Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Superfood Nutrition: 60+ Foods For Health, Fitness & Dieting" |
"WantLearn What To Eat For Weight Loss, Better Health &More Energy?Then this is the right course for you!Hi, I'm Felix Harder fitness and dieting coach and amazon best selling author. This course is designedfor anyone who wants to get the most out of their dietthrough Superfoods that are proven to increase your health and well being while also promoting a longer life.This course is not some random fad diet that requires drastic changes in your daily routine and lifestyle. Instead I willtake you through each of the steps involved in setting up and following through with your diet.What You Will Learn:What To EatForWeight LossWhat To EatTo Boost Your Metabolism What To EatFor FasterMuscle GrowthWhat To EatTo Prevent CancerWhat To Eat ForHealthy Bones & LigamentsWhat To EatTo Decrease Stress & DepressionWhat To EatFor Better Memory & FocusWhat To EatTo Naturally Boost TestoteroneThe100+Lessons Will Teach You Even More:Dieting For Health & A Long Life (Calories, Food Composition & Meal Timing)How To Determine Your Optimal Calorie IntakeHow To Track Calories The Right WayHow To Choose Healthy Sources Of Protein, Carbs & FatsHow To Time Your Meals For Ideal Health60+Superfoods To Boost Your DietThe Best Types Of VegetablesThe Best Types Of FruitsThe Best Types Of Whole GrainsThe Best Types Of Nuts & SeedsThe Best Types Of Beans & LegumesThe Best Types Of BerriesThe Best Types Of Meats, Poultry & EggsThe Best Types Of Fish & SeafoodsThe Right Foods ForSpecial Diets:What To Eat For A High Calcium DietWhat To Eat For A High Fat DietWhat To Eat For A High ProteinDietWhat To Eat For A High Fiber DietWhat To Eat For A High Vitamin C DietUnfortunately, the internet is full of false health gurus that sell you all kinds of diet plans and supplements that are overpriced and don't work. This is why I wanted to create an video course that not only debunks the most common dieting myths but alsoteaches everything you need to know about healthy eating and living a longer life. All In All The Program Includes Over 100+ Lessons On Superfoods And Nutrition So If You Want To Feel More Energized And Live A Longer And Healthier Life, This Is The Right Course For YouLearn about proper superfoods nutrition, meal planning, healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle. Better meal planning and healthy cooking will help with weight loss, building muscle and overall well being. Remember, there is a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. There is no reason to hesitate. Enroll now, see if you enjoy the course, andstart building your perfect diet today!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Vegan Nutrition: Build Your Plant Based Diet & Meal Plan" |
"Learn How To Build The Perfect Plant Based Diet & Meal Plan For Improved Health, Better Weight Loss And More Muscle GainsHi, I'm Felix Harder fitness and dieting coach and amazon best selling author. My ""Vegan Masterclass"" is designed for anyone who wants to get the most out of their vegan diet, no matter if you're an athlete, bodybuilder or simply want to live a healthier life.This course is not some random fad diet that tells you which foods you should and shouldn't eat. Instead I will take you through each of the steps involved in setting up and following through with your diet. Unfortunately, the internet is full of false advice and misinformation about plant based dieting. That is why I wanted to create a video course that not only debunks the most common vegan myths but also teaches everything you need to know to reach your dieting goals, be it to lose fat, build muscle or simply live a healthier life. Here Is What's Inside The Program:Setting Up Your Vegan DietThe Most Common Vegan Myths DebunkedHow To Determine Your Optimal Calorie IntakeHow Much Protein, Carbs & Fat Do You Need As A Vegan?The Best Vegan Food Sources Of Protein, Carbs & FatMeal Timing Explained - When & How Often To EatSupplements - The Best Vegan Options Building Muscle & Losing Fat On A Vegan DietHow To Adjust Your Diet For Fat LossHow To Adjust Your Diet For Muscle GrowthHow Much Protein Do You Need To Build Muscle?Cheat Meals That Won't Break Your DietThe Best Muscle Building & Fat Loss SupplementsEverything You Need To Improve Your Health & Immunity:The Right Vitamins & MineralsHow Much Water You Should Really Drink (No, It's Not 8 Glasses Per Day)How To Avoid Deficiencies Common Among VegansHow To Correctly Read A Nutrition LabelScientifically Proven Ways To Boost ImmunityCommon Dieting Questions Answered:Should You Take Multivitamins?Should Men & Women Diet Differently?Is Too Much Protein Bad For You?Is Too Much Fat Bad For You?Do Several Small Meals Throughout The Day Boost Your Metabolism?All In All The Program Includes Over 50 Lessons On Dieting And NutritionLearn everything you need to know about vegan nutrition, vegan bodybuilding, and vegan recipes. I will go over meal planning for veganism and vegan cooking.So If You Want To Boost Your Performance, Feel More Energized And Live A Healthier Life, This Is The Right Course For YouRemember, there is a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. There is no reason to hesitate. Enroll now, see if you enjoy the course, and start building your perfect diet today!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Nutrition Certification In Supplements & Diet Planning" |
"Learn About The Best SupplementsFor Improved Nutrition, Health, BetterWeight LossAnd MoreMuscle GainsHi,I'm Felix Harder fitness and dieting coach and amazon best selling author.My ""Supplement Masterclass""is designedfor anyonewho wants toget the most out of their diet plan, no matter if you're an athlete, bodybuilder or simply want to live a healthier life.Inthis course I willtake youthrough each of the steps involved in setting up your perfect supplement stack.Unfortunately, with so many different supplements on the market it can difficult to choose the right ones. I remember how intimidated I was after my first visit to the local supplement store, where I was surrounded by powders, bars and pills. This is why I wanted to create an video course that not only debunks the most common supplement myths but alsoteaches everything you need to know to reach your dieting goals, be it to lose fat, build muscle or simply live a healthier life.Here Is What's Inside The Program:Protein SupplementsWhey ProteinCasein ProteinEgg ProteinPeaProteinAmino AcidsBCAAGlutamineArginineBeta AlanineCarnitineLibido & Testosterone EnhancerMacaTribulus terrestrisHow To Increase Testoterone NaturallyHealth & Fitness SupplementsCreatineFish OilCaffeineGarlicGingerGreen TeaVitamins & MineralsVitamin A - KCalciumMagnesiumPotassiumCopperSodiumZincAnd Many More...So If You Want ToBoost YourPerformance,Feel More Energized AndLive A Healthier Life, This Is The Right Course For YouRemember, there is a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. There is no reason to hesitate. Enroll now, see if you enjoy the course, andstart building your perfectmeal plan today!Learn about the most effective supplements for better fat loss, building muscle and meal planning"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Kotlin for Beginners." |
"Students will be able to learn Kotlin and implement the latest concepts introduced in Object Oriented Languages. Android has introduced Kotlin as one of its official programming languages. Developers around the world are embracing the precision and ease of Kotlin Programming. Join us in this course and take the next leap of Object Oriented Programming."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Blockchain and Dapps Development" |
"In this course we discuss the basics of Blockchain and implement a workingElection Dapp to understand the working of Blockchain Dapps. The example used in this course can be replicated to make other similar dapps. Also, students are encouraged/expected to create their own versions of the Dappdiscussed in the course."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Developing Secure Android Apps" |
"In this course, students get to learn about Security in Android.Students will be able to answer the below questions related to Android Security.How your app is vulnerable to threats ?How can you ensure not to commit mistakes that are an open invitation to hacking ?What can you do to reduce the impact of Reverse Engineering of your apps?"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"PHP para crear pginas web dinmicas" |
"En este curso de PHP para crear pginas web dinmicas.Vas aprender:1.- Fundamentos de PHP2.- Manejar formularios con PHP3.- PHP Y MYSQL4.- Login en PHP sin Base de datos4.-Formulario de contacto en PHP Y MYSQL5.- Creando un diario bsico en PHP Y MYSQLEspero que este curso, te quede muy claro y que puedas dar un salt ms al mundo de la creacin de pginas web."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sachin Quickly Learns (SQL) - Structured Query Language" |
"This course is a tribute to the Legendary Cricketer Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar. An attempt is made to teach SQL [Structured Query Language] to all those who are interested to learn Databases using Sachin Tendulkar's International Test Cricket Scores. SQL plays an important role in our lives. Be it a bank transaction, railway ticket booking or Statistics about Cricketers', SQL keeps working for us. Interestingly, it is the simplest programming language. If you are familiar with Excel, then learning database and SQL will not take much time, which you will realize at the end of this 70 Minute Course. In this course Database & SQL is explained with MS Access Database. Whether you are Student, Database Administrator, Database Application Developer, Tester or an Excel expert, you can take advantage of this course. In 13 Lectures of around 6 Minutes each, we will go from scratch to learning about Databases, Creating a Database, SQL Concepts, Writing your own Query etc. Happy learning !!! _________________________________________________________________________________ ERachana Technologies. Like us on Facebook for latest updates on Rapidapps _________________________________________________________________________________ Visit Rapidapps for More Details. ________________________________________________________________________________ "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to VR with Unity" |
"This course aims at helping anyone willing to learn Unity to create VR experiences.No previousprogrammingexperience is required, and most of the principles covered in the course will help future programmers wrap their head aroundprogrammingbasics.It features a self learning approach. Every topic comes in on a need to know basis.Most of the course examples can be done with the simplest hardware.Whether you want to experiment with a simple Android or iPhone cardboard, adda remote game controller, or go for pro hardware, the principles, techniques and code you'll take away from this course will help youdeliver a full VR experience, fast!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Podstawy Scrum i Agile - Teoria, Praktyka, Certyfikacja" |
"Usystematyzowane kompendium wiedzy na temat Scruma i podejcia zwinnego (agile), skadajce si z powizanych tematycznie sekcji i moduw. Na kocu kadego z nich znajduje si test wiedzy weryfikujcy zrozumienie danego tematu.Kurs zawiera nie tylko szczegowe omwienie podstawowych elementw Scruma takich jak:Zdarzenia (Eventy) ScrumoweRole (Roles)Artefakty (Artifacts)ale take porusza dodatkowe tematy takie jak:wartoci Scruma (dodane do oficjalnego Scrum Guide'a w roku 2016),rnice pomidzy kaskadowym (waterfallowym), a zwinnym (agile'owym) podejciem do projektw (dla lepszego zrozumienia i poszerzenia horyzontw),porady odnonie przygotowania do certyfikacjiWszystkie moduy wraz z pytaniami sprawdzajcymi wiedz, dodatkowymi materiaami, praktycznymi wskazwkami i wsparciem ze strony autorw stanowi spjny produkt, ktry pozwoli zrozumie czym jest Scrum i agile oraz jak wykorzysta to podejcie w praktyce. Kurs ten moe suy zarwno osobom pocztkujcym, ktre nie syszay wczeniej o Scrumie i zwinnym podejciu do projektw, jak i tym, ktrzy pragn usystematyzowa swoj wiedz i zdoby certyfikat Scrum Mastera.Autorami kursu s dwaj entuzjaci zwinnego (agile'owego) podejcia do projektw, certyfikowani Scrum Masterzy z praktyk budowan na co dzie przy pracy z rnymi zespoami scrumowymi i organizacjami. Ich wczeniejsze dowiadczenie w projektach prowadzonych przy uyciu tradycyjnych modeli pozwolio im zbudowa peny i obiektywny obraz tego, czym rni si miedzy sob te dwa wiaty oraz jakie maj wady i zalety.WANE:Kurs ten NIE jest oficjalnym przygotowaniem pod certyfikacj Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I) organizacji Scrum(.)org ani nie jest w aden sposb z ni powizany. Zachcamy rwnie do wzicia udziau w oficjalnych, certyfikowanych szkoleniach oferowanych przez t organizacj."
Price: 609.99 ![]() |
"Marketing 101 - Customer Centered Marketing" |
"In this course, you will learn about the principle of customer centered marketing, how to make it happen, and how to apply it to your website, marketing plan, and lead generation. Customer centered marketing is what every company should do, but very few do. If you want to get to the top of your market space, learn how to do customer centered marketing and apply it to your company."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Time Management for leaders" |
"In this course, students will practice techniques that will help them achieve more effective use of their time so that they can direct their energy towards the activities that will further their professional and personal goals.If you're a MANAGER, a SUPERVISOR, or an ENTREPRENEUR and you want to manage your time better.startnow - you'll get straightforward help that actually works in today's businesses"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The 7 Day +1 Supercharge Your Life Challenge. Goal Setting" |
"Many people want to change but they don't know how, or think it is not possible. However, I am here to tell you that you can change your life within 8days. I know this may sound unbelievable but it is true!All it takes is being able to identify what is holding you back, create goals, have strength and a desire to keep on going.Richard Butler is going to guide you through the process of making significant changes in your life - are you ready to start a whole new, successful life in the next 8 days?In this fast paced, exciting course, you will discover:How your Mindset impacts everything you doThe best way to keep the Beliefs that serve you and jettison your limiting beliefs easilyHow The Wheel of Life reflects your resultsWhat your 'Why' isSMARTGoal SettingHow to be a Time Management Superstar. Explode your productivity while minimizing youl strees levelsProcrastinating no moreWhat is F.E.A.R.? and how to use it to push you forwardHow to keep going when all seems lostAnd much more!You deserve so much more out of life. Sadly, most of us subconsciously sabotage our success. In this course, take your first step off the treadmill and start living the life you deserve!Enroll today.Testimonials:Please look at what others are saying to see how this course has changed their lives - are you my next success story?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mindfulness To Create An Amazing Life" |
"Are you frazzled?Do you feel you have no time to accomplish your goals?Is Multi-Tasking draining your energy and focus?Is the world spinning faster and faster and all you want to do is get off?Do you feel more tired after sleeping? Are you go-go-go 24/7?Do you say 'Yes"" when you mean ""No""?Do you worry about everything and doubt anything you do will be good enough?Have you got toa point where you think ""I wish things would just slow down""Is life just one big blur of decisions, thoughts, things to do?Are you ready for a change?HIgh stress. High blood pressure. Low quality of life. Overwhelm and exhaustion.Today, that describes the lives of too many people. Not only do we suffer, but our family and friends also suffer as they get the worst of us, not the best.In today's world with so much social media, so many options, it seems that everything has to be done now. If we don't get a reply to a message within 2 minutes (or less) there is something wrong.Very often in life we are thinking about the past or the future, but we don't focus on the present moment. The funny thing is that all we have is this present moment, as we can't change the past, and don't know what the future will hold.This course is going to help you explore how to be more mindful and more present so that you can enjoy life to its fullest.You're going to discover:the benefits of mindfulnesshow thinking impairs mindfulnessthe differences between mindfulness and meditationthe steps you need to take to be more mindfuland much, much more!Enroll today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Millionaire Mindset With Alex Jeffreys" |
"Have you ever wondered what makes some people successful?Could it be a magic gene they have?Perhaps it is there education?Maybe they are just lucky!Or maybe it's something else. I spent 6 months interviewing some of the most authentic leaders online to find out what made them successful. In this course you are going to meetAlex Jeffreys - a young lad who had a dream back in 2006. He had a dream to do what he could to live an outstanding life. Fast forward to 2018 and he is now a sought afterbusiness coach helping businesses grow their revenue, add even more value to their client base and to work smarter.But how did Alex do this, after all he started with practically nothing.In this course you are going to learn his success tips that can help you live your dream and build a business. You will learn the most important aspects of motivationHow to set goalsIf there is a magic button or secret formula to follow and much more.Included in the resource section are indispensable guides to help you succeed. You will also have direct access to Richard to get your burning questions answered."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"El escritor: Recomendaciones para escribir un cuento" |
"Estas considerando explorar tu escritura creativa a travs de relatos o cuentos cortos?Eres un escritor amateur y quieres mejorar el desarrollo y estructura de tus cuentos?Este curso esta dedicado a todos esos amantes de la escritura que buscan explorar el mundo de los cuentos cortos, en este curso el Profesor Lozoya compartir recomendaciones importantisimas para que tu cuento sea fluido y pueda reflejar tu identidad como escritor y transmitir tu mensaje.A travs de videos fciles de seguir en cualquier dispositivo mvil, escuchars las recomendaciones y puntos de vista del Profesor Lozoya as como un anlisis de cules son los elementos del cuento, tales como:ProtagonistaAntagonistaCo protagonistaNarradorTemaClimaxEplogoUnete a este curso hoy y comienza a desarrollar tu creatividad literaria."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Recommendations on writing short stories" |
"This course is dedicated to any amateur writer that would like to get an idea on what is recommended to consider when you write a short story.In this course Professor Lozoya will share with you important recommendations on writing short stories, such as:How to connect thoughts and expressionsCompound sentencesGrammar considerationsEconomyShort story elementsJoin this course and get an easy to follow approach on what to consider if you want to take your first steps on writing short stories."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn 3DS Max: Low Poly Sword" |
"Do you want to learn 3D modellingquickly &easily and create assets for video games or animation? You can do it in this course and learn the basics of3DStudio Maxby creating a Low Poly Sword!This class is perfect for 3Dgame artists, mobile game developers,graphicdesigners, illustrators and anyone else who would like to learn a bit of 3D modelling to add to their designs.Get started with 3Dmodelling &take this course now to learn 3DStudio Max!Learn the basics and use 3DStudio Maxfrom scratch.Learn a basic modelling in 3DStudio MaxLearn how to texture your 3DModelsLearn how to add colour to a modelLearn how to create a UV MapContent &OverviewThis is a great way for beginners to introduce themselves to 3Dprograms like 3DStudio Max. Starting with a basic overview of the program, the course will help familiarise you with the tools you will need first.With the basics complete, the course will take you through how tocreate a Low Poly Sword step by step. Each step will be broken downto make understanding the process even easier, starting with creating a simple 3Dshape to creating the full model.Follow along as we take a simple 3D primitive shape and step by step create a Low Poly Sword which can be used in your own animation or video game projects.I have included theOBJ file here for you to use as reference.So you'll be able to work alongside the videos to learn andcreate your own Low Poly Sword.Please feel free to share your creations as well!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"IT Security Gumbo-Unveiling Network and Cloud Security" |
"The IT Security Gumbo: Unveiling Network and Cloud Security focuses on the fundamentals of computer networking which takes a focus on routing and switching, the OSI Model, variations of IP's. It also focuses on Cloud Security characteristics, cloud service, the notorious nine, cloud risk and more. We also provide a bonus for our students that will be unveiled once the student is apart of the course.The Cloud Security Portion features and discusses the following and more:Data Security in the CloudEncryption types and availabilityKey management and encryption architecturesData/information lifecycleRetentionDisposalClassificationIntrusion Detection and Incident ResponseIncident detection for different cloud modelsManaging Intrusion Detection System/Intrusion Prevention System (IDS/IPS) and alertingThe event management feedback loopRisk, Audit, and Assessment for the CloudRisk managementAuditing the cloudRemoteOnsiteCloudAudit A6Assessments for the cloudPenetration testing the cloudInternal assessments"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"IT Security Gumbo: Cloud Based Security with Linux" |
"Linux is a popular operating system that is based on the Unix operating system. It has many distributions which have different interfaces for installing software, different user interfaces, and so on. One thing all of the distros have in common is that they all have a command line interface, or terminal. In fact, sometimes there is no user interface except the terminal itself. A Linux server running a web application on AWS, for example, may only contain the software required to run the application, and no GUI window system at all. It is crucial to learn the Linux command line if you are going to be a productive Linux user and/or administer a Linux server. In this course, you will use Linux commands to navigate Linux directories, search for files, search for patterns, create files and directories, and remove files and directories.This course provides the basics of Linux and introduces cloud security in a rare blend that allows the student to learn both subject matters in one instance. Linux is becoming more of the go-to command based function even in the cloud based environment. The course is applicable to all levels, whether you are a new to Linux and cloud security or if you are seasoned veteran that's looking re-familiarize yourself with technical techniques and concepts. "
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"IT Security Gumbo: CCNA Certification Prep" |
"This course is crafted to help students prepare for the CCNA Certification. The course provides in depth information on the functionality of networking tools and is followed up by comprehensive labs.The information covered ranges from the OSI model, routing and switching, trunking and more. These topics are followed up with lab based examples on how they function in the network environment."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"IT Security Gumbo: Linux Forensics" |
"Bring greater efficiency to your IT infrastructure by learning to employ the standardized and finely tuned processes of the Linux operating system in your enterprise environment. In this training course, you gain the foundational knowledge and skills to administer and support your Linux OS, and learn to control permissions, process data, and perform administrative tasks. Administer and support Linux in your environmentManage and automate GNU open-source toolsCreate, edit, and search files and directoriesConnect to network servicesRun shell scripts for automation"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Adhesive Joints and Composite Material Abaqus Tutorial" |
"Welcome to the Adhesive Joints and Composite Material Abaqus Tutorial, the only course you need to learn how to model adhesively bonded joint and composite material in Abaqus software. This course is specially designed for mechanical, civil engineering students or engineers who want to expand their finite element knowledge. This course will teach you the theory behind input parameters as well as modelling and analysing the results.What you will get in this course:**This Course is the divided into the 8 sections and in each section, I try to teach you sth new in each section so, in order to get the most advantage of it, I highly recommend you to follow the course in order as the basic terms have been only explained in the initial sections.Section 1: 2D adhesively bonded DCB (cohesive element)In this section, you will learn how to model two dimensional double cantilever beam (DCB) using cohesive element method.Section 2: 2D Adhesively bonded SLJ (Surface-Based Cohesive)In this section, you will learn how to model two dimensional Single-lap joint using surface-based cohesive zone.Section 3: 3D adhesively bonded DCB (Cohesive element)In this section, you will how model three dimensional double cantilever beam using cohesive element method. Section 4: 2D adhesively bonded DCB (XFEM method)In this section, you will become familiarize with eXtended finite element method (XFEM) to model two dimensional double cantilever beam. Section 5: 2D adhesively bonded ENF (XFEM method)In this section, you will learn how to model two dimensional end notched flexure beam using eXtended finite element method. Section 6: 2D adhesively bonded ENF (Cohesive element method)In this section, you will learn how to model two dimensional end notched flexure using cohesive element method. Section 7: Flexible adhesive (New Update May 2020)This is a new section is that I added to this course in May 2020, This section will help you to learn how to model flexible adhesive in Abaqus software. The following subjects will be discussed in this section: Hyper-elastic properties of flexible adhesive, Bulk flexible Specimen, Single-lap joint with flexible adhesive, Trapezoidal traction separation law for flexible adhesive. Section 8: Buckling and Post Buckling of Composite PlateThis section will help you to learn how to composite plate and analyse buckling and post-buckling condition on the plate. Future updates: Composite tube under crushing compression loading, Composite plate under 3 point bending, Composite panel under impact loading, 3D composite single lap joint (Estimated new update January 2021). I hope you all enjoy these tutorials. Please send me a message if you think anything can improve the quality of this course as I am updating the course regularly.Many thanksArmin **This course is only intended for Serious Students. A lot of efforts have been done to provide a practical understanding of the Software, theory and analysis which is not available anywhere on the internet. ** These course examples are not intended to apply to any particular situation. Students are cautioned to satisfy themselves as to the accuracy and results of their analyses. The author shall not be responsible for the consequences of any errors or mistake that may appear in this course.** All rights reserved, Any unauthorised broadcasting, public performance, copying or re-recording will constitute an infringement of copyright."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"InDesign CC : Magazine and Document Designing" |
"Adobe InDesign is a desktop publishing software application produced by Adobe Systems. It can be used to create Multi Page Documents such as posters, flyers, brochures, magazines, newspapers, presentations, books and eBooks.The course is designed to help people how has no previous background with InDesign or any Design Applications like Photoshop or Illustrator. For people how have Designing background and can use any designing programs it will be very helpful for them as they will be able to advanced their knowledge and will be able to use their artworks from Photoshop or illustrator inside the InDesign. The Course Designed based on a number of real examples to learn you how to create real documents at the end. After the Course you will be able to create documents for printing or for Digital Publishing as PDFs or E-Books EPUBs."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"InDesign CC" |
". PDF . PDF . . . EPUB. ."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Master 12 Common Network Marketing Objections Every Time" |
"Are you in network marketing or direct sales, but feel like you constantly face objections?Does it make you feel STUCK?How would it feel to have the confidence to effectively respond to every objection you hear? What if instead of bumbling over your words (Ive been there), you knew exactly how to respond? You dont have to fear objections anymore! (Actually, they will fear you.)In this course, youll learn how to respond and reframe 12 of the most common objections in networking. Mastering objections in network marketing is totally achievable once you understand WHY people give objections, and then HOW to properly respond so that you always get a positive response. 5-STAR STUDENT REVIEW: ""This is exactly what I was looking for when I have encountered objections. I did not know how to respond and this gave me tremendous insight and how to respond. I learned what is going on inside the mind of my prospect when these objections are given which helps me focus on them and what my business can do for them. You will love this course...""-Katie BartnettLearn to master these 12 common objections:I dont have enough time.I dont have the money.Is that a pyramid scheme/thing?I need to talk to my spouse.How much do you make?Im not good at sales.I dont know many people. I tried network marketing before.Only people at the top make money.I dont want to bug my family and friends.I already have a good job.It's just not for me.Not only will you learn to overcome these network marketing objections, but you can also teach these strategies and responses to your team! (Yah! Duplication!)Heres a truth about objections: no matter how good you get or how successful you become in this industry, you will never stop facing objections. The best of the best still face them. At the end of the course, youll be able to:Understand WHY people give these objections.Uncover the real reason they are offering an objection (is it REALLY an objection?).Relate to their objection.Maintain respect and professionalism.Always stay in control of the conversation.Respond with confidence.Reframe the objection to lead people down a positive path.Always get a positive result (whether they join or not). Know what to say and what not to say.Conduct a validation call or meeting (secret weapon).Remember, you always have lifetime access to the course, so you can retake any lesson or section at any time. Your enrollment is backed by Udemy's 30-day satisfaction guarantee. Ready!? Cool. See ya in the course!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Windows Server Administration For Beginners" |
"According to the Statista website, in 2018, Windows Server operating system was used on 71.9 percent of servers worldwide.If you are planning to become a system administrator you need to master Windows server operating system.This course will introduce you to Windows Server 2016 administration concepts and techniques. I've been a system administrator for more than a decade now. But when first I get my first system administrator job, I was moving from a programmer position. It was two different worlds and I didn't know so much about Windows server operating system.I've designed this course for people getting their foot in the door with system administration. I'll walk you through the basics of Windows server administration so that you can accomplish the basics tasks. I'll not only show you how to technically accomplish these tasks but I'll explain the why. I'll give you the best practices and recommendations when accomplishing your administration tasks.By the end of this course, you will be able to:Download and Install Windows Server 2016;Understand the different Windows Server editions;Add a role to a server.How to choose a name for your domainBuild your domain controller;Join a Windows 10 Workstation to your domain;Create a privileged administration workstation for remote administration;Design your organizational unit structure;Create a user account;Understand and Create a DHCP Server;Understand DNS and Create a DNS Server;Create Group Policies Objects GPOs; So ENROLL in the course and join me for an amazing learning experience."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Branding Digital: Estratgias de Marcas e Negcios" |
"Desenvolver uma marca forte e reconhecida o objetivo da maioria das empresas. Estamos naera do engajamento, as marcas precisam inspirar uma conversa real com seus seguidores e clientes no ambiente digital.O que Branding Digital?Os conceitos do Branding tambm devem ser aplicados s mdias digitais e s novas tecnologias para desenvolver as marcas atravs de interaes com os consumidores em seus dispositivos digitais.Em toda e qualquer interao da marca seuposicionamentodeve estar claro, deve serpartedas aes, integrando todos os canais com a mesma voz, a mesma proposta de valor.As redes sociais mudaram tudo, e continuam mudando!Este curso vai te ensinar sobre essa mudana e como ela alterou a forma como as marcas se comunicam.Voc aprender sobre os trs pilares do Branding Digital e como aplic-los em seus negcios.IdentidadeVisibilidadeCredibilidadeComo estabelecer egerenciar uma marca no ambientedigital?O Branding Digital a chave para que as pessoas conheam, gostem e confiem na sua empresa. Grandes marcas no acontecem simplesmente, tudo depende de estratgia e trabalho consistente.Este curso vlido no somente paraprofissionais de marketing, mas tambm para outros profissionais e empreendedores que querementender seu papel fundamental no cumprimento da promessa da marca e aplicao dos trs pilares do Branding Digital em seus negcios.Tambm acessvel aos alunos de Marketing e outras disciplinas, oupara complementar um curso mais tradicional de Branding. Entenda o papel das marcas e da gesto de marcas no mundo moderno."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner - Updated 2020" |
"v 2.1 - February - 2020Added more practice questions - Total 175 Practice questionsLabs modified to reflect changes to the AWS platform made after the last re-inventv2.0 - November - 2019New look given to chapters explaining key concepts on AWSChapters updated to reflect changes in AWS servicesAdditional practice questions addedIncrease your chances on passing the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam. Feedback from students""This course gave me the confidence to go for my first AWS certification.""""Alan's Q&A has really helped me achieve the certification. His course content is very relevant from the exam perspective and his lectures are the shorter compare to CloudGuru, which to me is great as I am time pressed.""The AWS platform is one of the largest cloud platforms. The AWS Certifications are one of the most sought after certifications.The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner is the newest entry level certification from AWS. This is a must have for any student who begins their journey to Cloud computing with AWS. After taking the exam myself , this course has been structured in such a way that it will help students to become more confident if they want to appear for the certification exam.I am a Certified AWS Cloud Practitioner and hence this course is designed specifically to help student pass the Certification exam"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Azure - Beginner's Guide + AZ-900 - UPDATED 2020" |
"Course Updatesv4.2 - June 2020Added more practice questions to the Exam sectionRefreshed the chapters on Azure Regions, Deploying a Windows Virtual Machine, Azure Marketplacev4.1 April 2020Updated chapters on Network Security Groups , Azure SQL database , Azure Web Apps , Communication within an Azure virtual networkAdded chapters on Example Invoice, Azure Container Instances, Availability Zones implementationv4.0 March 2020Refreshed several chapters including the creation of virtual machines, Azure Functions , Azure Logic Apps to reflect User interface changes in Azure.Added chapters on ""Important Points"" at the end of each section.Added 30 extra practice questionsv3.0 October 2019Refresh on existing topics to reflect Azure changesAdded chapters on cloud conceptsAdded chapters on security, privacy and complianceAdded chapters on pricing and supportv2.0 June 2019Added practice 140 questions for the AZ-900 certification examFeedback from Students""Perfectly what need for beginner's in azure""""I got exactly what I wanted, an overview of Azure services to the perfect level of details, not too high level and not too detailed. The instructor was methodical and straight to the point.""Cloud Computing is the next big thing , just look around you at how the digital world is evolving. Big players such as Amazon , Microsoft , Google are working towards the goal of allowing customers to embrace cloud computing. Microsoft has made big strides in this domain , and its no surprise as to why they are one of the leaders when it comes to Cloud Computing. This course is designed to help students get themselves familiar with Microsoft's Cloud platform , Microsoft Azure.In this course you will learn the following1. Creating a Free Account in Azure2. Working with Virtual Machines3. Working with Azure Storage - BLOB , Table , Queues , Files4. Introduction to Azure SQL Databases and CosmosDB5. Basic Networking concepts in Azure6. A Basic understanding on various services such as Azure Functions , Azure Logic Apps , Azure Scale Sets etc.Don't get left behind. DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION is the need of the hour and Cloud computing is one of the backbone for empower the world towards this goal."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Security Specialist" |
"This course is specially builtto prepare you for taking on the AWS Certified Security Specialty Exam. This course also has a quiz which will help you see how well prepared you are for the examSecurity is a key aspects in today's spectrum of the ITIndustry. The newest exam from AWShelps fortify your concepts on the various security aspects of various AWS resourcesIn this course you will learn the following1. The AWSKey Management Service2. Security in Networking3. Using Identity and Access Management4. Core AWS services from a security aspects such as CloudTrail , AWSConfig, AWS WAF etc.5. Key concepts that are required from an exam perspective such as Incident Response ,penetration testing etc.This course also has a quiz that will help you better assess how well you are prepared for the exam."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |