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"Business - How To Start An LLC In Texas" |
"Have you ever wanted to start a limited liability company?Do you struggle with not knowing how to do it? Have you searched for how to start an LLC, but haven't found any good guides out there yet?This walk through guide is exactly what you have been looking for.Do you keep putting it off because it seems like a lot of work? Do you not want to waste 100's of hours figuring out how to do it, and instead would like a proven process guide that gets you there in only a fraction of that time?If have asked any of these questions, then this course is right for you. Other services out there only cover 2 of the 25+ steps in this course. Don't get into trouble down the road by false security. Make sure you know how to create your LLC the right way. Other courses just give you the academic approach, and are not very helpful when you get in the middle of actually doing it. This course is one of the best guides on how to start a business in Texas.This course walks you through step by step in detail from the ground up. The course is for those that want to know how to do it the right way, so that your company follows all of the legal rules and so that you can fully use the limited liability protection at the heart of a LLC! And today is the best time for starting a business in Texas. Check out the free previews to see how we walk you through the hard parts. Entrepreneurs should take this course to get their LLC up and running right away. One of the best types of small business is the LLC, and one of the best states to create a LLC in is TX. What are you waiting for? Get into this course right now! Not sure if you'll be happy with the course? No problem! With a 30 day money back guarantee, if you are not 100% satisfied with the course, you can get a full refund. Go ahead and enroll now risk free."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Business Strategy - Explode Performance With The OODA Loop" |
"The OODA loop strategy is what you have been looking for. Do you want to take your business to the next level but aren't sure how? The OODA loop holds the key.Are competitors in your business constantly giving you problems and you wish you had some sort of edge to help your business win? They might be using the OODA loop on you. Do you ever feel like your business keeps making mistakes, but you don't understand why it keeps happening? The OODA loop can show you why and how to get it right.Is your business doing well, but somehow it has become stagnant and you want to increase growth? An OODA loop strategy can get you there. If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this course is for you.The Observe - Orient - Decide - Act, or OODA loop, is a theory that describes how human beings interact with the world around them. And since businesses are groups of human beings, businesses exhibit the same type of interaction in their market space environments. By learning how the OODA loop works, a business can become self aware of how it interacts with its customers, competitors, and collaborators, allowing it to identify ways to improve. The OODA loop theory also serves to help businesses identify their competitors strengths and weaknesses, giving the opportunity to know which areas are ripe for growth in the market place.The course will give you a fantastic understanding of the OODA loop, putting the ultimate strategic capability in your hands. This capability gives you actionable steps on how to improve your business, and also how to defeat your competitors.Learn how to leverage the power of the OODA loop in your business today by enrolling in this course right now."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"0 to HSK 6 without a teacher" |
"This course shows students how they can become fluent Chinese speakers and pass HSK exams through self-study.Learn effective and efficient methods of studying Chinese without attending Chinese classesSave yourself hundreds of hours and hundreds of dollars by avoiding beginner mistakes many Chinese learners makeIdentify the perfect first 3 months of Chinese studyIdentify and prioritise the areas of Chinese that are most important to youRecommendations on the most useful study resources for Chinese learners An overview of the HSK exams from someone who has been through themMake a faster and less painful route through HSK examsMinimise preparation time for HSK examsLearn how to make any native speaker your perfect teacherLearn the benefits of language exchange sessions and how to perfect themAround 5 hours of videoThis course only uses video lecturesThis course aims to be a guide that Chinese learners can return to at different stages of their language learning journey The course is comprised of 31 lectures, of between 4 and 15 minutes, that range from getting started as a Chinese learner to how to prepare for and pass HSK level 6. If you are dissatisfied with the progress you have made in learning Chinese, with your experiences in Chinese classes or don't know how to become a confident Chinese user this course will set you on the right track."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Zend Framework 2 - Aprende fcil y rpido" |
"Bienvenido al curso de Zend Framework 2, vas a aprender cmo utilizar cadauna de las partes del framework de forma fcil y rpida.Al finalizar el curso sers capaz de desarrollar tus propiasaplicaciones web completas con Zend Framework 2 o modificar las de otros.Este curso est diseado para ser el ms completo que existe y que no tequedes con dudas. Est diseado para que realmente aprendas a programar conframeworks de PHP y ms concretamente con Zend Framework 2.Se tratan desde los aspectos ms bsicosy sencillos hasta los ms avanzados, por tanto pueden seguirlo novatos en el desarrollo web con PHP o gente con experiencia en este.Durante las casi 8 horas que dura el curso vers numerosos ejemplos prcticosque acelerarn tu aprendizaje, adems de un ejemplo completo para unirtodas las piezas del puzzle y desarrollar una aplicacin que liste, guarde,edite y elimine contenido, incluir paginacin, formulario de login, rutaspersonalizadas, etc. Todo esto desarrollado con las herramientas que nos brinda Zend Framework 2y utilizando los mejores estndares y metodologas recomendadas oficialmente.chale un vistazo al currculo del curso para ver todos temas que aprenders.nete al curso y sube de nivel: Aprende Zend Framework 2 !!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Crear un API RESTful con Slim PHP y usarla con AJAX" |
"Un API RESTful es un servicio que puede usarse desde cualquier dispositivoque entienda el protocolo HTTP. Por ejemplo, las aplicaciones de smartphones interactan con elservidor a travs de un API RESTful.En este curso vas aaprender las bases para desarrollar APIs RESTful con PHPusando Slim Framework en este caso. Veremos un ejemplo prctico en el que desarrollaremos un API RESTful desde ceroutilizando este micro-framework y haremos un pequeo cliente web que consumirese API mediante AJAX.Podrs aprovecharlo al mximo teniendo conocimientos bsicos en PHP, SQL yjQuery.nete al curso yaprende a desarrollar APIs REST."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Symfony3 - Domina el framework PHP ms completo" |
"Bienvenido al curso de Symfony3, vas a aprender paso a paso como desarrollaraplicaciones web con este framework para PHP.Symfony es uno de los frameworks ms conocidos y ms completos del mercadoactual. Son muchas las ventajas que tenemos al trabajar con l, como por ejemplo lafilosofa de buenas prcticas, MVC, abstraccin de la base de datos conDoctrine ORM, sistema de plantillas con Twig, arquitectura modular de lasaplicaciones, y mucho ms.Este es un curso de Symfony 3, la nueva versin de Symfony, pero tambin esun curso de Symfony2 ya que la metodologa de trabajo es prcticamente igual ycontinuamente se hace referencia a la versin 2 del framework en los vdeos. Adems todo loque veamos en el curso funcionar tambin en la versin 2.8 de Symfony.Al finalizar el curso sers capaz de desarrollar tus propiasaplicaciones web completas con Symfony3 y modificar proyectos de otros programados con este framework.Sin duda este es el curso ms completo que he encontrado acerca de Symfony.Est diseado para que aprendas a desarrollar aplicaciones web para el mundoreal, no estaremos continuamente generando el cdigo con la consola, sino que lo haremosnosotros para que no te quedes con dudas.En este curso aprenders realmente a programar con este framework y est diseado para que no te cueste tanto esfuerzo aprenderlo como a m me cost hace aos, tratando de aprender Symfony2. S, es unframework complejo, pero para eso he creado este curso, para acelerar tuaprendizaje y que lo asimiles todo paso a paso, y al final seas capaz detrabajar con Symfony.Se tratan desde los aspectos ms bsicos y sencillos hasta los msavanzados, por tanto no es necesario que sepas nada de Symfony para aprender ausarlo, aunque si que necesitars saber PHP y saber de que va el patrn ModeloVista Controlador y la programacin orientada a objetos para aprovechar al 100%este curso.Durante las ms de 11 horas y media del curso vers muchsimos ejemplos prcticos. Iremos usando cada una de las partes fundamentales del framework y haremosun ejemplo en cada una de ellas.Adems en uno de los captulos del curso desarrollaremos una aplicacin webcompleta desde cero, para unir todas las piezas del puzzle. Crearemos una aplicacin web tipo blog que tendr gestin de entradas oartculos, gestin de categoras, sistema de etiquetas, login y registro deusuarios, listados paginados, etc.Abordaremos el desarrollo de esta aplicacin partiendo desde cero, desde el diseo ycreacin de la base de datos, creacin de bundles y entidades, relaciones con Doctrine ORM, trabajo con elsistema de rutas, hasta la programacin de cada uno de los CRUDs paso a paso, utilizando Symfony3 y basndonos en buenas prcticas.Si quieres aprender Symfony sin dolor, practicando poco a poco, subir denivel en el desarrollo backend con PHP y aumentar tus oportunidades laborales Estees tu curso!chale un vistazo al currculo del curso para ver todos temas que aprenders.nete al curso y sube de nivel: Aprende Symfony3 !!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Angular 2 en Espaol - Crea webapps desde cero" |
"Bienvenido al curso de Angular 2, vas aaprender paso a paso como desarrollar aplicaciones web front-endcon la nueva versin de este framework de Google.Angular 2 se va a convertir el framework para JavaScript estndar. Es uno de los frameworks ms populares para desarrollar aplicaciones modernas y escalables en el lado del cliente. Si quieres ser desarrollador front-end o full-stack, o incluso si ya te dedicas al desarrollo web, es casi obligatorio aprender Angular 2.Angular 2 ha dado un salto de calidad con respecto a la versin anterior (AngularJS). Ahora utilizaremos TypeScript para definir nuestras clases, propiedades y mtodos, el cdigo es mucho ms limpio y se han eliminado cosas como el Scope y muchas directivas que no tenan mucho sentido, en definitiva es un framework completamente nuevo.Al finalizar el curso sers capaz de desarrollar tus propias aplicaciones web SPA (Single Page Apps) con Angular y modificar otras que ya estn programadas con este framework.Este es el nico curso de Angular 2 en Espaol que existe hasta la fecha y est diseado para queaprendas a desarrollar webapps en el cliente para el mundo real mediante ejemplos prcticos, paso a paso y de forma fcilparaque no te quedes con dudas.Se tratandesde los aspectos ms bsicos y sencillos hasta los ms avanzados, por tanto no es necesario que sepas nada de AngularJS para aprender a usarlo, aunque si que necesitars saber JavaScript y HTML para aprovechar al 100% este curso.Durante lasms de 10horas(y en aumento) del curso vers muchsimos ejemplos prcticos.Iremos usando cada una de las partes fundamentales del framework y haremos un ejemplo en cada una de ellas.Adems en uno de los captulos del cursodesarrollaremos una aplicacin web SPA completa desde cero,para unir todas las piezas del puzzle.Crearemos una aplicacin web de gestin de restaurantes, en la cual podremos crear, editar y eliminar restaurantes, subir imgenes al servidor con Angular y una seccin que elegir un restaurante al azar.Abordaremos el desarrollo de esta aplicacin partiendo desde cero, desde lacreacin de los componentes necesarios, uso de rutas y servicios,consumo de servicios REST (mediante un API Rest programada en PHP) con el componente HTTP de Angular 2, hasta la creacin y validacin de formularios, entre otras cosas.A parte de esto, en los cursos de Vctor Robles conseguirs soporte y ayuda muy rpida, actualizaciones constantes con todo lo nuevo que va saliendo de Angular 2, etc.Si quieresaprender Angular 2 sin dolor, practicandopoco a poco, subir de nivel en el desarrollo frontend con JavaScript yaumentar tus oportunidades laboralesEste es tu curso!chale un vistazo al currculo del curso para ver todos temas que aprenders.nete al curso ysube de nivel: AprendeAngular 2!!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Edicin de vdeo y Screencast con Camtasia Studio 8" |
"Bienvenido al curso de edicin de vdeo y Screencast con Camtasia Studio 8 en el que aprenders todo lo necesario para editar vdeos de forma fcil y crear videotutoriales grabando la pantalla de tu ordenador.En el curso veremos paso a paso como usar las herramientas ms importantes de Camtasia y al final del curso crearemos un vdeo trailer desde cero, adems aprenderemos a renderizar los vdeos con la mejor calidad posible.Iremos haciendo ejemplos prcticos de forma sencilla y sin darte cuenta sabrs usar el programa perfectamente para hacer tus propios vdeos y screencasts.chale un vistazo al currculo del curso para ver todo lo que aprenders.nete al curso: Aprende Camtasia Studio 8 !!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende PHP desde cero con 36 ejercicios prcticos" |
"Bienvenido al curso AprendePHP desde cero con ejerciciosprcticos,vas a aprender PHP paso a paso mediante los ms de 36 ejercicios que componen este curso.PHP es uno de los lenguajes de programacin del momento, es sin duda el lenguaje en el lado del servidor ms utilizado actualmente en el desarrollo de aplicaciones web y cuenta con mltiples ventajas con respecto a otros.En este curso aprenders PHP de forma fcil en un tiempo record, irs desde un nivel cero a un nivel intermedio en este lenguaje. Centrndonos en las bases fundamentales del lenguaje, avanzars en el conocimiento de PHP con ejercicios paso a paso, casi sin darte cuenta habrs aprendido a desarrollar aplicaciones web.Al finalizar el curso sers capaz de desarrollar tus propias pginas web dinmicas con interaccin a base de datos con PHP y tendrs la capacidad de seguir profundizando en el aprendizaje del lenguaje.Trataremos los aspectos ms importantes del lenguaje, trabajo con variables, estructuras de control, sesiones, bases de datos, incluso desarrollaremos una aplicacin web de gestin de usuarios en la que podremos identificarnos, aadir, editar,eliminar usuarios y ver un listado paginado.Si quieresaprender PHP sin dolor, practicandopoco a poco,de forma fcil y en poco tiempoeste es tu curso!chale un vistazo al currculo del curso para ver todos temas que aprenders.nete al curso ysin darte cuenta estars programando con PHP de forma fluida: Aprende PHP!!"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Desarrollo web full-stack con Symfony 3 y Angular 2" |
"Bienvenido al curso Desarrollo web full-stack con Symfony 3 y Angular 2, vas aaprender paso a paso como desarrollar servicios y APIs REST con Symfony y como crearaplicaciones web front-endcomplejascon la nueva versin de AngularJS.Symfony3 es el frameworkms potente, ms utilizado y ms demandado para hacer desarrollo back-end con PHP.Angular 2 se est convirtiendo enelframework para JavaScript estndar para desarrollar aplicaciones web modernas y escalables en el lado del cliente basadas en la filosofa SPA.Si quieres serdesarrollador full-stack, o incluso si ya te dedicas al desarrollo web,es casi obligatorio aprender estos dos poderosos frameworks y como trabajan conjuntamente.En curso est divido en dos partes:En la primera parte nos dedicaremos albackend (servidor) y desarrollaremos un servicio oAPI REST con Symfony3.Que es un API REST?Un API RESTes un servicio que puede usarse desde cualquier dispositivo que entienda el protocolo HTTP, adems interacta directamente con la base de datos. Por ejemplo,las aplicaciones de smartphones interactan con el servidor a travs de un API RESTful.En la segunda parte nos centraremos en el frontend (cliente) y desarrollaremos una aplicacin web de tipo SPA con Angular 2.Que es una web SPA?Una web SPA es una aplicacin de una sola pgina en la que la carga de datos es asncrona y la pgina no se recarga en casi ningn momento, pese a cambiar de ruta o url para navegar entre las secciones de la aplicacin, es una nueva tendencia en el desarrollo web.Al finalizar el cursosers capaz de desarrollar tus propias aplicaciones web con Symfony 3 y Angular 2.Durante lasms de 17horasdel curso vers como desarrollar una plataforma web tipo YouTube paso a paso.En esta aplicacin podremos identificarnos mediante un formulario de login, registrarnos en la plataforma, modificar los datos de nuestro usuario, subir una imagen de perfil, crear, editary subirvdeos a la web con barras de progreso, tendremos listados paginados de los videos de la plataforma, un buscador de vdeos, canales de usuarios, sistema de comentarios y mucho ms.Abordaremos el desarrollo backendde esta aplicacin partiendo desde cero, empezando por el diseo y creacin de la base de datos, elservicio REST, servicios, controladores, autenticacin basada en tokens con JWT (JSON Web Tokens), interaccin con la base de datos con Doctrine, CRUD de usuarios, vdeos y comentarios en Symfony3.Continuaremos programando la parte del cliente con Angular 2, desde lacreacin de los componentes necesarios, uso de rutas y servicios,consumo de servicios REST (mediante un API Rest programada en con Symfony) con el componente HTTP de Angular 2, trabajo con el LocalStorage,hasta la creacin y validacin de formularios, entre otras cosas.Trataremos todos los temas paso a paso y poco a poco hasta construir una aplicacin web completa de vdeos tipo YouTube, pese a esto, para aprovechar al 100% el cursote recomendara tener conocimientos en HTML, CSS y JavaScript y adems tener unas nociones bsicas en Symfony3 para hacer la parte del backend y tener unos conocimientos bsicos de Angular 2para hacer la parte del frontend.A parte de esto, en los cursos deVctor Roblesconseguirs soporte, apoyo yayudamuy rpida para que puedas conseguir todos tus objetivos.Si quieresaprender desarrollo full-stack modernosin dolor, practicandopoco a poco con los dos mejores frameworks actuales, subir de nivel en el desarrollo webcon PHP y JavaScriptyaumentar tus oportunidades laboralesEste es tu curso!chale un vistazo al programadel curso para ver todos temas que aprenders.nete al curso ysube de nivel: Aprende Desarrollo web full-stack con Symfony3 y Angular 2!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso de TypeScript - El lenguaje utilizado por Angular 2" |
"Bienvenido al curso de TypeScript, vas a aprender las bases de este lenguaje creado por Microsoft para mejorar nuestro cdigo JavaScript desde cero.TypeScript es un lenguaje que nos permite tener una orientacin a objetos ms limpia y potente en JavaScript, adems aade un tipado fuerte y es el lenguaje que utilizamos para programar aplicaciones web con Angular 2 que es uno de los frameworks ms populares para desarrollar aplicaciones modernas y escalables en el lado del cliente.TypeScript es un lenguaje libre desarrollado por Microsoft y es un superconjunto de JavaScript que gracias a las ventajas que ofrece est siendo cada vez ms utilizado.Adems es un lenguaje ""compilado"", es decir, nosotros escribimos cdigo TypeScript y el compilador (transpilador) lo traduce a cdigo JavaScript que el navegador podr interpretar. Si quieres aprender Angular 2 para desarrollar aplicaciones web SPA (sin recargar la pgina) es casi obligatorio entender TypeScript.Al finalizar el curso habrs aprendido las bases de la programacin a objetos, sabrs usar TypeScript en tus proyectos y tendrs las bases perfectas para empezar a aprender Angular 2.En el curso vamos poco a poco y mediante ejercicios prcticos veremos como instalar TypeScript, como crear variables, como usar los tipos de datos en TypeScript, como crear funciones y clases, utilizar las interfaces y la herencia entre otras cosas.A parte de esto, en los cursos de Vctor Robles conseguirs soporte y ayuda muy rpida, actualizaciones constantes con todo lo nuevo que va saliendo de Angular 2, etc.Si quieresaprender TypeScript y las bases de la programacin orientada a objetos (POO) sin dolor, practicandopoco a poco, o incluso conseguir las bases para aprender Angular 2 Este es tu curso!chale un vistazo al currculo del curso para ver todos temas que aprenders.nete al curso: AprendeTypeScript !!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"From 0 to 1: Raspberry Pi and the Internet of Things" |
"Taught by a team of electrical engineers from Stanford and IIT Madras.An Internet-Of-Things course for everyone - accessible yet serious, to take you from absolute beginner to a solid intermediate level - built around Home Automation using Raspberry Pi.This is a course is for everyone. You need not be an electrical engineer, or an engineer at all. We explain all engineering or automation concepts from absolute scratch.This is an Internet-of-Things course, not merely a Raspberry Pi course. This is important because we think too many courses end up becoming like manuals for the Raspberry Pi, or the Arduino, or some specific hardware device. This course is careful to generalizeThe course takes you to a solid intermediate level. The objective is to get you to a point where if you imagine a really cool IoT application, you will be able to independently figure out how to implement it.We focus on Home Automation using Raspberry Pi for our use-cases. This is so that you can immediately put it to use around the home (turn that music down without getting off the couch!)As with all our courses, this one too is quirky. The examples are irreverent. Lots of little touches: repetition, zooming out so we remember the big picture, active learning with plenty of quizzes. Theres also a peppy soundtrack, and art - all shown by studies to improve cognition and recall.What's Covered:Internet of Things : Sensors, Actuators, Microcontrollers, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Physical Computing, Smart homesRaspberry Pi 2 Model B Components, System on a Chip (SOC) , Input Output Interfaces, SD Card / Secondary Storage, Choice of Operating Systems, RISC/CISC Architectures, x86 vs ARM, Raspbian OS installation, Raspbian tour, Linux Shell commands overview, Installing softwares, Connecting to the InternetPhysical Computing: Sensors (Photoresistors, Ultrasonic sensors, motion sensors, temperature and humidity sensors), Relays, LEDs, Push buttons, Basics of circuit design, Ohm's law, RC circuit, GPIO pins, Serial and Parallel interfaces, UART, SPI, I2C, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), Python (RPi DOT GPIO), WiringPi, Node js (RPi-GPIO)Home Automation projects: Measuring Distance, Measuring Light Intensity, Controlling switches with sensors, Controlling switches over local and external networks"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"From 0 to 1: Design Patterns - 24 That Matter - In Java" |
"Prerequisites: Basic understanding of JavaTaught by a Stanford-educated, ex-Googler, husband-wife teamMore than 50 real-world examplesThis is an intensely practical, deeply thoughtful, and quirky take on 24 Design Patterns that matter. Lets parse that.The course is intensely practical, bursting with examples - the more important patterns have 3-6 examples each. More than 50 real-world Java examples in total.The course is deeply thoughtful, and it will coax and cajole you into thinking about the irreducible core of an idea - in the context of other patterns, overall programming idioms and evolution in usage.The course is also quirky. The examples are irreverent. Lots of little touches: repetition, zooming out so we remember the big picture, active learning with plenty of quizzes. Theres also a peppy soundtrack, and art - all shown by studies to improve cognition and recall.Lastly, the patterns matter because each of these 24 is a canonical solution to recurring problems.What's Covered: Decorator, Factory, Abstract Factory, Strategy, Singleton, Adapter, Facade, Template, Iterator, MVC, Observer, Command, Composite, Builder, Chain of Responsibility, Memento, Visitor, State, Flyweight, Bridge, Mediator, Prototype, Proxy, Double-Checked Locking and Dependency Injection.The only GoF pattern not covered is the Interpreter pattern, which we felt was too specialized and too far from todays programming idiom; instead we include an increasingly important non-GoF pattern, Dependency Injection.Examples: Java Filestreams, Reflection, XML specification of UIs, Database handlers, Comparators, Document Auto-summarization, Python Iterator classes, Tables and Charts, Threading, Media players, Lambda functions, Menus, Undo/Redo functionality, Animations, SQL Query Builders, Exception handling, Activity Logging, Immutability of Strings, Remote Method Invocation, Serializable and Cloneable, networking.Dependency Inversion, Demeters Law, the Open-Closed Principle, loose and tight coupling, the differences between frameworks, libraries and design patterns."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"From 0 to 1: Learn Java Programming -Live Free,Learn To Code" |
"Taught by a Stanford-educated, ex-Googler, husband-wife teamThis course will use Java and an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Never fear, we have a detailed video on how to get this downloaded and set up.Hundreds of lines of source code, and hundreds of lines of comments - just download and open in your IDE!A Java course for everyone - accessible yet serious, to take you from absolute beginner to an early intermediate levelLets parse that.This is a Java course for everyone. Whether you are a complete beginner (a liberal arts major, an accountant, doctor, lawyer) or an engineer with some programming experience but looking to learn Java - this course is right for you. The course is accessible because it assumes absolutely no programming knowledge, and quickly builds up using first principles aloneEven so, this is a serious Java programming class - the gradient is quite steep, and you will go from absolute beginner to an early intermediate levelThe course is also quirky. The examples are irreverent. Lots of little touches: repetition, zooming out so we remember the big picture, active learning with plenty of quizzes. Theres also a peppy soundtrack, and art - all shown by studies to improve cognition and recall.What's Covered:Programming Basics: What programming is, and a carefully thought-through tour of the basics of any programming. Installing and setting up an IDE and writing your first programThe Object-Oriented Paradigm: Classes, Objects, Interfaces, Inheritance; how an OO mindset differs from a functional or imperative programming mindset; the mechanics of OO - access modifiers, dynamic dispatch, abstract base classes v interfaces. The underlying principles of OO: encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphismThreading and Concurrency: A deep and thorough study of both old and new ways of doing threading in Java: Runnables, Callables, Threads, processes, Futures, Executors. Reflection, Annotations: The how, what and why - also the good and badLambda Functions: Functional constructs that have made the crossover into the mainstream of Java - lambda functions, aggregate operators. Modern Java constructs: Interface default methods; properties and bindings too. Also detailed coverage of Futures and Callables, as well as of Lambda functions, aggregation operators. JavaFX as contrasted with Swing.Packages and Jars: The plumbing is important to understand too.Language Features: Serialisation; why the Cloneable interface sucks; exception handling; the immutability of Strings; the Object base class; primitive and object reference types; pass-by-value and pass-by-object-reference.Design: The MVC Paradigm, Observer and Command Design Patterns.Swing: Framework basics; JFrames, JPanels and JComponents; Menus and menu handling; Trees and their nuances; File choosers, buttons, browser controls. A very brief introduction to JavaFX.Programming Drills (code-alongs, with source code included)Serious stuff: A daily stock quote summariser: scrapes the internet, does some calculations, and outputs a nice, formatted Excel spreadsheet. A News Curation app to summarise newspaper articles into a concise email snippet using serious Swing programmingSimple stuff: Support with choosing a programming environment; downloading and setting up IntelliJ. Simple hello-world style programs in functional, imperative and object-oriented paradigms. Maps, lists, arrays. Creating, instantiating and using objects, interfaces"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Break Away: Programming And Coding Interviews" |
"Programming interviews are like standard plays in professional sport - prepare accordingly. Don't let Programming Interview gotchas get you down!Programming interviews differ from real programming jobs in several important aspects, so they merit being treated differently, just like set pieces in sport. Just like teams prepare for their opponent's playbooks in professional sport, it makes sense for you to approach programming interviews anticipating the interviewer's playbookThis course has been drawn by a team that has conducted hundreds of technical interviews at Google and FlipkartWhat's Covered:Pointers: Memory layout of pointers and variables, pointer arithmetic, arrays, pointers to pointers, pointers to structures, argument passing to functions, pointer reassignment and modification - complete with visuals to help you conceptualize how things work.Strings: Strings, Character pointers, character arrays, null termination of strings, string.h function implementations with detailed explanations.Linked lists: Visualization, traversal, creating or deleting nodes, sorted merge, reversing a linked list and many many problems and solutions, doubly linked lists.Bit Manipulation: Work with bits and bit operations.Sorting and searching algorithms: Visualize how common sorting and searching algorithms work and the speed and efficiency of those algorithmsRecursion: Master recursion with lots of practice! 8 common and uncommon recursive problems explained. Binary search, finding all subsets of a subset, finding all anagrams of a word, the infamous 8 Queens problem, executing dependent tasks, finding a path through a maze, implementing PaintFill, comparing two binary treesData Structures: Understand queues, stacks, heaps, binary trees and graphs in detail along with common operations and their complexity. Includes code for every data structure along with solved interview problems based on these data structures.Step-by-step solutions to dozens of common programming problems: Palindromes, Game of Life, Sudoku Validator, Breaking a Document into Chunks, Run Length Encoding, Points within a distance are some of the problems solved and explained."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"From 0 to 1: Machine Learning, NLP & Python-Cut to the Chase" |
"Prerequisites: No prerequisites, knowledge of some undergraduate level mathematics would help but is not mandatory. Working knowledge of Python would be helpful if you want to run the source code that is provided.Taught by a Stanford-educated, ex-Googler and an IIT, IIM - educated ex-Flipkart lead analyst. This team has decades of practical experience in quant trading, analytics and e-commerce. This course is a down-to-earth, shy but confident take on machine learning techniques that you can put to work todayLets parse that.The course is down-to-earth : it makes everything as simple as possible - but not simplerThe course is shy but confident : It is authoritative, drawn from decades of practical experience -but shies away from needlessly complicating stuff. You can put ML to work today : If Machine Learning is a car, this car will have you driving today. It won't tell you what the carburetor is. The course is very visual : most of the techniques are explained with the help of animations to help you understand better. This course is practical as well : There are hundreds of lines of source code with comments that can be used directly to implement natural language processing and machine learning for text summarization, text classification in Python.The course is also quirky. The examples are irreverent. Lots of little touches: repetition, zooming out so we remember the big picture, active learning with plenty of quizzes. Theres also a peppy soundtrack, and art - all shown by studies to improve cognition and recall.What's Covered:Machine Learning: Supervised/Unsupervised learning, Classification, Clustering, Association Detection, Anomaly Detection, Dimensionality Reduction, Regression. Naive Bayes, K-nearest neighbours, Support Vector Machines, Artificial Neural Networks, K-means, Hierarchical clustering, Principal Components Analysis, Linear regression, Logistics regression, Random variables, Bayes theorem, Bias-variance tradeoffNatural Language Processing with Python: Corpora, stopwords, sentence and word parsing, auto-summarization, sentiment analysis (as a special case of classification), TF-IDF, Document Distance, Text summarization, Text classification with Naive Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbours and Clustering with K-MeansSentiment Analysis:Why it's useful, Approaches to solving - Rule-Based , ML-Based , Training , Feature Extraction, Sentiment Lexicons, Regular Expressions, Twitter API, Sentiment Analysis of Tweets with PythonMitigating Overfitting with Ensemble Learning:Decision trees and decision tree learning, Overfitting in decision trees, Techniques to mitigate overfitting (cross validation, regularization), Ensemble learning and Random forestsRecommendations: Content based filtering, Collaborative filtering and Association Rules learningGet started with Deep learning: ApplyMulti-layer perceptrons to the MNISTDigit recognition problemA Note on Python: The code-alongs in this class all use Python 2.7. Source code (with copious amounts of comments) is attached as a resource with all the code-alongs. The source code has been provided for both Python 2 and Python 3 wherever possible."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Byte Size Chunks : Java Multithreading" |
"Prerequisites: Basic understanding of JavaTaught by a Stanford-educated, ex-Googler, husband-wife teamPlease don't take this class if you have already signed up for our From 0 to 1: Learn Java Programming course (that includes a far longer and more in-depth version of this material)This is a quick and handy course with exactly what you need to know (nothing more, nothing less!) about multithreading and concurrency in JavaLets parse that.The course is quick and handy: It explains multithreading and concurrency in Java in just the right level of detail for you to put these to work today.The course has exactly what you need - nothing more, nothing less. It starts from zero, builds up the design, then gives plenty of real-world examples, but crisply and quickly.The course is also quirky. The examples are irreverent. Lots of little touches: repetition, zooming out so we remember the big picture, active learning with plenty of quizzes. Theres also a peppy soundtrack, and art - all shown by studies to improve cognition and recall.What's covered:Context: Why threading matters, and why it is getting more important as CPU architectures evolve and cloud-computing catches onThe basics: threads, processes, shared memory and inter-thread communcationOld-school Java threading: Runnable and Thread objects and using themNew-age Java threading: Callable and Future objects, executors and other servicesSemantics: the synchronized and volatile keywordsCase study: Double-checked locking and the singleton pattern"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Byte Size Chunks: Java Object-Oriented Programming & Design" |
"Prerequisites: Basic understanding of JavaTaught by a Stanford-educated, ex-Googler, husband-wife teamPlease don't take this class if you have already signed up for our From 0 to 1: Learn Java Programming course (that includes a far longer and more in-depth version of this material)This is a quick and handy course with exactly what you need to know (nothing more, nothing less!) about Object-Oriented programming in JavaLets parse that.The course is quick and handy: It explains object-oriented programming in Java in just the right level of detail for you to put these to work today.The course has exactly what you need - nothing more, nothing less. It starts from zero, builds up the design, then gives plenty of real-world examples, but crisply and quickly.The course is also quirky. The examples are irreverent. Lots of little touches: repetition, zooming out so we remember the big picture, active learning with plenty of quizzes. Theres also a peppy soundtrack, and art - all shown by studies to improve cognition and recall.What's covered:The Object-Oriented Paradigm: Classes, Objects, Interfaces, Inheritance; how an OO mindset differs from a functional or imperative programming mindset; Mechanics: the mechanics of OO - access modifiers, dynamic dispatch, abstract base classes v interfaces. Principles: The underlying principles of OO: encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphismInterfaces, abstract base classes and interface default methods Packages and Jars: The plumbing is important to understand too.Language Features: Serialisation; why the Cloneable interface sucks; exception handling; the immutability of Strings; Types: the Object base class; the instanceof operator, primitive and object reference types; pass-by-value and pass-by-object-reference."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Byte Size Chunks : Java Model-View-Controller (MVC)" |
"Prerequisites: Basic understanding of JavaTaught by a Stanford-educated, ex-Googler, husband-wife teamPlease don't take this class if you have already signed up for our From 0 to 1: Design Patterns course (that includes a far longer and more in-depth version of this material)This is a quick and handy course with exactly what you need to know (nothing more, nothing less!) about the MVC paradigm in Java.Lets parse that.The course is quick and handy: It explains the Model-View-Controller paradigm, the Command and Observer design patterns in just the right level of detail for you to put these to work today.The course has exactly what you need - nothing more, nothing less. It starts from zero, builds up the design, then gives plenty of real-world examples, but crisply and quickly.The course is also quirky. The examples are irreverent. Lots of little touches: repetition, zooming out so we remember the big picture, active learning with plenty of quizzes. Theres also a peppy soundtrack, and art - all shown by studies to improve cognition and recall.What's Covered:The MVC ParadigmObserver Design Pattern and event handlingCommand Design Pattern and action objects"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"From 0 to 1: Data Structures & Algorithms in Java" |
"This is an animated, visual and spatial way to learn data structures and algorithmsOur brains process different types of information differently - evolutionarily we are wired to absorb information best when it is visual and spatial i.e. when we can close our eyes and see itMore than most other concepts, Data Structures and Algorithms are best learnt visually. These are incredibly easy to learn visually, very hard to understand most other waysThis course has been put together by a team with tons of everyday experience in thinking about these concepts and using them at work at Google, Microsoft and FlipkartWhat's Covered:Big-O notation and complexityStacksQueuesTreesHeapsGraphs and Graph AlgorithmsLinked listsSortingSearching"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"From 0 to 1: Learn Python Programming - Easy as Pie" |
"A Note on the Python versions 2 and 3:The code-alongs in this class all use Python 2.7. Source code (with copious amounts of comments) is attached as a resource with all the code-alongs. The source code has been provided for bothPython 2 and Python 3wherever possible.What's Covered:Introductory Python: Functional language constructs; Python syntax; Lists, dictionaries, functions and function objects; Lambda functions; iterators, exceptions and file-handlingDatabase operations: Just as much database knowledge as you need to do data manipulation in PythonAuto-generating spreadsheets: Kill the drudgery of reporting tasks with xlsxwriter; automated reports that combine database operations with spreadsheet auto-generationText processing and NLP: Pythons powerful tools for text processing - nltk and others. Website scraping using Beautiful Soup: Scrapers for the New York Times and Washington PostMachine Learning : Use sk-learn to apply machine learning techniques like KMeans clusteringHundreds of lines of code with hundreds of lines of commentsDrill #1: Download a zip file from the National Stock Exchange of India; unzip and process to find the 3 most actively traded securities for the dayDrill #2: Store stock-exchange time-series data for 3 years in a database. On-demand, generate a report with a time-series for a given stock tickerDrill #3: Scrape a news article URL and auto-summarize into 3 sentencesDrill #4: Scrape newspapers and a blog and apply several machine learning techniques - classification and clustering to these"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Break Away: GMAT Verbal - Sentence Correction - 50 Original" |
"The Sentence Correction part of the GMAT is an opportunity - embrace it.Sentence corrections are the easiest section of the test to 'game'. If you know the rules, you'll score really high, if you don't you'll score really low Unlike math, reading comprehension or logical reasoning questions, sentence correction scores improve dramatically with practiceThe sentence correction questions have their own, very specific quirks - these make little sense if you are a non-native speaker - but if you understand these quirks and can spot them, you'll crack the testWhat's covered50 high-quality sentence correction problemsNo grammatical gobbledygook - simple explanations you can understandVisual highlights so that you really get why alternatives are right or wrong"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Case Studies: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Apple" |
"Conducted by an instructor who worked in Sales Finance at Google, and set up Product Finance at FlipkartWhether you are an engineer seeking to understand business, or a business/strategy person seeking to understand technology - this course is right for you.What's Covered:Case studies of Apple, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedInIn-depth analysis of the business models of these companiesLine-by-line walk through their financial statements and investor filingsProduct choices - good and bad - made by these companiesCompetitive analysis of each company: how they stack up in revenue, growth, profitability and valuation"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"From 0 to 1: C Programming - Drill Deep" |
"C Programming is still a very valuable skill - and its also surprisingly easy to pick up. Don't be intimidated by C's reputation as scary - we think this course makes it easy as pie!What's Covered:Conditional Constructs: If/else and case statements have a surprising number of little details to be aware of. Conditions, and working with relational and logical operators. Short-circuiting and the order of evaluationLoops: For loops, while and do-while loops, break and continue. Again, lots of little details to get right.Data Types and Bit Manipulation Operations, again full of little gotchas that interviewers and professors love to test. Pointers: Memory layout of pointers and variables, pointer arithmetic, arrays, pointers to pointers, pointers to structures, argument passing to functions, pointer reassignment and modification - complete with visuals to help you conceptualize how things work.Strings: Strings, Character pointers, character arrays, null termination of strings, string.h function implementations with detailed explanations.Structs and Unions: These seem almost archaic in an Object-Oriented world, but worth knowing, especially in order to nail linked list problems.Linked lists: Visualization, traversal, creating or deleting nodes, sorted merge, reversing a linked list and many many problems and solutions, doubly linked lists.IO: Both console and file IOEnums, typedefs, macros"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"C [From 0 to 1: C Programming - Drill Deep]" |
"C Programming is still a very valuable skill - and its also surprisingly easy to pick up. Don't be intimidated by C's reputation as scary - we think this course makes it easy as pie!This course is in Hindi.What's Covered:Conditional Constructs: If/else and case statements have a surprising number of little details to be aware of. Conditions, and working with relational and logical operators. Short-circuiting and the order of evaluationLoops: For loops, while and do-while loops, break and continue. Again, lots of little details to get right.Data Types and Bit Manipulation Operations, again full of little gotchas that interviewers and professors love to test.Pointers: Memory layout of pointers and variables, pointer arithmetic, arrays, pointers to pointers, pointers to structures, argument passing to functions, pointer reassignment and modification - complete with visuals to help you conceptualize how things work.Strings: Strings, Character pointers, character arrays, null termination of strings, string.h function implementations with detailed explanations.Structs and Unions: These seem almost archaic in an Object-Oriented world, but worth knowing, especially in order to nail linked list problems.Linked lists: Visualization, traversal, creating or deleting nodes, sorted merge, reversing a linked list and many many problems and solutions, doubly linked lists.IO: Both console and file IOTypedefs, macros"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"From 0 To 1:SQL And Databases - Heavy Lifting" |
"Prerequisites: No prerequisites are needed for the SQL commands and DBMS fundamentals. Basic knowledge of programming in Python would be helpful if you want to run the source code in the course-ending project.Taught by Stanford-educated, ex-Googlers. This team has decades of practical experience in quant trading, analytics and e-commerce. Your bodyguard for when data gets too big, this course is strong but friendly, funny yet deep, animated yet thoughtful.Lets parse that.Your bodyguard for when data gets too big: Most business folks (and quite a few engineers) use Excel as a basic tool of decision making and modeling, but when you can't fit the data you'd like into an Excel spreadsheet that you can easily open, its time to move to a database. The course is strong but friendly: This course will help you move to a database without being intimidated by the new environment. Don't let anyone tell you that any dataset is too large or too complicated for you to understand (and people will try, most likely)The course is funny yet deep: It goes really deep into the topics that folks often find hard to understand, such as joins, aggregate operators and interfacing with databases from a programming language. But it never takes itself too seriously:-)The course is very visual : most of the techniques are explained with the help of animations to help you understand better.This course is practical as well : Queries are explained in excruciating detail, indices are demystified, and potentially career-limiting traps (Drop, Alter) are marked with bright yellow tape markers so you can steer clear.The course is also quirky. The examples are irreverent. Lots of little touches: repetition, zooming out so we remember the big picture, active learning with plenty of quizzes. Theres also a peppy soundtrack, and art - all shown by studies to improve cognition and recall.What's Covered:SQL In Great DepthDatabase Fundamentals and Just Enough TheoryPractical Examples - Queries in MySQL and SQLite, and code in Python"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn By Example: C++ Programming - 75 Solved Problems" |
"Like a gruff uncle, C++ seems intimidating, when its just being helpful. These 75 examples will help you understand that.Let's parse that.C++ seems intimidating because all too often, what you see is not what you get.Usually, that's because C++ is trying to help you, but you don't realise that. C++ is incredibly deep, and it sometimes struggles to get you - the programmer - to understand what it's sayingThese 75 examples will help. Each is self-contained, has its source code attached, and gets across a specific C++ use-case. Each example is simple, but not simplistic.What's Included:Moving to C++ from C: If you are a C programmer, this section will run through what you need to know in order to move seamlessly to C++.Objects, Classes and Object-Oriented Programming: Access modifiers, classes, objects, the this pointer, new/delete and dynamic memory allocation gotchasOperator overloading is a particularly complicated topic - C++ is virtually alone in the ubiquity of overloaded operators. Make sure this doesn't trip you up. Also go deep into the workings of const, static and friendInheritance in C++ is considerably more complicated than in Java, mostly because of multiple inheritance, and because of the co-existence of both virtual and non-virtual methods. Templates are a classic generic programming technique that were revolutionary when first added to C++. Understand template functions and classes, as well as template specializations. STL - the Standard Template Library - is incredibly powerful. Get a good sense of collections, iterators and algorithms - the major components of the STLC++ casts are quite different than C-casts. Understand const_cast, static_cast and dynamic_cast, as well as Real Time Type Identification (RTTI), and the manner in which explicit conversions can be performed using static_castExceptions and exception handling in C++"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Java [From 0 to 1 : Learn Java Programming]" |
"Taught by a 4-person team;ex-Google; Stanford, IIM Ahmedabad, IIT This course will use Java and an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Never fear, we have a detailed video on how to get this downloaded and set up.Hundreds of lines of source code, and hundreds of lines of comments - just download and open in your IDE!A Java course for everyone - accessible yet serious, to take you from absolute beginner to an early intermediate levelLets parse that.This is a Java course for everyone. Whether you are a complete beginner (a liberal arts major, an accountant, doctor, lawyer) or an engineer with some programming experience but looking to learn Java - this course is right for you.The course is accessible because it assumes absolutely no programming knowledge, and quickly builds up using first principles aloneEven so, this is a serious Java programming class - the gradient is quite steep, and you will go from absolute beginner to an early intermediate levelThe course is also quirky. The examples are irreverent. Lots of little touches: repetition, zooming out so we remember the big picture, active learning with plenty of quizzes. Theres also a peppy soundtrack, and art - all shown by studies to improve cognition and recall.What's Covered:Programming Basics: What programming is, and a carefully thought-through tour of the basics of any programming. Installing and setting up an IDE and writing your first programThe Object-Oriented Paradigm: Classes, Objects, Interfaces, Inheritance; how an OO mindset differs from a functional or imperative programming mindset; the mechanics of OO - access modifiers, dynamic dispatch, abstract base classes v interfaces. The underlying principles of OO: encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphismThreading and Concurrency: A deep and thorough study of both old and new ways of doing threading in Java: Runnables, Callables, Threads, processes, Futures, Executors.Reflection, Annotations: The how, what and why - also the good and badLambda Functions: Functional constructs that have made the crossover into the mainstream of Java - lambda functions, aggregate operators.Modern Java constructs: Interface default methods; also detailed coverage of Futures and Callables, as well as of Lambda functions, aggregation operators and Swing.Packages and Jars: The plumbing is important to understand too.Language Features: Serialisation; why the Cloneable interface sucks; exception handling; the immutability of Strings; the Object base class; primitive and object reference types; pass-by-value and pass-by-object-reference.Design: The MVC Paradigm.Swing: Framework basics; JFrames, JPanels and JComponents; Menus and menu handling; Trees and their nuances; File choosers, buttons, browser controls.Programming Drills (code-alongs, with source code included)Serious stuff:A daily stock quote summariser: scrapes the internet, does some calculations, and outputs a nice, formatted Excel spreadsheet.A News Curation app to summarise newspaper articles into a concise email snippet using serious Swing programmingSimple stuff:Support with choosing a programming environment; downloading and setting up IntelliJ.Simple hello-world style programs in functional, imperative and object-oriented paradigms.Maps, lists, arrays. Creating, instantiating and using objects, interfaces."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn By Example: The Foundations of HTML, CSS & Javascript" |
"Closures, prototypes, JSON, the DOM, selectors, inheritance in CSS and in Javascript, and first class functions - that's what this course is about.This is not a course on Javascript frameworks - its about solid, fundamental HTML, CSS and Javascript. You'll be surprised by how much more you can get done on your web pages once you learn these technologies the right way.What do we mean by that?Relatively few folks formally learn HTML, CSS or Javascript, because its quite easy to get stuff done in these technologies in a ""quick-and-dirty way"".That ""quick-and-dirty"" way of learning and doing leads to problems over time, because Javascript and CSS are actually quite complex, so it is easy to do things the wrong wayThis course will help, because it has 75 examples, 20 in HTML/CSS and 55 in Javascript. Each is self-contained, has its source code attached, and gets across a simple, specific use-case. Each example is simple, but not simplistic.What's Included:Basic HTML: Folks stopped counting HTML as a language worth formally learning sometime in the 90s, but this is only partially justified. It always helps to have strong basics.CSS: Cascading Stylesheets are incredibly powerful, and incredibly hard to use - until you know how they really work. Once you understand inheritance and selection in CSS, it will all make a lot more sense.Javascript is a full-fledged, powerful and complicated language. Its really important to learn Javascript formally, because it is just so different from most other languages you would have encountered. For instance - Javascript has objects and inheritance but no classes.Closures in Javascript are a rather mind-bending concept - functions that ""remember"" how the world looked when they were created.Prototypes are Javascript's way of doing inheritance, and its very different from the C++/Java way of doing it.JSON is not conceptually difficult to use, but it is incredibly important, and you should understand why - because its the glue between backends written in Java or other traditional languages, and front-ends written in JavascriptThe Document-Object-Model is what ties Javascript back to HTML and CSS. Together with JSON, the DOM ties it all together from server to skin."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Byte-Sized-Chunks: Twitter Sentiment Analysis (in Python)" |
"Note: This course is a subset of our 20+ hour course 'From 0 to 1: Machine Learning & Natural Language Processing' so please don't sign up for both:-)Sentiment Analysis (or) Opinion Mining is a field of NLP that deals with extracting subjective information (positive/negative, like/dislike, emotions). Learn why it's useful and how to approach the problem: Both Rule-Based and ML-Based approaches. The details are really important - training data and feature extraction are critical. Sentiment Lexicons provide us with lists of words in different sentiment categories that we can use for building our feature set. All this is in the run up to a serious project to perform Twitter Sentiment Analysis. We'll spend some time on Regular Expressions which are pretty handy to know as we'll see in our code-along.Sentiment Analysis: Why it's useful, Approaches to solving - Rule-Based , ML-Based Training & Feature ExtractionSentiment LexiconsRegular ExpressionsTwitter APISentiment Analysis of Tweets with Python"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Byte-Sized-Chunks: Recommendation Systems" |
"Note: This course is a subset of our 20+ hour course 'From 0 to 1: Machine Learning & Natural Language Processing' so please don't sign up for both:-)Prerequisites: No prerequisites, knowledge of some undergraduate level mathematics would help but is not mandatory. Working knowledge of Python would be helpful if you want to run the source code that is provided.Taught by a Stanford-educated, ex-Googler and an IIT, IIM - educated ex-Flipkart lead analyst. This team has decades of practical experience in quant trading, analytics and e-commerce.Recommendation Engines perform a variety of tasks - but the most important one is to find products that are most relevant to the user. Content based filtering finds products relevant to a user - based on the content of the product (attributes, description, words etc).Collaborative Filtering is a general term for an idea that users can help each other find what products they like. Today this is by far the most popular approach to RecommendationsNeighborhood models - also known as Memory based approaches - rely on finding users similar to the active user. Similarity can be measured in many ways - Euclidean Distance, Pearson Correlation and Cosine similarity being a few popular ones.Latent factor methods identify hidden factors that influence users from user history. Matrix Factorization is used to find these factors. This method was first used and then popularized for recommendations by the Netflix Prize winners. Many modern recommendation systems including Netflix, use some form of matrix factorization.Recommendation Systems in Python!Movielens is a famous dataset with movie ratings. Use Pandas to read and play around with the data.Also learn how to use Scipy and Numpy"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |