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"Business Networking Skills: Meet New People with Confidence" |
"Building a network of advocates will grow your business and develop your career. A great way to expand your business connection network is to attend networking events. Walking into a room full of strangers can be intimidating. It seems some people are natural at building connections and do it quickly, even with people they have never met. They are able to meet new people who help them with referrals and career development. How are these people so successful at developing their network of supporters? Confident people are more attractive and interesting. After this course, you will walk into any networking event full of confidence which others will recognize. You will know how to reach out and connect with new people. Your new connections will be eager to have follow-up meetings with you and want to become your advocates. You will be a Master Networker. Your poise and self-assurance will attract others to you. Motivational Listening for Networking Events: Become Interesting by Being Interested provides a defined and proven process of quickly building rapport with new people. The course includes scientific research on ""Why"" the process works; understanding the physiology and psychology of relationships will make you a self-assured network builder. The recorded sessions are accompanied by handouts for each section. You are encouraged to take notes and tailor the process of Motivational Listening to your personal style. Your career and business will develop quickly with the assistance of your network of advocates and influencers."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Dbuter avec C# et Unity Guide Complet" |
"Bienvenuedans cette formation complte sur C# et Unitypour dbutants!Cette formation a pour vocation de vous apprendre matriser deux outils:le langage de programmation C#le moteur de jeu UnityVous apprendrez utiliser ces deux technologies conjointement ou sparment pas pas.Tous les chapitres sont enregistrs enHD 1080ppour que vouspuissieztout voir clairementpendant le cours (vous pouvez regarder lespreviews gratuits).Je rpondrai personnellement vosquestions vous en avez, et je fournirai autantd'aide que possiblepour vousaider matriser C# et Unity.N'attendez plus etcliquez surSuivre ce coursen haut droite.C'est parti !"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Become a Master Salesman - Ultimate Guide to Sell Like a Pro" |
"Throughout this training program you will learn how to sell your product or service with excellence.We will start with the basics of sales process and gradually move on towards more complex concepts. The skills and competences acquired in this course will allow to easily unfold yourself in any conversation with a potential client. You will learn simple and highly efficient persuasion strategies. I will teach you how to speak about the advantages of your product or service so that it is perceived as the solution to the clients need. This last aspect will surely make you a successful seller. Throughout the course you will have the opportunity to measure your acquired knowledge with short quizzes. This course is continually updated with new documents and content. As the instructor, I will gladly answer any questions you may have. I hope to see you soon in classes!Sincerely, Jess Planas."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Gana un Sueldo 2.0 trabajando como Freelancer y Sin Horarios" |
"Con este programa de formacin aprenders a obtener un sueldo 2.0 trabajando on-line como freelancerComenzaremos el curso por las enseanzas bsicas y gradualmente avanzaremos hasta las ms especficas.Las habilidades y competencias adquiridas mediante este curso te permitirn desempearte con xito dentro de la plataforma de trabajo freelancer.Aprenders cmo mantener satisfechos a tus empleadores para que te asignen muchos trabajos cada mes.Adems, te ensear las habilidades y actitudes que debes incorporar a tu estilo de vida como trabajador independiente. Esto ltimo te convertir en un freelancer exitoso.A lo largo del curso tendrs la oportunidad de medir tus aprendizajes mediante quizzes cortos. Este curso es actualizado continuamente con nuevas lecturas y materiales, y yo estoy aqu para responder a cualquier pregunta que puedas tener. Espero verte pronto en clases!Atentamente,Jess Planas"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a Vender como un Experto y Duplica Tu Clientela" |
"Con este programa de formacin aprenders a vender tu producto o servicio con excelencia.Comenzaremos por los aspectos bsicos del proceso de ventas y gradualmente avanzaremos hacia las enseanzas de mayor nivel.Las habilidades y competencias adquiridas mediante este curso te permitirn desenvolverte con facilidad en cualquier conversacin con un potencial cliente.Aprenders estrategias simples y altamente eficientes para persuadir. Te ensear las ventajas de tu producto o servicio de manera que sea percibido por tu cliente como la solucin a la necesidad. Esto ltimo te convertir en un vendedor exitoso.A lo largo del curso tendrs la oportunidad de medir tus aprendizajes mediante quizzes cortos. Este curso es actualizado continuamente con nuevas lecturas y materiales, y yo estoy aqu para responder a cualquier pregunta que puedas tener. Espero verte pronto en clases!Atentamente,Jess Planas"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Sugar Craving Series" |
"Doyou constantly think about sugar? Do youfeel out of control with sweets? Do you feel guilty afterindulging in dessert? Then this is the course for you! In this revolutionarycourse, you'll go from feeling like you have no willpowerto being in control and safe around sugar! You will have aprofoundunderstanding of the mind-body connection to your cravings and learna powerful approach to overcoming those cravings forever. Unlike most sugarprograms that require you to detox from sugar we focus on creating a healthy relationship with your cravingsthrough mindset and nutrition techniques. Through ourapproachyou don't have togive up your favorite foodsyou can actually enjoy them without being worried aboutover indulging.No more guilt, obsession, or energy dips. After completing this course you will have control, greatenergy levelsand a balanced mood. Here are some of the topics of the course: Interpreting your sugar cravings Balancing your blood sugar to stop sugar cravings Learning to stopoverindulging Ending emotional eating and binge eating habits. Utilizing healthy sugar alternatives Materials: None required. Course Length: 5 weeks (Each week includestwo short videos andassignments). Course Instructors: Marisa is a Holistic Health Practitioner and Intuitive Eating Counselor. She supports clients to re-learn their natural body cues and become their own nutrition expert, reprogram their mindset to end binge and emotional eating cycles, and re-design their habits so its easy to live a healthy lifestyle. Amy Krasneris a Holistic Nutritionist and Natural Chef. She helps clients to increase their energy, improve their digestion and lose weight so they can live happier and healthier lives. Amy has experience working with diabetes, thyroid imbalances, high blood pressure, and cholesterol."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Entrevista de trabajo ganadora" |
"Por qu no me llaman?Ser que llamo a ver qu pas?Qu pregunto?No era para mi? No me convena!La entrevista de trabajo puede cambiar tu destino: tu ingreso econmico, lo que hars todos los das.Si te preparas para una carrera 10K, para invitar amigos a tu casa Cmo no te preparas para enfrentar a la competencia que va tras el cargo que tu quieres?Toma ventaja sobre los otros candidatos!Con este curso vas a entender qu piensan y qu quieren los empleadores.Un curso en lnea de dos horas de video, solo necesitas computador, tablet o celular e internet. Podrs verlos en el momento y lugar que prefieras. Aprenders a prepararte para las entrevistas, entenders las preocupaciones de los empleadores y el por qu de las preguntas que hacen y cmo contestar, tambin sabrs qu hacer luego de las entrevistas para maximizar tus probabilidades de xito.CONTENIDO DEL CURSOIntroduccin: cmo sacar partido de este cursoQu es una entrevista y qu objetivos primordiales tiene un empleador al hacerlasCmo prepararte para tener confianza y seguridadCmo presentarte a ti mismo en un minuto para empezar ganandoCmo preparar la entrevista puesto que todas son diferentesCules son las preguntas ms utilizadas, por qu se usan y cmo construir respuestas honestas y acertadasCmo manejar tu comportamiento para disminuir estrs, ansiedad y mostrar lo mejor de tiQu hacer cuando llegue tu turno de preguntarQu hacer luego de la entrevista para mejorar tus probabilidades de xito."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Acordes y cifrados musicales. Teora y construccin." |
"Este curso te permitir, siguiendo una estricta elaboracin de ejercicios guiados, reconocer y construir rpidamente estructuras acordales (acordes) que se utilizan en la msica popular a diario en gneros como el Pop, jazz, blues, baladas y msica tropical, as como la msica en general.No persigue ""teorizar"". Por ello la experiencia ser ms prctica, til y alejada de los esquemas encerrados en la teora.El xito slo lo alcanzars si siguen la intensa variedad de tareas y las realizas con constancia. No debes apurarte en le realizacin del mismo, toma tu tiempo, aprende y practica."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Mobile App Design Course Using Sketch 3" |
"ABOUT THECOURSEA few years ago sketch was introduced to the design world which proved to be a massive game changer to the design community. fast forward to the presentwe have a software that is unrivalled by any other. so join me in this course as i take you through the entire world of sketch to show you how you can create designs, improve your career and share your thoughtswith the sketch community and unlock your creativity. Alsothrough this journey, you will get the opportunity to create mobile app designs. and with the knowledge you will acquire in this course, you will have endless possibilities and applications of your creativity and talent.STRUCTUREThe course will begin with an introduction to sketch including installing sketchwhich will then go over to the basics of sketch and then switch over to the advanced features and move on further to designing mobile apps and will finally endwith creatinguser interaction.After completing the course, students will have all the tools and skillsnecessary to make there own designs as well as those looking to improve there career opportunities."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduo Fisioterapia Baseada em Evidncias" |
"Curso Introduo Fisioterapia Baseada em Evidncias Facilitadora: Dra. Mirella Vras Semanas Contedo Atividades1 1- Auto-avaliao 2- Apresentao dos alunos na plataforma de estudo 3- Histria da Fisioterapia Baseada em Evidncias, incluindo suas definies, utilizaes e anlise crtica Questionrio de auto-avaliao Vdeo- aulas e leitura de textos e artigos. 2 1. Descrever os principais mtodos de estudos clnicos e suas aplicaes na prtica da pesquisa e da clnica 2. Compreender os principais modelos de pesquisa clnica, incluindo as vantagens e desvantagens de cada mtodo cientfico de pesquisa. Vdeo- aulas e leitura de textos e artigos. 3 1. Conhecer e saber como acessar os principais bancos de dados cientficos na rea de fisioterapia 2. Entender os princpios bsicos de uma busca estratgica para responder as questes clnicas Vdeo- aulas e leitura de textos e artigos. Estudo de casos Avaliao 1: Desenvolver uma busca estratgica para uma pergunta clnica"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Fisioterapia no Canada" |
"Este curso essencial para o fisioterapeuta ou qualquer outro profissional de sude que tenha planos de estudar ou trabalhar com fisioterapia ou reabilitaono Canad. O curso composto de video aulas e muitos materiais que iro fornecer as principais informaes para aqueles que querem imigrar para o Canad e atuar na rea de fisioterapia, educao fsica, osteopatiae reabilitao."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Are you ready for the writing part of your IELTS exam?You need to be very well prepared for this exam - it's not just about your English. Something about myselfHaving worked for the leading organizations in the world for IELTS, with many years' experience in helping candidates successfully achieve the grade they needed, Iput together this course to give you thebest advice I can- the kind youreally need to do well in the exam. Knowing what to do in each task can really make the difference between getting the grade you need or not! It is not just about your level of English with IELTS - you must know how to approach each task. On this coursewe will:Look at advice for all parts of the exam, ensuring you know exactly what to do and what not to do, so you don't lose valuable pointsRevise essential grammar and vocabulary to use for each part to ensure you don't lose points in this area3. Examine different tasks for Part 1 Academic (line graphs, bar graphs, pies, tables, diagrams, maps) and General Training (all different kinds of e-mails and language to use), how to structure and approach your answers4. Analyse part 2 for both modules,learning how to write a variety of essay types, ensuring you are doing exactly what you are meant to be doing, examining language and grammar to use. 5. Maximise your potential by doing exactly what you should be doing, with examples of allparts.Why take this course?Because you really do need to be prepared for this exam. It is not just about your English level, although that is vital, but you also have to make sure youare doing what you are meant to be doing or you could lose valuable points - it could make the difference between getting the result you need or not!.I really do have the experience and knowledge to help you!. This course will help you to do the very best you can!."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"SQL SERVER - Aprenda o poder da linguagem T-SQL." |
"Aprenda a linguagem SQL com o Microsoft SQL SERVER 2017. Conhea o poder do T-SQL com banco de dados que mais cresce.Pare tudo que est fazendo !!! Venha agora aprender a linguagem SQL com o melhor gerenciador de banco de dados do mercado de tecnologia, segundo relatrio da empresa Gartner. O banco de dados da Microsoft o lder no Quadrante Mgico do Gartner para SGBD Operacional pelo terceiro ano seguido!!Aprenda a montar consultas e realizar pesquisas da mais simples at as complexas, aplicando os conceitos corretos da maior linguagem para banco de dados relacional. Mas, por que devo aprender a linguagem SQL ?Os bancos de dados relacionais so atualmente a maior plataforma de dados em uso no mercado de TI e todos utilizam a linguagem SQL para manipulao de dados. No conhecer essa linguagem praticamente ficar fora do mercado de trabalho na rea de tecnologia.Mas quem disse que os banco de dados relacionais so os maiores do mercado?O conceituado site DB-Engines ( DB-Engines Knowledge Base of Relational and NoSQL Database Management Systems ) classifica os gerenciadores de banco de dados de acordo com a sua popularidade *. Veja os dados :O site classifica cerca de 345 gerenciadores de banco de dados de diversas categorias. 140 bancos de dados so relacionais. Os 10 maiores gerenciadores, 6 so relacionais, sendo que os quatro primeiro so relacionais. A pontuao acumulada dos trs primeiros banco de dados maior que a soma dos pontos de todos os outros gerenciadores de banco de dados.*Dados de Setembro/2018No podemos negar a crescente demanda por novas categorias de banco de dados no-relacionais como os NoSQL, DocumentDB entre outros. Mas temos que avaliar que esses banco so recentes no mercado de TI. O termo NoSQL surgiu em 1998, por exemplo. J os banco de dados relacionais nasceram no incio dcada de 70 e o primeiro banco de dados relacional comercial surgiu em 1979. Vejo que os banco de dados relacionais existiro por um bom tempo no mercado de TI.Mas j conheo uma linguagem programao, devo conhecer o SQL?Todas as linguagem de programao tem as suas caractersticas, particularidades e forma de trabalho. Linguagem de programao como Java, C, C++, Python, PHP esto entre as mais bem avaliadas em sites de pesquisas.Mas quando voc programa em uma dessas linguagem e tem a necessidade de acessar os dados em um banco de dados relacional, voc ter de alguma forma o contato (direto ou no ) com a linguagem SQL para recuperar ou gravar dados em um banco de dados. Ento o SQL deve ser sim a sua linguagem parceira que trabalhar juntamente com a sua linguagem de programao atual. o que vou aprender nesse curso para me tornar um profissional em SQL?Vamos um pouco alm dos conceitos clssicos dos treinamentos de SQL que visa a explicar o bsico. Se voc est aqui vendo esse curso, provavelmente j passou pelo contedo de outros cursos ou ento ir passar. Aqui, vamos sair do bsico para aprender o que fundamental para o curso. Alguns exemplos:Quando explicamos o conceito de JUNO (JOIN), em geral se explica o CROSS JOIN, INNER JOIN e o OUTER JOIN. Mas voc sabe variaes de JOIN que existem? EQUI JOIN, NO-EQUI JOIN , SELF JOIN, COMPOSITE JOIN ou MULTI-TABLE JOIN. Ainda temos o APPLY JOIN que exclusivo para o SQL Server.Voc sabe como armazenar e recuperar dados que esto no idioma Japons, rabe ou Tailands?Que um conjunto de condies no SQL Server implementa o conceito de curto-circuito considerando o custo de processamento da cada condio.Explicaremos cada clusula da instruo SELECT em cada aula. Isso mesmo !! Uma aula para o SELECT, outra aula para o FROM, uma para o WHERE e assim at explicar toda a estrutura do comando.Como armazenar e consultar corretamente perodos de DATA. E como calcular corretamente o tempo de viagem de avio entre pases de fusos horrios diferente? Detalhes dos operadores matemticos, comparao e lgicos e dicas de utilizao.O que o curso me fornecer para aprender a linguagem?Voc pode ver pelo painel do curso a carga horria e a quantidade de aulas. Todas elas em vdeo no formato HD (720). Logo abaixo dessa descrio voc ter acesso a grade curricular, onde poder ver cada uma das aulas e visualizar os contedos gratuitos. Estou dividindo o curso em Mdulos e dentro de cada mdulo as sees com as aulas.Teremos uma seo que explicar como instalar o SQL Server e utilizar a ferramenta SQL Server Management Studio onde executaremos todos os comandos.Tambm ser fornecido um arquivo com o projeto do curso que conter diversos scripts com instrues SQL agrupados de acordo com os mdulos e as sees. Em cada script ter o contedo de cada aula. Com isso voc poder simular os mesmo comandos aplicados na aula. Ok, voc est quase me convencendo, mas por que devo fazer o seu curso?Aqui eu poderia comear a vender o meu peixe, mas no. O cenrio para banco de dados muito promissor. No estou falando apenas do SQL para bancos de dados relacionais. De algo maior.O armazenamento de grandes volumes de dados, a Internet da Coisas e o crescente uso de dispositivos mveis, esto fazendo surgir novas profisses como o caso de Cientista de Dados com capacidades de analisar Teras, Petas, Exasbytes de dados. Estamos vivendo a 4 Revoluo Industrial que justamente o poder de manipular massivas quantidades de dadosUm caminho que no tem volta.Para isso, precisamos aprender o conceito, precisamos aprender o fundamental. Voc tem que aprender um linguagem para processar todos esses dados. Agora, eu te pergunto. Vamos aprender o poder da linguagem SQL ? Vamos? Histricos de alteraes:17/10/2017 - Lanamento do curso SQL SERVER 2017 - Fundamentos profissionais em T-SQL08/11/2017 - Incluso de quatro novas aulas na seo 9.22/01/2018 - Renovao da descrio do curso e incluso de 17 novas aulas. 14/02/2018 - Incluso de 3 novas aulas referente a OUTER JOIN.10/08/2018 - Incluso de questionrios nas sees 5, 6 e 9 no total de 34 perguntas para avaliar seu conhecimentos."
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"The Law of Torts Made Simple" |
"URGENT ANNOUNCEMENT [GROUNDBREAKING DEVELOPMENT IN THE LAW OF TORT]UPDATES TO MY COURSE IS ON ITS WAY WITH THE NEW CASE LAWUK Supreme Court has issued an awaited judgment in the case ofRobinson (Appellant) v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police (Respondent) [2018] UKSC 4 On appeal from: [2014] EWCA Civ 15. The case changes the law of negligence. This case and other crucial cases will be added to my existing law of tort course. PLEASE SEE THE ANNOUNCEMENT PAGE FOR FURTHER DETAILS AND SUMMARY OF THE CASE.What do students say about this course?* This has been very helpful to clarify my understanding of the law of Tort in an easy way. I strongly recommend this course to any students struggling with the law of tort.** I was pleasantly surprised with the contents of the course. It covers all the necessary topics. Thank you Law Academy Online, it helped me to clarify my understanding of the law of tort very well.*** The course is exactly what it says on the tin. I doubt that you will need any other book once you have gone through this course. Very helpful and highly recommended!This new August 2016 course is being offered at a time when most of thelaw students around the world are going to start their new academicyear.The course has been designed in such a way that even if you arecompletely new to the law of torts you will be able to grasp its concepts and feelhighly confident in analysing and applying the law of torts on relatedproblems.If you are currently undertaking or about to undertakeundergraduate law course, this course is for you. The undergraduate courses include, amongothers, LLB in any Common Law jurisdiction anywhere in the world,LLBunder University of London International Programme, Graduate Diplomain Law andCommon Professional Examination. Non-law studentscan alsoget a taste of what it is like studying the law subjects and whatdo you expect to learn in a law degree.The course is designed by Tufail Hussain. Tufail Hussain is a Barrister and holds LL.B.(Hons) and LL.M in Corporate and Business Law.Tufail Hussain is also a winner of 2009 University of Law Birmingham(UK) Annual Students Advocacy Competition.Tufail holds a strong passion for teaching and tutoring and has tutoredlaw students for over5 years. He alsoholds a certificate in delivering learning from the UK. Each and every topic has been explained in light of the examples and caseillustrations which will help you understand how courts apply the law indifferentcases and how the courts mind works. This will not only keep the study of thiscourse interesting and engaging but also gives a sound foundation of the law of torts at this earlystage of your legal career.You will note that the subject of Negligence (carelessness inordinary language)holds a centrestage in the law of torts. This coursededicates completesix sections to discuss each element of the tort of Negligenceseparately and in easily digestible chunks."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Illustrator For Everyone: Create Detailed Vector Image" |
"This is simple step-by-stepcourse about Graphic Design & illustration in Adobe Illustrator.This courseconsists of two parts:In the first partwe learn how to draw a sketch of Vehicle and then create vectoroutlines with fill.The second part will be dedicatedto coloring and adding shadows and lightTogether we will create a new and unique vehiclewith gears, pipes, steam and leather seats!Step by step, I will show how to:create a sketchhow to transfer it to a vector graphicand then how to add colors, shadows and effectswith an eye to your vehicle lookedmagnificently!Here are the main topics that will be covered in the class:Drawing a sketchPrepare Adobe Illustrator WorkspaceFrom Sketch to Vector Illustration - OutlineWork with brushesContour correctionFill method using the Pathfinder panelChoose colorsWhere to look for interesting combinations of colorsAdd shadowsAdd lightsAddfinish touchesWhat youll need for class project:Software or notepad with pencil for sketch drawingIllustratorCC (Free trial)or other vector graphic software.Tablet or mouseThis class is perfect for practiced illustrators, emerging designers, and everyone looking to improve their Adobe Illustrator skills.Join and create your own Steampunk Vehicle! :)I cannot wait to see what you can create!"
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Illustrator: How to Draw Squared Animals Icons" |
"Drawing Animals - too boring for you? Looking for some more creative idea? How about .. square animals? Oh yeah! A truly square!This is a super simple and fun 25 minute course from which you will learn how to draw any animal in my style. I'm going to draw a lion. We'll start with a usual square and at the end of this class you will succeed fully finished, colored square animal! And you will learn the tips and techniques for using Adobe Illustrator tools to work effectively. And shh! Secret tips and tricks for effective work in Adobe Illustrator are attached! Well, maybe not so secret.. but anyway!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"How to build a Six Figure Business with Instagram" |
"Ever wondered how ordinarypeople are using Instagram to make money?Not just pennies but hundreds of thousands of dollars. In some cases millions.This course isdesigned to solve the mystery of usingInstagram to actually sell product in an ethical andmassively scalableway.It's not about reaching 40K followers in 3 weeks...(although by consistently applying the techniques you learn it won't take long to get there)...But rather about building a super engaged following of your ideal and perfect customers who buy from you time and time again, RAVEabout you to their friends and familyand become massive brand ambassadors.Along with the concepts above you'll also learn how to absolutely slash the time it takes you to create, configure and implement your posting strategy using cutting edge tools andyour ownblueprint we create together.You'll learn how to:Laserdefine your ideal customerIdentify what makes them tick and how to reach themCreate content with free tools which will talk directly to themBuild their relationship (strong!)with you and your brandGet them to viraly share your content and brandCompletely automate this process to scale on autopilot!If your intention is to get 40K followers who don't buy your product;this course isn't for you.If your intention is to make 40K dollars in the same time;this course if most definitely for you."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"The Python Bible Everything You Need to Program in Python" |
"Why you should take this Python course:Its Entertaining: No boring lectures, just me talking you through fun and useful tasks and making you laugh along the way.Its Memorable: Youll learn the why behind everything you do, so you remember the concepts and can use them on your own later.Its the Perfect Length: The course is just 9 hours long, so youll actually be able to finish it and get your certificate.It Goes at the Perfect Pace: You will learn the Python fundamentals at a pace tailored to beginners. This means you wont get left behind, and wont waste time on irrelevant filler.Its Practical: You actually use Python to create things. Its not just dry theory. You can see youve understood because you make 11 Python projects that work!Its Loved: The course has thousands of five-star reviews from happy students and is rated 4.6/5.========================= TESTIMONIALS ===========================""I have tried many Python courses on Udemy, but this one is the best of them all."" - Natalie - 5 Star Review""Just WOW, if you want to start Python, this is the place! - David Cristea - 5 Star Review""If you can take just one Python course, make sure it's this one."" - A. Barbosa - 5 Star Review""The information is extremely well presented. Best Python training I have found so far"" - Tanara - 5 Star ReviewI feel like I am sitting in a theater enjoying a show secretly embedded with Python skills. - Amit Pradhan - 5 Star Review""I have other Python courses on Udemy but this one is the best by far. It explains things in a very hands-on and easy to follow method that will have you understanding what you are doing in no time."" - Robert Rodono - 5 Star Review""This has helped me achieve my dream of being a programmer and I recently joined the FTC (US Federal Trade Commission)"" - Mica Moyer - 5 Star Review==================================================================The Python Bible is the perfect Python course for beginners. Even if you have no programming experience, dont worry because this is for people just like you.In fact, almost 100,000 Python beginners from over 195 countries have used The Python Bible to learn the fundamentals of the Python programming language in a fun and practical way.The Python Bible puts all the information you need in one place, with clear explanations, passionate delivery, and a series of memorable and engaging Python projects.Theres no more hunting through YouTube, no more reading confusing blog posts. Everything you need is right here.The Python Bible will take you from a complete beginner to mastering the fundamentals of Python in just 9 hours.And 9 hours is the perfect length to cover all the important core topics of Python programming without leaving you behind, and without wasting your time.Heres what you will learn: 1. Variables - Learn to conveniently store data in your Python programs! 2. Numbers - Learn how numbers work behind the scenes in your Python programs! 3. Strings - Master the written word and automate messages using text! 4. Logic and Data Structures - Teach your Python programs to think and decide! 5. Loops - Save time and effort, by making computers do the hard work for you! 6. Functions - Automate Tasks by Creating your very own Python Functions that you can use over and over! 7. OOP - Add Python to Your Resum By Mastering Object-Oriented Programming, an industry-standard programming technique!We will cover each of these topics step by step, building your skills at just the right pace, and by the end of the course you will have a strong understanding of Python programming and youll be ready to create Python scripts on your own.As you go through the course, you will gain practical, hands-on experience with each of the concepts by working through 11 fun Python projects. In other words, You will learn everything by actually doing it!With world-class instruction and fun Python projects, everything you learn will stick in your head long after youre finished (and the good memories will probably make you smile).Whether you want to get into Data Science, Web Development, AI, or make cool robots with the Raspberry Pi, The Python Bible will teach you the core fundamentals of Python programming so you can get started confidently on your Python programming path!Try out the course for a full 30 days, with a Udemy-approved Zero Risk, 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee! You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain!Enroll in the Python Bible Now! -- You'll be glad that you did!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Speak Spanish from day 1 + Skype time with our instructors!" |
"SpeakSpanish from day one was designed to help students actually understand and use the language beyond the most common phrases covered in other Spanish courses. Vocabulary and useful sentences are important, but it is even more important to understand how to build sentences, in order to actually speak the language.Our team has discovered that you need only three things to learn a new language:-A Structure -which is the grammar- -Content to fill that structure -which is the vocabulary- -And Confidence -achieved through practice and experience This course provides them all! The grammar is explained through clear direct grammar lectures, where you will fully understand the structure, and you will get the understanding you need to build the most complex sentences.The vocabulary will be presented in specifically designed lessons, with images and all you need to memorize vital words. The confidence will be achieved through practices (more than 40 real life conversations) including our VIAJANDO EN ESPAOL lessons. Where you will get in touch with actual useful Spanish. Our lessons are designed to show you the vocabulary and structure you need during the regular sessions, to engage enlightening conversation activities called Viajando en Espaol travelling in Spanish- later, where you will get comfortable with hundreds of sentences and examples. You will be able to engage the most diverse conversations: from booking a hotel room to meeting new people and ordering food! But you will also receive a deep formation on Spanish structure, enabling you to actually speak beyond Nice to meet you and Could you bring me water."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A Playful Introduction to Art Journaling" |
"You loveseeing these beautiful page, full of colors and words. You always wanted tostart your own Art Journal, but wasnt sure on how to best approach this. Thiscourse is for you: you love playing with colors and forms, you want to startbecoming more creative. I want to show you how to overcome the blank page. Create Your Own Beautiful and Colorful Art Journal Pages This course is about you having fun while creating and trying out new methods. While playing with colors and images, you will slowly be introduced to the world of Art Journaling. The different videos enable you to follow along, at your own pace In the course we will use a four step methods to help you overcome the blank page and our own uncertainties You can create three pages in less than two hours, and get added content to deepen your knowledge of anything related to Art JournalingA Four Step Approach to ArtJournalingAfter havingcreating your background you have a great base for a focus point: this is whatwill make your page interesting. Text can then be used to stress what you want tosay or to express your sentiments. The finishing touches make your pagecomplete. To be able to create your own page, you dont need to spend a lot ofmoney or be a great artist: this is what you will learn in this course.So whats next?After givingyou some guidance on the materials required, we will start by doing every stepthree times, but with different approaches. At the end of the four steps youwill have created three journal pages in less than 2-3 hours! You can ofcourse, create each page individually, by simply repeating the four creativesteps!I hope, thiscourse will inspire you to create new pages and will give you the confidence toapproach a new art piece in your journal with self-confidence."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Secrets to Increased Confidence" |
"Confidence is a quality that many people want because it has the potential to open the door to job promotions, new relationships, new career opportunities and so much more. Women generally tend to show less confidence than men, resulting in many missed opportunities and unused potential.This course willshow you how to overcome the blocks toconfidence in simple steps. You will understand how your thoughts, feelings and self-talk affect confidence. You will also discover howyourbrain works with regards toconfidence and how to use this information inyour favour."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Docker from Zero to Hero ( Arabic - )" |
"! . ... . . !"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn How To Make A Song At Home" |
"Learnhow to create a professional quality song from the privacy of your own home on a small budget, using Logic Pro X.Build A Song From Scratch With this Tutorial For Beginners.Learn How To Produce A Beat/Backing TrackUnderstand The Elements Of ASongLearn How To Write A SongLearn How To Mix ASongLearn How To Master A SongMake A Hit At Home TodayLearning how to make a song at home is a very important if you want to be successful in today's music industry. Having the ability to make your own beats and record whenever you want, gives you a big advantage over artists who do not have these skills.Being able to make your music at home also saves you a lot of money that would've been spent on studio time and producers. But maybe most important of all, having the ability to create your songs at home from scratch will allow you to shape your sound into exactly what you want it to be.Content And OverviewThis course is designed to be easily understood by beginners, whilst also sharing information that may be new to experienced musicians. The course is taught over 18 videos, where you'll learn each stage of creating a song and be walked through the process from start to finish.Starting with building your home studio on a budget, then learning how to produce a beat, this course will take you through the creation of your first song.You'll also receivea Logic Pro X template to help make things a little easier, as well as an Ebook version of this course for you to read through."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to quick create professional videos using Keynote" |
"So, you are a digital marketing manager working hard to increase website conversion and generate more leads. You know that a professional video is essential to achieve your goals, but you dont have enough budget to hire an agency, and you dont have time to create a professional video yourself.Until you find this course - How to quick create a professional video using Keynote?Keynote is easy to use and has gorgeous design elements that make easy for anyone to create beautiful slides. And besides being presentation software, it can also be used to create videos in a fraction of the time would take using a professional video software tool.And since you dont want to change your career to become a professional video editor why you would spend hundred of hours learning complex software? With Keynote, you can create a professional video fast and inexpensively.Besides Keynote there are a few other elements you have to learn to be able to create videos that get peoples attention and lead them to take action. So here is a small insight into what you will learn in this course:1) Requirements - the necessary hardware and software, many of which are free.2) Script writing - how to write a great script following a simple recipe.3) Voice-over - How to record your voice clearly as the TV Network, or if you dont like your voice, how to hire a voice-over professional very affordably.4) Storyboard - Why you should create one and how to do it fast, even if you dont know how to draw.5) Keynote 80/20 video creation course - Learn the 20% about Keynote you will use 80% of the time when creating a video.6) Image editing 80/20 course (with free software) - Learn the 20% about image editing that you will use 80% of the time when creating videos. Plus, where to find cheap images and never pay more than U$ 2.00 for an image.7) Animating in Keynote - Look over my shoulder while I animate tricky shots in Keynote.8) Video editing with ScreenFlow - Synchronizing the audio with the animation.9) Sound Design - Give the final touch with music and sound effects, plus where to find free and cheap sounds.When you finish this course, you will be able to create professional videos in less than two weeks with just a small outlay of money.I encourage you to watch the free lessons below and judge the quality of this course for yourself.It has a 30-day money back guaranty, lifetime access and my full support to answer any of your questions.Thanks for watching and if you decide to join I will see you inside."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Power of Breath, Change Your Breath, Change Your Life" |
"This set of instructional and informative videosare designed to teach you how to utilize the power of the breath to transform your life. By learning how to consciously shape your breath you can easily manage stress and tension, boost your immune system, feel more energy and vitality, find clarity and bemorefocused,sleep better and evenfeel a deeper connection to Selfand your purpose. These videos are great tools for yoga practitioners who desire more from their practice, meditators who want to have a deeper meditation experience or those who want to have a better quality of life.This video set is the first of a two part series. In this first series, The Power of the Breath, you willlearn 6 simple to do, yetprofoundly efficient and effective,breathing techniques of yoga (pranayama) for various mental and health benefits including:Reduce anxiety and depressionLower / stabilize blood pressureIncrease energy levelsMuscle relaxationDecrease feelings of stress and overwhelmInstant mental clarityNormalizing circadian rhythms helping you to sleepBalance your emotions and calm your mindYou will also gain a better understanding of why these techniqueswork and why they are so revered in the yoga world.3 therapeuticbreathing practices are provided for you to usebased upon your needs for that day. Use the techniques individually or the longerpractices I'veprovided. Each can beeasily adjusted inlengthto suit your lifestyleand you willstill receive incredible benefits in onlyminutes.WARNING: Practicing these techniques can change your life."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Winning the Mental Game at Sports" |
"Winning the Mental Game at Sports is for athletes of all ages (6-66+). Icover all of the key components to the mental game such as; visioning, mindset, setting your ceiling high, emotional spillover and EFT/Tapping. This course is for people that want to excel at their sport and who know that being successful requires a balance of the physical and mental game. This is a video course with supplemental MP3 and PDF documents. Who doesn't want to succeed and excel at their sport and life? What parent or coach doesn't want to see their child or athlete succeed? We all do! That's why this course is so important. The language of the course is designed for everyone. This is kid friendly!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Adobe Premiere Pro (Beginner)" |
"Who Am I and Why Learn FromMe?I'm asuccessfulYouTube content creatorwith over two thousand subscribers who regularly comment on the quality on my video editing. I have been editing videos on Premiere Pro for a numbers of years now and believe my style of teaching is verymethodicaland easy to follow.What will I learn?We start byexploring the interface andimportingour footage.Next we diveinto theediting.As we're editing you will learn more and more tools from theuser interface. Each button will be explained as it is used.Then comes the fun part where we'll createeffects andtransitions.Finally we'll finish our video withcolor correctionsandlearn howtoexportthe video with thebest qualitysettings.FrequentlyAskedQuestions.I have Adobe Premiere Pro CS5, can I follow this course?Sure you can! This course has been created to get you started with the fundamental features that came from older versions.Must I have video footage before I can take this course?No, I've made it easy for you. In the course attachment you can find the same video footage as used within the course. There's no copyright on it, so feel free to edit those clips and share it online!What are the requirements?Software needed: Adobe Premiere ProNo other software or material is neededWhat am I going to get from this course?An understanding of the User InterfaceHow toEdit video clipsHow to use TransitionsHow touse EffectsHow to adjustAudioHow to perform Color CorrectionsHow to create Slow Motion videosHow toExportvideoWho is the target audience?Anyone who wants to start with Premiere Pro and learn professional video editing. This can be YouTubers,Students or even people who just want to edit videos as a hobby."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"DirectX 11 Programming" |
"This course is designed to introduce DirectX 11 programming. The course begins with an high-level overview of the DirectX 11 architecture and concepts, and proceeds with an initial DirectX example application, 2D graphics, text rendering, input device processing, 3D concepts and rendering, shaders and effects, cameras and models, audio, importing and exporting 3D models, the final project, DirectX 9 and 10, other tools, using Visual Studio 2012 and later, and a final summary. Source code is included.We use DirectX 11.0 in this course. DirectX 11.0 was included in Windows 7. We will use the Microsoft June 2010 DirectX SDK that include tools and libs that where later removed in later versions of DirectX and Visual Studio 2012-2015 Express/Community editions."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"How to Draw Cartoon Sketches" |
"This Course is about exploring drawing approach based on structural construction by using the essential drawingtools such as paper and pencils. You`ll see that drawing is fun and an exciting process!The online Course before you is about chracters and how to create them the cartoony way! I am privileged to share with you my vast experiences with cartooning from my own endeavors, along with working for Disney, Warner Bros. and Steven Spielberg`s AMBLIMATION, A Division of Universal Pictures, Ltd. among many others.And this is just a beginning... For sketching is how you begin the drawing... ANYdrawing, no matter if it`s an architectural design, background study, anatomical research or planning the animation, illustration or comics strip storytelling!The Course could be completed in a month or at the Student`s leisure, for it is structured with comprehensible chapters addressing beginners and those polishing their existing skills concerning how to draw.The Course consists of videos only, because all you need is to start drawing, without any additional excercies - at least at this particular stage.So, let's get to work!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How To Build The Perfect Blog" |
"This course is for all those who want to embark on the journey of building a blog and not sure where to start. It is also for those that have a blog already but want to improve their blog and learn some new ideas and concepts.The course takes you on a journey from considering what to blog about right through to a live case study where you have an over the shoulder view of mebuilding a blog from scratch. We start by considering what to blog about, to researching our chosen subject, to buying a domain, hosting and theme to considering our content and how to structure the blog for maximum effectiveness and search engine visibility.The course is structured into two parts. In the first part we consider the components of a blog such as its physical structure and the parts required,such things as theme and plug in selection, what keywords to build our content around and, and the look and feel of our site.In part two we take on the case study of building a blog from the domain name upward. I take you through installing wordpress and yourtheme, installing the relevant plug ins, creating content to blog about and how to monetise your blog to ensure you receive some income from your blogging activities.If you have ever thought about starting a blog but are unsure of how to go about it or where to start then this course is for you. You will learn everything you need to get started and be successful with your blog."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DropShipping Custom Shirts: In 7 Easy Steps!" |
"Course DescriptionLaunched August 28th 2016!This Course is for anyone looking to make anextra source of incomeand own a side or full time business that will take them away from their 9 to5.The Store does not require any physical inventory and allows the owner to operate it from anywhere. Now for some this will be a full time business and others just a side hustle project for extra income. Either way this course is for you!The course will take you step-by-step through each level of what it takes to set up a Drop Shipping Store Using Shopify to sell custom T-Shirts.You will learn how toopenyourShopify account, find profitable shirt Nichesto sell on your store. You will learn different tools and services you can use to get you Shirt designed. We will select the Drop Shipping partner you will use so you never touch inventory. We will walk through the different Shopify Applications you will need to install to build a legitimate dropshipping. Finally we will walk through setting up a Facebook Advertising Campaign to drive traffic to your store!All you will need for this course is 1 week, the determination to take the action needed to get up and running, an internet connection, and a few dollars to cover the cost of the Shopify account(Iwill provide you a free trail in the resources).This course will be useful to youatany stage in life, whether you are just joining the work-force or way past retirement.I am releasing this course with the goal to update it regularly as it grows. I want to make sure that we keep it up to date and the information in here can drive new and successful entrepreneurs!In this course you will mainly find Videos with a few resources pages and extra material and presentations to follow along with.If you have never tried dropshipping, or have in the past and are looking for a new approach or direction take this course!Eric Lafleche (Trainer, eCommerce Expert andEntrepreneur)Full detailsRequirements?A Computer and the InternetShopify Account(14 Day Trail Available in the Resources)What am I going to get from this course?Setting up your Shopify StoreFinding a Shirt Niche to go intoDesigning the ShirtAdding the right application to your Shopify StoreTargeting your Shirt Audience with Facebook AdsTarget audience for this course.?Anyone wanting to open a side businessAnyone looking to making money onlineAnyone that is looking to start a business for less then 100 dollars."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |