Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"The Ultimate Traffic Hack: How To Get Unlimited Free Traffic" |
"The #1 Traffic Hack: How ToDrive Unlimited Free Traffic To Your OffersIn this course you will learn the essential concepts and methods of traffic generation that 99% of online marketers don't think of because they don't know better.What if there was a way to outsmart all your competition by creating a system that allows you to leverage your initial traffic to potentially drive unlimited amounts of targeted visitors to your offers.Once you know how to look at generatingtraffic the right way, you will be able to stand out from the crowd and literally have your own traffic source all for yourself.Stop using worn out traffic sources that everybody else uses. If you do what everyone else does, you'll get the results that everyone else gets.You want to have fresh leads and prospects who are willing to pay attention to what you have to offer them.This is only possible with good quality and targetedtraffic that actually makes you a positive return on investment.I will show you exactly how you can create your very own system to leverage and snowball the amount of traffic you drive to your website.After we discussed how the system works and how you can capitalize on it, I will guide you through the practical implementation of this system so you can start driving virtually unlimited free traffic to your offers.So. If you want to learn the ins and outs of traffic generation and conversion than this is just the right coursefor you.What you will learn:1. How to setup a gameplan to completely outsmart your competition when it comes to traffic generation2. The core concepts of creating a fully automized traffic system that runs for you day and night3. The tools that combined with the theory have the potential to skyrocket your business4. A solid marketing foundation on how to communicate with your prospects to keep them engagedand much more!What you will need:1. A computer or laptop2. An Open mind3. 5-10 hours per week to start, you must master the skills before you can teach someone else to do it. Then it can be 15 minutes a day of maintenance.What you will get:1. On going support from me through the Udemy platform including chat discussions and private messages. One caveat: Im human and not a robot so response times may vary especially if we're in different times zones :)2. My formulas and systems I have created for successReminder: Udemy has an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee so there is no risk. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose! I will stress this as well and stand behind this course, if you feel that you have gained NO VALUE at all within 30 days, I will personally guarantee you a refund! I am confident in what I have created. This course took several weeks, 8-10 hours per day, recording and editing. I have poured my heart and soul into this course and left nothing on the table. Everything I know and have done is all here.If you at any point in time feel, that this course didn't meet your needs, do not hesitate to contact me to give me suggestions as to how I can make this course even better for you.Lets create your success story together! Click on the Take This Course""link at the top right of this page rightNOW!Don't let another minute go by not living your dreams. Enroll right away to be one of our students in our online entrepreneur community, and stake your claim in this wide open market!Looking forward to seeing you inside :)Gregory Markus HegelOnline Entrepreneur, World Traveler and Passionate Instructor"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"INTELIGNCIA EMOCIONAL: Como lidar com pessoas difceis" |
"O objetivo do curso:Melhorar o seu relacionamento com as pessoas no trabalho a chave para voc alcanar seus objetivos profissionais.Aprenda o que falar e como falar com as pessoas no trabalho para ter a habilidade de fazer a pessoas te tratarem bem,fazer seu chefe te dar mais reconhecimento pelo seu trabalho,fazer as pessoas fazerem o que voc precisae ainda vai conseguir trabalhar mais motivado e feliz.Esse treinamento para todo mundo que quer saber como lidar com o chefe, clientes, colegas e equipe.A base terica do curso:As tticas ensinadas so baseadas em literaturas de Influncia Pessoal, Inteligncia Emocional e PNL (programao neuro-lingustica) e utiliza os trabalhos de Robert Ciadini, Daniel Goleman, Anthony Robbins e Claudio Naranjo.Como o curso dividido:Seo 1: contm aulas sobre linguagem, ou seja, palavras e frases que podem ser usadas para atingir um resultado e tambm palavras e frases que devem ser evitados pois tiram sua credibilidade.Seo 2: Como lidar com pessoas difceis. Geralmente podemos agrupar as diversas situaes em que as pessoas esto sendo difceis em algumas situaes padro.So 14 aulas nessa seo, cada uma com uma situao comum para lidar com pessoas difceis.Seo 3: Linguagem corporal. Depois de saber o que falar e como falar paraas pessoas, vamos ter 16 aulas de como usar expresses corporais que somam ao efeito das palavras. Juntando as duas coisas o que voc fala tem muito mais efeito.Seo 4: Sequncias de fora. So tticas mais avanadas onde necessrio aplicar uma sequncia de frases para conseguir um maior resultado. Por exemplo, voc no pode mudar como as pessoas so, mas pode muito bem fazer com que as pessoas te tratem como voc deseja ser tratado. So 15 aulas com sequncias de fora para aplicar e cada uma traz um resultado diferente.Seo 5: Princpios pessoais. So 7 aulas onde eu mostro os princpios que vo te guiar e possibilitar vencer os desafios de lidar bem com as pessoas no trabalho.Seo EXTRA: Mini-curso de Inteligncia Emocional. Eu conduzo um processo de 5 passos paraelevar a sua inteligncia emocional. Comeamos com uma breve introduo e logo em seguida vemos como ter mais autoconhecimento, passando pelo auto-gerenciamento, a conscincia social e o gerenciamento de relaes at chegar no ltimo passo que a liderana de equipes com inteligncia emocional e social."
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"One Minute Meditation" |
"In this course, I begin by sharing with you a powerful, traditional meditation technique that you can use as a stand-alone practice. Next, I deconstruct the technique to show you a simplified version that can be used in your everyday life to decompress and become more present in less than a minute.This may be the only meditation practice you'll ever need. By the end of this course, you'll have learned a meditation that you can begin using immediately - Both at home, for a longer practice and in your daily life, in stressful situations. The beauty of this technique is it's portability and efficiency. This course contains:- About 30 Minutes of Video Instruction- Written Instruction (downloadable)- Downloadable Cheat Sheet- Downloadable Meditation Calendar"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Complete MEGA JAM Hip Hop Dance Class" |
"Learn Jasmine's own signature Hip Hip dance stylea fusion of Hip Hop ,Street Jazz and her own blend of sexy ,girly dance movesthat havegained her over 400 Million views on You Tube.CYBORGPROGRAMMINGTransform from human to CYBORG with the programming skills of Sheru, who will teach you the basics in Popping, waving,gliding and ready to be rebooted.Sheru has learn't his craft from such HIPHOPlegends as Mr Wiggles, Poppin' Pete and Suga Pop and now he's going to teach you.FINDYOURGROOVEJasmine will take you through her stretch and groove sequences to prepare you for the vigorous dance movesyou are about to learn. Your choice of beginner groove or and intermediategroove.FOLLOW MEJasmine and Sheru will teach you facing into a mirror, you will be able to have a complete and clear view of the dance moves from the back and front.This course is perfect for you if you have some previous dance experience.If you have never danced I suggest an easier course....once you have mastered that onecome and have some fun with Jasmine and Sheru.The course is just under 3 hour in length, if you are at an intermediate level you can master it in between 6 to 9 hours.If you are a beginner 9 to 12 hours of training minimum.You can utilise this course as a workout , the more times you complete it the stronger and more flexible you'll become.Now let's have some FUN!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC: Practico Retoque Fotogrfico Digital Retratos" |
"Photoshop: es la herramienta o software:mas conocida a nivel mundial para el retoque digitaly diseo de identidades corporativas y muchas mas funciones que ofrece este fantstico programa.Este curso est muy bien explicado paso a paso, as que incluso los principiantes pueden seguir fcilmente mi trabajo! Siempre te has preguntado cmo los retocadores obtienen esta apariencia fantstica que puedes ver en las portadas de las revistas de belleza? Si la respuesta es s, este curso es para ti!Probablemente haya visto muchas imgenes de belleza con esta piel suave perfecta y textura natural. En este curso voy a mostrarte las mejores tcnicas para obtener el aspecto perfecto de la textura de la piel!Hice este curso lo ms simple posible para asegurarme de que obtendrs todo lo que necesitas!Natanael Francisco"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Guide to Control Valves" |
"This course is the complete guide to understanding control valves and the role they play in any process oriented system. In the lectures we introduce control valves, the various components that make up the valves and then we talk about the different types of control valves and the application of each.The course is made up of 11 short lectures, under 15 minutes each and guides you through all the concepts and methodologies that are needed to understand how to apply control valves to you process system.Anyone studying the basics of engineering or works in a process oriented industry (eg: Oil & Gas, Food & Beverage, Pulp & Paper) should take this class, which explains the knowledge and application of using control valves in processsystems."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Guide to MS Word" |
"This detailed course on how to use Microsoft Word is a complete guide on the tools and features that this program has to offer. Whether you are a beginner who wants a basic tutorial of the software or a testeduser that is looking to expand his/herknowledge of the software, this course is for you! The lectures start with the basics of MS Word, then moves into adding and modifying content and concludes with some of the more advanced toolsthat Word has to offer to give your lectures, manuals, letters,documents or reports the extra uniqueness in design and structure."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Ms Excel: aprende fcil, rpido y profesional." |
"Nuestro curso comienza enseando principios bsicos para el usode la interfaz de Ms office a travs de Excel 2016. Es muy importante esta parte del conocimiento de la paquetera de Office ya que te proporciona herramientas bastante tiles para agilizar el tiempo en que terminaras un trabajo en la oficina, hogar oescuela. Te facilitara el entendimiento de lostemas mas avanzados.Olvida esas horas de frustracin, tiempo desperdiciado omiles de pesos que puede llegar a costar un curso como este, nosotros tenemos la solucin que ests buscando, convirtete en usuarioprofesional de Excel,certificado porUdemy .Internet ha cambiado la forma de hacer negocios, ms y ms compaas estn implementando herramientas informticas para suoficina. Sabes qu significa esto? Ms demanda para personas justo como t.No permitas que la falta de conocimiento sea un impedimento para obtener el trabajode tus sueos, no cuando el conocimiento que necesitas esta justo aqu y es extremadamente accesible.El curso te enseara:Manejar eficientemente la interfazde Ms Excel.Crear tablas y administrar los datos, as como darles formato.Compartir documentos en lnea con tus compaeros de trabajo.Disear un grfico y darle formato personalizado.Funciones matemticas, estadsticas, y booleanas, entre otras.El curso est diseado para:Estudiantes universitarios, o pre-universitarios.Empleados de oficina.Profesores que desean herramientas de apoyo para sus clases.Empresas pequeas, medianas e inclusive ms grandes que tengan pensado en capacitar personal para el uso de esta paquetera digitalenofficina.o que simplemente requieran del uso personal.Con que materiales cuenta el curso? Hemos integrado vdeos, imgenes, lecturas en formato pdf, audios y enlaces a recursos gratuitos en la web que sirven para memorizar conceptos relativos a este curso, integracin de las redes sociales para resolucin de dudas, tambin para publicar vdeos de las futuras actualizaciones de Ms Office y retro-alimentacin de porvida."
Price: 495.00 ![]() |
"Mobile App Design con Sketch 3" |
"Perch importante curare il design?Per avere successo unapplicazione ha bisogno di essere bella. S, hai capito bene.Bella. Non bastano pi e forse non sono mai bastate le sole funzionalit.Ogni utente spende poco pi di una manciata di secondi nella scelta di unapplicazione: entra nella preview, osserva gli screenshot in primo piano, leggiucchia le prime 2-3 recensioni e poi va via. O scaricalapplicazione.In questo tempo cos limitato,il problema principale convincere lutente che la tuaapplicazione vale.Macome fargli capire che la tuaapp merita di essere comprata, scaricata ed amata?Semplice.Rendendo accattivantela tuaapplicazione.tutta psicologia: quante volte ti capitato di scartare unapplicazione solo perch a pelle non ti trasmetteva nulla? Quante volte haiscartato unapplicazione perch sullo store ce nera una pi bella?Tantissime, sicuramente.No. Non sto parlando solo di estetica.Bella negli Store sinonimo diaccreditata, seria.Se unapplicazione esteticamente piacevole, sembrer automaticamente professionale e seria. Ci porter un utente a scaricare il tuoprodotto anzich quello concorrente.Unapplicazione rozza, non curata e dal design scadente porter gli utenti ad accostare questi aggettivi anche alle funzionalit.Morale della favola?Puoi creare lapp del secolo, ma senza curare il design raramente emerger e si distinguer tra le milioni di app esistenti.Perch seguire questo corso?Questo il primo ed unico video-corso di Sketch in Italiano dell'intero web, ed in oltre 50 lezioni tiinsegner come usare questo potentissimo softwareper creare bellissime interfacceper le tue applicazioni, ma anche icone e loghi con i quali distinguerti e presentarti sul mercato.Non hai bisogno dinessuna conoscenza pregressa.S, hai capito bene. Parto dal presupposto che tu non abbia mai aperto un programma di grafica digitale in tutta la tua vita. Neanche per modificare le foto della vacanza al mare. Ti spiegher tutti i dettagli, i trucchi e le sottigliezzesenza mai dare nulla per scontato.Sono una persona che non ama perdersi nelle teorie, ed per questo cheil corso pensato per farti fare pratica fin da subito. Gi dalla seconda lezione inizieraiad imparare le diverse funzionalit del programma sporcandoti le mani.Niente chiacchiere inutili.Matanta, tanta, tantapratica e know-how.Perch Sketch 3?Sketch 3 sviluppato daBohemian Coding il programmaaward-winningche negli ultimi anni diventato ilmust-havedel settore.Statistiche hanno dimostrato che, ad oggi, Sketch il primo programma usato dai designer per la creazione di interfacce(il34%) mentre Photoshop si piazza al secondo posto con solo un 29%. Il restante 37% invece frammentato in una moltitudine di programmi diversi, nessuno preponderante.So cosa stai pensando in questo momento: beh, il 5% in pi non un grande distacco. E invece no, un distacco di proporzioni epichese tieni in considerazione che Sketch un programma relativamente nuovo, sul mercato da qualche anno, mentre photoshop il gigante incontrastato della grafica digitale, sul mercato da interi decenni.Come Sketch riuscito a superare Photoshop nel design delle interfacce? Perch semplice, intuitivo ed user-friendly.La sua semplicit per non da ostacolo alle sue funzionalit:Sketch si presenta come un software potenteche nulla ha da invidiare ai giganti sul mercato."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Sistematizao da Ortografia" |
"O curso propicia subsdios para que o educador compreenda como funciona o Sistema Grfico da Lngua Portuguesa e oferece recursos e possibilidades de encaminhamento metodolgico adequado para a efetivao da aprendizagem ortogrfica.Uma das principais queixas recolhidas em escolas e instituies profissionais a que se refere ao domnio ortogrfico de crianas e jovens estudantes e trabalhadores. Essa deficincia de ensino tem-se arrastado por longos anos e sua principal causa reside no desconhecimento das leis que caracterizam as relaes entre letra e som de nosso idioma. Cientes dessa necessidade e com o firme objetivo de clarificar aspectos bsicos a esse respeito, decidimos organizar, a partir de nossa prtica educacional e com embasamento lingustico, reflexes sobre essas questes, bem como a forma mais adequada de sanar as dificuldades de quem ensina e de quem aprende. O curso Sistematizao da Ortografia foi idealizado para auxiliar profissionais das reas do Magistrio, Psicopedagogia, Lingusitca, Psicologia, Fonoaudiologia, bem como os acadmicos das respectivas reas, a compreenderem como se organiza o Sistema Grfico da Lngua Portuguesa e o porqu no se pode partir do pressuposto que cada som representado apenas por uma letra. Ensinar a partir desse pressuposto pode acarretar dificuldades na aquisio da escrita e auxiliar a construo de conceitos equivocados pelos os estudantes. Elaborado em sete aulas, com algumas subdivises, o curso, que poder ser concludo em 20 horas, propicia subsdios para que o educador compreenda o funcionamento do Sistema Grfico da Lngua Portuguesa e oferece recursos e possibilidades de encaminhamento metodolgico adequado para a efetivao da apropriao da ortografia de utilizada na Lngua Portuguesa utilizada no Brasil. Complementando as noes trabalhadas em cada aula, cada participante poder acessar/baixar/imprimir material auxiliar com anlises dos erros ortogrficos em produes textuais, bem como uma proposta completa de escalonamento consoante os nveis de complexidade de sistematizao ortogrfica para os nveis de ensino do Fundamental I e II. Para encontrar esse curso, podem ser utilizadas palavras-chave como #sistematizao #ortogrfica, #ortografia, #ensino de ortografia, #dificuldades ortogrficas, #como ensinar ortografia."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"WiFi 100 - The Complete Wireless Guide: Routers and APs" |
"Understand themajor conceptswith common consumer and commercial WiFiaccess points and routers available on the market.Build your knowledge of consumer and commercial WiFigearwith this guide from beginnerstoexpert learners.Wherever you go, nowadays, wirelessis there. Some systems areprofessionally built, while some are do-it-yourselffrom Walmart. In either case, if you're the one setting it up, you need to be able to do it well.Quality IT Engineers are constantly in demand, butso few whomanage WiFido it with a proper grasp of the dynamics. As a result, many failwith unclearexcuses for the WiFis poor performance. When a manager has to find a long Cat5 cable to do a presentation for a national or international audience, the WiFi is a liability, and a threat to a network engineers job!The abilityto command Mission Critical Skillssuch as consumer brand routers, tactical purchaseselection, lightweight access points, roaming guidelineswill set you apartand makeyou the WiFiexpert in your field.WiFi 100: The Complete Wireless Guidewas created and developedbyScottYates andBranding Tools(eLearning consultant/producer) partnering tocreatethe most effectivestructure and contenttohelplearners get the most from thethe WiFi Wizardtraining system. Stay tuned onour Udemy pageand website for the latest.Thank you for signing up for this course, I invite you to enjoy the complete series today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"7 Keys To Success When Developing Your Smart Product Design" |
"For every one digital product success story, there are more than a dozen that have failed. Why? Designing a smart, connected product-- and developing a proper digital business model to support this new product--requires a completely new approach. Smart, connected products create a fundamental shift in how we do business, altering the landscape of how we develop and validateour products and deliver value to our customers. In this course, you will learn how to successfully develop and validate your smart product and digital business model design for optimum information value.Each course sectiontargets one ofthe seven keys to your success when validating your smart product design. Optimizing for information value-- delivered via your smart product and supported by the right digital business model-- increases your odds for success in bringing a smart product to market thatcustomers willwant to buy and stakeholders will support.The course leverages a range of real-world problems showing you how to redesign your products and business model to better meet user needs and for increased competitive advantage. Each of the courses activities embodies a learning by doing approach, applying module concepts to develop and refine your own smart product concepts and digital business models."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SomAtomic Weight Loss - Leaner For Life" |
"Ican say with complete confidence that the time you spend watching (and re-watching!) this program will be the most valuable time that you have invested in your training and in your physique! One thing I know for sure is that you will not leave this course the same!All the information in SomAtomic Weight Losshas beencarefully synthesized in an engaging and easy to understand way.It is not about what I say in this course, its about what you will take away from it and implement to your lifestyle. You can only apply what you can understand,so my priority in this courseis for you to learn as much as possible.SomAtomic Weight Loss is a plan that is packed withonly the most important and applicable information.There is no mumbo-jumbo nonsense.This is a factually based fitness course that relies on well-studied principles about nutrition, training and supplementation.SomAtomic Weight Loss isnot just about telling you WHAT to do. Its also about showing you HOW and WHY you should do it. By getting a thorough understanding of the main concepts you will be able to transform not only your body, but also help your family and friends on their quest to lose weight. So YOU will be their fitness Guru.IMPORTANT!Many ""fitness experts""promise you tremendous results without any workouts and by eating anything you want. I will be brutally honest with you guys.If yourelazy, don't want to put the hard work in and just want a quick fix, then this program is not for you.The content (not to mention the length and depth of theinformation) of this programwas created toscare off the weak and leave those who are really committed to make a change in their lives.So let me tell you something - if you commit for 6 weeks and follow the instructions in this course, I honestly believe thatyou will be absolutelythrilled withthe results."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"ABS Trio - The Ultimate Six Pack Workout Plan" |
"TheABSTrioplanconsists of three 10 minute abdominal workouts with different levels of intensityand each consisting of 10 different exercises.The threelevels areBeginner,Advanced and Master,which take intoaccount your strength, agilityand stamina. Those workoutsare specifically designed totorch your body fat andhelp yousculpt an impressivesix-pack that you've only have dreamed of. ABS Trio createsenough intensity andtargetsall abdominal muscles of your body from different angles, which will provide you with a full 360 degree core development. Thecompleteworkout plan consists of 30 different exercises, so you can rest assured that we are leaving no stone unturned. On the top of that all these exercises can be performed at home without any extra equipment.So what are you waiting for?Take advantage of this amazing and totally free course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Maximize Your Vision Potential" |
"OVERVIEWThis course is for anyone who who wishes to improve and support their vision. We will:discussnutrition that is supportive to good visionexplore what you can do to keep your eye focusing clearlylook about Computer Vision Syndromeexplore the effects of stress on the body, discuss tips for balancing the body which include basic ayurvedic principleslook at how our bodies react to different environmental and seasonal influencesdiscuss common eye problems and what you can do to deal with themThe course will take about 2 hours to compete. It is structured in 15 videos to be viewed at your own pace. You will find a downloadable handout with additional reference material.It is my intention that you will come away from this course with a better awareness and new information that you can use to make informed decisions about how to enjoy your precious gift of sight, and live with a well-body mindset."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Financial Freedom Formula - A Holistic Blueprint for Success" |
"The Financial Freedom Formula is a unique holistic blueprint for financial success. If youve ever wondered why you do what you do with your money and how to stop unproductive financial behaviors, such as overspending, underearning, and chronic debting, this is the course for you. Unlike other financial courses that only focus on the nuts and bolts of money management, the Financial Freedom Formula also examines how your unique combination of thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, affects your financial outcomes. A basic premise of the Financial Freedom Formula is that money is a symbol of relationships and how you deal with money is how you deal with your relationship with yourself and others. Before you can sustain moving into a more comfortable financial position, you have to become more comfortable with yourself. Most important is your understanding of your relationship with money and how habitual emotions learned in early childhood, such as aloneness, anger, deprivation, shame, and a sense of being trapped, are often acted out through finances.This course introduces you to the basic financial skills you need and helps you understand -- and overcome -- whatever resistance you have to actually doing what needs to be done.You'll also learn a state-of-the art technique for reprogramming your subconscious mind. Note Throughout the course and in some of my educational announcements, I may link to pages on my sites that contain affiliate links. These are optional for you to check.About Joan Sotkin:Joan has been doing business online since 1995 and has been an entrepreneur for over 30 years. She is the author of the award-winning book Build Your Money Muscles: Nine Simple Exercises for Improving Your Relationship with Money and host of the popular weekly podcast, The Prosperity Show."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Simple Meditation for Busy Entrepreneurs" |
"You have probably heard that meditation can helpyou reduce stress and anxiety. And theres a chance that you thought aboutmeditating, but think you havent got the time.As a busy entrepreneur, finding another chunkof time each day isnt easy. But if youre willing to gradually build up tojust 10 minutes on a regular basis, you can experience the benefits ofmeditation.When you learn the simple meditations in thiscourse, you and your business will benefit in the following ways:Your ability to focus on the tasks at handwill improve dramatically.With increased concentration, youll be ableto learn more and retain what you learn.You will stop pushing so hard and let yourbusiness evolve in a healthy way.Youll be able to make effective intuitivedecisions.Your decisions will be more congruent withwho you are.Youll be able to discover your true life purpose.Youll feel more connected to yourself, yourclients, and the world around you.Your willingness to take care of necessarybusiness tasks will improve.Ive kept this course short so you can getinto it as quickly as possible. Instructions are clear and concise, and Illactually take you through a few short meditations.Your business is an extension of you, andwhen you learn to relax and eliminate stress, the health of your business willbe a reflection of your increasedhealth.WhatYou Will Learn:Why its best to meditate in the same placeevery dayBreathing practices that can enhance yourmeditationA simple exercise for developing focus andconcentrationEasy-to-follow guidelines for effectivemeditationsA simple meditation for rapidly releasingtension and stressTools that can deepen your meditationA series of short meditations that can have alasting effect on you, your business, and your financesWhat it means to have a holistic approach tomeditationWhyLearn from Me?Ive been meditating since 1972 and havelearned many forms of meditation.With my 30+ years as a successful entrepreneur,I have experience integrating these techniques with the way I do business.Along with teaching business and financialskills, Ive been teaching people to meditate for many years.My style is simple, direct, and easy tounderstand and follow."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Banco de Dados Oracle SQL e PL/SQL" |
"Aprenda SQL ePL/SQL em um treinamento de alta qualidade e seja expert em banco de dados Oracle.Este curso voc vai aprender Oracle SQLcomeando do zero, passando por PL/SQLnvel 1 e 2. Para istousaremos muitosvideos, artigos e manuais de SQL eSQL/PLem PDF.Com este curso voc pode ser preparar para certificaes OCA e OCE 11ge 12c."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Electronics : Zener Diode & Light Emitting Diode" |
"Learn the fundamentals of ZENER DIODES & LEDs and learn how they work with proper circuit designing.This course will be very helpful for students with great interest towards science specially engineering.Finally ,the course is so designed that if anyone goes from lecture 1 to last lecture the entire subject can be thoroughly understood easily.So lets have a highlight of the entire course quickly-Learn the basics of ZENER we can relate the voltage across it and current through it.Designing a circuit using Zener Diode keeping in mind the design limitations.circuit explanation using an example for clear understanding.Problem for students to solve as use.Discussion on FAQs for competitive approach.Learn the principle of operation of LEDs.Thorough discussion on its advantages, main features and applications."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Electronics : Semiconductor - A thorough understanding" |
"Learn the fundamentals of Semiconductors and take the first leap to the world of Electronics.This course will be very helpful for students with great interest towards science and especially electronics.Finally ,the course is so designed that if anyone goes from lecture 1 to last lecture the entire subject can be thoroughly understood easily.So lets have a highlight of the entire course quickly-Learn the basics of Semiconductors.Which materials are used as Semiconductors.Energy Band concept and classification of materials w.r.t.this concept.Thorough discussion on Intrinsic and Extrinsic semiconductors.Discussion on drift velocity,mobility and conductivity.Relation among drift velocity,current density and conductivity for a semiconductor material.Discussion on frequently asked questions regarding Semiconductors."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Discover Abstract Painting - Part 2" |
"This second part of the discoverabstract painting series will take you on another creative journey. Part 1showed you how to developan abstract painting moving gradually from a realistic subject to full abstraction, Part 2looks at how you can use your senses to create beautiful abstractartworks. We look at how we can translatetastein an artistic and abstract language. How would you translate a particular flavour in colour or form?This course will help improve yourperception and understanding of colour, form and composition. Your ability to 'think' abstract and 'see' your painting through your senses will be a great asset in the development of your future paintings.This course has a fun and intuitive element to it. Youcan work on the practical exercises athome or anywhere youfeel comfortable and creative.And like Part 1 also in Discover Abstract Painting Part 2 you will get access to the online classroom which is incredibly valuable. This is a place where you can meet fellow students and share your progress."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Discover Abstract Painting Part 1 - Starting from realism." |
"This course will help yougain a good understandingofthe basics of abstract art. Besides an interesting journey throughthe history and development of the abstract movement you'll be taughta clear step by step practicalmethod that involves moving gradually from afigurative drawing to a uniqueabstract painting. Anniek developedand teachesthese techniques tostudents in art classes inLondon and overseas.This is the first time her coursesare taughtonline. So wherever you're based, nowyou can join inand learnin your own time and space.Anniek has a positive approach and gentlyguidesyou through the course programme. Before you know it you've created a beautiful painting of your own!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Take your double bass drum technique to the next level" |
"Doyou want to improve your double bass drum technique to reach a newlevel?Doyou want to be able to perform feet techniques that many thoughtwould only be possible to achieve with hands?Doyou want to learn hundreds of double bass drum rhythms and magnifyyour drumming glossary?Doyou want to learn with a smart sheet system which is going to helpyou reading them?Doyou want to practice exercises in a fun way with hundreds of guitarriffs to go along with your training?Thenthis course is for you!Inthis course we will start by approaching the heel toe technique. Atechnique that has been, in my opinion, underappreciated andunderused in the drumming world.First, lets shed some lighton several misconceptions that surround this technique, the onescontributing to having it misinterpreted and, consequently, underusedand even ignored.Then, we will learn the technique step bystep, details after details and I will present solutions topotential problems. Afterthat, we are going to step into the preliminary exercises section,which will allow you to give the first steps with the above-mentionedtechnique, whilst learning how to assimilate that in arhythmic-musical context.In the following section, you willlearn how to blend that technique within a string of exercises basedon sixteenth notes. For each exercise we will learn 4 differentrhythms/grooves.Then, we will move on to a section thatincludes a very similar group of exercises, but whose foundationconsists of eighth note triplets.Last but not least, we willhave the section which I believe is the favorite of many of youthe rudiments section! In it you will learn to do those with doublebass drum and you will assimilate them in 4 rhythms/grooves, like inthe previous sections.After all this you will be able to createyour own rhythms and even perform a double bass drum solo! You justneed to let your imagination and creativity flow!Theseare the materials which are included in this course:Allthe sheets of all the exercises presented in the course will beavailable to download;Allthe guitar riffs presented in this course will be available todownload.Extranote:Insome of the courses sections, certain videos will be played inslow motion, so that you can see everything with the maximum detail.All the videos were recorded at 120 frames per second, to assure youhave a watching experience of the highest degree."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"O curso completo de Banco de Dados e SQL, sem mistrios!" |
"Bem vindo ao curso completo de Banco de Dados e SQL!Sabe por que esse curso o nico Best Seller da rea de Bancos de Dados da Udemy e tambm o mais bem avaliado?Porque ele simples! Simples como um iniciante deseja. A metodologia utilizada gradativa e ns explicamos tudo do absoluto zero. Sim, voc no precisa saber nada! Voc deseja aprender banco de dados? Ento voc vai aprender banco de dados!Aqui voc ver 3 bancos de dados diferentes: MySQL, SQL Server e Oracle e tambm ser introduzido s linguagens T-SQL e PLSQL. Voc ver alm das diferenas na linguagem SQL, as tarefas de infraestrutura e instalao. Como regra de negcios, voc aprender a diferena entre ambientes OLTP, OLAP e tambm o que um Datawarehouse. Sim, voc ser apresentado sequencia natural de Bancos de Dados Relacionais: Business Intelligence.O curso totalmente focado no mercado de trabalho, e para isso conto com a minha experincia em projetos de grandes empresas juntando aos anos de trabalho tambm no mercado acadmico. O resultado simples: MERCADO COORPORATIVO + MERCADO ACADMICO = EFETIVIDADE NO ENSINO.Voc vai aprender MAIS em um curto espao de tempo porque nosso curso TOTALMENTE mo na massa, sem leitura de slides. Mas e a teoria que tambm importante?Ela passada na prtica, conforme vamos desenvolvendo os nossos cdigos, dessa forma voc nunca mais esquece! Alm disso, nosso mtodo inovador de lousa branca e explicaes em desenho animado lhe far fixar todo o contedo.Voc ter acesso h:-Tempo vitalcio de curso.-Grupo no Facebook.-Cdigos para Download.-Projeto de Banco de Dados.-Download dos Softwares em um servidor DEDICADO para voc.-Certificado de Concluso.-Scripts para Download.-Correo dos exerccios.No final do curso, voc ganha um bnus! Uma introduo a Big Data e Data Science far voc ter umaviso geral do incio ao fim da rea de dados.Venha para a Universidade dos Dados! Eu sou profissional certificado pelas grande empresas internacionais como Linux LPI, Exin - ITIL V3, Oracle e tambm pela Microsoft, onde o meu ID 3148299. Confira as classificaes do curso e depoimentos dos alunos!So mais de 100.000 estudantes espalhados pelo mundo!Te vejo nas aulas!Grande abrao"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Achieving Your Goals: Mastery Course" |
"The Achieving Your Goals: Mastery Course is designed for anyone that wants to begin taking their life to a higher level. In this course, we willbreakdown the effective way to set your goals and you'll discover methods that will help you structure your life around your goals. Each lesson comes with an ELEVATING SHEET that will highlight the key points to each topic, and the course also includes a form to help you map out your goals in a way that will help you enforce action towards your objectives.If you are ready to start achieving the things that matter to you, enroll in the course and come join us on this journey of elevation. The mission is to stay on a never ending search to be our best selves...So, moment by moment and day by day, we are getting better and better in every single way.Let's elevate your life!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Technical Interview Preparation Workshop" |
"Course Description Learn everything you need to know when attacking the technical interview, and getting that 15-20% raise! In this course I will show you how you can exploit certain techniques interviewers arent aware of, so you can ace the technical interview. We will talk in detail about building your technical resume, types of interviews youll encounter, interview preparation, techniques to use on technical interview day, post action steps, and much more. I will thoroughly explain how technical interviewers think, and what types of questions they ask, this way you can easily pick them apart. I even include an overview of my resume, and provide examples of how I would answer questions when being interviewed, based on my own experience when interviewing. In this course you will also learn how to build your interview capital, and use psychological warfare as a tool to get them to be impressed by you. I go into tips on how to change your mind, and thoughts regarding technical interviews. Nothing is kept secret. I reveal all I know regarding interviews, and even put my resume on screen to go over it together new lectures will be added to the course constantly at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow and grow. Take this course now and learn from my 13+ years of experience both as an interviewer and someone looking for that 20% pay bump. Avoid the most common pitfalls that plague those developers that go into an interview thinking they know it all You get: 1. Unlimited access at no extra costs, ever 2. All future additional lectures, bonuses, etc. in this course are always free 3. Theres an unconditional pledge from me, never any questions asked full 30 day money back in full guarantee 4. My help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question I make it a point to reply always Cant wait to see you in my course!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Tools for Tutors." |
"Explore and apply useful IT tools for creating online games content.Games: Create cool online games without needing to use code.Sound: Learn how to edit sound to create and source fun sound effects and music backgrounds. Animation: Find cool animations and backgrounds that you can use in your resources, apps and websites.Text: Create awesome text, online crosswords and interactive wordsearches.Demo: How to edit a recorded music passage with sound.Demo: How to capture your screen to make videos.The target audience is beginners and anyone interested in making online games and resources without coding, using available web tools."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Speed Mathematics and Mental Maths Tricks" |
"Learn tricks and techniques which will help youmentally multiply numbers at lightening speed.calculate squares and addition at a lightening speedWhat will I learn?to calculate many times faster than before, as well in your mind as on paperPerform mental multiplication confidently, correctly and exponentially fasterTrain you brain to think faster and better.After completing this course you can calculate multiplication, squares, and addition easilyYou will be able to complete Quantitative Aptitude part of any exam with less time.Why should YOU take this course?The SpeedMathematics techniques discussed in this coursewill make calculation40times fasterthan conventional methods.You will havelifetime accessto15+video lecturesand allyour queries/doubtswill get adetail answer,Who is this for?Everyone who wants to become faster in calculating.Everyone who wants to improve maths skillsStudents from grade 4 onwardsCompetitive Entrance Test AspirantsIndividuals wishing to broaden their Maths knowledgeTeacher who want to teach their students methods that will increase the interest in mathematics."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Master Excel Pivot Tables - Excel 2016" |
"Do you want to help your company or organization make better decisions? Do you want to advance your career because you bring real value to the organization? Do you want to save hundreds of hours a year in creating reports and charts? Are you ready to make an impact because you understand the patterns and trends in your companys data? Do you want to master Excel Pivot Tables? This course is for you!Master Excel Pivot Tables in this Comprehensive Course This comprehensive course contains concise illustrations yet detailed topic coverage that will benefit both Beginners and Advanced Users of Excel. In just an hour and a half, you will learn to effectively use Excel Pivot Tables including how to: Create and Format Pivot TablesSelect, Move, and Clear Pivot TablesDesign Pivot TablesValue Field Settings Summarize Values ByValue Field Settings Show Values AsFilter DataManually and Automatically Group DataCreate Calculated Fields and ItemsExplore Other Useful Pivot Table ConceptsLearn Pivot Tables by DoingLearn one of the most powerful features of Excel that will allow you to dig deep into your companys data and answer complex questions with only a few mouse clicks. Learn to analyze vast amounts of data, create useful reports, and impress top management or prospective employers. Most that say they know Excel Pivot Tables really only have a grasp on the basics. Within the first 10 minutes of this course, you will likely surpass their knowledge and by the end of the course you will master even some of the most complex aspects of Pivot Tables. Throughout the course, you can follow along with the numerous concise examples that illustrate the power and features of Pivot Tables using the included worksheets. Further, homework examples are provided to allow you to apply these same concepts to another data set so that you can know that you have mastered the concepts. Create pivot tables from data in an existing worksheet and answer basic questions from the data.Summarize pivot table values by sum, count, average, max, min, and other types of calculations.Select different parts of the pivot table, move it within and between worksheets, and clear or reset the contents of the pivot table.Adjust the design aspects of the pivot table including totals, layout, and visual aspects of the pivot table.Adjust pivot table calculations to show the results as a percentage of a total, difference from another field, or other value calculation.Filter data out of the pivot table using various techniques including field filters, table filters, slicers, and timelines.Automatically and manually group results within your pivot table using a variety of approaches.Create and utilize new pivot table fields that are calculated using existing data in the pivot table and new items that consist of formulas that refer to other rows.Appropriately reference pivot table data.Create pivot charts and understand the relationship between pivot charts and pivot tables.And More.We are professional instructors who have helped thousands of students Master Excel Pivot Tables and become even more effective at work. We invite you to join us on a short journey to advance your career."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Subnetting Made Easy" |
"Are you looking for a course to teach you the fundamentals of subnetting?Have you tried to learn subnetting but just ended up confused? Do you know how to subnet but find it painful to do? Are you preparing for the CCNA? If so, this course is for you!Learn to Subnet Easily in Half anHourSubnetting is an important topic for the CCNA and knowing how to do it quickly is essential.This course teaches boththe traditional way of subnetting as well as a quick and easy approach that you can do in your head in seconds. The whole course, including doing the examples,takes less than an hour to complete.Learn by DoingThis subnettingcourse is packed withconcise illustrations to help you learn how to subnet properly. Throughout the course, an included""Subnetting Concepts"" spreadsheet is used to illustrate foundational concepts liked numbering systems, converting between binary and decimal, CIDR notation, and how to subnet properly.The included spreadsheet can be used to create unlimited practice problems and also illustrates each step of the subnetting process so that you can verify each step of the process.Additionally, several videos of handwritten examples are included.Throughout the course we will cover the following topics:Numbering systemsConverting Binary to DecimalConverting Decimal to BinaryFormat ofIP AddressesSubnet MasksCIDR NotationTraditional approach to subnettingA quick and easy way to subnetI'm aprofessional instructorwho has helped hundreds of students learn to subnet quickly and effectively. Come and enjoy the class as you learn how easy it is to subnet."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master Excel Dates and Times - Excel 2016" |
"Have you done date and time calculations in Excel but keep running into weird problems? Dothe dates and times in your Excel spreadsheets look off? Do you need to calculate date and timevalues in Excel but just aren't getting results?Do you want to master Excel dates and times? This course is for you!Master Excel Dates and Times in this Comprehensive CourseIn just over anhouryou will learn to effectively use Excel dates and times including:Knowing how Excel dates and times are stored as serial numbersHow to format dates and timesAppropriately formatting dates and timesEffective use of date functionsEffective use of time functionsCalculating recurring dates like holidaysCalculating differences between dates including only counting workdaysDisplaying current date and time in a variety of waysSumming times that exceed 24 hoursand more!Learn Excel Dates and Times by DoingThroughout the course, you canfollow along with the numerous concise examplesthat illustrate the nuances of Excel dates and times using the included worksheets. Further,practice problems are provided to allow you to apply these same concepts to another data setso that you can know that you have mastered the concepts.We areprofessional instructorswho havehelped thousands of students Master Excel Dates and Timesand become even more effective at work. We invite you to join us on ashort journey to advance your career. Enroll today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |