Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Productivity: Master 9+ Ways to Become Highly Productive" |
"Become Highly Productive by Enrolling Now!In this short & compact course, you will double or even triple your productivity. You will learn the secrets & knowledge to achieve your goals & success, with more than nine proven ways.Over 1500 satisfied students! Wojtek ""Great course! A lot of valuable information presented in a comprehensive and clear way. As I am interested in the topic, I already knew some of the techniques, however the way of presentation is really great. A must for all looking for best productivity tips!""Time is the most valuable asset we have. Rarely do we the see & make use of it's true worth until it's spent. Many skills & components make up a highly productive individual. Luckily all of these can be taught, in one place!Students this course is for you too! All of the content can be applied to a schooling environment!We will cover these skills, which you will have for the rest of your life;Recognise and Eliminate Time WastersEffective time managementGet your work done todayFree up & save your TimeMake the most out of your MorningsLearn, work & live distraction freeConstantly, more & updated content is added with the help of your important feedback and reviews.We all want to spend more time on what's most important to us;Our familiesStarting our own businessStarting a new hobby or pursuing one further Through this course we will also achieve to;Never waste time againExecute our goalsAchieve, your definition of SuccessBeing Productive is essential for all of us today. Every minute you delay COSTS you time & money.See you there,Enrol now!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Outil Auteurs: Marketing Facebook" |
"L'objectif de cette formation en franais est de permettre aux auteur(e)s d'augmenter leur popularit et leurs ventes de livres, de faire connaitre leur oeuvre, de conqurir de nouveaux lecteurs. C'est une formation pleine d'astuces marketing qui fonctionnent sur Facebook.Vous apprendrez faire du marketing visuel, de contenu et collaboratif ainsi qu' mesurer l'impact de vos actions en matire de statistiques afin de pouvoir concevoir une vraie stratgie.Terminologie utilise :astuces marketingmarketing visuelmarketing de contenumarketing collaboratifmarketing ""dfi""statistiquesvido trailercommentaireAmazonventesroman, livretopfrquence, dosageRessources incluses dans la formation :vidos de haute qualit comprenant des ""ttes parlantes"", des prsentations et diaporamas comments, photosLien vers le programme de formation contenant toutes les ressourcesLien vers un fichier zipp de signets html utilisable sur un navigateurLiens vers des ressources utiles et gratuitesStructure de la formation :La formation est ax en cinq parties :Mise en place des pages FacebookLe marketing de contenuLe marketing visuelAutres types de marketingLe dosage du marketingPourquoi suivre cette formation ?Pour pouvoir se faire connatre en tant qu'auteur(e), voir dcoller ses ventes, gagner de nouveaux lecteurs, augmenter sa notorit."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Outils Projet: Management Projet, Outils Numriques Gratuits" |
"Apprendre le management de projet avec des outils numriques performants et gratuits?Bienvenue dans cette formationqui va vous aider manager, diffuser et prenniser votre projet!Vous voulez monter votre projet, mieux dcider, coordonner les activits, suivre vos indicateurs SMART, communiquer, dissminer, prenniser votre projet?Vous pensez peut-tre que le management de projet est difficile?Dtrompez-vous: grer un projet cofinanc avec des partenaires sur internet, c'est tout fait ralisable!Cette formation va vous donner de solides connaissances et des outils numriques simples et gratuits.Dcouvrez les visions du projet, comment le grer, communiquer, diffuser et le prenniser:-)Bonjour, nous sommesCristina & Olivier Rebire, un couple d'aventuriers de la vie et d'entrepreneurs.Nous avons des milliers d'tudiants et de lecteursdans le monde entier qui apprcient nos livres numriques en franais, anglais et espagnol (e-books) ainsi que nos formations vido en ligne (e-learning).Nous sommes spcialiss enprojets complexespour ainsi dire:Nous avons cr une entreprise de team buildinget facilit des dizaines dvnements avec des centaines de participants simultanment.Nous avons fond, construit et exploit le premier parc daventuresde Roumanie o nous avons accueilli des milliers denfants et dadultes.Nous avons publiplus dune cinquantaine de livres numriques et des formations vido en ligne.Nous avons visit plus de 45 paysdepuis nos tudes, sans nous ruiner.Alorsnous connaissons vos difficultset allons vous aider les rgler sans prise de tte!Prparez-vous acqurir de nouvelles comptences utiles!Dans cette formation, nous allons vous exposerles solutions qui existent sur internet, les outils numriques gratuits efficaces qui vont vous faire performerdans le management de projet, accrotre votre crdibilit et votre autorit auprs des parties prenantes et des partenaires de votre projet.Vous allez notamment apprendre:Les visions du projet:stratgique, tactique, oprationnelleLes outils numriques gratuits:carte mentale, diagramme de Gantt, agenda et listes, PhotoScape, Handbrake, Google Keep, Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc.La rvolution du webinaire en direct:comment communiquer simplement, crer de la preuve sociale et de l'engagement avec la plate-forme ""blab""Quelle est la terminologie utilise?Dans cette formation nous allons parler entre autre de: carte mentale, crativit, diagramme de Gantt, proactivit, agenda, Google Apps, MindMup, ordinateur, smartphone, faire le point, webinaire, blab, communiquer, diffuser, prenniser, productivit, autorit, crdibilit, plaisir au travail, structure de dcoupage du projet, work breakdown structure, indicateurs SMART...Qu'allez-vous obtenir de cette formation sur le management de projet?33 leons vido de grande qualitun certificat de compltion de la formation lorsque vous l'aurez termineLien vers le programme de formation officiel contenant toutes les ressources utilises dans le coursLien vers un fichier zipp des signets de la formation pour cliquer facilement vers les ressources en utilisant votre navigateur internet prfrde nombreux outils numriques gratuits en ressourceszone de discussion pour changer directement avec nousl'accs la communaut des Formateurs & Auteurs Numriques En LigneCe que d'autres personnes disent de nos formations sur les outils porteur de projet(+ de 400tudiants francophones):Excellent cours avec beaucoup de ressources utiles. Dynamique et facile suivre. Sauve temps et argent tous ceux qui ont un projet grer.Dr. Nathalie Campeau,MDIl sagit dun cours structur et intressant, utile pour tous ceux qui souhaitent grer des projets dune manire plus efficace. Trs bien fait!Gerfried Reis""J'avais juste besoin de cours en gestion de projet et il faut juste dire que ce cours ce distingue par sa clart sa simplicit et voila j'ai ador!!!""-Lamine Badji""J'ai trouv cela trs intressant, ce pourrait tre une progression proposer aux porteurs de projets. C'est trs complet et cela propose de nombreuses pistes...""-Philippe Rousseau""des cours simples qui nous donnent des pistes de russite de le montage de nos projets""-Kouadio Kouakou Djaban Desire""Contenus pertinents et bien organiss""[...] -UO-FWB Universit Ouverte de la Fdration Wallonie - BruxellesAlors, tes-vous prt(e) pour la formation?! Oui?Alors on dmarre!Cristina & Olivier Rebiere"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Web hacking and Security" |
"Hi, welcome to our web hacking and security course.In this course, we will teach you how client based, server based and application based web attacks are performed in a simulated/test environment in an ethical way. This course helps the web security professional to mitigate these attack using the recommended solution at the end of each module.You will be encouraged to practice what you have learned in a simulated environment via our practice ""Audio Visual Exercise"" session.We have designed this course to enable those aspiring to enter the information security field to learn core concepts on web hacking in order to safeguard a web infrastructure. By the end of this course, you will be familiar with how various types of web hacks are performed and you will be fully equipped to test and safeguard a web infrastructure against various real-time attack vectors.This course has been specifically designed by a team of information security researchers who are acknowledged experts in their field.This course has been designed to accelerate your learning process through the use of creative animations and easy to understand voice over narratives. Complex hacking concepts have been broken down into easy to understand modules.Together, our team will walk you through the entire learning process step by step.This course is perfect for existing web designers as well as anybody who is passionate about developing their skills in the field of internet security. No prior training is required to take this course as we will start with the basics. We welcome anyone with a thirst for learning. We look forward to having you join us. In the meantime, please feel free to take a look at our demo tutorial and exercise before you purchase the full course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Network Hacking and Security" |
"Hi and welcome to our Network hacking and security course.In this course, we will teach you how wired and wireless network attacks are performed in a simulated/test environment in an ethical way. This course helps the network security professional to mitigate these attack using the recommended solution at the end of each module.You will be encouraged to practice what you have learned in a simulated environment via our practice ""Audio Visual Exercise"" session.We have designed this course to enable those aspiring to enter the information security field to learn core concepts on network hacking in order to safeguard a network infrastructure. By the end of this course you will be familiar with how various types of wired and wireless network hacks are performed and you will be fully equipped to test and safegaurd a network infrastructure against various real time attack vectors.This course has been specifically designed by a team of information security researchers who are acknowledged experts in their field.This course has been designed to accelerate your learning process through the use of creative animations and easy to understand voice over narratives. Complex hacking concepts have been broken down into easy to understand modules.Together, our team will walk you through the entire learning process step by step.This course is perfect for existing network architects, network administrators, network security professionals as well as anybody who is passionate about developing their skills in the field of internet security. No prior training is required to take this course as we will start with the basics. We welcome anyone with a thirst for learning. We look forward to having you join us. In the meantime, please feel free to take a look at our demo tutorial and exercise before you purchase the full course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"System hacking and Security:Basic to Intermedia level course" |
"Hi, welcome to our system hacking and security course.In this course, we will teach you how cryptography , steganography, Password cracking, Game hacking, reverse engineering and privilege escalation based attacks are performed in a simulated/test environment in an ethical way. This course helps the system security professional to mitigate these attacks using the recommended solution at the end of relevant module.We have designed this course to enable those aspiring to enter the information security field to learn core concepts on system hacking in order to safeguard a system security. By the end of this course, you will be familiar with how various types of system hacks are performed and you will be fully equipped to test and safeguard a system security against various real-time attack vectors.This course has been specifically designed by a team of information security researchers who are acknowledged experts in their field.This course has been designed to accelerate your learning process through the use of creative animations and easy to understand voice over narratives. Complex hacking concepts have been broken down into easy to understand modules.Together, our team will walk you through the entire learning process step by step.This course is perfect for anybody who is passionate about developing their skills in the field of internet security. No prior training is required to take this course as we will start with the basics. We welcome anyone with a thirst for learning.We look forward to having you join us. In the meantime, please feel free to take a look at our demo tutorial and exercise before you purchase the full course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Information Gathering : Basic to intermediate level course" |
"Dear Students,Welcome to our course on Information Gathering also known as Reconnaissance.You might have taken a course on Hacking/Penetration testing but have you ever wonder how to initiate an attack as a Penetration tester?This course forms the basis for anyone who wants to become a real-time penetration tester. Our other courses will have taught you how to perform an attack, but this course will form the foundation on which we teach you how to research and gather information about your target as a security enthusiast without leaving any traces.In this course, we will teach you how an attacker gathers information about their target (which may be an individual or an organization) in an ethical way. This course helps the participant to understand the various methods and means by which an attacker gathers confidential information before launching an attack.We have designed this course to enable those aspiring to enter the information security field to learn the basic or the preparation steps that one needs to take care of before jumping into real time attacks. By the end of this course, you will be familiar with how attackers gather various types of information such as Individual, organizational, web based, system based and network based information before launching an attack.This course has been specifically designed by a team of information security researchers who are acknowledged experts in their field.This course has been designed to accelerate your learning process through the use of creative animations and easy to understand voice over narratives. Complex hacking concepts have been broken down into easy to understand modules.Together, our team will walk you through the entire learning process step by step.This course is perfect for anybody who is passionate about developing their skills in the field of internet security. No prior training is required to take this course as we will start with the basics. We welcome anyone with a thirst for learning.We look forward to having you join us. In the meantime, please feel free to take a look at our demo tutorial and exercise before you purchase the full course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Virus,Worm,Trojan,Backdoor & Antivirus-Malware and Security" |
"Hi, welcome to our Malware and security course.In this course, we will teach you how Virus, worm, Trojan and backdoor based attacks are performed in a simulated/test environment in an ethical way. This course helps the security professional to mitigate these attacks using the recommended solution at the end of relevant module. We have designed this course to enable those aspiring to enter the information security field to learn core concepts on malware in order to safeguard a system security. By the end of this course, you will be familiar with how various types of malware attacks are performed and you will be fully equipped to test and safeguard a system security against various real-time attack vectors. This course has been specifically designed by a team of information security researchers who are acknowledged experts in their field. This course has been designed to accelerate your learning process through the use of creative animations and easy to understand voice over narratives. Complex hacking concepts have been broken down into easy to understand modules. Together, our team will walk you through the entire learning process step by step. This course is perfect for anybody who is passionate about developing their skills in the field of internet security. No prior training is required to take this course as we will start with the basics. We welcome anyone with a thirst for learning. We look forward to having you join us. In the meantime, please feel free to take a look at our demo tutorial and exercise before you purchase the full course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Start Freelancing and Become Successful" |
"++++This course is all about how to how to start freelancing and become successful. This course is A-Z guide to start freelancing and become successful. This course will show you exactly how to start freelancing and become successful. It was tough to do on my own. This is why I created this course so that it doesnt feel that hard on your end. If you dont know how to get work, how much to charge- this course will show you. This course is actually 2 in one. You are getting two courses in this single course. As- How to Start Freelancing and Become SuccessfulHow to Start Your Own Business with Zero Cost Investment So you are getting two courses at a time. ++++ You'll learn- Around 26 lectures and 2.9 hours of content!How to easily start freelancing.The secrets of becoming successful in freelancingTo recognize the reasons behind the failure in freelancing so that they can avoid those mistakes and succeedMake your freelancing profile completeness as 100% which is very important to win jobsHow to pass some basic tests to prove your worthiness to clientsHow to start your own freelancing careerUnderstand one should start freelancing even if one doesnt need to earn money ..... And much, much more! There is NEVER anything to pay! Click the ""take this course"" button, top right, now ... it's your turn... More about this course Who the course is for and who the course is not for Anyone who wants to be a freelancer but dont know where to start and what to doAnyone who doesnt know how to and where to start his own businessAnyone who is looking forward to starting his own freelancing careerAnyone who doesnt have any money to invest for his business but still wants to start his businessAnyone who wants to improve his skills, expertise and quality in an effective wayAnyone who wants to earn some extra bucksAnyone who has a great job, but wants to make some money on the side of doing what he loves Anyone who has just started freelancing but are not getting any jobAnyone who has started freelancing but stuck in a position and doesnt know how to move forward from this positionAnyone who wants to know that freelancing is not all about earning some moneyThis course is not for the people who are already established in freelancing and think that they know freelancing well.This course is not for the people who are very lazy and dont want to take action. Freelancing is working for yourself, earning for yourself. You are not bound to anybody and you can work anytime anywhere including coffee shop! There is no restrictions. This is the beauty of freelancing. This is the beauty of having your own business. You are the boss. No one is going to order you any more until you want so There is no bound of starting freelancing. Anybody who has basic computer and internet knowledge can start freelancing. Requirements before starting this course. A positive mentality, I mean you have to be an optimist Access to internet and a computer 2/3 hours a dayOne more request: After you enroll to my course please don't forget to leave me a review/feedback."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Speed Up Your PC and Keep Your PC Healthy" |
"+++++++ This course is all about how to speed up your computer and keep your computer healthy. +++++++You'll learn-Around 22 lectures and 1.15 hours of content!How to easily speed up your computer and keep your computer healthy.How to increase your knowledge about how to keep your computer speedyNot to spend hundreds of dollars for repairing- with this knowledge you can save a large amount of money considerablyCouple of magic simple strategies that you must follow to keep your computer safe and healthy.The super-secret way to speed up your computerHow you should learn to speed up your pcThe secrets to deal with viruses and spyware..... and much, much more!There is NEVER anything to pay!Click the ""take this course"" button, top right, now ... it's your turn ..."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Bing Ads For Beginners" |
"*** Course Update: Bing Ads has been rebranded as Microsoft Advertising, but the search engine is still called Bing! ***This course has been updated for Microsoft Advertising.You will learn how to use Microsoft Advertising (formerly Bing Ads) to get cheap and targeted traffic to your offer.*How to create and manage your own Microsoft Advertising (formerly Bing) Pay Per Click Campaigns*If you want to advertise your website/product online but don't know where to start then this Bing Ads course is for you. This introductory course will guide you through all the basics of pay per click ads. You will learn how to create your PPC campaigns, the importance of demographic targeting, choosing the right keywords and the secret to getting clicks for under 10c.If you have no experience with online advertising or are just starting out, learn how to setup your first Microsoft Advertising (Bing Ads) campaign the right way. This course will provide you with a shortcut to creating campaigns fast and getting hundreds of clicks. In particular you will learn:Why Bing is the Best Starting Platform for your Pay Per Click CampaignsHow to create your 1st Bing ads campaign using my Simple Step-by-Step processLearn how to avoid the 2 Biggest Mistakes that newbies make when starting on Bing (and avoid blowing your budget in 1 day)The best FREE tool to create your keyword lists for your campaignsThe secret to getting Clicks for Under 10cCreate ads like the pros using my #1 Secret for Ad CreationSo if you are serious about getting started advertising online then enroll in Bing Ads for Beginners. You will learn the basics of pay per click ads, and how to get clicks at a low cost using Bing Ads."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Paid Traffic: Best Sources for INSTANT Targeted Traffic" |
"I have found that one of the biggest problems that most people come across is not getting enough traffic. You put all your effort into creating a website, blog, a product and then when it comes to getting the word out you struggle and hardly anyone sees your offer. It can be so frustrating having a website with zero visitors. One solution is to start online advertising and driving traffic to your offer but there is so much information out there you may not know where to start! Whether you are starting out online advertising or want to know the secrets to getting more quality traffic you have come to the right place. What you are about to learn are the secret paid traffic sources that the best marketers use to get more traffic to their websites and offers. You will learn over 10 traffic sources in simple step by step lectures. By the end of this course you will know how to setup your own campaigns within minutes. Plus as a BONUS I will share with you my favorite FREE tool for spying on your competitors. So whenever you are sitting in front of your computer wondering what to do you can use this tool to get a glimpse of what your competitors are doing and get so many ideas about advertising your offer! After this course you will be equipped with the skills to run any campaigns using the major traffic sources. You will have the skill set required to get 1000s of visitors to your website in less than 24 hours."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Mobile Traffic Academy: Get Targeted Traffic To Your Website" |
"Want to learn how you can get quality clicks to your offers for under 10c a click? And get onto the next biggest traffic source that is still in its early phase? Mobile Advertising is growing fast. The use of smartphones is increasing rapidly. Statistics show that there are more global phone users then desktop users. And phone users keep growing at a faster pace. Furthermore consumers are becoming more comfortable with online purchases using their phone. Thats why mobile advertising is going to be big. Now is the time to equip yourself with the skills necessary to create profitable mobile ad campaigns. If you want to start using mobile advertisements then this course can help. You will learn all about mobile advertisements You will learn the different types of mobile adsHow to create campaigns properlyThe best sources for mobile trafficHow you can leverage your new skills to promote other peoples offers and earn money Even if you have no prior experience with online advertising, we will show you how easily you can get started. By the end of this course you will be able to setup your own mobile advertising campaigns in under 15 minutes. Dont get left behind during this huge trend. Enrol today and prepare yourself with the skills necessary to get profitable mobile advertising campaigns."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Video Sales Letter Formula for Online Products" |
"In Video Sales Letters for Digital Products you will learn the proven formula for creating successful video sales letters (VSLs). By the end of the course you will know the 5 elements that make up VSL. Youll be given the exact words to use to capture a persons attention so that they watch your entire video. You will learn the no.1 technique for teaching your prospect and conveying that you are a valuable teacher who can actually help them. You will learn the 5 essential parts of the close so that more people buy your products. And Ill give you a template for the video sales letters so that you save a lot of time and energy when it comes to creating the perfect VSL. After all, having a proven template is more beneficial than sitting in front of a empty word document. This course is risk free, either my VSL formula helps you or your money back. Join Video Sales Letters for Digital Products today and learn how you can capture a persons interest, convey that your offer is valuable and improve your sales."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Boost Your Productivity: Essential Time Management Skills" |
"Let me ask you a question.***Who has a shorter attention span? An average person or an average goldfish? ***Before I reveal the answer I would like to share some interesting news. Technology is making our lives much easier. But as a side effectwe are living in a fast paced world and we get more disruptions in our lives now than ever before. And our brains are literally rewiring themselves to adapt for this new lifestyle. Studies have shown that we are slowing losing our ability to focus. Now more than ever before more people are finding it hard to sit and focus on one task and get it done.Productivity is at an all-time low. So to answer the question who has a shorter attention span? ***Well as of 2015 it is official. We have a shorter attention span then a Goldfish. ** And despite these new statistics the situation is still getting worst. But imagine for a second that You could double your productivity in half the time!Or that you became immune to the distractions of everyday life!And that you could always sit down and get to work without any mind blocks!Sounds too good to be true? That is the power of time management. It is a skill and everyone can learn it! Because time management is really life management. And as Peter Drucker used to say you cannot manage time you can only manage yourself. And the most successful people are the ones who are best at managing themselves. I have created the Boost Your Productivity Training where you will learn how to Double Your Productivity. You will learn the secrets that the most successful people use to manage their time: So you never feel overwhelmed by work and always get it done on timeSo you get more free time to relax and enjoy yourselfAnd so you can get back control over your daily schedule and of your lifeGo ahead. Click the Take this Course button now. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain Ill see you on the inside."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Revealed: How to write marketing copy" |
"Have you ever spent money on a Google or Facebook Ad campaign and didnt get a single sale?You noticed that a lot of visitors came to your website but nobody took any action.You invested so much time and effort to create a digital product. Whether it be An eBook An audiobook An online courseBut then when you have to make the sales the whole process suddenly stops. And then you assume that maybe your product is bad. I propose to you that the root of the problem could be your marketing. You see, marketing is a skill. It is all about getting customers. You could have the best product in the world, but if your marketing is poor, you will not get any sales. And a business with no sales has no income and will go bust. Now I use to think that marketing was all about writing ads. But after a ton of failed campaigns and a lot of money thrown away, I realized that there is so much more. Writing ads is just the tip of the iceberg. So I started diving beneath and searching for answer to effective marketing. While studying marketing I realized that a lot of people make the same mistakes which I did when starting their first marketing campaigns. So I decided to create this course and show you an effective way to market your products online so that you avoid making these common mistakes. And instead learn proven marketing strategies you can use to create captivating promotions that get sales. However in this course I will not be discussing any technical matters. I will not discuss Facebook ads or Google ads or Bing ads. What I have noticed is that underlying all these online traffic methods, there are marketing principles that are responsible for getting sales. And when you learn these fundamental marketing principles then you can go to Facebook, or Google or any new traffic method, and be able to create captivating promotions and get sales. Click the Take this course button now and start your marketing education today.Ill see you on the inside."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Success Habits: How to set yourself up for success" |
"Have you ever looked on your life and felt stuck as if it was a dead end job? You worry that time is passing by while you feel helpless to change anything. Or maybe it feels as though your life was setup to fail from the very start?After all you look around and see plenty of people succeeding and getting what they want in life. Yet for other people life seems like an endless struggle. Well I have discovered 1 truth about successful people. And how they are different. And it has nothing to do with: Being born lucky Having rich parents Having a high IQI believe that it all comes down to your DAILYHABITShere are good habits and bad habits. The good habits always produce success and they dont get outdated.Heres a famous quote from Aristotle: We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit. Successful people have better habits than average people. Thats why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The successful are stuck on a loop that leads to success.I have created this training to shed some light on the habits that are common among all successful people. What You'll Learn:You will learn proven strategies of success You will learn positive habits that successful people use to earn more money, get more enjoyment in life, develop fulfilling relationships and achieve their goals. And youll discover practical methods that you can use to deal with failure, to face your fears and develop more confidence in your abilities. Now I have included some preview lessons for you to check out. So that you know what to expect from this video series.I want to take the risk off your decision. Either you like it or your money back. And I believe in this training you will learn practical methods that you can use instantly to enrich your life and set yourself up for success. And form success habits that will last a lifetime. To get started click Take this course."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Advertising for Beginners" |
"Did you know that Facebook now has over 1.5 billion daily active users?And on average a person spends 50 minutes per day on their Facebook account!If you can launch ads to the right target audience then this is enough time to convert your traffic into paying customers for your business. This is the trend for online advertising right now! In this course you will learn how to setup your Facebook ads properly. And because you are just getting started with Facebook, I am going to be covering the most common mistakes that everyone makes on Facebook. These are certain counter-intuitive principles that make the difference between wasting your money and running a profitable campaign.And it just so happens that because they are counter-intuitive, we all have a tendency to make these mistakes.I believe that some of the Facebook Insider Tips that I have created for you will save you a lot of money in testing.However, this course is not about building a Fan page and getting free traffic, although your fan page will get more popular. This course is not about getting more Facebook Likes, Shares or Comments. Although when you apply the techniques I show you youre highly likely to get likes, shares and comments. This course is all about Facebook Ads. Its all about paid ads so that you can setup a campaign today and instantly get a lot of traffic to your website or offer.To get started, click Take this course button and start running profitable Facebook Ads."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Decision Making for Leaders" |
"""It is our choices that show who we really are, far more than our abilities"" - J.K. RowlingDecision Making for Leaders (Ultimate Decision Making), will teach you how to make decisions quicker whileunder pressure and help accelerate your career.This Course has two objectives:1:To reduce the chance of you making a bad decisionthat will havenegative consequences2:To give youself confidence to make better decisions under a variety of circumstances by equipping you with the appropriate decision making tools and techniques.Imagineif you could avoid making abad decisionfor the rest of your would that make you feel?Bad decisions are only made when you dont follow aprocess when making a decision. This course will help you figure out the right process to use depending on the type of decision that you need to make.Yes thats right, theres more than one type of decision that can be made.Most people think that a decision is a choice between two options but the truth is there are three types of decisions out there that you will face in life.Togrow into the successful leader you truly aspire to be, you need to know how to navigate all three of them so that you can avoid making bad decisions.Ultimate Decision Making is about preparing you to make better decisions by following a specific process, regardless of whatever challenges come your way.Why Should You Take This Course?If you aspire to be a great leader and move up your career ladder then you need the skills contained in this course. World renowned leadership expert,John C Maxwell states: ""Inability to make decisions is one of the principle reasons executives fail."" So give yourself the best possible chance of a highly successful career and sign up to this course.What Will You Learn?Ultimate Decision Making will teach you some very specific skills to make you a better decision maker and more effective leader.At the end of the course you will be able to:Avoid using dangerous decision making methods such as ""Gut Feeling"" and ""A/B Choice""Describe the importance of using a solid decision making process to reduce the risk of making a bad decision.Classify decisions into the 3 categories for easier managementApply the appropriate decision making framework for each type of decisionRemember the most common mistakes in the decision making process and how to avoid themExecute simple steps every time you have to make a decisionWhy Learn from Me?You can check out my full bio below, but let me fill you in on the important bits.As an Entrepreneur and Young Achiever, my life is filled full of crazy adventures in my pursuit of my overall goal to make the world a better place. Iconstantly haveto make a variety of decisions, some which have minor impact on what Im doing and some which have a major impact on myself andthose around me. When I first began my successjourney I had no clue about decision making and always believed that it was only about making a choice between two options. But over the last 12years in business, working with some of the largest companies like Microsoft, HPand Fujitsu,I've learned there is so much more to it. Learning and practicing a solid decision making process helps me make better decisions in my professional and personal lives. Everything I've learned about effective decision making I've put into this course so that you can have the best possible chance of success in becoming the leader you truly aspire to be.What Are the Requirements?An open mindA willingness to practice what you learnPatience to adjust to a new way of making decisionsWhat is the Target Audience?This course is targeted at anyone who wishes to improve their decision making. It doesnt matter what your geographical location, cultural background, or job/career youre in right now. If you want to avoid making bad decisions in your business, career and life from now on, this is the course for you.Sign up now and start making better decisions immediately!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"How to Conquer Negativity" |
"This Course has two objectives:1:To reduce the impact of negative people and negativesituations that pop up in life and cause usto feel upset, angry or depressed2. To instill unbreakableself confidence in participantsby offering simple tips and tricksto manage negativityand continue to help themachieve what they want in lifeWe Live in Challenging Times TodayWhen you take a look around at the world today it can seem like humanity has lost its mind. There is so much negativity in the world today that it can be hard for someone who strives to be positive to make an impact for themselves and those around them.The reality is that we are going to encounter negative people and circumstances throughout our lives. Unless we learn how to manage it effectively, we will forever be prisoners in other peoples lives instead of taking control of our own destiny. And thats what this course is all about.Why Learn from Me?You can check out my full bio below, but let me fill you in on the important bits.As an Entrepreneur and Young Achiever, my life is filled full of crazy adventures in my pursuit of my overall goal to make the world a better place. I know a little bit about dealing with negativity because I grew up in a very negative environment. I had conservative parents who put a lot of pressure on me to be academically brilliant however I was nothing of the sort. At university I failed a subject and got thrown out of my scholarship course. Finally when I thought things were going well in my first proper graduate job, I got a bad boss who wanted to kill my career.Despite all these things I went out and achieved things that negative people said I couldnt do, like starting my own IT consulting firm; building my technology training centre; creating Young Entrepreneurz Day for teenagers; and launching a 10-gig international speaking tour without having any contacts. Ive built a career out of converting negativity into opportunity and thats why I was named Young Achiever of the Year.But despite having such a successful career, I still encounter some form of negativity on a daily basis and even today,Iconstantly haveto push past negative people and situations to achieve what I want.Everything I've learned about managing negativityI've put into this course so that you can have the best possible chance of success in becoming the leader you truly aspire to be.Why Should You Take This Course?How to Conquer Negativity will equip you with the skills to deal with negative people and circumstances so that you can effectively think, communicate and deal with situations in a constructive and positive manner.In other words, you can achieve what you want in a world that constantly says you cant. What Will You Learn?At the end of this course, participants will be able to:Describe how negativity works, where it comes from and how it affects usRecognise negative feelings within yourself and stop them from making you have a bad dayBuild unbreakable self confidence to protect yourself against negative people who just want to beat you downCommunicate effectively to ensure you dont create negative feelings in othersTransform negativity into opportunity using a simple psychological trickIdentify the most common negative mindset traps and how to avoid them.What Are the Requirements?An open mindA willingness to practice what you learnPatience to adjust to a new way of making decisionsWhat is the Target Audience?This course is targeted at anyone who wishes to learn skills to deal with negative people and situations.It doesnt matter what your geographical location, cultural background, or job/career youre in right now. If you want to achieve what you want in life, your career or your business,this is the course for you.Sign up now and start conquering negativity immediately!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"The Confidence Master Course" |
"Have you ever considered what makes a celebrity or superstar exude such charisma? What gives certain people so much mojo? They have tapped into their greatest asset and resource THEMSELVES. They have refined and chiseled away the parts of their identity which were NOT authentic and learned how to shine!Genuine celebrity results when individuals find their innate strength, discover their true talent, and master it. The end result? They are alive to the fullest, and THAT translates into mojo. The distance between the life you wish you were living and the life you are actually living can be measured by your level of self-confidence. Self-confidence determines how we show up in the world, how we relate to others, how much we influence others and how successful we become. This course is a complete overview of ALL the facets of possessing confidence, self-assurance, and a magnetic personality. It is designed to create intensive transformation in the lives of those who engage with the material, complete the activities, and implement the techniques and strategies reviewed. By the end of the course, you will have discovered your own inner superstar charisma and will possess that moxy and mojo that only celebrities possess! Overcome the Barriers to Cultivating Self-Confidence and Develop Self-Assurance in all Areas of your Life. Build a comprehensive skill set for engaging successfully in any social situation and discover how to attract others like moths to a flame. Exude charisma and unlock your inner charm.Learn the multi-dimensional reasons why people struggle with low self-esteem and incorporate powerful techniques to subconsciously increase feelings of self-worth.Identify the areas of your life which are crippling you with self-doubt and a lack of belief in yourself. Cultivate unlimited faith in yourself and achieve more than you ever thought possible.Find a sense of direction in life that gives you clarity, certainty, and purpose. Stop feeling lost and aimless. Be empowered and Gain Control over your Destiny. There is no area of our life that isnt directly impacted by our level of self-confidence. It is precisely because low self-confidence doesnt seem to be the problem that it is so very insidious. Many people who suffer from low self-esteem attribute their life challenges to wholly different causes. We will be exploring the ways in which almost all of the challenges you face in life can be traced back to this very source. This course is extremely comprehensive. We will be exploring in-depth the multiple dimensions of confidence along with where people falter when trying to develop it. No matter what specific aspect you are struggling with: social anxiety, lack of self-worth, lacking certainty & purpose, or not feeling powerful and in control of your life, we will address the issue and identify ways to overcome it. You will be given a series of projects, self-assessments, and activities that will help you to examine where in your life you can make changes that will bolster your levels of confidence and leave you feeling empowered. Each section in this course contains specific instructions that will help you develop the necessary skills to becoming your very best. Content & OverviewEveryone has the ability to develop confidence. Confidence itself is not a skill per se, but is a combination of multiple skills and is pieced together like a big puzzle. Starting with the biggest and most important piece, this course will help you to assemble the confidence puzzle one piece at a time, showing you certain traits and skills that anyone can develop and demonstrating how to implement them into your daily life. You will learn how to become magnetic, charming, and how to radiate positive energy. Through exercises and activities, you will discover techniques that will make you appear powerful and will enable you to influence others in a powerful way. You will identify your insecurities, what triggers them, and how to manage them. Everyone has insecurities, but it is possible to deal with them in such a way that they dont break down your self-confidence and self-esteem. You will learn how to be assertive and how to set healthy boundaries, which will increase others respect for you and subsequently, your own self-respect. You will discover the voice of inner truth and learn to speak it without fear, overcoming the tendency to be submissive and to be a people pleaser. You will feel empowered to have much more control over how things turn out in your life. This lack of trust in our own abilities is very dangerous to our potential, as it can stop us from truly following our passions! Many of us live in fear of doing what we dream; we shrink and play small so that we dont have to face our fears; we strive to be left alone in our own little world. But we are meant to shine! Confidence is all about opening up and unleashing the giant potential we each have within, understanding that we are powerful beyond measure, and manifesting our most brilliant inner light into the world. Join me and lets get started! ********BONUS********At the end of the course, I have included a FREE eBook that includes all of the material we will cover throughout the course so that you have everything you need in one, easily downloadable format. GREAT VALUE!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Increased Clarity & Focus for the Creative Professional" |
"Do you have a hard time focusing? Are you easily side-tracked by the hundreds of random distractions that interrupt your day? This course will teach you proven, powerful techniques for how to stay FOCUSED on your goals and how to STOP falling off track!I will share secrets that will skyrocket your motivation levels and strengthen your inner resolve. You will learn how to stay on track no matter what, even when disaster strikes!Through examining the mind-body connection and learning how our bodies best operate, you will learn the secrets of how to maximize not only your physical energy, but also your mental energy and cognitive resources. This will serve to extend your attention span and increase your brain power, so you are able to stay focused and accomplish more!Together, we will work to identify the present obstacles in your life as well as anticipate future obstacles that may arise. You will formulate specific strategies to navigate around all your barriers to success and will be guided in the process of developing contingency plans that will help you manage any potential future risks.In this course, you will design a creative vision for your life that will give you direction and purpose. It's crucial to have clarity of vision, because that vision provides the vector upon which the rest of your life will flow. From an elevated perspective, all aspects of your life should assist and support you in the direction of you greater life purpose. Like a streaming river, everything should be moving you towards that one singular vision. Hold yourself to a high standard! Challenge yourself! When you rise to the challenge and start seeing progress in your life, you will experience a deep-seated sense of fulfillment and a renewed belief in your self, that you can genuinely accomplish anything you set your mind to. Come with me, and let me show you the shortcut to success!***BONUS*** I have included a FREE eBook at the end of the course for you to download! This eBook summarizes the content of the course and is a great resource for you to review the materials in the future as you need it. Enjoy!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Weblogic 12c Middleware Fundamentals" |
"El curso que brindaremos se denomina: 'Weblogic 12c Middleware Fundamentals', este curso trata de dar a conocer de manera 100% prctica, las caractersticas ms resaltantes y requeridas en la actualidad as como su fcil manejo en relacin al servidor de aplicaciones: Weblogic 12c.Los materiales que utilizaremos sern software que ser provisto por el 'Instructor' (Rutas de descarga), videoclases 100% prcticas, exmenes de compresin de lo explicado y fuentes dummy descargables de las aplicaciones que se desarrollarn en clase.El curso tendr una duracin aproximada de 2 horas con 45 minutos y est estructurada de manera ordenada en '22 CLASES' divididas en '8 SECCIONES'.Al finalizar el curso el alumno podr tener un conocimiento de gran parte de core Middleware a nivel d Weblogic, gran cantidad de empresas ligadas al rubro de SOA / EAI requieren."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Four Week High Intensity Workout Program" |
"Four weeks of high intensity interval workouts that are made to build lean muscle, burn fat, and aid yourself in pursuing a healthier lifestyle. Written workouts and tutorial videos are provided so that technique and completion of workouts are performed to the best way possible. Program is designed so that anybody in their beginning fitness stages may complete. It will provide beginning students with the right footing and develop a great foundation in their fitness journey. Program also provides a challenge for those who are well seasoned in their workout routines. There is no better feeling than overcoming a challenging workout."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"meSE Sales Engineer Certification Coursework" |
"Sales Engineers (SE's) are a critical sales team member in many companies worldwide. They are more than just technical experts in their respective industries. Highly successful SE's must build and maintain parallel expertise in ""soft-skill"" disciplines such as business acumen, presentation skills, building customer relationships, developing an engagement strategy, and having a thorough understanding of the targeted industry. There is a ""soft-skill gap"" that exists in many Sales Engineering organizations. This ""gap"" can be the driving difference between a highly successful technical sales organization and a mediocre one. The meSE education and certification program is focused on closing this ""gap"", enhancing the SE skills in these areas, and proving proficiency."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to create a Flappy Bird inspired iPhone game in Swift 2" |
"LATEST UPDATE: Integrating our iPhone game with TwitterPREVIOUS UPDATE: Saving the user's High score to local storage using NSUserDefault and updating a third party SDK in your project (Chartboost SDK).The How to create iPhone Flappy Birds inspired iPhone game with Swift Course is a comprehensive step by step course. You will learn how to put a modern, socially integrated and monetised iPhone game together. The inspiration for the course comes from the world famous game Flappy Birds. Let me be very clear on my next point. The concepts you will learn in this course can be applied to any idea you have for an iPhone game.In the 40 lectures and over 7 hours of content, we will start by covering off all the basis to get you going. We will install Xcode and run through the basics of the Xcode environment. We will then moving on quickly to start building the scenes and background to our game. After that we will build the pipes and the main character. Not long after that we will look at introducing physics properties to our game objects. Now are our game is starting to take shape. We can them look at how our user is going to score in the game. Once that is all done we will introduce Chartboost ads to monetise our game. Then we will integrate our game with two the biggest and best social media networks Facebook and Twitter. We will also connect our game up to a Game Center Leaderboard to track our users high scores.Once we have complete all of that I will finish off on talking the next steps I think you should take...Ive done all the research, read the Swift documentation, searched the web for how to perform certain functions in an iOS game and put all the ideas and concepts into one complete package. There is no need to look any further: This course is a one stop shop to get you started in building your own unique iPhone game. This course will continue to grow and be updated with new trends and to accommodate for new software version updates."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to create a Mr Jump inspired iOS game in Swift 2" |
"Ever looked at those HUGELY successful mobile games and think: Man, Id love to do that!Like the super-addictive Mr Jump - which earns its developers upwards of $20,000. A DAY!Yep, thats right $20,000 a DAY!Fancy a go at that?If youre wondering where to start and your head is spinning from information overload - this course is designed to help.Imagine being able to flip a switch and turn your mobile game ideas into a sparkling realityWELLNOW YOU CAN!Hi! My names Ben Kane Johns. Im the creator of the course How to create a Mr Jump inspired iOS game in Swift 2. Ive successfully taught over 3000 happy students with my How to create a Flappy Bird inspired iPhone in Swift 2 course, and today Im taking things up a notchIf youve been looking at indie games developers and thinking: Yeah, I could totally do better than that.Maybe youve got an initial concept or a fully formed idea - and now you need to make it happen - FAST.THIS COURSE WAS MADE FOR YOU.Sign up to How to create a Mr Jump inspired iOS game in Swift 2 today, and Ill share with you EXACTLY the pro tools and software I used to create this version of Mr JumpItll save you a ton of time. In a nutshell: Ive done the hard work, so you dont have to!UNIQUE CONTENT YOU WONT FIND THIS COURSE ANYWHERE ELSEHow to create a Mr Jump inspired iOS game in Swift 2 is the first of its kind on Udemy. It is the ONLY course showing you how to replicate the App Stores best game of 2015 - Mr Jump.It also, shows you how to use tile maps for mobile games - a bonus skill you need to stay ahead of the competition.The course is stacked full of powerful content, which youll breeze through with ease. At the end, I guarantee youll have a complete working Mr Jump mobile game - which you can modify into something of your own. More on that shortlyWHAT YOUVE GOT IN STOREThis course will give you an intermediate level understanding of Swift, the Xcode environment, Sprite Kit, JSTileMap, Tiled and create game graphics.Youll learn how to replicate the extremely successful game logic behind the App Store's best game of 2015 Mr Jump.My simple step-by-step guide will give you a foolproof understanding of game logic and game design - crucial skills you can take away to create games of your own. Side-scrolling games like: Super Mario Brothers, Sonic The Hedgehog, Mega Man 9, Donkey Kong and Little Big Planet.HERES THE COURSE OUTLINECreate a replica of the Mr Jump iOS gameUsing the Swift LanguageCreating levels with tile mapsUsing the JSTileMap frameworkUsing Tiled map editorWHY MR JUMP?One-tap games dont have to be boring. Just look at Mr Jump! It received a humongous 10 million downloads and 700 million game sessions in its first months of release.It has also been featured in the Apple App Store in over 100 countries.And, as Ive mentioned before, Mr Jump generates $20,000 in fresh, green moolah. Every. Single. Day. Thanks to Chartboost-powered ads and in app purchases from the App Store.In this course, Ill show you howWHAT CAN I DO WITH MY MR JUMP GAME?Listen. In no time youll have a crystal-clear, 3D understanding of how this game goes together - leaving you free to tweak, modify and change your Mr Jump game into something unique to YOU.Now imagine the respect and recognition youd get if your game was the next massive runway hit?WHAT ELSE?If youve been looking for a hobby or career that can give you endless freedom, whilst being creative AND using that smart-cookie brain of yours? Mobile games development is for you.Keep reading, and youll discover how its improved my own life. Meantime heres why YOU need to dive in to this course today and how our work together could bear serious fruit Youll learn how to program a computer game - from the ground up. Youll build invaluable, ironclad and highly transferable skills whether youre a beginner or an intermediate programmer. Youll quickly learn the Swift programming language. Youll grasp a solid understanding of how to programan iOS game. Youll gain the satisfaction of creating a computer game of your own.All you need to do is follow along, have fun and ask questions if you need to. Simple, right?So whether youre looking to create the next Crossy Road or become the Dong Nguyen (Flappy Bird) of 2016 - this course is for you.So come on! Join the revolution. Start today. Because what have you got to lose?And lets be honest here, hours of fun await you. X hours, in fact, of meticulously-produced, laser-sharp chapters that will tool you up with everything you need to create your very own customization Mr Jump game.My motto? Everything you do, builds on everything you do. So dont waste another minute of your life. Get started with my Mr Jump course today and view the world from a new perspective a world of limitless possibilities. Click on the link above and grab your place on my course today.ABOUT MEMy names Ben Kane Johns. Im the creator of How to create a Flappy Bird inspired iPhone in Swift 2 and How to create a Mr Jump inspired iOS game in Swift 2.I strongly believe that: Indie games development is driving the future of games. Indie games development gives you the skills and freedom to create truly innovative and interesting games with MASSIVE potential. Theres no time to waste: indie developers who start now - could be the business leaders of the games industry tomorrow.HERES MY STORYEver since I was a little boy, Ive been obsessed with gaming. From Super Mario Brothers to Pacman - I never left home without my tiny little Nintendo handheld. One day when I was 16 years old - while washing dishes in a grimy fast food restaurant - I wondered how I could escape a life of grub work and turn what I loved doing, into a full time career.I worked my socks off. Followed my vision. And today Im just as devoted and fanatical about gaming as ever - except now I use that enthusiasm as a Udemy teacher and professional mobile games developer. Its a job that gives me and my lovely family an incredible lifestyle, and allows me lots of free time to pursue my hobbies - guitars and fast cars!I love teaching people how to program and seeing them go on to do inspirational things. Because once you learn how to create mobile games, the possibilities for your life and career are endless. I cannot wait to share these incredible skills with you, right here on Udemy. Join me today and lets get to work."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Using Food as Medicine" |
"Hi! I'm Jennifer from RealFoodHeals dot com.Join me as I discuss some of the most common health conditions and diseases and explain how you can heal from them naturally, using food as medicine.If you are feeling sluggish, foggy in the head or just plain low on energy, than this course is for you!You'll get 19+ high quality lessons on topics ranging from Most Common Nutrient Deficiencies to Navigating Autoimmunity to Cancer Prevention. We'll discuss ways in which you can bolster your immune system and ward off illnesses. You will also learn how to eat for prevention of diabetes and heart disease.BONUSES: You'll also get my ""Real Foods Shopping List"" and my eBook ""20 Quick and Easy Real Food Breakfast Recipes""What are you waiting for? Sign up and make a positive change in your life. In just 4 short weeks, you'll learn how to use food as your medicine and live a more natural, vibrant life!Note: This course is also great for nutritionists, wellness coaches and practitioners to gain more insight into using food as medicine and build upon your current protocols."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Google Analytics para principiantes en espaol" |
"Sabes dnde estn sus clientes ms rentables, cmo interactan y cmo te estn encontrando? Sabes identificar nuevas oportunidades a partir de los datos de tu sitio web?Despus de terminar el curso ser capaz de utilizar Google Analytics a nivel avanzado, as como podrs conocer el comportamiento de todos los usuarios en tu sitio web, desde dnde vienen, qu pginas son las que generan el mayor inters y dar respuesta a un sinfin de preguntas acerca de tu negocio.Google Analytics para principiantes en espaol te guiar por medio de todas las opciones e informes disponibles en Google Analytics. Leccin a leccin entraremos en detalle de cada uno de los informes para conocer exactamente la informacin que contiene cada uno de ellos para mejorar su negocio online.Sigue el proceso paso a paso - el uso de screencasts de una cuenta de Google Analytics en vivo y real, por lo que pueded seguirlo trabajando con tu propia cuenta. Cada leccin es simple y al punto."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"College Level Jazz Theory part 1." |
"This is a course by a musician for musicians. Included in this course are: reading assignments, printable ""handouts"", audio files and lecture videos. Each module contains about one week or more of information. Below you will see a required and suggested text for this course. I advise you to get both of these texts to get the most out of this course.Also, listed are the modules covered and the content explored.Required text: - The Jazz Theory Book by Mark Levine. Sher Music Co. ISBN 1-883217-04-0Additional Text: The Real Book sixth editionThere are other versions of this text in Eb, Bb, Bass Clef."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"College Level Jazz Theory Part 2" |
"This is a continuation of the College Level Jazz Theory part 1. This course is intended to be a sequential follow up of part 1. You are building on the foundation from previous instruction. It is understood that you will have the accompanying texts: The Jazz Theory Book by Mark Levine and The Real Book Sixth Edition."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |