Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Adobe Bridge and Camera Raw In Depth" |
"This comprehensive course covers everything you need to know in order to organise your images in Bridge and take them to a new level in Camera Raw. After covering all of the Bridge essentials, I tear Camera Raw apart and, with downloadable examples throughout, cover every facet of the software.Become a Bridge and Camera Raw Power UserLearn how to:Acquire, group, sort, rate and label images in Bridge.Understand how raw capture worksCorrect exposure and colour with confidenceRemove noise and pre-sharpen detailsPaint adjustments and add filtersBatch process multiple imagesAnd much more...Mixing theory and practice, I cover raw capture and formats, exposure theory, blemish removal and details enhancement, bit-depths and colour spaces. All of the exercise files I use are available for you to download, along with a cheat sheet of keyboard shortcuts for both Bridge and Camera Raw.With over 8 hours of video, we'll learn how to remove colour fringing and lens distortions, mix custom black-and-whites, hand tint for sepia-style colours, produce cross-processed colour effects and understand colour models and camera calibration.I also focus on being efficient in the software, and encourage and demonstrate the use of keyboard shortcuts, presets, snapshots and taking control over default settings.What will I get from this course?A thorough knowledge of Bridge and Camera RawA confidence in developing raw imagesAn understanding of raw capture, bit-depths and colour spacesEfficiency in using all of the toolsWhat are the requirements?No previous knowledge is assumed; all you need is a copy of the software and some time to spare!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten schreiben mit Substanz" |
"Warum biete ich Ihnen diesen Kurs an?Nun, ich helfe Studierenden und Promovierenden seit vielen Jahren erfolgreich, mit diesem aufs Wesentliche reduzierten und zugleich vertieften Grundlagenwissen sowie mit einer daraus folgenden klareren Vorgehensweise ihre Studienziele wissenschaftlich und praxisrelevant zu erreichen. Dies sollte auch fr Sie hilfreich sein knnen!Hinweis: Die Abschnitte 2 (Wissenschaft) und 3 (Qualittskriterien) enthalten die notwendigen Grundlagen. Richtig praktisch wird es dann ab Abschnitt 4 (Forschen)! Wenn Sie momentan vorrangig das praktische Arbeiten interessiert, steigen Sie also einfach erst einmal dort ein.Dieser Kurs ist fr Sie richtig, wenn...Ihnen bislang noch die Grundlagen fr Ihre eigenen, anstehenden wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten fehlen,Ihnen bisher noch nicht klar ist, was Wissenschaftlichkeit bedeutet und wie Sie sie selbst tatschlich umsetzen knnten,Sie wissen wollen, welche Grundelemente Sie verwenden mssen und warum,Ihnen die Grundregeln des Zitierens und des Strukturierens fr anstehende hochschulische Arbeiten noch fehlen,Ihnen noch unklar ist, wie Sie Ihre anstehende hochschulische Abschlussarbeit in der Krze der Zeit erstellen knnten,Sie selbst bzw. Ihre Prfer*innen mit Ihren bisherigen Einreichungen von Haus- oder Projektarbeiten noch unzufrieden sind. ber den KursEr untersttzt auf besondere Weise Ihre Fhigkeiten fr wissenschaftliches Arbeiten von der ersten Hausarbeit bis zur Doktorarbeit. Denn er macht Ihnen deutlich: jede wissenschaftliche Arbeit muss ein kleines Forschungsprojekt sein und er bereitet Sie darauf vor.Und Achtung: es erwartet Sie hier kein Geschwafel wie bei wissenschaftlich unerfahrenen Lektoren, sondern klarer, oftmals trockener Input, den Sie verstehen und umsetzen knnen auch aufgrund mancher Anwendungsbeispiele. Tipp: Aktivieren Sie de Untertitel bzw. das automatisch mitscrollende Transkript unten am Videoplayer!Sie werden die Grundlagen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens daher sowohl verstehen als auch anwenden lernen:Was Wissenschaft bedeutetWissenschaftliche Qualittskriterien bercksichtigenWie Forschen funktioniertUmgang mit den Grundelementen wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten Quellen richtig verwendenLiteratur effektiv erfassen und verwaltenWissenschaftlich schreibenDiese sieben Kapitel bestehen aus mehreren einzelnen Lektionen mit Untertiteln. Das steht an:Kurze, thematisch strukturierte VideolektionenInteraktive Elemente: Aufgaben, Notizen, Links und QuizzeTranskripte und weitere MaterialienNachvollziehbare Praxisbeispiele Beste Vorgehensweise:Das jeweilige Transkript pro Kapitel (hier Abschnitt genannt) downloaden zum Mitlesen und Nacharbeiten!Die Untertitel bzw. das automatisch mitscrollende Transkript unten am Videoplayer aktivieren.Wichtige Informationen aus der jeweiligen Online-Vorlesung notieren.Die Arbeitsfragen brauchen Zeit zum Nachdenken und eigenstndigen Recherchieren. Diese Vertiefungen sind notwendig, um das eigene Kompetenzziel zu erreichen also bitte jede Lektion sofort aktiv nachbereiten!Wo immer praktische Tipps gegeben werden, bitte diese sogleich aufgreifen und umzusetzen versuchen; auch solche Trockenubungen sind nutzbringend.Viel Freude beim Arbeiten mit diesem Kurs!Ihr Prof. Dr. Martin Gertler"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Quellenverwaltung mit Zotero automatisieren: Praxiskurs" |
"Warum biete ich Ihnen diesen Kurs an?Nun, ich helfe Studierenden und Promovierenden seit vielen Jahren erfolgreich, mit diesem arbeitserleichternden Tool ihre Studienziele schneller und vor allem in der Zitiermechanik endlich fehlerfrei zu erreichen.Dieser Kurs ist fr Sie richtig, wenn...Sie Probleme haben, die Quellenangaben zu den Zitaten in Ihrer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit fehlerfrei und standardgem zu erstellen,Ihnen die unterschiedlichen Quellenarten nicht bekannt sind und Sie sie daher nicht jeweils entsprechend referenzieren knnen,Sie die Standards der Zitierstile nicht bekannt sind und daher immer alles ein wenig durcheinander geht, wenn Sie bisher Kurzbelege und Quellenangaben von Hand machen,Sie froh wren ber ein automatisiertes Management der anzugebenden Metadaten Ihrer Quellen,Sie nicht mehr jedesmal nachdenken wollen, ob die Auswahl der Angaben so nun richtig ist oder nicht, sondern sich auf die Inhalte Ihres Vorhabens konzentrieren wollen.Was Sie erwartetVon der Installation ber die notwendigen Einstellungen bis hin zu den hufigsten Quellenarten und zustzlichen Tipps bietet Ihnen dieser Praxiskurs einen schnellen und effektiven Einstieg in das kostenlose Quellenverwaltungsprogramm Zotero.Eine Stunde Input durch diesen Kurs und eine weitere Stunde Ihrerseits werden ausreichen, um Ihre Zitiermechanik auf dauerhaft sichere Fe zu stellen. Tipp: Die Untertitel bzw. das automatisch mitscrollende Transkript unten am Videoplayer aktivieren!Dieser Kurs untersttzt Ihre Fertigkeiten fr das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten von der ersten Hausarbeit bis zur Doktorarbeit. Viel Freude beim Arbeiten mit diesem Kurs,Ihr Prof. Dr. Martin Gertler"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda e Domine a Linguagem C" |
"Aprenda e Domine Uma Das Mais Populares Linguagens de programao: A Linguagem C. Se voc estudante de um curso universitrio ou curso tcnico e est tendo dificuldades com Algoritmos e Lgica de programao ecom o Desenvolvimento de programas em linguagemC, deve comear por este curso para aprender e dominar a Linguagem C.Se voc quer aprendera programar computadores este curso ideal para voc, porque vamos estudar as tcnicas bsicas de como fazer programas de computadores estruturados e lgicos.Este curso vai introduzi-lo no mundo da programao estruturada, de forma rpida e fcil.Em um curso com muitos exerccios prticos, acompanhados pelo professor, voc vai colocar a ""mo-na-massa"" e programar na Linguagem C em apenas 7 sees. Voc vai comear a romper as barreiras da programao, com um futuro promissor como programador de computadores. Todo programador precisa de algumas tcnicas bsicas, aqui voc vai ser introduzido a conhecer e trabalhar com elas. Neste curso resolvemos juntos problemas com Entrada e Sada de Dados, Desvios Condicionais e Laos de Repetio. Projetei este curso de programao para que fosse facilmente compreendido poralunosiniciantes, paraaqueles que tem dificuldades com a programaode computadoresetambm para aqueles que desejam aprender a programar computadores na Linguagem C."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Programar em C usando o Code Blocks" |
"Aprendaa programar com uma das Linguagens de programao mais populares: ""A Linguagem C"".Se voc estudante de um curso universitrio ou curso tcnico de informtica e est tendo dificuldades com""C"", deve comear por este curso para aprender a programar computadores nestaLinguagem C.Se voc que usar o ambiente de desenvolvimento doCode Blocks para desenvolver seus programas, aqui estaremos usando esta interface.Um curso rpido e fcil, que vai colocar voc no mundo da programao de computadores.Este curso foi criado,baseado na experinciade mais de 25 anos de trabalho em cursos tcnicos e profissionalizantes do professor, com o objetivo de ser facilmente compreendido por iniciantes e tambm por aqueles que tem dificuldades com a programao de computadores."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"How to market your book in Germany" |
"Are you wondering how to promote your translated book to a brand-new market if you don't even speak the language?What if you don't have the help of a German-speaking assistant or your translator? Then this course will give you the tools to tackle your German marketing mostly by yourself even if you don't understand a word of German.You will find detailed screenflows that walk you through German websites and show you exactly what to do to contact readers and bloggers for reviews, or buy ads on promotional websites.We'll start with an overview of the German ebook stores and their relevance for indie authors, then go into some laws and regulations that are relevant for publishing in Germany.Getting reviews is probably one of the most important tasks in marketing your book, so Section 2 will show you both paid and free options to connect with readers and book bloggers, including setting up giveaways.Finally, you'll find a list of the most important German ebook promotional websites and I'll show you how you can use them to buy ads for your free and discount promotions."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Realidad Aumentada con 3D Max y ArMedia" |
"Que aprenders?En este curso ensear como fcilmente mediante el programa de modelador en 3D "" 3D Max"" y un plugin adicional: como modelar, instalar y exportar nuestro modelado para convertirlo en una realidad aumentada para poder visualizarlo en cualquier PC o MovilQue es Realidad Aumentada?La realidad aumentada es un termino que normalmente se utiliza para describir un modo de visualizacin mediante un dispositivo que tenga Camara, por el cual podremos visualizar un objeto, informacin o animacin en 3D en nuestro propio entorno real.Mediante el programa de 3D ""3D max"" y la previa instalacin de un plugin que nos permitir fcilmente exportar cualquier modelado en 3D que hagamos, para convertirlo en unarealidad aumentada.Patreon:reivaxartSi deseas el archivo final listo puedes apoyarme en Patreon y obtenerlo:) :Link del Archivo Final: En Patreon ""Sistema Solar y PDF marker"""
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Grafik Tasarm: Adobe Illustrator ile Sfrdan Projeler" |
"Bu kurs kapsamnda gerek grafik tasarm uygulamalar zerinden Adobe Illustrator program ve grafik tasarm yapma sreci retilmektedir. Bror tasarm, logo tasarm, katalog tasarm, kurumsal kimlik tasarm sreleri hakknda detayl bilgiler anlatlmaktadr. Bu kursa kaydolarak kendi projeleriniz iin tasarmlar yapabilecek, Adobe Illustrator' etkin kullanabilecek, tasarmlarnz hayata geirecek hatta bir meslek sahibi olup i bulabilecek bilgiye sahip olabilirsiniz."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Core of Confidence" |
"Leave frustration in the past and take action now for a more confident life!When I look at other confidence courses out there, I notice how many specific situations they tackle. They have a strategy for social interactions, a strategy to help with eye contact, public speaking etc. All these strategies are designed to work in specific situations but what they may not realize they all stem from a deeper issue. Having a strategy for making better eye contact, can help you stare at someone in the eyes, but has little or nothing to do with your deeper confidence level that causes the problem in the first place. This strategy is like trying to clear your yard of dandelions by cutting them after they have grown. The weeds are a symptom of a deeper causethe roots in the ground and the unhealthy internal environment of the yard. Having bad eye contact is a symptom of a deeper lack of confidence that is not being addressed. My course however, uses strategies to get to the root causesto the core of confidence. This way, you get rid of all of the all the symptoms of lack of confidence, by getting to the core of the issue. The better news? Addressing the core of your confidence, will dramatically improve many other aspects of your life as well. Cleaning out the garbage in the core of your life, will allow for a much healthier environment that allows healthy green grass and flowers to flourish (yes in the case I am talking about the internal environment of your life). When your confidence is driven by your core, you have the strength to break through any challenge, show up in any moment confidently and be your true self. I believe life will always test and challenge you, will you be ready?Here is what people have said about my work:Steves energy is infectious. He delivers deep and impactful concepts that are so relevant in the busy and cluttered world in a clear and methodical way. -Tony, Director, Johnson & Johnson""Steves coaching helped me to realizeI had allowed my own beliefs about the world, and where I fit into it, to be colored by someone elses story; essentially, instead of blazing my own path and crafting my own personal narrative, I was designing a life meant to be distinctive from someone elses. Rachel, Coaching Client, Strategy ConsultantI have the worst habit of constantly doubting myself so what [Steve] talked about really hit home. It was so motivational! -Samantha, University StudentAs someone who has worked in learning and education in both the academic and corporate settings, I was impressed with how Steve implemented the session. He used humor, personal experiences, and energy to inspire. Gene, University ProfessorSeeing Steve coach himself out of some of the deepest, darkest times in his life into what he has become, is living proof that he practices what he preaches and he can bring out the best in [you]. Eric, Northwestern MutualHe [Steve] is incredibly valuable at his ability to help bring out the best in people and team members. He knows how to focus on real opportunities and has the most important skill of all of being able to ask the right questions at the right time. -Matt, TEDx co-curator"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"iOS 9 Swift App Development for Beginners and Entrepreneurs" |
"If you want to easily develop and publish a new profitable app then this course is perfect for you.I want you to know that my course is very different then all of the others. You see, I believe that the reason that your interested in developing apps, is to make money. So I cut straight to it and provide all of the code for a current profitable app.During the course I will walk you through every step of customizing this cloned app to make it unique for your geographic area. By the end of the course you will publish this profitable app into the apple app store.I cover every step that you need to follow to become a registered apple developer. Together we will install Xcode on your system. Then we will clone and customize your first profitable app.You will appreciate how easy it is to create a profitable app development business."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"The Art of Healing Relationships" |
"This is a course that emphasizes theimportance of developing the ability to create and maintain healthy relationships.This course is divided into five categories. Relationships with ourselves, romantic relationships, relationships with family, relationships with friends and professional relationships. The intention of the course is to make the student aware of the dynamics at play in each relationship and to provide ideas that they can use to improve their skills in each category. Sometimes improving relationships with others is mostly a matter of improving the relationship we have with ourselves. This course has eight videos including the intro. There are also worksheets included for each of the fivecatagories. This is a course that should be taken over a few days to give the student time to think about how they may apply some of these ideas into their own lives."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"15 giorni con Prestashop vol.1 - per principianti" |
"Con questo corso lo studente potr avere uno strumento completo per iniziare a vendere tramite Prestashop, tramite semplici guide ""passo-passo"": verranno seguite tutte le fasi principali dell'installazione e della prima configurazione del CMS.Dall'installazione tramite FTP, localhost o plesk sino alla configurazione del negozio, delle categorie e dei prodotti.Tutto quello che serve per cominciare a vendere.Corso adatto ai principianti che non hanno ancora dimestichezza con Prestashop.NOTA: Versione 1.7.x di PrestahopIl corso stato registrato sulla versione 1.6 ma perfettamente valido anche per la 1.7.x, anzi sono state aggiunte delle lezioni aggiuntive che mostrano alcune differenze (poche in effetti)sulla versione 1.7.x"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Become a Software Tester: Learn Software Testing & Get a Job" |
"LEARN SOFTWARE TESTING AND LAND A LUCRATIVE JOB IN TECHNOLOGY ASAP!This course is focused on the very fundamentals and basics of MANUAL software testing, Qa, Quality Assurance. I have kept it very short and to the point. In my experience, whatever this course teaches is what you need to learn the basics of software testing. WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE ""Good Day Waqas,I took your course over a month ago, long story short I landed a job in the testing field!!Thank you for this course! Be blessed!!""Another five star review: ""Simple, short, easy to understand. Good place to start one's software testing journey. Thank you.""Are you one of those people who think you have to have a lot of experience and computer knowledge in order to get a high paying job in technology? Well, I am here to tell you that you don't need to have any experience in the technology field and you do not need to know computer coding to get a lucrative job in technology.Say Hello to ""SOFTWARE TESTING"" : A wonderful field which pays a lot of money. An average salary can range from $70,000 to $100,000 and this is without any Degree, certifications or special computer knowledge. Software testers are unique as this skill is not taught in schools or colleges. In fact, most people are not even familiar with the concept of software testing career. The truth is that every technology company needs software testers which is why there is a huge demand for this career right now and there will be a huge demand in the future as well. This course is designed in such a way if that even if you have no experience, if you are non-technical or if you barely use the computer, you can still easily learn everything taught in this course and land a job in technology .This course is for anyone who wants to have a wonderful stable career, people who want to support their families and live a rich and successful life. Benefits of this course:This course will teach you fundamentals of software testing, from test planning to test cases to methodologies used in technology organizations as waterfall and Agile. This course will explain in detail what software development life cycle looks like, how to practice testing with live training demos, how to find bugs and many more.This course will teach you:Everything about software testing: basics and fundamentals After you grasp the skills, you will learn how to make a resume You will learn how to apply for jobsYou will also learn how to easily pass the interview and get a good jobSo, don't wait and Register for this course Today! Good luck!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Recalibrate for Life 2.0" |
"Business Leaders and Managers who are or will be in transition (e.g. retiring, seeking a new position) and want to clarify for yourself and others what you want to do.There are four program modules: 1) Taking Inventory of our personal assets 2) Building your story and a plan 3) Exploring your ideas and interests 4) Evaluating and recalibrating your planOnce completed, you will have a roadmap to get started onwhat's next that matches your expertise and your interests."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Simply Effective Facebook Ads" |
"If you've been struggling with getting your Facebook Ads to perform, you will want to take this course. I show you how to pre-plan the ad, use your existing and untapped resources, and get tuned into the mindset of your ideal customer. Plus, I talk about scaling up and provide practical tips for how to troubleshoot an underperforming campaign.I have four lectures and also provide the slides and a page of resources. I wanted this to be highly distilled information so you can watch it quickly and start using the information right away in your current campaigns.We start with pre-planning your campaign, and then move into creating your audience, creating and testing your ad, and then finish up with monitoring and optimizing your campaigns. My goal is to save you money and improve your results."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"No Equipment Home Workout Program" |
"This course is designed for anyone wanting to exercise but doesnt have access to equipment and wants a better understanding of proper body mechanics. This is intended to help beginners gain a solid foundation to build upon so they dont hurt themselves and get better results with other online programs while providing home workouts. There are handouts and tutorial videos included with this course which can be done at your own pace in the comfort of your home. We start with foundational movements such as squats, pushups, situps, and burpees and then progress to more complex movements such as handfoot crawls. This course is a must take for anyone thinking of starting a fitness program but doesnt have access to a personal trainer to guide them on proper form all while allowing you to gain lean muscle and lose body fat."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn 4 Chords and Play Thousands of Songs!" |
"Have you always wanted to play guitar but felt overwhelmed and not sure where to start? Did you know that learning 4 easy chords can allow you to play thousands of songs? It's true! So many popular songs out there use the same chords over and over again. The goal of this course is to focus in on these chords and start playing songs you love as fast as possible!Here's what you'll learn in this course:The powerful Rule of 80/20 - it works in music and in life!The essentials (the 20%) of getting to know your guitarLearn how to read a chord chart and tune your guitarThe four chords (G, C, D and Em) - allowing you play thousands of songsThe benefits of using these 4 chords along with a guitar capoBonus embellishments you can use with these four chords to elevate your playing!Practice the four chords with popular songs!Are you ready to learn guitar and start playing songs as quickly as possible ? Join our class today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The 80/20 Beginner Guitar Course" |
"Our unique course will teach how to play guitar using the powerful Rule of 80/20.Over 80% of your results come from 20% of your activities. Focus on the 20% and you will be able to rapidly *play* guitar.So many songs use the same chords over and over again. This course, a follow-up to our highly rated 4 Chords course on UDemy, will expand into the essential chords needed to have you playing in no time! We also provide fun embellishments to each chord, along with practice songs and exercises.If you're a complete beginner or feel stuck with moving forward in learning the guitar, this course is for you! We will help you step-by-step to better understand your guitar and have you playing and learning songs you love as fast as possible. Come join us today!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Become an Excel VBA Troubleshooter: Save Time and Earn More" |
"*** Course last updated on 29th August 2019 ***This course is designed to take your basic VBA skills and quickly move you into the intermediate category. You can probably already put together most of the way there programs. These will usually have some form of problem (even if you dont realise it). They might have calculation errors, be a bit slow or break under specific use cases. This course will teach you to track down and fix these problems and then how to restructure your code to prevent such problems and handle run time errors in an effective way. A VBA Troubleshooter is a valuable team member. You will quickly find people coming to you for help and advice. Your CV will look much better and it will put in a great position to negotiate a pay rise or even use this as the first step in a new career. Some assumptions about youLets agree that you are highly motivated, want to learn new skills and want to get ahead in life. Maybe you want to earn more in your current role, maybe you want to enhance your CV or maybe you want to switch careers. Lets also agree you are willing to put in the time and effort to learn new skills yet want to do so in an efficient and effective way. Finally, lets agree you believe in getting what you pay for.Still with me? Keep reading and see exactly why over 1,000 students enrolled in just the first 10 weeks!!!How this course is differentThere are lots of great VBA courses both on the internet and on Udemy. Many however try to cover a bit of everything related to VBA. Before building my own course I looked at what was available and made sure I was providing something new and different. Instead of teaching a little bit of everything I listened to my existing students, took the most useful VBA coding skill set and turned it into a full blown course all of its own. I dont aim for the complete beginner (you wont learn about the basics such recording macros, CELL objects and RANGE objects). Instead I assume you have some VBA knowledge and want to quickly improve on this by learning some higher level skills. If you are a complete beginner however, just ask me for a list of resources to get you to the starting point. Rather than the usual passive tell you how to do stuff method of delivery, my teaching style is very much active if you are lazy you will still get something out of it but nowhere near as much as if you put in a reasonable amount of work to do the quizzes and exercises. In addition to all of this my goal is for the course to become a living entity with a community of students. I have a long list of additional material, techniques and examples I plan to add. I want it to become a reference point for future where you can dip in and out as you encounter new problems, where you can request a specific topic to be covered and where you can provide the feedback needed to fine tune the course.Who will benefit most from the course? Almost everyone will gain something but some will gain more than others: Do you get a nice warm fuzzy feeling from those Aha!! moments when you understand something new?Are you willing to put in some time and effort to learn new skills?Are you willing to stick up your hand and ask a question even if you think it sounds silly?If you answered Yes to at least 2 of these then you have the right attitude and I want you as part of my student community. I would much rather have a small set of the right students that complete the course and get involved actively. You should enrol on this course: BECAUSE you answered Yes to 2 questions from above you fit my ideal student description;BECAUSE you are driven, motivated, want to get ahead in life; BECAUSE you are willing to work to get what you want from life;Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: Why should I pay for a course when there is lot's online for free?A: Very good point. There are two problems with the free online content. Firstly, it will take a long time to find what you need. Even if you do find something it probably won't be exactly what you want and need modification. This takes time and time is the only real scarce resource - it's valuable and you shouldn't go wasting it. Secondly, although there is a lot of good content online there is also a lot of complete and utter s*it. If you willing to spend the time finding content, are able to tell the difference between good and bad and able to modify what you find confidently then you don't need this course anyway. Otherwise you can save yourself some time and stress by enrolling. Q: Why do you put so much emphasis on exercises and quizzes? A: Past experience tells me the best way to lean coding is by doing. I have taken this principle and used it to create this course. You will find material in the exercises and quizzes that is not covered in the main body of the course and this is deliberate!Q: Why do you not provide solutions to exercises?A: There are two reasons. Firstly, there is often more than one answer to a given exercise. Secondly, and more importantly, if I do put up solutions then many students will become lazy and simply look at the solutions before attempting exercises. I don't want this and instead want to encourage you to have a go yourself first. Still unsure? try it for free!I am giving away approx 30% of my course free as preview lectures. I am doing this because I believe in the quality of my course, I am confident the previews will prove the course is well worth the price and that once you look at them you will want to buy the full course. If that isnt enough my course is backed by the Udemy 30 day 100% money back guarantee if you enrol and change your mind you can get a full refund with no questions asked. Why would I highlight? Because Im confident that once you enrol you wont want to give it back!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Qur'an Memorization for Kids:Build Quran Recitation Fluency" |
"Memorization of the Qur'an with tajweed is often a big challenge for every absolute beginner. Every word has to be pronounced correctly while applying the correct reading rules simultaneously.This course aims at simplifying the reading of the Quran in a way that facilitates its quick yetsoundmemorization with tajweed.Build a solid foundation of fluency in the pronunciation of words and reading of sentences with these lectures that are basically designed for kids.Word by word memorization of the last ten chapters of the Qur'anThe Arabic alphabets and some of the words each of them startsWriting of the Arabic alphabets AFundamental Skill at Your FingertipsLearning torecite the verses of the Quran word-by-word is central to attaining fluency in its recitation.Arabic alphabets are learnt along with its writing as theyare the building blocks of these words.Availability of free resources boosts the learning of these alphabets.Memorization of these last ten chapters of the Quran will insha Allah smoothens the recitation of the other chapters. Kids will also be able to applythem in their daily adkar.The lectures will also complementbusy- parents' efforts in assisting their kids with their hifdh.Content and OverviewSuitable for beginning reciters, through this course of 30 lectures and 9 hours of content, you shall be taken through word-by-word memorization of verses until you are able to recite long sentences fluently insha Allah.Guidelines towards theperfection of memorized verses are provided at the end of each lecture.The course will take an average of six months to cover insha Allah and at the end of the course, you shall be able torecite the last ten chapters of the Quran by heart.You'll be able to write and pronounce the Arabic alphabets correctly and sequentially.Letter wordstaught by defining and drilling with the use of visuals(graphics, text and animations)to reinforce learningwill help students to be able to refer to common objects and animals by their Arabic names.This shall also be tested using memory games insha Allah.With these lessons,you will have the basic skills to memorize longer chaptersat greater speed and you will have built a strong foundation for your reading and writing inArabic.You will also receive a verifiable certificate of completion when you finish the course insha Allah."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Window Light Photography" |
"With 16videos and 2 hours of instruction, photographer JP Danko takes you through everything you need to know to create your own amazing portraits with natural window light - using any camera and all within the comfort of your own living room. Learn detailed photography techniques for photographing three complete window light setups including camera settings, the use of reflectors and post processing techniques using Lightroom (or Photoshop RAW) and two popular mobile editing apps - Snapseed and VSCO Cam.JP puts a careful emphasis on understanding the techniques presented so that students will be empowered to take the techniques learned and explore their own artistic vision. By the end of the class, students will have learned everything needed to create their own beautiful window light portraits."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Master Your Mind Meditation Course" |
"Youknowmeditation is good for you. Thousands of scientific studies indicate 76 benefitsof this age-old practice. It islife-changing on many levels.Yet doing meditationconsistently, and doing itright, can be challenging.Maybe you find it hard to establish a long-term daily meditation practice. You may feel you dont have thetime,disciplineormotivationto do so.Or perhaps youre confused about where to start, which technique to choose, and what to do with your mind during meditation. This confusion can make you feel that you are just wasting your time or doing it wrong.Im here to show howyou can make meditation work for you, and make it happen on a consistent basis, like anunbroken chain. With the right step-by-step instruction and guidance, building a solid meditation practice doesnt need to be hard.Unfortunately, much of the advice out there on getting started with meditation is incomplete, ineffective, or confusing. The common advice out there...Doesn't incorporate an understanding of habit science and the psychology of motivation;Presents instruction in an overwhelming way (too many things to learn and absorb at the same time);Asks for too much time commitment from the start;Focuses only on one approach or technique, giving no choice or room for experimentation;Doesn't take you very deep, but stays only with basic guided meditations;Makes you dependent on a set of guided meditations, not allowing you to grow your own individual practice.So thousands of people that could be benefiting from this practice are left out.This motivated me to develop a meditation course that would allow more people to start off on the right foot, stick to the habit, and reap life-long benefits.MASTERYOURMINDMEDITATION COURSEThis course is composed of35 short daily lessons, organized by weekeach with its own unique themes, goals and insights. The program is self-paced, and the techniques are presented in a way that both secular and spiritually minded people can connect to. No particular belief or worldview is required for following the lessons.The instructions areultra-specific,clear,and easy to follow. You will always knowexactlywhat to do each day. And there will never be too much on your plate.This course will help you:Develop the habit of meditating daily. You will start with sessions as short as 2 minutes, and increase gradually, up to 15-20 minutes.Find the ideal technique for you. Each week I will introduce you to a new practice (such as mantra meditation, breathing awareness, chakra meditation, etc.). By the end of the course you will be well equipped to choose the technique that best suits your needs.Have an optimal attitude towards meditation, so that you can enjoy the process as well as the result, and keep meditation as a lifetime habit.Deepen your meditationand enhance your power of focus.Integrate mindfulnessinto your daily life, through reminders, exercises, and daily challenges.At the end of the course you will also receive an exclusive Meditation Cheatsheet, and instructions for the next steps in your practice. By this point you will have developed asolid habitand a good understanding of all theessential elementsof meditation practice. You will know exactly what you are doing.This course integrates principles from habit science, positive psychology, and classical personal growth literature. The lessons are designed in a way that youcannot fail. It will be simple to keep up with the practice. No complicated concepts or confusing instructions.Building habits has always been one of my core-strengths, and I know how empowering it is to have the ability to develop important habits. In this program you will learnimportant tricks, principles, and mindsets that make it all easier.Master Your Mindcombines years of my personal practice (over 8,000 hours) and study of 70 different techniques, together with my experience helping thousands of people with meditation through my blog, courses,emails, workshops, and one-on-one coaching. Trust me, you willnotbe disappointed.IT'S TIMEFORACHANGEWhat would it mean for you to have more clarity, self-awareness, and peace of mind?How would life be if you were in the eye of the storm rather than being overpowered by your own mind, with its thoughts of fear, anxiety, worry, stress, and negativity?Meditation has the potential to give youso much, and createdeep transformationin your life. It just might be themost powerful habitin your life and its priceless!To reap its benefits you need to practice itdaily and in theright way.Master Your Mindis the perfect tool to take you there. If you join the course and follow these simple steps, five weeks from now meditationwill bean integral part of your life. You will be meditating 15 minutes everyday and this will allow you to enjoy its many rewards.Ill see you in theMembers Area!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"HTML para principiantes - El camino hacia el desarrollo web" |
"Bienvenido!!!Imagina que estas delante de un ro que quieres cruzar, en este hay una hilera de rocas separadas entre si, lo suficientemente cerca como para que puedas saltar de una en una, hay veces que por impaciencia queremos llegar a la otra orilla lo mas rpido posible, as que damos un gran salto con la esperanza de llegar cuanto antes. pero al igual que en todo en esta vida, si quieres avanzar demasiado rpido, acabas cayndote y retrocediendo, es por eso que las cosas hay que hacerlas paso a paso, y escoger muchas veces el camino mas lento. Siempre seras libre de escoger, si dar un gran salto o avanzar roca a roca.Con todo esto lo que quiero transmitirte es que el camino hacia la programacin web es lo mismo, hay que empezar por lo primero, que en este caso es HTML, la primera roca para cruzar el ro, una vez tienes los conocimientos necesarios podrs dar el salto hacia una nueva roca que te acerque a la otra orilla, en programacin web una vez has cruzado varias rocas, estas se bifurcan en varios sentidos, aqu tu decides cual tomar, pero al principio hay que pasar por las primeras rocas que te encuentras.Te voy a mostrar la primera roca que es HTML, una vez obtenidos los conocimientos tendrs a la vista la roca de enfrente, el lenguaje CSS.Una cosa es segura, cuanto ms avances mas satisfecho estars de haber comenzado a cruzar este ro tan apasionante que es la programacin web. as que si quieres llegar a la otraorilla, comienza por este curso.En este curso aprenders los conceptos bsicos del lenguaje de marcas HTML, entenders como funcionan gran parte de las etiquetas y sus atributos, que es en lo que se basa este lenguaje.Sern clases tericas y algunos ejercicios que te ir diciendo.Tu, tendrs que parar el vdeo para hacerlos, luego te mostrare el resultado explicndolo para que lo puedas comparar.SUBIR TU WEBUna vez Aprendes a crear tus primeros sitios o aplicaciones web, necesitas publicarla en Internet si quieres hacerla pblica.Este suele ser un paso difcil ya que muchas veces por desconocimiento no se sabe ni por donde empezar, es por eso que he hecho este curso, para orientar y despejar un poco las dudas sobre el tema de publicar y posteriormente aadir un sitio web al buscador de Google para que una vez subida al servidor pueda mostrarse en los resultados de bsqueda de Google.Espero que te animes y entres al curso, ya no tienes excusas para empezar a aprender programacin web."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"CSS para principiantes - El camino hacia el desarrollo web 2" |
"CSSTras aprender html, te das cuenta de que necesitas algo ms que texto,enlaces, tablas y listas, es aqu donde entra en juego css, con css le das vida a tus pginas web a travs de una gran variedad de estilos. Este curso esta diseado para que aprendas css, con clases tericas y prcticas, creando el proyecto de una portada de unapgina web, aplicando una gran variedad de estilos y animaciones que le darn un toque nico y especial.El curso css incluye todo el material necesario para su desarrollo, en el aprenders a utilizar la sintaxis de css, sus propiedades y selectores, con los cuales adquirirs los conocimientos necesarios para crear tus propios estilos de fondo, texto, dimensiones, margenes, rellenos, posicionamiento, colores, niveles de capa, etc...Si deseas crear tus propias pginas web y darles estilo, este es el curso que ests buscando, ya que combina la teora con la prctica real necesaria para poder aplicar estilos a todos tus documentos html. No te demores ms y accede a este curso de CSS bsico desde 0.LESSConoces CSS y no sabes que es un pre procesador? te suena la palabra LESS?Si tu respuesta es no, esta claro que necesitas aprender LESS.Que porque deberas aprender LESS?Si solo utilizas CSS esta claro que repites muchas veces el mismo cdigo.Con LESS puedes reducir tu cdigo CSS hasta en un 90% en muchos casos, y lo mejor de todo es que es como escribir CSS, apenas notars la diferencia, en conclusin, si sigues trabajando a pelo con CSS esta claro que ests muy anticuado y gastas demasiado tiempo escribiendo CSS.Si de verdad utilizas CSS y quieres hacerlo en menos tiempo, con menos trabajo y de una manera ms limpia y eficaz, ni te lo pienses, una vez lo conozcas nunca ms trabajars sin el.SUBIR TU WEBUna vez Aprendes a crear tus primeros sitios o aplicaciones web, necesitas publicarla en Internet si quieres hacerla pblica.Este suele ser un paso difcil ya que muchas veces por desconocimiento no se sabe ni por donde empezar, es por eso que he hecho este curso, para orientar y despejar un poco las dudas sobre el tema de publicar y posteriormente aadir un sitio web al buscador de Google para que una vez subida al servidor pueda mostrarse en los resultados de bsqueda de Google.SE ADVIERTE QUE LOS EJEMPLOS ESTN HECHOS EN UN SERVICIO DEHOST DE PAGO."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Cha kho thnh cng cho Business Analyst" |
"Kho hc cung cp cho hc vin cc kin thc c bn v ngh Phn tch nghip v dnh cho mi cp . Vi vic s dng cc hnh nh minh ho graphic trong xuyn sutvideo bi ging, tin chc rng kho hcs em n cho bn nhiu iu th v v bn c th bt u ngay vi ngh Phn tch nghip v ny. Ni dung kho hc bao gm:- Gii thiu ni dung kho hc- Tm hiu v Phn tch nghip v (PTNV) v cc vn lin quan- Tm hiu v Yu cu v cc ti liu tham kho- Khi qut v cc phng php k thut trong PTNV"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Cng c v k nng dnh cho Business Analyst" |
"Kho hc s cung cp cc k nng cn c cho mt chuyn vin Phn tch nghip v (PTNV) v nhng k thut cng cng c s dng trong Phn tch nghip v phn mm (PTNVPM).Vi vic s dng cc hnh nh minh ho graphic trong xuyn sutvideo bi ging, tin chc rng kho hcs b ch cho bn v gip bn pht trin hn trong ngh PTNV ny. Ni dung kho hc bao gm:- Khi qut: Cng c, K thut m Business Analyst (BA) cn c- Nhng k nng m mt chuyn vin PTNV cn c-Cng c v k thut thng dng trong PTNVPM"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"African Principles for Personal Development - The Adinkra" |
"This course draws key lessons for personal leadership development from the body of knowledge that is in Adinkra symbols. These African symbols, of Ghanaian origin, portray key African principles that enable learners draw selected lessons for personal development. The course uses each symbol to teach a key principle and enables learners to discover, learn and most importantly draw lessons of personal development that can be used on their leadership journey. This course will be instructed by KAH WALLA a globally recognised Political Leader, Activist and Entrepreneur from Cameroon. Kah Walla is the recipient of the 2011 Vital Voices Global Leadership Award for Leadership in Public Life. Kah Walla is an entrepreneur, activist and elected official from Cameroon. She is recognized internationally for her expertise in management and for her commitment to Africa, development, women and youth. Kah is the founder and owner of STRATEGIES!, a 20-year old consulting firm based in Douala, Cameroon and working in over 22 countries in Africa, Europe and the USA. She was the 1st female presidential candidate in Cameroon in the 2011 elections. Ms. Walla studied for her MBA from Howard University, Washington DC.This course is suitable for anyone interested in African philosophy, principles, concepts of society and more. It will also very suitable if you are an African, of African descent, live or work in Africa, study Africa or are simply curious about Africa. This course is structured in 5 main sections: - The Introduction which gives an overview of the course and the importance of personal development - The second section talks about the history and importance of the Adinkra symbols, their uses both in the past and today and why we chose to base personal development on these symbols. - Section 3 talks about developing self-awareness; examining the concept of servant leadership, the importance of being resilient and achieving excellence. - Section 4 gives the skills and attitudes needed to improve interpersonal relationships, particularly the aspects of cooperation and mutual help, understanding and agreement, humility and strength. - The last section talks about achieving the best results as a team and community laying emphases on unity and democracy, investing in people, entrepreneurship and hard work. After each section, the instructor gives learners some practical exercises that allow them contextualize the lessons learned."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How To Prepare For IELTS In 10 Days" |
"How to prepare for IELTS for 10 days is an introductory course for those seeking to prepare for the IELTS exam. Throughout the course you will learn how to improve fast and effectively your four language skills which are actually being tested in the IELTS exam. These are Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.The course wont turn you automatically into a fluent English speaker but if you pass the exam after taking it, your score will definitely be higher. This course is designed for enthusiastic English learners who want to prepare for IELTS by themselves and just within a short period of time. Youre maybe around Intermediate or Upper-Intermediate and youve finally decided to pass IELTS. You are ready to work hard and you only want a real, visible result.With this course you also get:unlimited lifetime access at no extra costsall future additional lectures, live trading examplesnever any questions asked full 30 day money-back-in-full guarantee"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build a Course & Event Bookings Website with WordPress" |
"Learn how to build a fully functional WordPress eventswebsite, powered by the world leading WooCommerce and Events Calendar plugins. This course will give youthe skills to sellyour courses or events onlinewithout writing a single line of code.Create your own course or event booking website with this tried & tested formula from a top UK WordPress agencyDiscover the different types of events websiteExplore The Events Calendar WordPress events plugins and WooCommerce for your event bookingsChoose the right combination of plugins to meet your needsBuild a fully functional events website without writing any codePromote freeevents or take bookings & payment onlineIncrease revenue by selling events alongside other types of productLearn how to test, troubleshoot & launch your finished events websiteDo you want to build a website to sell your courses or events, without having to pay a web developer?Learning how to build your own WordPress events website can save you thousands of dollars. In this online course from top UK WordPress agency Barn2 Media, Im going to share the secrets of the events sites we design for our clients so that you can do it too.You can sell many types of events from a WordPress website - training courses, information sessions, conferences, workshopsWhatever type of event you want to promote, this course will teach you how to do it.With step-by-step tutorials and expert business advice on how to maximise revenue from your events, youll watch me create a complete events site from start to finish. Youll put your learning into practice and build your own site through a series of easy-to-follow practical activities.Content & overviewSuitable for WordPress users of all levels, this course will teach you how to design a complete events website by combining the The Events Calendar plugin and some of its add-ons. Through a series of lectures and screencasts with handouts and extra resources, Ill take you on thejourney from start to finish as we set up an events site together.Well start by looking at the different types of events website and thinking about which combination of plugins will best meet your own needs. Well then get into the practical part of the course as you watch me create an events site. Each section of the course ends with a practical exercise where you will follow my step-by-step instructions to createyour own uniquewebsite.At the end of this onlinecourse, youll receive a certificate of completion- and mostimportantly, you'll have gainedthe skills to save thousands of dollars by building your own events website."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"A 3-Step Strategy to Start Organizing Your Business Finances" |
"When faced with money challenges the go to answer for most entrepreneurs is Make more moneyThis course is not about how to make more money. Instead this course will teach you a simple to implement 3-step solution that will help stabilize the money in your business so you have the foundation you need to confidently make more money. In this course you will learn:A quick action you can take every month to help with cash flow and decision makingHow to direct the money your business makes so you pay yourself every month and coveryour business expensesA flow chart fororganizingyour bank accounts so you are in control of the money flowing through your businessThe included videos will teach you the solution, then you can use the cheat sheet each month to help you effectively direct the money in your business where it needs to go to support your business and your personal life.The 3-step solution can (and has) helped out entrepreneurs at all levels of business:from startup, to growth, to consistently successful businesses. If you aren't feeling supported by the money in your business then this course can help you make the changes your business needs to create a solid money foundation you can build on.""I havebeenan accountant for over 35 years and Ihave never seen anyone simplify financial management as well as Jeremie Miller. His teaching and process is easy to understand and it helps people to get out of debt, save money and manage their finances with ease and confidence. I highly recommend his programs to anyone feeling overwhelmed or uncomfortable about their finances."" Bob Truffo - Accountant""I think the secure entrepreneur has found the missing link between business and personal. I have had my own business since 1996 and would love to go back and try this. Can't go back so will move forward and keep you posted!! I am so excited to just have a plan and not guess each month. Just try it!"" Beverlee Miller - Bookkeeper"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to Earn Online with Zero Skills and Investment" |
"Requirements Zero Skills.Eager to Learn and EarnLaptop/Computer and an Internet Connection.What you will learn in this Course? Clickbank Marketplace.How to Select a Product on ClickbankHow to Find Keywords for ProductHow to make Videos for Clickbank ProductHow to Rank your Clickbank Videos in Youtube and Google.Fiverr Market PlaceWhat Services to provide on Fiverr.5+ Sevices IdeasHow to Market your ServicesBonusesThis Course is for?This course is ideal for people who have been trying to make money withlittle or no success.Italso suitable for people who do not have any experience with Earning Online.This course is NOT Suitable for anyone who are looking for Overnight Success.This requirepatienceandHard work"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |