Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Earn Passive Income by Working from Home with Google Adsense" |
"Welcome to the course, where I will teach you How >!> I<!<earned over $25,000 of Passive Incomewith Google Adsense and workfrom home, in the last 2 years. Over the duration of this course, Iwill teach you exactly what methods Iam using in order to earn Passive Income every single MONTH from Google Adsense! (My average is about $1,000 a month) No unnecessaryinformation, just straight to the point content! As a bonus you will also get my, ""How I got 1000's of Tumblr followers and 100's of backlinks"" for FREE! Which was going to be an entirely separate course, but I've decided to add it FORFREE! Now, making thisamount of Passive Income has putme on apath toFinancial Freedom.Ino longer have to work for other people and do what other people tellme to do...I work for myself and I work from home, whenever Iwant to... actually sometimes I work from the nearby coffee place, but that's a minor detail. :) You see, it has been two years since I've quit my job. And after succeeded in making Passive Income, I am here to give you all this information, because Iknow that you feel just like mesimply wanting to break lose from the 9 to 5 and work from home! Free from financial dependence, free from the9 to 5 job, and to do anything you want, at any time you want! Currently, Ican do anything Iwant.If Iwant to just drop whatever I am doing and go on a vacation, because... I have the timeand the money! I can, because I am not dependent on anyone or anything at anytime. If you are just like me and you want to head downthe path to freedom, then you have come to the right place. People say that money can't buy you everything, but it sure as hell can buy you your freedom! And I am here to teach you how you to...can start heading down that path just like me! You will learn exactly: WhatTheme and what settings Iam using on my Wordpress site in order to get the crazy high Click Through Rates that I am able to generate (the average for most other Passive Sites like mineare twice as low!).Types of Ads I am using and how you can easily place them in your website with just a few clicks!How to use Google AdSense and Google Analytics to earn money and analyze your website (what is earning you the most money, which page brings you the most traffic etc.)One simple effective trick that will increase your traffic by 10-20% immediately!How Iused Tumblr to get 1000's of followers and HUNDREDS of Backlinks to boos my websites quickly through Google Rankings!And howgoodthe coffee tastes when you work from home! What are you waiting for, don't you want to have financial freedom? Oh, and also, did I mention that I will reveal details of my current website which is live and earning money?The one that generated $20,000 so far? Take this course and join me on The Path to Freedom!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"STEP BY STEP .NET MVC 5 with EF,WebApi, Generic Repo & DI" |
".NET is a technology and in that it allows us to create a web base application using ASP.NET.ASP.NET uses MVC stands for Model-View-Controller design pattern which create the web application by separating controllers (handling requests and mapping to business logic), models (implementing business logic), and views (presenting and formatting output), it's easier to change code in each of these layers.Yogesh started to take the .Net batches in 2008 and got very popular because of his teaching style, very simple explanation of complex topics and very good hold on .Net technology.Shortly he started corporate and online training and more than 10000+ students got the benefit in their programming career.He is not only doing the .Net training but as a full time he is also working as Senior Solution Architect in leading IT company in United State.Many tutor only talks about the MVC fundamentals but they completely ignore the design patterns and Dependency Injection or communication with WebApi which is must for every MVC application.He is having the advantage of doing the day to day development and involved into the architecture design of MVC application so that course is touching every part of MVC architecture.In 6:10 hours of video series you will learn all the MVC fundamentals,REST and common design patterns which is the must part of each real world base application.Each video comprise with following pointsWhat are the topics going to coverExplanation of the concept/requirement/what is the output to achieveExplain the code snippet in step-wise mannerStart the practicalDebug the code for more explanationWhat topic got coverHe always keep the demo lecture before any student join his batch. Here also you can watch first two section of the course as well as Dependency Injection fundamental lectures to decide to enroll into course or not.By the end of watching this course, you'll be able to learn,Architecture of MVC,Routing Mechanism,Razor EngineData Management techniquesHTML helpers.CRUD base operation using Entity Framework 6 Database First approach.ModelBinder , Custom ModelBinder and Scaffolding.Validation at Server side and Client side using Data Annotation and Jquery.Layout,Section,Render Page,Partial Page,Layout Render techniques using ViewStart fileImprove performance using Bundling ,MinificationCaching techniques.Cross Site Scripting attack and it PreventionMVC FiltersCustom Authentication,Custom Authorization,Custom Action and Custom Exception FilterMVC PipelineDependency Inversion Principle(DIP),Dependency Injection(DI),Inversion Of Control(IoC),Unity Container.Custom Controller Factory to implement Dependency Injection in MVCRepository patternGeneric Repository patternMS Test project to write Unit TestBuild and Deploy MVC using IIS7REST API i.e ASP.Net WebApi-2How MVC application communicate with Web Api.Lets follow this pattern to become technically sound Dont try to build the application or project immediately after watching several videos. Dont jump to random lecture, go in sequence mannerEach lecture clear your concept and immediately practice after each lecture without fail.Repeat step 3 if you are unclear with the lecture or email me on for more clarification.Try to make short notes of the lecture which is really handy while time of interview or quick reference after several yearOnce you know each data points of MVC and Patterns then start to build any sample application in that you apply your knowledge.This is the best approach to learn any technology. Believe me my students are not only clear the interview but they cracked it.There is difference between being interested and committed.When you interested you do it when its easyWhen you committed yo do it no matter whatSo DONT wait and join the course and be the technically sound in .NET MVC""Dont be bookish be practical"""
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Basics of Bash Scripting" |
"This course teaches you basics of bash scripting, yeah Basics doesn't mean kiddo. By just these basics you can create awesome bash scripts now. I learnt these first time and made my $50 by writing a bash script for automating WPA Cracking process. This is community driven, that means anyone is free to ask me to add new video or a resource he found on internet and make its tutorial.Click The Enroll button now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso de AngularJS en Espaol - Aprende Fcilmente" |
"Bienvenido al curso de AngularJS en espaol!Por que tomar este curso?Como desarrolladores web hemos sido testigos de la evolucin de varios frameworks y libreras de JavaScript a travs de los ltimos aos, desde Ext.js y Backbone.js hasta EmberJS, Knockout y por ultimo AngularJSPara mi y muchos otros desarrolladores web con los que he hablado, AngularJS es el framework ms equilibrado de todos. Nos da la posibilidad de creare plantillas, enlace de datos doble y una arquitectura estndar para todos nuestros proyectos webEstas son algunas de las razones por las cuales cualquier desarrollador web necesita aprender AngularJSLa gran demanda en el mercado laboralpor desarrolladores con buen conocimiento de AngularJSTiene el respaldo de Google y una gran comunidad que sigue creciendoEs un framework open source completamenteUna estructura estndar en nuestros proyectos (MVC, MVP, MV*)Estos son algunos de los comentarios de los estudiantes sobre nuestro curso de Angular JS en espaol: ""Un curso estupendo como iniciacin a AngularJS. Lo recomiendo a cualquiera que comience desde cero. Muchas gracias al instructor por atender los comentarios al curso. Ahora est mucho ms completo, y es un detalle que el curso se actualice y que se tenga en cuenta el feedback de los alumnos"".Eduardo Arroyo Ramrez ""Las explicaciones del instructor son muy claras, se hace una introduccin clara del tema y luego se realizan ejemplos en cuanto al uso del tema explicado, El instructor utiliza escenarios de la vida real y que son comnmente aplicados"".Anibal Ralda ""Perfecto para iniciar en el mundo de AngularJS. Lo recomiendo 100%""Armando PadillaSobre que es este curso?Este es un curso de introduccin desde 0 al framework AngularJS de Google. Vamos a empezar desde 0 y progresivamente iremos creando ejemplos de mas complexidadEste curso fue creado para personas que quieran aprender AngularJS de una forma fcil y eficiente. Vamos a cubrir todos los temas bsicos e intermedios como:DirectivasControladoresMdulosServiciosFiltrosEnrutamientoValidacin de formulariosQue tipo de material es incluido?El curso cuenta con mas de 50lecciones divididas en varios captulos. Cada captulo tiene uno o varios ejemplos para ayudar a comprender mejor los conceptos del mismoEl cdigo fuente est incluido al final del capitulo para que el estudiante pueda comparar si hay algn problemaMi intencin con este curso es poder ensear Angular JS de una forma sencilla. Estar siempre dispuesto a ayudar si tiene algn problema y si tiene algn comentario para mejorar el curso ser tenido en cuenta"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Node JS en Espaol - Aprende Fcilmente" |
"Por que tomar este curso?NodeJS a visto un crecimiento exponencial en el desarrollo web en los ltimos aos gracias a su velocidad y fcilidad para aprenderlo. Escrito en Javascript, el lenguaje de programacin mas usado en el mundo, lo que nos ofrece la posibilidad de ser un desarrollador full stack utilizando el mismo lenguaje de programacion.Lagran demanda en el mercado laborarpor desarrolladores con buen conocimiento de NodeJSTiene el respaldo de Google (V8)y una gran comunidad que sigue creciendoSobre que es este curso?Este es un curso de introduccin desde 0 al Node JS. Vamos a empezar desde 0 y progresivamente iremos creando ejemplos de mas complexidadEste curso fue creado para personas que quieran aprender Node JS de una forma fcil y eficiente. Vamos a cubrir todos los temas bsicos e intermedios como:Que es Node JS?Como instalarloEl sistema de archivosGestionador de paquetes (NPM)Mdulos, como instalar y crear nuestros propios mdulosServidores HTTP, como crearlos y servir pginasWebsockets, crear una aplicacin 'Chat room'Que tipo de material es incluido?El curso cuenta con mas de 45lecciones divididas en varios captulos. Cada capitulo tiene uno o varios ejemplos para ayudar a comprender mejor los conceptos del mismoEl cdigo fuente est incluido al final del capitulo para que el estudiante pueda comparar si hay algn problemaMi intencin con este curso es poder ensear NodeJS de una forma sencilla. Estar siempre dispuesto a ayudar si tiene algn problema y si tiene algn comentario para mejorar el curso ser tenido en cuenta"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Angular 2 en Espaol - Aprende Fcilmente" |
"Bienvenido al curso Aprende Angular 2en Espaol. En este curso vas a aprender de una forma fcil y sencilla como utilizar la ltima versin de este gran framework de Google.Algunos de los comentarios de los estudiantes:Excelente me parece que la explicacion del tutor es muy facil de entender. El curso est muy completo y me parece muy bueno que el tutor est constantemente agregando nuevos contenidos con las actualizaciones. Recomendado... Ferneyder CubidesExcelente curso. Muy bien explicado. Si sos novato en angular, es lo ideal. Empezas aqui y luego te vas a la documentacion de angular2. Muchas gracias profe! Quedo a la espera de un curso de nativescript suyo! :)Agustin Sorbara Perfecto, ojala hubieran mas personas de habla espaola que este nivel conocimiento, edicion de video y facilidad para ensear.Angel CaballeroAhora es el momento de aprenderAngular 2y estar entre los primeros que podemos decir que podemos utilizar el framework con facilidad. Este curso te dar las herramientas necesarias para poder utilizar Angular 2 en tu vida profesional.El curso tiene una pequea introduccin aTypeScript, ya que es el lenguaje en el cual vamos a hacer todo nuestro cdigo y tambin vas aaprender los siguientes temas:DirectivasComponentesEnrutamientosEnlaces de datosInyeccin de dependenciasServiciosMdulosLlamados HTTPFormulariosy mucho ms!AngularJS es el framework ms usado por empresas en el mundo. Angular 2 fue reescrito desde cero para hacer el framework an ms rpido. Tener conocimientos sobre Angular 2 es indispensable para ser un desarrollador web completo. Inscribete en el curso de Angular 2 en Espaol y aprende rpidamente cmo usarlo!Como siempre, estar pendiente de las inquietudes que los estudiantes puedan tener para poder extender el curso cuando sea necesario o simplemente contestando sus preguntas de una forma clara. Los estudiantes detodosmiscursosestnmuy satisfechos con la calidad de mis cursos y estoy seguro que tu tambin estars muy contento con este curso.Que ests esperando? Aprende Angular 2 en Espaol ahora!Este curso ser actualizado constantemente con cada actualizacin del framework y con sugerencias de los estudiantes sobre temas de inters para ellos para siempre hacerlo mejor y ms completo.Solo necesitas tener conocimientos bsicos de HTML y JavaScript para aprovechar este curso al mximo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Writing Fictional Police Interrogations" |
"This course is for novelists, screenwriters and general audiences who want to learn how to write authentic police interview and interrogation scenes. You will be taught by a retired, 22-year veteran of the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department, who spent 6-years in one of the busiest homicide divisions in the country. Having worked nearly 200 murders, Sgt. Derek Pacifico will teach you what you need to know to write the most authentic and technically correct interrogation scenes. Included in this course are video lectures, slideshow presentations and the answers to a common set of frequently asked questions the sarge has been asked from writers from around the world. This course will span several hours, starting with Miranda Law and ending with the interrogation. You will learn about the preparation that goes into interviewing a murder suspect, the process of building rapport, the correct interrogation room set up, body language analysis and so much, much more. Take advantage of the opportunity to hear from a real cop, with real experience without having to fly across the country or around the world to take one of his seminars. You are in for a real treat!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"El Acceso a la Informacin y Transparencia en 40 Lecciones." |
"Este curso busca introducir a los alumnos al conocimiento global de la transparencia administrativa y del derecho de acceso a la informacin, desde la ptica de los puntos comunes que toda poltica pblica en la materia debera contener con la finalidad de generar en el alumno una visin crtica de cara a su entorno particularEl curso se compone de seis unidades:En la primera se analizarn los CONCEPTOS GENERALES del tema.En la segunda unidad se tratan los PRINCIPIOS RECTORES de la materia.En la tercera unidad se relacionan las LIMITACIONES tanto de la transparencia como del acceso a la informacin.La cuarta unidad presenta al denominado RGANO GARANTE.La quinta unidad trata de PROCEDIMIENTOS Y SANCIONES.Por ltimo, en la sexta unidad se estudian OTROS TIPOS DE TRANSPARENCIA Y OTROS MECANISMOS DEL DERECHO DE ACCESO A LA INFORMACIN. El curso consta de 40 clases, adems de un quiz o examen luego de cada clase para reforzar contenidos. Estimamos que para realizar el curso completo (ver todas las clases y responder todos los quizzes) se le debe dedicar aproximadamente 3 horas en total. El curso est hablado en espaol. No hay lmite de tiempo para completarlo. Contamos con expertos de toda Amrica como profesores para algunas clases.Para tomar tu curso es necesario tener una actitud abierta para comprender lo que supone la Transparencia y el Acceso a la informacin desde una visin Panamericana. Aunque no se requieren conocimientos previos para realizar este curso, si es necesario y recomendable entender este curso como introductorio, para que posteriormente puedas realizar otros cursos ms especializados donde se tratarn temticas con una mayor profundidad; es decir, este curso sienta las bases para que puedas realizar cursos especializados posteriormente."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Programmers Guide : Learn Ruby Programming Fundamentals" |
"Ruby is a fun toy and language and it's also a serious programming language,became a prgrammer is a combination of scientist and artist.In this course you will learn the ultimate and complete guide to build programs that increase your skills working on the Ruby language.We will post excercises that challenge to our students and improve their programming skills,this will help them to master :(1) Logic and object-oriented programming (2) Ruby language (3) Learn to solve problems in more than one way.Course DescriptionYou'll learn the foundations of an object-oriented language like Ruby,if you have experience with programming you can jump and go directly to the excercises, but we receive feedback from experts that learn things or understand what they programm automatically but without understand what they program.Content and OverviewThis course is good for beginners,we ensure to get totally understood and want you understand the logic and foundations behind any line of code.The students who finish this course will not just learn Ruby and create functional anduseful programs and applications, they will learn to THINK , for us this is more important,we want that you learn to solve problems in more than one way and were looking for more and more problems and excercise to improve your programming and solving problem skills.What Im going to learn from this course?Learn Ruby programming languageLearn the best Object-Oriented language with real world examples,we ensure to not to be misunderstood.Get surprised with new challenging excercises The most complete guide of Ruby language , we don't miss any subjectThe most important: Think like a programmer and learn to solve problem in more than one way.Do I need something?You don't need nothing actually, you have a computer and download the open source Ruby (free).We will not force you to use any IDE,package,hosting,membership,because we want that you learn to use the free tools that an open source language like Ruby gives you.We hope you enjoy the course!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Web Developers Guide: Learn HTML & CSS Fundamentals" |
"Welcome to: The Guide: Become a Professional HTML and CSS web developer. This course is about the guidelines to become a web developer using the markups of HTML and style for CSS with the last practices. We build a conceptual and practical course where we explain every topic with examples and projects at every section. Youll need only access to a computer with a text processor (notepad or Sublime Text) a web browser (like internet explorer or Google Chrome) , internet connection is not required. Ifyou want to learn, understand, and remember howto create Web pages using the best techniques and themost recent standards this course isfor you. The goal of this course is build websites using HTML and CSS. HTML and CSS is a tool and markup language to build websites with different styles. We work using tags,media,forms,links,references, and more. CSS is the other part, properties like font family,font size, links, color,background color, shapes and many more."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"YouTube Channel Optimization And Video SEO" |
"Before you create your first video you want to make certain your YouTube channel is setup appropriately. Your channel should be easy to navigate and aesthetically pleasing. This is important because if your video is of high quality and contains relevant information the viewer may want to visit your channel. The number one reason businesses on YouTube fail is lack of planning. They randomly name videos, fail to study the markets and competition. In the second part of this course we will teach you things like how to correctly name your videos and discover how your competition is using its keywords."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Maths question Bank for grade 1-8" |
"This course rather tests basic Mathematical concepts with 100 intriguing questions. Test Yourself.This course is about basic concepts in Mathematics. It is important to know that this is a TEST YOURSELF course. There are many questions testing students' concepts in basic Mathematics. Material is partially textual and partially based on Videos.This course will take three weeks to complete for a normal student. The course is divided into sections as: Number systems, units and Proportions, Geometry, algebra ,and Probability. Why to take this course?By taking this course, you will test your conceptual skills in basic Mathematics. If you want to be a good engineer in the future this course is a must study. Try to understand the explanations to the every questions. Each questions serves a specific purpose. Questions are encouraged. Best of luck."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Instructional Design for ELearning" |
"The Instructional Design for ELearning course covers the methodology, skills, and techniques necessary for developing effective eLearning solutions. This course provides the foundation for instructional development. In this course, you will Explore current theories, principles, methodologies, and techniques of online learning Create interactive eLearning solutions that meet your learners needsGain strong knowledge and skills to design eLearning interactions that increase learning effectiveness and decrease costs The course is divided into the following four sections: Basic Elements of Instructional DesignDesigning Instructionally Sound ELearning coursesInteractive Elements in ELearning Courses, and Advancing Your Skills After completing this course, you should be able to: Analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate your own eLearning courses Use various data-collection methods and techniques to conduct needs analysis for your eLearning courses Create design documents, storyboards and prototypes Develop effective assessment tools Design interactivity, games, simulations,job aids, and graphics Effectively collaborate with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) Select appropriate eLearning tools Manage your eLearning projects effectively and efficiently using traditional and agile methodologies Design Web2.0 and Mobile Learning solutions Select appropriate performance improvement interventions Create your own eLearning portfolio Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and creativity related to eLearning instructional design Who is the course for? The Instructional Design for eLearning course will be useful for instructional designers at any level and of any professional experience. Whether you are an aspiring instructional designer looking for a career change, a novice instructional designer trying to learn the basics of eLearning course development, a seasoned instructional designer needing a refresher, or a human resources professional designing professional development training programs for employees, this course is for you! What are the requirements? None. Just come prepared to learn! What are you going to get from this course? Over 34 lectures and 6 hours of content! Videos, articles and templates are included in this course! With all these materials, you will find that you are able to build professional, instructionally sound eLearning courses in a short period of time! As a bonus, there is an eBook about becoming a successful instructional designer. In this eBook, you will find information on creating your eLearning portfolio that you can use to showcase your skills to your perspective employer. To your instructional design and eLearning success!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Connecting and working with Oracle Cloud DBaaS" |
"This course gives an insight on how to connect and work with DBaaS offered by Oracle cloud. This course is mainly for developers who want to connect to an Oracle cloud database using different tools and also want to develop an application which accesses the database on the cloud.This coursetells you on how to create an Oracle cloud account, then connecting to it using different tools such as SQL Developer, Toad for Oracle and finally, it uses a C Program to access the database on the cloud.This is not a course on how to write a C/C++ Program using Pro*C/C++, butit will just show how to connect to Oracle cloud database using a simple program."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Mastering Drivers in Blender 3D" |
"*** 95% Score by CGMasters If you have any interest in animation or in simply learning cool new things about Blender, this course is well worth buying. ****** 95% Score by Adventure in Blender The amount of tips and tricks I learned was stunning. ***No matter if you want to create really advanced rigging for characters, cool animated effects or simply wantthings to be done quicker, drivers are a great tool that every Blender user should have in their backpack!In this course fromExploreBlender,wewill go through drivers inside out, truly making them second nature to you. We start by going through the basics of how they work, and then we will jump head first into creating different projects that uses drivers in different ways. Starting easy and gradually getting harder, at the end of this course you will have learned all the details about drivers and theways they can be used, making you completely ready to use them in your own projects, whenever they might be of help!Excellent Time to blow my mind again. - @Alex_Silver, Twitter"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a llevar la contabilidad de forma informatizada" |
"Con el desarrollo de los contenidos programados en este curso se pretende que el estudiante aprenda a manejar una aplicacin de contabilidad informatizada. La aplicacin que se explica es el ContaSol. Se trata de una aplicacin gratuita sin ningn tipo de restriccin y que permite la llevanza de la contabilidad. Fundamentalmente me centrar en los siguientes aspectos de la aplicacin:- Introduccin de asientos y su modificacin.- Gestin del impuesto sobre el valor aadido.- Gestin de la tesorera de la empresa: vencimientos, cobros, pagos...- Gestin del inmovilizado: altas, bajas, amortizacin...- Consultas de documentos contables.En definitiva, se pretende familiarizar a los estudiantes con el uso de la informtica tanto desde el punto de vista del registro de las operaciones diarias como en la consulta de documentos contables, apoyndonos en una de las aplicaciones informticas de uso mas generalizado en la actualidad, como es el ContaSol. Este curso, es especialmente idneo para el pblico en general con una formacin bsica en contabilidad.Es importante resaltar que una vez se aprende a llevar la contabilidad con una aplicacin informtica, despus la transicin para el uso de otra aplicacin diferente resulta muy sencilla."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Creating Your Own Blog or Website With Google's Blogger" |
"At the end of this course, Student will be able to create a website or blog using blogger platform, use the design features on the platform to create a beautiful and professional blog or website. In addition to the afore mentioned, a student will be able to do the following:Post new articles as often as he wantsCreate multiple pages on his websiteUse custom domain on blogger platformMonetise the website or blog with affiliate linksMonetize the website or blog with google adsenseUpload audios and video to the websiteAnd many moreLecture materials includes videos, (more than 35 different videos and about 3-4 hours of content), and simple word pad documents. At the end of each section, students will be encouraged to do practical activities of what is taught in each video.What The Student need To Know Before Starting?The Student need an email address from google, a computer or a mobile device with internet connection. He or she does not need any technical knowledge, this course shall show you all you will need to know to create a very engaging website or blog through blogger.Remember no technical skill is required, all you need to have is an interest and willingness to learn.In this course, I will teach you through video presentation the following important aspects:How to create your own blog or website with bloggerHow to post new articles or stories to your newly created blog or websiteHow to create multiple pages on the websiteHow to choose a template and customize it to look good and professionalHow to change your current template and save it in case of any mistakeHow to tune your setting and optimize it for SEOHow to add picture, audios and videosHow to edit your post and manage the entire websiteHow to add widgets and plugin to the side bar of your websiteHow to use zemanta to enhance the quality of your websiteHow to put a link to another website or a download link to your websiteHow to monetize your website with affiliate linksHow to remove blogger nav barHow to monetize your website or blog through Google AdSenseHow to use the Google youtube to promote your blog and affiliate productsHow and where to get free professional domain name to use for your blogger websiteHow to customize your domain name to a privately owned domainHow to use labels, schedule a post for future post or updateHow to use Social networking sites like google+, facebook, twitter, to promote your blog or websiteHow to post new articles or story from your emailHow to use the stats on your dashboard to increase your blog view"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Forex: Economic News Trading" |
"With this course you will learn a trading strategy in the forex market.Learn to use economic calendar.find important news that drive the a set of methods to take advantage of economic releases.learn what are characteristic parameters you have to collect with past price actions.Understand some aspects of market fundamentalsMarkets are complex, they appear to be random and incomprehensible. It is not easy to understand even in retrospect what happened with the prices. And yet sometimes you will be able to detect what was the mover. Even more, you can easily find when next important event will be. When it comes it is possible to make profit.ContentYou will learn to read economic calendar. It gives you glimpse into the economic fundamentals. They directly influence currency values.Market reactions during economic news may be violent. Learn what are risks in these situations, and also what are opportunities.It is not enough to understand the market, you need a methods to reap the rewards of this knowledge. You will find them in this course.With every trade you need to do analysis and preparation. It is explained how you should keep your economic news journal, what parameters you should note that will help you with next trades.Forex: Economic News Trading course gives you trading strategy at hand. You will be able to trade with understanding of the market. Also you will be able to adapt to new market situations if the occur."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Options Trading Leverage: Start Trading Options This Month" |
"Over 2200 Happy Students! Fully Updated for 2019""What if you could bet $100 that a stock wouldn't be down from where it is one month from now""You can and when you take this course I'll walk you through how to do it.Course DescriptionGetting started trading can be daunting 1,000s of books 100's of terms and all of them seem to be dry reads that beat you over the head with financial jargon. This Course will walk you down a path to a method that gives a high (normally 66% or more) probability of profit, so you can profit monthly on the Stock Market.ContentStart out by picking your brokerLeveraging what to tradeOnly necessary terms given with explanationsHow the method works with 66% probability of profit or betterHow to calculate your risk to rewardOverviewAimed directly for the beginners to get started making money on the stock market. As much as possible I want to bypass all the minutia I waded through when I began learning so you will be a better prepared to get started making money online in the Stock Market. There is a mountain of information out there that is largely unnecessary, so I have worked this down to what you need to get started right only what is needed to make money the bottom line. Avoiding time wasted on valuations, piles of data on statistics, or advanced theories. I take you directly to a very effective method so you can trade like a professional not like the amateur's or gamblers.Over several videos I will show you what stocks I like to trade, and all the lesson's I've learned along the way to take you from amateur to professional without the frustration. Obviously I cannot guarantee every trade, but I show you how to put the odds squarely in your favor. This method can be used as a way to add to a retirement wealth building account, or for monthly income to pay off debt or more toys.Enroll now to start making $100 and more in the stock market."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Stock Market: The Zero Risk Way of Investing" |
"Over 2000 Happy Students!Fully updated for 2019!Do you know what a stock option is? If the answer is no then you probably think that a guaranteed protection for yourself from another Market Crash is impossible. But that's why I made this course to show you what an option is and how to use what might arguably be the best way to invest. Just to be clear this is for building wealth longer term not an active day or weekly trading method. If you are willing to learn a little and take a few steps you can accomplish this with this course. Unless you are more comfortable signing a check to your local stock broker or investment ""guy"". But keep in mind nobody cares more about your money than you.I've laid out this course step by step for beginners explaining any necessary terms and avoiding repetitive mind numbing financial jargon, to give you leverage over the stock market. Click the green button to learn a guaranteed method have no fear of another market crash."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Budgeting Success Techniques!" |
"For those sick of not being able to get ahead when paycheck to paycheck living has gotten old enough to do something about it. This course will give you the tips tricks and Free Tools to Master your personal finances and start to build Wealth instead of just get by.This course will take less than a half hour, but could save you years of struggling. All you need is a computer, internet connection and the drive to take a few steps to get you on course to a comfortable retirement.This is all content that I believe should have been taught or provided in High School but I believe most middle school students could follow along. And while most dread the thought of a budget I hope I've been able to keep it fun and simple enough to implement."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Design para Facebook: Crie fanpages incrveis com Photoshop" |
"Aprenda a usar o Photoshop para criar avatar, posts e capa para Facebook. Voc descobrir o bsico do software para melhorar o design de suas fanpages, e o que deve ser levado em conta para que sua pgina no Facebook seja impressionante. Sero disponibilizados templates que serviro como base para o trabalho, de forma que os alunos possam editar de forma simples e adaptvel para seu negcio!Veja como mostrar sua marca de forma profissional na maior rede social do mundo!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MBA Admissions Strategy: A step by step guide for success" |
"This course provides a complete overview on the most ideal approach to get into business schools, Coming from the experts of Coll mission, this course, allows you to learn everything that you have to know in order to get into a top MBA program, it includes the answers to your questions, like: How to inquire about and select your schools?The ways in which you can market yourselfThe ways of writing compelling essays to convince the admissions officersThe ways of writing an optional essayHow to prepare your B-School application resume?Time Management for entire application life cycle ?Waitlist management"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Student Visa - Study Visa for USA" |
"The course provides relevant information on the students VISA process. It is recommended for any individual who has got an acceptance letter from an institution of the United States, and wants to know about the ways through which he or she can go through the daunting VISA process and secure a place in the institution of his or her choice. These videos will provide all the necessary information related to the students VISA along with the ways through which you can crack the VISA interview. Our informative video will surely improve your chances of getting a students VISA, and help you live your dream of studying in the United States of America.The course is presented in an 87-minute video, which is divided into 15 segments.Through these lectures you will know the reasons for which a VISA is mandatory.Important facts and information about the U.S VISAHow to get a U.S VISA?How to apply for VISA?Paying the VISA application fee.The all-important VISA interview.The ways through which you can demonstrate financial strength.You will be acquainted with the frequently asked questions on the VISA process.Legitimate questions asked during the VISA interviewQuestions asked by the interviewer to verify your intent to returnQuestions based on your financial ability."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MBA Admission Interview - You got it" |
"B-School applicants, get ready for your interviews! Whether youve already received an interview invitation or are hoping to get an invite over the next few weeks, you want to make sure youre prepared to do your best when the big day arrives. This course will prepare you for common MBA-interview questions.In this tutorial, we help you effectively prepare for your business school interview. The guide contains a compilation of the most important lessons weve learned over the years . We discuss all aspects of the interview - personal questions, career objectives, common questions and more. After reviewing the lessons, you will know what to expect and will be in the best position to shine when you appear for the interview with a representative from your target business school. You will be able to prepare in a productive way, choosing the best subjects and stories for your interviews and avoiding the pitfalls that trip up many interviewees. We have assembled a list of the fundamental qualities and attributes that business schools values, so that you can be sure to emphasize and accent these characteristics, as they apply to you, in your interview. Study this list closely, pay close attention to the qualities that describe you, and use your stories to supply the admissions officers with convincing reasons to believe that you possess these characteristics. We also present you with common interview questions with sample scripted answers and an accompanying analysis. By applying this information to your interview preparation, you will greatly improve your execution on the stories you decide to share with the interviewer, enabling you to most effectively represent the best of who you are."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Avoid US Visa Rejection -Student Visa Interview Guide" |
"U.S. law sets out many standards under which a visa application may be denied.More than 2 million US visa applicants are denied every year by embassies and consulates around the world.Approximately 75% of these applicants are individuals, who did not prove they would return to their home country or otherwise prove eligibility.Consular officers have a difficult job they are on the front lines of our fight with terrorism; must deal with fraudulent documentation submitted in support of visa applications; and have very little time to interview applicants.Because of their limited time and resources, it is not surprising that consular officers frequently make factual mistakes, misunderstand applicants, make legal errors, and ignore relevant facts and documentation in reviewing legitimate applications.The course provides relevant information on the students US VISA process. It is recommended for any individual who has got an acceptance letter from an institution of the United States, and wants to know about the ways through which he or she can go through the daunting VISA process and secure a place in the institution of his or her choice.These videos will provide all the necessary information related to the students VISA along with the ways through which you can crack the VISA interview. Our informative video will surely improve your chances of getting a studentVISA, and help you live your dream of studying in the United States of America."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to prepare for Business School Admission Interview" |
"This course provides relevant information on the MBA interview process. It is recommended for any individual who is considering to, or has applied to business schools, and wants to know about the ways through which he or she can succeed in the all-important business school interview.If, you have plans to study in the top business schools in the United States or you have completed all the rounds, and willing to learn the ways through which you can win over the admission authorities by completing the final decisive interview. If you have received an invitation for an admission interview, and you want dont want to miss out on a chance to get admitted.Then this video will surely improve your chances during an admission interview and help you stand out with an acceptance letter in hand. The course is presented in a 120 minute video which is divided into 11 segments. Through these lectures, you will learn about the various reasons for an admission interview The types of questions asked during an MBA admission interview. The factors on which your selection depends. How to prepare for the interview. How is your admission interview evaluated? The basics of an admission interview. (Duration, location, statistics) You will get an in depth understanding about the requirements of the interviewer, who will be communicating with you for more than 30 minutes. You will come across different sample admission interviews and get an idea about the types of questions asked during an interview. You will learn the ways through which, you can effectively communicate with the interviewer. In the concluding part of the video, you will learn about the etiquettes you need to follow during a formal admission interview (Tone, dressing etc.)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MBA Application Strategies for Top Business Schools" |
"ABOUT THE COURSEThis course has been designed by the experts of Collmission who are alumni of top business schools like University of California, and it provides a complete overview of the most ideal approach to get into the top business schools in world.Authored by the experts of Collmission, who gotyears of experience in helping students crack the business school admission process - The course, allows you to learn everything that you have to know in order to get into a top MBA program. It includes the answers to your questions, like-Shortlisting MBA colleges that suit your profile and fit your educational qualification is a complex process, and the application fee for applying to the Top business schools not cheap. This course will help you shortlist colleges effectively, and you will learn to save money by not applying to business schools that dont suit your profile.Worried About the Business School Ranking? MBA Entrance Exams Didnt go well? Your weak GMAT score or Weak GPA can be made up. This course will provide you with the detailed analysis of what needs to be done in order to secure a position in the top business schools in world.Most candidates appear the MBA entrance exams and have similar scores.How will your profile stand out from the list of thousands of candidates with similar scores, and academic credentials? It is your essays that can make the difference in your MBA application. In the 9th module of the course we will learn about the basics of the MBA application essay.Candidates often find it hard to keep track of the MBA application deadlines. Missing out on the MBA application deadlines can break your hopes of getting in the Top MBA colleges in world. The course will discuss about the various deadlines associated with the MBA admission process., and how to manage different rounds.Wait-list management is a common problem for students applying to the top MBA colleges in world. However, wait-list management is tricky, a proper approach can determine your selection, but lack of patience can cost you a chance to get admission. The final module of this course will stress upon the things you need to do during a wait-list situation.WHAT DOES THIS COURSE COVER?More than 100 minutes of video divided into 19 segmentsThe requirements of the admission authorities of the top business schools. How to craft a successful essay for your MBA application? How to educate your recommend er to write a letter for your MBA application? When does your MBA application require an optional essay? Crafting a resume for a successful MBA application, and preparing for the interview for the institutions present at the top of the business school rankings. DOS and DON'TS during the MBA application process.WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS TUTORIAL?This course provides relevant information on the admissions process followed by the top MBA colleges in world. It is recommended for any individual who is considering to apply to the top business schools in U.S in the near future.If, you dream to study in any of the top business schools in the world and are willing to learn the ways through which you can win over the admission authorities, and compel them to consider your MBA application, then you should definitely consider taking this tutorial.TABLE OF CONTENTS OVERVIEW ABOUT THE COURSE Lecture 1 INTRODUCTION TO MBA APPLICATION PROCESS Lecture 2 HOW TO START YOUR RESEARCH FOR BUSINESS SCHOOL? Lecture 3 CORE ASPECTS OF AN MBAAPPLICANTS PROFILE Lecture 4 PILLARSOF THE BUSINESS SCHOOL APPLICATION Lecture 5 ABOUT YOUR OWNAPPLICATION Lecture 6 FACTORS THAT DETERMINE YOUR CHANCES OF ADMISSION Lecture 7 TIMELINE- HOW TO MANAGE TIME? Lecture 8 BRAINSTORMING PROCESS FOR MBA ADMISSION GAME Lecture 9 HOW TO WRITE THE MOST EFFECTIVE APPLICATION ESSAYS?Lecture 9.1RULES FOR WRITING AN ESSAY Lecture 9.2 IMPORTANT TIPS AND STRATEGIESLecture 9.3 COMMONLY ASKED MBAESSAY QUESTIONSLecture 10 THE RECOMMENDATION LETTER FOR MBA ADMISIIONLecture 11 THE OPTIONAL ESSAY Lecture 12 HOW TO WRITE A RESUME FOR MBA APPLICATION? Lecture 13 B-SCHOOL ADMISSION INTERVIEW Lecture 13.1ADMISSION INTERVIEW QUESTIONS- HOW TO ANSWER THEM? Lecture 14 INTERACTING WITH THE SCHOOLS Lecture 15 WAIT-LIST MANAGEMENT OTHER DETAILSLECTURES- 19VIDEO- 100+ MINUTESLANGUAGES- AMERICAN ENGLISHSKILL LEVEL- ALL LEVELSOTHER FACILITIESLIFETIME ACCESS30 DAYS MONEY BACK GUARANTEE"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"What Every MBA Candidate Should Know Before Applying" |
"ABOUT THE COURSEThis course has been designed by the experts of Collmission who are alumni of top business schools like University of California, and it provides a complete overview of the most ideal approach to get into the top business schools in world.Authored by the experts of Collmission, who gotyears of experience in helping students crack the business school admission process - The course, allows you to learn everything that you have to know in order to get into a top MBA program. It includes the answers to your questions, like-Shortlisting MBA colleges that suit your profile and fit your educational qualification is a complex process, and the application fee for applying to the Top business schools not cheap. This course will help you shortlist colleges effectively, and you will learn to save money by not applying to business schools that dont suit your profile."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Graduate School Admission Strategy for American Schools" |
"This course has been designed by the experts of Collmission who are alumni of top Graduate schools like University of California, and it provides a complete overview of the most ideal approach to get into the top Graduate Schools inUSA.Authored by the experts of Collmission, thatgotyears of experience in helping students crack the Graduate School admission process - The course, allows you to learn everything that you have to know in order to get into a top PhD or Mastersprogram.It includes the answers to your questions, like- What are the requirements forGraduate School Program?How can I apply to PhDor Masters program in USA?What credentials do Ineed for a Graduate School Program?How can I prove myself within thousands of other qualified Graduate School Applicants?And every little secret you need to know to for admission success into a world class Graduate School program"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Integrated Chinese Level 01 Part 01 - Teacher Explanation" |
"Hello everyonewelcome! My name is John Wang. This is our very first Mandarin Chinese class. We will use the book Integrated Chinese. Here it is. I have been teaching Chinese for over 10 years. This is one of the best Chinese textbooks I have ever used. Thats why I choose the textbook for this video course. It is widely used in schools in the US and other countries. It improves your listening, speaking, reading and writing.Chinese is not hard. In my opinion, it is very easy. I say that, not because I am a Chinese (yeah, of course I am). It is because I teach many years, many classes and many many students, I know how. Following me, it is not hard!In addition, I will not only help you learn Chinese, but to understand and know the culture of China as well. So far, over 4000 students have registered and they love my class. Why not go to lesson one right now !Plus, right now, I have released the new course of Level 1 Part 2. To express my respect, I put eight of my new course videos here for free. Thank you and see you soon!(This course is based on the 3nd edition of the textbook. But all the Dialogues and vocabulary are almost the same as the 4th edition)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |