Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Build a Complete Youtube Video App: Swift2.2 & 3 and Xcode" |
"Hey guys, welcome to this awesome course on how to build a Complete Youtube Video App in Swift 2.2 and Xcode 7.3.1. In this course you will get a strong knowledge on how to interact with the Youtube Data API and will be able to build your Dreamed Video App.Have you always dreamed about makingyour own Youtube App? Have you ever wanted to clone the iOS Youtube App?Then you are the right place.We will use simple and reusable codes so that you guys will get a better understanding of what we will bebuilding together. You will not only learn how the Youtube Data APIworks but you will learn as well how to install Cocoapods on your Mac OSX, and use third party libraries.Here is how our course will be structured. We will start by:Creating our Xcode Project & the Base UI for our AppThen, we will Interact for the first time with the Youtube API ExplorerRetrieve the Last Videos of any Channel asynchronously in our App using NSURLSession and AlamofireEmbed the videos inside our App and watch themRetrieve the Playlists of any ChannelRetrieve any Channel DetailsRetrieve videos of any playlistSearch Youtube(Videos,Channels,Playlists) from within your AppThe app will be built in a way that you can easily turn itinto your own app by just changing the different ids(such as Channel id, Video idor Playlist id). The final project will beavailable at the end of the course.BUTWAIT! IT'S NOT THE END!!!And I am not going to leave you guys with a non ready-to-go App. I will show you good Tools for any of your App as Bonus. I will also give you guys good resourcesabout easilymakingiOS App icon resolutions for your App.After having taken this course, you will be able to create the Stunning Video Appyou've always dreamed of.HAVEFUNTAKING THISCOURSE!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Meditation for Beginners (with Bonus Advanced Techniques)" |
"We all know meditation gives great benefits to those who practice it. Meditation has proven to increase energy, improve health, slow the aging process, and so many other benefits!You'll feel more alive, gain a clear mind, and have an amazing sense of reality after you have taken this course!This course is like no other meditation course.Thetechniques in this courseare new, and developed for today's modern man and woman.The meditation techniques that were practicedthousands of years ago arenot good enough for today's hectic society.In this course I teach some of the most effective meditation techniques that you will ever discover. I have practiced mediation for 20 years, and these are the most effective techniques by far. You will gain benefits from meditation in your very first attempt at these techniques, and you'll only get better from there.You can practice these only 2-3 times a week for 15-20 minutes each time. That's only 1 hour a week total! In just 1 hour a week you'll gain all the benefits of meditation for a lifetime!What you will learn in this course you will benefit from for the rest of your life. These meditation techniques willmakeyou happier and healthier, reduce stress, help you sleep better, and give you more benefits that can be listed.Take this course today and enjoythe benefits for the rest of your life!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to design and publish your first ebook" |
"By the end of this course you will be able to take an existing completed manuscript and transform it into a fully validated ePub 3.0.1 digital publication. You will also know how to get your eBook published on the international market place. This course was designed for the absolute beginner. I will walk you through step by step on how to format your manuscript using HTML5, CSS3, legally free open source and commercial software. Master the technical skill sets of publishing an Industry Standard Validated ePub 3.0.1 digital publication. What you will know by the end of this course: What is an ePub & how is an ePub different from a .pdf file. You will know why you should only publish in ePub format and when you should consider publishing in another format (such as mobi or kobo). What software do you need? Where to find legally free and open source software for eBook creation. Where to obtain legal photo, images and videos for your eBook. How to prepare your document. How to use HTML5 and CSS3 to format your eBook (No prior programming skills required). What is an ISBN and how to obtain one? You will know how to read a valid ISBN. You will be dispelled about the myth of the e-ISBN. How to obtain a Library of Congress Number and how to get listed with the British Book Depository. You will know how to set pricing for your digital publication and why pricing is very important. You will learn about copyrights. You will learn how to license your publication and how to protect your rights as an author and publisher. You will know how to create a professional book cover. You will know how to validate your digital publication to meet current industry standards. You will know how to distribute your digital publication worldwide. You will know how to select the correct distribution channel for you as a publisher or as an indie author. This is a self-paced detailed course designed to allow you the time needed to become proficient at each new skill set introduced. By the end of this course you will have complete control over the outcome of your digital publication. You will know how to protect your rights as an indie author and publisher."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Curso prctico de mindfulness" |
"Vivimos en un mundo ajetreado donde parece que lo inteligente es estar haciendo cosas sin parar. Pero en ese ajetreo no nos preocupamos de nuestra mente, la gran organizadora, la directora. Actuamos en automtico, casi sin pensar. Y cuando pensamos, es paraperdernos en un sinsentido en el mejor de los casos y, en el peor, para lanzarnos autoacusaciones y culpa que nos hacen sentir mal.As nos mantenemos en una espiral de preocupaciones que nunca pasan a la accin ni al cambio, dando lugar a una disminucin de nuestro rendimiento, despistes, problemas de sueo,discusiones,tensinl, dolor...Occidente trae de oriente los beneficios de la meditacin vipassana practicada por los budistas theravadin, y lo incorpora a nuestra cultura para mejorar nuestrasalud desde unametodologa cientfica, para que puedan beneficiarse todo tipo de personascon cualquier tipo de creencias.Este curso te proporciona una gua prctica para incorporarte al MINFULNESS o atencin plena, para que puedasempezar a disfrutar sus beneficios desde el primer minuto.No necesitas adoptar posturas incmodas ni retirarte a ningn pas lejano. No necesitas disponer de tiempo extra porque lo incorporars a tu vida con normalidad. De eso se trata. De tomar conciencia plena en las situaciones habituales y cotidianas. Ocuparse y no preocuparse.Aquin va destinado?Este curso es til a los estudiantes y opositores, a los profesionales, a las personas aquejadas de alguna dolencia, a las personas sanas que buscan alcanzar un equilibrio y autoestima segura, a los nios y a los no tan nios, a los que quieran ocuparsede su salud fsica y mental.Qu aprender?Aprenders de deshacerte del estrs y a prevenirlo... A manejar tus emociones y las de los dems.. A manejar el dolor que puedas padecer...A disfrutar del momento presente... A escuchar tu cuerpo...A concentrarte mejor... Arendir ms en lo que hagas...A ser t.Qu necesito?Slo necesitas tu ordenador personal con altavoces, y para realizar el test, lo mejor es que lo imprimas y lo rellenes, pero si no, puedes escribir los resultados en una hoja.No necesitas ningn requisito adicionalms que dedicarte a ti mismounos minutos al da en un lugar tranquilo y abrirte a nuevas experiencias.Cuntame tu experiencia personal. Quiero saber de ti."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Value Investing For Beginners" |
"If you are reading this I am guessing you are interested in learning how to invest in the stock market. You understand the importance of saving and investing for the future. You know that its possible to make money investing, and you want to learn how to do it. But investing is considered risky and the last thing you want to do is to lose a big chunk of your savings by making a bad investment. And lets be honest, we all like the idea of becoming wealthy and having the financial freedom to do what we want. We all want to have a stock portfolio that grows larger and larger every year, providing us with a passive income.But the reality is that most people lose money in the stock market. Why? Is it actually realistic to be able to make money investing? The answer is yes. There are a few investors who are able to outperform the market consistently, the most famous one being Warren Buffett. The question then becomes: What is the difference between Buffett, and other investors like him, and the average investor?The answer is the framework and principles that they use. In this course you will learn a simple, yet powerful framework, and the principles that the worlds best investors have used for decades to beat the market. Many believe that you have to do something extraordinary to invest successfully.But this is simply not true. I believe anyone can learn how to become a successful investor, no matter their background. Just listen to Warren Buffett:""The most important quality for an investor is temperament, not intellect.""It is not necessary to do extraordinary things to get extraordinary results.""""There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult.""Buffett is seen by many as the greatest investor in history and he has amassed a personal fortune of $66 billion dollars. You might tell yourself that you could never do what Buffett has done, however he has personally said that his success is based on simple principles that anyone can learn.This course will teach you Buffetts method of investing.HOWEVER, just because value investing is based on a simple set of principles, it does not mean its easy. Like anything else in life that you want to master, you have to put in the time and effort. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. But if you are willing to put in a little extra effort, your chances of success will increase drastically.----What You Will Learn----Im probably not going out on a limb when I assume that you are a busy person? Theres never enough time to accomplish everything we want to. Even if you are interested in learning how to become a better investor, you might feel you dont have the time? Or if you have the time to invest, you feel overwhelmed and you might not know where to start? For example, how do you find undervalued stocks and how do you know if a company is a good investment or not?This course will teach you the most important principles of value investing in a quick and efficient manner. You will learn how to find undervalued stocks and how to figure out how much a company is worth. You will learn a simple step-by-step framework that will help you determine if a company is a good investment or not, as well as how to reduce your risk.You will be able to determine quickly, and with confidence, if a company is potentially a good investment or not. ----How The Course Is Laid Out----The course is broken up in small lessons that are easy to follow. And everything is explained in simple terms. Investing is often made more complex than it needs to be, but thats not the case with this course. You will learn the essential concepts that are needed to become a successful investor, and we will use case studies and examples to teach you how its done in real life. In the course you will learn:The Three Most Important Principles To Being A Successful InvestorThe Phenomenon That Made Warren Buffett A Billionaire The Two Rules That Will Set You Apart From 99% Of InvestorsThe Big Secret To Investment SuccessThe Four Most Important Qualities To Look For In A CompanyHow To Determine How Much A Company Is WorthHow To Find Undervalued StocksAnd much moreBy the end of this course you will be able to determine which investments have the potential for large returns, and which ones to avoid. And I want to re-iterate that after taking this course, you still have to put in the work. Unfortunately there are no shortcuts to becoming rich. You have to be willing to put in the time and effort. But this course is a great place to start! Maybe youve always wanted to learn about investing, but you never knew where to begin? Or maybe you felt you never had the time? If thats the case, then I believe you will find a lot of value in this course. There are not many things that are as important as learning how to save and invest for the future. But the majority of people never learn how to take care of their finances. By the end of this course you will have learned important concepts that most people will unfortunately never bother to learn - concepts that will help you make money in the stock market. ----Who This Course Is For----This course is for beginners, so if you already have a good fundamental knowledge of value investing, this is probably NOT the course for you.Moreover, its NOT for people who want to make money quickly. This course is for people who want to invest for the long-term. And I agree that some people might not want to pay $50 (45) for a course, and thats fine. However I believe the issue is not the price, but rather the value you can get from the course. If you are serious about investing you probably already have some money you want to invest. If you invest $5,000 and only earn a 1% return, you have already paid for the course. Moreover, the price of the course is similar to buying approximately 3 investing books. Most of the information you will learn in such books are already covered in the course, and its delivered in an easy to follow format. And thats not to mention the time you will save by taking the course as opposed to reading the books. So if you want to learn how to invest like a value investor, please sign up for the course.Theres a 30 day money back guarantee, so you have nothing to loseI look forward to seeing you on the inside."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"YouTube Marketing Video Secrets Pro, Learn YouTube Secrets" |
"**Updated July 2016**Thank you SOMUCHguys for all your 5-STAR reviews!That's really means much to me and motivate to make anothergreat courses!Here are some of the reviews of the students:""Andrii has put together a really comprehensive course on earning money through Youtube. His easy to follow teaching style allows you to learn at your own pace. Looking forward to checking out his other courses.""-Ben RoganThis is a great course for someone who has never had a YouTube channel as well as someone who has one and needs the cutting edge strategies to increase views, subscriptions, optimize videos for most views as well as all the best ways to monetize our videos and how to get ahead of our competition. Has actual case studies from actual channels making money as well and this whole shows what is currently working so you won't get banned in YouTube. You can put to use right away what you have learned by going through this course to get results.- SabDeeThis course is not just from theory but actual, step by step, from the best strategies of what Andrii, his team and his clients are actually doing, to get them results building a profitable YouTube channel. Since this course is highly actionable, putting what you have learned in just in just a few hours of 33 lectures + bonuses you can begin to create a successful YouTube channel and gain traffic from your videos enough to monetize from several strategies he is using himself.-Sean EvoThe course is great and informative. The instructor is the real deal and the golds that was discover inside this course will catapult one from been a job seeker to a big CEO. Thanks man- Eric UdokaI am glad to attend your training, improved my knowledge and sure to implement them on my channel for success and money...- HarshaAnd I also wanted to thankall other 2000+STUDENTSwho enrolled to my course!Hello, my name is Andrii and let me ask you some questions...Do you ever struggle to get your first subscribers and views?Have youspend houndreds of hours searching for ainformation on how to rank high on YouTube but still didn't have any results? You alwayswantedto repeat the success of TOP YouTube bloggers but don't know how?Well inmy course you'll find the answers!This YouTube MasterClass Marketingcoursewill definitely helps you to grow your YouTube channel, increase a number of subscribers and views and as a result you'llearn more money in revenue. It'll YouTube marketing and YouTube secrets of SEO. You'll alsolean how to use your YouTube channel to earn money fast.I am a YouTube Certified Expert with 15 successfulchannels, 1 000 000 subscribers and over 10 000$ monthly revenue on YouTube. For 5 years on YouTube I've been studding different channels and testing new strategies. Now I have developed my own method that could help anybody be successful on YouTubeThe course includes FullHD Videos + PDFCheck-list at the endwhich are step-by-step guides what to do to have a good results. It's based on my realexperienceand include a lot of insights information and earnings proof.All info inside is a real ""meat"" and is working perfectly now. Ithavebeen tested by my team and clients hundreds of times and will work for you perfectly. These are 33 quick and simple tips that everybody can mastered in just 1 day.I've helped thousands of students to create a profitable YouTube channels and starts earning money online bycreating videos. You can see 2500+ students that already bought the course and 100+ positive honest reviews.Today's price is really low and I don't know how long It will be like that. So don't waste this great possibility to get this big value course!If you want to start your internet business from YouTube channel or want to earn more money from existed channelthan that course is extremely essential for you to finish. Enroll now and let's write YOURstory of success right now!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Home Business Ideas For 2016 , Create Online Home Business" |
"Hello, Andrii here!In this course I'll showyou 5 bestideasto start your internet business. All Lectures are based on my personal experience and include screenshots of earnings, insights of financial accounts and other social proof stuff.Entrepreneurship - is my life and my hobby is to find and test new different ways to start an internet based businessAlsomy mission is -to help all people to become entrepreneurslearn how to create asuccessfulbusinesses bydoing something they enjoy doing everydayIn this course you will Learn 5 Best Ideas For 2016 To Create a Profitable Home Business based on what you can do and what you loved to do everydayYou can master this course within 1 hour - very simple and OK for noviceSo click this Enroll buttonand let's start rightNOW!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Crochet Floral Wreath out of Flowers, Leaves and Pistils" |
"First we start with these uncommon patterns:Puff FlowerHibiscus FlowerIrish Lace RoseCorkscrewIrish Lace Button - we use this as a pistilIrish Lace LeafI carefully choose these patterns, because I wanted them to be not so obvious. So when you look at the result, not for sure you can make it just like that. It also took me a while to find out, how they are made, therefore I find them very exciting.The Irish Lace Crochet is especially close to my heart. This is a trend in crochet, which I find really special and it is pretty different, although using the very same stitches.In the end of each item, I will explain the pattern, also you can download and print them too.In the second part of the course, we will make the Floral Wreath.I will use a different yarn for the wreath compared I am teaching the items with, hence this would have been too thin to demonstrate with.I use the British terms, but I attach a dictionary, and I will also write up on the screen the American crochet terms when they are needed.Choose your favorite colors, get the right yarn, can be solid colors, or gradient, buy a wreath base, get some ordinary pins, and let's start it!You will enjoy every second of it, (I do ;)) and in the end you will have a fabulous floral wreath, which never withers."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Crochet Basics - Learn to Crochet Within a Week!" |
"This course is designed for those, who knows nothing about crochet, and would like to learn it, and for those, who knew some crochet stitches before, and would like to refresh andexpand their knowledge.Besides of the basic crochet stitches,I also teach the chart signs, and how to read them.The terminology is in British English, but I mention the USterms frequently, and I provide a dictionary as well.In the beginning I talk a little about crochet in general, after that, I teach the basic and necessary techniques and stitches such as* Chain Stitches* Double Crochet* Treble Crochet and more...Further more I teach some rear tricks as well, such as the Foundation Single Crochet - this is when you do the chain foundation, and the first row of crochet stitches simultaneously together atthe same time!If you have never heard of FSC, or you do not know how to do it, do not miss this section out! You will definitely love it!!In the second half of the course, using the learned techniques, we will do some simpleitems, such as:* Triangle* Filet Blocks* Heart* Circle* Granny Square* Flower with Five Petals* Spiral ShellBy learning these fairly simpleitems, you will be able to do more complex and complicated crochet patterns as well.If you want to feel proud of yourself, you would like to impress your family and friends with yourbeautiful creations, and do not want to invest in a lot ofaccessories, try crochet. You need only a yarn, a hook and a pair of scissors, and you can crochet anywhere and anytime. This is a great way to reduce stress, and to set your imagination free."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"How To Acheive A First Class Degree At University" |
"""A coursefor students who want to ensure thatthey knowhow to achieve1st class grades at university""Getting 1st class grades at university canseem like a hit and missprocess and sometimes feel like an impossibility to reach. Well what if I told you that there aresomekey fundamentalskills andmethodsthat will enable you to reach 1st class grades in your degree.This course teaches youexact tips and methodsof how to plan and execute your assignments and study time, prescribed by first class graduates in disciplines ranging from Law to the Sciences. The course aims to conveyefficient studymethods ofgetting firsts that will actually save you time and stress. Take back control of your degree and start dictating your assignment grades today!In the space of an hour you could be in receipt of all the information you need to achieve first class grades at university today.What this course gives you:Tried and tested methodsof how to learn whilst in lectures and extract the most information from lecturesAn exact understanding of what your professors and teachers look for when marking your work and what to focus on with the marking criteriaHow to plan writing your assignments forand how to use research for your assignments to achieve firsts and save you time.Secrets on how to make your writing stand out and give you an edge over every other student in your classSecrets of making your essay writing style and prose the sharpest and most potent it can beWhy you should enrolnow:8 Lectures and expanding of concentrated information that is easy to digest quickly, so you can start to improve your university grades from 2:2's and 2:1's to first's now.The chance to get an edge over everyone and discover hacks and tips to getting first class grades before other students do.Lifetime access to the course and all it's additional future content after signing upAbsolute no brainer. 30 day money back guarantee!Currently NEWlectures created to your personal requests and questions.Who is the target audience?Students who want exact tips and methods of how to achieve 1st class grades in their assignments at universityMature students coming back into higher education who want to achieve 1stsInternational students who want to achieve 1st class grades in the UKThis course isn't for students who alreadyknow how to achieve 1st class grades consistentlyThis course isn't for students who are looking for a quick fix and thosewhoaren't interested in dedicating thetime and effort required to achieve 1st class success!Every studentdiffers in what they already know and don't know about getting high grades. This course aims to cater for all students of differing abilities!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Public Speaking Done Different" |
"You will either love this course or hate it.I've been speaking publicly for more than a decade - acting andimprov, motivational andbusiness, all the good things.I've been through a lot of public speaking courses that are boring. Courses that don't address thebig challenges around this skilland how to beat them.So I decided to take a risk and make something crazy. You'll see what I mean when you watch the intro video.In this course:You'll learn the CORE techniques and tricks you need to build the foundation of good public speaking. Go from novice to good.We'll talk about your STYLE and how to inject that into your public speaking to connect with audiences and win at engagement. Go from good to great.I'll deep dive into CREATIVITY so we can talk about pro tips you can pull from all sorts of advanced forms of public speaking. Go from great to awesome.This course is a wild ride of weirdness, authenticity, and comedy. You'll laugh, you'll think, and Ihope you'll come outthe other end with not only new knowledge but a new mindset as well.Grab a seat, get some popcorn, and buckle up - it's going to be a ride.-Nathan, Billy and Chad"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Guitar Fretboard Secrets" |
"Goal: Easily remember every note on the guitar fretboard to find notes, chords and scales and be creative in any position, without wasting valuable time. The Problem: If you are anything like I was, you might get a headache just thinking about remembering all of those notes. Getting to know all of the fretboard notes may just seem too hard or boring.The Solution: This course will show you how to make learning the fretboard easy and fun too! In the same way that you know how to get to local shops, the library and schools where you live, you can get to know the fretboard too. Places have meaning to us, so if weattach meaning to fretboard locations then its easy to remember them. Ill show you how that works. The Benefits: Learning to instantly recognize notes now can save youmany hours and allow you to advance your playing skills more quickly.I learned classical guitar from 8 years old and became very comfortable playing notes in open position. However, as I ventured up the fretboard I must have accumulated hours of wasted time hunting for notes and getting frustrated instead ofpracticing. Learning the fretboard thoroughly is one of the best investments you can make in your playing and should be one of the highest priorities to help to take your playing to a new level.Methods Used in the Course: ""Travel"" around the fretboard to various locations. You'll not only learn patterns and relationships, but you'll get to know unique fretboard locations that have a story to them.While commuting to work or school, listen to downloadable audio files to further increase your fretboard knowledge.Do simple exercises on or away from the guitar that let you develop and measure your fretboard knowledge.These methods worked for me and Ive successfully used them to teach many guitar students. They can work for you too! Let me show you how."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Learn the Command Line ... for Science!" |
"You should take this course because Science. For real, though, every branch of science has a growing computational component, but traditional science education is lagging behind. If you're a scientist, you don't necessarily need to learn to code, but you do need to level up your computer skills. That's what this course is about.Think about it -- you may understand mitosis, or RNA transcription, or galaxy formation, or covalent bonds, but how well do you understand what's going on inside your computer? Learning the command line is the first step toward a healthier relationship with your machine. It's great preparation for learning to code. It puts a TON of free, open source scientific computing tools (and infrastructure) at your fingertips. And it's fun!So make 2016 the year you finally learn the command line. This course is custom designed for scientific computing -- that's why it goes beyond simple navigation and file operations to include installing software and even building programs from source code. Get up to speed with your colleagues, fancy up your resume, and become a part of the scientific computing community. It's easier than you think!Featuring Joshua Treeson as The Voice of the Command Line!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin al trading de opciones" |
"Durante aos, las opciones se mantuvieron fuera del alcance de los inversionistas aficionados ya que se consideraban difciles de entender o riesgosas. La realidad y la experiencia de los inversionistas profesionales han demostrado que las opciones son instrumentos rentables, eficientes y estratgicos cuando se utilizan de manera adecuada. Adicionalmente, permiten establecer un nivel de riesgo predeterminado para que el inversionista pueda calcular de antemano la cantidad de dinero que est dispuesto a arriesgar en el mercado. El mundo del trading est lleno de "gurs" que pretenden convencer a los inversionistas aficionados sobre sus estrategias milagrosas y trucos para ganar dinero rpido. En nuestra opinin profesional, invertir dinero en los mercados financieros es un asunto serio y es necesario educarse antes de invertir dinero en estrategias de trading que el inversionista no entiende. Aprenda y domine los siguientes temas sobre opciones financieras en nuestro curso introductorio Conceptos fundamentales sobre las opciones. Entienda que son el activo subyacente, la fecha de vencimiento, la prima y el strike price. Clasificacin de las opciones. Aprenda la diferencia entre opciones call, put, americana, europea, bermuda, plain vanilla, asitica, con barreras, lookback y binarias. Cmo se determina el valor de una opcin? Entienda los factores que determinan el precio de una opcin. Combinaciones de opciones o "spreads". Aprenda cmo funcionan estas estrategias y utilcelas para inversin o cobertura. Cuenta de inversiones de prctica. Siga los pasos para abrir una cuenta de inversiones donde se utiliza dinero ficticio para practicar todos los conceptos y estrategias en un ambiente libre de riesgo. Existen muchos tipos diferentes de opciones financieras y cada una de ellas tiene caractersticas particulares. Un inversionista educado es capaz de analizar cada estrategia de trading y evaluar los costos y beneficios asociados a ella. De lo contrario, el inversionista est confiando en un sistema desarrollado por otra persona que puede tener objetivos y riesgos diferentes al suyo. Este curso te ayudar a obtener los conocimientos necesarios para entender las estrategias de trading de opciones ms comunes y te abrir las puertas a cursos intermedios y avanzados de opciones y otros derivados financieros. El curso est dirigido a todas las personas que quieren aprender qu son las opciones, para qu sirven, y cmo funcionan los mercados de opciones. Contenidos y metodologa Nuestro curso utiliza animaciones, grficos y diagramas para ayudarte a entender los conceptos bsicos de las opciones as como sus principales clasificaciones de una forma amena. A continuacin, te enseamos como se determina el precio de una opcin y cules son los factores que lo componen. Una vez tengas claro cmo funcionan las opciones financieras, te enseamos a utilizar combinaciones de opciones o "spreads" para que puedas predeterminar el nivel de riesgo de tus inversiones. Con nuestra ayuda, puedes implementar todo esto en la plataforma de trading para simular las estrategias mientras te preparas para invertir con dinero real."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Managed Extensibility Framework, MEF, from Novice to Guru" |
"Managed Extensibility Framework, is a widely used framework which targets not only Dependency Injections in .NETapplications but main concentration of this framework is about writing fully extensible software. Developers from all over the world can write plugIns for applications those are developed in MEF. This is very exciting framework, but unfortunately not much developers are aware of this framework.So this course is aboutMEF, Ihave tried to sum up all the technologies like Console Applications, Windows Forms, WPF, ASP.NETWeb Form, ASP.NETMVC, ASP.NETWEBAPI, WCFServices, Test Cases and More importantly extended Visual Studio IDEusing MEF.My target audience can simply write ""MEF""or ""Managed Extensibility Framework"" or MEFwith .NET application, in order to find this course.I have included Screens Cast Videos explaining coding examples, one article and include 4 to 5 applications along with this course. Students can download those coding examples and application's source code to play around with them and can use freely in their projects.It tookme one and a half month to complete this course, because i was writing coding examples to make students fully understand the concepts.Course is structured in a well defined way, explaining from the basic concepts and then moving forward towards more deep and more detailed concepts.If you are an intermediate .NET developer you should take this course to write fully extensible MEFapplications."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Elements of Yoga v1.0" |
"Elements of Yoga is a ten episodejourney into yoga asana, breathwork, and meditation. Each episode is designed according to the five elements - air, earth, fire, water and spirit - which reflect the style, focus and intensity of each episode.Each episode is 30-minutes, which is great for busy people who are on the go. You can choose your episode depending on time of day, mood or desired outcome.Taking this course will give you a solid foundation for your practice, no matter what your level. From there, you can deepen your practice to experience even more benefits.This series was filmed in Bali with ten world-class teachers whom you'll really enjoy getting to know and will help you connect to your Mind, Body and Self!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"InfoPath: Basic SharePoint List Form Development" |
"Managing a SharePoint site is hardly intuitive, and working in InfoPath Designer without guidance is even less so. InfoPath is still used to customize forms on SharePoint lists.This course covers the basics of customizing a SharePoint list form using InfoPath Designer 2013. You will develop 4 useful solutions, starting with the SharePoint list and customizing the forms used to create and view items on the list.Course material consists of detailed written instructions, recorded software demos, and working data sets to build your site with (so you won't have to make up all the data yourself)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Magic Masterclass for Card Tricks and Magic Tricks" |
"Beginners Magic Masterclass Teaching Amazing Magic Tricks and Impressive Card TricksThis course is all about teaching you the main principles of magic via the basic techniques, allowing you to master them easily and perform impressive magic tricks that will amaze your friends, family and anyone else you choose to perform for.Everything is taught in an informal but concise style by me; a full time professional magician and fully qualified teacher. I makeall of the tricks and principles veryeasy to understand having taught each one to over 500 individuals on a 1:1 basis during my live magic masterclasses.There are tricks with cards, coins and other everyday items, the majority of which need no specialist materials. I have also included an introduction to using a special magic gimmick which is easily and cheaply available. As I say, this isn't a necessity for most of the tricks but I've included this additional tuition to get you further along the road to becoming a great magician.You'll be able to watch and read through the majority of the material in a couple of hours but this course is intended as a resource for you to keep coming back to and working on to develop as a magician. You'll be performing tricks like ""Sister Cards"" in a matter of minutes. With tricks like the ""Coin Vanish"" you'll understand the moves straight away and be performing them soon after but only practice will make you a master.You'll see each trick how it's intended to be performed followed by an explanation video showing you the method and techniqueswith a roaming camera for you to getright into the action. Some of the tricks require separate ""utility moves"" you can use for a few different tricks in this course as well as thousands in the future. These ""Utility Moves"" also have their own detailed instruction videos.Amazing Magic Tricks & Impressive Card Tricks.Taught By A Full Time Professional Magician.Tested On Over 500 live students.Special Insight Into Invaluable Magic Gimmicks.Utility Moves Give You The Tools To Create Your Own Tricks.I look forward to starting you on your magical journey,Matt"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Divine New York City" |
"After 25 years of research and living in the Big Apple, I have discovered the secrets of what makes New York City ""The Empire City""1. Why do New Yorkers think that their city is the center of the universe?2. How did New York become the most diverse city on the planet?3. Why does every New Yorker lust after fame, glory, and wealth?4. Why is New York the most competitive city in the world?5. Why is the city filled with monumental buildings in honor of great New Yorkers?From the beginning of the Dutch colony, governor Peter Stuyvesant fervently believed that New Amsterdam (the formername of New York) was destined to become a New Jerusalem, a holy city on the Hudson River that would usher in the ""end days.""This myth was given the name The Empire City by President Washington and a succession of great New Yorkers elaborated on this myth and the city remains until today not just another American or world city, butTHEcity destined by God and Man to lead the nation and the world to greatness.Now you know why the city is the Empire City.Solet's get started on our voyage to discover what makes New York City unique among world cities and how it got to be that way!Dr. Ronald Brown"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Zen Buddhism 101 - Awaken Your Natural Joy" |
"Buddhism is the oldest and most successful Self-Help program on Earth. There is debate over whether Buddhism is a religion or a philosophy. When asked to weigh in on this question my answer is alwaysdefinitely yes! There is no Divine figure to worship, no cosmogony and no dogma in Buddhism. In that respect it does not appear to be a religion. But if you consider a religion to be a set of ideas around which you live your life and that in turn brings youto peace and a deep understanding of the True Nature of life, then Buddhism is most definitely a religion. This incredibly practical and adaptive tradition is something that everyone should learn about.I designed this course especially for Westerners who have had little or no contact with Buddhism other than the few words and ideas that have filtered through to the West. It is presented in a very entertaining and light fashion including stories and humor. The simplicity of the course however should not fool you into thinking the content is in any way compromised. I have had lifelong Buddhists in Asia take the class and remark to me that this was the first time they truly understood their own religion. Though that may be true the course is especially designed for those who are looking for a clear and simple explanation of Buddhism.So whether new to the subject or very experienced you will find knowledge of great value to you and your life in this course. In the end, you will understand why it is that you have been living less than you are deserving of and how to regain your Natural state of Joy, Compassion, Love and Freedom."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Developing Speed for All Ages" |
"COURSEDESCRIPTION:Developing Speed for All Ages is a courseto help teach the fundamentals, drills, and techniques that all sprinters should have in order to run at maximum speeds. The course was designed for youth and high school coaches, athletes, and parents that want to increase their knowledge ondeveloping better sprinters. In this course you will acquire an understanding of what needs to be accomplished for all of your athletes to develop speed. This course will dive into several aspect of sprinting, which you will need to be able to understand before your athletes will run faster. Below are the covers portions of the course:Components of SprintingThe Importance of R.O.M (Range of Motion in Arms and Legs)TheImportance of a Dorsi-Flexed toeSprintDrills (4), Introduction toAccelerationAccelerations DrillsIntroduction toMaximum VelocityMaximum Velocity Drills (8). Do you already coach track and field or any sport that requires speed?Do you volunteer for yourlocal youth team, but have very minimal knowledge of the sport?Are you a coach who wants to gain more knowledge of the sport?If you answered yes to any of these questions, developing speed for all ages is the course for you. Enroll today!REQUIREMENTS:If you are interested in being a better coach for the kids you have that will be your biggest requirement. Eventually you will needtopurchase banana hurdles or some type of cone (Large or small)during or afterthe course. These items will assist in teaching Maximum Velocity, which will be explained in Lecture 7 and 8.WHATIGETFROMTHISCOURSE?:By the end of Developing Speed for All Ages you will:Gain knoweldge toteachyour athletes the skills and mechanics to run fasterYou will learn sprint terminology, drills, and skills to increase speed in your athletesThe information obtained here will propel you as a coach to continuelearning your craftWHATISMYTARGETAUDIENCE?:Coaches, Athletes, Parents, or ANYONEat the youth or high school levelthat wants to learn the aspectsof sprinting, know more about the aspectof sprinting. The is no prior background knowledge needed, just a willingness to learn."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Open My Money Vault: The Money Manifestation Formula" |
"If you want to manifest greater success, better relationships, and MONEY for any purpose, this IS the right course for you! Just imagine manifesting all your true heart's desires with EASE! With almost 2.5 hours of video lectures and pdfs and quizzes, you'll learn cutting edge tools and closely guarded secrets only a select few know that makes manifesting money ( or anything else ) much easier!! You cannot manifest amazing things if your vibes and beliefs are negative about life, money, and yourself! YOU DESERVE MORE!!In this course you learn to master manifesting, and see results easier and quicker than ever before to create everything you want in life as if by magic! You'll learn foundations of manifesting like where negative beliefs come from and how to easily erase YOUR specific negative beliefs!In Module 1 you'll learn to visualize your desired outcome while in the Alpha brainwave state, which will greatly enhance your manifestations!! ( You'll learn a very easy way to get into alpha, that's taught nowhere else ). In Module 2 we focus on the use of NLP to control your internal states, physiology, internal dialogue, and use NLP to uncover limiting beliefs. In Module 3 we focus on the miracle of EFT, combined with NLP and CV techniques to resolve and dissolve the limiting beliefs and blocks uncovered is step 2. What if you realized that you really did have the power to create the life that you've been dreaming of? This course will blow the roof off of what you always thought was possible and blast you to the next level! In this course I will show you how to create a life you love AND attract your heart's desire, creating more joy and fulfillment in your life than you ever thought possible!!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"The Beginners Guide To Drawing Like A Pro." |
"The Beginner's Guide To Drawing Like A Pro, is designed for beginners and those who need a refresher on basic drawing. this course explains the process of drawing, line, and perspective. The course also covers the topics of the Elements and Principles of design and composition. The class will examine the three basic shapes, light and shadow and at the conclusion of the course a break down of the human body with these shapes will be achieved along side of line work. Join your follow artists and achieve new heights in your drawing skills."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Shopify Power: Build An Ecommerce Website Using Shopify" |
"***We're honored that this is the best-selling E-commerceCourse On Udemy***Shopify Power:How To Build AWebsite, Sell Your Products, And Grow ABusiness On Shopify. Taught by award winning CEO and Adjunct Professor of OnlineMarketing at Northwest University - Jason Miles.About The Instructor &His Authentic Credibility On This Topic:Together with his wife,Miles has sold millions online and theirpopular shopify website (Pixie Faire)has even been featured by Shopify as one of the sites premieresuccess case studies. Miles shares their insider tips, techniques, short-cuts and hard-won lessons acquired as they personallyset up and built theirShopify site, which currentlytransacts40,000-50,000 orders a month and serves over 1 million pageviews.How Is This Course Different?This course includes analysis, opinions, techniques, short-cuts, and tips from the instructorthat you won't find on the help pages of Shopify, or in other Udemy courses. It also includes step-by-step site build demonstration section.This course offers aunique andsystematic framework for planning and launchinga Shopify site in a step-by-step method that will prepare you for long-term ecommercesuccess.Who Is This Course Designed For?Students should have a basic understanding, or willingness to learnweb-building, such as having previously set-up a blog. They should also have the time, patience, and willingness to implement the lessons and details taught in this course. Students should already have a product, product idea, or product plan.If you have a private label product you sell on Amazon, or are an artist, crafter, or seller of unique items - and need a fully functional ecommerce website - then this course will be of value to you.Warning, Web Professionals -You May Find This Course Too Basic.We do not cover creating custom themes or working in Liquid (the code language of Shopify). This course is intended for entreprenuers,marketers, brand owners and small business people - not developers."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Craft Business Power: Online Selling For Artists And Makers" |
"This is the companion video series to theCraft Business Power book (available on Amazon).Home based craft businesses are enabling thousands of families to enjoy additional income. It has never been easier to start a craft business. But how do you sell your art or craft products in the age of Amazon? How do you use the Internet to find and serve high-quality customers?In Craft Business Power the founders of Liberty Jane Clothing share their journey to build a profitable online craft business. They've sold severalmillion dollars of products online and they outline a 15 day plan for launching a profitable craft business that is easy to follow, filled with practical advice, and proven to work.About The Instructor:In this course the instructorshares insider tips, techniques, short-cuts and hard-won lessons acquired as they personallyset up and built Liberty Jane and Pixie Faire.How Is This Course Different?This course includes analysis, opinions, techniques, short-cuts, and tips from the instructorthat you won't find anywhere else.Who Is This Course Designed For?Although everyone is welcome, this course is designed for makers, crafters, artists and private labelers (who are just starting out), more than anyone else. It will help them design a brand, clarify their product and pricing strategy - and learn to sell online.Students should have a basic understanding of business and awillingness to learn and grow.They should also have the time, patience, and willingness to implement the lessons and details taught in this course. Students should already have a product, or at least aproduct idea.You May Find This Course Too Basic If...If you already have a brand, product strategy, social media plan, and ongoing business income. This course is designed as a guide for beginners that intermediate or advanced students might enjoy too.Additionally,if you are trying to bring an existing successfulbusiness online, you may find this course too basic because we spend a lot of time on goal setting, branding, product strategy, and pricing."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Cooking with Spices" |
"Welcome to Cooking with Spices-Learn how to add Bold & Delicious Flavor to Dishes!In this course, you will learn a variety of cooking techniques, such as ""sauteing"" ""toasting"" and other helpfultechniques used to create tasty dishes of various cuisines using spices.Before leaping into the course and so that you understand upcoming cooking lectures, there is helpful background information about spices and thefoundation of how they areused in each cuisine which I call ""flavorprints."" After each lecture its encouraged to try something that is covered in that section. Some dishes to look forward to making are Arroz con Pollo (Spanish Chicken & Rice) Shrimp & Sausage Gumbo & Jamaican Style Peas & Rice."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende msica componiendo una cancin." |
"En este curso aprenders el lenguaje de los msicos de una manera muy prctica ya que despus de muy pocas lecciones estars componiendo como los profesionales, escribiendo dentro de un pentagrama y desarrollando tu intuicin musical.El curso estestructurado en 5 secciones, que tellevarn de la parte rtmica a la parte armnica, y al finalizar estars componiendo una cancin.Obtendrsgran parte de la informacin que reciben losestudiantes de primer semestre en carreras profesionales de msica. Adems; irs creando tu propia composicin y podrs recibir retroalimentacin en la seccin de preguntas y respuestas."
Price: 570.00 ![]() |
"Data Structures From Scratch" |
"Data structure is an efficient way of organizing data and keeping the mess out of your system. This course teaches further about these data structures. The most popular data structures in store data category include binary search trees, hash tables, heaps, and graphs. After learning the codes, you will be able to develop your knowledge side by side with your teacher. There are lot of other courses on data structures so why take this course?? (1. Teaching Style + Side by Side Coding with Theory 2. No use of traditional powerpoint slides)This course was primarily made for those with basic knowledge of C++ that want to improve in computer science. What is the working system of this course?Providing the illustration and examples for better understandingEasy lectures for beginnersComplete detailed explanation of data structuresCode in C++ What does this course cover?ArraysStacksAbstract data typeQueuesLinkedListRecursionTrees and other algorithmsHash Tables and Graphs (To be covered soon)After completing the course, you will have enough knowledge to code these data structures on your own and be confident enough to perform your own data structural operations. Its purpose is to facilitate the introduction to programming and exercise the strategies. When designing or using a library, two things are fundamental: time efficiency operations with objects of classes and memory management. The C ++ is a language that tends to be very effective in these areas. This course is crucial in all these categories and will help you learn in the easiest possible way.Knowing the basic techniques used during intermediate generation, optimization and code generation expanding programming techniques is the plot of computer science that you will always come back to."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Start-up financial modeling for non-finance professionals" |
"This course is primarily aimed at start-up entrepreneurs with limited background in finance and accounting. As part of the course you will receive your copy of Feanut Financial Model - a tool that we developed to make it easy to prepare complex financial projections. Over this course you will learn how to use this model to prepare a professional financial plan, including the financial statements, financial ratioanalysis, simplified business valuation and scenario analysis with the use of just a couple of input data that even a regular non-finance guy can understand so at the end of the course you will be able to prepare the finacial plan of your start-up business using our Feanut Financial Model.No specific finance or accounting background is required, and the course is not aimed at teaching you the details of accounting mechanics nor complexities of financial modeling in Excel. The course contains of almost 4 hours of video lectures and as part of the course you will also receive a 90-page model giude."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Fundamentals of Business Intelligence" |
"Business intelligence; the term is bandied about so frequently today that it might seem like everyone except you already understands it. The truth is that like its partner Big Data, business intelligence is actually not well understood at all. Most people who talk about business intelligence have at best a general notion of what it means and almost no experience with actually using BI in a meaningful way. However, BI is an important new tool for modern business. Advances in computing power can now give businesses ways to analyze data that they never could before. With these advances, firms can make decisions about pricing, marketing, new products, and resource allocation more effectively than they have ever been able to in the past. Major corporations like Kroger are starting to use BI to help determine what products they should advertise to specific customers. General Electric is using BI to more efficiently run its industrial maintenance schedules. Citi is using BI to help proactively figure out the maximum interest rates various customers are willing to pay. BI is useful in all of these settings and a lot more.In this short course, you will learn the basics of what is business intelligence is, why it's useful, and how it can help with your business. This course will also prepare you for future hands on courses that will go through the steps of a business intelligence project in greater depth."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Design a Room in 10 Easy Steps" |
"Do you find yourself struggling to pull together a room in a way that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing? Do you think that interior design is all art and no science? If you answered yes to either or both of these questions, then this is the class for you! In this course, you will learn that you can actually use an easy, systematic approach for creating beautiful and functional designs for the primary rooms in your home, primarily focusing on family and living rooms, dining rooms, and bedrooms. (Please note that this class does not cover kitchen or bath design). This course is primarily lecture based, but does contain activities along the way to help you immediately apply what you've learned, as well as a quiz at the end. By the end of this beginner course, you will be able to completely design a room end-to-end using a simple 10-step approach. Specifically, you will learn how to:Measure a room to maximize the use of your space and select appropriately sized furnitureCreate your ideal floor plan (various sample floor plans are provided)Identify your preferred interior design style(s)Create a cohesive interior design color schemeSelect the appropriate sized rug and furniture for a roomEfficiently shop for furniture onlineCreate a layered lighting schemeLearn the secret for making off-the-shelf drapes look customThe ideal student for this course is a person who is interested in creating functional and aesthetically pleasing rooms in their home, but does not already have a lot of knowledge in interior design. IMPORTANT NOTES:If you are interested in taking most or all of my courses, I have a recommended order in which to watch them (although it's certainly not required). I would start with ""How to Design a Room in 10 Easy Steps"" because most of my other courses are in-depth classes of the concepts touched on in this 10 step class. Following the 10 Step Course, I suggest moving on to ""How to Use Color Like a Pro"", followed by ""How to Work with Interior Design Styles Like a Pro"", then ""How to Use Lighting Design to Transform your Home"", and finally ""Design is in the Details"". My other three courses, ""How to Use Minimalist Interior Design to Live your Best Life"", ""Use Eco-friendly, Sustainable Design to Improve Your Life"" , and ""How to Design Your Dream Kitchen"" are all stand alone classes on specialty topics within interior design, and therefore, can be taken in any order.Please be aware that this course, or any of my courses, is not intended to provide all of the knowledge needed to become a professional interior designer. As with any professional field, there is a significant amount of education and/or experience that is needed to achieve competency in this field. My intention with these courses is to provide some solid foundational knowledge to assist either those individuals interested in ""DIY"" interior design to work on their own projects more effectively, or to provide supplemental education to both interior design students and professionals."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |