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"Cmo ganar dinero con youtube Trucos y herramientas" |
"Si estas cansado/a de tu aburrido horario de oficina y quieres despojarte de l pero no sabes qu hacer... Puedes empezar a generar ingresos pasivos con YouTube!. Lo hars desde tu casa, con tu ordenador y con un tema que te apasione.Te doy en ste curso una explicacin amplia de mis ganancias en YouTube a lo largo de estos aos y te explico cmo obtener el mismo resultado.Qunecesito?Ganas de aprenderUn ordenadorConexin a InternetUna pasinQue aprender de este curso?A generar hasta 60 Dolares diarios con YouTubeA crear un canal de YouTubeLos secretos para posicionar tu canal ms arriba en los resultadosDos herramientas secretas y poderosas para escoger el tema de tu canal de acuerdo a tu pasin.Cules son los programa de edicin que necesitarsCun importante es el diseo de tu canalCmo ganan dinero los grandes de YouTube y cmo tu puedes hacerloCunto tardar en completar el curso?Necesitars 2 horas para entender cmo fue que gan hasta60 Dolares Diarios.Qu esperas para empezar?"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Buyers Guide to Builders" |
"Learn the tools & resources needed to gain confidence in constructing a new home build in Australia. Understand the foundations ofwhat to look for from findingthe land, home design, finance, deposits, costing a build, contract stage & ownership / construction. A complete and comprehensive how-toBuyers Guide to Builders, with articles, video presentations, powerpoints & downloadable resources.Seven out of ten buyers who look to build anew home, to begin enquiry for details regarding a house and land package,have been tainted by a previous experience with a builder.It can be very difficult to pick up the pieces and restore faith for a buyerregarding the process of purchasing and constructing a new home. Thebuyers last engagement with a builder has changed their perceptionforever; and not always in a good way!If buyers are informed about the inner workings of the building processthey are empowered to make good choices when building a newhome.To this end, this course will arm buyers with the basic knowledgethey need for a successful new home transaction and thus a positive experience.Understanding key reference points in the construction process, andknowing what questions to ask, is crucial in order to gain control.After completing the course, buyers will understand what canhappen even before the slab is poured. This information enhancesboth the buyer's experience and holds the builder ethically responsiblefor ensuring that a transparent process is undertaken."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Creating Your Best Marriage" |
"Creating Your Best Marriage was designed for a marriage program that couples could complete in the privacy of their home. I have a private practice and complete many large speaking engagements per year, but not everyone wants to tackle marriages issues in public. In this course, the lectures have stories and experience that any marriage can relate to, with jokes and entertainment along the way. Every less has written actionable advice and exercises that you can do with 3 minutes a day before sleep. You will learn how to improve:Communication with your spouse and kidsTime prioritizationbetweenfamily and workPreventing divorce and much moreBased on Gary's research, and over 25 years helping couples turn around their marriages, he brings you his 4 session program to create immediate change in your marriage. Gary believes in helping you get back to those feelings you first felt when falling in love with your spouse. He gives you tools that will instantly and positively impact your marriage. This program has been featured on the Today Show and numerous other programs.Bring Gary into your home with this 4 session program complete with workbook activities."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Excel 2016 Foundation Training Course Video Tutorial" |
"Microsoft Excel 2016 (365) Foundation Training CourseMicrosoft Excel 2016 is included with MicrosoftOffice 365This course is for Excel beginners. We start by looking at the various Excel Selection Techniques and then see how to use these techniques for Manipulating Rows and Columns and also for Manipulating Cells and Cell Content Next we look at how to use Microsoft Excel 2016 Worksheets. The next few chapter cover things such as Font Formatting , Alignment Formatting, Number Formatting and Freezing Row and Column TitlesThen then examine Formulas and Functions. Next we see how to create and format Charts within Excel 2016Finally we have a look at options for customizing Microsoft Excel 2016"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SEO in 2018 - SEO (Search Engine Optimization)" |
"SEO Search Engine Optimization for 2018This SEO training course has been 20 years in the making. Thats how long I have been applying Search Engine Optimization techniques to websites (since April 1996 to be exact).The thing about SEO is that the best person to do the SEO it you. It is your business. It is your website. By applying search engine optimization to your own website, you can use your own expertise to select exactly the right keyword phrases to focus on. About 95% of SEO requires little or no technical knowledge and you do not need any programming skills. SEO is about attention to detail. There are around 200 factors that Google considers when deciding who comes first and who comes last in the search engine listing, in response to a search enquiry. You just need to make sure that you have more boxes ticked than your competitors.This SEO training course teaches you how to think like a search engine. I will show you what Google likes and just as important, what Google does not like. I have one of the most watched SEO video tutorials on YouTube (almost 400,000 views) clearly demonstrating that I have the SEO credentials to help you marketing your own website. That said no one can guarantee a page one ranking. All I can do is to explain all the concepts that I use and I get all my business through successful application of SEO techniques to my own websites. Try searching Google using the phrase Google Webmaster Guidelines and you will see Information direct from Google about it likes and dislikes. All the information within this tutorial is built upon the recommendations within these guidelines. This is SEO that works. The wrong sort or SEO can get you banned from the search engines, so it vital that you know what you are doing.This tutorial covers a vast range of SEO topics. Please check out the curriculum listing for more details. Enjoy ...David Murray"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Excel 2016 (365) Intermediate Training Course Office 365" |
"Microsoft Excel 2016 (365) Intermediate Training CourseExcel 2016 is included with MicrosoftOffice 365This course is designed for people with some limitedexperience of using PowerPoint 2016. Itwill also suit people who has studied my Excel 2016 Foundation level course.The course starts by looking at Microsoft Excel 2016 Setup &Printing IssuesWe then start looking at Excel Functions and Formulas includingTime & Date Functions, Mathematical Functions, Logical Functions, MathematicalFunctions, Statistical Functions, Text Functions, Financial Functions, LookupFunctions and finally Database FunctionsNext we see how to create and use Named Ranges within anExcel worksheet.The next chapter shows you how to use Cell Formattingtechniques.Then we see the various Worksheets manipulation techniques.Finally we look at the use of Microsoft Excel Templates and the Microsoft Excel PasteSpecial Options."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Excel 2016 Advanced Level Training Video Tutorials" |
"Excel 2016 Advanced Training CourseThis course is aimed at people with a good working knowledgeof Excel, 2016 or people who have worked through the Foundation and Intermediatelevel Excel 2016 training courses.The course starts by looking at Pivot Tables and then InputTables.We then move on to see how to make the most of Charts withinExcel 2016.Next we look at items such as Hyperlinks and then Linking& EmbeddingThe next chapter shows you how to import text files intoExcel.The next chapters guide you through Sorting and FilteringData and then we look at Tracking and Reviewing ChangesThen use see the power of the Scenario ManagerNext it all about validating and auditing data.Finally we look at Macros plus Passwords & SecurityIssues"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Windows 10 Foundation Level Training" |
"Windows 10 Training CourseThis training course is for people new to Windows 10. This is very much a beginners course!This course will introduce you to the Windows 10 Desktop andshow you how to customize and manipulate the Windows Desktop. You will see how to get help within Windows 10.Next you will see how to use the Windows File Explorer to manipulatefiles and folders and also see how to use the Windows 10 Search facility.Finally we will look at printing issues plus the dangers of viruses,spyware and cookies"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"PowerPoint 2016 Foundation Training Course Office 365" |
"PowerPoint 2016 Foundation TutorialsPowerPoint 2016 is included with MicrosoftOffice 365This PowerPoint 2016 Foundation course, as the name impliesis aimed at beginners. People who havelittle or no experience of using PowerPoint 2016.The course starts by showing you how to create a Presentationand then moves on to show how to manipulate slides and use the built-in in PowerPointDesign Themes. We then explore Font and ParagraphFormatting techniques within PowerPoint 2016.Next we explore the use of tables, Illustrations and Charts.After that we look at slide masters and see how to use themto impose a look and feel with your PowerPoint presentation.Next we examine the use of Footers and Slide Numberingwithin PowerPoint 2016 Slide ShowsFinally we see how to print your presentations and how to converta presentation in to a video format."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"PowerPoint 2016 Intermediate Level Training Office 365" |
"PowerPoint 2016 (365) Intermediate TrainingPowerPoint 2016 is included with Microsoft Office 365This PowerPoint 2016 intermediate tutorial covers a widerange of topics including Customizing and Compatibility Issues, PowerPointSections, Slide Masters, PowerPoint Themes plus manipulation and formatting ofpictures, graphics and AutoShapes. Thisis the second of three PowerPoint training courses. This course builds on the content of my PowerPointFoundation course and goes beyond mere creation of a basic presentation. For instance you will learn how to make yourown slide masters so that you can completely customize the look and feel ofexisting and future presentations. The use of Themes will allow you to change thewhole feel of the presentation with a few clicks and you will learn how to customizedesigns the way you want them to look.There is also extensive materials on how to use and manipulate graphicswithin PowerPoint 2016. After completing this course you may wish to take a look atmy Advanced Excel 2016 course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"PowerPoint 2016 Advanced Training Course MS Office 365" |
"PowerPoint 2016 Tutorials - Advanced LevelPowerPoint 2016 is included with Microsoft Office 365Thisis the third of three PowerPoint 2016 courses and covers topics in more detailssuch as the use of Diagrams and Charts plus Video and Audio techniques.PowerPointAnimation is included.Hyperlinks,linking and embedding is covered in detail as well as Merging, Comparing &Exporting PowerPoint presentationsAdditionalSlide Show formatting techniques are covered, such as Custom Slideshows.Sharing,Design & Compatibility Issues are also covered. By the end of the three courses you will havebecome expert in the use of Microsoft PowerPoint 2016"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"WordPress training for 2018 step-by-step WordPress tutorial" |
"WordPress expert with over 20 years SEO experienceDavid Murrayhas been creating business websites since 1996.He has used WordPress since its release in May 2003. WordPress is used to power over 60 millionwebsites. Why because it is easy to use, powerful and can be adapted to justabout any type of business website requirement.WordPress websites can be responsive so that they work on a PC, tabletor phone. It is easy to apply SEO(Search Engine Optimization) techniques to a WordPress website so that they getfound by Google.When you investin this course you get the benefit of over 20 years website design and SEOexperience from David Murray. Pleasecheck out the free preview videos for this course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso Maya 3D Modelando uma Moto Cartoon" |
"Curso Maya 3D Modelando uma Moto Cartoon.Curso Maya 3D Modelando uma Moto Cartoon, durante o curso o aluno vai aprender todo o processo de modelagem de uma moto estilo cartoon, durante a produo veremos diversas ferramentas para serem utilizadas em projetos no Autodesk Maya.Noo curso vou mostrar como importar imagens de referncias, e utiliza-las para modelar o objeto proposto no curso, veremos como utilizar a ferramenta extrude, insert edge loop entre outras.O curso destinado aDesigners e Game Designers;Generalistas 3d e Modeladores;Desenvolvedores de games;Animadores e cadistas;Designer de Produtos, Designer de Joias;Todos os interessados em 3D e Game Art."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"15 Drs Excel yrn" |
"Bu video kursExceli yrnmk v ya mvcud biliklrini artrmaq istyn hr bir xsnnzrd tutulmudur. Kurs 15 drsdn ibartdir v sizvideo drslr vasitsi ilpraktiki nmunlrdn istifad edrk Excel 2016-n yrncksiniz.Kursun sonunda siz Excelinharda v nec istifad edilmsini, n ox istifad olunan funksiya v formulalar, mlumatlar bazasnn yaradlmasn v smrli istifadsini v hminin mxtlif analiz nvlrini yrncksiniz.Kursu bitirn xslr Udemy trfindn sertifikattqdim olunacaq."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Do a SEO Website Audit, Step by Step" |
"Calling all digital marketers, web developers and website owners! Learn how to correctly evaluate your (or your client's)website for SEO (search engine optimization). SEOis more than just placing keywords on your site, you could have overlooked major problems that are hurting yourSEOperformance.OverviewIn this course you will learn to do a step by step SEOaudit of a website to uncover those problems as well as findopportunities to grow your organic traffic. I go beyond just teaching the concepts of SEOthat you can read about, this is a hands on course that walks throughan audit of a real eCommerce site. If you don't know much about SEO, don't worry, Itell youWHYI'm doing the check and then show you HOWto do the check, using only FREE tools.In the 75 plus lectures in this course, we'll check the accessibility, on page factors such asmeta tags, engagementmetricsand authority of the site. You'll get a good grounding in Technical SEO, and you will alsolearn and applyconcepts like domain authority and content quality.At end of the course you will have a completed checklist of your site's SEOissues and a greater understanding of SEO.You will be able to download a checklist and a list of tools needed for the SEOaudit.Students have said:""Out of 8 courses I have done on Udemy on this subject matter, this course is by far the best on all scores""""... very informative course.""""This course is excellent. All the information is explained in such a way that I don't need any clarification. I learned many things that were not covered in the implementing of SEO for a site. Not only did I learn a lot of new information but it encouraged me to continue on to making this my new career. Thanks so much!"""
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Word Tutorial" |
"Simples tutorial sobre a ferramenta de Microsoft Office - Word.Demorar menos de 1 hora a ser concludo com sucesso o curso.Est estruturado em 9 Mdulos:Mdulo 1:Iniciao ao WordInformaes do documentoTeclas de atalhoAlguns componentes do WordMdulo 2:Criar novo documentoAbrir um documento j feito ou por completarCompatibilidade dos ficheirosMdulo 3:Alterar o seu textoTrabalhar o textoComo guardar o seu trabalhoModulo 4:Modificar a formatao da pginaCorreces da gramticaImprimir o documentoMdulo 5:Tornar o seu texto mais profissionalFazer listasFazer as suas colunasMdulo 6:Criar um hyperlink para um siteAdicionar formatos e desenhos ou imagensMdulo 7:Inserir uma Caixa de TextoInserir clipart e uma imagemMdulo 8:Estilos para ttulosInserir cabealho e rodapMdulo 9:Trabalhar com tabelasTemplates"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Sobre o Evangelho" |
"apresentada na Bblia esta to grande salvao, a qual, tendo sido anunciada inicialmente pelo Senhor, foi-nos depois confirmada pelos que a ouviram; dando Deus testemunho juntamente com eles, por sinais, prodgios e vrios milagres, e por distribuies do Esprito Santo segundo a sua vontade (Hebreus 2:3-4).Os crentes que gozam desta to grande salvao conhecem, na prtica, algo do seu valor. Contudo, somente estudando a Palavra de Deus com ateno que poderemos visualizar a sua verdadeira grandeza. A finalidade deste curso , portanto, a de apresentar o ensino da Palavra sobre a salvao do ponto de vista da sua aplicao individual, e os benefcios coletivos relacionados com a salvao.Os efeitos da salvao so muito amplos. Compreendem todas as bnos que o Evangelho proporciona, no somente o perdo dos pecados, mas tambm todos os propsitos que o amor de Deus previu para os Seus filhos e para a glria do Senhor Jesus. conveniente que consideremos cada uma dessas bnos individualmente. E, por esse motivo, cada um dos mdulos que se seguem desenvolvem um aspecto particular da salvao, com o propsito de permitir um melhor entendimento.Do mesmo modo que no podemos ver ao mesmo tempo os diferentes lados de um prdio, tampouco possvel captarmos o conjunto do plano de Deus de uma s vez. Devemos contemplar e examinar um elemento de cada vez. Mas, o estudo minucioso de cada aspecto da salvao nos trar regozijo e promover o nosso progresso espiritual.Depois de terminarmos este estudo detalhado, poderemos contemplar ainda melhor, as bnos que Deus tem destinado para ns. Isso permitir mantermos um equilbrio perfeito que nos impedir de favorecer algum aspecto parcial. Devemos distinguir as diferentes verdades sem dividi-las, porque todas elas esto interligadas.Esperamos que este tema nos ajude a crescer no conhecimento da salvao e no de seu Autor. Pois, assim sendo, os nossos coraes se sentiro cada vez mais dispostos a render aes de graa e louvor a Jesus Cristo.O Curso em si dividido em 10 Mdulos:Mdulo 1: O PerdoTodos culpveis perante DeusA culpabilidade dos povos idlatrasA culpabilidade dos judeusA culpabilidade do Homem modernoO perdo dos pecadosPerdo e justificaoO fundamento do perdoSobre o MduloMdulo 2: A JustificaoA justia de DeusA justificao por meio do sangueA segurana da justificaoA justificao por meio da fA justificao que d vidaSobre o MduloMdulo 3: A RedenoA redeno pela retribuio ou pelo pagamento de um resgateA futura redeno de IsraelO fundamento da redeno A libertao da lei e do mundoA libertao do domnio de satansA redeno de nossos corposA finalidade da redenoSobre o MduloMdulo 4: A ReconciliaoO nosso afastamento de DeusA necessidade de reconciliaoO fundamento da reconciliaoA reconciliao do crenteA reconciliao de todas as coisasSobre o MduloMdulo 5: A SalvaoA salvao oferecida aos que perecemA salvao no Antigo TestamentoA salvao inicialA salvao diriaA salvao futuraSobre o MduloMdulo 6: A SantificaoSeparados para DeusAs duas santificaesA santificao posicionalA santificao prticaSobre o MduloMdulo 7: O Novo NascimentoA necessidade do novo nascimentoO novo nascimento prefigurado no antigo testamento Nascer da gua e do EspritoRegenerado por meio da Palavra de DeusNascido de DeusO novo nascimento e a FFilhos de DeusSobre o MduloMdulo 8: A VivificaoMortos quanto a Deus e por Ele vivificadosA vivificao e o novo nascimentoA vivificao por meio do Pai, do Filho e do Esprito SantoVivificados juntamente com CristoA vivificao do corpoMdulo 9: O Dom do Esprito SantoNascido do Esprito e a habitao do EspritoCheio do EspritoAndar no EspritoO Esprito, poder de servioO Esprito, poder de unidadeMdulo 10: A Nova Criao2 Pedro 3:13Isaas 65:182 Corntios 5:17a2 Corntios 5:17bEfsios 4:24 Glatas 6:15 Apocalipse 21:1 Sobre o Mdulo"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fatores Crticos de Sucesso" |
"Este curso tem como principal objectivo, demonstrar o que so os fatores crticos de sucesso, dar alguns exemplos de fatores crticos de sucesso e exemplos de empresas que os colocam em prtica. Fatores crticos de sucesso, tambm podem ser entendidos como pontos-chave.O curso no visa a demonstrar como ser um bom lder, at porque uma capacidade de cada um de ns, alguns nascem com essa capacidade, outros aprendem a ter, outros aprimoram essa capacidade, mas nem todos temos a capacidade de ser bons lderes, varia de cada indivduo e de pessoa para pessoa.Ter vrias ferramentas e mtodos de liderana, onde cada qual poder descobrir por si, se a mais eficaz e mais eficiente, para cada ocasio. Com algumas ferramentas que podem utilizar inclusive no vosso dia-a-dia, como a anlise SWOT, entre outros mecanismos que podem ajudar na vossa gesto, na vossa liderana e que vos pode acompanhar na vossa vida.Leiam com ateno a documentao oferecida, assim como se necessrio podem rever os vdeos.Est destinado a novos empresrios, como novos gestores de recursos humanos ou gestores e lderes de equipa.Qualquer dvida ou opinio que queiram dar, estejam vontade de o fazer.Divirtam-se a aprender."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Biologia |
"Utilize o cupom QUERO50OFF para comprar o curso e obtenha um super desconto! Aproveite.Neste curso vamos apresentar os assuntos de Biologia correspondentes grade curricular do ensino mdio, e tambm apresentaremos questes de vestibulares anteriores analisadas e comentadas. Nosso curso ser dividido por sees, cada seo abordar um assunto diferente da Biologia, com aulas curtas, narrativas curiosas, sempre com uma pegada tecnolgica, realidade aumentada e ambiente virtual que ajuda bastante na hora de ensinar. Conhea a Ginga, somos uma estratgia de estudo dinmica e de alta qualidade, para qualquer nvel de ensino. Preparatrio para o ENEM, vestibular, concursos ou at mesmo reforo escolar. Videoaulas em todas as disciplinas do ensino mdio."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
Sociologia |
"Utilize o cupom QUERO50OFF para comprar o curso e obtenha um super desconto! Aproveite.Neste curso vamos apresentar os assuntos de Sociologia correspondentes grade curricular do ensino mdio, e tambm apresentaremos questes de vestibulares anteriores analisadas e comentadas. Nosso curso ser dividido por sees, cada seo abordar um assunto diferente da Sociologia, com aulas curtas, narrativas curiosas, sempre com uma pegada tecnolgica, realidade aumentada e ambiente virtual que ajuda bastante na hora de ensinar.Conhea a Ginga, somos uma estratgia de estudo dinmica e de alta qualidade, para qualquer nvel de ensino. Preparatrio para o ENEM, vestibular, concursos ou at mesmo reforo escolar. Videoaulas em todas as disciplinas do ensino mdio."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
Geografia |
"Utilize o cupom QUERO50OFF para comprar o curso e obtenha um super desconto! Aproveite.Neste curso vamos apresentar os assuntos de Geografia correspondentes grade curricular do ensino mdio, e tambm apresentaremos questes de vestibulares anteriores analisadas e comentadas. Nosso curso ser dividido por sees, cada seo abordar um assunto diferente da Geografia, com aulas curtas, narrativas curiosas, sempre com uma pegada tecnolgica, realidade aumentada e ambiente virtual que ajuda bastante na hora de ensinar.Conhea a Ginga, somos uma estratgia de estudo dinmica e de alta qualidade, para qualquer nvel de ensino. Preparatrio para o ENEM, vestibular, concursos ou at mesmo reforo escolar. Videoaulas em todas as disciplinas do ensino mdio."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
Filosofia |
"Utilize o cupom QUERO50OFF para comprar o curso e obtenha um super desconto! Aproveite.Neste curso vamos apresentar os assuntos de Filosofia correspondentes grade curricular do ensino mdio, e tambm apresentaremos questes de vestibulares anteriores analisadas e comentadas. Nosso curso ser dividido por sees, cada seo abordar um assunto diferente da Filosofia, com aulas curtas, narrativas curiosas, sempre com uma pegada tecnolgica, realidade aumentada e ambiente virtual que ajuda bastante na hora de ensinar.Conhea a Ginga, somos uma estratgia de estudo dinmica e de alta qualidade, para qualquer nvel de ensino. Preparatrio para o ENEM, vestibular, concursos ou at mesmo reforo escolar. Videoaulas em todas as disciplinas do ensino mdio."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
Matemtica |
"Utilize o cupom QUERO50OFF para comprar o curso e obtenha um super desconto! Aproveite.Neste curso vamos apresentar os assuntos de Matemtica correspondentes grade curricular do ensino mdio, e tambm apresentaremos questes de vestibulares anteriores analisadas e comentadas. Nosso curso ser dividido por sees, cada seo abordar um assunto diferente da Matemtica, com aulas curtas, narrativas curiosas, sempre com uma pegada tecnolgica, realidade aumentada e ambiente virtual que ajuda bastante na hora de ensinar.Conhea a Ginga, somos uma estratgia de estudo dinmica e de alta qualidade, para qualquer nvel de ensino. Preparatrio para o ENEM, vestibular, concursos ou at mesmo reforo escolar. Videoaulas em todas as disciplinas do ensino mdio."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Positive Power of Being Neutral" |
"Experience a deeper ease of living by not reacting or over reacting to yourself, to others, or to external influences.Transform from being stressed, depressed, anxious, and fearful to feeling calm, peaceful and balanced!Shift from reaction and drama to calm and balance!Handle difficult and chaotic situations with objectivity and clear focus!Sharpen your skills for positive interactions!Learn simple techniques to apply daily!So much of our life experience is reaction. How we react to others and to the events of our daily lives determines the ease in which we live. Internal and external factors that seem to be beyond our control trigger reactions that take us away from joy and peace. Our energy goes weak when we are in reactive mode.In this Course, you will learn and apply powerful principles of energetic alignment to alter patterns and behaviors to support life, strength, confidence, clarity and joy.When we are not neutral and our energy comes from reaction, blame, and anger, our energy becomes depleted, and leaves us sick, tired, unmotivated, totally drained, and ""STRESSED OUT""Bruce Lee describes, The stillness in stillness is not the real stillness; only when there is stillness in movement does the universal rhythm manifest. This describes that being still and being neutral allows us to dance with the rhythms of the universe and manifest what we want, NOT WHAT WE DON'T WANT! Let's attract what we do want, and have the energy to get it.Dont let a mad world tell you that success is anything other than a successful present moment. Eckhart Tolle Being in the present moment is what we achieve by getting neutral.""Your problem is not your problem, your problem is your reaction to the problem."" AnonymousThere is a PDF file that contains Course Instructions, which give step-by-step directions for how to proceed through the Course. This PDF is in Lecture 1 and you can either view it online or download it to save and/or print. It is listed as a PDF file in the lecture, and can also be seen by clicking on the blue ""Resources Available"" box on the left hand side while listening to Lecture 1. The Course Instructions can also be found at the end of the PPBN Manual.The PPBN Manual PDF file is located in Lecture 2 and contains all the info you will need for understanding and completing this Course.It takes four to six hours to complete the Course, with additional time as needed to continue sharpening skills."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Become a Freelance Editor: Make Money Copy Editing" |
"At the end of this course, you'll be able to:launch your own freelance editing businessunderstand how to evaluate someone's work before you quote themhow to market your freelance editing businesswhere you can find jobs in this fieldhow to deliver freelance editing work successfully so you can build an ongoing relationship with your clientsThis course is structured to give you all the essential information you need to establish a career as a freelance editor so that you can earn extra money or establish a side business doing editing work! These videos are laser focused to help kickstart your freelance business effectively.While anyone interested in doing editing work can benefit from this course, it's a great fit for someone who is already a freelance writer or virtual assistant, because adding editing services increases your client reach and helps you grow your business.""I wish that I had taken this course a long while ago. It would have saved me the headache. I recommend this course for anyone looking to break into freelance editing. While I have experience with published writing and editing, I've yet to make the jump into freelance editing. This course gave me the motivation to move forward into the field."" 2017 student"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Use Silk or Silky Scarves to sew two, quick, Women's Tops" |
"This course gives youclearstep by step instructions, taking you through a quick andsimple process to create twowomen's silk or silky tops using scarves.The instructions includeexact scarf sizes,all measurementsand options plusPDFs of the instructionsare included so you can have them beside you as you sew. Both projects require onlybasic sewing skills, and so is suitable for anyone who can use a sewing machine tosew simple straight lines.It includestips on handling silk or silky fabric. The projects involve no cuttingat all. All scarves are used as is.The hems are used as is, so no finishing of edges required. One size fits all.One of the two tops iscompletely reversible, back to front, so you get2 tops and 3 very different looksincluded."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a curar con la Reflexoterapia Podal" |
"Este es un curso de reflexoterapia podal, una tcnica teraputica que permite tratar un gran nmero de problemas fsicos a partir de las zonas reflejas de los pies. Se trata de una tcnica muy sencilla y de gran eficacia, que viene practicndose en todo el mundo desde hace siglos.El curso es totalmente audiovisual y se expone en 25 clases cortas, claramente explicadas a travs de vdeos. Adems de los principios cientficos de la reflexoterapia, en el curso se ensea a tratar un gran nmero de problemas cotidianos, por lo que resulta de gran ayuda, tanto para el profesional de las terapias alternativas, como para las personas que se inician en este campo.La ventaja de este sistema es que podrs poner en prctica inmediatamente lo aprendido en cada una de las clases, con lo cual podrs ayudar inmediatamente a las personas que requieran tus servicios. Si ya eres masajista o profesional de las terapias alternativas, este curso te ayudar a complementar tus conocimientos y aumentar tus ingresos econmicos.Por otro lado, el profesor Juan R.Villaverde lleva ms de 35 aos dedicndose a la reflexoterapia podal y es autor de un libro al respecto, por lo que resulta el profesor ideal para la enseanza de esta tcnica."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Options Trading for Rookies: Understand Options Completely" |
"*****Join our family of 10,000+ happy Udemy students who have enrolled in this course*****In this course, you will learn What Options Are - We define them so you can finally understand them :)How stock options workHow to use leverage, probability of profit, time to expiration, strike stock adjustment to your advantage How to trade options effectively and profitablyand so much more!In this Udemy option course I will teach you the foundation for creating option strategies for consistent income, and how to do option trading for a living.Options trading is made easy. This course is packed with practical, insightful and educational option material. You will learn all about stock options, what they are, how they work, buying vs. selling and more!.Learning how to trade options has never been easier. We lay the foundation here for options so we can ultimately teach you successful option trading strategies, options basics, how to do options trading and how to trade options for income.We use option trading examples and visual illustrations of practical options strategies, to help you better understand options trading and how to trade them correctly.This is a foundation course designed for those interested in learning the basics of trading options effectively and for anyone hungry to learn how to trade options.This course is also for TastyTrade folks. If you are a Tastytrader struggling to get up to speed, all my courses are designed to get you up and running in the minimal amount of time.Taking the Fear out of Options:What exactly are Calls & PutsHow do they workBuying them vs Selling themRisk vs RewardAnd much much more!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is part one of a 3-course option bundle: Understand Options CompletelyBasic Option Strategies Make & Manage Profitable Trades In these three courses I will teach you how to trade options and earn consistent returns in the stock market for the rest of your life. I will take you from absolute ground zero of stock option trading knowledge (i.e. ""what is an option?"") all the way to trading different option strategies in only a few courses. There is no frivolous information here. Our goal is to get you up and trading right away, so everything you need to know is here and presented in a straightforward and easy to understand format. All the information is laid out and explained thoroughly on slides, and then illustrated on live trading platforms to show you how to use it in reality.Myths will be busted:1) Trading is not as complicated as professionals would lead you to believe, in fact its pretty easy2) Trading does not take a lot of time. You can do it from work or home in less than 15 minutes a day 3) Trading does not take years to learn, I am going to teach you in only a few coursesNo Fundamental or Technical Analysis is used or needed. This program is based on strategy. And strategy can be applied to any stock at any time.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'm a firm believer that ""Nobody Cares About Your Money More Than You Do."" I want to teach you how to manage your own money, so you don't have to pay exorbitant fees to Money Managers who get paid whether they make money for you or not. Young or old, everyone can learn to trade. All you need is the calculator on your phone and you have all the tools necessary to take this course and learn a skill that can make you money for the rest of your life!This course is for all levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced traders! All you need is an open mind and a passion to be successful!Enroll in this course now and start trading the market successfully!Please also visit us at SharperTrades .com and take one of our FREE Webinars/Courses on Options.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All our Sharper Trades courses come with:30 day money-back-in-full guaranteeUnlimited lifetime access at no extra costsAll future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freeOur Sharper Trades team is always available to answer any question you might have regarding this course. Answers are given in less than 24 hours!Your trading success is our goal!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Over 90,000 students have already joined Sharper Trades courses. Join a large community of successful traders.Click ""Take This Course"" and Start Trading Successfully!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Options Trading for Rookies: Basic Stock Options Strategies" |
"*****Join our family of almost 8,000 happy Udemy students who have enrolled in this course*****Investing Strategies and Options Trading:Do you want to learn how to trade options effectively?How to trade in the stock market without losing your shirt?How to increase your profits while limiting your trading risk?In this Udemy option course, you will learn:All you need to know about the Call & Put Vertical option strategy (both short and long)What they are and how to trade them correctlyHow to effectively trade short call and short put verticalsHow to effectively trade long call and short put verticalsHow profits and losses work when selling call and put verticalsHow to reduce your risks while maximizing your probability of profitThe Five Golden Rules for trading vertical options successfullyIron condor option strategyand so much more!Options trading is made easy. This course is packed with practical, insightful and educational option material. You will learn all about stock options, option investing strategies, call options, put options, buying options versus selling options and other option strategies for income.Learning how to trade options has never been easier. We cover successful option trading strategies, options basics, how to do options trading and how to trade options for income.We use option trading examples and visual illustrations of practical options strategies, to help you better understand options trading and how to trade them correctly.This is a foundation course designed for those interested in learning the basics of trading options effectively and for anyone hungry to learn how to trade options.This course is also for TastyTrade folks. If you are a Tastytrader struggling to get up to speed, all my courses are designed to get you up and running in the minimal amount of time.This course will teach you how to Trade Options and Earn Consistent Returns in the Stock Market for the Rest of Your Life. It will start where ""Option Trading for Rookies: Understand Options Completely"" left off and take you all the way to trading effective option strategies, such as Verticals and Iron Condors. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is part of two of a 3-course option bundle: Understand Options CompletelyBasic Option Strategies Make & Manage Profitable Trades In these three courses I will teach you how to trade options and earn consistent returns in the stock market for the rest of your life. I will take you from absolute ground zero of stock option trading knowledge (i.e. ""what is an option?"") all the way to trading different option strategies in only a few courses. There is no frivolous information here. Our goal is to get you up and trading right away, so everything you need to know is here and presented in a straightforward and easy to understand format. All the information is laid out and explained thoroughly on slides, and then illustrated on live trading platforms to show you how to use it in reality.Myths will be busted:1) Trading is not as complicated as professionals would lead you to believe, in fact its pretty easy2) Trading does not take a lot of time. You can do it from work or home in less than 15 minutes a day 3) Trading does not take years to learn, I am going to teach you in only a few coursesNo Fundamental or Technical Analysis is used or needed. This program is based on strategy. And strategy can be applied to any stock at any time.Please also visit us at SharperTrades .com and take one of our FREE Webinars/Courses on Options.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'm a firm believer that ""Nobody Cares About Your Money More Than You Do."" I want to teach you how to manage your own money, so you don't have to pay exorbitant fees to Money Managers who get paid whether they make money for you or not. Young or old, everyone can learn to trade. All you need is the calculator on your phone and you have all the tools necessary to take this course and learn a skill that can make you money for the rest of your life!This course is for all levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced traders! All you need is an open mind and a passion to be successful!Enroll in this course now and start trading options successfully!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All our Sharper Trades courses come with:30 day money-back-in-full guaranteeUnlimited lifetime access at no extra costsAll future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freeOur Sharper Trades team is always available to answer any question you might have regarding this course. Answers are given in less than 24 hours!Your trading success is our goal!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Over 100,000 students have already joined Sharper Trades courses. Join a large community of successful traders.Click ""Take This Course"" and Start Trading Successfully TODAY!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Job Interview Skills Training Course Successful Interviews" |
"Being successful at job interviews is not rocket science. It's actually quite simple. It requires preparation, studying and training. This Job Interview Skills Training course udemy will prepare you to rock your interviews!! By taking this job interview training course udemy you will master the skills you need to excel at interviews and move to the next phase of your professional career (a new job). And best of all you will be able to accomplish this in a short period of time with real-life, proven principles based on years of experience, research and observation. No need for investing long hours studying about interviews. This course has been designed from the ground up to ensure a smooth, succinct and effective learning experience with a step by step proven process. It works, trust me!What will you learn?To get the job!Job Interview Skills to hit the ground running.Job Interview Skills Training practices to interview like a PRO.How to be effective in an a job interview.To Master the Art of Selling Yourself.About the different types of interviews and how to approach them.The concept of differentiation and its importance.How to perform due diligence, prepare for success and challenge yourself.How you can leverage on feedback and your mistakes.To Excel in an interview.To boost your confidence and communication skills.To handle difficult job interview questions.To rock your interviews!Why take this course?You will get a proven step by step process to achieve success in your interviews.You will get awesome Freebies, including access to a Free Employability Course from one of the leading Universities in the world.You will prepare for job interviews like an absolute PRO.You will get Job Interview Skills to get your dream job.It's based on real life proven principles.It's short, effective and practical.This Job Interview Skills Training course is simple and easy to follow.It's been developed from the ground up with a focus on quality.You will get tools and tips that you will love in this job interview course udemy.It's value for money. You will spend a small amount but gain a lot of knowledge.You have nothing to lose, you are protected by a 30 day money back guarantee!You will get the inside scoop on all my future courses.If you already made up your mind about taking this course just click on the ""Buy Now"" button at the top. If not, keep reading.How will this help you?You will get the job!You will master the Job Interview Skills to rock your interviews!You will go fully prepared to an interview.You will feel more confident.What you'll learn will make you effective and successful :)What are people saying about this course?""I loved it!. Simple, to the point and really effective. I highly recommend."" -Luisa""Excellent course, very comprehensive content that for sure will help many people to improve their performance when being interviewed. Terrific job Mauricio. Congrats !!!"" -Cesar""Clear steps and explanations. Useful tips and tricks to prepare and perform better in job interviews! It makes me more confident for my next interview!"" -NanningWho is behind this course?An Interview Expert and serial entrepreneur, techie, life hacker, expert Project Manager and MBA (x2). This course is specifically for:People who want to get the job!People who want to move on to the next phase of their professional career.People interested in a job with better conditions and a higher salary.People who want to move out of their comfort zone.People who want to Excel in an interview.People with an open mind and a willingness to learn.People capable of taking notes and applying the step by step process in this job interview skills training course udemy.People that are not happy with their current role and want a change.People who are ready to work for what they want, but need a guide/process to follow.This course is not suitable for:People that prefer quantity over quality. People that like lengthy and theoretical explanations. People who aren't prepared to go through the entire course and take notes.People who expect things to work out without any effort or preparation.People that are trying to get more interviews. This is not about more interviews, it's about being effective in the ones you have.If you think this course is for you, then go ahead and click Buy Now"" and we'll be in touch soon.The FactsThis job interview skills course udemy works! If it doesn't ask for a refund within 30 days.Unemployment is here to stay. This is a challenge all economies face.With a growing global population, competition will only continue to increase.We learn better by following a proven process that is broken up in steps.You are reading this because you have a genuine interest in being effective in your interviews. And there's good news, I can help you!Through this Job Interview Skills Training Course you will learn key concepts and practices such as differentiation and the art of selling which will lead to you becoming the preferred candidate for a job. But we will go beyond job interview skills, from rituals and tools, to activities, concepts, examples and reflections. So take this job interview course udemy now to learn what all of this means in more detail and how you can apply it to rock your interviews!!So if you haven't done so already click on ""Buy Now"" now! Or... What are you waiting for?Production NotesThis course was produced in 9 months.The cost of production was >$250K (hours invested x my hourly rate)The creation process involved a high level of attention to detail and a focus on quality.__________ What's New (Latest Course Updates)General improvements and enhancementsAdded new templates__________ Pledge to All Students (both current & future students) Students First. I will never compromise your experience to make money. Never, ever. Yes, this is also a business but to me teaching goes way beyond making money. I already have a full time job and fortunately don't rely on teaching to survive. You are always at the forefront of my courses and I want to ensure you have a unique, valuable and memorable experience. I promise. 24x7x365 Support. You can contact me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year round, even on holidays, Christmas and New Years Eve; I will get back to you quickly (in a few hours tops) and deliver outstanding quality of service in my support. I promise. Humbleness, kindness and social responsibility. I believe in giving back to you and the world. So think of me as your own real-life human ""Siri."" If you need advice or support just ask. And if I can do something to help you in your journey, I will. I promise. Australian Made. Recognized in the Industry as a symbol of quality and excellence. All my courses are Made in Australia with high tech and professionally edited. They also include my secret sauce: a lot of passion & love! I also apply in my courses everything I've learnt from years of experience working with technology, projects, entrepreneurs and people all over the world. I promise. Quality over Quantity. I will strive to make courses concise, to the point and relevant. Time is one of our most valuable assets and we need to invest it carefully. So I won't make a course long for the purpose of displaying it has more hours; only when strictly necessary. To me it's about quality and if I can deliver that in 5 minutes and save you time, I will. I promise."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Startup Growth Strategies: Grow the Most Important Startup" |
"This course will boost you to growth and greatness. You will learn a lot in this course; from how to be happier, more relaxed, less stressed and mindful, to how to make more money. Yes, how to make more money!But we will go beyond making money, to truly deep insights, reflections and techniques which will allow you to develop the mentality of an entrepreneur. To see yourself as a StartUp, and to invest in yourself, your development, knowledge and growth. What you will learn in this course is truly priceless. But if you were concerned about the price tag and value for money, well let's put it this way, you would pay hundreds of dollars just for one of the lectures in this course: a Hypnosis session to start changing your life by feeling more relaxed and less stressed. If you're a fast learner, you'll start applying right now one of the key concepts you will learn in my course, ""STOP thinking and START doing."" A first step in that direction is to enroll in this course :)Let me walk you through the rest of the journey. And START doing!__________ What will you learn?To Boost Yourself to Growth & Greatness!To think of yourself as the most important startup in the world.To develop the mentality of an entrepreneur.To relax and live a stress free life.About tools and apps to make more money.About Mindfulness and Minimalism.Why sitting around doing nothing takes you nowhere.Why complaining leads you nowhere. About tools you can use to develop your attention and focus.__________ Why take this course?It will help you change your life, make more money and develop a deep sense of awareness. It includes a hypnosis session. Yes, you will get hypnotized so that you learn to let go and relax!It's short, effective and practical.It's been developed from the ground up with a focus on quality.You will get tools and tips that you will love.It's value for money. You will spend a small amount but gain a lot of knowledge.You have nothing to lose, you are protected by a 30 day money back guarantee!You will get the inside scoop on all my future courses.__________ How will this help you?You will learn about concepts that lead to change, improvement and growth.You will get tips, tricks an apps. Plus lots of other resources such as videos and links.You will feel more relaxed and productive.__________ What's New (Latest Course Updates)General improvements and enhancementsAdded new resources__________ Pledge to All Students (both current & future students)Students First. I will never compromise your experience to make money. Never, ever. Yes, this is also a business but to me teaching goes way beyond making money. I already have a full time job and fortunately don't rely on teaching to survive. You are always at the forefront of my courses and I want to ensure you have a unique, valuable and memorable experience. I promise. 24x7x365 Support. You can contact me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year round, even on holidays, Christmas and New Years Eve; I will get back to you quickly (in a few hours tops) and deliver outstanding quality of service in my support. I promise. Humbleness, kindness and social responsibility. I believe in giving back to you and the world. So think of me as your own real-life human ""Siri."" If you need advice or support just ask. And if I can do something to help you in your journey, I will. I promise.Australian Made. Recognized in the Industry as a symbol of quality and excellence. All my courses are Made in Australia with high tech and professionally edited. They also include my secret sauce: a lot of passion & love! I also apply in my courses everything I've learnt from years of experience working with technology, projects, entrepreneurs and people all over the world. I promise. Quality over Quantity. I will strive to make courses concise, to the point and relevant. Time is one of our most valuable assets and we need to invest it carefully. So I won't make a course long for the purpose of displaying it has more hours; only when strictly necessary. To me it's about quality and if I can deliver that in 5 minutes and save you time, I will. I promise.Are you a Non Profit or Charity helping the world?Awesome! The world needs more people like you. Keep up the good work and let me know how I can help. To start with, get in touch with me to unlock free access to all of my courses. Just message me privately and I'll get that sorted for you and your team."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |