Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Curso Completo de Lightroom 5" |
"Este curso tem a misso de te mostrar exatamente o que o Lightroom , na verso 5 explicar o porque todo fotografo profissional ou amador , deve ter este incrvel programa como ferramenta para guardar , editar e trabalhar com seu arquivo fotogrfico, o lightroom uma excelente maneira de escolher quais fotos sero enviadas para o cliente, tem funes excepcionais para editar arquivos raw ( arquivos brutos sem perdas ) seja sua maquina CANON, NIKON , SONY ou qualquer outra, se voc achava que o Lightroom so mais um programa de edio de fotos vai mudar de ideia depois deste curso."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Adobe Audition CC" |
"Seja Bem Vindo! Nestecurso iremos abordar as principais ferramentas do Adobe Audition CC e mostra comoeditar, tratar e adicionar efeitos ao seus udios. Duranteo curso tambm ensinaremos de uma forma simples e estruturada como eliminar rudose restaurar arquivos que voc julgava perdidos, assim como normalizar udios, prepararprojetos para TV e cinema alm de editar udios de vdeo com preciso.Aos alunos que completarem todas as lies do curso ser enviadoum certificado de concluso e estaremos disponveis para qualquer eventualduvida que surgir durante o curso.Esperamos voc no curso! Ser um enorme prazer em t-los comoalunos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de After Effects CC" |
"Seja Bem Vindo! Este curso de After Effects CC 2015 vai temostrar como criar efeitos e animaes avanadas para seu vdeo, como inserirelementos 3d, como usar track de ambiente e cmera, e ainda como adicionarefeitos impressionantes para deixar seus vdeos muito mais dinmicos einteressantes. Este curso ainda te mostrara como criar cmeras virtuais eambientes 3d, alm do uso inteligente de Chroma Key, vamos te mostrar tudo oque voc precisa para comear a trabalhar com After Effects agora.Aos alunos que completarem todas as lies ser enviado umcertificado de concluso do curso.Te espero no curso!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Premiere Pro CC : Domine o melhor editor de videos do mundo." |
"Seja Bem Vindo! O curso completo de Premiere Pro CC o melhor editor de vdeo do mercado. Conhea as ferramentas que fizeram deste o software de edio de vdeos mais usado por profissionais da TV e Cinema no mercado e ideal caso voc queira criar contedo para Youtube, Gameplays e outros canais. Durante o curso voc ir aprender a fazer desde edies simples at efeitos e transies avanadas. So mais de 40 vdeo-aulas cobrindo tudo o que voc precisa saber para ser um pro. Estarei disponvel para qualquer eventual dvida durante o curso. Um certificado ser enviado para aqueles alunos que completarem todos os mdulos. Te vejo no curso!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Criando Sites com o Adobe Muse CC 2017" |
"Seja Bem Vindo! Durante este curso de Adobe Muse iremos mostrar como funciona o programa e como voc conseguir criar um Site sem nenhum conhecimento de programao. O Adobe Muse no exige absolutamente nada de cdigo. Tudo o que voc precisa conhecer as ferramentas e soltar sua criatividade. Este curso vai te mostrar o passo a passo de como adicionar elementos de um Site, como criar paginas mestre, como adicionar efeitos e animaes (slide, vdeos e um formulrio de contato). Iremos usar tudo o que o Adobe Muse tem pra oferecer. Depois deste curso eu garanto que voc conseguira criar seus prprios sites com extrema facilidade.Estarei disponvel para qualquer eventual dvida durante o curso. Um certificado ser enviado para aqueles alunos que completarem todos os mdulos. Te vejo no curso!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Sites Responsivos" |
"Seja Bem Vindo! Nestecurso vamos criar um site responsivo, que se adapta a diferentes tipos deresoluo, seja celular, tablets ou mesmo desktops. Osrecursos mostrados neste curso servem para aplicao em qualquer tipo de sites eso imprescindveis nos dias de hoje onde muitos dos acessos aos sites so feitospor dispositivos mveis. Atravs deste curso te daremos o passo a passo paratornar seu site responsivo de uma maneira didtica e sem complicao. Aos alunos que completarem todas as lies do curso ser enviadoum certificado de concluso e estaremos disponveis para qualquer eventualduvida. Esperamos voc no curso!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Loja virtual completa com Wordpress e Woocommerce (2019)" |
"Este curso mostra todo o processo para criao de uma loja virtual com wordpress, vamos ver desde a instalao ate a configurao do plugin woocommerce,como adicionar produtos, configurar opes de pagamento, como colocar a opo de frete com os correios, e ainda como colocar um tema premium preparado especialmente para uma loja virtual voltado para e-commerce, ainda vamos ver como ajustar sua loja para melhorar o processo de vendas e estimular a visualizao de novos produtos e ainda como monitorar as visitas a sua loja virtual , como adicionar promooes com data para vencimento, como adicionar cupons de desconto, voc vai aprender a monitorar os acessos a sua loja virtual vendo quais so os periodos de maior acesso e ainda dicas para divulgar sua loja nas redes sociais, este um curso completo que ensina as configuraoes basicas e tambem a finalizao e como trabalhar com os pedidos recebidos.No perca tempo monte agora sua loja virtual sem ter que gastar uma fortuna para isso."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Criando um site para imobiliarias e corretores com Wordpress" |
"Este curso mostra como criar do zero um site para imobilirias ou corretores independentes, sem a necessidade de escrever nem uma linha de cdigo, voc vai aprender a criar um site robusto que permite um cadastro avanado de imoveis, com um design moderno e voltado para o mercado imobilirio, o site possui uma busca com mltiplas escolhas , onde possvel buscar imoveis baseados em cidade, bairro , e caractersticas especiais, ainda vamos mostrar como possvel permitir usurios e visitantes do site cadastrarem seus prprios imoveis, assim sua base de imoveis cadastrados sera grande e voc ter uma excelente ferramenta para aumentar as visitas ao seu site.Todos os arquivos necessrios sero disponibilizados e voc ver um passo a passo detalhado de como montar o site por completo.Vamos comear instalando o Wordpress e depois configuramos a pagina inicial e ento os recursos do site como cadastro de imoveis para usurios e pagina de contato avanada, mapas contendo todos os imoveis cadastrados, banners especiais, como conseguir imagens perfeitas para seu imovel e ainda voce vera como facil divulgar seu site nas redes sociais, e ainda vamos te mostrar como monitorar seu site com o google analytics e muito mais."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Domine o JavaScript" |
"Aprenda a usar o javascript para adicionar novos recursos aos seus projetos. Este curso mostra as melhores maneiras e melhores praticas par ausar o Javascript, mostramos o uso da syntax e o trabalho com o DOM, e como desenvolver e resolver erros entre plataformas, e browsers.e ainda como tomar vantagem do uso das bibliotecas javascript como jQuery e outras para tornar seu projeto ou paginas simples cada vez mais ricas, este curso mostra com linguagem simples como o javascript pode fazer uma baita diferena na sua vida como desenvolvedor."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Essential Analytics for Solo and Small Business Owners" |
"This course teaches basics of business analytics, and translates that knowledge into practical application. Students will come away from this course knowing how to apply simple analysis tools to characterize key performance measures of their business both before and after a strategic change, and to expose and quantify statistically significant results even in the most variable business climate. Students will learn that the critical need to differentiate a business introduces a complication: business strategies that work for the competitors might not work for them. A bit of trial and error is necessary. By designing a strategic approach and applying analytics as taught in this course, students will put their small or solo business on a steady upward trajectory."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Twitter Marketing: How I Got 18.000 Followers in One Month!" |
"Make sure you watch the promo video where I will show you LIVE proof of my Twitter Account LIVE with more than 17.000 followers that were built using free methods only. This is the kind of result you can expect after taking this course! We will cover everything from A to Z regarding Twitter Marketing, from Beginner to Master! I will show you how to set up your profile, how to get your first followers, engage properly in Twitter, direct traffic to your websites/blogs with Twitter and even put your list building efforts on auto-pilot! We will leave no stone unturned and cover the best tools to put your Twitter Marketing efforts almost on auto-pilot, leaving YOU more time to do other important things. All of the tools recommended will be completely free, so no need for an extra investment on your part! Skip the guess work and time that it would take you to achieve this amount of people as an audience and learn from a successful Twitter Marketing expert, with proven methods that will generate you more exposure, traffic and sales! Get lifetime access to the information that took me a long time to learn, test and track to get only the absolute best results, backed by a 30 day money back no questions asked Guarantee!See you on the inside!To Your Twitter Success,Dan"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Keyword Research: Finding Top Ranking Keywords Easily!" |
"Make sure you watch the promo video where I will uncover the one difference between failing websites and the top blogs of the industry! We will cover everything from A to Z regarding Keyword Research, from Beginner to Master! I will show you how to understand your target market, how to brainstorm for keywords, the different categories of keywords, how to expand your list and then curate it to leave only the Money Making Keywords! We will leave no stone unturned and cover the best tools to put your Keyword Research efforts almost on auto-pilot, leaving YOU more time to do other important things. All of the tools recommended will be completely free, so no need for an extra investment on your part! Skip the guess work and time that it would take you to discover the Money Making Keywords and learn from a Keyword Researcg expert, with proven methods that will generate you more exposure, traffic and sales! Get lifetime access to the information that took me a long time to learn, test and track to get only the absolute best results, backed by a 30 day money back no questions asked Guarantee!See you on the inside!To Your Keyword Research Success,Dan"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Product Creation: Your First Product in 4 Hours or Less!" |
"Develop your first informational Product following the same step-by-step proven system that I use to create new products in under 4 Hours! After taking this course you will have the ability to create products FAST and expand your Product Portfolio to start your Digital Empire, raking sales almost on auto-pilot on products that you have developed weeks, months or even years ago! With the constant increase of people buying information online, there has never been a better time to start developing your own products and establish a brand! Get lifetime access to the information that took me a long time to learn, test and track to get only the absolute best results, backed by a 30 day money back no questions asked Guarantee!See you on the inside!To Your Product Creation Success,Dan"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn Irish Gaelic" |
"If you are one of the 70 million people of Irish descent living all over our planet, then chances are your ancestors spoke Irish as their native language. If you always wanted the opportunity to reclaim your cultural heritage and learn the language of Ireland then you have come to the right place. This Learn Irish Gaelic Language course will teach you how to say who you are and how you are. You will learn some useful verbs in the present, past and future tense. You will be able to count to 20 and tell the time and you will learn the secret of the Irish preposition. You dont need to have any previous knowledge of Irish or even an aptitude for learning languages. All you need to bring to class is a sense of humour and your inbuilt imagination. So thanks for signing up to take my Learn Irish Gaelic Language course. Now, lets dig in to the secrets of your Irish or Celtic ancestors!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"How to Compose Music Like A Boss: Go From Zero to Hero" |
"Discover the Jealously Guarded Secret Method of Writing New Music!THIS COURSE IS CREATED FOR ONE SIMPLE PURPOSE :To help you start making your own original music.Whether you are a Total Newbie in Music (as in zero knowledge) and clueless on how to get started:You will gain a solid foundation on the WHATs and HOWs to Composing Music. This is a structured course that teaches you about Music Theory, Harmony and Composing Concepts. Simply put it, building your Music Skill from the ground up. Then a step-by-step walk through guide showing you hints, tips, solutions and answers when creating and putting together your first complete composition masterpiece from start to finish.Learn to compose music for any genre:Make Background MusicLoops RingtoneVideo Game Music Sound Clips for Apps/ Website/ BlogSolo Instrument Tracks for Songs or anything in betweenThere has never been better time to write your own music.Don't be put off if you don't play an instrument.With advancements of today's technology, anybody can download free softwares and create music. So there's no excuses of why you can't get started. Also include tutorials on how to use the two free softwares to make your music and share to other folks.Although not an exact how to write a song course which usually includes lyrics writing, the course focuses more on the instrumental side of composing. Songwriters will surely pick up something and benefit from the course that will make them more creative in their songwriting process.Writing and playing your own original compositions will be the most enjoyable and satisfying experience of your life. But, if you're content playing other people's stuff, then keep learning riffs, licks and songs. Eventually, at one point you'll either give up writing/composing or blame yourself for not learning it right from the start, and having regrets after you've wasted hundreds of dollars and precious years of your life, or you'll be one of the smart ones and cut years off your learning curve.The choice is yours -- Mediocrity or Mastery?All you need is the dire to write new music and the feeling that it's something that one day, you could be pretty good at. Well, if you don't give it a good try, you will die wondering.On the other side of this page is the collected knowledge of ten years of hard work and private education.Click the enroll button to invest today and let me save you the trouble and help you get the results. Once again my name is Tyrone Caballero and I can't wait to see you inside.Launch Special: The Early Bird Always Catches The Worm.Hurry! With the amount of people registering and the additions to the course, the price is going to go up very soon to $299!P.S. If you are too slow and miss out on the special LOW pricing, please don't email me asking for it. I won't make ANY exceptions. It wouldn't be fair to the people who have already joined at the lower price."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Make A Song Melody in 30 Minutes Like A Rock Star" |
"There are many ways of How to write a song. This course in particular focuses more on the melody creation first. A course inpired from the songwriting skill of the legendary singer-songwriter Sia Furler.Reveals the Possible BluePrint of Sia Furler's Song Melody Making Technique!The course discusses the music skill of Siaand how to mimick it. Then shows you the tools you need and the insane 6 simple steps of making a song melody in under 30 minutes (with anactual composition project demo:fromSTART to FINISH): from generating a piece of melody, and working around it to create a complete music composition work with accompaniments.This course is structured to give you the essential information you need tomake a song melody for your composition projects the quickest way possible.These videos are laser focused to help kick-start your music making skill effectively.While anyone interested in doing music composition can benefit from this course, it's a great fit for someone who is already an experienced musician, because making song melodies increases your music writing skill to create original compositions and helps you grow as a well rounded musician.Wondering if I'm qualified to teach you? Well, have a listen to some of my original compositions right at the curriculum section area below, videos marked ""preview"", then you decide if I'm the real deal!P.S. This course is probably not for absolute beginners with no music background knowledge. I highly suggest that you better enroll first to my other course""How to Compose Music Like A Boss""please scroll down at the bottom of this page."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Increase Your Sales Through Powerful Lead Generation Hacks" |
"As soon as youre done with this course, you will have the ability to get in front of hundreds, if not thousands, of prospects immediately . I will show you how to pull quality leads from everyday websites like Google and Craigslist. Ill also introduce you to websites that contain public information that most people dont even know exist. If youre a startup, an entrepreneur, if youre in sales or just looking to get in front of a lot of prospects, this course if for you. I will show you step-by-step, how to automate your prospecting and how to have leads emailed to your inbox everyday. Thank you for considering. Just to let you know, I offer a full money back guarantee if youre not completely satisfied. Youve got nothing to lose. Sign up today!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Copyright Law for Online Entrepreneurs" |
"This course is for anyone who has ever posted content that they created on the internet, whether its a educational course, a book, a video, a game or even a powerpoint presentation. This course covers the basics of the US Copyright Act and provides an introduction into international copyright law under the Berne Convention. Students will learn the history of copyright law, the basic tenets of copyright law, as well as the rights they have as a copyright owner. By the end of this course, the students will know how to register their copyright in the United States, which form they need to use and what to include in their copyright registration. Additionally, students will understand the benefits of registration versus the benefits of notice and be able to make an informed decision as to whether or not they want to register their copyright best for them. This course will go over the law related to online copyright protection and, at the end of the course, students will understand how the law applies to them. Additionally, they will understand the importance of the takedown letter, where they need to send the takedown notice, how and write a takedown letter that complies with the relevant law. Students will also understand the potential legal pitfalls and liability related to issuing a take down notice. Students learn how to write a cease and desist letter, when and where to send the cease and desist letter, as well as the difference between a cease and desist and a takedown notice. Students will also come away from this course with a basic understanding of the Fair Use Doctrine and why it is important. Students will learn what legal remedies they may have if someone violates their copyrights. Students will be provided information as to what they should request in a law suit related to potential remedies. At the end of this course, students will know how to protect their own copyright without having to enlist the help of an attorney!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Fire Your Phone Company: Get a Free Landline" |
"Hello everyone! Thanks so much for taking a look at my course. I am delighted to have you here.We all want to save money, or spend our money wisely. But there are some necessities that are overly expensive, and we are stuck paying for them. That's why I created Fire your phone company, an online course to walk you through the simple steps I took to replace my plain old telephone with a full featured internet phone.Forget the traditional costs of a standard land line With the large monthly fees, the two year contracts, the taxes and more taxes, the fees for directory information, and the expensive per minute charges for the actual calls. And dealing with the phone company is so complicated. Good luck understanding all your options.The phone company has modernized and uses internet telephony technologies to deliver your service, and you can too. But the charges have barely dropped, when they should have. They use tricks like contracts and bundles to keep you stuck.This course is the solution for anyone with high speed internet. That's most of us.In a few easy steps we can replace our land line with an internet phone that has no monthly fees. There are some limitations to this option, but I want to deliver on my promise of a free phone service early in the course.We will have a phone with a regular phone number, unlimited incoming minutes, free voice mail, free caller-id, free call-waiting, free directory assistance, and cheap 2 cents per minute outgoing calls to anywhere in the US and Canada. International calls are inexpensive too.911 service is not free, but for $1.50 a month I recommend you sign up.We then discuss the cheap options we can add that makes it better than the phone service you have.Fire your phone company has practical examples of the benefits of providing your own internet phone.You can get a phone number local to your family in Europe or one of 50 countries world wide, You can add as many physical phones as you want each with their own numbers and with minimal up front cost.This course is a step by step guide that will take even a beginner to the goal.You will need home internet service of sufficient speed. This means you need either DSL, cable internet, fiber Internet, or FIOS.Also you will need the specific Internet phone hardware. But don't worry, this course will tell you what to buy for under $40 at Amazon.Once you buy this course, it is yours forever. And if this course turns out to not be what you are looking for, there is a 30 day money back guarantee.I hope you will join me and Fire your phone company. Click Take this Course now, and I will see you in the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master 2-Stage Least Squares Without Any Mathematics" |
"Welcome to my on 2-Stage Least Squares (2SLS). This course is carefully designed for students/researchers who are learning 2SLS for the first time and who are not quantitatively inclined. In fact, this course is entirely NON-MATHEMATICAL! This course is perfect for learning the intuition and logic of 2SLS and its corresponding diagnostic tests before formally learning the derivation and mathematics from an econometrics course or textbook. Moreover, this course covers the application of 2SLS and its diagnostic tests using two of the most popular econometrics software packages, Stata and EViews. At the end of this course, the student will have a clear understanding of why 2SLS is used and how it is implemented, and be able to estimate a 2SLS model using empirical data."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Simplest & Easiest Course on Hypothesis Testing" |
"Want to master the Basics of Hypothesis Testing? This course is carefully designed for students who are struggling with Statistics, for those who are not quantitatively inclined, and complete beginners (newbies!) in Statistics.After completing this course, you will have a complete understanding of Hypothesis Testing for population means and will be able to easily answer exam-style questions. I teach using intuitive step-by-step explanations and assume students have absolutely no background in Statistics.In this course, I provide exam-style questions you would expect at the college and university level so you can immediately apply the concepts you've been taught. I then provide a video lecture of me working through the questions step-by-step so you can fully understand how to approach and complete them on your own. Practice exam-style questions are the key to acing your exams! No prior knowledge in Statistics is required. We start from scratch! Let me know you how bowling with your friend, Sam, teaches us the principles of Hypothesis Testing! It's so easy! Check out the preview videos and see if you like my style, and Enrol now and ace your Stats course! I guarantee you will have a complete and thorough understand of Hypothesis Testing after taking my course! You'll be teaching your friends in no time! :)If, for whatever reason, you are not satisfied with my course, no worries! You will get a 100% refund - no questions asked! So what are you waiting for? Enrol now and learn Statistics the fun (and easiest) way!Check out my Youtube channel: Quant Concepts ** Keywords: Statistics, statistics workshop, probability, university, education, college, high school, statistics tutorial, statistics tutor, hypothesis testing, hypothesis test, regressions, regression analysis, mathematics"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Hack to Guessing Multiple Choice Questions" |
"This course is carefully designed for students who occasionally turn up to exams under prepared. Using my many years of experience in writing exams, I have put together a structured system of ""guessing"" multiple choice questions (MCQs). Many questions in exams provide you with hints as to which is the correct answer. I walk you through 11 types of hints that MCQs often provide to the student, an ultimate system of guessing a MCQ even when you have absolutely no clue about the material, and a killer exam strategy to maximise your marks even if you run out of time. This is a MUST HAVE COURSE for any student about to undertake an exam in high school, college or university."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Craft a Customer Centric Value Proposition Design" |
"You need to stand out in 3 secondsThe competition is fierce and you need to be able to catch interest in less than 3 seconds and then keep it. This is true no matter if you are creating a message for a presentation, the web, a speech or a video. Most likely you do the following misstakes todayYou start a presentation with a company overview You start a presentation about your productYour webpage is all about your product You have more then 10 words on your power point slideTools the super professionals use will be yoursIn this course your will learn how to create amazing B2B Value Propositions that will not only say what you need to say but will catch the interest of the person you are trying to reach in a totally new way. I will show you 4 tools that the super professionals use and how to use them.Why should YOU take this course? No matter if you are in sales , marketing, an entrepreneur, manager or standard business Joe you will have a new way of thinking when you create your message and you will be able to better tailor it to your audience."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Global Marketing Research and Analytics" |
"This course examines the vital role of information and research in global marketing decisions. The key aim of the module is to enable students to understand the value of information, research, and analytics, the processes involved and techniques which can facilitate the collection, analysis and interpretation of marketing data and information. Special emphasis will be put in the challenges that arise when research is conducted across borders as well as specific new trends in data analysis such as dealing with (and benefitting from) big data as they apply to a range of institutions with different types and scope of activities, governance structures, and size."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"This course is designed to uncover the secrets to healthier eating and loosing weight. I have done this in a easy to follow 6 week detox programe. You can follow along step by step or take the course at your own pace. The information on this course is guaranteed to help you succeed with all your goals.I do something different to the other diets plans or books you may read. In this course I explain the science, so you can better understand what's going on in your body and why what you've been told about loosing weight isn't always true.The course is structured to make it easy to digest. But if your keen, your able to take the entire course in an evening and apply the principles across your own 6 week timeline using the information and help I have provided.I will also be adding recipe ideas along the way to make it easier for you to choose the right foods."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to successfuly complete your first triathlon" |
"Welcome To The Ultimate Guide To Your First TriathlonAre you taking part in your first triathlon?Are you looking to find out what kit you must have, Or perhaps the kit that makes you faster and where's the best place to spend your money?Would a wetsuit buyers guide be useful to you?Would you like to master swim, bike and running training technique taking advice from the pro's?Are you worried about open water swimming?If the answer is YES to the above, then your in the right place at a click of a button. This coursecovers everything you need to know to take part and be ready for your first triathlon at any distance.I take you through all the elements, looking at techniques and training advice for each discipline. We look at the kit you need, the kit that makes you faster and how to take part without owning a bike or wetsuit.By taking this course you can be**guaranteed** to turn up to your first triathlon brimming with confidence knowing you have all the right kit and understand the sport more than most new comers.I also offer advice and will respond to emails and questions from YOU.I am like you very own personal triathlon coach. I won't let you down and we can work together to ensure your super ready for your first triathlon."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Nutrition Hacks for Entrepreneurs - Get Healthy and Fit" |
"Content updated November 20151147 students enrolled in the first month100% five-star reviews---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recent reviews: ""Some really great comprehensive and informative nutrition advice that can be followed by everyone not just entrepreneurs. Some very useful hints and tips that can be put into action straight away. I've always been I into health and nutrition but even I gained a lot of new info from this course, especially in relaation to sugar and gluten - 2 things on which there is so much misinformation on out there. The guys have done a superb job putting this course together and I cannot recommend it enough""""I have always been focused the relationship of high levels of mental performance with fitness and diet. This course delves deep into gluten and refined sugars which I have always known were detrimental to my energy, but had never taken the time to do the comprehensive research needed to change my diet properly. This course is an extremely helpful shortcut to the correct path.""---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Learn how to implement two simple rules that will help you drastically improve your energy levels, lose weight and improve your long term health: stop eating gluten and refined sugar.No more counting calories, complicated diets and worrying about how much you eat.What foods to avoid What foods to focus on How to implement this in your lifeHow to make it fun and sustainable A Simple but Powerful Way to a Healthier LifestyleWhy this is a great hack for entrepreneurs like you is (1) the rules are easy to learn, (2) dont require additional time, and (3) they provide you increased energy levels in a relatively short time. Jasper and Ian both follow these rules in their own lives. Jasper lost five pounds in the first month and Ian lost over 35 pounds in nine months, both without exercising and both have much higher, more consistent energy levels than they did before. Why is excluding sugar and gluten so effective? You dont have to worry about counting calories You can eat as much as you wantAll you need to do is choose the right type of foodsYou can still have cheat meals, you dont have to become a food-extremist Its an 80-20 approach, you spend very little time and energy implementing the changes, but they will lead to a very significant results. Is it perfect?The most powerful aspect of this diet is that the simplicity makes it sustainable and easy to implement. After all, we all know whats healthy, the trick is to adopt a diet that you can stick with in the long term. Who is this course for? This course is suitable for entrepreneurs in any niche. As an entrepreneur, you don't have time to spend hours a day figuring out what to eat, counting calories and preparing your own food. You may be traveling a lot and eating out in restaurants often. You need a simple and sustainable way to improve your energy levels and stay healthy and fit. This course will teach you exactly how to do that. Course contentThrough this short and to-the-point course of 30 lectures and just over an hour of video, youll learn exactly what foods to eat and how to make the change in a sustainable, fun and efficient way. The course also provides background information as to why these rules work and make sense, as well as a very detailed overview of a daily food intake example, including all nutritional values.Go ahead and watch the promo video or some of the free preview videos and we look forward to seeing you inside! Jasper & Ian."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Get Acquired: Learn From The Head Of Acquisitions For eBay" |
"Learn the strategies and tools that you will need to sell your tech or internet business to a Fortune 500 companyLearn how to form strategic partnerships with major companies that will benefit your business tremendouslyHave a leg up to all other entrepreneurs who just hope that theyll be bought sometimeKnow exactly how to get to the finish line Learn how to incorporate an exit plan in your initial business planGet a foot into the door at Fortune 500 companies by networking effectivelySell your company for the highest priceUnderstand how youll be evaluated when you walk into that boardroomBuilding relationships with Fortune 500 companies early on is essential to build credibility for your business. Imagine how many doors will open when you can say that you partner with Amazon, eBay or Google.Learn exactly how the CEOs, heads of Mergers and Acquisitions and heads of business development companies of Fortune 500 companies evaluate companies to buy, understand what it is that they are looking for.This course teaches you from my experience running the M&A team at eBay for five years. I met with hundreds of entrepreneurs and invested over a billion dollars of capital. Youll learn from real life examples and Ill share exactly what I was looking for in companies and how I evaluated teams.To illustrate the principles of this course, well look at different type of acquisitions and different ways that entrepreneurs were successful in selling their companies. Ill also share specific case studies of companies that failed to be bought and explain what went wrong and what the mistakes were so that you can avoid these.These are all going to be pragmatic case studies, Im not going to teach you any theory, nothing academic, this is a practical course, I teach the same that I would teach someone who Id bring on my team at eBay.Course contentIll start by teaching you everything you need to know before youve even started a company or if you have a small startup already.Ill then explain why your leadership will determine the destiny of your company by studying top entrepreneurs who have sold their companies or raised billions of dollars likeKunal Bahl, CEO of Snapdeal, the largest eCommerce marketplace in India.Next Ill dive into why companies get acquired. Well look at why eBay bought Paypal and why Google bought Youtube. Well look at the synergies and how you can find these for your company.Ill also teach you how WhatsApp managed to get bought by Facebook for $19B and what that can teach you about getting the most money for your company, stuff that you wont find in any finance books.Finally, Ill tell you exactly what not to do, how not to pitch your company and the most common mistakes I see entrepreneurs make. Well look at why acquisitions fail, what can we learn from eBays unfortunate foray into telephony with Skype and eBays almost purchase ofwell thats a secret but I can still share the pitfalls with you.INSTRUCTOR DIRECT SUPPORT:Ask anyquestion and get answer right away within 24 hours or less depending on timezone -we do sleep you know ;) We are actively committed to supporting ourstudents every step of the way.30 DAYMONEY BACK GUARANTEE:Don't forget you can enroll at no risk!If this course is not for you then you can get 100% of your money back with thepress of a button- no questions asked! There is no risk to you - only upsidebenefit!TAKE ACTION - PRESS THE""TAKE THIS COURSE"" BUTTON - ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Startup Financing: Fund Your Startup Instantly and Cheaply" |
"****The insights and applicationsfrom thiscourse apply to the US, UK and Australia****Would you like to borrow $15K, $30K, $50K or even $100K of cash for your startup or small businessat interest rates of 1-3% within the next week?This course will help you do exactly that. This courseprovidesa concise, simple guide to borrowing tens of thousands of dollars at interestrates below 3% for as long as you need the moneyusing your credit card. The lead instructor for this course, Ian Bednowitz, spent years of his life consulting to different credit card companies whilehe worked at Bain & Company. He learned how the credit card companies use balance transfers to entice customers with promises of low interest rates and then lay traps for them to fall into thatmakes incredible amounts of profit for the credit card company. More importantly, he learned how to avoid those traps so he was able to borrowover $100K for his graduate educationfor over five years at interest rates of 1-2%.In this courseIanand his co-instructor Jasper Ribberswill show you how to do the same thing for your startup or small business:Learn exactly what balance transfers are and how they workFind the most attractive balance transfer offers available (US only)Get cash into your account in a matter of daysAdopt simple strategies to manage your balance transfer so you avoidthe three key traps the credit card companies set to make you pay higher ratesIncrease your credit score to get more credit to borrow and more attractive balance transfer offersYou don't need any kind of collateral for a balance transfer nor do you need to give up any ownership of your companyWhatyou need to use the lessonsfrom this course immediatelyisexperience using credit cards, a good credit score and a need for additional cash for your startup or small businessto use formarketing, additional inventory, new staff or any other project to help your business grow.This course is not for an entrepreneur who needs hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars for his or her startup or small business.INSTRUCTOR DIRECT SUPPORT:Ask any question and get answer right away within 24 hours or less depending on time zone -we do sleep you know ;) We are actively committed to supporting our students every step of the way.30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE;Don't forget you can enroll at no risk! If this course is not for you then you can get 100% of your money back with the press of a button- no questions asked! There is no risk to you - only upside benefit!TAKE ACTION - PRESS THE ""TAKE THIS COURSE"" BUTTON - ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Curso Intensivo de Ayurveda" |
"El Ayurveda es un antiguo Arte de Sanar que nos permite conocer y aceptar las energas presentes en nuestro Ser, para poder as encontrar la forma ms fcil y prctica de equilibrarlas. El Ayurveda naci para que los seres humanos podamos cumplir con el propsito de la existencia: descubrir nuestra realidad interna. Para lograrlo, necesitamos Salud. El Ayurveda nos ensea a encontrar y mantener la Salud a travs del Auto-conocimiento, la Tolerancia y el Amor.Principios fundamentales del Ayurveda Introduccin al Ayurveda. Qu es? Su origen y desarrollo.Pilares del Ayurveda. Fundamentos: Teora de los cinco elementos.Teora de los DOSHAS o Biotipos Corporales. Los 20 Atributos (o los 10 pares de Opuestos)Teoria de los 3 GunasGunas en los AlimentosCombinacin de AlimentosAgni y AmaCuidados con Productos AyurvdicosTeora de los 6 SaboresEl Proceso de la EnfermedadLas 7 MedicinasAbhyanga (Masaje Ayurvdico)Meditacin. Para qu sirve y cules son sus beneficios?Lineamientos prcticos para la vida cotidiana. Rutina diaria Ayurvdica Incorporacin de buenos nuevos hbitos.Manejo Integral del estrs: las herramientas ayurvdicasMeditacin guiada."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Ho'oponopono" |
"El Ho'oponopono es un antiguo arte hawaiano que se basa en la resolucin de conflictos y la liberacin de las emociones a travs del perdn y el amor. Ho'oponopono significa ""corregir"" o ""enmendar el error"" y nos acerca a conocernos a nosotros mismos, nuestros pensamientos y, en ltima instancia, cambiando nuestra realidad.El principal propsito de este proceso es descubrir la Divinidad dentro de uno mismo. El Hooponopono es un profundo regalo que nos permite desarrollar una mutua relacin con la Divinidad dentro de nosotros y aprender a pedir que en cada momento, nuestros errores en pensamiento, palabra, acto y accin sean limpiados. El objetivo de este proceso es esencialmente lograr la libertad, la completa libertad del pasado.Temario del Curso On-lineObjetivo del Ho'oponoponoQuines somos?La Desconexin del SerHistoria y Origen del Ho'oponoponoFilosofa HunaPrincipios Fundamentales de la Filosofa HunaPasos Para Transformar Tu VidaRitual del Ho'oponopono TradicionalMorrnah Simeona Nalamaku (Kahuna)Dr. Ihaleakala Hew LenLa Mente - Sus Tres EstadosQu son las Memorias?El rbol De Kaltaparus (Leyenda India)Confiar: El Funcionamiento De La NaturalezaMantra: 4 Palabras Que SananPalabras Gatillo100 % de ResponsabilidadLo que Creemos, CreamosLa Magia del Ho'oponoponoComo es la Prctica del Ho'oponoponoHerramientas del Ho'oponoponoLiberacin y Paz"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |