Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"How to Speak for Fun & Money" |
"Are you an Entrepreneur,Toastmaster, a Dale Carnegie graduate, or someone interested in taking their speaking skills to the next level and get paid for it? In 15 lectures, you will learn how to book 10 talks in 10 days, how to create speech titles that sizzle and sell, and finally how to go from free to FEE. Plus, we have identified speaking sources in every city and every country. Enroll to begin the most exciting journey of your life. After 36 years in Denver, Colorado this seminar is now exploding internationally thanks to Udemy."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"LinkedIn for Healthcare Professionals" |
"LinkedIn is the top platform for business professionals to connect, engage and share knowledge. As healthcare professionals connecting via LinkedIn can be an effective use of your time to establish thought leadership, build your professional reputation or engage with allied professionals around the globe. ""LinkedIn for Healthcare Professionals"" walks you though the major elements of a LinkedIn profile and how to optimize your profile for success.The course is designed for healthcare professionals of all experience levels who are new to LinkedIn or want to expand their profiles to utilize more features of the platform. During the course you will get a guide of all the different sections of the platform and how it is being used by healthcare professionals. Below is the Course Curriculum: Module 1: Welcome and PreparationWatch Video: Welcome!Watch Video: PreparationWatch Video: Paid or Free Account? & Explanation of DegreesActivity: Search LinkedIn for outdated profilesActivity: Find and update your most recent CV or resumeActivity: Profile PictureModule 2: LinkedIn GoalsWatch VideoActivity: Download LinkedIn Goal WorksheetActivity: Determine your goal for LinkedInModule 3: Your LinkedIn ProfileWatch Video: Header ImageWatch Video: SummaryWatch Video: Professional MediaWatch Video: Employment HistoryModule 4: LinkedIn GroupsWatch Video: LinkedIn GroupsActivity: Research LinkedIn groupsActivity: Select groups to joinModule 5: ConnectingWatch Video: ConnectingActivity: Connect your address bookActivity: Connect to current colleagues and professional friendsActivity: Reach out to former colleaguesModule 6: LinkedIn MetricsWatch Video: LinkedIn MetricsActivity: Set personal goals for metricsModule 7: ContentWatch Video: Content for LinkedInActivity: Follow 5 people of influenceActivity: Share a status updateModule 8: Time ManagementWatch Video: Time ManagementDownload: LinkedIn checklistCongratulations!Congratulations on your course completion!Connect in LinkedIn"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Intelligent Sustainable Business" |
"This course outlines the hidden problems of business, discusses a revolutionary redesign for continuously profitable, healthy, durable, and community-supporting commerce, and then prepares the student to direct intelligent reform inside existing organizations. 24 focused learning sessions engage a wide variety of topics fundamental to potent sustainable business such as the myth of today's recycling systems and the misrepresentation of climate change by both sides of the debate. No business issue is beyond scrutiny and all conclusions are solidly supported. You will intuitively appreciate this brilliant new approach to business as well as the professional opportunities that await knowledgeable, creative, out-of-the-box thinkers and leaders in a variety of business sectors. During our time together, you will improve your ability to apply paradigm-changing business practices in a variety of business settings. In the end, you will have acquired an intensely positive professional vision and actionable competency that will prove more and more valuable as you move through your professional career."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Analytics: How To Get Certified (GAIQ test)" |
"You always wanted to be a Google Analytics Expert, but you didnt have enough Time, Knowledge or Luck ? At the end of this course, You will have all needed expertise to pass the Google Analytics IQ test with minimum effort !Course Value Proposition You will get a Certified Personal Tutor with several Years experience (8+), teaching You Step by Step exactly what you need to know.NO frills, NO time NOR effort wasted,Very Straight to the pointGet enrolled and Certified in less than 5 hrsAlways at your sidein case of any questions or support neededContents and Overview The agenda is tailored on your real needs, making sure you can follow and improve even if youre not familiar with the topic. Two hours of content, no boring lectures, Just Full HD videos and audios made in a professional recording studio.Introduction on Google Analytics, including why is so important to become certifiedOfficial Sample test and 360 view on the material provided by GoogleCore of the course: Several Questions and Answers to become familiar withthetest, including detailed voice-over explanationsSuggestions on must read and technical toolsAdvanced topics, for those of You planning to work on GA on a daily basis"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Authentic Chair Yoga" |
"'Authentic Chair Yoga' course is about practicing yoga with a chair only. I will show how simple it really is. You need just one or two chairs and 30 minutes per day to practice. If you are a beginner you can easily start doing yoga with a chair.If you are a professional, I'm sure you will find some new techniques.The course consists of 11 videos divided into 6 sections with a given description to each video. The course is designed for those people who:are sitting for a long timedon't have time to attend group classesare working in front of computer for a long timeexperienced knee surgeries or have knee problemsbeginnersseniorssmokers You need only one week to complete this course. Get rid of:knee painlow back painmeck and shoulder painsstress and anxietyDevelop concentration, succeed in business, work and personal life!Achieve deep relaxation and calm peaceful mind."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Made Easy and Fun" |
"Photoshop can be fun! This course teaches the basics of Photoshop and quickly gets you up to speed, using amusing and real world design scenarios. You will learn how to use layers, layer effects, filters, painting and blending, and color correction. You will also learn the best tips, tricks and techniques for common Photoshop projects including selecting and isolating objects, creating image composites and enhancing images with beauty retouching and other effects."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Intro to 3D Design for Makers, Designers, and Entrepreneurs" |
"How to Model in 123D Design for Makers, Designers, and Entrepreneurs is an online course that will take you step by step through learning tools and principles that will allow you to bring your ideas to life.At the end of this course, you will have gained a new skill that is growing in demand in multiple industries. I will help you gain vital experience to further your career or break the mold to create your own designs. Whether you want to design buildings, develop products, or generate digital entertainment, How to Model in 123D Design will give you the freedom to produce your very own creations.You have the opportunity to practice your skills as you learn in each section. In this course, you can learn at your own pace and repeat videos to give you a deep and thorough understanding of each lesson. Not only is this course designed to help you master 123D design, but it gives you the fundamentals of 3D modelling that smoothly translate into other professional design softwares. Step-by-step, we will go over the cornerstones of 123D Design by creating a fun robot that embodies all of the main tools in the program. In addition, I have included Bonus Designs for you to strengthen what you learn in the course.I'll see you in the course!-Ken"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"HTML et CSS - Le Cours Complet" |
"Vous souhaitez devenir dveloppeur web? Vous voulez tre capable de crer un site Internet? Vous tes un dbutant dans ce domaine? Alors vous tes exactement l ou vous devez tre !Dans ce cours on va apprendre ensemble les bases du web, c'est dire HTML et CSS.HTML c'est quoi?C'est un langage compos de ce que l'on appelle des tags qui vont nous permettre de reprsenter la structure de nos pages Web: un titre, un paragraphe, des images, etc...Maintenant, il faut savoir que HTML sans CSS c'est pas trs joli !C'est pourquoi HTML vient souvent avec son fidle compagnon: le CSS.CSS c'est quoi?C'est un langage qui va dcorer notre HTML, il est responsable des couleurs, des tailles, de la mise en page, etc...Dans ce cours vous allez construire un site Web depuis 0 avec uniquement de l'HTML et du CSS.Vous allez taper vos premires lignes de code ! Je vous assisterai et vous expliquerai en dtails chacune des tapes.Allez ! Au boulot ! On passe l'action !"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre Javascript - Crer un jeu en ligne" |
"Hello, Savez vous ce qu'est le Javascript? Et ben Javascript est un composant majeur du Web.Et oui ! Nos pages Web sont composes de 3 lments principaux:HTML qui en sera la structure, le squeletteCSS pour dcorer notre HTML Et surtout Javascript pour l'interactivit et la logique de nos pages webJavascript c'est surtout un vrai langage de programmation (contrairement a HTML et CSS) ! Vous allez enfin faire votre baptme du code!Dans ce cours on va apprendre les bases de Javascript.Et puis, est-ce que vous vous rappelez de ce jeu qui nous a tous rendu fou pendant notre jeunesse ? Le Serpent ?Et ben, bonne nouvelle, vous allez le construire grce Javascript !Etape par tape, vous allez crer ce jeu partir de zro !Bien entendu, je vous assisterai et vous expliquerai en dtails chacune des tapes!Allez ! On passe l'action !"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"jQuery - Le Cours Complet" |
"Hello,Connaissez vous jQuery?C'est une librairie Javascript trs populaire, mme des entreprises comme Google ou Microsoft l'utilisent.Le slogan de jQuery c'est ""Ecris moins et Fais plus"". Et oui ! Son rle est de nous simplifier la vie!C'est dire que les tches courantes de Javascript, qui ncessitent de nombreuses lignes de code, jQuery nous les rend accessible avec une seule ligne de code !Pour suivre ce cours, vous devez connaitre un minimum vos classiques: c'est dire HTML, CSS et Javascript.Et on va apprendre ensemble ce que l'on peut faire avec jQuery: manipuler les lments HTML, les dcorer avec du CSS, ajouter des effets, animer nos pages Web, etc, etc...Et comme d'habitude pour rendre notre apprentissage plus concrt! On va construire ensemble une page Web interactive.C'est a dire qu'en plus de jQuery, je vous dvoilerai mon top 5 des meilleures actrices ainsi que leurs meilleurs films. Intressant?Vous aller crer cette page Web interactive partir de zro!Biensur, je vous assisterai et vous expliquerai en dtails chacune des tapes!Allez! On passe l'action..."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Bootstrap - Le Cours Complet" |
"Hello,Connaissez vous Bootstrap?C'est un framework HTML, CSS et Javascript, c'est dire une structure qui contient de nombreux composants prts l'emploi: boutons, listes droulantes, menus, etc, etc...Il va nous permettre de dvelopper plus rapidement et plus simplement car il est compatible avec tous les navigateurs.Mais ce qui fait de Bootstrap une vritable star. C'est sa popularit pour dvelopper ""responsive"".C'est quoi ""responsive""?Le responsive design, c'est une faon dapprhender la conception dun site internet. Notre site Web devient flexible et lastique, il sadapte automatiquement la taille et la rsolution de lcran.C'est dire qu'il s'organisera diffremment s'il est vu depuis un smartphone, une tablette ou un ordinateur. (apparition de 3 dessins)Les colonnes sajustent, se dplacent ou disparaissent entirement, les images se redimensionnent, les menus changent...Pour suivre ce cours, vous devez connatre un minimum les bases d' HTML et CSS et je vous enseignerai ce que vous pouvez faire avec Bootstrap.Mais mieux encore! Vous aller enfin crer votre CV interactif ""responsive""!Il sera adapt aussi bien sur ordinateur que sur smartphone.Etape par tape, on ralisera ce CV ensemble.Sachez que c'est le genre de CV qui attire les recruteurs et je suis sur qu'il boostera votre carriere.Allez! On passe a l'action..."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Formation Complte Dveloppeur Web" |
"Le Dveloppement Web de A Z. Apprenez HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, Wordpress...Vous voulez apprendre le dveloppement Web ?Vous dbutez ? Ou vous souhaitez tout simplement vous perfectionner ?Bonne nouvelle, vous tes au bon endroit !Bienvenue La Formation Complte Dveloppeur Web !Cest LA formation la plus complte que vous pouvez trouver en ligne.Tout ce que vous devez connatre pour dbuter ou booster votre carrire de dveloppeur Web se trouve ici : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, WordPressAucune comptence particulire n'est requise pour vous lancer dans cette formation, vous pouvez tout fait commencer de zro.Et la fin de cette formation, vous pourrez crier haut et fort Je suis Dveloppeur Web et mme gagner de largent grce vos nouvelles comptences.Alors pourquoi cette formation est la solution optimale pour vous?Apprenez en pratiquant !Comme le dit Richard Branson La meilleure faon dapprendre cest de faire ! Et oui, il n'y a pas de secret, plus vous pratiquerez, plus vous progresserez !Cest pourquoi dans chaque partie de cette formation, on ralisera ensemble un projet concret de A Z !Site Web pour agence de voyageJeu du serpentTop 5 des meilleures actricesCV en ligne (site Web perso)Formulaire de contactMenu de restaurantBlogSite E-commerceJai galement concoct des quiz pour tester vos connaissances dans chacune des parties.Construisez votre site Web perso !Peu importe si votre objectif final cest de travailler en entreprise ou en freelance, vous devez imprativement construire votre identit de dveloppeur Web.Lorsque des entreprises ou des clients potentiels recherchent un dveloppeur, ils se fieront ses accomplissements.Cest pourquoi on va mettre votre apprentissage au service de votre future carrire.On va mettre en place votre site Web perso et vous ajouterez tous les projets que lon fait ensemble directement dans votre portfolio !Cela vous donnera une longueur davance pour booster votre carrire !Je serai pour vous bien plus quun simple prof !Il sagit peut-tre dune formation online mais mon objectif est de vous donner limpressionquon est assis ENSEMBLE.Je serai en permanence avec vous, cest--dire que vous me verrez en bas droite de votre cran :DEt on va faire un sacr bout de chemin ensemble !Je vous expliquerai clairement et simplement tous les concepts techniques, mme les plus compliqus.Mais cette formation nest pas seulement technique, et cest l que le coach qui est en moi se rveillera.Je vous donnerai des astuces, des conseils : quelles sont les cls pour russir votre formation, quels sont les diffrents chemins que vous pouvez suivre aprs la formation, etc..Vous allez dcouvrir quapprendre le dveloppement Web peut tre rapide et fun la fois !Bref, je vous garantis que cette formation est celle qui vous faut !Vous ne me croyez pas ? Alors sachez que si cette formation ne vous satisfait pas, je vous rembourse, vous avez 30 jours partir de votre date dachat pour rclamer un remboursement.Prts devenir un bon dveloppeur Web ? Alors voil le programme de la formation:Introduction et Mise en placeApprendre HTML et CSS et crer un site WebApprendre JavaScript et crer un jeu en ligneApprendre jQuery et crer une page Web interactiveApprendre Bootstrap et crer un CV en ligne responsiveHbergement, noms de domaine et mettre un site en ligneApprendre PHP et crer un formulaire de contactApprendre PHP etMySQL et crer un site Web dynamiqueApprendre WordPress - crer un blog et un site E-commerceFaisons le bilan et parlons futurSi vous ne savez pas de quoi je parle, nhsitez pas voir les vidos dIntro de chaque partie, elles sont gratuites.Informations importantes savoir:Si cette formation ne vous satisfait pas alors vous pouvez obtenir un remboursement sous 30 jours.Une fois que vous avez rejoint la formation, vous y avez accs vie.Vous avez galement accs gratuitement toutes les mises jour que japporterai cette formation.Vous pouvez menvoyer des messages personnels avec toutes vos questions ou suggestions concernant la formation.Allez ! On passe laction !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"PHP - Le Cours Complet" |
"Hello,Qu'est ce que PHP?C'estun langage de scripts qui s'intgre directement dans nos pages Web.C'est assez simple utiliser et donc idal pour les dbutants.Ce langage est comprehensible uniquement par le serveur.Ilexcute tout le code qui se trouve entre les balises PHP (<?php et ?>) du ctserveur et le transforme en langage client: c'est--dire que lorsque vous regarderez le code source de vos pages Web dansle navigateur, iln'y aura plus aucune trace du code PHP.Bon alors quels sont les atouts de PHP ?Djil faut savoir qu'il y a une trs grande communaut sur Internet et asera donc beaucoup plus facile d'obtenir de l'aide en cas de besoin.Et aussi Wordpress est en PHP: a sera utile de le connaitre pour personnaliser nos sites bass sur Wordpress.Dansce cours, je vais vous enseigner toutes les bases de PHP. Je vousmontrerai aussi les nouveauts de la nouvelle version: PHP 7.Et ensuite on va raliser ensemble unjoli formulaire de contact de A Z.Je vous montrerai comment le serveur recupre et analyse les donnes.Onparlera de validation,de scuritdu formulaire, et je vous montreraicomment envoyer automatiquement un email avec toutes ces donnes.Pour ceux qui ont suivi avec moi les cours prcdents, je vous montrerai aussi comment intgrer ce formulaire votre CV responsive.Allez!On passe l'action..."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"PHP et MySQL - Le Cours Complet" |
"Qu'est-ce qu'une base de donnes?C'estce qui va nous permettre d'enregister des donnes de faon organise. Par exemple, on peut avoir besoin d'une base de donnes si on veut stocker les infos concernant les utilsateurs de notre site.Et alors qu'est ce que MySQL? C'est un systme de gestion de base de donnes.Ily en a des autres comme Microsoft SQL server, Oracle mais MySQL a l'avantage d'tre gratuit et surtout, il est trs populaire !Pour suivre ce cours, vous devez connaitre un minimum vos classiquesc'est--dire HTML, CSS et PHP.Et on dcouvrira ensemble tout l'univers des bases de donnes: qu'est ce qu'une table, un champs, une cl,etc.Puis on apprendra le SQL, c'est le langage qui va nous permettre de manipuler nos donnes. Je vous montrerai aussi les fonctions PHP que l'on va utiliserdans nos pages Web pour communiquer avec MySQL.Et le clou du spectacle c'est unun site Web de folie !On va raliser ensembleun menu de restaurantde A Z !Hamburger, Frites, Milkshakes... Bref, vous allez saliver....Mais attention, il ne s'agit pas d'un simple site statique.Non,il est dynamique, et on va crer aussi tout le systme d'administrationde ce site qui va nous permettre de grer le contenu.On pourra ajouter, modifier et supprimer les lments de notre menu directement depuis la partie admin.Bon rien que d'y penser, j'en ai l'eau la bouche.Allez,on passe l'action !"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"WordPress - Le Cours Complet" |
"Hello,Vous avez sans doute entendu parler de WordPress ? Alors c'est quoi?C'estle plus populaire des CMS (Content Management System), c'est--dire des sites web clen main avec une partie administration pour grer le contenu.Je ne sais si vous vous rendez compte mais plus d'unquartdes sites que l'on voit sur Internet sont faits avec WordPress! Wouah !Pourquoi un tel succs?C'est tout simplement un outil fantastique, qui va permettre n'importe qui de crer un site Web sans mme savoir coder.Mme des dveloppeurs confirms l'utilisent car il permet de gagner un temps prcieux.Alors que va-t-on faire dans ce cours?Dj, je vais vous montrer comment vous allez pouvoir l'installer et crer votre blog en quelques minutes seulement.Je vais crer avec vous un blog de A Z, on ajoutera des posts, des pages, des widgets, etc.J'essaierai de vous montrer au maximumcomment vous devez reflechir lorsque vous abordez la cration d'un site avec WordPress.Comment choisir son thme ? Comment le personnaliser ? Ose trouvent les thmes gratuits, les payants ?Et surtout, on va voir comment ajouter de la fonctionnalitvotre site WordPressgrce au systme de plugins.D'ailleurs on installera ensemble des plugins trs populaires:Par exemple Yoast SEO qui va nous permettre d'optimiser le rfrencement de notre site sur les moteurs de recherche.Parce que crer un site c'est bien mais vous voulez aussi que les gens puissent le trouver sur Google.Onutilisera aussi SumoMeque l'on peut voir comme une bote outilsmarketing: par exemple, on va ajouter des boutons pour que lesutilisateurs puissent partager votre contenu sur les rseaux sociaux.Oninstallera galement le plugin WooCommerce qui va carrment nous permettre de rendre notre site E-commerce: on verra comment ajouter et vendre des produits.Et enfin, je finirai en vous montrant qu'avec quelques notions basiques de code, vous deviendrez le roi de WordPress, vous pourrez personnaliser votre site facilement et trs rapidement.Allez, on passe l'action !"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Turn an Old PC into a powerful Synology NAS / Media Server" |
"Did you buy a new computer and you still have the older one lying around? In that case, you probably asked yourself what to do with that old PC or laptop that you really liked... It is still working very well but is just not powerful enough anymore for your current needs. Well, do not trash it yet: you can give it a new life by transforming it into a very powerful $2,000 server!In this course, you will learn step by step how to use freely available software to do exactly that: take a 64-bit computer that is obsolete by today's standards and turn it into a NAS - Network Attached Storage.Storing and sharing files is only one of the features of your future server! In this course, you will learn how to use it as a backup machine as well as a powerful media server... and this is only a small part of what the software is capable of doing.Synology Inc. is a Taiwanese corporation that specializes in network attached storage (NAS) appliances. A group of ingenious persons has turned Synology's software into XPEnology, which is the program that you will be using to transform your PC. Thanks to them, you will be able to create your own NAS at a fraction of the cost of a Synology server. In fact, if you already have that old computer we talked about earlier, it will cost you nothing more than about half and hour of your time to set it up :o)Synology's software being easy to use, I will be showing you the basics to get started. After that, with the straightforward user interface of the system, you will very easily go your own way with your new server and add new functionalities according to your needs or desires!If you want to buy a NAS from Synology (which I strongly support and advocate!) this course will show you why they are so good :o)IMPORTANT NOTE: this course shows how to easily install an older version of Synology's operating system (vers. 5.x). The current version of a real Synology server is way ahead of that :-)Disclaimers:This is a course aimed at beginners. As such, it will show an easy way to get going with your XPEnology server and will not teach you all the intricacies of Synology's DSM operating system (there are other very good courses on Udemy which go in that direction.)The course is showing how it works on a Windows 7 computer, but the process is still the same and works with Windows 8 or 10.I am not, in any way, affiliated to Synology Inc. or the developers of XPEnology (but I absolutely love their products!)The information contained in this course is for informational and educational purposes only.Do not trust any professional or important data to a XPEnology driven computer, there is a risk of losing it! Instead, buy a real Synology NAS: there are a lot of different options depending on your budget..."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Crea sistemas web PHP fcil y rpido con Scriptcase" |
"En este curso desarrollaras un sistema web completo con ScriptcaseDe forma rpida e innovadora crea grandes soluciones, reduciendo el tiempo de desarrollo hasta un 80%Scriptcase Es la mejor y ms eficiente herramienta de desarrollo web que permite la gestin de bases de datos, un poderoso generador de PHP para desarrollar sistemas completos de forma segura y rpida, aumentando la productividad y reduciendo costes.Adems, Permite desarrollar aplicaciones web de forma rpida e intuitiva, tales como: informes de gestin, (Business Inteligence - BI), grficos HTML5 personalizables, formularios de registros, autenticacin de usuarios, mens, contenedores, y mucho ms.Utilizaremos versiones de prueba gratuita por 20 das con soporte que puedes instalar en tu maquina y tambin prueba online, sin necesidad de instalar nada."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Youth Basketball: How to Get Better at Basketball For Kids" |
"What is the difference between good and great players? Confidence.How do you develop confidence? By mastering the skills of the game.That is what this course is about. Once your child is able to perform the ""first most important skills"" in basketball, the foundation is set and the opportunities will open up for them. What happens when your child doesn't have a great skill set? Turnovers, lost opportunities, and frustration. Sub par players aren't bad, they just haven't learned the skills that the other players have. Don't let that happen to your child. If you know a beginner who wants to be a confident player, or even a current player who wants to sharpen their basketball skills, this is the course for them!Ben, a 7 year old who you will meet in the course, surprised us with how much better and stronger, and more confident he was by the time the course was complete. We were amazed by his progress. This course is not only packed with drills to increase the most important basic skills, it includes trainings from coaches, former professional players, and wellness professionals who have all contributed their expertise. It also includes charts for youngsters to keep track of their progress. This course not only covers the important basics of the game, it is presented in a fun and easy way that even young children can follow and find fun.Remember, if you want your child to succeed in basketball they need to practice. Every week they don't get better, is a week they fall behind. Get in the game! Enroll today!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Essence of Facebook Marketing for Fanpage Admins" |
"People who participate in Facebook want to connect with other people (friends, family or personalities). It is usually NOT their main objective to connect with brands. However, most brands are on Facebook, and having a Fanpage has become a self-imposed necessity" for companies. But for brands to connect with people, users need to perceive they can receive something in return, whether it is a fun fact, exclusive information, a great video, a discount, a promotion, or just a way to easily communicate with the brand. The key then, is not just to be on Facebook", but to use Facebook to YOUR advantage. At the end of the day, Facebook is just one more marketing channel to reach your customers and fans. Learn to use it wisely!Whether you are a Facebook Admin that is just getting started, or you already manage several Fanpages, this course will help you greatly improve your brands delivery and performance on Facebook.Become a Facebook Marketing Expert for Your BrandThis Hands On Course will cover a range of marketing observations that will tremendously improve the way you manage your Fanpage. Well give you easy to grab concepts and super useful visual tips, tricks and examples that will help you position your Fanpage for success!Contents and OverviewThe course is broken up into three sections. We will cover:The basics to constructing brand presence and brand image on Facebook and setting the expectations right. You will Discover 5 crucial elements that cannot be overlooked.Learn to focus on the most important things to improve Fanpage performance.Easy and practical tips you can apply right now.What Will I Learn on this course?At the end of this course, you will start branding your product on Facebook like a pro. You will dramatically improve the way you manage your Fanpage, and have a better understanding on what you need to focus on, that will deliver better results for your brand.What is the Target Audience?This course is meant for those who manage a Facebook Fanpage for a product or brand. Basic Facebook knowledge is expected.About The InstructorBeatriz Mejia has more than 10 years' experience in marketing and strategic marketing communications with top multinational corporations. She has studied and worked in the US, Europe and Latin America where she has given excellent results to employers, professors and clients.Now self-employed, she has been developing Social Media Marketing Strategies geared toward small businesses, through her company Click-Branding. She has helped businesses manage their websites, social media and blogs, by providing targeted marketing strategies and courses specifically tailored for owners, managers, and businesses personnel."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Growing Your Future: Financial Investment Tips for Women" |
"My goal is to help other women become confident and competent income investors.Have you been wanting to explore investing in the stock market but just don't know how to get started? Does the stock market seem scary and risky especially when the market goes up and down for no logical reason? This course is tailored for you if you have little or no experience with investing and may have some fear about trying to invest in the stock market.Even if you only have a small amount of money to invest, take this course and learn what alternatives you have for doing more with your money. This course was designed for busy women who want to learn as much as they can in a short time and then decide if the stock market is a place to invest.You'll learn about the different tools needed to invest as well as concrete examples of stock portfolio possibilities. You'll learn some of the jargon and language used in investing that helps you build confidence and begin to navigate the world of online brokerage accounts. Besides a series of lectures, you'll have many other references and resources for additional learning through websites, books, articles and video presentations. You'll get the BASICS of stock market investing from someone who has learned it herself through 15 years of studying and applying the ideas in this course. The sooner you get started with your investing strategy, the sooner you can see the effects of compounding and the dramatic effect it can have on your future financial fitness."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"CV/Resume, Cover Letter: get into the United Nations" |
"Last Update in July 2019. It includes TRUE CV AND COVER LETTER SAMPLES for the UNITED NATIONS and I also added a Bonus Section with my true sample CV and Cover Letters to stand out of the 10,000+ online applicants to the WORLD BANK Analyst Program.This course intends to help students, future students or even young professionals to build their career path so that they maximize their chances of getting an internship at the United Nations, and hopefully later to any of their dream company or organization. During the course, we are going to get through what a young student needs and does not need to achieve his/her goal of getting an internship at the United Nations. You are going to get plenty of ideas on what you could do to boost your CV.Further than that, you will have access to 2 sample CVs (Bachelor and Master level) and 3 sample Cover Letters (1 Bachelor level, 2 master level for different positions). These are authentic application documents that I have used in the past and thanks to which I got contacted back for 6 out of 7 U.N. internship positions to which I had applied.The course is meant to motivate you, and to show you that you too can get an internship at the United Nations in order to boost your future career. You will also have a quick overview of the different internship possibilities at the U.N. and of the respective eligibility criteria, as well as of the required document formats for your CV and Cover letter."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Udemy: comprendre le march et mieux vendre - non officiel" |
"Ce cours n'est pas sponsoris par ou affili Udemy, Inc.Avec ce cours, vous allez comprendre d'o vient le succs des professeurs sur Udemy et pouvoir mettre profit ce qui peut marcher pour votre propre cours. Analyse de march, positionnement, prix, techniques de marketing pour susciter l'achat de vos tudiants. Ce cours se veut un condens vous permettant de rapidement amliorer vos chances de vendre et de crer un revenu passif sur Udemy. Si vous aimez les cours rapides et efficaces, vous tes au bon endroit!Ce cours a t cr dans l'ide d'aider les professeurs francophones dmarrant sur Udemy et encore peu au fait des techniques d'Online Marketing. Il couvrira notamment les thmes suivants:Analyse du march actuel de Udemy: ses dynamiques et son volution probablePositionnement par rapport ce march trs spcifiquesTechniques pour attirer des tudiants en dehors de la plate-formeMarketing sur Udemy: prsentation, actions, prix, promotions - comment se positionner?Quelques recettes anti-pirates pour viter de perdre des tudiants potentielsTechniques pour augmenter vos chances de remonter dans les recherchesDes conseils pour vous motiver et faire en sorte que vous russissiez long-termeAyant dbut en Septembre 2015 (mon premier cours est en ligne depuis dbut Octobre 2015), j'ai depuis suivi plusieurs cours donns par les professeurs ayant eu le plus de succs sur Udemy. Au travers de mon cours, je partage avec vous en toute honntet ce que j'ai appris, test et ce qui me semble tre le plus pertinent. Pour aller plus loin, j'ai ajout quelques analyses (notamment du march actuel tel qu'il me semble tre et voluer sur Udemy) et conseils qui me semblent tre indissociables de la russite long-terme sur Udemy, mais qui ne sont pas vraiment voqus dans d'autres cours que j'ai moi-mme suivi."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"1ste App ohne Erfahrung/Kenntnisse in 20 Tagen machen lassen" |
"Mit wenig Budget (jedoch mindestens ca. $150), wenig Zeit (ca. 2 Stunden pro Tag whrend 20 Tage) und minimale Englischkenntnisse knnten Sie in weniger als einen Monat anhand dieses Kurses Ihre erste einfache App ganz nach Ihren Wnschen erstellen lassen! Zudem haben Sie dann schon ein Team vorhanden, dass Sie fr all Ihre App Ideen in Zukunft einsetzen knnen!Sie glauben nicht, dass Sie es schaffen knnen? Ich hatte berhaupt keine Erfahrung, keine Programmierkenntnisse, und doch habe ich es in nur 20 Tagen geschafft, meine erste App ins App Store fr nur $160 zu bekommen: Tic Tac Beer. Nun mchte ich Ihnen zeigen, wie das geht!Mein Kurs ist Projekt-basiert: ich fhre Sie jeden Tag, Schritt fr Schritt ans Ziel. Dazu kommen noch Tipps um Ihre Kosten niedrig zu halten und das richtige Team zu rekrutieren. Wenn dies alles schon einmal steht, knnen Sie auch viel mehr und viel kompliziertere Apps entwickeln lassen! Das wichtigste ist, schon einmal das ganze Prozess durchgefhrt zu haben, damit Sie danach mit nur wenig Aufwand an Ihre Ziele kommen.Da es meine Leidenschaft ist, Andere bei Ihren Projekten zu untersttzen, sollten Sie auch nicht davor scheuen, Ihre Probleme oder fehlende Motivation mitzuteilen. Ich helfe Ihnen sehr gerne! Folgen Sie mein Kurs und bekommen Sie Ihre erste App sehr bald im Store!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"App: faites produire une App sans programmation en 20 jours" |
"La premire application mobile en moins de 20 jours et pour un budget aussi bas que $140, c'est possible? Oui, et tout cela sans aucun connaissance pralable. Ce cours est l pour vous permettre de faire produire votre premire app simple rapidement, mais selon vos gots.Pourquoi ce cours? En novembre 2015, dans le cadre de mes projets, j'avais un objectif simple: faire produire ma premire application le plus vite possible. Aprs avoir russi en moins de 20 jours, et pour $140, je fus surprise de la simplicit du processus. Mais en mme temps, un certains nombres d'erreurs et d'obstacles ont caus des frustrations que j'aimerais vous viter l'aide de ce cours. Car au final, ces frustrations peuvent repousser jamais la ralisation de votre projet!Le cours est par consquent construit de faon vous accompagner pas pas pendant environ 15 jours, en dtaillant quelles tapes raliser chaque jour pour atteindre votre objectif. Depuis la conception de l'ide jusqu' la mise en ligne dans un store par votre dveloppeur, en passant par le recrutement de l'quipe et la prparation de tous les lments ncessaires, je vous montre tout le processus en esprant vous viter tous les obstacles et toutes les frustrations que j'ai moi-mme rencontres.Bien sr, si vous avez besoin d'aide au fil du cours (ides, motivation, explications), je serai l pour rpondre vos questions et vous faciliter la tche autant que possible!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Photography: Start an Online Business with your Photography" |
"*** First version of this course publishedend of March 2016***If you are PASSIONATEABOUTPHOTOGRAPHY(amateur orprofessional) and are wondering how you could MAKEMONEYONLINEfrom this passion, then this course is just the right one for you. However, although Iwill begivinga few tips that I believe could increase your chances of selling viaStock Photography, this is NOT the focus we will be taking throughout this course. Instead, we will be looking into CREATIVEWAYS, that may appear less obvious at first, of earning a living out of Photography. These will include platforms such as FACEBOOK, WEBSITES, INSTAGRAMand much moreTo create this course, I have combined my interest for photography, the high number of examples I have gathered over time as well as my knowledge about Making Money Online - since I write blogs in both French and German on the subject. Personally, I am only an amateur when it comes to Photography, yet I myselfhave sold a couple of pictures online already.Since I have now many ideas of how you could make a living out of Photography, I've decided to create this course!Be careful though! This course ISNOTAGET-RICH-QUICK scheme! There is no such thing as becoming a millionaire overnight Except maybe for a few exceptions (of which winning at the lottery!). You will need to be patient, passionate, determined and stay motivated to make it! Of course, you could try your project idea out on the side, do not expect to earn high returns after just a few weeks...Of course, we will look into plenty of examples to illustrate the concepts throughout the course. This way you should stay motivated all along! These also intend to show you what works and to help you understand the main patterns behind the Online Business world, butfor Photography.All the ideas presented could also work for other passions you may have, even the the examples may not be tailored to these."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Ableton Live 9 Worship Leader Edition for Churches!" |
"If you want to a simple solution for producing live music, you might enjoy this Ableton Live 9 course! You can use this course to help you decide which Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) is right for you and to gain confidence in your ability to use Ableton Live 9 in your church or concert! Ableton Live 9 offers a simple interface at an affordable price for any organization to create and perform live music.This course offers a simple tutorial at an affordable price to help you take your next steps to giving your audience the sounds they will keep coming back for each week using Ableton Live 9!Take this course now to get inspiration to do your own learning with Ableton Live 9 and answers to your questions from an experienced Ableton Live 9 user!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Productivity Masterclass: You Can Be Twice As Good!" |
"This course will dramatically increase your productivity and help you accomplish your everyday tasks twice as fast!If you find yourself being lazy quite often and it is honestly getting in the way of your work, resulting in a lack of accomplished tasks and a decline in your productivity, then this training is perfect for you.Let me introduce you to proven & tested strategies and tools which allow you to still indulge in a small amount of laziness while at the same time accomplishing the work which you have set out to do.Learn How To Take The Best Seat In The House & Learn Cutting-Edge Techniques ToStop being unproductive and meet the standards that you have been held up toDiscover the hidden obstacles to being productive and how to overcome themBe twice as productive before going to bed tonightThis course will teach you the most cutting-edge tips and tricks for productivity and efficiency, so that you can do more work in less time.Youll have more time for the things that truly matter in life by understanding how to organize, prioritize and manage your tasks. You will learn the tips and tricks to do just that - and much more!I simply can't stress how important this course is for you to become the task accomplishing, goal smashing, productive worker thinker that you have always dreamed of being!By the time you complete this training, youll have the tools and skills to become the task accomplishing, goal smashing and productive worker that youve always dreamed of being. Enroll today and let me help you making your life a bit better!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Become An Online Course Creator People Love In 2017!" |
"Are you tired of hearing people telling you how Udemy can make you millions? Do you have at least one thing in the entire world you are good at? If your answer to both questions is YES, then its time for you to harness the power of the ultimate passive income machine: Udemy. Take The Best Seat In The House & Master The Art Of Creating Udemy Courses That Sell. You are going to learn:Creating an online course that sellsHow to outperform your competitorsBecoming an instructor that people care aboutHow to gain thousands of students and their trustCreating valuable content & resourcesSustaining a career as an online video teacher on UdemyI honestly believe that with Udemy you have the opportunity of a lifetime.Here are more reasons why NOW is the best time for you to start teaching online:There are a lot of people out there who want to learn what you already knowSomeone else is going to teach it to them when you could do it betterThe online teaching world has never been more lucrative than it is right nowYou can easily make a full time income teaching onlineNo one can teach exactly the way you canContents And OverviewBy the time you complete this course, youll be equipped with a powerful system to create online courses that other people buy and fall in love with. First, well cover how to pick a topic for your first online training. Youll discover the exact process to pick a course topic other people want to learn about. Youll learn how to structure and outline your course, why its absolutely imperative to create a smaller course first to build up your following, and how to craft powerful sales material like a promotional video to turn visitors into paying students. The next section is all about becoming a Udemy instructor that other people can connect with. Ill share with you proven tips & strategies to guarantee an outstanding learning experience for your audience. Well also cover how to get tons of 5 star reviews and how you can outperform your competition. Section 4 is about sustaining your online teaching career. Ill get you in the right mindset; explain why you should never sacrifice quality for quantity, and how to meet your personal goals as an instructor on Udemy. By the time you complete this training, youll know my exact blueprint to create high quality courses that other people buy like clockwork. So enroll now and lets get started creating your future! -Kendall Knight"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Program Games: Tile Classics in JS for HTML5 Canvas" |
"By taking this new course you'll program several classic game types that all incorporate 2D tile-based worlds. You'll code in JavaScript for HTML5 Canvas, so a text editor and ordinary web browser are all you need (an art program can be handy for a few sections but is not required). I've attached my code for each step so you'll never be stuck. At the end you'll learn even more ways to apply what you've learned. Also by completing the course you'll get a PDF of my complete 500-page textbook on game development: Hands-On Intro to Game Programming. The book contains over 100 exercises, a couple of more game types, and additional material with more detail about the projects you created in this course.(HTML5 Logo in the course image is by W3C, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported. Background pattern for transition cards CC BY-SA 3.0 Subtle Patterns Atle Mo. drawn by Paul Phnixwei.)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Using Ms. Excel to make Progress sheets for Projects" |
"Would you like to track all action (progress- manpower-resources- ) in your project in easy and automatic way?Would you like to record all changes that you will face in your project?Would you like to create a customize reports that show all details in your project?Would you like to have full control to all data in your project?Would you like to meet your client requirement at any time?Would you like to show your reports in very useful and attractive visual charts and curves?Would you like to master one of the most important tool in your work in the field of project managements?So you must Join my Series and learn useful techniques, Tips, tricks & Secrets that can help you to double your productivity as engineer or PlannerOne important thing before to start: this series is not excel tutorial videos, this series is to learn how to use excel in your work as engineer or planner or project control You will learn in this level How to handle, arrange your data and prepare your sheets so that you can use this sheet through your workHow to tracking Major actions in your project like arrived material and progress on site"" How to get basic information form the data you have using equationsHow to update your sheet with new revisions If you are Engineers, Project control, planning engineers, Cost control, or you are working in the field of projects this series is for you how"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"3X Confidence and Authenticity Masterclass Programme" |
"The 3X Confidence and Authenticity Masterclass Programme will help you create a clear step-by-step pathway over 12 weeks toward creating genuine self-confidence. This will be different to anything you've ever been through before...Are YOU ready to own your life?This course is for people who want to learn how to be genuine and fearlessly honest regardless of the situation they are in. It's for people who want to find that perfect balance in-between low self-worth and arrogance; that state of humble yet uncompromising certainty about who YOU are. Mostly, it's for people who want to be able to feel proud about the way they are living and therefore become completely unaffected by other people's judgments.It's time to create the life you always wished was realThis course approaches the concept of authenticity as a unique way of living specific to YOU. I won't tell you how to live; instead I will show you how to remove your limiting beliefs and shame so that you know exactly what it means to be 'yourself' in any situation. We will discover which core values you want to live by, and why you feel guilt, regret and disappointment about your actions when you don't live by them.It's time to create a high quality social circleMost fears are socially based. This course will show you the secret 3X formula to creating genuine and meaningful connections with other people, through becoming a powerful social leader who never compromises their integrity. Instead of trying to make everyone like you, we will look at how to express yourself accurately to attract people who are the right fit for you, and push away those who would bring you down. A whole new world of love, dating, connection and social circle quality awaits you! Imagine having the confidence to be yourself without having to worry what others think, or what you should or shouldn't be saying. It can be done!It's time to remove the mental barriers that sabotage youEach of the 12 sessions comes with videos explaining how to apply all of the unique concepts, from The 3X Model through to Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Shame, Creating Meaningful Connections through Honesty, and SO much more! As if that wasn't enough, each session comes with helpful supplementary written resources, audio recordings of the exclusive Confident Mindset Inner Circle series, and practical video tutorials. Plus you get direct access to me personally and others, for support, feedback and tips along the way.The meaning of your life is waiting for youThrough becoming self-confident and creating an authentic lifestyle you will discover what we are all looking for: PURPOSE. When you understand what it means to live by your values, and you let go of the restrictions that shame and beliefs place on you, you will start to understand WHY you are alive. That is the ultimate source of quality satisfaction. The fact is that deep down you already know your purpose, but it is covered in fear, expectations and societal pressure. I'm here to help you remove those unhelpful barriers.I can't wait to help you start your new life!Dan Munro"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |