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"Homepage/Blog wirksam + erfolgreich machen (SEO-1)" |
"Wenn Sie erfolgreich im Netz als Betreiber einer Homepage (Website), als Blogger in einem Blog oder als Verkfuer in einem Webshop/Onlineshop sein wollen, dann gibt es vieles zu beachten!Sie erhalten viele Tipps und Tricks in diesem Homepage/Blog-Kurs. Sie erfahren, was Besucher mgen und nicht mgen. Sie lernen, was in ein serises und zugleich rechtskonformes Impresum gehrt. Sie lernen, wie Sie zu einem passenden Domnnamen (Domain) kommen. Denn der Erfolg beginnt mit dem richtigen Namen. Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) und zahlreiche Marketing-Tricks sind weitere Schwerpunkte des Homepage/Blog-Onlinekurses.+++ Homepage/Blog-SEO-Kurs wird stndig aktualisiert +++Damit Sie gut gefunden werden und Besucher Ihrer Webseiten zu Interessenten oder gar zu Kunden werden, darber erfahren Sie viel Neues im Homepage/Blog-Kurs.+++ Homepage/Blog-SEO-Kurs - Schritt 1 der Suchmaschinenoptimierung +++Wer heute ins Netz geht, muss sich hinten anstellen! Ich zeige Ihnen, wie Sie schneller nach vorn kommen und mehr Besucher zu Kunden machen.Besuchen Sie jetzt den Homepage/Blog-Kurs!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Homepage/Blog? - Der Top-Einstieg zum Internetmarketing" |
"Thor Alexander: Homepage/Blog? - Top-Einstieg - ohne Webseiten zu programmierenDieser Online-Kurs ist ein kompakter Leitfaden fuer erfolgreiches Auftreten im Netz bei Website, Homepage, Onlineshop und Blog.Neuer Kompaktkurs vom Autor des Homepagebuchs+++ Letzte Aktualisierung am 21.12.2015 +++Egal ob Sie Webseiten erstellen oder ob Sie keine Webseiten erstellen wollen, erfahren Sie in diesem Kurs vom Homepagebuch- und Googlebcher-Autor aus erster Hand, was als knftiger Webseitenbetreiber fr die eigene Website/Homepage, den eigenen Onlineshop oder den eigenen Blog wichtig ist.Vom richtigen Domnnamen bis zum korrekten ImpressumIm Kurs erfahren Sie das Wichtigste zum Thema Gestaltung von Homepages, Blogs etc. Dieser Kurs ist fr diejenigen geeignet, die sich schnell in das Thema einarbeiten wollen, ohne sonderlich in die Breite zu gehen. Schwerpunkte im Homepage/Blog-Kurs sind die Themen Richtiger DomnnameWebhostingKonzepte der WebseitengestaltungKostenloses und rechtskonformes ImpressumSchritte bei der Inhaltsfindung, d.h. wie kommen Sie vom leeren Blatt zur vollen Seite.Was knnen Sie nach dem Homepage/Blog-Kurs tun?Webseiten erstellen - das knnen Sie nach Absolvierung dieses Einstiegskurses nicht. Denn hier geht es nicht um HTML und CSS. Aber Sie werden wissen, auf was es bei der Webseitenerstellung bzw. Webseitengestaltung ankommt.Nach dem Kurs werden Sie in der Lage sein, gute von schlechten Domnennamen zu unterscheiden, Webseiten sensibler zu betrachten und wissen, was zu einem serisen und rechtskonformen Impressum gehrt. Sie knnen sich die eigene Anbieterkennzeichnung kostenlos selbst zu besorgen. Egal ob Sie einen Blog, einen Onlineshop oder eine Website/Homepage betreiben mchten, der richtige Webhoster ist ein wichtiger Dienstleister. Sie erfahren, worauf bei den monatlichen Kosten und bei der Webhosterwahl zu achten ist.Und wenn dann Ihre Website/Homepage, Ihr Onlineshop oder Ihr Blog noch besser gefunden werden sollen, dann schauen Sie in meinen Online-Kurs zum Thema Suchmaschinenoptimierung rein.Fr alle Anderen, die in rund einer Stunde erfahren mchten, was das Wichtigste bei einem eigenen Netzauftritt (Website/Homepage, Onlineshop, Blog) ist, jenen empfehle ich diesen Kurs.Das schrieben Teilnehmer zum Homepage-/Blog-Kurs""Der Kurs gefllt mir sehr gut. Es wird erklrt, was fr eine eigene Homepage bzw. Blog wichtig ist. Ich bekam viele neue Tipps. Ich kann den Kurs empfehlen, da er fr jeden geeignet ist.""""Alles gut verstndlich erklrt!""Als Ergnzung zum Webshop-Kurs empfehle ich folgende Online-Kurse:Online verkaufen und 5.000 monatlich verdienenRechtskonformes Impressum selbst erstellen5 x Webanalyse per Google - kostenlose WebstatistikenVom perfekten Domnnamen zur erfolgreichen DomnstrategieWenn Sie mit Ihrer Homepage bzw. mit Ihrem Weblog Erfolg haben mchten, dann besuchen Sie jetzt meinen Homepage/Blog-Kurs!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Suchmaschinenoptimierung kompakt - kostenloses SEO" |
"Thor Alexander: Suchmaschinenoptimierung kompakt - kostenloses SEOSo kommen Sie bei Google nach vorn und bei Besuchern besser an.+++ Letzte Aktualisierung des SEO-Kurses am 21.12.2015 +++Neuer Kompaktkurs vom Autor des ""Homepagebuch - kompakt""Egal ob Sie einen Blog, einen Onlineshop oder eine Homepage betreiben, dieser Kurs vermittelt verstndlich das wichtigste zum Thema Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO). Egal, ob Sie sich mit Suchmaschinenoptimierung auskennen und schon einiges wissen, hier erfahren Sie grundlegendes, nmlich:+++ Wie Sie auf Seite 1 bei Google kommen +++In 27 Video-Lektionen, auf 31 Folien, in 1,5 Stunden beschreibe ich folgende Themen der Suchmaschinoptimierung (SMO/SEO):Was ist bei der Wahl der richtigen Domne zu beachten?Welche Auswirkung hat die Ladezeit Ihrer Webseiten? Was hat die Ladezeit mit SEO zu tun?Was sind wichtige Metatggs?Wie findet man passende Schlagwrter?Wie knnen Mens und Inhalte optimal gestaltet werden? Welche gibt es?Welche Linkarten haben welchen Nutzen?Zudem erfahren Sie, was es mit den drei Sulen der Suchmaschinenoptimierung auf sich hat und welche Mglichkeiten der Webstatistik und Besucherauswertung sinnvoll sind. Sie werden erfahren, was Suchmaschinen nicht mgen und wie Sie eine SMO/SEO besten durchfhren.Als Ergnzung zum Suchmaschinenoptimierung-Kurs empfehle ich folgende Online-Kurse:Online verkaufen und 5.000 monatlich verdienenRechtskonformes Impressum selbst erstellen5 x Webanalyse per Google - kostenlose WebstatistikenVom perfekten Domnnamen zur erfolgreichen DomnstrategieWenn Sie besser gefunden werden wollen, dann besuchen Sie jetzt meinen SEO-Kurs zur kompakten Suchmaschinenoptimierung mit kostenlosen Hilfsmitteln!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"5 x Webanalyse per Google - kostenlose Webstatistiken" |
"Thor Alexander: 5 x Webanalyse per Google - kostenlose WebstatistikenKompakter Leitfaden ber Webstatistik und Webanalyse sowie darber, was Ihre potentiellen Kunden machen und nicht machen+++ Letzte Aktualisierung am 06.02.2016, neue Lektion ber Unterdrckung von Datensendungen an Google +++Webanalyse, Webstatistik, Besucheranalyse, Besucherstatistik, BesucherauswertungWenn Sie erfahren mchten, was Besucher Ihrer Webseiten tun und wenn Sie wissen mchten, wie Besucher im Internet suchen, dann sind Sie hier genau richtig. Die Besucherauswertung bzw. Webanalyse ist auch unter anderen Begriffen wie Webstatistik, Besucheranalyse, Besucherstatistik bekannt.+++ Vorstellung von 5 kostenlosen Googlediensten zur Webanalyse +++Dieser Webanalyse-Kurs beschreibt die kostenlosen Mglichkeiten, die Google bietet, um Ihnen zu helfen, mehr Besucher auf Ihre Webseiten zu locken. Dieses Wissen ist Grundvoraussetzung fr eine sptere Suchmaschinenoptimierung. Denn wie wollen Sie etwas optimieren, wenn Sie nicht wissen, was Besucher von Ihnen erwarten, wie Besucher agieren oder welche Begriffe potentielle Interessenten zum Suchen verwenden.Fr wen ist Webstatistik interessant?Dieser Webanalyse-Kurs wendet sich an alle Webseitenbetreiber und interessierte Webanalysten, die nicht unbedingt eigene Webseiten betreiben mssen.Im Kurs erfahren Sie an praktischen Beispielen, ob und wie Sie GoogleRelated, GoogleSuggest, GoogleTrends, GoogleKeywordPlaner, GoogleWebmasterTools und GoogleAnalytics nutzen knnen.Wenn Sie mehr Besucher und mehr Umsatz mit Ihren Webseiten erzielen mchten, dann zeigt Ihnen dieser Webanalyse-Kurs einige Mglichkeiten, Ihre (potentiellen) Besucher besser zu verstehen.Als Ergnzung zum Webanalyse-Kurs empfehle ich folgende Online-Kurse:Suchmaschinenoptimierung kompakt - kostenloses SEORechtskonformes Impressum selbst erstellenVom perfekten Domnnamen zur erfolgreichen DomnstrategieBesuchen Sie jetzt meinen Online-Kurs: 5 x Webanalyse per Google - kostenlose Webstatistiken!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Video-Blogging: Bei YouTube & Co. mit Bloggen Geld verdienen" |
"+++ Video-Blogging-Kurs zuletzt aktualisiert am 02.03.2016 +++In diesem Blogging-Kurs werden Sie in die Welt des Bloggens eingefhrt. Wie Sie mit Videos und mit einem Videoblog Geld verdienen, das erfahren Sie in diesem Kurs.Wenn Sie erfahren mchten, ob das bloe Verffentlichen der eigenen Videos bei YouTube ausreicht, dann erfahren Sie im Kurs, dass dies nicht der optimale Weg. Zudem lernen Sie noch weitere Videoplattformen kennen, auf denen Sie Ihre Videos verffentlichen knnen.Sie erfahren, was Webtagebcher sind und was einen guten Blogger ausmacht.+++ Videoblog betreiben, YouTube als Vertriebskanal +++Sie knnen sich das Skript herunter laden. Es enthlt wichtige Links, z.B. fr kostenloses Bloggen und fr weiterfhrende Informationen.Wenn Sie erfahren mchten:welche ber welche Themen Sie Videos drehen solltenwas beim Video drehen beachtet werden solltewie man einen guten Ton hinbekommtwelche Alternativen zu einem Videoblog bei YouTube sonst noch zu bemerken sindDann besuchen Sie auch meinen Kurs: Video-Blogging: Bei YouTube & Co. mit Bloggen Geld verdienenAls Folge- und Vertiefungskurs empfehle ich: 30 Tricks zu YouTube-SEO. Per Video-Marketing 2000 /Monat.Hier dreht sich alles um das Besser-gefunden-werden bei YouTube und finanziell noch mehr aus den verffentlichten Videos herauszuholen.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Aktualisierungshistorie +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++11.02.2016 Verffentlichung des Videoblogging-Kurses18.02.2016 Skript aktualisiert02.03.2016Neuer Link bei Lektion ""Video herunterladen""Neue Lektion ""Links aus Abschnitt Youtube-Tricks""Skript aktualisiert"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"TYPO3 - Schnelleinstieg fr Nutzer" |
"Thor Alexander: TYPO3 - Schnelleinstieg fr NutzerIch erklre die Bedienung des CMS TYPO3. Sie knnen ohne eigenes Redaktionssystem bzw. ohne eigne TYPO3-Homepage mitmachen, wenn Sie fr einen kleinen Betrag den Zugang zum Lernsystem des Autors beantragen. (Dies ist ntig, da die Vergtung von Udemy die Server- und Admin-Kosten nicht deckt.)+++ Letzte Aktualisierung des TYPO3-Kurses am 22.12.2015 und der Beschreibung am 30.08.2018 +++Internet-Verffentlichungen ohne HTML-KenntnisseWer TYPO3 als Nutzer bedienen mchte, ist in diesem Kurs willkommen - egal ob Sie bereits eine TYPO3-Homepage haben oder noch nicht. (Zugang zum Lernsystem kann beantragt werden. TYPO3-Homepages gibt es bei guten Webhostern nicht kostenlos, sondern inklusive.)Einstndiger Kompaktkurs zum TYPO3 CMSIn rund einer Stunde und 18 Lektionen wird das Wichtigste zur Bedienung des bekannten Redaktionssystems fr Nutzer vermittelt. Dazu werden die Handgriffe zuerst per Video gezeigt und erklrt. Anschlieend knnen Sie diese Handgriffe nachmachen.Der Online-Kurs beginnt mit einem berblick ber Redaktionssysteme und TYPO3 in drei Minuten. Anschlieend erfahren Sie das Wichtigste zu den TYPO3-Benutzereinstellungen, lernen Dateien und Bilder hochzuladen, neue TYPO3-Seiten anzulegen und zu ndern. Den Groteil des TYPO3-Kurses nimmt die Gestaltung der Inhalte ein: berschriften, Texte, Links, Bilder und deren Beeinflussung (Gestaltung).Was gibt es noch im TYPO3-Kurs?Zum Kursende erhalten Sie die Regeln fr eine gute Webseitengestaltung mit TYPO3 auf einer Folie zusammengefasst. Das Skript knnen Sie sich (wie immer bei Thor-Alexander-Kursen) kostenfrei herunterladen.Als Nutzer anderer TYPO3-VersionenDieser TYPO3-Kurs setzt auf die TYPO3-Version CMS 6.2 auf. Die TYPO3-Versionen 4.4, 4.5, 4.6 und 4.7 sind hnlich zu bedienen sowie 7.x. Daher kann dieser Kurs auch zum Einarbeiten als Nutzer in die anderen TYPO3-Versionen genutzt werden. Die neueren TYPO3-Versionen im Zweig 8 und 9 sind bezglich der Oberflche so hnlich wie das Lernsystem des Autors, welches in der 7.6.-Version luft (Zugang kostet eine kleine Pauschale, um den Zusatzaufwand zu decken).Als Ergnzung zum TYPO3-Kurs empfehle ich folgende Online-Kurse:Homepage/Blog - Der Top-EinstiegRechtskonformes Impressum selbst erstellen5 x Webanalyse per Google - kostenlose WebstatistikenWenn Sie TYPO3 richtig verstehen und effizient bedienen wollen, dann besuchen Sie jetzt meinen TYPO3-Kurs!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Online verkaufen, 5.000 monatlich verdienen per Onlineshop" |
"Thor Alexander: Online verkaufen und 5.000 monatlich verdienenErfolgreich und ohne Stress online verkaufen per Internetladen, Internetshop, Onlineshop, Webshop, E-Shop+++ Mit diesem Kurs sparen Sie sich nicht jeden Anwaltsbesuch, aber die meisten. Eine Grundberatung beim Anwalt kostet lt. 34 RVG ab 190 +++Unabhngig, wo Sie im Netz Ihre Waren verkaufen wollen, es gelten immer die gleichen Regeln. Sie mssen Gesetze beachten, sonst droht Ungemach. Sie sind selten der Erste und mssen sich gegenber Interessenten und Kunden noch beweisen. Was wichtig und zu beachten ist sowie wie Sie erfolgreich und mit wenig Stress Ihre Waren an dem Mann bringen, das lernen Sie in diesem Kurs.+++ Online-Kurs wird stndig aktualisiert, zuletzt am 27.01.2016 durch u.a. Lektion ""Gerichtsurteile"" +++Wenn Sie monatlich 5.000 durch Onlineverkufe und ber den eigenen Webshop verdienen wollen, dann gilt es wenig Zeit und Energie zu verschwenden und zielstrebig auf Ihr Ziel hinzuwirken.Mein Onlineshop-Kurs hilft Ihnen, Ihr Ziel schneller zu erreichen, indem Sie Fehler Anderer vermeiden. Sie erfahren, worauf Sie achten sollten sowie wie Besucher und knftige Kunden ticken.Als Ergnzung zum Webshop-Kurs empfehle ich folgende Online-Kurse:NACHFOLGEKURS: Homepage/Blog wirksam und erfolgreiche (SEO-1)Rechtskonformes Impressum selbst erstellen5 x Webanalyse per Google - kostenlose WebstatistikenVom perfekten Domnnamen zur erfolgreichen DomnstrategieBesuchen Sie jetzt meinen Webshop-Kurs: Online verkaufen und 5.000 monatlich verdienen!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"30 Tricks zu YouTube-SEO. Per Video-Marketing Geld verdienen" |
"+++ Neuer Kurs zu YouTube-SEO und Videomarketing +++ Zuletzt am 14.02.2016 aktualisiert +++Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) bei einem Videoportal?Wer bei YouTube Geld verdienen oder auch nur Aufmerksamkeit (Reichweite) gewinnen mchte, der muss sich mit Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) und Marketing beschftigen.Dieser Kurs ergnzt meinen Basiskurs: Video-Blogging: Bei YouTube & Co. mit Bloggen Geld verdienen.+++ SEO-Secrets, Marketingtipps - verffentlicht am 08.02.2016 +++In meinem Kurs stelle ich alle mir bekannten Tricks, Geheimtipps und Marketingtipps vor, um das Maximum aus Videos herauszuholen, um bei YouTube noch mehr Besucher auf seinen Kanal zu ziehen und durch Werbung Geld zu verdienen, 2.000 pro Monat und mehr.Wenn Sie erfahren mchten:welche ber welche Themen Sie Videos drehen solltenwas beim Video drehen beachtet werden solltewie man einen guten Ton hinbekommtwelche Alternativen zu einem Videoblog bei YouTube sonst noch zu bemerken sindDann besuchen Sie auch meinen Kurs: Video-Blogging: Bei YouTube & Co. mit Bloggen Geld verdienen"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Vom perfekten Domnnamen zur erfolgreichen Domnstrategie" |
"Thor Alexander: Vom perfekten Domnnamen zur erfolgreichen DomnstrategieAlles ber Domnnamen - Welche Kriterien sollen Domnen erfllen? - Wie knnen Domnen vor Mitbewerbern schtzen?Die richtigen Domains sind die Basis fr mehr Erfolg im NetzDieser Kurs ist ein Muss fr Alle, die den perfekten Domnnamen suchen oder mit Domains Geld verdienen wollen.Doch was macht einen guten Domnnamen (engl. Domain-Name) aus? Im Domains-Kurs erfahren Sie alles ber den perfekten Domain-Namen, ber die Arten von Domains, ber TLD und neue generische Domnen.Sie erhalten viele Vorschlge, um knftig fr Ihren Netzauftritt den am besten passenden Domain-Namen zu finden, egal ob fr Website, Homepage, Blog oder Webshop.Zudem wird erklrt, wo Sie Ihre neue Domains registrieren knnen. Sie lernen, was eine gute Domnstrategie ausmacht und wie Sie von Mitbewerbern einfach profitieren knnen.Und wenn Sie mit Domains Geld verdienen mchten.. auch kein Problem! Eine spezielle Lektion beschftigt sich mit dem Kaufen/Verkaufen von Domains sowie Domnhandelspltzen. Sie erfahren, was die teuerste jemals verkaufte Domne ist sowie aktuelle Spitzenpreise bei Domains.Als Ergnzung zum Webshop-Kurs empfehle ich folgende Online-Kurse:Online verkaufen und 5.000 monatlich verdienenRechtskonformes Impressum selbst erstellen5 x Webanalyse per Google - kostenlose WebstatistikenVorbeischauen im Domains-Kurs lohnt sich. Besuchen Sie jetzt diesen Online-Kurs.Allerdings verwende ich im Kurs nur das deutsche Wort fr Domains - nmlich Domne."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Rechtskonformes Impressum selbst erstellen" |
"+++ Letzte Aktualisierung am 13.02.2016 durch neue Lektion Urheberrecht und Zitatrecht +++Thor Alexander: Rechtskonformes Impressum selbst erstellenWie kommen Sie kostengnstig zu einem korrekten Impressum? Haben Sie die richtigen AGB und eine umfassende Datenschutzerklrung? Wie verhlt es sich mit der Haftungsfreistellung?+++ Mit dem Impressum-Kurs sparen Sie nicht jeden Anwaltsbesuch, aber den wichtigsten. Eine Grundberatung beim Anwalt kostet lt. 34 RVG ab 190 +++Sie erfahren, welche Angaben ins Impressum gehren. Auch fehlende Datenschutzhinweise fhrten jngst zu Abmahnungen. Sie lernen sich, passende Datenschutzerklrungen selbst zu besorgen.+++ Viele ntzliche Links, die bares Geld sparen +++Und wenn das Kind dann doch mal in den Brunnen gefallen ist, erfahren Sie, wie Sie sich nach dem Empfang einer Abmahnung verhalten und ggf. wehren knnen. Zuvor wird aber die Frage geklrt, welche Bedeutung Abmahnungen haben.Als Ergnzung zum Impressum-Kurs empfehle ich folgende Online-Kurse:Online verkaufen und 5.000 monatlich verdienen5 x Webanalyse per Google - kostenlose WebstatistikenVom perfekten Domnnamen zur erfolgreichen DomnstrategieSetzen Sie sich nicht unntig einem Risiko aus und besuchen Sie jetzt meinen Online-Kurs: Rechtskonformes Impressum selbst erstellen!Historie neuer LektionenLink- und Skriptkorrekturen sind hier nicht aufgefhrt!13.02.2016: Urheberrecht und Zitatrecht"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Incorporate Your Business On Your Own" |
"JOIN 900+ STUDENTS WHO HAVE ALREADY SAVED MONEY BY LEARNING TO INCORPORATE THEIR BUSINESS ON THEIR OWN! Are you thinking of starting a business but don't know where to start?If you find yourself on this page, that means you have already taken the first step toward starting your business.Starting a business is already a confusing process, so why complicate the matter further by adding high fees from attorneys when you can do it on your own?Our course cuts down the middleman and provides easy and convenient instructions for businesspersons and entrepreneurs who are starting a business.This course is a quick and easy overview of the 7 necessary steps you need to take toincorporateyour business. I will teach you how to form your own Limited Liability Company (LLC) or Corporation without a lawyer, choose a name, file a fictitious business name, file Articles of Organization or Articles of Incorporation, create Operating Agreement or Bylaws, apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN), file Statement of Information, and how to get business licenses and permits. By enrolling in this course, you can get all of your questions answered by a business lawyer. Student review by Tom Arnett, Valuable information - Great step by step instructions to incorporate a company Student review by Max Kelton, ""Very Informative and Straight Forward! I was looking for some help with LLC's and Corporations and ran across this program and ended up using all the lessons. Worth every penny! WHO AM I?My name is Sam and Im a business lawyer in Los Angeles who represents entrepreneurs and business owners with their new and existing businesses.As a business owner and entrepreneur for over a decade, I have found the legal aspect of business to be daunting and confusing.After consulting and teaching business law for many years, I decided to combine my passion in video production and teaching to create online courses to make the legal aspects of business as easy and approachable as possible.I have a strong passion in sharing my secrets and I hope to inspire you to succeed in your business. I know your time is valuable so I dont fill up my courses with useless jargon you only get the necessary information you need to succeed.Sign up and find out for yourself why so many people are taking and recommending my courses.COURSE TOPICSNaming your business - how to search and find the best name for your businessFiling a fictitious business name - if you are operating your business under a name that is different than the one you incorporate underFiling Articles of Organization or Articles of Incorporation - the first formal step necessary in incorporating your businessCreating an Operating Agreement or Bylaws - an agreement among the members of your business governing member duties and obligationsGetting an Employer Identification Number (EIN) - a number assigned by the IRS that is used for most of your business needsFiling a Statement of Information - a necessary form that needs to be filed every 2 years; think of this as a yearly census for your businessGetting business licenses and permitsWHAT YOU GETOver 20 video lectures clearly explaining the steps necessary in starting your business!Lifetime access, ask questions, and see the newest information available about incorporating your business!Templates and forms necessary to creating a businessVideo overlay of a California lawyer personally teaching youUnlimited Questions You Can Get Answered by a Business AttorneyQuick Actionable Resources & Links to help you quickly incorporate your businessCertificate of CompletionDiscounts on future courses30-Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with our course for any reason whatsoever, we will offer you a full refund. No questions asked.Thank you for making this the best selling incorporation course on Udemy! I show my gratitude by consistently making new lectures and answering your legal questions in the course discussion!What are you waiting for?Every day you wait is costing you money!Dont forget that this course is covered by Udemys 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - so you dont have anything to lose. Enroll right now!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"How to Hire Independent Contractors and Freelancers" |
"JOIN 1,250+ STUDENTS HIRING AND LEGALLY WORKING WITH INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS TO SAVE MONEY & TIME Do you work with independent contractors or freelancers?Do you want to avoid getting in trouble with the law and the IRS?In an easy and actionable course, I'll show you the necessary steps you need to take to hire independent contractors.I'm a business lawyer and I have years of experiencing guiding people on how to legally hire independent contractors while staying away from legal trouble. If you find yourself on this page, that means youve already taken the first step in hiring independent contractors and freelancers to help your business. Entrepreneurs usually use independent contractors for specialized, short-term work and its a great way to try out a worker before committing to a longer term. In this course, I will clearly explain how to legally hire independent contractors and freelancers for your business and explain and even provide the contracts and forms you need in hiring freelancers. WHY DO I NEED TO TAKE THIS COURSE?You can save considerable amount of money by classifying a worker as an independent contractor rather than an employee. However, the Department of Labor and the IRS target businesses that use independent contractors. There are some associated risks of working with independent contractors. Employer misclassification of employees as independent contractors, either inadvertently or to avoid taxation and regulation, is widespread but very risky. In many states, you can face heavy violations for misclassifying employees as independent contractors. By enrolling in this course, you can get all of your questions answered by a business lawyer.Dont take the risk of hiring or maintaining independent contractors until youve taken this course. Student review by Joe Mob, Efficient and qualitative information - easy to grasp content and detailed analysis of application of concept to hire independent contractor... great teacher"" Student review by Riv Rah, What a great course! Very clear and concise, straight to the point.""This course iseasyandsimpleto understand andactionablethat you can use to immediately hire independent contractors.COURSE TOPICSWho is an independent contractor, freelancer or consultant - what kind of workers are considered independent contractorsBenefits and risks of hiring independent contractorsHow to determine independent contractors vs. employees - tests for determining independent contractorsQuiz on determining independent contractors vs. employeesIndependent Contractor Agreement - what is an independent contractor agreement and who needs one. The course comes with a complete sample independent contractor agreement for immediate use.Forms you need to hire independent contractors, including W-9 form and Form 1099-MISC and Form DE 542Top 3 tips about hiring independent contractors you need to know before hiring freelancersBONUSReady Sample Independent Contractor Agreement you can use immediately to hire independent contractorsForms W-9, 1099-MISC, and DE 542 which you need to legally hire independent contractorsGet All of Your Legal Questions Answered by a Business Attorney by enrolling this courseWHAT YOU GETOver 17 video lectures clearly explain the steps necessary in hiring independent contractorsLifetime access, ask questions, and see the newest information available about legally hiring independent contractors!Ready Sample Independent Contractor Agreement you can use immediately to hire independent contractorsUnlimited Questions You Can Get Answered by a Business AttorneyCertificate of CompletionDiscounts on future courses30-Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with our course for any reason whatsoever, I will offer you a full refund. No questions asked.Thank you for making this the best selling independent contractor course on Udemy! I show my gratitude by consistently making new lectures and answering your legal questions in the course discussion!What are you waiting for?Every day you wait is costing you money!Dont forget that this course is covered by Udemys 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - so you dont have anything to lose. Enroll right now!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"How to Hire Content Writers and Copywriters" |
"JOIN 1,978+ STUDENTS WHO ARE GROWING THEIR ONLINE BUSINESS BY HIRING CONTENT WRITERS TO MARKET & GROW THEIR BUSINESS! Do you want to free up more time and be more productive?Content writers are professional writers who produce engaging content in many forms for your website. In 2016, theres no better way to build your business than to create and market online content.In this course, I will teach you the step-by-step process on how to find and hire the perfect content writer for your business. I'll include all of the template emails I use to hire and communicate with my writers.I know your time is valuable. So I didn't fill up this course with useless jargon youll only get the necessary information you need in being more productive with your time.This course iseasyandsimpleto understand andactionablethat you can use to immediately hire content writers to free up more time and be more productive. Student review by Robert P. Gasparro, One of the best on Udemy - The content was valuable, the production quality was excellent, the presentation was engaging. Student review by Ghaith Alghaith, ""Great and easy to follow - Highly professional course, in terms of structure, content, accuracy and explanation. Sam is a great instructor, definitely recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn step by step how to work with Content Writers."" Student review by Suman Bhaumik, ""Great course - It's been a pleasure to be a part of this course. The instructor has a good experience with the hiring process and also replies to any queries clearing up one's doubts. The hiring of content writers is a subtle process but yet the whole digital marketing of a company is based on good contents. So it's important to hire good content writers. This course will help anybody who is looking for good quality writers."" COURSE TOPICSWhy You Should Hire a Content Writer - the necessary ways how a writer can help your website and businessThe Right People to Work With - what you should look for when hiring content writersWhat Can a Content Writer Do For You - various tasks a content writer can do for youWhat Kind of Content Should You Expect - what kind of content should you ask your writer forWhy Content Matter - is content really king?Where to Find Content Writers - the best places to find your content writersStep-by-Step Process in Finding and Hiring the Perfect Writer - clear instructions and sample templates to help you hire and manage your content writer The Secrets to Success - super important lessons to look for when hiring content writersSources & Links to Help You Work with Content Writers - necessary tools to help you manage your writers WHAT YOU GETOver 17 video lectures clearly explaining the steps necessary in hiring and managing your content writers!Lifetime access, ask questions, and see the newest information available about hiring content writers to grow your online business!Template emails necessary to hiring your first content writerQuick actionable resources & links to help you efficiently and successfully hire and manage your writersCertificate of CompletionDiscounts on future courses30-Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with our course for any reason whatsoever, I will offer you a full refund. No questions asked.Thank you for making this the best selling how-to for hiring content writers course on Udemy! I show my gratitude by consistently making new lectures and answering your questions in the course discussion!What are you waiting for? Every day you wait is costing you money!Dont forget that this course is covered by Udemys 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - so you dont have anything to lose. Enroll right now!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"15 Essential Revenue Streams for Music Artists" |
"JOIN 1,520+ MUSIC ARTISTS WHO HAVE LEARNED HOW TO MAKE MONEY AS A MUSIC ARTIST! TURN YOUR PASSION INTO MONEY!As a music artist, youre owed money whenever the music is purchased, streamed, covered, played on the radio, performed in public, heard on YouTube, or sampled.In this easy and actionable course, you'll discover the necessary steps you need to make money from music.Every day around the world, artists produce music but dont earn their maximum earning potential. Your songs can generate money and royalties for your entire life. In fact, in 2012, more that $1 billion dollars in music publishing royalties went undistributed due to missing or unverified data.You need to make sure those earnings have no problem finding you. Youre entitled to these royalties every time gets played, purchased, or streamed. Today, music artists have more opportunities than ever to make significant income from their songs. While artists want to concentrate on their craft, making an income from your passion is the hardest aspect of the music industry.Having access to information online doesnt equal understanding; and just because you CAN make money from your music doesnt mean you know HOW to do it. This is where this course comes in!Learn the 20 best ways to make money from music. I will clearly explain each method and give practical tips you can use to make money from your music. Student review by Margaret Lovell, This is a great course about Music Marketing - Sam discusses copyright and what that entails, plus he discusses contemporary ways of marketing one's music, in particular, through online channels. It's a perfect starter course. Student review by Medi Farshidfar, This course was really great. I got familiar with many online platform to sell my music online. The instructor went through all the websites and gave a detailed instruction."" WHO AM I? Im a music lawyer in Los Angeles and I have years of experience working with music artists with their career. I completely understand how tough it is as an artist. I have been a producer and musician for the last 15 years and I live and breath music just as much as you. I frequently give lectures on music law so I decided to combine all of my teachings and share my secrets in this course. COURSE TOPICSHow to Register Your Music for Copyright - Prevent someone else making money from your musicMusic Copyright, Who Owns a Song, Collaborations, and What Music Copyright Doesnt CoverPoor Mans Copyright - does it work?How to Get Paid Performance Royalties from Performing Rights Organizations - make money every time your music gets playedHow to Get Paid for Your Performances - get paid every time you perform a public performanceHow to Sell Your Music on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Music - how to leverage your fan base to make money How to Get Your Music on TV Shows, Movies, and Video GamesHow to Successful Sell Merchandise to Your FansHow to Get Paid When Your Music Gets StreamedHow to Turn Your Passion for Music into an IncomeHow to Get Paid When Your Music Gets StreamedHow to Make Money with Your Music on YouTube - how to use YouTubes Content ID system, work with a YouTube Partner Program Service, and earn ad revenueHow to Get Paid When Another Artist Samples Your SongHow to Raise Money from Your Fans with CrowdfundingHow to Host & Perform to Your Fans OnlineHow to Get Endorsed or Sponsored by BrandsHow to Get Paid for Your Sheet MusicHow to Exchange Your Song Downloads for Email Addresses How to Grow Your Social Media Reach - Facebook, Twitter, InstagramHow a Music Lawyer Can Help Boost Your Music CareerHow a Cover Song Can Violate Copyright LawHow to Research Who Owns a SongCommon Music Licenses - mechanical license, master recording license, and sync licenseCreative Commons - alternative way to copyright your musicTransfer of Copyright of Your MusicThe Difference Between a Performing Right and a Mechanical RightWhen Do You Need Permission to Sample Another Artists MusicHow to Get Sample ClearanceWhat Constitutes Copyright InfringementDigital Distribution CostsAnd many, many topics added weekly!What makes this course unique is that its an over-comprehensive course of everything you need to know making money from your passion. With over two-hours of HD video content, you will be able to learn the secrets that successful artists make to make money from music. Just imagine what you can do from making money and doing something you love at the same time! WHAT YOU GETOver 27 video lectures clearly explaining the ways you can make money from music!Lifetime access, ask questions, and see the newest information available about making money as a music artist!Quick actionable resources & links to help you boost your incomeCertificate of CompletionDiscounts on future courses30-Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with our course for any reason whatsoever, I will offer you a full refund. No questions asked.Thank you for making this the best selling music marketing course on Udemy! I show my gratitude by consistently making new lectures and answering your questions in the course discussion!What are you waiting for?Every day you wait is costing you money!Dont forget that this course is covered by Udemys 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - so you dont have anything to lose! Enroll right now!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"How to Choose the Right Business Type: LLC vs. S-Corp" |
"JOIN 1,000+ STUDENTS WHO HAVE CHOSE THE CORRECT BUSINESS STRUCTURE FOR THEIR BUSINESS & INCORPORATED THEIR BUSINESS ON THEIR OWN! Are you an entrepreneur, online business owner, or small business owner?Are you confused about how to start your business?Do you want to know the difference between a Sole Proprietorship, Limited Liability Company, or Corporation?This course is a comprehensive overview to help you understand the differences and advantages and disadvantages of the most common business types, including: Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Limited Liability Company LLC, C-Corporation, and S-Corporation.Most people are surprised to find out that you don't need a business lawyer to choose and form the correct business structure for your business.You can easily create your own Limited Liability Company LLC or Corporation which we will go over in detail in this course.By the end of this course, youll be well-equipped to know which business type is right for your business, how to form and create your desired business, and have a business lawyer answer any questions you may have about starting your business by just enrolling in this course.For less than the cost of one-hour of legal work, youll be in great position to start your business and save money on a business lawyer. Student review by David M. O'Neill, The information provided is quite valuable to anyone considering incorporation of some form. Obviously, more research is needed to make final decisions and this material and training will make that process easier."" Student review by Mi Tay, ""It is easy to understand and a student can readily compare and contrast the best business entity set up that is appropriate for their needs. The course describes the pros/cons of each type of business from personal and tax liability aspects. Very good reference."" WHO AM I?My name is Sam and Im a business lawyer in Los Angeles who represents entrepreneurs, creative artists, and business owners with their new and existing businesses.As a business owner and entrepreneur for over a decade, I have found the legal aspect of business to be daunting and confusing. After consulting and teaching business law for many years, I decided to combine my passion in video production and teaching to create online courses to make the legal aspects of business as easy and approachable as possible.I have a strong passion in sharing my secrets and I hope to inspire you to succeed in your business. I know your time is valuable so I dont fill up my courses with useless jargon you only get the necessary information you need to succeed.Sign up and find out for yourself why so many people are taking and recommending my courses! WHY DO I NEED TO TAKE THIS COURSE?The most important step in getting your small business off the ground is choosing the right ownership structure for your needs.As a business owner, you face many decisions when it comes to starting, running, and growing your business.This course is designed to illustrate your business options and help you decide what structure your business will take. Whether youre deciding between a Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Limited Liability Company LLC, C-Corporation, or S-Corporation, this course will clearly explain the advantages and disadvantages of each one, what the incorporation process entails, and your post-incorporation requirements such as filing annual statements with your state of incorporation. Your choice of business structure should be informed by a thorough and honest appraisal of your company, and of your own strengths and weaknesses as an owner.You can also save money on not having to hire a business lawyer. By taking this course, you dont need to consult a business lawyer when youre starting a business.Knowing how how to start your own business will save you a lot of time and money. COURSE TOPICSSole Proprietorship - What is it and Advantages & DisadvantagesHow to Form a Sole ProprietorshipPartnership - What is it and Advantages & DisadvantagesHow to Form a PartnershipLimited Liability Company (LLC) - What is it and Advantages & DisadvantagesHow to Form a Limited Liability Company (LLC)C Corporation - What is it and Advantages & DisadvantagesHow to Form a C CorporationS Corporation - What is it and Advantages & DisadvantagesHow to Form an S CorporationDeciding Between C Corporation and S CorporationClear step-by-step guide on how to form each common business type so you can get started on your business COURSE BONUSES Sample Partnership Agreement - you will need to use a Partnership Agreement between yourself and your other business partners to form a partnership.Resources to Obtain Business Licenses & Permits - To run your business legally, there are certain federal and state licenses and permits you will need to obtain. These resources will help you understand the requirements for your small business.Small Business Legal Compliance Inventory Checklist - checklist that will help you determine if your company is sufficiently legally protected in different areas of business concerns. Form 8832 Entity Classification Election - a business may use this form to elect how it will be classified for federal tax purposes.Form 2553 Election by a Small Business Corporation - An eligible C Corporation may use this form to elect to be classified as an S Corporation for tax benefits.What makes this course unique is that its a comprehensive course on everything you need to know about choosing the correct business type and getting started on your business.Dont worry, its clear and simple. WHAT YOU GETOver 17 video lectures clearly explaining each common business type and step-by-step instructional video teaching you how to form your business!Lifetime access, ask questions, and see the newest information available about choosing the correct business structure!Avoid paying a business lawyer upwards of $350 an hour for general legal adviceQuick actionable resources and links to help you start your businessAsk me, a business lawyer, questions directly. Ill be updating the content of this course based on your questions. By enrolling in this course, youll have the opportunity to ask questions and get personal feedback.Certificate of CompletionDiscounts on future courses30-Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with my course for any reason whatsoever, I will offer you a full refund. No questions asked.Thank you for making this the best selling business structure course on Udemy! I show my gratitude by consistently making new lectures and answering your legal questions in the course discussion!What are you waiting for?Every day you wait is costing you money!Dont forget that this course is covered by Udemys 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - so you dont have anything to lose. Enroll right now!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Easily Register a Trademark (On Your Own)" |
"JOIN MORE THAN 2,000 STUDENTS WHO HAVE HAVETRADEMARKEDTHEIR NAME, BRAND, OR LOGO ON THEIR OWN!Are you an entrepreneur, business owner, or creative artist?Do you need to protect your brand, logo, or slogan?This course is a comprehensive overview to help you understand trademark law so you can save money and time by trademarking on your own.Most people are surprised to find out that you dont need a lawyer to file a trademark. The actual filing of the trademark is fairly simple and a process we will go over in detail here. By the end of this course, youll be equipped to understand what trademark is, who needs a trademark, when you should trademark, what can you trademark, look up existing trademarks, and of course, learn the step-by-step process of trademarking on your own. For less than the cost of one hour of legal work, youll be in a great position to save money on trademark attorneys. Student review by Sharona Moss, So quick. So easy. - This course provided me with ample information in what a trademark is and how to file trademark applications. It really made it easy for me to figure out exactly what I need to correctly and simply produce my own trademark. Thanks for the great class! Can't wait for your next lectures!WHO AM I?My name is Jessica and Im an intellectual property trademark lawyer who works with entrepreneurs and creative artists. I have filed countless trademark applications on behalf of my clients. I created this course to ensure that I could help as many people as possible, even the people who cant pay my rate as an attorney. My goal is to make this course as clear and rewarding as possible and to help you succeed in your business. WHY DO I NEED TO TAKE THIS COURSE?A trademark identifies your goods and services to your customers. It can be the name of your business, your brand, slogan, or logo.Your trademark is what sets your goods and services apart from your competitors. Your trademark has economic value because it represent the business reputation of the products or services youre trying to sell. Its extremely important to check for existing trademarks before you start any kind of business. You have to determine whether the company name or brand you are planning to use will infringe on an existing trademark.You may have to remake your entire website and branding that is all over the internet.This would be an extreme nightmare. This course will help you avoid all of that.Registration of your trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office allows you to obtain nationwide protection, sue in federal courts, and prevent other businesses from infringing your brand.You can also save money on not having to hire a lawyer. By taking this course, you dont need to consult a trademark lawyer every time you need to check whether you will be infringing on another brands trademark. Knowing how to do it on your own will save you a lot of time and money.You've put a lot of time and effort into creating your business. Whether you're just starting out or you're already established, a registered trademark will help expand the protection of your brand nationwide.COURSE TOPICSWhat is a trademark?Who needs a trademark?When should you trademark?What can you trademark?Risks of trademarking on your own?How to conduct your own trademark searchHow to Identify your goods and services and what class of goods and services your mark is to be registered in How to file a trademark application on your ownClear step-by-step guide through the United States Patent and Trademark Office trademark application so you can file a trademark on your ownWhat makes this course unique is that its a comprehensive course on everything you need to know about trademark law to help protect your business and brand.Dont worry, its clear and simple.WHAT YOU GETOver 22 video lectures clearly explaining trademark law and step-by-step instructional video on how you can trademark on your own!Lifetime access, ask questions, and see the newest information available about trademark!Avoid paying a trademark lawyer upwards of $350 an hour for filing a trademark on your behalf!Quick actionable resources and links to help you trademark on your own.Ask me questions directly. Ill be updating the content of this course based on your questions. By enrolling in this course, youll have the opportunity to ask questions and get personal feedback.Certificate of CompletionDiscounts on future courses30-Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with my course for any reason whatsoever, I will offer you a full refund. No questions asked.Thank you for making this the best selling trademark course on Udemy! I show my gratitude by consistently making new lectures and answering your legal questions in the course discussion!What are you waiting for?Every day you wait is costing you money!Dont forget that this course is covered by Udemys 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - you dont have anything to lose. Enroll right now!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Protect Your Website: Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy" |
"JOIN 2,200+ STUDENTS WHO HAVE PROTECTED THEIR WEBSITE WITHOUT COSTLY LAWYER FEES! Do you currently run a website or looking to start a website?Do you want to protect your website?Do you want to write a Terms and Condition or Privacy Policy for your website without costly lawyer fees?Over 90% of websites and blogs are in violation of a state, federal, or global privacy laws because of inadequate Terms and Condition or Privacy Policy on their website. Terms and Conditions is a set of rules between you, the website owner, and the visitors of your website. Having a Terms and Conditions protects your website by preventing abuses, it sets a notice to your readers that you own the content on your website, it allows you to terminate user accounts, sets governing laws, and most importantly, limits your liability. Having a Terms and Conditions makes sure youll have some kind of disclaimer aimed at limiting your liability in case there are errors in your online content.According to most countries privacy laws, including United States, you are required to have a written Privacy Policy on your website.Privacy Policy discloses some or all of the ways the website owner gathers, uses, discloses, and manages a users data.A privacy policy fulfills the legal requirement to protect a website visitors privacy.Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy are a must for every website or online business. Student review by Dana Peterson, ""Thank you for putting this course together and for providing the sample documents to use. I put it to use right away on my own blog. The course was easy to follow and understand."" Student review by Sharona Moss, Sam did a great job providing me all of the specifics of what to do to protect my website. I love how he included so many samples of different things like terms and conditions and private policies. He is clear and concise and I like how he explains it in a way for people without a law background to understand the information. Thank you!"" WHO AM I?My name is Sam and Im a business lawyer in Los Angeles who represents entrepreneurs, creative artists, and business owners with their new and existing businesses.As a business owner and entrepreneur for over a decade, I have found the legal aspect of business to be daunting and confusing.After consulting and teaching business law for many years, I decided to combine my passion in video production and teaching to create online courses to make the legal aspects of business as easy and approachable as possible.I have a strong passion in sharing my secrets and I hope to inspire you to succeed in your business. I know your time is valuable so I dont fill up my courses with useless jargon you only get the necessary information you need to succeed.Sign up and find out for yourself why so many people are taking and recommending my courses. WHY DO I NEED TO TAKE THIS COURSE?You are in process of building a beautiful website for your business, when the developer asks for your Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.Youve spent weeks perfecting the landing page, writing your bio, and other online content. But what about that legal fine print you see linked to the bottom of every website? You doubt anyone will ever read it but you know its necessary.So do you really need to create a Terms and Conditions page for your website?Privacy especially will be increasingly important over the next several years and entrepreneurs will increasingly find themselves liable for all kinds of things if it is not drafted correctly.You can also save money on not having to hire a business lawyer. By taking this course, you dont need to consult a business lawyer when youre running a website. Knowing how to protect your website will save you a lot of time and money. COURSE TOPICSWhat is a Terms and Condition Agreement?What Does a Terms and Conditions Do?Who Needs a Terms and Conditions?5 Reasons Why You Need a Terms and Condition?How to Create Your Terms and Condition?Usable Sample Terms and Condition You Can Use for Your WebsiteWhat is a Privacy Policy?Who Needs a Privacy Policy?3 Reasons Why You Need a Privacy Policy?How to Create Your Privacy Policy?Usable Sample Privacy Policy You Can Use for Your WebsiteAnd much more... COURSE BONUSES Usable Sample Terms and Conditions You Can Use for Your WebsiteUsable Sample Privacy Policy You Can Use for Your WebsiteResources & other Tools to Help You Protect Your WebsiteWhat makes this course unique is that its a comprehensive course on everything you need to know about protecting your website as an entrepreneur and website owner or blogger.Dont worry, its clear and simple. WHAT YOU GETOver 12 video lectures clearly explaining how to protect your website and step-by-step instructions on how you can create your own Terms and Condition and Privacy Policy without a lawyer!Lifetime access, ask questions, and see the newest information available about protecting your website!Avoid paying a business lawyer upwards of $350 an hour for general legal adviceQuick actionable resources and links to help you protect your websiteAsk me, a business lawyer, questions directly. Ill be updating the content of this course based on your questions. By enrolling in this course, youll have the opportunity to ask questions and get personal feedback.Certificate of CompletionDiscounts on future courses30-Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with my course for any reason whatsoever, I will offer you a full refund. No questions asked.Thank you for making this the best selling website protection course on Udemy! I show my gratitude by consistently making new lectures and answering your legal questions in the course discussion!What are you waiting for?Every day you wait is costing you money!Dont forget that this course is covered by Udemys 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - so you dont have anything to lose. Enroll right now!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"How to Get Sample Clearance (For Music Artists)" |
"JOIN 900+ STUDENTS WHO HAVE DISCOVEREDHOW TO LEGALLY USE SAMPLES IN THEIR MUSIC TOCOPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT! So you made an awesome music track using a sample from a song by another artist, and want to shop it to labels to release it for profit what do you do next?Artists like Kanye West, Jay Z, and Vanilla Ice have all faced allegations of unlawful sampling.As a small time or professional music artist, how do you approach sampling and when do you decide that its in your best interest to get sample clearance? Sampling music is the act of reusing a portion of another song. Many music artists sample other's music but its illegal and a serious issue to ignore to get permission from the original owner of the songs.If you sample without asking permission, you could face serious legal trouble, lawsuits, and even money damages. The process of getting permission from the owners of the sampled music is referred to as sample clearance.Sample clearance is a process that all music artists should do and it will save you from serious legal action you could face if you sample without permission.If youre a music artist or producer, odds are you either have or will be faced with the issue of using a sample in your music.The biggest problem is that most people wait too long before they start dealing with the legal aspects associated with clearing those samples.If you plan to use samples in your music, you need to get permission to avoid serious legal trouble. In this course, you will learn the step-by-step process of asking permission to sample a song and also learn about music copyright law and how to avoid other serious issues you could face as a music artist. Student review by Jennifer D, Clear and concise - Great, useful information presented in a concise manner. I was really able to apply this easily to my current work. Student review by Aryan Rabizadeh, ""This course is very interesting and I would highly recommend it to everyone in the music industry who sample music. I've been a DJ in the music industry for over 6 years and I've always been confused about how to legally sample music . This course was very interesting, engaging, and easy to digest and taught me everything I should know about music sampling legally! Would watch again and refer my friends in the music industry!"" WHY DO I NEED TO TAKE THIS COURSE?To sample or not to sample?This is the question many times a producer, DJ, and songwriter must struggle with on a daily basis.Sampling is fun, and in the era of the todays strictly digital production world, very easy to do. Typically, most independent releases remain under the radar and never draw enough attention to face the serious legal ramifications of not clearing samples.However, not clearing samples is still a serious dangerous place to be. Using someone elses recording in your music without permission can lead to serious consequences including, lawsuits or the inability to distribute your music to the public.You could have an unexpected hit from that release and find yourself in a very defenseless position.The owner of one uncleared sample could have that record pulled from your project or ask for an unreasonable amount of payment because they are aware that youre in a vulnerable spot.If youre lost whether or not you can sample from an existing song and how much is permissible to use, and whether you need permission to use a sample in your new sound recording, this course will clarify all of this for you along with the the do's and donts of sampling.The Golden Rule of Music Law: if you don't own or control it, you likely need a license to use it.If you produce or remix music for other artists, its usually your responsibility to clear any samples introduced during the recording process. The artist or their label will probably make you contractually responsible for doing so as a pre-condition to the final record. In this course, you will learn how to go about sampling, how to avoid getting sued, and learn the step-by-step process of asking permission to sample a song. COURSE BONUSES What to Do if You Cant Get Sample Clearance?What You Can Get When Someone Samples Your Song?What You Need If Your Song is Part of an Advertisement or Endorsement?Can You Use Sample Packs as Samples?The Ins and Outs of Music Copyright LawActionable and Useful Resources & Other Tools to Help You Grow as a Music ArtistWhat makes this course unique is that its an over-comprehensive course of everything you need to get sample clearance on your own.With over two-hours of HD video content, you will be able to learn the secrets that many successful music artists use to create samples in their music.Thank you for making this the best selling sample clearancecourse on Udemy! I show my gratitude by consistently making new lectures and answeringlegal questions in the course discussion!What are you waiting for?Every day you wait is costing you money!Dont forget that this course is covered by Udemys 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - so you dont have anything to lose. Enroll right now!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Easily Form LLC in Minutes (Step-by-Step Guide)" |
"Join1,100+ Entrepreneurs Who Have SAVEDMONEY & Formed a Limited Liability Company (LLC) On Their Own!Are you an entrepreneuror online business owner?Are you thinking of starting a business or do you currently run a business?Do you want to protect yourself from personal liability?EasilyForm Your Own LLCprovides you with the step-by-step instructions and forms you need to form an LLC in your state, without the expense of hiring a lawyer. This best-seller covers how to:Name your LLCFile your DBA""Doing Business as"" or Fictitious Business NameFile your Articles of Organization with the Secretary of StateDraft your Operating Agreement which details your rights and duties under the LLCApply and obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) to open a bank account, andCorrectly apply for business licenses and permits.Most people are surprised to find out that you don't necessarily need a lawyer to form anLLC.Starting a business is already a confusing process, so why complicate the matter by adding high fees from attorneys when you can form an LLCon your own?This course is aneasyandactionabledetailed guideline of the6 necessary steps you need to forming your LLC.By the end of this course, you willbe able to form anLLC on your own.Note:This course is only for United Statesonly.Dont worry its simple. WHAT IS A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC)?Becoming more as a standard for small businesses, Limited Liability Company LLC is business structure that combines the liability protection of a corporation with the tax treatment of a sole proprietorship and partnership. Limited Liability Company is United States newest business structure and is the most popular form of business. All LLC owners are protected from personal liability for business debts and claims -- a feature known as ""limited liability.""This means that if the business itself cant pay a creditor, the creditor cannot come after an LLC members house, car, or other personal possessions.Because only LLC assets are used to pay off business debts, LLC members only lose the money that theyve invested in the LLC.Also, a Limited Liability Company has special tax treatment. For tax purposes, the LLC itself is not a separate taxable entity. Like owners of partnerships or sole proprietorships, LLC owners report business profits or losses on their personal income tax returns.For these reasons, LLC combines the best features of a sole proprietorship and partnership and the best personal liability features of a Corporation. Limited Liability Company is perfect for small online and offline businesses.Thank you for making this the best selling LLCcourse on Udemy! I show my gratitude by consistently making new lectures and answering your legal questions in the course discussion! What are you waiting for?Every day you wait is costing you money!Dont forget that this course is covered by Udemys 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - so you dont have anything to lose.Enroll right now!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Copyright Protection for Entrepreneurs (Protect Your Work)" |
"JOIN MORE THAN 20,000 STUDENTS WHO HAVE HAVELEARNED HOW TO COPYRIGHT THEIR WORK ON THEIR OWN! Whether youre a blogger, artist, author, photographer, or anyone else who creates works of arts to support yourself, you will need to protect your creative work in the form of copyright protection.Developing creative works represents an important investment of time, effort, and other valuable resources. Taking steps to secure your work is an important aspect of protecting your investment. By the end of this course, youll be well-equipped to use copyright protection for your benefit and to avoid serious legal issues with copyright infringement.Everything you need to know about copyright is in this course so you dont have to worry about missing anything.WHAT IS COPYRIGHT? Intellectual property rights are legally recognized exclusive rights to creations of the mind. The purpose of intellectual property rights is to promote the progress of artists by giving creators exclusive rights to their works. As you can imagine, if you created something and everybody had the right to use it without paying you, not very many people would go through the trouble of creating anything!Copyright is a law that gives you ownership over the things you create. Copyright also allows you to legally protect your creative work. Copyright protects any kind of creative work, including photos, videos, blogs, books, articles, songs, plays, sculptures, sound recordings, and other creative works. When you create any of these, you own the copyright to it. Copyright to these creative works are your rights and your rights alone. Unless you willingly give permission for anyone to do any of these, no one can violate them legally. In general, its illegal for anyone use or copy your work without your permission, but there are some exceptions and limitation to Copyright Fair Use and Public Domain both which we will cover in detail in this course.Typically, content creators, authors, artists, photographers, and other creative professionals need copyright protection for their work.WHY DO I NEED TO TAKE THIS COURSE?The Internet is fast becoming a sanctuary of copyright abuse.The idea of freedom of information and the ease of posting, copying and distributing messages online has created a false impression that text and graphic posted online are except from copyright protection. However, this is not true.Copyright law was established not to give the author the right to deny his or her work to other people, but instead to encourage its creation.Copyright is a delicate balance between the rights of the creator and the publics interest.When it comes to photos, images, and content, when in doubt, assume its subject to copyright and dont use it without the appropriate permission. There are many free resources for images and videos, whether public domain, licensed creative commons or inexpensive stock images, that you can find as a resource in this course so you really shouldnt need to use copyright-protected works for your blog, website, or video. My goal in this course is to help you better understand how to use images, videos, text, and other content in a way that is both legal and respectful of the authors ownership rights.Fair Use may be an exception allowing you to use copyrighted content, but chances are youll find your content taken down by your host if the copyright holder disagrees. BONUS CONTENT & TOOLS How to Use Content That Isn't Yours - quick but comprehensive summary of what you should do if you want to use any image, video, or content that isn't yours. Don't use anyone else's content until you've reviewed this!Resources of Images You Can Use Without Legal Trouble- its common practice to snag photos off Google Images, but just because everyone is doing it doesnt make it right. In the course you will find a great source of websites you can use to find pictures without worrying about copyright infringement.Resources of Videos You Can Use Without Legal Trouble - You are free to embed any video from YouTube and other video platform on your blog or website as long as it gives you the embed option. That being said, you cant necessarily use parts from videos on YouTube to make mashups or as part of another video. Be sure to have permission to use any video that you are cutting, making changes to, or adding to a project.Thank you for making this the best selling Copyrightcourse on Udemy! I show my gratitude by consistently making new lectures and answering yourquestions in the course discussion!What are you waiting for? Enroll right now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Como Montar um Petshop de Sucesso" |
"1) Sobre o que o Curso?Curso voltado para te assessorar na montagem e funcionamento de um Petshop e Banho e tosa.2) Pblico alvo?Pessoas que gostariam de montar um empreendimento de baixo investimento no ramo Pet .3) Material incluso no curso?Vdeo aulas e certificado de concluso4) Como o curso estruturado?a )Introduob) As mercadoriasc) O banho e Tosad) Lidando com a concorrnciae) A parte legal de um petshopf) Valores praticadosg) Tcnicas de vendash) Dicas para montar sua clientelai) A escolha do ponto comercialj) Dicas motivacionaish) Concluses do curso5) Porque fazer este curso?Este curso voltado para pessoas que querem empreender no ramo de petshop. Se voc gosta de animais este curso para voc, ele possui diversos diferenciais. Aps o trmino voc ainda contar com um suporte online diretamente com o professor ou tiragem de dvidas durante todo o curso via e-mail."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Mastering The Brow: Shape and Arch" |
"* This course is about sculpting, shaping, and arching the brows.*This course is very structured, yet made simple to cater to your very own learning levels, from beginners to professionals.*This course will allow you to learn all the basics, no shapers needed, without taking too much time you will grasp the techniques to forming, sculpting, and arching the eyebrows.*Hands on is the best way to learn with this course, rather on yourself, grab a friend, or even on paper to help you better grasp the techniques.*Taking this course will teach you how to create a flawless structure filling in your natural brows with the proper makeup products and cleaning with the proper faceware tools."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Pinterest For Business : How I Get 7905 Followers In 30 Days" |
"Viral Marketing #1: Make Your Business Visible on Pinterest Pinterest For Business: How I Get 7905 Followers In 30 Days According to Shopifys study: Number of orders through Pinterest has increased by 79% since last year.According To Sharesolic: Pinterest drives tremendous traffic than any other social network.Are You A Blogger or E-commerce Website Owner?Do you know how many people use Pinterest? * 180 + Million Active Users Are You Wondering Pinterest listed as top Social Media List?Do you want to drive more traffic to your site with Pinterest?Pinterest is the fastest traffic driving social media site compared to Facebook, twitter and Instagram.Like Facebook and Twitter, Pinterest can be used personally or for business. Businesses mistakenly think that Facebook and Twitter are the only obvious choices for their businessInteresting Facts On Pinterest 85 % of Users on Pinterest are females Compare to Facebook People love to buy using the Pinterest referral.Pinterest will overtake Facebook upcoming yearsCustomer Conversion rate is higher compared to FacebookIncrease Your Blog Traffics using Pinterest Is Easy42% of US online adult women use Pinterest30% of all US social media users use Pinterest I felt wondering that many bloggers and digital marketers who not effectively use Pinterest and lose million's of Dollars.Your job on Pinterest is to gather and display awesome content in your niche.Visual content isnt the future of content marketing its here now. And Pinterest is currently one of the top social media channels for visual contentAre You Ready To Learn Pinterest Marketing And Generate Plenty Of Traffics."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WordPress for Beginners: How to Build a Professional Website" |
"The Ultimate Guide to WordPress for Beginners! I am really excited within 2 weeks 242 students enrolled on 117 Lectured CourseStudent's Enrolling My course with Satisfaction.If you really interested in creating websites or blog's.Don't hesitate to sign up Enroll my course and ""MASTER QUICKLY""5 Star Rated Best selling course on udemy Create A Professional website or easily build A blog from scratch.Wordpress For Beginners:Build $100,000 Worthy Website !! It's the perfect course for Business peoples or Bloggers to start their own website.I have created Over 117 lectures and 7 hours of content! So It will turn you to powerful internet marketer.Testimonial From Students Anderson SI enrolled on this course to learn about wordpress. Later I have figured out that this course having tremendous lectures and tons of hours to depth knowledge about wordpress.Great course,It's informative and very useful..He added additionally quiz and content too.This course starts with very basics and later additionally added lot of additional way to turn our wordpress website to next level......I will surely continue more course with same instructor ,I need additional course bharath we expect lot on you...Unknown Student 1.Good for beginnersI will update my reviews more on this page......Wordpress Course Details:-""Learn WordPress from scratch to become a wordpress master quickly .This course will teach you everything from very basics you need to know.""Inspirational Quotes!!In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.If you can dream it, you can do it.Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victoryAim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star.So don't demotivate and Never Give Up! will achieve one day.How is this course structured?This course will bring you two kind of modules.Wordpress course.Turn your wordpress blog to next level.This course will teach you authority in WordPress and turn wordpress guru shortly .Dont worry about how to start a wordpress blog.I will guide you step-by-step guide to create a wordpress master.Kind of modules included in the courseI have created plenty of modules and extra information added.Fresh Ideas On How To Brand Your Business.A Beginner's Guide To The WordPress Dashboard.Install a Wordpress Theme.Create a Profitable Menu.Install and Setup WordPress SEO.Add, remove, and manage plugins on WordPress.Create Custom User Roles in WordPress.Guide To WordPress Custom Page.Protect Yourself Against Hackers.Hidden Tips And Tricks To Increase Traffic.Hidden Tricks-31 Days To Build A Powerful Blog.Why take this course?This course is for those who want to create a Wordpress website from scratch.No Coding* !!No Experience No Marketing skillsNo Esteem knowledge [Need Basic knowledge of computer*]"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SUBNETTING for CCNA students" |
"Course last updated 2016-04-01Now more than 1000 students!No Powerpoints, no animations. With just a pen I will teach You how IP subnetting works. From binary math to subnet sizes and exam-like questions to verify Your achieved knowledge!Remember! 30 days money-back guarantee with no questions asked. I want you to be satisfied with my course. No Happy - No Pay!Also, please take advantage of the free previews to see way you will get.After taking this course, which takes less than one hour, you will never again need a subnet calculator. Subnetting can be done without any online subnetting calculator, all you need is a pen and paper and you will be able to create your own cheat sheet. What is my subnet mask? How many usable addresses in my network? What is the broadcast address? All of these questions will be easy to answer after enrolling this course!After each lesson there is a quiz that verifies the knowledge you just achieved!This course is good for anyone that needs to fully understand subnetting, including CCNA students!Updates: 2016-01-03 Re-recorded lecture about 24 bits example. Free preview!2016-04-01 New promo-video"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DNS basics - Understand, setup and manage your own domains." |
"Course last updated 2016-03-15, see update log below!Now more than 1100 enrolled users and average rating of 4.7 (out of 5)! In this course You will learn anything about DNS - Domain Name System. Topic include:The different components of DNS and how they cooperate.How the domain hierarchy is structured in different levels.What different types of information is stored in DNS.How a DNS query and response works.How the information is stored in zone files.Recursive queries, the role of a local resolver.How to use the tool dig for testing and troubleshooting DNS in various ways..We will start with the basics and build ourself up to advanced sections. Starting with the domain hierarchy, how the protocol works and continue into dig, zone transfers and best practices for DNS setup with bind.Remember! 30 days money-back guarantee with no questions asked. I want you to be satisfied with my course. No Happy - No Pay!Also, please take advantage of the free previews to see way you will get.After finishing this course you will feel confident and have full knowledge of all aspects of DNS! You will feel confident in how to setup, manage and troubleshoot DNS.Updates: 2016-01-19 Added text lecture about DNSSec and IPv62016-01-19 Added a lecture that shows a bind installation in action2016-01-24 Added lecture about zone delegations in bind2016-02-01 Added lecture about DNS spoofing2016-02-03 Added bonus lecture at the end of the course.2016-03-15 Added text lecture about top level domains."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"IPv6 - learn the basics of the new IP protocol" |
"In this introductionary course you will learn the basics about IPv6. Topics include:Why we should migrate to IPv6How IP address spaces relates to eachother. There are many IPv6 addresses. But how many?Main differences between IPv4 and IPv6 headers.Address structure, how addresses looks like and how to shorten themCommon address types.After attending this short but powerful course you will know the most elementary and foundations about the new IP protocol.Remember! 30 days money-back guarantee with no questions asked. I want you to be satisfied with my course. No Happy - No Pay!Also, please take advantage of the free previews to see way you will get."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Nmap - Learn to use the ultimate network scanner available" |
"In this course I will show and explain how to use nmap for various types of network scans. Lectures includes:How to specify targetsHow to interprete and tweak the output resultHow to do a script scan for enumeration or penetration testing purposesnmap is the number one most powerful network scanner available. With hundreds of command line options it can be overwelming to try to find the correct parameters for each and every situation.I will NOT go through hundreds of parameters. Instead I will show you which options and parameters I use in my daily work as a networking and security consultant.This course will contain almost zero powerpoint slides. Instead I will show you hands on how to run and use nmap.Remember! 30 days money-back guarantee with no questions asked. I want you to be satisfied with my course. No Happy - No Pay!Also, please take advantage of the free previews to see way you will get.After finishing this course you will know how to use nmap, I promose!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DNSSec - Secure DNS" |
"DNS is not secure! And DNS is the most important protocol of internet! Learn how to secure DNS with DNSSec!In this course You will learn how DNSSec works, how to implement DNSSec and how to operate DNSSec-enabled DNS-servers.By the end of this course You will have a solid understanding of how to secure your domains and zones.What you will learn:How the signing process worksBackground about hashing algorithms and digital signatures.Differences between ZSK (zone signing keys) and KSK (key signing keys)How to operate a signed zone in bind.The chain of trust. How Your zone information is secured all the way back to the root zone.The requirements:You really need to know how DNS works. I expect You to already know about zone files, dig, SOA-records and zone transfers.Target audiences:Networking engineers who operates their own DNS-servers with bindSecurity aware people who wants to understand DNSSecCCNA/CCNP students."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Cisco ASA firewall basics" |
"In the course you will learn everything needed to install and configure a brand new Cisco ASA firewall with outbound internet access.You will learn all commands needed to install the firewall.In the first part of the course You will understand which required building blocks there are to get the firewall installed. For each step I will explain the reason, how it works and that there is to think about when configuring the Cisco ASA. This includes:Console accessInterface configurationsAccess-list theory and how to apply them.Restricting and providing management access.Network Address Translation (NAT)DHCP in the Cisco ASAAvailable hardware models.Security levels.In the second part of the course we will together configure a Cisco ASA 5505 from no configuration at all to outbound filtered and NAT:ed internet-access with DHCP and access-lists.By the end of this course you will have a full knowledge of the different building blocks required to install a Cisco firewall."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Cisco ASA VPN configuration site to site" |
"In this course I will explain the building blocks of IPSec and how they fit together. Authentication, encryption, integrity.At the end of the course You will have a solid knowledge of how to configure and maintain IPSec Site-to-site VPN in Cisco ASA firewall. This includes show and debug commands for troubleshooting as well as all commands necessary to setup the VPN tunnel.You will be guided thru all information that needs to be gathered before even trying to configure the VPN. You will learn what each parameter does and how they are applied in commands in the Cisco ASA firewall.Together we will setup a VPN tunnel and verify functionality.See you inside!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |