Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Couponing 101: The Basics Mastered" |
"You buy home items from your local store all the time without ever questioning price. What if you could buy the things you need for 50-90% less than what you currently pay?Well I am here to tell you that you can. The key to making this a reality? Couponing.The Saving Basicswill teach the who, what,where,how and why's of coupons. By learning the rules for couponing, you will have the tools to get your favorite brands at a discount. Sometimes pennies on the dollar. An investment now will potentially save you thousands later. What are you waiting for? Let's start saving money today."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Marketing web : Trouvez des clients !" |
"Cette formation est issue de plus de 5 ans de recherche et dexprience dans le domaine de la publicit Internet. La formation est axe sur la pratique et des exemples concrets et est destine des dbutants et des intermdiaires dsirant en apprendre davantage et tirer profit des outils Web pour attirer de nouveaux clients."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Crez un plan d'affaires efficace" |
"Dans cette formation, vous allez apprendre tous les aspects pour raliser un plan d'affaires solide que les banques les entreprises en financement ont besoin. De plus, cette formation sur le plan d'affaires vous aidera laborer vos stratgies marketing ainsi que les aspects financiers de votre ide d'entreprise. Les capsules sont courtes et elles ont pour objectifs de vous aider vous donner des ides afin d'laborer votre propre plan d'affaires."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Internet Of Things- From Beginner To Making You First Device" |
"Take your first step to get a job in internet of things industry or turn your internet of things idea into a real device. The beginners program will get your foot in the door of one of the fastest growing industries in the world.Starting from learning about the meaning of the term internet of things, we will together go through a series of lectures with an excitingending of making your first Internet Of Things motion detection device with Raspberry Pi that sends an email as soon as it detects a motion."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Proven Formula For Entrepreneurial Success" |
"PROVEN FORMULA FOR ENTREPRENEURIAL SUCCESSDesigned to help entrepreneurs better understand the ten most important areas that separate success from failure in new ventures or small businesses and the nine barriers that inhibit growth. This 45 minute video which is broken into nine segments presents over 100 ideas involved in the Proven Formula For Entrepreneurial Success. This course shows entrepreneurs how to leverage the limited financial and human resources of a new venture or small business thus allowing them to better compete with larger firms.The goal of this course is to demonstrate how to reach the break even point sooner, lower your risk of failure, reduce costly mistakes, maximize profits and revenues and basically improve your probability of success.Ideal for owners and managers of start ups, early and growth stage businesses, along with incubators, aspiring entrepreneurs and studentsThis course explains how to use the Proven Formula For Entrepreneurial Success which includes target marketing, dealing with change, an effective and efficient marketing and sales organization, proper pricing, proper debt and equity financing, good financial controls, leveraging information technology and human resources, efficient operations and new product/service developmentYou will also learn how to avoid the Growth Busters, items that inhibit entrepreneurial growth, such as the inability to act, not recognizing legacy issues, silos, emphasizing tactics at the expense of strategy, not delegating, getting caught in long complex sales cycles, not using the correct decision making process, and not being realistic about markets, customers and competition."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Six Sigma White Belt: Learn Six Sigma & Grow Your Potential" |
"Six Sigma White Belt Certification is the beginning of all Six Sigma certifications. As an individual grows the Six Sigma certification ladder, his resume becomes highly lucrative and better than his peers. A Six Sigma Certification allows the individual to get the right visibility across all levels in the organization. He starts adding value in whatever he does with the help of this Six Sigma knowledge, skills and expertise. This same Six Sigma certification allows him to minimize or eliminate the competition. If you are a working professional, you cant just do your business as usual activities and expect a promotion OR a pay hike. If you are a fresher, you cant just complete education and directly land up into a dream job. Like you there are many professionals who are looking for the same exact thing. How could you be different? You need an edge! And Six Sigma Certification is at the forefront of giving you that EDGE you were always looking for. Six Sigma certified professionals: Are highly respected individuals Are trained to solve any business problem Are capable of driving process improvements in the organization Get a pay-check that is much higher than their peers Have a skill-set that is designed to find problems and crush them in a matter of days Are known to maintain the right work-life balance A Six Sigma White Belt Certification is the right start to your Six Sigma journey. A Six Sigma White Belt Certified professional: Has the know-how of Six Sigma Basics, Lean and Kaizen Is trained to use the 7 Basic Tools of Quality including - 1)Process Map (SIPOC); 2)CheckSheet; 3) Histogram; 4) Fishbone Diagram; 5)Pareto Chart; 6)5 Why Analysis and 7)Run Chart Is capable of driving Six Sigma project activitiesHas already set himself/herself on-track of fast paced growth This course Six Sigma White Belt: Learn Six Sigma and Grow Your Potential is designed to teach you the basics of Six Sigma and give you all the know-how to become an effective Six Sigma White Belt. This is a complete beginners guide to the journey of Six Sigma. If you are already a professional with medium to advanced level of Six Sigma knowledge, this course is probably not for you. This course is created by individuals who are world-class Six Sigma trainers, Six Sigma Master Black Belts, industry professionals and gurus of Six Sigma who excel in online trainings. The course guarantees a detailed understanding of Six Sigma concepts at the White Belt level. Our ratings by fellow Udemy students indicate 100% satisfaction. Our promise to you We are a full time online training organization. Well be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send us a direct message. Get ready to change your life You could be making a few thousand dollars each month OR you could be a fresher just out of college. If you have a passion to succeed in your career, if you want to bring that change in your life, if you want to gain high visibility in your organization, this Six Sigma course sow the seeds for your success. Contents and Overview You start with a quick understanding of why Six Sigma Certification is important for you You then begin the Six Sigma White Belt journey by learning the different definitions of Quality You continue your learning by understanding the history of Quality You learn what is Six Sigma?You then learn about the different Six Sigma roles in a Lean Six Sigma project You understand the difference between 99% quality and Six Sigma level of quality (which is essentially at 99.99966%) You learn an overview of the Six Sigma DMAIC model You then learn the seven basic tools of quality including Process Map (SIPOC), Checksheets, Histogram, Pareto Chart, Fishbone Diagram, 5 Why Analysis and Run Chart You understand what is Lean, value-added and non-value added activities and what is kaizen. When you finish the course, you: Become a Certified Six Sigma White Belt Add this powerful Six Sigma credential to your resume Describe what is Six Sigma to any layman Gain an end-to-end view of your business process - Create a SIPOC Get to the root-cause of business problems - Use 5 Why Analysis Analyze data and infer results using basic graphical tools such as Histogram, Pareto Chart and Run Chart Gain an overview of Lean and Kaizen Upgrade your skill-set with Six Sigma certification In a nutshell, youll feel confident to start practicing Six Sigma tools and techniques in your day-to-day professional life. You are also eligible to receive a verifiable certificate after completion of this class. With our 30-day 100%money back guarantee, there is nothing holding you back from jumping in right now and trying the course out. Go ahead and click the enroll button, and well see you in lesson 1! Thank you for your time! Cheers, Team AIGPE."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"All About Gaming Industry Careers & Game Design Fundamentals" |
"Welcome to this 2 part course where you'll get insights on careers in the gaming industry and learn about the fundamentals of game design. We'll start things off where we explore careersin the gaming industry.You'll learn about concepts and skills required to make it in the gamingindustrywhether you want to build and finance your own game or land a job at a studioor in mobile gaming.We'll explorethe structure of a typical game studio, the distribution paths for different types of games, marketing trends, the various roles (both artistic and technical), and the skills you need for each job.Then we'll get into game design. You'll learn about strategies for starting a career in game design, drafting your game ideas, tools and skills. We'll also discuss the role of the game designer, as well as how to define the core loop of your game, create features from a core, and much more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"TAKE NOTE BEGINNER CLARINET! Fun with Fundamental Skills" |
"This course is an actual DOING course. You are required to TAKE ACTION and have fun every step of the way!You will learn all those practical skills of playing, which fulfil the expectations of most beginners. However, the teaching goes to a deeper level as it subliminally installs the much more important concepts of musicianship the listening skills, the rhythm and pulse, the natural phrasing and the flow of the music. The student sees the new skill set as a vehicle for artistic expression and creativity from the very start.Originally, the material was designed for young beginners and their supportive parents. However the DVD version, which has been on the market since the beginning of 2015, has also been hugely popular with adult beginners who appreciate how the simplicity of the presentation adds up to a solid technique through which to express the music.Designed for ease of manageability and the avoidance of problems, the series of simple steps in ""Take Note Beginner Clarinet"" will provide constant enjoyment, and you will feel a sense of achievement as you progress from level to level.Use this material as:A Series of Lessons for the complete beginner.A Reference Guide for later on in your musical journey.A Problem Solver if you have a challenge.The course comfortably niches all the relevant material from the first months of lessons into one product. Used as a series of lessons, a beginner can take anywhere from 3-6 months to completethecontent. During section 8, students are toldto pause the material, and use supplementary exercises to strengthen their embouchure muscles andcurrent reading abilitybefore moving on to the next stage it is important to allow the playing to evolve. There is an emphasis on measuring progress, not by the number of notes learnt or the number of tunes played, but by the quality of the tone produced and by the ease of the execution of that sound.The terminology of the notation is both American and English. Literacy skillsare taught with the note values from Whole Tone/Semibreves through to Eighth Note/Quavers. The notes studied are the natural ones from low F, below the stave(in the low/chalumeaux register), to A in the throat register, plus Throat Bb, F sharp on the first space and low Bb.SPECIAL FEATURES12 easy to follow sectionsTroubleshooting tips to solve challengesProgressive play-along tunesInteractive split screen tuition with moving graphicsFun quizzes to test knowledgeRecap sections for quick revisionEssential advice for practise timeOffering hours of fun and variety, the material is delivered as audio-visual instructions by Maggie Gray your teacher on tap providing you with all the facts at hand,and the answers at your fingertips!Grateful thanks are expressed to...Caroline Scott Producer and Editor.Bill Worrall Composition and Recording of the Accompaniments.James Iaciafano of ""Bananajims"" Character design of ""Anthony the Ant"".Debbie Roe Photography"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"CLARINET KICKSTART! Getting Started with Ease and Speed." |
"At 1 hour 20 minutes long""Clarinet Kickstart"" is the core beginners content of the long coaching programme 'Take Note Beginner Clarinet'This isabout getting the fundamentals of playing right!it will provide you witha solid foundation on which to build your skill set.All the vital facts are niched into one package. Direct and to the point there is nothing here that is irrelevant or unimportant. Step by step the material makes the playingeasy andwill get you going as quickly as possible.The course focuses on specific areas in turn the Clarinet itself, how it is handled, how the sound is made, how to read music with understanding, how to feel and play with a pulse and bring the music alive and finally, all the skills are brought together to play some tunes,when you will enjoyplaying along with the accompaniments.You will learn to...Assemblethe clarinet perfectly so it works perfectly.Handle it so it feels easy to play.Use a sling for supportif needed appreciate how the neck position and length of the sling can make a difference to the sound.Imagine the shape of the columnair as you start to control the sound.Play with a well-formed mouth position your ""embouchure"" make sound production easy.Use theTongue to articulate the notes.Understand how the music is written and identify the notes and rests on the stave.Feelthe pulse as youthinkthe counting of the rhythms of the notes in your head.Learn the first notes and exercise your fingers.Play with the accompaniments firstly play along with the tune then have a ""soloist"" experience as you play the tune against independent accompaniments.ENYOY YOUR PLAYING AS YOU KEEP THINGS SIMPLE.Byfocusing your full attention on only the most helpful habits you will achieve great results.Thewhole course will only take you an hour and a half to watch through but because ALL THE CONTENT IS IMPORTANT you need to work on this for some considerable time till you habitually play in the best way, and even then IT IS WISE TO REVISE THIS MATERIAL FROM TIME TO TIME.You have nothing to loose! Get your playing on track and do not practise in unhelpful habits that will impair your playing in the future.SIGNUP FOR THIS COURSE NOW AND GET SOME IMMEDIATE BENEFIT"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fun Activities for Kids on a Budget" |
"In this courseI will highlight 20different activities you can do with your children or students to keep them busy and engaged.This is geared towards young toddlers to school age children. Each session's materials can be modified to fit your child's age range. The activities focus on summer and fall but really most of them can be used year round.I will guide you through these activities and give tipsto help you create these activities. Most of these projectscan be created with basic items around the house or dollar store items. You will benefit with some quiet timeand your children will love it!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Live Streaming - Hosting your own talk show" |
"In this video tutorial you will learn how PTZOptics set's up our live talk show behind the scenes. Our multi-camera live streaming studio set up is a modern approach that allows for flexible talk show style video conferencing and live streaming. This in depth course focuses on our popular 'History of Live Streaming Episode"" where the entire episode is filmed in black and white with various virtual sets and special effects. This course will include tutorials in:Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, vMix and YouTube Live.If you are completely new to live streaming and video production this course will be a great place to start. Even if you have produced live streaming content before this course will give you some ""behind the scene""insight into how PTZOptics hosts our live show. If you do not have any experience with Adobe Photoshop or After Effects you may want to consider taking a course on one of these topics first. While it is possible to start this course without knowledge of how to use Adobe photoshop and after effects we recommend that you learn at least the basic of how these programs work first.PTZOptics provides high quality video conferencing and broadcast cameras with HDMI, HD-SDI, USB 3.0 and IP Streaming. Our approach to video camera manufacturing focuses on value. We strive to provide best in class features at affordable prices while we extend our reach with open source camera controls, free Crestron/Extron programming modules and amazing technical support."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Live Streaming to YouTube - Tips & Tricks for Success" |
"This course is a straightforward lesson that will help students understand the various ways they can live stream with their YouTube account. We will review the pros and cons of each solution and provide real live demonstration videos. The various methods of live streaming content will include: Google Hangouts on Air, Wirecast Play (Free), Wirecast Pro and Flash Media Encoder. We will also review the CDN (Content Delivery Network) market so that users can compare and contrast the various options available.We will then take a deep dive into the options that YouTube Live offers including the ability to live stream multiple cameras at the same time. This feature allows viewers to select between multiple cameras on YouTube. Finally we will review the detailed settings you can use in YouTube Live to optimize your live stream including Low Latency and Buffering options."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"LIVE Streaming Music / Concert Events" |
"In this tutorial, Paul Richards and Jonathan Vineyard demonstrate how to livestream a musical performance at a local festival in Pennsylvania. This live streaming tutorial includes everything from equipment set up to tips and tricks for video production. You will learn how to set up a multi-camera live streaming system with Wirecast (or vMix) using a PC, multiple PTZ cameras and a joystick controller. Audio mixing is also mentioned and viewers will learn tips on feeding the audio board and converting the signal to USB for live streaming. This live stream was recorded with YouTube Live and is called ""Pretty Good Festival 2016"" (link below).You will learn how to set up a live streaming system to record musical performances plus as a BONUS add a live stream drone to the video production. Paul Richards will take you through the steps of connecting your computer (with live streaming software) to a audio mixing board properly and sync up your audio with a live drone. This tutorial, is slightly advanced and will require some knowledge of live streaming production software such as: Wirecast or vMix."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Raciocnio Lgico - IBGE Temporrios" |
"Este curso de Raciocnio Lgico, voltado para a prova de Agente de Pesquisas e Mapeamento do IBGE2016,baseado nosexerccios dos ltimos 04 certames (2007 Cesgranrio; 2009 Consulplan; 2011 Consulplan e 2014 Cesgranrio).E como isso ser organizado? Tais questes foram separadas em blocos (de acordo com os assuntos do edital) e, antes de iniciarmos a resoluo de cada bloco, ser apresentada uma cuidadosa exposio de todos os conceitos tericos envolvidos. Sem pressa...assim, ofereceremos uma reviso na medida certa para o seu estudo;Alm disso, o curso tambm conter:- Questo do Dia- Simulado de Raciocnio Lgico (15 questes no nvel da banca/prova)-Aulo Final de Raciocnio LgicoCarga horria estimada: 10-15h"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Everything You Need To Know About Nutrition" |
"Course Description:Learning about nutriention is much different when you can enjoy your food and be healthy at the same time. Food is fuel and what is put into the body ultimately impacts your complete health, and badeating habits can quickly decreaseour productivity levels. This course aims to overcome those bad habits by introducing a new way of thinking about food and providing tools to start your healthy journey.What am I going to get from this course:In this course, youwill be able to expand your knowledge on nutrition. You will be able to finally enjoy your food AND eat healthily. In this course, we will get your HEALTHYmindset setso you can properly plan and achievegoals. You will build a toolbox of nutrition knowledge and you can eat out guilt free without cutting out the gluten.The course covers macronutrients, micronutrients and more science based knowledge on the make up of food.What are therequirements:A true willingness to become healthyWhat is the Target Audience:Interested healthy enthusiastPeople interested in improving their lifestyleContents and OverviewIn a simple 2 hour course you will get15 entertaining lectures to start your healthy journey.By the end of the course, you will be able to properly mindset, be literate in nutrition fundamentals and be able to analyze and understand the calculations of food energy.Topics Covered:Goal Setting and REACHING your goalsMicronutrientsMacronutrientsDairyDrinksVitamins and MineralsPreventative Diseases&& MORE important information you need to know"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"5 Steps to Ditch Your Past and Liberate Your Future!" |
"5 Steps to Ditch Your Past is a course that helps you identify the fears, resentments,self-doubts, insecurities, and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back from creating and having an amazing life that you desire and deserve. When you liberate your fears you are able to step into the next chapter of your life whatever that is, a new job or career, a new relationship, marriage or a moving on from divorce or negative relationships. Fears are normal and can serve a purpose but you don't want them to limit you and keep you stuck in the past or paralyze you from moving forward towards a better future and vision for your life. Your fears may be keeping you in an unhealthy relationship, or in an unsatisfying job. Let me guide you into discovering and identifying those fears and surpassed feelings keeping you ""Stuck"" and allow me to give you the coaching and tools necessary to empower you past those fears, issues, and negative beliefs, and step into the best version of yourself and a positive, abundant, and fearless future!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"QGIS prctico desde cero y Teledeteccin en Agricultura" |
"Este curso trata la herramienta QGIS para desarrollar proyectos desde el nivel bsico, para esto se incluyen los conceptos bsicos. Todo el curso es prctico y al finalizar el curso el estudiante sera capaz de desarrollar sus propios proyectos en la ingeniera donde se requiere hacer planos conformados por lineas e imgenes.El curso se enfoca mayormente en procesar imgenes de satlite para estudios en agricultura, y este muestra las herramientas necesarias para que usted pueda seguir aprendiendo por su cuenta.Tenga en cuenta que este es un curso bsico y hay temas en los que no se profundiza mucho y ser responsabilidad del estudiante adentrarse ms en algn tema especifico."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Data Science 4 Newbs! Skills + Basic Web Experiment Analysis" |
"Hello there!Im a chief data scientistand I'd love to share some knowledgewith you. In this course Iteachthe complete beginner how to use basictools used by professional data scientists to compute key metrics for webexperiment analysis! The key skills of Unix, SQL, and Tableau will be coveredat the beginner level, as well as a few concepts instatistics. Iuse a project based methodso that youwill learn something useful which can be appliedin the real workplace! Ialsouse a testbased approach, so that youwill really know if you have learned the material."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Learn Python For Data Science W/ Search & Recommender Algos!" |
"This course covers the basicdata scienceskills of pythonandtext mining of keywords. The student will also learn simple search and recommendation algorithms. Data processing, calculations,and analysisrelated to keyword extractionwill be taught using a hands-on project / coding testbased approach. Python will be taught in a systematic, example based method using the textdataset included especially for this course. In addition to python, the exercises will include application of skillsusing the emacseditor. The course should greatlybenefit anybody interested in learning how to code, and especially for aspiringdata scientists."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Data Science: Master Deep Web Experiment Analysis!" |
"This course teaches students how to compute and visualize metrics from controlled experiments in a deeper way than is usually taught using a project and assessmentbased approach. This course will be extremelyuseful for anybody who needs to compute or understand experiment analytics, especially in consumer Internet. The course includesanalysisexercises and a final exam. The analysis exerciseswill ensure a rigorous learning process for the students who have the determination tocomplete the course. This course will enable the student to become the most highly sought after data scientist in the company."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Writing Emails That Get Read" |
"When is the last time you experienced email fatigue? Yes, it's a real thing. Email is second nature for many of why another course on email? Simply for that reason. When something becomes second nature, we tend to fall into an auto-pilot mode and draft email after email without thinking about our content, the effect on our recipient, and what our email communication style is doing to our reputation as communicators, and our relationships with our coworkers. Have you ever opened your email box, saw an email from someone, and thought I dont have time for this! Of course you have!My goal for this course, is that YOU arent the author of these dreaded emails. This is the last reaction you want to get when you are trying to make things happen in our fast moving world. You want to make things happen.not spend time verifying, confirming, re-explaining. You are a get it done..and get it done right kind of professional. That is why you are here!This course is presented in shorteasy to follow videomodules. The format allows you to repeat any section that is of most interest to you and that supports your professional growth and success.I look forward to joining you in the journey."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Create Game Characters for Sale" |
"Would you like to create professional game characters that for sale on marketplace ?Are you interested to know what it takes to create a game character from scratch ?This course is created for student's who would like to learn a solid workflow in game characters. The course is more than 1 hour long.I have included my own drawing which I will use for game character throughout the courseAnyone who would like to learn new workflows for game character design or just improve their character creation skills and more tips in Adobe Illustrator are encouraged to take this course.What are the requirements ?Adobe IllustratorBasic drawing skillsWhat am I going to get from this course ?Create series of game charactersCreate an amazing game characters that can sell on online marketplacesLearn the fundamentals of creating game charactersCreate your own game charactersWhat is the target audience?Anyone want to working in game designAnyone interested in learning game designArtists and designers who want to know more about game characters"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"WeLoveMondays 4-weeks coaching programme" |
"This course is here to help you to:- Broaden your understanding of concepts we will be looking at during the workshop- Access resources you can use after the programme- Prepare for the workshops.Lessons Details with suggested actions:Week 1Mirror Test - Try to send the link asap so we can discuss the results during workshop 2 or 3.Workshop 2 preparation -RequiredJournaling - RecommendedTime management - RecommendedFlow concept - RecommendedWeek 2Career HotSpots - RecommendedStory Telling - RecommendedPeak experiences -RequiredCareer Map -RequiredSkills - RequiredWeek 3Personal Branding - RecommendedHow to become a networking ninja- RecommendedHow to find a mentor- RecommendedCV tips- RecommendedAdditional RessourcesMining for valuesFindingyour life purposeMBTITestInterview prepTransferable skills"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Law Of Attraction's Missing Instructions" |
"If you've read or seen ""The Secret"" but haven't had much luck with the law of attraction, this is the course for you.""The Law Of Attraction's Missing Instructions"" is taught by a one-time skeptic whose background isa trained psychotherapist!Although helping others fix their lives, his own was - back in the early 1990's - falling apart. It was then that he was introduced to the law of attraction and later trained to teach it by the late Gill Edwards (""Living Magically."")Your tutor, Trevor Emdon, who teaches the course entirely on video, discovered that by blending some very simple yet powerful ideas from the world of psychotherapy, (NLP in particular), with the law of attraction, he could produce amazing and rapid results.His life has been peppered with miraculous events ever since. Heproposed tohisgorgeous wife on the day they met - and they've been living ""happily ever after"" since 2008.Once,the Mercedes he'd dreamed ofandall the cash he needed to buy itshowed up on the same day. Another time,around $1000 extra ""Christmas money"" materialised one late November afternoon when he'd only ""intended"" for it that very morning ... and countless other minor miracles too numerous to mention.You will be shown how to use and blend these very same ideas so that you too can take charge of your life, enjoy the journey and have more certainty about your ultimate destiny than ever before.No special tools or knowledge are required other than an open mind and a willingness to grow and change your life for the better forever."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Barbacoa Fcil: tcnicas profesionales para aficionados" |
"Cocinar con brasa y fuego es un placer. O puede serlo si sabes cmo...Aprende cocinar carnes, pescados, verduras, arroces, setas y postres a la barbacoa con tcnicas simples y concretas.Aprende a controlar el fuego, las brasas,la temperatura, los tiempos de coccin y un montn de trucos que elevarn tus habilidades de pitmaster al siguiente nivel.PARTE 1: TEORAEl curso comienza con una primera parte terica en la que repasamos las diferencias entre los distintos tipos de barbacoas,parrillas, hornos yahumadores que tienes a tu disposicin.Conocers las las herramientas fundamentales para empezar a cocinar.Aprenders a diferenciar los distintos tiposde combustibles y a aplicar variossistemas de encendido para estar listo en cualquier situacin.PARTE 2: A COCINAR!La segunda parte del curso es completamente prctica.Aplicaremos todaslas tcnicas que aprendimos enla primera parte a casos concretos. Vamos a cocinar:platos de ternera, cerdo, cordero y pollodiferentes tipos de pescados ydos versiones de pulpoverduras, setas y quesopaella,arroz marineropostres y hastacafEL RITUAL DEL FUEGOLlevo aos enseando y cocinando a la brasa. Asesoro a algunos de los cocineros y restaurantes ms importantes de Espaa. He publicado libros, una revista yhe tenido mi programa de televisin en Canal Cocina. Hoy quiero compartir mi pasin por el fuego con todos vosotros y vosotras.Quiero que descubras que la cocina a la brasa puede ser sana, fcil y divertida.Y quiero que luego lo compartas con tus amigos.-Juan Manuel Benayas"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"eBay Amazon Dropshipping The Easy Way To Make Profits" |
"*** Updated April2017 to a total of 51lectures and 3 hours! More than 1200 new eBay students in the first month!! ***Enroll thiseBay dropshippingcourse andlearn how toset up a successfuleBay Drop-Shippinghome-based business.ThiseBay course is made for anyone who wants someextra income and a home-based side eBay dropshippingbusiness which can be managed hiseBay accountfrom anywhere in the world without a physical store or inventory. You can remain an eBayemployee and run this business in your spare time or go into the eBay Drop-shipping business full-time. The eBaycourse will take you step-by-step from the simplest details to the most advanced techniques of e-Commerce and eBay Drop-shipping. You will learn how toopenyoureBay andPayPal accounts andsourcehot products from Amazon to sell profitably on eBay , You will discover how to configure your eBay account and eBay Store and automate your business with easy-to-use eBayDrop-shipping Software Automation. You will learn how to save money, protect yourself from risk and start making a profit on eBay Dropshipping. All you will need to take this course is a computer (desktop or laptop), an internet connection, a few hours a week and an open mind to learn something new.This eBaydropshippingcourse will be useful to you atany stage in life, whether you are just joining the work-force or way past retirement, eBay will change your life.This course is a work in progress. we will be adding new materials on a regular basis so that it will be useful for all eBay drop-shippers, from the absolute newbie beginner to the experienced eCommerce merchant oneBay.We will share the techniques, tips and tricks which successful businessman Aviv Malka uses to become a Top-RatedeBay Drop-shipper and Platinum Level eBay Seller with over $650,000 of sales in this past year. David Levine, an eBay Entrepreneur, Dropshipper & Trainer will be teaching the course based on Aviv's eBaytechniques (and as the native English Speaker in the team will respond to most of the Student Questions).Aviv Malka, an eBayDropshipper & Trainerand Coach,eBay Platinum Level Seller, Entrepreneur.I've trained many eBay sellers from absolute newbies to the most advanced eCommerce merchants and shared with them my knowledge and experience in this very competitive market.Lior Fisher Feedback""Excellent eBay dropshippingcourse not have to spend thousands of dollars on courses. The course is a good step by step and explains very well how to make a practical way!""So On The End That Course Will Show YouHow To Make over 100,000$ on ebayon yout first year withOnline Selling Physical Products Without Having An Inventory Of Your Own Work From Home :)Every minute you delay is actually costing your money,Enroll NOW"
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"How to Set Up a Walmart to eBay Dropshipping Business" |
"Enroll in this courseandlearn how toset up a successfuleBay Drop-Shippinghome-based business using Walmart as your source of products.Mostcourses on eBay Drop-shipping focus on sourcing products from Amazon. With so many sellers dropshipping from Amazon and competition very high, some people prefer other sources.This course focuses on a less saturated market of sourcing products from Walmart which means there will be also a smaller competition.This course is made for anyone who wants someextra incomeand ahome-based side businesswhich can be managed from anywhere in the worldwithout a physical store or inventory. You can remain an employee and run this business in your spare time or go into the eBay Drop-shipping business full-time.The course will take you step-by-step from the simplest details to the most advanced techniques ofe-Commerce and eBay Drop-shipping from Walmart.You will learn how toopenyoureBay andPayPal accounts andsourcehot products from Walmartto sell profitably on eBay, You will discover how to configure your eBay account and eBay Store and automate your business with easy-to-useDrop-shipping Software Automation. You will learn how to save money, protect yourself from risk andstart making a profit.All you will need to take this course is a computer (desktop or laptop), an internet connection, a few hours a week and an open mind to learn something new.This course will be useful to youatany stage in life, whether you are just joining the work-force or way past retirement.This course is a work in progress. we will be adding new materials on a regular basis so that it will be useful for all eBay drop-shippers, from theabsolute newbie beginner to the experienced eCommerce merchant.The course will include videos, presentations, easy-to-follow summaries and bonus materials for those serious about becoming a successful eBay Drop-shipper from Walmart.We will share the techniques, tips and tricks which successful businessmanAviv Malkauses to become aTop-RatedeBay Drop-shipperandPlatinum Level eBay Sellerwith over $350,000 of sales in this past year.David Levine, aneBay Entrepreneur, Dropshipper & Trainerwill be teaching the course based on Aviv's techniques (and as the native English Speaker in the team will respond to most of the Student Questions).If you want to save countless hours of trial and error by setting up an eBay Drop-shipping business from Walmarton your own AND start earning money in your spare time, thenENROLL in this course.Aviv Malka(eBay Platinum Level Seller)David Levine(Trainer & eBay Entrepreneur)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Easy-To-Learn Tai Chi Program (24 Steps, Yang Style)" |
"This course is best suited for those that are looking to increase the longevity and overall health. Tai Chi helps improve the following areas:Increase flexibilityHave better joint functionIncrease immune functionEnhance their moodsHave a feeling of enlightenmentIncrease coordinationIncrease balanceIncrease stabilityImprove circulationImprove internal organ functionAnd much more...Learn From World Renowned Master of Tai Chi and QiGongDr. Aihan Kuhn is a world renowned natural healer, educator, master of Tai Chi and Qi Gong, andauthor of several award winning books on natural healing. She has been practicing and teaching Tai Chi and Qi Gong for more than 30 years. She currently is the president and founder of the Tai Chi and Qi Gong Healing Institute, a non profit organization that promotes natural healing education throughout the world.Members of TQHI (Tai Chi Qi Gong HealingInstitute)Receive a substantial discount onDr.Kuhn's programs and courses.To become a member of this non-profit organization that seeks to improve well-being through Tai Chi and Qi Gong. Please google search Tai Chi Healing or TQHI."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Fusion 360: Schneller Einstieg in die CAD Konstruktion" |
"Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem Kurs sind, der Ihnen einen schnellst mglichen und effizientenEinstieg in die Welt der CAD-Konstruktion bietet, dann sind Sie hier genau richtig.In diesem kompakten Kurs lernen Sie an einem praxisnahen Beispiel die wichtigsten Funktionen der Software Fusion 360 kennen. Whrend des Kurses werden Sie an einer einzigen zusammenhngenden Baugruppe den gesamten Konstruktionsprozess von der Idee zum Modell durchlaufen. Innerhalb krzester Zeit werden Sie somit fhig sein die Software zu bedienen,eigene 3D-Modelle zu konstruieren, in Teams daran zu arbeiten und fotorealistische Renderings zu erstellen. Wer den Kurs belegen sollteDieser Kurs richtet sich an alle, die einen schnellen und einfachen Einstieg in die CAD-Konstruktion suchen. Er eignet sich z. B. fr Designer, Ingenieure, Technische Produktdesigner, Handwerker oder Schler der Sekundarstufe II oder berufsbildender Schulen aus dem technischen Bereich. Ferner knnte der Kurs auch fr Umsteiger von einer anderen CAD-Software auf Fusion 360 interessant sein. Falls Sie jedoch schon die grundlegenden Funktionen der Software Fusion 360 kennengelernt haben und schon selbststndig damit Konstruieren knnen, eignet sich der Kurs wahrscheinlich nicht fr Sie.Der Vorteil von Fusion 360Fusion 360 ist eine CAD-Software der Firma Autodesk, die unter anderem fr Programme wie Inventor, 3DS-Max oder Cinema 4D bekannt ist. Ich habe mich dafr entschieden einen Kurs darauf aufzubauen, da die Software fr Schler, Studenten und Privatpersonen imvollen Funktionsumfang kostenlos erhltlich ist und sich somit ideal als Einstieg in die Welt der 3D-Konstruktion eignet. Bitte prfen Sie vor Kursbeginn ob Ihre Hardware mit der aktuellen Version von Fusion 360 kompatibel ist. Fusion 360 luft sowohl unter Windows als auch unter Mac OSX mit 64 Bit.KursinhaltIn dem Kurs werden wir gemeinsam in einer stark komprimierten Form die wichtigsten Funktionen der Software kennenlernen und diese sofort an verschiedenen Bauteilen praxisnaherproben. Dabei geht es nicht darum, den direktestenWeg zum Ziel zu nutzen sondern mglichst viele unterschiedliche Methoden und Werkzeuge zu erlernen, ohne dabei zu viel Zeit zu verlieren. Der gesamte Kursinhalt wird Sie dazu befhigen, Ihre eigenen Ideen selbststndig im CAD zu realisieren.Dabei behandeln wir folgende ThemenEinfhrung in das Programm Fusion 360Datei- und ProjektverwaltungErstellung von BauteilenErstellung einer Baugruppe und Export von DateienErstellung von Zeichnungen und RenderingsDer Kurs lsst sich je nach Vorbildung in einer Gesamtzeit von ca. 68Stunden absolvieren, sodass Sie im Anschluss sofort mit ihren eigenen Ideenloslegen knnen.If you are searching for a course, which offers an efficient entry point into CAD-construction as quickly as possible, then you are quite right here. In this consolidated course you learn how to apply the most important functions of the software Fusion 360 on an example with practical relevance. During the course you will pass, by means of a single coherent assembly, through the whole construction process from the idea to the finished model. Within a minimum of time, you will be capable of handling the software, creating own 3D-models, working on it in a team and creating photo-realistic renderings.Who should attend the courseThis course addresses all people, who are searching for a fast and easy entry point into CAD-construction. It suits for designers, engineers, technical product designers, craftsmen, pupils of secondary education, or of technical vocational schools. Moreover, the course could be interesting for switching persons from another CAD-software to Fusion 360. If you already got to know the basic functions of the software Fusion 360 and autonomously are able to construct with it this course probably does not suit to you.The advantage of Fusion 360Fusion 360 is a CAD-software of the company Autodesk, which is, among others, known for programs like Inventor, 3DS-Max or Cinema 4D. I personally decided to establish a course based on it, because the software for pupils, students and private persons is available in full extent for free and consequently is optimal for entering the world of 3D-construction.Please check beforehand whether your hardware is compatible with the current version of Fusion 360. Fusion 360 only runs under a 64-bit version of Windows or Mac OSX.Content of the courseIn this course we will together get used to the most important functions of the software in an intensely compressed form and apply this knowledge directly on different components. Thereby, it is not the aim to utilize the most direct way to the finish but to learn as many different ways and tools as possible, without wasting too much time.The whole content of the course will enable you to realise your own ideas in CAD by yourselves.In this process we will approach the following issuesIntroduction into the program Fusion 360File- and project administrationGeneration of componentsCreation of an assembly and export of filespreparation of sketches and renderingsThis course can be completed, dependent on preparatory training, in 68 hours in total, so that you can start with your own ideas immediately after it."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Full introduction to Drupal 8 theming in easy steps" |
"Drupal 8 is out and from now on - every new Drupalwebsite should be using the latest version of this wonderful Content Management Framework.That means that we should learn to change the front-end of our Drupal 8 system - the way we need it.There are two main things that are changing the game in the Drupal 8 theming- Drupal 8 is built on top of Symfony framework- There are lessons learned from Drupal 7that means that now the theming of a Drupal website is a bit different - everything is much more structured (almost all the markup is in template files), the templates are using Twig and everywhere one has to deal with code - one finds objects and classes.In the end - it is not as scary as it looks like - simply everything evolved into something much better, much simpler andelegant,something that is not applicable only in the context of Drupal andthat is following general web-development best practices.In this course I tried to explain the general topics the shortest and the clearest way possible as afterwards Itried to illustrate everything with some simple examples. My opinion is that when you see some simple example working and when you try it by yourself - you already have the tools to investigate further and find exactly what you need to be done.I've been doing drupal-development and theming for many years now - so I know what exactly are the topics that are needed the most - Itried to include all of those and in the end I wrapped all that was learned in an example website that we will convert together form a static html-css version into a working Drupal 8 theme.Lets conquer together the Drupal 8 theming layer!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aprender a programar con Java. De cero hasta hacer sistemas" |
"No sabes programar y te gustara mucho aprender desde cero, de manera sencilla y prctica?Este curso parte delos aspectos bsicos de la programacin en general, tomando como referencia el lenguaje de programacin Java. El contenido del curso se mueve hasta aspectos intermedio-avanzados y finalmente conjunta y amplia los conocimientos mostrando de manera prctica el desarrollo de un proyecto de sistemas con interfaces grficas e interaccin con bases de datos postgresql.Adems, se ha aadido nuevo material para que aprendas a crear interfaces grficas con JavaFX.El curso consta de mucho material en video para mostrar de manera prctica y dinmica los conceptos de programacin, haciendo un nfasis fuerte en la parte prctica pero sin olvidarnos del fundamento terico que es necesario. En menor medida tambin constar de documentos queservirn para repasar los conceptos ms tericosy servirn como material de consulta rpida para los estudiantes.El curso est estructurado tomando en cuenta un conocimiento nulo en programacin, por lo que es perfecto para usuarios principiantes, sin embargo, es adecuado a los usuarios con conocimientos previos de programacinpara dar un paso adelante en el desarrollo de sistemas de informacin.Se recomienda que los estudiantes tengan al menos un conocimiento general del manejo de la computadora."
Price: 1620.00 ![]() |