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"The art of persuasion - let your voice be heard today!" |
"The art of persuasion is a course that will teach many different ways to make you become better at persuading people. Iwill teach you some basics about body language to help you know when someone is interested in you or just wants you to go away. You learn the benefit of positive thinking and how to use memory pegs to motivate you. Iwill teach how to choose the best place to persuade a person and how to use words and phrases in such away that it will increase your chances of getting what you want.You will learn how to tell if someone is lying to you, and you will learn how important listening is to the art of persuasion. This course isfor anyone who wants to become better at persuading people or wants to know when people are trying to take advantage of them."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Docker Crash Course for busy DevOps and Developers" |
"What is this course about:This course coversall thefundamentals about Docker software and teach you everything you need to know about developing and deploying modern applications with Docker software.In the end of this course, youwill gain in-depth knowledge about Docker software and general DevOps skills to help your company or your own project to apply the right docker workflow and continuously deliver better software.What willyou learn from this course:In particularly, you will learn:Containerize a web-based application with a micro-service approach and automate it using Dockerfile.Design multi-container applications and automate the workflow using Compose.Scale Docker workflow with Docker Swarm, orchestrate and deploy a large-scale application across multiple hosts in the cloud.Best practices of working with Docker software in the field.In-depth knowledge about Docker software and confidence to help your company or your own project to apply the right Docker deployment workflow and continuously deliver better software.Invaluable DevOps skills such as setting up continuous integration pipelines.Why shall we learn Docker technologies:Docker softwareis on the bleeding edge of technology today. It is also one of the most compelling technologies of the last decade in terms of its disruption to software development, operations, systems architecture, testing and compliance practices.Docker is becoming amust tool for developers.containers and the Dockers approach gives you the opportunity to work without any need of dependencies.Dockerallows developers to focus on the things which actuallymatterswithout worryingabouttheenvironment wherethe application runs.Tons of companies are using docker in production, today you have the access to that same virtualization technology right on your desktop.About the author:In the past,Jamesworked at many companies such as Amazon and Google. Now James isworking at one of the top Silicon Valley startups specializing big data analysis.During the past two years, Jameshas been leading his team to dockerize theirold monolithic applications with a micro-service approach.James'company has gainedmassive benefits by running Docker in production.In this course, heisgoing to share with you hisyears of knowledge and best practices of working with docker in the real field.Why DevOps skills?Nowadays DevOps engineers are in great demand in the IT industry. Companies are looking for developers who can both develop and deploy the applications.The average salary of a DevOps engineeris about$140,000per year in Silicon Valley area which is20%higher than the salary of a software engineer.Master DevOps Skills means you will bestaying ahead in the competitive job market!Why choosingthis course?This course is very hands on, Jameshasput lots effort to provide you with not only the theory but also real-life examples of developing Docker applications that you can try out on your own laptop.Jameshasuploaded all the source code to Github and you will be able to follow along with either windows, MAC OS or Linux.In the end of this course, Jamesisconfident thatyou will gain in depth knowledge about Docker and general DevOps skills to help your company or your own project to apply the right docker workflow and continuously deliver better software.30-day money-back guarantee!You will get 30-day money-back guarantee from Udemy for this course.If not satisfied simply ask for a refund within 30 days. You will get full refund. No questions whatsoever asked.Are you ready to take your DevOps skills and career to the next level, take this course now!You will go from zero to Docker hero in 4 hours."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"IntelliJ IDEA Tricks to Boost Productivity for Java Devs" |
"How to become a real pro Java programmer:If you want to become a real pro Java programmer, you need to master your keyboard and IntelliJ IDEA. You need to be able to navigate freely in your code base, find and modify code instantly. You need to know how to quickly select texts without using drag & drop. You need to beable to reformat and refactor any piece of code in a second.Faster Java programmersbarely use the mouse but do pretty much everything with keyboard. They use shortcuts and some secret tricks to generate more code with less typing in less time.What is this course about:This course is to reveal allthose little-known tricks which can instantly boost your productivity with IntelliJ IDEA. In the end of this course, you will be able to write the same code in half the time or even less and generate perfectlyformatted and well-organized code withouteffort.What you will learn from this course:In particularly, you will learn:Over 60 shortcuts(Mac, Linux and Windows) to bump up your productivity.How to effectively select texts without using drag & drop.How to quickly find anyfiles, classes,methods orcommands in a second, no more navigating between folders to find classes or files.How tonavigate freelyin your code base, say goodbye toclicking back and forth to navigate betweenclasses or methods.How to masterthe code completion andcode generationfeatures provided byIntelliJ IDEA towrite more code with less typing.How to quickly reformat code andoptimize import statementsto ensureyour code isalways in a perfectly formatted and well-organizedstate.And much muchmore...Every single trickrevealedin this course is operational in asecond- and can give you instant productivity boost.This course willtakeless than two hours of your time, but it is going to save you a lot of time in thefuture.Believe it or not, most engineers have only used up to10%of IntelliJs features even after many years of experience. So even ifyou have beenusingIntelliJIDEAfor a while,you may still find outtips and tricks that youdon't know before.What do students say:""IntelliJis just great. coding used to be so difficult for me but with this course I have really enhanced my coding skills and I just can't stop myself from bragging about it!"" -Crispin Smith""The tutorialhas been extremely helpful for me as I really needed to increase my coding speed. Thanks a lot lee.... You have really done a great job."" -Alastair""IntelliJ IDEA tricks are described so easily that I was AMAZED! Thank you James for such a great work. Really useful."" -Mitty Rose""Howdy! I love the way he is explaining everything, from basics. Such tips are indeed essential and it makes a huge difference in the overall output in terms of time & effort. Thank You!"" -Daniel Smith""Informative as well as helpful. The tricks are really helpful, time-saving and a must for every programmer. I am viewing this tutorial again and i refer this to my students too."" - Casey Morgan""After undergoing this tutorial, i could say that this has been the best IntelliJ IDEA course i have ever come across. This is very well presented and it would aid a programmer(even a beginner) to write a code better and faster. I am going to recommend it to all my team mates as well. Cheers.""-Steffen Aleksander Jakobsen""This course is really good! Lots of useful tips such as keyboard shortcuts, code completion, code generation, language injection are shared. James is teaching you how to find things rather than cramming everything. What I have learned from this course about IntelliJ idea will be beneficial for me for lifetime."" - Lin JaleThis course will continue grow!James will offer the open book technique with no off the cuff tricks. He will expose all the tricks and secrets. He is innovative enough to learn more every day for your advantage,andthose are being added to the course.Soon you will start gaining the latent potential for free!This tutorialwill continue to grow and grow.30-day money-back guarantee!You will get 30-day money-back guarantee from Udemy for this course. If not satisfied simply ask for a refund within 30 days. You will get full refund. No questions whatsoever asked. Besides you have James'personal promisethat you will be wowed and thrilled by what you'll learn and how much you can improve your coding speed in the next 2 hours ... You will be transformed to a higher plane by mastering IntelliJIDEA within a short time. Udemy offers a saving worth for your future.Do you want to take your coding speed to the next level? Do you want to save yourself tons of precious time which you can spend doing things you love? Take this course now ... right this minute!Enroll now!Every minute you delay is actually COSTING your time ...."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
Algebra |
"This is an introductory course in Algebra. This lecture series contains 9 video lectures and corresponding assignments with solutions on Algebra. The main objective for this course is to develop skills in solving Linear and Quadratic equations. Each lecture is subdivided in to different topics so that you can self learn at your own pace. During the beginning of each lecture, you will find the downloadable files for assignments and its solutions. I encourage each student to complete the assignment after working through video lectures. During each lecture, I will give you few examples to practice. You can keep yourself ready to participate in that exerciseby pausing the video and practicing thatexample and then resume back so thatI canwalk you through theexample. At Math Foundation, we are interested in developing course materials which can clearly explain the fundamentals and built up the strong foundation in mathematics. If you are a Math student, an Engineer, Scientist or just a curious student and interested in learning about the concepts in Algebra; then this course is a perfect choice."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dive Into Excel 2013" |
"Master Excel Like a Professional and get hired, promoted, and a salary raise. Learn basic to intermediate concepts by doing 3 targeted exercises which will allow you to see excel in action in a realistic context. No isolated concept learning which you can't remember anymore but learning in context. Like stories you never forget, these exercises will stay with you forever and they will be your reference as you start applying your knowledge. You will be able to apply the concepts you learn here in any situation even if you have never used excel before."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WordPress Development - Themes, Plugins & Gutenberg" |
"Hello! Welcome to the WordPress development course. This is the most comprehensive and effectivecourse onWordPress development around. This is the only course you'll ever need to learnWordPress development.WordPress currently holdsover 50% of the market share on the web. WordPress is an absolute dominant force and it's popularity continuously grows. One of the best things about WordPress is that it's easily extendable. There are thousands of plugins and themes available both free and premium.In this course I will teach you how to create your very own plugins and themes. This course was designed for those who truly want to master WordPress inside and out. There is no stone leftunturned.This course will help make you into one of the most competitive WordPress developers out there. You will be able to develop custom plugins and themes no matter how hard the task is.You can expect high quality and fresh tutorials. This course uses the latest versions of software development including PHP (7.x),TwitterBootstrap(4.x),and MySQL/MariaDB(5.x) .Here is an overview of what you can expect to learn.Take a static HTMLbootstrap template and convert it into a fully functioningWordPress theme.Extend the functionality of your theme by using the WordPress customizer API.Work with the various fields you can create from simple text fields to the color picker and file uploader.Write code thatscales and learn the best practices for writing clean, efficient, secure and reusable code. The WordPress coding standards are covered from PHPto JavaScript andCSS.Properly take advantage of the template hierarchy system and create your own custom templates for more unique designs.Build your own custom widgets to display your own content.Build plugins that extend the core functionality of WordPress.Develop custom post types for content that give you the flexibility to curate content you want to. Apply meta data to your content and display everything on the front end.Learn about the various methods for creating your own custom admin forms and process the data securely.Want to learn about WooCommerce andBuddyPress development?That's covered too! The theme we create will be fully compatible with these 2 plugins. We'll even customize the look and feel to suit our needs.Other topics include licensing, translations, security, transients,authentication, front end publishing, shortcodes and so much more!The APIs that are covered are the following:Dashboard widgets, API, Database API, HTTP API, Metadata API, Options API, Plugins API, REST API, Rewrite API, Settings API, Shortcode API, Theme Modification API, Transients API.On top of everything, you will also learn how to create your very own Gutenberg blocks. Take advantage of the newest feature that comes bundled with WordPress 5!Not confident with your React and JavaScript skills?That's completely fine! The skills required to build efficient and scalable Gutenberg blocks are covered in this course. You'll learn how to use Node, Webpack, Babel and ReactIn a nutshell,we'll explore the various WordPress APIs and how they should be used. The developer documentation is filled with examples and each page is quite lengthy. WordPress development doesn't have to be hard to learn. The biggest mistake most coding tutorials make is expecting someone to learn simply by imitating others' code. Real world situations are never exactly like the tutorial.I believe the best way to learn is to understand how a tool works and what it does for you, look at examples, and then try it yourself. That's how this course is built, with the goal to help you bothlearnandunderstandWordPress.Take the leap into GutenbergDevelopmentThis course goes beyond the simple WordPress plugin developmentand WordPress theme development tutorials. You will learn how to create Gutenberg Blocks for WordPress as the back end. The CEO of WordPress, MattMullenweg, has urgeddevelopers to start learningJavaScript deeply.You will first learn the basics such as thecommand line andES6. You will be caught up with the latest standards of JavaScript from modules to destructuring and so much more! Tools such asbabel and webpack are also explored and implemented with our code. We will build a functioning WordPress Gutenberg block with React. Build components to separate your code . All this knowledge right at your fingertips!Why am I qualified to teach this course?I've been developing sites in WordPress for over 8 years. Iknow all the tricks to working with WordPress. Idon't fool around. You will learn all my techniques and teach you the exact process I go through. I've sold commercial themes and plugins with over 1000+sales worldwide. Iknow what it takes to create stuffthat works!There's a lot of money to be made with this industry and I will show you how.You will also be taught how to sell your plugin online and make a profit. This includes licensing and learning about the various platforms out there to help you with marketing.There is no useless information here in this course. It's all 100% high quality content and nothing less. I guarantee you will absolutely love this course and see real results. You'll have the skills and confidence to build your own custom themes and plugins your clients will love. You'll be able to take on bigger projects for more money. Don't believe me? I offer a 100% refund within 30 days. There is absolutely no risk involved!Don't be the one that gets left behind! Enroll and start learning today"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Learn Spanish Fast" |
"Last updated June 15,2018Hola! Hello!Welcome to the course! I hope you are ready for super engaging lectures, lots of usefulvocabulary, and helpful tips and advice to help you on your language-learning journey!Let me introduce myself:I'm your instructor, Josh. I'm a real person who really wants to see you succeed. In fact, many years ago, I started EXACTLYwhere most of you are now.I had a strongdesire to learn Spanish. I saw how useful it was in everyday life...but I alsowanted to learn at my own pace and from an instructor who knew what he/she was talking about.Over time,I practiced regularly to perfect my Spanish skills. I found that I lovedspeaking Spanish so much that I wanted to teach others as well. So, that is exactly what I did.I have been teaching Spanish at different colleges and universities for almost a decade now. I love every minute of teachingand have recentlyexpanded my teaching to Udemy.So, who did I make this course for?This course is designed for those who want to learnbasic vocabulary and useful phrases in Spanish. There are no prerequisites for this class....all you need is a computer and internet access!Don't worry!You will get the mostESSENTIAL lectures that truly help you learn Spanish in no time at all!I have even addedPDF vocabulary list attachments to most lesson,so that you can have a printableresource for yourself. (Don't want to print the PDF files?You can also download the study lists and add them to a folder on your desktop!)But, that's not all!Icreated fun (and short)multiple-choice quizzes throughout the courseto test your knowledge of the vocabulary and phrases you learned in the lessons. I really want you to succeed!Sign up and start learning Spanish today!Within a few minutes of starting the course you will be able to say your first phrases in a new language!You've always wanted to learn a new language. The time is now....let's do it!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create Awesome iOS Demo Apps with Keynote" |
"This class if for two types of people 1) those who cannot write software; 2) those who have apps in the apps store. For anyone who has an idea for an iOS app, but cannot write software, you can create a demo app.You can try writing down what you want your app to look like and act like which is a great start, but how can you be sure that what you write is correctly interpreted by your developer? They say a picture is worth a 1,000 words, well a demo app has to be worth 100,000 words. Send the demo app to a developer to instantly communicate the look and feel of your app idea. If you can code, then this is the best way to communicate your interpretation of your clients requirements. You can simply create a demo app, send it to your client and get valuable feedback before writing one line of code. Instead of a cryptic email or text, your client can actually modify the demo app and return it with no misinterpretation of design. Creating a demo app can save you both time and money.It will reduce misunderstandings and prevent unnecessary coding. This class will teach you how easy it is for you to create a demo app.The course will take you step by step through the process of creating a demo app.From outlining your app to delivering it to your client or developer.All you need is Keynote; no other product is necessary. You will be shown how to create all of the iOS icons necessary to create your demo app."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"3 Steps to Becoming a Confident and Engaging Speaker" |
"This course is designed to help you overcome your fears, build confidence, and become an engaging speaker by using proven strategies, tools, and techniques that professional speakers use every day. You will learn the benefits of using your authentic voice and personality so you can connect with your audience and feel comfortable in your own skin when you speak with groups of any size and on any subject."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Gitarre spielen wie die Profis" |
"In 2 Stunden die wichtigsten Akkorde lernen!Akustische oder Elektrische Gitarre? EGAL! Dieser Kurs richtet sich an absolute Anfnger undes geht erstmal um die Grundlagen. Fr den Anfang bentigt ihr ein Stimmgert und ein Metronom. Ihr knnt euch beides kostenlos im App- bzw. Game-Store runterladen.In dem ber 120 mintigen Videounterricht lernt ihrdie wichtigsten 11 Akkorde, viele Rhythmen, einige Zupfmuster und Technikbungen. Nicht nur das stumpfe Nachspielen, sondern auch die Theorie stehen im Vordergrund. So verstehen die Schler den Hintergrund & knnen auch autodidaktisch im Nachhinein weiter lernen. Um auch ohne den Computer ben zu knnen, steht euch eine umfassende pdf-Datei zum Ausdrucken zur Verfgung.So knnt ihr mittels Visualisierung eure ersten 9 Songs noch besser ben.Zustzlich gibt es zu jedem Song und jeder bung ein Video-Playalong. Hier hrt & sieht man, was man spielen soll. Von jedem Song gibt esimmer 3 Versionen: Langsam - Mittel - und Originalgeschwindigkeit. So kann jeder mithalten und ist in der Lage, sich selber zu kontrollieren.Es versteht sich von selbst, dass der Bezug zu Evergreens und Charthits nicht zu kurz kommt.Ihr wolltet schon immer mal Gitarre spielen und wisst nicht wo ihr beginnen sollt? Oder ihr spielt schon klassische Gitarre, habt euch aber noch nicht mit Akkorden auseinander gesetzt? Ihr singt schon lange und wollt euch endlich selber begleiten? Ihr habt viel zu tun und keine Zeit einen privaten Gitarrenlehrer aufzusuchen?Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr euch!Freut euch auf Hits im Stile von Lady In Black, Dream On, Knocking On Heavens Door,House Of The Rising Sun, The Scientist, Chasing Cars,Nothing Else Matters, When You Say Nothing At All, Sweet Home Alabama"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn The Art of Henna From The Comfort of Your Home." |
"Learn The Art Of Henna is a course aimed at anybody male or female that wants to know more about Henna, but are not sure where to start. This is a great course for beginners and for those who want to brush up on any existing techniquesHenna also known as Mendhi/Mehendi is a temporary tattoo and is used throughout the world as part of wedding or cultural traditions sometimes referred to as mehendi or mehndi. Although this was an old custom it has become a very popular skill to learn over the years especially outside it's traditional Middle Eastern, South Asian base.Briefly to outline, the Henna course will demonstrate the preparation and mixing of your own Henna paste from powder form.Going on to discuss the adding of secret ingredients which will be revealed to ensure that you obtain the optimal Henna stain.Following tuition in the preparation of Henna cones the course will move on to designing actual Henna patterns.Starting with the construction of a basic strip of Henna to finishing with creating a bridal pattern. Aftercare using a special sugar and lemon paste will also be covered towards the end.All materials required can be found around the home except Henna powder and possibly the material for Henna cone construction. Anything that needs to be purchased can be sourced possibly locally in stores but ultimately everything is available to purchase online.The current modules cover the core principles of Henna design and application as we go forward we hope to bring our students more video's exploring particular schools of design from different parts of the world and invaluable tips and tricks of the trade."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"6-Step Blueprint to Speed Up Your Next Promotion" |
"Outgrow Middle Management teaches you how to speed up your climb to the top, how to multiply your income and how to accomplish your personal aspirations. You can do all this while living a meaningful, fulfilling, abundant, and love-filled life, without sacrificing your relationships and wellbeing. In this course you will learn the 6 secrets of the most effective, highest paid and super successful top executives. You will discover what they know, what they do, and what they focus on, that enables them to achieve so much with their careers and lives. You'll be able to use this knowledge to speed your own climb to the top, multiply your income and accomplish your personal aspirations, without the side effects that you have seen in others."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mysticism: The Apex of Christian Spirituality." |
"This course is for those who wish to discover more about theinner and spiritual teachings of Christianity as well as those who seek to makeprogress on their spiritual journey.For many centuries Christianity has recognized three primarystages of spiritual development which reach their pinnacle in mysticism. Yetmysticism remains a word that is little understood. The objective of thiscourse is to provide an outline of what Christian mysticism is and the threeprimary stages of development which precede this pinnacle of spiritualattainment. As a primary step towards this an examination is made ofEvelyn Underhills talk What is Mysticism? in which she introduces what thenature of mysticism is and what it is not.This is followed by an overview of what the three stages ofthe spiritual journey are. It speaks of there being two major conversionexperiences on this path; baptism and the Mystical New Birth. This section alsointroduces a fourth (or what is really the first) stage of the journey, namelythat of the natural human state.By way of example this section also describes spiritualexperiences had by Madame Guyon and Saint Catherine of Genoa. It also drawsfrom what Saint Theresa of Avila and Saint Bernard of Clairveaux describe ofthe state of Mystical Union or Unification.If you feel that something is missing in your Christianlife, if there is something more to discover and experience, then this courseis for you. It is for those who are asking questions and looking for answers.This course is intended to provide an introduction to thedeeper teachings of Christian spirituality as well as a foundation which can bebuilt on."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Exploring Churches: Gain Insights to Enhance Your Visit." |
"In this informative guide you will learn why Englishchurches are designed as they are, the purpose of many items found in them andsome interesting historical facts which add further insights. English churches share many features in common with otherChristian churches across the world, so much the knowledge gained by takingthis course can easily be applied to your local church or when you visit achurch while travelling.Starting with a general introduction to English churchbuildings you will be led on a tour from the steeple to the sanctuary. Alongthe way you will discover some engaging snippets from history and otherinteresting facts. Through the many images used you will be able to seeexamples of the various things described.This is an introduction to what is really a large subjectand even if you are already familiar with churches you are likely to find outthings you did not know before.What you discover here will be a useful guide when you visitchurches. You will be able to explain to those visiting with you somethingabout the various things you see."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Beginner Sewing for Tweens and Teens" |
"Beginner Sewing for Tweens and Teens is an introductory course to sewing meant to show you everything you need to know to safely operate a sewing machine. I will show you everything from machine set up to the construction of a simple tote bag.Learn Basic Sewing Practices And Challenge Yourself to Create Your First Sewn ItemLearn how to safely operate a sewing machinePractice basic stitching skills like creating corners and curving linesRecognize problems and learn how to fix themLearn how to read a sewing patternProperly cut fabric in preparation of sewingUse industry standard construction and finishing sewing techniques A Lifelong Skill With Unlimited PossibilitiesLearning basics sewing skills is not only a rewarding skill but it is also something that you can develop over your lifetime. Start with something small and eventually work up to creating your own clothing. If you have ever considered going into the fashion field this is a great place to start. Unlike most home sewing courses I focus on industry standards and teach you how the professionals sew.Course OverviewI designed this course for the absolute beginner. If your machine has never been out of the box, no worries, I will show you how to set it up, teach you about the parts of the machine and how to safely operate it to effectively sew together your very first project.Youll learn all of these things in 20 lectures with over 2.5 hours of video content plus a bonus lecture that shows you how to customize the pattern to create any size tote you wish. Each lecture is broken down into easy to understand topics as to no overwhelm a beginner and created in real time so you can follow along or pause the lecture and pick it back up at any time.By the time you finish this course you will be a confident seamstress well on your way to enjoying a skill that you can grow and develop over your lifetime. The machine will no longer be a scary machine but a place you visit for a creative outlet and a tool to help you construct some really cool stuff."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Beginner Sewing: Making a Tote Bag" |
"Beginner Sewing: Making a Tote Bag is an introductory course to sewing meant to show you everything you need to know to safely operate a sewing machine. I will show you everything from machine to set up to the construction of a lined tote bag complete with two pockets. Some lectures in this course are the same as inBeginner Sewing for Tweens and Teens,but the project is brand new and directed toward an adult.Learn Basic Sewing Practices And Challenge Yourself to Create Your First Sewn Item Learn how to safely operate a sewing machine Practice basic stitching skills like creating corners and curving lines Recognize problems and learn how to fix them Learn how to read a sewing pattern Properly cut fabric in preparation of sewing Use industry standard construction and finishing sewing techniques A Lifelong Skill With Unlimited Possibilities Learning basics sewing skills is not only a rewarding skill but it is also something that you can develop over your lifetime. Start with something small and eventually work up to creating your own clothing. If you have ever considered going into the fashion field this is a great place to start. Unlike most home sewing courses I focus on industry standards and teach you how the professionals sew. Course Overview I designed this course for the absolute beginner. If your machine has never been out of the box, no worries, I will show you how to set it up, teach you about the parts of the machine and how to safely operate it to effectively sew together your very first project. Youll learn all of these things in 22 lectures with over 3hours of video content. Each lecture is broken down into easy to understand topics as to no overwhelm a beginner and created in real time so you can follow along or pause the lecture and pick it back up at any time. By the time you finish this course you will be a confident seamstress well on your way to enjoying a skill that you can grow and develop over your lifetime. The machine will no longer be a scary machine but a place you visit for a creative outlet and a tool to help you construct some really cool stuff."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Printing on Fabric: 5 Techniques to Get You Started" |
"Printing on Fabric: Five Techniques to Get You Started is your answer to boring old fabric from your local craft store. Learn how to take your fabrics from basic to extraordinary with a few simple techniques.Learn Textile Techniques to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing Learn 5 techniques that will transform your sewing projects Learn to determine the difference between natural and synthetic fibers Choose the appropriate dye or ink for your project Feel comfortable experimenting with textile design on fabric Set up appropriate workspaces for each technique Experiment with Five Non-traditional Textile and Surface Design Techniques This class will give you the courage and know how to create one-of-a-kind fabric for your sewing projects with the help of five very different techniques. Whether you're a beginner looking to get your feet wet in the textile industry or if you are an experienced sewer or quilter looking to take your project up a notch this course is for you. You can even use it to build your fashion, textile or fiber arts portfolio, a great way to get ready for art school. This course is presented in real time so you can follow along and includes detailed instructions about workspace set up and making the most of your home studio. Contents and Overview Over 11 lectures and over 1.5 hours of video content youll learn how to effectively manipulate dye and chemicals on fabric. First Ill show you how to monoprint, a non-repeatable abstract manipulation of dye on a slick surface that's then transferred onto a piece of fabric. Then Ill show you how to apply vibrant splashes of dye with little more than dye powder and a spray bottle. Once you feel comfortable with dyes and inks Ill show you a non-traditional way to create beautiful surface texture with only a heat gun. Then, Ill introduce you to two chemicals, one used to remove color called, discharge paste and another to remove fibers from fabric, called Fiber Etch. Upon completion of this course youll be able to think beyond your local fabric store and create unique textiles on any fabric using fabric dye, inks, heat and chemicals."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Screen Printing Made Easy" |
"Learn the skills needed to create a screen using one of your designs and then print it onto t-shirts or fabric at home, without the need for a dark room.Master Screen-Printing Techniques and Turn Your Original Designs Into Money Making T-shirts. Learn how to create a screen for printing Discover best printing practices Make designs permanent and able to withstand washing and regular wear and tear Properly clean and care for your screen so you can use it repeatedly Discover How Fast and Easy it is to Print Single-Color Images. Learning how to screen print from home gives you the opportunity to create custom clothing for your friends and family or even to start your own business selling t-shirts with your clever and cute designs on sites like Etsy. Anyone interested in printmaking, fashion or textile design and the fiber arts will benefit greatly from having screen-printing skills in their arsenal of techniques. It's a versatile skill that develops a little more each time you move dye across the screen. With a little practice you will be confident to tackle intricate designs. Overview Suitable for the beginner, through this course of 12 lectures and an hour of video content, youll learn everything you need to print single-color images onto t-shirts or fabric. First, Ill show you the supplies youll need to get started and then how to create a padded work surface to attach your fabric or t-shirts to. Once our workspace is ready to go, Ill take you through everything youll need to know to create a screen using one of your original designs. Ill show you how to stretch the screen-printing fabric, attach it the frame and make it waterproof. Then Ill demonstrate how to transfer the design and use drawing fluid to block out the areas of the screen that the dye will penetrate, before finally filling the rest of the screen with screen fillerso dye doesnt end up where it shouldnt. Once you complete this course you will have the know how to create almost any design onto a screen and the confidence to experiment with other print techniques"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Guide to the App Marketing (ASO, PR and more)" |
"After a few app launches of our own, observing many more, talking with several app developers and testing cool services, we have a really good idea of what can be done to make an app a success.There are roughly 1.5 million apps on each the iOS App Store and Google Play so it is easy for your app to get lost among them. There are so many developers that spend time, energy, and money developing an app, but when they upload it the returns are nowhere near what they were expecting. This is because they focus their time and energy in building the app, but not in optimizing it to be found. They have no thoughts about app marketing, analytics, marketing campaigns. What if I told you that there is a way to avoid your app getting lost among the huge pool of apps in the app stores? What if I told you that you don't actually need to spend a lot of time and effort on ASO once you know how to do it? Would you be interested in learning about it?Well, if you are then look no further This course is the Complete Guide to App Marketing you are looking for!This course is straight to the point and will provide you everything you need, no beating around the bush or repeating the same thing with different words. There is a tonne of things to learn about mobile marketing, and they always keep changing as people try new things and the rules in the app stores change. It is a process that you will need to keep learning for as long as you are uploading apps, if you see a course that tells you they will teach you everything there is about mobile marketing don't believe it because it is not possible. So, this course will not teach you everything there is about app marketing, but it is a great quick start guide for everyone with no prior experience in mobile marketing. It is a great way to start your journey towards more downloads and ultimately more money. If you are someone with no prior experience in ASO, PR, mailing lists, press release etc. then this is definitely the course for you. If you, however, have reasonable knowledge of mobile marketing then look the curriculum of the course and probably you will find out some new topics that will interest you.I go through the steps to create from your app a profitable app business. There is no way to achieve that without app marketing, it is absolutely crucial.What is the target audience?App Publishers or DevelopersApp EntrepreneursApp Marketing CompaniesASO ConsultantsAnyone who wants to quickly grow app downloadsThis course is meant for people that want to start learning about and applying App Store Optimization, and/or for students that currently have apps on the App Store or Google Play Marketplace and want to boost organic downloads."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Controla tus enfados antes de que te controlen a ti!" |
"Yo, enfadarme?Tal vez no gritas o lanzas objetos cuando te enfadas sino que te distancias o criticas a otros. Son todas formas de expresar el enfado y no ests solo/a. Este curso lo he impartido a decenas de profesionales desde ejecutivos a empleados de fbrica, a padres y en organizaciones no lucrativas... Y todos tenemos esto en comn: no siempre sabemos qu pas para enfadarnos, pero no queremos que se repita porque nos afecta al estado de nimo, molesta a las relaciones o nos puede costar el puesto de trabajo. Es un tema actual y muy real.Algunos ContenidosNeurociencia del enfadoCiclo del EnfadoTcnica de las InvitacionesTcnica de los ObjetivosTcnica Date un RespiroSoluciones, ejemplos, ejercicios y pruebasVuelve la CalmaCuando practiques las nuevas tcnicas y completes los ejercicios que te propongo durante el curso podrs enfrentar el prximo enfado con calma y perspectiva y evitars los comportamientos destructivos tpicos del enfado como son alzar la voz en una reunin de trabajo, hablarle mal a alguien, impacientarse con otros, o en algunos casos insultar y agredir. A mis alumnos siempre les digo Toma lo que oyes y aplcalo, haz algo con ello y practica. De esa forma le sacars el mayor partido a tu inversin de tiempo y dinero.Antes y DespusUna alumna me dijo que este curso haba significado para ella un antes y un despus. Le pregunt ms y me dijo que no pensaba que necesitara estas tcnicas, pero cuando las aplic se vio mucho ms relajada y concentrada en el trabajo, ms paciente con sus hijos y en general ms feliz.Pronto me podrs contar tu antes y despus con lo que ests a punto de aprender.Apntate ya! No esperes!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"De profe a profe - 22 tcnicas utilizadas en aulas efectivas" |
"Este curso consiste de 22 tcnicas de uso en aulas de prescolar a universidad. Correctamente adaptadas a tu espacio, contenidos y edades de tus alumno/as encontrars que te aportan variedad, metodologa interesante para evaluaciones y un poco de diversin a tus clases. Estn divididas en grupos de 3 tcnicas por video, excepto las 4 ltimas. No siguen ningn orden en particular, excepto que las 10 ltimas estn todas relacionadas con evaluacin y repaso. Muchas de estas tcnicas las he utilizado en mis clases o las he adaptado para alumnos adultos. Me gusta que en mi aula haya variedad, diversin, aportacin del alumnado, movimiento y en definitiva aprendizaje. Estas tcnicas, y muchas otras que tengo y podr compartir contigo en un futuro, me permiten hacer justo eso: ensear mientras yo disfruto y los alumnos aprenden mientras ellos tambin disfrutan nimo y mantenemos el contacto a lo largo del curso"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Motivational Series For Online Entrepreneurs" |
"A 10 Part Motivational Program of 2 hours of Video ContentDesigned specifically for online business owners who are looking for some extra drive and inspiration.Running an online business can be extremely challenging and sometimes even a bit lonely!Internet business owners need to work hard to keep the fire alive and maintain a high level of personal motivation. With our Online Entrepreneur Motivation Series content, you can brand yourself as a motivational leader for your audience.This program covers the following 10 motivation based topics:Business DevelopmentSelf ConfidenceConstant ImprovementDriving ForceEnergy ManagementDealing With FearFocus Your MindPlan Your GoalsCultivate PersistenceImprove Productivity"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SuperLife 2.0: Practical Strategies to Achieving Anything" |
"This course will teach you how to transform your life and achieve virtually anything you set your mind to.Are you intending to achieve a particular goal and think to yourself you to not have the motivation or drive to work towards it? Whether the goals is in term of Wealth, Health, Relationship and Happiness, you can achieve once you set your mind to it using the strategies laid out in this courseThe problem of people who constantly could not keep to their goals and give up half way is that they do not have the correct mental framework to go about in the journey to accomplishing these goals.In this course, I provide practical strategies that anyone can use right away.Mind you, some of these strategies are not mine. They are from various sources. The benefit of getting this course is that you are able to acquire these great idea, strategies and framework in a way that make sense and link together nicely, making perfect sense.So click on the ""Take this Course"" button on your right now and I will see you on the other side :) >>"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Worried about hackers - Take this course to secure WordPress" |
"Last Updated: 13 March 2016Course Description Are you or your clients WordPress site is going to get hacked? Are you confused on what security plugin, setting or even what should you do to make sure you are not one of the unlucky ones getting hacked today. Learn from my 15 years of experience in government and corporate Cybersecurity to help protect your WordPress site from hackers! Come with me to fast track the security on your site as quickly as possible! This course will walk you through step by step on how you can enact some quick changes (30 minutes or less) that will substantially reduce the risk of being hacked. Not worried about hackers? You should be! Forbes reported in 2013 that over 30,000 WordPress sites were being hacked each day! So do you feel lucky? Today WordPress accounts for over 25% of all websites, so with a number like that you can only expect that you will be the target..maybe not now, but eventually. In this course you will see what plugins and configuration changes you can make immediately in a step by step format. Do you have the same password for WordPress site as you do for your banking website?Ever thought about what if they get my WordPress site password, what else could they get?It happens all the time! This video will walk you through how you can quickly secure and make those passwords unique to you.This alone is worth the cost of the course. Do you hear that you should have a backup strategy around your WordPress site, but not sure how to set it up and what does it all mean?This course will walk you through step-by-step on how you should backup your site quickly and efficiently. This is a down and dirty course on protecting your site.and as I produce more content on how to secure you WordPress site quickly it will added to the course- at no extra cost to you!This is a course that will continue to grow and expand. As well as the Udemy 30 day guarantee, you have my personal promise that you will be delighted by what you'll learn in the next 3 to 4 hours. What this course is not: I do not cover in-depth coding practices to make changes to your WordPress site.This course is designed for beginners who are not well versed in changes to code.Many code changes can be accomplished via plugins and thus an experienced coder may see some of this course as basic and rudimentary.However, ignoring the basics is what will get you hacked.PERIOD! I will not look at your site and tell you whats wrong. Future courses will provide you an instruction on how you can DIY the security for your WordPress website.If you desire a service to provide security for your site, I can offer up recommendations (to include myself). I will not teach you anything that breaks Udemys terms, rules, conditions, etc, whether they are written or implied. This course is not backed or produced by Udemy - it's all my own work ... but the excellent Udemy staff are there to help you, too, of course! But, if you want my personal insider information from being part of an elite group of hackers, protecting small and large enterprise websites, and just keeping you and your family protected you need to get this course now.right this minute. Every minute you delay, you are increasing the chances that your site will fall victim to a hacker somewhere......out there on the internet. Enroll now! DISCLAIMER:This DIY online video training course is for informational purposes. Every effort has been made to make the information accurate and easy to understand. However, in the scope and scale of this online video training course, we are unable to extend or provide warranty or direct support to each individual WordPress blog, owned or operated by our students. Lastly, any site can get hacked given enough time and this course makes no promises or assumptions that it can keep your site 100% safe. However, if you do the things in this video you will dramatically reduce your risk and hopefully the bad guys will move onto someone else! What are the requirements? The Internet, a computer, access to your administration section on your WordPress website and at least 30 minutes of time to spend on securing your site What am I going to get from this course? Over 24 lectures and 3 hours of contentSubstantially increase your knowledge around securing your WordPress websiteUnderstand how the basics around security can dramatically impact your WordPress websiteLearn what is an incredibly strong password and why should you use itLearn to utilize a password manager to protect your greatest WordPress asset.your passwordsLearn the quickest techniques limit the avenues an attacker can break into your siteLearn the quick start guide to the best security plugins for your siteLearn what a security scan is and why you should do themLearn the best backup strategy and what you should do to make sure you dont loose all the work you have created What is the target audience? This course has awesome content for any level of WordPress owner/user, but it is primarily geared toward the beginner of a WordPress Content Management System (CMS)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Speak IT With Style" |
"Lets say you work in a technical field and you need to give a presentation. If youre speaking on a subject like enterprise architecture, or data management, or cyber security, for example, youll often be talking with people who are not experts in your particular area.They might be customers, or a general audience at a conference, or executives and decision-makers youd like to influence.When youre in this situation, its challenging to do it in a way thats engaging and accessible. Too often, presentations on technical subjects are dry, boring, and frustrating for the audience. The people who are able to do it differently, though, the people who speak IT with style, have a huge advantage. These people are not only great in their technical area, theyre also able to connect with other people and show them the value in their ideas.These are the people whose projects are funded, whose ideas fly, who get to work on the coolest stuff, and who get great jobs at great workplaces. These are the people who get to make a difference.Everyone can learn to do this. And thats what well do in this course. Were going to throw away the old story that its OK for technical presentations to be dry and boring. Were aiming higher. Were also throwing away the old story that youre not a good speaker. You absolutely can be. Well build your presentation together from start to finish, with videos and exercises to help you every step of the way.When youve finished the course youll have a presentation thats ready to go, one that will have a real impact on your audience, no matter who that audience is and no matter what topic youre speaking on. Youll amaze yourself at how great youll feel delivering this presentation and at how people respond to it. And best of all, youll have a process that works, that you can use over and over again for any speaking situation.Are you ready to get started?"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Website Copywriting" |
"This course is all about website copywriting: what to write, how to write it, and how to ensure your business' website copy makes the right impression on your audience.You don't need to be (or hire) an award-winning copywriter to get great results with your website. This short course will show you how to write your web copy quickly, confidently and effectively, for each of the 7 essential pages of your business website: HomepageAbout Me pageServices pageProducts pageResources pagePrivacy policy pageContact pageWhether you're a coach or a consultant, an author or a speaker, a freelancer or a blogger, a mathematics tutor or a magician, your website will need most or all of these 7 pages - and you'll need the right words to put on each page. This course will give you the vital copywriting skills required to write your website copy yourself.Easy-to-follow examples and optional templates are provided to help you write compelling website copy without starting from a blank page every time. For those who prefer to sit and read, we also have an optional companion book that you can use to enhance your knowledge of web copywriting best practice."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Blog Post Ideas" |
"Never run out of blog post ideas again!A bloggers job is never done. To be successful, you need to churn out compelling, useful, and unique posts week after week. But just when a deadline is staring you in the face, it hits: writers block. It threatens to take away your blogging momentumand your blog traffic and income along with it. What can you do when youve run out of things to say?Kickstart Your Writing With the Blog Post Ideas in This Course.Adopt the habits and systems to capture your ideasDevelop the mindset for consistent creativityDiscover untapped sources of inspiration in your life Generate compelling posts from media and industry trendsEstablish yourself as an authority in your fieldTap into the power of vulnerability and transparency in your writingThe 21 ideas in this course are seeds for blog posts that will grab attention, drive engagement, and make you an unstoppable blogger. Many people think that in order to write and post great content consistently, you have to be some kind of creative genius with a continuous flow of inspiration. But the truth is, anyone can learn and apply the concepts in this course to strategically set themselves up for consistent and high-quality writing.The action-focused ideas in this course have been compiled by three blogging aces whove published hundreds of posts between them on websites such as The Huffington Post, Copyblogger, WIRED, and Inc.Content and OverviewWith 25 concise lessons running around 90 minutes total, this course is designed to get you generating brilliant ideas fast. We start with the basics of habits, tools, and systems for capturing your ideas. Then we present the 21 ideas for guest posting, divided into five categories, where youll learn how to:Cultivate a prolific mindUse other peoples contentethically Get inspired by traditional and new media Expose the good, the bad, and the ugly Share life experiencesBy the end of this course, you will be able to access an endless supply of creative and compelling ideas for blog posts that will boost your traffic, influence, and bottom line."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Quit Your Job - The Right Way" |
"Leave Your Soul-Sucking Job Once and For All! (But be smart about it.)Get out of a job you hate (or just dont love) and transition smoothly into a life with more freedom, money, and fulfillment. Learn how to: Recognize your wake-up callCraft your exit planResearch your next career, and have fun doing itCreate your own dream jobQuit your old gig with confidence and classOh, you hate your job? Why didnt you say so? Theres a support group for that. Its called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar. George Carlin (also attributed to Drew Carey)Sadly, this isnt far from the truth: most people dont like their jobs.According to Gallup, 51% of people are not engaged at work. That means half of all working adults aren't happy in their so-so, vaguely tolerable job.Whats even worse is that an additional 17% are actively disengaged, meaning they hate their jobs. We think these statistics are nothing short of tragic, and we want to help.If youre in either of these camps, but youre ready to make a change, this course is for you. Well help you transition to a career where you can:Be respected and valued for the work you doGet paid what youre worthUse your natural talents for what you were meant to doHave more flexibility, time, and freedom in your lifeHelp others and make a differenceBackground and OverviewA few years back, a disgruntled flight attendant got on his planes public address system, shouted some profanities, and exclaimed: I Quit! He then grabbed two beers from the beverage cart, deployed the emergency evacuation slide, and dramatically exited the plane in style.While it likely felt good in the moment and made a splash on social media, he faced a host of negative consequences including arrest and a $10,000 fine.It was certainly a memorable way to quit his job, but if youre looking for a more fulfilling career and life, its not the right way for you to do it.With a simple-but-powerful five-step plan, and a collection of real-life stories of people who sought a better life by leaving an unsatisfying career, How To Quit Your Job provides everything you need to prepare for your grand exit.Lessons are both educational and entertaining, and we put an emphasis on production value, so youll be engaged and delighted as you go through the course. Weve avoided giving you busy work while providing enough action steps and quizzes to help you make real progress.Well get you out of the rut youre in, help you focus on what you want to do, and lead you right up to quitting day. From there, youll be ready to fly."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Autoproteccin: Disfruta de tu vida sin lmites" |
"Este es un Curso que Autoproteccin Personal que te enseara a evitar, prevenir, identificar, analizar, mentalizarte para el posible enfrentamiento y enfrentarte a posibles situaciones potencialmente peligrosa para tu integridad fsica o incluso tu vida.Quin no conoce a nadie que le han robado el bolso, la cartera, etc o incluso lo ha sufrido en su propia persona?Este Curso no es un curso de defensa personal, es un curso enfocado a cambiar tus hbitos de vida, los que te hacen vulnerable, por otros que aumentarn exponencialmente tu seguridad en detrimento de la vulnerabilidad, para evitar y prevenir dichas situaciones.Este curso te enseara, porque puedes ser o te puedes convertir en objetivo de una de estas situaciones, y como evitarlo.Si la situacin es insalvable, porque no se ha podido evitar o prevenir, este curso te enseara a como prepararte mentalmente para el posible enfrentamiento, y las tcnicas de artes marciales ms apropiadas para resolver cada enfrentamiento, seleccionadas de Boxeo, Judo, Aikido, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Kung-fu, Sayoc kali y Kobudo.Saca lo mejor de t!, pasea tranquilo por la calle, sabiendo que estas preparado para enfrentarte a cualquier situacin de la vida cotidiana."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Maths Made Easy and Quick" |
"Since childhood the one subject that kids develop a phobia for - has always been MATHEMATICS. These simple trick if practiced can help you master the mathematical operations as if it were a fun-game! You will start loving the subject and with time also develop how to manipulate numbers.These simple one-lined Sutras are the mathematical FORMULAS that can be used for a variety of mathematical operations. Each Sutra can handle multiple operations as per your requirement.Further you will learn tricks which help you CHECK YOUR CALCULATION.Now as far as the question of learning the basic concepts again? comes- then each journey begins from its origins so we begin with the basic concepts of Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication. But these basic mathematical operations also require the knowledge of some basic facts like digit sums, nine point circle, ten point circle, bar numbers, etc. which have also been dealt with.It has been basically designed to make clear the basic concepts of mathematics.No day goes by that you have no addition/subtraction/multiplication to do. Everyday calculations include each of this topic so even if you want to do fast calculations in your dailywork, it will certainly be a lighted path to walk upon.All competitive exams make sure that you have a clear understanding and working knowledge of these basic calculations, but time is a constraint when attempting such calculations in a given time limit, so there you go- this is a course for you!If you are a parent dealing with kids who are of an age group where maths typically starts becoming difficult to understand- AGAIN- this is the place to start with brushing up your maths and answering their DIFFICULT sums.If you dont feel very confident in calculations as you take a long time to calculate a simple sum, you have hit upon the right key- this is the course for you.You can also learn these tricks to amaze your friends and followers as well!These are cool tricks to make you feel confident and COOL.This simple course on mathematics demands only an interest in learning and exploring these comparatively easier ways to doing faster calculations easily. BUT be ready to do a lot of practice to master these tricks. This is required because you have been used to following the conventional methods of mathematical calculations as you were exposed to them since you first started off with mathematics. Now to write on a paper on which has been imprinted deeply, you need to write with a darker colour( more will power) and erase out the earlier notes( practice the new learnt tricks). So grab a thick notebook and pick up a pencil to begin the journey to the heart of the subject.You certainly know these basic calculations, but what I need the most is -you should know tables of 1-5 till it a large expectation?What you will get from this course?you will develop the SKILL for doing sums in your head! And that too accurately as you shall know the tricks to double check your answer!you will become confident and become a master in these trick, rather than being a novice.Certainly impressive!!your cognitive skills and intuition will get an outlet and you will certainly have a better will be able to choose the best trick to use for faster and correct calculationLast you will overcome the FEAR of the subject, if any!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"BPMN Process Analysis using Visio 2016" |
"Not just theory - key BPMN skills combined with practical and valuable Microsoft Visio 2016 experienceIndividual Assignments with direct University level instructor feedback. Now you can assess your ability to apply BPMN and Microsoft Visio 2016 to real world scenarios and receive one to one feedback on your work.Some Recent Reviews""Highly recommend this course to anyone needing to build their BPMN skills. Having completed the course I now feel well prepared for the projects I'm involved in. BPMN is important to me in my job as a Business Analyst and having completed this course I'm confident that I can prepare professional quality process models using the BPMN standard. Visio is great mostly because of the validation techniques it offers. Makes it easier to produce correct diagrams. Dave's teaching style is easy to understand and builds in a step by step manner."" ""Until now, I have felt Visio could not provide real world basics. But through this course, I was surprised to see that many of the features are just not visible at first glance. Now I know this will work perfectly. And without a large learning curve to move the first team beyond basic BPM and into BPMN. The guide was excellent and easy to follow."" ""Fantastic Course!"" ""As a senior BA, I have used many modeling techniques, however, BPMN was one never really taught to me. When my new project told me they used it, I had to learn fast. Mr. Murphy's course was exactly what I was looking for. One, it used Visio 2016, which is what I use today and, two, he explained the most common symbols, how to use them, and when. I feel now after watching the class, I can confidently create some business processes using BPMN."" Learn a key skill for establishing yourself as a proficient business and process analyst using Business Process Model and Notation 2.0. (BPMN) This is the internationally recognised standard for business process modelling. Learn how to build complex business process diagrams using Visio 2016.Build a strong foundation in BPMN and Visio 2016Key BPMN Process Modelling Skills Real World BPMN Business ExamplesExperienced InstructorComprehensive Coverage of all BPMN 2.0 ConstructsVisio 2.0 Illustrations and Examples using BPMN TemplatePractice BPMN Assignments and SolutionsCritical Skill for Business and Process AnalystsBPMN is the international standard for business processing modelling. Visio 2016 is the modeling tool of choice by most major organisations. This combination of skills puts a very powerful ability in your hands to confidently interact in business situations which require your input to key business process understanding and improvement projects.Enhance your skills and job profile by learning both the BPMN standard and the Visio modelling tool in this comprehensive course developed by an experienced and respected practitioner and expert in the field. Learn how to become a key contributor to Business Process Management (BPM) and Improvement projects. Learn process mapping from the ground up. Content and OverviewSuitable for anyone new to business process modelling, BPMN and Visio 2016, this course has more than 20 lectures which have been designed to bring you step by step through all aspects of Business Process Modelling Notation 2.0. Clear examples are used to illustrate the use of all elements of the notation, together with a series of practice assignments which help to establish your personal confidence in the use of the BPMN standard and in the use of Visio 2016 as the modelling tool of choice. Starting with an overview of the main elements of the BPMN 2.0 standard, the course explains how to use Activities, Gateways, Events and Sequence Flows to illustrate common business situations you may encounter. The use of each of these constructs is then expanded in individual lectures devoted to the techniques which can be applied to their use. The course then explores the more complex use of iterations, multi instance activities, compensations, transactions and errors handling techniques in BPMN to manage complex processes.Complete with a comprehensive series of exercises and solutions, you will be able to follow along with the course creator as you work through each concept and the apply and test your new knowledge and skills in BPMN.Includes an eBook covering all of the course scripts for students who like to have written notes!Closed captions included."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |