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"Der komplette Zeichenkurs - ganz einfach Zeichnen lernen" |
"Tauche in die wundervolle Welt des Zeichnens ein.Du wolltest schon immer einmal ein cooles Motiv zeichnen ? oder vielleicht nach langer Zeit dieses Hobby neu entdecken ?Dieser Kurs bietet dir die Mglichkeit, mithilfe einfacher und praxisorientierten bungen wundervolle Werke zu kreiren und macht dich zugleich zum Zeichen Profi - egal ob du Anfnger bist, wieder einsteigst, oder bereits fortgeschrittenener Zeichner bist. Dieser Kurs deckt smtliche wichtigen Bereiche des Zeichnens ab: von einfachen Objekten bis zu Figuren, von der Landschaft bis zur Architektur und zuletzt zum Portrait - all diese Bereiche sind umfangreich enthalten und werden Dir die Vielseitigkeit des Zeichnens nahelegen.Dieser Kurs enthlt ber 50 Lektionen, unzhlige bungen, ausgewhlte Beispiele - der einfachste Weg, wenn deine Lieblingsmotive, zeichnerisch auf Papier bringen mchtest. Es werden keine Vorkenntnisse bentigt, wir beginnen ganz von vorne!!Zuerst ein kleiner Ausblick, was dir dieser Kurs alles bietet:Lerne die wenigen, notwendigen Materialien kennen und wie Du sie anwendestVerstehe die grundlegende Herangehensweise des Zeichnenslerne Verhltnisse richtig abzuschtzenVerstehe wie Licht und Schatten funktioniertEntwickle deinen eigenen ZeichenstilLeichtes ben durch Wiederholen:Umfangreiche AnwendungsbeispieleWerde Kreativ ! wiederhole eine bungung - nur anders.Diverse Praxisbeispiele:Perspektive verstehen, wir entwerfen Huser und RumeWir werden Figuren zeichnenwir zeichnen eine idyllische Landschaftwir werden Objekte zeichnenwir zeichnen ein weibliches Portraitwir werden Variation hineinbringen und somit kreativUnd viel mehr...Dieser Kurs enthlt diverse Praxisbeispiele. Du lernst nicht wie du ein Glas oder eine bestimmte Person zeichnest, sondern du lernst anhand verschiedener Techniken, verschiedenste Motive, eigenstndig auf Papier zu bringen.Beherrscht du erst einmal die Grundtechniken, wirst du in der Lage sein, selbststndig und ohne Anleitung zu zeichnen. Ich mchte dir nicht erklren ""wie zeichne ich dieses Haus oder dieses Gesicht"" - und dann kannst du nur dies zeichnen. Nein !Hast du die Herangehensweise und den Aufbau eines zeichnerischen Motivs verstanden, wirst du auch Andere, bzw.Deine Lieblingsmotive zeichnen knnen. Die Techniken lassen sich nach ein wenig bung, ganz einfach bertragen.Dazu schauen wir uns im Kurs diverse, extrem wichtige Techniken an:was kann mein Stift ?wie stelle ich Licht und Schatten dar ?wie fange ich an ?wie werde ich locker ?die richtige Betrachtung ist entscheidend - wie schule ich mein Auge ?Mein Ziel ist, dass Du nach Abschluss dieses Kurses deine zeichnerischen Fhigkeiten weiterentwickelt hast. Egal fr welchen Zweck du das Zeichnen verwendest, ob im Job oder als Hobby, es soll Spa machen ! Du wirst in der Lage sein, deiner Kreativitt freien Lauf zu lassen und hervorragende Ergebnisse erzielen."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Amazon FBA: How to Start Your Business from Scratch" |
"COURSEFULLYUPDATED 1ST MARCH 2017This course teaches you how to setup your own Amazon Trading Business and earn $20-25k per month of passive income.The course is structured in an easy to follow, modular step-by-step style, and the course follows a proven methodology that the instructor has used for success many times in setting up Amazon businesses, it consists of a series of 50 video lectures you can view, divided into five clear modules. There are also downloadable content on specialist topics.The key advantage of this course is that it helps you identify and exploit profitable niches, so that you can avoid the heavy competition that new traders can encounter on Amazon. It reduces the risk for you and it makes the process so much easier, avoiding all the potential pitfalls and headaches, that many other courses do not cover and makes the learning process so much easier.The course will teach you everything you need to know to run a successful Amazon trading business using Amazon FBA (Fulfilment By Amazon). It takes between 7-16 hours to complete, however you are encouraged to take it at your own pace.You should be familiar with the internet and the Amazon website and have a reliable internet connection that you can use on a daily basis, except for that no prior knowledge is required. Get your Amazon knowledge to the highest level and get started earning money today!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Job Seeker's Guide To Nailing Every Interview" |
"Regardless of your age or experience level, nailing the interview can be challenging. Until now...Meet the ExpertJ.T. O'Donnell is an HR & Recruiting Expert, with more than 15 years experience. With over 1 MILLION followers on LinkedIn, she is considered a top influencer in the area of job search and career development. Her work has been cited in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Inc, Fast Company, and many other major publications.J.T. designed this course based on her thousands of hours helping clients master interviews to land the job they want and deserve!Here's What You'll LearnThis comprehensive course breaks down every aspect of interviewing so you can finally feel confident and in control. You'll receive easy to follow, step-by-step instruction that will teach you:How to properly prepare for each interview.The various types of interviews and what to expect during each one.How to make sure you give the right answers to interview questions - every time!A list of questions you should ask on the interview that will impress the hiring manager.The best way to follow-up after the interview.Tips for standing out and beating your competition.Why This Course Is So EffectiveThe class is broken down into 9 Sections, each with short, informative videos designed to help you quickly master the art of effective interviewing.Within a matter of hours, you'll feel like you've been given the inside track on how to make employers fall in love with you.Want A Better Job? Then Interview Prep Is A Must-DoDon't let a lousy interview cost you the job. This course will give you the confidence you need to WOW employers and dramatically increase the chances you get the job offer. When it comes to interviewing, nobody can do it for you. It's up to YOU to improve your skills so you can impress the hiring manager. This course is the key to successfully showcasing your true potential in the interview!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Network Marketing 2.0. The Smart Way To Success" |
"This course presents a new method to take advantage of the (financial) wonders of NETWORK MARKETING without the (traditional) pain of network marketing. It is simple, safe and effective. Quote me on that.It is taught in a very easy-to-understand matter. My teaching experience helps me to convey sometimes complex ideas in a simple way. But the method is not complicated by any means, quite the contrary.The benefit of the course is huge. Why? Because I deliver on a technique that can transform your financial picture in a safe way. No risks, no need to kill yourself out of stress creating a business or product from scratch or finding a ""deal"" to earn passive income.Every person should enroll. Seriously! Specially those who want to add a stream of income in a safe way (without having money to invest, like a typical investor). For that reason, I think is specially good for young people, and families."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Guitar Looper Basic Training" |
"Guitar looping is one of the hottest things in popular music. Ed Sheeran, Jason Mraz, and many others add live loops to their solo performances and audiences love it. This course will introduce you to live guitar looping and help you develop the skills to be proficient at this exciting music technique.In Guitar Looper Basic Training, you will learn:What a loop pedal does and how to activate its basic functionsTechniques that will enable you to loop lead lines, chords, percussive beats, and moreHow to add other instruments and vocals to your loops for a layered loop that sounds like a live backing bandBesides all the instructional lectures, you'll see many examples of loops being created for songs - complete with multiple camera angles so you can see the loop pedal up close and in action."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ODATA Services im SAPUI5 Umfeld" |
"Du suchst einen leichten Einstieg in die Programmierung von OData Services? In diesem Kurs lernst du die Grundlagen, die zur Erstellung, Entwicklung Wartung und Weiterentwicklung eines OData Services ntig sind.In 18 Lektionen und bungen mit einer Gesamtdauer von ca. 2,5 Stunden vermittle ich dir Schritt fr Schritt alle ntigen Fhigkeiten, die du brauchst, um erfolgreich einen OData Service zu entwickeln. Dabei werde ich dir die Schritte grtenteils hands-on im System zeigen. Auch zwei bungen inklusive Musterlsung und vier Quizzes sind Teil des Kurses.Die folgenden Themen werden im Kurs behandelt:Grundlagen von OData ServicesTestmethoden und WerkzeugeDefinition des OData Models in SAPImplementierung der notwendigen OperationenQuery - inklusive Sortierung, Filter und PagingReadUpdateAm Ende des Kurses wirst du in der Lage sein, eigenstndig einen OData Service von Grund auf zu erstellen und die ntigen Methoden zu implementieren. Du wirst lernen, auf welche Fallstricke du achten musst und die wichtigsten Strukturen, Tricks und Werkzeuge kennen lernen. Auch die Wartung oder Weiterentwicklung eines bestehenden OData Service sollte dir keine Schwierigkeiten mehr bereiten."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Erstellen einer hybriden App mit dem Salesforce Mobile SDK" |
"Lerne in diesem Kurs, wie du mit dem Salesforce Mobile SDK deine eigene Salesforce Mobile App entwickelst. Und das abseits von allen Restriktionen in Salesforce.Der Kurs eignet sich perfekt, wenn du einen leichten Einstieg in die Salesforce Mobile-Entwicklung suchst. Ich vermittle dir das Handwerkszeug, damit du nach dem Kurs selbststndig eine hybride App mit Salesforce-Anbindung umsetzen kannst, die Daten aus Salesforce abrufen und manipulieren kann sowie auf deinem Gert (Android/iOS) offline verfgbar macht.Dafr fhre ich dich Schritt fr Schritt durch die Unwgbarkeiten des Salesforce SDK. Ich zeige dir auf, wo das SDK lckenhaft dokumentiert ist und wie du mit diesen Lcken umgehst. Ich zeige dir weniger, wie du etwas implementierst, sondern vermittle dir die Struktur des SDK, sodass du auf lange Sicht mit Spa und Erfolg mit dem Salesforce SDK arbeiten kannst."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"SAP ABAP Dynamische Programmierung" |
"Willst du die dynamische Programmierung in ABAP erlernen? Dann bist du hier genau richtig!Der Kurs ist perfekt fr ABAP-Entwickler, die schon fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse in der Programmierung von Reports besitzen und sich nun endlich die dynamische Programmierung aneignen mchten. Ich werde dir die folgenden Inhalte einfach und nachvollziehbar darstellen:FeldsymboleDatenreferenzenRun Time Type Services (RTTS)Ich werde dir Schritt fr Schritt im SAP-System zeigen, wie die einzelnen Elemente in ABAP-Programmen verwendet werden knnen.Dazu gibt es zahlreiche praktische bungen und Quizzes, mit deren Hilfe du dein angeeignetes Wissen sofort testen kannst. Ich werde dir auch zu jeder bung die entsprechende Musterlsung zeigen.Nach Abschluss dieses Kurses wirst du in der Lage sein, generische Feldsymbole und Datenreferenzen zu erklren und anzuwenden. Des Weiteren lernst du Datenobjekte zur Laufzeit zu erzeugen. Auerdem wirst du zur Laufzeit Beschreibungen zu Datentypen holen und auch Datentypen erstellen knnen."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"SAP ABAP fr Anfnger 1: Programmieren lernen im SAP" |
"SAP ABAP ist die bekannte Enterprise-Programmiersprache, die von den grten Unternehmen zum Betrieb ihrer Business-Systeme eingesetzt wird.In der Kursreihe SAP ABAP-Kompendium (Teil 1 von 5) vermittle ich dir Schritt fr Schritt die Grundlagen und essentiellen Fhigkeiten, die du bentigst, um ABAP zu verstehen und anzuwenden.Du wirst noch whrend des Kurses deine ersten eigenen ABAP-Programme schreiben und testen.Der Kurs ist ideal fr Einsteiger. Er setzt keine Vorkenntnisse voraus, sondern beginnt mit den absoluten Basics, damit du sicher verstehst, wie du am besten deine eigenen SAP-Programme implementieren kannst. Wir werden uns nach und nach an die wichtigsten Schlsselaspekte der Programmiersprache herantasten, wie zum Beispiel die Bedienung der Entwicklungsumgebung, die Deklaration von Variablen und das Rechnen mit ABAP.Du wirst mir dabei zusehen knnen, wie ich die Befehle, die ich erklre, selbst anwende und ich werde dich anleiten, deinen eigenen Code zu schreiben und zu modifizieren.Du bekommst das Wissen auf eine Art und Weise vermittelt, dass du garantiert die grundlegenden Konzepte verstehen und anwenden knnen wirst!Auerdem werden wir uns in diesem Kurs auf die Praxis fokussieren, so dass du dich nicht ewig mit Theorie herumqulen musst, sondern die Sprache in einem absolut praktikablen und leicht verstndlichen Ansatz lernen wirst und mit jeder Kurseinheit tiefer in die Materie einsteigst. Schon in der 9. Lektion wirst du dein erstes eigenes ABAP-Programm geschrieben und getestet haben!Egal ob du neu in der Programmierung bist, oder nur neu im Bereich ABAP: Diese Kursreihe ist dein Weg zur schnellen, professionellen ABAP-Softwareentwicklung im Businessumfeld!Die meisten ABAP-Kurse kosten tausende von Euros und kratzen gerade einmal an der Oberflche. Meist darfst du dich erst einmal durch tausende langweiliger PDF-Seiten lesen und hast dann immer noch keine praktische Erfahrung. Der Zeitaufwand kann locker ber 50 Tage im Vollzeitstudium betragen! Nicht so mit diesem Kompendium! Ich bin erfahrener SAP Ausbilder, Coach und Trainer, der ber 5 Jahre Erfahrung in der Beratung und Implementierung mit SAP ABAP hat. Ich vermittle dir State-of-the-art ABAP-Knowhow aus dem aktuellsten Patch von SAP!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SAP ABAP fr Anfnger 2: komplexe Datenarten und Debugging" |
"SAP ABAP ist die bekannte Enterprise-Programmiersprache, die von den grten Unternehmen zum Betrieb ihrer Business-Systeme eingesetzt wird.In diesem zweiten Teil der Kursreihe SAP ABAP-Kompendium (von 5) vermittle ich dir Schritt fr Schritt die Grundlagen und essentiellen Fhigkeiten, die du bentigst, um ABAP zu verstehen und anzuwenden.Auch whrend dieses Kurses wirst du erneut deine eigenen ABAP-Programme schreiben und testen.Der Kurs ist ideal fr Einsteiger. Er basiert auf den Inhalten des ersten Teils und fhrt diese konsequent weiter in die Tiefe, damit du sicher verstehst, wie du am besten deine eigenen SAP-Programme implementieren kannst.Die in Teil 1 vermittelten Inhalte setze ich in diesem Kurs als bekannt voraus.Wir werden uns nach und nach an weitere wichtige Schlsselaspekte der Programmiersprache herantasten, wie zum Beispiel:Strukturen und interne TabellenDebugging in ABAPPraktische implementierung einer ersten komplexen AnforderungDu wirst mir dabei zusehen knnen, wie ich die Befehle, die ich erklre, selbst anwende und ich werde dich anleiten, deinen eigenen Code zu schreiben und zu modifizieren.Du bekommst das Wissen auf eine Art und Weise vermittelt, dass du garantiert die grundlegenden Konzepte verstehen und anwenden knnen wirst!Auerdem werden wir uns in diesem Kurs auf die Praxis fokussieren, so dass du dich nicht ewig mit Theorie herumqulen musst, sondern die Sprache in einem absolut praktikablen und leicht verstndlichen Ansatz lernen wirst und mit jeder Kurseinheit tiefer in die Materie einsteigst.Egal ob du neu in der Programmierung bist, oder nur neu im Bereich ABAP: Diese Kursreihe ist dein Weg zur schnellen, professionellen ABAP-Softwareentwicklung im Businessumfeld!Die meisten ABAP-Kurse kosten tausende von Euros und kratzen gerade einmal an der Oberflche. Meist darfst du dich erst einmal durch tausende langweiliger PDF-Seiten lesen und hast dann immer noch keine praktische Erfahrung. Der Zeitaufwand kann locker ber 50 Tage im Vollzeitstudium betragen! Nicht so mit diesem Kompendium! Ich bin erfahrener SAP Ausbilder, Coach und Trainer, der ber 5 Jahre Erfahrung in der Beratung und Implementierung mit SAP ABAP hat. Ich vermittle dir State-of-the-art ABAP-Knowhow aus dem aktuellsten Patch von SAP!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SAP ABAP fr Anfnger 3: Kontrollstrukturen, Modularisierung" |
"SAP ABAP ist die bekannte Enterprise-Programmiersprache, die von den grten Unternehmen zum Betrieb ihrer Business-Systeme eingesetzt wird.In diesem dritten Teil der Kursreihe des SAP ABAP-Kompendiums vermittle ich dir Schritt fr Schritt die Grundlagen und essentiellen Fhigkeiten, die du bentigst, um ABAP zu verstehen und anzuwenden.Auch whrend dieses Kurses wirst du erneut deine eigenen ABAP-Programme schreiben und testen.Der Kurs ist ideal fr Einsteiger. Er basiert auf den Inhalten des ersten und zweiten Teils und fhrt diese konsequent weiter in die Tiefe, damit du sicher verstehst, wie du am besten deine eigenen SAP-Programme implementieren kannst.Die in Teil 1 und 2 vermittelten Inhalte setze ich in diesem Kurs als bekannt voraus.Wir werden uns nach und nach an weitere wichtige Schlsselaspekte der Programmiersprache herantasten, wie zum Beispiel:Kontrollstrukturen und SchleifenLogische AusdrckeModularisierung von Prozeduralen Programmen in ABAPPraktische implementierung einer weiteren komplexen AnforderungDu wirst mir dabei zusehen knnen, wie ich die Befehle, die ich erklre, selbst anwende und ich werde dich anleiten, deinen eigenen Code zu schreiben und zu modifizieren.Du bekommst das Wissen auf eine Art und Weise vermittelt, dass du garantiert die grundlegenden Konzepte verstehen und anwenden knnen wirst!Auerdem werden wir uns in diesem Kurs auf die Praxis fokussieren, so dass du dich nicht ewig mit Theorie herumqulen musst, sondern die Sprache in einem absolut praktikablen und leicht verstndlichen Ansatz lernen wirst und mit jeder Kurseinheit tiefer in die Materie einsteigst.Egal ob du neu in der Programmierung bist, oder nur neu im Bereich ABAP: Diese Kursreihe ist dein Weg zur schnellen, professionellen ABAP-Softwareentwicklung im Businessumfeld!Die meisten ABAP-Kurse kosten tausende von Euros und kratzen gerade einmal an der Oberflche. Meist darfst du dich erst einmal durch tausende langweiliger PDF-Seiten lesen und hast dann immer noch keine praktische Erfahrung. Der Zeitaufwand kann locker ber 50 Tage im Vollzeitstudium betragen! Nicht so mit diesem Kompendium! Ich bin erfahrener SAP Ausbilder, Coach und Trainer, der ber 5 Jahre Erfahrung in der Beratung und Implementierung mit SAP ABAP hat. Ich vermittle dir State-of-the-art ABAP-Knowhow aus dem aktuellsten Patch von SAP!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn to paint with Alcohol Inks" |
"Learn To Paint Landscape in Alcohol Ink. Fun to do and you will love the results.Enjoy this Udemy course on painting landscape in Alcohol Ink on ceramic tile, delivered in a 11 lecture series. I take you from the very beginning, including what supplies you need, to a complete beautiful piece of fine art that you can proudly display in your home or a gallery. This is a great course to expand your horizons on what is possible with Alcohol Ink, but also for the beginning artist wanting to start with an easy to do form of art.1) Setup and Supplies *downloadable supply list:2) Design and Composition3) Background Colour4) Water (Mid-ground)5) Shoreline, Rocks (Foreground)6) Shoreline, Rocks cont'd7) Rocks cont'd., Adding Highlights8) Background Tree Trunks9) Trees cont'd., Adding leaves10) Final touchs and touchups.11) Protect and Frame Your PaintingWhen you finish this course you will be able to create a beautiful landscape in Alcohol Ink on ceramic tile and other substrates. You may even be able to take your tiles and supplies to a craft fair or show and sell your art and paint right in front of customers. They will be impressed with your talent and abilities. So will you. :)Jan MurrayMy artistic journey of the past 15 years has taken me on a wild and wonderful ride. Oils, Acrylic, Mixed Media. and now Alcohol Inks. Whether working on ceramic tile, glass, Yupo or canvas, alcohol inks provide the vibrancy of colors, movement and unpredictability that make this medium so exciting.I invite you to browse my online gallery, and if your ready to continue the fun, check out my other Udemy video courses. (coming soon)Please leave a Review and Stars ;) on my course so I can improve for future courses. Also please contact me and post your art that you have made from this course. I would love to see your progress. Also drop me a note on what other style of art you would like to see me teach on Udemy. I have experience in Poured Acrylic, Mixed Media, Abstract Acrylic and Oils."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Brehon Laws" |
"Take a journey into the ancient past and learn all about the ancient Brehons of Ireland and their famous laws. For thousands of years the people of Ireland lived by a native set of laws known today as Brehon Law. This ancient and just system held the fabric of Irish society together.In this course, you will meet the brehon lawyers and explore the fragments of ancient manuscripts they have left behind for us, gems of wisdom from the ancient past. Were kings brehons? Were brehons druids and poets, too? We will learn about the key legal or 'brehon' families and some famous law schools, and learn all about the principles of justice and logic which characterize the brehon laws. We will take a stroll through wider Irish society and learn how the laws had an impact on other aspects of daily life. This course is the third in a trilogy of courses designed to give participants a deep and vivid understanding of early Irish society, mythology, and law. While it is recommended to take the other courses first to give you a solid foundation (See my profile for: 'Ancient Irish Culture and Society' and 'Irish Mythology'), it is not essential before taking this course.Ifounded the Brehon Law Academy in 2013 to rekindle and awareness and appreciation for the old laws of ancient Ireland. Since then I have worked with 100s of students from around the world and you are invited to join us on this journey."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Ancient Ireland: Culture and Society" |
"Embark on a journey into Ireland's ancient past as we explore the culture and society of this early civilization. For lovers of Irish history and those wishing to learn about a new fascinating topic.We'll lay a broad yet detailed foundation ranging from the tribe and family, to the intricate social order of varying grades. The royal rituals of kingship and the people of skill and art. Education, Festivals, Burial Rites and Spirituality; to name just a few!Upon completing this course you will have a deeper understanding and appreciation for ancient Ireland, its culture and its heritage."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Film a Budget Documentary" |
"Making films are an exciting, but yet demanding undertaking, Documentaries are no exception. many topics translate into a compelling and entertaining story, but before you can go out and make your documentary, do you have the right equipment or the money to make it possible? We all know films can be expensive, but you can make a film with next to no budget and simple equipment.By using a simple consumer camera and cheap equipment, utilising software that can be obtained free online. you too can make a documentary.This course is about Learning the basics of how to create a Documentary, but without spending all of your money, this course covers topics from pre-production through to post-production and include:- Research- Scripts- Schedules- Camera and equipment- Filming techniques- And, EditingThis hour long course is designed to give the student the basic skills that they can then build upon as they venture into the creative world of documentary film-making."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Easy Yoga for Home" |
"Are you gymed out and ready to learn something less stressful for the bay but bringing greater benefits?Are you looking for something of a variety for your workout to break the monotony?Did you always want to do yoga, but never had the time to make it to the classes.Did you always think that yoga need some special place and its so scientific?Are you a beginner in exercise, and want to have a gentle beginning to get overall strength of your body?If yes, this course is for you. May i bring you a very simple easy to understand format, learning yoga at home. This will allow you to execute the poses correctly to bring best benefit for your body. This basic yoga course will help you to bring you understanding of the theoretical base and the actual videos of the poses.Start yoga today even by picking out one pose and just do it. Tomorrow, pick another pose and just do it. and as you are learning gradually you will build your feel great Yoga workout at home.I am including a 20 min gentle yoga class video here as my special gift as well.See you in the course:)"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Eating Balanced for Life" |
"You have been looking for the way of eating where you can eat anything and everything, you just need to learn how to build into your menu plan?HAve you tried all diets and fashion trends, yet still hungry and gained the weight back?Do you have any degenerative disease, diabetes, here disease, high cholesterol, high sugar had stroke, or cardiac episodes?Do you have poor memory and low energy or feel depressed?Do you like to have a healthy family and learn how to make balanced eating for your children?Are you an athlete who is looking for to improve performance?If yes then this basic simplecourse isfor you. You will learn very simple step by step the basics what you need to know to become your on nutritionist. Dr Zsu has 3 master and and a PhD, a member of American College of Nutrition as a Certified Nutrition Specialist, --specializes in Blood sugar regulation. With 20 years experience in performance Dr Zsu confidently brings you the most practical, simple and easy way of eating what you can keep for life and enjoy what you eat.And yes you ask if she eats this way: Yes she doesVisit her fb/fajcsak as questions directly"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Fun Yoga for Kids" |
"Do you find the kids bored during the class?Do the kids seem too hyper or too low and tired?Do the kids seem over worked mentally?If these all applies t the kids in your class, then i have an important and fun tool for you in this course to learn.Animal yoga is an imitation of animals in the yoga poses, while we engage the kids to act out the sound of the animal or the nature of the animal.This bring controlled laughter and fun tot he class, while the kids spend their time constructively.These exercises can be done anywhere, as partly standing and sitting as well.It is recommended to be the first 5 minutes of the class or the closing 5 minutes of the class, or anytime you find the kids with low focus or being too hyper.These exercises bring the fun and refreshing element for the brain and the body, so the ids can focus better.Your disciplining problems in the class will disappear as the kids behavior get more calmer and focused.These exercises are great for any age, and even adults, and workplace even for executives for team-building.Enjoy the 5-minute-mini break and feel the refreshing experience. Yes if children learn to stop and stretch and breath during the day, they will get a better performance out of their days and as adults will keep these healthy habits, and likely avoiding smoking addictions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Super Fit HIIT Workout by Dr Zsu" |
"Have you been working out for many years?Are you gymed out from the routine, and cant get any stronger?Did you have enough spending long hours on running or doing cardio?Do you have joint pains from the long runsWould you like to have a simple, time saving workout, which can boost your bodies recovery system and regeneration to keep you young, super fit and healthy Welcome to my Ultimate HIIT Superfit workout.This is a hyper-intensity Interval training, which is a special fusion of power yoga and plyometric interval and circuit training.Plyometric exercises give the work bouts of the interval training and the power yoga part gives the resting bout of the workout.The benefits are the huge time saving, saving the wear and tear on the joints while becoming stronger than ever with any kinds of workout before.Superior Growth hormone production post exercise which gives you strong and high energy for the entire day. When you do long runs you het the fatigue period of the day, with this workout you simply go all day long on 100% and retire on the end of the day.I m 46 years old at the time of this recording and I have been working out with this system the past 5 years. I feel stronger and healthier than ever. My immune system working it all out by itself."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to be Understood" |
"HAve you been frustrated that you have to keep repeating yourself and no one is listening?Are you oftenmisunderstood and end conversation in being upset?Are you managing people in your team and looking for way to give down tot he point instructions effectively?Are you looking for tool to pick yourself up and motivate yourself at any time?Learning ow your brain brain picks up information and stores them is the basics to learn about others as well. There are many signs in the spoken words and body language which are talking to us about a person's communication style and help us to consciously choose our words effectively to be understood, to be heard, to let others see our point of view, and let others get you. It is a simple way to make sense to those hard core people who never understood you before.With this tool you can speak to anyone and be understood, to influence people and give effective instructions.Enjoy learning effective communication."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to make friends in an instant" |
"Did you always had a hard time connecting to others?Do you consider yourself shy?Are you in management position and find it hard for others to listen to you?Are you a parent and want to have your children open to you? Are your kids not listening to you and want to change that?Are you alone and find difficult to make friends?There are a lot of people like you and i was one of them till Ilearnt NLPand the use of the tools changed my life.This course is for you if you are willing to take on these new tools.You will learn the basics of communication, have the understanding on what is communications and able to take the lead in to your hand.The result of your communication is the response you get in return.You want to havebetter response, then you have to make friends first, so the person feels instantly connectedwith you.. Once this is done, you can say anything, you will be heard out, and your points will be seen, and what you say will make sense. Simply the communication portal will be openfor you.Without this open portalyou will only banging your head to the wall repeating yourself uselessly. ANd i m sure you are pretty tired of it.So, Lets learn the art of making friends an gaining trust by building rapport.Lets make friends with everyone and build better families, better communities and better society."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to get over stress forever" |
"Is anxiety running you all day long? Is anxiety the only state you know and can be, but always wish to get out?However, when there is a chance to to be calm, you pick on somethingto get stressed?Are you addicted to any substances, or craving and missing things?Did you have it as you are sick of living in this stress?Are you ready to change this and have a different experience to learn to live with deep inner peace and joy.I was one of you on this journey 20+ years ago. And Let me share with you all my knowledge and experience and practice here, which is scientific, yet simple and easy.All what you need now isto believe that you deserve to have this change in your life.If yes you are ready to begin.In this course we will explore together:What is stress, and why are we reacting with negative stress?How to get of reacting with negative stress? How to transform negative stressors to empowerment? How to get stress management automatic into your daily life meditation as daily practice to rewire the mind How does the long term journey of re-training the mind looks like in daily life.You will have exercises to do at the end of each video which is the core of the progress you will gain from this course.Let us learn together for your better,happier life which begins right here, right now..Welcome you on this wonderful journey... with love and kindness."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"How to use your mind to achieve objectives in life" |
"HAve you had enough not knowing where to go, and living in the wishing mode and never getting there?Are you at a cross road of yourlife and don't know where to go?Are you unable to focus and stay with things all the way?Do you give up easily without going all the way?Are you planning just not those come true what you planned?Are you ready to take responsibility in your life and look inside you to change what it needs to be changed, so you learn to focus, on super sharp level and achieve any objectives, which once evaluated will positively serve you with progress and prosperity along with the growth ofsociety?his course is for you .A course of full of gemstone learningsto understand your mind right now, learn the tools to shift focus and staying with it until you reach your desired goal.This course will help you to make goals for your life journey while learning to manage yourself - your mind on this journey.TAke a deep breath, and lets go!!!! YOu deserve to have it all!! Right now.. lets to the necessary work together to help you get you there!See you on the course.. Im so excited to meet you and interact with you about yourcourse process and hearing yourfeedbacks and progressions:) and any comments:)Let us connect on Facebook too fb/fajcsakWith Loving kindnessDr Zsu"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"How to think and use your mind" |
"Is your mind all over the place and unable to focus?Do youmakemistakes over and over again?Do you catch yourself day-dreaming a lot instead of able to focus on your work?Would you like to stop creating misery inside you and make the shift in your thinking and inner life to experience superior focus, inner peace and happiness?Imagine how your life wouldbe if you had time for everything you wanted to?Imagine how your life would be if you can live calmly,patiently and no need to use destructiveanger?What if you could turn your focus all into empowerment and live the life you always wanted?What if you could be your own friend and stop expecting others to love you or do anything for you, as it all will be coming with the free flow?If yes, this course is for you.Enjoy the step by step process discovering yourown mind right now, learn from it.Make the shift in your focus to live your life in superior health, wealth and happiness.All these are within this course, jammed packed with goodness for you.Now its all your turn to do it.. Right now!! Its your life, you only live once. Create and manifest all the bests you deserve...See you on the course:)Blessing love and light-Dr Zsu"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Solaris UNIX letim Sistemi Eitimi" |
"SUN Oraclefirmasnn resmibirrn olan Solaris zellikle idnyasnda ok popler olarak kullanlan, gl, yeniliki, esnek ve ok baarlbir Unix iletim sistemidir.Bu eitimimizde; Bilgisayar Sektrnde (IT) ok nemlibir i alan olan sistem yneticiliine ynelik Solaris Unixletim sistemini tm hatlaryla reneceksiniz.Unix sistemlerine mthi bir giri yapp bu alanda altyapm nasl salamlatrabilirim sorularna uzman cevaplar bulacaksnz. Sadece iletim sistemiyle de kalmayp Network'ten dier sistem yneticilii alanlarna da etkin ve anlaml bir giri yapacaksnz.Bu eitimlerle Oracle firmasnnOCA, OCP seviyelerindekiresmi sertifka snavlariin de iyi bir nhazrlk yapm olacaksnz.Videolarda kurulumlardaki gereksiz beklemeler ksaltlm olup direkt gerek bilgiye ulaacaksnz."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Sketch in 30 Minutes" |
"I designed this course for anyone who wants to get the most in the shortest possible time.I squeezed all the essentials of using Sketch in 30 minutes. You don't need to spend several hours studying Sketch in order to be able to design great looking mobile apps and websites.I can guarantee that you will be designing your own work in 30 minutes after taking this course. Take this short yet effective course and you're ready to start creating your own vector graphics today.What you will get?Learn how to use SketchInteresting tips for saving time while designing your workAll essential tools explainedTips for efficient exporting of your workA website with free resources to help you get startedWhat is Sketch?Sketch is a vector-based editor. It's intuitive and very easy to use. It's cheaper than Illustrator and definitely better than Photoshop because it will allow you to resize your work infinitely, export it in many different formats without losing quality.It's the best tool for creating great designs for Android devices, iPhone and iPad, even Windows phone. Sketch is strong tool for web design. It saves a lot of repetitive work with Symbols, one of many great tools.Sketch is very popular. There are a vibrant community and a constant flow of new resources available for free.You don't need to buy expensive books and studying for hours. Sketch is so easy to use, that all you need to start is 15 minutes. This course will give you twice that time, which is more than enough.The first project is about creating your own set of 20 icons for iOS devices. This can be done thanks to plugin I will show you inside the course in just a minute! That's right. Imagine creating these 20 different resolution icons in Photoshop. That would be a real nightmare!In Sketch, you will have this work done in under a minute and the most time-consuming part of this will be designing your icon. The rest is as fast as hitting one button.What are the requirements?You need a Mac computer, Sketch is not available for Windows or LinuxThe latest trial version of Sketch30 minutes of your timeWhat are you going to learn?How to use the latest Sketch from scratchHow to export your work efficiently and almost unbelievably fastHow to use all the essential toolsWho is this course for?Photoshop, Fireworks and Illustrator users looking for something better, faster and easier to useAnyone willing to learn something new without any prior knowledge in design"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create Free, Fast and Secure Static Website" |
"Every business needs its online presence.You can use social networks, but a good old domain name with a website is still a very popular way of presenting your products to potential customers.Your website gives you the opportunity to express yourself. Unlike social networks accounts, you have total freedom and control regarding the looks and features of your own website.These days a lot of businesses focuses on creating static landing pages. Its a very practical way of thinking:static pages are generally more secure and faster than their dynamic counterpartsthey dont have any moving elements, namely scripting languages, and databasesit's almost impossible to hack them by injecting some malicious code Online services are getting better and cheaper very fast.If you know where to look, you can save a lot of money using free services to create a static website.In this course, I will show you how to create your own website using free tools, resources, and services available online.Its not about some cheap web hosting with a lot of downtimes.No, this is about well-known critically acclaimed services backed by financially strong and successful companies.I will show you how to create your own website using:FREE resources to launch your website in no timeFREE tools to edit your website easily and quicklyFREE hosting where you can have your site forever with your own domainFREE certification of your site giving you SSL and HTTPS access forever"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build Your Own Mailing List with Free Online Tools" |
"Getting new customers for your products and services is not an easy task. It doesn't matter who you are, if you have something to sell, you want customers.Online entrepreneurs can use free online tools to set up their own marketing system for free. In this course, I will show you how to improve your marketing results using great free online tools.I put together some of the best tools available I use myself for marketing my project. As a bonus, I will explain step by step the process of creating your own static website on your own domain using free hosting.This course is based on my own subscription system. It's not something artificial, it's not some concept, it's a real-word example of a working system.By taking this course you will get:Three online tools you can use for FREETips on how to use these toolsIntroduction to the subscription system I useReal-world examples of my usage of these toolsAfter watching this course you will be able to create:Free offerLanding pageAutoresponderGitHub websiteCombined together these elements create clever marketing system allowing you to automatically get new subscribers, sending them welcome e-mails and giving them your free offer. I will show you how to convince new subscribers to give you their real e-mail address instead of some fake.This course will take about 30 minutes. It's a short, yet effective way to get you up and running with your own marketing system in no time.Take this course if you want to:Learn how to use Canva to create a professional-looking handbookLearn how to use MailerLite to create an attractive landing page for your marketing campaignLearn how to set up autoresponder for your subscribersLearn how to use GitHub and GitHub PagesLearn how to use Facebook as a great traffic tool and lead magnetWARNING: The content of the bonus section of this course might look familiar to the students of my other course about creating static websites. Even though the topic is similar, the content is brand new. Nothing of the original course has been reused in this course. I disclose this information to avoid bad feelings about getting the same content. Again, the topic is similar, but the content is new and more thorough, so if you stuck in the original course, this one should help you get back on track with setting up your static website."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Animation Production with Blender" |
"Do you have a story to tell? An idea to bring to life? Then join me for this project-based introduction to Blender and 3D animation. In this course we'll go through the process of creating an animated scene in Blender from scratch. From the first polygon to the final render. You'll learn all the steps involved in bringing your own 3D animations to life. We'll start with the Blender user interface and navigation tools, providing you with a solid foundation before moving forward. We will then begin modeling the mech character and the environment. You'll learn how to UV map your 3D objects in Blender and texture them. We'll use GIMP to prepare the textures, and the node editor to apply them to Cycles materials in Blender. You'll learn how to rig and animate the mech in Blender 3D, as well as animate the camera in the scene. We'll create volumetric lighting and even create a jet flame effect for the mech's jet pack.Finally, you'll learn how to render out your animation and use the Blender video sequence editor to create a Quicktime movie.Topics covered:Blender 3D Interface and Navigation3D ModelingUV MappingMaterials and TexturingRigging3D AnimationLightingPhysics EffectsRendering a 3D sceneDarrin Lile is a Blender Foundation Certified Trainer""I love your tutorials! For the first time, I'm able to understand Blender! Thank you so much!"" -Jade W""Great work, Darrin. You make a great teacher as well as a fantastic 3D artist. I really appreciate your work; can't wait to see what you do next! -theLegendofSamuel""I just wanted to say how much I appreciate these high quality tutorials you put out!!! You are truly an inspirational person. -Zach BSoftware used: Blender 3D and GIMP; both are free, open source programs that can be used for any purpose."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Copyright Like a Rock/Star" |
"Suz, The Rock/Star Advocate, will take you through all the vocabulary, basic rules, and steps needed to correctly complete a copyright application in no more than 10 minutes. You'll uncover the differences between an underlying composition and a sound recording, as well as transferring your rights vs. licensing them.This course gives a quick (under 45 minutes) but thorough explanation of the structure of copyrights, broken down into digestible video lessons, complete with supplemental guides, charts, and worksheets for you to reference so you continue to feel supported long after this course is over. Well discuss the benefits of filing a copyright, the basic vocabulary associate with the application, your 6 exclusive rights, and a step-by-step tutorial for filling out the entire application so you know exactly what to expect.This course is for you if you are a musician, or manager, looking to save money, save time, and save peace of mind when licensing your music to others knowing that it's properly protected."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Piano Lessons For Beginners: Learn Piano Quickly And Easily" |
"Yes You Can! You Can Learn Piano or Keyboard!Imagine being able to sit at the piano and play beautiful, entertaining music. The joy and reward that playing the piano brings is unmatched. You can certainly learn to play the piano or keyboard, thanks to the many, perfectly explained lessons in this course. Everything is broken down to its very basics so that you can totally and perfectly grasp each concept presented. In this beginner's piano course, you will learn how to play the piano in a way that is fun, fast and easy. Traditionally, piano lessons have been very boring. Most learners and even music teachers will tell you that it's because of the absolute focus on the most uninspiring aspects of music theory. In this course, the lecturer takes a different approach to get you playing quickly. You learn the fundamentals of reading sheet music only towards the end. This piano lessons course will teach you how to play the piano in a well-presented step by step manner. It starts with very basic, easy lessons and continues to build upon this, lecture after lecture. By the end of this course, you will have all the knowledge you need to totally understand piano and keyboard playing. By doing the various exercises, watching videos and putting in the time, you will be able to play songs, from very simple, to popular hit songs that you hear on the radio.Here's a preview of what you will learn in this course.The piano keyboard. The names of the keys. White and black keys. Pattern of black keys. Repetition. Finger numbers.Enharmonics. What are sharps and flats? Location of C and F will help you find the other keys.Major scales: C, D, E, F, G and A major. Correct fingering for right and left hand. Major scale formula for every key.How to form basic major and minor chords. Chord formulas.The keys of C, D, E, F, G and A major. Basic chords in these keys. I IV V vi Chords.Major and minor chords in all keys. Chord diagrams.How to play chords in root position, 1st and 2nd inversions. Voice Leading.Play chords and melodies to simple songs and more advanced pop songs.How to play common chord progressions for popular songs. Voice leading, fingering and chord inversions.More advanced chords. How to play dominant 7th, major 7th, minor 7th, diminished and augmented chords.How to read notes on the bass and treble clef. Quarter, half and whole notes. Timing.And much, much more.If you want to learn how to play piano and keyboard, you absolutely need this course. Take this course right now!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |