Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Using NLP for Purpose and Positivity" |
"Weare Andy Coley and Jo Wilson, Confidence experts and Global Neuro-Linguistic Programming trainers,and we are really excited that you are joining uson this empoweringonline course - Using NLP for Purpose & Positivity. We hopethat you get as much from this course as so many of our other students andcan't wait to hear how this makes a difference to you.Thisis a content packed course with lots of variety. Watch the videos, download the PDFs and take part in the quizzes and surveysas your progress through and if you have any specific questions you would liketo ask us then just drop us an email at is what you will get from the course:Content packed videos and exercises to empower you going forwardUnderstanding the fundamentals of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and how it gives you choice in your lifeWhy people think differently from youHow to take control of the difficult things in lifeKnowing how to say NoHow to use NLP to build your confidence and assertivenessThe keys to planning your futureLetting go of what has held you back in the pastHow to build resilience and protect yourself from other people's toxic influence on youKnowing what your next steps need to be to get where you deserve to be"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Professional CSS Flexbox" |
"Flexbox Is the way to layout websites and web applications in the modern world.In this class you will learn about all the features and properties of Flexbox and how to use them! We will take a hands on approach to discovering all the awesome ways to use Flexbox and by the end of the course you will have a professional understanding of Flexbox and how to use it to layout Websites and Web Applications like a modern CSS guru!Each video includes a link to the lesson's code so you can easily follow and code along without needing anything but a web browser.To be successful in this class all you need is a basic understanding of CSS and HTML!The old way of laying out content on the web is on it's last days. Learn how to utilize Flexbox to streamline, simplify, and future-proof your Websites and Mobile Applications!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Tap Your Songwriting Creativity - Lyric Writing" |
"Discover and master how you can stay in the creative flow longer and write better lyrics with an inspirational and practical training for beginner and intermediate writers.Learn basic to advanced concepts and skills that you will need to tap your creativity anywhere, anytime and build your ideas into a full blown set of expressive lyrics!Maximise your creativity with easy to use tools and conceptsDevelop your skills for generating lyrical ideasOrganise your ideas by understanding the structure and the role of the sections of a songTransform your words into meaningful lyrics (meaningful to you and your audience!)Powerful techniques for writing great lyricsThrough helping you to understand the creative process, this course will help you to boost your creativity and stay in the creative flow longer. From that headspace, you have more creative freedom to generate words, phrases, paragraphs & prose! As some of the best lyrics are written from a sensory perspective, you will learn a technique to engage your senses and write sense-bound words that create more powerful songs to engage your emotions and your audience.This training will take you through real time exercises so that you can understand how to take your words and ideas, uncover the story and grow some expressive lyrics right away!Content and OverviewThis course is suitable for beginner and intermediate writers because the tips and tools on offer can be used as many times as you like to create new material.In this course of 35 lectures and 3+ hours of content, you'll learn how to access your creativity in new ways, and go from a blank sheet of paper to a complete set of lyrics that tell a compelling story. Sections 2, 3 & 4, each chapter ends with an exercise so that you can put your newly learned skills into practical use instantly. You will also learn more about your creative process and how to maximise it; why capturing your ideas is so important; a way to use mind maps for lyric writing and why knowing the reason 'why' you are creating is critical.It can be hard to come up with lyric ideas for songs. You will learn how to write from a different perspective (like Whatever Happens for Michael Jackson), how to collect and use lyrics from a weekend supplement, and how to create words that are sense filled and have poetic imagery. With all these tools, youll have something to write about! Then once you have a fistful of words, what do you do with them? How do you make them into a song? This course will give you a strong foundation in how to structure your song, knowing the roles of each of the various sections (verse, chorus, pre-chorus & bridge), using contrast so you can compose lyrics that have meaning & expression, and make sense from beginning to end.Someone once said that writing a song is like making a sculpture you have to find it. When you finish this course, you will be able to find your lyrics anytime. "
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Earn a Lean Physique: A Training and Nutrition Plan" |
"Welcome to Month One of my Personal Training Masterclass course!For the cost of one 30 minute personal training session, I am giving you ONE MONTH of personal training! That is six days of programs for four weeks!!In this course, I don't just tell you what to do, I show you how to do it! Think of me as your personal trainer! I will be with you every step of the way with every workout. Feel free to contact me anytime with questions/feedback.Are you having trouble losing weight? Ever wonder how to gain lean muscle mass? Are you having trouble eating healthy? In this course, we will address those issues and more to help you obtain the physique you have been striving for through a complete fitness program.Created for the novice to advanced level, this course covers how to eat clean, burn fat, and build lean muscle through a fitness-training program and includes healthy food information. This course is MONTH ONE of my full course. In this course you get one month of cardio and strength programming. For more information and to get my full FOUR MONTH plan, contact me!LEARN HOW to master your way around a gym and pair it with healthy eating. This course will cover everything you need to know to earn a lean physique including: A complete one month strength training programA complete one month cardio fitness programSupplementation InformationStrength training demonstrationsAssessing fitness progressand much more!Earn the physique you have always wanted today!Learning how to eat clean while creating the right strength program and cardio program for fat loss and muscle growth to achieve success can be confusing. There may be a lot of trial and error and available information to review. This course puts it all together for you in one complete fitness program, from eating healthy, to strength exercises, to cardio and supplementation. Whether you want to compete, get in shape for a big event, get healthy, lose weight, or gain muscle mass, by understanding how all the pieces fit together, you can go to the gym with confidence, cook with enthusiasm and walk your own path to success. This course shows you exactly how to do it. Contents and OverviewRegardless of your experience, this course is designed to provide you everything you need to achieve fitness results. You will learn how to change your lifestyle through diet and exercise to become healthier and feel better about yourself.You will start with an overview of everything covered in this course. You will learn about how your attitude and mindset will open the door for success in this program.You will then learn how to become prepared before beginning this program, for example, the equipment you might need as well as the proper food and nutrients. You will then continue on and learn about the benefits of strength training, and terminology. You will also learn about the benefits of cardiovascular training and the different types of cardio that are part of this fitness program. After learning the background and details of this program, you will have an opportunity to view demonstrations of some and learn which muscles are the primary focus of the strength exercise. Lastly, you will learn about different supplements and what I recommend as part of this fitness program.By the end of this course, you will have the knowledge and tools at your fingertips to earn the physique you have always desired. You will know how to eat clean, burn fat, and build lean muscle. You will be more knowledgeable in the gym and understand fitness terms. And will know why cardio and weights are both important in a fitness program."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Kettlebells: 20 Minute Total Body Workout to Torch Fat" |
"Short on time? Want to burn off excess fat and shed pounds? Need an affordable way to exercise? Would you like to increase your stamina for everyday activities? In this course, we will address those concerns and more! This course will help you improve your fitness and body composition so that you feel more energized throughout the day and feel better about yourself too! Created for everyone, this course covers how to use kettlebells, explains and demonstrates certain techniques, and puts it all together in a short, intense kettlebell circuit workout. You will learn how to master your way with kettlebells and achieve a fit body. This course will cover everything you need to know including: A complete kettlebell circuit program History of kettlebell training Positions and parts of a kettlebell Health benefits to using kettlebells Circuit training benefits Kettlebell techniques described and demonstrated LOSE FAT, improve your muscular endurance and strength today! Learning how to create a fitness program for fat loss, muscular strength and endurance to achieve your goals can be confusing. There may be a lot of trial and error and information to review. This course puts it all together for you in one complete circuit. You will learn how to take that short amount of time you have and use it effectively in the gym. Regardless of your experience, this course is designed to help you achieve fitness results. Whether you want to improve your health, strength, lose weight or just walk up the stairs easier, this course will help you get there. Contents and Overview You will start with an overview of everything covered in this course. I will go into the history of kettlebells, parts of a kettlebell and different positioning. You will then learn about circuit training and why you want to make circuit work a part of your weekly fitness program. I will then explain about the health benefits associated with kettlebell training. Next, you will continue to learn how to do the different kettlebells techniques in this circuit program. Lastly, you will have an opportunity to put it all into action completing the entire circuit workout. By the end of this course, you will have the knowledge and tools at your fingertips to work towards the fitness level you desire. You will know how use a kettlebell properly. You will know why circuit work is effective. You will have a basic background of kettlebells and able to share your knowledge confidently with friends and family! "
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Body Mechanics: Improve Your Quality of Life" |
"Are you suffering from back pain?Do you feel tired and have limited energy?Do you need a way to alleviate back stress without doctor visits?This course is designed to help you understand and appreciate the factors that go into keeping you healthy on a mechanical level with special emphasis on the back.Learning activities that accompany the lectures will not only solidify the concepts you learn, but will also give you practical application of these concepts.This isthe one place with everything you need to start working on your posture and improving your quality of life!The quality of your life is in your hands! In order to determine what measures you should take to improve your level of positive wellness, you must have an idea of your current lifestyle. From there you know what you can improve onto enhance your quality of life.Created for the novice to advanced level, this course will cover everything you need to know about body mechanicsincluding:basic terms and motionsjoint motionsflexibilitythe spine and postureback exerciselifting techniquesbody composition and testingdetermining caloric needscardio fitnessmuscular strength and endurancestress techniquesnutrition basicsENROLL NOWand improve yourposture today!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"El Aprendizaje Cooperativo" |
"El Aprendizaje Cooperativo es un modelo de aprendizaje que se basa en el trabajo en equipo que hacen los alumnos. A travs de un gran nmero de tcnicas que podrs aplicar, tus alumnos mejorarn significativamente su rendimiento, no solo acadmico, sino tambin social.El curso est compuesto por 38 clases en video que incluyen esquemas y grficos, adems de una descarga en formato pdf de todo el curso para que lo puedas consultar cuando quieras.Este curso de Aprendizaje Cooperativo ser muy til para cualquier docente, sea cual sea el nivel acadmico que est dando, pues una vez lo comience a aplicar con sus alumnos, notar la implicacin de estos y la mejora de su rendimiento, algo que se reflejar en sus calificaciones."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Principios de nutricin aplicada al culturismo y deporte" |
"PRINCIPIOS DE NUTRICIN APLICADA AL CULTURISMO Y DEPORTESabas que ms del 70% del resultado de un culturista o fisicoculturistas depende de una adecuada nutricin.En este curso trabajaremos juntos para que aprendas los conceptos bsicos de nutricin, como calculas las caloras que necesitas, armar tu dieta y as puedas mejorar tus resultados y rendimiento.Este curso es para t, que te gusta el culturismo o fisicoculturistasy que quieres conocer los conceptos bsicos acerca del apasionante tema de la nutricin para el culturismo ofisicoculturistas, que quieres recibir la informacin de manera prctica, resumida y con ejercicios que te ayuden a practicar. A travs de videos , audios y ejercicios te llevaremos paso a paso para que obtengas el mayor beneficio de este curso, y lo mejor: lo puedes ir estudiando a tu propio ritmo y horarios!Aprende a disear tu propio plan de alimentacin, calcula cuantas caloras necesitas, como distribuir tus nutrientes de acuerdo a lo que ests buscando: ya sea ganar masa muscular, perder grasa corporal o bien aumentar tu rendimiento.En pocas palabras : Aprende la nutricin que debe tener un culturista o fisicoculturista para aumentar su masa muscular, disminuir su porcentaje de grasa corporal y tener un cuerpo musculado y definido!Hemos preparado este curso para ti que eres principiante y sin conocimientos previos y quieres adentrarte en este maravilloso mundo de la nutricin deportiva y el fisicoculturismo.Cuando finalicesel curso sers capaz de elaborar planes alimenticios bsicos. Hemos incluido como parte del material que recibirs ms de 100 planes alimenticios armados y las herramientas para que puedas crear tantos planes alimenticios diferentes como personas en el mundo.Los temas que cubriremos en el curso te ayudarn a conocer sobre:Nutricin PrimariaNutricin ModernaNutricin DeportivaTambin revisaremos juntos los conceptos de :DigestinAbsorcinMetabolismoMetabolismo BasalFactores que inhiben la digestinAprenders sobre los diferentes grupos de nutrimentos:CarbohidratosProtenasGrasasVitaminasEnzimasMineralesAguaY una vez revisados esos temas estars listo para aprender mas yte ensear a elaborar :Diferentes tipos de planes alimenticios en base al gasto calrico, como determinar tu gasto energtico y saber cuantas caloras necesitas.Necesidades en el culturismo ofisicoculturismo y otros deportes.Conceptos bsicos de suplementacin deportiva.Determinar tu frecuencia cardaca para prdida de grasaComo programar tu alimentacin de acuerdo a tu objetivo: prdida de grasa corporal, aumentar la masa muscular, mejorar el rendimiento.Suplementos alimenticios ms usados en el deporte, protenas, creatina, ayudas herbales, lipotrpicos, thermognicos.BCCAs, L-carnitina. HMB, Gainer, Prework, Oxido Nitrico,SomatotiposSistemas energticos en el ejercicio aerbico, anaerbico lctico, anacrnico galctico.Combustibles requeridos, tiempos de reposicin de esa energa usada.Conocer el porque de los descansos en tiempo para el logro de resultados en el crecimiento muscular.Consejos para perder peso y ganar masa muscular.Recomendaciones para la suplementacin en requerimientos especiales.Tipos de planes alimenticios en base al gasto calricoNecesidades en el fisicoculturismo y otros deportes.Este curso que la AMED ha preparado para ti, surge como respuesta a una necesidad que hemos visto a lo largo de los ms de 20aos en los que hemos preparado a miles de instructores. Cuando apenas ests comenzando en el mundo del culturismo o fisicoculturistasy de la nutricin deportiva puedes sentirte abrumado ante la gran cantidad de informacin disponible en internet, lo que escuchas en el gimnasio, lo que lees en las revistas. Es por eso que diseamos justo para t este curso que te dar los conocimientos bsicos sobre nutricin deportiva para el culturismo ofisicoculturistas. Estamos seguros que te resultar muy til y representar un parteaguas en tu preparacin y la perspectiva que tienes de este apasionante mundo.Queremos que obtengas el mayor provecho de este curso, por eso hemos trabajado en una variedad de recursos para tu aprendizaje: videos, audios, ejercicios que te ayudarn a practicar y reforzar el conocimiento adquirido. La mejor parte de este curso en lnea es que t decides el ritmo y los horarios para realizarlo convirtindose as en una excelente opcin que se adapta a tu estilo de vida. Una vez que cumplas con los requisitos del curso te otorgaremos tu constancia por parte de la Asociacin Mexicana de Educacin Deportiva.Entre los recursos y ventajas que este curso te ofrece estn:Acceso de por vidaa la plataforma y actualizaciones que se hagan.Mesa de debate.Block de notas.Audios para descarga y repasar las clases durante tus entrenamientos, en el transporte o cualquier tiempo muerto.PDF con tareas y ejercicios entregables.PDF con dietas y planes alimenticiosChat virtual (no en vivo) con respuestas a tus inquietudes, contestadas peridicamente en la plataforma.Mail para contactarme sobre tus dudasEstudia a tu propio ritmo y sin prisasConstancia avalada por AMED y la AFFDF, enviada de manera electrnica fuera de Mxico, por mensajera en el pas de Mxico,Yo soy el Dr. David Lezama, llevo ms de 18 aos dentro del mbito de la nutricin, suplementacin y entrenamiento deportivo; una de las actividades que ms disfruto es compartir y ensear a personas que como t, quieren conocer ms de estos temas para mejorar sus resultados. Me da mucho gusto darte la bienvenida a este tu curso de Principios de nutricin aplicada al culturismo y deporte"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Principios de Entrenamiento en el Deporte y Culturismo" |
"PRINCIPIOS DE ENTRENAMIENTO EN EL DEPORTE Y CULTURISMOSabas que ms del 70% del resultado de un culturista o fisicoculturistas depende de un adecuado entrenamiento, si la nutricin es adecuada? En este curso trabajaremos juntos para que aprendas y pongas en prctica los conceptos bsicos de entrenamiento con pesas, como calculas el peso mximo que puedes levantar (1RM), para en base a eso elaborar un plan de entrenamiento culturista, o fisicoculturista y as puedas mejorar tus resultados y volumen muscular. Este curso es para ti, que te gusta el culturismo o fisicoculturismoy que quieres conocer los conceptos bsicos acerca del apasionante tema de la entrenamiento con pesas para el culturismo ofisicoculturistas o algn otro deporte, que implique ejercicio de fuerza o de pesas, para ti que quieres recibir la informacin de manera prctica, resumida y con ejercicios de pesas que te ayuden a practicar y mejorar. Usaremos para este aprendizaje videos , audios y ejercicios para llevar a la prctica, te llevaremos paso a paso para que obtengas el mayor beneficio de este curso, y lo mejor: lo puedes ir estudiando a tu propio ritmo y horarios! Aprende a disear tu propio plan de entrenamiento culturista, calcula cuanto peso necesitas en tus entrenamientos para hipertrofia o desarrollo muscular efectivo, como distribuir los ejercicios, las series, repeticiones, descansos, de acuerdo a lo que ests buscando: ya sea ganar masa muscular, perder grasa corporal o bien aumentar tu rendimiento. En pocas palabras : Aprende el entrenamiento culturista que debe tener un fisicoculturista para aumentar su masa muscular, disminuir su porcentaje de grasa corporal y tener un cuerpo musculado y definido! Hemos preparado este curso para ti que eres principiante y sin conocimientos previos y quieres adentrarte en este maravilloso mundo el entrenamiento con pesas y/o el fisicoculturismo. Cuando finalicesel curso sers capaz de elaborar planes de entrenamiento bsicos. Hemos incluido como parte del material que recibirs herramientas para que puedas crear tantos planes de entrenamiento diferentes como personas en el mundo. Los temas que cubriremos en el curso te ayudarn a conocer sobre: Entrenamiento de explosividad Entrenamiento de hipertrofia Entrenamiento de resistencia Tambin revisaremos juntos los conceptos de : Una repeticin mxima 1RM Sistemas energticospara formacin de ATP Nutrimentos energticos Aprenders sobre los diferentes sistemas de produccin de energa: Anaerbico alctico (Culturismo) Anaerbico alctico (Culturismo) Aerbico (varios deportes) Oxidacin de las grasas Y una vez revisados esos temas estars listo para aprender ms yte ensear a elaborar : Diferentes tipos de planes de entrenamiento en base al objetivo deseado, potencia, desarrollo muscular, resistencia muscular, Fitness. Directrices en el culturismo y/ofisicoculturismo y otros deportes. Conceptos bsicos del funcionamiento cardiovascular. Aprenders a tener mejor capacidad arobica. Tener huesos ms anchos y ms fuertes. Msculos poderosos. Saber para que sirve conocer tu presin arterial, ritmo cardaco. Desarrollar la hipertrofia muscular Como programar tu tiempo de entrenamiento de acuerdo a tu objetivo: prdida de grasa corporal, aumentar la masa muscular, mejorar el rendimiento deportivo. Como se transportan los nutrientes en el cuerpo. Identificar el colesterol bueno del malo y su implicacin en el deporte. Usar el ejercicio para ,motivarte, como antidepresivo, evitar el estrs y ansiedad. Saber que quiere decir un ritmo cardaco en reposo bajo o alto, como impacta en el deporte. Aprenders la importancia del calentamiento y enfriamiento deportivo en los entrenamientos ya sea culturista o de cualquier actividad fsica. Podrs usar la frecuencia cardiaca adecuada para la perdida de grasa manteniendo la masa muscular. Determinar la frecuencia cardiaca para mantener beneficios de salud, como presin arterial adecuada, bajos niveles de colesterol, entre otros. Conocers las diferentes intensidades del ejercicio de fuerza (pesas) para tener beneficios de salud ptimos. Aprenders de los diferentes tipos de entrenamiento arobico En que grupos puedes dividir los entrenamientos de fuerza (pesas) Aprenders a distinguir y aplicar las diferentes tipos de contracciones musculares. Determinar y usar el Tempo Rangos de movimiento, velocidad correcta de los mismos. Principales errores de los entrenamientos de fuerza y culturismo Entre otros apasionantes conceptos Este curso que la AMED ha preparado para ti, surge como respuesta a una necesidad que hemos visto a lo largo de los ms de 16 aos en los que hemos preparado a miles de instructores. Cuando apenas ests comenzando en el mundo del culturismo o fisicoculturistasy de la nutricin deportiva puedes sentirte abrumado ante la gran cantidad de informacin disponible en internet, lo que escuchas en el gimnasio, lo que lees en las revistas. Es por eso que diseamos justo para ti este curso que te dar los conocimientos bsicos sobre entrenamiento para el culturismo y/ofisicoculturistas y otros deportes. Estamos seguros que te resultar muy til y representar un parteaguas en tu preparacin y la perspectiva que tienes de este apasionante mundo. Queremos que obtengas el mayor provecho de este curso, por eso hemos trabajado en una variedad de recursos para tu aprendizaje: videos, audios, ejercicios que te ayudarn a practicar y reforzar el conocimiento adquirido. La mejor parte de este curso en lnea es que t decides el ritmo y los horarios para realizarlo convirtindose as en una excelente opcin que se adapta a tu estilo de vida. Una vez que cumplas con los requisitos del curso te otorgaremos tu constancia por parte de la Asociacin Mexicana de Educacin Deportiva. Entre los recursos y ventajas que este curso te ofrece estn: 1 Acceso de por vidaa la plataforma y actualizaciones que se hagan. 2 Mesa de debate. 3 Block de notas. 4 Audios para descarga y repasar las clases durante tus entrenamientos, en el transporte o cualquier tiempo muerto. 5 PDF con tareas y ejercicios entregables. 6 Chat virtual (no en vivo) con respuestas a tus inquietudes, contestadas peridicamente en la plataforma. 7 Mail para contactarme a m o personal de la AMED sobre tus dudas 8 Estudia a tu propio ritmo y sin prisas 9 Constancia avalada por AMED y la AFFDF, enviada de manera electrnica fuera de Mxico, por mensajera en el pas de Mxico, se tramita 30 das despus de haberte inscrito al curso. Yo soy el Dr. David Lezama, llevo ms de 18 aos dentro del mbito de la nutricin, suplementacin, culturismo, fisicoculturismo y entrenamiento deportivo; una de las actividades que ms disfruto es compartir y ensear a personas que como t, quieren conocer ms de estos temas para mejorar sus resultados. Me da mucho gusto darte la bienvenida a este tu curso de Principios de entrenamiento aplicada al culturismo y deporte Bienvenido a la familiaAMED"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Principios de Farmacologa Aplicados al Culturismo y Deporte" |
"Dirigido a deportistas principiantes, personas interesadas en tomar el DIPLOMADO DE FARMACOLOGIA Y SU USO EN EL FISICOCULTURISMO Y FITNESS impartido por la AMED y pblico interesado en conocer las substancias que se usan en el deporte, sus beneficios, y efectos secundariosOBJETIVO:El objetivo de este curso es conocer la clasificacin de las ayudas ergognicas, ventajas y desventajas, as como la introduccin en la dosificacin de los esteroides anablicos en ciclos especficos de la competencia deportiva, como el culturismo.ALGUNOS TEMAS QUE SE TRATARAN:Sirven los esteroides anablicos?Cules son los pros y los contras de su utilizacin.Cules son los daos que causan.Cmo aprovechar al mximo tus entrenamientos.Cmo y cundo pueden aplicarse las ayudas ergognicas.Cules son las dosis que deben usarse.Qu ayudas naturales existen y cmo se ciclan.Cmo es que funcionan los esteroides analgicos, sus usos y efectossecundarios de los mismos, as como tambin de los diurticos,anfetaminas, termognicos, alcohol y el dopaje en sangre.Agentes HormonalesGeneralidades del Sistema EndocrinoContraceptivos oralesIntroduccin a los esteroides anablicosEsteroides anablicos uso teraputico y efectos secundarios y nocivos.Hormona del CrecimientoFactor de Crecimiento (IFG)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Tactics for tackling difficult people in life and work" |
"Anyone involved with others at work or at home who wants to tackle difficult behaviour more effectively will enjoy this course. It'll help you successfully settle those difficult interactions that just wont resolve themselves. With video demonstrations to support the lectures you'll quickly learn to handle apparently impossible situations where people just wont co-operate: bosses, co-workers, customers, patients or members of the public who act in unpleasant, unpredictable ways.And it isnt limited to the workplace; if you ever find yourself struggling in your personal relationships there's help here too.This course tells you how to identify seven common difficult characters, recognise clues to the patterns in their behaviour, and most importantly, how to understand how to prepare yourself, so that you become more effective more often in your relationships.This 90-minute course includes 12 video lectures. You'll also be provided with concise and clearly written downloads to help you practice some recommended exercises and enhance your skills. And there's a reading list if you want to take your study further.How to complete the courseThe course contains 12 lectures; approximately 50 minutes of video, presented in bite-sized lectures. Reading time for the associated material is approximately 40 minutes. We recommend watching these several times to help you effortlessly absorb the information. We also recommend reflection breaks between each lecture; avoid 'cramming' and find a pace that suits you.This course will help you if:You have to deal with challenging behaviour in the course of your work, home life or sociallyYou work with one or more colleague whose behaviour you find unacceptable, obstructive or overly demandingYou find it difficult to get your point across in certain situationsYou are regularly in contact with someone who insults for, puts you down, or manipulates youYou have a partner or ex-partner who persistently uses unfair behaviour to get their own wayYou want to more confident in dealing with situations where someone else constantly tries to get the upper hand.-------------------------Barry Winbolt MSc is a relationship consultant, mediator and writer. He has over 25 years experience providing training and advice in working relationships, communication skills and personal development.His highly engaging workshops are designed to be relevant to attendees and to deliver practical skills and techniques that can be applied immediately.The course looks at the most common kinds of difficult behaviour, and provides you with an essential toolkit for identifying and managing them effectively."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"The Happenista Project" |
"This 12 part course is for women who want to create the life theyve dreamed of, their way. It will help you to grow and develop your skills and challenge you to step outside your comfort zone and take action. You simply need to commit 10 minutes a day or an hour a week and have an open mind.It consists of:12 short video sessions with Jenny and other experts, each covering a separate topic12 worksheets with activities to work through after watching each video, to prompt your thinking and reflectionAccess to additional webinarsOption to join the secret Facebook group to ask questions, share your successes and build your network with other like minded women who are completing or have completed the courseA monthly 30 minute video call with Jenny, each call will cover a different topic.You should set aside an hour a week to watch the video and work through the follow up activities, think and reflect on your learnings and contribute to the secret online Facebook group. Award Winning Executive Coach Jenny Garrett has developed the course using her years of experience coaching hundreds of women, her extensive research with thousands of women and her intuitive sense of what works. The Happenista Project hones positive, proven skills and habits that help women achieve their goals. Youll learn the most up-to-date, proven strategies, tools and tactics to help you achieve your goals and surpass what you thought possible for your life. Unlock your passions, dreams and purpose to make things happen for you!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Happenista Project Step 2" |
"This 12 week course is the second of three courses,for women who want to craft the life they've dreamed of, their way. Weekly video interviews withexperts,worksheets, secret online group andmonthly video call,challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and take action.Developed by Award Winning Coach,Jenny Garrettthrough years of personally coaching hundreds of women, her extensive research with thousands of women and intuitive sense of what works.TheHappenista Projectis your unique opportunity to receive an entire years worth of know-how covering a solid plan ofonline and offline strategies, handed to you ineasy-to-implement VIDEOlessons.Youll learn the most up-to-date, proven strategies, tools, and tactics to help you achieve and surpass what you thought possible for your life. Unlocking your passions, dreams and purpose to make things happen for you.TheHappenistawas created for busy womendesigned to help yougrow and develop personally and professionally in as little as 10 minutes a day.TheHappenista Projecthones these Happenista Habits, proven habits that help women achieve their goals (from research of 2700 women in association with Nivea skincare brand)"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"The Happenista Project Step 3" |
"This 12 week course is the thirdof three courses,for women who want to craft the life they've dreamed of, their way. Weekly video interviews withexperts,worksheets, secret online group andmonthly video call,challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and take action.Developed by Award Winning Coach,Jenny Garrettthrough years of personally coaching hundreds of women, her extensive research with thousands of women and intuitive sense of what works.TheHappenista Projectis your unique opportunity to receive an entire years worth of know-how covering a solid plan ofonline and offline strategies, handed to you ineasy-to-implement VIDEOlessons.Youll learn the most up-to-date, proven strategies, tools, and tactics to help you achieve and surpass what you thought possible for your life. Unlocking your passions, dreams and purpose to make things happen for you.TheHappenistawas created for busy womendesigned to help yougrow and develop personally and professionally in as little as 10 minutes a day.TheHappenista Projecthones these Happenista Habits, proven habits that help women achieve their goals (from research of 2700 women in association with Nivea skincare brand)"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"SEO:Amazon Affiliate Marketing+SEO 250+ Videos 18.0 Hours" |
"If you have always wanted to build profitable affiliate sites but could not find a guide that explained the whole process to you, this is the answer you have been looking for.This series of video lectures covers just about everything you need to know about building amazon affiliate sites that generate commissions every month like clock work.Creating these sites is possibly one of the easiest ways to start and setup an online business.Niche research, keyword research, site structure for siloed sites and niche sites, basic SEO, advanced on page SEO and link building.You will not find a course on the market that covers as much material as this course does - even most courses that cost several $1000 do not have half the information that's covered in this course.The numerous worked examples will help you understand exactly how to choose profitable niches, what to look for while selecting keywords, how to develop content and build the site.You are sure to be blown away by the material that's covered in the advanced SEO section. There is simply no other course on the market that covers what worked now in as much details as this course does.The approach adopted here is 100% white hat. If you build your amazon affiliate sites like it is detailed here, you will not have to worry about any future Google updates that target spam sites and shady link building practices.Here you will see how to build 100% white hat sites that can dominate the SERPs for 10s, if not 100s of keywords with minimal link building.While this may sound hard get started with initially, the numerous step by step worked examples will show you all you need to know to build these sites yourself. And you will see how simple all of this really is once you know the key concepts and have seen all of the steps.You will see how to get your sites generating revenues month after month almost like clockwork. Making money with amazon associates and creating successful sites is easy - once you know how. And you will get to see every step of the process in this course.This course has been designed with beginners in mind - people who have never done any online advertising or SEO or even setup Wordpress sites ever. It will hold your hand and show you every step you need to take to generate an income online with these simple sites.This course would be good even for affiliates who already have revenue generating sites and are looking for proven tips to increase their earnings.These sites comply with amazon's official policies - these are not black hat sites that are here today and gone tomorrow.This approach does is not about building a store on amazon - this is purely about building 100% white hat associates sites. And the two approaches are entirely different from each other.IntroductionWhat is affiliate marketing?In a nutshell, affiliate marketing is about sending traffic to a vendors site. The vendor will pay you a commission if the people you send to their site buy anything they may happen to be selling.Amazon is one such vendor that has a very, very popular affiliate program.Amazon - and its subsidiaries in several countries - will pay you commissions for sales you generate through your website.For this to happen, you will need to have a site ranking high in Google and other search engines. These high rankings will mean folks who are searching for products will see your website in Google's search results, click on your website, read your article - and then hopefully click on your affiliate link, go to amazon and buy one or more products.Since they clicked on your affiliate link and landed on amazon, your site acted as a bridge between Google and amazon.And since you sent them to amazon, you will get a commission for products they might buy while on the site.This is what affiliate marketing is all about.You create websites, rank those sites on Google and other search engines, get traffic to your site - and send your visitors to the merchants site. In this case, the merchant is amazon. And you get paid commissions for whatever the people you sent to the merchant's site buy.But before you will be able to build such websites that rank high on Google, you will need to learn SEO - or search engine optimization.SEO is the process of getting organic - or free - traffic from Google and other search engines.Without a sound knowledge of the various SEO techniques and principles, you will not be able to rank your websites in the search engines and get any organic traffic to your sites.Which is why a large part of this course is about SEO.All aspects of SEO are discussed in this course - from the fundamentals of SEO to advanced SEO concepts like silos that can help your pages rank with hardly any external backlinks.Here's a detailed overview of what is covered in this course ...Niche ResearchA niche is a market segment that caters to a very specific group of people.Before you can build a website, you will need to know which segment of people your website will target.Ideally, your website should target to a very clearly defined niche. It simply cannot be everything to everyone.Since amazon sells products, your niche has to be one that has several products being sold on amazon.In this course, several niche research ideas are discussed. By applying these ideas, you will easily and quickly be able to find lucrative niches that have hot products on amazon.Keyword ResearchOnce you have selected a bunch of niches that you find interesting, you will need to identify keywords within the niche that you would want to target.This is possibly the most important part of the entire SEO process. You will need to select keywords that are fairly easy to rank - and can generate revenues if your site is to earn revenues month after month.Selecting great keywords is one of the most important tasks an SEO does. It's critical that you target the right keywords - or else no amount of SEO might be able to help you rank your site.This course covers keyword research in great depth.Every step of the keyword researchprocess is detailed, so you will be able to select the right kind of keywords. Nothing is left to chance.Keyword research methods to generate keyword ideas in just about any niche are discussed in excruciating detail.And then you get to see how to evaluate keywords for ease of ranking and revenue generating potential.Once you have watched these keyword researchvideos, finding appropriate keywords in just about any niche will be a breeze.Silo ArchitectureThis is rarely discussed in SEO and affiliate marketing courses - but this is a very, very important SEO concept.Get this right and you will have a much easier time ranking your site in the search engines.Many other SEO courses gloss over this concept, or do not present it in a easy to understand manner.This course covers silos in depth - in a way that is very easy to understand.Mastering silos will put you leagues ahead of your competition.Complete Worked Example - mattress site blueprintIn this section, you will get to see a complete worked example.You will get to see how the keyword research and selection process works, and how silos are designed.The niche site modelWhile silos work very well, not everyone might want to build a siloed site. Most affiliate marketing sites are in fact niche sites.This section discusses niche sites and how to make niche sites rank better in the search engines.Choosing a domain nameThis is a very important step in the process. Certain kinds of domain names may either help or hinder your SEO efforts. These are discussed here.Building the websiteWe use WordPress - possibly the most popular CMS - to build our sites.Almost everything you would want to know about building affiliate marketing WordPress sites is discussed here. Everything fromselecting a Wordpress themecustomizing themescreating a child themeCustomizing Wordpress settingschoosing pluginssetting up pluginschoosing and setting up widgetscreating a faviconadding and editing pagesadding social sharing buttonsand more.You get to see which plugins you might want to use, how to configure each plugin for the most SEO benefits and more. The step by step worked examples that show these plugins being setup will help you set these up yourself.Backup and restoreIt's essential you know how to backup your WordPress sites. You would want to backup your sites periodically - and you would want to know how to restore your site if something were to go wrong.Site speed - making your WordPress site fastThe faster your site loads, the better it will be for conversions.You would want your site to load as fast as possible. Slow sites irritate people and can hurt your conversions.In this section, you will get to see exactly how to make your WordPress site load as fast as possible. And you also get to learn what really matters when it comes to site speed.Implementing silos in WordPressOnce you have learned what silos are and how they can help your SEO efforts, you would want to implement them.But WordPress does not make implementing silos easy. It's not built that way. To implement silos, WordPress makes you jump through several hoops.Here, you will see various methods to implement silos for your affiliate marketing sites in WordPress.SEO 101SEO is not hard, but it's a knowledge game. You either know what works or you do not. If you do not get the basics right, your affiliate site will not rank as well as it otherwise could.The basics of SEO are covered in detail here.Advanced on page SEOWhile getting the basics of SEO is important, you will not be able to rank your associates website in competitive niches with just the basics alone. And most affiliate marketing sites are usually in fairly competitive niches.For that, you will need to learn advanced SEO concepts that can turn the tables in your favor.And there are a lot of these concepts that will need to be mastered before your site will do well in the search engines.All of these are covered in detail here.And numerous worked examples will help you understand these concepts better.Link buildingThe right kind of links is essential if you are to succeed with your SEO efforts.This section looks at the kind of links you would want to build, where to get them and more.Building sites in niches with higher commissionsRecently, amazon changed their affiliate commission rates.This section looks at the impact of the recent changes, and how to build sites in niches that pay very well now."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to be a working actor" |
"I can't teach you the craft of acting online. These skills you can only get in a top acting school or on set working with directors.BUT: I can teach you how to Make Money Acting ! (and then you can afford to go to an expensive acting school)It is all about booking work. It is great to be an actor, but it is better to be a working and paid actor. So lets start with some name dropping to get the doubts out of the way: Watch our Adriana Arjona on Netflixs Narcos, Juan Pablo Raba on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Naida Torres on American Odysee or Sleepy Hollow. Those are real students in 2016 (and there are 100's more with success stories) who started their careers with me and now I want to do the same with you. How can I be so sure?Because Ive been directing and coaching actors and top stars for decades.I worked for legendary movie icon Woody Allen, and spent hours a day watching all his brilliant moves. Ive worked alongside some of the most successful directors in the industry. Ive trained hosts on E! Entertainment Television, and countless other TV shows. Most importantly, Ive observed the exact things producers and casting directors are looking for, things most actors dont even realize. Few acting coaches are aware that these exclusive techniques exist, Hi, I am Ralph Kinnard, and not only am I an actor. Im also an acting coach with 17 years of experience running a world famous acting center with 100s of students. And Im a successful director who has worked with industry giants. In fact, I recently directed a film starring the legendary Burt Reynolds. Im not telling you this to brag. I want to help you, and Im in a unique position to share experiences from both sides of the directors chair, and give you my exact playbook to become a well-paid actor in constant demand.__________________________An audition is like a sprint. It takes weeks of conditioning to project the image of a consummate professional, cool, relaxed, and in total control.That's why I created the RESET AUDIO SESSIONS you will get with this course and is used by ALL ACTORS WHO ARE BOOKING JOBS. We use exercises from Neuro-linguistic Programming (just like the NBA, NASA and the Air Force) - to get you to the top of your acting game under difficult situationsfor any role in the on-camera acting world (TV, film, commercials, industrials, sketch, even print ads)._________________________________You can't learn this stuff from other actors.Here is why: Successful actors have SOLVED the Casting Problem for THEM. Each actor is different, so only the insight from a Director who looks at ALL ACTORS and coaches them will work for you.You can learn this stuff from Casting Directors.Here is why: Most Casting Directors don't go to acting schools and don't learn acting techniques. (IF I wouldn't have graduated from the Lee Strasberg Institute in NYC, honestly I wouldn't know the method existed or how to use it.)It's taken me 20 years to learn these techniques and it is not just acting. It is about marketing, selling your image, promoting yourself and turning yourself into a million dollar acting product BEFORE you go to the FIRST Casting._______________________________There are an incredible amount of acting jobs available all over the USA.WHY?Because of tax incentives and location benefits we'll shoot movies everywhere.Heard of Amazon and Netflix?We are talking 100 million dollars per show and actors are getting a huge slice of the pie. The minimum salary for a series regular on a Screen Actors Guild television show is $5,000 per episode and that is just ONE DAY!Do you want to book Commercials?Commercials pay between $5,000 and $60,000 PER AD (and that's usually for one day of work). If they have to fly you somewhere they pay extra for that day..________________________________What this course is NOT: I can't teach you the craft of acting online. These skills you can only get in a top acting school or on set working with directors.BUT:It makes more sense to FIRST start learning about the acting business and book your first gigs for a couple of reasons:You need to make sure you love acting and are excited about it.Most acting gigs don't require more then your natural talent.You will be able to pay for your acting training with your acting work!In addition to the Udemy 30-day guarantee, you have my personal promise that you will use my tools starting today, will get you closer to become a high paid movie actor and even use some of the tools in real life. (the whole world is a stage, right?)If you are passionate about acting, then waiting will just waste your time. Let me show you all the things I've learned and help you succeedThanks for signing up and see you on the insideRalph Kinnard"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"The Creative Reboot" |
"Do you want to boost your Creativity?It's said that 1 idea is worth a Million Dollar.Learn the unique 7 step program to have more ideas, be more creative and in the long run much more productive as a professional.__________________________________Steven Spielberg is doing it,Leonardo di Caprio is doing it and any other famous actor, artist or creative you have heard of has a special routine and exercises to be more productive.Did you ever realize how you have good ideas in the shower or when driving?Maybe you were meeting up with friends and they left you feeling exhausted and tired?What happens when you Binge Watch Netflix?After studying and working in the creative field for over 20 years, this is my secret course with all the insights and lessons I have picked up along the way:NLP, Emotional Intelligence, meeting with Shamans and 'spiritual guides', staying in silence with the Monks, Brain - Training etc. etc. etc.Here in this course you will get the clear descriptions of what you have to do and insights into your own creative that will startled you and push you career forward.Have a look and share with your friend!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"CSS3 Gradients for Web Designers" |
"This is the course which covers css3 background gradient property. It covering the best practices for creating different types of css background using gradient property. By taking this course any HTML CSS lover can create beautiful backgrounds using CSS3 Gradients easily. This is only 1 hour course means you don't need to wait 6 to 10 long hours to get-started.This course covering topics likeDefinition of CSS3 GradientWho is and where using this property.What is and how to create Linear Gradient. Specify colors using types of methods.declaring prefixes and fallbackSpecify directions, angles, positions and color stopsWe will also cover how to use transparency and solid colors.What is repeating linear gradients and how to create it.Creating Radial Gradient, with repeating gradient. How to set shapes and positioning the gradient center."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Step By Step Affiliate Marketing Formula" |
"Lets face it the biggest problem with making money online today is that there are too many gurus promising you things that they can never deliver (nor did they ever intend to deliver on their promises).If youre like most people who are trying to make money online, youve most likely bought your fair share of online marketing training courses.And my guess is, those courses havent really worked out for you.Youre lured in by these gurus into buy their courses thinking everything is going to be very easy.But what they actually teach makes most people sick to their stomach.The usual advice you find in these courses is to sell, sell and sell. And do it all while being pushy.During my years as a salesman, well, lets just say I learned a thing or two about sales.And even though I was interested in learning from the Internet marketing gurus, I always had my guard up, especially when they teach how to sell online.Because of that, I decided to ignore some of the information outlined in their course and follow my instincts.Thats when my problems online started slowly disappearing.The more I pivoted from the high-pressure sales techniques these courses were teaching, the more money I started making.My step-by-step video course reveals the exact same methods I discovered thanks to my years of experience outside the virtual world.The course is laid out in an easy-to-follow manner and reveals everything you need to know about making money online by selling affiliate products without being pushy, aggressive or sleazy."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Complete Solo Ads How To Guide & Step By Step System!" |
"If you have ever tried marketing your online business you have probably wasted a lot of money on many different avenues that others promised would work, such as Google ads, Bing ads, Facebook ads, bulk emails for rotating ads. None of these are as cost effective as solo ads. Solo ads are advertisements where you create the subject (or title), body (or content that you want to say to the potential customer) and URL (or link to your site or affiliate offer you are promoting).In this course you will learn not just the basics but the advanced techniques for utilizing the best and most cost effective way to drive massive traffic to your website. Solo ads are byfar the best way to drive traffic, but nobody tells you how to doit effectively without wasting money, well we will in this 9 video segment course.You will learn theprofessional tacticsand techniques that I use every day in my successful solo ads business. So you too will be able to build a successful solo ads business.By using the solo ads business techniques you will learn in this course, you will have the ability to earn money online without investing and without having a website , list or product.These strategies can be implemented in the next couple of hours and your first dollars will come very soon.You will now how to choose the right publisher, set up email blast, use safe swaps, and all the right step by step methods top be successful."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"3 Hot Affiliate Marketing Campaigns Done For You!" |
"In this course you will find my exact methods used to find the right products, market them in the right places and create an income stream from affiliate marketing. This is the exact method Iuse to every week to make a living as an affiliate marketer. Iwill give you 3 of my most profitable niches and show you the exact method Iuse to generate a profitable income and show you how to expand on those principles to grow your business.Iwill show you how to choose the products, how to find out where your competitors are adverting and how to make sure you beat them tothe punch. This is just the start, but will give you a taste of how you can be profitable with just these three products.You will then be able to use this formula and replicate it over different niches whether it be on Clickbank or JvZoo, really does not matter once you know the formula.You will also get as a bonus my two part series on Facebook marketing which includes how to target traffic and get the lowest CPCrates. I have used this same formula and if you go to my Facebook page you will see these same actions inplace growing mylist as we speak.Thisis a very easy 5video course that gets you into the game without spending a lot of money, use the techniques and when you are ready then step up and check out my other courses for a more in depth review."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Guide to iOS 9.2 - iPhone Edition" |
"iOS 9.2 is packed with improvements! Everything from Siri ""Always On"", to quick access to the most commonly used features within control panel that can be accessed quicker than ever before. The more you explore all the new advanced features with iOS 9.2, the more you'll wonder about what new and interesting thing your going to discover today!My name is Scott Beowulf Kaine and I'm proud to bring you this course, ""The Complete Guide to iOS 9.2 - iPhone Edition"". For the duration of this course, my goal is to walk you through step by step all of the fascinating apps and new features that have been implemented within iOS 9.2 and how they can make your life easier and in many cases, more efficient.Who is this course for?This course is designed primarily for beginners new to iOS or those whom are migrating from Android OS, though anyone can benefit from a refresher at any level! I've designed each of the videos to be short and to the point in an effort to minimize any confusion or put you to sleep! I believe that learning should be fun and support a fundamental purpose in achieving our goals and aspirations, thus the reason for this course!What will I get from this course when I am 100% done?Once you have completed the course to 100%, you will have a clear and unrivaled understanding of your iOS iPhone, and to great extent, your iPad as well as much carries over since they share the same operating system!You will no longer be fumbling around on your iPhone wondering where things are or how to do things.You will be the envy of all your friends because now YOU are the iPhone genius.You will have the satisfaction of knowing that you accomplished this course!So what are you waiting for? Sign up now and start learning!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel 2016 - The ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS Guide" |
"Hello and Welcome to the ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS Guide to Excel 2016!For the duration of this course I will instruct you in learning Excel with step-by-step bite sized lectures that will slowly improve your understanding of this powerful program. The focus of this course is tailored to the user whom has had little or no experience within the excel spreadsheet environment.The version of Excel used in this training course is 2016 for the Windows 7 operating system. Other operating systems such as Windows 8 and Windows 10 are also applicable for this course should you be using those instead. You will be following along with me during this course so you will need a copy of Excel or at the very least a trial version to follow along.The course structure is designed to be followed quite easily and all materials being presented are also available in their completed form at the end of each section for your later reference. No prior experience in Excel from any version is required to start this course as the novice level is the intended audience, so start today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Fantastic! - The Comprehensive Guide to Photoshop" |
"Welcome to this course! The goal of this course is teach you,the artist, on the methods by which I have learned over the years quickly and efficiently! If your looking to improve your skills or simply refresh your knowledge on where certain things are then this course is for you!I want to bring all the experience levels together, both novice and experienced alike to a equal ground footing in the world of photo editing and creative design. My goals are to make sure that you have the best experience possible in this course, and in the end, you learn as much as possible to expand your own knowledge and abilities."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Camera Raw and Adobe Bridge" |
"The Camera Raw plugin within Photoshop is one of the most advanced and underutilized crayons in the box. Shooting Camera Raw on cameras that are capable of doing so not only allow for maximum creativity but also immense flexibility and repair if needed. In this course I'm going to show you how to maximize your potential in working with Camera Raw, to jumpstarthow you can become an even better photographer than you already are byshooting inCamera Raw.With 3 Hours of content, I explore all the tools within the Photoshop plugin; I show you how each tool works and how it can be used to bring your photos to life and even add creativity to an otherwise lifeless shot. I want to give you the tools to become an expert, to stand toe to toe with other professionals whom shoot Camera Raw for weddings and other specialevents on which their livelihood depends.Idesignedthis course to be packed with information but true to detail in that each step is explained and garnered to give you results in your quest for knowledge. I hope you full enjoy this course as I havein making it, I welcome you now to Mastering Camera Raw and Adobe Bridge! Lets Begin!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Teach Online: The Comprehensive Udemy Tutorial - Unofficial" |
"This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc.Have You Ever Wanted To Learn To Make Serious Passive Income Online Every Month?I've designed this course from the ground upto help you NOT make the same mistakes I did when I first started.Included in this 11+hour course:Understanding good planning techniques by mind mapping your coursesDiscover what your needs are with equipment based on your course topicLearn how to close caption your videos for search enginesGet your own domain name and setup your Wordpress website to capture email newsletter listsWalkthrough of social media setups to improve and capitalize on your brandLearn where to post your listingsonlineLearn which websites to submit your coupon code to (list included)And so much more...By the time you are done with this course, you will have everything you could ever need to be successful and make serious passive income online!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pinterest: The Missing Link" |
"Pinterest: the Missing Link is a very entertaining course and learning this serious subject has never been more fun.I created this course for users who have already put in the hard work into Pinterest traffic generation, but are not getting the results they were hoping for. I know how you feel. Once, I was so upset with my Pinterest results, that I closed all my Pinterest accounts, and tried to forget about this source of traffic all together. Two years passed before I opened new Pinterest accounts. This time, I started to analyze what I did wrong, and why my previous hard work took me nowhere. My new approach finally brought me the results that I was hoping for. In this course, I am going to share with you my system that helped me achieve success. I will walk you through it, step by step, quickly and easily!Important: Pinterest newbies are more than welcome to take this course, but please be aware that this course does not teach you how to open a Pinterest account nor how to create boards, etc. There are many wonderful courses on this topic on Udemy, including free information all over the internet.There are 3 parts in my course:Part 1: How to Monetize Pinterest Traffic (the Basic)This part is a refresher on the simple methods of Pinterest monetization.Part 2: The missing Link (Intermediate Level)It reveals the missing link to the Pinterest moneymaking formula. Here you will find the practical advice on how to fix that missing link.Part 3: The missing Link (Advanced Level)This information will be most helpful to those students who still have not gotten the results they were looking for even after following the advice from part 2. By the time we are finished, you will have a solid understanding of my Pinterest monetization system that actually works.Are you excited? Great!Take action and click on the ""Take This Course"" button Now!You are going to have a lot of fun!I look forward to working with you.Sincerely,Anna Lynd"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop ile Tasarlamaya Balayn" |
"Adobe Photoshop ile Tasarlamaya Balayn, Photoshopkullanmaya yeni balayanlar ve kendilerini gelitirmek isteyenler iin kesinlikle sahip olunmas gereken bir kurs. Bu kursta Photoshop hakkndaA'dan Z'ye btn nemli bilgileri ksa zamandarenebilirve program hakknda nceden bilgi sahibi olmanz gerekmedenkolaycakendinizi profesyonel seviyeye karabilirsiniz.Photoshopkolay anlalabilir ksmlara blnerek anlatm yaplmakta ve derste ilenen proje dosyalar cretsiz olarak dersin altnda sunulmaktadr. Teknik bilgilerde boulmak yerine rnekler zerinden giderek akc bir anlatm kullanlmtr.Bu kursta:Photoshop arayzn renecekektiiniz fotoraflar profesyonel ekilde renklendirecekPhotoshop'un sunduu seimaralar yardmyla montaj yapmay renecekYazlarnza k efektler ekleyecekKatmanlarla almay renecekAfi tasarm yapabilecekGz ve sa rengi deitirecekFotoraflarnza HDR efekti ekleyecekFotoraftaki istenmeyen objeleri kaldrmay reneceksiniz(Kursta Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 zerinden anlatm yaplmaktadr. En az CS4 srmne sahip olmanz kursta anlatlanlar anlamanz asndan yeterli olacaktr.)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Niche Research-How to Find a Profitable Niche Business Idea." |
"Course DescriptionA survey reveals that almost 90% of startups fail. One of the reasons attributed isfailure to do proper nicheresearchbeforehand. But many of these entrepreneurs simply do not know how to do this. They Invest all the money they saved in their lifetime into the business and hope that to succeed. Alas! without proper research, their chances of success are only minuscule 10%. After thefailure of the business, startup owners go bankrupt andsome owners go to the extent of killing themselves. It's unfortunate that a small tweak in their mindset to do proper research before choosing a market will change the whole scenario.This course aims to increase your chances of success in your startup by teaching you how to conduct proper online niche marketresearch. It's an interesting activity and at the end of the research, you'll have a lucrative market to target that will succeed if served properly. You'll be taught theory and practical lessons related to niche market research which mightchangeyour startup strategycompletely.Master Niche Research by a step by step system.This course will take you through a step by step approach to find a profitableniche market. All you have to do is to follow alongthose steps. Please don't skip any step as this will break the chain.At the initial stages, I'll cover all the theory lessons necessary to understand the basics. Then we'll jump into practical lessons where we'll do hands-onwork to use various tools online to find a profitable niche.Content and OverviewBy Learning what a niche market is and why you need to startup with a proper niche market, you become strong in fundamentals that will help to do In-depthresearch.By Identifying your passions,strengths and weaknesses, you not only do a self-assessment to know yourself, but also choose an area that you are passionate about to startup.This will keep you in the business overalong haul.The next step is to Identify what the market wants. The key point here is to identify an area that you feel passionate about and have strengths at and market can alsogreately benefit from.You define your niche as specific as possible. Also you visualize your customers in your mind's eye. This brings in clarity of thought.Use filterquestionsto weed out niches that are not viable.Deeply understand problems of the identified niches. Then identify solutions that cansolve the problems better than others.Test the market to ensure customers will pay for your product or service."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"SQL Server: domina lo necesario para el trabajo" |
"El presente video proporciona un tratamiento completo dellenguaje SQL para la manipulacin de datosy puede ser de utilidad parausuarios de la base de datos, para el diseador de la misma, para programadoresde aplicaciones y para administradores de la base de datos que no estnfamiliarizados con estos SQL para manipulacin de datos.Incluso puede ser de utilidad para los directores del reainformtica que desean conocer acerca del poder de SQLAprendelas funciones necesarias para recuperar datosalmacenados en la base de datos.Aprendecomo actualizar los datos que fueron previamentealmacenados en la base de datos.Como insertar nuevos datos.Como suprimir datos antiguos que no ya no se necesitanEn general este curso estaenfocado para cualquier personaque desea aprender como manipular la informacin en la base de datos, y temostrara como hacerlo paso a paso.Ningn conocimiento de SQL es necesario."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Marketing Mastery - 2019 Blueprint to Growth" |
"Join over 25,000 students learning from our courses!Every wonder why when you post something, it may only get like 20 likes, or 10, or even sometimes, no likes.Thisisa very detailedhour long coursewith an insane amount of knowledge of everything you need to know to grow your following and create engagementon your Facebook Fan Page. If you have any type of business, it is Crucial that you grow a following, Whether youre a filmmaker,oryou sell soap,If you have no following, if you have no engagement, you have no customers.IN THIS COURSE YOU WILL LEARN:An exact blueprint to optimize your Facebook account to maximize your likes and engagement.What contentto postWhen to post that contentHow to post itHow to get people to engage and bring them to yourwebsiteWhere they can follow upIf you have, or are planning on creating a Small Business Facebook Page I guarantee you that the knowledge and strategies in this class will be the quickest and most effective way to achieving to your first 1000 relative, genuine, and targeted fans!You getlifetime accessto lectures.Enroll NOWand let's get started!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |