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"Personal Decisions for Happiness" |
"Anyone can improve their life and their happiness by improving the way that they make decisions. This can be achieved through understanding how you make decisions and identifying where we sometimes make incorrect choices.It's about your happiness:Do you know with absolute certainty what you need to be happy in your life? Once you know exactly what you need to be happy, you can align your decisions, and all other areas of your life, in order to achieve happiness.A practical, step by step process:Learn some decision making theory.Understand the problems facing decision makers.Better understand how your mind works.List and evaluate the choices in your decision.Assistance making your choice.Reviewing the choice that you've made.A practical tool for life:All the steps and lessons are implemented in a simple, decision making tool called ""my decision assistant"". Exercises will help you better understand the process and the tool can be used for your current as well as any future decisions you make in your life.Are you facing a tough choice right now?Do you feel that you could be happier?Do you get stuck assessing your options in a choice?Feel that you could make better choices?Are looking for a simple process to make choices in your life?If you've answered yes to any of the questions above: Then this course WILL benefit you."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to become a successful music producer" |
"This course is a simple step-by-step guide on how you can become a successful music producer in a competitive industry.At the end of this course, you will have learned about all the necessary tools that you will need in order to become a successful producer:Organising and structuring your musical brandCreating captivating and interesting contentSetting up a high quality professional home studioNetworking and creating invaluable contacts with other producersExploring different genres and which niche sub-genre you fit intoThis is a course worth taking if you have a passion for creating music and want to spread it with a wider audience, and even make money from it through signing major deals with record labels to simply getting a job as a DJ.What I've done is simplify what can be a confusing and troubling path through unknown territory in this cutthroat musical industry, so that pretty much anyone can become a successful music producer."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kfzausbildung Fahrwerk" |
"In diesem Kurs vermittle ich mit Hilfe eines Multimediapakets Grundlagen zum Thema Fahrwerk mit den Modulen ""Achsgeometrie"", Achsvermessung"", ""Federung"", ""Dmpfung"" und ""Lenkung"". Arbeitsbltter zum Ausdrucken dienen der Strukturierung des Kurses und der Ergebnissicherung. Untersttzt wird der Lernprozess durch fnf umfassende, zielfhrende Videofilme, zugeordneten Videoclips und Animationen. Lsungsbltter knnen aufgerufen werden und ermglichen eine Selbstkontrolle. Am Ende des gesamten Kurses - fr den etwa 20 bis 25 Lernstunden einzuplanen sind - wird eine umfangreiche Klassenarbeit den Lernerfolg besttigen. Auch hier gibt es eine Lehrerversion zur berprfung des Lernerfolgs.Nach erfolgreicher Bearbeitung dieses Kurses sind die Teilnehmer im entsprechenden Themenbereich optimal auf die Gesellenprfung GPII im Bereich ""Fahrwerk"" vorbereitet."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Alibaba Import Business: Private Label Products Blueprint" |
"Learn How You Can Private Label Products And Build A Successful E-Commerce Business!Let me asking you something... how long have you wanted to be your own boss? Can you just...Imagine the freedom and excitement of waking up every day, and discover that you made money... in your sleep! Imagine going to lunch with your friends (who still work their day jobs) and casually telling them about your success, and inspiring them to go for their own dreams! Imagine the respect and admiration you'll gain from your peers when you tell them that you don't bother with having a boss anymore(while they are still complaining about theirs)!Not only is this possible with Importing Products... but people just like you are truly striking it rich sourcing products from the Alibaba wholesale platform and reselling online.Alibaba is the biggest online global trade marketplace, and is a goldmine for making money importing products factory direct and reselling. This course will teach you how to safely and effectively import products from overseas using the Alibaba wholesale platform. Whether you want to import private label cosmetics or sporting goods, you can order them directly from Alibaba. We'll also go through the process of how Alibaba reviews it's manufacturers to maintain quality control. We will also go through the Alibaba express wholesale area of the platform. The content is designed for a beginner and those with some experience. I will explain both the basics and advanced tactics in detail. This course will teach you how to buy products factory direct so that you can make the most money.If you're an Entrepreneur with a new product idea or have an existing product that you want to reduce manufacturing costs, then this is the course for you. The world of importing is enormous and unforgiving, do not dive in alone! There is TONS of money to be made importing products from China then reselling online or in your store. For a beginner, the process can be daunting and overwhelming. Don't go it alone!You will learn about the cultural differences and receive effective email templates for negotiating quality and price, and learn their ways of doing business to ensure successful transactions. I will teach you how to find the highest quality products at the best prices.You will learn the red flags to spot for picking reputable and reliable manufacturers, and how to negotiate samples to ensure quality before ordering large amounts. You will become an expert at spotting quality just by looking at their Alibaba listing using a precise checklist.Overall, you will have a complete understanding of the entire Alibaba import process from searching for manufacturers and selection, to negotiations, to Private Label and OEM packaging if needed, to finally freight and shipping. And along the way, you will get let in on the secret tips and tricks for maximizing success."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How To Sell On Ebay: The Ultimate Ebay Sellers Blueprint" |
"Introducing The Ultimate Ebay Sellers Blueprint That Teaches the ins and outs of successfully selling on eBay including where to go to get products sourced, plus how to get started for NO MONEY UP FRONT!Discover The Secrets To Leveraging eBay And Generate Income From Home and Finally Free Up Your Time For the Important Moments In Your Life!This Is The Perfect System For Anyone Wanting To Learn How To Make Money On Ebay. Imagine what life will be like if you no longer had to miss out on important events with your kids or miss out on special occasions with your family and friends because you have to be at work. No more apologizing, no more regretting the important moments of life that you have been missing out on. Live the Internet Lifestyle and Spend Time With Those Important To You! Be there when it counts for those important to you! A home based Internet business gives you freedom! Avoid working a regular job, and make the income from eBay! Live life more on your terms!Inside This Course Youll Discover How To Get Working Capital With No Credit Check! Plus Learn how to effectively list your products on eBay. You should use more than one of these if you want to be successful! What you should avoid when taking pictures! Plus much more Best selling items on ebay What to sell on ebay to make the most moneyHere's What You'll Discover In This Course: Getting Started Tips Insider tips for getting started on eBay. How to instantly uncover profitable inventory for FREE! This is literally right under your nose! Learn how to effectively list your products on eBay. You should use more than one of these if you want to be successful What you should always do with your pictures! Plus much moreEbay Tips & Sourcing Products To Sell Part 1 Choosing the best type eBay username Understanding your payment options. How to start sourcing products that you can quickly sell on eBay. The major chain stores you can source hot products from. How to source products by piggybacking off of trends.Sourcing Products To Sell Part 2 & eBay Stores The one platform for sourcing products you cant live without. Buy products directly from overseas manufacturers easier than you ever thought possible. Discover how to get the best price every time on the products you buy in bulk. Finally avoid the middle man and get the margins you deserve! This video is worth its weight in gold! Learn what types of products to buy from this killer resource! Uncover setting up eBay stores the right way. Use keywords effectively to maximize your traffic!Purchasing Liquidated Items From Top Retailers Use the number one liquidation site on the web. Find new products for pennies on the dollar with amazing margins! Buy overstock products direct from large retailers!Researching Products To Sell How to find the perfect products to sell. Research like a seasoned eBay professional.eBay Completed Listings Research Uncover what you are doing wrong with completed listings research! Find out exactly how much an item sold for and when it sold! Finally use the completed listings feature to your advantage every time! Watch this video and quit making inventory mistakes!Effective eBay Listing Strategies Follow these steps to increase your chances of selling. Watch over the shoulder training as an eBay expert lists an item. This simple listing template will change how you list products! Watch the process from start to finish!eBay Completed Listings Research Discover the top tips to protect yourself as an eBay seller! Miss these steps and open yourself up to lost income.Shipping Secrets For eBay Use eBays insider shipping features to make your life easier! Accurately track your packages from your house to the customers doorstep all within eBay! Streamline your shipping process and improve your business.eBay Fees Explained Missing this video will leave you exposed to lost profits! Knowing the fees helps you list your products for the right price! Understand eBay fees so you are fully prepared.Becoming A Top Rated Seller On eBay Learn what it takes to be a top rated eBay PowerSeller. Miss these steps and you cripple your chances at obtaining this valuable distinction on the eBay marketplace! Dont miss any of these steps if you want to maximize your business.Understanding Paypal Limits Make sure you know the limits with your Paypal account. You can get into a lot of trouble if you miss these tips!Effective eBay Customer Service Your customer service will make you stand out after you apply these principals. Discover how to deal with the occasional refunds the quickest way possible. Customer service plays a role in your Powerseller standing! Dont miss this!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Affiliate Marketing Step-by-Step Blueprint" |
"Are you ready to start making money online with Affiliate Marketing? With Affiliate Marketing, you simply sell other people's products and services without the hassle of inventory, customer complaints or the risk of upfront capital for commissions of 30-90%.Learn how to get started in Affiliate Marketing with this step-by-step blueprint, where to find companies in every possible niche that are begging to give you money to affiliate market their products, and how to beat out the competition with killer internet marketing techniques.The Affiliate Marketing Step-by-Step Blueprint solves the following common yet fatal problems hounding both newbie and veteran affiliate marketers:How to pick a highly profitable niche How to pick a conversion platform that will produce the most money with the least effortHow to create content your niche audience will actually want to read and shareHow to select affiliate offers the smart and efficient wayHow to build an affiliate marketing business that will stand the test of time and fickle consumer trendsHow to trouble shoot and optimize your affiliate marketing business for increased income ... and a LOT MORE!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Monatlich Geld anlegen fr spter!" |
"In meinem Kurs Monatlich Geld anlegen fr spter Altersvorsorge selbst in die Hand nehmen zeige ich Dir in knapp 40 Minuten anschaulich und kurzweilig, wie Du mit einem einfachen aktienbasierten Modell langfristig solide fr spter vorsorgen kannst und das ganz ohne Vorkenntnisse!DAS GROSSE GANZE VERSTEHEN - Du lernst, warum es gerade in der heutigen Zeit so wichtig ist, beim Thema Altersvorsorge aufzupassen.MEIN VORSORGE-MODELL FR DICH - Ich zeige Dir ganz konkret, wie Du langfristig renditestark und solide fr Deinen Ruhestand vorsorgen kannst.EINFACH UND ANSCHAULICH - Du bist kein Finanzexperte? Dann bist Du hier genau richtig. In verstndlicher Sprache mit untersttzenden Bildern/Zeichnungen fhre ich Dich durch.KURZWEILIG - In nicht einmal 40 Minuten weit Du alles, was Du wissen musst. In 6 einzelnen und in sich abgeschlossenen Sessions nehme ich Dich Schritt fr Schritt mit.DU MACHST DICH WOHLHABEND - Mein Vorsorge-Modell ist sehr kostengnstig. Und da Du alles alleine machen kannst, fllst Du keine fremden Taschen mehr."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Amazon SEO Optimierung mit dem Produkt-Ranking Algorithmus" |
"Erhhen Sie Ihre Sales bei Amazon! Wir zeigen Ihnen Schritt fr Schritt wie Sie ihre Produkte bei Amazon fr die wichtigsten Keywords optimieren und damit bessere Rankings innerhalb der Suchresultate erzielen knnen. Neben den Rankings werden Sei auerdem lernen, wie Sie die Konversionsraten Ihrer Produkte durch gezielte Manahmen erhhen und damit Ihren Umsatz ankurbeln knnen.Unsere Expertise Wir sind seit ber 4 Jahren professionelle Verkufer bei Amazon. Wir haben ber tausend Produkte via Amazon verkauft und greifen damit auf einen groen Erfahrungsschatz zurck. Unsere Kompetenz entspringt ursprnglich der Google Suchmaschinenoptimierung. Neben Google ist auch Amazon eine groe kommerzielle Suchmaschine. Wir haben es uns dadurch zur Aufgabe gemacht unsere eigenen Produkte innerhalb von Amazon zu optimieren, um von beseren Rankings und somit hheren Konversionsraten und Umstzen profitieren zu knnen. Wir teilen in diesem Kurs alle positiven Ergebnisse unserer Tests!Inhalte und berblick Die Lektionen sind kurz und prgnant aufgebautund mit wertvollen Informationen bestckt. Anhand unserer Videokurse und Checklisten sind Sie direkt in der Lage das Gelernte auf Ihre Produkte praktisch umzusetzen. Im ersten Schritt geben wir Ihnen eine Einleitung ber die grundstzlichen Bewertungsfaktoren von Amazon. Anschlieend teilen wir mit Ihnen praxisorientierte Tipps zur richtigen Keyword- und Titelauswahl und helfen Ihnen bei dem Bewertungenmanagement und Kampagnenplanungen. Am Ende des Kurses kennen Sie die wichtigsten Amazon Rankingkriterien und knnen direkt mit der Optimierung Ihrer Produkte starten. Sie werden wissen worauf Sie bei den Produktseiten achten mssen, auf welche Keywords Sie sich fokussieren und wie Sie passende Titel Ihrer Produkte schreiben. Mit Beendigung des Kurses sind Sie auerdem in der Lage legale Bewertungen Ihrer Produkte voranzutreiben und negative Verkufer Rckmeldungen zu entfernen."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Der komplette Listenaufbau-Kurs im eMail Marketing" |
"[Der Kurs ist aktuell mit Informationen von Oktober 2015!] ""Super schnelle sowie effektive Techniken fr den Listenaufbau die ich nutze, um jeden Monat zahlreiche Abonnenten zu gewinnen Du kannst innerhalb weniger Tage zahlreiche Kufer gewinnen, die auf deine Angebote warten! Listbuilding ist der Schlssel zu erfolgreichem eMail Marketing! In diesem Kurs werden Dir Strategien gezeigt, mit denen Du deine eigene Liste einfach aufbauen und deutlich vergrern kannst. Dafr stelle ich Dir alle ntigen Informationen zur Verfgung und bergebe Dir mit diesem Kurs zahlreiche praxiserprobte Erfahrungen. Warum das Rad neu erfinden?- Lerne von meinen Fehler ohne sie selbst machen zu mssen! berspringe diese und Du kannst mit deinen Marketing-Erfolgen noch schneller starten. Spare Dir dadurch viel Zeit und lerne direkt von dem Wissen erfahrener Experten! Ich mchte dir zeigen, was ich herausgefunden habe: Wie man das Potential von Einzelwerbung nutzt, um Geschfte mit hohen Einnahmen und Evergreen-Produkten zu generieren.Mit meinen Methoden kannst du in weniger als 30 Tagen zahlreiche neue Abonennten gewinnen und dadurch mehr Einkommen generieren! Ich mchte Dir an dieser Stelle nichts willkrliches Versprechen! Um die angesprochenen Erfolge zu erzielen ist Arbeit notwendig. Sie mssen die angewendeten Punkte Schritt fr Schritt nachbauen und sich mit den angewendeten Techniken nach unseren Einfhrungen eigenstndig beschftigen. Ich bin der lebende Beweis, dass die Strategien die ich Ihnen zeigen werde funktionieren und Sie damit ein Stck weit mehr Lebensfreiheit gewinnen knnen. Grnde fr die Listenaufbau-Strategie: Ich kann genau die Geheimnisse mit dir teilen, mit denen du attraktive Angebote erstellst und somit schnell sehr viel Traffic generierst. Ich habe den sogenannten List Building Cash Tornado erschaffen, als ich feststellte, dass viele Menschen Schwierigkeiten damit haben, online Geld zu verdienen. Basierend auf all dem Know-how bin ich sehr zuversichtlich, dass ich auch Dir helfen kann. Das wirst du entdecken: Einen gefhrten Kurs mit 36 professionellen, qualitativ Hochwertigen, hochauflsenden Videos, die dich Schritt fr Schritt durch den Prozess fhren, wie man eine Liste erstellt, Angebote kreiert und Einzelwerbung effektiv nutzt. Diese Videos sind in 3 einfache zu folgende Module eingeteilt, die Dir alles zeigen was Du fr den Start bentigst, um online eine rentable Liste zu erstellen: MODUL 1: umfasst 10 Videos darber, wie du eine Nische mit Potential auswhlst und ein unwiderstehliches Angebot erstellst. MODUL 2: umfasst 12 Videos darber, wie du einen umsatzstarken Sales Funnel erstellst.MODUL 3: umfasst 11 Videos darber, wie du viel Traffic generierst und Erfolge richtig trackst und analysierst. Hier ist ein kleiner mit Highlights bestckter berblick der behandelten Themen... erfahre: Wie du deine Auto Responder Serie erstellst (mit Templates)Wie du erfolgreich Solo Ads erstellst sie bringen das Geld!Wie du eine Flut an Traffic auf deine Seite bringstWie du ansprechende Squeeze Pages erstellst, die gut konvertierenWie du eine riesige Liste an interessierten Kufer generierst Sobald dieses System aufgesetzt wird, luft es komplett auf Autopilot! Somit bist Du in der Lage dich auf weitere Optimierungen Deiner Produkte fokussieren. List Building Cash Tornado ist ein List Building Programm, das schon mehrfach ausgezeichnet wurde! Bitte beachte, dass die praktische Umsetzung neben den zahlreichen Videos dieses Kurses weitere Zeit in Anspruch nehmen wird. Wir knnen Dir zwar zeigen welche Schritte einzeln durchgefhrt werden mssen, dennoch musst Du dieses Wissen musst selbst anwenden und dadurch Zeit in dieses Thema investieren. Das heit wir mchten Dir mit diesem Kurs nicht versprechen, dass Du im Schlaf Geld verdienen wirst, knnen Dir aber aus Erfahrung sagen, dass es Deine Produkte stark nach oben katapultieren kann und bei richtiger Anwendung durchaus extrem hohe Wachstumsraten verzeichnet werden knnen. Das beste dabei, Du musst nicht. Als Experte angesehen werdenVerkaufsfhigkeiten haben Kenntnisse in Copywriting habenDesignen knnenLange berstunden machenIrgendwelche IT-Erfahrung habenViel Geld ausgeben (du kannst mit nur wenigen Euro beginnen!) Du wirst einen lebenslangen Zugang zu allem bekommen, was ich erwhnt habe: zu den 36 Training Videos die dir alles von A bis Z zeigen! Oh, und um die Entscheidung noch weiter zu erleichtern... Es gibt keinerlei Risiken! List Building Cash Tornado kommt mit einer kompletten 30 Tage Geld-Zurck-Garantie! Wenn dich die Informationen nicht komplett berzeugen, bekommst du 100% deines Geldes zurck! Generiere JETZT Umstze und starte mit Deiner Listbuilding Marketing Strategie!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Wie Du Ein Erfolgreiches CPA Marketing Business Aufbaust" |
"Auch wenn du ein kompletter Online Marketing Anfnger bist: In diesem Kurs wirst du lernen, wie du ein CPA Marketing Business (Cost Per Action) aufbaust und im Schlaf Geld verdienst. Du kannst Gewinne generieren, ohne Produkte zu verkaufen, und schnell und einfach ein erfolgreiches Online Business starten. Nutze CPA, um ein erfolgreiches Online Unternehmen auf die Beine zu stellen und stabiles Einkommen zu generieren Werde in die besten CPA Netzwerke aufgenommenErstelle eine Website, Landing Pages und Squeeze Pages, die Traffic generierenOptimiere und tracke deine CPA Kampagnen Verdiene Geld im Internet, ohne Produkte zu verkaufen In diesem Kurs wirst du lernen, wie du schnell und einfach ein zustzliches, monatliches Einkommen mit den effektivsten CPA Strategien verdienst. Um mit CPA Marketing erfolgreich zu sein, brauchst du keine Website. Erst recht musst du kein Verkaufstalent sein!Du brauchst nicht einmal ein eigenes Produkt. Du wirst lernen, wie du Nutzerinteresse mit einem kostenlosen Stck Information erweckst und Klicks generierst beispielsweise mit einem Rabatt, einem Preis, oder einer Probeversion. Du wirst lernen, wie du nahezu mhelos Geld verdienst. Inhalte und berblick Dieser Kurs beginnt mit einem berblick, der dir zeigt, wie du die besten CPA Netzwerke findest und wie du garantiert auch schon bei der ersten Bewerbung - in die Top Netzwerke auf dem Markt aufgenommen wirst. Du kannst herausfinden, wie du eine effektive und attraktive Website mit WordPress erstellst, um mit CPA (Cost Per Action) Angeboten Geld zu verdienen. Fr eine erfolgreiche Kampagne ist es essentiell, dass du deinen Markt kennst. Daher wirst du in diesem Kurs auerdem herausfinden, wie du deine Wettbewerber ausspionieren und von den Geheimnissen der Konkurrenz lernen kannst. Um mehr Traffic und hhere Gewinne zu generieren, wirst du zudem lernen, deine Website mit Keywords zu optimieren. Zu guter Letzt erfhrst du, wie effektive Landing Pages und Squeeze Pages erstellt werde, um das Beste aus jeder CPA Kampagne herauszuholen. Wir werden auerdem ber die Top Tools fr profitable Kampagnen, Tracking sowie konstanten Traffic sprechen. Am Ende dieses Kurses weit du garantiert, wie du ein attraktives Angebot findest und whlst, Millionen Besucher auf eine Landing Page mit hohen Conversions sendest, und ein zustzliches Einkommen generierst. Du wirst bereit sein, przise und profitable CPA Kampagnen schnell und einfach zu erstellen, um deine Conversions zu steigern und ein profitables sowie nachhaltiges Online Business aufbauen."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Amazon FBA Erfolgreich Private Label Produkte verkaufen" |
"Amazon FBA as Private Label Business Launching PlatformKursinformationen- berarbeitet und aktualisiert Januar 2016 Wusstest du, dass Amazon dieses Jahr Umstze von ber $100 Milliarden erwartet, von denen circa 45% durch dritte Verkufer wie dir und mir erzielt werden?Mchtest du das aktuell lukrativste Online-Geschftsmodell kennenlernen und erfahren, wie du ebenfalls von Amazons schnellem Wachstum profitieren kannst?Du hast keine Lust mehr, den angeblich neuesten Trends zu folgen, whrend andere wirklich Geld mit ihren Unternehmen verdienen?Bist du bereit, ein skalierbares Unternehmen durch den Verkauf echter, physischer Produkte aufzubauen, von berall auf der Welt?Ich mchte mich gern vorstellen mein Name ist Damir, und im Namen der WinWinAcademy werde ich dir genau zeigen, wie auch du ein erfolgreiches eCommerce Unternehmen in Kooperation mit Amazon aufbauen kannst.Amazon bernimmt fr dich Aufgaben wie die Bearbeitung deines Lagerbestands, Verpackung und Versand deiner Produkte, Organisation von Rckerstattungen, Zahlungstransaktionen, technische Untersttzung und den Groteil des Kundenservice.Du fokussierst dich auf das Wichtigste in deinem Unternehmen Identifikation von attraktiven neuen Marktgelegenheiten, Beschaffung qualitativ hochwertiger Produkte und Marketingkampagnen, die deine Marke im Premiumbereich positionieren.Du musst nicht viel Geld fr Kurse zum Verkauf auf Amazon ausgeben. Stattdessen solltest du dieses Geld in dein Inventar und den Start deines Unternehmens investieren.Dieser Kurs fhrt dich durch die einzelnen Schritte auf dem Weg zu deinem eigenen Onlineunternehmen. Jeder Abschnitt baut auf dem vorherigen auf, und wir fokussieren uns auf praktisch umsetzbare Schritte, die du direkt anwenden kannst!Ob du Marketingexperte oder komplett neu im Bereich Onlineunternehmen bist ist dabei nicht entscheidend wir nehmen dich bei der Hand und fhren dich Schritt fr Schritt durch den gesamten Prozess:Von der Erstellung deines Verkuferkontos zur Auswahl des richtigen ProduktesZulieferer findenEtikettierung deiner Produkte fr Versand durch Amazon (Fulfillment by Amazon - FBA)Verffentlichung deines ProduktsManagement, Automatisierung und Beschaffung fr dein Amazon UnternehmenDas Beste ist, dass wir jedem Teilnehmer persnlichen Support auf diesem Weg bieten!Du wirst Folgendes lernen: Wie du dein Amazon Verkuferkonto von berall auf der Welt RICHTIG einrichtest (sehr wichtig) Das aktuell profitabelste Geschftsmodell Private Labeling: Wie du durch Mehrwerte deutlich mehr Umstze mit deinen Produkten erzielst Die attraktivsten Nischen auf Amazon Wie du Mrkte analysierst und immer gewinnst Suche, Bewertung und Auswahl deines ersten profitablen Produkts Finde Zulieferer fr hohe Gewinne, gute Qualitt und Zuverlssigkeit, die dein wachsendes Amazon unternehmen untersttzen im In- und Ausland Wie du bei der Bestellung deines Lagerbestands sparst und richtig investierst Amazon bernimmt die Arbeit fr dich Dein automatisches Fulfillment System Erstelle eine Angebotsseite fr hohe Conversions und viele Verkufe Produkte hinzufgen, attraktive Titel, Geheimnisse zum Verfassen von Beschreibungen, Bilder fr mehr Conversions, Keyword Optimierung (Amazon SEO) Erfolgreiche und bewhrte Strategien zur Produktverffentlichung 100% regelkonforme Wege, eine groe Anzahl verifizierter Bewertungen zu erhalten Exzellenter Kunden-Support ber die Schaffung von Mehrwerten Der groe Trick fr positive Verkufer Bewertungen Wie du negatives Feedback unkompliziert entfernen kannstExtra Bonus im Wert von ber 200 (nur in diesem Kurs!) Recherchierte Listen mit attraktiven Produktideen, die du direkt umsetzen kannst Online-Rechner speziell entwickelt fr dein Amazon Unternehmen, mit dem du die genauen Gewinnmargen noch vor der Beschaffung bestimmen kannst Zulieferer Merkblatt die wichtigsten Fragen an deinen Zulieferer Due Diligence Checkliste wie du Betrger von vertrauenswrdigen Zulieferern unterscheidest KOSTENLOSE BERATUNG Ich analysiere dein Produktangebot und gebe dir Verbesserungsvorschlge+ ZUSTZLICH1)Du hast die Mglichkeit, mir und meinem Team jederzeit all deine Fragen zu stellen2)Nutze den Diskussionsbereich und lerne von bereits beantworteten Fragen 3)Ich informiere dich ber die neusten Updates der Amazon Richtlinien4)Erhalte einen exklusiven Bonus!ACHTUNG! Dieser Kurs verspricht dir nicht, schnell und ohne Aufwand viel Geld zu verdienen. Solltest du nach einer reich ber Nacht Methode suchen, solltest du diesen Kurs nicht belegen. Wie bei jedem Unternehmen musst du Zeit und Energie investieren und Risiken abwgen um erfolgreich zu sein. Dieses bewhrte System wird dir dabei helfen, dein Amazon Business deutlich schneller zum Erfolg zu bringen. Folge dem Kurs, setze die Schritte und Tipps um, und schon in wenigen Wochen wirst du deine eigenen Produkte verffentlichen.Du bist auf diesem Weg nicht allein. Mein Team und ich bieten dir persnlichen, professionellen und schnellen Support zu jeder Zeit. Wenn du Fragen zu den Inhalten hast, nicht weiter kommst oder Feedback mchtest, schreibe mir eine Email und ich werde innerhalb von 24 Stunden antworten.FAQ Hufig gestellte Fragen Was ist wenn ich nicht in den USA lebe? -Das System funktioniert von berall auf der Welt.Wie viel muss ich investieren? Nicht viel. Das Gute an diesem Geschftsmodell ist, dass es bereits mit wenigen hundert Dollar gestartet werden kann. Das hngt natrlich davon ab, wo du lebst und welche Produkte du anbietest. Einige Produkte knnen unter deiner Eigenmarke bereits fr circa $200 beschafft werden.Der Kurs wird monatlich aktualisiert! Wir testen aktuell neue Strategien fr Promotions sowie Methoden zur Verffentlichung unserer Amazon Produkte. Sobald wir etwas finden das funktioniert, werden wir es dem Kurs hinzufgen.Ich bin so berzeugt von diesem Lehransatz, dass ich dir eine 100% bedingungslose Geld-Zurck-Garantie gebe! Das Beste daran? Du kannst die Ressourcen behalten (Rechner, Merkbltter, eBooks...)Mach jetzt mit! Adsense, AdWords und Bitcoins haben ihre goldene Zeit bereits hinter sich, aber JETZT ist die Zeit fr Amazon! Etabliere ein Unternehmen, auf das du stolz sein kannst!Klicke Jetzt mit dem Lernen beginnen"" rechts oben auf dieser Seite! Wir sehen uns im Kurs :)"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Life Coach Training fr eine professionelle Lebensberatung" |
"In diesem Kurs behandeln wir alle Aspekte des Life Coachings. Das macht ihn zur perfekten Wahl fr alle, die Training als Life Coach erhalten oder mit dem Coaching anderer beginnen mchten. Gleichzeitig eignet sich der Kurs ideal zur persnlichen Weiterentwicklung, um dein volles Potential zu nutzen. Zustzlich erhlst du tglich exzellenten Support, untersttzt von der Erstellerin der Inhalte Libby Seery.Wir zeigen dir in diesem Kurs viele hilfreiche Techniken und Methoden die dir dabei helfen werden, effektiv zu kommunizieren und das Beste aus deinen persnlichen und professionellen Beziehungen zu machen.Du lernst, wie man Ziele setzt und sie mithilfe der SMART und TGROW Coaching-Modelle erreicht.Dieser Kurs beinhaltet alles was du brauchst, inklusive zahlreicher Materialien und mehr als 40 Ressourcen zum Herunterladen. Du musst einfach nur dein eigenes Logo einfgen und sie personalisieren.Hier ist ein Einblick in die Kursinhalte:Coaching, Lebensberatung, Consulting und MentoringDie Verantwortungen als CoachDie Fhigkeit zuzuhrenFragen stellenRad des LebensAlbert Mehrabian ModellMatching und MirroringKlare Sprache und die Verwendung im Coaching Passiv Aggressiv Bestimmt Modell der KommunikationWie bestimmt bist du?FeedbackVerwaltungFazitWir bieten unseren Udemy Teilnehmern auerdem exklusiven Support. Mit deiner Einschreibung erhlst du vollen Zugriff auf die Lernumgebung einschlielich persnlichem Support ber Skype und Email mit der Erstellerin der Kursinhalte Libby Seery*. Dieser Service ist ausschlielich fr Udemy Studenten verfgbar.Du kannst selbst bestimmen, wie schnell du die Kursinhalte behandeln mchtest. Whle eine Studienzeit und einen Ort nach deinem Belieben, und wir sind fr dich da wann immer du Untersttzung brauchst.*Direkte Kommunikation Libby Seeri erfolgt in Englisch. Sehr gern vermitteln wir und bersetzen wir deine Anfrage sowie die Antworten fr dich ins Englische bzw. Deutsche!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Get into the Top Business Schools + MBA Admissions Tips" |
"#1 Best Selling MBAAdmissions Course on Udemy!** ACCORDING TO BUSINESS INSIDER: ""Haroun is one of the highest rated professors on Udemy, so you can expect to be in good hands through the course of your education."" **Iinterview MBAcandidates for the admissions departmentof my alma mater, which isColumbia University MBAschool.You don't need the best grades or test scores to get into the top business schools. I will teach you the secrets on how to get in. I received an MBA from Columbia University and I have helped all of my associates and interns over the years get into the top business schools, including many at Harvard Business School, Wharton, University of Chicago, Stanford, INSEAD, Columbia, NYU, Duke, UCLA and many more! You don't need to have above average test scores or a high GPA. In this course I will teach you only what you need to get in. I will be updating the course often. Thanks"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"An Entire MBA in 1 Course:Award Winning Business School Prof" |
"** #1 MOST PURCHASED BUSINESS COURSE ON UDEMY! ** OVER 350,000 STUDENTS IN 195 COUNTRIES ** ** ACCORDING TO BUSINESS INSIDER: ""Getting your MBA has never been easier. Haroun is one of the highest rated professors on Udemy, so you can expect to be in good hands through the course of your education."" **** SPECIAL $99 BONUS: FREE 384 PAGE MBA BOOK INCLUDED ($99 value). In order to further improve the student experience, there is a free download at the end of every section of this course (contains every slide & entire easy to read comprehensive scripts of all 49 lectures & >100 helpful internet links + more) keeping the course up to date, even easier to understand & even more fun and engaging! **Are you ready to take your career to the next level? In this course, you will learn everything you need to know about business.from starting a company to taking it public. This course covers all of the important topics you will learn from getting an MBA from a top school + real life practical business concepts that will help make you more successful! This course is taught by an award winning MBA professor with significant real world experience working at Goldman Sachs as well as in the venture capital, hedge fund and consulting industries (he has founded several companies and sits on several boards). Many business concepts are simply common sense. This course will focus on business concepts that you need to know that might not be common sense. This course makes the general business, accounting and finance process very easy to understand! The professor of this course is also the author of ""101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School,"" which Forbes magazine recently called ""1 of 6 books that all entrepreneurs need to read right now.""The contents of this course are all based on my work experience at several firms, including Goldman Sachs, the consulting industry at Accenture, a few companies I have started, the hedge fund industry where I worked at Citadel and also in the venture capital sector (the firm I founded had a venture capital investment in Facebook).I included helpful practical business concepts I learned while I did an MBA at Columbia University and a Bachelor of Commerce degree at McGill University. Think of this course as a greatest hits business summaries from my MBA, undergraduate business degree, work experience in consulting, equities, hedge funds, venture capital and starting my own companies. I have minimized boring theoretical concepts in this course in order to keep it as close to reality as possible. The concepts of this course have been taught by me in many classes at several universities, where the student feedback has been universally and incredibly positive (please see my LinkedIn profile for student reviews / feedback on my teaching style/effectiveness - thank you. Also please see reviews of my books in Amazon and here in Udemy on my teaching - particularly in my Udemy course on ""101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School"").An Entire MBA In 1 Course is a registered trademark of Haroun Education Ventures, Inc. The contents of the course are copyright 2017 Haroun Education Ventures, Inc.---------------------------------------------------------------------Customer Testimonials: ""I just wanted to shoot you a quick message letting you know I'm really enjoying your MBA course on Udemy. I really like that it's geared towards practitioners rather than just theory. I also wanted to sincerely thank you because your course was the difference in me getting funding this past week."" - Chris Backofen, CEO of CastCloud ""Engaging Course! Comprehensive presentation of key concepts that are well explained in a practical & relevant manner while delivered in easily digestible chunks."" - Michael Jordan ""I've been in business over 20 years and this course is an excellent refresher to remind you of things you may already know and things you may have forgotten along the way."" - Laura Caraccioli ""Very clearly structured, presented and spoken. Covers the foundations of entrepreneurship, business and investing."" - Jeffrey Koury ""I have just finished this course, and I highly recommend it. I would say that the introduction video gives a good indication of what to expect. You will not be disappointed!"" - Ronald Deerenberg ""Great Induction, I Wish University were this exciting, that would definitely make me consider taking on the dept the education comes with."" - Christian Baffour-Akoto ""I completed my MBA in 2011 and this was a great refresher. I also got some wonderful takeaways from this course on how to follow my passion and love what I do. Would definitely recommend this lecture to others.""Ali Ashraf ""Best course ever. I highly recommend this course"" - Aminata Bah ""Brilliant course. Have learned so much and looking forward to implementing what i've learned into future endeavours"" - Ben Judh ""This is definitely the best course I have attended in my entire life. It is jam-packed with facts, real life truths about the Financial Sector, its inner workings and a hands-on approach. Professor Haroun's approach of doing away with the theoretical jargon and instead providing a rich-in-practical-content makes this course an absolute MUST for students, young and matured executives, business owners of small or large companies to attend. Professor Haroun is an excellent speaker, an invigorating lecturer of whose passion is fervently contagious. As a business owner of 25 years, I wish I had come across Professor Haroun's knowledge and inspiring attitude many years ago. The course material is comprehensive, easy to understand and Professor Haroun's sense of humour and his inclusion of applicable videoclips in his downloadable course material adds spice to the whole experience. I am forever grateful at stumbling across his course on Udemy! Its been a life-changing experience."" - Antionette Cronje----------------------------------------------------------------------------Students of this course will enjoy learning everything they need to know about business.from starting a company to taking it public while learning the most important topics taught at the top MBA schools in the world. Take your career to the next level!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You In Business School" |
"BusinessInsider wrote an article stating that 101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School was voted as the#1most popular business book this year by BusinessInsider readers.Forbes magazine said that 101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School is""1 of 6 books that all entrepreneurs must read right now"" (along with "" The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"" by Stephen Covey, ""The Lean Start-up"" by Eric Ries, Peter Thiel's book ""From Zero to One"", and ""The Self Made Billionaire Effect."").In this course you will learn how to get a meeting with anyone. You will learn how to take your career to the next level. You will learn how to reinvent yourself in ways that you never thought was possible! Chris Haroun has had the opportunity in his career to meet with the top CEOs, entrepreneurs and investors in the world, including Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Marc Benioff and the CEOs of most large technology companies. This book is an amalgamation of business advice that Chris has compiled from his many meetings with successful business people over the past two decades as well as observations of why brilliant entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg have become incredibly successful. Business schools do a good job of providing students with theoretical and practical frameworks that can be applicable to real world problems but often miss teaching students some of the most crucial business lessons like how to network, how to find customers or how to get a job!Chris Haroun is an award winning business school professor, venture capitalist and author. He is currently a venture capitalist at a prominent San Francisco Bay Area venture capital firm and has previous work experience at Goldman Sachs, hedge fund giant Citadel, Accenture and several firms that he has founded. He has raised and has managed over $1 billion in his career. Chris teaches many courses online at Udemy. He has an MBA in Finance from Columbia University and a Bachelor of Commerce Degree with a major in Management Information Systems and International Business from McGill University. Chris is also a frequent guest lecturer at several Bay Area business schools including Berkeley and Stanford. He is a McGill University Dobson Fellow. He has written numerous articles/been interviewed in Forbes, VentureBeat, Entrepreneur Magazine, Wired Magazine, AlleyWatch and Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK: Hong Kong's oldest and sole public service broadcaster). He serves on the boards of several Bay Area technology companies and charities. Chris Haroun is originally from Canada and currently lives in Hillsborough, California and enjoys playing baseball with his wife and three sons."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"50 Career & Self Development Tips: Welcome to the New You!" |
"**Chris is the author ofthe #1 best selling business course on Udemycalled ""An Entire MBA in 1 Course.""**This course wasprofiled in Business Insider who said thatProfessor Chris Haroun's online course, called ""50 Career & Self Development Tips,"" provides insightful guidance for problems many professionals will face over the course of their careers like feeling burned out or struggling to secure that sought-after promotion but you'll also learn basic skills you can apply to your personal life, such as how to overcome criticism and stress.You will be a different person by the time you finish this course. This course will help you to focus on what are the most important goals for you to achieve in life. There are no limits in life, except for the limits that we place on ourselves; ""whether or not you think you can achieve something, you're right"" : ) This course contains the best career and non-career advice I have compiled in my life, including the wisdom of the Dalai Lama and many successful businesspeople that ALSO had a very successful personal and family life. Again, you will be a different person by the time you finish this course. Thank you."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Intro to Business Law for Entrepreneurs (+Free Book!)" |
"#1 Best Selling Business Law Course on Udemy!**Chris is the author ofthe #1 best selling business course on Udemycalled ""An Entire MBA in 1 Course.""**** ACCORDING TO BUSINESS INSIDER: ""Haroun is one of the highest rated professors on Udemy, so you can expect to be in good hands through the course of your education."" ** What kind of legal company registration should I set up so that I protect my family and assets if my company gets sued? How do I protect my brand and products and make sure that nobody can copy them? What red flags and issues should I watch out for so that my investors can't take a larger percent of my company if my company has issues? This course will answer all of the aforementioned questions and many more. We will go through the life cycle of a company from founding to a stock market listing (initial public offering) to restructuring and or declaring bankruptcy if needed (there are significant benefits to doing this in many situations). The course is taught by an award winning business school professor who has started several companies and sits on many boards. He has dealt with many legal issues over the years and he will share a lot of his legal knowledge with you to ensure that you and your family have protection; please also hire a lawyer when starting a company and when dealing with contracts (don't ever do it yourself). Professor Chris Haroun is currently a venture capitalist in the San Francisco Bay Area during the day and a professor at several Bay Area graduate business schools during the evenings."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"MBA Completo en 1 Curso: Profesor de Negocios Premiado" |
"**APRENDERS EN 11 HORAS LO MS RELEVANTE DE UN MBA ENLAS MEJORES UNIVERSIDADES DEL MUNDO!**** DE ACUERDO CON Business Insider: ""Obtener tu MBA nunca ha sido ms fcil. Haroun es uno de los profesores mejor calificados en Udemy, por lo que estars en buenas manos durante el curso."" ** MAS DE 180,000 ESTUDIANTES ESTE AO **Ests listo para llevar tu carrera al siguientenivel? En este curso aprenders todo lo que necesitas saber sobre negociosdesde el lanzamiento de una empresa hasta convertirla en pblica. Este cursocubre todos los temas importantes que aprenderas en un MBA de las mejoresescuelas de negocios del mundo + conceptos prcticos que te ayudarn a ser msexitoso!Este curso es enseado por un profesor con MBAvarias veces premiado con importante experiencia en el mundo real trabajando enGoldman Sachs, as como en las industrias de Capital de Riesgo, Fondos deCobertura y Consultora (l ha financiado varias empresas y participado en losconsejos de administracin de otras ms). Muchos conceptos de negocios sonsimples y de sentido comn. Este curso se enfocar en conceptos que necesitas saber y que quizs note hagan tanto sentido comn por ahora. Este curso te ayudar a entenderfcilmente los procesos financieros, contables y de negocios! El profesor deeste curso es tambin autor del libro 101 Lecciones Cruciales que no teensean en la Escuela de Negocios, del cual la revista Forbes recientemente lonombr como 1 de los 6 libros que todo emprendedor debe leer ya mismo.El contenido de este curso est basado en suexperiencia en varias firmas, incluyendo Goldman Sachs, la consultoraAccenture, algunas empresas que l ha creado, el fondo de cobertura dondetrabaj en Citadel y tambin en el sector de Capital de Riesgo (la firma que lha fundado tiene inversiones en Facebook). Chris ha incluido conceptos prcticosde negocios muy tiles que aprendi mientras estudiaba su MBA en la Universidadde Columbia y su Carrera Profesional en Comercio en la Universidad de McGill.Chris considera a este curso como uno de sus ms grandes xitos que resumelas notas de su MBA, Carrera Profesional e importante experiencia enconsultora, activos, fondos de cobertura, capital de riesgo y creando suspropias empresas.En este curso Chris ha simplificado lo que puedenser conceptos tericos aburridos, de tal manera que sean divertidos y fcilesde entender, sin perder de vista el que sean prcticos y aplicables al mundoreal. Lostemas abarcadosen este curso han sido enseado por Chris enmuchas clases de varias universidades, donde la retroalimentacin de losestudiantes ha sido increblemente positiva (puedes consultar el perfil deChris Haroun en Linkedin para ver comentarios de los estudiantes sobre suestilo y efectividad en la enseanza. Tambin puedes ver los comentarios sobresus libros en Amazon y aqu, en Udemy, particularmente en el curso 101Lecciones Cruciales que no te ensearan en la Escuela de Negocios). ---------------------------------------------------------------------Testimonios deAlumnos hantomado el curso eningls: Solo quisieraenviarte un rpido mensaje para hacerte saber que realmente estoy disfrutandoeste curso de MBA en Udemy. Realmente me gusta que est dirigido a los practicantesen lugar de solo teora. Tambin quiero sinceramente agradecerte porque tucurso fue la diferencia para obtener fondos la semana pasada Chris Backofen,CEO de CastCloudCurso Cautivador!Presentacin clara de conceptos que estn explicados de una forma prctica yrelevante, entregados en partes de fcil digestin. - Michael JordanHe estado ennegocios por 20 aos y este curso es una excelente actualizacin para recordartede cosas que quizs ya sepas y cosas que olvidaste a lo largo del camino. Laura Caraccioli Estructura,presentaciones y charlas muy claros. Cubre los fundamentos del emprendimientode negocios e inversiones. Jeffrey KouryAcabo determinar este curso, y lo recomiendo ampliamente. Dira que el video de introduccinda una buena gua de lo que puedes esperar. No te decepcionar! Ronald DeerenbergGran induccin, ojal la universidad fuera as de excitante, me hara considerar seriamente mi educacin. Christian Baffour-AkotoTermin mi MBA en 2011 y esto fue una gran actualizacin. Tambin tuve increbles ideas sobre cmo seguir mi pasin y amar lo que hago. Ali-AshrafEl mejor curso que he tomado. Recomiendo ampliamente este curso. Aminata BahCurso brillante. He aprendido tanto y no puedo esperar para implementar lo que he aprendido en futuros emprendimientos. Ben JudhEste esdefinitivamente el mejor curso que he tomado en mi vida entera. Est repleto dehechos, verdades de la vida real acerca del Sector Financiero, con un enfoqueprctico. El El enfoque del profesor Haroun de hacer a un lado la jerga tericay mejor proveer de un rico contenido prctico hace de este curso un deber absolutopara estudiantes, ejecutivos jvenes y maduros, dueos de negocios pequeos ograndes empresas. El profesor Haroun es un excelente orador y vigoroso conferencistacuya pasin es fervientemente contagiosa. Como dueo de negocios por 25 aos,deseo haberme cruzado con el conocimiento e inspiradora actitud del profesorHaroun muchos aos atrs. El material del curso es exhaustivo, fcil de entendery con el sentido del humor que tiene el profesor Haroun y la inclusin devideoclips en sus materiales del curso descargables agregan sabor a laexperiencia completa. Estar por siempre agradecido por haberme topado con sucurso en Udemy! Ha sido una experiencia que ha cambiado mi vida. Antionette Cronie----------------------------------------------------------------------------Sobre el profesorArmando Gaona:Me siento muy contento por tener la oportunidad decolaborar con el muy reconocido emprendedor, ejecutivo, dueo de negocios, consultor yprofesor Chris Haroun en este increble proyecto, que tiene como fin extendersu profundo conocimiento y gran experiencia de negocios para todos losestudiantes, emprendedores y ejecutivos de habla hispana. Sin limitar los mltiplesbeneficios que tendrn al tomar este curso, lo veo especialmente til paraaquellos que tienen un proyecto para emprender en serio y a gran escala y que estnbuscando una gua clara, paso a paso y segura para hacerlo. Tambin paraejecutivos de negocios que quieren llevar su carrera profesional y sus empresasa otro nivel, aumentando su conocimiento con conceptos y ejemplos sencillos,pero de gran impacto y 100% prcticos sobre cmo funcionan las mejores empresasdel mundo. Para quienes desean estudiar un MBA en el futuro prximo, este cursoles servir como preparacin previa para facilitar el entendimiento de nuevosconceptos, destacar como estudiantes y enriquecer su experiencia educativa. Paralos que ya estudiaron un MBA o alguna maestra semejante, les dar una visin fresca,breve e integradora desde el punto de vista de un experto que ha vivido todoslos procesos de negocio a gran escala desde las trincheras de algunas de lasempresas y escuelas de negocios ms importantes del mundo.ESTUDIOS1. Licenciatura en Informtica Administrativa(graduado con honores, mejor promedio).2. Maestra en Administracin de Empresas conespecialidad en organizaciones que hacen uso intensivo de tecnologa: Telecomunicaciones,TICs, redes, desarrollo de software, etc., en el Tecnolgico de Monterrey(graduado con honores, mejor promedio).3. Posgrado en Planeacin Estratgica, en elTecnolgico de Monterrey (mejor promedio).4. Posgrado en Direccin Financiera, en el Tecnolgico de Monterrey.5. Certificado como Auditor Calidad en la norma ISO9000 por el Instituto Mexicano de Normalizacin y Certificacin (15 aosexperiencia).6. Ms de 50 cursos y actualizacin constante entemas contables-financieros-administrativos-calidad-emprendimiento-tecnologa-sistemas-estretegia-liderazgo.EXPERIENCIA LABORAL1. Trabaj durante 3 aos en Grupo FinancieroBancomer (Casa de Bolsa y Banca Patrimonial) donde se desempe como Lder deProyectos para el rea de Sistemas de Informacin para transacciones en laBolsa Mexicana de Valores, as como otros sistemasFinanciero-Contable-Administrativos.2.Tiene 17 aos de experiencia, laborandodentro de la Direccin de Finanzas y Administracin de una de las ms grandes eimportantes empresas de Telecomunicaciones de Latinoamrica.EXPERIENCIA EN CAPACITACIN Y ASESORA1. Ha capacitado a ms de 30 organizacionessociales que no tienen fines de lucro, en temas calidad, planeacinestratgica, finanzas y mercadotecnia.2. Ha asesorado y capacitado a organizacionesprivadas y gubernamentales tales como: CANACINTRA, SAGARPA, LICONSA, KOMATSU,Secretara de Economa de Veracruz, entre otras 22 organizaciones ms.3. Miembro por 3 aos de la Mesa de Asesores deGRAPATEL, con sede en Chicago, que capacita en temas financieros a ms de 1,500empresas de telecomunicaciones de todo el mundo.4. Mentor para nuevos inversionistas en la BolsaMexicana de Valores desde hace 3 aos.Agradezco mucho al profesor Haroun su voto de confianzapara que yo pueda atender, en lenguaje espaol, todas las dudas y preguntas que tengan sobrelos temas que l presentaen este curso. Estoy en constante comunicacin con el profesor Harouncon el fin de transmitir a todos ustedes el enfoque correcto y lograr la excelenteatencin que el profesor Haroun quiere darles a todos ustedes.""El video de promocin del curso donde el profesor Haround nos explica el contenido del curso est en ingls con subttulos en espaol. Durante el curso se vana incluir algunos videos cortos con tips impresionantes que nos compartirel profesor Haround en ingls con subttulos en espaol, pero el resto de los videos y materiales estn 100% en espaol y son presentados por el profesor Armando Gaona.""----------------------------------------------------------------------------Los estudiantes de este curso disfrutarn aprendiendo todo lo que necesitan sobre negocios desdela creacinde unaempresa hasta su oferta pblica mientras aprenden los temas ms importantesenseados en los mejores MBA del mundo. Eleva tu carrera al siguiente nivel!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Invest in Stocks Like a Pro Investor by a Pro Investor!" |
"#1 Best Selling Hedge Fund Course on Udemy! ** ACCORDING TO BUSINESS INSIDER: ""Haroun is one of the highest rated professors on Udemy, so you can expect to be in good hands through the course of your education."" ** He is the author of the best selling business course on Udemy this year called'An Entire MBA in 1 Course'There are100 lessons in this course tohelp you understand how to pick stocks like professional investors do at mutual funds and hedge funds (even if you have no stock picking,accounting or finance experience)! Also, if you want to work or be successful at a hedge fund or at a mutual fund, this course will tell youhow to get a job, get promoted and how to excel at mutual funds and hedge funds.Professor Chris Haroun has been profiled in Forbes Magazine and Business Insider and has raised and managed over $1bn in his finance career.He lovesteaching students about real world practical concepts with no theory.Professor Haroun has more than20 years of finance analyst experience in several different finance sectors, including 5 years at Goldman Sachs, 8 years in the hedge fund industry at firms that include hedge fund giant Citadel and his own firm, 7 years in the venture capital industry (a venture firm he started had a private investment years ago in Facebook) and 4 years in the finance/tech industry at Accenture where he worked on the merger of Bank of America and Nations Bank as well as setting up an offshore bank for the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. His finance work experience has been all over the worldin countries that include the United States, England, Scotland, Canada, Japan, China, India and France. He has taught students in more that 160 countries and heis a well known business author of many books. His popularbusiness book:'101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School'was written up in Forbes Magazine as""1 of 6 books that all entrepreneurs need to read right now.""Professor Haroun also has an MBA from Columbia University where he majored in Finance.After taking this course, students should be able to understand how to pick stocks like a professional investor at a mutual fund or hedge fund as well as how to get a job, get promoted and how to excel at mutual funds and hedge funds."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Finance, Accounting, Modeling and Valuation" |
"#1 Best Selling Accounting Course on Udemy (Learn Finance and Accounting the Easy Way)! ** ACCORDING TO BUSINESS INSIDER: ""Haroun is one of the highest rated professors on Udemy, so you can expect to be in good hands through the course of your education."" ** He is the author of the best selling business course on Udemy this year called'An Entire MBA in 1 Course'This course will help you understand accounting, finance, financial modeling and valuation from scratch (no prior accounting, finance, modeling or valuation experience is required).After taking this course you will understand how to create, analyze and forecast anincome statement, balance sheet andcash flow statement.By the end of his course you will also know how to value companies using several different valuation methodologies that I have used during my Wall Street career so you can come up with target prices for the companies that you are analyzing.By the end of this course you will alsoknow how to analyze financial statements using many different financial ratios/formulas that I have used in my hedge fund, Goldman Sachs and venture capital career.Lastly, I am teaching this course in a much more visual and entertaining way;I hope youenjoy the course as I always use an 'edutainment' and visualization teaching approachto make complex topics simple/easy to understand.Please note that if you already signed up for my course called ""Hedge and Mutual Fund Careers: The Complete Guide,"" some of the accounting and finance topics in this course were already covered in the Hedgeand Mutual Fund Careers: The Complete Guide course.Thanks"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Resume, LinkedIn & Get Your Dream Job Course!" |
"#1 Best Selling Career Development Course on Udemy! This 12 hour complete career course is 3 courses in one (interviewIng skills + resume/linkedin skills + networking skills!).Welcome to The COMPLETE Resume, LinkedIn & Get Your Dream Job Course! by the author of the best selling business course on Udemy, an award winning professor, TEDx Talk speaker, author & entrepreneur.I guarantee that this is THE most thorough job course available ANYWHERE on the market - or your money back. This is the #1 best selling career development course on Udemy. Are you ready to take your career to the next level and get your dream job? This comprehensive complete career course is 12 hours, contains more than 250 lectures, 67 easy to complete exercises and 29 templates/other downloads to help you: Get any job you want,Build the perfect resume (using a format I have successfully used for more than 20 years), Interview better than anyone else (you will be able to answer ANY interview question and turn your weaknesses into strengths),Build the perfect LinkedIn profile (learn how to get more recruiters & employers to find you),Network better than anyone else so you can get your dream job (or even get customers etc),and much more...I want to help you get your dream job as my passion has always been helping others reach their full potential. I have conducted over 1000 interviews (1 per week for more than 20 years) and I have successfully interviewed and switched careers many times (from working at Goldman Sachs to the tech industry to consulting to hedge funds to venture capital, etc.). I want you to learn from my mistakes and accomplishments and reach your full potential. * Since this is a very comprehensive career course, there are 4 ways to take this course as follows: You can chose to take only the Interview portion of the course, which is Part 1 (sections 1 23).You can chose to take only the Resume/LinkedIn/and Optional Career Goal Setting Workshop portion of the course, which is Part 2 (sections 24 41).You can chose to take only the Networking portion of the course, which is Part 3 (sections 42 50).*My recommendation is to take the entire course in order (sections 1-50).* I humbly recommend taking the entire course in order as I have reverse engineered and analyzed the process of getting a job over the past 20+ years and I know that if you go through Part 1 first, which is my interview boot camp, then in Part 2 you will know exactly how to improve your resume/LinkedIn profile based on how you completed the interview exercises in Part 1 of the course (very easy process to follow). Then you will be able to network like a rock star in Part 3!I have mentored many people using the concepts in this course and they have all achieved incredible success in life (I am passionate about helping people reach their full potential). This course will help you get the job of your dreams and is for every age, every industry, every career and everyone. There are no limits; you can get any job you want and together we will make this happen. Are you ready to take your career to the next level? 30 day money back guarantee. Lets begin! Thanks, Chris : ) "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"A Landing Page and I Want It Now" |
"You need a landing page but forgot to learn HTML? This course is about making your own Landing Page. At the end of this course you will have a responsive, great looking, professional landing page based on Bootstrap template. All the files are included in this course. It takes around 90 minutes to complete this course. The course consists of short video lessons and a couple of overview videos meant to clarify basics for beginners. If you take this course you will not only learn basics of editing HTML pages but also will have a customised and great looking Landing Page."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"(Halloween Special) After Effects and Basic Animation" |
"This course is about learning the basics of After Effects and animation techniques. This course is for you if you are interested in After Effects, Animation,turning still images to videos and creating promo videos. This course includes all PSD files and audio files we need. It takes 2 hours to complete the course. The course goes step by step in teaching you basic tools and effects used to animate your picture. Take this course and you will learn how to animate all your hand out materials such as flyers, posters and other designs. After watching this course you will know bacsics of animation and video editing."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create HTML Email from scratch in just 2 hours" |
"HTML Email from scratch is a course about creating HTML emails.From this course you will learn how to create an email and an html page(with alike design), you will learn how to upload this email to your Gmail account as a template, you will create a GIF animated picture as a replacement for video inside your HTML Email. This course includes all the files mentioned in videos including html files and pictures along with PSDs. The course takes about 2 hours to complete, it is not long, each video gets to the point and has only actual info. The course is meant to be viewed from the first video to the last one in consecutive order. Take this course to save time and money, learn how to create an HTML Email manually and become more independent from email campaign services."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sales or how to find clients" |
"This course is about techniques and methods I use in sales.In this course I collected tricks and approaches which I learned on my personla experience while saling my product. Do more sales, find new clients, learn client types and avoid sale mistakes after watching this course. This course consist of short lectures on sales,in each lecture I share with you one thing I learned whali doing sales as entrepreneur.Watch lectures in consecutive order or in any order you like. Take this course to save your time to find more clients and avoid beginner mistakes if you are only in the beginning of your sale career."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create a video commercial with 3D graphics" |
"This course is about creating video commercial with 3D graphics. You will learn how to work with green screen, how to create 3D objects and how to create textures, you will learn animation and working with colors and audio in your promo videos. This course explains how to work in such applications as Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop, Element 3d and Google Sketchup. Ifyou are a beginner you will learn suchtechniques as animation, photo shooting, photo editing, video edit, This course takes 3 hours. Each lecture is approximatly 10 minutes and it is better to go from one lecture to another in order. Take this course if you want to learn how to create a video commercial for your product or for someone else. Watch this course and you ill learn how to create and work with 3D objects, video editing software and many other tricks andtechniques."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Music Artists Playbook ( The M.A.P Course)" |
"This online course takes you on a simplified step by step journey on how to establish and exceed as a recording artist in today's climate. Taught by an artist who did it with the same principles and is Grammy & Dove nominated. This course will give you insights and tools that will help you with Branding yourself as an artist, identifying your audience, making the product, selling the product, and building a fan base that will support your music career for the long ride. Are you ready?! Let's put you on the M.A.P!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn To Tell Jokes In English And Improve Your Speaking" |
"This course is for students and teachers of English who want to improve their language skills, boost their confidence and have FUN! And if you feel your English studies have become too boring this is a great way to help you enjoy your lessons again.The course explains the structure of the different types of English jokes and how they work.The videos give a full explanation of all the vocabulary used in the jokes with the help of lots of pictures and text.We practise telling jokes with the help of different materials including videos, downloadable PDFs and MP3 audio files.For teachers of English this is a fantastic resource to help you make your own lessons more fun. To go through all the material in the course will take you about 2 or 3 hours, but you should keep practising your joketelling for 15 minutes a day to get the most benefit from this course."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Public Speaking Skills for Non-native English Speakers" |
"Are you nervous about speaking in English?Are you nervous about speaking in public?Then this course is for you!By following the3 Golden Rules you will learnhow to quickly write, practise and deliver short, effectivepresentations in English. You will also discover a stress-free way to continuously improve your speaking skills without a teacher. Using the One-minute Presentation Template, by the end of this course you will be amazed at how easy it is to prepare and deliver a short presentation in English.No complicated explanationsNo difficult grammarNo Powerpoint skills neededAll you need is a pen and paper and, if you want to improve more quickly, a (phone) camera to film yourself speaking."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"YOUTUBE 2020 - Rank Multiple Keyword Multiple Video 1st Page" |
"Do you know Youtube is the number 2 largest search engine in the world beside Google. Imagine what you can do if you are able to rank any video you desire to the 1st page of youtube search engine?Course UpdateAugust 2017You can even see me rank a competitive video with keywords ""lose weight"" in the 1st page of youtube. See this is lecture 6This course is a complete blueprint to master YouTube as a marketing platform to promote any offer you want. You can promote CPA, Affiliate or just driving traffic to your website. It is up to your imagination. I have successfully done all this.I show you a couple of my youtube channel. I have many more channel as you may have guess. I show you my Maxbounty CPA earning from just 1 youtube channel. I show you my udemy affiliate earning.I walk the talk and setup a case study and show you how to rank the selected keyword to the 1st page of youtube.You see me rank a video from start to finish. From nowhere in the search engine and I come out first.Case study show that I am nowhere in search engine on the 5th October 2015. 30 mins into uploading I am rank 1st page on youtube for multiple keywords, not 1 not 2 but multiple keywordsWatch it live how I rank multiple keyword on 1st page of youtube in 1 hours. I am not talking about long tail keyword but short and searchable keywords.""Thailand property agent, Thailand property agency, Thailand real estate agent, Thailand real estate agency, cheap Thailand property agent, good Thailand property agent, affordable Thailand property agent, budget Thailand property agent, etc I am not able to list all the keyword, there is too many""I am ranking also for a competitive keywords ""1970s let it be"" and I am ranked 1st on 1st page of youtube. You will see this in the courseI will let you look over my shoulder on how I setup everything in order to be profitable on YouTube.Join me now and I will see you on the inside."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"CPA Affiliate Amazon Marketing on Steroids - Without Website" |
"Course Updated 2016In this new era of the century. You need to think smart to make money.Making $50 a day is not impossible. Watch my update video in Section 2Give what people want and what people is hungry for. Information, knowledge, hot breaking news is what people want. Setting up a website is hard? You don't need a websiteI don't have a mailing list? You don't need a mailing list, you don't need to send out email.How can we make money without a website. No PAID advertising, you don't need to advertise. Leverage on authority website and tap on them. I will show you how to share other people content. You don't have to recreate the content. You don't have to copy the content. You don't need a website. You only need to know how to share and where to share and how to put in your offer.Share great content without creating a single words. You just need to put in your CPA offer or affiliate link and off you go.Start sharing in 5 mins and start make your 1st dollar today"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |