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"Dominando Banco de Dados com MySQL" |
"Gostaria de saber por que todos os programadores precisam dominar o banco de dados? Como ser que as informaes das empresas ficam armazenadas, e como manipular estas informaes? Deseja se tornar um programador Web completo? Qualquer que seja sua motivao voc veio ao lugar certo.Este Curso Dominando o MySQL fundamental para os que desejam se tornar programadores, ele uma etapa do processo, voc precisa escolher qual linguagem de programao ir se especializar, mas independente de qual linguagem, PHP, C#, Java, Rubi, e o melhor suas dvidas respondidas. Neste curso cobriremos em mais de3,5 horasde contedo os seguintes tpicos:1) Instalao e Configurao do MySQL.2) Criao de Bancos de Dados etabelas.3) Conhea os tipos de dados e aprenda a projetar e armazenar corretamente os dados nas tabelas.4) Comandos para consulta, cadastro, alterao excluso de dados(Insert, Update, Delete, Select)5) Comandos avanados de Banco de Dados, tais como Joins, Subquery, Stored Procedure, Function.6) Aprenda a trabalhar com transaes.Se voc j um programador ou est comeando e sempre quis dominar um banco de dados sabendo extrair as informaes da maneira que deseja, este curso para voc.Acesso vitalcio! Te aguardo no curso!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"App-Entwicklung mit Xamarin" |
"Xamarin ist eine Plattform um Apps fr mobile Gerte zu entwickeln. Das besondere daran ist, dass Sie mit einer Sprache fr fr Android, iOS und Windows Phone entwickeln knnen. Auf dieser Basis ist es mglich, gemeinsamen Code in C# fr alle 3 Plattformen zu schreiben.In diesem Kurs zeige ich Ihnen anhand der Entwicklung eine kleinen Spiels,die Grundlagen, um Apps fr Android und iOS zu entwickeln. Ich gehedabei auf die zwei unterschiedlichenArten des Shared-Code-Setups ein, auerdem lernen Sie auch wie man die App im Play Store deploytund wie man ein Apple Developer Zertifikat erstellt.Ich mchte ganz ehrlich darauf hinweisen, dass dieser Kurs mittlerweile etwas veraltet ist. Xamarin ist natrlich seit langem kostenfrei, die genannten Emulatoren sind nicht mehr die aktuellen und hier und da wird sicher irgendwas anders sein, was Stolpersteine beimLernen verursachen kann. Ich habe leider derzeit keinerlei Zeit den Kurs zu pflegen und zu aktualisieren! Bitte beachten Sie dies vor Ihrer Kauf-Entscheidung."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Akvrium-a vz alatti mestersges csoda" |
"Ez a kurzus az desvzi akvarisztikrl szl. Amely magban foglalja, hogy mit rdemes elsajttani az akvrium elhelyezstl egszen a ksz akvrium berendezsig. Tartalmazza mg az desvzi akvriumi dszhalak lerst, tartst, szaportst. Mit rdemes tudni a halak biolgiai felptsrl, betegsgeikrl. A halak mellett fontos helyet foglalnak el a vzinvnyek ebben a kurzusban. Mindezt az ltalnos akvarisztika rsz fogja ssze.Ez a kurzus fleg azoknak szl, akik mg csak most ismerkednek az desvzi akvarisztika fortlyaival, szeretnk megismerni az desvzi dszhalakat s nvnyeket. A kurzus szveges egysgekbl pl fel, magyar nyelven lerva.A kurzus rvid, rthet szvegekbl,kpekbl s brkbl pl fel, pontokba szedve, kb. 4 rnyi anyagot tartalmazva.Minden, amit az akvarisztikrl tudni szeretnl."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Paediatric First Aid Training" |
"Welcome to Paediatric first aid training. Please download the resource handbook which we will be referring to throughout this course. There is also a syllabus attached.It remains a legal requirement for at least one person with a valid full 12-hour paediatric first aid certificate to be available at all times within a professional child care establishment. This 12 hr course can be taught either as a 2 day face to face option or as 6 hrs face to face teaching and 6 hrs of online content. This course is designed to give you the theoretical knowledge needed to accompany the Practical First Aid course to comply with the Ofsted requirements for a 12 hour course and fulfil the Ofsted Early Years Foundation specification. This course does not seek to replace the practical element but allows you to undertake the on-line training at a time and place to suit you and then book onto a one day rather than two day practical course with us at one of our locations in London or Kent UK.This course is also an excellent First Aid Training package for parents and child carers to gain invaluable knowledge at their own time and pace. It also serves as a superb resource for those with English as a Second Language to equip them with the vocabulary and language skills to pass a practical course and to refresh this vital knowledge on a regular basis.If you need an accredited or regulated First Aid training qualification to be Ofsted registered, it is necessary to undertake a combine this online learning with a 1 day blended learning face to face Paediatric Course.The course consists of illustrated step by step directions, flow charts, diagrams, videos and a short test yourself section fully compatible with all computers and mobile devices. You will be able to stop and start as often as you like and on completion you will be able to print your Certificate.It is impossible to cover all eventualities within this course, or to equip you with the knowledge and skills to appropriately diagnose and treat in unpredictable real life situations. If you suspect illness or injury, you should always seek immediate professional medical advice.The Author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within the course, however this course is merely a guide and the Author does not accept any liability or responsibility for any inaccuracies or for any mistreatment or misdiagnosis of any person, however caused.Course contents:First aid kitThe role of the first aiderManaging an emergency and where to obtain helpCommunication and casualty careTreatment of an unconscious casualtyResuscitation (Child, infant and adult protocols)AnaphylaxisSpinal injuriesChoking (Child, infant and adult protocols)Asthma and diabetic emergenciesHead injuriesExtremes of hot and coldShockDrowningSeizuresBleedingBurnsSprains, strains and fracturesPoisoning, bites and stingsForeign objectsEye injuriesChildhood conditions (e.g. meningitis an croup)Sickle cell anaemia.EMT First Aid and Lifeguard Training provides this course for guidance and it is not in any way a substitute for medical advice. EMT First Aid and Lifeguard Training is not responsible or liable for any diagnosis made, or actions taken based on this course. We strongly recommend that you attend a practical First Aid course to understand what to do in a medical emergency.Please be aware that the information is correct at the time of filming and relates only to UK Resuscitation and First Aid guidelines. If you are outside the UK please refer to your countries guidelines and governing board."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Emergency Life Support" |
"Do you want to know what to do in a emergency life threatening situation? This course will empower you with the skills to know how to treat various life threatening illness and injuries. The course consists of illustrated step by step directions, flow charts, diagrams, videos and a short test yourself section fully compatible with all computers and mobile devices. You will be able to stop and start as often as you like and on completion you will be able to print your Certificate.It is impossible to cover all eventualities within this course, or to equip you with the knowledge and skills to appropriately diagnose and treat in unpredictable real life situations. If you suspect illness or injury, you should always seek immediate professional medical advice.The Author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within the course, however this course is merely a guide and the Author does not accept any liability or responsibility for any inaccuracies or for any mistreatment or misdiagnosis of any person, however caused.EMT First Aid and Lifeguard Training provides this course for guidance and it is not in any way a substitute for medical advice. EMT First Aid and Lifeguard Training is not responsible or liable for any diagnosis made, or actions taken based on this course. We strongly recommend that you attend a practical First Aid course to understand what to do in a medical emergency.Please be aware that the information is correct at the time of filming and relates only to UK Resuscitation and First Aid guidelines. If you are outside the UK please refer to your countries guidelines and governing board."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"REST API Design, Development & Management" |
"PS: This COURSE does NOT focus on Coding of REST API - Focus is on Designing using proven patterns. Please do NOT enroll if your objective/Goal is just to learn ""Coding"" part of the REST API.How was this course created?Author (Raj) has worked with many large organizations for building their Digital Strategy in which API was a central theme. Over the years author recognized certain patterns and practices that led to successful API initiatives. Intrigued by his findings author did thorough research of 100's other successful API providers (examples: Facebook, Expedia, Capital One ...) and that resulted in a collection of Best practices and Design patterns that are covered in this course.This course covers all the important aspects related to design, development and management of API. The best practices, design patterns, challenges, suggestions & options discussed in this course are either:Created by analyzing how the popular API providers such as Facebook, Twitter, Capital One etc are building and managing their APITaken from personal experiences of the authorCourse is divided into 6 Parts:1. Setting the stage - Discusses a case study (ACME travels) used through the course + provides information on tools used2. Evolution of REST API - Lectures in this section will cover the foundational concepts + Why REST/JSON has become a defacto standard3. Designing the REST API (Covered in multiple sections)This is where students will learn the:Best PracticesImplementation patterns To demonstrate the implementation aspects, a set of NodeJS based API is also implemented for a fictitious enterprise ACME Travels.4. Securing the REST APIWhen an API is exposed by an enterprise to the public internet, it poses a risk to the enterprise as hackers may use the vulnerabilities in the API to launch attacks against the enterprise. There are multiple types of such Functional attacks that the API provider must consider. You will learn about the common attacks and the best practices for protecting the API.5. Swagger 2.0 / Open API Initiative specificationsThis section will begin with the description of Collaborative specifications development process & benefits of adopting contract first approach. At the end of this section student will be able to write Swagger/OAI specifications for their own API. As part of the lectures, a complete specification will be created for ACME Vacations. 6. API ManagementAPI management is the process of publishing, documenting and overseeing application programming interfaces (APIs) in a secure, scalable environment. Lectures in this section cover the details of the following activities that an API provider carry out within the scope of API management.APIgee, IBM API Connect & Mulesoft platforms will be used for demonstrating the various API management aspects discussed in the lectures. Students are encouraged to try out these platforms on their own to get a good feel of what API management platforms bring to table. The three platforms offer a free trial version that can be used for testing.WHY REST API?Today Enterprises are using REST APIs for not just building mobile applications but also for:Creating new channels for partnershipBuilding new revenue streams & business modelsPromoting their brandsJust creating the API does not guarantee that the enterprise will be able to achieve the desired goals from API perspective. Adoption of API by developers depend on multiple aspects such as its utility, ease of use, performance, scalability, security. The API provider must apply best practices throughout the life cycle of an API.Who should take this course?This course is suited for any technologist interested in learning REST API from end to end perspective not just from the coding perspective. Though this course uses NodeJS for demonstrating the design best practices, it does not require students to have any prior experience wth NodeJS. To take this course the student is expected to know any one (or more) programming language; have understanding of web application architecture; to be familiar with the concept of services ; understands the data formats such as JSON or XMLPlease note that this course will NOT teach how to code REST API in NodeJS."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"A Guide to Professional Consulting - Part One" |
"This course provides the student with several lectures that collectively when finished, provides them with a thorough introduction to the world of professional consulting. This course is designed to help the person who is considering undertaking a consulting career. It covers the following topics:What the consulting lifestyle looks like and the pros and cons to being a consultantWhat combination of skills and experience are required to be successful at consultingWhat are the most common areas of service (disciplines) that consultants can profitably marketHow much on average a consultant can charge for his or her services by consulting disciplineWhen should a consultant operate as a sole proprietorship and when should incorporation be consideredWhat is required to be able to consult internationallyWhat is required to consult in the USA if you are resident in CanadaHow do you obtain international Trade NAFTA status to consult throughout North AmericaAt the end of this course, the student will have gained greater insights into the world of professional consulting. This knowledge gained should help the student to both better decide if a consulting future is appropriate for them and also help them get started as a consultant if they choose to move ahead in this career direction."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Using Entrepreneurship to Prepare for Retirement" |
"Using Entrepreneurship to Prepare for Retirement Course SummaryThis course has been prepared with a view to raising the awareness of the costs required to live comfortably during a persons retirement years and suggests that some of the required funding needed to enable a comfortable retirement could come from some form of entrepreneurial effort made by the individual. The course goes further to outline opportunities that could be available to the student with respect to starting an at-home business, showing methods by which extra income can be made.This course targets anyone of working age (SENIORS TOO!) who does not already have an activated strategy in place to provide for his or her own comfort in retirement. Actually, taking this course may be the catalyst for many to not only prepare for retirement financially, but it could be the kick start to a great new life direction offering a lifestyle only dreamed of by the student prior to course commencement.The course content includes:Lectures on entrepreneurship and the way entrepreneurs think, different from the way employees thinkInformation relating to the costs of being retired in both Canada and the USAA vision for what your retirement could look like if you were financially secureOptions for and discussions of different kinds of businesses that could be undertaken from within ones own homeA lecture on the pros and cons of operating as both a sole proprietorship and as an incorporated business and the timing for when a person should consider incorporatingLectures on opportunities to initiate independent consulting activitiesA check list of solid online money making ideas that could generate significant online incomes.This course should take the student approximately two hours to complete and could well be two of the most fruitful hours ever spent by the student."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build a Successful Online Business - A Comprehensive Guide" |
"This is a comprehensive course covering many aspects of how to think about, start and build your own at home online business. By the end of this course, you will have all the tools you need intellectually to get the job done - all that will be left will be to just do it!Initial Premise: You want to create monetize-able Content, promote it online; and earn enough revenue from it to be able to make this a full-time business. You have an idea what you want to create but you dont know how to build it all, how to market it and how to make money from it. You have many questions but not a lot of knowledge as to what to do. Questions like: Where do I start? What do I do first? What are the steps I need to complete to get into a final productive and operational routine that over time makes me money? What should my Underlying Systems (applications, interface points, etc.) look like? For a simple business model you are ""business unsophisticated"" and just starting out what should my business model look like? What is a business model anyway? Once operational, what might my business day look like? What will my ultimate revenue sources be? What kind of content do I wish to create? Should I focus on making original content, curated content or both? How do I do SEO and how do I make it work for me? How do I generate organic traffic and what are my best options for paid traffic? How Do I Maximize the Use of E-Mail Marketing and Auto-responders? What automated e-mails should I build into my e-mail system? How do I make money Blogging? and Vlogging?How do I make money selling products as an affiliate? What websites would be very useful to know about in my business? What are some good tools and software I should be using as part of my business?The content in this course helps you work through these kinds of questions, increasing your knowledge so that you can hit the ground running to start building your ""At Home"" business with more confidence, knowing what you need to do to succeed. It will take you more than 3 hours to complete - but you will learn a lot of things that will really give you a leg up on getting your business built and growing.By the way: An important note for students of this course - Section 4 of this course is the same as my other earlier course ""How to Get Found on the Internet"". So if you take this course, you will not need to take the other one. I felt the content in that course was too important to be left behind for this course so I have included it within this lecture series as well. Best wishes, - Dan Grijzenhout"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"How to Get Found on the Internet" |
"This course provides the student with several lectures that collectively when finished, provides them with a greater understanding of the strategies and techniques they can employ to improve the likelihood of their web or blog sites being found by search engines on the Internet. This course covers the following topics:What is SEO and how does it workHow do you optimize and improve your web or blog site so as to improve its chances of being found by search enginesHow does one do keyword and keyword phrase analysis and what tools paid and free can help to get the job done?How do the experts use keyword analysis to find new business niches that they can exploit to be financially successful? What tools and strategies do they employ to make a lot of money on the Internet?How do you get your website Righteous with Google so they dont penalize you in their organic search engine rankingsWhat sites can help me analyze and debug my web and blog sites so that I can maximize their loading speed potential and reduce or eliminate bounces to my web or blog site(s)What analytical tools and websites are out there so that I can track various aspects of my web or blog sites performance?What strategies will best help me to generate steady organic traffic to my web or blog site?If I want to pay for traffic to my web or blog site, where do I get the Best bang for my buck?At the end of this course, the student will have gained greater insights into the world of SEO, creating backlinks, building a stable and far reaching online business presence and in general, getting their sites found on the Internet. This knowledge gained should help the student to improve his or her business online presence so it can be found more easily by organic searches. This should lead to more sales or content consumption by potential customers."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Building Successful Online Sales Funnels" |
"The concept of the sales funnel is that you are focusing your energies on bringing people to your website so that you can provide them with some information to gain initial trust. This being achieved, you try to capture their e-mail addresses thus giving you a way to contact them in return. Once connected, they can then get to know you over time, begin to trust you further, and then they may buy from you once at least but hopefully more than once. If they really like you, they will also then begin to help promote or evangelize you to others thus helping you grow your business.In the real world of today, this singular funnel concept depiction does not fully reflect what is now possible on the Internet and how the actual sales funnel concept truly works in implementation.In this course, I will introduce you to the concept of multiple focal points for online leads capture and numerous sales paths driving to sales down multiple sales channels. You can have many of them in your online business. In fact, the more focal points you can create out there, the more sales channels you create, the more your social presence increases online, the more organic search engines such as Google will find you, the more opportunities will arise for you to cross sell, the more contacts with people you will make, the more sales you will obtain and the more revenue you will ultimately generate. Thats how it really works. Through these lectures, you will learn a number of strategies to build your sales funnels plural. They may have different focal points and different paths to achieving results, but they do all lead to the same point in the end; and that is getting customers to subscribe to you, to then purchase your products and to then become your evangelists helping you to promote your business and products. So join me as I show you how you can make money online through the multiple sales funnels you will be creating in your business."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"A Guide to Professional Consulting - Part Two" |
"A Guide to Professional Consulting Part Two Course SummaryPart Two of my A Guide to Professional Consulting lecture series is focused on all the things that are taking place prior to the actual commencement of a contracted for project. The tips and template verbiage I include in this course have served me well over a 35+ year career as a professional consultant and they can help you too. This course contains a series of lectures on the following core topics:How and where to find projects you can offer your services forHow to use Bulletin Boards, work with Recruiters, and work with Consulting companiesHow to professionally apply to complete projectsHow to respond to Requests for ProposalsHow to build Scope of Work and High Level Project Plan documentationHow to complete proposalsHow to negotiate terms for engagementsHow to finalize Letters of Engagement with clients selecting you to provide consulting servicesHow to protect yourself financially when undertaking projectsUsing an NDA/Confidentiality AgreementTemplate resource documents are provided for some of the above topics as well.If you are at all interested or serious about becoming a professional consultant, this course will be a very valuable resource to you. It not only will help you find and secure engagements for your services, but the tips and verbiage you should put into your client contact and proposal documents provided within this lecture series will help to protect you as you strive to sell yourself on and complete projects for clients. This course will take you close to two hours to complete. May you get a lot of value from it.Best wishes, Dan Grijzenhout Course Creator"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"A Guide to Professional Consulting - Part Three" |
"The setting for part One of this course is a High Level Business Design Workshop attended by corporate executives and facilitated by a professional consultant. Through this ""Strategic Planning"" workshop setting, participants get involved to first answer questions and then work collectively to build the corporate mission statement and identify industry forces that affect the business enterprise resulting ultimately in the formation of business strategies. This is an overview course describing how this work is done at the highest levels of a corporation. Part Two of the class uses the above information gathered and defined and uses it to issue questionnaires and complete a Current Systems Assessment of the corporation.Putting the two above sections together allows a corporation to identify ""business and information systems gaps"" that can then being to be addressed through strategic planning and project planning exercises, commencing with formal ""Statements of Work"" packages and ""Business Cases"" for initiatives; both of which are described in overview in this course. So if this sort of work interests you, come aboard - you will get some great insights and usable templates and examples from this course.Best wishes,- Dan Grijzenhout"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Professional Consulting - A Guide to Business Process Design" |
"This course is written for those individuals working within a corporation that are looking for some structure that may assist them when given the unenviable task of Re-Engineering the corporations business processes and information systems in an effort to follow new directional and operational strategies developed by the corporations leadership body.The goals of this course are to provide a structural framework to approaching this Business Process Re-Engineering effort, to provide insights as to how best to complete the work that needs to be done to ensure that what is created is fully aligned on completion with the directional strategies of the corporate leadership team, and to provide a road map for the tasks that need to be completed in order to achieve the actual implementation of the new processes and supporting information systems.From the point that this methodology ends, operational departments of the corporation should more easily be able to package the defined out-putting tasks to be completed into actual development projects that will implement the changes required.This methodology also pays respect to and incorporates the frequently changing dynamics of process within corporations due to the rapidity with which current technological innovations are pushing change, forcing new operational directions and value chain re-definitions."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"A Guide to Book Self-Publishing and Promotion" |
"You are looking to self-publish your first book or E-Book or you actually have just written your first manuscript and you are wondering how to get it published and how to promote it and make money from it once the publication process has been completed. That is exactly why this book was written. Self-publishing the first time can be a daunting task, but this book will give you step by step instructions on how to get the job done and it will outline to you both different publishing options that you have and also various marketing strategies that you can employ to effectively get people looking at and thinking about your book.For the couple of dollars this book will cost you, you will get literally hundreds of dollars of value. So if getting a book published and promoted is something you desire to do, buying this book to assist you is pretty much a no-brainer.This is a course that will take you approximately two hours to complete. it is built primarily as a Microsoft PowerPoint lecture series with an audio overlay and published as videos. This is a course you should take if you are even thinking about writing a book and self-publishing it as just bytaking it, you will become much more comfortable about undertaking the work ahead of you. The course will give you a roadmap to follow to get the job done and it will remove most fears and anxieties about starting in the first place if you have some. If you are going ahead with this project, this roadmap will guide you to a successful conclusion so be sure tocheck it out.See you on the inside. Best wishes,Dan Grijzenhout - Course Creator"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Professional Consulting - Building a Meta Data Repository" |
"As corporations increase in size and complexity, securing, managing and insuring the integrity and accuracy of internal data becomes a critical component to continued corporate growth. If a corporation is growing, there will come a time in each entity's evolution where an ELDR (Enterprise Level Data Repository/Meta Data Repository) becomes an integral component to the organizations information systems architecture. This course provides the student with the knowledge required to:Justify the need for an ELDR within the corporationConstruct a set of Best Practices/Principles for it's designDesign and build the Framework for the services the ELDR will provideDesign the resulting architecture required for the ELDRDefine the rules for the data/information to be stored within the ELDR (Data Dictionary, operational, decision support, etc.)Define the categories of data, data integrity, data security, etc.Define the rules, processes and structures required to check-in, check-out and modify data/information stored within the ELDR (Management Framework)Define the application components that will comprise the ELDR systemThis course is designed to support the ongoing efforts of an IT department and its data architects and managers in designing, building and maintaining a corporation's business, operational and decision support information systems. It is an advanced course most useful to database architects,senior information systems analystsand systemsdevelopment personnel."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Create, Publish and Market ""Photo"" Coloring Books Online" |
"Create, Publish and Market""Photo"" Coloring Books OnlineThis course teaches the student how to create coloring books starting with selected photographs. Photographs are turned into color-able images using Adobe Photoshop. Once created, they are incorporated into a coloring book document and then are published onto Amazon's CreateSpace ""Print on Demand"" website. CreateSpace integrates with Amazon-Kindle to allow the author to sell these coloring books online. You can also use CreateSpace to market your coloring books globally through book retailers they have built connections with.Want to get your coloring books into major book chains like Barnes & Noble and Chapters Indigo? This course shows you how to do that too...I also provide through this course lectures that will assist you in marketing your coloring books to others. You will learn how to promote them online including through social media platforms, how to get your books listed with physical retailers, how to find prospects online and how to interact with customers to drive towards additional sales.So if you like taking pictures, you like creating and having fun with it andyou are not adverse to making some extra income from your creativity,this could become quite a good sideline ""passive income"" stream for you. So come check this course out.Best wishes,- Dan Grijzenhout - Course Creator"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Professional Consulting - Database Architecture Strategy" |
"This course is designed to assist database analysts, database architects and IT development personnel in understanding ""Best Practices"" that should be considered when architecting the data solutions for a corporation. It starts out by discussing the The Enterprise Data EnvironmentFramework whichprovides the architectural boundaries for all aspects of architecting a corporation's data. This defines the scope within which the architect will work - from database structures through to data management, data services, data security, etc.Then it discusses ""Best practices"" in each of these areas supported by their rationale and general implications to a corporation if these concepts are implemented. In the final lectures of this course, additional guidance is given in the arts of architecting for high availability, high concurrent user bases and high complexity situations.The course should take the student about an hourand a half to two hours tocomplete.The course is ""lecture"" based and no additional tools or software is required to take this course.This course has been upgraded for ""Close Captioned"" viewing - so subtitles are there to be viewed at your option.Best wishes,-Dan"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Computer System Protection - Advanced Methods" |
"This course teaches the student advanced methods or steps that can be used to protect one's computer against malicious intrusion, either in the form of a hacking attempt or in the form of attacks by viruses. The course covers the following topics:Terminology and types of hacker attacks taking place todayPassword design and password strategies that can be used to protect youWays to protect your computer and its content through improved ""privacy"" settingsHow to actually increase the Privacy Settings on your Windows 10 operating systemThe difference between anti-hacking software and anti-virus softwareThe importance of anti-virus softwareBest practices for using anti-virus software effectivelyOnce a student completes this course, he or she will have a much clearer understanding as to how intrusion attack attempts occur and how one can protect oneself against them."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Learning to Ski or Snowboard" |
"This course prepares someone for a lifetime of enjoyment on the slopes, either skiing or snowboarding. It covers what clothing and equipment is necessary and what is unnecessary, how to save money, how to use ski lifts (including chair lifts, gondolas, trams, T-bars, J-bars, Poma/button/platter lifts and rope tows), how to read a trail map, planning a ski or snowboard vacation, the best times and places to go, what to remember for your first trip to the slopes, how to buy boots, skis and snowboards, and many other topics. Black diamond skiers have reviewed this course and been surprised at how much they learned about some topics, like choosing boots and skis or a snowboard. The concepts of determining the shape of a mountain by looking at the trail map is also very advanced; many experienced snowboarders and skiers haven't grasped it. The course includes may tips and tricks that most people take years to acquire; you can have a big head start as you begin the sport. Concepts are clearly explained with photo illustrations or videos of actual equipment and there is a quiz at the end - you may be amazed at how much you've learned!This course does NOT teach how to ski and snowboard. As a beginner your ability to diagnose yourself and do the correct exercises correctly is very limited; teaching a student to ski or snowboard is best done live and in person by a professional instructor, not the students themselves. This course covers all the hundreds of other things a snowboarder or skier needs to know, which usually take years to learn via being too cold or too hot, wasting money, not improving, being injured, getting lost, winding up on slopes you can't possibly do, and feeling foolish. This course is intended to save you from all of that. The goal is for you to have as much fun as possible from your first time on the slopes and give you the confidence to take this up as a lifelong activity."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Design Thinking" |
"Design Thinking....Mastering the Science of Mind""Your imagination is is the preview of your life's coming attractions"". Albert EinsteinMind Scienceis based on applied evidence-based research taking the reader on 365- day learning journey. Learn how to apply positive emotion and thought for purposeful life experience creation turning thoughts to things. Learn Mind Science from the common perspectives of Quantum Physics, Physics, Philosophy, Metaphysics, Psychology, Spirituality, Theology, Neuroscience and Leadership of Past and 21st Century.Mind Science takes you on a voyage of self-discovery understanding the law of attraction, the multiple intelligence's, emotional intelligence, positive psychology, spirituality, quantum physics, economics, neuroscience, metaphysics, tips and strategies from 21stcentury leaders and leaders of past. Supplemental activities and lessons included are:IntroductionHow to Complete the ProgramJournal writing / Self ReflectionCreative VisualizationEmotion Energy TunerNeuroscienceLaw of AttractionMeditationAffirmationsEmotional IntelligenceMultiple Intelligence'sValuesSuccessTips / StrategiesProcessesIf you have any interest in taking total control of your life experience to create the life that you want, you should take this course!Results are based on your own understanding and application.Learn how to ""design your thinking""....learn how to master the science of mind"".This course is filled with video and text content.Downloadable Text Book - 365 Days of SupportHundreds of processes, strategies and support tips to maximize the emotion mind. Learn how to apply the emotion mind to the multiple intelligence's."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Getting To Know Camtasia Screen Recorder and Video Editor" |
"UPDATEDCOURSE!UPDATEDCOURSE!UPDATEDCOURSE!Last update : 19th November, 2018.ATTENTION!!! Students, Attention please.. This is a completebeginner course. You can learn the basics of Camtasia video edititng. If you want more IN DEPTH of Camtasia Studio then I guess this course is NOT for you. Just to let you know that, I can see that people are ENROLLING in this course by thinking that he or she will get all the IN DEPTH of Camtasia Studio. But, As I am saying, This is a COMPLETE BEGINNER COURSE. WAIT!!! You can still ENROLL if you want to. The good news is I AM WORKING ON CREATING THE COURSE WITH ALL THE ADVENCED FEATURES OF CAMTASIA STUDIO. MORE IN DEPTH YOU CAN SAY. STAY TUNED!!!Overview of the Course: -Learn the Basics of What it Takes to Create and Produce a Video with Camtasia Studio. This course explains the basics of creating videos with Camtasia Screen Recorder and Video Editing software. By taking this course you will know to create screencast on your Windows based PC. Learn Basics of Camtasia Studio Screencasting Camtasia Studio is a super video editing tool. In this course I'll show you the basic use of Camtasia Studio recording and walk you through the basic video production process. ThisCamtasiastudioisusedforCapturingscreencasts,Editingyourvideos,Producingyour videosThis course is forWindowsPC user. You can useCamtasia studio Software [Free Trial for 30 days is available] .Internet connection to download the latest version of Camtasia Studio.Be committed to taking actionFollowme with this journey. I will let you learnall the basics you need to know to get started with Camtasia Studio,how to capture screen,how to edit videos,how to produce a video"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crez des sites avec WordPress ! - Dbutants" |
"[Mis jour en mars 2019]Dans quelques dizaines de minutes, vous crerez votre premier site internet : blog, site vitrine voire mme boutique e-commerce : vous pouvez faire tout cela directement avec WordPress !Qu'est-ce que WordPress? WordPress est un outil open-source et gratuit qui va nous permettre de construire de trs nombreux sites internet avec des fonctionnalits avances et des design personnaliss.Ce cours va vous permettre de maitriser parfaitement Wordpress. Il est destin aux dbutants en la matire ; je vous expliquerai donc tout, pas pas ! Vous saurez mettre en ligne, grer et dvelopper votre site internet de faon compltement autonome et en ne payant quasiment rien (il existe des mthodes pour ne rien payer [en terme d'hbergement et de nom de domaine], je les explique aussi). Pourquoi suivre ce cours ?Vous deviendrez autonome et pourrez crer et dvelopper un site internet facilement sans connaissances techniques.Vous allez gagner normment de temps : je vais vous donner toutes mes techniques, et vous faire partager toutes mes connaissances sur Wordpress. Ce que j'ai appris en plusieurs annes, vous l'apprendrez en quelques heures.Vous allez suivre un cours dynamique et vido. Je ferai mon possible pour que vous ayez sans cesse envie d'apprendre (j'ai investi dans du matriel vido et audio, rien que pour vous !)Vous allez crer 5 sites internet trs diffrents durant nos TP, de faon ce que vous mettiez en pratique ce que nous viendrons d'apprendre.Vous ne risquez rien : s'il ne vous plait pas, faites-le-vous rembourser dans les 30 jours.Je reste votre entire disposition sur le forum si vous avez des questions ou des remarques : je suis trs ractif !Vous allez souscrire un cours susceptible d'voluer avec encore plus de contenu !Arrtez de vous poser des questions, et faites un choix que vous ne regretterez pas lorsque vous saurez (enfin !) crer des sites internet ! Rejoignez-nous dans ce cours ! tout de suite ! :-)tienne"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Maitrisez Keynote et l'Art de la prsentation PowerPoint" |
"Ne serait-ce pas gnial de pouvoir marquer vos auditeurs lors de votre prsentation ?Et si vos auditeurs se souvenaient de votre prsentation mme quelques jours aprs ?Que vous soyez entrepreneur, professeur, tudiant ou professionnel, vous tes souvent amen effectuer des prsentations powerpoint. Au lieu d'utiliser les modles tout faits, voire pire, le modle tout blanc, venez apprendre crer des slides mmorables avec Keynote.L'ide de ce cours est de vous apprendre en une petite heure crer de superbes prsentations powerpoint, marquantes, impressionnantes, mais aussi (et surtout) professionnelles.Ce cours totalement gratuit va donc vous apprendre comment crer un excellent support de communication avec le logiciel Keynote sur Mac.Mais tous les conseils sont aussi applicables sur Microsoft Powerpoint, sur les logiciels de la suite Libre Office ou Open Office et tous les logiciels vous permettant de faire des slides.En prenant ce cours, vous aurez vraiment accs une petite boite outils qui vous permettra de faire ce que vous souhaitez avec vos Powerpoints. Vous aurez aussi accs un ebook gratuit reprennent par crit tout le cours."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Raliser des montages vidos pros et efficaces avec iMovie" |
"Ce cours ""Apprendre le montage vido avec iMovie"" est une formation qui vavous donner toutes les clefs pour commencer crer trs rapidement des montages vidos.Que vous ayez quelques clips dont vous ne savez que faire ou dj un projet en tte, vient forcment un moment o vous aurez besoin de monter un film. iMovie est le logiciel parfait pour commencer ; il est simple mais en mme temps puissant.Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez apprivoiser iMovie pour l'utiliser au mieux, vous apprendrez trafiquer diffrents rglages pour amliorer aussi bien la vido que l'audio, et vous dcouvrirez diffrentes astuces pour tre toujours plus efficace.Cette formation a t cre pour que n'importe qui puisse apprendre raliser desmontagesvidos trs rapidement : en environ une heure et demie (uniquement des vidos), vous maitriserez parfaitement le logiciel.Comme pour toutes mes autres formations, je reste toujours joignable via le forum interne sur lequel je rponds toutes les questions en moins de 24h.N'attendez plus et cliquez sur ""Suivre ce cours"" pour commencer ds maintenant les choses srieuses !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Real Estate: The New Rules of Home Selling" |
"Real Estate: The New Rules of Home Selling Are you thinking about selling your home?Do you dread the thought of it because its your biggest financial transaction?And even though you know things have changed with all the new technology, you aren't sure where to start?Are you interested in knowing the technology and techniques I used to pocket an extra $14,000 from the sale of my home?Would you like to learn how to do it too, quickly and without hassle? That's awesome because this course is for you! IN ADDITION TO LEARNING TO USE THE NEW FREE TECHNOLOGYAVAILABLE TO ALL HOME SELLERs, IN THIS COURSE I WILL ALSO REVEAL: Tricks the real estate industry plays to get you to pay too muchThe 5 psychological traps to avoid when getting ready to sellThe 2 investments you should make to sell your home for top dollar How to tell a good agent from a bad one BEFORE you hire themThe dirty little secret behind listing agreements and what to do about itDoes spending 2 hours of your time today in order to pocket an extra $5,000 or more from the sale of your home sound appealing to you?I want to share the technology and simple strategies that I learned in order to save you the countless hours, effort and mistakes that so many home sellers make. So, I have compiled them in this unique step-by-step class so that you can see the same results when you sell your home too! ""A fool and his money were lucky to get together in the first place"" Harry Anderson This video course is unique. It is a very direct and clear presentation that most efficiently gets the knowledge from me to you. It is broken down into easy to learn modules that both explain the theory behind the techniques and show LIVE demonstrations of how to do it yourself. If youre planning to sell your home in the future, I GUARANTEE you that this investment will be the best you will ever make! It will pay you back 100 to 1000 times what you paid for it!! I will also personally respond to all questions and queries so that you can implement these simple strategies in a fool-proof way. I know the power of having these home selling strategies, and I can't wait to help you use them too! See you on the inside :) - CarlPS: This decision is a no brainer. Udemy has the best refund policy in the world!! If you dont like the material in the course, they will refund all of your money! No questions asked. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain! Make this investment in your savings account today... PPS: If you like what you learn in this course but arent sure you can do it, I will give you my personal email address and coach you one-on-one so you successfully implement these strategies. Click the Take This Course button at the top right now...youll be so glad you did."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Beginner Guide For Selling Art & Music Online" |
"Learn how to self promote, market and sell your artwork, music, writings and creative skills! Sell your creative work successfully on various digital and real world platforms, while growing your own unique brand and media platform. Use my video, audio and written lectures to fast track your career as an artist, designer, musician, photographer or writer. Gain first hand tips and tricks that I have used to get my career off the ground and into gear. ( Beginner Level )Stay tuned for my other courses covering intermediate - master level artist, musician and writer marketing, selling and self promotion.Please note that this course will be escalating in price within the next few monthsOVER 900+ STUDENTS IN THE FIRST MONTH!30 DAY NO QUESTIONS ASKED MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create 40+ Tasty Raw Food Recipes with Chef LaFaye Pye" |
"Creating simple, delicious and nutritious raw food dishes has never been easier.If you already know the power of eating whole raw organic foods, but need some guidance in learning how to prepare these healthy dishes. Then this is the course for you! In this course your going to learn how to create 40 gourmet raw food recipes. The recipes range from super simple to more advanced. You'll learn about infused waters and smoothies. Soups, salads, appetizers, main meals and of course desserts! As a bonus you get 3 full colour recipe books to download, making these delicious recipes, easy to recreate in your very own home kitchen.These recipes are especially exciting if your looking ""to go"" or already are vegetarian, vegan, dairy or gluten free. You'll also be happy to know that none of the recipes contain white sugar, highly processed ingredients or trans fats."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Be the Professional iOS/Android App Builder with Corona SDK" |
"Application iOS/Android Corona SDK Corona SDK Corona SDK Basic App iOS App iOS Tableview, Tabview Code Code App Android Coding App Native Code Interface Corona SDK Mobile App ?? App iOS/Android App F.A.Q. : Corona SDK Webview HTML5 Cross Platform : Corona SDK Webview HTML5 Native Lua Java Action Script: Performance Issue Native : App Corona Webview Native ( Native Code ) iPhone4 Android : Reuse Code : Android iOS 100% Setting View : Corona SDK : Corona SDK 19,000 : App Corona SDK Active : App Ecommerce PayAll Active Download iOS Android: App Mobile Corona SDK : iOS Android Native 1 : :"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"YouTube TV Show - In 10 Easy Steps" |
"Do you dream of having your own TV Show? Maybe you want to build your business or Brand with a TV Show but don't know how... Don't know anyone in Hollywood? Don't have millions to produce it? Don't know where to get started?No problem! This course provides 10 detailed steps to make your show a reality - for FREE on YouTube - and you'll even get paid to do it! No Hollywood big wigs to deal with. YOU have the final say. This do-it-yourself TV Mini-Series Course provides a step by step guide to your own online TV Show to post on YouTube. You'll get all of the tools you need to quickly and easily author your show from your initial show concept to creating compelling characters to ruling your own universe. After completing this course you'll be ready to write the pilot, make your show and build your audience! The Course Includes: Work sheets Web Series Examples Suggested Reading ListWith over a billion users that watch hundreds of millions of hours of video, YouTube is where you need to be! And once your show hits 1K subs and 4K views you can monetize your videos and get paid by YouTube!By the end of the course you'll be prepared to write the Pilot for your sensational new TV Show -that you can post for FREE - on YouTube. Get Discovered! Produce the next smash hit viral YouTube Series today!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"2D Composition in Photoshop & Animation in After Effects" |
"In this course you will learn a powerful new workflow between Creating a 2D composition in photoshop and animating your artwork in after effects.We take a first lesson to explain the process of creating a matte painting of your composition in photoshop then we jump right into creating our project, by learning how to use photoshop projects in after effects , we learn ways to position our layers, Animating a flying bird , using our camera for animation and working with particles to create a realistic Snow from the scratch and finally rendering our project in after effects also for bonuses we will show you how to work with adobe audition and adobe premiere pro to edit and Mix a very Cool soundtrack for our project to bring our animation to life .This course is full of helpful tool for getting some of the toughest part of the photoshop and after effects working easy for you, issues like , animating a bird wings, camera movement, working with particles are explained in depth so you can let your creativity flow.This course is assuming you have intermediate experience in photoshop and after effects , however we take a step by step approach so you can follow along. If you have never used photoshop or after effects and you are interested to animate your artworks this course will show you how to start and where to focus on. by the end of this course you have a good knowledge of creating and animating your projects."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |