Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Inteligncia Artificial para Iniciantes" |
"Inteligncia Artificial (IA) o ramo da Cincia da Computao que lida com automao do pensamento e comportamento inteligente. IA uma tecnologia chave para o software do presente/futuro.Existem vrias aplicaes que utilizam IA tais como reconhecimento facial, robs autnomos, reconhecimento de voz, sistemas de recomendao e muitas outras. Muitas empresas importantes utilizam IA como por exemplo Facebook, Google, IBM, Microsoft etc.Nesse curso voc ir aprender os conceitos de Inteligncia Artificial, tcnicas de aprendizado e algoritmos para que voc possa implementar essas tcnicas.No necessrio conhecimento de nenhuma linguagem de programao, pois com a explicao das tcnicas voc ser capaz de implementar utilizando a sua linguagem preferida."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Lgica de Programao com Python e CodeSkulptor" |
"Aprender lgica de programao fundamentalpara todos os programadores que querem aprender alguma linguagem de programao. Que tal aprender lgica de programao com uma das linguagens mais utilizadas atualmente?Esse curso ensina lgica de programao utilizando a linguagem Python atravs da ferramenta CodeSkulptor que uma excelente forma de voc comear a desenvolver os seus programas.O curso possui aulas curtas, dinmicas, vrios exerccios e muito mais! O que est esperando? Cadastre-se agora mesmo, aguardo voc no curso :)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Linguagem Java para Iniciantes" |
"Observao: ainda esto sendo adicionadas aulas a esse curso!Java uma linguagem de programao que surgiu na dcada de 90 na empresa Sun Microsystems. A linguagem Java orientada a objetos, possui uma sintaxe similar a C/C++, independente de plataforma, segura, possui um vasto conjunto de bibliotecas dentre outros recursos.Java uma das linguagens mais utilizadas do mundo. Java permite criar vrias aplicaes tais como aplicaes para web, aplicativos para celulares, dispositivos digitais e muito mais!O que est esperando?Cadastre-se agora mesmo para aprender a programar em Java!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Python para Hackers" |
"Python uma das linguagens mais utilizadas no mundo pela sua facilidade, praticidade e recursos.Nesse curso voc ir aprender Python com foco em segurana computacional. O curso possui uma introduo a programao com Python e aborda o mdulo scapy que uma poderosa ferramenta em Python para manipulao de pacotes.Are you ready?"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Controlando verses com Git e GitHub" |
"Git um sistema de controle de verso com nfase em velocidade. Foi inicialmente projetado por Linus Torvalds e open source. Possui vrios benefciostais como salvar alteraes de arquivos, gerenciar verso de software, auxilia no desenvolvimento em equipe, permite resgatar verses anteriores etc.GitHub um famoso repositrio de cdigo (que possui funcionalidades de rede social)utilizado por desenvolvedores e empresas ao redor do mundo. Vrios projetos importantes esto hospedados no GitHub tais como Linux, AngularJS, jQuery e muitos outros.Esse curso lhe dar o conhecimento necessrio para voc aprender sobrecontrole de verses utilizando o Git e GitHub atravs de aulas curtas, didticas e dinmicas.O que est esperando? Cadastre-se agora mesmo no curso e conhea as diversas funcionalidades dessas ferramentas importantssimas no desenvolvimentode software!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolvendo uma aplicao GUI com Python e Tkinter" |
"Que tal desenvolver uma aplicao com interface grfica do zero?Nesse curso voc irdesenvolver uma aplicao com interface grfica (GUI) utilizando a linguagem Python e o mdulo padro Tkinter.Atravs de aulas dinmicas e didticas voc conhecer os diversos recursos da linguagem Python e do mdulo Tkinter que iro lhe auxiliar a desenvolver suas prprias aplicaes com interface grfica.O que est esperando? Cadastre-se agora mesmo no curso!! :)Verso do Python utilizada:2.7."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript para Iniciantes" |
"JavaScript uma linguagem que incorporada a um documento HTML. Trata-se de uma linguagem bastante flexvel, faz com que o site fique mais dinmico, permite executar instrues como resposta s aes do usurio, de fcil aprendizagem dentre muitas outras vantagens.Alm disso,JavaScript pode ser utilizada com outras linguagens para melhorar ainda mais os recursos de seu site. O que est esperando? Cadastre-se agora mesmo no curso e conhea essa excelente linguagem!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Criando Cursos Online - Unofficial" |
"Que tal criar o seu prprio curso online e impactar positivamente na vida de centenas de pessoas?Se voc tem vontade de compartilhar suas experincias com o mundo, ento esse curso exatamente para voc!Nesse curso eu compartilho minha experincia sobre a criao de cursos online e como isso me ajudou a me tornar uma pessoa mais feliz por saber que eu estou transformando a vida de outras pessoas.Irei fornecer dicas precisas aliando motivao, tcnica e marketing para que voc possa criar um curso de qualidade e atingir um grande pblico!Voc precisa compartilhar o seu conhecimento, faa esse curso e transforme a sua vida e a vida de outras pessoas atravs de suas experincias!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Web Scraping com Python e Beautiful Soup" |
"Que tal extrair dados da web? Nesse curso voc saber como fazer web scraping com Python 3e Beautiful Soup 4. Web scraping a extrao de dados de pginas web.Python uma excelente linguagem de programao, fcil de aprender e que possui recursos fantsticos. Beautiful Soup uma biblioteca feita em Python para extrao de dados de arquivos HTML e XML.Atualmente h uma grande necessidade de solues para filtragem de informaes da internet. Com esse curso, voc poder desenvolver aplicaes para obter diversas informaes da web automatizando todo esse processo utilizando a linguagem Python e o poderoso mdulo Beautiful Soup.O que est esperando?Cadastre-se agora mesmo e mergulhe no mundo do web scraping!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Maratona de Programao - A Arte de Competir" |
"Observao: ainda esto sendo adicionadas aulas a esse curso!Esse curso destinado a todas as pessoas que querem participar ou saber um pouco mais sobre competies de programao com foco na competio Maratona de Programao.Maratona de Programao uma competio por equipes onde cada equipe tenta resolver a maior quantidade possvel de problemas (no menor tempo possvel)utilizando um computador e alguma linguagem de programao.Eu participei trs vezes da Final Brasileira da Maratona de Programao e nesse curso irei compartilhar minha experincia mostrando o caminho para voc se preparar melhor para a Maratona de Programao. utilizada a linguagem de programao C++.E a? Vai encarar? :) Te aguardo no curso!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python 3 para Iniciantes" |
"Python uma linguagem de programao fantstica que te permite criar uma srie de aplicaes (games, web, aplicaes cientficas, plotar grficos, aplicaes de segurana etc.) de forma simples e fcil!A linguagem Python vem crescendo a cada dia porque fcil de aprender e extremamente poderosa. Python possui vrios recursos, baterias inclusas, utilizada por grandes empresas e possuiuma comunidade fantsticaque est crescendo cada vez mais e impulsionando odesenvolvimento da linguagem.O que est esperando? Aprenda agora mesmo a linguagem Python atravs de aulas dinmicas e didticas. Esse curso vai direto ao ponto, sem enrolao para otimizar o seu tempo e fazer com que voc aprenda a linguagem Python o mais rpido possvel. Te aguardo no curso!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Teachable: Como Publicar seus Cursos Online" |
"Quer publicar o seus cursos online e criar a sua escola virtual? Esse curso perfeito para voc!!Irei lhe mostrar o passo a passo para voc publicar seus cursos online na plataforma Teachable. Voc conhecer os diversos recursos para poder tirar proveito dessa plataforma fantstica!!Esse curso mostrar o passo a passo para voc publicar o seu curso online no Teachable atravs de aulas dinmicas e didticas. O que est esperando? No perca tempo, cadastre-se agora mesmo e comece a publicar os seus cursos online!!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Expresses Regulares com Python" |
"Que tal aprender sobre expresses regulares? Expresses regulares so utilizadas por exemplo em editores de texto, linguagens de programao etc.Graas s expresses regulares podemos resolver diversos problemas de forma simples e elegante como por exemplo:validao de e-mail, validao de senha e nome de usurio dentre outras coisas.Esse curso lhe fornecer a base necessria para aprender de fato sobre expresses regulares! O que est esperando? Te aguardo no curso:)"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Introduo a Estruturas de Dados" |
"Quer aprendersobre armazenamento e organizao dos dados? Ento voc est no curso certo! O curso de Introduo a Estruturas de Dados lhe fornecer a base necessria para aprender sobre organizao dos dados.Estruturas de Dados so fundamentais em Cincia da Computao e so importantssimaspara um bom funcionamento da aplicao bem como para melhorar a sua performance.Esse curso independe de linguagem de programao. No necessrio saber alguma linguagem de programao.Voc aprender Estruturas de Dados com Marcos Castro. Marcos Castro j ensinoumais de 5 mil alunos espalhados por mais de 60 pases, j publicou mais de 20 cursos e participou 3 vezes da Final Brasileira da Maratona de Programao que uma das competies de programao mais importantes do Brasil.O que est esperando?Cadastre-se no curso e mergulhe no mundo das estruturas de dados atravs de aulas didticas e dinmicas!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn Piano with Beethoven" |
"Course Updated - January 12, 2015Did you ever quit taking lessons or never started in the first place? Do you wish you could play now but think it is too late? It's not and the best place to start is here. This is a Step by Step course on how to play Fr Elise. Adult and teenage beginners who have never played piano before, should find this course accessible. You don't even need to know how to read music! You will learn:How to read music through a new innovative system (but you don't have to learn it if you don't want to)How to play Fr Elise expressivelyHow to use the pedalThe piano keyboardThe course is mainly delivered in How to videos showing you exactly what you need to do. Each video will take you through the steps on how to practice each segment. You will also find supplemental materials for you so that you can match your style of learning to the media that helps you the best. You will also have full access to the course teacher while you are taking this course. He will answer your questions and help you through the process. Best of all, this course will get you playing Fur Elise faster than conventional lessons. Doing the work outlined in the lessons, a student could confidently play Fur Elise in about 3-4 weeks. Conventional 30 minute lessons usually takes months. Sign up now and start playing piano!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Android Nougat De Principiante a Profesional Pagado" |
"Android Nougat: Curso de Desarrollo de Aplicaciones MvilesAprende a programar de una formafcil, prctica y orientada a proyectos. En este curso te enseamoscomo programar aplicaciones completas para Android as como el razonamiento detrs de las cosas. Otros cursos te prometen ensearte a programar un gran nmero de aplicaciones, perolo que no te dicen es que son aplicaciones que no tienen ninguna aplicacin prctica en el mundo laboraly no te explican la lgica detrs de su funcionamiento. Aqu aprenders todo lo necesario para tener habilidades profesionales de desarrollo de aplicaciones nativas en Android. Por qu tomar este curso? Nuestro primer cursoComo desarrollar una aplicacin para Android sorprendi a la comunidad de Udemy. Era el primer curso realmente actualizado que te ensea desarrollar una appnativacompletamente en espaol con cientos de calificaciones de 5 estrellas. En este curso utilizamos los mismos mtodos de aprendizaje que llevaron al anterior curso a su rotundo xito, pero de una manera ms grande y mejor todava. Las caractersticas de este curso completo son: Aprendizaje orientado a proyectos No solamente te ensearemos aprogramar, tambin sabrs como hacer aplicaciones completamentenativas yfuncionales.Para todos los niveles Este curso inicia desde cero con las bases de java hasta ensearte temas avanzados de Android.Completamente actualizado No enseamos cosas obsoletas, utilizamos la ltima tecnologa de Android Studio 2.2 y Android Nougat.Comunidad increble Tenemos un grupo de estudio en Facebook donde todos los estudiantes se ayudan mutuamente para resolver sus dudas.Horas y horas de contenido en sus ms de 130lecciones.Cmo esta estructurado el curso? Primero el instructorJuan Villalvazo( Autor de cursos ""Best Sellers"" en Udemy),los introducir al mundo de Java. Despus Aldo Olivares ( Experto en desarrollo Android) les enseara comoaplicarese conocimientos de java para poder construir una aplicacin de Androidsencilla, para despus ver diversos temas avanzados de Android y crear appsms complejas en el resto del curso. Qu obtendr? Comunidad increble y atencin de primera por parte de los instructores.Horas y horas de contenido en sus ms de 130lecciones.Certificado de terminacin del curso.Habilidades que prodrs aplicar en toda tu vidacomo desarrollador.Cules son los requerimientos? Tener una computadora con Windows,macOS o Linux. Un dispositivo Android es recomendado, pero no es necesario. Para quin es este curso? Este curso est orientado a principiantes que incluso no tienen experiencia en programacin o para programadores que quieren aprender a hacer aplicaciones para Android. Por ltimo recuerda que este curso tiene garanta de 30 das exclusiva de Udemy. Te invitamos a que formes parte de nuestra comunidad, muchas gracias."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Yii Framework 2 (Yii2) Workshop" |
"Yii Framework 2 PHP Framework Learning Time Production (Yii2 Advanced Application Template) Yii Framework 2 MySQL (Column, Line, PDF) Web Server ( Upload Web Application) Yii Framework 2 Yii Framework 2 Web Application"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"7 Easy Steps to Plan/Upgrade to ISO 9001:2015" |
"This course is a practical guide to help participants easily understand the ISO 9001:2015 requirements in seven easy steps. The structure and content of the course are suitable for all managers, supervisors and employees who are responsible for any part of businesses of the organization. This course is even appropriate for recent graduates who would like to be involved in the quality management system in their future careers. Several video presentations and generic templates will be provided in order to facilitate planning and implementation of a quality management system. There will be a workshop at the end of each step and totally 7 workshops should be conducted and sent to instructor in order to get formal certificate of completion. This course and its workshops would take about 18 hours to be completed. Please pay attention that the course price is in USD."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Advancing at Work 101" |
". .. . .You are a fresh employee trying to find your way in the business world? Or a fresh graduate seeking a job at a multinational company, If you are planning to further enhance your career professionalism, seeking for uniqueness to reach multinationals level by simulated on a full set of business assets, etiquettes, problem solving technique to be able to survive and compete in the market."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Marketing for lawyers: new clients will be tommorow" |
"This course consists of 11 units and about 60 lectures. The course is designed for practicing lawyers, as well as for owners, top managers and partners of law firms. The course will also be useful for lawyers who want to open a law firm. The information contained in the course can also be effectively used by marketers, who work with law firms or consulting companies. Despite the fact that the course is aimed primarily at law firms, it can easily be used for attracting customers to any consulting firm, because most of these methods will work in other sectors, associated with the provision of consulting and information services. As marketing knowledge for a practicing lawyer is one of the most important part in legal practice, thats why the legal marketing basics in this course are given in clear and simple language with a minimum of theory and a maximum reliance on practical experience . You will get acquainted with the practical experience and its tools in legal marketing, get practical advice, that you will be able to apply in your practice. If you are a marketer you will get a step by step guide (without excess water and theory) on effective marketing promotion of law firm. Having finished this course, you will understand your client, identify the target audience and its needs. You will be able to increase the flow of new clients in your law firm, return the old customers, and to increase revenues and the average amount of the check. You will learn to build a marketing strategy of the firm efficiently and cost-effectively. I would like to draw your attention to the fact, that if you want to get the maximum result after completing this video course, you have to implement the knowledge gained in this course in your job."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Building of a personal brand using professional communities" |
"This course consists of 3 sections and about 50 lectures.What is it about? The ability to communicate with people opens up broad prospects for the man. Contacts and communications in professional circles help to move up the career ladder or build your business successfully. From this course, you will learn how to join the professional crowd, how to become recognizable in this environment and how to use communication in professional community for your own purposes. The course represents the author's estimation algorithm of communication and explains what actions should be taken for the promotion of personal brand. Based on the study of modern psychologists and personal experience, the author gives practical recommendations, that will help you to communicate with people effectively. The course contains a lot of useful tips and vivid examples. The course is designed for young managers and young businessmen desiring to make a spectacular career. Also, the course will be useful to anyone whose purpose is to build a personal brand, whether he is a manager, a businessman or a specialist. I would like to draw your attention to the fact, that if you want to get the maximum result after completing this video course, you have to implement the knowledge gained in this course, in your job to the full extent."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"WordPress Web Design Business - Secret to Earning 6 Figures" |
"***UPDATED March 2020*** This is the ""Highest Rated"" course for How to run a profitable website design business!Earn $150 p/hour or more with your very next client. Implement the 6 easy steps outlined in my Website Design Business Formula and learn how to explode your income in 2020!In less than 2 hours you will be able to implement the exact formula that I use to consistently earn at least $150 p/hour with every client as a freelance web designer using WordPress.Im so sure of your success that I offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee with No Questions Asked!Im a self-taught Web Designer thats been in the business since 1997. Ive designed hundreds of websites from small mom & pop type businesses, to startups to leading web design projects with budgets upwards of $20 Million dollars as the Director of Product Design for a well known global organization.Im telling you this not to impress you, but to impress upon that what youll learn in this course comes from 19 years (8 years-WordPress) of practical hands on experience, which is key. I know that when I take a course, Im looking to learn from someone who is actually successful DOING what it is that I want to do. Not from some professor with a text book and a lot of hot air.What you will learn in this course is NOT academia, it is NOT theory - IT WORKS in the real-world with real clients.You should take this course love web design but can't figure out how to earn what you're worthyou get clients, but often end up working for little of nothingyou went to school for web design/development but haven't figured out how to make money with your skillsyou work full-time, do freelance on the side, but don't earn enough to leave your day jobyou have a small business that offers web design, but you're not making a decent marginyou simply want to earn $150 p/hour or more offering web design servicesIf any of the above describe your situation then take this course! You will not be disappointed. The formula outlines a simple proven way to consistently earn $150 p/hr or more that any web designer can implement using WordPress.If my Web Design Business Formula doesn't work for you within 30 Days I will give you all Your Money Back with No Questions Asked!Click the ENROLL NOW button to the right, and I will walk you through it step-by-Step and give you all the tools (game plan, proposal templates, etc.) you need to start earning $150 p/hour right now!Click the ENROLL NOW button to the right to get started today.ENROLL NOW and view this course free on your iPhone, iPad and Android devices with the UDEMY app!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Get Highly Targeted Traffic For Free" |
"You can drive huge amount of traffic and visitors to your site and blog and videosIf you are tired of looking so many different long courses for getting highly targeted visitors to your site then you are now at the right place you must get this course and share with your friends and spread the knowledgeIf you already have enough people reading your blog, then you dont need this.But If Not AndWant to Build Your Audience, Traffic, Brand, Profit and Trust?Youre a smart, motivated person.Youve got a great message to share with the world, and you write about that message on your completely awesome blog or website.You cant figure out how to reach people with that message, because youre not getting enough traffic to your site.You work hard and you want to learn, but its hard to figure out exactly what to do and how to do it. Getting more traffic seems like a giant, elusive mystery.You need some help figuring out what to do.How do I get more traffic? is the number one question I hear from bloggers and entrepreneurs. Everyone wants more traffic to their site.Not getting traffic to your site is really frustratingIn This Course you will get There are secrets that you can learn (and tips you can use) to make the process easy and even fun.When you have a plan for attracting more traffic, things will get easier.You can stop struggling and feeling annoyed and frustrated and ready to quit. Youll start having fun with your blog again.And thats what I want for you!If you are a blogger, Marketer or something else and you want to get targeted traffic to your profile then you must get this Course as this Training is the first Part of Getting targeted traffic."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Fiverr Mastering Basic to advance" |
"Why you must take this Course.?This is a full course about money making from fiverr with skills and with out skills and this is for all level students.At the end of this course students will be able to work with fiverr freelancing site and they will be able to earn through this site. This is a full course about make money online from fiverr.Fiverr Course Detail1. What is Fiverr? How to setup up Fiverr Account Completely ?2. How to make attractive gig?How to create your First GIG ?How to Make your GIG attractive?How to rank your gig?How to get your First Client ?3. Customer dealing?4. How we can get orders ( with skills) When you get no or fewer replies on ur gig then what to do?Niche selectionHow to outsourceHow to manage time and projectsHow to convert $5 to $50 how to promote gigs?5. How we can get orders ( without skills)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Be A Great Presenter Using Prezi" |
"What am I going to get from this course?The best ever course on Udemy about the Prezi for creating handful,beautiful and attractive presentation.Get a free Prezi account at, so you can do the hands-on exercises. That's all you need!Learn how to create stunning Prezi presentations quickly. Use powerpoint all the time? Sounds boring! Spice up your presentations and bolster them with creativity. Allow your students to create mind boggling presentations. Prezi is for everyone. Find out why millions of people have switched to PreziProfessional speakers, trainers, teachers, marketers, and anyone else who presents ideas to others will benefit from taking this course. If you regularly use Microsoft PowerPoint or Apple Keynote, you won't want to miss this opportunity to compare them to Prezi. Its open, infinite canvas gives you the freedom to break away from typical linear slideshows and wow your audience with exciting, cinematic movement. This course is taught by a professional trainer, so you will benefit from instruction that is carefully designed to maximize your learning investment. Prezi concepts are clearly explained, and skills are carefully demonstrated. Detailed, step-by-step instructions for hands-on exercises are available to download and print. Experiential learning is a must for mastering the nuances of Prezi. You should take this course if you are curious about what Prezi is and how it works. If you have already used Prezi this course is probably not for you.This course is developed teachers and educators in mind. However, since the course includes fundamentals, it can be taken by pretty much anybody!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn How To Use Daily Motion To Upload Videos" |
"Earn a Passive income by just uploading videos on dailymotion . Its so simple to work with.In this course i have discussed all the possible ways and all about this work that how you can work with this and how much you can earn from this.Its no Strict like just have to upload some videos on daily basis and after 2 to 3 month you will be able to create a huge amount of money right into your account. So Grab this course by just clicking on the button available right of this on "" Get this Course""And you BOOMits is easiest and simplest way to work and earn through online . You do not need to know before getting this course. Even if you are a newbie to this online world then you just have to work with the guideline of this course and you will be able to make huge money for yourself and for your family."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Your Wedding Business" |
"This course is designed for the modern day creative professional. Many are juggling a day job, and possibly even a family while also trying to make it in the wedding industry. This course gives an overview on the importance of marketing, guidance on how to develop your unique voice in the market and closes with actionable steps that everyone can take, in the midst of a busy schedule, to gain more clients, and push your business forward. In this day and age, brides are hit with marketing messages from everywhere, but after putting these steps into place, you are guaranteed to build a brand (or enhance your existing one) to a place where you get more leads, and book more brides. This is a course about marketing, sales and communication best practices to ensure that you draw more clients your way."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Picasa from Scratch" |
"Picasa is an awesome program, free to use from Google and with a little practice you can get the wow factor from your photographs. Photoshop is a great program, but if you're new to photo editing, Picasa is a great place to start.You can download it for free for either your Mac or PC, installation is easy and we will guide you through that, and using it is pretty simple and straight forward.You might be an experienced photographer and editor but you might want to consider Picasa if you have run out of Photoshop licenses for your ""other"" computers.Create beautiful images with Picasa's special effects or just create good clean images when your images need minor adjustments.We'll show you how to white balance your images and then step though cropping and other manipulation to get the best out of them.We'll show you how to save them out, create slide shows and even prepare you to send them to a lab near you for printing. Picasa, no wonder so many people are using it now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) The Facts for Parents" |
"This course has been designed to help anyone who would like to better understand Autism and how to cope with an Autism diagnosis. As a parent of a now 19 year old Autistic son, Randa has been through every high and low of the Autism journey. When your child has received an Autism diagnosis, it can be a confusing, emotional and challenging time - sometimes you just dont know where to start.Randa has produced this particular course to primarily support parents who have children on the Autism spectrum, or suspect their child may have Autism, to help guide you through the journey.It is an all-round awareness program that will provide valuable and critical insights to teachers, parents, peers and the public about dealing with Autism.You will learn how to:Better define AutismExplain what the Autism spectrum isUnderstand the benefits of an early autism diagnosisList some of the common signs of AutismGain some idea of what it is actually like to have AutismKnow what to do when your child has been diagnosed with AutismKnow what NOT to do when your child has been diagnosed with AutismHave some idea of what to say and what not to say to parents whos child has been diagnosed with AutismExplore the emotional stages that a parent may go through when their child has been diagnosed with AutismUnderstand how to increase social inclusion for children with AutismUnderstand the psychological well-being needs of a child with Autism"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Visual Merchandising Course For Retailers and Students" |
"Visual Merchandising & Window Dressing training course has been specifically created to give you the knowledge to become a Visual Merchandising expert, transform your existing shop and enable you to upskill your retail sales team using current Visual Merchandising techniques which I have gained after 20 years industry experience in London.Perfect for Retailers or Students. I show you highly practical solutions for Visual Merchandising in todays retail industry.There are over 40 videos covering the following subjects;Visual Merchandising techniquesHow to create an effective store window displaysMannequin handling and dressingThe importance of great link sellingHow to create effective store layouts which will help to encourage the customers flow around the store"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Get Started With Google Maps Javascript API v3. New UI!" |
"Learn how to embed a Google Map to your homepage and how to customize it with step-by-step instructions and examples.Create Google Maps to your homepage that fits to its design and content. A customized map is always more engaging.If you use personalized map, it can contain more relevant information. In this course you can learn how to embed a map and how to customize it.I will show you, how easy is to create a map.This course takes a step-by-step approach to prepare a useful, interactive map, which hopefully gives more benefit to your homepage.The course includes, how to:Obtain an API key,Set up your very first map,Put markers on it,Set its appearance with setting styles,Use the controls with the new UI (v3.22)Handling events,Displaying info-window,Draw lines and shapes,etc.The course also contains downloadable working samples.Join my course today and get the knowledge of Google Maps API!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |