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swift-lbt |
"******************! LEARNSWIFT 39 .****************** Swift . PART 1 Swift .PART 2 . iOS App . 9 Swift 3 .PS. . 1. 8 . ( ) as . . ."", ...."" ."".. ...."" .. . . .""~ "" . iOS . (?) App Swift . .... (?) . ~"" ""... .... , . . . ? (3.6.9 ) . 2. Swift . .3. . , ' ' .4. . .3.6.9 5. (?) ? 80 . 30 . .6. App . "" "" . , . (App ) ."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
build_shoppingmall_with_woocommerce_for_beginner |
"*****!! LEARNWOOCOM 29 ^^******** 25% , (CMS) (Worepress) (WooCommerce) . . . ."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
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"*!* LEARNBIZEMAILS 39(51%) . . E , ^^ 10 . 10 . , , ! PDF . ."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Trello - Das Projektmanagement-Tool fr ihre Produktivitt!" |
"Der Kurs zeigt alle wesentlichen Funktionen des Online-Tools Trello. Weiterhinwird die Verwendung von Trelloals Projektmanagementtool und als KanbanBoard vorgefhrt.Um Trello auch im Alltag einzusetzen, werden verschiedene Anwendungsflle zu Alltagsthemen durchgegangen.Am Ende des Kurses gibt es eine bersicht zu den verfgbaren Erweiterungen und APISchnittstellen zu Trello und wo man entsprechende Ressourcen findet.Im Kurs gibt es eine Lektion mit weiterfhrender Literatur zu den behandelten Themen.Der Kurs ist fr Einsteiger in die Plattform Trello geeignet."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mind-Mapping for Personal Development, Growth & Life Change" |
"A Uniquely Practical approach to laying Foundations for Personal Development & Self-Improvement that can Transform your Life!It's time to begin the journey of intentional personal transformationGet inspired as you learn to Map out your Personal Growth Strategy to help you discover what's important to you, chart your development and equip yourself to make powerful life changes.Using free software, we will explore 7 key elements of Personal Growth and you'll learn how to bring focus and direction into this exciting process of Personal Transformation.This is for you if:You're looking for a breakthrough in your careerYou want to start making positive changes You need a turn-around in your life and don't know where to startYou want to discover what you're capable of and reach new heightsThe 7 Pillars of Personal DevelopmentPersonal Development is much more than simply reading some motivational books. It's a continuing process of learning, growth and change that should affect every aspect of our lives if we are to become the people we know we could be, and live the life we always dreamed of.The problem for many is where to begin...So laying a solid foundation and putting a plan in place is vital to see the success you desire and start living your dreams.Using 7 key growth areas, we will explore how each of these ""pillars"" work together to form a Platform that we can build our lives on far into the future, all working together to help us continue to reach our full potential How does it work?We will use free mind-mapping software to create a framework, using an example Personal Development Plan Template, to explore the 7 Pillars in depth. The example ideas and resources will help an individual to develop their own unique growth Plan and build a mind-map that can serve as a tool for inspiration, organization, planning and recording progress.I've drawn on personal experience and the wise words of others who have walked the road of personal growth, to put together a course that can help anyone begin the same process, define their own plan, and stay on track.WARNING! If you take action, adapt and apply what you learn through this course, it could change your life for the better. As a BONUS, you'll get free access to an expanding online resource of tools to help you on the way, plus my eBook ""Now Living Forward""."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Psychedelic Music production workshop with Cubase" |
"Write a Psychedelic Track Wih Cubase from A to Z:Level 1 part 1 included:Main structure of a track in Cubase.Create, open a new project.Choose BPM.Create Short cuts (key commands).Import samples.Organize structure of the track.Use quantize.Kick in audio.Bass in midi.Effects in inserts: Equalization of Bass.Closed Hat.Equlization closed hat.Open hat.Install V.S.TUse V.S.T Instruments: Synth 1 synthetizer:Sound design in midi:Create audio sample (Record midi).Differents types of filters.Record automation on Synth.Assign LFO.Equalization synth.Bounce (export) midi files in audio files. Create short cut (key commands).Use of synth 1 syntheziser (explaination of oscillator, FM, Frequencies, LFO, Pitch, sound design). Mixe of a track finished. Pitch envelop process.Construction of a break in a track.Level 1 part 2 included:Use of effects on audio sample.Create an FX with one effect audio sample.Reverse an audio sample.Zebra 2 syntheziser sound design (assignation of LFO), Create apatch (including 3 Twisted Kala Patches), write midi pattern + arpeggios..Turnado FX.Analyse of a project of a finished track(arrangement,progression, place of percussions snares, crash - , leads).Use of reverb.Analyse of stereo of a track with Paz analyser (antiphase, reducestereo with S1 Imager).Presentation of binaural VST, analyse of stereo.Use of gate effect.Construction of a break with kicks/timestretch a loop sample.Remind about equalization of different sounds and percus.Mix of leads in a track.Write different midi patterns of Bass.Construction of a break with kick and Turnado effect VST.How to record voices with microphone."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Psychedelic Music production workshop with Cubase Level 2" |
"Learn to produce Psychedelic Trance Music with Cubase Level 2 Part 1.This is the following of ""Psychedelic Music production workshop with Cubase"".You can follow also this course separatly if you have already some bases in Music production.You'll find a lot of tips to use Cubase and also to write psychedelic Music, use of the effects in this style.....Let's create all together a new magical world.Karine / Twisted Kala"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Learn the Music Business and explode your music career!" |
"****updated February 2016Areyou lost when it comes to your music career? Do you have thecreative side down but lack any knowledge about the business? Do youknow how to find the photographer or manager? Its called the musicbusiness for a reason and most independent artists, producers,songwriters and muscians are constantly caught up in bogus deals ormeeting the wrong people because of not understanding the businessaspect. Learnthe Music Business is an educational online course that teachesmusic artists about the music industry and more importantly how tosave money in the music industry.How to avoid the common mistakes that most artists make,how to getripped off by a shady manager, tips on how to get airplay, sell moremusic and create the right image for your career. This course will help level the playing field by making dreams come true for unsignedartists, songwriters, producers and musicians. Connect the dotsbygiving each student access to industry leaders that can help you getthe exposure you need. I am a music industry expert with over 30 years experience inmarketing, publicity and branding. In the past, I'veworked withWill Smilth, Queen Latifah, MTV, Atlantic Records, NBA entertainment,Rosie Perez, NBA Kenny Smith, Sean Combs, MC Lyte, veteran jazzartist Bob Baldwin and many others. Learn the Music Business is avideo collection of advice from a few of myclose friends in themusic industry. You will be learning from a team of people includingcelebrity photographers, celebrity publicists, entertainment lawyers,radio DJs, record executives, celebrity stylists, celebrity fitnesstrainers and veteran managers. The independent music artists whowants to understand the business aspect from multiple sourcesinstead of one person. ****I am so happy with this course, and so confident that you will learn something new about the music industry that will help your career I will offer a 30 day guarantee.**************"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"DIY Origami Gifts & Decoration" |
"If you are looking for DIY projects, and a place where you will be inspired to create amazing artwork, youve come to the right place. In this course you will learn the beautiful art of Origami and how to use your models as unique pieces of decoration or self-made gifts.Master The Basics Of Origami While Giving Them PurposeLearn how to fold 21 traditional origamisHave access to step-by-step, visual and oral instructionsUse the materials you have in your own home or officeSurprise your friends and family with personalized gifts and decorationDevelop your motor and mental skills while releasing stressStart from the basic origamis until mastering more complex folding techniques. Have access to exclusive origami paper designs and detailed crease patterns. Brace yourself, for you are about to create unforgettable masterpieces!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Basic Course For Non-Muslims and New-Comers to Islam" |
"This course is specially designed to explain some of the most important points that the new Muslim should be conscious of on the very first day of their conversion to Islam which are often neglected by those individuals or centers responsible for their conversion. The purpose of the course is to make the new Muslim's entrance into a new way of life easier and smoother. It focuses on the ten most critical elements which they should grasp in the transition into a practicing Muslim. It also helps them to face the major problems they will be confronted by when they first embrace the faith."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn SAP PP Production PlanningProject Simulation Included" |
"This SAP PP onlinecourse is something different from what you have seen so far.If you want to learn more about SAP, specifically about Production Planning, you are in the right spot. In this course I will give you a practical hand on training in SAP, from the business point of view.Let me explain what do I mean by that. Business point of view means that you will get real challenges that companies have. Hand on means that you will learn how to customize processes to solve those challenges.By taking this course you will dive deeper into SAP and will understand better how it works.Course StructureThe course structure expands over 7 different sections designed to walk you trough the process of delivering to a customer a functional solution to his challenge 1. The Introduction Section will introduce the course concepts and objective. You will meet me as your trainer and will understand how the course is structured 2. How to install SAP for free Section will show you step by step how to get access to an SAP system.3. Setting the business example will introduce you to your customer. This is the business approach you will benefit from in this course. You will solve a real life situation for a company that has a new process and they need your expertise to know how to handle it.4. Process Introduction will introduce you to the process fundamentals required to understand your customers challenge and the options to solve it in SAP.5. Customizing the complete process in SAP will get you hands on experience in SAP customizing.6. Customer Demonstration Preparation will show you how to test your Master Data and customizing to make sure it will work smooth for the customer presentation.7. Customer Demonstration will show you how to present the process to your customer. You will emphasis the initial challenges and how they are solved with SAP.How to install SAPSAP IDES or the Internet Demonstration System, is my recommendation for this because it offers you master data created and customizing to start exploring. If you would install a fresh instance of SAP, it will be empty and you will need to create data and customizing for it to start using it.I will walk you through the installation process step by step and in the end of this course you will have access to SAP with your own user to start learning.Setting the Business ExampleThe key to learn SAP customizing is understanding the business challenges that companies have and how your customizing will make the companies run better.By having this understanding, the customizing steps and requirements will make a lot more sense. You will be able to understand everything from a logical perspective and will make the learning process a lot more fun.Process IntroductionCustomizing in SAP can be sometimes very technical. On the other hand, the customers requirements are more business then technical oriented.This section will show you the process fundamentals required to understand your customers challenge and the options to solve it in SAP. This represents the bridge between business and technical. Customizing the complete process in SAPAfter completing this section, you will know how to customize the complete process by yourself. Yes, by yourself because you will make your own customizing. After each lesson I will have tasks prepared for you to guide you trough the process. From my experience this is the best way to learn, by doing it yourself.Customer Demonstration PreparationIn this section you will test the process you have created. Using your own master data and your own customizing will give you a rewording feeling of testing your own work.The objective is to make sure that the process works smooth and you will be on top of it when it will be presented to your customer.Customer DemonstrationYou have come a long way till here and I would like to congratulate you. In this section I will show you how to present the process to your customer. You will put an emphasis the initial challenges and how they are solved with SAP.This is how it works in the real life. To gain your customers trust you will build a demo based on his challenges and will present this to him."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Learn SAP DMS Document Management System SAP PLM" |
"SAP Document Management System (SAP DMS) is used all the areas of a company.Regardless of your area of specialization in SAP, knowing how to customize the Document Management System can give you a real advantage. This is because in all departments of a company you have documents which you want to store in a system that can help you to: - Store the documents in a secure storage - Classify the documents based on different attributes - Find your documents with only couple of mouse clicks - Set authorization rules - Link the document to different objects (ex: customer contracts in Sales Orders, work instructions in Manufacturing Operations, Design Documents in the Bill of Material, etc) - Check-In and Check-Out a document - Create different versions and revisions of a document - Record change history of a document and the list goes on and on.This SAP Document Management System (SAP DMS) online course is something different from what you have seen so far. It has a practical approach to teaching you exactly what you need to know. The knowledge you will get from the course can be applicable in any area of SAP.If you want to learn more about SAP, specifically about managing documents, you are in the right spot. In this course, I will give you a practical hands-on training in SAP, from the business point of view. Let me explain what do I mean by that. Business point of view means that you will get real challenges that companies have. Hand on means that you will learn how to customize processes to solve those challenges."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"3d modelling - a Modo modeling guide" |
"3D art is getting a more prominent role in multimedia. It is used intensively in movies, video games, commercials, education and architecture. It is a multi billion market. With your talent you just might get through! Use this course as a step towards a 3D carrier. Learn the basics of Modo, a professional 3d content creation application and start to beat the competition.You will just need a trial version of Modo, download Gimp and Unity for free and you need a PC or Mac to get started. Within several hours you will learn enough to make your own nice looking 3d models and export them to Unity. You will learn to navigate in the software, use all common tools and bring everything in action during your assignments.This course has been made using Modo 902, 10.0v1 and 10.1. I now also added an introduction video using Modo 14. It shows you how to get to the buttons and menus available in older versions of Modo. So the course is still usefull in never Modo versions."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Understand The Old Testament World" |
"Do modern Christians still regard the Old Testament applicable today? Did God nullify the Law and Old Testament writings by replacing it with Jesus' teachings and the New Testament writings? Understanding the Old Testament World brings true meaning and significance to our faith, the New Testament writings, and the words of Jesus. The Old Testament or Hebrew Scriptures were Jesus, his disciples and Pauls Bible. Jesus taught his disciples from these scriptures. Paul and the other New Testament authors wrote what we call The New Testament from their knowledge and understanding of the Old Testament. The New Testament describes Jesus life and message in light of the Old Testament or Hebrew Scriptures. Jesus did not start a new religion, but gave true meaning to the Old Testament scriptures, message and practices. He announced his mission to earth with some of the following statements:Matthew 4:17 (NIV) 17 From that time on Jesus began to preach, ""Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near."" Mark 1:14-15 (NIV) 14 After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. 15 ""The time has come,"" he said. ""The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!"" Matthew 4:23 (NIV) 23 Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people. From these few references we can deduce that 'The Kingdom of God' was central to Jesus' thinking and ministry.Jesus came to teach and explain the true meaning and significance of Gods Kingdom, an idea his audience was familiar with. The meaning and implications of a Kingdom were not new to them but originated and developed with human civilization and history. Kingdom in the ancient and Biblical Worlds, had direct connections with institutions like; idolatry, gods, temples, cities, priests, and kings.This course aims at uncovering these 'Kingdom' institution, implications, developments and their connection with Israel and their God.This course is a broad introductory survey of the Old Testament World, its cultures and world view, uncovering the meaning of the gods' kingdom, shedding light on the Kingdom of Israel's God .We do not look at the Old Testament World cultures and literature through magnifying glasses, dissecting every culture in detail, but through wide- angle lenses, trying to see the 'Big Picture' of the ancient and Biblical worlds.This course lays the foundation for all other in- depth Bible studies concerning God and His Kingdom. In this course we pay attention to:The Old Testament World geography Ancient and Old Testament World views The gods of the Old Testament World Idolatry Temples Ancient cities and their connection to the 'god's kingdom' Temple rituals, sacrifices, and functions Priests, High Priests and Kings leadership roles Israel did not live in their own separate world but engaged with other cultures surrounding them. Understanding these cultures, their religion and World Views, will help us to understand the Old Testament history and writings.This course consists of 3, 5 hoursvideo, including many maps, diagrams, illustrations, and images of the Old Testament World and its cultures. At the end of this course students will:Know more about the Biblical World geography Have met some ancient gods Understand idolatry better Recognizetemples significant role Know more about ancient cities and their function Understand temple rituals and sacrifices better Know more about the Priests and Kings roles Recognize the value of reading the Bible in its historical and cultural contextIdentify connections between the Old and New Testament writingsUnderstand Jesus teachings better. This course is for students who: Wish to understand the Old Testament better Want to see the Big Picture of the Bible better Enjoy learning about Bible history and cultures This course is not for students who: Regard the Old Testament redundant Are not interested in history Need an in depth knowledge of ancient cultures Do not regard it important reading the Bible in its historical context Please join us for a rich learning experience!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Improve Your Vision Naturally - with Simple Eye Gymnastics" |
"This course has been designed for students of all levels to help them work towards improving the overall health of their eyes in a completely natural way. More than ever, we are using our eyes to stare at small type and images on computer screens, televisions and cell phones which leads to eye fatigue and an increase in all types of eye problems. But diminished eyesight does not have to be an inevitable part of life. Basically, there are six muscles on the outside of each eye which help to move them around. Ideally, these muscles find it easy to follow visual interests. The problem is that due to emotional, physical or mental stress, you start to strain. Once you start to strain, your vision starts to deteriorate. The action of straining essentially squeezes your eyeballs, contorting them. This makes your vision blurry, as it alters where the field of vision ""lands"" on your retina. This is where Improve Your Vision Naturally can help. The course Ive created comprises of 2 separate relaxation techniques (approximately 5 minutes each with music) and a set of 12 strengthening Eye Gymnastics Exercises (approximately 2 minutes each). In order to get the most from this course, you must be willing to do at least 1 relaxation technique daily, followed by the 12 strengthening Eye Gymnastics Exercises for a minimum of 30 days. For those with more time on their hands, why not aim to do the routine twice daily? As an added bonus for taking this course, youll receive a wonderful little eBook entitled Nutrition for Eye Health. The book is full of simple, yet delicious recipes all geared towards improving the health of your eyes. So why not sign up today and SEE how quickly your vision can improve?"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Acupressure for Pain Management Part 1" |
"RECEIVE AN INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISEDQUALIFICATION IN'ACUPRESSURE THERAPY'UPON SUCCESSFULCOMPLETION OF THISCOURSE!*InternationallyRecognised Qualification*This course has been designed for students of all levels to help them to learn specific Acupressure Treatment Points that will quickly and effortlessly reduce all types of pain in the upper body. In this course, students will learn specific Acupressure Treatment Points to help defuse pain in the following regions: *Head *Neck *Shoulders *Elbows *Wrists and Hands The course has been broken down into the following sections:Acupressure Treatment for:*Headaches*TMJ/TMD*Neck & Shoulder Pain*Elbow Pain*Wrist & Hand PainStudents who sign up for this course will get instant access to:A 57 page course manual, a set of 5 Acupressure Treatment Charts covering the top Acupressure Treatment Points to work on to defuse pain in each region and treatment protocol for each region - this is a step by step guide that teaches students howto perform the Acupressure Treatment. All of the above are available for immediate download once you sign up.A good idea is to print off the Acupressure Treatment Charts & Protocol and laminate the sheets so that for example you have an illustrated Acupressure Treatment Chart for Headaches on the front showing a colourful image of exact point location and on the back you could have the treatment protocol giving you the step by step instructions to follow so you can carry out the treatment successfully.The information in this course is delivered in a very simplistic way making it very easy for students to learn and apply the techniques to work on themselves, on family, friends or clients.This course has also been accredited internationally so students who complete this course will receive an Internationally Recognised Qualification in 'Acupressure Therapy'.Some common benefits you can expect from an Acupressure Treatment include:Relief from stress & tensionA more relaxed body & mindIncreased blood circulationA faster removal of toxic wasteAn increase in energy levelsRelief from head, neck, shoulder & back ache andAn overall sense of well-beingSo why not sign up today and see how quickly the positive effects of Acupressure can bring improvement to your life?"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Acupressure for Physical, Mental and Emotional Health" |
"RECEIVE AN INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISEDQUALIFICATION IN'ACUPRESSURE THERAPY'UPON SUCCESSFULCOMPLETION OF THISCOURSE!*Internationally Recognised Qualification*This course has been created for students of 'All Levels' who are interested in learning some really powerful yet simple Acupressure techniques to help bring about optimum Physical, Mental and Emotional Health.The course teaches students how to defuse the following feelings:Shocked, Panicked, Offended, Worried, Apprehensive, Can't Sleep, Stressed, Inner Turmoil, Tense, Frustration, Fearful, Scared, Broken Hearted, Insecure, Lonely, Rejected, Ashamed, Grief, Guilty, Angry, Resentful, Jealous, Irritable, Sad, Tearful, Despair, Gloomy, Exhaustion, Confused, Foolish, Dizzy, Stubborn, Can't Let Go, Stuck, Obstinate, Timid, Self Doubt or Nervous...The course also teaches students how to:*Improve skin tone and clear acne, distended capillaries and red, blotchy skin*Clear heat from the face to help with hot flushes*Release stuck feelings such as Depression*Relieve all kinds of allergies such as headaches, hay fever, sneezing and itching*Alleviate all types of body pain*Reduce digestive complaints such as constipation, diarrhoea and nausea*Balance the internal organs and calm the spirit*Regulate the heart for all types of issues such as palpitations and high blood pressure*Relieve all types of Physical, Mental and Emotional Imbalances and much, much moreStudents who sign up for this course will get instant access to:A 61page course manual, a set of 10Acupressure Treatment Charts covering the top Acupressure Treatment Points to work on to defuse each feeling and treatment protocol for each of theillustrated charts- this is a step by step guide that teaches students howto perform the Acupressure Treatment. All of the above are available for immediate download once you sign up.A good idea is to print off the Acupressure Treatment Charts & Protocol and laminate the sheets back to backso that you have an illustrated Treatment Charton the front showing a colourful image of exact point locations and on the back you can have the treatment protocol giving you the step by step instructions to follow so you can carry out the treatment successfully.The information in this course is delivered in a simplistic way making it very easy for students to learn and apply the techniques to work on themselves, on family, friends or clients.This course has also been accredited internationally so students who complete this course will receive an Internationally Recognised Qualification in 'Acupressure Therapy'.Some common benefits you can expect from an Acupressure Treatment include:Relief from stress & tensionA more relaxed body & mindIncreased blood circulationA faster removal of toxic wasteAn increase in energy levelsRelief from head, neck, shoulder & back ache andAn overall sense of well-beingSo why not sign up today and see how quickly the positive effects of Acupressure can bring improvement to your life?"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Video Content Production: Learn How to Film and Edit Content" |
"If you are ready to start a career in making videos this course is for you!The course is a combination of my personal experience as a videographer, my education as a filmmaker and my experience in the online courses production.We start with theory lessons about film and storytelling, moving to familiarity with our gear and hands on practical lessons in camera techniques and photography foundations . The course will also cover important subjects like audio and lighting.In the last part of the course we will cover the post production stage where we will have hands on practical tutorials on well known editing program such as Adobe Premier Pro CC. We will also discuss various editing methods, and we will even learn how to use our smartphones as a working tool to achieve great results.By the completion of this course, you should be fully capable to work and profit from your own videos."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete Java SE 8 Developer Bootcamp - OCA Prep Included" |
"Java is one of the most popular programming languages used in professional application development. As such, there is an extensive job market available to those who master its syntax. However, mastering a language as complex and vast as Java requires a developer to start with a solid programming foundation. This class provides that foundation. Those who are looking to start a career in software development, or developers who are looking to increase their marketability by learning the nuts and bolts of Java, will benefit from taking this course. To start the student on the right track, the lectures and labs go beyond basic syntax by including best practices and object oriented programming idioms. In addition, the topics covered help prepare students for the Oracle Certified Associate, Java Programmer SE 8 exam (a certification which demonstrates to potential employers a fundamental level of proficiency with the language). However, do notethat this course is just as appropriate for someone who is not interested in taking the exam; if you want to learn Java, this is the course for you!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Ingls em 10 minutos por dia!" |
"O Voc Aprende Agora um curso de inglstotalmente online que traz aulas rpidas e prticas para que voc aprendaem 10 minutos por dia. Cada aula tem em mdia 3 minutos e a metodologia consiste em assistir cada vdeo 3 vezes, na primeira voc escuta, na segunda, escreva tudo que o professor Felipe disser num caderninho s para o curso e na terceira vez importante repetir em voz alta para fixar o contedo.Durao de 2 meses.Para todas as idades."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Learn Python by solving 100 Coding Challenges" |
"Becomea Python Programmer!Thiscourse is different from the others, in that each lecturewillonly provide you with hints to solve the problem at hand. Youwill not receive hand-holding instructions. You will need to workto form your own understandings and solutions.Thisis done deliberately, because I believe any goodskill needto be earned. Your brain will be much more engaged if itis asked to fill in the blanks. Instead of just listening andmemorizing huge amount of information. A more engaged brain duringlearning would definitely lead to a long lasting skill.Apartfrom the introduction section, this course have 2 main parts. Thefirst part will provide a recap to key concepts of the Pythonprogramming language. The second part composes of 100 popular codingchallenges, often used by companies in testing junior programmers.Each challengewill have their solutions in PDF files attached tothe lectures.Nomatter where you are on your learning journey. You should have a lookat the first part before embarking on the second. You could discovermany useful tool for the challenges to come. Try to solve the problemon your own first before peek at the provided solution though.Youwill get lifetime access to over 100 lectures plus correspondingSolutionsfor the coding challenges. Plus, this course comeswith a 30 day money back guarantee! If you are not satisfied in anyway, you'll get your money back.Sowhat are you waiting for? Learn Python in a way that will advanceyour career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practicalway!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"C++ C bn dnh cho ngi mi hc lp trnh" |
"Kha hc ny mang li khi nim c bn v lp trnh. S dng ngn ng C++lm ngn ng chnh. Khng yu cu kin thc v lp trnh trc khi hc kha hc ny.Cc bn s c hc t bin, vng lp, cu lnh r nhnh, con tr, kiu d liu t nh ngha... Sau kha hc ny cc bn s bit cch s dng ngn ng lp trnh C++v ng thi c kh nng t hc cc ngn ng khc."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Solve Workplace Problems" |
"Why do my coworkers have success and I don't? Have you ever asked yourself this?Because I kept missing opportunities, like getting promoted or a bigger salary, I started to believe I can not achieve success in the workplace. My name is Sergiu Nistor, I have worked for a company with more than 9000 employees for over 11 years, and as you can imagine, I have had a lot of ups and downs. I could see some of my colleagues stand out and achieve things I could only dream of. I couldn't understand why I wasn't able to do so as well. I was increasingly getting frustrated by this and I began trying to see why and how I could fix this.Over the years, I have tried to achieve success by trial and error, until, finally, I found out what this secret: If you want to have success in your professional life you need to know how to identify and solve all the problems you encounter. In this course I'm going to teach you how to identify and solve the most frequently encountered workplace problems. They can be generated by you, by your coworkers, by your bosses, by your customers or by the environment you work in. I will discuss situations such as dealing with stress and depression, sharing bad news, people to avoid, coworkers stealing credit or bullying you, meeting deadlines, rejection, feedback, bosses personality types, how to get noticed, and many more.Everything I will teach you was learnt from my own experiences. These are the things that have worked for me and will work for you as well.You might think you can identify and solve any problem instinctively, by doing what your gut tells you, but, the truth is, you need to have knowledge and the recipe for solving each kind of situation.If you feel you are not getting the things you deserve at your workplace, this course is for you. You can't afford to wait any longer. Opportunities are passing you by. It's costing you money, professional recognition and a better life for you and your loved ones. Take this course now. Your career is going to skyrocket. If, for any reason, you aren't thrilled and satisfied by this course, you are assured trough my no-risk, you-can't-lose, 100%, no-question-asked, iron-clad 30 day money-back guarantee."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kursus Lengkap Laravel 5 - Membangun 2 aplikasi Web" |
"NOTEKursus ini merupakan versi indonesia dari kursus ""Build Ajax Web Apps with Laravel 5.2, Bootsrap and jQuery"" dalam bahasa Inggris. Jika Anda ingin membeli kursus ini melalui transfer silahkan SMS/WA ke 082328213232Belajar bagaimana membuat 2 aplikasi web menggunakan Laravel, salah satu Framework PHP yang sangat populer saat ini. Laravel memiliki sintaks elegan, ekspresif dan simpel sehingga membuat pengembangan web menjadi nyaman.Kursus ini menggunakan pendekatan Learn by doing dan dalam kursus ini Anda akan belajar bagaimana membuat 2 aplikasi web berkualitas menggunakan Laravel 5.2. Antara lain:1. Aplikasi Kontak MenejerAplikasi ini nantinya bisa digunakan untuk memenej kontak, seperti:Membuat kontak baruEdit data kontakupload kontak fotoHapus data kontakMenampilkan semua kontak dalam paginasi halamanFilter data kontak berdasarkan grup terpilihForm Pencarian data kontak dengan dilengkapi fitur autokomplit,Tambah Grup menggunakan AJAXOtentikasiOtorisasiSuport Multi user2. Aplikasi AJAX Todo ListAplikasi ini memungkinkan kita untuk mengelola list dan task (tugas). 90% aplikasi ini berbasis AJAX untuk:Membuat listUpdate list yang sudah adaMenghapus listMembuat task atau tugas untuk suatu listMenandai tugas yang sudah selesaiMenghapus tugas yang adaAplikasi ini juga dilengkapi dengan otentikasi, otorisasi dan suport multi user.Anda juga akan mempelajari fitur-fitur laravel artisan seperti generator untuk membuat migration, database seeder, controller, model. Juga laravel routeing, eloquent ORM, otentikasi, otorisasi dan lain-lain.Setelah mengikuti kursus ini Anda akan mendapatkan pemahaman tentang laravel yang cukup dan Anda siap menggunakan Laravel untuk projek Anda."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos de Base de Datos para Principiantes" |
"Si estasiniciando en el mundo de la programacin debes saber que en la mayora de los casos necesitars una Base de Datos. Antes de desarrollar una es recomendable que entiendas los beneficios de contar con una base de datos y la importancia de tener una buena estructura, saber como plasmar cada detalle que deseas almacenar y que sea de forma correcta, optima y segura.Por tanto a travs de este curso aprenders a diferencia una Base de Datos de otros tipos de archivos, entenders sus bondades y los diferentes tipos que existen. Adems conocer la manera de levantar la informacin y reflejarlo en un modeloEntidad- Relacin para luego hacer el Diagrama de la base de datos, donde se observa sus relaciones, claves, primaria y claves foraneas junto con sus relaciones.Al final se mostrar un poco el Lenguaje SQL que es el utilizado para interactuar con las bases de datos, consultas y tambin como definir su estructura."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to get your dream desk job in Australia" |
"So you want to start your desired dream job at a big corporation in Australia? You are a recent university graduate, recently moved to Australia, working in any job just to pay the bill and seeing a number of roadblocks to get that desired white collar dream job. Am I right? And let me guess: You took advice from random friends and referred white collar worker friends, paid to get your resume checked or desperately requested friends to refer you to their company manager, because you only think good white-collar dream jobs can only be secured by referrals or word-to-mouth. You have become impatient and want a quick solution to this frustrating problem of not starting a desk job? My names Faisal Ahmed, Im an award nominated Human Resources Professional in Australia And Ive designed How to get your dream desk job career in Australia especially for YOU. Building on my years of experience in the Australia job market helping the right candidate to get the right job, How to get your dream desk job career in Australia is a microscopically polished methods and tactics to help you secure a fruitful career opportunity in the land of OZ. A huge range of topics are covered, including job market ins and outs of Australia, salary guide, professional attire for Australia white collar workplaces, interviews, resumes, job search websites, recruitment agencies. The course only includes how you can draft and write your own resume and how to make your resume noticeable to all employers. Whats stopping you from signing up to today? You dont have enough time: Not an issue. Weve designed this course so you can learn everything you need in as little as ONE WEEK. Youre still weighing up the value: Listen. Weve made this course better than anything resource youll find. If you dont 100% get everything you need from it well give you your MONEY BACK. You dont have any previous experience: Seriously, not a problem. This course is expertly designed to teach everyone from complete beginners in the Australian job market to professionals who are already working in a white collar role. (And yes, even existing white collar professionals take this course to quickly identify the latest tactics, while refreshing existing tactics).No other course will give you the vast opportunities of a dream desk job in as fast a time as this. Have other courses done this for you?Buy this course today and this is what youll get. Firstly, Ill teach you how to sharpen your resume to make your skills marketable and noticeable to Australian employers. This course provides live resume updating which you can use to update your resume at the same time. As. You. Learn. This is THE most motivating and effective way to absorb information. Youll start by understanding the Australian job market and forming an understanding about how to place yourself in the market. Next up: Youll learn everything you need to know about interview day, which includes preparing for difficult questions, how to look your best at the interview, and what questions NOT to ask to employers at interview. Youll learn salary information about your job in Australia so that you not only get your dream job, but you get the MAXIMUM SALARY for your dream desk job. Youll learn all how to write the wording and structure of your own resume. You wouldnt learn to copy-paste from a template, but build it yourself. And well teach you exactly how to do that. And finally, well take a look at how to get live Open Office Hours once a week for ONE YEAR.Can you believe you get all this (and more) for just $205? This is a WORTHWHILE investment in yourself to get that $45,000 to $90,000 per annum (or more) salaried dream desk job that you always wanted.What else will I get if I buy this course now? FULL LIFETIME ACCESS (including video downloads and updates) for a ludicrously affordable one-off fee. PEACE OF MIND: Learn from an Australian multiple award nominated teacher who worked in many industries. CONINUOUS SUPPORT: Whenever you need it, in the course forums. SUPERIOR LEARNING: Build your own career path, with not an outdated concept. OPEN OFFICE HOURS so that you can ask ANY question that comes to your mind live once a week. And were always here for you on the Udemy forums. Why learn methods and tactics to get your dream desk job career in Australia? Australia is without doubt THE best country with secure environment for your family, stable workplace legislations and great place for career growth. Almost all multinational companies have an Australian headquarter. You can develop your skills about the job market and how to get an edge from the hundreds of candidates already searching for jobs. A good white collar desk job career will open up many doors and opportunities for you for the future career development. Who is this for? Anyone who wants to learn how to get a white collar job in Australia. This is a complete course, and it teaches you everything from the comfort of your own time. Sound good? Its also for anyone who wants to understand how to get a white collar job after migrating to Australia from another country. It will EMPOWER you in a way that you will not have to rely on friends or other experts to find your desired job. Is this course right for me? Look: if youre still not convince, I urge you to check out my reviews. No other course on the World Wide Web would give you such consistent feedback about career progression in Australia. Whether youve got plans to be the next high paying Project Manager, Accountant, Financial Analyst, Customer Service Manager, Medical Officer, or you want to get ahead at work and increase your earning potential, I GUARANTEE anyone will find How to get your dream desk job career in Australia course show-stoppingly useful. A quick summary of why How to get your dream desk job career in Australia is the number one resource for job candidates, like you- Time-tested, quick-to-pick up learning strategies Quality insider tips, that only the pros normally know Home-based learningso you can go as fast or slow as you please Simple, jargon-free language and HD definition Who Am I? Im Faisal. I am currently working as Human Resources Advisor inMelbourne, Australia, and Im so excited to share my learning with you. I have a degree in Human Resources from La Trobe University in Australia, and am a Human Resource professional who work both in Eastern Australia and Western Australia. Since working a Human Resources Advisor for over 5 years, Ive never lost my love for helping candidates to succeed in job searching. Maybe thats why my goal is so simple: To get as many people benefiting with the career journey in Australia as possible. But more importantly, that my courses are enjoyable and deliver tangible results for you Today and tomorrow. These are the things that drive me to keep pushing whats possible in online learning."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Irish Dance for Beginners: An Introduction" |
"If you have ever thought about learning to Irish dance, or 'Riverdance' as some people say, look no further. This course is designed for beginners and will take you from no knowledge to dancing to Irish music in no time at all! You will be able to show off your skills next St. Patrick's Day.The course aims to teach two basic sets of movements in easy, attainable increments. Each part of the step is broken down, filmed in close up, then demonstrated without music, to slow music, medium tempo and regular fast music. The steps are repeated a few times on each lecture. Progress at your own pace.Learning Irish dance can help with balance, strength, and agility. No special requirements only wear something comfortable that you are able to move your legs in. As for shoes, socks, tennis shoes or bare feet are acceptable as well as any type of soft dance shoe."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Building Your Community: Yoga Teacher Training in Marketing" |
"The Yoga & Fitness industry is a tough industry to be successful in, whether you're an individual teacher/coach, or a studio/gym owner. Often dedicated and passionate yoga and fitness teachers get into this industry without realizing how much work it takes to gain and retain clients. If you want to build a community of regular students who love your style and want to continue to learn from you, this online course is a step in the right direction.Often people assume brand work is only for big companies, however, it's an important and strategic part of your marketing plan.We need to shake up what we believe is the definition of a brand. A brand is not about having fancy advertising, or seeming corporate, it's about putting out to the world the type of teacher you are, what you stand for, and the way you teach it. It's what attracts the type of student to you that believes in the same things, and is eager to learn and grow from your lessons. Building your brand up, IS what builds your community.Learn to:- Attract new clients- TurnNew Clients into Regular clients- Create loyal students, who send you referrals.- Create workshops and other eventsthat are ideal for your studentsThis is the first step in crafting a successful way to put yourself out there to attract students, and build up your success as a yoga or fitness teacher.All you have to do is take the first step, you will walk away with the knowledge in how to succeed."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"How To Fix Your Digestive System" |
"This 6 week course will provide education to help you figure out your digestive system profile, re-establish the connection between your brain and belly,re-learn how to eat and how to choose foods that are right for your digestive type so that you can be free from bad breath, gas, bloating, stomach pain, diarrhea or constipation. After you master the basics you will then learn how to detoxify your liver, balance your pH, restore your electrolyte balance, clear your home from products that are toxic to you and your digestive system. Then you'll move on to advanced topics from digestive function testing, to killing of non-beneficial microbes and the connection between hormones and gut function. This course is complete with lecture videos, pdfs, menu planning tips, meal planning videos, progress checklists and quizzes to make sure you are on the right track for success."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Working from home: strategies to improve productivity" |
"Working from home can be a great option for almost anyone. The key to being successful is understanding the challenges, having a plan to overcome them, and understanding how to set up and maintain a workspace that is right for you. In under an hour, this course will introduce you to proven tools and techniques that will help you work from home successfully. The course covers topics including how to set up a workspace, identifying and minimizing distractions, time management techniques, avoiding isolation, and a case study that shows how one woman was able to transform 18 wasted hours per week into productive and profitable work time."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Lower Back Pain: Relaxation and Therapeutic Exercise" |
"Through this course, we will take a research based approach to lower back pain relief. It is estimated that 80% of Americans will suffer from lower back pain. The primary cause of lower back pain is poor postural patterns caused by tight muscles. The Corrective Exercise approach to lower back pain is a Research based 3 Step system: Relax, Lengthen, and Strengthen.The first stage is to relax tight muscles. In this video, we demonstrate how to use a technique called ""Self Myo-fascial"" release to relax muscles that are tight or ""over active"". We use specific tools to relieve the muscle tension such as tennis balls and a foam roll.Once we relaxed the tight muscles aggravating the back, we move to the Lengthening stage. In this stage, we focus on specific stretches to target over active muscles. The stretches will lengthen the tight muscles to a proper length and tension. Our final phase is to strengthen muscles that are too weak or ""under active"". In this phase we focus on strengthening all parts of the core and developing strength through the hips as well. We end with a functional and dynamic exercise to teach the body to move together with proper mechanics.This video is based on Research and you will experience the results.Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon, Matthew Tanoue CES, PES, cPT"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |