Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"BIM 5D: Mediciones en BIM desde archivos IFC" |
"Con este curso aprendes a pasardel BIM 3D al BIM 5D (costes), obtendrs de una forma muy automtica las Mediciones y el Presupuesto de tu proyecto de edificacin partiendo de uno o ms archivos IFC (Industry Foundation Classes). Los archivos IFC se han convertido en el standard de intercambio de informacin entre programas BIM, todo programa BIM (Revit, Archicad, Allplan, Vectorworks, Tekla, Edificius, CYPE, etc) puede exportar tu proyecto a un archivo IFC, incluso desde SketchUp Pro podrs exportar tu proyecto a un archivo IFC.Este curso te permiteobtener las Mediciones y el Presupuesto de tu modelado BIM independientemente del programa BIM 3D que hayas empleado para modelar: Revit, Allplan, Archicad, Vectorworks, AECOsim, Edificius, Tekla, CYPE,etc."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"BIM 5D: Cost-It, de Revit 2018 a Presto 2018.02" |
"Curso de Cost-It:el plugin que permite exportar a Prestotoda la informacin de un modelo BIM realizado en Revit.Aprendersa pasardel BIM 3D al BIM 5D (costes), obteniendode una forma totalmenteautomtica las Mediciones desde unmodelo BIM realizado enRevit.Este curso te permiteobtener las Mediciones y el Presupuesto de tu modelado BIM independientemente de que hayas o no participado en el modelado BIM (Arquitectura, Estructura, Instalaciones)del mismo. Durante este curso aprenderemos ausarel plugin Cost-It de la empresa RIB Software Spain para llevar la informacin demodelos BIM desde Autodesk Revit a Presto."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Diseo BIM 3D de Jardines y Espacios Pblicos" |
"Con este curso descubrirs las ventajas de disear en 3D tus proyectos de jardinera para espacios pblicos y privados,integrando el diseo,elpresupuesto y elRenderizado en Tiempo Real (imgenes y vdeos) de tu proyecto en un mismo software. Inciate y da los primeros pasos enEdificius-LAND, un software BIM con motor de render entiempo real, desarrollado por ACCA software, la empresa italianalder en su pas.Adems descubrirs que Edificius-LANDse integra conotros software del mercado: SketchUp, Blender, Lumion, y exportando a IFC con cualquier otro software BIM del mercado. Todo esto podrs realizar con Edificius-LAND:1.Desarrollo en BIM 3D del proyectocon integracin 100% con SketchUp si lo deseas.2. Renderizado de imgenes y videosentiempo real con el RTBIM integrado dentro del software.3. Mediciones dinmicas en BIMy Presupuestoen tiempo real,de manera integrada ybidireccional."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Crecer y Correr" |
"Correr, no solo es una manera de ejercitarse, sino que tambin es una importante disciplina y una completa forma de vida. Puedes mejorar muchos aspectos en tu diario acontecer, ampliar tu cosmovisin del mundo que te rodea, adems de crecer tanto profesional como personalmente, practicando diariamente y de manera correcta el correr. Nosotros te enseamos cmo."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"El Proceso Electoral Nacional" |
"El Dr. Manuel Gonzlez Oropeza nos conduce en la reflexin y anlisis del proceso electoral federal del ao 2018 en Mxico, que es un acontecimiento histrico por diversas razones, entre las quese encuentran que estas elecciones sern las ms grandes que se han organizado en el pas en toda su historia, tanto por el numero de candidatos y puestos de eleccin popularque sern elegidos, como por la gran cantidad de presupuesto econmico que se ejercer por los diferentes partidos y candidatos, as como por lasautoridades federales y locales.Toda persona mayor de edad en Mxico que votar en las elecciones del ao 2018 est interesada en los conocimientos que este curso ofrece.El expositor, Dr. Manuel Gonzlez Oropeza, es un destacado especialista en el tema electoral quecuentacon amplia experiencia en elecciones locales y federales, tantocomojuez del tribunal federal electoral, as como consultor para organismos internacionales en relacin al tema de elecciones.Los temas del curso abarcandesdeorgenes histricos de los procesos electoralesMxicohasta los temas de mayoractualidad como el voto de los jvenes, los candidatos independientes o la libertad de expresin. Este curso provee al estudianteun panorama muy amplio e informadode las caractersticas e implicaciones polticas y sociales de laselecciones en nuestro pas."
Price: 945.00 ![]() |
"Relacin Mxico - Estados Unidos" |
"El cursoRelacin Mxico - Estados Unidos, aspectos jurdicos, econmicos y sociales exploraelementos jurdicos, econmicos y sociales fundamentales de las relaciones entre Mxico y Estados Unidos.Las personas que tomen este curso sern capaces de distinguir y entender dichos elementos y aplicar su conocimiento para mejorar su comprensin de los fenmenos que inciden enla relacin de ambos pases."
Price: 945.00 ![]() |
"Reforma Tributaria de Estados Unidos" |
"El curso Reforma tributaria de Estados Unidos y su impacto en las empresas mexicanas provee a los interesados conocimientos puntuales acerca de las formas para resolver sus esquemas tributarios yatenuar los efectos adversos de la reforma fiscal de los Estados Unidos. El curso es de inters para los empresarios yprofesionales relacionados con el desarrollo de la empresa, como economistas, contadores, asesores financieros, auditores y otros."
Price: 945.00 ![]() |
"Curso de Estratgia de Contedo e SEO por Angelo Pblio" |
"Voc se sente um pouco perdido fazendo artigos de blog loucamente e as visitas do seu site no crescem? Ou pior, as visitas do seu blog ataumentam, mas gerar leads que bom, nada?Fique calmo, no s voc que est passando por isso no Brasil. E isso no estacontecendo s com as pequenasempresase empreendedores digitais. As grandes e mdias empresas tambmesto passando porisso.Vamos consertar isso!Angelo Pblio Professor de Inbound Marketing Mais Vendido na Udemy, Mestre em Design,Autor da metodologia Play-Driven Design,Parceiro da HubSpot no Brasil Plataforma #1 de Inbound Marketing , escio da agncia de marketing digitalNA5. Desde 2002, Angelotem ajudadoempresasa crescerem com Vendas e Marketing Digital.Imagine quanto voc economizaria de tempo e dinheiro ao descobrir em um nico cursoos principais tpicos de SEO e entender como eles influenciam nos resultados do Google?Hoje, se preocupar apenas com o SEOdo contedo que voc produz no suficiente para o seu contedoser on 1 noresultado orgnicode buscasnoGoogle.Voc precisa ter uma Estratgia de Contedo e SEO mais profunda.Voc deve estruturar o seu site, blog e ecommerce, paraque os seus visitantese o Googlecompreendam quais so os contedos mais importantes.Desde 2014, o professorparticipa de treinamentos presenciais nos Estados Unidos emEstratgia de Contedo, Inbound Marketing e SEO, com as principais autoridades nestes temas: Rand Fishkin (Moz), Larry Kim (WordStream), Dharmesh Shah (HubSpot),Guy Kawasaki (Canva), Ryan Deiss (Digital Marketer), entre outros.Neste novo curso, o professorcompartilhao que existe de mais relevante em Estratgia de Contedo e SEO, com uma linguagem fcil e acessvel. um curso sem enrolao,para quem buscaconhecimento eresultados rpidos.No um curso de uso de ferramentas. um curso de estratgia. Ferramenta voc aprende no site do fabricante. Estratgia voc aprende aqui. Voc est preparado?"
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Emergency Management" |
"Emergency Management is one of three courses we have available covering emergency management in places of public assembly or venues as we refer to them.This course has been written for people working in avenue who wantto understand more about emergency planningand to improvetheir skills in this area. Whilst aimed at entertainment venues and places of public assemblythis course also provides information that can absolutely be applied for those people who have planningresponsibilities in other types offacilities. We are currently working on a course for general facilities so please get in contact if you would like a notification for when that course is ready.The other courses that make up the suite of emergency management covers the three levels ofplanning(emergency planning),leading(leadership in emergency management)andparticipating(this course)anemergency situation.This course is presented in six sections - the first and last sections are the introduction and conclusion. The other sections cover Potential Emergencies for Venues where we present on a number of scenarios that are most likely to occur in entertainment venues and what you as a warden need to understand topreparefor anemergency.Section three is all about the emergency control organisation - you might call it something else in your part of the world but this is the part of the organisation that plan and prepare the organisations for emergencies. Understanding how this organisation works will help you understand your roleand responsibility in an emergency.Section fourhelps us understand the key considerations for our emergency response procedures and is a good place to start if you think your organisation has gaps in theseprocedures.The final learning section is dedicated to improving your warden skills, it includes leadership and communication in emergencies, being calm under pressure and how to improve your situational awareness and finally we give you some practice in making decisions during an emergency.Emergencies in venues can and do happen and the more prepared you are the more able you will be able to make decisions in what will be an extremely stressful and difficult time. We use our combine learnings from years in the venue management industry and our experience in real life emergency situations to provide you with the knowledge and skills toset you up for success!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Leadership in Emergency Management" |
"Leadership in Emergency Managementis one of three courses we have available covering emergency management in places of public assembly or venues as we refer to them.This course has been written for people working in avenue who wantto understand more about emergency planningand to improvetheir skills in this area. Whilst aimed at entertainment venues and places of public assemblythis course also provides information that can absolutely be applied for those people who have planningresponsibilities in other types offacilities. We are currently working on a course for general facilities so please get in contact if you would like a notification for when that course is ready.The other courses that make up the suite of emergency management covers the three levels ofplanning(emergency planning),leading(this course)andparticipating(emergency management)anemergency situation.This course is presented in six sections - the first section isthe introduction and details why you should take this course, the last section includes a farewell andthe assessment. The other sections cover Potential Emergencies for Venues where we present on a number of scenarios that are most likely to occur in entertainment venues and what you as a chiefwarden need to understand to plan andpreparefor anemergency.Section three is all about the emergency control organisation - you might call it something else in your part of the world but this is the part of the organisation that respond toemergencies. Understanding how this organisation works will help you understand your roleand responsibility in an emergency.Section fourhelps us understand the key considerations for our emergency response procedures and is a good place to start if you think your organisation has gaps in theseprocedures.The final learning section is dedicated to improving your chiefwarden skills and identifying who will make a good chief warden. It includes leadership and communication in emergencies, being calm under pressure and how to improve your situational awareness and finally we give you some practice in making decisions during an emergency.Emergencies in venues can and do happen and the more prepared you are the more able you will be able to make decisions in what will be an extremely stressful and difficult time. We use our combine learnings from years in the venue management industry and our experience in real life emergency situations to provide you with the knowledge and skills toset you up for success!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Emergency Planning" |
"Emergency Planning in Venues is one of three courses we have available covering emergency management in places of public assembly or venues as we refer to them.This course has been written for people working in avenue who wantto understand more about emergency planningand to improvetheir skills in this area. Whilst aimed at entertainment venues and places of public assemblythis course also provides information that can absolutely be applied for those people who have planningresponsibilities in other types offacilities. We are currently working on a course for general facilities so please get in contact if you would like a notification for when that course is ready.The other courses that make up the suite of emergency management covers the three levels of planning (this course), leading (leadership in emergency management)and participating(emergency management)anemergency situation.This course is presented in seven sections - the first section isthe introduction and details why you should take this course, the last section includes a farewell andthe assessment.Section two is all about the emergency planning committee- you might call it something else in your part of the world but this is the part of the organisation that plans foremergencies by identifying possible emergencies, creating emergency response plans, manages the organisation's annual emergencytraining and drills and supports the organisation for the recovery phase should there be an emergency. Understanding the responsibilities of the emergency planning committee will help you gauge whether yourorganisation is emergency ready.Section fourhelps us understand the key considerations for our emergency response procedures and is a good place to start if you think your organisation has gaps in theseprocedures.Section five explains the role of the emergency control organisation, if you are on the emergency planning committee it is your responsibility to form this organisation and choose the right people for the right roles.The final learning section is dedicated to training and response exercises. It covers how often you should train your wardens, what sort of response exercises and drills are the most effective, how to communicate with occupants and visitors and how to improve skill retention.Emergencies in venues can and do happen and the more prepared you are the more able you will be able to make decisions in what will be an extremely stressful and difficult time. We use our combine learnings from years in the venue management industry and our experience in real life emergency situations to provide you with the knowledge and skills toset you up for success!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Better You by Minsoo Go" |
"Hey!I'msohappythatyou'vemadeadecisionforanactiveandhappylifestyle.Asacoachandtrainer,Iwantnothingelsebutforyoutoreachyourgoals,adoptalifestylethatincludescleaneatingandactivity,andthatyouworktobejustalittlebetterthanyouwereyesterday.ThisprogramismainlybodyweightexercisesandchallengesyouateveryleveltobecomeaBetterYou. You move through foundation, fundamental and practical training to improve your overall physical condition and wellness.Foundation training includes your building blocks for fitness. It gets you in the routine of working out and fixes strength imbalances. Fundamental training expands your knowledge of fitness with body weight movements that give you a basic vocabulary in fitness. Practical training puts everything together with high intensity interval training workouts.CombiningHighIntensity,Strength,andCardioworkoutswithactivitiesyoualreadyenjoy,youwillbeonyourwaytounderstandingmoreabouthowyourespondtofitness,andhowtostayconsistent.Nutritionisalsoveryimportant, so we will cover the basics. I will give you examples worksheets that you can use to track your workouts, your diet, fitness testing, and how to keep you motivated as you progress and go beyond the program.Thisisnota'hardcore'heavy/intenseprogramanddoesnotrequirethatyougotoagym(yourchoicetoworkintheprivacyofyourhomeoragym),spendhoursatatimeworkingout,cutting,orusingsupplements.ThisisYOURprogram,foraBETTERYOU!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Improve academics aim better gradesnote-taking strategies" |
"This course depicts the learning techniques and strategies that will help students improve their academic performance and grades. Sometimes we do not know that a little effort can bring a remarkable change. We tend to focus more on big and important things while neglecting the rest or we feel less important. This course reminds you about those techniques that can bring a positive change in your academic journey.Time management, using correct and meaning resources and managing the information and knowledge for various subjects. If you are overwhelmed with the information you mind can retain; give a try to this course it may take you towards your goals."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Build Your Own RealTime OS (RTOS) From Ground Up on ARM 1" |
"This course teaches you how to build a Real-Time Operating Systems through intensive practice and theory. It starts by getting you excited through an introduction to the internals of a Real-Time Kernel on ARM Processors, which you shall implement yourself in code.Then we move on to learn all there is about Real-Time Operating Systems, their various parts, how they work and then we finally build our own Real-Time Operating System exploring different scheduling algorithms and Inter-Thread communication tools. At the end of this course you should be able to build your own Real-Time Operating System from scratch, give your own lecture on Real-Time Operating Systems, be able to build a Round-Robin Scheduler, be able to build a Periodic Scheduler, be able to calculate the CPU utilization of your RTOS, be able to build an OS Kernel etc. Please see the course curriculum section to find out all the amazing content awaiting you. "
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"DSP From Ground Up on ARM Processors" |
"With a programming based approach, this course is designed to give you a solid foundation in the most useful aspects of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) in an engaging and easy to follow way. The goal of this course is to present practical techniques while avoiding obstacles of abstract mathematical theories. To achieve this goal, the DSP techniques are explained in plain language, not simply proven to be true through mathematical derivations. Still keeping it simple, this course comes in different programming languages and hardware architectures so that students can put the techniques to practice using a programming language or hardware architecture of their choice. This version of the course focuses on developing DSP algorithms for ARM microcontrollers leveraging the microcontrollers features such SIMD, MAC, Floating Point Unit (FPU) and the ARM CMSIS-DSP Library.By the end of this course you should be able develop efficient DSP algorithms using MAC and SIMD instructions , develop RealTime Digital Signal Processing firmware , master the CMSIS-DSP Library, develop and test the Convolution Kernel algorithm on ARM processors, develop and test the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) algorithm on ARM processors, develop and test the Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) algorithm on ARM processors, design and develop Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters on ARM processors, design and develop Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters on ARM processors, develop Windowed-Sinc filters on ARM procesors, build Modified Sallen-Key filters, build Bessel, Chebyshev and Butterworth filters, develop the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm on arduino, even give a lecture on DSP and so much more. Please take a look at the full course curriculum."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Digital Signal Processing (DSP) From Ground Up in C" |
"With a programming based approach, this course is designed to give you a solid foundation in the most useful aspects of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) in an engaging and easy to follow way. The goal of this course is to present practical techniques while avoiding obstacles of abstract mathematical theories. To achieve this goal, the DSP techniques are explained in plain language, not simply proven to be true through mathematical derivations. Still keeping it simple, this course comes in different programming languages and hardware architectures so that students can put the techniques to practice using a programming language or hardware architecture of their choice. This version of the course uses the C programming language.By the end of this course you should be able develop the Convolution Kernel algorithm in C, develop the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) algorithm in C, develop the Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) algorithm in C, design and develop Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters in C, design and develop Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters in C, develop Windowed-Sinc filters in C, build Modified Sallen-Key filters, build Bessel, Chebyshev and Butterworth filters, develop the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm in C , even give a lecture on DSP and so much more. Please take a look at the full course curriculum."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Digital Signal Processing (DSP) From Ground Up in Python" |
"With a programming based approach, this course is designed to give you a solid foundation in the most useful aspects of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) in an engaging and easy to follow way. The goal of this course is to present practical techniques while avoiding obstacles of abstract mathematical theories. To achieve this goal, the DSP techniques are explained in plain language, not simply proven to be true through mathematical derivations. Still keeping it simple, this course comes in different programming languages and hardware architectures so that students can put the techniques to practice using a programming language or hardware architecture of their choice. This version of the course uses the Python programming language.By the end of this course you should be able develop the Convolution Kernel algorithm in python, develop 17 different types of window filters in python, develop the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) algorithm in python, develop the Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) algorithm in pyhton, design and develop Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters in python, design and develop Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters in python, develop Type I Chebyshev filters in python, develop Type II Chebyshev filters in python, perform spectral analysis on ECG signals in python, develop Butterworth filters in python, develop Match filters in python,simulate Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Systems in python, even give a lecture on DSP and so much more. Please take a look at the full course curriculum."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Java Digital Signal Processing (DSP) From Ground Up" |
"With a programming based approach, this course is designed to give you a solid foundation in the most useful aspects of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) in an engaging and easy to follow way. The goal of this course is to present practical techniques while avoiding obstacles of abstract mathematical theories. To achieve this goal, the DSP techniques are explained in plain language and computer code, not simply proven to be true through mathematical derivations. Still keeping it simple, this course comes in different programming languages and hardware architectures so that students can put the techniques to practice using a programming language or hardware architecture of their choice. This version of the course uses the Java programming language. With each dsp topic we shall develop two versions of the same algorithm. One version shall be focused on code readable and the other version shall focus on robustness and execution speed- we shall employ programming techniques such loop unrolling and Multiply- Accumulate (MAC) to accomplish this.By the end of this course you should be able build a complete DSP library in java, develop the Convolution Kernel algorithm in Java, develop the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) algorithm in Java, develop the Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) algorithm in Java, design and develop Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters in Java, design and develop Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters in Java, develop Windowed-Sinc filters in Java, build Modified Sallen-Key filters, build Bessel, Chebyshev and Butterworth filters, develop the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm in Java, even give a lecture on DSP and so much more. Please take a look at the full course curriculum."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"ARM CMSIS-RTOS RTX : Real-Time Application Programming" |
"Thiscourse teaches you the foundations of real-time systems and how to build real-time applications using theARM CMSIS-RTOS specification and Keil RTX, the official real-time kernel by ARM. The coursegivesa detail overview of the APIs provided by CMSIS-RTOS and then goes on to build real-time applications using thoseAPIs.This course does not assume prior knowledge of real-time systems and application programming. By the end of this course you should be able to build your own real-time applications and test their performance."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"FreeRTOS From Ground Up on ARM Processors" |
"Thiscourse teaches you the foundations of real-time systems and how to build real-time applications using FreeRTOS ,one of the most popular real-time operating systemsfor embedded systems.The coursegivesa detailed overview of the characteristics of the FreeRTOSreal-time kernel, provides a detailedtutorial on the APIs to implementthe various features of FreeRTOS and then goes on to build about 50 real-time projects .This course does not assume prior knowledge of real-time systems and application programming. By the end of this course you should be able to build your own multitaskFreeRTOSreal-time applications which useall the features of a modern real-timeapplication (such as semaphores, mutexes, eventflags, hooks, queues, mailboxes etc)and test their performance.You should also be able to :Calculate the CPU Utilization of an RTOS,Understand Rate Monotonic Schedulers,port FreeRTOS to any ARM processor,Understand Round-Robin Schedulers,Understand Weighted-Round-Robin Schedulers,Understand First Come First Served Schedulers,Understand the Internals of an RTOS kernel,Implement and explain popular scheduling algorithms and so much more. Please take a look at the full course curriculum."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"ARM Assembly Language From Ground Up 1" |
"Welcome to the ARM Assembly Programming From Ground Up 1 course. Covering ARM Systems Design, Architecture and Practical Assembly Programming, this is the most comprehensive ARM assembly course online.I'll take you step-by-step through engaging and fun video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as an ARM embedded developer.This course comes in two parts. This is the first part of the course.By the end of this part you will master the ARM Instruction Set, the Thumb Instruction Set and the Thumb-2 Instruction Set. You will be able to create data structures such as FIFOs and LIFOs in Assembly. You will also be able to create Finite State Machines such as the Moore Machine and Mealy Machine. Furthermore you will design complex algorithms for performing Binary Search in assembly , and solving advance mathematical problems like the Taylor Series and the Bisection Algorithm . REMEMBER : I have no doubt you will love this course. Also it comes with a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So put simply, you really have nothing to loose and everything to gain. Sign up and lets start writing some low level code."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"ARM Raspberry Pi Assembly Language From Ground Up" |
"Welcome to the ARM Raspberry Pi Assembly Programming From Ground Up course. Covering ARM Systems Design, Architecture and Practical Assembly Programming, this is the most comprehensive ARM assembly course online. Keeping it simple, there are two versions of this course. This version uses the Raspberry Pi computer as the hardware for creating, assembling, linking and debugging the assembly programs.I'll take you step-by-step through engaging and fun video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as an ARM embedded developer.By the end of this course you will master the ARM Instruction Set, the Thumb Instruction Set and the Thumb-2 Instruction Set. You will be able to Create, Assemble, Link and Debug Assembly programs in the Raspberry Pi terminal. You will be able to Create and Debug Assembly programs using Codeblocks on Raspberry Pi. You will be able to create data structures such as FIFOs and LIFOs in Assembly. Furthermore you will design complex algorithms for performing Binary Search in assembly , and solving advance mathematical problems like the Taylor Series and the Bisection Algorithm . Finally you will be able to create hardware drivers to configure the Raspberry Pi peripherals in assembly.REMEMBER : I have no doubt you will love this course. Also it comes with a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So put simply, you really have nothing to loose and everything to gain. Sign up and lets start writing some low level code."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"2010-2013 . 2010-2012 2013 . () &"
Price: 121000.00 ![]() |
"&,() 3D &" |
"Inventor will be able to study with this course because user environment is not so different from 2010 ~ 2013 version. Particularly, it provides 3-dimensional CAD work during the national technical qualification examination with educational contents for students preparing for 3D CAD work and general people, especially for computer application machine system technician, mechanical design industry articles and articles, and general machine technicians. This is a course that can be used in the field of qualification that you need.Bringing data book of KS standard is prohibited in current article, industrial article, practical skill test, and related standard data is provided in practical skill test site. In this lecture, you will learn how to use KS standard data book for convenience."
Price: 49500.00 ![]() |
"123D Design First Step" |
"Autodesk 123D DESIGN 3D 3D . , 3D . , 3D ."
Price: 49500.00 ![]() |
"Solid Works 2008/2009" |
"3D CAD 3D 3D CAD ."
Price: 71500.00 ![]() |
"Arduino Skills Test : Learning with Arduino Practise Tests" |
"By taking this course, you would get insights to your knowledge on Arduino platform. Starting from Arduino basics concepts to advance concepts, the course tests your skills in diverse topics related to Arduino.This course includes four exams related to topics : Arduino Hardware Basics, Arduino Programming Basics, Microcontroller and Arduino Advanced Programming.Questions have been framed in such a way that along with testing your fundamental knowledge on subject, it would also challenge your practical know how on Arduino, as in some cases, you may need to solve the real world problems.The course provide interactive section level feedback to the tests. Also every question has detailed answers provided for helping in understanding the reason for the particular answer to be correct. Apart of this, if you still have doubts or require any clarification, you can interact with us and would love to help clearing your queries."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Convert a one page HTML5 Template to a WordPress Theme" |
"""Recently I decided to master Wordpress ().I tried several ebooks and online tutorials butnone of them explain things as clear as you did. I really like the approach you took to train your students.! (...)I know providing a course is hard, but providing a quality course is MUCH HARDER.""(Message from student Seng Fei Yang)""This course was exactly what I was looking for! If you are a web developer looking for an introduction on how to get started with Wordpress or how to migrate an existing website to Wordpress, this is the perfect, quick, concise starting point. Marcelo is organized, knowledgable, and to the point. I highly recommend this course.""(Soren Baird)*******************************************************************************Have you thought about creating a WordPress theme from a simple HTML5 template?In this course I will guide you, step by step, and teach you how to convert a simple one-page HTML5 template into a highly dynamic, fully functional WordPress theme.You will learn the basic techniques used for creating a WordPress theme. In the end, you'll be able touse the same techniques to convert your own HTML5website into a fully functional theme.This course is not intended to be a definitive course onWordPress theme development, but it will beyour first contact with the subject.Learn How to Convert a Simple One-Page HTML5 Templateinto aWordPress Theme Learn the basic techniques for developing a WordPress theme Understand how a WordPress theme works Learn how to turn a static HTML5 template into a highly dynamic WordPress themeCourse OverviewThis course is not meant to be the ultimate courseon WordPress theme development, but it will be your first contact with this amazing subject.Throughout the class, you'll watch over my shoulders how to convert a simple HTML5 template into a fully functional WordPress theme.This course has been carefully designed for professionals who already have minimal knowledge of HTML, CSS, PHP and wish to take a step forward in understanding how WordPress theme works.We will start from a simple one-page template, which will be transformed little by little into a WordPress theme. Along the way, you'll learn how to install WordPress in the right way, as well as the right way to transfer CSS and Javascript files from a template to a WordPress theme.We will learn to include Bootstrap and make the theme responsive, keeping the original features and thevisualaspectof the HTML template within WordPress.And the most important! We will learn to make the template content highly dynamic within WordPress, from menus to text and image areas. I mean, you'll be able to create a theme that can be easilyupdated by you or your clients.We will also learn how to implement a fully dynamic post listby creating a custom WordPress loop!You'll alsohave access to all the files created duringlessons. All of them wellorganized for you to review or correctyour own code.At the end of the course, you will have learned how to create your own theme, from any HTML5 template, and confidentlyrecreate a theme of your own. In addition, at the end of the course, you will receive Udemy's exclusive certificate!Are you ready? So, let's get started"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WordPress para Desenvolvedores: Criao de Temas do Zero" |
"Voc tem vontade de criar um tema WordPress que realmente funciona? Voc gostaria de aprender a editar um tema WordPress sem sofrer?Eu sei que ficar pesquisando artigos e tutoriais na internet bastante frustrante. Mas se voc realmente quer aprender tudo sobre como criar temas para WordPress, voc achou o curso certo! Este curso vai abrir o caminho para voc se tornar um desenvolvedor oficial de temas WordPress. Imagine-se fazendo o que mais gosta, seja em casa ou na sua prpria empresa, sendo o seu prprio chefe e ganhando at mesmo em dlar! Bons desenvolvedores podem ganhar de $3.000 a $15.000 criando um tema WordPress customizado. Portanto, saber criar temas WordPress sinnimo de poder ganhar muito bem, j que atualmente esta uma das habilidades mais procuradas no mercado. O WordPress est por trs de 30% dos sites no mundo todo. Ou seja, mercado que no acaba mais!Se voc est querendo ganhar um extra, ou mesmo querendo trabalhar como freelancer em tempo integral, este curso vai provar que perfeito para voc. Ele traz o que eu chamo de uma 'abordagem simplificada sobre o assunto, porque foi deste jeito que eu procurei estruturar o curso pra voc. Eu no tive chances de aprender de um jeito fcil no passado, e por isso que eu decidi facilitar o aprendizado ao mximo para os meus alunos. Voc no ter que passar por todo o processo cansativo de pesquisa, muitas vezes intil, pelo qual eu tive que passar. Tudo o que eu aprendi est resumido neste curso. Ele cobre todos os aspectos fundamentais para voc aprender a criar um tema WordPress do zero. Voc ser catapultado para um novo nvel profissional. No final deste curso, voc ter uma base slida pra se tornar um desenvolvedor de temas habilidoso, sabendo ainda como integrar o tema ao Bootstrap. Voc ficar craque pra dominar um conjunto completo de habilidades, como criar um tema de forma independente ou editar um tema WordPress de terceiros. Veja a histria do meu aluno Walton Jones:""H trs semanas, eu sabia muito pouco sobre o WordPress. Hoje estou dando os retoques finais em um site WordPress para um cliente e ele est muito satisfeito. Tudo isso graas a este curso. O Marcelo um professor incrvel e simptico, sempre rpido para responder minhas perguntas.Eis aqui algumas das coisas que voc no precisa mais, porque todo o conhecimento necessrio j vai estar ao seu alcance:Voc no precisa mais ler pginas e mais pginas de documentao para entender como criar temas WordPress;Voc no precisa mais perder tempo lendo longos tutoriais na web;Voc no precisa mais ficar entediado procurando ou assistindo contedo sem sentido no YouTube.O que exatamente eu vou aprender?Vamos comear com o bsico. Voc aprender como instalar o WordPress da maneira certa, coisa que nem todo mundo sabe como fazer (confie em mim!). E, passo a passo, nos aprofundaremos em tpicos mais complexos e interessantes, que levariam meses para voc aprender por conta prpria.Voc vai aprender coisas como:Como funciona a estrutura bsica do tema - do zeroComo integrar o tema com o Bootstrap - qualquer versoOs arquivos internos e pginas essenciaisAs funes e as ferramentas nativas que fazem com que todo o mecanismo do tema ganhe vidaE muito mais ... Voc tambm vai aprender a lidar com algumas ferramentas e APIs especializadas, como:O Theme Customizer, uma ferramenta incrvel que vai empoderar seus clientes e usurios do tema. Eles te agradecero, pois voc vai dar pra eles o poder de se tornar os ""verdadeiros donos"" dos prprios sites!O novo editor GutenbergA poderosa biblioteca TGM Plugin Activation. Se sua inteno redistribuir seu trabalho, a TGM te ajudar a empacotar todos os seus plugins com o temaE, para finalizar, voc tambm vai aprender como ""internacionalizar"" e traduzir o seu tema, deixando ele pronto para ""falar a lngua"" dos seus clientes.Voc ter acesso a todos os arquivos que criaremos durante o curso, para voc no se sentir perdido de forma alguma. Eles sero o seu guia e ajudaro a resolver os problemas que voc encontrar ao escrever cdigo.Como saber se este curso realmente diferente?O que faz este curso nico so a versatilidade e os benefcios que ele te entrega. Este curso traz 67 aulas super abrangentes pra voc, todas cuidadosamente organizadas em sees, no deixando nenhum assunto importante pra trs. Mas a melhor coisa do curso a minha disposio em te ajudar. A minha maior prioridade fazer com que voc chegue ao fim do curso sem dvidas. Por isso a maioria absoluta das perguntas so respondidas em at 24 horas, permitindo que voc siga seu prprio ritmo de estudo, sem nada para te atrapalhar no caminho.O que o deixa ainda melhor que este o NICO curso sobre criao de temas WordPress que segue atualizado at o momento, ou seja, agosto de 2019.Tenho certeza de que outros cursos no podem se dar ao luxo de ter alunos dizendo coisas como estas:****************************************Estou quase terminando meu prprio tema. Fiz uma pergunta e o Marcelo respondeu de forma muito detalhada e rpida. Eu no sei como ele faz isso! () O Marcelo planejou muito bem este curso. Quando voc encontrar um obstculo, faa de tudo para pesquisar e consertar sozinho, mas se voc no conseguir, o Marcelo est pronto pra te ajudar. Isso maravilhoso para mim e eu acho que pra voc vai ser tambm. (Ryan Johnson)Ou""Excelente Curso, super detalhado e com uma didtica fantstica! O professor tambm excelente e super presente em qualquer momento de dvida! (Marcelo Pimenta)E""Como em todos os seus cursos, o Marcelo prope o contedo abrangente e explica tudo com detalhes. Vale muito a pena. A preocupao e o compromisso do Marcelo com os alunos acima de qualquer expectativa. Meses aps eu concluir o curso ele lanou mais aulas para cobrir o Gutenberg. No qualquer um que faria isso. Muito recomendado!!!"" (Percio Francisco)****************************************E a lista continuaOk... Este curso funciona mesmo?Sim. Muitos estudantes que passaram por este curso j conseguiram emprego, ou trabalham por conta prpria ganhando uma boa renda. Mais uma vez, vou deixar alunos que j passaram pelo curso responderem a esta pergunta:****************************************""Curso excelente! Ensina de forma pratica e simples, fcil de compreender, o Professor Marcelo timo, e responde rpido as duvidas tambm! Graas ao curso eu at mesmo consegui emprego como Desenvolvedor de Temas Wordpress!!!"" (Robson Henrique Rodrigues)""Hoje posso me considerar um desenvolvedor de tema Wordpress. As vezes nem acredito! Indico o curso para qualquer um que queira comear ou se aprofundar na criao de tema para o Wordpress."" (Clodoaldo Rodrigues de Sousa)""Foi uma surpresa extremamente boa e agradvel ter feito este curso. Superou e muito minhas expectativas devido ao professor e sua metodologia de ensino. Este curso sim, sem sombras de dvida, mudou minha carreira como desenvolvedor."" (Bruno Chirelli)""Cheguei ao curso quando precisei atualizar o front de um cliente e eu no manjava nada de WordPress. Consegui ter um timo resultado no job, aprendi a criar temas bem organizados, interativos e atualizaes significativas em temas existentes. O Marcelo um instrutor bem consciente, explica de forma simples e est sempre disposto a solucionar as dvidas dos alunos."" (Daniel Brenner Moura)""Obrigado! Foi um timo curso, nunca foi to barato aprender tanto contedo relevante."" (Ricardo Rodrigues de Lima)****************************************E a? Est pronto? Voc pode sempre assistir as aulas grtis do curso antes de tomar a sua deciso. Lembre-se, este um curso da Udemy, ento voc no tem nada a perder. Voc pode contar com nossa garantia de reembolso de 100% em 30 dias, caso voc no goste. Ento, no tem motivo para voc no se matricular agora mesmo.Eu sei que isso tudo que voc tem procurado h um bom tempo. Ento matricule-se agora mesmo e vamos comear esta fantstica caminhada juntos."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"The 20 Minute Work Day" |
"$100,000... All it took was 20 minutes a dayspent milking the social network LinkedIn.Hey, I'm Luther Landro and in the next few minutes you are going to find out how spending just 20 minutes a day on the LinkedIn has generate me a side income of over $100,000 in the past year. Listen: the number one question I am asked by customers and coaching students is: ""Whats the easiest way to create a steady income stream online to help pay some bills?"" Well, this course isdesigned to answer that question. Listen and watch this 10-minute case study video above and by the end YOU will be able to earn a 6-figure income just by spending 20 focused minutes on the social network LinkedIn.Use this extra cash too: Pay off some bills each monthPay off credit cards to get out of debt fasterBuild a savings & retirement accountOr just have some extra breathing room each month in your finances.You'll learn the surprising, but pretty obvious reason LinkedIn is far easier to earn money from than Facebook, twitter, Instagram, or any other social network that most amateurs try to monetize in a minute.Look, this is not some flash in the pan 'loophole' that only worked once and now I'm selling a product on it. This has been going for over a year, earning 100k in 20 minutes of spare time each day. I started this completely from scratch A new LinkedIn account, a new stripe account, and I didnt use any special software or contacts in my business. Sure Ive made a lot of mistakes this past year, and it took plenty of trial and error to get this system working. And just to be upfront about what you are about to learn, in this simple money making method:There is NO cold calling, prospecting, or talking to offline business ownersTheres NO trying to sell websites, mobile sites, SEO, or some other service that everyone else is peddlingThis is not about affiliate marketing or buying ads. And this is certainly not about selling trinkets made in China on amazon or etsy.This system also doesnt require a lot of time during the day, in fact the reason it only takes 20 minutes is because, well, I only had 20 minutes a day to work on it when I started. You see, I had read an article in entrepreneur magazine about a young college student who was paying his way through college by earning money on LinkedIn. It was the first time I had heard of this. I knew a number of people who were successfully running a business through Facebook ads and Instagram to sell products but LinkedIn seemed more like a resume site than a money making opportunity.The article inspired me, and I decided to try it out for myself. Running my normal business didn't give me a lot of time, so I set aside 20 minutes each day to work on this 'make money or die trying' on LinkedIn. I called it my 'unofficial 20 minute LinkedIn experiment'. Each day I set aside just 20 minutes to work on it. Sometimes in the morning before I started my day, sometimes at night before I went to bed. Dedicating a little bit of focused time each day to your goals is the surest way to achieving them. I found a simple service I could offer business owners who had a linked in profile. This service was done on fiverr for $10 it generated leads and customers for nearly any type of business. And what business out there doesn't want more leads and customers? In fact, that's the number one reason people are on Linked in in the first place.Think about it: internet marketing gurus are always telling you to do your marketing on Facebook, on twitter, and on Instagram. Yet the average person visits those social networks to be entertained, not to buy things or to do business. They want cat photos, funny videos, celebrity gossip, and to spy on ex-girlfriends. LinkedIn is completely different - everyone is on there to network and do business.Finding business owners who want my service was... surprisingly easy with LinkedIns custom search function. Within seconds you can perform a search and find thousands of business owners who are eager to find more customers, and LOVE the lead generation service I offer.It took me a while to figure out, but I found perfectly crafted search queries that identifies businesses that would love the service I was offering, and usually sign up after a single direct message.That may sound complicated, but bear with me here... I've already done the work finding the perfect search criteria so all you would have to do is copy and paste the search text into your own LinkedIn account. Once I found businesses using my custom search, I messaged each one about the service I was offering with a no-brainer price - $97/month. I know... That's an EXTREMELY low price, and in many cases I would charge $900/month for the same service yet I wanted this system to be about EASY money, and the low price made it a no brainer for business owners to take me up on my offer:In most cases they respond back eager to sign up. $97/month to get new customers in their door. They'd have to be crazy to say no. After that I just send them a link to sign up and voila! $97/month gets deposited into my account on the spot. I've been using stripe to collect payments because it's a newer service, but you can just as easily send them a PayPal link to start collecting your payments.As for servicing these business owners... I just take $10 out of the $97 they pay me, and buy 2 gigs on fiverr that do all the work. The rest is pure profit. I'm sure you can see why in just 20 minutes a day I've been able to build a 100k/year income stream. I mean just imagine if you were to dedicate a full hour each day or more to this method... Or even charge more than $97/month with a little extra salesmanship in your messages. Whether you want to earn some side money online, or you want to build a huge business out of this, LinkedIn is an untapped goldmine that is easy to break into. Listen: We all need a break in life sometimes. How will YOUR life be different a year from now after you have dedicated just 20 minutes a day to securing an extra income stream? When was the last time you surprised a loved one with an expensive gift because THEY deserved it? Or a surprise vacation where you forgot about your daily life for just a week... Imagine it: All your bills are paid in full on the first of the month before you even wake up that morning. Debts get paid off fast, and you start to build a savings and retirement account. You're prepared for any emergency life may throw at you - loss of a job, surprise expenses, or even an illness in the family - 20 minutes a day is all it takes to be free from worry and build the confidence in knowing you can handle it. I have compiled everything I have learned over the last year into an easy-to-follow guide that anyone can use to fill their bank account with 97/month payments and earn 6 figures a year in their spare time. I call this guide: The 20-minute work day formula The 20-minute work day formula is the only system that is proven to earn you $100,000 a year or more working for just 20 minutes a day on LinkedIn completely from scratch. This guidebook and bonus video series compiles everything I have learned over the past year into a step-by-step formula with most of the work done-for-you. Inside you'll learn: How 2 gigs on fiverr costing just $10 can send a flood of leads and customers to ANY business that hires you - Customers will eagerly pay you $97/month or more for this service (I have one client that is paying over $1,000 a month to exclusively send customers from his town to him)How to get LinkedIn to GUARANTEE your messages get read - LinkedIn has a little known marketing service called 'InMail' that guarantees a response to your messages. You can even use this service for free for the first month to book your first round of clients.Learn the best business niches to target on LinkedIn - These 'hot businesses' are the hungriest for these services and will sign up after a single message on LinkedIn (the best part is that these businesses are EASY to find with Linkedin's custom search IF you have the right search query)How to sell your fees in the first message so business owners sign up on the spot - My 'waived set up fee' creates a sense of scarcity in prospects and gets them to stop whatever they are doing as soon as they see your message and sign up for your monthly fees. $97/month is a total bargain for business owners, and many will even fight for your business. Some will pay extra fees (even over $1,000 a month) for you to work with them exclusively in certain geographic areas. YOU decide if you want to work with a handful of higher fee clients exclusively (and get paid a premium for the privilege) or work with a larger number of clients at lower fees.My 3-minute PayPal setup' that will have you up and running, ready to collect payments with PayPal. You'll be able to create a buy link quickly to send out to business owners who want to pay for your service to strike while the iron is hot.The 20-minute work day formula is hands down the easiest way to earn a side income online. Now before I show you how to get started let me ask you: When could you block out 20 minutes each day if it meant earning an extra $100,000 this year? Maybe in the mornings before you start your day... Or 20 minutes at night before you go to sleep... Or even on a lunch break while still at work. All it takes is 20 minutes of focused work with no distractions. No Facebook, no phone calls, and no TV. You'll be spending that time on LinkedIn, messaging businesses owners and signing them up for $97/month or more for a simple service you outsource on Fiverr. At first the payments will come in slow. You'll sign up a few clients your first week, and earn a few hundred bucks a month in recurring income. Pretty soon you'll break your first $1,000 month... then $5,000... and eventually $10,000 or more in recurring payments direct into your account. I want YOU to experience this for yourself, and I don't want your current financial situation to get in the way. That's why for the next week I am offering a massive discount on this program. It's also a way of saying thanks to my loyal customers who always come back to me whenever they need help in their business and their lives. Right now you are getting everything in the 20-minute work day system... The guidebook, the video training, the done-for-you LinkedIn messages, the copy paste search queries... All for one easy payment of only $200 A small investment in your future, one that is protected by Udemys no-questions asked 30-day guarantee. Try this system on me for a full 30-days. If you decide this method is not for you, just contact Udemy support with the word 'refund' and I will send you back every penny of your investment. All the risk is on me here... To deliver results to you. Remember: You have a full 30-days to put this to the test. Read through all the material BEFORE you commit to taking action. This way you are confident, and know exactly what to expect. In a few months time YOU will have built a steady income stream earning you thousands of dollars each and every month into your stripe or PayPal account. Each week, PayPal will deposit that balance into your bank account so you can use that money to pay bills, go on vacation, or invest in a savings account. This income is your freedom from worry. Click the enroll in this course button now to get started earning money online and I will see you in the members area with even more surprise bonuses for you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cmo denunciar un pas ante Naciones Unidas" |
"Este curso esta dirigido atodas las personas interesadas en la promocin y efectividad de losderechos humanos.Entre la diversidad demecanismos con que contamos las personas paradenunciar a lospases que no observan, ni protegen nuestros derechos humanos, tenemos los comits en Ginebra, conformados por expertos independientes que velan por la garanta, proteccin y resarcimiento de los derechos conculcados.Cada tratado bsico de derechos humanos cuenta con un nmero de personas especializadas en su interpretacin y aplicacin.Cuando los derechos humanos son violados debemos verificar en cul de los tratados de derechos humanos se encuentran aquellos amparados y dirigir una denuncia escrita al respectivo comit que vela por el mismo.Hoy todo esto lo podemos realizar en forma directa y expedita por internet.A travs de un procedimiento, relativamente sencillo y sin ser abogados, podemos encabezar, exitosamente, la defensa de nuestros derechos o el de nuestros inmediatos semejantes."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |