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"Cisco CCNP / CCDP SWITCH v2 (300-115)" |
"Nosso curso CCNP SWITCH v2 (300-115) foi especialmente desenvolvido e focado em preparar nossos alunos para a prova SWITCH 300-115 (Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks) que compe as carreiras de certificao CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional) e CCDP (Cisco Certified Design Professional), onde sero abordados em detalhes, todos os temas do exame. Neste curso sero abordadas todas as disciplinas do exame. Revisaremos em detalhes tpicos avanados de Switching, bem como estratgias de estudo, laboratrios e a estrutura da prova. Neste treinamento, estudaremos trs grandes famlias de tecnologias:Tecnologias de Camada 2 (Layer 2)Segurana deInfraestruturaServios deInfraestruturaCom o foco de atuao voltado para o mercado, munido dos conhecimentos adquiridos neste curso, o aluno ser capaz de projetar, implementar, monitorar e dar manuteno/suporte em switches multi-camadas. Poder tambm integrar de forma segura e eficiente, VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks), WLANs (Wireless Local Area Networks) redes de voz e video, em ambientes de alta disponibilidade e performance, otimizando o uso de recursos e equipamentos, de forma segura e eficiente.A carreira de certificaes Cisco CCNP Routing & Switching prepara os profissionais para a obteno de uma das certificaes integrante do seleto grupo de certificaes mais nobres e mais reconhecidos pelo mercado, que inluem: Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA); Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP); Cisco Certified internetwork Expert (CCIE). O curso CCNP/CCDP Switch aprimora um conjunto de habilidades requeridas para alcanar xito profissional em um mercado tecnolgico em constante transformao.O exame 300-115 SWITCH Implementing Cisco IP Switching Networks um exame de qualificao para o CCNP e CCDP, com 120 minutos (adicionando-se 30 minutos como adequao a lingua) contando com um banco de prova de 45 a 55 questes.Com este exame SWITCH 300-115, concede aosprofissionais que obtm a sua aprovao, profundos conhecimentos em tecnologias de switching Cisco. Estes profissionais estaro entocapacitados (e certificados pela prpria Cisco), para trabalhar com planejamento, configurao e verificao de implementaes de complexas solues de switching, que utilizam as arquiteturas Cisco Systems""."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Cisco VOICE puro e simples: Telefonia IP e VoIP em detalhes" |
"O Curso Cisco VOICE foi especialmenteelaborado para atender crescente demanda por profissionais especializados nesta disciplina, e capacita o aluno a assumir funes relacionadas stecnologias de Voz, VoIP e Telefonia IP. Seu contedo dinmico e interativo permite o pelo desenvolvimento dashabilidades necessriaspara administrar uma rede de voz sobre redes de dados.O contedotem como objetivocapacitar os alunos a manter e operar ambientes de VozCisco, e adicionalmente desenvolverconhecimentos sobre as principaistecnologias e equipamentos que compe as solues de VoIP eTelefoniaIPCisco, alm de preparao e ajustes na infraestrutura de dados para receber os sistemas convergentes de Colaborao (voz e vdeo).Durante nossas aulas, iremos desenvolvercompetncias em tecnologiasde VoIP, como PABX IP, telefonia IP, telefones IP, controle de chamadas,correio de voz,solues de voz sobre IP e muito mais!"
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Google Apps for Beginners" |
"Google Apps is a suite of apps which offers a free alternative to Microsoft Office or Microsoft Office 365, respectively. Each Google Apps corresponds to a product you might already know:Gmail (= Microsoft Outlook)Calendar (=Microsoft Outlook Calendar)Hangouts (= Skype)Drive (= Drop Box)Docs (= Microsoft Word)Sheets (= Microsoft Excel)Presentations (= Microsoft Power Point)The course is addressed to everyone who is new to Google Apps, or to Google Apps for Work which is a corporate version of Google Apps. Especially if you used to work with Microsoft Office or Outlook this course might help you to overcome your initial difficulties. I will show you all essential DO's and DONT's. The course is divided into 47 short lectures - each of them providing all necessary information about a topic but not wasting time in repetitions. My motivation for the course was to pass on my own experiences I had when being new to Google Apps.I want you to save time and avoid fears of contact which I had myself. Further, I will pass on some tips and tricks which took me some time to discover but which provide very useful shortcuts for your daily work.When I worked for a multinational company we have switched from Microsoft Exchange to Google Apps and I trained quite a few colleagues in how to use Google Apps. I have got to know all stumbling blocks but also all the great advantages which Google Apps will bring to you. This course will guide you step by step through the single apps and explain how they interact with each other.Now enjoy and have fun!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Apps fr Anfnger (deutsch)" |
"Google Apps ist eine Sammlung von Anwendungen, die eine kostenlose Alternative zu den Office-Produkten von Microsoft bietet. Zudem gibt es Funktionen, die weiteren bekannten Programmen entsprechen:Gmail (= Microsoft Outlook)Docs (= Microsoft Word)Tabellen (= Microsoft Excel)Prsentationen (= Microsoft Power Point)Hangouts (= Skype)Drive (= Drop Box)Google Apps lassen sich ganz einfach von berall her aufrufen, ber den Browser am PC, vom Smartphone oder Tablet.Mit diesem Kurs mchte ich im Wesentlichen meine eigenen Erfahrungen weitergeben bzw. Berhrungsngste nehmen, die ich beim Umstieg von Microsoft Office auf Google Apps hatte.Ich habe Google Apps in einem internationalen Unternehmen eingefhrt und etliche Kollegen im Umgang damit geschult. Somit kenne ich einige Stolpersteine, aber auch die vielen Vorzge der Google Apps, insbesondere bei der Zusammenarbeit ber Chat und Videokonferenz oder dem gemeinsamen Arbeiten an Dokumenten.Dieser Kurs soll Sie Schritt fr Schritt an die Handhabung der einzelnen Google Apps heranfhren, aber auch die Zusammenhnge zwischen den einzelnen Anwendungen erlutern, so dass sie diese in Ihrem Umfeld bzw. Arbeitsalltag gewinnbringend einsetzen knnen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SEO Quickstart for Beginners" |
"The course will guide you into the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). In less than 80 minutes you will get to know all the essentials, in a both compact and comprehensive way.The course consists of 3 Factors:1. Learning your vocabulary: dive into the language of SEO. What are SERPS, brand and money keywords, broken links, power and trust, anchor texts, 301 redirects and content discovery? These and many more terms and their explanation are included in the lectures.2. Get to know the Tools: there are numerous tools on the market to support you in optimizing your webpage, blog or shop. By showing hands on sessions you will learn how to use tools like e.g. Sistrix, Link Research Tools, Google Keyword Planner, Spike3. Tips & Tricks: Obtain numerous concrete instructions on how to optimize your website in order to get ranked best in search engines. In the end of the course you will receive a summary in the form of a check list.Topics you will learn about: Keywords, Search Engine Result Page (SERP), Search Index, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), On Page Optimization, HTML, Tags, Brand keywords, Money keywords, Long Tail / Compound key words, Title Tag, Meta Description Tag, H1 Headline, H2 Headline, Text Body, Keyword Stuffing, Supplementary Content, Video Captions, Image Alt Tag, HTML5 vs. Flash, Outbound Links, Internal Links, Backlinks, Broken Links, Authority Pages, Trustworthyness, Google Keyword Planner, Average Monthly Searches, Keyword Suggestion Lists, Google Suggest, Sistrix Visibility Index, Google Panda Update, Off Page Optimization, Link Graph, Page Rank, Power, mozRank, Link Farm, Black Hat SEO, White Hat SEO, Trustes Sites, Site Authority, Page Authority , Follow, No Follow, Power*Trust, Open SEO Stats, Link Partnership, Social Bookmarks, Web Directories, Anchor Text, Link Research Tools, seoMOZ, Link Profile, Co-Occurrence, Harmful Backlinks, Deep Link, Index Ability, User Sitemap, XML Sitemap, robots.txt, Canonical Links, Pagination, 404 Error, 301 Redirect, 302 Redirect, Response Code 200, Apache Mod Rewrite, Tidy HTML, Social SEO, Content DiscoveryCredits: Cover picture by Leonardo Shinagawa on Flickr, CC Licence"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WordPress for Beginners 2016-Perfect for authors & bloggers" |
"This course is aimed at authors and beginner bloggers. This course will teach the basics of how to create a WordPress site without any technospeak!Are you an author or blogger. Are you tired of not understanding what your fellow authors or fellow bloggers are talking about. Do you struggle to do even the most basic things on your site? Let me show you how to use your site using common language, directly applicable examples, and easy to follow instructions.As this course is meant for people with little experience in these areas, I will make the assumption that your knowledge base with WordPress is minimal and will build from the ground up.We will learn all the things that you need to know as an author or blogger to have a functioning site to support your blogging activities in a professional manner.Please note: If you are well trained in WordPress this course is not for you!***Updated to reflect the recent significant changes that have occurred in WordPress***"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Way of the Learner System: the Path to Learning Success" |
"We live in an age of information. It is estimated that the collective information in the world doubles every two years and the internet, every 90 days. In today's economy, success no longer belongs to those who work the hardest, but to those who make the best use of available information. Yet many of us struggle with learning. We can study textbooks for hours only to forget 70% of what we learned within a few days. We spend anywhere between 12 and 20 years of our lives in formal education yet struggle with basic math and grammar. What if there was a way you could remember anything you want and forget nothing you need? Hello! I am Benjamin Rosemont, founder of the Way of the Learner, an organization dedicated toequipping students and professionals with transformational learning techniques. As an avid learner, I am driven by the thrill of discovering principles and practices I can use to improve the quality of life for others and for myself. Think how exciting life would be if in everything you did youacted with knowledge and understanding. Imagine what effect that would have on your education, career, finances, and even your hobbies. That was my vision. And so, I set out to discover the best ways to go about learning, from the techniques used by the ancient Greeks to the discoveries of modern science and even to the competitions of memory champions. My goal was to distill all those principles and techniques intoone comprehensive, easy-to-learn, step-by-step system that anyone could use for any learning endeavor. The result was the Way of the Learner System.If you are a student, this course will help to improve your grades, reduce your stress, and boost your confidence. It will also help you to get ahead of your studies so that you have more time to do the things you love. If you are an entrepreneur or professional, this course will help you to acquire the knowledge and skills you need to stand out from the competition and advance your career. And finally, this course is for anyone who has the audacity to dream and the drive to succeed. Youdo not have to be a genius to become a successful learner. The techniques I will teach you in this course are effective because they make use of skills you already possess. You will also not find any tedious memory improvement or speed reading drills, just one comprehensive, step-by-step learning system. If you are ready to learn these time-tested, scientifically-validated, and competitively-proven learning techniques, thenenroll now to gain instant access to this online course!As one of the initial testers of the Way of the Learner Comprehensive System, I am so excited to see Ben moving forward with this program! As a lifelong student and accounting/finance professional, I highly recommend this course. I personally tested it in my Master's Level Finance studies through the The College for Financial Planning, and assure you that WOTL students will find themselves more attentive, and able and ready to quickly net down information for absorption and application--a critical life skill. Benjamin PauldingHaving tested previous versions, I wish I had this program years ago! Ben has had a long-time passion for learning how to learn, and that is exactly what this course helps with. I remember him talking about this 5 years ago at the start of my bachelors. And now as I get ready to finish my doctorate in natural medicine, I can see how much his enthusiasm has aided my own educational goals and excellence. Weston Holzinger"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"PMP Certification v6: 2 PMP Exams& Detailed PMP Math_13pdus" |
"PMP (Project Management Professional) Exam Math Prep _ According to PMBOK v6This course includes 2 High-Quality Realistic PMP (Project Management Professional) Exams according to PMBOK v6. These exams are created just like the real PMP exam. The proportion of questions from each domain are the same as the real exam:Initiating: %13Planning: %24Executing: %31Monitoring & Controlling: %25Closing: %7Detailed PMP Math Sections include, but not limited to:EARNED VALUE MANAGEMENT, CRITICAL PATH METHOD, CONTRACT TYPE CALCULATIONS, RISK ANALYSIS, PRESENT VALUE CALCULATIONS, THREE POINT COST & DURATION ESTIMATING TECHNIQUES, COMMUNICATION CHANNELS, PROJECT SELECTION METHODS, MAKE OR BUY ANALYSISIn order to review the content in detail, please take a look for the free preview of each section's outline (or introduction) inside of the course.Do you know that there will be more than 50 questions in the PMP Exam related to Math Concepts?More than 9000 students have already been enrolled in this course and they said this course helped them to solve all of these questions very easily!Take this course, if you want to solve all of these questions very easily! As a reminder This is not an ""introduction"" course! This is not a How to apply to the exam course too! This is a 13 hours length real course explaining all the math concepts you should know before taking the PMP exam. The course presentation structure is constructed to make you understand everything very easily. On the left-hand side of the screen, you will always find the course guideline, therefore, you will never get lost in the course.You will see rating stars in each section and in each lecture. These stars represent the importance of the lecture for the PMP examination: 3 stars mean: Important, 4 stars mean: Very Important and 5 stars mean very very important.In each section, there are lots of examples so that you understand all the concepts very easily.At the end of each section, there are sample questions Sample questions are designed for you to solidify your knowledge.So If you want to solve all of the 50 math-related questions in PMP Exam;If you want to get a strong background for the math concepts of the PMP Exam;If you are looking for a great reference for the PMP Exam;If you are looking for a source in order to a quick review for PMP Exam;Better than all, If you want to pass the PMP Exam; You are WELCOME to this course.Disclaimer: PMI, PMBOK, PMP, and CAPM are registered trademarks of Project Management Institute"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Professional Services Management" |
"Six hours of video lectures by Kayne McGladrey, the professional services management expert, cover the eight fundamentals of professional services management:About Managing Professional Services FirmsThe Quote to Cash ProcessScheduling an EngagementThe Statement of WorkEstimatesPortfolio ManagementSuccessful Personnel ManagementKey Performance IndicatorsOver twenty downloadable labs allow students to practice with included lab resources, such as:Simple accounting system for bookings, billings, and backlogResource Skill Matrix and Availability PlannerStatement of Work TemplateMonte Carlo estimation tool for fixed-price engagementsWork History form for interviewingEach module also includes a ten-question downloadable quiz to allow you to test your knowledge of the fundamentals. This course also includes a downloadable fifty-question assessment to test your knowledge of Professional Services management. All downloadable quiz materials draw from a pool of over two hundred multiple-choice, pick one, image hotspot, fill in the blank, and sequence drag and drop questions. Please note that these labs and quizzes require a computer that can open ZIP files and view HTML5 content."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Cisco Packet Tracer How To Guide" |
"Cisco Packet Tracer How to Guide was prepared to teach you how to use Cisco Packet Tracer for your network certification studies. If you are new on Packet Tracer, this course is for you! This Couse only shows how to use Packet Tracer tools! For detailed configuration examples you can jump Cisco Packet Tracer, Packet Tracer CCNA lab Adventure Courses! In this Course, you will learn many things about Packet Tracer. You will gain experience on Packet Tracer menus, tools with different network devices, simple topologies and basically Cisco IOS. After the course you will become ready to build your own Packet Tracer topologies. Cisco Packet Tracer How to Guide is for beginners! Detailed configurations with Cisco Packet Tracer will be showed in another course.Cisco Packet Tracer How to Guide has prepared for : Cisco Packet Tracer BeginnersNew Network EngineersCisco CCNA 200-301 Certification Students With this course you will :Learn how to use Cisco Packet TracerGain hands-on experience on Cisco IOSGet ready for your CCNA studies and preparationsDraw topologies for Network Lessons of CollegesNot much experience and knowledge about Computer Networks are needed to use Cisco Packet Tracer How to Guide. Cisco Packet Tracer How to Guide is for only BEGINNERs! For detailed configuration examples you can jump Cisco Packet Tracer, Packet Tracer CCNA lab Adventure Courses! "
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Cisco Packet Tracer CCNA 200-301 Labs Adventure 1" |
"Welcome to Cisco Packet Tracer CCNA 200-301 Labs Adventure 1!Cisco Packet Tracer CCNA 200-301 Labs Adventure 1 aims to teach how to configure network protocols on Cisco Switches and Routers for the students that are preparing theirselves to Updated Cisco CCNA 200-301 Exam. With Cisco Packet Tracer CCNA 200-301Labs Adventure 1 students will learn a lot of network protocols and their Cisco configurations. In this course especially we will focus on Switching Protocols, WAN, NAT, DHCP Configurations.Cisco Packet Tracer CCNA 200-301Labs Adventure 1 is the first part of CCNA practical course with Cisco Packet Tracer. With this course CCNA students will gain more hand on experience on Cisco Switches and Routers.Cisco Packet Tracer CCNA 200-301Labs Adventure 1 has prepared for :The Students who are studying for Updated CCNA 200-301 Exam,The Network Engineers that wants to learn New CCNA Lessons or update their knowledge,The Network Technicians that would like to practice on Updated CCNA 200-301 Configurations,The Network Fans who want to gain Hand on experience on Cisco Switches and Routers, The IT Guys, who would like to have the most popular IT Certification, Cisco CCNA Certification,The Computer Networks Students on their computer networks lessons,Any Technology Guru who wants to develop his/herself on Network World!For the rest of the configurations of Cisco CCNA 200-301, you can continue with Cisco Packet Tracer CCNA 200-301 Labs Adventure 2. After completing both Adventures, you will be ready for Updated Cisco CCNA 200-301 Exam!Welcome to ""Cisco Packet Tracer CCNA 200-301 Labs Adventure 2"" :)Good Luck!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Cisco Packet Tracer CCNA 200-301 Labs Adventure 2" |
"Welcome to Cisco Packet Tracer CCNA Labs Adventure 2!Cisco Packet Tracer CCNA 200-301 Labs Adventure 2 aims to teach how to configure network protocols on Cisco Switches and Routers for the students that are preparing theirselves to Updated Cisco CCNA Exam. With Cisco Packet Tracer CCNA 200-301 Labs Adventure 2 students will learn a lot of network protocols and their Cisco configurations. In this course especially we will focus on Routing Protocols, IPv6, ACLs, Redundacy Protocols, Subnetting, SNMP and more...Cisco Packet Tracer CCNA 200-301 Labs Adventure 2 is the second part of CCNA practical course with Cisco Packet Tracer. If you did not check Adventure 1, to cover whole CCNA lessons, you need to check it too !Cisco Packet Tracer CCNA 200-301 Labs Adventure 2 has prepared for : The Students who are studying for Updated CCNA 200-301 Exam,The Network Engineers that wants to learn New CCNA Lessons or update their knowledge,The Network Technicians that would like to practice on Updated CCNA 200-301 Configurations,The Network Fans who want to gain Hand on experience on Cisco Switches and Routers, The IT Guys, who would like to have the most popular IT Certification, Cisco CCNA Certification,The Computer Networks Students on their computer networks lessons,Any Technology Guru who wants to develop his/herself on Network World!For the rest of the configurations of Cisco CCNA 200-301, you can start or continue with Cisco Packet Tracer CCNA 200-301 Labs Adventure 1. After completing both Adventures, you will be ready for Updated CCNA 200-301 Exam!Welcome to ""Cisco Packet Tracer CCNA 200-301 Labs Adventure 2"" :)Good Luck!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Boost Testosterone Naturally, Reverse Gynecomastia" |
"This course covers natural ways to increase your testosterone, including a simple, quick, and inexpensive protocol for testosterone boosting supplements that work.In this course you will be able to identify the common vitamin and micronutrient deficiencies that cause low T, which supplements you should include in the base stack, and find out if popular testosterone boosting supplements actually work. It is well known that healthy and normal testosterone levels help you lose weight faster, gain muscle mass and prevent disease.This class covers an overview of the base supplement stack you should be using on a daily basis. We will also look at which supplements, including herbs, minerals, and prehormones, actually work for raising testosterone and which ones are scams. Learn which supplements you need to cycle and which ones you dont. I'm also including the megaguide on sleep optimization that covers how to measure sleep quality and hacks to improve sleep enough to impact testosterone production.High estrogen is the cause of gynecomastia (man boobs). Learn effective strategies, supplements, detox protocols, to lower estrogen and reverse gyno."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Stronger Social Skills: Step by Step to Sky-High Confidence!" |
"Hi there. My name is Tim! I was raised in suburban Florida and homeschooled in a strict environment for much of my childhood. By the time I was a teenager, I was almost entirely disconnected from the 'real world' and had developed depression, social anxiety, and the hardest of all to cope with, severe obsessive-compulsive disorder. At that point I was doing everything I could to avoid other people or social situations.A magnet for constant bullying and abuse, I withdrew deeper and deeper into my own bubble of what I thought was safety but in reality became a nightmare of fear and loneliness. I was a mess.That was then. If you watch my preview video, your first thought will probably be, ""there is no freaking way that's the same person I just read about."" But it is. Now, this isn't a course about mental illness or dealing with childhood trauma; those things are best left to professional therapists. But I bring up my struggle because all of that hardship set me out on the path of my life; all those obstacles forced me to figure out how to survive in relationships and social situations. And once I learned how to survive, I learned how to thrive.I created Stronger Social Skills because I know what it's like to suffer from debilitating shyness, social anxiety, and mental torture. I know what it's like to sit and cry myself to sleep in utter loneliness, beating myself up night after night for not being able to ""just go out and talk to people."" I also know what it's like to overcome my fears, talk to anyone confidently, and create real, deep relationships with good people. I've come a long way on my journey. I've been a radio personality, a comedian, and a teacher. I went from fighting terror to achieve my first kiss at twenty-one to being able to talk to any woman with ease (which helped me land the woman of my dreams!). From hiding from other kids at youth group to being on stage in front of ten thousand people. From staring at the ground when people tried to talk to me to pitching a TV show to some of the most powerful executives in Hollywood. Most importantly, I have learned to make real and lasting relationships that I wouldn't trade for anything on this earth. I've been working with people to help develop confidence and social skills for years now, but not only am I a teacher, I have lived the worst and best of it myself, and that's what makes Stronger Social Skills different, and I know I can help you as well!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence for Managers" |
"Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence for Managers prepares you for the many data warehousing projects that are underway or scheduled to begin in large or small organizations. It's also an entryway into Big Data. If you've heard of data warehousing but never knew what it meant, this is the course for you. Have you always wanted to know what kind of enterprise software is made by Oracle, SAP, Informatica, Tableau, SAS, and even Microsoft? The answer is Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence software, two categories of software that can even include one thing you probably have on your latptop right now: Microsoft Excel. The course is geared towards managers, but is also effective for non-techies or novices who want to understand one of the most important approaches to managing operations that organizations undertake, and that affects your life and your interaction with technology every day.The course is a series of video presentations, but also includes quizzes, a final project, and PDF downloads that will help familiarize you with data warehousing. Recent additions to this course include a greater exploration of Big Data, Data Lakes, and a little about cloud Big Data architecture. The course will continue to grow to explore more about the crossover and intersections between Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence, and Big Data (aka Analytics).This course is quick to complete, giving you an overview of what you need most without going too deep for Data Warehousing novices. If you want a solid introduction to Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence, sign up for this course today!3 hours of materialNew material added periodically to the courseLIFETIME ACCESS to the course"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Improve Team Adaptability to Maximize Work Performance" |
"This ultimate package ofImprove Team Adaptability to Maximize Work Performanceguaranteed to help you and your teambecome a moreeffectivein adapting to the rapid changing environment.This world is constantly evolvingand changing, so it is important for us to keep ourselves relevant and useful.And this Package would help you in gaining that edge in adapting to the change.With Fostering Team Adaptability Package, you receiveapprox 2 hours of video content, distributed under 8Lessons, with each lesson having 3 to 4 video segments.Course Modules:Lesson 1: Trends that Affect the TeamLesson 2: Impact of Diversity of Team and Managing itLesson 3: Changing Job Requirements and How to Deal with itLesson 4: Determine Skills Needed for JobLesson 5: Develop Skills Needed for JobLesson 6: Encourage Learning within the TeamLesson 7: Adapting to Changes and Motivating TeamLesson 8: Create a Conducive Work Environment"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Boost Personal Effectiveness for Career Advancement" |
"Do you pause and take time to reflect?Living ina rapid changing environment where time is of theessence, we cansometimesallow situations to dictate our dailycourse of action and keep us from performing well.This ultimate package of BuildingPersonal Effectiveness toMaximize Work Performanceguarantees to help you tobetterknowandmanageyourself. Thisin turn allows you toovercomeselflimitations to achieveaproductive you inboth yourlife and at work.You would gainimportant personalinsights aboutyourself that will give you a cuttingedge in reaching your full potentialthrough the different learningtools found here.Developing Personal EffectivenessPackageApproximately 2 hours of video content;Divided into 3 mainsections, each concentrating on different areas of life;Each section distributed with5to 6shortervideosegments;Undergoapersonality test to explore personal strengths and weaknesses;Work through the process of setting and reviewing of goals to achieve optimal results.Course ModulesSection 1: Knowing MyselfSection 2: Managing MyselfSection 3: For the Greater Good"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Coaching Bundle: Online Course Creation (Singapore Learners)" |
"This course is designed to facilitate first-time online course designers and developers with the hands-on experience in course creation. By wrapping the coaching component to the online materials produced by the Udemy instructor team, Michael Choy has made course creation to be a seamless experience from design to development to listing. The learner will acquire the following competencies through the coaching bundle: 1. To design a short online course using appropriate pedagogy2. To incorporate learning-friendly features into the course to improve learner motivation3. To apply critical review criteria to the creation of online coursesTo fully benefit from this coaching bundle, learners are expected to come with ready content to engage learners in coaching. The 2 coaching sessions stretched over 2 sessions of 3h each will be at the small group level. It promises to be engaging and authentic! Sign up now!"
Price: 209.99 ![]() |
"Blues Master - Beginner's Techniques Piano Course" |
"Iknow You like Blues. Blues improvisation and Blues riffs charm me asmuch as they charm you. Not for nothing Blues and Boogie Woogie arethe highlights of every performance of Jazz bands.PlayingBlues magnificently and improvising suitably is quite difficult.Thats why you need some professional advice and practice.Inthe Blues-Master course you will be able to take all steps tobecome a Blues musician.Aftera few classes youcan play some simple reefs with bass line. Butif you invest all your power and energy to this course you can playlike aprofessional blues musician!Allvideo lessons of the course provide keys with backlight andexplanatory slides, so that you can understand the material fully.Media files attached to this course will guide you through softwareSynthesia Gameand will drastically improve your skills. Not a single note will bemissed, you can repeat any exercise or riff, or even combine bothhands playing without notes.Anykind of Blues will be available to you:Slowand SpicyFastand Dynamic, such as BebopAndof course the Groovy Boogie-WoogieBesides,the course reveals secrets and characteristics of Bluesimprovisation, cool Blues chords and much more. You can start thecourse right now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Blues Master - Advanced Techniques Piano Course" |
"Iknow You like Blues. Blues improvisation and Blues riffs charm me asmuch as they charm you. Not for nothing Blues and Boogie Woogie arethe highlights of every performance of Jazz bands.PlayingBlues magnificently and improvising suitably is quite difficult.Thats why you need some professional advice and practice.Inthe Blues-Master course you will be able to take all steps tobecome a Blues musician.Aftera few classes youcan play some simple reefs with bass line. Butif you invest all your power and energy to this course you can playlike aprofessional blues musician!Allvideo lessons of the course provide keys with backlight andexplanatory slides, so that you can understand the material fully.Media files attached to this course will guide you through softwareSynthesia Gameand will drastically improve your skills. Not a single note will bemissed, you can repeat any exercise or riff, or even combine bothhands playing without notes.Anykind of Blues will be available to you:Slowand SpicyFastand Dynamic, such as BebopAndof course the Groovy Boogie-WoogieBesides,the course reveals secrets and characteristics of Bluesimprovisation, cool Blues chords and much more. You can start thecourse right now!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Blues Master - Professional Techniques Piano Course" |
"Iknow You like Blues. Blues improvisation and Blues riffs charm me asmuch as they charm you. Not for nothing Blues and Boogie Woogie arethe highlights of every performance of Jazz bands.PlayingBlues magnificently and improvising suitably is quite difficult.Thats why you need some professional advice and practice.Inthe Blues-Master course you will be able to take all steps tobecome a Blues musician.Aftera few classes youcan play some simple reefs with bass line. Butif you invest all your power and energy to this course you can playlike aprofessional blues musician!Allvideo lessons of the course provide keys with backlight andexplanatory slides, so that you can understand the material fully.Media files attached to this course will guide you through softwareSynthesia Gameand will drastically improve your skills. Not a single note will bemissed, you can repeat any exercise or riff, or even combine bothhands playing without notes.Anykind of Blues will be available to you:Slowand SpicyFastand Dynamic, such as BebopAndof course the Groovy Boogie-WoogieBesides,the course reveals secrets and characteristics of Bluesimprovisation, cool Blues chords and much more. You can start thecourse right now!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Airbnb Hosting: Transitioning from a Traditional Landlord" |
"Do you currently own rental property or have you wondered if running Airbnb or VRBO rentals are right for you? If so this course is for you. You will learn in detail the differences of being a traditional landlord and becoming a host of an Airbnb space. You will have a better understanding of the many decisions you need to make to see if this new rental model will work for you. You will get a spreadsheet to help you assess the financials how much more money will you really make and is it worth your time and effort. The cheat sheets and videos will help you answer other burning questions like: What is involved in setup; How do I protect myself; What does it take to be successful in this new business; and much more. It might make sense to convert only 1 of your units and try it out first take this video and make your own educated decision!As a traditional landlord you might have a flexible schedule, freedom to travel and do what you want with your time. Many students ask me does this change will my lifestyle change? It might but it doesnt have to. Take the course and figure out how to create a semi-automated process so you can retain your flexibility. You can still travel the world, pay for school, or achieve your dreams with a short term rental you just have to be smart about how you do it so you stay in control of your schedule."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Buying Income Producing Rental Property" |
"Buying cash flowing rental propertycan be intimidating there are so many questions. Where do you begin!?! In this course I will teach you how to getstarted buying income property that cash flows.Emphasis on cash flow! Thatsmoney in our pocket every month! I willprovide you with concrete elements to factor in and websites to help you doyour research in choosing a market, then we will discuss what information and statisticsare really necessary for honing in on a market.With the techniques I provide you, you will be able to sift throughhundreds of properties a day finding those few to analyze further. There are only a couple financialcalculations that are really necessary so dont get confused with all thejargon out there. I will also provideyou with an Investment Analyzer Tool that will help you calculate the key investmentcalculations automatically. And, youllbe able to customize it for your specific needs if you want to take it to anadvanced level. If you are ready to takeaction in real estate and either a) buy rental property or b) determine if yourexisting properties are cash flowing then this class is for you! Its time to become financially independent, travel,and have the freedom to live and change your lifestyle. Sign up today!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"How to Create Your Personal Budget" |
"Do you know how much income you need from your business...and when you need it? If not, don't worry, you're in the right course. I'll provide you with:A personal budgeting toolDemonstrations of how to use the tool step by stepBest practices to help you establish an early warning system for your personal financesI've kept the course short (<1 hour) and focused on the how-to's, so we make good use of your time. The budgeting spreadsheet--like the others in this series--are pre-populated and set up for easy use. They don't require any knowledge of how to use Excel...all calculations are handled for you. What are you waiting for? If you're serious about starting or expanding your business, let's get the party started!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"How to Create Your Business Budget" |
"When you own a business--any business--what you don't know can really hurt you. This is why successful business owners estimate their expenses and cash inflows and review their budget on a regular basis. In this course, I'll provide you with a simple budgeting template (.xls) and walk you through how to use it step-by-step, so that you can create and maintain a budget for your business.Along the way, I'll help you understand the difference among fixed, variable, and discretionary expenses and techniques for estimating your future cash inflows. We'll take a look at your sales funnel, and I'll provide you with a simple tool that you can use to gauge the value of your funnel. Loads of videos, mashups, and screencasts to support you along the way.This course is for new business owners and folks thinking about starting a business. I designed it primarily for consulting businesses, but budgeting really applies to any business.If you want to take your business seriously, take this course and start wrapping your head around your finances. You'll be glad you did. As your business grows, so does your financial risk, so start building good financial habits early and you'll be fine."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Setting Sales & Utilization Targets" |
"Whether you're a freelancer or an entrepreneur, if you're ready to start taking your consulting business seriously, then you need to start setting some targets to guide how you run your business. Setting sales targets that line up with your expense budget will enable you stay on top of your cash flow and avoid falling under water. Understanding how utilization drives your profitability will help you make smarter business decisions, including pricing decisions,and manage your time more effectively.In this course, you'll learn my process for setting sales and utilization targets. I'll provide you with a downloadable workbook as well a Rates &Utilization Worksheet tool, and I'll demonstrate how to use. In addition to videos, mashups, and screencasts, the course contains two additional bonus tools:a Time Sheet template and an Expense Report template.Why take the course? Because you're ready to start treating this consulting ""gig"" like a real business and take it to the next level. Because your business and personal finances are too important to trust to guessing games and wishful thinking."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Gauging Your Value" |
"""What do you do?"" You're probably asked this all the time by friends, family members, strangers at cocktail parties, and prospective clients. What they're really asking you is:""What value would I derive from hiring you?"" Do you have a unique and compelling value proposition that defines who you are as a consultant and what your practice is all about? If not, you've come to the right place.In this ~1-hour course, I'll share with you best practices for discovering and unlocking your value proposition. 1. Market Scanning: It starts with understanding the marketplace, so I'll share with you the techniques I use to scan the market, assess the implications, and make business decisions. 2. From Capabilities to Value: Then, we'll use that market intelligence to answer the question:""What value do your clients derive from your capabilities?""3. Value Drivers:From there, we'll focus on your value drivers...the unique and compelling ways in which you drive value for your clients. Once you've defined your capabilities, value, and drivers, you've essentially written your value proposition.4. Operationalizing Your Value Prop:From there, it's a matter of putting your value proposition to work, incorporating it not only into your pricing system but also your sales, marketing, and operations.To help you get going, you'll watch not only videos and mashups involving me and my best practices but also perspectives from other consultants in the form of interview excerpts. When you buy the course, you'll also be able to download a companion workbook containing the slides and talking points from the course.So if you're abusiness consultant anddon't have a unique and compelling value proposition for your consulting practice, let's make it happen. Enroll now!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Creating Your Rate Card" |
"""What is your rate?"" As business consultants, we hear this question all the time. Being able to answer it effectively and with confidence is critical to the success of your consulting practice.In this course, I'll show you best practices for establishingrates for yourconsulting services and solutions...rates thatreflect yourcosts and marketvalue.I'llalso show you how to organize your rates intoa Rate Card (or Rate Sheet) that you can later use to streamline the process of quoting prices and writing proposals. I'll provide you with a Rate Card template that you can apply to your business and demonstrate the process step-by-step, using real examples from my own rate cards.We'll also explore solution-based pricing, a technique that more and more consulting firms are embracing. Even if you choose not to use it for your pricing, you should at least be familiar with what your competitors are doing.Who should take this course?If you're a business consultant who wants to take your consulting practice to the next level, you've come to the right place. I'll share my pricing system with you...a systemlike the ones used by the big consulting firms. Learning how to price like a pro will help you grow yourconsulting practice and turn it into aserious business.Ideally, you'lltake this course after getting comfortable with your finances--it's important to understand your costs--and researching your marketplace. When you understand the market and your value within it, you're in a much better place to establish yourrate structure.What do you get?In addition to the Rate Card template, thiscourse includes aprintable Workbook (PDF) and 1.5 hours of videos, mashups, and screencasts. Enroll and take one step closer towards having the consulting practice you've always wanted."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Empowered Natural Birth" |
"This course is designed for women who are planning to have or are interested in learning about a natural childbirth in today's culture of medicalized birth.Having a child by natural childbirth is one of the most exciting and memorable experiences of any womans life. But if youre expecting a child (particularly if this is your first time), it can also be pretty overwhelming!Your mind is undoubtedly filled with fear, uncertainty, and confusion. You want the best, most positive birth experience possible for you and your new baby but you just dont know where to turn to get support and answers to your questions!This class is designed to educate you on what is normal during labor and delivery to allow you and your partner to make informed decisions around your birth. Focused specifically on for the mom who desires a low to no intervention birth, this class uses actual case studies, demonstrations, lectures and PDF handouts to prepare you to confidently step forward into labor, delivery and parenthood.While this class will benefit most pregnant woman, it is not designed to replace the role of your medical provider and should not be construed as medical advice."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Aprende HTML5 desde 0 con 60 ejercicios practicos +proyectos" |
"Quieres aprender el lenguaje principal para crear paginas web?Eres Principiante o Intermedio en HTML5?Bienvenidoalcurso de HTML5 desde 0......................................................Aprenders:Ms de 5,5Horas de Vdeo en las que aprenders ms de 60 temas diferentes.HTML y CSS paso a pasoEstructuracin y MaquetacinMultimedia (Audio y Vdeo)Implementar Tablas, FormulariosDominaras HTML5.Conocimientos Intermedio-Avanzados en CSS, JavaScript y PHP.Manipular los elementos HTML5 con JavaScript.AConstruir Pginas Web Estticas y Dinmicas.Crear Web Responsivas (Adaptables a todo tipo de dispositivos)Proyectos y Prcticas referentes a situaciones con HTML5......................................................As que si quieres poner a pruebaHTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHPy ms para desarrollar al mximo con HTML5, te invito a que me acompaes en estecurso de HTML5 desde 0."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aprende JavaScript desde 0 con 60 ejercicios practicos" |
"JavaScript es un lenguaje de programacin que nos permite manipular, seleccionar, crear,efectos atractivos y dinmicos en las pginas web.Bienvenid@alcurso de JavaScript desde 0....................................................Aprenders:Ms de 60clases y 4,5 horas de contenido!Primeros Pasos en JavaScriptEstablecer Estructuras, Funciones, Arrays, Eventos y MsManipular Formularios, Ventanas, API Canvas y otros Objetos MsCrear proyectos con la API CanvasTrabajar con la Librera JQueryY Ms paso a paso.....................................................Qu Necesitas?Para programadores y no-programadoresConocimientos HTML Bsico aunque no es necesarioDebes tener un navegador como Google Chrome o Mozilla FirefoxNo importa tu Sistema Operativo que utilices.Y Muchas ganas de Aprender.....................................................->Este curso te da la oportunidad de aprender JavaScript mientras trabajas con ejemplos en cada uno de los temas. ->As que si quieres aprender JavaScript, te invito a que me acompaes a este curso de JavaScript desde 0."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |