATION FEE: This is a one-time membership fee to keep your certification current and valid.WE COVER $1791 U.S.D IN FEES WHEN YOU JOIN US ON UDEMY AND GRADUATE LEVEL 2Now you might be thinking this sounds too good to be true; whats the catch? or you might be saying Career Coaching Training like this should cost 5 thousand or more; why would such a valuable program be available on Udemy for such a low price? There is no catch just a vision, a purpose and a mission inspired by our Founder and your Instructor. Keep reading to meet her!WHY OUR LEVEL 2 GRADUATES EXCELJoining this course and completing Level 2 of the program requires effort but you can do this! We want you to stand-out and excel as a career coach but only you can do the work. We cant guarantee your success or that you will make money as a career coach. Only you are responsible for the effort you put in and the success you achieve. What we can guarantee is that we make it as simple and easy regardless of your current skill level and we are there to guide you every step of the way; however long that takes. We want you to be satisfied and if you are not, you can request a refund from Udemy within 30 days of purchase. Be sure to read Udemys terms for details.THE POWER OF BELIEFBut when you commit and stay enrolled in the course (no refund), you put into motion the power of belief. When you buy the course on Udemy, it is a one-time low-cost investment that will continue to pay dividends in countless ways for years to come. Level 2 is simple: in addition to staying enrolled in the course for longer than 35 days, you complete 100% of the coursework, complete 100% of the coaching practicum fieldwork and submit it for approval and we cover the $1791 U.S.D. fees that we normally charge on our website for Level 2 Graduation.Why do we do this? When you meet Louise, you will understand the purpose-driven passion that propels our mission! You may have already seen this before but it is worth a second, third or fourth read.MEET YOUR INSTRUCTOR LOUISE ANNE MAURICEIf you have never met me before, my name is Louise Anne Maurice; Louise for short. When being interviewed, I am always asked the question what have been the most important aspects of your 30+ year career; your university and specialized education, the impressive skills you developed working for companies and educational institutions or boot-strapping it to build your company from the ground-up? My response is always ALL OF IT because every experience has shaped who I am, my purpose and the reason I am a Coaching Training and Development Specialist today.LOUISE TALKS OVERCOMING CHALLENGESYou see, I was not handed life on a silver platter! I worked hard to achieve what I have; overcoming many challenges along the way. How did I do this? I developed, what I later termed, my Empowered Coach Approach; a revolutionary framework founded on empowerment, integrity and respect that leverages my DE Effect to accelerate and strengthen transformation. Using this approach, I was able to power-past blocks and obstacles so I could achieve my goals and experience my limitless potential. The thousands and thousands of people I have either coached, trained, consulted or taught over the past 30+ years have also benefited from my Empowered Coach Approach.LOUISE ANNE MAURICES MISSIONBut that is just scratching the surface! I see a world where everyone is overcoming their challenges and living their full potential. Can you imagine the positive impact? But I cant do it alone! My mission is to train millions of coaches world-wide to coach millions of people world-wide to live their full potential. How will I do this? I have teamed up with the Udemy E-Learning Platform to make my proprietary coaching training programs easily accessible to a global audience at an affordable price. As Director of Coaching Training and Coaching Courses Development for Experts Coach Academy, I use my Empowered Coach Approach to develop purposeful, comprehensive and streamlined curriculum that shortens the learning curve for you to become a Professional World-Class Coach.WHAT IS YOUR MISSION?Purpose is powerful! Yes, you might be fired-up at the cost-savings bonus that I have made exclusively available on Udemy. Who doesnt love a deal! More importantly though, I hope youre fired-up at the prospect of being a part of making a positive difference in the world; I know I am! Are you ready to do something more meaningful with your life; something that makes an impact and leaves a lasting legacy with your name written all over it? Whatever your mission, you will find a community that is here to support your purpose.ARE YOU READY TO START MAKING A DIFFERENCE?I invite you to join and start living your purpose today! Simply click on the Buy now button to enroll in one course or click on the Add to cart button to enroll in all 12 courses of the Professional Certified Experts' Career Coach (PCECC) Program.I will see you in the first lecture. Copyright Louise Anne Maurice of Experts Coach Academy"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Periscope for Professionals" |
"This course has everything you need to get started and learn to master the use of Periscope as an integral component of your professional marketing and communications strategy. Leverage this new interactive, live video streaming application and its social network to build better relationships with your clients and attract new clients.Your clients, prospects, and referral partners are consuming online video every day. Mobile video consumption and production growing rapidly.Avoid being left behind by your competitors by learning the fundamentals of effective mobile video production and community management on Periscope.This course is packed with:Valuable Use Cases - Forget abstract social media hypotheticals, with this course you'll learn how to put Periscope to work in your business.Engagement Strategies - Periscope is an interactive platform. In this course you'll learn how to attract and engage viewers in new and exciting ways.Efficiency Tips - As a professional you don't have a lot of time to waste putzing around. This course will teach you to use Periscope efficiently to expand your reach and create tangible business value.Professional Quality Fundamentals - The quality of your Periscope broadcast is a reflection of your professional brand. This course will teach you how to create high quality video and present yourself in a manner that will attract new business.Course Objectives and Presentation StylePeriscope for Professionals was created with a specific focus on helping you get up and running with ease. Mike Langford's presentation style is extremely friendly and approachable. The goal is for you to get comfortable with the concepts and become confident in your own ability to apply what you learn in the course in your own business endeavors. The key takeaway is that Periscope holds the potential for tremendous value for your business. If you apply what you learn in this course you are sure to see a high return on your investment and your time."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |