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"Java Sorting Algorithms for Newbs" |
"Does the word ""algorithm"" intimidate you? Well, it shouldn't! Algorithms are incredibly powerful programming tools, and once you pick up the basics of sorting algorithms, you'll be on your way in no time.Begin Your Algorithm Journey With This Course Designed Specifically for Algorithm Newbies.Learn the basic sorting algorithms first so you can eventually move on to more complicated algorithmsImplement the algorithms in Java code to see how they look in practiceDistinguish between the various features of basic sorting algorithmsSorting Algorithms are Your Friends.Sorting algorithms are not scary beasts; they are very practical programming tools. They can sort many different data sets: a basic integer array, a database of names, or a deck of cards. Nearly any large program could, and should, implement sorting algorithms.That being said, algorithms are very important to software engineers. Let's say you're a video game programmer. You're going to need to be able to sort your hero's inventory or bank. Or, let's say you're a web developer. You're going to want to sort your content in a specific order.Content and OverviewThis course is designed for the average programmer who has absolutely no experience with algorithms. Although I recommend that you have some programming experience, particularly in Java, I assume no prior knowledge of algorithms.You'll go through 8 lectures and 1 hour of content to get your feet wet in these sorting algorithms. Throughout the duration of the course, I'll focus on bubble sort, insertion sort, and merge sort - 3 beginner friendly sorting algorithms.I take a two-pronged teaching approach. First, you'll see a definition and visual demonstration of each algorithm. This facilitates the second prong: the code. I'll take you step-by-step through the code implementation, explaining every line I type.If you're looking to deepen your programming experience, and you're willing to learn, I recommend this course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fatigu d'tre fatigu? Refaites vite le plein dnergie!" |
"La fatigue dvore et ronge plusieurs vies. Ce cours vous donne des outils de base pour faire face la fatigue et au manque dnergie.liminez la fatigue de votre vie en apprenant grer votre nergie personnelle. Je suis le DrNathalie Campeau, MD et jai recueilli des centaines de plaintes de patients fatigus. J'ai conu ce cours dintroduction sur la fatigue chronique quivous guidera 1-vers une meilleure comprhension du phnomne de la fatigue et 2-vers des pistes de solutions pour vincer la fatigue de votre vie.Des outils puissants pour chasser la fatigue de votre vieLa fatigue, surtout la fatigue chronique, est un problme de sant grave. La fatigue chronique peut tre attribue de multiples causes qui, pour la plus part, ne sont pas mdicales. Dans ce cours de plus de 2 heures,je vous donne les bases de la seule mthode efficace long terme pour rgler le problmede la fatigue: la gestion de lnergie personnelle. Jai cr ce cours pour vous, les fatigus, les puiss, les vids qui dsesprez de retrouver votre nergie et qui ne savez pas par o commencer. Vous y apprendrez 1- identifier les causes de votre fatigue 2- comprendre vos motivations cder aux pressions des vampires dnergie 3- voir vos rsistances trouverle temps de refaire le plein dnergie 4- les principes de base de la gestion de lnergie personnelle. De plus, ce cours vous suggre de nombreux exercices pratiques qui vous permettront dadapter ce cours vos besoins personnels. la fin de ce cours, vous aurez compris les diffrentes causes de la fatigue et vous aurez appris grer votre nergie pour savoir rsister aux sapeurs dnergie et avoir le courage de faire de vous une priorit pour prendre le temps de vous reposer. tes-vous fatigu dtre fatigu? Si oui, ce cours est pour vous. Entreprenez ds maintenant laventure du rtablissement de votre nergie rayonnante."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Success: It's All In Your Mind" |
"Given the level of unemployment brought on by the global re-positioning of labor, people in every profession are feeling the need to revisit their fundamental and competency skills. Success: Its All In Your Mind is a unique course that utilizes existing formats and identified skill sets with competencies that are transferable from industry to industry. Your current skills have provided you unidentified opportunities that you have not recognized yet. By identifying seemingly unrelated skill sets, competencies and personal interests,you will recognize and create a path to gainful employment. The process highlighted in this course, which the student will walk through, is designed to illuminate opportunities, rekindle past attainable work situations and give back a sense of purpose and self worth and personal identify.Success: It's All In Your Mind is an experiential exercise in identifying what you naturally gravitate to and creating an actionable game plan to make it a reality."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"(Ken Cen)- HTML,CSS,JS, jQuery,php,mySQL" |
"If you have any doubts, please contact usWe will learn from the zero base and learn 9 languages and tools, including HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, jQueryUI, Bootstrap, Wordpress, PHP, MySQL, etc. We will learn from the zero base their own pages or sites, the process will create 12 pages or web applications, one-stop exciting journey of learning, 28 hours, premium web development course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Blender 2.9X: Modelado y texturizado enfocado a videojuegos" |
"EL CURSO SE EST ACTUALIZANDO CONSTANTEMENTEEsta actualizacin es totalmente gratuita y se estn rehaciendo todos los vdeos con la nueva interface ademas todas las prcticas son nuevas.En este nuevo curso contaremos con dos profesores ms. Daniel Mallada, nuestro experto concept artist que nos va a proporcionar mucho material 2D para nuestras prcticas. Alvaro Villegas profesor de iluminacin, shaders, render, rig y animacin va a ensearnos como iluminar nuestros assets, escenarios y personajes tanto en eevee el nuevo motor real time de Blender, como en Cycles, el motor de raytracing para renders de alta calidad.Tambin nos va a ensear como hacer shaders en blender y en las prcticas de personajes veremos con el rigg y animacin. Los updates se van haciendo poco a poco ya que el curso se actualiza constantemente.Bienvenido al curso completo de Blender online de modelado y texturizado orientado a videojuegos.Blender es un gran software de 3D que permite crear modelos y materiales de calidad AAA, esto te permite exportar a cualquier motor de juego, impresiones 3D o cualquier otro software.En el curso de Blender en espaol empezaremos desde lo ms bsico para que aprender Blender sea algo sencillo, as que no necesitas ninguna experiencia previa.Poco a poco iremos complicando las prcticas para ir subiendo el nivel de 3D y manteneros con una motivacin alta.Empezaremos con prcticas de assets sencillos, haciendo el modelado y mapeado y luego crearemos texturas y personajes.Odn Fernandez es un veterano artista 3D en la industria del videojuego que te proporcionara toda la ayuda posible para sacar adelante cualquier duda sobre Blender ya sea mediante el apartado de preguntas y respuestas, la comunidad de Facebook de O3D Students o nuestro grupo de discord para alumnos.El curso es de por vida con un nico pago, ademas el curso se actualiza de forma regular.Que vamos a ver en el cursoInstalar y configurar el programa Blender y familiarizarte con su interfaz grfica y modo de trabajo, utilizando todas sus herramientas con soltura.Los fundamentos de Blender: desde la preparacin y estudio de assets, hasta la iniciacin al modelado 3D con casos prcticos.Todas las etapas de un desarrollo normal en un videojuego.A modelar, texturizar y pintar en 3D de forma sencilla.Metodologas para agilizar la produccin.A dar soluciones a los problemas que puedan surgir.Exportar las creaciones a engines de ltima generacin como Unity y Unreal Engine 4.El curso tiene una pequea parte inicial para comprender lo bsico de Blender y luego pasaremos a las prcticas:Prctica del Martillo:Aqu vamos a poner en prctica todo lo aprendido en las clases iniciales para hacer un asset completo de principio a fin, un martillo vikingo.Dentro de la prctica vamos a ver:Como cargar referencias en Blender.Repasaremos los conceptos bsicos del modelado.Veremos herramientas como extrude, insert,subdivide.Aprenderemos una de las herramientas ms tiles de Blender, las looptools.Usaremos snap y simetra.Crearemos una versin del martillo Hi poly con ms detalle.Aprenderemos a desplegar las UVs.Bake de texturas para pasar el detalle del martillo Hi poly a nuestro martillo Low poly.Como pintar texturas y crear el metal del martillo.Pulir el texturizado para darle un aspecto ms profesional.A continuacin veremos una serie de vdeos donde se explican funciones extra de Blender y casi todos los modificadores de inters.Despus seguiremos con las prcticas:Prctica del Rifle:En esta prctica vamos a poner en marcha todo lo aprendido anteriormente, explicare como se crean este tipo de assets para videojuegos, pasando por todas sus fases, creacin de blockout para comprobar que toda la escala y posicin de las piezas es correcta.Modelado Mid poly que usaremos para crear ms facilmente un modelo Hi poly que usaremos para aadir el mximo detalle y posterior mente sacar los mapas de normal map. Textura que se usa para simular alto detalle en un modelo con pocos polgonos.Este sera un modelado hard surface.Adems esta prctica puede ser complementada con el curso de modelado orgnico digital con ZBrush, ya que all se le aaden detalles extra al rifle, pero no es totalmente necesario, es solo un extra.Por ltimo vamos a hacer la retopologa del rifle para rebajarle los polgonos y que sea apta para un videojuego y proyectaremos las texturas.Dentro de la prctica vamos a ver:Blockout del rifle.Modelado Mid poly.Modelado Hi poly.Detalles extra de modeladoExportacin a Zbrush en el caso de querer combinar la prctica.Retopologa del rifle, modelado low poly.Bakes de texturas finales.Prctica de personaje, Fox Kid:En esta prctica vamos modelar un personaje orgnico completo.Dentro de la prctica vamos a ver:Como cargar y colocar correctamente las referencias para modelar.Modelado de la cabeza y orejas.Veremos como modelar el pergamino.Modelado del torso, brazos y piernas.Como hacer manos, pies y la cola del nio zorro.Optimizacin de la geometra y pulido.Terminologa:Este ltimo apartado tendremos una gua ilustrada de terminologa tcnica sobre el mundo digital 3D, donde podremos entender con ejemplos visuales, tecnicismos como normal map, mipmapping, level of detail etc"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Esculpido Orgnico Digital con ZBrush" |
"Adems de la seccin de preguntas y respuestas, todos los alumnos tienen acceso al grupo privado de alumnos de Facebook O3D Students y el grupo de Discord.El curso se actualiza de forma regular.Que vamos a ver en el cursoComo manejar con soltura todo el interface de Zbrush, sus mens, y como configurarlo a tu gusto para mayor comodidad.Preparacin de objetos para esculpir.Usar las subdivisiones para aadir ms detalle y realismo a tus creaciones.Manejar los pinceles ms usados.Esculpir en 3D desde un concept o dibujo.Transpose.Blockouts de personajes con diferentes tcnicas.Creacin de polygroups para un workflow eficiente.Topologia.Dynamesh.Alphas para detalles.Subtool Master.Zspheres y Zketch.Posado de personajes.Colocar referencias en el visor.Capas.Deformaciones.Materiales.Esculpido orgnico e inorgnico para aadir objetos a nuestros personajes.Tcnicas para crear pelo (hair sculpting)Decimation Master, para preparar nuestro personaje para otro software 3D o imprimir.Todo esto lo veremos mediante prcticas:Prctica del Bomb:En esta prctica vamos a crear nuestro primer personaje en Zbrush, vamos a tomar de referencia un Bomb del Final Fantasy. Esta primera prctica es muy interesante ya que se puede seguir el modelo de ejemplo a pie de la letra o bien hacer una variacin a gusto del alumno ya que se adquieren conocimientos para poder hacerlo.En esta prctica aprenderemos:Como y donde buscar referencias para nuestros personajes.Aprenderemos a encajar mediante blocking las proporcionesTodo el proceso de esculpido de pricipio a fin, de lo ms bsico hasta los detalles finales.A manejarnos con diferentes subtools.El uso correcto de simetra y posibles errores.A crear diferentes texturas de esculpido como piel, poros y roca.Y por ltimo a la utilizacin de alphas para darle un detalle extra a nuestro modelo.Prctica base mesh femenina:En esta prctica crearemos lo ms importante de un personaje, una basemesh que nos va a servir para aprender anatoma femenina simplificada adems de base para nuestra futura prctica en el curso o fuera del curso. Estas bases son una de las mejores formas de mejorar esculpiendo.En esta prctica vamos a ver:Diferentes tipos de blockouts para poder abarcar diferentes proyectos.Como encajar referencias y dibujos en Zbrush.El blocking de todo el cuerpo por piezas separadas.Tener control del blocking mediante polygroups.Como unir todas las piezas en una con dynamesh.Veremos como usar las Zremesher guides para sacar una geometra limpia.Aadir detalles como ojos, cejas y pestaas.Y finalmente como pulir el modelo para dejarlo preparado.Prctica personaje completo Femenino:Una vez tenemos nuestra base mesh vamos a vestir al personaje, tanto con ropa como con accesorios.Vamos a crear todos los complementos necesarios adems de pelo, plumas, piedras preciosas, cuero etc...Que vamos a ver dentro de la prctica:Como aadirle detalle extra al rostro para personalizarlo.Construiremos un pincel de pelo en Zbrush.Crearemos la ropa con diferentes tcnicas como extract y curve.Daremos forma a las plumas con shadowbox.Vamos a hacer correas con pinceles curve.Aprenderemos a aadir arrugas.Veremos como posar el personaje.Y por ltimo vamos a hacer un render final.Prctica base mesh masculina:Para completar las base meshes, vamos a hacer en esta prctica un chico estilizado, usando esta vez otra tcnica diferente de hacer base meshes, las Zspheres.Ests son una herramienta muy verstil a la hora de crear formas, tanto humanoide como de criaturas.Que vamos a ver dentro de la prctica:Blockout con Zpheres.Volumen y proporciones masculinas.Usaremos Zremesher para dejar la geometra limpia.Como aadir detalles a la cabeza.Veremos como presentar el trabajo para correcciones.Aadiremos correcciones y acabado final.Prctica environment rocas:Vamos a hacer tambin una prctica de environment, para complementar el curso y as ser ms verstiles.En esta prctica vamos a ver:Como crear un blocking con Dynamesh.Crearemos pinceles Insert multi mesh.Como detallar roca.Aprenderemos a crear pinceles Alpha de detalle.Y por ltimo daremos un pulido final al modelo.Prctica asset rifle de asalto:Esta es una prctica combinada, el rifle lo creamos en el curso de Blender y los detalles los vamos a hacer aqu en Zbrush. Por supuesto si no tienes el rifle base puedes descargarlo en el curso o bien usar un asset propio.En esta prctica vamos a ver:Como preparar todas las piezas para un esculpido hard surface.Creacin de uvs para aadir detalles con noise maker.Detalles extra con alphas.Preparacin de decimado para exportar.Polypaint para crear IDs de color y poder hacer un buen bake de texturas.Zbrush tips:En esta seccin vamos a ver tips para diferentes herramientas de Zbrush como por ejemplo:Decimation masterImportacin a keyshotConfiguracin de luces.Zbrush GoZY ms tips que se van aadiendo con el tiempo o por peticin de los alumnos.Actualizacin constante:Tambin tendremos siempre que salga un update de Zbrush, vdeos explicativos con las nuevas herramientas, por ejemplo:Zbrush 4R8 novedades:Nuevo Gizmo ZbrushTranspose all subtools.Zbrush Live bolean.Subtools layers.Vector displacement.Zbrush 2018 novedades:Zbrush Sculptris pro.Proyect primitive.Zbrush Poligroupit.Remember draw y dynamic.Terminologa:Este ltimo apartado tendremos una gua ilustrada de terminologa tcnica sobre el mundo digital 3D, donde podremos entender con ejemplos visuales, tecnicismos como normal map, mipmapping, level of detail etc...El futuro del curso:Como ya sabis de mis anteriores cursos, me gusta tener actualizado el contenido, aun no tengo cerrado que voy a aadir para el siguiente ao pero si se me ocurren varias opciones muy interesantes:Actualizar y mejorar las tcnicas empleadas en nuevas prcticas.Aadir esculpido de Hard Surface.Preparacin de renders ms complejos en Zbrush.Ensear tcnicas para crear pel tipo haircuts.Y cualquier otra propuesta que me hagis por discord o facebook."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Build Your Startup with No Coding (Design, Develop & Ship)" |
"Hello there! Are you entrepreneurial and yearning to build the next big thing without a developer? Have an idea in your back pocket that you want the world to see? Maybe you don't like current solutions and want to build one on your own but without coding? That's what this course is for - you'll be able to develop your startup through harnessing the power of Bubble and exploring numerous apps that we'll make together. (plus more apps will be made every month!)What is this course?If you've ever had a SaaS startupidea of your own that you really wanted to execute but didn't have a developer by your side, then this course enables you to realize how to build it from design to shipment without writing a single line of code.Who's teaching it?Good question. I've been involved with startups since Iwas 16. After founding, funding and exiting my own local commerce startup, I learned a thing or two. Currently, as a user experience lead at a well-funded startup and a passionate instructor, I'm helping people build their ideas themselves.Why would I take it?There is nothing like the feeling that you can build anything. WhenI started learning webdevelopment, I felt overwhelmed by all that Ihad to learn though I still wanted to. If you're ever felt that way ordon't have too much time to invest in learning, then this course will convince you that is very possible to take your ideas and make them into realities.What will I do?Once Iget you caught up with a platform called Bubble, I'll show you how you can not only design, but structure, architect and execute your startup ideas. Who knows? You could someday be a millionaire, all because you said yes to learning how to develop your startup without any coding.How much time? Not much at all. The platform you'll be using makes it easy not only for me to explain to you what things to consider when developing a startup, but also for you to pick things up and get going entirelyon your own.What are you waiting for? Starting learning how to build your startupwithout any codingand tons of more apps with free lifetime updates! Looking forward to seeing you.Cheers."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to create a custom slash command for Slack." |
"Want to save yourself hours of time in boring admin tasks so you can concentrate on your real job?Did you know you can use Slack as a command hub from which to control external services and systems?You can use this powerful functionality for a wide range of things, frominitiating an action inyour project management systemto kicking off an automated email campaign.This course specifically will teach you how to create a custom slash command for Slack.For example, you can setup a slash command that lookslike/bill 2.8 fixed jumpyheaderthat will automatically add that billed time (2.8 hours)with that task description (fixed jumpy header) against a client in your accountancy system. Slack sends the text entered together with the channel name it was sent from, so your script could match thechannel name to your client's name in your accountancy package.Super simple. Super clean. Super powerful.Course StructureThe course is made up of a series of step-by-stepscreencasts of the course creator creating a slash command.We'llstartfrom scratch to give you a very clear understanding of the development process and workflowfor creating a customslash command.There is about an hour's worth of video content broken up into 14 discretesections, making it very easy to complete the course at your own pace.What We'll BuildExactlyWe'll createa weather slash command./weather <city>This will allow someone to type something like /weather Cape Townwhich will display the weather for that citywithin Slack. This is a simple script, butwill give you the basic frameworkon how to have a slash command call a server that callsan external service, perform any action and return some data to Slack.An Overview of the Workflow We WillBuild:Setup a Node.js server that does something (like calls another API based on the parameters passed in by Slack) and returns some JSON data backto Slack.Configure a custom slash command for a Slack account: what the slash command is to be called, what address to post to (the above Node.js server).Skills You'll LearnBuild on your experience of Javascript and learn new features ofthe next version:ECMAScript 2015 (ES6)You'll setup a Node.js server with Express on DigitalOcean.I look forward to helping you automate a lot of those repetitive tasks you normally perform in your business!Note:This course isnot created by, affiliated with, or supported by Slack Technologies, Inc."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Fast, Fresh, And Exciting - How To Edit Amazing Videos" |
"Why do such a large percentage people get bored with a video only seconds after it's started? Because it didn't grab their attention, because it wasnt exciting. There's no point in creating a video if 10 seconds in you've already lost most of your audience!Discover simple yetpowerful techniques that will make your videos lookprofessionally edited and feelfresher and more exciting. In this 60-minute class I'll guide you step-by-step through some of the techniques the professionalsuse to createvideos that make an impact.Using only Premiere Pro CC's built-in features and free stock footage, sound effects and music, you'll learn to create powerful videos using pacing, creative music edits, effects, and creative color correction.This class is perfect for beginners that already have basic editing knowledge, in software likePremiere Pro or Final Cut, as well asintermediate level editors that want to take their editing skillsto the next level.You'll finish thisclass knowing how to use simple editing techniquestocreate videos that hold on to your audienceand keep them engaged with your story."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Video Editing: Master 4K Video In 30 min" |
"In this class Ill show you what 4K video is, explain why its the video format of the future, and teach you 4 techniques that make 4K the most dynamic and useful format to use in your video editsIve been creating video content as an editor and creative director for over a decade and in the last 5 years Ive really seen 4K video become the format of choice in the professional world. And now, with affordable 4K capable DSLRs on the market, shooting in 4K isnt just for the professionals.Now you you can also take advantage of this format!Drawing on my experience, Im going to teachyou some of the ways you can use 4K video in your projects to make them look better and feel like they have a higher production value.Well jump into Premiere Pro CC where Ill show you the techniques I use to get the most out of my 4K footage using really awesome quality video samples provided by the stock footage company, Dissolve.This class is for editors of all levels as well as anyone interested in understanding what the big deal with 4K is! And if youre up for a challenge, Ill guide you in creating a simple project thatll give you a clear insight into how powerful 4K video can be.So enroll now, learn about the video format of the future and how you can use it to make your projects look and feel even more awesome!If you like this, make sure to check out my premium course:Fast, Fresh, And Exciting - How To Edit Amazing Videos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Schmerz Selbsthilfe System. Biokinematik & Achtsamkeit" |
"Wenn Sie mehr tun mchten, als Schmerzmittel einzunehmen, und Zusammenhnge von Schmerzfreiheit und Ihrer Bewegung verstehen mchten, dann sind Sie hier richtig. Unser 24/7-Online-Kursverschafft Ihnen innerhalb von 5 Minuten Zugang zu einem umfassenden, selbst umsetzbaren Wissen ber Schmerzfreiheit.Inhalt: Selbsthilfevideos (Kopf-/Rckenschmerzen) in 10 Minuten- sofort umsetzbar Schmerzlse-Meditationen- sofortumsetzbar Grundwissen der Biokinematik/ Faszienregulation23 Lektionen, ber 2 Stunden Video und AudioStellen SieIhre Fragen hier imKurs undSie erhalten eine persnlicheAudiooderVideo-Antwort.Weiterfhrendes MaterialSie erfahren, wie Sie dieses Wissenauch bei weiteren Krankheitsbildern/Schmerzen als Selbsthilfe anwenden knnen.Das Problem mit den hufigsten Schmerzen, liegt verborgen in den individuellen, disharmonischen Bewegungsmustern.In Unausgewogenheit, sowohl krperlich, nicht selten aber auch emotional, mental und geistig.Das gilt auch fr chronische oder akute Schmerzen in Verbindung mit Arthrose, wie bei Schmerzen in Knien und Hften, Hand und Fugelenken, auch nach Unfllen und vielem mehr.Ich verbinde in der Schmerzlsung, die bewhrte Biokinematik meines Lehrers Walter Packi (Arzt und langjhriger rztlicher Leiter einer Physiotherapieschule, sowie Leiterder Klinik fr Biokinematik in Bad Krozingen) mit Methoden dae Achtsamkeit aus dem MBSR(der Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction), zusammen mit meiner persnlichen Essenz an langjhrigen Erfahrungen miteinem auergewhnlichen Zugang aus der Energiemedizin, dem energetischen Heilen eines internationalen HeilungsnetzwerkesAnmerkung: Ich habe mich in manchen Kurs-Videos fr das Du als Anrede entschieden, erleichtert es doch die Kursstruktur und die Meditationen. Im Telefonkontakt benutzen wir gegebenenfalls das passendere Sie."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Design Thinking for Business Innovation" |
"In this course, you will be learning a powerful complexproblem solving framework known asDesign Thinking anda newapproach to Business Innovation based on insights and understanding of human needs.The concept of Design Thinking has been around for decades, but in the past ten years, IDEO, a design consultancy firm, has championed the process as an alternative to a purely analytical approach to problem-solving.A complex business problem is a multi-dimensional and difficult problem to solve because ofincomplete, contradictory, and changing requirements that are often hardto recognize. More over, complex problems often cut across social, cultural, political and environmental issues affecting diverse groups of people and has no clear boundaries or solution template to follow.Design Thinkingoffers a new approach to tackle complex problem and create innovative solutions:It's dynamic, adaptive and human centeredEmpowering people with team-based, co-creation of solutionsNew approach to problem finding, solution refinementand values creationIntegrative, practical, and effective for business innovationYou will learn the principles, process and methods of Design Thinking and new ways of looking at problems and finding solutions. This new design approach to Innovation will enrich your organization with greater knowledge and skills for the future.Note: Each Video has Thai Language ( ) translated text in PDF file available for Thai students."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Data Visualisation with Plotly and Python" |
"Looking to level up your data visualisation skills? Bored of dull, static charts and graphs? This course will teach you to how to use Python to create awesome, interactive data visualisations with the Plotly library. What's involved?You get immediate access to twelve painstakingly crafted and researched chapters, each designed to level up your data visualisation and coding skills. Using my experience as a data visualisation specialist and teacher, I've created original content that uses real-world data to teach you the fundamentals of data visualisation in a clear and easy-to-understand way. You'll find this course interesting, fun and engaging. The lessons are paced to build confidence in the skills you're learning, and there are plenty of quizzes and practise activities to solidify your knowledge.Here's what you get with Data Visualisation with Plotly 3 and PythonAccess to twelve chapters which take you through each topic, providing plenty of chances to practise.Over 140 Lectures, 27 hours of video content, 40 practise datasets and 11 quizzesStep by step instruction to set up your coding environment and install the required softwareThe course starts with the basics; the first section will give you a basic understanding of the Python coding language. and you'll soon be making some interactive charts!Over the twelve chapters you'll:Use Plotly 3 to create:Lineplots AreaplotsScatterplotsBubbleplotsStacked bar chartsGrouped bar chartsPie chartsTablesDashboardsBring together everything you've learnt to create three awesome dashboards which showcase your work.Learn how to use colour, interaction and design principles to make your charts really stand out.Build a portfolio of charts that you can use to show off your data visualisation skills.Develop your knowledge of Python and become a confident user of Pandas; the go-to data analysis tool for Python coders.Please note that this course does not cover Plotly 4.0What else will you get?Lifetime access to the course materialsSo what are you waiting for? Level up your data visualisation skills, transform your career and sign up now!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Electrical Engineering" |
"The goal of this course is for you (an absolute beginner) to learn all the fundamentals of Electrical Engineering in the most simple, effective and fast way.Instead of giving you every information at the beginning and bore you with all the details, I will add information as you start to question and start to need it. This is proven to be the best way to learn languages and I believe it's the best way to learn anything. So please ask questions and learned actively!This course starts with explaining what all the sub-fields in Electrical Engineering (e.g. Signal Processing, Control System, Power System, Telecommunication, Photonics, Microelectronics) are and what Electrical Engineers do. Then you will learn the characteristics of the most basic and common components used in Electrical Engineering (i.e. resistors, capacitors, inductors, power supplies, voltmeters and ammeters). Before you can understand Ohms Law and DC Circuit Analysis (e.g. Kirchoffs Voltage Law and Kirchoffs Current Law), I will demonstrate what electrical voltage, current, charge and power means with examples. The second section of the course covers active circuit elements (i.e. operational amplifiers, diodes and transistors). You will learn their characteristics and typical applications. Then we will revisit the passive components and see how they behave in AC circuits. In this part, you will learn why complex numbers exist in AC circuits, how to perform complex number algorithms, and what phase shift is. The last part of this section focuses on power generation, losses and distribution. Here we will introduce fuses and transformers. Lastly, we will look at practical circuits and follow a few guidelines to help you start building your own circuits."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Fun food safety and sanitation course" |
"Welcome to food safety and sanitation. In this fun and animated course you will learn aboutfood borneillness, how to prevent it and how to train employees in food sanitation. It is imperative that everyone in your organization from the owner, to the manager to all your employeeslearn the basic food safety practices for preparing and serving food. Do not assume people understand these rules or how to apply them. It is your job to protect customer health, improve employee performance and preserve your business reputation. Most people like myself learn these essential food safety practices in culinary school but some do not. It is your job to understand, identify and create a culture of food safety. The concepts covered: The Importance of Food Safety HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) Receiving and Storing Food Time and Temperature Control Preventing Cross-Contamination Safe Food Preparation Methods of Thawing, Cooking, Cooling and Reheating Food Cleaning and Sanitizing Good Personal Hygiene Food Safety Regulations And much, much more . . ."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Web Content Optimization - Building an audience of true fans" |
"Course Description UPDATE: March 2017. I just added a new section at the end with a video about Open Graph tags. You'll want to learn about this if you are working with social media. Plus another video about figuring out the best word count for your content pages.While millions of online writers and companies are doing content marketing, very few are winning at it. To achieve the most positive outcomes, web content needs to be on-purpose and optimized. This course shows you how to write content that is fullyoptimized, with every page integrated into acontent marketing plan. Achieve a massive improvement in outcomes by creating optimized web content that is purpose-driven and delivers results. In this course youll learn how to optimize content in 7 different areas. 1. Content optimized for the search engines 2. Content optimized to attract inbound links 3. Content optimized for social media 4. Content optimized to pre-sell 5. Content optimized for to generate leads 6. Content optimized to build relationships 7. Content optimized for the seasons and holidays ""This is a great course - lots of info, no time-wasting fluff. Nick is a brilliant teacher and presents in a clear, logical manner."" Toni MilneI have studied SEO for years but have never had the changes explained as clearly as Nick does. Thanks Nick! Ive just finished the lecture on Link Building more valuable advice about things I have never considered! Cant wait for more. Allan MillerMillions of new pages of content are created and published each and every dayfor blogs, websites and social media channels. Freelancers, bloggers and companies feel under increasing pressure to publish more and more web content. And most of that content delivers very little in the way of ROI. Little wonder people scratch their heads and wonder if all the time and money they put into content creation is worth it. Their problem is that they fail to OPTIMIZE their content according to a clearly defined strategy.I learned more about optimization within 3 hours than I had in the 3 years prior. This sails effortlessly into 5 Star plus territory.Peter SkodaIn this course youll learn how to optimize your web content to achieve clearly defined results. This course builds a solid foundation on which you can build a high-performing content marketing strategy. It begins by addressing the issue of QUALITY. To get on the right side of both the search engines and your readers, quality has to come first. Next well look at what it means to truly optimize your content. And then well deep dive into optimizing content in 7 key areas. This course includes21lectures and almost 3 hours of instruction.Each new lecture builds on the one that came before, and each concludes with a Quick Takeaway slide that crystallizes the lessons learned.Within days of taking this course, I was able to use what I learned with a new client. Repositioned as an optimization expert, I had a higher perceived value in their minds. And that led to a better paycheck! Steve Maurer"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Selling With Stories - For Content Writers and Copywriters" |
"People make purchase decisions with their hearts, not their heads.And the most powerful way to reach a persons heart is through a good story.By taking this course youll learn how to use stories to power up your content writing, your sales copy and your social media writing.""The course was INSPIRING! It uncovered what should have been obvious, and included PRACTICAL tips to put the principles into practice. GREAT!"" - Gopinathan ThachappillyIve learned and enjoyed listening at the same time. I studied case studies but this program takes content with stories to another level an exciting marketing strategy. And taught as only Nick can teach. JudithOver the course of 19 lectures youll learn how to apply 5 key attributes of all good stories:Stories capture & hold attentionStories engage people at a deep, emotional levelStories build empathy and trustStories drive sales without the need for hard-sell tacticsStories create long-term relationships and are rememberedReally enjoyed this course . Came away with a better understanding of how important stories are in writing web content for myself as well as for my clients. A great jumping off point for tackling a blank page. Teresa BarrettaNOW is the best time to grow your expertise as a writer who can sell with stories.Online, people can turn off most advertising any time they want.If people find a companys emails too salesy or pushy, theyll unsubscribe or mark those emails as spam.If people get fed up with all the ads that fill their favorite news, sports and entertainment websites, theyll install an adblocker.It is estimated that by 2020 over $12 billion worth of ads will have been blocked with adblockers.In other words, people dont like ads and they certainly dont like the hard-sell approach favored by some copywriters and marketers.So... if you can no longer convert prospects with the hard-sell approach, whats the answer?The answer is to sell with stories.Stories stir up emotions. And emotions drive people to sign up, subscribe and buy."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Personal Finance University" |
"Are you where you want to be financially?Do you feel like there has to be a better way of handling money? Are you tired of dealing with student loan and credit card debt? Do you want to invest but dont know where to start? If you said yes to one or more of these questions then you are in luck. This AMAZING money management course will provide the answers to these questions and more. Lets be honest, when it comes to planning your finances it can seem like an extra chore at best. Building a solid financial plan is built on uncertainty, fear and confusion in most cases. In the end, these emotions make you want to avoid planning for your financial future and settle for a life less than. Financial literacy education is a life-long process and requires constant attention. Personal FinanceUniversity was created to provide you with the education and the necessary tools you need to learn how to manage your finances and to modify your behavior to make better financial decisions. This course will be taught through five different lessons. Each lesson will unlock information in key areas of personal finance. This course will consists of an instructor led, hands on approach to personal finance. The information in this course is based on years of bad financial decisions and mis-information by the instructor and discovering what it takes to make better financial decisions. This course will share practical advice on how to set and achieve financial goals to building real wealth. The information and examples in this course will provide you with sound money management strategies, and these strategies will help get you where you want to be financially. Thanks for taking this, now lets get started!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"The Disc Golf Course: The complete course for beginners" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn disc golf but didn't know how to get started and what discs to get?Afraid of everyone watching you while you try to throw discs looking like complete beginner?Have you already tried disc golf but found that you can't throw discs more than few feet?Have you played for awhile and want to go to the next level?Welcome to the ""Learn Disc Golf: The complete course for beginners"" -course!Here is a course that can help you get started in disc golf and get much better if you already have been playing for awhile.In this course you can learn disc golf in the privacy of your own home. Learn everything you need to know, so that you can avoid the basic mistakes every new player makes!In this course, you will learn EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW in order to play disc golf and improve your game to advanced level.Taking this course in the safety of your own home will give you knowledge to pick the right discs and gear, teach you the rules,techniques, strategies and also the mental levelof playing.If you have already been playing but wish to improve, this course will help you with that too. Listen in as Petri gives you tips and insights that will make you a better disc golfer quickly.After taking the course you will know ...- How to throw discs far and accurately- How to execute many different throwing techniques- Disc golf rules and terminology- What discs are best for you- Disc flight dynamics, and how to use this information to your advantage- Pick the right disc and throwing style in each situation- How you can use strategy to improve your scores- How attitude and psychological factor affect performance and how to use this information to your advantageAnd much much more!The 100% Money Back Guarantee - This course comes with a 100%, no questions asked, money back guarantee. I am so confident in the course that if for whatever reason you are not fully satisfied, you will receive a full refund direct from Udemy. So there is no risk on your part.So what are you waiting for? Sign up to the course now and lets get started!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Russian vocabulary: from simple words to conversation." |
"This course is for people who love studying languages in a 'live', non-text book manner, who already know how to read Cyrillic and are eager to start speaking Russian.We will cover three topics: household kitchen items, clothing and every day action verbs. Initially introduced to each word, you will then learn and practice it in sentences and conversational situations. And sometimes we'll go out on a tangent when the word or expression calls for it.This course is meant to entertain while educating, so get ready to have some fun with the language. I encourage you to engage in a conversation - be it with your fellow students or your teacher (me that is). What else is a language for but to converse and share?There will be some grammar exercises and quizzes. Make mistakes and have a laugh. By all means have a laugh, and only then go back and learn again. You will get better with practice.Take your time with each lecture. Practice makes permanent (although not necessarily perfect). Each one contains ample opportunities to practice reading, writing and pronunciation. Test your skills on quizzes, practice inconversations and then move on to the next lecture.Ask questions and share your thoughts - it will help everybody.I'm here to help and would gladly chat with you and help you practice pronunciation.Post requests and I'll do my best to find time to set up Skype/FaceTime/Google Hangout, you name it.Learn and have fun!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build a LIVE Weather Application with Xcode! PROMO: EASY13" |
"Live Weather Application!If you are a beginner in application development, or expert developer looking for some new tricks, you've come to the right place. In this course you will not only learn the basics in building a application from scratch you will also learn how to pull LIVEinformation from the internet and into your application. Here's what we'll cover:How to create a full work applicationHow to create an alert controllerHow to create an alert actionHow to add a struct in your projectHow to pull live data from the internetHow to parse data from the internet to JSONHow to adjust info.plist in order to except http URLsHow to create images and icons through Sketch... and etc.What are the requirements?Xcode 7At least a beginner knowledge in iOS programming withSwiftaccess to the internetWhat is the target audience?iOS developer who want to enhance their skills in coding Swift LanguageiOS application designersAll level developers looking for something new!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Traduccin de jeroglficos Egipcios" |
"Este curso de traduccin de la escritura jeroglfica Egipcia es un recorrido, sencillo, completo y ameno por las distintas categoras y elementos que componen la escritura jeroglfica.Diseado para ser facilmente comprensibile y asimilable por aficionados al Egipto antiguo, sin necesidad de ninguna formacin previa.Analizaremos los smbolos empleados, su alfabeto (que es mas complejo que el nuestro). Los elemento gramaticales bsicos, sin entrar en complejidades acadmicas.Traduciremos textos, murales, estelas y tumbas reales de las que se encuentran en los museos o se pueden visitar en vivo en un bonito crucero a lo largo del rio Nilo.Finalizado el curso, podrs maravillar a familiares, amigo y conocidos por tu comprensin de algo a a priori parece tan oscuro y complejo. Le quitaremos el velo mgico y lo convertiremos en algo divertido y asequible."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Healthy cooking for the hungry vegan" |
"Hello,Thank you for stopping by! As the course title mentions, this course is about cooking oil-free vegan food. I have been passionate about cooking for over 10 years now, and haveexperiencedtremendous health benefits on shifting to a no-oil vegan diet. I live in the UK, and I spent the first 25 years of my life in India. My first preference of food is Indian, and I realised that Indian food could be easily tweaked to meet vegan requirements, when I first turned vegan in December 2014. This course will teach you to make 3 fantastic Indian meals, all of them being completely vegan, and made without the use of oil. I have been making healthy food for family and friends, who are all pleasantly surprised to know great food can also be healthy! This course has at least 6 chapters devoted to help you understand the key techniques used in Indian cooking, and the different ingredients and cookware that you need to make these meals. Your journey will not stop with these 3 meals, the techniques taught in this course will empower you to experiment and cook many more dishes. I would like to remind you that this course is probably about the price of a meal for two at a restaurant (or lesser!), but has enough content and information to help you build your culinary skills for a lifetime. Hence, your return on investment is guaranteed by the time you complete making the meals in the course learning to cook oil-free vegan foodis an additionalbonus for a lifetime! Hope you have a great time learning and cooking some great food! Thanks, Balachander Vijayakumar (Bala) P.S.: This course does not requireuse ofwheat, rye, barley or oats. If you have any allergies, please exercise precaution while usingingredients required for cooking."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Be The Best In Overcoming Sales Objections!" |
"If you are in sales orbusiness, or just have to managefrom time to timea conflict with somebody else, even yourfamily member, a friend or a colleague from work I believe that you will find this course very effective and beneficial for you.Along the course you will learn how to turn youropponent's objections into a positive power that will serve you during the interaction.I havebuiltit as an easy journey through 6 different techniques thatyouwould enjoy after learninghow and whento use in almost every interaction you are takingpart of.You will watch 9different videos, and would receive a detailed table of all major techniques including ""sales sentences"" and examples.You would download alsoa PDF file full of efficient slides. At the end of the course you will check your level of learning through a 7 questions quiz!It will be my privilege to be your sales trainer and I truly believe that this course will serve you well.Yours,Yair schoenfeld"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Discover how to use the secrets of Business Networking!" |
"At every moment, there is an endless amount of opportunities that are waiting for us somewhere out there! Sometimes, the difference between success or failure is just having the information about these opportunities.These valuable information is always in other peopleminds! A strong, large and supporting network would help you very much maximizing the potential of opportunities that might contribute a lot to your success!During the networking course you will learn 7 simple and useful principles that its implementation in your life will assure your success.It will equipped you also with tools to have influence onother people lives and even make the world just a little bit better!The course is built from 10 video lectures, some important exercises and missions and a Power Point presentation.I invite you to participate my course and to take part in my network.Yair Schoenfeld"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Business Negotiations - Techniques from the battlefield!" |
"I love to negotiate and to teach and train business achievers to improve their negotiation skills.It isso passionate and interesting because any improvement in our negotiation skills and abilities has a direct influence on our well being and financial results, but not less important, on our self esteem and self confidence!This unique course is offered to you direct from the ""Battlefield""of business. I've put together many years of experience and knowledge and I am totally convinced that you will find it beneficial for your success.It build from 24 video lectures, apreparation form that you should usebefore the negotiation meeting even starts and a self evaluation and improvement tool.I wish you great success and will be very happy to receive your feedback!Yours,Yair Schoenfeld"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"O.N.E. Ultimate Health for Busy Moms" |
"ONEUltimate Health Means using our total body to achieve total health from the inside out.O.N.E. Stands for ONESELF, NUTRITION and EXERCISE (in the order of importance and the program).Total body health means using total body techniques to achieve this!In this course I will be walking you through a complete process of losing weight and getting healthy from the inside out.We will utilize our minds, attitudes, creativity, bodies in motion and our diet (what we consume on a daily basis). We will have homework throughout the course from joining and posting in our private facebook group, setting up our workout space, planning our meals, creating our new mantras,visualization and meditation practices.If we wantchanges we must change how wedo things!Of course there are workouts in this programbut you will also learn how to create your own workout based on your desires,interests and goals. Ihave also created a meal plan for you to customize and never again have to purchase the latest diet fad from those overpriced infomercials.If you are tired of losing weight then gaining it all back and want to learn how to lose it for life and join a team of women who are on the same journey and wanting to support one another then please join this course. We are a group of women heading towards health. We will learn together, struggle together and help one another. If you are looking for support, a fun way to pound the pounds and shed the weight loss struggles then you are in the right place.This course should take you 14 days to complete with 21 days to see major resultsif you do all the homework and take the time to do the requested challenges along the way. The videos are short and to the point with simple exercises (not just physicalexercises either) to put you in the right frame of mind for the success that is to come. Ihave included videos, screencast with beautiful images, PDF files and worksheets to be filled out as we go along.Please join me if you are interested in losing weight for life, learning new techniques to get healthy and want a support team in your corner cheering you on and allowing you toassist them in this endeavor.I'm Jen Mac your trainer, coach, mentor and cheerleader.Click below and join us today!See you on the other side!"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Unity 3D Easy Introduction" |
"This course will teach you the basics of the Unity 3D game engine, assuming absolutely no prior knowledge.What makes this course unusual is that we will focus on a barebones practical example and actually build a game together. Despite the simplicity of the course, you will create an entire playable game for two players.You will also build everything for this simple game during the course. There is no copy & paste or importing of prepared assets involved, you will learn every single step that goes into the game. The only thing you need that is not included in the course is the Unity 3D software itself.I will be adding close captions to the course (the first three lectures are already done), and the course will be expanded withadditional lectures pointing you in the direction of more advanced topics."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Family History Research" |
"This genealogy (family history) course covers tried and tested techniques that are proven to work for finding your ancestors; your genealogy. Regular, monthly updates emailed to students.Based on English and Welsh records (parish registers and birth, marriage and death) the techniques covered within are applicable to family history research in any country. Monthly updates cover worldwide research.This course includes video, slides, articles, top tips, exercises, handouts, templates, downloadable resources and further homework should you choose to undertake this. The course is structured into 7 sections: Start Here, Why Research Family History, How to Start, Recording Your Research, Databases and Indexes, Vital Records and a Summary. This course will take between 2 and 2.5 hours to thoroughly complete.If you are thinking of starting research into your family history, or have just started this is the course for you. Delivered by an experienced, qualified and professional genealogist and trainer, Robert Parker will share his secrets for finding your ancestors. What stories might your ancestors tell?"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"""Secretos de YOUTUBE"", Aprende como tener MILES de visitas" |
"(***ACTUALIZADO Y RE-EDITADO PARA OPTIMIZACIN 2019 ! )TIENES UN CANAL DE YOUTUBE Y NO VES RESULTADOS?TIENES MUY POCAS VISTAS Y SUSCRIPTORES Y QUIERES MAS? En este curso APRENDERS Como TENER MAS VISITAS en YOUTUBE usando el MTODO que yo he utilizado para tener mas de 50 millones de visitas en YOUTUBE y ms de 100 mil suscriptores que siguen mis canales.Ahrrate tiempo de experimentacin, porque yo ya lo he hecho en los ms de 5 aos que tengo publicando videos en Youtube y aqu te muestro todos mis resultados de lo que SI FUNCIONA.30 das de GARANTA DE DEVOLUCIN si crees que este curso no te ha servido.*** APROVECHA ESTE PRECIO DE INTRODUCCIN porque poco a poco subir el costo hasta llegar a $50 dlls.En 2.5 horas + conoce los SECRETOS que debes aplicar para que tus vdeos TENGAN MAS VISTAS y para que ganes MAS SUSCRIPTORES que sigan tu CANAL DE YOUTUBE y que realmente quieran ver tus videos... esto es lo que me ha funcionado a mi.Si realmente quieres saber como hacer para tener ms vistas y suscriptores en Youtube, si realmente quieres conseguir que tu canal sea popular, debes aplicar estas tcnicas...Como seguramente ya lo sabes, no solo con publicar videos en uno de los sitios mas populares de TODO el internet como lo es YOUTUBE, ya automticamente har que la gente encuentre tus videos, no basta con eso! Aqu aprenders a OPTIMIZAR TUS VIDEOS y CANAL para lograr mayor IMPACTO y que den como resultado mas VISTAS Y SUSCRIPTORES en Youtube.Que esperas?, toma este curso y comienza a crear mas vistas en Youtube ya! "
Price: 495.00 ![]() |
"iOS 10 iPhone App Development: Learn the Basics in 2 hours" |
"This course is designed to help beginners to get to grabs with building apps for the iPhone or iPad. The course goes from the basics of downloading the needed software, to building an app, and finishing with putting that app on your own iPhone.Create, Design, Build, and Export an iPhone AppPut an app on your iPhoneThis course can be completed in a short period of timeBuild an app and put it on your iPhone in one evening.In this course you will use how to use a Mac computer (useful if you come from a Windows background), how to download the necessary software, and have an introduction into how to use it.You will then build your first app and run it on a simulator. Once you have achieved that we move onto building a fully functional app, and by the end of the course this app will run on your own iPhone.To keep things moving fast and fun this course is only 14lectures in length and comprises a mixture of talking head videos, screen videos, articles, and quizzes. It is a really engaging course that will keep you interested and alert from start to finish.The holy grail of this course is that by its completion (usually can be done in one evening) you will end up with a fully functioning app on your iPhone which you can proudly show off to your friends and family.So what are you waiting for.....go and purchase it today!!!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |