Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"OSHA Safety Pro: Personal Protective Equipment" |
"This safety course is about OSHA's Personal Protective Equipment Safety Standard andis designed to enable you with the tools to become a life saving andmoney saving asset to your company.Impress management with your expertise on health and safety andhow toapply it to all aspects of the job. This course is interactive, with questions for the instructor, simple and effective quizzes, and complete with actual job site inspections.This course is designed with the busy, hardworking, family-provider in mind in that it is formatted to be taken anywhere. Take it with you on your phone, tablet, or computer.Once enrolled this course is yours to keep and use and you see fit. Use it toimpress supervisors and colleagues by conducting your own safety trainings and workshops. Print up the slides for field trainings, enroll in the course and play it for groups, or enrollemployees and colleagues into it, thiscourse is yours."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"OSHA Safety Pro: Deadly Concrete Dust. Crystalline Silica." |
"Receive a FREE and editable HSE Work Zone Traffic Control Safety Manual complete with forms, training records, asafety committee program, and anincident investigation program. for enrolling in this course.This course is about crystalline silica, aka, 'deadly dust'. It covers OSHA's Maritime, General, and Construction Industry standards.Deadly dust encounters everyone, regardless of where we work and live. It isin the air, and it travels along with dust particles.This course not only covers the OSHA standards, it identifies methods of awareness of the hazard and how to prevent it.With this course, you will gain insight and expertise on how to identify the hazard of crystalline silica, reduce it, andtake action against exposure to it. You will learn how toeliminate it, and protect yourself, and others around you, from the threats and adverse health affects it poses to your health.This course is less than one hour and is designed to facilitate a high level of application and retention above similar courses that are much longer. It is designed to enlighten you at your level, with your busy schedule in mind. This course is efficient and quick without compromising the value of yourhealth and safety, while, creating a heightened level of safetyawareness, and prevention of the hazard, crystalline silica.Understanding the gravity of the hazard of crystalline silica ('Deadly Dust'), learn how to be a hero, and save lives and prevent pain and suffering through the employment of effective countermeasures that will battle and even defeat this silent enemy."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"iOS Development for Android Developers" |
"iOS Development for Android Developersprovides a through introduction to iOS app development using the wildly popular Swift programming language. With almost 7.5 hoursof engaging video lectures andall the project filesused in the videos, this course is designed to take students with noexperience in Swift and little experience in Androidto accomplished and COMPLETEmobile app developers.Why Swift? Since its introduction, Swifthas rapidly taken its place as the successor of Objective-C for apps development. Its syntax is easy to read and understand. Its a modern programming language that supports closures, type inference, protocols, class extensions, and so much more. It is 2.6x times faster than Objective-C and 8.4x faster than Python 2.7!Some of the top-rated iOSappsusing Swiftare LinkedIn, Strava, Yahoo Weather, Clear, Lyft, Khan Academy, Omvanaand much more. iOSdevelopers with strong knowledge in Swiftcommand some of the highest salaries in the development world and are in high demand.This course takes a very structured approach of teaching Swift.Everything from ""Hello World"" to Protocol-Oriented Programming is covered. Students acquire skills rapidly through a deep-dive in the world of Swift and iOS development with three chapter projects.All the projectsaredone from scratch,limiting the use of shortcutsso students can understand what's really going on under the hood of Swiftapplications and can design them the way they want. Then with solid knowledge and understanding already in place, rapid prototyping methods are introduced in laterparts of the course through the use of CocoaPods; a dependency manager very similar to Gradle dependency manager in Android development that allows the use of external libraries, called Pods, which streamlines the process of rapid development in a professional environment.Some key features of this course are:35lectures and 7+hours of video contentSwift 2.2programming from writing your first program to say ""Hello World"" to Protocol-Oriented Programming while building multiple chapter projectsalong the wayiOS 9 Developmentusing Xcode 7 IDEwhich takes the student through the principlesof UIdevelopment and then teaching some advanced techniques to streamline the process. iOSMVCstructure in-depth - Models, Views, ControllersHow to persist your app's data usingCoreDataNetworking &ConcurrencyWorkspace management with SynxBetter networking with Alamofire CocoaPodSwifty parsing of JSONfiles using SwiftyJSONmuch, much more!By the end of this course, you will:Learn a new language and increase your valueUnderstand and transfer knowledge from Android to iOSdevelopmentBecome a Complete Mobile App DeveloperDevelop a library app with a catchy UIthat persists data and handles networking requestsDevelop a sleekYouTube player app that parses a JSONrequest gracefully, handles concurrency with RESTAPIrequests, and plays your favouriteYouTube videos without leaving your app."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"React Native for Mobile Developers" |
"React Nativefor MobileDevelopersprovides a through introduction to hybrid mobile appdevelopment using the wildly popular React Native framework.With only 2.5hoursof engaging video lectures andall the project filesused in the videos, this course is designed to take students with noexperience in React, web technologies, or even JavaScripttoaccomplished andCOMPLETEmobile app developers with NOpriorweb technology experience.Why React Native? React Native provides a set of components and extensions that allows you to easily write native iOS and Android applications using the latest ES6JavaScript.Its syntax is easy to read and understand. The philosophy behind React Native is not the same as Cordova or Sencha Touch.Although you still write JavaScript with React Native, the components you define will end up rendering as native platform widgets. If you are familiar with React for the web, youll feel right at home. And if you have written apps in Java or Objective-C, youll immediately recognise many of React Natives components. In less than 2.5 hours,you will have the necessary skillsto understand and write native hybrid mobile apps withReact Native.This course takes a very structured approach of teaching React Native.Everything from ""Hello World"" to production-level codeis covered. Students acquire skills rapidly through a deep-dive in the world of React Nativeand JavaScript ES6development.Some key features of this course are:11 lectures and 2.5+hours of video contentLearn React Nativephilosophyfrom writing your first program to say ""Hello World"" to building production-level hybrid apps the way Facebook does itwhile building multiple sampleprojectsalong the wayWork with the latest and greatest JavaScript ES6 standardisation when developing hybrid mobile apps.Refluxdesign pattern to allow uni-directional dataflow.How to persist your app's data using AsyncStorageAsynchronous operationswith JavaScriptPromisesCreatingResponsive UI DesignswithFlexBox Styling Frameworkmuch, much more!By the end of this course, you will:Learn a new frameworkand increase your valueUnderstand and transfer knowledge from Android andiOSdevelopment to Facebook's React NativeBecome aComplete Mobile App DeveloperDevelop multiple sample projects to truly understand React Native through practical use.Work with production-level code in chapter 2 and understand how professionals in the industry are using React Native to build hybrid mobile apps."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AP Calculus AB+BC Full Prep 2016! Part 1: LIMITS" |
"*** I will personally help you withevery single problem you have ****** You will get 30% off on the next three parts of this course - Derivative, Integral and Series***This course is designed for those who are extremely weak in calculusand trying to find a way out of the advanced placement calculus AB/BC exam or College Calculus One. If you are trying to be a calculus genius, thenthis course might be a good addition to your studying (wrap up). But if you have no clue what's going on in your mathclass and you are looking to pass the APCalculus AB or BC exam in May, then just get a notebook and calculator, because I'm about show you in the most coherent way possible thebest methods that I used (self study) to do well on the exam. As a bonus: I'm also going to show you how to acquire a cheap graphingcalculator thathas all the functions necessary for the AP exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to get a 5 on the AP US HISTORY Exam! (Guaranteed)" |
"You are one of the lucky ones out there who cut through the crappy guidebooks,textbooks and boring teachers to finally get some real studies done. I will guarantee you a 5 (given that you do what I exactly tell you to do) without going through all the unnecessary hassles. No, I am not telling you that you won't have to do any work, and I have some magical formulas that you can use to go beast mode during the exam. It's exactly the opposite. But what I will show you is how you can organize and create a healthy study routine and system that with little practice and hard work you can follow through all the way toMay, when the final exam rolls in. History exams are more physical than psychological. You can use your muscle memory and think as little as possible yet score high and save thousands in tuition plus gethundreds of other benefits. So enroll today to see for your self what you've been missing out all this time!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Writing & Publishing a Research Paper - Research Paper Guide" |
"What you will achieve:In this course, you will learn a completeresearch paperoutline, choose an appropriate journal to which you'll submit the finished researchpaper or research essayfor publication, research paper format or research paper example,and prepare a checklist that will allow you to independently judge whether your scientific paper is ready to submit.In this course, you will learn what is necessary before writing researchpaper: the context in which the researchers arepublishing. You will learn how to know your own community, through different research paperexamples, and then we will present you how scientific journal and publication works. We will finish with a couple of ethical values, like copyrights andplagiarismthat the academic world is sharing!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Step Up Your Tennis Game" |
"Learn the basics of tennis and learn an arsenal of tennis shots!This course has the following goals :Introduce the rules and basics of tennis.Teachforehands and backhands so you can rally at aconsistent paceServe and volley the proper wayLearn alltennis shots including approach shots, drop shots, half volleys, and lobsLearn how to tell a good shot from a bad shot.Improve footwork, agility, and balance through various drills.Learn how to keep score and play doubles.The course will start off by explainingthe tennis basics. This includes the parts and lines of a tennis court, the rules of tennis, the difference of tennis compared to other sports, what exactly is tennis etiquette, and what makes up a ""correct"" tennis shot. It will also help you in choosing the right tennis racquet and give you other recommendations for things such astennis shoes, balls, strings, and grips. You will also be introduced taught the proper way to warmup and prepare for before you start hitting.Tennis isn't tennis unless you are actually hitting, right? This course will teach you the main shots in tennis- the forehand, backhand, volley, overhead and serve. You will also learn other shots like the approach shot, lob, drop shot, half volley and other specific shots. I will also show youcommon mistakes that may occur in some shots and how to correct them. There are also parts where you can choose your own style- do you want to hit your forehands and backhands with a closed stance or open stance? Do you want to have a flat serve or a topspin serve? The course will give you room to develop your own style while maintaining a proper stroke.This course has about 75minutes of video content, but like any good course it requires you to do some practice and work on your own. With enthusiasm and a little bit of hard work, you can expect this course to help you more than a one-on-one tennislessonwith a pro as it delivers more content at a quicker pace."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Einfhrungen in Bibliotheken fr Oberstufenschler gestalten" |
"Sehen Sie sich auch mit zahlreichen Anfragen von Lehrpersonen aus der Oberstufe konfrontiert, ob sie mit ihren Schler/innen, die demnchst eine erste wissenschaftliche Arbeit verfassen mssen, zu einer Einfhrung in die Bibliothek kommen mchten? Stellen Sie sich dabei auch immer die Frage, was Sie eigentlich mit den Schlerinnen und Schlern da eigentlich tun sollen? Wie Sie ihnen wirklich Untersttzung anbieten knnen? Wieviel ihnen zuzumuten ist, was zu viel ist? In diesem Video-Kurs lernen Sie, wie eine solche Einfhrung effizient, aber dennoch motivierend, abwechslungsreich und lernfrderlich gestaltet und durchgefhrt werden kann. Sie lernen auerdem die besonderen Herausforderungen dieser Einfhrungen fr Oberstufen-Schler/innen kennen und mit ihnen professionell umzugehen. Sie lernen, wie Absprachen mit den Lehrpersonen effektiv erfolgen knnen. Sie lernen Ziele fr die Einfhrungen auszuwhlen, die Einfhrung motivierend, methodisch abwechslungsreich und lernfrderlich zu planen und mglichst reibungslos durchzufhren."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Evaluation von Bildungsangeboten an Bibliotheken" |
"Mchten Sie als Bibliothekarin oder Bibliothekar Ihre Bildungsangebote an Bibliotheken, also ihre Schulungen und Fhrungen, sowie auch organisierte Vortragsreihen und Bchertische stndig weiterentwickeln und optimieren? Sehen Sie sich auch mit der Forderung von Vorgesetzten und Geldgebern konfrontiert, Ihr Engagement im Bereich Bildung zu legitimieren? Sehen Sie aber auf der anderen Seite auch das Problem, dass es typische Bildungsangebote an Bibliotheken, die in den meisten Fllen recht kurz sind, kaum ermglichen, wirklich umfassende Evaluationen mittels typischer Evaluationsfragebgen durchzufhren, weil dies zu viel der kostbaren Schulungszeit bentigen wrde? Dann sind Sie in diesem Kurs genau richtig. Hier lernen Sie, mit diesen Herausforderungen umzugehen. Sie lernen Mglichkeiten kennen, wie Bildungsangebote evaluiert werden knnen, wie Fragebgen so gestaltet werden knnen, dass sie kurz und knackig und dennoch aussagekrftig bleiben. Dazu lernen Sie die Funktionen von Evaluationen sowie verschiedene Evaluationsinstrumente zu differenzieren, um je nach Funktion ein mglichst angemessenes Instrument zu whlen. Sie lernen auch, in welcher Form und Kombination Sie die jeweiligen Instrumente einsetzen sollten, um einen mglichst hohen Erkenntnisgewinn aus den Evaluationsergebnissen ziehen zu knnen, ohne unntige Fragen zu stellen oder unntige Daten zu erheben."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Matemticas Mgicas - calcula mentalmente, mejora tu trabajo" |
"Actualizado 21/10/2016Las matemticas han estado en nuestras vidas desde siempre, desde que nacemos forman una parte muy importante en el da a da de todos nosotros. Por desgracia nos han sido enseadas de una forma extremadamente complicada que a muchos nos alejaba de ellas con cada uno de sus anticuados mtodos.Cualquiera desde un nio hasta un adulto podr tomar estas clases de matemticas mgicas, todo es muy sencillo de seguir.Existen varios mtodos muy sencillos para poder hacer clculos matemticos mentales. Este curso est dedicado a las multiplicaciones, explico varios mtodos diferentes muy detallados cada uno de ellos, me veris como voy haciendo cada ejercicio paso a paso, para que no haya dudas del proceso.Tambin es necesario cuando se aprende algo nuevo disfrutar de ello con algn juego, por ello he decidido poner varios juegos matemticos para que vuestra mente se pueda adaptar mejor a los cambios que tendris que hacer al aprender a calcular mentalmente. Todos disfrutaremos aprendiendo, jugando y calculando mentalmente como nunca habis hecho antes. Poco a poco os iris convirtiendo en unos genios matemticos, los clculos mentales no sern un problema para vosotros. Esto har que vuestra mente este ms abierta a la hora de resolver cualquier problema tanto en el trabajo, vida cotidiana o estudios, vuestra mente tendr una visin ms amplia y lo que en el pasado no veais ahora no ser un problema. La psicologa siempre forma parte muy importante en cada uno de nosotros a la hora de aprender, desde aqu os animo a dar un paso adelante y todos aquellos sueos que tengis como conseguir un trabajo mejor remunerado, aprobar esos exmenes que necesitamos para conseguir nuestras metas y cualquier otra cosa.CONFIO AL 100% QUE LO VAIS A CONSEGUIR. Mi curso os ayudara a conquistar vuestros sueos y yo personalmente os ayudare en todo aquello que necesitis tanto con los problemas como con palabras de nimo siempre que necesitis. AQU ESTARE!! Matemticas mgicas es la solucin."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Discover Your Moon Sign and Find Your Soul Mate" |
"This course is about the Moon Sign, a very important, core element of your astrological profile, whichmost people are unaware of, unfortunately.If you are interested in popular astrology, this course will open a new dimension in your understanding. You will learn that there is a lot more to astrology than the ""star sign"". The knowledge of theMoon Sign will help you to better understand your strengths and weaknesses, yours and other people's motivations, the choices people make, and the path to a happier and healthier life which is available to everyone.One of the key benefits of knowing about the Moon Sign is that you will be able to use some powerful traditional formulas for finding a long-term partner, a person who will resonate with your soul so well that you'll be happy to share with him or her the rest of your life. The popular rules of astrological compatibility are shallow and inefficient, compared to what you'll be able to achieve with the help of the Moon Sign.The course contains twenty six lectures, which is three and a half hours of video content.The first section explains in great detail what the Moon Sign is and how to find out the Moon Sign, both for yourself and for any other person. You will also learn about the Sun Sign, which is a proper name for your ""star sign"", and about some important nuances related to it.Next, there is a section that will help you to better understand the signs of the zodiac and their nature.And then there are twelve lectures, one per each sign of the zodiac, that will discuss each and every Moon Sign in a great detail, with examples of famous people who have that particular Moon Sign. There is also a discussion of how Moon Signs manifest themselves in family life, in recovery from stress, and a health and diet advice.The final section will teach you how to apply the knowledge of the Moon Sign to your relationships."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Scratch Fundamentals" |
"This is a Scratch course designed for primary school students and it is different from anything else out there, because it is designed for young children it takes into account their psychology, their attention span and their creative impulse. This IS NOT an outcomes based course, students are shown how various concepts work but they are constantly invited to create and innovate their own programs and solutions. Each tutorial is a catalyst for the students creative output rather than a blueprint to a pre-defined result. The end goal of this course is not the acquistion of a specific set of skills (though that will happen) but rather a mindset of seeing coding as a new means of expressing oneself.Module 1: BasicsThese tutorials are brief, straightforward and backed with answers. They are designed to quickly build up confidence and a skill base from which to build onwards. Students will learn to create, edit, move and animate sprites in a variety of ways. They will also learn to use variables to do basic mathematical operations.Module 2: Open Ended Activities Here we apply multiple concepts we learned in module 1 into an application and a couple of game based scenarios. Students are shown how to create basic game dynamics and scoring and then they are left to improve movement dynamics and create sound effects, animations. What they end up with is their own game and a sense of pride and ownership.Module 3: Advanced Concepts In this module students learn some more advanced concepts like: cloning, event messages and even basic recursion. All of this is done through game scenarios where cloning is essential to enabling our hero to shoot arrows, event messages are required to make the baddies disappear and recursion enables baddies to multiply making the game more challenging at higher levels.Module 4: Complex Problems In our final module there is no new theory, the challenge here is the greatest challenge facing anyone coding a real badass game: complexity. Getting an ever higher number of sprites with an ever higher number of attributes to work together seamlessly! Once students are comfortable managing more complex code they are ready to take on the world!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"10 Easy Breakfast Recipes" |
"Course Description This course will prompt you to enter the kitchen and start preparing your own breakfast dishes. Breakfast is a very important meal of the day. Having a full and satisfying breakfast will make you start your day with energy and enable you to carry out your daily activities with ease. The course comprise of common East African Coastal dishes like samosas, flour coated potatoes, crepes, bhajias, cutlets among others. Not only are they cooked in homes, but you can also find them in the streets of the old town of Mombasa. They are commonly served as snacks to visitors and also as accompaniments for the 4 oclock tea. This course will show you a step by step procedure and tips of preparing different breakfast meals. You will be able to learn at your own pace and in your own convenient time. You will have unlimited access to the course materials and revise as much as you want. You are at the right place if you love homemade food. What are the requirements? 1. Cooking stove 2. Basic kitchen utensils e.g. cooking pans, mixing bowls, spoons, plates, knife, fork, cooking stick or spatula 3. Ingredients which are provided for each lesson What Im I going to get from these course? - Tips for cooking different breakfast meals - Learn the preparation process for each dish before cooking - Learn to cook different meals - 2 hours of Video footage and recipe notes for each dish What is the target audience? This course is for beginners, people who want to learn the basics and simple ways of preparing their own meals. I have used common kitchen equipment to allow any person with a kitchen to cook some appetizing meals without necessarily investing in modern kitchen appliances. This makes it possible for anyone to make their own meals with the basic utensils they have in their own kitchen."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Krpersprache entschlsseln!" |
"Wollen Sie wissen, wie der andere wirklich denkt?Wollen Sie mit Statusspielen perfekt umgehen knnen, so dass Sie in jeder Situation souvern bleiben? Wollen Sie einen guten ersten Eindruck machen? In diesem Kurs erfahren Sie vom Profi, auf welche entscheidendenFallstricke Sie beim Krpersprache lesen achten mssen und wie Sie Fehlinterpretationen umgehen knnen. Sie lernen durch exzellente praktische bungen, wie Intuition funktioniert und wie Sie ganz einfach Ihr Charisma steigern knnen.Der Kurs fhrt SiemitBasiswissen ber Krpersprache an die genaueBetrachtung des eigenen Krpers und den des Gegenbersund geht Lektion fr Lektion mehr und mehr in die Tiefe. Am Ende werden Sie mit anderen Augen durch die Welt gehen. Sie werden belustigt sein und erstaunt in gleichem Mae, wie Ihr gegenber versucht, sich hinter seinenWorten zu verstecken."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Equine Assisted Psychotherapy" |
"Did you know that horses have been used for riding for many centuries? That's pretty common knowledge. But did you know that horses have also been used to treat people suffering from various illnesses and psychological challenges dating back toancient Greek civilization?Equine assisted psychotherapy is a wonderful adjunct therapy used by mental health professionals and various human service professionals ranging from such diverse fields as justice to education to business to healthcare!This course is intended for you whether you desire to learn more about equine assisted therapy, if you wish to begin practicing in this field or if you are a practitioner wanting to know about alternative options to refer your clients. If you are someone seeking an alternative type of therapy or learning experience, this course may be just what you are looking for so that you can make an informed decision concerning what type of equine therapy makes sense for you."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Investing In Stocks For Complete Beginners" |
"In How To Start Investing In Stocks For A Complete Beginner, you will learn how to buy stocks so that you can get your money working for you. This is the first step toward financial freedom. Imagine a life where you work only if you want to work. You are free to spend your time doing what you want, when you want without worrying about money. Opening a brokerage account and investing in stocks is the first step toward that life, but you have to know how to do that, and it will go much faster if you can avoid the costly mistakes that beginning investors make. This isnt a get rich quick scheme, this is the power of compound returns. It starts out slow, but give it enough time and it can fund any lifestyle you can imagine. You can find this information all over the internet. The problem is that they are unable to give the information in a format that is easy to understandthey get commissions or kickbacks when you buy things that arent ideal for youdont get you to take action.I have used my knowledge and experience as a personal finance teacher to create a course that: is easy to understand. unbiased for commissions or kickbacksgets results.I have included lessons on opening up your first brokerage account all the way to choosing investments. The course also includes quizzes and a complete video walkthrough to make sure that you are able to take action on what you learned. At the end of this course you will have opened your brokerage account and started making investments all while avoiding the mistakes most beginners make, so you can become financially free."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ABC of Fractions" |
"Fractions form 40 percent of higher mathematics and are used extensively in real life as well. A sound understanding of fractions is therefore very crucial . This course is built keeping in view the complexities students face while dealing with the topic . It will help them understand fractions better in higher grades . The course is structured in 10 lectures ( 2 hours of videos along with presentations) and will cover topics like fractions and its types ( proper , improper , mixed ) , Equivalent fractions and conversions, time saving techniques for addition , subtraction , multiplication and division involving fractions , list of common errors and word problems relating fractions ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Overcome Approach Anxiety With Women" |
"If you are dealing with approach anxiety, whether its at the club, in, groceries, heck, even church!If you have approach anxiety, if you worry about getting rejected by that pretty girl, or even if you worry about what other people think about you approaching a girl, then this is the right time to handle your fear of women!Eliminate your approach anxiety and re-wire your mindset so that approaching women is the most natural thing in the world, something you just do without thinking, and a normal part of your everyday life!In this course, you'll learn thefollowing:Learn How to Create a New Self Image That's Empowering and Bound to be SuccessfulA Super Simple Exercise that Will Make Approaching Women Easy PermanentlyYou'll Learn How to Associate MASSIVEPleasure to Approaching Women and MASSIVEPain to not Approaching Women. This Will Make Taking Action Effortless.Reinvent Yourself, By Creating an Identity Level ChangeCompletely Eliminate ALL Rejection from Your Life Instantly and For GoodRadiate Complete Control, Confidence, and Inner Peace Which Women Find Super AttractiveMake it Easier for You to ApproachWomen Simply by Removing Large Amounts of the Anxiety You Experience.You'll learn how to handle approach anxietyMake Approaching a Girl Feel Normal and Just Something You do Naturally.Rewire Your Brain toReact toBeautiful Women With Excitement and Confidence!I designed this simple and effectivetraining coursenot only to teach you everything you need to know to overcome approach anxiety and become the confident man that women want.But, as an empoweringtool you can begin utilizing todayand for the rest of your life to understand yourself on a deeper level and to take your confidence to a whole new level!In other words, How to Overcome Approach Anxietywill become more effective as momentum takes place. So you'll be able to access empowering states faster, and faster than the time before.Best of all,How toOvercome Approach Anxietywill work for you, just like the hundreds of menhave come before you, in their quest for confidence and peace of mind."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Como ser feliz: Ensayos prcticos para vivir en el momento" |
"Sientes que ests viviendo en una prisin mental? Como fuera tu vida si tu pudiera ser feliz sin necesidad de esto o lo otro? En Cmo Ser Feliz, aprenders la sencilla pero profunda solucin en cmo encontrar felicidad en el momento.Si has estado buscando tu verdadero propsito en la vida, Alex Peguero tiene un Consejo sencillo: deja de luchar y realiza que tu no eres tu mente. Para el propsito primario de cada ser humano es simplemente ser: totalmente comprometidos en este momento y alineado con el flujo natural de la realidad misma.Librate de la prisin de la ""realidad basada en el pensamiento, "" y aprende cmo vivir plenamente en el momento.Aprenderas:Cmo aceptar todo lo que sucede sin resistencia.Cmo encontrar paz en medio de la tormenta.Cmo vivir la vida sin estrsComo ver and agradecer la belleza de la vida sin ser cegado con los problemas que la vida trae Si ests listo para encontrar la felicidad que as estado buscando, esta es la clase para usted!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The 7 Pillars of Digital Marketing" |
"Looking to expand your Marketing knowledge base and take it to the next level?The 7 Pillars of Digital Marketingis a comprehensive framework and a new paradigm for learning and mastering the ever evolving discipline of marketing. It provides a new prism through which to view strategy, budgeting, execution and analysis of the entire universe of integrated (digital and traditional) marketing ideas, tactics and techniques. 7 Pillars illuminates the entire Internet ecosystem from Social Media to Website Analytics and provides a practical methodology for understanding the full spectrum of digital marketing opportunities. Thecourse expertlycovers:Digital StrategyContent MarketingSearch Engine OptimizationSocial Media MarketingWeb DesignDigital Advertising & MediaBrandingAnalytics & ROI7 Pillars is a practical and scientific approach to marketing, not some vague, jargon-laden theory. It has been forged in the fire of nearly 20 years of marketing trials and activity, on behalf of startups and Fortune 500 companies. It makes marketing accountable! The results mistakes and successes alike are brought forth into this all-encompassing, learnable methodology.The beauty of 7 Pillars is that it brings every little detail from a mobile app feature, to a specific search engine keyword back to the whole. Marketing is a holistic, interconnected field that requires a framework to understand how everything fits together. Learning a specific tactic in a vacuum is counter-productive. The Pillars represent far more than specific tactics; they are overarching principles or energies that govern the marketing world.Arman Rousta, CEO of Blueliner and author of The 7 Pillars of Digital Marketing book,was inspired to create 7 Pillars so that hisstaff and clients had access to a complete educational and organizational system, upon which onecanbuild and apply marketing knowledge.It isused for the planning, execution and analysis of all types of marketing efforts andcan be implemented by even non-technical business owners. You will be a Digital Marketing Expert (or Blue Belt Samurai as we call it)in no time!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"VMware Workstation Pro 12: A Virtualization Beginners Course" |
"Learn how to install and properly configure VMware Workstation 12 Pro so that you can then create, configure and properly manage Virtual Machines. Virtual Machines based on Linux or Windows can be used in a wide array of environments, from building a home lab, testing, QA, software development, educational environments or business environments. There is no limit to the use-cases for Virtual Machines. They are an efficient and easy-to-manage medium that can run on one single physical machine.Users of All Levels, Get Ready to Dive Intothe World of Virtualization:Install and Understand VMware Workstation 12 Pro as a Platform.Create, Delete and Clone Virtual Machines Quickly and Easily.Convert Physical Machines to Virtual MachinesConfigure Preferences, Hardware and Settings to Your NeedsCreate and Manage Snapshots and NetworkingCreate Backups of VM's and Consider Best PracticesLearnVirtualization, One of the Hottest and In-DemandTechnologies Right Now:Virtual Machines Have Many Benefits:IncreaseProductivity (Less Time Spent Waiting for Environment to be Ready)Lower Operating Costs (Power Consumption, Hardware Cost)Make Testing and Learning EasyFlexibility of Multiple Operating Systems in One EnvironmentInfiniteScalability and Expansion Opportunities.Increase Your Employment Prospects:Most Small, Medium and Large Businesses I.T. Departments Are Already VirtualizedEmployers Seek Talented and Knowledgeable I.T. Staff to Manage Virtual EnvironmentCreating a ""Home Lab"" Will Allow You to Remain Ahead of the CompetitionYou Will be Able to Learn Other Technologies More Efficiently"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Erfolgreich die eigenen Finanzen verwalten in 7 Schritten" |
"Inmeinem Kurs zeige ich Dir genau worauf es ankommt, wenn es um das ThemaFinanzen geht. Du bekommst solide und Praxisnahe Tipps. Du bist kein Finanzexperte? Dann bist du genau richtig hier.Die Inhalte sind bewusst, einfach gehalten. Damit auch du solche Ergebnisseerzielen kannst. Das garantiert kein Versicherungsvertreter oder Bankberaterseine Freude haben wird. Ich zeige dir wie du mit einfachen Tipps, groartigefinanzielle Ergebnisse erreichen wirst. Du lernst alles Wichtige, um deine Finanzen selbst zu Regeln. Quasi eineAnleitung zur Finanziellen Selbstbestimmtheit. Erfolgserprobt und Effektiv Dusparst Dir Zeit, weil du von Anfang an das richtige machst. Vermeide teure undZeitraubende Fehler. Simpel und Smart Ich zeige Dirganz konkret, wie du mit extrem einfachen Tricks eine groe Summe Geld sparenkannst. Egal ob im Alltag oder bei Finanzprodukten."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Organic Chemistry From the Start" |
"Let me gently introduce you to the wonderful world of organic chemistry. We will learn about homologous series, their functional groups and how to draw the structure of and name the molecules in these series using IUPAC naming rules. The course covers alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, branched chain organic molecules, alkyl halides, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, alcohols and esters.Is Mastering Organic Chemistry Important to Your Future?Eliminate your fear of organic chemistry Build a foundation of understandingImprove your grades by applying what you understood in the course Revise what you learned at high school for college or university coursesYou will learn about the homologous series in a simple way, with lots of drawings and models to help you get it.See the molecules come to life in our amazing 3D animations. After a while, you will be able to see them in your mind when answering quizzes and questions. You will be able to follow the step-by-step teaching and see that organic chemistry is not that hard once you know the basics.The lectures are carefully graded from simple to complicated. Learning progresses in a natural fashion, so you will not feel overwhelmed by the new concepts.The course will help you build a foundation of understanding on which to build your organic chemistry knowledge. The focus will be on real understanding, not just learning a bunch of rules. Naming molecules the right way will become second nature to you.The course notes will help you create your own summary. If you are unsure how to study organic chemistry, this will be a big help to you. A new, better way to study plus your new understanding are sure to give your grades a boost. Better grades will also improve your chances of being accepted to your first choice college or university.If you are already in college, or are a professional, and you need a refresher in basic organic chemistry, then this course is for you too!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Affinity Designer en Mac y Windows Alternativa a Illustrator" |
"Actualizado el03/2017:Aadidas pruebas de control para laleccin 5.Actualizado el 10/2016:Aadidas pruebas de control para las lecciones 3 y 4.El curso de Affinity Designer en espaol se crea con la idea de hacer conocer esta potente herramienta al pblico de habla hispana.Por ese motivo el curso empieza de cero, de lo ms bsico.Tratar que el alumno, cualquier alumno, que acceda al curso se sienta cmodo desde un primer momento con la aplicacin y hacer una progresin natural en su aprendizaje.Al final del cursotodos podrncrear proyectos espectaculares. Si yo pude, con mi ayuda ustedestambin podrn.Este curso va dirigido a todo aquel que tenga inters por el diseo grfico, el dibujo vectorial o todo aquel que se haya propuesto crear grficos ya sea para un entorno profesional o por aficin.As que no tengan miedo y apueste ahora por un mundo, el del diseo grfico que esta en todos lados. Se han fijado alguna vez en la cantidad de diseos que vemos cada da, en todos los aspectos de nuestra vida, el cartel de una tienda, una tarjeta de visita, el logotipo del bote de champ,pues esos diseos los realizalguien como usted o como yo.Slo necesitaba la herramienta necesaria y Affinity Designerlo es,y con la ayuda de este curso usted aprendera dominarla.Trabajarcon capasProyectos grficos en 3DCrear carteles y logotiposCombinar nuestro proyectocon otras aplicaciones deAffinityEs una aplicacin que crece da a da y que por tanto me obliga a mi como conductor del curso, comoprofesor, a ir actualizando peridicamenteno solo con novedades, sino tambin con modificaciones en aspectos que ya estn en uso. Lo que desde un principio describiremos como un curso vivo.El Contenido delCurso se basaresencialmente en documentos en video, aunque tambin puede contener alguna leccin de audio cuando tratede exponer una experiencia propia y que crea que pueda ser interesante conocer por partedel alumno. Tambin contendr la documentacin necesaria para seguir el curso, como puede ser algn ejemplo en imgenesrealizadas por mi para tal propsito."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a aplicaciones de Affinity" |
"En el curso nos adentraremos en las aplicaciones Photo y Designer. Se trata de un curso sencillo para que cualquier persona tenga el nivel que tenga pueda seguirlo.El curso se compone de varias secciones, una por aplicacin y dentro de cada seccin encontraras cinco clases practicas. Tambin hay una seccin en la que se explica el proceso de instalacin de cada una de las aplicaciones tanto en Mac, como en un futuro, en Windows. (Versiones de Windows disponibles en breve)Tambin he creado unas pequeas pruebas tipo test que te ayudaran a afianzar los conocimientos adquiridos.Porqu apuntarse? Porque te lo pasaras bien y porque el saber no ocupa lugar."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cmo crear el CV exitoso" |
"Qu vas a conseguir con este curso?Que tu curriculum te consiga entrevistas.Un CV que realmente te venda como un profesional.Aumentar tu vala ante reclutadores y seleccionadores.Conocerte mejor.Darte seguridad y confianza en ti mismo.Ayudarte a mejorar tus posibilidades actuales.Prepararte para las posibilidades futuras.Qu vas a encontrarte en este curso?Dos horas de vdeo y ms de 15 materiales descargables.A utilizar una metodologa testada en ms de 300 personas con xito.Captulos breves y concretos con la informacin necesaria.5 Hojas de trabajo para no perderte nada.Ejemplos y explicaciones reales.Hasta 7 plantillas diferentesde CV de eficacia comprobada.Extras y bonus de apoyo.Contenido del cursoMdulo 1. Aspectos para el xito aseguradoMdulo 2. Derrotando seleccionadores y sistemas automatizadosMdulo 3. Descubre lo crucial para el CV y nadie haceMdulo 4. Dios est en los detallesMdulo 5. Creando un CV exitoso, bonus extras, plantillasMdulo 6. Material adicional. Crear el perfil en LinkedIn"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel Guru: The Only Excel Formulas Course Youll Ever Need" |
"This course is focused on transforming students into Excel Wizards to give them a distinct competitive advantage over their peers. It is centered on teaching students how to master the art and science of problem solving with formulas in Excel.The course takes a unique approach that is rooted in solving real world problems. This gives students an apprenticeship experience as opposed to a traditional lecture approach. By the end of the course, students will have worked nearly 170examples and will have learned how to leverage Excel to solve just about any problem they might face in practice. Students will cover just under 100 functions in the course and will be proficient in reading and writing even the most complex formulas in Excel.The course is broken down into two modules. The first module provides an introduction to Excel. This module is intended to get everyone on the same page, so even those who have never used Excel can feel comfortable starting with this course. The second module teaches students how to become formula masters and expert problem solvers with Excel. This module is broken down into sevensections that are mapped to functional areas, once again putting an emphasis on how Excel is used in the real world.This course offers students: Over 16hours ofvaluablevideo instruction that is uniquely structured to sharethe lessons learned from overadecade of professional experienceOver 125 quiz questions strategically placed throughout the course to help test your understanding and reinforce what youve learnedA Practical Application Workbook and solution manual for each sectionAn Excel Wizards Guide to Critical SkillsA Comprehensive Data Aggregation Reference SheetThis course is intended for individuals who have a desire to become phenomenal at writing formulas in Excel. This includes:Recent or soon to be college graduatesIndividuals who work in analyst, consulting, management, or supervisory rolesIndividualslooking to gain a tangible skill on their resumeIndividuals looking to gain acompetitive advantage over theirpeersRecent studies show it pays to know Excel. Get started today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Converting Your Business From Aweber To Infusionsoft" |
"Either you have recently signed up for Infusionsoft and are stilltrying to get away from your old Aweber account or you are currently using Aweber and looking to switch to a different service and are considering Infusionsoft.Either way, this is the course for you.Most people are so focused on starting to use their new, cool, bright & shiny Infusionsoft system that they jump right in and then suddenly they have to also figure out how to move their people.Your Kickstart help person will help you export your lists and import them into Infusionsoft. However their goal is usually to help you get some people in your new Infusionsoft application and sending a broadcast or other communication.But what you actually need is to completely switch over so you can cancel your Aweber. And there is more involved than just exporting a list.This course will take you step by step, one process at a time through getting completely, 100% switched over so you can move forward, cancel your Aweber account and never look back.This program is not going to talk about how you might do that...It is going to show you EXACTLY how to make it happen. Including you watching me as I actually do it.It also includes checklists you can use to make sure you don't miss anything.I can't count how many Infusionsoft users I meet who switched to Infusionsoft because it allowed them to have all of their processes and systems in one single application, but they are still paying for their old system because they have people there too.So now they are managing both systems, never knowing if they should email or not since they have some of the same people in both places and they don't want to email them the same thing twice.It quickly becomes a big mess....Unless you have a plan and a specific set of steps to follow to completely move out of Aweber.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Frequently Asked Questions:Why do I need your course, can't I just ask support?Definitely, you can call up support and ask them. However they will have limited knowledge of Aweber and their advise will be to export your list and import it into Infusionsoft.Don't get me wrong....Infusionsoft Support it great. However they serve best if you know what questions to ask. Rather than wanting general information.It seems pretty simply, why can't I just figure it out myself...for free?Again, you are right. I am sure you are capable of figuring it out, eventually, yourself. However do you have time? Don't you have other things it would be better for you to spend your time doing?I am sure with enough time you can learn to do almost anything on your own. Trial and error, a few mistakes along the way, etc. will eventually get you to the result you you want to trial and error and hope with your list?Do you want to spend hours and hours and days and days ""figuring it out""?Or do you simply want someone to show you have to do it so you can get it done and more on to something else?Do I need to have Infusionsoft to use this course?Yes :) will need it in order to actually do the steps. Of course that is the point so...If you are planning a move soon and do not have Infusionsoft quite yet, that is okay. It does not hurt to go through the course so you are familiar with the steps and screens etc once you do purchase Infusionsoft.If you are still deciding on purchasing please reach out to me and I will be happy to connect you with someone who can help you decide, answer any and all questions you might still have and even get your registered and ready to go..Do I need to be a techyperson?Nope. I will show you exactly step by step each button to push, each screen to look at and where to do what. You WILL need to be able to make decisions about how you want things to run in your business, be able to write a couple of emails and follow directions. But no techy-ness is required for this part of getting started with Infusionsoft."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Stress Reduction for Parents of Special Needs Children" |
"Stress Reduction is essential for your health and well-being. Parenting or working with a special needs child or adult requires you to have increased stamina and energy on a daily basis. This course is designed to support you deeply with tools and strategies that will make a difference in your daily live. The course offers you simple tools that you can use to become more aware of how stress is negatively impacting you and then counterbalance it with practical and simple exercises you can do 10-15mins a day. What You Will Learn in This Course: Simple Ways to RelaxThe Myths of Self-CareHonor the Unique Challenges of Parenting a Special ChildDiscover your Stress TriggersHow to Manage Negative StressRelease Stress NaturallyDeep Abdominal BreathingProgressive Muscular Relaxation for Deep Relaxation and Improved SleepMindfulness Techniques Quick and Easy to Use AnywhereSimple Guided Visualization Practice For Beginner'sCreate Your Own Self-Care Plan What we will be calling Your Own Thrive Now Blueprint, and More...Why You Should Take This Course: Increase Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Well-BeingUnique Support for Special Needs Community Parents or Support ProfessionalsReduce Stress SymptomsIncrease EnergyGreater Self-AwarenessIncrease Spiritual AwarenessMore Peace of Mind"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Presentation Skills: Create Killer Presentations to WoW" |
"Over 1600successful students have already taken my online course in less than 3 months with 100 - 5 STAR Reviews.Superpassionate presentation and public speaking pro,Jeff Tan, takes you on a magical journey of fun and ridiculously effective tips and tools that immediately does three things to your presentation: (1) youll design a clear message that the audience wants to hear (2) youll transform this crystal clear message into a presentation, which could mean using PowerPoint or just paper to present(3) youll discover simple yet effective ways to rehearse and deliver that killer presentation. End result? You and your presentation will influence and captivate your audience with calm confidence and a message that sticks!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |