Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Communication Skills Training: Let's Talk" |
"Save Time-Communicate Effectively. This fast, easy skills course will teach 3 of the most crucial communication skills. (1) How to avoid a misunderstanding, (2) How to respond to criticism and (3) How to empathize.Miscommunication wastes time. Fine tune your communication skills to avoid countless headaches that result from assumptions, misunderstandings and arguments. Scientifically Proven MethodsThese strategies are evidence-based, drawing from the work of emotional intelligence expert, Daniel Goleman, and relationship scientist, John Gottman both of whom have revolutionized the way we understand human interaction.We have conversations with people from sun up to sun down. When these conversations go well, they lead to quick problem solving, decision making and connection. Conversations that don't go well lead to long drawn out dialogues, misunderstandings and distance. The 3 skills that you will master from this course are the result of 40 years of scientific observation of 6,000 real people having real conversations. We know what works and what doesn't. This is Not a Self-Help CourseThis course is built on the concept that people need information more than they need help. Many times we stumble into miscommunications simply because we aren't educated about common predictable (and avoidable) communication patterns. These strategies can be applied to the following contexts:Discussions about politics or religionConversations with co-workersInterviewsFirst-DatesLong-term romantic relationshipsDifficult conversations with family members Let's Talk! Enroll Now to Join the Conversation!The sooner you start learning these quick simple strategies, the sooner you can enjoy that extra time."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"How To Get Guests On Your Podcast: Celebrity Podcast Formula" |
"Learn the process, tools, and techniques you will need to find experts and successfully interview those experts on your podcast. Noteworthy Podcasting Interview Tips & TechniquesSecrets To Finding Experts & CelebritiesProductivity Tools & Techniques For Scheduling InterviewsInterview Templates & GuidelinesHow To Successfully Package Each Podcast EpisodeAmazing Follow Up Strategies To WOW Your GuestsInfluence Strategies That Boost Your PodcastUnderstanding the behind the scenes in the podcast world is a game changer. Podcasting has exploded in growth in the past couple of years and is quickly replacing mainstream media. The interview format is the primary show structure for podcasts and when you have the right guests on your podcast you see a spike in new listenership. Podcast interviews open up the doors to new business relationships, book deals, speaking offers, and is the easiest way to create content to spread your message.Content OverviewThis course is designed for podcasters who want to get more downloads and subscribers. That means if youre brand new to podcasting or youve hit a plateau you can take this information and boost your podcast.With over 2 hours of video lessons and over 40 lectures of content you will learn all the fundamentals to finding excellent guests and celebrities for your podcast. Youll be able to schedule interviews with those experts and have successful interview that brings more listeners to your podcast.We will start out unveiling techniques that will make you a master researcher. We cover little known tools and proven techniques to uncover the research gold. We then cover communication secrets that will make you a master influencer getting people to agree to be on your podcast. We then talk about the best practices for interviewing and then putting together the podcast package to make you and your guest look like professionals. Students completing this course will have the knowledge and skills to find, interview, and publish an interview with an expert or celebrity.This course includes templates, swipe files, checklists, mind maps, and resources to use when working through the podcast interview process. There are many copy and paste templates you can use right away to schedule interviews."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Excel for Data Visualization" |
"Excel offers a valuable set of features that can be utilized to meet a wide range of data analysis and visualization needs, and we created an interactive and compelling course to help you rapidly develop these skills. By the end of this course, you will be able to make beautiful reports and interactive dashboards that best convey your data! **We also have two MAJOR BONUSES for students who complete this course!**1. BONUS CONTENT: Students who complete this course will be automatically enrolled in our COMPLETE Excel for Data Visualization course on the TechChange platform, at no extra cost. You'll get an extra hour of course material and learn the following:Learn data visualization principles that are critical to making charts with a clear purpose and clean data.Apply these principles to three example graphs with detailed step-by-step explanations. Explore real-world case studies from the global health and political sectors that employ these techniques. Put your Excel skills to the test with scenario exercises2. A FULL REFUND: Students who complete the course and leave a course evaluation on Udemy will receive a full refund from TechChange. This offer is only for a limited time, so sign-up today before it's gone!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Corel Draw: Como Hacer Todo para tu Fiesta Temtica" |
"ste es un curso diseado especialmente para todas aquellas personas que se dedican o quieran dedicarse a la organizacin o decoracin de eventos sociales. Tambin est pensado para quienes deseen aprender a usar un programa de diseo grfico profesional,de una forma fcil, rpida ydesde una perspectiva totalmente nueva, como es la de tematizar un evento.Cuando termines el curso vas a tener los conocimientos necesarios para realizar en CorelDraw, los grficos necesaria para tematizar cualquier tipo de evento social muy fcilmente. Como por ejemplo: Eventos religiosos (Bautismos, Comuniones, Bar/Bat Mitzvah etc.) Baby Showers Cumpleaos de nios y adultos Quinceaeras Casamientos Aniversarios Eventos Corporativos Eventos EspecialesAprenders todo lo necesario para tus futuros proyectos, sin palabras tcnicas complicadas, ni tediosos ejercicios que te lleven horas y horas frente a la computadora, ya que mi objetivo es lograr queaprendas rpidamente a usar CorelDraw,pero con una base firme, que te ayude a crecer no solo en conocimientos valiossimos, sino que tambin, te ayude a crecer econmicamente al poder ganar dinero gracias a este aprendizaje.Vas a desarrollar todo tu potencial creativo de la manera ms rpida y conveniente,ya que he dividido el curso en partes no mayores a 5 minutos, para quetomes cada clasedesde tu Mvil, desde tu Tablet, desde tu Computadora personal o desdedonde tquieras, y las veas rpidamenteen los horarios que a ti te sean cmodos.Todos los consejos y explicaciones que contiene ste curso,para que tu realicescon el programa CorelDraw, son muy fciles de seguir, ya que te acompao paso a paso todo el tiempo, para que rpidamente aprendas todo lo que necesitas para disear y tener xito en la tematizacin de eventos, unmercado que crece da a da a pasos agigantados en todo el Mundo, especialmente enLatinoamrica.Estamos tan seguros de que este curso, va a ser indispensable, para ayudarte en tus proyectos, que te ofrecemos con tu compra aqu en Udemy,30 das de garanta de satisfaccin,o te devolvemos el dinero.Qu ests esperando? Este curso es una inversin para tu futuro y el de tu emprendimiento, no dejes pasar esta oportunidad.Inscrbete Ahora."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Master PowerPoint 2016 : Scratch to Advance the Easy way" |
"Your ideas deserve respect! Imagine if the visual of what you speak and present to the audience is actually presentable, it raises your point and plays a vital role in convincing your listeners. The converse is also true and believe me that way it is destructive for the point you are making and of course is destructive for you!Are you are new to presentation making and are looking for learning making presentations from scratch? Or you looking to boost your skills as presentation maker, which will make your life easier and gain you respect of your colleagues? Well you are on the right spot! You can be anyone, a student, teacher or an office employee and of any age, this course is designed to give you THE BEST possible couching on THE BEST and THE MOST popular software - Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 the latest version of the software. PowerPoint 2016 is packed with features which make it a full and final choice for presentations. It is much beyond simply adding slides, picking up usual built-in themes and then adding texts. Well my friends, that is not all! In this course:We will go through the interface of PowerPoint and learn what is where and does what. This walk through the interface will be easy to understand but in a professional manner. Well go through each peculiarity and make it easy for us like A, B, C.Then we will practice what we learn in Section 1, and practice that, one tab at a time. It will make things even more easier, as concepts are now explored through hands. This will surely enhance the understanding.In the next section we take our skills to higher level and make HIGHLY PROFESSIONAL presentations. There will be two projects in this section. Each project contains highly professional 5 slides. Each slide contains a different layoutis about different perspectiveexplores different tricksenables to play deeply with features of PowerPoint like text-boxes, figures, graphs, fonts, andmost importantly explores how we can include scalable figures in PowerPoint by just using a font! These figures can be scaled to any size without distorting. This will indeed be a solution to our problem of getting free figures to use in PowerPoint. Apart from that well see how we can obtain the ready-made extremely beautiful vector graphics from huge resources for free and well see how we can include those in PowerPoint, this will enhance ways of beautifying our slides. Furthermore, in the Course Files folder which contains huge reserve of scalable shapes, which can be included in PowerPoint and manipulated as freely as you want. These are 900+ in number! These include Social Icons, Icons of daily usage objects and many more. Youll like these, I am sure. Then in the next section well take our skills to even higher level and learn how we can draw 3-D objects, like a metallic sphere, a wooden plank or a cupboard, an object of fiber, a metallic key! PowerPoint is really a great tool, it equips you fully to fulfill your need of graphics and your need of beautifying your slides in just a few steps, now remember! This does not involve an inch of Adobe Illustrator or any other graphic software! Well learn all this in a refined manner and at a pace that you will understand and absorb! Youll enjoy the learning and just in few hours you will be a master in PowerPoint, you will have skills using which, you will be able to turn a blank slide into a piece of gold! Dont believe me? I offer a full money back guarantee, so long as you request it within 30 days of your purchase of the course. I will always be there for you and will be offering the best help possible. With me as your companion who has more than 5 years of experience and knows PowerPoint deeply, it will not be a difficult journey! With a hope, consistency and a very little hard work, well be able to achieve what you are thinking while signing up for this course in just 4 hours! Lets get started! I hope to see you in course! Regards,Ali Akram."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Tricks and Tips For Perfect Russian Pronunciation" |
"The course covers the most common pronunciation mistakes and gives simple and easy exercises that help you to improve your Russian pronunciation.What will you learn?After completion of this course you will be able toavoid the most common pronunciation mistakessound more authentic and ""Russian""understand the pronunciation of the Russian alphabetWho can benefit from this course?The course will be useful both for beginners and advanced learners as all the topics are explained in a simple language, with enough examples. What additional resources the course provides?Each lesson contains a set of exercises for home practice that should help you to improve your Russian pronunciation. Apart from that the course provides a recording of the whole Russian alphabet with examples and explanations.If you want to avoid pronunciation mistakes and improve your pronunciation, this course will be a great help for you!Created by a Russian native speaker who mastered Englisg and remembers what a challenge it is not simply to speak in a foreign language, but to be understood!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Step-by-Step Binary Options Trading Course + eBook (2020)" |
"Learn how to take your binary options trading to the next level!The Binary Institute is a leading binary options trading education provider, with specialized lessons aimed at first-time traders. With our binary options trading courses, you to can learn the basics of trading binary options and can take the steps to begin trading alone, independent of brokers, signal services, or robots.Most traders begin with our introductory course, which covers all of the basics of binary options trading in seven lessons. This written course introduces you to the history of trading, the fundamental aspects of binary options contracts, trading times, market analysis, and trading platform features.The course information is laid out in easy to read and comprehend text, that you can take at your own pace to understand how you can profit from binary options trading.Following the introductory course, many traders then continue to our video series, which provides 10 detailed videos guiding you through the trading process. The lessons begin with learning how to use a charting system and take you all the way to using technical indicators, the economic calendar, but also risk and money management strategies with trading.Regardless of whether you take the introductory course or the video series as well, the Binary Institute provides you with all of the necessary information for you to begin trading successfully - on your own.Register to our website for full access to the extra tools needed for the course (Completely FREE)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Hip Hop Dance For Beginners with Cyrian Reed" |
"UPDATE:June 2016: New Routine to Rihanna's ""Work""Learn Hip Hop Dance To Your Favorite Songs with International Choreographer and Dancer Cyrian Reed!Course Description:This course is designed to give students an awesome opportunity to learn the art form of Hip Hop (Urban Street Dance) and become a part of the Hip Hop Community. The course is created for beginning dancers who feel like they're too shy to dance or perhaps, those dancers that need a boost in their performance proficiency. The different Hip Hop techniques will be taught from several lectures and demonstrations. Classes will consist of the breakdown of Hip Hop sequences/ routines. Students will be able to review related video presentations, and other scholarly works that emphasize the history of Hip Hop culture and its positive impact on the progression of dance today.Course Objective: Exhibit basic understanding of eight counts (1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)Demonstrate proficiency in the various styles that reflect Hip Hop such as breaking, funk styles (popping/locking), sub-styles (waves/ glides), commercial and street genres. Learn several six eight count routines so that you can improve your muscle memory and retentionLearn the vocabulary used within the various Hip Hop (Urban Street Dance) dance formsIncrease rhythmic awareness and the importance that musicality plays in street danceDiscuss the importance, meaning, and practice of Freestyle Dance within Hip Hop cultureCourse Breakdown:32 lectures5 hours of instructionsCourse Requirements:A comfortable space or room to dance Comfortable clothes to dance in A positive attitude What I Want You To Know:I want you to know thatThere is a dancer in everybody!I want you to know that You must log into class, be ready work with a positive attitude and stay committed to developing into a Hip Hop dancer. I want you to know that. I am devoted and dedicated to cultivating each individual students own artistic expression of dance. I want you know that Proficiency in dance comes from practice and no professional becomes an expert over night but from years of mastering their dance skills."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"How to Create a Realistic Draw-On Effect in After Effects" |
"Learn the techniques to creating a realistic draw-on effect through 2D Animation. These techniques can be used to create any kind of drawing, text or graphic. We will be covering how to create our drawing utensils inside After Effects as well without any outside resources such as images.I have provided the After Effectsproject file that I will be using through this course. I supply this in order to allow you to follow along with me as I reference specific compositions and folders. This also allows students to dive into the example After Effectscompositions and open up the effect properties and play around with properties that we may not have covered in the course.What are you waiting for? Let's create some completely customizable drawing animations."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dream Achieving: Design Your Life With Your Ideas" |
"Everyone has dreams but why does it seem so few people make their dreamsreality? If making a plan could be fun and easy, surprisingly like game, and your lifecould be totally changed beyond your greatest expectations, wouldnt you give it a shot? After many years making our own dreams come true, we realized thatdeveloping a plan to reach goals is similar to designing a game and is notnecessarily as difficult as many people imagine.Instead, it can be very simple andfun, something everybody can easily accomplish with proper planning and focus. Wedeveloped our dream achieving guidelines and method based on our personal experiences andsuccesses and hope you will apply the know-how you will learn in this course totransform your life. In this course you will learn how to:1. Set a goal & identify your priorities and purpose2. Analyze your strengths and personal resources3. Develop action items by MindMapping4. Make a specific plan with a deadline and budget5. Reclaim your time6. Enjoy the process of achieving your dream7. Turn your passion into your profession"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"FPGA Design Learning VHDL" |
"****************************** UPDATE ***********************************2020, Jan-09: add quiz in section 32018,April-08: Added quizzes on section2, updated caption up to lesson 10**************************************************************************How many times do you waste your time in finding some examples useful to resolve your VHDL problems and didn't get anything useful?YES, it is true that we can find a lot of information for free, but not all the information we get is good stuff. Many times we need a huge amount of time to filter good stuff from useless material. Even if we get the information for free, we often don't think about the time we are wasting and to the ""equivalent money"" we are losing wasting this time. In Surf-VHDL, we have more than 20 years in the FPGA/ASIC VHDL design. In this course, you will learn the basic rules to implement and efficient hardware design and how to apply these rules using VHDL. Here what you will learn at the end of the course: Entity / Architecture pair definitionConcurrencyVHDL Coding Style: Structural, Behavioral, SequentialEvent and TransactionDelay Modeling: Inertial vs Transport delayConcurrent Conditional Signal AssignmentUnderstanding Driver & Source conceptParametric Design: GenericsVHDL Types and Data objectVHDL Types of Data Object: Signal, Variable, Constant and FILEType bit vs ulogic vs std_logicSigned and Unsigned Data TypesType Conversion and Type CastingSubtype definitionProcess StatementSequential Conditional Statement: IF and CASESequential-Iterative Statement: FOR and WHILEThe Assert StatementSequential WAIT StatementSensitivity List vs WAIT StatementProcedure and FunctionPackagesConcurrent iterative Statement FOR GENERATEConcurrent conditional Statement IF GENERATETextIO package: Read/Write from fileTest bench design and simulationThe most important section is the LAB section. This is the real value of this course.In the LAB section, you will learn how to implement Heart-bit design: let's start with a blinking ledSeven segment display: write a VHDL code and drive a seven-segment displayUART: learn how to implement a UART 16650 compatible with internal FIFOCommand Parser: VHDL design that contains the LABs above. Connect your board to a PC and start to communicate with it.All the LABs are provided with the VHDL code that you have to complete and simulate. In the LAB videos, there will be addressed the exercise solution: you will learn how to implement the lab VHDL code, simulate and layout on FPGA Enjoy the course and start becoming a VHDL designer! "
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Wealth mind, Wealthy life- in 8 Powerful Hypnosis sessions" |
"In this course, You will discover the secrets of wealth in your subconscious mind, where all your weakness or power lives. Remove the blocks. Stop the sabotage. Manifest abundance and find out how good it feels to be free from fear and pain about money. This includes: Hypnosis videos, audios and workbooks.Eight hypnotherapy sessions experience that will catapult you into an abundant life. Each day you will watch a video and listen to an audio to get unstuck, focused and driven.If you are ready NOW to find your deepest fears about success and finally resolve them... you will discover the ultimate power of your subconscious. This hypnotherapy course changes all the aspects of being worthy, deserving, energized and knowing that you can create wealth on the deepest level."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Powerful Mind Body Healing with Hypnosis, 8 day program" |
"Each day is an experience to learn how your mind, body and soul can be healthier. In each hypnosis session you will access your subconscious mind,applying all of the resources you need to instruct your cells to make thechanges needed for health. Hypnotherapy can have a profound effect on your internal organs, blood flow, hormones, immune system, pain, and illness. This powerful hypnosis program will affect everything, to bring you to a better understanding of your health. You will create a state of harmony to create excellent health.VIDEOS- There are 8 videos, watch one each day. You will watch the video and gain an understanding of how each process can help you heal. The rest is easy. HYPNOSIS AUDIOS- Audio Download Sessions are easy. Just download the hypnosis session for the day, get relaxed and make sure you won't be disturbed. The hypnotherapy session will relax you deeply and create a new belief about your health, looking at it from several aspects of healing.After you experience all the sessions, you can use the hypnosis sessions again and again. Need to help your body relieve some pain, or heal more quickly, or let go of a headache? Just choose your session, relax and listen. Some people like to use Headphones, to deepen the experience.PLEASE never use while driving or doing any activity. This is Hypnotherapy and it will deeply relax you and help you heal while in trance.I have seen thousands of miraculous healings with the work I have done for over 20 years. I am sure you will enjoy the enlightenment and power that you discover when you complete this course."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Addiction Freedom- Never Relapse Again" |
"Why does the Addiction Freedom program work?If you have failed at rehab, cold turkey and 12 steps, what now?Im Wendi Friesen and for years I have had amazing success with addicts who are struggling. For over 15 years I have worked with clients using methods that change the way people think and create power and confidence in being the person they want to be.I know about addiction personally. My son, who is now 25, has been an opiate addict for years. He has been in and out of jail and rehab and as a result I have learned first hand why most drug, alcohol, gambling and other addiction programs simply dont work.Drug and Alcohol rehabs have an amazingly low success rate, less than 10%! They are expensive and are failing our addicts. It is not really their fault. They are using the only method they have in most cases. They drive you to AA meetings, feed you substandard food and make you spend hours reading the Big Book. AA was created in the 1930s. Most rehab methods are using the 12 step program created by AA and even though they know it is not working, they have virtually no other alternatives. We are living in a time where there are many discoveries about how the brain works and the amazing transformational methods of helping people to focus and direct their mind to have the feelings and thoughts they want. It is a shame that this is not the FIRST course of treatment for addiction.Hypnosis and NLP are very powerful and effective for many issues, if used properly. As an addict, you must change the way your brain is reacting and responding to your environment, your compulsive thoughts, the triggers, the emotional pain, the stress and so many life events. If you dont change the way your brain responds, you are going to continue to have the same struggles with addiction even years after being clean.This is a science based approach to completely change the way the brain responds to addiction triggers.When you release the subconscious responses, the brain changes the way it reacts and suddenly you realize that you are in control.Are you ready to quit drinking without 12 steps? Are you struggling with Drug Addiction? Are you clean and sober, but still scared of relapse? Never Relapse Again! The results are simply amazing!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Automated Testing Using Selenium WebDriver" |
"With the ever increasing velocity of software development, the people charged with testing applications find themselves struggling to keep pace with new features while balancing the need for regression and integration tests. To succeed in assuring the quality of applications, teams need fast, reliable testing methods. By implementing test automation, lead times for running smoke and regression tests can be greatly reduced while improving the consistency and accuracy of them. While this seems like a simple solution, the knowledge and expertise required to build stable test harnesses is not yet common among testers or developers.In this course, you will learn the skills necessary to build fully automated test suites for web-based applications using one of the most popular testing tools available, Selenium WebDriver. Establish a Robust Knowledge Base for Selenium with this Essential Course.Develop a reusable framework to accelerate test harness creationLearn how to use one test to perform cross-browser functionality checksDiscover the methods used to identify and interact with the elements of web pageConfigure, deploy, and connect to a Selenium Grid to allow parallel and cross-browser testingImplement the Page Object Model to create a functional and easily maintained test harnessIncorporate the framework and page objects into a real world example of a test suiteUtilize the Power and Flexibility of the Selenium Suite to Empower Your TeamSelenium WebDriver is the fastest growing web testing framework available today and is slated to become the W3C standard for web browser automation. By learning and implementing Selenium now, you will be able to position yourself and your team as leaders in automated web testing. Once the standard has been fully implemented, your tests will be fully compatible with all standardized browsers provided exemplary value for cross-browser testing in both time and maintenance.Currently, WebDriver has been implemented for most of the major browsers including:FirefoxChromeInternet ExplorerSafariOperaIn addition to desktop browsers, Selenium supports mobile testing on iOS and Android. through driver options such as Appium, Selendroid, and iOS Driver.With Selenium powering your tests, you will be able to accomplish more in shorter periods of time and without the hassles of trying to work with proprietary languages or dealing with the maintenance nightmares of record-and-playback software packages.CourseOverviewThiscourse provides a fast track to success using SeleniumWebDriver to implement automated tests within your organization.Lectures cover the use of the Page Object Model for developing easilymaintained test harnesses, creating an automation framework that willincrease your test implementation velocity on any project, and how toavoid some of the pitfalls most testers find themselves in. Inaddition to learning how to utilize WebDriver, you will gainexperience in configuring and connecting to a Selenium Grid forparallel and cross-browser testing using a single test suite. Thecourse is taught using the methods I use when mentoring juniordevelopers and testers on the job. Information is provided throughvideo demonstrations, discussions, and written resources. A quiz hasbeen included in each section to help you determine how much of theinformation you have retained from the lectures. Some sections alsohave practice exercises to help in cementing your new knowledge.Ifyou have any questions about the content or would like someassistance in troubleshooting an exercise, please contact me. I willrespond as quickly as possible."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Event Planning 1.5 Hour Crash Course and How to Guide" |
"Now Im not going to guarantee you anything, but with over 8 templates and examples Im going to be impressed if you are not saving hours of time and headache.Whether you where asked by your boss, coworkers, or forced into itby your spouse, that bigevent has become your problem. Now what?Think you can wing it?Answer the questions below and find out if you actually ""got this"".Do you know how to usea gantt chart?Or the easiest way to make a press release?What about the best way to make a budget?Or how to write a sponsorship packet?...If you are having trouble answering any of the questions above then you need to buy this course. Just click the green button that says Take This Course and you will be seconds away from the answers.What You Are Going To Learn By the end of this, you should have the skills and tools you need to run your eventso good your boss might even crack asmile. We are going to avoid all the B.S and talk strictlyabout the topics you need to know like: Key things that every event planner must do before they spend their first dollar Wiz kids tricks to master time based planning Writing an email that nobody can say no toAnd more Also, you are going to get plenty of mock emails and excel templates to make your life that much easier. Based on Real EventsThe material in this course was taken from actual events that have had resounding success. Learn skills that were actually used to run the largest 3 day entrepreneurship training event in the conference series.From championship bike races to small business skills workshops, this course pulls from a deep wealth of knowledge. The Best PartYou will get all this knowledge in 1.5hours. Just think about it?In the time you spent reading this description you could have already finished your first lesson and been on your way to launching your first big event.Click the green button that says Take This Course and purchase your copy of Event Planning The 1.5 Hour Crash Course and How to GuideSee you in class.- Andrew, Instructor"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Relationship Bootcamp for Couples" |
"Course Description Learn the theory, communication techniques, and exercises you will need to transform your relationship out of conflict and frustration, and into deep understanding and connection. What you will Learn A new way to communicate.Why you were attracted to one another. And it is not for the reasons that you think.What is really happening in your brain. Understanding this will help you find true happiness.How your Defenses protected you in childhood, but block you from connecting in your relationship today.Why you are having Conflict. The purpose of your Conflict. And what you need to do instead.How to solve the Greatest Mystery of your relationship. Once you learn this, everything will begin to fall into place.The things you do when you feel stressed are the things that trigger your partner the most. (The Turtle and Tiger Dance.)How to stop blaming your partner for the pain you experienced in childhood.How the Compassion Dialogue can reveal your unconscious Growth and Healing blueprint that lives in the unconscious part of your mind. Content and Overview Have you ever wondered if the fights youre having in your relationship could mean that you chose the wrong partner? Perhaps youve been slipping into a HOT relationship, full of criticism and reactivity. Or maybe youve settled for a COLD relationship, where you live distant lives, lacking passion and intimacy. Are you one of the 50 percent of Americans who are seriously thinking about divorce? If you answered YES to any of these questions, I want you to understand that breaking up is not inevitable. There is a solution. In this course Ill teach you whats really happening in your relationship and what you can do about it. And if you are just beginning a relationship, this course will show you how to navigate through the Power Struggle when it hits during the next 2 years. Ill be teaching this course in a way that I hope youll find interesting. You wont see my talking head. Instead, Ive animated each video lesson with moving words and images. I hired a professional voiceover for the script and added music to keep you alert. I created 12 short videos (4-7 minutes) to break up the information into manageable chunks. Ive packed years of my professional experience (working with couples and presenting workshops) into each lesson. It is very important to follow these lessons in order. The material is complex so I start easy and end with a bang! You will benefit from watching these videos many times. I provide many exercises and handouts to support your work. In last lesson youll witness a real couple using the Compassion Dialogue to unlock the mystery of a previous frustration that led to conflict. I added subtitles during the demonstration so you understand exactly where they are in the process. You can download the Compassion Dialogue script and follow along as well. By the end of this course you understand your relationship journey from the moment you left the womb to your present day experiences. You will be able to identify your wounding and what you need to heal. Youll discover what parts of yourself you gave up to survive in your family system. Youll understand that you chose your partner specifically to teach you how to recover your Lost Parts. Youll be able to communicate in a new way to reveal your unique relationship blueprint for growth and healing. And you will finally have a plan to divorce-proof your relationship, and give your partner the gift of forever."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Tcnicas de Estudio y Aprendizaje" |
"El curso de Tcnicas de Estudio y Aprendizaje est dirigido a estudiantes de los siguientes niveles: bachillerato, universidad, oposiciones, formacin profesional superior o profesionales que quieran aprender el mtodo.Objetivos: Dotar a los alumnos de un mtodo eficaz de estudio, ganando tiempo y destreza.Aprender a utilizar la inteligencia emocional y el cambio de creencias para mejorar tu rendimiento, autoestima y motivacin.Mejorar la atencin, concentracin y motivacin.Aumentar la capacidad de razonamiento y resolucin de problemas.Aumentar exponencialmente la capacidad de memorizacin.Aumentar la velocidad y comprensin lectoras.Aprender a aprovechar todos los canales sensoriales para el aprendizaje, cada uno segn su estilo.Aumentar y aprovechar las inteligencias mltiples.Analizar los contenidos de un texto, diferenciando ideas clave, relacionando conceptos y estructurando y sintetizando correctamente la informacin.Ganar tiempo, eficacia y maximizar el rendimiento.Leer ms rpido y con mayor comprensin Al final del curso, los alumnos sern capaces de: Aprender, comprender y aplicar un mtodo eficaz de estudio para distintas asignaturas.Organizar un ao acadmico.Ser capaz de disear metas y objetivos y cumplirlos.Aplicar mtodos de gestin del tiempo eficaces para cumplir esos objetivos.Sintetizar, analizar y memorizar la informacin.Subrayar como expertos.Mejorar su motivacin e inteligencia emocional para el estudio."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"SAP Simplified for Absolute Beginners" |
"An idealstarter course into the daily office work with SAP for prospective end user. Get to know the essential parts of the system and also understand them. Make yourself familiar with the SAP system by watching carefully desigend videos about SAP.Your journeyinto the SAP world will start from scratch. By and by you will be aquaintedwith the system in a very simplified way. The lectures always combine theory immediately with practice. Meaningthat everything is also demonstrated in a live system directly. You will see that it is not that difficult to navigate in SAP ERP. At its heart it is a question of understanding. This course offers lots of suitable explanations and demonstrations. At the close of the course you will have a quite goodunderstanding of SAP and thus be able to use the SAP system at work."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Fotobearbeitung leicht gemacht fr Laien mit Paint.NET" |
"Fast jeder macht heute digitale Fotos oder verwendet sie in irgendeiner Form. Sei esfr Fotobcher, Grukarten,Webseiten,Prsentationen und vieles mehr.Doch manchmal stren Kleinigkeiten auf einemFotooder man mchte etwas auf einem Bild hervorheben. Da kommt dann die Fotobearbeitung ins Spiel. Frher nur etwas fr Profis, kann heute jeder LaieFotos bearbeiten.Dieser Kurs bietet speziellfr Anfngereine umfassende Einfhrungindieses spannendeGebiet.Dazu wird das unkomplizierte und kostenlose Windows Programm Paint.NET verwendet. Im Kursverlauf wird zuerst das Programm allgemein kurz vorgestellt. Danach werdenaberalle grundstzlichen Funktionen und Werkzeugeanhand von konkreten Fotobearbeitungen demonstriert. So kann man tatschlich ganz entspannt, Bild fr Bild in die Bildbearbeitung einsteigen.Die Fotos werden alle zur Verfgung gestellt und ermglichen das genaue Nacharbeiten der Lektionsinhalte.Wer also an der Fotobearbeitung interessiert ist, findet mit diesem Kurs einen leichten und sehrpraktischenEinstieg."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso de diseo de aplicaciones - apps - para iOS y Android" |
"Aprende a disear apps de la mano de Mar Ballesteros, la diseadora espaola que ha conseguido ms de un milln de descargas con sus aplicaciones mviles. Si eres diseador grfico o programador y te gustara aprender diseo de apps y aumentar as tus ingresos mensuales, este curso es para ti. Al finalizar el curso, sers capaz de disear una app dirigida a un negocio concreto, para cubrir las necesidades de este negocio.Aprenders a hacer un prototipo interactivo sin saber programar. Este prototipo ser la carta de presentacin de tu app.Podrs disear un icono o logotipo perfecto y unos screenshots con los que promocionar tu app.Aprenders tambin a sacar partido de tu app, es decir, a ganar dinero con ella.A lo largo del curso, trataremos el diseo de apps para las dos app stores principales, la Apple App Store y Google Play, realizando as apps tanto para iPhone y iPad como para celulares y tablets Android.** Trataremos el diseo de apps con los programas Sketch 3 e Illustrator. ** No necesitas tener conocimientos de programacin para hacer el curso."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Mit Embarcadero Delphi schneller zum Ziel -1- Anfnger" |
"Delphi sorgt in Anfngerkreisen oft fr eine Menge Fragen und Probleme. Oft sinkt die Motivation, weiterzumachen, auf einen ungewollten Level. Doch hiermit ist jetzt Schluss, denn ich habe es mir zum Ziel gemacht, diese Hrden zu beseitigen und deiner Motivation einen neuen Schub zu verpassen.Ich selbst stand nach dem ersten Programmstart von Delphivor der groen Frage: ""Und jetzt?""Weitere Fragen wie ""Was ist das alles? Wie fange ich an? Wo ist was?"" stellten sich hinten an. Damals hatte ich keinen netten Kollegen, der mir diese Fragen beantworten konnte, und so wollte ich Delphi eigentlich ganz schnell wieder beiseite legen, ich wollte es vergessen. Leider war mein damaligerChef nicht damit einverstanden, denn er erwartete Programme von mir, keine Ausreden.Also musste ein teurer Lehrer kommen und mir den Einstieg in Delphi nahe bringen. Ich bekam zwei Tage Unterricht. Und die brachten mir die absoluten Basics, mehr nicht. Der Rest war harte Arbeit.In diesem Kurs mchte ich es dir wesentlich leichter machen. Ich werde dir vielmehr vermitteln, als nur ein paar Basics, um ein Fenster zu layouten. Denn nach dem ""Malen"" eines Fensters mit all seinen schnen Bedienelementen geht es ja erst richtig los. Quellcode will geschrieben werden, Programmlogik muss integriert werden, Fehler mssen beseitigt werden und vieles mehr. All die schnen Dinge, die hinter der bunten Fassade liegen, bentigen wesentlich mehr Aufmerksamkeit.All dies werde ich dir zeigen, und du wirst es sicher gern ben, denn Delphi ist in meinen Augen die genialste Enwicklungsumgebung fr kleine und auch ganz groe Programme. Ich habe viele Programmierumgebungen kennengelernt, aber keine bietet diesen unglaublichen Luxus und diese Sicherheit, wie Delphi von Embarcadero.Sicher ist Delphi mit der Zeit gewaltig gewachsen und unglaublich vielseitig geworden. Aber all diese schnen Dinge muss man am Anfang nicht beherrschen. Es geht hier ums Aufstehen und Laufen lernen und nicht darum, seine Geschwindigkeit zu optimieren. Du suchst den Einstieg, und diesenwirst du hier finden.Wenn du Fragen hast, kannst du mich jederzeit kontaktieren. Es gibt im Kurs die Mglichkeit, mir dein aktuelles Projekt zukommen zu lassen, oder Teile des Quellcodes, oder eben all deine Fragen.Wir knnen kommunizieren, oder ich helfe dir direkt online auf deinem Monitor.Ich bin stets bemht, deine Frageninnerhalb krzester Zeit zu beantworten und dir Tipps zu geben.Und nun lege all deine Bedenkenbeiseite, starte den Kurs und freue dich darber, dass du bereits nach kurzer Zeit mit Delphi umgehen wirst, als httest du es schon vor langer Zeit erlernt.Viel Spa beim Lernen! Schne Gre aus Brhl im Rheinland,Andr SchaberickP.S.: Dieser Kurs wird momentan und auch in den nchsten Wochen stndig erweitert. Ziel ist es, dass er ca. 90 Lektionen bekommt, in denen du die Theorie lernst, anschlieend werden jede Menge weitere folgen, in denen du mein Wrfelspiel ""Knuffel"" erstellen wirst. Nach dem Kauf dieses Kurses wirst du feststellen, dass er nach hinten wchst. Du musst die zustzlichen Lektionen nicht zustzlichkaufen."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Embarcadero Delphi fr Anfnger und Fortgeschrittene" |
"Sie sind Programmieranfnger? Sie kennen Delphi nur namentlich, wissen aber nicht, damit umzugehen? Sie mssen vielleicht sogar beruflich Delphi anwenden, finden aber nicht den Einstieg?Oder Sie sind bereits fortgeschritten und mchten die Netzwerkprogrammierung kennen lernen?Hier ist Ihre Rettung! Ich erklre Ihnen whrendder Erstellung eines kompletten, netzwerktauglichen Programms, wie Sie mitDelphi umgehen undProzeduren und Funktionen erstellen. Sie erfahren, was ""netzwerktauglich"" bedeutet, was Events sind, wie man Messages behandelt und wie man einem Benutzer des eigenen Programms die Bedienung mglichst einfach macht.""Benutzerfreundlich"" und ""netzwerktauglich"" stehen bei Ihnen an erster Stelle, Sie wissen aber nicht, wie man es umsetzt? Kein Problem, nachdem Sie diesen Kurs absolviert haben.Sie befrchten, dass Sie zwar lernen, dieses Projekt zu erstellen, sind aber der Meinung, anschlieend keine Hilfe fr das eigene Projekt zu finden? Auch kein Problem. So weit es mir mglich ist, gebe ich gern Tipps und helfe weiter.Sie brauchen fr diesen Kurs lediglich mindestens Delphi 7 Professional. Alles Andere knnen Sie entweder aus dem Internet herunterladen oder im Kurs erhalten.Wir beginnen bei Level 0. Absolutes Nicht-Wissen ist gefragt. Ich werde die IDE erklren und Schritt fr Schritt zeigen, wie man ein Programm entwickelt. Ich zeige, welche sichtbaren und unsichtbaren Objekte fr unser Projekt notwendig sind, wie man sie positioniert und wie man sie anspricht.Anschlieend werden wir eine Datenbank inklusive dazugehrendem Index designen, und ich zeige, wie das Programm diese Datenbank selbst erstellt und die Indizes aufbaut.Sie werden nach ""Embarcadero Delphi fr Anfnger"" in der Lage sein, Delphi zu bedienen, netzwerktauglichen Quellcode zu schreiben, Fehler zu finden und geschwindigkeitsoptimierte Funktionen und Prozeduren zu erstellen. Sie werden verstehen, was Objekte sind, wie sie miteinander kommunizieren, wie man netzwerktauglich programmiert und wie man schwere Fehler abfngt.Sie werden ein komplett lauffhiges, netzwerkfhiges Vokabelabfrageprogramm programmiert haben, das Sie Vokabeln, Stze, Phrasen und Konjugationen abfragt sowie Fremddaten importiert. Ganz nebenbei werden Sie durch dieses Programm nicht nur das Programmieren lernen, sondern auch noch eine Fremdsprache."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Writing For the Web - How to Write Great Content That Sells" |
"Your website is your online presence. It is the first time many of your customers engage with you, so its important that it reflects you while also speaking to your audience.In this course, you will learn how to write web content for your audience that is optimized for the best comprehension. In other words, you'll have a website that both you and your customers will love!After completing Writing for the Web you will be able to:determine your audience (worksheet included)find your brand's voice (worksheet included)apply website best practicesorganize website contentconvert existing materials into website contentwrite new website contentedit website contentkeep your website up to dateI am a believer in creating websites that are easy to use, and I designed this course with the average person in mind. You dont need to be a marketing guru to create an amazing website!I will share with you what Ive learned in the past 16 years of creating and managing websites for businesses, government agencies, and nonprofits. Ive spoken on this topic at conferences and taught it in classrooms, and Im happy to welcome you to my virtual classroom. This course is for you if you want a website for personal use:personal brandingportfolio or digital resumemommy bloggers, daddy bloggers - any type of bloggers!DIYersfandomThis course is for you if you want a website for your business:small businessentrepreneurThis course is for you if your boss just assigned you the task of webmaster.The course is for you if you have a website, but want to update it.This course is for you if youre ready to get your website going, but dont know where to start.In other words, I created this course for you!Check out a few of my lectures, available for free, then enroll for lifetime access, including all updates I make as technology and best practices change. What are you waiting for? Your website is calling!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Basics of Microeconomics : Theory of Producer Behaviour" |
"Welcome to 'Basics of Microeconomics : Theory of Producer Behavior'In this course , you will understand how a producer :1) Maximizes his profit2) Decides what to produce and how much to produce3) Decides what all inputs to use and in what proportionIn this course, we will discuss the following: What is microeconomics?What is the difference between fixed factors of production and variable factors of production?How do we differentiate between short run and long run?How is the meaning of cost in economics different from meaning of cost in accountancy?What is the difference between fixed cost and variable cost?What do we mean by Perfect competition and Monopoly market type?What is the difference in the behavior of revenue curves in these two market types?How does a monopoly or perfectly competitive firm decides how much to produce to maximize his profit?Some concepts that we will use while discussing the topics mentioned above -Production Function, Returns to a factor, Law of variable proportions, Total cost, Marginal Cost, Average Cost, Total Product, Marginal Product, Average Product, Total Revenue, Marginal Revenue, Average Revenue.This course has 16 video lectures and 1 hour of content.How will this course benefit you?If you are an economics student - This will help you in gaining better clarity of concepts. If you are someone who has a desire to learn economics - This course is the first step that you need to take to fulfill your desire, it starts from the scratch and covers all the concepts in detail. All that said, if you would like to discuss something while you are learning, please feel free to start a discussion or PM me.Lets get started..!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Economics : Behavior of Buyers and Sellers & Product Pricing" |
"This course is your first step to build an excellent understanding of Economics. It has students (from over 130 countries), including absolute beginners in Economics and professionals from marketing and consulting fields! Here is what some of them have to say:""This entire course simplified my last 3 lectures in Economics for my MBA program. Thanks you so much for this course!"" ~ Naomi Cassin""A very superb course to learn for marketers and sales people to understand economics and market demand. Well arranged course with simple language and easy to understand"" ~ Abdul Qadir Samad""The author's clarity about what's being handled is exceptionally good"" ~ Harish""I liked this course, it explains the basics of Supply and Demand. It helped me understand some things that weren't detailed when I studied it in my university. Thank you Shubham Kalra for this course!"" ~ Caroline Dos Santos CorreaCourse Description: Welcome to this course on Basics of Microeconomics : Behavior of Buyers and Sellers & Product PricingThis course is divided into 2 parts: 1) Understanding the Behavior of Buyers and Sellers This part is covered in Section 1 (Demand), Section 2 (Supply) and Section 3 (Supply and Demand Together)In this part, I will take you through the heart of Economics - Demand and Supply Mechanism (Determined by Buyers and Sellers ) and we will discuss the following topics : What is Demand?Do you demand less when the price of a commodity rises.? Yes..? Think again..!Is your Demand only a function of price?What is supply?What affects supply of a good in the market?We, as buyers, want to pay as low a price as possible; sellers, on the other hand, want to charge as high a price as possible, seems like there are opposite interests here, then who gets to decide the price?How does this price mechanism function?2) Product Pricing Decisions - Price Elasticity of Demand and SupplyThis part is covered in Section 4 (Elasticity of Demand) and Section 5 (Elasticity of Supply).In this part, you will understand how to analyse demand and supply with greater precision and the product pricing mechanism. We will go through the following topics:What is Price Elasticity of Demand? How much product pricing power do you have?How to calculate Elasticity? What is Price Elasticity of Supply? What affects Price Elasticity of Supply? This course is not only for the students of Economics but for anyone who has an interest in understanding these powerful mechanisms. It is a beginner level course and all the topics and concepts start from scratch, so even if you are not familiar with Economics, you may take this as your first step to understand this powerful subject. All that said, if you would like to discuss something while you are learning, please feel free to start a discussion or PM me.Let's get started..!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Data and Statistics (For Business and Economics)" |
"This Statistics course is your first step to learn how to make sense of piles of data using the graphical and numerical measures. It has students (from over130countries), includingabsolute beginners in Statisticsand professionals from other fields.Here is what some of them have to say:""Simple to understand and follow; graphics are clean and easy to read"" ~ Linda Chisholm""The instructor explained three different ways to calculate frequency in Excel."" ~ Diane DyeCourse Description:This Statisticscourse is designed for students and businesseswho want to learn how to summarize data and communicate the results effectively. In this course, I will take you throughthe tabular,graphical and numericalmethods that one can use to turndata into information using Microsoft Excel.There are no prerequisites required to take this course as I will start all the concepts from scratch. A glimpse of what you are going to learn in 3 hours:Basics of Data - Collection Techniques and TypesTabular and Graphical methods available to summarize the data (along with their working in MSExcel) depending on what type of data we haveTips to use while deciding which chart type to choose for summarizing your data (Not every chart or graph is suitable for all kinds of data)Tips on how to get your audience's attention, how to make your data speakApplications to solidify your learningNumerical measures to summarize dataMean, Median, Mode - Which one is the best measure?Still wondering if this course is useful?Well, here is our take - Its better to spenda couple of hours learning how to summarize and present your data than spending days to try and make sense of the data without knowing these methods.All that said, lets get started..!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Statistics: Central Limit Theorem and Hypothesis Testing" |
"This course is the key to build an excellent understanding of Inferential Statistics. It has students (from over 100 countries) and here is what some of them have to say:""Well explained sir, every concept is clear as water and the way you explain is very easy to understand the concept. Worth buying this course"" ~ K Roshnishree""The explanations are quite intuitive and the best part is that the course includes practice problems which helps in building the concepts"" ~ Swati Sahu""The detail level coverage of the basic topics is amazing"" ~ Rehana Shake""This instructor is doing a fine job explaining the statistics concepts"" ~ Frank Herrera""Very clear examples, thank you sir!"" ~ Gitartha PathakCourse Description: This course is designed for students who are struggling with Statistics or who are complete beginners in statistics.How is this course structured? Section 1 and 2: These 2 sections cover the concepts that are crucial to understand the basics of hypothesis testing - Normal Distribution, Standard Normal Distribution, Sampling, Sampling Distribution and Central Limit Theorem. (Before you start hypothesis testing, make sure you are absolutely clear with these concepts)Section 3: This section caters to the basics of hypothesis testing with three methods - Critical Value Method, Z-Score Method and p-value method.My approach is hands on: Concepts, examples and solved problems addressing all the concepts covered in the lectures.Note : Only Hypothesis Testing in Case of Single Population Mean is covered"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"A Complete Guide to Creating Animated Information Graphics" |
"This is a two part class.In part 1 you'll learn how to create information graphics that use data and reveal stories through animation. You'll learn how to go from data/reporting to an engaging and animated information graphic.What you will learnAn overview of the approach to starting with a set of data and assetsFiguring out the story and whats important or interesting about the dataCreating a hierarchy of interesting elements and an organizational schemeWriting a scriptCreating the final storyboardWe'll also cover things like best practices and some tips to keep in mind as you work on your project.What you will makeStudents will make a storyboard for an animated information graphic.In part 2 you will get started on how to model, render, animate, and visualize data using the power of 3-dimensional design, and give a foundational overview of the 3D software package, Autodesk Maya. Graham has been using this software to create a wide variety of information design projects at The New York Times, and will relate these skills to work created in the journalism environment and beyond.What you will learnThe Maya interfaceHow to model in 3DHow to animate in 3DHow to render in 3DHow to use data in 3DWhat you will makeStudents will model, render, and animate a simple thermos as a way to learn the fundamentals.WHO THIS CLASS IS FORThis class is for anyone interested in data, information graphics, animation, and visual storytelling. If you are a designer, journalist, animator or simply interested in how this kind of work comes together, this class is for you!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Master American English Pronunciation with Vowel Power" |
"Nothing is more frustrating than not being understood! You know the words, you've studied the grammar, but people still can't understand you. Why? Your vowel sounds. Vowel sounds are the breath and soul of a language, and if you don't get them right, you will not be understood. It's that simple.But once you master the American vowel sounds, your English will skyrocket! People will understand you more, your confidence will increase, and -- surprisingly -- you will also understand other people much better. Your ability to make the correct sounds will greatly improve your ability to hear them when others speak.This course is designed for intermediate and advanced learners of English, but an ambitious beginner will also greatly benefit and get started on the right foot. Sound and meaning are integrated in a language, so it is extremely important to get your pronunciation right. Let Vowel Power show you how.What you will learn:How to correctly pronounce the 11 American vowel sounds.How to identify and correctly pronounce dipthongs (2 vowels together).How to identify the vowels Americans actually use--not what the spelling is!How to hear and use the rhythm and pacing of American English.How you will learn:Videos are text-based, which means you can read along, and then close your eyes to review and practice. This will quickly develop your ear for the sounds and rhythm of American English.Key lessons are repeated in different ways, helping you to learn quickly.Go at your own pace. Pronunciation drills are used throughout the course, and you move forward quickly as you master each new lesson."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Introduction To The World Of Equity Finance" |
"Many companies and individuals seeking loans from banks or private lenders cant meet the rigid collateral requirements imposed by these lenders. They might try asking family and friends for a loan, but that often proves difficult if not impossible. As a result they are forced to seek funding elsewhere. But where, how and from whom? The purpose of this course is to introduce you to the world of equity finance. Companies, big, small, established, start-ups and would-be-entrepreneurs from all over the world raise money via this method 24/7. It involves the offer and sale of a portion of your businesses to investors through what are known as securities or stock in the case of a corporation. This is a way in which you can raise enormous amounts of money, often within weeks, even though you are a start up, your business has failed, you lost your job, and you have no credit. The course details: what you have to do in order to comply with the law before, during and after raising money; the different choices you have through which to raise money; and,how to raise money using one of those choices. The course can be completed by reading one or more chapters at a time and can then be used as a future reference guide. No prior experience or formal educational requirements are necessary to understand this course and no training material is required."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |